Edible yellow mushrooms. What mushrooms grow in a pine forest

Experienced mushroom pickers can quickly distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. Since the latter are extremely dangerous, it is necessary to be able to distinguish poisonous types from those that can be safely eaten.

Types of mushrooms

In most classifications, mushrooms are divided not into two, but into three large groups:

  • edible: they are not only collected, but also specially grown for preparing various dishes
  • inedible (poisonous): outwardly they may look like edible counterparts, but after consumption they cause severe poisoning, often leading to death

conditionally edible: some of them are edible only in at a young age, the latter cause poisoning only when mixed with alcohol or certain foods; still others require lengthy cooking to remove the acrid taste; for example, in Poland white milk mushroom considered inedible, whereas in Russia it is soaked and then salted, resulting in a unique dish with a pleasant aftertaste.

According to the composition of the lower layers of the mushroom caps, they can be:

  • tubular: the layer consists of numerous, tightly touching tubes running perpendicular to the cap
  • lamellar: parallel thin plates, like the tubes, are located perpendicular to the cap.

There is also a classification of fungi according to methods of reproduction, cell type and some other principles, but they will not be considered within the scope of this article.

Structure. Main features

All types of mushrooms, with the exception of morels, strings and truffles, consist of a cap and stem, forming a fruiting body. The part located underground has the appearance of thin threads called mycelium. Mushrooms are one of the most amazing representatives of the kingdom of nature, combining the characteristics of not only plants, but the simplest animals.

Therefore, scientists have separated them into a separate section of botany. Like plants, they have a cellular shell structure, feed by absorbing nutrients from the soil, and reproduce by spores. A similar feature is their low mobility.

Fungi can be classified as animals due to the presence of multicellular forms and chitin, which is characteristic only of the skeletons of arthropods. In addition, mushrooms contain glycogen, which is found only in vertebrates in the muscles and liver.

Tubular types

White mushrooms

The color of the cap of such a mushroom is by no means white - it has Brown color. The name is connected only with its contrast to the “black” obebuk, the cut of which quickly darkens. The pulp porcini mushroom remains the same even after prolonged heat treatment. Fruiting time for the main species is June-October.

In each locality it has a special name, for example, boletus, pan-mushroom, cow or mullein. In some areas, other types of mushrooms with a light color of the stem and the space under the cap are called white: in the Cis-Urals and Far East this name is used for boletuses and boletuses. In Central Asia, white is called oyster mushroom, and in Crimea it is a giant talker mushroom growing in the mountains.


Porcini mushrooms are found everywhere except Antarctica and arid regions. The main habitats are coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests. Ripening time depends on the region. The first mushrooms appear already in May or June. The harvest ends in the southern part of Russia and Europe in October-November, and in the northern regions at the end of August.

  • Description
  • A real porcini mushroom has a fairly large convex velvety cap 7-30 cm in diameter, in some cases even reaching 50 cm.
  • Its skin is reddish-brown in color.
  • In young specimens it can be almost milky white - it darkens and “flattens”, becoming almost flat, only as it grows.
  • Less common are yellow, yellowish-orange or reddish caps.
  • The massive stem of such a mushroom at the base is dotted with small veins and has a peculiar barrel-shaped shape (there are also specimens in the shape of a club).
  • Its height is 8-25 cm and thickness is about 7 cm.
  • With age, the leg begins to stretch and take on a cylindrical shape with a thickened base.
  • In some specimens it is widened or narrowed in the center.

White mushrooms

The pulp is quite fleshy, light in color, dense. With age, it turns fibrous and begins to turn yellow. Hence the name of the porcini mushroom used in the Perm and Novgorod regions - zheltyak. Olive colored spores.

The tubular layer of the cap with a notch almost at the stem itself is separated from the pulp quite easily. Light or soft pink in young fungi, it turns yellow over time and then becomes greenish-olive. The smell of raw ones is very weak - they acquire a pleasant unique aroma and piquant taste only when boiled or dried.

Even experienced lovers of “silent hunting” know that some distinction criteria do not apply to specimens of non-standard shape or color. Therefore, if you are not completely sure that a mushroom is edible, it is better to throw it away.

  • Kinds

Depending on the type of forest, porcini mushrooms are divided into several forms:

  • white spruce (standard form) with red-brown cap: most common variety
  • birch: has an almost white cap
  • oak: quite common form; it can only be found under oak trees; it has looser flesh and a brownish-gray cap
  • pine (pine): equipped with a dark cap, which may have a slight purple sheen; pulp with a reddish-brown tint.

A separate early form is distinguished, which is found only in the pine forests of the Middle Volga region - its collection is carried out in May-June. Unlike the pine form, when cut it has not brownish, but slightly red flesh. Porcini mushrooms are also divided into shades (it can be different in each area). In Europe and Transcaucasia, as well as forests North America there is a mesh form that looks like a moss fly.


There are about 40 varieties of boletus (obabkov, birch boletus), which are quite similar in appearance. They grow in small groups, called ring colonies, or less often individually. Therefore, having found the very first mushroom, you will not leave the forest empty-handed.

Boletus mushrooms jump out of the ground literally before our eyes: per day they are able to rise by 3-4 cm. The ripening period is only 6 days. After this period, the mushrooms begin to age just as quickly.

  • Description
  • Young mushrooms have light caps with a diameter of up to 18 cm; they begin to darken and turn into dark brown with age. Over time, the hemisphere-shaped cap turns into a characteristic cushion-shaped one. In humid forests it can be sticky and covered in mucus.
  • The stem of the boletus with a diameter of up to 3 cm and a height of up to 15 cm is light gray or whitish in color and cylindrical in shape. Another characteristic feature of the mushroom is the dark gray scales located longitudinally on the stem.
  • The boletus pulp is quite dense and white, only slightly darkening when cut. Over time, it becomes more loose, fibrous and tough. The color of the spores is brownish-olive.
  • Kinds

Based on their places of growth, shape and color, boletus mushrooms are divided into 10 main species (only 9 are found in Russia):

  • ordinary: has the most valuable taste properties; the cap of such mushrooms is reddish-brown; the leg is thickened and has a fairly dense structure
  • swamp: it can only be found in wetlands; distinctive features– thin leg, light brown or light gray cap and looser flesh than the ordinary type
  • black: its cap is almost black, and the leg is thick and shortened; has high taste properties
  • harsh: has a very rich, pleasant, not too pungent smell and a sweetish taste; cap covered with scales, grayish or brown, sometimes with a purple tint
  • pinkish: grows only in the North, growing season - autumn; the color of the cap is heterogeneous - from brown to brick; trying to reach for the sun, has a bent leg
  • multicolored: The leg of this boletus is white, but the cap can have a variety of shades from gray and orange to brown, often with a slight light tan
  • hornbeam: received its name due to the characteristics of its growth - it is found only in hornbeam forests, in Russia, mainly in the Caucasus; cap color from ashy or whitish to ocher
  • tundra: grows under the crowns of dwarf birches, has a small cap of light beige color.

When picking mushrooms, none poisonous mushroom shouldn't even make it into the trash can. After all, even a small piece of it can be enough for serious poisoning.

Boletuses (redheads)

This type of mushroom, indeed, can most often be found under aspen trees. And their bright hat in the shape of a hemisphere (half a ball) is very similar in color to fallen and yellowed orange-red aspen leaves. As it grows, its shape flattens.

Even a beginner can collect boletuses - after all, their false analogues simply do not exist. True, they often grow alone or in rare groups. You can find them in deciduous or mixed forests not only at the roots of aspens, but also birches, oaks, pine trees and even poplars. They love young trees very much and often hide in their crowns.

  • Description
  • The cap of a mature boletus with a diameter of 15-30 cm is smooth or slightly rough, fitting well to the leg.
  • The tubular layer is up to 3 cm in size. Over time, it darkens even with a slight touch and becomes loose.
  • Another feature of the boletus is its rather long and thick (up to 22 cm), slightly rough club-shaped leg, expanding downward.
  • The diameter of the boletus cap is usually 5-20, less often 30 cm.
  • The fleshy and dense pulp of the boletus immediately oxidizes in the air - when broken, it darkens to a blue-green color.

They are named so for their slimy skin - indeed, it seems as if they were covered with oil on top. These mushrooms grow from September to October in the European part of the continent, as well as Mexico. This mushroom can be found on sandy soil in almost all types of forests from pine and oak to birch.

It is also found in clearings and meadows. In terms of protein content, boletus can compete even with porcini mushrooms. They can be salted, boiled or fried. When eating, the slippery skin is removed.

  • Description
  • The cap of young mushrooms is brown-chocolate or yellow-brown, convex, hemisphere-shaped.
  • Over time, it smoothes out and becomes flatter.
  • The leg is much lighter, with a slight yellow tint and an almost white membranous ring.
  • Its height is 4-12 cm.
  • Butterflies have juicy flesh, which is lighter under the cap than at the base.
  • Worms simply love them - damage can reach up to 80%.
  • Kinds

Good harvest

These mushrooms include not only common boletus, but also their yellow-brown variety - even the stem of such boletus is colored intensely yellow. Another type is granular. Outwardly similar to yellow-brown, but has a less intense color. He doesn't have a ring on his leg.

The larch butterdish has a yellow-brown or lemon-yellow cap without cracks or tubercles and a thick stem of the same color in the form of an elongated cylinder or club.

Lamellar mushrooms

The mushroom, once called the king of mushrooms in Rus', can be found in both deciduous and mixed forests, mainly next to birch trees. Some species are found only under coniferous trees, on acidic soils. It grows in groups, less often alone. Milk mushrooms are collected from early July to October.

This mushroom can be considered truly Russian - in Europe it is not recognized and is even considered poisonous due to its peculiar bitterness, which, however, goes away after soaking. It is not intended for cooking or stewing - it is only salted.

  • Description
  • The cap of a young real milk mushroom has a flat-convex shape.
  • As it grows, it changes to a funnel-shaped one with a characteristic, slightly inward-turned edge that is slightly pubescent.
  • The skin is wet, slimy, to which foliage quickly sticks, light yellowish or light cream in color, sometimes with darker spots. Cap diameter 5-20 cm.
  • The average height of the stem, smoothly flowing into the cap, is 3-7 cm.
  • As it ages, it becomes hollow. The flesh of the milk mushroom is quite dense, fragile and brittle.
  • When exposed to air, the milky sap begins to darken to a gray-yellow color.
  • The spore powder also has a yellow tint.
  • The smell of fresh mushroom is very pungent, unique, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of fruit.

List and overview of mushrooms that grow in September, October and November.

Mushrooms - useful product, containing a huge amount of protein. They are suitable for preparing fillings for pies, as part of first and second courses. In addition, mushrooms are used to make excellent preparations for the winter in the form of caviar, pate or salts. Of course, you can buy mushrooms at the market, but forest varieties are considered the most delicious and nutritious.

Mushrooms are the fruits of the growth of mycelium and mycelium. In general, mycelium grows several meters underground, like a spider’s web. From time to time it bears fruit. These are exactly the mushrooms that we collect. The largest mushroom harvest is observed in the fall after rain.

Mushroom growth time is 2 weeks. But most often you can see the mushroom already on the 5th day. At this time, a leg appears that connects the mycelium and the cap. Initially, the cap is small, but after 2-3 days its size rapidly increases. That is, after the rain you can go pick mushrooms in 1-2 weeks.

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of September: photos, list, names

September is a month rich in mushrooms. This time is considered to be the peak. The most interesting thing is that it is at this time that the mushrooms are harvested. In the forest you can find summer mushrooms, which previously bore fruit well in July and August.

List of mushrooms for September:

  • Wet
  • White mushrooms
  • Chanterelles

false fox

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of October: photos, list, names

At this time, the number of mushrooms decreases. The fact is that the nights become relatively cold. But at this temperature, the mushrooms last longer until their maturity. There are not many summer mushrooms at this time. The time has begun for varieties that love moderate temperatures. The most interesting thing is that this is the best time to harvest mushrooms. They keep for a very long time.

List of October mushrooms:

Occasionally you can see boletus and boletus. They grow infrequently, their time is running out.

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of November: photos, list, names

In November it is already quite cold and out of all the summer abundance, very few mushrooms are found. These are mainly resistant varieties that grow on tree trunks or stumps. Because there is frost on the ground surface. Usually, the mushroom season ends with the first snow. Occasionally you can see oyster mushrooms on the trunks.

List of November mushrooms:

  • Gray row

What are the latest edible mushrooms in November: photos, list, names

Basically, at the end of autumn there are not many mushrooms in the forest, not only edible, but also poisonous. The mycelium gradually stops producing fruit, as the temperature is quite low. Few people pick mushrooms in November, as this is the time of rain and the first frosts. At this time the forest is very dirty. Few people would like to walk in the mud and pick through wet leaves, looking for mushrooms. At this time, there are very few mushrooms left that can be eaten. They have a significant feature - a hard cap. Therefore, among mushroom pickers there are few who love such mushrooms.

The latest mushrooms:

  • Winter honey fungus

All these mushrooms have a dense texture and a fibrous cap.

gray talker

Very hot weather is not suitable for mushrooms. In general, mushrooms love humidity and moderate temperatures. The ideal temperature can be considered +10+20 °C. If summer or autumn is very dry, then you should not count on good harvest mushrooms But even if in the fall heavy rains, then the mycelium will get wet. In such weather there is also no good harvest.

September can be considered ideal; at this time there are a lot of summer mushrooms and lovers of cool weather appear. At this time you can see boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms. They can be found even during frosts. It is believed that a temperature of +5+10 °C is required for the development of the mushroom fruit. This is the minimum temperature.

Despite the decrease in average daily temperature, in the fall it is possible to harvest a large number of mushrooms They are in their own way taste qualities are not inferior to summer ones.

VIDEO: Edible mushrooms in autumn

Pine forests are characterized by certain types mushrooms regardless of the region, and only the pine forests of the southern coast of Crimea have several species that are absent in other regions. To a large extent, the species composition of fungi is also determined by the age of pine plantations. In two- and three-year-old plantings of Scots pine, the common butterwort appears, growing among the grass. You can also find it under individual trees outside. forest area. The productivity of the common oiler in pine plantings increases every year, reaches a maximum by 10-14 years and after that begins to fade. In four- to six-year-old plantings, when the lower branches of the pine trees almost touch the ground and grass grows around, when picking mushrooms you have to lift the branches and push the grass apart. When the crowns of the pines close together, the grass disappears and the soil is covered with a layer of fallen needles; the presence of boletus is determined by the tubercles of raised needles. You remove the needles from such a tubercle, and under them the cap is thick, fleshy, light, almost white in color, different from those that grow in illuminated places and have a cap painted in yellow-brown tones. The abundance of common butterwort in young pine forests depends little on the terrain; the mushroom harvest can be abundant on flat terrain, on hills, rather steep slopes, and wet depressions around forest swamps.
With the age of pine plantings, the common buttercup is replaced, and sometimes along with it comes another abundantly fruiting mushroom - the greenfinch, which is well distinguished from other species by the lemon-greenish color of the plates and the entire cap, if it did not grow in a sunny place. Greenfinches also grow in large groups and are found in young, middle-aged and mature pine forests, on depressions in dense shady pine forests, where they can be detected by slightly raised tubercles of fallen needles, and on sunlit hillocks of forest glades, when yellow-greenish caps with densely adherent grains of sand barely poke out of the soil.

Greenfinches grown in illuminated places are stronger and fleshier than those grown in a shady forest, but in warm weather are more often damaged by insect larvae. When collecting, it is advisable to clean them of sand, because in mushrooms placed in a basket, sand penetrates in large quantities between the plates and is difficult to get rid of during subsequent cleaning. In pine plantings, mainly in flat areas, next to greenfinches, you can often find gray row, which began to be eaten relatively recently, because it is somewhat similar to inedible row soapy, found in the same places. A special form of porcini mushroom also grows here - with a yellow-brown cap and a relatively thin, almost cylindrical stalk. The fungus grows more often on the outskirts of plantings, in small depressions and ditches, and less often in the rows of pine trees.
In pine plantings, especially young ones, the true autumn honey fungus is quite abundant, growing in groups around trunks or on stumps left during sanitary clearing of pine trees.

In young and middle-aged pine forests you can find a family of bright saffron milk caps. They grow more often in more humid places in small depressions, ditches along roads, in clearings, forest clearings and edges, and less often - in the inter-rows of pine trees after the first sanitary clearing. In addition to the pine form of camelina, painted in bright orange-reddish tones, in low places near swamps where juniper and alder grow, as well as in spruce plantings, another form is found - the spruce form of camelina, distinguished by a light gray-green color of the cap and somewhat smaller size. At the end of summer and autumn, when there are frequent rains, an unattractive-looking mushroom of a peculiar shape with a wet, slimy cap grows in forest clearings and between the rows of pine trees. This is purple mocha - at a young age the mushroom has a pleasant taste and is suitable for all types of culinary processing.
Sometimes in young pine plantings, instead of the expected common butterfly, you can find whole thickets of variegated hedgehog mushrooms, edible at a young age, while the fruiting body is soft and tender, old mushrooms become tough and bitter. Suitable for fresh consumption and for drying.

In older and middle-aged pine forests, near old stumps, dead trees, among the grass in the fall, you can find groups of mushrooms with a delicate smell and light lilac color records. This is a violet row - a conditionally edible mushroom. In summer and autumn, most often in mature pine forests you can find mushrooms that look like porcini mushrooms, but differ in a slightly convex tubular layer of a pinkish tint. The mushroom is not poisonous, but its flesh is so bitter that it is called the gall mushroom.
In young age gall mushroom can easily be mistaken for white and, if you are not careful, the smallest fruiting body can ruin the most delicious dish delicious mushrooms.
On stumps, less often at the base of trunks, a brightly colored edible mushroom of low quality is found - yellow-red row. In dry and wetter places, brown grass grows among the moss in small groups. In young, middle-aged and old pine forests, especially in places with little presence of birch, there are whole scatterings of true chanterelle. Once discovered, it can be harvested at the height of summer, when other types of good edible mushrooms are almost absent.
In forests of middle and older age, at the end of summer, aromatic russula is abundant in autumn. In summer, in damp places, among moss and blueberries, yellow russula is often found - the mushroom is very fragile, it easily crumbles small pieces. In damp places, near swamps, marsh russula is found in small groups - a good edible mushroom with a brightly colored cap. In autumn, small groups of black russula or black russula are found, mainly used for salting.

In middle-aged and mature pine forests in autumn it occurs in large groups. Polish mushroom, and in clearings with sparse mature pines - granular oiler. In forest clearings, edges, and among the forest, one of our largest mushrooms, the variegated umbrella mushroom, is found in small groups, which is often knocked over, mistaking it for a poisonous fly agaric. Meanwhile, the variegated umbrella mushroom is one of the most delicious mushrooms, highly valued in all European countries. In autumn, in pine forests, the red umbrella mushroom is very abundant - also edible and delicious mushroom, especially at a young age. In pine forests, especially suburban forests, somewhat overgrown with weeds, abundant different kinds talkers growing on the forest floor and forming “witch rings”. Among them, many are edible, but of low quality, and some are poisonous. The gray talker is considered edible, but of low quality - a large mushroom with a smoky-gray cap, and similar to it, but with a club-shaped thickened base of the leg, the club-footed talker. Fragrant talker is suitable for flavoring dishes made from other, less aromatic types of mushrooms. In autumn, a very poisonous waxy talker is also found. From poisonous mushrooms found alone and in groups
death cap(green fly agaric), panther fly agaric, red fly agaric, toadstool or citrine fly agaric. Along the edges of old pine forests, gray-pink or blushing fly agaric is not uncommon - a conditionally edible mushroom. On stumps and around withered trees, large groups of deadly poisonous sulfur-yellow honey fungus are found. In the pine forests of the southern coast of Crimea special attention The form of the camelina deserves to be reddened, distinguished by the yellow-ocher color of the cap and the red-brown color of the juice at the break. This, the most delicious of saffron milk caps, is rare and must be protected.
In pine forests of natural origin, growing on almost clean sands of river terraces, in addition to the species listed above, the porcini mushroom grows - a form of pine. This is one of the most beautiful mushrooms - squat, with a thick bulbous stem and a fleshy dark red cap. Grows in families, often in small depressions, under isolated groups of pine trees, along the edges and forest clearings. Sometimes one large mushroom is noticeable from a distance; if you come closer, next to it you will see smaller mushrooms, slightly colored in a reddish color; you immediately notice needles raised by a tubercle, from under which almost white, not yet colored, peeks out
the sun catches the cap of a mushroom that grew overnight. A pine forest with even a slight admixture of other tree species is richer in the number of mushroom species than a pure pine forest. In the presence of birch pine forest boletuses, aspen boletuses, green russula, pink and white volushki, other types of laticifers, blue gyroporus, or bruise, chestnut gyroporus, also called hare mushroom, appear. The last two species cause mistrust among mushroom pickers, but they are edible and quite tasty when fresh; chestnut gyroporus is also used for drying and pickling. On more humid depressions among blueberries, yellow-brown float is not uncommon. This small elegant mushroom resembles poisonous fly agarics and does not attract the attention of most mushroom pickers. Meanwhile, it has been established that the float contains many useful physiologically active and bactericidal substances. A small admixture of aspen and oak further increases diversity species composition mushrooms The oak form of the porcini mushroom appears, the number of types of russula increases, including one of the largest - white russula, or white russula, which looks very similar to milk mushrooms, but without milky juice. The number of boletus and aspen mushrooms increases, black milk mushrooms, pepper milk mushrooms, oak milk mushrooms and many other types of edible and inedible mushrooms appear.

Today mushrooms can be found in different places(forest, meadow, garden, park, hedge or bush). They are found both in mountainous areas and in river valleys. They grow in industrial centers, on city streets, in factory areas, near landfills and even deep underground - in mountain mines. Therefore, late autumn mushrooms are very common.

It just so happens that with the onset of the first autumn frosts, mushroom pickers stop visiting forests with baskets in their hands. When autumn comes, the season is considered closed. But one should take into account the fact that a thaw following frosts gives lovers of quiet hunting another opportunity to enjoy their favorite dish.

The formation of the fruiting body directly depends on the weather. The growth process and the number of mushrooms are affected by air humidity and temperature. It is worth considering that periods with high rainfall are quite favorable for mushroom pickers. Mushrooms don’t really like dry autumn.

When the October and November fogs remain like a wall around the clock, and the air already smells of frost, the time has come for the last mushrooms, among which there are a lot of edible specimens.

Types of late mushrooms

Mushroom pickers produce a large number of mushrooms that grow in late autumn. It is worth considering the most popular and delicious of them.

Autumn stitch

The popular names of the mushroom in question are autumn lobe, horned stitch, inviolable gyromitra and smarzhok. The stitch is quite beautiful and unique, it is difficult to confuse it with any other relative. Its growth begins in August and ends at the end of October. It loves autumn, but if the weather is damp and cool, the mushroom can appear as early as mid-July.

Strochok loves coniferous forests, soil and rotting wood, humidity, edges, fire pits, and clearings. Small groups can be found on fallen trees between moss. But it also happens that hundreds of specimens fit in a small area, but their size is quite small.

The cap ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters. Its color ranges from brown to brown-black, and its surface is velvety. The leg can grow up to 11 centimeters. It is flattened on the sides, often hollow, and slightly curved. It has longitudinal grooves and a white or pinkish tint. But brown or gray color is not excluded.

Strog has a fragile white cartilaginous pulp that is similar to wax and does not have any aroma. It cannot be called very tasty. In addition, raw, it is quite poisonous to humans, so you should take its preparation seriously. The most important thing is to cook the string before frying it, and be sure to drain the resulting liquid. Mushroom pickers try to eat string infrequently, as this can lead to health problems.

Other names: autumn or alder oyster mushroom, late panellus, willow oyster mushroom. Growth begins at the end of September and continues until permanent snow appears on the soil and the air becomes frosty for a long time (November - January). Mushrooms love to be located on trees, stumps, in deciduous or mixed forests. They grow in fairly large groups.

The hat can have a diameter of up to 16 centimeters, and if we talk about its shade, they are varied: gray-olive, yellow, blue-brown, dirty green, gray, purple. In cold weather, the cap often turns dark yellow or slightly red.

The leg grows up to 4 centimeters long and has a cylindrical shape. In addition, it is curved, tilted to the side. There are small scales on it. The color ranges from greenish-brown to brown. The top of the leg is somewhat darker than its lower part.

The mushroom has a dense pulp of loose consistency, which can be fleshy at high humidity, but becomes very tough with age. Mushroom pickers prefer to collect oyster mushrooms immediately after they grow, because after some time they harden. This period falls on late autumn. Soups are prepared from the mushroom, fried and salted. If you had to cut a mature oyster mushroom, it is better to peel the skin and boil it a little longer. It is worth considering that freezing makes the mushroom less tasty, but it does not lose its edibility.

Winter tinder

This mushroom has a 10-centimeter cap covered with small fibers. Over time, it becomes bare, rough, and scales appear on it. The color of the cap is brown and yellow, the edges are fringed. The mushroom stalk grows up to 3 centimeters in height and has an eccentric, lateral or central shape. The shade of the stem is identical to the cap, but its base is quite dark.

The tubular covering of the tinder fungus is white or yellow, and when it dries, it is brown. The pulp has a white tint. The spores are also light, ellipsoidal, fusiform, smooth in shape. The tinder fungus grows on branches, stumps, and tree trunks. The mushroom prefers autumn, spends the winter on the tree, and by spring it spreads spores.

Winter honey fungus

Otherwise called Flammulina velvetypodia or. Its cap is small - from 3 to 9 centimeters, but there are specimens with caps bigger size. On a young mushroom it is round and convex, but over time it becomes prostrate and turns orange or brown. The cap is covered with mucus, and when it dries, it shines.

Under the cap there are rare plates that are connected to the stem. They are yellow-white or cream-colored and darken significantly with age. If we talk about the leg, it grows up to 7 centimeters in height and up to 1 centimeter in diameter. Its shape is called cylindrical, and its color is yellow at the top and red or brown at the bottom. The leg always has a slightly velvety character and a dry type.

The pulp has no taste or smell. It is light yellow, hard at the bottom, and somewhat softer near the cap. Honey fungus can be safely eaten, because it is classified as an edible type.

Deer mushroom

It has a small cap, which is initially convex and then flat and smooth. Dimensions reach up to 14 centimeters. Its color is gray-brown or brown. The plates are always wide, with a white tint. The stem is identical in color to the cap. The spores are pink and the flesh is tasty and aromatic.

Crowded row

Belongs to the later autumn mushrooms. Her hat is large - up to 10 centimeters in diameter. In a young mushroom it is slightly spherical, while in a mature one it is half-prostrate, curled up, wavy or covered with cracks. In one bunch there are various shapes of caps.

The row is painted in a light brown shade, its surface is smooth with adhering earth. The flesh on the cap is thick, light and has a specific smell. This explains the fact that the row is rarely eaten.

The leg reaches 9 centimeters in height and 1 centimeter in width. It has a cylindrical shape and thickens towards the bottom. Sometimes it twists, becomes deformed and grows together with neighboring mushroom stems. Its color can be white or brown. The leg is always smooth with firm and fibrous flesh.

It also has other names: smoky talker, smoky gray, row. All these names come from the fact that the mushroom has a certain coating that clouds it somewhat.

The cap here is quite large - up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Its shape is hemispherical, and the edges are turned to the bottom. The color can be matte gray or ashen. It darkens a little with high humidity. The surface is matte, velvety.

The leg of the talker is similar to a cylinder and thickened at the base. Up to 15 centimeters high. Earth or fallen leaves often stick to it. The plates are light and fall onto the stem. The pulp is also light in color with small fibers. The talker has a special smell, similar to a flower.

The mushroom is conditionally edible and is often collected and eaten. But you should not completely exclude possible poisoning that can be caused by the components that make up the talker.

We are glad to welcome you to the blog. The mushroom season is in full swing, so our topic today will be edible mushrooms, the photo and name of which you will find below. There are many types of mushrooms in our vast country, so even experienced mushroom pickers cannot always distinguish edible from inedible. But false and poisonous species can spoil your dish, and in some cases even cause death.

In the article you will learn what edible mushrooms are, what types they are divided into, where they grow and what they look like, which mushrooms appear first. I will tell you what benefits they bring to your body and what their nutritional value is.

All mushrooms are divided into three main sections: edible, conditionally edible, inedible (poisonous, hallucinogenic). These are all cap mushrooms; they make up only a small part of the vast kingdom.

They can be divided according to many criteria. The structure of the cap is of greatest importance to us, since sometimes it is different in twins.


  • tubular (spongy) – the bottom of the cap consists of tiny tubes, reminiscent of a sponge;
  • lamellar - plates at the bottom of the cap, located radially;
  • marsupials (morels) – wrinkled caps.

You can also divide forest gifts by taste, by the method of spore formation, shape, color, and the nature of the surface of the cap and stem.

When and where do mushrooms grow?

In Russia and the CIS countries, mushroom areas are found almost throughout the entire territory, from the tundra to steppe zones. Mushrooms grow best in soil rich in humus, which warms up well. Forest gifts do not like severe waterlogging and excessive dryness. The best places for them are in clearings where there is shade, on forest edges, forest roads, in plantings and copses.

If the summer turns out to be rainy mushroom places You should look for it at higher elevations, and if dry, near trees in the lowlands, where there is more moisture. Typically, specific species grow near certain trees. For example, camelina grows in pine and spruce trees; white - in birch, pine, oak; boletus - near aspen.

Mushrooms in different climatic zones appear in different time, one after another. Let's look at the middle strip:

  • The first spring forest harvest - stitches and morels (April, May).
  • In early June, boletus, boletus, aspen, and russula appear. Wave duration is about 2 weeks.
  • From mid-July, the second wave begins, which lasts 2-3 weeks. In rainy years there is no break between the June and July waves. In July, the mushroom harvest begins to appear on a massive scale.
  • August is marked by massive growth of mushrooms, especially porcini mushrooms.
  • From mid-August to early autumn, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, and milk mushrooms grow in huge families when the weather is favorable.

IN deciduous forests the main season lasts from June to October, and from November to March you can find winter mushrooms in the forests. In the steppes, field mushrooms are more common: umbrellas, champignons, puffballs, meadow mushrooms. Season: June to November.

Composition of mushrooms, benefits

The mushroom composition contains up to 90% water, and the dry part is predominantly protein. That is why the gifts of the forest are often called “forest meat” or “forest bread”.

The nutritional value:

  • Mushroom protein contains almost all amino acids, and even essential ones. Mushrooms are significant part diet, however, due to the fungin content, it is better to exclude them from the menu for people suffering from kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • There are much fewer carbohydrates in “forest meat” than protein. Mushroom carbohydrates differ from plant carbohydrates and are better absorbed, much like milk or bread carbohydrates.
  • Fatty substances are absorbed like animal fats by 92-97%.
  • The composition contains tartaric, fumaric, citric, malic and other acids.
  • The composition contains a large amount of vitamins PP, B1, A. Some varieties contain B2, C, D.
  • Mushrooms are rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium.
  • The composition contains microelements - zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, copper.

Edible forest products have many benefits; since ancient times they have been used to treat diseases. Now this is useful and tasty food, and vegetarians replace meat with them.

Mushrooms can boost immunity, cleanse blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels, fight depression and excess weight. They help maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails. More details about contraindications and beneficial properties mushrooms on our website.

How to determine if a mushroom is edible or not

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones? After all, almost everyone knows boletus mushrooms, but rare and unusual specimens are found in the forest. There are many ways.

For example, as a child I had an interesting encyclopedia with pictures and descriptions, plus I always went into the forest with experienced mushroom pickers. By the way, this is the most best idea, take with you into the forest a person who understands mushroom matters.

Some general tips:

  1. Take a closer look, if you see worms in at least one mushroom from the mycelium, they are edible.
  2. Tubular species are easier to distinguish from their twins.
  3. Study the colors, white and greenish often indicate a poisonous counterpart.
  4. Don't taste the mushrooms; they are not always bitter; for example, toadstool is a little sweet. Such an experiment could result in poisoning.
  5. A skirt is often found on false and poisonous lookalikes.

This is only a small part of the signs. Basically, each pair of doubles has its own differences. You should pay attention to the frequency of the plates at the bottom of the cap, attachment to the stem, color, pulp when cut, the presence of rings. Below you will find a photo and name of edible mushrooms with a short description.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

White mushroom (boletus)

The mushroom king has a light stalk, the sponge under the cap is cream and white. If you break the cap, it will not darken. He has several false and poisonous twins. For example, the broken leg of a satanic mushroom will turn blue, while that of a gall mushroom will turn pink, and the broken leg will be covered with a dark mesh.

Boletus (redhead)

In most cases, the boletus has a red cap, dense flesh and a leg. When broken, the cut is bluish or white, while the false redhead is red or pink.

Boletus (boletus)

The color of the cap varies from dark brown to light beige. It has an elongated leg with a gray mesh, and does not change color when cut. False mushroom has a dirty white or pink sponge, and his hat is gray or pinkish.

A rather massive mushroom with a velvet pillow-shaped cap and lemon-yellow flesh. The stem is red at the base and turns blue when cut. It is confused with the satanic mushroom, but it is lighter in color.

A real chanterelle is pale pink to orange in color, its edges are wavy, corrugated, and there are plates under the cap. In the false version, the color ranges from orange to red. The edges are jewel-smooth, and when broken, white juice is released.

Butterwort is a yellow mushroom with a slippery spongy cap, which is connected to the stem by a film. False butterflies have a dark cap, sometimes with a purple tint, with plates underneath it. The skin of the latter does not stretch when removed, and the flesh turns red.

The flywheel is spongy, the sponge is bright yellow. In “youth,” its cap is convex and velvety, but over time, it straightens and cracks. Its color ranges from dark green to burgundy. The leg does not have any special inclusions, and when broken, the color does not change. It is often confused with pepper, gall and chestnut mushrooms. The main difference between the moss fly is that it grows on moss.

The original has a beige or cream color, dark brown plates and a skirt. Champignon grows in well-lit places. The popular mushroom can be confused with the toadstool or the stinking fly agaric, which are deadly poisonous. The toadstool has light plates, but no skirt under the cap.

There are light cream and brown shades, they have skirts on the leg, and scales on the cap; they are plate-like and grow on stumps. False honey mushrooms brighter, they do not have a film ring.

Young russulas have a spherical cap, while mature ones are flat, dry to the touch, matte or shiny. The color changes from green to red. The plates are fragile, different in size, frequent, yellow or white. The pulp is fragile white, changes color when cut. If the russula is bright red or purple, most likely you have a doppelganger.

Raincoat (hare potato, powder coat)

A real raincoat is shaped like a ball, often on a small stem. Its color is white or beige. The pulp is dense, white. The flesh of the false raincoat has a purple tint and the skin is dark.

They often grow near pines and larches. Over time, the hat begins to resemble a funnel, its color is orange, red or bluish-green. It's smooth and sticky. The cut becomes green over time.

It has a flat pink cap with a recess in the center and a discreet circle pattern, its edges are curved inward. The pulp is white, dense, the juice is also white. The color does not change when cut. Lookalikes often have scales and a greenish color, different from the white flesh.

Cobweb (swampweed)

Has a beautiful appearance, bright yellow color. The shape of the cap is regular, round, it hides the plates. An adult web spider resembles a toadstool. False doubles have an unpleasant odor irregular shapes and covered with scales.

The umbrella got its name due to its long leg and characteristic shape of the cap, at first it is spherical in shape, then it resembles an umbrella. The color is white with a hint of beige, there is a darker spot in the center and the surface is cracked. The plates darken with age. There are many lookalikes that differ in color, may have a pungent odor and loose flesh.


The talker's cap initially has a hemispherical shape, then a depressed shape, reminiscent of a funnel. It is dry and smooth, white, light brown, ocher in color, the center is darker. The plates are white, but darken with age. The pulp is white, dense, although it loosens with age. False talkers are white in color.


Lamellar mushrooms deserve their name because they grow in rows or circles (witch's circles). The young row's hat resembles a ball and then straightens out. It has white, brown, red, yellow colors. The edges can be curved, smooth, or curved. The skin can be dry, velvety or smooth, slimy. The leg is velvety and often has a pink-brown color. Poisonous Double has a dirty gray color, be careful!


It is more often found in pine forests; due to possible frosts, black spots appear on its cap. The cap itself is fused with the stem and has a sinuous shape. It has a brown, brown, reddish or yellow color. The older the line, the lighter the hat. The leg is also not straight, but the flesh is white and breaks easily.


The surface of the morel cap seems to be covered in cells; it has an ovoid shape. Its color comes in grayish, yellow and brown shades. The morel flesh is white, soft, and the leg has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened towards the bottom. The false morel grows from an egg, produces an unpleasant odor and is covered in mucus.

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms grow on trees, one below the other, which is why they got their name. The cap of oyster mushrooms is smooth, sometimes wavy, and the color is gray with a purple tint. The plates are frequent, dense, and gray in color. The edges are concave, the legs are short and dense. False oyster mushrooms are brighter and have other colors.

Now you know how to test a mushroom and find out whether it is edible or not. You can go into the forest without fear. Choose only the right mushrooms and remember that even an edible mushroom can cause harm if it is old or starting to decay.

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