Forms of lichens and their names. Resin moss or “Icelandic moss” - contains a powerful antibiotic

Belonging to the genus Cladonia. More than 40 species of lichens are called moss. This group includes alpine, deer, forest, soft, etc. cladonia. Resin moss grows in areas with both cold and warm climates - from the polar region to tropical latitudes. There are 12 species of this group found on the territory of Russia. The moss group is the most numerous in the flora of coniferous forests, tundra and forest-tundra.

Plants have high frost resistance and develop better in a dry, open environment. The growth rate of reindeer moss is slow and amounts to only 3-5 mm per year. But, despite this, these plants produce quite a large biomass: up to 10-15 centners per hectare. Resin moss is a valuable pet food reindeer and wild ungulates (elk, musk deer, deer), which is why it is also called “reindeer moss”. After grazing deer on a pasture, it takes several decades for its restoration. Therefore, one pasture in the tundra is usually not used for several years in a row; the herd of reindeer moves to other places.

Moss lichens are among the largest. They can reach 10-15 cm in height. The thallus is usually branched, in the form of a bush. Each individual specimen looks like an original miniature tree. It has a thick trunk, from which thin twisted hollow branches extend, thinning towards the ends. Absorbing moisture, lichen branches are soft and plastic, but when dry, they become brittle and crumble easily. Dry pieces of reindeer moss that come off are carried by the wind over long distances. This is how the process of reproduction of lichens occurs.

On dark paper, several folded plants create a fancy white lace. The lichen has a grayish-white, yellowish or whitish-green color, which is due to the presence in the body of moss of colorless fungal hyphae, as well as a thin layer of small green cells of microscopic algae located closer to the surface of the branches.

The meaning of moss . In nature, moss is the best food for reindeer. IN winter time constitutes up to 90% of the diet of these animals. The tissues of some species contain large quantities ausic acid, which has bactericidal properties. Therefore, moss is used as a raw material for the production of antibacterial drugs. Due to the high nutritional value of moss, it is in demand as a fodder plant for farm animals (cattle, pigs). In folk medicine of the peoples of the north, moss has found use as an enveloping agent for coughs, stomach ulcers and duodenum.

Almost everyone has heard about such a lichen as moss or, as it is also called, reindeer moss, but not everyone realizes how beneficial it is for health. Since ancient times, northern healers have used this gift of nature to combat many ailments. Today this healing lichen is available to everyone and helps to recover from diseases without the use of chemicals. medicines, which have quite a lot of side effects.

Resin moss belongs to the lichen genus Cladonia. It is a shrubby lichen with a small thallus and numerous branched branches resembling a shrub. The moss thallus is double and is divided into primary and secondary. The primary thallus looks like scales (sometimes tubercles) of various sizes - from one millimeter to three centimeters. The shape of the fragments of the primary thallus is also very diverse. The primary thallus is formed on soil, dry wood, stones and other substrates. The secondary thallus develops on the basis of the primary one. It is upright and has bushy or horn-shaped podecia (twigs). The inside of the podecium is hollow. Their bark is formed by intertwining hyphae. There is always a layer of algae in the walls of the podecium. The size of the secondary thallus ranges from two and a half centimeters to twenty centimeters. The fruiting bodies are laid at the tops of the branches. They are colored red or Brown color and have a round shape. The fruiting bodies contain spores, with the help of which the moss reproduces. The lichen grows slowly, adding no more than three to five millimeters per year. When reindeer pasture is confined to a limited area, reindeer moss can take up to fifty years to recover.

This lichen is widespread in areas arctic climate(in the tundra).

Full chemical composition of moss

The chemical composition of this medicinal lichen is well known. The following were found in it: fatty acids, cellulose, ributol, dietary fiber, triglycerides, n-alkanes, alpha-hydroxyisovalerate, anteizo-alkanes, proteins, methylheptadecanes, mucus, sugars, crude fiber, lichenin, l-acetic acid, hemicellulose and phenolics connections. In addition, vitamins A, C and the entire group B are present in lichen. Macro- and microelements are also found in lichen: iron, barium, copper, chromium, titanium, manganese, nickel and iodine.

Due to its medicinal components, reindeer moss is one of the most healing lichens. A number of medicines used in traditional medicine are produced on its basis. Thus, the beneficial properties of moss were appreciated not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of official therapy. Medicines from lichen cope with many bacteria that antibiotics are often unable to destroy.

What does moss help cure?

Reindeer moss is used quite widely. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, laxative, soothing, wound-healing, hemostatic and antimicrobial effect. In addition, reindeer moss helps improve the flow of bile.

For various wounds, burns and frostbite, lichen helps prevent wound infection. Having an enveloping effect, reindeer moss is able to protect the wound from the irritating effects of the environment. On top of that, it helps stop bleeding from the wound (even quite strong). Ulcers, including old ones, can be healed with lichen.

For insomnia and nervous tension, which can cause irritability and breakdowns, reindeer moss promotes rapid healing. It has a pronounced calming effect and supports the health of the nervous system. Taking preparations based on reindeer moss in the shortest possible time returns normal sleep and restores calm. During menopause, when a woman’s nervous system is on the verge of breakdown due to changes taking place in her body, lichen is able to provide incomparable help. Its positive effects are noted after just a few days of use.

It is useful to use reindeer moss for inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. For gastritis and ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, reindeer moss helps eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. In addition, having a powerful regenerating effect, it heals damaged mucous membranes, thereby accelerating the healing process.

The substances included in moss successfully resist the tuberculosis bacillus. Due to this property of lichen, several drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis are produced on its basis. Resin moss helps fight even new mutating strains of this disease. By providing a regenerative effect, reindeer moss helps restore damaged lungs and speedy healing of tuberculosis “wounds”. Already at the very beginning of treatment with preparations based on moss moss, the patient feels a significant improvement in his condition, a decrease in the number and intensity of coughing attacks, and also notices the disappearance of chronic fatigue.

For colds, lichen helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, reindeer moss eliminates bronchitis and runny nose. Yagel relieves swelling of the mucous membranes, thins and removes mucus, and also eliminates inflammatory processes. It has been noticed that when using preparations based on reindeer moss, recovery occurs three to four days earlier. In addition, when treated with reindeer moss, the risk of developing complications after the disease is significantly reduced.

Traditional healers consider moss a good remedy in the fight against cancer. Lichen has a noticeable antitumor effect, significantly slowing down the growth of tumors. Reindeer moss is not suitable as an independent medicine, but in complex therapy it will be very useful.

Lichen also helps in the fight against thyroid diseases. He is able to improve its functioning, eliminate nodules and return the thyroid gland to its normal size. Sometimes moss can prevent surgery.

In addition, reindeer moss is used to get rid of excess weight, loss of strength, decreased appetite and constipation. Until now, the full spectrum of action of this unique lichen has not yet been fully studied, so we can expect to discover new qualities that are beneficial for the human body.

Contraindications to the use of moss

A unique feature of lichen is that it has no contraindications for use. It can be consumed at any age and even during pregnancy. In the rarest cases, an allergic reaction may occur to reindeer moss, in which case its use is unacceptable.

Recipes for preparations based on reindeer moss

A drug for getting rid of tuberculosis and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract

The medicine is prepared in enamel containers. Four tablespoons of crushed moss are poured into three glasses of just boiled water. After this, the drug is boiled for ten minutes over low heat under a slightly open lid. The cooled medicine is filtered and divided into three portions. Drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening, one glass at a time. The course of treatment is determined individually, based on the patient’s condition.

Drug for the treatment of runny nose

One tablespoon of moss is mixed with one tablespoon of St. John's wort, one tablespoon of Japanese sophora and two tablespoons of sage. After this, the collection is poured with half a liter of water, the mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for half an hour. The strained, cooled medicine is used to rinse the nasal cavity in the evening before bed. Treatment lasts until the runny nose is completely eliminated.

Decoction for healing wounds and ulcers

To obtain a very effective wound healing agent, a decoction is prepared from lichen. One tablespoon of chopped reindeer moss is poured into a glass cold water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour. The preparation should cool under the lid. It is filtered cold. The decoction is used for washing wounds and subsequent lotions. Treatment is carried out until the affected area is completely healed.

A drug for the treatment of cancerous tumors

The drug is prepared from reindeer moss and several types of medicinal herbs. Take two tablespoons: reindeer moss, St. John's wort, knotweed grass and celandine. Three tablespoons each are used: plantain, nettle and water pepper. Another hundred grams of high-quality green tea is added to the mixture of all ingredients. Four tablespoons of this collection are poured into four glasses of just boiled water and left under the lid for sixty minutes. The strained drug is drunk warm, one glass four times a day. The duration of treatment is selected individually.


Resin moss is prepared during three summer months. The lichen is carefully separated from the substrate. The collected raw materials are cleaned of debris and dried in the sun. Store dried reindeer moss in a tightly closed container for five years. In pharmacies it is easy to buy ready-made dried moss, thanks to which medicinal lichen is now available to everyone.

Reindeer moss or reindeer moss is particularly unpretentious to its habitat.

Being unaffected by both high and low temperatures, moss can grow freely almost anywhere, from the tundra with its severe frosts and strong wind to tropical latitudes with high levels of humidity and relatively high year-round temperatures.

This is what moss grass looks like. Read this article for medicinal, beneficial properties, and how to drink tincture from this plant.

Resin moss can also be found in swampy areas and sunny meadows. pine forests. However moss can still be found most often on the tundra.

Resin moss is moss or lichen

Despite its second name, moss cannot be completely attributed to mosses. This organism belongs to a large group of lichens, which occupy an intermediate position between plants, fungi and mosses. Resin moss is formed through close symbiosis between all three groups of organisms.

It can be classified as a lichen of the genus Cladonia. This genus combines a group of lichens with a shrubby type of structure and relatively small thallus size. The thallus is divided into primary and secondary, and the second can develop only on the basis of the first.

It is the secondary thallus that forms the branches and the fruiting bodies on them, which are usually brown or red in color. Resin moss reproduces by sporulation; its spores are located inside the fruiting bodies.

Moss growth is very slow, over the course of a year its size can increase by only a few millimeters.

What moss moss looks like - photos of grass

Beneficial medicinal properties of lichen moss

Interesting fact! Despite his unpresentable appearance, moss is a valuable source of many micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins, necessary for the human body.

It contains essential amino acids, fatty acids, triglycerides, dietary fiber, sugars, mucus, phenolic compounds, B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and A, iron, copper, chromium, iodine and nickel.

All of the above components make moss practically the most valuable species of all lichens. Using this organism, medicines are synthesized that are used both in traditional medicine and in folk recipes.

Experts say that substances contained in moss have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and help the human body cope with infectious agents of various diseases.

The moss contains essential amino acids, fatty acids, triglycerides, dietary fiber, sugars, mucus, phenolic compounds, B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and A, iron, copper, chromium, iodine and nickel.

Moreover, they are effective even in cases where traditional antibacterial drugs do not help.

The herb moss has medicinal and beneficial properties. Tinctures are made from it, which are used in medicine very often, for a wide variety of diseases and pathological processes.

Doctors and healers use its anti-inflammatory, soothing, antimicrobial, as well as laxative and regenerating properties. Additionally, Reindeer moss has a hemostatic and choleretic effect.

In the presence of wound surfaces, burns to the skin or frostbite, moss prevents infection of the damaged area by pathogenic microorganisms.

Because the constituent components of this lichen also have an enveloping effect, they are able to protect the affected skin from the irritating effects of the environment.

In case of bleeding, reindeer moss can quickly and effectively stop it, thereby preventing extensive blood loss. Also with the help of moss you can quickly and effectively cure ulcerative lesions, localized on the skin or the surface of the mucous membranes, while even old ulcers with a sluggish process of inflammation can be treated.

Reindeer moss can qualitatively relieve a person from increased nervous excitability, sleep-related problems, as well as excessive tension in the central nervous system.

Having a strong calming effect, Reindeer moss increases the threshold of irritability of the nervous system and maintains it in a normal state. Within a few days after starting to take medications, one of the components of which is reindeer moss, a person’s sleep and wakefulness patterns are normalized and insomnia completely goes away.

Medicines with moss are especially recommended for use by women who suffer from various manifestations of the premenopausal and menopausal periods themselves. Such medications can almost completely cope with uncontrollable mood swings in middle-aged women.

Resin moss has a positive effect on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract for such serious diseases as gastric and duodenal ulcers or various gastritis.

He is for a short time completely eliminates the inflammatory process and relieves pain. At the same time, thanks to its regenerating effect, the processes of repair of the surface of the mucous membrane and its deeper layers are accelerated.

Reindeer moss resists this well pathogenic microorganism like Koch's wand or the causative agent of tuberculosis. That is why reindeer moss is included in many drugs aimed at combating serious diseases.

This type of lichen shows high efficiency even in the fight against the newest strains of the microorganism, which have gone through many successive mutations and have become resistant to traditional chemotherapeutic drugs.

Yagel not only fights directly against the causative agent of the disease, but also helps in accelerating reparative processes in the lung tissue. Thanks to this, already at the beginning of therapy, the sick person feels clinical improvement general condition and reducing the severity of tuberculosis symptoms.

Yagel has an immunomodulatory effect, stimulating the defense systems of the human body, thereby helping to fight various infectious diseases, in including, and with colds. Lichen reduces the severity of signs of acute respiratory viral infection such as cough and runny nose.

Additionally, the removal of sputum, which is localized in the bronchi, is accelerated; this is achieved by liquefying its structure and removing swelling from the lumens of the respiratory system. All this leads to a significant reduction in the number of complications developing after conventional colds.

Note! Currently, the effectiveness of reindeer moss in the treatment of malignant neoplasms has been proven. Reindeer moss has an antitumor effect; it can significantly slow down the growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

However, to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use reindeer moss preparations not as monotherapy, but in combination with drugs that belong to the methods of traditional medicine.

If the thyroid gland is malfunctioning, moss can speed up the process of its recovery, normalize its size and minimize the number of nodular formations. In some cases, taking reindeer moss preparations can help the patient without the use of surgical treatment.

The medicinal and beneficial properties of the moss herb and its tincture show high effectiveness even in the fight against the newest strains of the microorganism

Reindeer moss is effective for a variety of vitamin deficiencies and seasonal loss of strength, as well as problems with stool and loss of appetite. If available extra pounds, the use of medicines containing moss will help you lose weight without following strict, exhausting diets.

Moss moss, where you can buy

Exists a large number of online pharmacies, where every consumer has the opportunity to order any quantity of reindeer moss, such points include:

  • Special Green pharmacy;
  • Green First Aid Kit.

Most often, this type of lichen is sold in bulk packages of 500 g or 1 kg in dried form.

Herb moss - medicinal, beneficial properties, how to drink the tincture

A tincture made from Icelandic moss has a general strengthening and stimulating effect on the body. It is recommended to take it when a person’s own immune strength decreases, as well as during the peak season of colds, in order to prevent the development of an infectious process.

It is important to know! The tincture can also be used by people recovering from a long illness or extensive surgery.

Cooking method

To make this effective product, you need to take a bottle made of dark glass, fill it with one-third of the moss fraction, and then fill it all with medical alcohol with a concentration of 60 - 70 percent. The product should be infused in a dark and dry place for 4 weeks.

Mode of application

After the above time has passed, the tincture becomes suitable for use. You need to take it internally, 1 spoon every morning on an empty stomach. Adults can take the tincture in its pure form.

For children, it is recommended to dilute the same dose in juice or tea. The duration of the course will be 2 weeks. It is possible to repeat the reception according to the same rules once every six months. An additional course is possible after suffering a serious impact on the body, for example, an infectious disease or surgery.

Resin moss, its medicinal properties. Recipes

Yagel: cancer treatment

To prepare an effective antitumor agent, it is recommended to combine moss with some other medicinal plants, namely: St. John's wort, celandine and knotweed.

Additionally, 3 tablespoons of nettle, water pepper and plantain are added to the resulting mixture. The last ingredient is green tea(preferably good quality) in an amount of 100 g, to prepare a medicinal decoction, take 4 tablespoons of the herbal mixture and add freshly boiled water.

If you have extra pounds, using medicines containing reindeer moss will help you lose weight without following strict diets that exhaust your body.

The broth should stand in a dark place for 1 hour. After the time has passed, the broth is filtered, cooled to room temperature and consume a glass orally three times a day. The course of treatment does not have a specific length and is chosen depending on the wishes of the sick person.

Yagel: cough treatment

To reduce the severity of cough, pour 1 spoon of reindeer moss into 1 glass of hot boiled milk. The product is boiled for another 10 minutes, then filtered and drink 1 glass warm just before falling asleep. The course of treatment should be at least 5 days.

Yagel: treatment of the thyroid gland

5 tablespoons of moss should be poured with a liter of just boiled water and let the product stand for about an hour. Then it must be strained well, divided into three equal parts and consumed before meals. It is better to prepare a fresh infusion every day, since long-term storage destroys some of the beneficial substances.

Yagel: treatment of tuberculosis

4 tablespoons of reindeer moss are poured into 4 cups of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the product for 2-3 hours, and then strain and consume warm 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

Resin moss: healing properties for the liver

To cleanse the liver and normalize its functioning, it is necessary to prepare a remedy similar to that for thyroid diseases. The course of taking this drug will be at least 1 month.

Other recipes

To combat a runny nose, you need to mix 1 spoon of moss with a spoon of Japanese sophora and the same amount of sage and St. John's wort. Mix the herb mixture well, add 1 liter of water and boil for half an hour.

After this, the product should be cooled to room temperature and the nasal passages should be regularly washed with it in case of severe nasal congestion or heavy discharge.

Contraindications for use

Interesting fact! Yagel is practically the only medicine that has absolutely no contraindications for use.

Even women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding can take medications containing this component.

When and how to prepare moss

To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the composition of reindeer moss, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations regarding the procedure for collecting and storing reindeer moss.

Resin moss should be collected throughout all three months of summer: June, July and August.

To begin with, you need to very carefully separate the lichen itself from the substrate on which it grows. Then clean it of any existing debris and dry it thoroughly in direct sunlight.

Already dried lichen should be stored in dark or opaque containers in a dry place., and the lids of the containers should be closed very tightly to avoid moisture getting inside.

The shelf life of already dried reindeer moss should not exceed 5 years, since after this period the structure of its useful components begins to deteriorate and it becomes useless.

To summarize, it must be said that, despite the high effectiveness and absence of side effects from taking reindeer moss, it is recommended that a sick person consult with his or her doctor before starting to take such drugs.

About the medicinal and beneficial properties of the moss herb and how to drink a tincture from it, watch this video:

What does moss look like:

Reindeer moss or reindeer moss is the main food of reindeer, which they even look for harsh winter under the snow. And all thanks to its aromatic smell. This plant, a lichen, has many medicinal properties and is used in folk and traditional medicine. It is included in some cough and cold medications.

Resin moss is a lichen that grows in the tundra, where other plants cannot survive. He belongs to the genus “Cladonia”, which is also his close relative Icelandic moss or cetraria.

Read on topic: Iceland moss medicinal properties and contraindications

Reindeer moss is a symbiosis of fungi and unicellular algae. It grows on rocks or on the ground and looks like a spongy grayish mass. If you look more closely at the structure of this moss, you can see a branching structure of filaments, which is very similar to human bronchial tissue.

This association allows all mosses to survive in harsh conditions. climatic conditions. The fungi form an outer layer that provides shelter for the algae. They, in turn, produce carbohydrates that allow them both to survive.

Reindeer moss is a dull green color. It has no roots and absorbs moisture from the air. This means that it can grow where other plants cannot survive.

Moss moss can withstand very low temperatures. With sufficient light, it can grow at temperatures of minus 10 degrees.

In the absence of moisture, it dries quickly and becomes very fragile, easily crumbling. But with sufficient humidity it recovers quickly.

Resin moss is an incredibly durable plant. True, it grows very slowly. The first stage of growth can last about 25 years. then it enters a stable period when the growth of new parts is equal to the number of dead ones. This period can last up to 100 years.

Then the slow process of dying begins, i.e. the dying part is more than the new one that has grown. This period can last the same as growth for approximately 100 years.

Areas that were destroyed by any natural conditions, fires, or constant grazing of animals can take a very long time to recover, even decades.

Reindeer moss reproduces by spores that are carried by the wind. Over the course of a year, it can grow no more than 3-5 millimeters.

Resin moss beneficial properties

Reindeer moss is a healthy food source. And not just for deer. Its usefulness is familiar to people and has been used for food and medicinal purposes for many centuries. The main components of this moss are carbohydrates and ursinic acid. Carbohydrates make up up to 94 percent of the mass. The remaining 6 percent is ursinic acid, which provides its beneficial properties.

Reindeer moss or reindeer moss is a natural analogue of antibiotics. The ursinic acid contained in it can kill many pathogenic microbes and prevent rotting.

Traditionally, northern peoples used moss to prevent infection in wounds by covering them until the wounds healed.

In addition, it can inhibit the development of tubercle bacilli.

In addition, reindeer moss contains mucus, which can coat the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts.

It contains vitamin C, vitamins B, A, and minerals, such as iodine, titanium, manganese, iron, copper, chromium and many others.

Although the composition of reindeer moss is not very diverse, but still, as we see, it contains quite a lot nutrients, which can not only strengthen the immune system, but also help cope with the disease. Moreover, these nutrients are contained in it in an easily accessible form.

Resin moss medicinal properties

Moss moss is traditionally used by the indigenous peoples of the North for treatment. Reindeer moss has the following properties:





Wound healing.

Traditionally it is used for:




Diseases and disorders of the digestive tract;

Loss of appetite;

Weakened immunity;

Skin lesions;

Diseases of the thyroid gland.

Resin tea can help cope with constipation, and a decoction can help with diarrhea.

Resin moss medicinal use

Resin moss is a valuable medicinal raw material not only in folk medicine. The pharmaceutical industry also uses it to produce medicines. Most famous medicinal use reindeer moss – treatment of respiratory diseases. It copes well with coughs, gently enveloping the airways and removing accumulated mucus.

Resin moss decoction for coughs

To prepare the decoction take:

2 tablespoons moss

2 glasses of water (cold)

Pour crushed dry moss with cold water and place in a water bath. Heat to a boil and remove from heat. Leave until the broth cools to room temperature and strain.

Drink it throughout the day, dividing it into two or three servings.

According to this recipe, you can brew moss for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use it for rinsing and lotions for skin wounds, trophic ulcers, and bedsores. Skin lesions are treated with a decoction three to four times a day.

The course of treatment is from several days to a month, depending on the course and nature of the disease.

Resin moss for dry cough

In this case, prepare a decoction of reindeer moss with milk. To do this, pour a tablespoon of crushed moss into a glass of hot milk and place on low heat. Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes and remove. Cool and filter. Drink warm at night. The course of treatment is at least 5 days.

Yagel for thyroid diseases

To prepare the infusion, pour 5 tablespoons of crushed reindeer moss into one liter of boiling water and infuse for an hour. Filter the resulting broth and drink throughout the day, dividing into three servings, before meals.

This infusion can be drunk for disorders and disorders of the liver and for its cleansing. Course – 1 month.

Infusion of reindeer moss for tuberculosis

To prepare the infusion, brew 4 tablespoons of moss into 1 liter hot water and insist for 3-4 hours. Filter and divide the infusion into 4 servings. Drink a glass 4 times a day, warming before use.

The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Resin moss for runny nose

To treat a runny nose, reindeer moss is brewed together with sage and St. John's wort. All herbs are taken in equal proportions. To prepare the decoction, take 1 tablespoon of the collection and brew with one liter of hot water.

Place on the stove and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

Cool the finished broth and strain. Use to rinse nasal sinuses.

Moss tincture

An alcoholic tincture made from reindeer moss has strengthening and stimulating properties. It can be taken as a prophylactic when the immune system is weakened, in postoperative period, long-term illness, during cold and flu season.

To prepare the tincture at home, fill the container 1/3 of the volume with reindeer moss and add vodka or 60-70 percent alcohol.

Leave in a dark place at room temperature for 1 month. Then it needs to be filtered.

For preventive purposes, drink 1 tablespoon of the tincture diluted with water or you can leave it undiluted.

The course of treatment is two weeks. Preventive courses are carried out twice a year.

Collection and preparation of moss

Harvesting reindeer moss is carried out in summer months. The lichen is cut with a knife or carefully separated from the ground with your hands. Clean off stuck debris, twigs, etc.

Unlike herbs, they dry it in the sun. Dried raw materials should be stored in a dark container with a lid. Raw materials are stored for a long time - 5 years.

Contraindications and harm

Reindeer moss has no contraindications. The only thing that can happen when treating with this drug is individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.

Despite this, you should definitely consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Reindeer moss has a very strong aroma and tastes like mushrooms.

It is used in Scandinavian countries as a thickener for soups and sauces. Crushed moss powder is added when baking bread and into puddings.

It is first dried and then used in cooking as a flour substitute, instead of pectin, as it has gelling properties.

To use it for culinary purposes, you first need to boil it several times, replacing the water with new water each time. This can remove most of the ursinic acid, which can cause stomach upsets. Then they dry it.

Fresh moss can be stored in the shade for several weeks.

Reindeer moss, also known as reindeer moss, also known as Icelandic moss, was first discovered in the wild northern nature by deer. Since beneficial substances in the form of vitamins A, B, C, usnic acid, and phenolic compounds were identified in the plant, moss began to be used in folk medicine. Lichen is used to treat many ailments. Its use is especially effective in the fight against serious diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer. Moss preparations also do an excellent job of improving the immune system. The products can be prepared at home. Dry collection can be stored for up to five years.

1 Description

Reindeer moss is a bushy lichen (Cladonia rangiferina Hoffm.) grows in the Northern Hemisphere and has additional names: reindeer moss and Icelandic moss (. The plant belongs to the genus Cladonia, has a trunk and many twisting branches. Upon careful examination, its shape can be compared to a miniature strange tree white, up to 15 centimeters high. Lichen grows very slowly - only up to 5 centimeters per year.

The name “deer” is also no coincidence - this moss has been winter period is the food of picky-eating deer and accounts for up to 70% of the total diet. In some northern countries Resin moss, which has high nutritional value, is widely used as livestock feed. With the help of bacteria in the stomach of animals, the lichen is destroyed and sugar is formed.

Resin moss is harvested in the summer when it is dry. It is carefully cleaned of soil and dried under the sun. The collection can be stored for up to five years in a tightly closed container.

Medicinal properties of parmelia lichen and indications for use

2 Useful properties

The main component of the medicinal plant is usnic acid. This is a powerful antibiotic that prevents putrefactive bacteria from multiplying (extending the shelf life of meat, it was wrapped in moss in the days of no refrigerators). This antimicrobial property is widely used in the fight against staphylococci and streptococci. At the same time, the balance of intestinal microflora is not disturbed. Tuberculosis bacillus is also afraid of usnic acid.

Moss also contains triglycerides, protein, crude fiber, fats, and sugars. Hemicellulose predominates in the lichen composition - 59.7%. Dietary fiber contains about 21%, cellulose - about 3.9%. Phenols were also found in moss growing on the Kola Peninsula.

Lichen also contains vitamins A, B, C and many trace elements: nickel, iron, chromium, iodine and others.

Resin moss has no contraindications. However, rare cases of mild allergic reactions have been identified. In this case, its use should be abandoned.

Sphagnum moss: description and beneficial properties

3 Application

Resin moss began to be widely used much earlier than it received medical recognition. Its powerful effect on a living organism is expressed in the following actions: anti-inflammatory, soothing, wound-healing, hemostatic, antimicrobial. It also promotes the removal of bile. Medicinal properties are manifested in the treatment of colds, pulmonary diseases and in strengthening the immune system.

Traditional healers have discovered that this lichen slows down the growth of cancer cells, and therefore actively use it in the fight against cancer. Moss has proven itself in helping women during menopause. There are many facts about the healing of thyroid diseases. Eating moss helps increase appetite and treats constipation. At the same time, it can relieve a person of excess weight.

Useful properties of wormwood

4 Folk recipes

Cough recipe:

  • take dried lichen in the amount of two teaspoons;
  • pour water (two glasses);
  • heat to a boil, turn off the heat and strain.

Allow the solution to cool in a sealed container and consume up to two liters per day. In cases of treatment of tuberculosis, increase the duration of use and the rate of use of the decoction (up to three to four liters). This remedy also helps with skin problems: ulcers and wounds. Moisten gauze in the solution and apply lotions to the affected areas of the skin. When boiled, moss turns into mucus, which has an enveloping effect in treating the stomach.

By applying lichen to a fresh wound, you can easily stop the bleeding.

How to prepare a remedy for a runny nose:

  • water - half a liter;
  • moss, St. John's wort and Japanese sophora, taken one tablespoon each;
  • sage - two tablespoons.

The mixture is boiled for half an hour. After filtering, rinse your nose with the resulting decoction every day before going to bed.

Remedy for cancerous tumors. Take two tablespoons of lichen, celandine, St. John's wort and knotweed, three tablespoons of nettle, plantain and water pepper, 100 grams of green tea. Mix everything thoroughly. To prepare the product, pour boiling water over four tablespoons of the resulting dry mixture and leave in a container with a closed lid for an hour. You need to drink a glass of warm infusion four times a day.

Remedy for gastrointestinal diseases. Powdered reindeer moss (4 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (3 cups) and kept on low heat for ten minutes. After straining, the decoction is drunk in three doses during the day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

For the treatment of the thyroid gland: daily norm– five spoons of raw material are poured with boiling water (1 liter), settled, filtered and divided into three equal parts, which are taken before meals. This remedy also cleanses the liver well with a course of treatment of 1 month.

For constipation: a glass of dry raw material is infused in two liters of cold water for a day. After filtering, add water until you get two liters and take a glass three times a day before meals. Treatment lasts about 15 days.

In cosmetology (from age spots): Pour 4 tablespoons of reindeer moss into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Take after straining a third of the glass after meals.

For appetite: the daily norm is 20 grams of raw material, pour two glasses of boiling water, boil for half an hour, leave for an hour, filter and drink in small sips.

To remove toxins and heavy metal salts from the body: 6 teaspoons of dry raw materials are poured with a liter of water and left for three hours in the dark. After filtering, take 80 ml before meals with three meals a day. The product should also be stored in a dark place. The course of treatment depends on the amount of radiation dose received and can last up to six months.

For pyelonephritis: pour a tablespoon of dry raw material into a glass of milk and bring to a boil. Simmer for about ten minutes, strain and drink warm before bed.

Reindeer moss (also known as reindeer moss/Icelandic moss) is a lichen and is an important part of the reindeer's diet. In folk medicine, it is used mainly as a natural antibiotic. It has a slightly bitter taste and a pleasant mushroom aroma. Applies in its entirety. Used as in official medicine(as a component of pharmaceuticals), and in folk medicine.

Description of lichen

We are talking about lichen - the result of joint “creations” of marsupial fungi, unicellular algae and microorganisms that have the ability to absorb nitrogen. It grows in sheets, reaching a height of 5-10 cm. On the outside, its “leaves” are lilac-greenish-brown, on the inside they are lighter, with a red tint.

Does reindeer moss have fruits? The fruits serve to propagate the plant. Since lichens are fungi, they reproduce by spores. Consequently, their fruits are represented by spores.

Lichens are long-lived plants; they can exist for up to thousands of years! The places where reindeer moss grows are varied. Can grow on all surfaces, incl. on glass and metal. Thanks to the provision of salts and minerals (fungi) and the synthesis of starch (algae), it is able to grow where there are not even minimal conditions for the life of other plants ( very coldy, drought...).

Collection and drying

In order to take advantage of the healing properties of reindeer moss, it is important to know how to prepare it. Resin moss is collected in dry weather when it itself is dry. After collection, it is thoroughly cleaned of clay and other impurities (in particular, it is necessary to remove other types of lichens and mosses from it). The moss spreads in a thin layer under the sun and dries quickly. After drying it turns brown.

It is also called natural penicillin, effective against many pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Capable of inhibiting (though, unfortunately, not stopping) the HIV virus and eliminating the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Resin moss can be used alone or in mixtures with other herbs (mallow, hyssop, calendula) to enhance its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The composition of moss is represented by the following substances:

  • 50% - membrane mucus - polysaccharide lichenin, soluble in hot water;
  • isoliquin is a polysaccharide, its chemical structure similar to starch;
  • lycenic acids;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins A and B1.

Lycenic acids, due to their antibiotic effects, are used as components of antibiotic ointments and powders.

Active substances and their effects on health

The substances it contains are responsible for the benefits of reindeer moss. In addition to antimicrobial and antiviral effects, they have a number of other positive qualities regarding the health of the human body.

  1. Mucous substances - dissolve mucus, facilitate coughing and prevent drying of mucous membranes, help treat upper respiratory tract infections. The medicinal properties of moss (resin moss) in relation to the respiratory tract are also due to its antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  2. Protolichesteric acid – acts against Mycobacterium aurum, a non-pathogenic bacterium similar to M. tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. Therefore, the traditional use of reindeer moss to treat this disease is justified. The substance also counteracts other pathogenic bacteria. The studies showed the comparative effectiveness of protolichesteric acid with the antibiotic streptomycin, and due to the increasing resistance of bacteria to the antibiotics used, further research is in the future.
  3. Polysaccharides (mainly β-glucans) have a strong immunostimulating effect, increase the activity of phagocytes and reduce the anticomplex activity of the immune system, which is useful for the treatment of various infections. Thanks to polysaccharides, moss extract has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  4. Protolineric acid – specialists are interested in its antitumor effect, which has been tested against various types tumor cells, in particular breast carcinoma and leukemia cells.

Therapeutic properties

The healing properties of moss and its therapeutic effects:

  • antioxidant;
  • antibiotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating.
  • inflammation of the mouth, throat and digestive tract;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • catarrh of the stomach and intestines;
  • the appearance of neoplasms;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • poorly healing wounds.

Useful properties of the plant for women

The benefits of moss for women are represented, first of all, by the ability to significantly slow down the growth of cancer cells in breast carcinoma. The natural medicine is suitable for use during menopause, a critical period for every woman. It relieves unpleasant symptoms, normalizes general health and hormonal background.

Benefits for Men

Resin moss has no exclusively “male” positive effects, but its anti-cancer effects are worth considering, since doctors are increasingly registering prostate carcinoma in men. Moreover, the disease is significantly “younger”. Equally important for men is general strengthening of the body, increasing strength and endurance.

Resin moss for children

The beneficial properties of moss (reindeer moss) can also be used by children. But, it is not recommended for children under 6-7 years old. Dosage – 1/2 adult dose. The effects on children's bodies are similar to those on adults.

During pregnancy and lactation

Reindeer moss - moss - and its medicinal properties can be successfully used during pregnancy and lactation. We are talking about one of the few natural medicines that are definitely recommended for pregnant and lactating women!

Lichen will help get rid of respiratory and other diseases without side effects, unlike most pharmaceuticals, which are relatively or strictly prohibited during these periods.

Respiratory diseases

As mentioned above, moss is one of the best natural antibiotics. In folk medicine it is used mainly to treat inflammation in oral cavity and throat.

Due to its ability to liquefy and remove mucus, it is a good remedy for treating colds, dry and irritable coughs, various respiratory infections and inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Reindeer moss soothes irritated mucous membranes in the mouth and is therefore recommended as a complement to the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. Used in the form of tea or as a component of tea mixtures (goes well with mallow, plantain, coltsfoot, horsetail, etc.).

Medicine for respiratory diseases
You need:

  • 4 tbsp. crushed raw materials;
  • 3 tbsp. water;
  • enamel dishes.

Boil water in an enamel bowl and pour the raw materials into the boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the severity of the disease (it is better to consult a doctor).

Reindeer moss can be successfully used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. A decoction prepared according to the above recipe soothes the stomach, helps with gastritis with any acidity, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, and diarrhea.

Bitter acids stimulate activity digestive system, making moss a good helper in case of lack of appetite.

The bitter taste promotes the formation of digestive juices and enhances the activity of peristalsis. This improves the absorption of nutrients and improves metabolism.

The intake and dosage of the decoction is the same as in the previous case. The therapeutic course continues until the problems are eliminated.

Folk recipes made from reindeer moss also include a decoction to stabilize glycemia. To compensate for diabetes, it is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. raw materials, pour 1/2 liter of water and bring to a boil. Once cooled, drink throughout the day. Carry out treatment in courses - 1 week of admission -> 1 week of break.


TO healing properties moss also includes the ability to treat cancer. Protolineric acid is responsible for its anticancer effects. Leaches both in boiling water and in alcohol, so for oncology you can use both infusion and alcohol tincture from moss.

Herbal infusion for cancer
You need:

  • 2 parts each - moss, knotweed, celandine, St. John's wort;
  • 3 parts each – nettle, plantain, water pepper;
  • 100 g of quality green tea (antioxidant).

4 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the mixture. Leave for 1 hour. Divide the total amount into 4 servings, which you drink throughout the day. The duration of the therapeutic course is individual, based on the rate of improvement.

Alcohol tincture for cancer
3 tbsp. raw materials pour 300 ml of alcohol (40%). Insist for a week. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day. The duration of treatment is individual.

Bacterial infections

The tincture prepared according to the above recipe is suitable for the treatment of bacterial infections, in particular staphylococcus. Reception and dosage are the same.

Immunity and thyroid gland

What else does a natural antibiotic treat? It can be used to increase immunity and general strengthening of the body, in case of weakness and exhaustion of the body. Due to its high iodine content, moss has a positive effect on thyroid function.

Infusion for immunity and thyroid gland
1 tsp pour a glass of chilled boiled water over the raw materials. Leave for 8 hours. Drink the infusion 3-5 times a day or add to tea made from other herbs.

Contraindications and side effects

Does reindeer moss have anything other than medicinal properties also contraindications? Can it cause harm? If you follow the recommended dose and recommendations on how to brew/infuse lichen correctly, the natural medicine has no side effects.

If the amount of raw material is exceeded, its intake may cause irritation of the stomach and esophagus, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness. A relative contraindication is individual intolerance, but it is very rare.

admin 25.06.2017

Nowadays in the medical world there is still controversy surrounding antibiotics - what is more of them, benefit or harm? But few people know that there is a powerful natural antibiotic, widely used “for a hundred ailments” by our distant ancestors. This is Icelandic moss, or, more simply, reindeer moss. Read about the benefits of Icelandic moss, how to use it for treatment, what contraindications it has, and where you can buy it in this article.

What is Icelandic moss? Where does it grow and what does it look like?

Reindeer moss is a type of lichen of the genus Cladonia, which is very loved by reindeer (therefore there is another name - reindeer moss). Lichens, in turn, are a borderline organism between bacteria, algae and fungi. Reindeer are very fond of lichens and can eat more than a hundred species, but only twenty of them have significant nutritional value. In cold and snowy winters, reindeer moss can make up up to 80 percent of an animal’s diet.

Of its brothers, moss has greatest height- up to 15 cm - and its shape resembles an unusual small tree. At the base there is a thick trunk, from which thin twisting branches extend. The closer to the ends, the thinner the branches and trunk are, and at the very tip their thickness does not exceed the diameter of a human hair. The lichen has a whitish color, and to the touch it is quite soft and elastic; When dry it becomes hard and brittle. Its small pieces are easily carried by the wind over vast distances, so young individuals grow in new places and take root there.

As you can already guess, Icelandic moss grows mainly in the North. Most of it is found in the tundra, in swamps, in mountainous areas, and in open meadows of the taiga. You can find reindeer moss both in Russia and in Greenland, Canada and, of course, Iceland. The lichen is very resistant to frost or drought, and in general quite easily tolerates any climatic adversity, but at the same time it grows very slowly - only 5 millimeters per year.

Chemical composition of moss

Icelandic moss has been thoroughly studied in the laboratory for a long time. In his chemical composition contains fatty acids, sugars, phenolic compounds, dietary fiber, proteins, as well as many vitamins and microelements. Resin moss is used in the pharmaceutical industry and is included in some medications. It has been noted that sometimes medicines based on reindeer moss are even more effective than traditional antibiotics.

What are the benefits of Icelandic moss?

People noticed the benefits of moss back in the 19th century. Particularly prominent in it are substances such as copper, iron, glucose and vitamins B12, C, A. Together, these and all other elements give lichen a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of moss-based products helps to restore the body’s youth due to its very high content of antioxidants.

The healing properties of Icelandic moss

In addition to the above beneficial functions, moss has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Moss is ideal for rehabilitation after a long illness or surgery, and can also play a decisive role in the prevention of cancer.

Uses of Icelandic moss

The presence of starch and a mass of anti-inflammatory substances in the structure of lichen make it a powerful means of healing burns, ulcers and many types of rashes, as well as eliminating inflammation in the digestive organs. Resin moss is widely used in the treatment of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, and colds; can resolve tumors in the chest, relieve nausea and thyroid diseases. In case of weakened immunity, medicines made from reindeer moss work as powerful immunomodulators.

Among other things, lichen perfectly regulates appetite and weight, so it is used both in weight loss and for the treatment of anorexia or bulimia. Since ancient times, the pain-relieving properties of reindeer moss have been known, especially in demand in the field of dentistry. It is noteworthy that moss can also be used in the treatment of young children.

Icelandic moss in folk medicine. Treatment recipes

For the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, boils

A decoction of moss is used to eliminate purulent wounds, severe burns or boils. It is prepared as follows:

Boil a tablespoon of dried and crumbled lichen in half a liter of milk or water for five minutes. Then leave for a maximum of half an hour and strain thoroughly.

For tuberculosis

Soak a couple of tablespoons of lichen in 200 ml of cold water, put on fire and wait until it boils, then strain. Take 4-5 sips three times a day.

For constipation

Resin moss extract, which acts as an effective laxative:

Pour 100 grams of powdered moss into five glasses of water and leave to infuse for a day, then strain, place in a water bath and evaporate until half of the original volume remains. Drink three times a day thirty minutes before meals. This same decoction will speed up your metabolism.

For your appetite

In case of lack of appetite or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink moss tincture. It is very simple to make - pour 40 grams of lichen with 60% alcohol and let it brew for seven days. Take in small quantities, about 10 drops.

For allergies

Pour boiled water over a handful of moss, leave for a couple of hours, then drain the water and add again, only with 500 milligrams of boiling water. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat. After straining, take periodically on an empty stomach.


Yagel can help even with such a delicate problem as impotence. To do this, you need to prepare the following tincture:

First, make a herbal mixture (in equal proportions - Icelandic moss, lettuce tubers, toadflax). Next a tablespoon this fee pour one cup of hot water, leave for at least two hours and strain. Drink a whole glass three times a day.

Icelandic moss for coughs and bronchitis

There are several ways to treat bronchitis. folk recipes with moss:

  1. Place a tablespoon of moss powder in an enamel saucepan and pour one glass of milk. Boil for 30 minutes, cover with a lid, strain. Consume hot before bedtime.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of reindeer moss with 400 milligrams of cold water, boil, strain and cool. Drink this amount in several small sips throughout the day.
  3. Tea made from Icelandic moss - mix one teaspoon of lichen with a glass of boiling water, infuse, add if it seems too bitter. Drink once a day at night.

Pneumonia and whooping cough can also be treated with moss. For pneumonia, a regular decoction of water and milk is used, and for whooping cough, tea made with the addition of moss and.

Resin moss to restore strength when exhausted

After a serious illness, surgery or prolonged hunger and with a significant lack of body weight, Icelandic moss jelly will help to effectively restore vitality. It is odorless, but has a lot of useful properties. 100 grams of moss should be poured with a liter of water, left for three hours, then add 10 grams of sodium bicarbonate. Drain the water, pour 500 ml of boiling water over the lichen again, cook for half an hour, strain and let cool. You need to eat jelly often and a lot until improvement occurs.

Treatment of skin diseases with Icelandic moss

To treat trophic ulcers, bedsores or other difficult-to-heal injuries, you can prepare Vaseline paste from Icelandic moss. Take layers of lichen crushed to a powder state, and Vaseline or oil for lamps as a base. Mix thoroughly, slowly adding powder to the base. The product should have a fairly thick consistency. Next, the composition is applied to the damaged areas of the skin and bandaged for 4-5 hours with a sterile bandage.

Treatment of the stomach with reindeer moss

To treat gastritis or, you can prepare a jelly-like decoction of Icelandic moss. To do this, take 750 milliliters of water for three tablespoons of lichen and cook for half an hour. This entire amount must be consumed in one day.

Icelandic moss for constipation

To get rid of this unpleasant problem for a long time, you need to carry out a course of treatment with the following infusion: pour a glass of dried reindeer moss with 2 liters of cold water, leave for about 24 hours, add more water. Take half a glass three times a day on an empty stomach for two weeks.

Icelandic moss. Contraindications

There is a widespread misconception that there are no contraindications to the use of reindeer moss, and that it is impossible to overdose. But, according to ancient medical books, the use of lichen is prohibited for purulent tuberculosis and its other severe forms. Be that as it may, before making your own decision about treatment with this moss, it is better to consult with a competent doctor.

Where can I buy reindeer moss?

Icelandic moss can be purchased at one of the many online pharmacies or herbal stores. The average price for 50 grams is 120 rubles.

How is Icelandic moss harvested and stored?

Having learned about this variety of beneficial properties of healing lichen, a person may well wonder - how to collect and store this valuable gift of nature so that it is at hand in case of illness?

Collection must be done as far as possible from the city, where ecological situation better. Store in a dry, warm place, and in order to eliminate unpleasant bitterness, just soak for a while in milk or water with the addition of soda. Thallus harvesting is carried out throughout the summer season, but it is advisable to choose a time after heavy rain, since moss is not easy to collect when dry, it breaks. After collecting the reindeer moss and clearing it of excess debris, you need to dry it thoroughly. In dry form, the shelf life is practically unlimited.

People who have lived their entire lives in middle lane or in the south of Russia, it is difficult to imagine that beyond the Arctic Circle, in the zone, the endless expanses of tundra are covered not even with grass, but with greenish-silver lichen, which locals call moss.

It serves as food for the meager fauna of the Arctic, including the famous reindeer, which in winter get it from under the snow. This essential element their diet, which has many qualities useful not only for animals, but also for humans.

What is moss?

The dry and cold spaces of the polar tundra are an extremely harsh habitat that not all plants can withstand. One of the few that have adapted to the poor supply of moisture and severe frosts is moss, which is often called reindeer moss. However, in fact, this is not moss, but a lichen from the genus Cladonia, Cetraria, or Ashthorn.

High frost resistance allows it to thrive where most other plants cannot withstand even several months. It grows well in warmer climates, but in the tundra the lichen has practically no competitors, and its endless expanses are completely covered with a soft silver-green carpet of reindeer moss.

Externally, moss is a low-growing, no more than 10-15 centimeters, fluffy bush, consisting of many thin branches. Biologists number up to hundreds various types reindeer moss, but about 20 forage species are most often found in the tundra. The scarcity of resources allows the lichen to grow only a few millimeters in a whole year.

Because of this, reindeer herders are forced to constantly roam, driving reindeer herds from one pasture to another. The moss cover is restored in at least a decade, so huge spaces are needed for reindeer grazing.

Resin moss – animal food

When the tundra is covered with snow, reindeer moss takes up about 80% of the total food volume in the reindeer diet. In summer, its share decreases significantly, since at this time deer feed mainly on grass.

Before feeding to livestock, dry moss is soaked in salted water. One centner of dry lichen is equivalent in nutritional value to three centners of potatoes, so storing it is extremely profitable, although it is a very labor-intensive operation.

Moss moss as a medicinal plant

The composition of reindeer moss branches includes one of the strongest natural antibiotics - ursinic acid, therefore reindeer moss is widely used in medicinal purposes. In the old days, dry reindeer moss was used to dress wounds. It absorbed blood and stopped bleeding, and ursinic acid prevented reproduction. As a result, the wound healed quickly and easily, without the formation of suppuration.

Modern doctors have discovered that moss destroys many microbes that cause serious diseases, including the tuberculosis bacillus. Currently, scientists are studying reindeer moss in order to develop a method for treating various forms of tuberculosis with it.

It has long been successfully used for prolonged coughs and bronchitis, as it has the property of enveloping mucous membranes, helping to expectorate bronchial mucus. In a similar way, reindeer moss acts on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, providing significant assistance in the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and a number of other gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, skin diseases, including infectious ones, are treated with the help of moss compresses. Boils, trophic ulcers, thermal lesions and other damage to the skin, inflammatory processes and other skin diseases are cured using moss much faster than usual.

For treatment, a decoction of dry moss branches is used, jelly is made from them, and a strong infusion is mixed with milk and honey for oral administration.
