Why do red apples have green veins inside? Red Apple

From the south to the north of our country, the apple tree is a favorite fruit crop. People have been cultivating it since ancient times, and therefore there are more than 10,000 varieties of apples, ancient, known for a long time, new or recently brought to us! They differ in size, shape, and taste of the fruit: from bitter, bland, sour to very sweet, so everyone can choose what they like.

Apples are: summer, that is, they ripen early, usually in July, they do not store well, the shelf life is about three weeks, during which they need to be eaten or processed.

Apples autumn categories begin to be collected in September, they can be stored until mid-winter. Harvest later, or winter, finally ripens at the end of autumn. Apples in this category have good shelf life and winter hardiness.

It is curious that both autumn and winter varieties of apples can ripen during storage. We will look at the best and most popular in each category in the form of a list with illustrations, so that it is possible to identify and find out the name of the fruit from the photograph.

It came from Crimea, although it now grows in the northeastern regions of Russia. Comes from the Kandil-Chinese variety.

Is different good winter hardiness and shelf life, the fruits can be stored until May-June, making it very popular. Early fruiting, produces a stable, abundant harvest of very tasty apples.

For good ripening of fruits, it requires a lot of summer heat, therefore, in regions with short and rather cold summers, apples simply will not ripen. It's worth harvesting finally ripe, since unripe fruits will not have characteristic taste qualities, and during storage they may wither, but not ripen. But in ripe fruits the maximum good taste will after two to three months of lying down.

Average resistance to fungal diseases and drought. Suitable for fresh consumption, processing into juice, compote and jam, as well as for making dried fruits.

A well-known early-fruiting variety that came from Canada. Melba bears fruit literally for 3 years. This apple tree is grown almost everywhere in Russia, with the exception of Far East, Urals and northeast Siberia.

Is different high yield. The flesh of melba is snowy and the skin is smooth. The fruits are not small, sweet and sour, with a pleasant candy aroma. Melba apples are well transported and, if properly stored, last until November, unripe ones - until January, without losing their attractiveness and taste, which distinguishes this variety from other summer ones.

The harvest is being collected late summer and early autumn. Melba does not withstand frost well, becomes infected with scab, and mature trees do not bear fruit regularly. But the dry, hot summer is not scary for her.

More than 20 new species have been developed from the Melba apple tree.

Late winter, the Student harvest falls on September and first half of October. Particularly different early fruiting: apples appear in the second year. The variety is popular in central Russia.

The fruits are not too large, but have an attractive appearance, are distinguished by pleasant, sweet and sour taste. The apple tree tolerates frost quite well and is resistant to scab. The fruits have good keeping quality, easy to save until May. They take a long time to ripen and are harvested in October.

Types of late apple trees

Apple tree variety Idared – tall tree. It begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting. The apples are quite large, green with a yellow or red blush, pleasant taste, the flesh is dense and juicy.

The harvest is being harvested at the end of September, and the apples lie until the beginning of spring. The variety is resistant to brown spot, but is affected by powdery mildew and scab. Used fresh, for making juice and compotes, as well as dried fruits.

A variety that begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. The advantage is the ability to grow it in almost any climate zone.

The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, are firm and strong, juicy. Until the harvest, the apples remain light green in color; during storage they turn yellow, and blush may appear. It is resistant to scab, frost-resistant, transports well and bears fruit consistently well. The harvest takes place in September, at proper storage The apples last until the end of spring.

The unique McIntosh variety comes from Canada. The fruits are whitish yellow or green with purple or beard stripes.

It begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. The harvest is being collected late September - early October, after which it lies for 2-3 weeks and only after that is considered ripe.

Apples are moderately sweet and rich in flavor. Possesses medium keeping quality, the fruits are stored until the beginning of spring and when fully ripe the flesh becomes slightly transparent. Winter hardiness and scab resistance are average.

Summer varieties

In most regions of Russia, summer is not long, and therefore summer apples are sometimes an infrequent treat. Apple trees in this category ripen early and begin to bear fruit.

Today, breeders have developed many varieties of apple trees that can be grown in regions previously considered unsuitable for their growth.

Apples summer species, usually, juicy, sweet and very tasty. Their biggest drawback is poor keeping quality. They are consumed fresh, made into juices and canned. Let's look at the best of them.

Popular, widespread, ancient variety. The fruits are a noble ivory color, hence the name. The apple tree is a white filling of medium height, an adult tree grows up to 5 meters in height, the crown is pyramidal.

White filling is winter-hardy, but is highly vulnerable to tree pests and therefore requires regular treatments. They have a sweet and sour taste. The harvest is being collected in August.

Apples quickly deteriorate, especially when hit or dropped, because are stored for a very short time. Therefore, it is best to immediately consume them or process them. You should not allow the fruits to become overripe, as in this case taste qualities deteriorate noticeably, the pulp becomes mealy and almost tasteless.

The fruits of the white filling deteriorate not only when dropped, but even when strongly pressed with a finger, dark spots appear, the pulp loosens, becoming dry and mealy. Therefore, apples must be removed extremely carefully.

Another well-known variety, which is often confused with white pouring. But this is not entirely correct. Although they are relatives, they still have differences. The homeland of the Papirovka apple tree is the Baltic states. It begins to bear fruit early, already 5 years after planting.

Tolerates frosts well, but is not resistant to scab, traces of which can be seen both on the foliage and on the apples themselves. The harvest ripens a week earlier than the white filling. The pulp of the papiya is white, coarse-grained, contains increased level ascorbic acid, which is why the taste of apples is refreshingly sour. It resists pests and diseases quite well, but suffers from drought and frost.

Papi fruits poorly transported and stored, are stored for about three weeks, if damaged they quickly rot. If you want to preserve them for some time, you need to harvest them when they are not ripe. Also well suited for processing and preservation.

A variety of apples obtained using the Michurin method from white filling and box. Apple trees are characterized by rapid development and growth; they begin to bear fruit in the 5th year and have a powerful spreading crown.

They unpretentious, winter-hardy, which is a definite plus for many Russian regions. Pruning trees increases the yield, as well as the ability to form a bush from the tree. Thanks to frost resistance, cultivation is possible even in Siberia.

The fruits are ripening in mid-August, from one tree you can harvest up to 50 kg. The fruits are smooth, have a sweet taste and excellent presentation. Apples have good shelf life and can be stored for up to two months.

The main difference between winter apples and summer ones is that winter ones should be eaten after they have been sitting for at least a month.

Apple tree withstands frosts down to -50, therefore can be grown in many Russian regions, even in the Urals and Siberia. It is one of the most frost-resistant. They begin to bear fruit already 5 years after planting, the crop ripens in July-August, but they don’t bear fruit en masse. Apples inside the crown and at the top ripen in different terms, which significantly complicates harvesting.

The apple pulp is juicy, but after picking it quickly becomes mealy. Fruit do not tolerate transportation well and are practically not stored. In rainy weather they are susceptible to scab infection, and in drought the tree may even drop its fruits.

Not very suitable for canning, because apples have a sour taste, which will require a lot of sugar. But at the same time, they contain a lot of vitamins B and C, so it is better to consume them fresh.

It has Canadian roots, bred using the method of natural pollination of Moscow pear. The apples are round-oblong, slightly ribbed at the top, and bright. The taste of Mantet is very sweet, practically without the presence of sourness, the flesh is white and aromatic.

Ripening from the end of July to the end of August. It bears fruit early, but the fruits are stored for no more than two weeks. Trees are susceptible to scab can't stand frost.

As the name suggests, the color of the fruit is striped, which is its distinctive feature from other varieties. The apple tree is quite unpretentious in care, has immunity to scab, frost-resistant. When grown in almost any conditions, you can get a high yield of tasty, juicy, fragrant apples with tender flesh.

Fruits are poorly stored; a harvest that is overripe and not harvested on time will simply fall off the tree. Suitable for fresh consumption, jam and compotes.

Quinty was bred about 30 years ago in Canada, where he came to us from. Created specifically for regions with relatively low average annual temperatures. Fruit ripening occurs early, the harvest is already harvested from mid-July.

The fruits of the apple tree are small, with a persistent bright aroma and a sweetish-sour taste. Despite the early ripening of the crop, resistance to powdery mildew, drought and heat, which are the undoubted advantages of the variety, the fruits are stored for a very short time, only about two weeks. Quinti apple tree not frost-resistant and susceptible to scab.

Autumn apple varieties

Autumn apples are most suitable for all types of preservation. Let's look at the best and most popular ones.

The variety is considered one of the best in its category. High yielding, different average winter hardiness, the planted tree begins to bear fruit at 7-8 years. Ripening in the second half of September, the fruits remain on the tree for a long time without falling off. Stored until mid-December.

The fruits are medium-sized, with a blurred blush, with creamy pulp of pleasant taste.

Despite high quality apples, the variety is not resistant to drought.

Cinnamon Striped

A popular and long-known apple variety. It differs in that it begins to produce abundant harvests quite late, after 14-15 years. Highly winter-resistant long-lived variety, tolerates long very coldy.

Fruits with cream-colored pulp, high taste and aroma of cinnamon, which is why they got their name. The harvest takes place in September, storage time is up to two months. Apples are good for soaking and jam. In rainy weather the variety is susceptible to scab disease.

Consumer maturity, that is, the time when autumn apples can be eaten, occurs after 2-3 weeks of storage.

Winter-hardy, unpretentious variety with regular fruiting.

The fruits are ripening in early September, but they can lie until November. The apple tree begins to bear fruit already 4 years after planting; the fruits are juicy, yellowish, and of average taste. Despite its high tolerance to low temperatures, the tree has fragile wood, and the taste of the apples themselves is inconspicuous. Fruits and leaves are susceptible to scab.

Variety Memory of Isaev, which has extremely high winter hardiness, high productivity. The harvest takes place late autumn , and the collected fruits are stored until January.

Apples have a sweet and sour taste, do not have a pronounced aroma, with dense, juicy and tender pulp. Scab resistant.

Ripens in September-October, harvested fairly large fruits can be stored for up to three months.

Apples have a sweet and sour taste, juicy and very tender. It begins to bear fruit early, already in the 4th year, has good disease resistance and winter hardiness.

Giving high yields, tolerates frost well variety. Large fruits with a pleasant sweet and sour taste ripen in early September.


Apple varieties with late date ripening are called winter. Winter apples are valuable because you can eat them throughout the whole year. The best varieties of this category have such good keeping quality.

Winter apples are difficult to eat immediately after picking, since they usually ripen during storage. The harvest is harvested from mid-autumn, and the fruits remain until May-June.


The fruits are ripening in the first half of October, stored until April-May. Trees big size, the harvests are abundant, up to 240 kg. The tree is powerful, scabby and frost resistance is moderate. Therefore it requires special attention V winter period, and also requires regular spraying.

The fruits are quite large, with excellent taste. Stored until May, suitable for both raw consumption and all processing methods.

Growing winter varieties of apples is more difficult due to the small amount of heat, unlike summer and autumn varieties. For this reason, they need more careful care and regular feeding.

A well-known and popular variety. It has quite a few types: white, ribbed, gray, striped and so on. All of them are distinguished by high, but not regular yields. Frost-resistant and tolerate other climatic troubles well.

The fruits have a characteristic aroma of high intensity, sweet and sour taste, juicy and crispy pulp.

The harvest is being harvested in the first ten days of October. Depending on the storage method, apples of this variety are stored: in the refrigerator - until December, in the basement - until December. They are eaten fresh, and also processed into jam, marmalade and pastille, and made into compotes and juices.

Apple tree varieties are resistant to drought, strong wind. The trees grow very tall with medium to large green fruits of different shades. A distinctive sign is the formation of a brown tint on the fruits.

Possess very high keeping quality, stored until summer. The harvest of juicy fruits with a spicy, slightly wine-like, sweet taste is harvested in September-October. Suitable mainly for fresh consumption.

A variety that can withstand the coldest winters. Highly frost-resistant.

When ripe, the fruits become red, have a pleasant perceptible aroma, juicy and sweet. It is not uncommon for apples to have a waxy coating, which helps increase the shelf life of the fruit.

Harvesting occurs on end of September - beginning of October I, and apples can be stored almost until the end of spring. You can eat them after 2 months of storage, when they are fully ripe.

Sinap (Kandil) Orlovsky

The trees are quite large in size, with large, almost identical-sized fruits. Apples are green with a blush, sweet with a slight sourness. The harvest is being collected at the end of September, apples lie until spring.

Brought to the Volga region because tolerates both severe frosts and drought. Scarlet begins to bear fruit quite late, 6-7 years after planting, bringing abundant harvests.

The harvest takes place In November, shelf life is limited to two months. An unpretentious apple tree, but if the weather is too wet, the fruits and leaves become infected with scab.

Ripe fruits are almost completely covered with a scarlet blush, small in size, and have a good taste.

The sweetest and most delicious fruits and their names

Adults and especially children love to eat a tasty, sweet apple. The most famous in this category are the white and candy pours, which we talked about earlier. In addition to them, there are also popular varieties of this category.

Winter-hardy precocious type. Thanks to large sizes, the tree can bear quite large fruits. The apples are sweet, with very aromatic, but not too dense pulp.

The harvest is being harvested early October, and the fruits lie until the end of February. Possessing excellent taste and presentation, it is also resistant to scab.

Sweet bliss

A medium-sized tree with small, sour-sweet, round-shaped fruits. Light-colored apples with a blush are characterized by an excellent aroma and a sweet dessert taste without the presence of sourness.

Resists well against adverse factors environment. Is different high frost resistance.

The fruits are small, similar to a cylinder, yellow color, with a very sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Productivity is average.


Summer winter-hardy variety. The fruits are medium and large in size, sweet, with a slight sourness and honey flavor. Maturation occurs In the end of August and lasts for a month.

Winter hardiness is very high, withstands frosts down to -40. Good immunity to diseases and resistance to pests.

Grown in middle lane Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states. Summer ripening tolerates frost well.

The yield is average, and the tree begins to bear fruit quite late. Fruit small size, very aromatic, with a honey-sweet taste. The foliage and the apples themselves are resistant to scab. Ripening late July-early August. However, the shelf life is low and can be stored for a month.


Variety with uneven ripening, harvest is removed in the second half of August. The taste of apples improves after a short period of storage, becoming even sweeter and honey-like. Taste qualities are preserved long time without changes.

The best greens

Green apples with a sour taste are considered most beneficial for health and with diets. Among them is the most popular variety, Renet Simirenko, as well as papirovka, Antonovka and white filling, described above, and others.

Probably the most popular winter variety of green apples right now, it is difficult to confuse with others due to its bright, shiny green color and hard peel. Bred in Australia. The taste of the fruit is very juicy with a pleasant sourness; it is considered dietary due to its low sugar content.

Late-ripening, ripens by the end of autumn. The fruits are large and have no aroma, which is their feature. They tolerate transportation well and can be stored for a long time. Frost-resistant, with regular abundant fruiting. However, with a lack of heat and light, the fruits become smaller and turn yellow.

Granny Smith is the most popular apple in a weight loss diet.

Pepin saffron

Variety does not have good frost resistance and in severe cold weather it freezes, although it recovers well afterward. For regular fruiting it requires regular pruning; the first harvests are produced 5-7 years after planting.

The apples are sweet, with an interesting grape and spicy flavor, with a bright aroma. Have good shelf life from the moment of collection in October They are perfectly stored until March, maintaining their taste.

Golden Delicious

Despite the yellowish color, the variety still belongs to this category. Apple tree tolerates frost well, but drought resistance is low.

Dense, very juicy fruits with a sweet taste are collected From september, and stored until March. Rest has a positive effect on the taste, making it even more delicate.

Best reds

Beautiful, bright apples will decorate any table and seem especially tasty. The best varieties in the category are the following.


French variety, resistant to scab. Large, slightly flattened apples ripen in October. It begins to bear fruit in the 6th year, but good harvests They are collected only at 8-10.

The quality of the fruit is very high: sweet, juicy, with signs of sourness, becoming even sweeter when stored. They are well transported and stored until March. Frost resistance and drought resistance average.

A variety with large, bright red, beautifully shaped fruits. Excellent taste and appearance, but average scab resistance. The tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting, but produces significant harvests only by 10 years.

Red Delicious

A fast-growing variety, the first harvests can be harvested after 3-4 years. This needs to be done at the end of September, and the fruits last until the end of winter, if properly stored until April.

The apples are rich, bright red in color, with a thick skin, sweet, with a slight iron aftertaste, juicy and crisp. They are well transported, resistant to mechanical damage, but during storage they are affected by bitter spotting. It is not resistant to scab, but frost resistance is average.

Late winter variety native to America. It is also known to gardeners under other names: winter pretty, winter red, Oslamovskoe. It is necessary to grow in moist soils; only under this condition can good yields be obtained. The tree is resistant to both scab and powdery mildew.

Fruits with a pleasant, sour-sweet taste and bright aroma are removed in mid-September. It tolerates transportation and storage well and lasts until mid-spring.

Jonathan fruit is most often mentioned in culinary recipes and are used in baking.


The variety originated from McIntosh, and therefore has its properties: rich red color, wonderful taste. The variety is distinguished by annual fruiting with a noticeable increase in yield; the first one can be harvested after 3-4 years.

Tolerates frost well and is resistant to drought, but moderately resistant to disease.

The best varieties of apples for the Moscow region and the middle zone

The Moscow region has an unstable climate, short summer and lack of light. Therefore, the varieties that are best suited for cultivation should be hardy, unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Suitable summer varieties include: Moscow pear, lungwort, candy, and striped cinnamon, which were mentioned above. And also autumn varieties of apples.



The first fruits are harvested 5-6 years after planting; the harvest is abundant, but decreases over the years.

Characteristic features of the variety are very large fruits. But it is better to plant in the southern regions, since the variety does not tolerate frost well and weakly resists scab. Ripens in September, and the collected apples last up to two months.

Cinnamon new

Another autumn apple variety suitable for growing in the Moscow region. The first harvest is harvested quite late after planting, closer to 6-7 years. At first, the trees bear fruit regularly; over the years, the yield increases, but becomes irregular.

The fruits are small, juicy, aromatic, with bright spots, collected in mid-September, they are stored for about three months. Winter-hardy, pest-resistant variety.

Among the winter varieties suitable for cultivation in this region, it is worth noting the already described Antonovka, Pepin saffron, Borovinka, Dolgo, Kandil Orlovsky and some others.


Variety with average winter hardiness, but with good resistance to scab and various pests. It begins to bear fruit at the earliest - after 5 years of cultivation; the harvest of light striped fruits is harvested in the fall and stored for about six months.

Good, frost-resistant a variety with excellent resistance to pests and various diseases.

After 5-7 years, you can harvest a good harvest, the apples are large, sweet and sour, green in color with a bright blush. Ripening in September-October, if stored correctly, last until April.



Semi-dwarf autumn variety, bears fruit well from the 3rd year of growth. A fast-growing, high-yielding apple tree with medium-sized red fruits. Due to the thickened crown, the size of the apples is different, their taste is sweet and sour. Especially valuable for its immunity to scab and good frost resistance.

By the third year of cultivation, you can harvest good harvests of sweet and sour apples. Frost resistant and scab, loves feeding, but it is necessary to fight aphids.

Dwarf tree, yellow fruits in the second half of August, are stored for a month.

The apple varieties described are considered the best, which is why they enjoy great success and popularity among many gardeners. By planting summer, autumn and winter varieties together, you can enjoy delicious fruits all year round.

Selection does not stand still, and now apple varieties with red, raspberry, pink and even purple flesh can be planted or grafted into the garden. Such apples, red inside, are not only interesting and beautiful to twist, but also healthier than ordinary ones. They contain more antioxidants and vitamins. When planting, it is advisable to take into account a number of features of red meat apples.

1. All apple trees with red-fleshed fruits, red flowers and leaves originate from the wild species of the Niedzwiecki apple tree. Modern red varieties are superior to it in early fruiting, fruit size, quality and quantity of harvest. Not to mention the taste.

2. Red meat apples should be planted in manured soil. In general, they prefer black soil, but a fertile layer with fertilizer will do. And in the summer you have to feed them more often.

3. These apple trees must be planted and deepened to the grafting site. After planting, trees need to be watered once every two weeks.

4. In most red meat varieties, apples appear in the second year, but the buds awaken with a long delay, which allows you to avoid spring frosts.

5. The lower branches begin to bloom earlier than the upper ones, which makes it possible to extend the flowering within the tree and, if some of the flowers suffer or the weather is rainy, the top will help out.

6. The maximum harvest from such trees is harvested when the winters are not too frosty and there are no sudden temperature changes in the spring.


Baya Marisa- red fruits with white dots. The apples are tasty, juicy, with dense red flesh. The harvest is stored only until January. The variety is frost-resistant, but is severely affected by scab and powdery mildew. Fruit weight 170-190 g.

Pink Pearl- fruits of an unusual light green color with a reddish tint. The inside is pink, almost red. The pulp is juicy and dense. A very aromatic variety, the apples taste very sweet, with a slight tartness. It is considered the best red apple variety with a sweet taste. The fruits weigh 180-200 g and are stored for four months. Affected by scab and powdery mildew.

Redlove Odysso- flowers, leaves and fruits are red, large, juicy, sweet and sour. The pulp does not oxidize during processing, retaining its red color. Store the crop at moderate temperatures low temperatures. The variety does not like too cold basements and cellars. Resistance to scab is high, and resistance to powdery mildew is average. Apples weigh 190-210 g. The harvest is stored until February.

Redlove Era- fruits of dark crimson color. After harvesting, they acquire the best taste only after three to four weeks. The variety is resistant to scab, but is affected by powdery mildew. The harvest is harvested in mid-September and stored until December.

Vinerpo (Vinerpo)- the fruits are dark red with purple stripes. The flesh is pink, very tender, juicy. WITH different trees color may vary. The foliage is green, which distinguishes the variety from most red meat varieties. Disease resistance is high. Fruit weight is 120-150 g. The harvest is harvested at the end of September and stored until February. Subscribe to our video channel on youtube

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Apples are extremely delicious fruit, which contains numerous useful microelements and vitamins. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of red and green varieties of apples.

Many nutritionists and doctors call apples a real storehouse of vitamins. These fruits contain iron, copper, nickel, phosphorus, iodine, sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium, vitamins C, B, E, PP and many other trace elements. The pectins contained have unique property remove excess cholesterol from the liver, thereby supporting the functioning of this organ.

We also note the presence of an antioxidant such as quercetin, which has an antihistamine effect and helps with swelling and inflammation. It has been established that quercetin, reacting with vitamin C, reduces the number of free radicals, thereby preventing the occurrence of tumors in the body.

It has been established that beneficial microelements are found not only in the juicy, tasty pulp, but also in the peel of this fruit. However, it should be said that it is in the peel that nitrates and other toxins can accumulate if chemicals that can be used in growing these fruits are abused. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when eating the peels of apples purchased at the market or in a store. But you can eat fruits you grow yourself without any fear.

Regular consumption of apples can reduce and normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This is an excellent prevention against the occurrence of various cardiovascular diseases. It has been established that one (medium-sized) apple contains 3.5 grams of fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A third of the content of such fibers comes from fruit peels. Dietary fiber helps normalize digestion, relieve constipation, and improve the body's metabolism.

Numerous vitamins and minerals help eliminate vitamin deficiency, they supply the cells with what they need nutrients. Eating apples helps strengthen immune system, having a positive impact on general condition body. At the same time, one should not think that apples can cure certain diseases. It's more likely excellent prevention from a variety of diseases associated with problems of the human immune system.

Most apple varieties are able to retain their beneficial features even after heat treatment. Therefore, all microelements, as well as most vitamins, are preserved in jams, juices, and jams made from these fruits. Dried apples are very popular because they have a delicate taste; they help solve the problem of long-term storage of grown crops.

Possible harm to apples

When eating such fruits, you need to remember the possible harm they can cause to the body. First of all, this concerns apple seeds, which contain a strong poison that gradually accumulates in the body and poisons vital organs. That is why eating apple seeds is still not recommended.

It should also be remembered that these fruits contain various acids that can damage tooth enamel. To avoid problems with caries, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water after each meal of apples.

The benefits and harms of apples largely depend on how they are grown correctly. It is no secret that today many farmers and gardeners use various pesticides, which allows them to obtain excellent harvest. However, in in this case The quality of grown apples invariably suffers, as they accumulate nitrates and other harmful substances. That is why it is best to give preference to fruits grown on your own personal plot.

What varieties of apples are the healthiest?

It is believed that winter varieties that ripen by mid-to-late autumn have the maximum possible amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for the immune system, saving us from colds and inflammatory diseases. Winter apples store better, which makes them extremely popular with gardeners.

We can recommend you such a famous winter variety as Antonovka, which grows well, does not require special care, and allows you to get an excellent harvest. The undoubted advantage of winter varieties is their excellent shelf life, which allows you to preserve the grown crop throughout the winter.
Summer apples have a sweet, juicy taste. It should be said that such sugar can be harmful to the body, so it is not recommended to eat them uncontrollably. The pulp of summer varieties contains a large number of iron, which is necessary for high-quality cell generation and bone development.

It should be said that in terms of keeping quality, summer varieties are significantly inferior to winter varieties; they can be stored for a couple of months at most, after which their taste deteriorates, and soon the apples completely rot. One of the best summer varieties is Jonathan, which contains numerous beneficial microelements and vitamins.

It is worth knowing that the benefits of apples and the content of certain microelements in them often depend on specific growing conditions and how gardeners care for their plantings. With improper care or uncontrolled use of fertilizers and chemicals, grown fruits can even cause some harm to the body. That is why it is best to grow apples on your own in your garden plot, which will allow you to get tasty, extremely healthy fruits.

The benefits of red and green apples

Many gardeners think about which apples are healthier: red or green? It has been established that green fruits contain the maximum possible amount of vitamins. Whereas red apples may contain large amounts of sugar, which is harmful to health.

That is why it is recommended to give preference to green sour fruits, which combine excellent taste, as well as the presence of numerous beneficial minerals and vitamins. The benefits of green Golden apples are beyond doubt, which is why such fruits are recommended by nutritionists without exception.

Green varieties are ideal for allergy sufferers who cannot always eat various fruits, as they cause acute allergy attacks in them. However, we note that in each specific case the tolerance of apples is individual. For some, green fruits cause allergies or other harm, while other people can easily eat them in unlimited quantities without any harm to the body.

The benefits of Golden apples

Due to their excellent taste characteristics, Golden apples are popular among domestic gardeners. There are dozens various types Golden varieties, which differ in their taste characteristics and harvest ripening time.

The Golden variety contains large amounts of potassium and iodine. Note the high content of various vitamins, which improves protective functions body. Regular consumption of apples of this variety has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair. Due to the high content of vitamin C, these fruits are the best prevention against a variety of inflammatory and infectious diseases.
One hundred grams of Golden contains only 52 kilocalories. That is why the Golden variety can be included in various diets for weight loss. Regular consumption of the Golden variety has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, bones and the general condition of the body.


Apples are one of the healthiest fruits that contain various microelements beneficial to the body. You just need to figure out which apples are healthier. We can recommend that you give preference to green varieties of these fruits and the Golden variety, which are more beneficial for the body. You should also take into account contraindications to eating foods that can cause some harm to the body.

This fruit, familiar to our latitudes, loved by many, is very much revered by followers of a healthy lifestyle. Many absolutely believed in healing properties apples, without thinking about how true certain statements about this fruit are. Of course, we do not doubt the beneficial properties of apples, especially when included in daily diet, given the availability of this fruit in our country. However, it's time to dispel some of the most common myths about apples so that these misconceptions don't turn into disappointment.

Myth 1. Apples contain a lot of iron.

This myth is based on the fact that the cut of an apple begins to darken after a few minutes. Many people are sure that the brown tint in this case is due to the oxidation of iron contained in the apple, and the more intense this “rust” is, the more iron the fruit contains. And this, in turn, makes the apple extremely useful for hematopoiesis and increasing hemoglobin in the blood.

This misconception is only partly erroneous. The fact is that the darkening of the apple cut is indeed associated with the oxidation process, but it is not iron that is oxidized, but organic matter polyphenols, clearly demonstrating the fermentation process. As for iron, there is very little of it in apples. Among plant products much more of this microelement is found in dry sunflower seeds, peaches and apricots. However, it is important to understand that iron contained in plant foods is absorbed much worse than iron from animal products. Considering all the above facts, it can be argued that the benefits of apples as a hemoglobin nutrition are just a common misconception.

Myth 2. Green apples are healthier than red ones

The organic composition of apples does not change very much depending on the variety. From this point of view, the benefits of a green, yellow or red apple for the human body will be approximately the same. Although there is still a difference and both red and green apples have their advantages.

Typically, green apples are less sweet and therefore nominally healthier in terms of dietary nutrition. Moreover, yellow or red fruits contain carotene, which affects the yellow-orange color of the fruit. This pigment is a precursor to vitamin A, is a powerful antioxidant and plays an immunostimulating role in the human body. However, this yellow-orange substance, as you might guess, is concentrated in the apple peel and is therefore contained in relatively small quantities in the apple. There is much more of it in orange vegetables and fruits: peaches, apricots, persimmons.

Myth 3. Apples help you lose weight

This statement is based on countless apple diets, as well as the misconception that apples can be used as a snack or as a substitute for main meals at any time. As we have already found out, apples are a rather sweet fruit, which means they can supply the human body with enough carbohydrates to cast doubt on the effectiveness of any diet.

Currently, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of all fruits, including apples, and usually discourage long-term mono-diets. For the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, experts advise eating an apple as a second breakfast or using this fruit for a snack before five o’clock in the afternoon. At the same time, it is better to include medium-sized unsweetened apples in your diet.

Myth 4. Apples have a laxative effect.

This is partly true, and the myth about the effectiveness of apples for weight loss is based on this statement. Like any other plant food high in fiber, apples stimulate intestinal motility and accelerate metabolic processes. Thus, eating one or two apples a day is indeed possible, but the same is true for almost any other plant food. The advantages of apples include the fact that the substances contained in this fruit have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, which generally improves digestion processes.

In chapter Purchasing and selecting products to the question what is different green apple from red? Which one is healthier? given by the author Olmira Eduardovna the best answer is Which apple is healthier: a red or a green apple?
One of the most important “apple” characteristics is their color, which depends on the content of carotenoids, chlorophyll, flavone pigments and anthocyanins.
The skin of all apples has a basic color, and many varieties of apples also have a top color in the form of stripes or a developed blush of varying intensity. The main color of apples is green. As they ripen, the color changes from green to yellow, but apples of some varieties, even when ripe, retain a green, greenish-yellow color.
The coloring of apples is due to the content of anthocyanins, which are formed in the skin cells under the influence of direct sun rays. The top color can be pink, bright red, dark red, cherry, brownish-red.
9:0 in favor of green apples.
1. Green apples contain less sugar, so diabetics are advised to include them in their diet, while excluding red apples.
2. Green apples contain more iron than their red counterparts.
3. Red apples generally have a sweetish-luscious taste, “not for everyone.”
4. Red ripe apple contains less vitamins than green ones.
5. A green apple, better than a red one, will help the body cope with fatty foods.
6. Green apples are mostly hypoallergenic. If you are prone to allergies to apples, you should choose green rather than red ones.
7. The peel of green apples, as well as the pulp, contains more vitamins than the peel of red apples.
8. Green sour apples are good for people with low acidity.
9. Red sweet apples are harmful to teeth because they cause tooth decay, unlike green apples.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what is the difference between a green apple and a red one? Which one is healthier?

Answer from Shark Shy[guru]
color. the utility is the same

Answer from @@@@@ [guru]
also interesting) I’m eating big and red now) hard and sweet))
