Is it worth going to Paris in January: weather, shopping, reviews. Is it worth going to Paris in January: weather, shopping, reviews January weather, what to wear to stay warm

After such significant holidays as Christmas and New Year, Paris in January retains its festive decoration until mid-January. Numerous garlands, lanterns and ceremonial illumination indicate that the period of mass celebrations is not over. The city on the Seine continues to celebrate a series of joyful events.

Weather in Paris in January

The middle of winter always promises significant cooling and large amounts of precipitation. And, despite the fact that the temperature in Paris in January rarely drops below zero, real warmth will not come soon.

The average thermometer readings at this time are up to +7C⁰ during the day and +1C⁰ at night. However, if in our latitudes such temperatures bring only minor inconveniences, then in the capital of France it is truly cold and damp. Gusty North Atlantic winds and cold rain– constant companions of city residents.

Of course, there are days when the weather pampers Parisians, decorating the streets and trees with a blanket of snow. But, due to positive temperatures, this phenomenon is very short-lived.

How to dress in January in Paris

Since you will have to dress warmer in Paris in January, the mandatory components of your luggage should be comfortable and warm things: a waterproof jacket, comfortable waterproof shoes, sweaters and knee socks, a hat with a scarf and mittens. Leave fur coats and dress shoes with heels at home. Instead, bring a reliable umbrella or raincoat.

If at the beginning of January Paris is still busy celebrating special events, then in the second half of the month the capital gradually returns to its measured life. However, this is not at all a reason not to visit the city on the banks of the Seine. As you know, the French have long been known as masters of relaxation and fun, which means you always have plenty of reasons to visit the beautiful metropolis.

Holidays in Paris in January

If you decide to celebrate the New Year in the world capital of romance, save your energy and mood to continue the festive marathon in next year. Paris in January will present you with a lot of unforgettable impressions.

You won't be able to get enough sleep on January 1st. All residents of the city go to the “Grand Paris Parade”, dedicated to the celebration of the coming New Year. The event takes place in the Montmartre area and takes place throughout all the streets of the capital. Carnival costumes, festive music and fiery dances do not leave any passerby indifferent.

On the same day, a Christmas market opens on the Champs Elysees, continuing the traditions of the “New Year's Grand Parade in Paris”. Showcases and trays are strewn with a variety of souvenirs, decorations and New Year's toys. Of course, it’s not complete without treats: holiday sweets, National dishes and specialty appetizers, wine and cheese festival.

Believers in Paris dedicate this day to the Holy Virgin Mary. All the churches in the city named in her honor hold festive services. Visit Notre Dame Cathedral on this day to take part in the solemn service.
On January 6, an equally significant event awaits you.

Western Christians celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on this day, otherwise known as Epiphany or Three Kings Day. According to the Gospel legend, it was on this day that the Magi brought their gifts to the newborn Jesus.

According to tradition, on this day the main dish festive table becomes delicious dessert– almond cake “Galette de Roi”. A ceramic figurine or coin is baked inside the pie, and the delicacy itself is decorated with a paper crown. The one who gets the hidden “treasure” becomes the king for the whole day, and the rest of the family becomes his subjects.

They adhere to a long-standing tradition not only at the family table. The chef of any reputable cafe or restaurant is sure to prepare “Galette de Roi” on this day to treat the regulars. It is quite possible that you will be able to find your lucky coin.

At the end of the month, on January 28, Paris celebrates Chinese New Year. Since the Parisian Chinatown is considered the largest in Europe, the scale of the celebration is no more modest than Christian customs. The opening ceremony of the festival traditionally takes place in Belleville Chinatown, after which the procession rushes through the central streets of the city.

It is simply impossible to ignore such a spectacle: sacred dances of the dragon and lion, luxurious costumes, drumming and explosions of firecrackers, theatrical performances - representatives South-East Asia not only celebrate new life cycle, but also drive away “evil demons” from the streets of Paris.

Cultural events

The windy and rainy weather in Paris in January is not very conducive to long walks around the area. It is much better to devote this time to visiting local museums and exhibitions. Fortunately, there will be enough of them in the cultural life of the capital for the entire season.

In the second half of January, lovers of atmospheric cinema and thrills will be able to visit the International Panoramic Film Festival, which takes place annually in the Geode spherical cinema. The feeling of complete presence in the film, the illusion of living the events of the film and emotional fire- this is what the organizers of the film festival will offer you.

Those who find themselves in the French capital at the beginning of the year will be able to visit the most interesting exhibitions in Paris in January 2017. For example, the International Beauty and Health Exhibition “Les Thermalies”, scheduled for the 19th-22nd of the month 2017.

This event will seem especially interesting to representatives of the fair half of humanity. The organizer of the project, the Carousel du Louvre shopping center, will introduce the public to the latest organic cosmetics and skin care products, new technologies and procedures to maintain youth and beauty.

From January 20 to 23, 2017, fashionistas and fashionistas will be able to visit the Paris expo Porte de Versailles, an exhibition dedicated to fashionable clothing and accessories. Stylish clothes, scarves, clutches and belts, new cosmetics and perfumes, jewelry and leather goods, designer outfits and brand collections - you can be the first to know about all this when you visit the heart of the fashion industry.

If you are a visual person, and the question “what to see in Paris in January?” has a literal meaning for you, head to the Bois de Vincennes at the end of the month. In the very heart of the winter park, on the territory of the famous Phoenix Circus, a spectacular event takes place at this time. From January 26 to 29 it takes place international festival"Circus of the Future"

Founded in 1977, today this competition has become the main event in the life of talents circus art. Representatives different countries come here to demonstrate their abilities to an authoritative jury. You can visit the festival by forking out 10 euros, but such expenses are fully compensated by the number of emotions received.

But let's return once again to fashionistas and fashionistas. Because sales in Paris in January are the main event for all shopaholics in the world. When tourists tired of the holidays, but happy, leave the city, amateurs come here fashionable clothes, big discounts, bonuses and discounts.

Global sales begin on the second Wednesday of the month and continue for 5 weeks. At this time, designer clothes from famous couturiers can be purchased with discounts from 30 to 70%. Fashion boutiques, shopping centers and stores are reducing prices not only on branded items, but also on other seasonal clothing. During this period, Paris truly becomes a mecca for global shopping.

Paris in January photo

Photo gallery Paris in January

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Paris January (photo)

A trip to Paris in January is an opportunity to see the city in festive decoration, beautiful and elegant: light elegant touches in the everyday picture - a few bright balls on evergreen trees, floral arrangements on the parapets of bridges, in shops, cafes. But in the evening and at night, Paris seems to explode with fantastic lights and illuminations, taking on a fabulous look.

January in Paris is unpredictable - so say weather forecasters

What's the weather like in January? Unpredictable. It can be warm - up to +12 o C degrees and above. Anyone who has watched the wonderful film “A Man and a Woman” remembers the heroine’s walk along the winter Paris past green lawns and a small pond with floating white swans. If you are lucky with the weather, you can see the city exactly like this: sunny, surrounded by green trees and smiling flowers.

But most often Paris greets you with rain, and sometimes with real snowy winter. Average temperatures in January: during the day -4 o C, at night -3 o C. But these are average statistical data. Therefore, when going to Paris in January, do not forget to put in your luggage things designed for any weather: warm, windproof ones, hats, gloves, umbrellas and, of course, comfortable waterproof shoes with non-slip soles.

Walking through winter Paris

Once you find yourself in snow-covered Paris and are upset that the main landmark of the city - the Eiffel Tower - is not visible because of the hanging clouds, you will suddenly see the top of the tower above a dense layer of clouds - this sun peeking out for a few minutes gives unforgettable moments for which you can forgive the weather all the inconveniences.

Tired of walking around the snowy city? Sit down with a cup of hot coffee at a street cafe table (they are heated in winter in Paris), admire fresh flowers or bright balls in a white cap of snow.

Paris will present many more surprises in January - reviews and photographs of tourists captured jets of fountains against the backdrop of snow-covered pyramids at the Louvre, and birds gliding in bewilderment across a frozen pond.

Paris gives Russian tourists discoveries that make us proud of our country and its culture: the most beautiful bridge in the French capital - the bridge Alexandra III. There is Stravinsky Square, Sevastopol Boulevard, Leo Tolstoy Square, Rimsky-Korsakov dead end, many streets in honor of great people: Peter the Great, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, and cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Peterhof, Kronstadt, Odessa.

We buy air tickets Moscow-Paris

It's faster and easier to fly to Paris by direct flight in just 4 hours. But you need to be prepared for the fact that due to bad weather, flights to Paris in January may be delayed. In addition, direct flights are the most expensive. Tourists give advice on how to buy tickets at a good price:

  • buy tickets for flights with transfers, which will cost almost half as much as for a direct flight;
  • purchase tickets from the same airline for both flights. If you are late due to weather conditions for a connecting flight, the airline takes care of all the worries about the onward flight to Paris;
  • book roundtrip tickets immediately.

It is better to purchase tickets in advance, keeping track of possible discounts and last-minute tours. The cost of tickets also depends on the date of departure:

  • the most expensive tickets to Paris in January are January 2 and 3, the cheapest are January 13 and at the end of the month;
  • from Paris the most expensive are January 5-8, the cheapest are from the middle to the end of the month.

How else can you get to Paris?

Another way to get to Paris: fly to some European city and transfer there to a high-speed train to Paris. Or vice versa: first by train, and then by plane. You can travel the entire route from Moscow to Paris by train; it will take 37 hours. Ticket prices: coupe - 20,470 rubles, luxury - 28,398 rubles.

Another ground transport that will take you from Moscow to Paris is a bus: a comfortable bus leaves from the Varshavskaya bus station twice a week, the travel time will take about 48 hours, the ticket price is 7,840 rubles, round trip - 14,900 rubles.

Tours to Paris to choose from

January is considered low tourist season, offering cheaper plane tickets and discounts on hotel stays. All travel agencies offer significant discounts on tours. Thus, tours to Paris for January (with round-trip flights and hotel accommodation) cost: for 5 nights - from 30,000 rubles, for 7 nights - from 33,000 rubles.

Can be purchased sightseeing tours, the price of which, in addition to flights, transfers and hotel accommodation, includes bus and walking tours of Paris and the surrounding area, and visits to museums. The cost of 8-day tours ranges from 35,000 to 60,000 rubles. The topics are very different:

  • "Paris for everyone!"
  • "Walk in Paris"
  • "Classic Paris."
  • "Royal Paris"
  • "Paris and the castles of the Loire."
  • "Fontainebleau plus Versailles."

Several tours are also offered for traveling with children:

  • "Paris Holidays"
  • "Paris for children"
  • "Paris + Disneyland".

Business cards of the French capital

If you are exploring the city on your own, the question arises about what to see in Paris in January. There are five places, according to tourists, with which the French capital is associated:

  • Eiffel Tower.
  • Louvre.
  • Notre Dame Cathedral.
  • Triumphal Arch.
  • Champs Elysees.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, which received a second name almost immediately after construction - “ The Iron Lady“, in the first month of the year, it amazes with its festive illumination, and those who celebrated the New Year in the capital will remember it against the backdrop of stunning fireworks. The weather in Paris in January does not always allow you to see the entire 324-meter tower and climb high-speed elevator or walk to the observation deck, from where the whole city is at a glance. But there is an opportunity to see the openwork structure close to it, and go ice skating on the skating rink (free, 24 hours a day), flooded on the platform of the tower, located at a height of 50 meters from the ground.


Paris in January is attractive due to the absence or short queues at museums, the opportunity to calmly contemplate masterpieces, moving slowly from one exhibit to another. The exception is the Louvre: even in January you will have to stand in line to get into this museum. But Mona Lisa's smile and wings will make your wait worthwhile.

Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) is a Gothic cathedral that amazes with the architecture of the building, stained glass windows, and interior design. This is a functioning Catholic church; services are held here, accompanied by the sounds of an ancient organ. The cathedral houses a Christian shrine - the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.

Main street of the city

The 50-meter Arc de Triomphe was erected by order of Napoleon, and the bas-reliefs decorating it tell about his victories, and the arch itself is one of the beautiful decorations of Paris. From Arc de Triomphe The 2-kilometer Champs Elysees begins, surrounded by parks, shops, and cafes. Parisians traditionally celebrate the New Year on the Champs-Elysees, and the main street of Paris is still illuminated.

Disneyland - a trip to a magical land

A trip to Disneyland Paris in January, according to tourists, although not the most best time, but delight and pleasure are guaranteed. There are 5 parks here:

  • The main road.
  • Borderland.
  • Adventureland.
  • Land of discovery.
  • Fantasyland.

In the evening, a real fairy tale begins at Disneyland: fireworks and a light show near the Sleeping Beauty Castle, which projects Disney cartoon characters, the castle’s illumination is constantly changing, and if at this time is running snow is incredible magic!

Travelers should take into account that the Amusement Park is not located in Paris itself, but in the town of Marne-la-Vallee Chessy. You can buy a single ticket to Disneyland, which includes the cost of travel on special buses: Disneyland Paris Express or Cityrama. You can get to the park by RER (high-speed train). This type of transport, according to tourists, is the fastest and cheapest.

Disneyland is not only a huge amusement park, but also the accompanying infrastructure: shops, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, hotels, even ranches and wigwams. All buildings are unique not only in architecture, but also in interior, each is a continuation of a fairy tale.

January is the month of sales and high fashion

Twice a year in Paris there are seasonal monthly sales, when clothes, shoes, accessories, including branded ones, can be bought in almost all stores with significant discounts.

Winter sales begin on the second Wednesday of January; in 2018 they will run from January 10 to February 13. Tips from tourists who are planning shopping in Paris in January will help:

  1. So, at the beginning of sales, discounts are minimal - 10-20%, next week - 35-50%, in the third - 70-75%, by the end they reach 80-90%.
  2. It is better to make purchases in the morning and at lunchtime, when there are fewer customers in the stores - after all, fashionistas from different countries deliberately come to the sales.
  3. You shouldn't devote your weekends to shopping.
  4. Ideal places for shopping, according to tourists, are outlets (shopping centers for sales). The most popular: La Vallee Village (near Disneyland) and Usines Center Paris Nord (near Charles de Gaulle airport).

At the height of the winter sales, an event is taking place in Paris that attracts film stars and pop stars - Haute Couture Week. Here are the trends for the upcoming spring-summer season. But you can only get to these shows with special invitation cards.


For some, Paris is a dream, and they go to the capital of France, having absorbed all the available information about this city from books, films, songs, and the Internet. For others, a trip to Paris is a tick in the list of cities they’ve seen: I’ve been here too. There are those who were skeptical about all the common epithets of the city: “Gray Rose” (M. Voloshin), “A holiday that is always with you” (E. Hemingway), and many consider the phrase “See Paris and die” by I. Ehrenburg to be vulgar . This is how you can classify the reviews of tourists who visited Paris for the first time. The result is the same: many dream of seeing him again.

January in Paris is beautiful in its own way. There are not as many tourists as in the summer season, but those who come here feel the cost-effectiveness of the trip. As a rule, tickets, accommodation, museums lower their prices, creating favorable conditions for a budget holiday.

What's the weather like in January in Paris?

January is the most cold month in the capital, however severe frosts, however, there is no snow here. The weather is above zero, the average daily temperature is +5, the minimum is +3. In clear weather the air can warm up to +7. cloudy weather, precipitation falls regularly, usually in the form of rain. Gusty winds are blowing, up to 9 m/s. Because of high humidity actual temperature feels much cooler than it actually is. Frosts down to -3 are possible at night, but during the day the thermometer steadily rises above zero, giving no chance for snow to linger on the city streets.

Month average temperature Average humidity Wind speed Amount of days
January +4.9 °С 84 % 3.8 m/s 6 17 6 1 0
February +5.5 °С 78 % 4.1 m/s 9 16 5 0 0
March +8.2 °С 72 % 3.5 m/s 11 14 4 1 0
April +11.7 °С 66 % 3.1 m/s 17 9 4 1 0
May +14.9 °С 67 % 3.5 m/s 16 12 1 0 0
June +19 °С 64 % 3.3 m/s 21 9 0 0 0
July +21.4 °С 65 % 2.9 m/s 16 13 1 0 0
August +20.3 °С 66 % 2.8 m/s 17 11 2 0 0
September +16 °С 74 % 2.6 m/s 20 8 2 0 0
October +12.7 °С 81 % 2.8 m/s 14 12 4 0 0
November +8.6 °С 84 % 3.3 m/s 9 14 6 1 0
December +5.7 °С 85 % 3.4 m/s 7 17 5 1 0

How to dress in January in Paris

There is no need to get too warm. It is enough to have with you an insulated, windproof and waterproof jacket, as well as comfortable, high-quality shoes. In case of windy weather, be sure to have a hat, scarf, and gloves with you. A folding umbrella will not hurt.

Events in January

What to see in January in Paris

  • . Until mid-January, there are fairs where you can not only buy souvenirs, but also feel the winter atmosphere, especially in the evening.
  • . January is a good month for visiting museums. Use a museum card to save on tickets.
  • . Don't miss the opportunity to see Paris from different angles.
  • . Walk through iconic religious buildings in Paris and explore their interiors.
  • . The theater life is vibrant, and if you love theater, then it’s worth visiting at least the Grand Opera to see the stunning interior design.
  • . The discount season continues in January; massive sales will begin by the end of the month. Don't miss the chance to take advantage of discounts in the fashion capital.
  • . Book a tour of great price with a Russian-speaking guide and go along interesting routes to get to know the city.
  • (price: 59.00 €, 3.5 hours)

January - great time for a holiday in Paris. Despite the fact that this is a fairly cool month with rain and snow, and is considered the coldest month of the year in France, compared to the Russian winter, the weather at this time is almost spring-like.

Average air temperature according to

The air temperature during the day stays at +5°C – +7°C, dropping at night to +1°C, and sometimes even lower. As in December, there is a lot of rainfall at this time, with an average of about ten to twelve rainy days per month. Sometimes there may be snow, but it usually does not stay long on the streets of Paris, almost instantly turning into a muddy mess.

That is why it is better to take comfortable, waterproof shoes with durable and non-slip soles on your trip. In addition, the January frost, although light, is quite noticeable: humid air easily sneaks under clothes, especially in windy weather, and this happens often, so you will need to dress warmer. Don't forget about warm sweaters, hats, scarves and gloves. Even the most durable umbrella cannot protect you from rain when strong impulses wind, so it is recommended to take a good raincoat with you.

But even on such chilly and damp days, Paris is especially beautiful: small snowflakes fluttering in the air in the light of street lamps, the roofs of houses and tree crowns lightly dusted with snow create the feeling that you are in fairyland. The Eiffel Tower looks especially romantic in the foggy haze.

What can Paris offer you in January?

In January, daylight hours become half an hour longer, and this benefits those who love walking. In the first days of the month, tourists will be lucky enough to see the festive “garb” of Paris. Unfortunately, the Christmas illuminations are removed by mid-January, and the city gradually returns to everyday life.

Most residents and guests of the city switch to shopping, since the beginning of January marks the start of the season of crazy discounts and sales in all department stores in the city. Therefore, those who come here at this time to get acquainted with the sights of Paris can be said to be very lucky: they will not have to stand in huge queues at cultural monuments.

Paris in January is a real paradise for shopaholics and fashion lovers. And, I must say, shopping here is no less exciting than visiting the sights.

In all stores and boutiques, discounts on designer clothing, shoes and accessories start from 30%, reaching 70% by mid-season. At this time, you can update your wardrobe for the whole year. And if you find out the “hottest” discount spots in advance, you can do this for indecently little money.

For example, there are more than three hundred boutiques famous brands, capable of satisfying the most sophisticated, unusual and even extravagant needs of clients of any age and social status.

True fashion fans will be interested in designer shows and exhibitions that last almost until April. Week falls at the end of January men's fashion, demonstrating the fall-winter collection. Following it, Haute Couture Week presents the women's spring-summer collection.

Despite the fact that there is practically no snow in Paris in January, you can still go ice skating. To do this, you don’t have to go to the ski resorts of France. Enough to go to ice skating rinks, of which there are many in the city. This includes a skating rink at a height of 57 meters within the walls of the Eiffel Tower, a playground in the Grand Palace, skating rinks on the Champs Elysees and on the square in front of the city hall and others.

On the rink Grand Palace You can not only skate, but also watch fascinating performances on ice. This is the largest ice rink in Paris, entrance to which requires tickets. They can be purchased at the palace box office. Adult – 12 Euro, for children – 6 Euro. The skating rink is open until January 6.

The skating rink on the Champs-Élysées is located near the Concorde and Franklin Roosevelt metro stations. The site is surrounded by specially equipped display cases, decorated with figures of wild animals against the backdrop of wild nature of all continents. This skating rink is also only open until January 6th.

The skating rink at the Eiffel Tower is open until the end of January. The ice on this skating rink is decorated with constantly changing light figures and patterns. Entrance is free, but you cannot bring your own horseboxes; you can rent them right there at the rental office.

You can come to the skating rink on the Hôtel de Ville square with skates or rent them for 5 Euros. There are also different instructors working here: for children, beginners, as well as for those learning the basics of figure skating and hockey.

For those who prefer a more romantic setting, Paris can offer an unforgettable evening in one of the many cabaret theaters and enjoy a fiery dance show with a bottle of good French wine.

January holidays and festivals

A cheerful procession through the entire city, accompanied by orchestral music, a light show and life-size puppets - “La Grande Parade de Paris” (“The Great Paris Parade” takes place on January 1 in Montmartre. Parisians and guests of the city gather here to celebrate the first day of the new year together and once again congratulate each other on the holiday.

On the 6th, the Catholic holiday “Gallette du Roi” (Epiphany, Day of the Three Magi Kings, Epiphany) is celebrated. This holiday is dedicated to the touching gospel legend, according to which three eastern kings bring gifts to the newborn Jesus Christ. In memory of this, Christians make generous donations. On this day, the French traditionally prepare a festive almond cake, Galette des Rois. A gold paper crown decorates the top of the cake, and a porcelain crown or other figurine is hidden inside it. The cake is cut into the same amount as how many people will sit at the table and one additional piece, which is intended for the birthday party. Most youngest child among the guests he must crawl under the table and those gathered ask him: “Whose piece is this?” The guest who gets the piece with the hidden crown is elected King or Queen of the day. The chosen one of the day drinks a glass of wine to the applause and shouts of those present: “The king is drinking! The king is drinking!

Every year in mid-January it takes place International Film Festival films using Omnimax technology. The venue could not have been better chosen - the famous La Géode cinema with a huge hemispherical screen, located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, in La Villette Park. From the outside, the cinema looks like a giant mirror ball with a diameter of 36 meters. Made up of more than six thousand steel triangles, the ball reflects light and creates a mirror effect. The project to build a unique cinema belongs to famous architects Adrien Fainsilber and Gérard Chamayou. The cinema seats 400 spectators. The screen, with a diameter of 26 meters and an area of ​​1000 square meters, is equipped with twelve sound broadcast points and four subwoofers. The digital projection screen system allows you to watch three-dimensional pictures in 3D format. This unique cinema is the largest in Europe, with more than a million spectators visiting it every year.

The festival showcases the works of contemporary directors of various genres in IMAX format. Actors and directors from all over the world take part in the festival. This unique opportunity see new works the best masters world cinema.

At the end of January, the New Year is celebrated widely, cheerfully and colorfully in Paris. Chinese calendar– “Nouvel An Chinois.” Noisy processions dressed in Chinese National costumes, with musicians, fluttering red dragons, colorful balloons and flags, take place in all three “China towns” (“China Trail” (Sentier chinois) in the Art-et-Métiers district, part of Belleville (Belleville) and the so-called “Chinese triangle" of the 13th arrondissement of Paris). Traditional Chinese treats and sweets are sold everywhere. If you are lucky enough to be in Paris at this time, be sure to go to the most famous Chinese restaurant, Shang Palace, which has gained fame as “the most delicious”.

That's probably all about the weather and holidays in Paris in January. We wish you a pleasant and useful trip!

Paris is a great city to spend the January holidays. It is much warmer here than in Russia and sometimes it is even sunny. The Tour Calendar will tell you what the French capital has in store for tourists in the middle of the winter season.

Weather in Paris in January

According to long-term observations of meteorologists, in January the lowest temperatures of the year are recorded in Paris. However, the local winter is radically different from the one that reigns in Moscow due to the influence of the North Atlantic Current on the local climate. During daylight hours, the thermometer stays at levels well above 0 °C. During the day it balances around +5..+6 °C, and at night it drops to +1 °C, sometimes dropping to negative values. However, when leaving the hotel early in the morning, there is a slight frost, so you should dress warmly. An important point when choosing a suitable wardrobe for a trip is durable, waterproof shoes with non-slip soles, since icy conditions often form on the sidewalks. Like December, January is a very rainy month - on average there are about 11 days of precipitation, but during this period the weather can snow several times. On days like these the city is especially beautiful. Unfortunately, due to exhaust gases from the dense traffic flow and high levels of air humidity, the snow cover on the asphalt does not linger for long, turning into a dirty mess. But the tops of houses and tree trunks remain covered with a white “blanket” for some time. An unpleasant moment that can upset tourists who plan to spend as much time walking as possible is the disgusting chilly wind that tends to blow almost every day.

When there are strong gusts, the temperatures stated by weather forecasters do not correspond to one’s own feelings. In addition, when the wind is complicated by rain, walking around the city becomes very problematic, since even the highest quality and durable umbrella is not always able to protect against local precipitation. Spare no expense and buy a good raincoat for your trip, and also put in your suitcase the essential attributes of winter “equipment” - gloves, a scarf and a hat. Even if you are a very seasoned tourist, being in Paris you will definitely want to warm yourself, since you will be outdoors quite a lot. fresh air. However, in January there are also positive points. For example, possible sudden warming - up to +8..+12 °C, and an increase in the number solar heat- up to 3 hours a day.

What to do in Paris in January?

This month, the daylight hours become longer, and now it starts to get dark half an hour later - around 17.20-17.30. Of course, this is good news, because the more time you have, the more you can do and see. If you are planning to come to Paris in the first days of January, then you will be lucky enough to enjoy the magical atmosphere New Year's fairy tale, however, in the first ten days of January (the date changes every year), the Christmas lights turn off and the city returns to its daily routine. Tourists mostly hang out in shopping centers as the winter shopping season begins at the beginning of the month, and there are far fewer of them near the city's iconic attractions. Therefore, you can get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of the capital without any haste and unbearably long queues. January is also good for a gastronomic marathon through the capital’s restaurants and cafes, of which there are a huge number.

Entertainment and excursions

At the beginning of January, Paris positions itself more than ever as the world's fashion capital. And true shopaholics at this time are interested in shopping centers, shops and boutiques much more than the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Palace of Versailles and other interesting objects. If you are one of them, provide yourself with a second suitcase to put all your purchases in. Discounts on clothing and accessories famous designers start from 30% and reach 70% by the end of the month, however, the most popular models and sizes are sold out already in the first weeks of “soldes”.

Snow is a rarity for the city, unlike ski resorts country, but you can still go ice skating. The most luxurious place to practice this sport in the capital is considered to be the lower tier of the Iron Lady, located at an altitude of 57 m. When thinking about Paris, in addition to the Eiffel Tower and its other popular tourist attractions, theaters are certainly in the associative row evoked by this city. cabaret. The most worthy establishments, whose names are familiar to everyone, are “Moulin Rouge” and “Paradis Latin”. Here you can spend a wonderful evening with a bottle of good French wine, enjoying an enchanting dance show - an incendiary cancan.

Numerous restaurants in Paris invite city guests to taste all the delights of French cuisine. The most notable of them are “58 Tour Eiffel” with a gorgeous view of the Seine, “Thoumieux”, which serves classic French dishes, the recipe of which has not changed for several centuries, and “Le Dôme” with an exquisite menu of the freshest seafood. We recommend that those with a sweet tooth visit the Ladurée confectionery shop, but after visiting it, be prepared for the fact that you will most likely have to make a new hole in the trouser belt, because in most cases a set of a pair extra pounds inevitable. Those who are partial to high art should not miss the chance to visit the Opera Garnie, since it does not give performances during the height of the summer holidays.

Holidays and festivals

Instead of sleeping off after a stormy New Year's Eve, On January 1, Parisians go to Montmartre, where the “Grand Paris Parade” / “La Grande Parade de Paris” takes place to the sounds of an orchestra. Thus, they once again congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year. On January 6, the entire Catholic world celebrates “Epiphany” / “Fête des Rois”. On this day, the main treat is the “Gallette du Roi” layer cake with almonds, which can be bought in all pastry shops in the city. Its main highlight is the porcelain figurine hidden inside. At the end of the month, tourists have a chance to celebrate the New Year for the second time, but this time in Chinese - “Nouvel An Chinois”. Celebrations usually take place in the 13th urban arrondissement, which includes “avenue d’Ivry” and “avenue de Choisy”. These are colorful, noisy processions with red dragons, multi-colored flags, dancers and musicians dressed in national costumes.
