Hyperactive child. What to do if your child is hyperactive

A hyperactive child is not a disease. All children are different; they often differ in the pace of physiological development, inclinations, character and temperament. Some kids can quietly spend time on their own, with their toys, books and coloring books, while others cannot remain unattended for even five minutes. There are children who find it difficult to concentrate on something, who are unable to stay in one place for a long time - for example, sitting in a hairdresser's chair, during classes in kindergarten or at school, and it is problematic to keep track of them on the playground.

Such kids have a hard time learning - this is hyperactivity. The brain of a hyperactive child has difficulty concentrating and perceiving information. Hyperactive children quickly change their sphere of activity, they are impulsive and restless, specific in communicating with adults and peers, in demonstrating their talents. Let's try to understand in detail the essence of the problem and give ways to solve it.

Hyperactive children cannot concentrate on one task; it is difficult to interest them in quiet activities and calm them down

Causes of hyperactivity

Hyperactivity in children is not primarily a physiological deviation, but a behavioral developmental disorder. The medical name for hyperactivity is ADHD (). Modern medicine is of the opinion that the syndrome occurs due to unfavorable intrauterine development of children and difficult childbirth. So, if the expectant mother had severe and long-term toxicosis, and the fetus was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, then the risk of having a hyperactive child increases three times. Any surgical intervention during childbirth or the presence of a newborn in intensive care also contribute to the development of ADHD syndrome.

Symptoms of hyperactivity

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What are the signs of a hyperactive child? How can you tell if your baby is active and energetic, as a healthy toddler should be, or if he is developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Characteristic symptoms begin to be identified by 2-3 years. You can make a diagnosis already in kindergarten, because it is there that tendencies manifest themselves most actively - in communication with the teacher, with other kids in the group.

How does hyperactivity manifest in children?

  • anxiety and anxiety even when there are no serious reasons for this;
  • emotional lability, tearfulness, excessive vulnerability and impressionability;
  • insomnia, too light sleep, crying and talking in your sleep;
  • speech problems;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • ignoring prohibitions, social norms and rules - simply put, the baby is very naughty;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • Rarely, Tourette's syndrome is uncontrolled shouting of inappropriate and offensive words.

All these manifestations and signs in your child should be a reason to contact a specialist. A neurologist and psychologist will write out recommendations and give advice on how to properly raise a child, how to calm him down and reduce the likelihood of negative perception by society.

Despite his activity and talkativeness, a hyperactive child often remains misunderstood by other children and experiences significant difficulties in communication.

Treatment for a hyperactive child - is it necessary?

A hyperactive child often gets very tired from uncontrollable emotions, changes his daily routine and plans due to his not always adequate behavior, and does not allow his parents to lead a normal lifestyle. It’s difficult for adults to endure this, because they don’t always have the time or the physical and moral strength to deal with hysterics.

Follow hyperactive child Only very patient and not very busy parents or a nanny can help him react adequately to the outside world and know how to behave with other people, and not mindlessly throw out energy, cry and laugh for no reason. It is often necessary to resort to correction of the child’s behavior - this can include both drug treatment and visits to a psychologist, speech therapist, soothing massage, playing sports and visiting various creative clubs. The doctor prescribes drug treatment after examination and examination of the child.

Children with ADHD syndrome must have an electroencephalogram of the brain to rule out organic causes of hyperactive behavior and measure intracranial pressure (we recommend reading:). If all indicators are normal, the doctor often prescribes homeopathic sedatives. A sedative will help your child sleep better and reduce the number of hysterics and panic attacks.

Some modern doctors believe that it is impossible to treat hyperactivity before the age of 4, because most children at this age do not yet know how to cope with their own feelings, they are full of energy and try to throw it out in any way.

How to deal with a hyperactive child?

How to raise a hyperactive child? Many parents become confused, especially when the child goes to kindergarten, or at school faces many problems related to learning and society. A hyperactive child is always in special regard with the educator, teacher and child psychologist. First of all, parents must help him - raising such children requires patience, wisdom, willpower and spirit. Do not allow yourself to break down, raise your voice at your child or raise your hand against him (we recommend reading:). Only if he did something that harmed other people can you use such harsh methods.

If parents break down and resort to shouting, threats or physical showdown, this only makes the situation worse. The child withdraws into himself and becomes even more uncontrollable

How to raise a “fidget”?

Psychologist's advice:

  1. Prohibit correctly. Formulate the prohibitions so that the words “no” and “impossible” are absent from the sentence. It is much more effective to say, “Get on the track,” than to say, “Don’t run on the wet grass.” Always motivate your prohibitions, justify them. For example, if your child doesn’t want to leave the playground in the evening, say: “I wanted to read to you before bed.” interesting story about your favorite cartoon character, and if you walk for a long time, I won’t have time to do it.”
  2. Set your goals clearly. Such children do not perceive information conveyed through long sentences well. Speak concisely.
  3. Be consistent in your actions and words. For example, it is unreasonable to say: “Go get a cup from grandma, then bring me a magazine, wash your hands and sit down to dinner.” Maintain the order.
  4. Control your time. A child with ADHD has poor time control; if he is passionate about something, he can do it for a long time and forget about other things.
  5. Follow the regime. The daily routine is very important aspect life of a hyperactive baby, it will help calm the baby and teach him order (we recommend reading:).
  6. Raising a child means behaving loyally and maintaining a positive note when communicating with him, setting yourself, him and those around you to be positive. Smooth out conflict situations, praise for victories, emphasize when the baby behaved especially well by listening to you.
  7. Keep your child busy with useful activities. Children must have a positive outlet for splashing out energy - this could be a creative or sports club, walking on a bicycle or scooter, modeling from polymer clay or plasticine at home.
  8. Create comfortable conditions at home. The child should not only watch less TV and play computer games, but also see how others do it. The workplace should be free of unnecessary items and posters.
  9. If necessary, give a hyperactive child a homeopathic sedative, but do not overuse medications.

When a child attends classes that are interesting to him - sports, creative, he can throw out the accumulated energy there and come home much calmer

How to help if hysterics begin?

How to calm a hyperactive child? At a time when children are hysterical and do not obey, you can act by choosing one of the options:

  1. Go to another room. Deprived of spectator attention, the baby may stop crying.
  2. Switch your attention. Offer candy, show a toy, play a cartoon or game on your tablet or phone. Loudly invite him not to cry, but to do something interesting - for example, go out into the yard and play there, run outside.
  3. Give water, sweet tea or an infusion of soothing herbs.

IN Everyday life children, support their nervous system. A soothing herbal mixture works well when added to a bath if the child is small, and to tea if we're talking about about a schoolboy (we recommend reading:). Read books before bed, go for walks fresh air. Try to make your child see less aggression and negativity. Study nature, look more at the trees, sky and flowers.

Hyperactive schoolboy

Especially difficult situation with a hyperactive child develops into educational institution. Restlessness, emotionality, difficulties in concentrating attention and perceiving the flow of information can contribute to the fact that the child will lag behind in school and have difficulty finding mutual language with peers.

This requires constant consultations with a psychologist, patience and understanding on the part of teachers, and support from parents. Remember that it is not your child's fault that he or she has a particular behavioral disorder.

Do you want to better understand your children? A video will help you, where the famous Russian pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky gives advice, for whom a hyperactive child is a full-fledged member of society with his own characteristics of mental development. You need to be patient and calm when communicating with him, highlight and develop talents and creative inclinations. Let the baby not withdraw, but progress, because hyperactivity should not hinder human development. It does not represent a serious deviation, but a specific individuality.

Often the most common cause of child hyperactivity is lack of attention. With his excessive mobility and busyness, he tries to attract parents, peers, and teachers to him. Sometimes such a reason may be a person’s character trait. However, many other factors have the greatest influence: at risk are children who were born through C-section, artificials, etc. Therefore, it is quite important to understand the root cause.

Judging by statistical data, hyperactivity occurs in almost every twentieth child; by the way, it should be noted that boys are two to three times more likely. It turns out that in the classroom you can meet at least one child with excessive activity. A hyperactive child is being told by everyone who is not too lazy, but in reality you only need to listen to specialists.

Scientists have proven that hyperactivity is a diagnosis

For a long time, this diagnosis was considered only a feature of the child’s behavior, but more recently it was proven that this is a mental disorder that cannot be corrected by simple pedagogical methods. And if there are parents in the family? Advice from a psychologist will help you figure this out.

Interestingly, in 1970, studies were conducted that showed that this disease is based on physiological and genetic causes, and the syndrome itself relates not only to pedagogy and psychology, but is also associated with medicine.

Main causes

  • Lack of necessary hormones in the child’s body.
  • Past illnesses and injuries.
  • Mother's illnesses during pregnancy.
  • Any illness that the child suffered as an infant. They could affect brain function.

And regardless of the fact that medicine has achieved great success in this matter, and there are pharmacological treatment methods and psychological and pedagogical ones, childhood hyperactivity is still considered an incurable syndrome that can be corrected in adolescence. Based on this, we will try to draw conclusions and give recommendations: hyperactive children, what should parents do?

Advice from a psychologist can help a child adapt to society and subsequently become a comprehensively developed personality.

Illness in adulthood

In fact, many adults suffer from this disease, but most often they are simply considered too impulsive, active and eccentric. This syndrome occurs in childhood, it has not yet been fully studied, so it has not been proven that it remains in adulthood.

How to recognize a hyperactive child

Parents can immediately encounter the first signs: children sleep poorly, cry a lot, are very irritable during the day, and can react to any noise or change of environment.

A hyperactive child at one year old already begins to manifest himself, for example, in speech delay, awkward movements due to impaired motor skills. Nevertheless, he is constantly active, tries to walk, move, he is fussy and mobile. His mood is also constantly changing: at one moment the child is cheerful and joyful, and the next minute he can suddenly become capricious. So, here is a hyperactive child (1 year old). What should parents do? Such children will have to pay much more attention, and efforts must be made to achieve results.

Critical age

When it comes to preparatory classes, it is also difficult for the child to concentrate on one task: he cannot sit still, complete at least one task, or do an exercise carefully and focused. The kid does everything carelessly to finish the job and start something new.

Only a specialist can give reasonable advice to parents of a hyperactive child, as well as recognize hyperactivity. But before turning to a professional, mother and father should observe their child and determine how excessive activity and impulsiveness interferes with his learning and building relationships with his peers. What situations are alarming?

Main symptoms

  1. It's always difficult to concentrate on a task or game. Parents constantly have to be reminded about everyday matters, because the child simply forgets about them, and also constantly breaks or loses his things. In addition, attention is impaired: the baby never listens to anyone, even when speech is addressed directly to him. If he does a task on his own, he often cannot organize his work correctly, constantly being distracted and not completing the task.
  2. Impulsiveness. During lessons, a child, without waiting for his turn, shouts from his seat. It is difficult for him to follow established rules, he constantly interferes in the conversation, etc.
  3. Hyperactivity. It is difficult for a child to sit still, he constantly fidgets in his chair, talks a lot, and constantly runs around even where he should not. The baby cannot play or rest calmly; he asks many questions all the time, but cannot remember even one answer. Many of the child’s actions are completely thoughtless; he often breaks objects or breaks dishes. Even during sleep he is not calm - he constantly wakes up, tosses and turns, and sometimes screams in his sleep.

Hyperactive and active: differences

Often when parents say about their child that he is hyperactive, they put a positive meaning into this word. But most people simply confuse two different concepts - active and hyperactive. It’s really good when a child is inquisitive, shows interest in the world around him, and strives for new knowledge. But hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, which are often interrelated, are neurological-behavioral disorders. They make themselves felt most painfully after the age of five, which undoubtedly has a negative impact on the child, preventing him from developing along with other children.

Active children can be active at home, on the playground with friends, in kindergarten, but when they come to any new place for them, for example, on a visit or to a doctor’s appointment, they immediately calm down and begin to behave like real quiet people. With hyperactive children, everything is different, regardless of the circumstances, place and people who surround them: they always behave the same and simply cannot sit still.

An active child can be captivated by a regular game, for example, checkers or putting together a puzzle, but a hyperactive child lacks perseverance.

In any case, everything is very individual, so recommendations can only be given to parents based on observations. Hyperactive children are more difficult to scare, they have a low pain threshold, they are not afraid of anything, and do not think at all about their safety.

From all of the above, it follows that if a child loves outdoor games, he likes to learn something new, and this curiosity does not interfere with his studies and social relationships, then he should not be called hyperactive. The child is simply developing normally for his age. If the child cannot sit still, listen to a fairy tale to the end or finish a task, constantly demands attention to himself or throws tantrums, then this is a hyperactive child. What should parents do? Advice from a psychologist can help in this difficult issue.


If parents are not particularly concerned before school starts similar trait character, then with the beginning of training, seeing the many problems that their child faces, they begin to get very worried. It is difficult for these children to understand how to behave and how not to behave. The child does not know where the acceptable line is; it is difficult for them to establish relationships with other children and the teacher, and simply to calmly learn the lesson. Therefore, during the adaptation period, recommendations are needed for parents of hyperactive children, since this age is the most critical. You can take your child to a psychologist. If you have a hyperactive child, the recommendations of specialists must be followed literally in everything.

It is important to remember that hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder often occur in combination with other serious problems.

Hyperactive child: what should parents do? Read below for advice from a psychologist that you need to follow.

It is important to carefully approach safety precautions, remove all unsafe and sharp objects when leaving the room, turn off household appliances, since ordinary children often break something, or fall and hit themselves, but with hyperactive children this happens twice or three times more often.

If a hyperactive child needs to learn something important, a psychologist’s advice to parents will be useful. You need to make sure he's listening. It is not enough to simply call out to him - you need to establish contact, remove toys from sight, turn off the TV or computer. And only after making sure that your child is really listening to you can you start a conversation with him.

It is necessary to establish rules in the family that the child would strictly follow. And it is very important that they are always performed every day, without exception, regardless of the circumstances. It is important to constantly remind the child about them, repeating that some tasks must always be completed, but doing something is strictly prohibited.

A very important nuance is the mode. The child must be taught to do everything on time, and exceptions cannot be made even on a day off. For example, always get up at the same time, have breakfast, do homework, and go for a walk. This may be too strict, but it is the most effective. It is this rule that will help you learn new material in the future.

These children are very susceptible to mood, so it is very important that the emotions they receive are positive. It is necessary to praise them even for the slightest achievements. Let him feel that his parents are proud of him. You should support your child in difficult moments, speak more often of love for him, and hug him.

You can organize a reward system, for example, if he behaved well all week, then on the weekend he receives a small present or an outing, a movie, or a museum. Let the parents come up with joint games that will captivate the baby. Of course, it will take a lot of time, patience and ingenuity, but the result will not be long in coming.

It is important to generally monitor the atmosphere in the family so that all conflicts pass by the baby, and especially not for him to participate in them.

If the child behaved badly, then you can punish, but not too much, and it is better to refuse assault altogether.

A hyperactive child never runs out of energy, so it is constantly necessary to create conditions for him to spend it somewhere. The baby should take more walks outdoors, go to the sports section, and play. But there is also an important nuance here: the child should be tired, but not too overtired.

When forbidding a child to do something, it is extremely important to provide him with an alternative, while explaining in a calm tone why his actions are wrong.

You cannot take your child to places where there are large crowds of people: his psyche is already overly sensitive and weak, and the crowd can lead to overexcitation nervous system, so should be avoided mass events, supermarkets during rush hours. But walks in the fresh air and forays into nature have a beneficial effect on the baby. It is better for such a child to play with only one friend.

It would be a good idea if parents keep an observation diary in which they can note all changes and reactions to the world, occurring with a hyperactive child. Afterwards, this diary can be shown to the teacher (it will be much easier for him to get the overall picture).

Hyperactive child: what should parents do? The psychologist's advice listed above will help solve many problems.

School work

First of all, the child should sit as close to the teacher as possible - this will make it much easier for the latter to control discipline. It is also important that the baby has the opportunity to ask all the necessary questions at any time.

The teacher must write all tasks on the board and give only one task for a certain period of time. If the task is too large, then it must be divided into several parts, limit completion to time and constantly monitor their implementation.

It is difficult for a hyperactive child to sit in one place for a long time and still remember the material presented. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him consistently, to involve him in the lesson, even if the baby is spinning, shouting, fidgeting in his chair. Next time, let the baby just focus on being calm.

He just needs to move, so it’s better not to monitor his behavior too much in class, and let him run around on the school playground or gym.

Also, children often find themselves in a vicious circle: praise is simply necessary for them, but it costs them incredible effort to study well. Because they are inattentive and cannot concentrate properly, they make many mistakes and their work is sloppy. Therefore, initially you should treat them less strictly.

During a lesson, the activity may change several times, and while ordinary children benefit from this, it is much more difficult for hyperactive children to switch. Therefore, they need to be warned in advance and given the opportunity to prepare.

It is very difficult for a teacher to work with such children, but if you find the right approach, the result will be excellent. Hyperactive children are well developed intellectually, as evidenced by many tests, but they have difficulty managing their temperament.

Hyperactive child- This is a baby suffering from excessive motor mobility. Previously, the presence of a history of hyperactivity in a child was considered a pathological minimal disorder of mental functions. Today, hyperactivity in a child is classified as an independent illness called a syndrome. It is characterized by increased physical activity of children, restlessness, easy distractibility, and impulsiveness. At the same time, individuals with high level activity, there is a level of intellectual development that corresponds to their age norm, and for some, even above the norm. Primary symptoms of increased activity are less common in girls and begin to be detected at an early age. This disorder is considered a fairly common behavioral-emotional disorder. mental functions. Children with excessive activity syndrome are immediately noticeable when surrounded by other children. Such little ones cannot sit quietly for a minute in one place, they are constantly moving, and rarely finish things. Symptoms of hyperactivity are observed in almost 5% of the child population.

Signs of a hyperactive child

It is possible to make a diagnosis of hyperactivity in a child only after long-term observation of child behavior by specialists. Some signs of increased activity can be seen in most children. Therefore, it is so important to know the signs of hyperactivity, the main one of which is the inability to concentrate attention for a long time on one phenomenon. When detecting this sign, you need to take into account the age of the baby, since at different stages child development The inability to concentrate manifests itself in different ways.

A child suffering from increased activity is too restless, he constantly fidgets or rushes about, runs. If the baby is in constant aimless movement and has an inability to concentrate, then we can talk about hyperactivity. Also the baby’s actions with increased activity must have a certain amount of eccentricity and fearlessness.

Signs of a hyperactive child include the inability to combine words into sentences, a persistent desire to take everything into hand, disinterest in listening to children's fairy tales, and the inability to wait their turn.

Hyperactive children experience decreased appetite along with heightened feeling thirst. It is difficult to put such babies to sleep, as in daytime, and at night. Older children with hyperactivity syndrome suffer. They react sharply to completely ordinary situations. Along with this, it is quite difficult to console and calm them down. Children with this syndrome are overly touchy and quite irritable.

Obvious precursors of hyperactivity in early adulthood include sleep disturbances and decreased appetite, low weight gain, anxiety and increased excitability. However, it must be borne in mind that all of the listed signs may have other causes not related to hyperactivity.

In principle, psychiatrists believe that the diagnosis of increased activity can be given to children only after they have passed the age of 5 or 6 years. During the school period, manifestations of hyperactivity become more noticeable and pronounced.

In learning, a child with hyperactivity is characterized by an inability to work in a team, difficulties with retelling text information and writing stories. Interpersonal relationships with peers do not work out.

A hyperactive child often exhibits behavior in relation to his environment. He is inclined to not fulfill the teacher's requirements in class, is characterized by restlessness in class and unsatisfactory behavior, often does not complete homework, in a word, such a child does not obey the established rules.

Hyperactive kids, in most cases, are too talkative and extremely awkward. For such children, everything usually falls out of their hands, they touch everything or hit everything. More pronounced difficulties are observed in fine motor skills. It is difficult for such children to fasten buttons or tie their own shoelaces on their own. They usually have ugly handwriting.

A hyperactive child can generally be described as inconsistent, illogical, restless, absent-minded, disobedient, stubborn, sloppy, clumsy. At an older age, restlessness and eccentricity usually go away, but the inability to concentrate remains, sometimes for life.

In connection with the above, the diagnosis of increased childhood activity should be treated with caution. You also need to understand that even if the baby has a history of hyperactivity, this does not make him bad.

Hyperactive child - what to do

Parents of a hyperactive child should, first of all, contact specialists to determine the cause of this syndrome. Such reasons may be genetic predisposition, in other words, hereditary factors, reasons of a socio-psychological nature, for example, the climate in the family, living conditions in it, etc., biological factors, which include various brain lesions. In cases where, after identifying the cause that provoked the appearance of hyperactivity in a child, appropriate treatment is prescribed by a therapist, such as massage, adherence to a regimen, taking medications, it must be carried out strictly.

Correctional work with hyperactive children, first of all, should be carried out by the parents of the children, and it begins with creating a calm, favorable environment around the children, since any discrepancies in the family or loud showdowns only “charge” them negative emotions. Any interaction with such children, and in particular communicative, should be calm and gentle, due to the fact that they are extremely susceptible to emotional state and the mood of loved ones, especially parents. All adult members of family relationships are recommended to follow the same model of behavior in raising a child.

All actions of adults in relation to hyperactive children should be aimed at developing their self-organization skills, removing disinhibition, developing respect for others and training accepted standards behavior.

An effective way to overcome the difficulties of self-organization is to hang special leaflets in the room. To this end, you should determine the two most important and most serious things that the baby can successfully accomplish over the course of daylight hours, and write them on pieces of paper. Such leaflets should be posted on a so-called bulletin board, for example, in a child’s room or on the refrigerator. Information can be displayed not only through written speech, but also through figurative drawings and symbolic images. For example, if your child needs to wash the dishes, you can draw a dirty plate or spoon. After the baby completes the assigned order, he must make a special note on the reminder sheet opposite the corresponding order.

Another way to develop self-organization skills is to use color coding. So, for example, for classes at school, you can have notebooks in certain colors, which will be easier for the student to find in the future. Multi-colored symbols also help to teach a child how to put things in order. For example, on boxes for toys, clothing, notebooks, attach various color scheme leaves. Marking sheets must be big size, are clearly visible and have various designs that will depict the contents of the boxes.

In the primary school period, classes with hyperactive children should mainly be aimed at developing attention, developing voluntary regulation, and training the formation of psychomotor functions. Also, therapeutic methods should cover the development of specific skills of interaction with peers and adults. Initial correctional work with an overly active baby should be done individually. At this stage of correctional influence, it is necessary to teach the little individual to listen, understand the instructions of a psychologist or another adult and pronounce them loudly, and express independently during classes the rules of behavior and norms for performing a specific task. It is also advisable at this stage to develop, together with the baby, a system of rewards and a system of punishments, which will subsequently help him adapt to the group of his peers. The next stage involves the involvement of an overly active baby in collective activities and should also be implemented gradually. First, the child must be involved in game process go to work with a small group of children, and then he can be invited to participate in group activities that involve a large number of participants. Otherwise, if this sequence is not followed, the baby may become overexcited, which will cause loss of behavioral control, general fatigue and lack of active attention.

It is also quite difficult to work with overly active children at school, however, such children also have their own attractive traits.

Hyperactive children at school are characterized by a fresh, spontaneous reaction, they are easily inspired, and are always willing to help teachers and other peers. Hyperactive kids are completely unforgiving, they are more resilient than their peers, and are relatively less prone to diseases than their classmates. They often have a very rich imagination. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers, in order to choose a competent strategy of behavior with such children, try to understand their motives and determine the model of interaction.

Thus, it has been practically proven that the development motor system children has an intense impact on their comprehensive development, namely, on the formation of visual, auditory and tactile analyzer systems, speech abilities, etc. Therefore, classes with hyperactive children must certainly include motor correction.

Working with hyperactive children

Three key areas involve the work of a psychologist with hyperactive children, namely the formation of mental functions that are lagging behind in such children (control of movements and behavior, attention), the development of specific abilities to interact with peers and the adult environment, and work with anger.

Such correction work occurs gradually and begins with the development of one function. Since a hyperactive baby is physically unable long time listen to the teacher with equal attention, restrain impulsiveness and sit calmly. After sustainable positive results have been achieved, you should move on to simultaneous training of two functions, for example, lack of attention and behavioral control. On last stage You can introduce classes aimed at developing all three functions simultaneously.

A psychologist’s work with a hyperactive child begins with personal lessons, then he should move on to exercises in small groups, gradually involving an increasing number of children. Because the individual characteristics of children with excessive activity prevent them from concentrating when there are many peers nearby.

In addition, all activities should take place in an emotionally acceptable form for children. The most attractive for them are activities in the form of games. A hyperactive child in the garden requires special attention and approach. Since with the appearance of such a baby in preschool institution Many problems arise, the solution of which falls on educators. They need to direct all the actions of the baby, and the system of prohibitions must be accompanied by alternative proposals. Gaming activities should be aimed at relieving tension, reducing stress, and developing the ability to focus attention.

A hyperactive child in kindergarten has a rather difficult time withstanding quiet time. If the baby is unable to calm down and fall asleep, then the teacher is recommended to sit next to him and talk to him affectionately, stroking his head. As a result, muscle tension and emotional arousal will decrease. Over time, such a baby will get used to quiet time, and after it he will feel rested and less impulsive. When interacting with an overly active baby, emotional interaction and tactile contact are quite effective.

Hyperactive children at school also require a special approach. First of all, it is necessary to increase their learning motivation. For this purpose, you can use non-traditional forms of correctional work, for example, use the teaching of children by older students. Senior schoolchildren act as instructors and can teach the art of origami or beadwork. In addition, the educational process should be focused on the psychophysiological characteristics of students. For example, it is necessary to change types of activities if the child is tired, or to fulfill his motor needs.

Teachers need to take into account the unusual nature of disorders in children with hyperactive behavior. They often interfere with the normal conduct of classes, because it is difficult for them to control and manage their own behavior, they are always distracted by something, and they are more excited in comparison with their peers.

During schooling, especially at the beginning, it is quite difficult for children with excessive activity to complete an educational task and be careful at the same time. Therefore, teachers are recommended to reduce the requirements for accuracy in such children, which will further contribute to their developing a sense of success and increased self-esteem, which will result in an increase in learning motivation.

Very important in the correctional impact is working with the parents of a hyperactive child, aimed at explaining to adults the characteristics of a child with excessive activity, teaching them verbal and non-verbal interaction with their own children, and developing a unified strategy for educational behavior.

A psychologically stable situation and a calm microclimate in family ties are key components of the health and successful development of any child. That is why it is necessary, first of all, for parents to pay attention to the environment surrounding the child at home, as well as in a school or preschool institution.

Parents of a hyperactive child should ensure that the child does not become overtired. Therefore, it is not recommended to exceed required load. Overwork leads to children's whims, irritability and worsening of their behavior. In order to prevent the baby from becoming overexcited, it is important to follow a certain daily routine, in which time is necessarily allocated for daytime sleep, outdoor games are replaced by quiet games or walks, etc.

Parents should also remember that the less comments they make to their hyperactive child, the better it will be for him. If adults do not like children's behavior, then it is better to try to distract them with something. You need to understand that the number of bans must correspond to the age period.

A hyperactive child needs praise very much, so you should try to praise him as often as possible. However, at the same time, you should not do this too emotionally, so as not to provoke overexcitation. You should also try to ensure that a request addressed to a child does not carry with it several instructions at the same time. When talking to your baby, it is recommended to look into his eyes.

For proper formation fine motor skills and comprehensive organization of movements, children with high activity should be involved in choreography classes, various types dancing, swimming, tennis or karate. It is necessary to attract children to games of an active nature and sports orientation. They must learn to understand the goals of the game and obey its rules, as well as try to plan the game.

When raising a child with high activity, there is no need to go too far; in other words, parents are advised to adhere to a kind of middle position in behavior: they should not be too gentle, but they should also avoid excessive demands that children are not able to fulfill, combining them with punishments. Constant changes in punishment and parental moods have a negative impact on children.

Parents should spare no effort or time to form and develop obedience, accuracy, self-organization in their children, to develop responsibility for their own actions and behavior, the ability to plan, organize and bring to completion what they started.

To improve concentration during lessons or other tasks, you should, if possible, eliminate all factors that irritate and distract your child. Therefore, the child needs to be given a quiet place where he can concentrate on lessons or other activities. While doing homework, parents are advised to periodically check in with their child to check if he is completing his assignments. You should also provide a short break every 15 or 20 minutes. You should discuss your actions and behavior with your child in a calm and benevolent manner.

In addition to all of the above, correctional work with hyperactive children also involves increasing their self-esteem and gaining confidence in their own potential. Parents can do this by teaching their children new skills and abilities. Also, academic success or any achievements in everyday life contribute to the growth of self-esteem in children.

A child with increased activity is characterized by excessive sensitivity; he reacts inadequately to any comments, prohibitions or notations. Therefore, children suffering from excessive activity need the warmth of loved ones, care, understanding and love more than others.

There are also many games aimed at mastering control skills for hyperactive children and teaching them how to manage their own emotions, actions, behavior, and attention.

Games for hyperactive children are the most effective way developing the ability to concentrate attention and help relieve disinhibition.

Often, relatives of children with increased activity experience many difficulties in the process of educational actions. As a result, many of them, with the help of harsh measures, fight against the so-called children's disobedience or, on the contrary, in despair, “give up” on their behavior, thereby giving complete freedom of action to their children. Therefore, work with the parents of a hyperactive child, first of all, should include enriching the emotional experience of such a child, helping him master basic skills, which helps smooth out the manifestations of excessive activity and thereby leads to a change in relationships with close adults.

Treatment of a hyperactive child

Today the question has arisen about the need for treatment of hyperactivity syndrome. Many therapists are confident that hyperactivity is a psychological condition that should be subject to corrective action for the further adaptation of children to life in a group, while others are against drug therapy. Negative attitude towards treatment medicines is a consequence of the use in some countries of amphetamine-type psychotropic drugs for this purpose.

IN former countries CIS is used for treatment medicine Atomoxetine, which is not a psychotropic drug, but also has a number of side effects and contraindications. The effect of taking this drug becomes noticeable after four months of therapy. Having chosen drug intervention as a means of combating hyperactivity, you should understand that any drugs are aimed solely at eliminating the symptoms and not at the causes of the disease. Therefore, the effectiveness of such an intervention will depend on the intensity of the manifestations. But still, drug treatment of a hyperactive child should be used exclusively in the most difficult cases. Since it can often harm a child due to the fact that it has a huge amount side effects. Today, the most gentle medications are homeopathic medicines, since they do not have such a strong effect on the activity of the nervous system. However, taking such drugs requires patience, since their effect occurs only after accumulation in the body.

Non-drug therapy is also successfully used, which should be comprehensive and developed individually for each child. Typically, such therapy includes massage, manual manipulation of the spine and physical therapy. The effectiveness of such drugs is observed in almost half of patients. The disadvantages of non-drug therapy are the need for an individual approach, which is practically impossible in the conditions of modern healthcare, huge financial costs, the need for constant adjustment of therapy, lack of qualified specialists and limited effectiveness.

Treatment of a hyperactive child also involves the use of other methods, for example, the use of biofeedback techniques. For example, the biofeedback technique does not completely replace treatment, but it helps to reduce and adjust drug doses. This technique refers to behavioral therapy and is based on the use of the body’s hidden potential. Key task This technique involves the formation of skills and their mastery. Biofeedback technique refers to modern trends. Its effectiveness lies in improving children's ability to plan their own activities and understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior. Disadvantages include inaccessibility for most families and the inability to obtain effective results in the presence of injuries, vertebral displacement and other diseases.

Behavioral therapy has also been used quite successfully to correct hyperactivity. The difference between the approach of specialists and the approach of followers of other directions lies in the fact that the former do not seek to understand the causes of the phenomenon or predict their consequences, while the latter are engaged in searching for the origins of problems. Behaviorists work directly with behavior. They positively reinforce so-called “right” or appropriate behavior and negatively reinforce “wrong” or inappropriate behavior. In other words, they develop a kind of reflex in patients. Efficiency this method observed in almost 60% of cases and depends on the severity of symptoms and the presence of concomitant diseases. The disadvantages include the fact that the behavioral approach is more common in the United States.

Games for hyperactive children are also correctional methods that help develop skills in controlling motor activity and managing one’s own impulsivity.

Comprehensive and individually designed treatment contributes to a positive effect in the correction of hyperactive behavior. However, we should not forget that for maximum results, the joint efforts of parents and other close associates of the child, teachers, doctors and psychologists are necessary.

Hyperactivity is a rather complex disorder that occurs in children, most often in early childhood. preschool age. Such a baby does not require complex treatment, but parents need to be very attentive to their children.

It is mandatory to work with hyperactive children, since otherwise the child’s success at school may be low, this may also affect the child’s relationships with parents and loved ones, and the child may suffer from excessive mental and motor activity.

In this article we will tell you what kind of correction such children need before school age, consider games for hyperactive children.

If you have a hyperactive child, then first of all you must understand what reasons led to this and eliminate them. Usually the reasons are:

  1. Past infectious diseases.
  2. Trauma during childbirth, late or early birth.
  3. Poisoning from chemicals or heavy metals.
  4. Lack of daily routine.
  5. Poor or unhealthy diet.

Most often, hyperactivity manifests itself in boys; as a result, children may have disrupted sleep patterns, they may suffer from incontinence, speech disorders, and heart disease. Very often a child suffers from hyperactivity due to attention deficit disorder.

Attention deficit

If a child suffers from hyperactivity, then most likely he also has attention deficit. But such a conclusion can be given based on the results of an examination by a psychologist, psychotherapist and pediatrician. During the examination, it will also be necessary to find out whether the child suffers from other diseases that are very similar to hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, since they may also require appropriate treatment.

If the doctor can prescribe treatment and medications that will help focus the child’s vision, calm his nervous system, and help make his behavior calmer,... This correction will help both parents and child.

Usually, in addition to treatment, the child must completely change his preschool lifestyle. Here recommendations from a psychologist for your child’s age will be useful. He will teach the baby, who is already seven years old, to relax, do breathing exercises, calm down and relax different muscle groups.

It is advisable that the teachers and principal of the school where the child is studying also inform the parents that the child is hyperactive. This may give your child some help with learning, a quieter place in the classroom, or extra time to complete assignments.

Hyperactive child – School of Dr. Komarovsky

Main signs of hyperactivity

Signs of the disorder can be detected in completely different ways. Most often, the child exhibits some kind of spontaneous reaction that he himself is unable to suppress. As a rule, such reactions are a manifestation of excessive emotionality, which is a consequence of an unbalanced nervous system.

Another very important sign of the peculiarity that a child is endowed with is difficulty with and the inability to calmly wait for something or sit in one place. Typically, such a child is disorganized, forgetful and absent-minded. As a consequence of this, the following signs of hyperactivity appear: poor performance of tasks, the child moves a lot, talks a lot, interrupts everyone.

Very often, parents confuse the causes and signs of hyperactivity with attention deficit disorder, as well as with ordinary whims. But you also shouldn’t overdo it, if your baby shows hyperactivity in one situation, you don’t have to look for reasons for this, it could be a pure coincidence. But if they appear in other situations, then you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment for this feature of the baby, which requires mandatory correction.

Specific signs of hyperactivity in children:

  1. The baby cannot sit quietly, he shows restless movements of his arms and legs. He spins, twirls, fidgets, fiddles with his hair and clothes all the time.
  2. The baby exhibits causeless symptoms. He can run, jump, climb anywhere he can.
  3. The baby cannot play with concentration and calmly. He screams and squeaks, performs unconscious movements.
  4. The kid can listen to the question to the end, he can answer inappropriately, and also not really think about listening to his opponent.
  5. The baby is capricious, nervous and cannot wait long for something.
  6. The baby can interfere with other children, usually pesters them during play and can cause discomfort with its behavior.
  7. The little one's sleep is restless, the sheet under him often gets tangled, he opens up and turns over.
  8. The kid does not understand that people have their own needs and desires.
  9. The baby does not control his desires and emotions, including aggressive ones.
  10. The little one is not attentive and makes mistakes as a result of this inattention.
  11. Poor concentration, the baby can hear speech, but poorly assimilates what is said to him.
  12. A toddler who is in his sixth year may be interested in many things, but he has problems understanding this or that process or phenomenon.

Of course, this behavior definitely needs correction and treatment; parents definitely need to find a good doctor for their baby. But, remember that such features do not make the baby bad; parents need to take into account the advice of a doctor and psychotherapist, as well as monitor and adjust the upbringing of the baby.

Features of education

Correcting hyperactivity is not only drug treatment, it is also proper upbringing and attitude towards the baby. For the correction to benefit the baby, parents whose baby is already seven years old will need:

  1. Set boundaries for your child’s behavior, taking into account his characteristics, within which you do not show anger.
  2. Parents definitely need to talk to the baby, explain to him the boundaries and explain what sanctions may follow if the baby crosses these boundaries.
  3. Be sure to talk about what the red line is, which should not be crossed under any circumstances. Correct correction implies that at first there will be only one such boundary so that the baby does not get confused. For the age when the baby is six and entering his seventh year, this will be correct and it will be easy for the baby to follow the instructions of adults.
  4. Adults should not be angry with the child; remember that the baby is not to blame, he just has such characteristics. Remember the advice of specialists and repeat to yourself that correction and treatment is not an easy process for both you and the baby. Don't make too many demands on your baby and don't get angry.
  5. If you can’t avoid getting angry, differentiate between your anger and love for your baby. Let your child know that even if he has done a bad thing, this does not mean that he himself is bad or unworthy.
  6. Forgive your child for his characteristics, encourage his good behavior. Express your feelings towards him with words of love and praise.

In order for the correction and treatment of hyperactivity and children who have already entered their seventh year to be successful, you must correctly perceive and follow the advice and recommendations of a psychologist. Then raising a hyperactive child, who is already seven years old, will be easy and simple, and children’s whims will be accepted calmly.

So, expert advice on how to raise a hyperactive child who is seven years old:

  1. Make the daily routine clear and understandable for your little one. Introduce rituals into your daily routine.
  2. Let the baby be only in a calm and familiar environment, protect him from irritants.
  3. Get your child interested in sports and physical activity.
  4. Do not limit your baby in active play and other activities, let him spend energy.
  5. Do not punish your baby or force him to sit in one place.
  6. Love your child and show him all your love, praise him and talk about how important he is to you.
  7. Arouse your baby's interest in creativity and learning.

10 rules for raising a hyperactive child – Dr. Komarovsky

A hyperactive child is restless. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, excessive mobility, and is difficult to keep in one place. To prevent this from becoming a problem in the family and complicating the life of the child himself, every parent needs to know what to do about it.

What is hyperactivity? In most cases, this is an inherited trait, and the activity and excessive activity of the baby differ greatly. How ? It’s better not to get lost in guesswork, but to immediately seek professional help.

If a child is hyperactive, what should parents do and how serious is the problem? This is a component of a disorder of brain function that occurs at the psychophysiological level. The medical phenomenon is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. Moreover, in addition to too much activity, children have attention-related deviations.

Hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in children is a broad spectrum disorder. The way a child behaves has nothing to do with upbringing or development allergic reactions, other changes.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Signs of hyperactivity in children can appear as early as early age. How can parents understand that their child needs help? In preschool age, it should be alarming that the child cannot concentrate on a certain activity. Such children usually have distracted attention. The parent sees that the child cannot play games that require an increased degree of concentration from him.

Signs of a hyperactive child quickly attract the attention of adults. However, the symptoms described do not indicate large reserves of energy. With the syndrome, in many cases, the presence of restless movements is observed. The subject becomes too short-tempered and is diagnosed with pretentious motor skills.

When a child is hyperactive, signs of this phenomenon may be as follows:

  • restless sleep, with disturbances;
  • often the child cries;
  • there is a high degree of mobility and agitation;
  • there is sensitivity to external stimuli, for example, bright light, noise.

What causes the syndrome?

Experts have not precisely identified the causes of hyperactivity. Child hyperactivity is often caused by genetic factors, and is also associated with damage to the central nervous system. These factors can be observed in combination.

Based on modern research, symptoms of deviation are associated with inconsistency in the functioning of structures responsible for controlling attention and behavior. This may be a family illness, which, for example, was present in childhood with a father or grandfather and was passed on to a grandson.

Hyperactivity in a child can be provoked by unfavorable factors that cause the appearance of minimal brain dysfunction. This can be understood as the course of pregnancy with a pathological nature, the presence of injuries that appeared during childbirth, etc. If there is an increase in the manifestation of the syndrome, this means that there is an unbalanced diet in the family. In this case, the child’s body receives insufficient quantities of useful, essential substances and vitamins.

How to deal with a hyperactive child? It is necessary to ensure harmony and comfort in the house. With unfavorable family relationships, the difficulty of adaptation increases, attention and behavior worsen. This is also caused by the lack of a sufficient level of care for children.

A complex approach

Experts give recommendations to parents of hyperactive children. Initially, the totality of brain functions that have undergone negative transformations is taken into account. The baby is likely to have problems with maintaining normal level life activity.

The child gets tired quickly, his interest in the material presented decreases after a short time. The lag affects functions related to control actions and programming. This manifests itself in the impossibility of carrying out a set of actions and planning manipulations. It is especially unpleasant when visual and spatial functions develop at a slower pace compared to healthy peers.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder must undergo comprehensive treatment and thorough diagnosis. It is better to show them to both a psychologist and a neurologist at the same time. The basis for the socialization and development of a child without deviations is the common bond between parents and children. Most often, according to statistics, the diagnosis of deviation is carried out in children aged 6 years. Less often.

Note to parents

How to deal with a hyperactive child? Parents must be patient, otherwise nothing will work out. It is necessary to remember that hyperactivity in children appears along with screaming.

In such a family, communication is very important. There will be absolutely no effect if you constantly shout at your child. The technique of switching attention brings effectiveness. When the baby shows his activity, it is better to play with him, interest him in other activities, and show attention.

Instead of reassuring a boy or girl, you should constantly praise him. This is done at every opportunity. The action allows you to maintain attention in good shape, the child will be ready to continue the activity.

Hyperactivity syndrome is possible. It is this form of action that allows one to master the surrounding nature and phenomena. , in this case, preference should be given to those options that are characterized by the presence of rules. At first they can be elementary, then the conditions become more complex.

How to deal with child hyperactivity? This technique allows you to force the baby to act in accordance with the goals set. A set of goals is concentrated in his memory. Based on the theme of the games, he develops useful skills, his emotional sphere stabilizes, and he learns to communicate correctly.

Raising hyperactive children is best done using games played in the yard. For example, it could be " Marine figure" If the child has already started school, then it is best for him to play basketball, football and other sports games.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children at a very young age can be eliminated with the help of games that, for example, allow you to pass an object from hand to hand. You need to talk to the child during the process, complicate the task step by step.

Exercises for hyperactive children often involve engaging different types of brain activity. It is most important to influence the most weakened species. Commenting on actions out loud allows children to more effectively cope with excessive impulsiveness. Raising a hyperactive child should be aimed at controlling mistakes so that children notice and understand their goals and attitudes.

Problem while studying

Hyperactivity in school-age children leads to the fact that, despite good intellectual abilities, they usually have low academic performance. This is due to the presence of a syndrome that can affect the process of normal childhood development. Moreover, this can happen right up to the moment.

The advice to parents is simple: first of all, they themselves must remain calm and confident in their abilities. To change the behavior of a hyperactive child in better side, you need to organize activities in a playful way and maintain an optimistic attitude, good mood. School can leave its mark on children's behavior. Outside of the educational process, you should definitely play with your daughter or son. It is necessary to alternately interest him in sedentary and active games. The degree of their complexity is selected based on the student’s abilities, so that he does not have a feeling of unsuitability. School, teacher education, and workload can help improve a child’s condition in many cases.

When a child is hyperactive, what should parents do? Can advice from a psychologist help? The student remains insensitive to punishment and does not respond to negative stimuli. If a student does not complete his homework, there is no need to raise his voice or set conditions for him. It is better to guide him towards the goal so that he wants to achieve the result on his own.

How to raise a hyperactive child? If he does not cope well with household duties, then he will have to use the play method again. For example, you can make a competition out of washing dishes. When a child sweeps the floor, the broom can only be held with the left hand. The game form of performing everyday important actions allows you to cope with the problem, it produces a calming effect.

Often, to identify deviations, a special questionnaire is filled out; the criteria for identifying hyperactivity in children are clearly stated and highlighted in it. If a syndrome is identified, it can be eliminated through developmental computer games. To determine the degree of deviation, the child needs to undergo special testing. After this, an automatic analysis of the results is carried out. Next, the game complex is adjusted separately for each case, which makes it possible to train the weakened function with attention deficit.

Effective therapy

Treatment of hyperactivity in children should be carried out comprehensively. Experts may advise the use of psychological and pedagogical correction, psychotherapy, and use.

If a hyperactive child is studying at school, then he needs to select an individual regime. His class should be small, lessons should be shortened, assignments should be given in doses. How to calm a hyperactive child? Correcting the disease may mean maintaining sufficient physical activity, adequate sleep, proper nutrition. The child should walk a lot in the fresh air. Due to the syndrome, it is better for the child to be in noisy children's company less often. His presence at large, public events is limited.

How to treat deviation? In addition to conversations and games, you can use drug treatment. To cure the child, he is prescribed atomoxetine hydrochloride, medications that are part of the nootropic group. These are Cortexin, Pyritinol, Phenibut, etc. They produce a sedative effect.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child? If there are speech disorders, then classes are conducted with a speech therapist. Achieving a good effect is possible through massage cervical region spine, the use of kinesiotherapy.

Nowadays there are a lot of children diagnosed with childhood hyperactivity. They find it difficult to study, observe, and even communicate with teachers. But these are still the same children, to whom you just need to find the right approach. It is the parents who must do this, because over time the child will realize his problems and begin to independently change his life. The sooner his family helps him with this, the easier and faster he will be able to adapt to this life.
