Long-term planning for an ecological trail. Work plan on the ecological path: “all seasons on the ecological path” (preparatory group)

Environmental information is increasingly entering our lives, but we do not always have enough knowledge to correctly evaluate it.

At the same time, we believe that influencing the condition environment only the government can, but not ourselves, and that nothing depends on us. This point of view is largely explained by the fact that for a long time in most educational institutions there was no place for ecology. Moreover, it was precisely the consumer attitude towards nature, the desire to conquer and improve it at one’s own discretion that was fostered. It is now very difficult for adults who were brought up in such positions to change their views on the environment. Hope for the younger generation, which we must educate in a new way.

Currently, environmental education of preschool children has become one of the important areas of preschool pedagogy.

This curriculum provides an opportunity to lay the foundations ecological culture personality, which is part of spiritual culture.

In the process of mastering knowledge, children receive basic concepts of ecology and learn to appreciate the beauty of living nature as a source of creative inspiration.

First of all, it is necessary to show children its uniqueness, beauty and universality (nature is the living environment of all creatures, including humans; an object of knowledge, satisfying its ethical and aesthetic needs; and only then - an object of human consumption).

We must protect nature not because it gives us something, but because it is valuable in itself.

Environmental education of a preschooler is based on an active approach, since it is activity that shapes the child’s psyche.

Raising children to their native land is impossible without communication with nature. Preschool institution MDOU No. 4 “Yantarik” is located in a picturesque location of the Yantarny City District in close proximity to the shore of the Baltic Sea. An ecological trail route has been developed along the preschool site.

Work for ecological trail allows you to solve the following problems:

  • teach children to interact correctly with nature;
  • develop cognitive interest to the natural world and aesthetic feelings
  • to form an idea of ​​the difference between nature and the man-made world;
  • teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships in nature;
  • give an idea of ​​the intrinsic value and need to protect all plant species without exception; animals, regardless of whether the child likes them or not; about the close relationship between objects of living and inanimate nature (for example, a field, a section of forest).

The ecological trail begins on the territory of the kindergarten and continues further into the forest.

At the stops there are interesting objects for observation and consolidation of the material being studied.

During the excursions, children observe how nature changes throughout the year in the same area and how beautiful it is in all seasons.

When introducing children to nature, we, adults, strive to give an example of a humane attitude to all living things, so that the child understands that every object in nature has its own place and purpose.



Artyushenko Yulia Valerievna



    Project Information Card…………………………………………...8

    Project passport……………………………………………………………17

    Project implementation………………………………………………………...23




A characteristic feature of our timeneither is the activation of humanistic tendencies in the education of subracesmelting generation (A.G. Asmolov, S.G. Vershlovsky, A.G. Kozlova,I.A. Kolesnikova, V.G. Maralov, etc.). Purpose educational process becomes the development of the humanistic orientation of the individual in relation topeople, nature, starting from preschool age(Sh.A.Amonashvili,T.I.Babaeva, R.S.Bure, B.T.Likhachev, A.V.Petrovsky, V.A.Sitarov, etc.).

The search for effective ways and means of this development is recognized today as an urgent pedagogical problem. Its decision is associated, among other things, with the introduction of children to environmental culture - a layer of culture with great moral, humanistic content, focused on conservationdevelopment and reproduction of universal human values ​​in relation to nature(E.V. Girusov, A.A. Gorelov, A.N. Zakhlebny, I.D. Zverev, I.T. Suravegina, etc.). Appropriation of an accessible part of its content during environmental educationenriches the personality with a number of humanistic attitudes: awarenessvalues ​​of life, respect for nature as a value, understanding of the significancecareful attitude to it, and through this contributes to solving the problem of overcoming the environmental crisis (S.V. Alekseev, L.I. Ponomareva, etc.).


In the process of communicating with nature and developing emotional responsiveness, children develop the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature, i.e. see objects in all the diversity of their properties and qualities, features and manifestations; participate in creating the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of living beings in the sphere of children's activities; understand the importance of nature conservation; consciously follow the norms of behavior in nature. All this is possible only as a result of competent and reasonable training and education of preschool children.

Environmental education has already become an integral part of preschool pedagogy. This is why teachers have many questions. How to create effective system environmental education in kindergarten, based on an integrated approach? How can we ensure that the ideas of environmental education are implemented through different types of child activity: experimentation, observation, work, play, musical, visual, physical activity? How to create a developing environment (ecological room, laboratory, living corner, mini-museums, ecological path, etc.); what techniques to use when working with children; Why does a preschool institution need an “Ecological Passport”?

Introduction of Federal state requirements requires implementation in the educational process DOW principle integration as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education. One of the relevant and effective methods that implement this principle is the project method. One of the ways to implement the principle of integration is to use an ecological path when working with children as a developmental environment.

An ecological trail is a specially equipped route passing through various ecological systems and other natural objects. Along the route, visitors receive oral (with the help of a guide) or written (stands, sold-out houses, etc.) information about these objects. Organizing an ecological trail is one of the forms of developing an ecological culture and responsible behavior of people in nature. With the help of such trails, tourists’ knowledge of their environment (flora and fauna, geological structure terrain, etc.), the understanding of the patterns of biological and other natural processes is improved. This increases people’s responsibility for preserving the environment and promotes a sense of love for nature and their homeland.

Along with attractiveness, other the most important property the path is its information content. The information received here can be conditionally divided into cognitive “educational” and prescriptive. Each type of information corresponds to “its own” objects on the route and its own signs-symbols (reminiscent road signs). Natural objects act as a source of predominantly cognitive information. These are types of plants, animals, landforms, soils and other elements of living and inanimate nature. The most popular among children and adults are biological objects: plants, mushrooms, animals. They are the ones who are most exposed to human influence.

A number of objects in the trail area can be created with your own hands, skillfully fitting them into the surrounding landscape. You can create a series of botanical sites in the route area, planting on them medicinal, rare or endangered plant species characteristic of the area. At the same time, information boards, signs with pointers, numbers or symbols, installed at certain distances and near particularly interesting objects, allow you to quickly obtain relevant information and direct the movement of visitors along a given route.

Ecological trails, in addition to educational excursions, conducting classes, and observations, can be used to organize monitoring and design activities, implement social and environmental projects, conduct environmental holidays, as well as environmental campaigns, including campaigns for cleaning the territory and caring for planted plants.

Using the ecological and educational potential of the educational eco-trail, it is possible to make environmental campaigns traditional: “Feed the birds in winter”, “Give a flower to the kindergarten”, “I grow with my tree”, etc. One of the areas of activity could be the organization environmental monitoring, which helps to increase children's interest in nature.

The main contingent of visitors are pupils of preschool educational institutions, teachers, and parents. Multi-level available, interesting information at stops is given taking into account the age characteristics of children. Average duration excursion route 15-20 minutes. You can develop several thematic excursions depending on the saturation of the trail with various objects.

The ecological trail can be used in all seasons of the year.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the theme of the Project"Uh ecological trail in a preschool educational institution" is relevant.

Goal of the work : the formation of the beginnings of an ecological culture, the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in all its diversity, towards the people who protect it using excursions along the ecological trail.

Tasks : deepen and expand the knowledge of preschool children about their environment (flora and fauna, geological structure of the area, etc.), improve understanding of the patterns of biological and other natural processes, increase responsibility for preserving the environment.

Expected results:

    Increasing the role of the natural environment in environmental education of children.

    Increasing the direct participation of children in organizing and conducting various environmental events.

    Increasing the level of knowledge of preschool children about ecology hometown, nature conservation.

Forms and methods of working with preschoolers during the project implementation:

  • Educational conversations

  • Didactic games

  • Conducting observations of natural objects

  • Outdoor games

  • Celebrations

  • Organization of excursions along the ecological trail

  • Joint activities of children and parents to create crafts and drawings, design albums, photo newspapers, book exhibitions

  • Reading works about animals and plants

  • Productive activities: origami, drawing, applications, etc.

  • Compiling fairy tales

  • Design of project materials

Basic regulatory documents defining new priorities for the development of preschool education

    Constitution Russian Federation

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (1992, as amended on January 13, 1996)

    National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2000 No. 751)

    Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002 N7-FZ

    The concept of the Russian Federation's transition to sustainable development (1996)

    Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2002)

    World Monitoring Report “UNESCO Education for All Programme”. Ed. UNESCO, 2007.

    Environmental Code of Moscow dated June 16, 2004

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 41994 No. 236 “On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development”

    Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Law “On the development of education in the city of Moscow” (dated July 20, 2001)

    Government Decree “On the City Target Program for the Development of Education (“Capital Education for 2012-2016”)

    Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r)

    Model regulations on a preschool educational institution (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008 No. 666)

    Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009)

    SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of work in preschool organizations” (Resolution of the Main State sanitary doctor Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010

№ 91)

    Preschool education concept

    Approximate basic general education program for preschool education, ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009. No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of the FGT to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education”

    Order of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011. No. 2151 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education”

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 06/02/98 No. 89-34-16 “On the implementation of the right of a preschool educational institution to choose programs and pedagogical technologies”

Methodological letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 07.01. 99g No. 70/23-16 “On the practice of diagnosing child development in the system preschool education»

Value-target settings of the project

Priority directions public policy RF

    Environmental conservation, conservation unique nature Russia and the city of Moscow as the basis for the spiritual and moral development of the personality of a citizen of Russia, a citizen of the world.

    Development of skills and abilities in acmeological training of student interaction, productive interaction with children in the field of environmental and noxological education, education of environmental safety.

    Formation and development of environmental consciousness and behavior of students.

    Fostering the individual’s need for a caring attitude towards nature, the desire to protect it in the system of the metropolis and the whole country.

Initial conceptual provisions of the project

Humanistic personality-oriented activity paradigm of education and upbringing of environmentally literate students capable of understanding and loving the world, nature and treat them with care, acquiring values ​​accepted in the Russian and world community that correspond to the tasks of environmental education.

Technologies used

    Technology of critical thinking

    Peer learning technology

    Project-based learning technology

    Problem-based modular training

    Dialogue of cultures

    Cultural practices

    Use of information and computer technologies (ICT)

    Technologies for student-centered learning (problem-based)

    Integrated Technologies

    Portfolio technology

    Moderation technology (coaching)

Forms of work






    Use of ICT

Dominant activity

    Extracurricular independent activities of students



    Design and research


Subject content area



Form of organization


Educational and methodological equipment

    Scientific literature

    Methodological literature

    Regulatory documents


Information equipment

    Printed sources

    Internet resources

Content Components


“Ecological trail in a preschool educational institution”

Axiological - providesbuilding environmental skillsliterate and safe behavior and elemental ideas about the dependence of human health on the state of the environmentenvironment and own behavior;formation active system propaganda of ideassustainable development and the creation of an appropriate system of upbringing and education.

Cognitive - provides students with knowledge that contributes to successful life in different conditions, including in social conditions.

Activity-creative - involves the inclusion of students in active activities in environmental education of preschool children in order to develop in them environmental knowledge and increasing the level of environmental awareness.

Competency-oriented - is aimed at developing in the graduate the readiness to effectively co-organize internal (knowledge, skills, values, psychological characteristics, etc.) and external resources to achieve the goal.

Keywords project

Bioethical education - this is the most complete and logical solution to the problems of education, this is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, guided in its actions not just by traditions, not by anthropocentric morality, justifying bad methods with noble goals, but assessing the needs of every living being fairly and taking them into account in its activities.

Ecological culture is the totality of people's experience of interaction withnature, ensuring the survival and development of man, which is expressed in the form of theoretical knowledge and methods of practical action in nature and society,moral norms, values ​​and cultural traditions.

Ecological culture of personality - this is a socially necessary moral quality of an individual, including a person’s knowledge about nature, the relationships between society and the environment, ways of preserving and assisting it.

Ecological thinking is a process that anticipates at the conceptual levelpractical implementation of environmentally feasible activities.

Environmental awareness - the result of the child’s mastery during environmentalnurturing the values ​​of ecological culture. It manifests itself as a result of qualitativeeducation of environmental knowledge and skills mastered by a preschooler, experience of a humane attitude towards nature and is expressed in a humane and value-based attitude towards it.

Environmental education is an educational process that addresses the relationship of man with his natural and man-made environment and includes the relationship of population, pollution, resource distribution and depletion, conservation, transportation, technology, urban and rural planning with the entire human environment.

Ecologization of consciousness – these are processes related to optimization and harmonizationinteractions between society and nature, and the changes that arise in the spiritual andmaterial life in connection with the requirements of the modern environmental situation. Ecologization of consciousness is a change in the direction of consciousness, its orientation towards moreadequate reflection of the state of the external environment.

Ecological consciousness - this is an adequate reflection of a person’s experience of his interaction with nature, including charactera value-based and responsible attitude towards nature. Ecological consciousness - a statement of the result, the level at which awareness is locatedprocesses of interaction between society and nature.

Competence - the quality of an individual’s actions, manifested in an adequate and effective solution to a certain class of sociocultural

significant tasks of a relatively non-standardized (problematic) nature.

Competence - subjects of jurisdiction determined by law (scope of activity, range of issues to be resolved), the corresponding scope of powers and limits of activity official or government agency.

Noxology - (Greek noxo - danger) - the science of the dangers of the material world of the Universe. Common goal the study of noxology is to deepen and develop knowledge about the security system in the conditions of negative factors of the technosphere, as well as the formation of skills practical use knowledge in the field of ensuring safety in the implementation of organizational, managerial and operational professional activities.

Noxological competence – an integral characteristic of a person, determined by his noxological culture, noxological worldview and level of mastery of a set of noxological competencies.

Environmental competence - this is the individual’s ability to engage in environmental activities, based on knowledge, skills and abilities; elementary environmental competence presupposes the ability to determine the level and nature of the ecosystems of one’s locality, school, school site, city, region.

Federal State Educational Standard - Federal State educational standard preschool education programs. Change of educational paradigm (goal). Instead of transferring the sum of knowledge - DEVELOPMENT of the child’s personality based on mastering methods of activity.

Types of activities of a preschooler (according to the Federal State Educational Standard) – gaming activity (leading), communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

Activity approach -

    Subject-oriented organization and management by the teacher of the child’s activities when he solves specially organized educational tasks of varying complexity and issues. These tasks develop not only the child’s subject, communicative and other types of competencies, but also the child himself as a person.

    It involves opening up the entire range of possibilities to the child and creating in him an attitude towards a free but responsible choice of one or another opportunity.

Project Passport

Project name

Ecological trail in a preschool educational institution

Justification of the relevance of the Project

Of particular importance is the development of a careful attitude towards nature acquiredbegins in preschool childhood, when the foundations of value relations are laidAs a child approaches the world, the basis of his personal culture is formed(B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Lyublinskaya and others.).

One of the keys to successful environmental education is the creation of an atmosphere that promotes the development of emotional sensitivity and responsiveness in children. Positive emotions, according to psychologists, are powerful stimulants of human activity.

The development of humane feelings in a child is influenced by direct activity preschoolers under the guidance of a teacher in a corner of nature (caring for plants and animals), in the garden, in the flower garden, on walks.

In the process of communicating with nature and developing emotional responsiveness, children develop the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature, i.e. see objects in all the diversity of their properties and qualities, features and manifestations; participate in creating the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of living beings in the sphere of children's activities; understand the importance of nature conservation; consciously follow the norms of behavior in nature. All this is possible only as a result of competent and reasonable training and education of preschool children. Environmental education has already become an integral part of preschool pedagogy. The project method allows preschool children to become involved in environmental activities and contributes to the formation of elements of environmental culture in them.

Methodological basis of the Project

Problem: How will project activities contribute to the environmental education of preschool children?

Objective of the project : creation of software and methodological support for the educational process on environmental education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions using the project method;the formation of the beginnings of an ecological culture, the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in all its diversity, towards the people who protect it using excursions along the ecological trail.

An object: studying the problem of using the project method in environmental education of preschool children.

Item: using the project method in the process of environmental education for preschool children.

Hypothesis: the process of environmental education for preschool children using project activities will be effective if the following conditions are met:

    an ecologized subject-development environment for the preschool educational institution will be created;

    environmental education will be more significant in connection with the introduction of a new activity-based paradigm of preschool education;

    age and individual characteristics children;

    will apply various types children's activities of an integrated nature.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the following were put forward:tasks:

    study design method in the system of environmental education for preschool children;

    develop a project and test it in the education system for children of senior preschool age;

    draw conclusions based on the results of the project;

    to form in preschoolers elementary ideas about natural objects and their relationships;

    study the interaction of living organisms with the outside world, identifying the benefits and harms of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem through observations and conversations;

    explore the functional features of life support systems of living organisms;

    develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

    reflect knowledge gained through experience in various types activities (visual, mental, play);

    study the impact of human activities on the environment.

Methodological and theoretical basis of the Project ideas of a close connection between the pedagogical process and the spiritual life of society, a systematic analysis of the knowledge of reality appeared, the ideas of scientists in the field of philosophy, anthropology, pedagogy, psychology and advanced pedagogical experience were used - (A.S. Arsenyev, P.P. Blonsky, L.A. Wenger, V. I. Vernadsky, L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, A. V. Golovlev, V. V. Davydov, L. V. Zankov, A. V. Zaporozhets, P. F. Kapterev, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, N.A. Menchinskaya, J. Piaget, S. L. Rubinstein, N. F. Talyzina, D. B. Elkonin).

The study was based on the methodological justification of the process of environmental education (N.D. Zverev, N.N. Kondratyeva, N.M. Mamedov, I.T. Suravegina, N.N. Nikolaeva), on the theory of activity developed by psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, S.L. Rubinstein).

Theoretical significance of the Project. A theoretical and methodological substantiation of the conceptual position is presented that the process of forming environmental knowledge of preschoolers using project activities has its own characteristics in theoretical approaches, content and forms of environmental education in a preschool educational institution.

Scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

    in substantiating the possibility and necessity of environmental education for preschool children, where the features of FGT are the fundamental provisions;

    in clarifying the structure and content of the main components of the ecological culture of preschool children in preschool educational institutions;

    in the development of an innovative model of the ecological and developmental subject environment of preschool educational institutions on a module-competency basis;

    in determining the criteria for the formation of the ecological culture of preschool children in preschool educational institutions.

Practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using the theoretical provisions and conclusions contained in it, scientific and methodological materials and recommendations in the process of improving the work on environmental education of preschool children. Samples of tasks, trainings, and games can serve as a guide for pedagogical creativity, organization of scientific and humanitarian exploration of the natural world by preschool children, ensuring their environmental literacy.


Teacher, children, parents

Implementation period

Spring summer period


Project functions

Diagnostic – records changes in the formation of environmental knowledge among preschool children in the process of environmental education and upbringing.

Goal-setting – supports educational goals (what we teach the child and why).

Motivational – encourages the child’s achievements in understanding the world around him.

Developmental – ensures continuity of the learning and development process from year to year.

Integration of cognitive domains

Cognition, communication, reading fiction, music, artistic creativity, labor, physical education.

Expected Results

    increasing the level of environmental knowledge, cognitive and speech activity of children;

    children have developed a stable interest in objects of living and inanimate nature;

    formation in children of a humane attitude towards all living things, a sense of mercy;

    children are able to apply the acquired knowledge in other activities.

Project implementation

The ecological trail has various viewpoints:

Flower garden





Perspective plan for the route of the ecological trail

(designed for senior and preparatory groups.)

- clarify children’s ideas about flower beds, the diversity of flowering plants, their names, structure, methods of care, growth conditions;

Teach to understand the benefits and importance of nature for Have a good mood and well-being.

Perennial and annual

flowering plants: tulips, irises, daffodils, calendula.



Fix the name of trees and shrubs, their structure, external characteristics;

Teach children to distinguish trees and shrubs by external signs;

Systematize ideas about coniferous and deciduous trees;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards trees and shrubs.


rose hip;






To deepen children’s knowledge about migratory and wintering birds and their way of life;

To form ideas about the role of birds in the life of the forest;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.






Bird houses, bird nests in trees.


Encourage children to enjoy the first spring flowers, consolidate their name, teach them to find differences in plants in the characteristics of the stem, flowers, leaves;

Give an idea about insects, their lifestyle, similarities and distinctive features;

Cultivate a sense of respect for natural community meadows


coltsfoot, dandelion,





Stage 1. Preparatory

The objectives of the project at the first stage are:

    getting into the problem

    getting used to the game situation,

    acceptance of tasks and goals, as well as addition to project objectives.

The last point is very important, since one of the most important tasks of a teacher is to develop an active life position in children; Children should be able to independently find and identifyproblems that interest them.

Project activities


Implementation deadlines

Studying the level of knowledge on the topic “Ecological trail”

Determining children's current knowledge about plants and animals in the world around them

One week before the start of the project

Selection methodological literature

Methodological support for the project

Selection of fiction

Project information support

Within a week before the start of the project

Production of teaching aids on the topic

Providing the project with visual materials

Within a week before the start of the project

Writing class notes

Planning upcoming work

Within a week before the start of the project

Stage 2. Meaningful

At this stage, the teacher (in addition to organizing activities) helps children competently plan their own activities in solving assigned tasks.

Children are united into working groups, and roles are distributed.

The teacher, if necessary, provides children with practical help, and also directs and controls the implementation of the project.

Children develop a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Project activities


Implementation deadlines

Educational conversation “Spring has come”

Clarifying and expanding children's knowledge about the signs of spring

1st week of March

Observing primroses in a flower garden

Give an idea of ​​primroses, teach them to identify them by description

2nd week of March

D/i “Guess by the description”, “Whose flower?” "Couples"

Consolidating knowledge about primroses, enriching vocabulary

3rd week of March

Recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”

Teach the perception of the beauty of nature with the help of musical works

4th week of March

Origami "Flower Glade" ( teamwork)

Teaching children to convey the characteristic features of colors using the origami technique.

Development of imagination

1st week of April

Observing buds on trees and bushes, talking about what happens to plants in spring

Development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about trees and shrubs

2nd week of April

D/i “Run to the named tree”, “Guess by the description”, “Which tree is the leaf from”

3rd week of April

Composing a fairy tale “About a tree”

Development of coherent speech, activation of vocabulary and vocabulary of signs

4th week of April

Drawing "My favorite tree at different times of the year"

Teaching children to convey the image of a tree in different seasons. Development of figurative ideas

1st week of May

Holding an exhibition with the involvement of parents “Miracle Tree”

Introducing parents to the work carried out within the framework of the Ecological Trail project

2nd week of May

"Russian Birch Festival"

Expanding children's knowledge about their homeland, its symbols, beauty native land.

3rd week of May

Application “Trees and shrubs on our site”

Teaching children to create images of trees and shrubs using appliqué, conveying their features appearance

4th week of May

Bird watching in the areac.

Conversation “What benefits do birds bring”

Expanding children's understanding of birds, their way of life, distinctive features of appearance, and the benefits they bring

1st week of March

D/i “Who screams how”, “Who eats what?”, “Guess by the plumage”

Consolidating and systematizing children's knowledge about birds.

2nd week of March

Joint activities of children and parents to create crafts and drawings “Our feathered friends”

Development of a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process.

Learning to apply acquired knowledge in independent creative activities.

3rd week of March

Exhibition of books on the topic “Birds” with illustrations

M. Prishvin,

N. Sladkov

Generating interest in the book. An explanation of how important drawings are in the book; showing how many interesting things can be learned by looking at book illustrations

4th week of March

Conversation “How birds winter”

Forming an idea of ​​what wintering birds eat, what needs to be helped and fed during the winter season

1st week of April

Reading a story

V. Bianchi “Forest Houses”

Familiarizing children with the features of their native nature, its inhabitants, forming a holistic picture of the world, including the ability to appreciate and preserve the beauty of their native land

2nd week of April

P/i “Migration of Birds”, “The Cat and the Little Sparrows”

Development of the ability to imitate movements and coordinate movements

3rd week of April

Observing plants in the meadow.

A conversation about the difference between garden and meadow plants.

Fixing the names of meadow and garden plants.

Development of children's vocabulary and coherent speech. Teaching children the ability to distinguish plants by characteristic features appearance. Learning to see the beauty and diversity of the surrounding nature

1st week of May

Drawing “Dandelions in the grass”, “Clover”

Continued training in the process of drawing to convey the characteristic features of the appearance of meadow flowers

2nd week of May

Insect observation.

A conversation about the benefits and harm they bring.

Learning to name insects and recognize them by distinctive features, highlight characteristic features.

3rd week of May

Reading by V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”

Familiarization with the habitat and benefits of ants. Cultivating a friendly attitude towards living beings.

Explanation of why anthills should not be destroyed.

4th week of May

Creating an album for viewing “Plants and insects of the meadow”

Generalization of children's ideas about the features of a meadow as an ecosystem.

1st week of June

D/i “Who lives where”, “Guess by the description”,

"It flies, it doesn't fly"

Consolidating knowledge about insects, their habitat, characteristic features

1st week of June

Modeling "Dragonfly and Ant",

“Caterpillar on a Leaf”, “Snail”,

« Ladybug»

Consolidating the ability to sculpt insects and convey the features of their appearance. Learning to combine works into a composition

2nd week of June

Productive activities:

"Draw an anthill"

“Build your own anthill”

Development of creative abilities, cognitive interest

One of the priority areas in the modern standard of preschool education is environmental education. A child begins to explore the world from birth, and along with studying the environment, he must gain an understanding of its fragility, learn to love, cherish and protect nature, and learn what human actions cause irreparable harm to it. Classes on environmental education in kindergarten they are precisely designed to solve these problems.

Theoretical aspects of environmental education in preschool educational institutions

We are all children of one ship called Earth, which means there is simply nowhere to transfer from it... There is hard rule: get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


The basics of environmental education have been included in programs for preschool institutions since the 60s of the last century. But if then the main emphasis was on instilling in children the basic fundamentals of environmental literacy, now - on the formation of an environmental culture from early childhood.

This position is reflected in the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten,” which formulates two main tasks:

  • nurturing a love for the nature of the native land, the ability to understand and feel its beauty, to treat plants and animals with care;
  • creating conditions for students to obtain basic knowledge about nature and forming in them a number of ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

Preschoolers, due to the characteristics of their age, very organically perceive all knowledge that is associated with nature. After all, young children feel like they are part of nature; they have not yet developed a consumer attitude towards it. Therefore, the main task is to make sure that the feeling of an inextricable connection with the outside world that arises in early childhood, remains for life.

A child in preschool age feels like a part of nature, and the teacher’s task is to strengthen this connection

Forms of ecology classes

In ecology classes they use various shapes training. Main activities:

  1. Specially prepared classes. Here main role the teacher plays. It can be:
    • excursions,
    • conversations with the teacher about nature, animals, plants,
    • reading fiction,
    • stories about the peculiarities of caring for animals.
  2. Joint activities of preschoolers and the teacher. Children take an active part in everything that happens in class. These include:
    • various themed games,
    • quizzes,
    • drawing and design,
    • observation,
    • answers to children's questions,
    • discussion of books read, filmstrips and cartoons watched,
    • work in a living area,
    • preparation of environmental holidays, etc.
  3. Independent work of children. Application of environmental knowledge acquired by preschoolers in practice. For example, they can independently (but under the supervision of a teacher) water flowers, feed animals in a living area, collect herbariums or collections.

Environmental education begins with children caring for plants and animals

Didactic and visual materials for ecology classes

Preparation for ecology classes in kindergarten includes wide application a variety of didactic and visual materials. Moreover, some of them can be prepared together with children. So, in the preparatory and senior groups you can prepare visual aids for kids. For example, during design classes, children can make visual material on the topic “Vegetable garden.” Only at the beginning of the lesson should they be warned that their crafts will be used as visual material for the kids. It is very important! Children (and people in general) love when their work is needed by someone and not wasted.

A visual aid on the topic “Vegetable Garden”, made by preschoolers of the middle group, will delight the youngest pupils of the preschool educational institution

At the beginning of classes, you can watch filmstrips and cartoons (“Red Cat”, “Locomotive from Romashkov”, “Treasure”, “Butterfly”, “The Tale of the White Ice”, “On the Forest Path”, “Shapoklyak”), and then discuss what you watched . Thus, using the example of the cartoon “Treasure,” we can discuss the meaning and value of ordinary drinking water, and after watching the cartoon “The Little Engine from Romashkov” - talk about how important it is to stop from time to time and observe nature, to enjoy the amazing world around us.

Looking at pictures and paintings is one of the techniques used in the classroom. In the first and second younger groups, simple pictures depicting plants, animals, vegetables, and fruits are used. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, you can consider reproductions of paintings by famous artists (“The Rooks Have Arrived” by A. Savrasov, “Morning in a Pine Forest” by I. Shishkin, “Beetle” by I. Kabakov, “ Golden autumn"I. Levitan) and ask the guys to tell what they see on them.

Ecological lotto allows you to generalize children's ideas about various types of plants and animals

Games can also be used in environmental education classes, both tabletop (for example, various lotto games, “Find a Pair,” “Where Who Lives,” “Tops and Roots”) and mobile games (for example, “Saving Tree,” “Gnomes in the forest”, “At the Zoo” and the favorite nursery rhyme “The deer has a big house”). Posters, models, diagrams, nature calendars designed for ecological and living areas, exhibitions of drawings, and nature rooms can be used as teaching materials and aids.

The ecological corner in the preschool educational institution should be colorfully decorated and attract the attention of children

Video: nursery rhyme “The deer has a big house”

Environmental education programs

There are 2 types of programs for preschool institutions: comprehensive and partial. Comprehensive programs they prescribe actions aimed at the development of preschoolers in all areas, and partial ones examine in depth one or more thematically related areas.

Comprehensive programs

The most complete environmental aspects are provided for in the “Childhood”, “Rainbow” and “Krokha” programs. They have special sections devoted not just to obtaining basic knowledge about nature, but about the relationship between the world around us and humans.

“Krokha” is dedicated to the development of children themselves younger age, so the tasks here are simple: to contemplate, observe, learn. According to this program, in preschool institutions It is recommended to arrange a living corner. Visiting it is especially useful for those children whose parents do not allow them to have animals at home.

The “Childhood” part of the program “A child discovers the world of nature” includes 4 blocks that take into account the age characteristics of children:

  • information about plants and animals as representatives of living things in the natural world (features of external structure and vital functions, the connection of living beings with their environment, their uniqueness);
  • mechanisms of adaptive relationships between living organisms and their environment (properties of different environments, ideas about groups of animals living in a homogeneous environment);
  • knowledge about the growth, development and reproduction of plants and animals familiar to children (ideas about successive changes in organisms, the cyclical nature of the process);
  • knowledge of an ecosystem nature (children get acquainted with plants and animals living in the same community and their interconnectedness).

The section of the Rainbow program “Natural World” involves studying the ecosystem different regions peace, geographical concepts, historical and archaeological facts. Its disadvantage is that children receive many interesting facts about the world, but do not learn to comprehend them. The “Origins” program has a section on studying the surrounding world, but it does not meet modern requirements, and the “Development” program does not generally set the goal of environmental education for preschool students.

A living corner in a preschool educational institution allows children to join the world of wildlife and care for pets

Partial programs

Partial programs for environmental education of preschool children approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia include:

  • "Our home is nature"
  • "Young ecologist"
  • "Life around us"
  • "Nature and the Artist"
  • "Semitsvetik"
  • "Cobweb"
  • "We are earthlings"
  • "Open yourself"
  • "Hope".

Each of these programs is interesting in its own way, so each teaching staff has the opportunity to choose, depending on its own conditions.

The first programs for environmental education in kindergartens, which began to be developed back in the 90s of the last century, include “Young Ecologist”. Its author is S. Nikolaeva. It is worth clarifying that the “Young Ecologist” includes 2 programs: environmental education of children and advanced training for teachers. In this way, the complex task of educating the beginnings of environmental literacy in children and increasing the environmental culture of adults who are called upon to educate these children is solved.

Since environmental education is given great importance, preschool teachers throughout the country are developing own programs, based on their capabilities, geographic location and social conditions. The following programs are worthy of attention:

  • “Enduring Values ​​of the Small Motherland”, developed by teacher from Ivanov E.V. Pchelintseva;
  • “I am in a big world”, created by a teaching team from the city of Seversk;
  • “The ABC of Ecology” by L.I. Grekova (section of the “Planet of Childhood” program applied in the Stavropol Territory).

How to conduct a lesson on ecology in kindergarten

Environmental education programs provide a wide variety of forms of activities with children, from games to serious projects.

Ecological trail

One of the most fun forms of outdoor environmental activities is the nature trail. In every kindergarten it is desirable to have 3 types of paths and use them according to age groups. The first path is located in the premises of the preschool educational institution; it may include specially designed stands, a nature room, and a living corner. The second one runs through the territory of the preschool institution and is used during daily walks. And the third path is for travel. She leads the children to the area adjacent to the garden. It could be a square, a park, a forested area, a meadow, or even a real forest.

An ecological trail is a specially equipped route along which preschoolers acquire knowledge about the natural environment.

Ideally, along the entire route along the trail, children should encounter both wild and cultivated plants growing separately and crowded together, various trees and shrubs, birds living in nests, trees or specially equipped houses, anthills, stones, ponds... In In general, the more varied the better. Of course, you need to create your own route for each age group. It is advisable to draw up a plan for the ecological trail and place it at the beginning of the route. While traveling along the ecological trail, children listen to the stories of the teacher, observe, ask questions, learn to draw conclusions, collect herbariums, collections, etc.

Project activities on ecology in kindergarten

In the process of environmental education in kindergarten, one should Special attention pay attention to children's research activities. The development of various projects, which can be both short-term and long-term, can help with this. Short-term projects are more common in preschools. Their topics can be different, for example, “Communicating with animals,” “What is the power of water,” “From ear to ear,” “Who winters in the forest,” etc.

Encouraging children's research interests develops their thinking abilities and stimulates further cognitive activity

However, long-term projects are also within the capabilities of preschool children. You should pay attention to the following topics: “Feed the birds”, “We planted a turnip”, “Vegetable garden on the windowsill”, “Aquarium - the kingdom of fish”, “Let's grow a lemon”, etc.

The development of both short-term and long-term projects requires a lot of effort, preliminary preparation, study of materials and literature on the topic, observations, research and the ability to draw conclusions. It is also important to beautifully design and present your project in a captivating way. Children will have to learn all this.

The “Mushroom” applique is made by children as part of the “Hello, Autumn!” project.

Example of a project for the second junior group

Name"Hello, autumn!"
  • Expand children's knowledge about autumn as a season, about the weather at this time, about the natural gifts that autumn gives.
  • Expand lexicon children on an autumn theme.
  • Learn poems and songs about autumn.
  • Learn to depict autumn in drawings.
  • Drawings, cards, images of vegetables and fruits;
  • dummies of vegetables and fruits;
  • autumn leaves;
  • flowers;
  • poetry;
  • paper, paints, plasticine.
Activities of the teacher
  • Selects poems and songs;
  • selects games;
  • conducts classes with children.
Parents' activities
  • Select photographs and literature;
  • participate in the celebration.
Activities during the project implementation
  • Outdoor games;
  • didactic games;
  • reading poems, stories and fairy tales about autumn;
  • learning songs about autumn;
  • creating an application “Mushroom”;
  • draw autumn;
  • conversations about the weather;
  • a story about autumn gifts: vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts;
  • making bouquets of autumn leaves and flowers;
  • watching cartoons.
Project outcome
  • Arranging an exhibition of drawings, autumn bouquets and applications.
  • Carrying out a festive matinee “Hello, autumn!”
  • Festive table with autumn gifts.

You can learn more about conducting ecology classes in the first and second junior groups from our article -.

Sample lesson plan on the topic “How bread is made” in the middle group

Purpose of the lesson: to demonstrate to children how bread is made.

Equipment and materials:

  • Pictures,
  • sprouted wheat,
  • green wheat sprouts,
  • wheat grains and spikelets,
  • pieces of bread,
  • flour,
  • eggs,
  • salt,
  • yeast,
  • water,
  • vegetable oil.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Children watch the cartoon "Spikelet".
  2. The teacher invites the children to find out where wheat grains live, how wheat grows, how flour is made, how bread is baked.
  3. Children look at sprouted wheat and wheat sprouts.
  4. The teacher invites the children to take the spikelets and find the grains in them.
  5. The teacher invites the children to find out what tastes better - grains, flour or bread. Children try grains, flour and pieces of bread.
  6. The guys are asked whether they know how delicious bread is made.
  7. Then the teacher kneads the dough from the prepared products, explaining the process to the children.
  8. Children watch how the dough rises.
  9. The teacher and the children make buns and take them to the kitchen.
  10. While the buns are baking, the teacher tells how grain farmers grow wheat and harvest, and the children look at the pictures.
  11. The cook brings the baked rolls and everyone tries them.

Video: cartoon “Spikelet”

Lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “Making a hedgehog”

Take “Travyanchik” toys in the shape of a hedgehog. First, children water toys, grow grass, and at the same time learn how, why and under what conditions grass grows. The teacher also tells them about hedgehogs - where they live, what they eat, how they winter. When the grass grows large enough, a lesson on how to design “Trim the Hedgehog” is taught. Before starting the lesson, you can watch a cartoon about hedgehogs, for example, “Should a hedgehog be prickly?”

When making a hedgehog from the “Travyanchik”, children get cute crafts, and they treat the pets of the living corner with the remains of the grass

Then the children use scissors to trim their grass plants. The cut grass is taken to a living corner and treated to the pets living there.

Conducting open events on environmental topics

Ecology classes provide a wide opportunity to conduct a variety of open events. Parents' participation is welcome here. Moreover, they can not only attend matinees and watch their children perform, but also take an active part themselves. Parents can help build and hang houses and bird feeders, take part in joint excursions along an ecological trail, organize picnics for children together with teachers, and take part in World Day without a car, etc.

You can generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about living and inanimate nature in the form environmental quiz, KVN, brain-ring, etc., conducted together with parents.

Video: open lesson “Sowing seeds” in the preparatory group

If you choose the most exciting activities for preschoolers in a preschool educational institution, then the environmental direction is beyond competition, given that this component can be introduced into any educational activity. Children are inquisitive, they love everything related to research, and the world around them acts as a fascinating subject for study. All that remains is to form the right attitude towards it. This is main task kindergarten teachers in the implementation of environmental education.

The presence of an ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten involves various excursions to the points of the ecological trail. These excursions are planned according to the seasons: autumn, winter, spring, summer. The excursion plan is designed for four ages of children: junior group, middle group, senior group and school preparatory group.

In our kindergarten there are the following points of the ecological trail:

Dot "Big Birch" , dot "Swamp" , dot "Water" , dot "Garden" , dot "Bird cherry" , dot "Rowan" , dot "Weather station" , dot "Alpine slide" , dot "Shrubs" , dot "Corner of the Forest" , dot "Medicinal bed" , dot "Health track" , dot "Insects" , dot "Greenhouse" , dot "Bird's Dining Room" , dot "Bird Pillar"

Autumn excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “What grew in the garden bed?” - excursion to the garden - observation of the collection of vegetables.
  2. "Golden Birch" - excursion to a large birch tree" - observation of a tree in the autumn season.
  3. "Beautiful clearing" - excursion to the flower garden - admire the beauty of autumn flowers.
  4. “We are strengthening our health, we are all walking along the path” - excursion to the health path - strengthening children's health.

Middle group:

  1. "The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing"
  2. “Here is our garden, carrots grow there!” - excursion to the garden - fixing the names of vegetables.
  3. “We’ll go to the forest, we’ll find trees there.” - excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of the trees.”
  4. “On a visit to Mother Cheremukha” - excursion to the bird cherry - fixing the names of the parts of the tree.

Senior group:

  1. “We’ll go to the swamp, we’ll find a frog there.” - excursion to the swamp - observation of a frog.
  2. "Our green helpers" - excursion to the medicinal bed - expanding and consolidating knowledge about medicinal plants.
  3. “Getting to know the long-lived tree” - excursion to a large old birch tree - in order to gain knowledge about the age of the tree.
  4. "Bloomed the red grapes" - excursion to the mountain ash - observing the change in color of the leaves in autumn.

Preparatory group:

  1. "Wind, wind, you are mighty" - excursion to a weather station - observation of wind direction.
  2. “The flowers in our garden are beautiful” - excursion to a flower garden - clarifying children’s ideas about flower beds and the diversity of flowering plants.
  3. "We want to know" - excursion to a medicinal garden - teach how to collect and dry medicinal plants for use in the winter season.
  4. “The harvest is ripe, help me gather” - excursion to the garden - helping adults in harvesting vegetables.

Winter excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “Birch is good at any time of the year” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of the tree in the winter season.
  2. “Birds, sparrows, tits have arrived” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- watching the birds flying to the feeders.
  3. "Snow like a cap on the branches" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the snow lying on the branches of trees.
  4. "Excursion to the greenhouse" - examining the ficus.

Middle group:

  1. "The Artful Crow" - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)" - observing a crow.
  2. “We know all the trees, we can guess them” - excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of the trees.
  3. “Berezonka, berezonka, why are you standing so white?” - excursion to a large birch tree - viewing the tree trunk.
  4. "Excursion to the greenhouse" - comparison of ficus and balsam flowers.

Senior group:

  1. “We want to know about the forest, there are many miracles living in it” - an excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of trees, their structure, external signs.
  2. “Is wind good or bad?” - excursion to the weather station - observation of the wind.
  3. "Shrubs in Winter" - monitoring changes in bushes in winter.
  4. “Birds are our friends; we cannot abandon them in winter!” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- for the purpose of putting the feeders in order.

Preparatory group:

  1. "Weather in different time of the year"
  2. "Fir-trees - pine trees" - an excursion to a corner of the forest - to systematize ideas about coniferous and deciduous trees.
  3. “All the guys should know that birds need to be helped” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- observing the birds flying to the dining room and writing a story about them.
  4. “Are you a tree or a bush?” - excursion to bird cherry - fixing the name of the bush, systematizing knowledge about bird cherry.

Spring excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “Oh, yes, birch tree, white trunk!” - excursion to the birch tree - observation of the tree in the spring season.
  2. “Golden dandelion - dear son of the sun” - observation of primroses (dandelion).
  3. "Excursion to the vegetable garden" - monitoring the digging of beds.
  4. "Butterfly - cabbage" - excursion to the alpine hill - observation of the first butterflies.

Middle group:

  1. “Let down her braids, white birch” - excursion to the birch tree - to diversify children’s knowledge about the birch tree and its appearance.
  2. "Spring came" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the changes in trees in spring.
  3. “The snow is melting, the streams are flowing” - excursion to the reservoir - observation of streams.
  4. "The bird cherry blossomed" - excursion to the bird cherry tree - observing the color of the bird cherry tree.

Senior group:

  1. "We'll plant a garden" - excursion to the garden - all possible assistance in planting vegetable seeds.
  2. “The buds have blossomed on the big birch tree” - excursion to a large birch tree - observing the appearance of leaves.
  3. "The grass is turning green" - an excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the appearance of the first grass.
  4. “A swallow flies towards us in the canopy with spring” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- conversation about migratory birds.

Preparatory group:

  1. “The starling, the singer of spring, has arrived” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of starlings in a birdhouse.
  2. “We will plant beets and carrots deftly” - excursion to the garden - assistance to adults in preparing beds and planting vegetable seeds.
  3. “We will plant flowers here of amazing beauty” - excursion to the flower garden - with the purpose of clearing flower beds for planting flower seeds.
  4. “Bird cherry, bird cherry, why are you standing so white?” - excursion to bird cherry - observing its flowering.

Summer excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “How beautiful it is all around!” - excursion to the flower garden - give children the pleasure of watching flowering plants.
  2. "We'll relax by the pond" - excursion to the reservoir - observation of aquatic plants.
  3. “Our birch tree has a white sundress” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of the tree in the summer.
  4. "Buzzing and Crawling" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observation of crawling insects.

Middle group:

  1. “A bug runs through the water, moving its legs funny” - excursion to a pond - observation of insects living on the surface of the water.
  2. “Our legs ran along the path, along the path” - excursion to the health path" - strengthening the health of children.
  3. “We came to the garden, dill is growing there” - excursion to the garden - viewing dill and onions (comparison).
  4. “We will dance around the birch tree” - excursion to a large birch tree - playing games near the birch tree.

Senior group:

  1. "Nature has no bad weather» - excursion to the weather station - monitoring the weather conditions.
  2. “Excursion along the entire ecological trail” - fixing the names of points.
  3. “Field chamomile, so useful” - excursion to the medicinal bed - acquaintance with the medicinal properties of chamomile.
  4. “In the swamp, look, suddenly the flowers have bloomed!” - excursion to a mini-swamp - viewing plants growing next to the swamp.

Preparatory group:

  1. “Flowers grow on the stones, a miracle - a slide - look!” - excursion to the alpine hill - to provide knowledge about the constituent parts of the alpine hill, about the combination of objects of animate and inanimate nature.
  2. "Don't hurt the ant" - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of ants, deepen knowledge about ants, their way of life.
  3. “Marigolds and plantain will help us when we are sick” - an excursion to the medicinal breast - in order to continue acquaintance with medicinal plants and their methods of application.
  4. "Flower round dance" - excursion to the flower garden - in order to consolidate the names of flowers growing in flower beds.

An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural conditions where there are environmentally significant natural objects.

On these routes, children get acquainted with natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, the connections that exist between them, to present environmental protection activities in practice.

Ecological trail plays important role in the system of accumulation by each child of personal experience of environmentally correct interaction with the nature of the immediate environment.

In order to increase the interest of preschool children in environmental education, our kindergarten has developed a project - an ecological trail with various viewpoints: “Glade of Fairy Tales”, “Mushroom Kingdom”, “Mini-pond”, “Cossack Compound”, “ Green Pharmacy”, “Alpine Hill”, “Flower Garden”, “Weather Station”, etc.

Relevance of the project: Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to living and inanimate nature. Our kindergarten is understaffed, the territory is small, and the flower beds in the garden are not sufficiently landscaped. Every year, the summer recreation company faces the problem of landscaping the territory and making maximum use of it during walks, because... Most of the time children are outdoors.

The novelty of the project lies in the content and form of organizing environmental work with children - a cycle of excursions along an ecological trail.

Teachers of the preschool educational institution actively use the ecological trail in the summer and no less actively in the fall. Children show cognitive activity while working on the trail. This is noticeable in the manifestation of such a quality as curiosity; the guys began to ask a lot of questions and are waiting for answers to them.

The implementation of the project involves achieving the following results:

— landscaping the area with plants;

— equipping the children's playground with new objects suitable for play;

— creation of several zones: “village courtyard”, forest clearing, “whether in the garden or vegetable garden”, “quiet corner”, mini-stadium, flower garden.

Expected result:

1. Creation of an ecological trail with various viewpoints.

2. Enrich experience in environmental education.

3. Participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants, protect and protect nature.

4. Creating attributes for view points.

5. Creating a presentation on the topic: “Ecological trail on the territory of MBDOU d/s No. 38.”

Project implementation stages

Stage I: Search and research

- inspection of the territory of the kindergarten and identification of the most interesting places;

— drawing up a map-scheme of the trail with the route of all its objects;

— drawing up a passport for the “Ecological Trail”;

— prepare literature on the environmental development of children;

— outline a work plan for project implementation.

Stage II: Practical

— creation of viewpoints from available materials on group verandas and areas;

- Creation additional material on the topic of your viewpoint;

— creation of viewpoints on the territory adjacent to the kindergarten building;

— creation of a weather site, terrarium, mini-garden with medicinal herbs, species object – collections;

— drawing up a passport for your viewpoint and recommendations for using path objects to work with children of different age groups;

— creating a colorful picture to indicate your viewpoint;

Stage III: Final

Creation of an ecological trail, with various viewpoints, each of which has its own purpose, guidelines on its use.

In order to increase the interest of preschool children in environmental education, the viewpoints were given the names Station... And the children went on a journey through the stations. Vasilisa the Beautiful certainly became the owner of the trail.

The journey through the viewpoints begins from the central entrance to the kindergarten and the first station is located on the ecological trail.

Points No. 1, 4, 5 “Glade of Fairy Tales”

Purpose This viewpoint is: introducing children to a variety of fairy tales about nature.

At this station, both individual and group work is carried out with children. Children, taking into account their age characteristics, are also offered reading literary works, and acting out fairy tales, and watching theatrical performances, independent games, a variety of finger, didactic, board and other games.

Points No. 2, 3 “Flower beds”

Target: enrich children's understanding of flower beds, the variety of flowering plants, their names, structure, methods of care and growth conditions; teach to understand the benefits and importance of nature for good mood and well-being.

Point No. 10 “Miracle Garden”

Purpose viewpoint, is to introduce children to vegetable crops growing on our territory, children observe the planting of grown seedlings in a group room, together with teachers they care for the plants, observe the growth and harvesting. They taste the harvest they have grown with their own labor.


There are many beds in the garden,

There are turnips and salad.

Here are the beets and peas,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year.

(F. Gurinovich)

Point No. 11 “Alpine slide”

Target: encourage children to rejoice at the first spring flowers and reinforce their names; learn to identify differences in plants in the characteristics of the stem, flowers, leaves;

To instill in children a sense of beauty.

Point No. 9 “Green Pharmacy”

Target: Expand and consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants; develop skills rational use medicinal plants for healthy image life; learn to collect and dry medicinal plants for health activities in the cold season.

Show the variety of medicinal plants, their biological characteristics (medicinal properties), teach to recognize parts of plants, examine the shape, color, size, smell of leaves and flowers, conduct tactile examinations (leaves are rough, smooth, fleecy, etc.); conduct a sensory examination of their parts and seeds, with biological and medicinal properties, rules for collecting these plants

Point No. 8 “Weather station”

Target: Formation in children elementary ideas about the weather and its significance in human life. A weather station with special equipment placed on it is designed to teach children basic weather forecasting.

Children watch weather changes, learn to analyze and draw conclusions. The station has: a weather vane, a barometer, a thermometer, and a rain gauge.

Point No. 7 “Mini pond”

Target this viewpoint: introducing children to the inhabitants of rivers and seas, teaching them to name and distinguish between sea and river inhabitants.

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge, clarify and expand knowledge about underwater world. The children are also offered various forms of work: fishing and educational games.

Teachers independently determine the route to the stations and conduct educational activities at these stations in accordance with the objectives of their age group. The teachers actively used the trail in the summer and no less actively in the fall. Children show cognitive activity while working on the trail. This is noticeable in the manifestation of such qualities as curiosity, they began to ask a lot of questions, and are waiting for answers to their questions. Our trail has been operating for six months; some viewpoints are currently a mini trail in the kindergarten building on winter period. In the summer, the ecological trail was decorated with many flower beds; in the winter, we expect it will be supplemented with snow buildings.
