Vietnam South China Sea. Nha Trang city beach

Vietnam is washed from the east and south by the South China Sea, which is part of the Pacific Ocean.

Vietnam borders China to the north and Laos and Cambodia to the west. Vietnam is conventionally divided into three parts: North, Central and South. The water temperature in each region of the country may differ, for example: in February from 20 °C in the north to 27 °C in the south, but in August the temperature is the same throughout the entire territory - 28-29 °C.

Northern Vietnam is the historical part of the country where the capital, Hanoi, is located. The region is popular for its historical sights, ancient architectural and cultural monuments, as well as national parks. This region is not suitable for a beach holiday, as it is quite cool in winter and incredibly hot in summer.

Central and Southern Vietnam are economically developed regions of the country. Large cities and famous resorts with the best hotels are located here. The most popular resort cities in Central Vietnam– Da Nang and Hue, which represent a combination of ancient peace and vibrant resort life. Connoisseurs of antiquity should visit the city-museum under open air Hoi An.

What kind of sea is Nha Trang in Vietnam?

South Vietnam is famous for the resort of Nha Trang, the business capital of Ho Chi Minh City, the attraction city of Phan Thiet, and, of course, the island of Phu Quoc, which is famous for its gorgeous beaches and the opportunity to retire in comfort in the tropical jungle.

You can book a ticket to Vietnam and find the hotel you need using the form below.

Asian destinations are attracting more and more tourists from all over the world. Europeans, and even Americans, are frequent guests of such exotic countries like Thailand and Cambodia. Following these countries, European tourists began to actively explore the new direction of Vietnam. When planning a vacation in Vietnam, tourists often have a question: what kind of seas are in Vietnam? And this is an understandable question, because beach holidays are one of the most popular types of recreation in Vietnam.

The South China Sea washes the shores of Vietnam from the east and south coast. Sea water here, salty enough has a 30% salinity index, which is quite a lot and can adversely affect people with sensitive skin. A precautionary measure for any person who is going to swim in the sea of ​​Vietnam should be to shower under fresh water after every swim in the sea.

Water in the South China Sea with a temperature of at least twenty degrees winter period, and up to twenty-seven degrees in summer. The Vietnamese sea is perfect for diving. Any professional diver knows that diving in Vietnam is... good level. There is a well-equipped diving system here, and the cost of services for divers is quite low. Among the inhabitants of the deep sea, octopuses, clown fish, and stingrays are of particular interest. Phu Coc Island is one of the most popular diving spots in Vietnam.

One of the popular fisheries among the local population also indicates which seas in Vietnam, we're talking about about pearl mining. It is in clear waters South China Sea The largest pearl in the world was found.

Sea holidays in Vietnam attract not only divers, but also surfing fans. From early morning on the shore a large number of surfers who try to conquer the waves of the South China Sea.

The beaches of the South China Sea in Vietnam are a great place for sunbathing and beach sea. Uniform yellow or grayish sand, bright lush greenery of the coastline, and clear water– all this attracts tourists from all over the world. There are a large number of beaches on the South China Sea, and, as a rule, they are all well equipped. Some beaches have a white sandy coast, which looks fabulous against the backdrop of the blue sea surface.

Ha Long Bay is another beautiful place in the South China Sea. The bay is listed World Heritage UNESCO.

Sea of ​​Vietnam
In order to get an answer to the question what kind of sea is in Vietnam. It’s not a bad idea to look at the map and see the South China Sea, which washes not only the “country of the Vietnamese”, but also China. Located between Quiet and Indian Oceans, it is part of the structure of the Australasian Mediterranean Sea.
IN Lately The coast of this bright turquoise clear sea attracts a large number of tourists. In addition, relax in different places the Vietnamese Riviera is practically all year round. So in February, the t o of the water surface of the northern part of the coast is +20 °C or more, in August in the southern part, the t o of the water approaches +29 °C.
Near the shores, the water surface is an amazing turquoise hue, and in the distance it is already dark in color, which indicates great depth.
For those wishing to holiday in Vietnam, there is no good or bad season, because if in one part of the country it is too humid or too damp, then there is always a place where at the same time it is sunny and warm.
Southern Vietnam - subequatorial climate (Saigon, Vung Tau, Phan Thiet).
Wet season: May - November. At this time, usually in the afternoon there are heavy, very short showers.
Dry season: December - April.
In Saigon average annual temperature- +27C. Air humidity - 80%. In April, the average daily t is +30C. In Vietnam, which sea washes it - +21C. The absolute minimum temperature recorded in Saigon is +14C.
The rainy season in South Vietnam is different from what our tourists usually imagine. It rains 10-15 minutes a day, and if it happens cloudy days, then this gives a pleasant respite and brings slightly cooler weather. In general, the weather during the rainy season is very pleasant, and we can say that in our Russian summer it rains much more often in the south of Vietnam. There are two main seasons: wet - from May to November and dry - from December to April. Average temperature - +27C, average humidity - 80%. About 2000 ml of rain falls. in year.
Central Vietnam (Da Nang, Nha Trang, Da Lat)
High: the highest technical equipment of hotels, perfect work staff, truly oriental respect for the guest.
What's not to like about Vietnam and ruin your vacation?
Intrusiveness of small traders. Cheating with change. Boredom in the evenings.
Where is Vietnam?
Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, in the east of the Indochina Peninsula. Vietnam borders China, Laos and Cambodia.
Is there a sea in Vietnam?
Yes, Vietnam is washed by the South China Sea and the waters of the Gulf of Thailand.
What are the main resorts (cities) in Vietnam that you can visit?
Large cities of Vietnam, interesting in terms of excursions: Ho Chi Minh City (the city's former name was Saigon), Haiphong, Hanoi, Hue.
Beach resorts in Vietnam: Danang, Hoi An, Vung Tau, Ha Long, Nha Trang (Nha Trang), Phan Thiet, Dalat, Phu Quoc (Phu Coc).
How long is the flight to Vietnam?
On average, a flight to Vietnam takes 9-10 hours. Travel time depends on the presence or absence of a headwind.
What is the weather and climate like in Vietnam?
Vietnam's climate is tropical, with high levels of humidity and high temperature. It is divided into two seasons: the dry season from November to April and the rainy season from May to October (on the island of Phu Coc (Phu Quoc) the dry season is from November to July). The average temperature is +23 degrees in Hanoi and +26 degrees in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). At the largest resort of Nha Trang (Nha Trang), all year round average temperature+28 degrees. It's cooler in the mountains.

Even a multi-hour flight to Southeast Asia no longer confuses Europeans, who are diligently exploring the mysterious Vietnam, following Thailand and Cambodia. There is plenty of exoticism here, and the sea of ​​Vietnam is... great way relax after a long journey, relieve stress and plunge into the abyss of pleasant impressions and sensations.

Comfort zone

To the question of which sea is washed by Vietnam, geographical atlases give the only correct answer - South China. It is part water basin, which experts call Australasian Mediterranean Sea. This name was born because this body of water connects these two parts of the world, and the sea of ​​Vietnam itself represents both Indian and Pacific Oceans simultaneously.
The water temperature in the South China Sea depends on the geographic coordinates of the measurement point and the season. In the north of Vietnam it can drop to +20 degrees in winter, while in the south even in January the thermometer will show at least +25 degrees. IN summer months the sea is equally warm and comfortable throughout the entire area and its temperature values stay at +27 degrees.

The wealth of the sea

When asked which seas are in Vietnam, divers will readily answer – “The most suitable for diving.” It is the South China Sea that houses many interesting sites, which thousands of fans come to see every year underwater world. An important reason to fly to the sea of ​​Vietnam is the issue of price: by all accounts, diving here is cheap, but well organized.
The main “stars” of diving in the South China Sea:

  • Octopuses. Some individuals are quite worthy of starring in horror films, but at the same time remain quite friendly.
  • Clown fish, whose colorful appearance makes them particularly suitable for underwater photography.
  • Stingrays and manta rays, mesmerizing with their silent and smooth underwater gliding technique.
  • Moray eels and barracudas are absolutely not dangerous if you follow all the rules of underwater swimming.

The most attractive places for diving in Vietnam are Phu Quoc Island and the resorts of Nha Trang and Hoi An. The most favorable season for scuba diving in the sea of ​​Vietnam begins in late autumn and lasts until the first days of summer.

For sunbathing fans

The beaches of Vietnam are fine and clean white sand, clear water with a gentle entrance and excellent infrastructure on the shore. Here you can always have lunch in a cafe or restaurant, and the menu will be based on the freshest seafood and fish caught in the morning by local fishermen.

One of the most popular questions among those who are going on vacation to the country of tricorn hats, seafood and motorbikes: is there an ocean or a sea in Vietnam?

One glance at the map is enough and it becomes clear – the sea. The sea is quite large in area and deep, but still not an ocean. Be that as it may, the seas are also different, so let’s take a closer look at what kind of sea is in Vietnam, what’s special about it and what surprises you can expect.

A minute of geography

Let's start with the fact that Vietnam has a sea and it is excellent. But, in order. So, the sea in Vietnam is called the South China Sea. This is a semi-closed sea, so it still has a certain connection with the ocean. More precisely, even with two: Indian and Quiet. The sea temperature in summer is approximately the same in all its parts - about 28 degrees. In winter, it varies depending on the region: from 20 degrees in the north to 27 in the southern part. Maximum depth– more than 5.5 km, which is quite a lot for the sea. The South China Sea experiences very noticeable tides - about 4-5 meters. By the way, in Nha Trang in the summer this is especially noticeable, especially on the northern beach, where the water recedes, sometimes exposing tens of meters of the bottom. Locals take advantage of the moment and collect numerous mollusks in the corals and between the stones. By the way, quite edible.

As you can see, the waters of the South China Sea wash the shores of several other countries


We don’t want to scare you, but typhoons still happen and they come to Vietnam through the South China Sea. Most of them are formed in the Philippines region. Of course, not all of them are powerful and most either weaken off the coast of Vietnam or are bypassed. But even those that do get there often bypass Nha Trang and cause inconvenience, rather, to the northern regions of the country. In extremely rare cases, our beloved Nha Trang feels the power of the elements. For example, the last powerful typhoon here was on November 4, 2017. They gave him the name “Damri”. So he really made a splash in the city and was truly noticeable. True, such cataclysms happen no more than a couple of times per century, so there is no need to be afraid. In addition, Vietnam has long ceased to be a third world country. Long before any typhoon, all local residents and tourists know about its approach and strength. New residential buildings and hotels are prepared to withstand the strongest winds, so there is really nothing to be afraid of. The main thing at this time is not to walk the streets (although such extreme people do occur). Strong winds, just like high waves in the South China Sea can be expected in late autumn - winter. In general, Vietnam has prepared a calm and warm sea for you.

One of the streets in the north of Nha Trang after a powerful typhoon in 2017


As you understand, during the season strong winds, the waves are also significant. On central beach Nha Trang, for example, on some days of winter they can reach 3-4 meters. Swimming on such days is, of course, prohibited, as it is simply dangerous. And, frankly speaking, you are unlikely to want to go into the water. But it’s worth standing on the beach and admiring the power of the elements. There are, however, a couple of places where you can relax during the high wave season. Firstly, this is Paragon Beach, which is located on the territory of the An Vien cottage village. This is a beach with an artificial breakwater, so the sea is always calm here.

Paragon - the beach is small, but quiet and cozy. Ideal for family people

Secondly, between Nha Trang and Cam Ranh Airport there is a beautiful semi-wild Bai Zai beach (aka Bai Dai). During the wave season, surfers spend their time here. The fact is that the bottom topography of this beach contributes to the formation of high waves. At the same time, skiing here is quite safe, because the bottom is sandy, without reefs or rocks. By the way, this is why they teach surfing in Bai Zai. The sea in Mui Ne does something similar. During the rainy season, this is a paradise for kite surfing.

Something similar happens in Mui Ne during the windy season

If we talk about the sea in Vietnam in July and other summer months, it is quiet, clean and very warm. In general, lovers of snorkeling will appreciate it.


To begin with, we note that we will talk about the cleanliness of the South China Sea precisely off the coast of Vietnam. So, the water is different in different seasons. During the wave season mentioned above, of course, the water is cloudy, as the waves lift sand from the bottom. And with rain comes a lot of mud. In summer, the water is as clear as possible. Especially in uncrowded places. For example, remote corners of the same Bai Zai, where tourists can boast of crystal clean water. The same situation applies to the famous Zoklet beach. If we talk about islands, then there are generally places where the color and transparency of the water is amazing. At the same time, there is, so to speak, an intermediate option. For example, the sea in Vietnam in May is already quite warm and clean, but the echoes of the wave season are still felt. So it turns out both fun and beautiful. We are talking about Nha Trang, as you understand.

There are a lot of such picturesque places with rocks and clear water in the vicinity of Nha Trang

In Phu Quoc, for example, there are still noticeably fewer tourists than in Nha Trang, which is why the water here is cleaner. In fact, the formula for success is very simple - the fewer tourists, rivers, ports and other similar factors nearby, the more transparent and cleaner water. In general, in most places in southern Vietnam the sea is quite clean and quite suitable for comfortable rest. Besides, Vietnam is still full of wild places with stunning nature and crystal clear sea. Still, the country is only gaining momentum as a tourist paradise.


This is where the fun begins. If you listen to most Internet resources, it turns out that the sea of ​​Vietnam is literally teeming with all sorts of poisonous reptiles, killer sharks, dinosaurs and maniacal octopuses. In reality, everything is somewhat different. Yes, the flora and fauna of the South China Sea is truly rich. There are thousands of species of fish alone. Among them, of course, are a dozen or two species of sharks. However, you should not think that they are all asleep and see how to attack a tourist. In addition, “found in the South China Sea” does not mean “off the coast of Vietnam.” If you are talking about Nha Trang, then it is generally difficult to meet dangerous animals here. The last shark seen near the shore was ten years ago, and then in the boat of a local fisherman. And these are big sea ​​predators went to the open sea, as the fish were mercilessly caught. Here, rather, we need to talk about the danger of humans to sharks, rather than vice versa.

These “sharks” are found in great abundance in the waters near Nha Trang

As for the aforementioned poisonous reptiles, only jellyfish can be found in Nha Trang. And only the sea in Vietnam in June can “boast” of this feature. Deadly dangerous species These unusual animals are not observed in Nha Trang and the surrounding area. However, those that exist can be quite unpleasant. A jellyfish burn causes an unpleasant itch, but is generally not dangerous to humans. Just pour lime juice or vinegar over the burn area. And, of course, you can go to the nearest hospital. Although most tourists do not do this, but simply continue to relax. The Vietnamese solve this issue even simpler - they simply swim in shorts and T-shirts. They do this, first of all, so as not to burn in the sun, but this measure also protects against jellyfish.

Sometimes monsters like these swim into the waters of Nha Trang

In general, Vietnam and Nha Trang in particular are completely safe for a beach holiday. The jellyfish season in Vietnam can be roughly extended to summer and spring. And you can get acquainted with the diversity of the underwater world at any diving center. By the way, there are some very interesting places to dive, but we’ll talk about that in another article.


In fact, the South China Sea is quite dangerous. However, this only applies to sailors. As we have already said, typhoons are common here, which means that for shipping a big problem. If we are talking about beach holiday in Vietnam, the situation is the opposite. A real threat to vacationers can be high waves in winter (swimming is prohibited), as well as reverse current. The latter in the vicinity of Nha Trang is found only on Bai Zai beach, and even then rarely. The essence of this phenomenon is that you begin to be pulled quite strongly into the open sea. It is almost impossible to fight it, but there is a way out. Firstly, such a current exists in a relatively small area of ​​the sea (a couple of hundred meters). Its width is even less. Therefore, it is very simple to avoid danger - swim along the shore. On Bai Zai you will have to swim literally 50 meters. So there is no particular danger here either. Just a small nuisance with a very low probability of occurrence.

To be fair, it is also worth saying that a case of jellyfish burns was recorded in Mui Ne Portuguese man of war. This is a more serious “personality”. Her burns are very painful and in some cases can lead to bad consequences (especially for allergy sufferers). Therefore, if you decide to visit Mui Ne, this issue is worth studying in more detail. At a minimum, find out if you have allergies.

This is what this unusual but dangerous jellyfish looks like

Bottom line

In general, this is all the information a tourist needs about the sea in Vietnam. Let's fix:

  • Is Vietnam ocean or sea? – Sea
  • Clean or dirty? – Clean
  • Dangerous or safe? – Safe
  • To fly or not? — Fly

If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. We will be happy to answer. Have a nice holiday.
