Precipitation symbols. Conventional signs in the observation diary

Why is it necessary to keep a diary?

Schoolchildren are required to keep a diary of weather observations. The topic “weather” stands out as one of the main ones in the lesson the world. Observation and recording of air temperature, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, precipitation is the best practical task on this topic.

Why do you need to keep an observation diary?

Keeping an observation journal is a great project activity for a student. It develops numerous skills and abilities. The child learns to navigate in time, attention and observation skills are formed. Systematically filling out a diary develops accuracy and responsibility. For a student, keeping a diary of weather observations helps to notice the repeatability of processes in nature and gives a feeling of stability in the world around them. Plus, keeping a weather diary is just fun. By filling out the diary throughout the year, the results obtained can be analyzed and an appropriate diagram constructed. It will show how the weather has changed, in which direction the wind predominantly blows in our area. Based on this data, it will be possible to subsequently predict the weather. And this is the initial work of meteorological research.

How to prepare a diary?

For the “Diary of Observations”, start a notebook in a cage, sign it, and put on a cover. The notebook page should be drawn into six equal columns, which are given the following names: “Date”, “Air temperature”, “Cloudiness”, “Wind”, “Atmospheric pressure”, “Precipitation”, “Phenomena”. Then the measured data will be recorded in a separate cell. If there is no data (for example, there is no precipitation), then a dash should be placed in the cell.

What actions should a child take if on this day he begins to keep a diary of weather observations for schoolchildren?

1. Look at the thermometer and write down its readings in your diary. This is the air temperature in degrees Celsius. Please note that the thermometer must be in the shade. The device placed in a sunlit area will give incorrect readings.

2. Look out the window and find out if there is cloudiness outside - clear, cloudy or cloudy. Draw a corresponding picture in the cell or write a word.

3. Note the presence of precipitation in your diary. If there is no precipitation, put a dash.

4. Record the wind direction.

What symbols should you use in your diary?

Conventional signs are generally accepted in school teaching of geography and natural history. The wind direction should be indicated with a letter, for example, for the north wind, write C in the corresponding column, for the south – S. The air temperature should be indicated with a sign, for example, +17 0 C or – 17 0 C.

Conventional signs in the observation diary

Clear Snow Blizzard
cloudy Frost È Rainbow
Mainly cloudy Fog hail
Rain Storm

All entries in the “Weather Observation Diary” must be made carefully, evenly, clearly, using a ruler. It is possible to use colored pencils and colored pens, including gel pens. The table itself can be drawn in pencil. You can use a printed table template or a ready-made observation diary. It is encouraged to decorate the free space around the table with drawings, photographs, pictures corresponding to the time of year, images of animals and plants, and natural phenomena.

Grading norms

"Great"- all entries in the “Weather Observation Diary” are made neatly, evenly, clearly, using a ruler. The weather was recorded daily, there are no discrepancies with real weather data, the results for the month were summed up.

"Fine"- all entries in the “Weather Observation Diary” are made quite accurately, evenly, clearly, along a ruler; there are no obvious discrepancies with real weather data. Individual gaps (1-2 days) in filling in the weather are allowed. Or: - all entries in the “Weather Observation Diary” are made quite accurately, evenly, clearly, along a ruler. The weather was noted daily, but the total for the month was not summed up.

"Satisfactorily"- The “weather observation diary” is kept in violation of the rules, there are gross factual errors in the description of the weather, the weather was not recorded daily, and the results for the month were not summed up. The work was done untidy.

"Unsatisfactory"- “Observation diary” is practically not kept; there is no weather for more than 7 days of the month; there are gross factual errors in the description of the weather; the work was done sloppily, using a pen with purple or blue ink, the table was drawn without a ruler; the month's results have not been summed up; The notebook looks sloppy.

Month year___________________

Number Cloudiness Temperature Wind Precipitation Phenomena

Results of observations for the month

Weather is something that interests every person on earth. Moreover, it does not matter at all where he lives, in warm countries or, conversely, in countries with cold climates. How the next day will go depends on the weather. That is why people have been studying natural phenomena for a long time and trying to understand the conventional signs of the weather.

What is weather

So what is weather? If we speak in the language of science, then this is the state of the atmosphere in a specific place in exact time. The main indicators by which weather is measured are air humidity and temperature; indicators of atmospheric pressure and solar radiation are also very important.

Unlike climate, weather is very changeable. Climate is more stable because it is measured long time. The weather can also change during the day. That's why different nations there are so many sayings about the weather.

Weather forecast

Today, determining the weather is extremely important; the work of many areas of human activity depends on it. Without accurate forecast Neither air nor water transport is currently operating. Also, the weather forecast is necessary for city services in order to know what to prepare for. For example, if a lot of snow falls, you need to prepare equipment that will clear the streets.

Modern weather forecasting methods are mainly focused on the performance of technical instruments, from the simplest barometers to satellites. Of course, technology has made the forecast more accurate, this has significantly simplified many things. Today, to find out what the weather will be like during the day, a person only needs to go online or listen to a news program on the radio. However, until quite recently, people lived without technical innovations and knew how to determine the weather signs. Watching natural phenomena, behind the sun, behind the moon, behind the behavior of animals, they knew exactly what kind of weather awaited them in the near future. The ability to understand the conventional signs of nature and weather was vital. Human life itself depended on it. After all, for example, if you choose a bad day for sowing, you may be left without a harvest. Knowledge about conventional weather signs was passed down from generation to generation and thus came down to us.

Weather symbols

Most rural residents know the signs that can indicate what the weather will be like today. For example, if fog forms at night in the summer and dissolves with sunrise, this means that the day will be warm and dry. A golden dawn at sunrise also indicates a warm day. Another important sign is the strength of the wind. In the question of what conventional weather signs there are, it plays a very important role.

Strong winds most often mean that the weather will change dramatically. He can bring clouds and rain clouds. A sign of inclement weather can be not only strong wind, but also color sun rays. If they are bright red, then the weather will be bad, with wind and precipitation.

The ability to read weather signs and determine what the next day will be like is very important. After all, in the life of every person there may be an occasion when he will be left alone in a place far from civilization. And the skill of determining the weather can, among other things, save his life.

Every day there are changes in weather conditions. Kids starting from kindergarten, learn to characterize, describe and recognize natural phenomena. In each group, starting from younger age, a nature calendar hangs on the walls, where children daily note the phenomena that occur outside the window. This is done using weather symbols drawn on the poster.

In each age group, the number of symbols increases as children's knowledge expands. They will learn many new weather phenomena. In the article we will look at all the known symbols and their diversity, how children are taught to determine the weather, wind direction, measure temperature and distinguish between types of clouds.

Weather calendar for the younger group of kindergarten

Kids are not yet familiar with all the subtleties of natural phenomena; they distinguish only a few basic definitions of weather. When the sky is shining bright sun and there are no clouds, then the day is considered sunny, and the child turns the arrow with its tip towards the drawn sun. When it's raining outside, the arrow turns to the image of a cloud with drops.

If the weather is cloudy, the sun is hidden behind the clouds, then the arrow turns to a picture in which the cloud half blocked the sun. In winter, when it snows, the child points to the image of a cloud with snowflakes. Conventional weather signs for kids are more like pictures. This way children can immediately see what they have to choose.

Determining the weather in the middle group

This weather calendar already has more symbols, but they are still represented by pictures. Weather phenomena such as thunderstorms and rainbows are added. Children already know that not every rain is accompanied by thunder and lightning. There is also a picture of precipitation with a rainbow. The children become familiar with this phenomenon during summer rain, when the sun illuminates the drops in the air. You can also see a rainbow while the teacher is watering flowers or next to the fountain.

There is also one more of the new conventional weather signs - wind. First, children learn to understand his presence. For this, a weather vane, ribbons, windmills, and just pieces of paper are used. You can see the foliage on the trees from the window of the group room. If there is wind outside, the leaves move, and when there is no wind, they remain motionless.

Conventional signs of weather phenomena for older preschoolers

This calendar of nature shows how more phenomena Preschoolers already know the weather. This scheme can also be used in primary school. Children learn to distinguish calm weather from weak or strong gusty, squally winds.

Also, the guys can already understand how much the air temperature has changed. It varies - hot, warm, cool or completely cold. On the table of weather symbols, the following is distinguished: temperature scale images of people different colors. If it is hot, then the person is orange, if warm, then the person is yellow. But the frozen people are drawn in cold shades. In cool weather - blue, on frosty days - blue.

Lessons from the world around us

Conventional weather signs at school are studied according to the generally accepted notation system in the world. These are no longer pictures, but symbols, the meaning of which cannot always be guessed from their appearance. The direction of the wind is indicated by an arrow facing some direction of the world. Children should be able to distinguish and correctly show all four main cardinal directions, as well as intermediate ones, for example, the northeast or southwest wind. The direction is determined by a weather vane.

Also in such a calendar, the air temperature is noted, which is monitored on a thermometer outside the school window. Sometimes children keep a weather calendar for a whole month, filling in workbook empty cells in which only symbols are entered.

To fill out the table correctly, the signs must be memorized. Some are easy to learn. For example, snow is indicated by a snowflake, dew is like a droplet on the grass, ice is a slippery road, so a wavy line is drawn.

How the wind strength is noted is also easy to remember. Calm is just an arrow, and as its powers increase, the number of lines on it also increases.

When studying signs, it is important to come up with some comparisons and analogies for the child. This will make it easier to remember everything. Children need to understand the value of such observations. Such information collections are also used in weather reports; they are useful for Agriculture and comparison of the weather on a given day in different years. Scientists study changes weather conditions on the planet, knowledge helps to plant seeds in the soil in time so that they do not freeze and produce healthy shoots.



Conventional signs, which in meteorology, for example. on special (synoptic) maps, indicate different meteorological phenomena, For example:

Samoilov K. I. Marine dictionary. - M.-L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941

Meteorological signs

symbols used on synoptic maps to indicate various meteorological conditions.

EdwART. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010

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The concept of “cloudiness” refers to the number of clouds observed in one place. Clouds, in turn, are called atmospheric phenomena formed by a suspension of water vapor. The classification of clouds includes many types, divided by size, shape, nature of formation and height of location.

In everyday life, special terms are used to measure cloudiness. Expanded scales for measuring this indicator are used in meteorology, maritime affairs and aviation.

Meteorologists use a cloudiness scale of ten, which is sometimes expressed as a percentage of the visible sky (1 point = 10% coverage). In addition, the height of cloud formation is divided into upper and lower tiers. The same system is used in maritime affairs. Aviation meteorologists use a system of eight octants (parts of the visible sky) with a more detailed indication of the height of the clouds.

A special device is used to determine the lower boundary of the clouds. But only aviation weather stations have an urgent need for it. In other cases it is done visual assessment height.

Cloud types

Cloud cover is playing important role in the formation of weather conditions. Cloud cover prevents heating of the Earth's surface and prolongs its cooling process. Cloud cover significantly reduces daily temperature fluctuations. Depending on the amount of clouds at a certain time, several types of cloudiness are distinguished:

  1. “Clear or partly cloudy” corresponds to cloudiness of 3 points in the lower (up to 2 km) and middle tier (2 - 6 km) or any amount of clouds in the upper (above 6 km).
  2. “Variable or variable” - 1-3/4-7 points in the lower or middle tier.
  3. “With clearing” - up to 7 points of total cloudiness of the lower and middle tier.
  4. “Cloudy, cloudy” - 8-10 points in the lower tier or non-transparent clouds on average, as well as with precipitation in the form of rain or snow.

Types of clouds

The worldwide classification of clouds identifies many types, each of which has its own Latin name. It takes into account the shape, origin, height of formation and a number of other factors. The classification is based on several types of clouds:

  • Cirrus clouds are thin filaments white. They are located at an altitude of 3 to 18 km depending on latitude. Consist of falling ice crystals, to which they owe their appearance. Among cirrus clouds at an altitude of over 7 km, clouds are divided into cirrocumulus, altostratus, which have a low density. Below, at an altitude of about 5 km, there are altocumulus clouds.
  • Cumulus clouds are dense formations of white color and considerable height (sometimes reaching more than 5 km). They are most often located in the lower tier with vertical development into the middle. Cumulus clouds at the top of the middle layer are called altocumulus.
  • Cumulonimbus, shower and thunderclouds, as a rule, are located low above the Earth's surface 500-2000 meters, characterized by precipitation atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, snow.
  • Stratus clouds represent a layer of suspension of low density. They transmit light from the sun and moon and are located at an altitude of between 30 and 400 meters.

Cirrus, cumulus and stratus types mix to form other types: cirrocumulus, stratocumulus, cirrostratus. In addition to the main types of clouds, there are other, less common ones: silvery and pearlescent, lenticular and moth-like. And clouds formed by fires or volcanoes are called pyrocumulative.
