How ferrets winter in the wild. Domestic and wild ferrets

Ferrets are small mammals. They belong to the marten family and to the ferret and weasel genus.

Outwardly, they look like their relatives - stoats and minks.

The nature of the ferrets

The ferret looks very cute. But despite his appearance and small size, he is a predatory animal.

The average height of a male ferret is about 50 centimeters. The female is about 40 centimeters. In general, this is not an aggressive animal. If you do not anger him, then he will be calm and affectionate.

But these mammals, of course, do not like excessive attention to themselves. Therefore, most often wild ferrets live in burrows.

They move by jumping. To do this, they have muscular limbs and short legs. They also often swim. Thanks to their long and sharp nails, they are excellent at digging holes for themselves and climbing trees.

The largest weight can reach two kilograms, and the smallest about 200 grams.

If you look at a photo of a ferret, you will see its long and fluffy tail. It can grow up to 20 centimeters long. These mammals are covered with fur, usually dark at the end, but light at the roots.

There are, however, albino ferrets, and there are completely black ferrets.

Habitat and lifestyle

Forest and steppe ferrets live in Russia. Some people think that as long as ferrets live, other mammals don't. But the average age of furry mammals is about ten years.

The place of residence of the animal - a hole - usually hides under bushes or near trees. Most of the time it is well hidden.

Few people know that ferrets lead a hunting lifestyle. Despite their cute appearance, they catch birds and even snakes, which can be twice the size of a clawed animal.

In frosts, especially in winter, ferrets try to find a place warmer and more comfortable. Therefore, they often live near settlements. They often hide in cellars and sheds. At the same time, such behavior does not interfere with a person at all, since small hunters catch all other rodents, thereby helping people perfectly.

Ferrets as pets

Mammals from the marten family have long been adapted to live among people. The ferret lived at home about two thousand years ago. Then they lived with people even more often than the same cats.

At the same time, they were often taken to hunt for rabbits. Therefore, many keep them as pets. Basically, ferrets easily adapt to humans.

The only drawback is that at home it will not be possible to satisfy the hunting needs of the pet.

Animals should be fed about twice a day. They are usually fed dry food and natural food. The diet includes fish, eggs, poultry meat. At the same time, pets do not need plant products, since they are not eaten in their environment. Also, you can not feed them with dairy products - otherwise the animal may be poisoned.

Some prepare special minced meat from poultry organs and meat. But, the easiest way to buy food. They contain all the ingredients found in a ferret's normal diet. It is worth saying that they do not touch human food. At the same time they are very clean and well-groomed.

Where ferrets live, there is plenty of free space. Therefore, a special cage for a ferret is needed. It must be spacious and comfortable.

If you are thinking about keeping a ferret in the neighborhood with other pets, then you should think carefully before doing so. They definitely do not get along with turtles, snakes and other reptiles. Any bird will also be considered prey.

The best place to live together is a cat. Animal ferret is easy to make friends with the feline family. But, if you decide to make him friends with a dog, then definitely not with a hunting breed. A calm and not fearful dog will do.

Domestic ferrets must be spayed. Otherwise, during puberty, an unpleasant strong odor will appear from the animal. The male must be neutered and the female must be spayed.

In general, a domestic ferret will become a true friend for you and will be an excellent protector. He easily makes friends with both adults and children. You can also play with it. But some animals like to sleep and spend time in a dream for more than two days.

Photos of ferrets

The black ferret, as it is commonly called, or, more scientifically, the common ferret, is a small animal that belongs to the mustelid genus. It is quite famous among pet lovers. Despite the fact that it is only a forest animal, it is often started at home, because it takes root well and lives next to people for many years without any problems.

The fact that he is able to build relationships with people is undoubtedly good. But for our part, it would be useful for us to know what is this animal, where is his usual habitat, what does he eat, is he a predator or herbivore, what are his habits in the wild, and many others.

wild ferret

In winter, frost and hunger push wild ferrets to move closer to human habitation. Perhaps it is this fact that explains the beginning of the relationship between a ferret and a person.


So let's start with the question, where do black ferrets live?

The population of these animals is distributed mainly on the European continent. Also, it covers all of Western Europe. Black ferrets are found on the lands of Ireland and Great Britain.

In our country, the range of these representatives of the marten family stretches from the western borders and ends near the Urals. They live, one might say, almost everywhere, only the territories of the Caucasus, at the mouths of the Volga, in the Far North and in the northern part of Karelia and the Far North, we will not meet these animals.

The species of black ferrets is also called the forest .Forest ferrets choose such areas for their residence, where there is:

  • small woodlands,
  • groves,
  • fields,
  • meadows.

In these areas, you can meet such an animal on the edges and clearings, the vegetation of which is not too dense. The ferret also prefers to live near water bodies:

  • swamps,
  • lakes,
  • in the floodplains.

Despite the fact that now the forest ferret is a pet, people who live in rural areas often have a very negative attitude towards this animal. And the reason for this is the custom of wild ferrets quite often, especially in the winter, cold months, to attack chicken coops and other dwellings with poultry and eat chickens, chickens, ducks, geese and their offspring.

The forest ferret is also valuable fur animal. In older years, a ferret skin product was considered very valuable and prestigious due to its valuable qualities. In the modern world, hunting them is prohibited. since the population has decreased significantly, and the beast is listed in the Red Book.

What does a ferret look like

The size of the animal is not very large, in appearance it practically does not differ from other representatives of its family. But at the same time, describing the appearance of this animal, one should dwell in more detail on some characteristic features.

forest ferret

It is not for nothing that the species of forest black ferrets bears its second name, which indicates the area in which this species most often lives. the range of these animals small forest areas.

The forest ferret moves in long low jumps, swims pretty well. As a rule, he does not climb trees, although in those moments when he is in mortal danger, he is able to climb into the hollows of trees, which are located not high from the ground.


If you are a lover of this animal and want to have it as a pet, then the question of whether it is a predator or not is fundamental. Everything you need to know about ferret nutrition.

The ferret is, without a doubt, a predator. In this regard, the answer to the question of what ferrets eat in the wild will be conducive: this is due to the needs of its species. What is included in the diet of a ferret?

A ferret's diet usually includes:

  1. Small rodents (the hero of our article with enviable agility catches mice and rats, digs voles and moles from the ground.
  2. If the forest ferret belongs to any large species or is itself distinguished by an outstanding physique for its species, then gaping hares or young muskrats can go for food.
  3. With pleasure, the hero of our article also eats frogs and lizards. He is able to cope even with not very large snakes alone. The jacket will not care if it is harmless or poisonous.
  4. The ferret is able to successfully catch even birds. It destroys nests if they are located on the ground or in bushes. The forest ferret also destroys chicks or feasts on eggs.
  5. The ferret loves to dig in the ground in order to get delicious worms, he also enjoys eating various insects: butterflies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and so on.
  6. Fish is sometimes included in his diet, but it occupies an insignificant place in the diet of this animal, since it requires a lot of time and labor.
  7. The ferret rarely eats berries, fruits and grass, only if necessary to replenish the balance of vitamins and minerals. The popularity of this type of food is due to the fact that his stomach is not designed to digest plant foods.

The ferret can fill the lack of fiber and other essential nutrients through eating stomach contents of herbivores caught by him.

With the arrival of spring until the end of the winter months, the polecat has no difficulty in finding food for itself. Before the approach of winter, he begins to eat heavily in order to create more fat for himself. When the cold comes, food becomes much more difficult to obtain. But our animal is a predator, which means that it is also a born hunter. He does not lose heart, but begins to rummage through the snow. Then not only small rodents become its prey, but also large birds - and hazel grouse, black grouse, buried for the night in the snow. When there is no food at all, the animal will not pass by both the fallen and the waste of human food.

Behavioral Features

Ferret is a loner, he communicates with females only during the mating season.

Each individual of the representatives of this species has its own hunting territories, it “grazes” them, that is, it lives on them permanently. Their hunting territory is usually quite extensive, for males it takes up to two and a half thousand hectares. In females, feeding territories are usually smaller, it happens that part of them intersects with the territories of males, and sometimes partially enters them. making a tour of their possessions, ferrets leave marks on it so that the rest know that the place is occupied and guarded.

In an inconspicuous place, the ferret digs a mink for itself with a short hole and a pocket where it rests. Mink has the character of a permanent place of residence. But if someone scared him in his home or otherwise compromised him, then the ferret leaves his former home and looks for another place.

Sometimes for permanent residence he chooses a dump of dry branches or a hollow under old stumps. When the forest is full of food, a well-fed and contented animal sleeps during the day, and begins to show activity at dusk and at night. If food becomes scarce on its territory, then it goes hunting for long distances. In unfavorable bad weather, the animal may not leave the hole for days.

ferret behavior

A distinctive characteristic of the wild ferret is - courage with a touch of aggressiveness. When meeting with an enemy even superior in strength and size, our hero fearlessly rushes into battle. Also, the ferret is ruthless to its victims: if it gets into the chicken coop, it will bite only one bird, but it will strangle all the rest. He repeats the same behavior in nature: attacking a bird's nest, he will surely kill all its inhabitants, although he himself will eat very little.

Enemies of the forest polecat

Forest ferrets, as we have already explained, are not at all too large animals, therefore in the wild they also have enemies who may well harm or kill them.

The main enemies write the wolves first. Despite the fact that ferrets run very fast, it is nevertheless difficult for him to escape from a large animal in an open area where there is nowhere to hide.

Foxes also attack our hero, especially in the winter season, when there are extremely few, there are either no mice, or you can’t get enough of them, and the hares are too quick and it’s not always possible to catch them.

Among the big birds there are also those who want to catch the animal: at night - these are owls and eagle owls, and during the day - falcons and golden eagles.

Lynxes are another type of animal who likes to snack on ferrets. the deadly teeth of this wild cat, its resourcefulness, cunning and dexterity do not leave hope for the life of this animal.

If ferrets occupy territory in the steppe zone, then stray dogs will pose a threat to it.

Although, frankly, the most ruthless and terrible enemy for the ferret, capable of bringing the population to complete destruction nevertheless, man. It is thanks to our species that this beast is listed in the Red Book.

The ferret is a predatory mammal from the genus of ferrets and weasels, belonging to the Kunya family. Often becomes a pet.

The body of the animal is flexible, low, elongated, with disproportionately short, strong, muscular legs. Thanks to strong claws, the animal climbs trees, digs holes. Animals swim, move by jumping.

Size and weight vary by species. On average, the length is 50 cm. Females are smaller than males, about 40 cm. Weight ranges from 300 g to 2 kg.

The neck is long, flexible, the head is elongated. The animal is famous for its fluffy tail, the length of which reaches 18 cm. Near the tail there are glands that secrete a secret with a pungent odor. Needed to scare off enemies.

The fur makes up a thick underfur and outer hair. The roots are light, the ends are dark. In autumn, the ferret sheds, the coat becomes shiny. The color depends on the species, it can be from light beige to black, white.

All animals, except for white albinos, have a mask-like pattern on their muzzle.

  • Wagging the tail means that the animal is content.
  • A loose tail, hissing warning that the ferret is not in the mood to bite.
  • When the animal is frightened, it screams loudly.
  • Ferrets express love by licking the hands and face of the owner. They like to kiss.
  • During games, animals hoot, males grunt. This is how they show satisfaction.
  • Sometimes the animal dances. He bounces on his paws, arches.

How long do ferrets live?

Ferrets live in the wild and at home. Life expectancy in the wild is 3-4 years, at home 5-7 years.

What do the animals eat?

These are predatory animals. They do not have a caecum, they are hard to digest plant foods. The main diet is small rodents: mice, voles. In spring, animals like to climb into bird nests, hare holes. Large species attack muskrats. Occasionally they eat fish, lizards, snakes. Animals stock up for the winter.

The main method of hunting is to wait for the victim at the entrance to the dwelling. Sometimes you need to catch up, catch prey. During the period of famine, they feed on food waste, ruining rabbitries and poultry houses.

Range, habitats

They live in:

  • European countries,
  • Russia,
  • China
  • countries of Central and Central Asia,
  • in northwest Africa.

To combat rats and mice, one of the species was brought to New Zealand, where it successfully took root.


  • steppe,
  • semi-desert,
  • settlements.

Animals avoid open areas, dense taiga. Tied to the habitat, lead a sedentary lifestyle. They rarely dig their own burrows, prefer to occupy others (foxes, badgers). They can settle in a haystack, the emptiness of an old tree.


There are three main types:

  • steppe,
  • forest,
  • black-footed.

Steppe, or light ferret

Large, up to 56 cm long, weighs up to 2 kg, the tail in adult animals is 18 cm. The outer hair is brown, sparse, dense underfur is visible through the fur. The paws and tail are dark, on the muzzle there is a mask.

In the warm season it feeds on ground squirrels, mice, snakes, frogs, less often birds. In winter, voles, hamsters, and food waste are eaten. Females are prolific, bear 7-10, sometimes up to 18 cubs. The species is found in Europe, Central and Central Asia, Russia. Lives in steppes, semi-steppes and semi-deserts.

The only subspecies is the Amur steppe polecat. In length, the animal reaches 56 cm, tail 18 cm, weight up to 2 kg. The abdomen is light, the tip of the tail and paws are black, on the muzzle there is a pattern in the form of a mask. Habitat northeast of China, steppes of the Middle Amur (Russia).

Forest, common, or black ferret

Less steppe. Body length 36-48 cm, tail 15-17 cm in males, females 8.5-17 cm, weight from 400 g to 1.5 kg. The females are one and a half times smaller than the males. The color is black-brown, the tail, throat, paws are almost black. There is a mask on the muzzle. The forest ferret is pure white and red. It feeds on field mice, snakes, frogs, locusts, etc. It breaks hare holes, eats cubs. It can live near settlements, eat poultry, rabbits. Females are not as prolific as females of the steppe ferret: they bring 4-6 puppies.

Habitat territory of Eurasia. Inhabits groves, woodlands. It prefers to hunt on the forest edges, so it is called a forest edge predator. To exterminate rodents, it was the black ferret that was brought to New Zealand, where it took root.

Ferret subspecies, domestic, or African ferret. This is a domesticated species, also called furo. Body length 51 cm, tail 13 cm, weight from 700 g to 2 kg. Furo is bred in its pure form, crossed with other individuals. So, a hybrid of a furo and a forest ferret is called a "chorefret". The first Russian breed is golden, obtained by crossing a forest ferret with a ferret. This is a large animal with thick silky fur. Black guard hair with orange underfur. Females are smaller, reaching 39 cm in length, males are larger, 46 cm.

Black-footed or American ferret

A rare species of North American predators. Listed in the Red Book as endangered. Smaller brothers. Body length 31-41 cm, tail 11-15 cm, weight from 650 g to 1 kg. The coat is white at the base and dark at the tips, which creates a yellow-brown color. Like other species, there is a characteristic mask on the muzzle. Habitat central part of the USA. It feeds on mice, voles, ground squirrels. In the 80s of the XX century, the remaining American ferrets were caught for artificial breeding, released into the wild in some states.

Reproduction and lifespan

The breeding season is from late winter to late summer, depending on the range. In steppe polecats, reproduction occurs at the beginning of spring, in forest polecats in April-May, sometimes in the second half of June. The animal reaches sexual maturity at 10-12 months. There are no marriage rituals. They mate aggressively. The male takes the female by the withers, the females resist. On the withers of the female, traces of the male's teeth remain visible.

The gestation period lasts one and a half months, the brood is from 4 to 18 cubs. Breastfeeding for about 2.5 months, from the fourth week the mother begins to feed the puppies with meat. A small animal weighs 5-10 g. It is born blind, helpless, but grows and develops rapidly.

At the age of 7-8 weeks, babies are able to hunt, but continue to feed on mother's milk. The mother protects the offspring when threatened. Up to six months, the cubs hunt with their mother, gain experience, then begin to live an independent life.

Ferret care at home

Before you get a ferret at home, you need to find out the features of the animal. This is a very active animal, so it cannot be constantly kept in a cage.

Ferrets get along with cats, calm dogs, but birds and rodents are prey for them to hunt. You should not keep them next to rabbits, chinchillas.

Like any other pet, a ferret needs to be vaccinated. An antihistamine must be administered before the procedure to prevent allergic reactions.

Animals are also used for breeding. If it is not supposed to breed, the female must be sterilized, the male must be castrated. This is important, since during puberty the animal emits a specific smell. It is recommended to bathe him once a week using a special shampoo to avoid smell.

Sleeps and eats a domestic ferret in a cage. It needs to equip a house or a hammock. Some animals sleep for several days. This is normal, you don't have to worry about it. You can train the animal to close the cage. It is easy to accustom him to the tray, and you can put two toilets at once.

The domestic ferret is very curious, explores the most secluded places. He likes to play in the trash can, where he can sleep. The rodent drags surrounding small objects into its mouth, even inedible ones, regularly digs up slides in flowers.

The ferret is a carnivore. He needs protein food: porridge with minced meat, special food. Porridge with minced meat may consist of poultry meat and offal, oatmeal, barley groats and other ingredients. You can not offer dog food to the animal, it is allowed to give premium class food for kittens. It is better to choose special feeds for ferrets, enriched with essential vitamins and microelements.

Veterinarians recommend introducing vegetables, fruits, previously peeled, into the diet. Once a week, you can give a raw egg, raw chicken, chicken liver. The food should contain the meat of animals and birds that the ferret can catch in the wild. It is important to ensure that he does not hide perishable foods, as they can poison him. The ferret drinks plentifully, so there should always be clean water in the cage.

The ferret is an amazing animal. He is handsome and funny. At home, the animal can deliver a lot of positive emotions, especially for children. The main thing is not to forget that the animal needs care.

Ferret (ferret) - a predatory mammal, belongs to the marten family, the genus of ferrets and weasels ( Mustela), subgenus Putorius.

Ferret - description, characteristics, structure. What does a ferret look like?

The body of ferrets, like most mustelids, is elongated, flexible and very squat, due to disproportionately short legs. The limbs of the ferret are very strong and muscular, thanks to which the animals move easily by jumping and swim well. The toes end in long strong claws, which allows ferrets to deftly climb trees and dig deep holes.

The average body length of adult males is about 50 cm, female ferrets are always smaller and grow up to 40 cm in length. The weight of a ferret, depending on the species, ranges from 300 g to 2 kg.

The ferret has a long flexible neck, a neat oval-shaped head and an elongated, slightly blunt muzzle towards the tip of the nose. Ferrets are especially proud of their fluffy tail, which grows up to 13-18 cm in length.

Ferret fur usually consists of a thick, soft undercoat and outer hair that is usually lighter at the base and darker at the tip. After the autumn molt, the ferret's coat acquires a characteristic sheen and becomes especially beautiful.

The color of the fur depends on the species and can vary from a light sand color to almost black or completely white in albino ferrets.

All trochees (except species with a white color) have a peculiar pattern on the muzzle that resembles a black mask.

Near the ferret's tail there are special glands that secrete a specific secret, which has a sharp, pungent odor and is used by animals to scare off enemies. Of all the senses, the ferret has a well-developed sense of smell, it is on it that the animals rely on when hunting.

In total, the ferret has 28-30 teeth: 12-14 incisors, 12 false-rooted teeth, premolars, and there is also a pair of canines on each jaw.

The life expectancy of a ferret in the wild is about 3-4 years, in captivity, ferrets live up to 5-7 years.

Enemies of the ferret in nature

The main enemies of ferrets in the wild are larger predators: often young ferrets become prey to feathered predators - and. In some areas, the ferret is a valuable commercial animal, so the animals are ruthlessly exterminated for the sake of warm, soft and beautiful fur.

Types of ferrets, photos and names

The classification of ferrets includes 3 main types:

  1. , he is light ferret or white ferret, also known as steppe, light or white ferret(Mustela eversmanni)

a large ferret growing up to 52-56 cm in length with a body weight of up to 2 kg. The length of the tail of adults is 18 cm. The light ferret has a long, but sparse brownish outer hair, so a dense underfur shines through the fur - an additional hairline of a lighter tone. The limbs, tail or its tip are dark in color, and the muzzle is covered with a mask. The steppe ferret eats quite diversely. In the warm season, pikas and invertebrates become its prey. To a lesser extent, amphibians and birds are food. In winter, the diet narrows down to hamsters and voles, which can be caught in the steppe. Since digging up rodent burrows becomes impossible, the animals are content with carrion and food waste, which they find near people's dwellings, and in the spring they pick up dead fish in river floods. In the presence of a sufficient amount of food, the animals avoid settlements. Steppe ferret females are extremely fertile and bring about 7-10 and even up to 18 cubs. On the European territory, ferrets live in the Czech Republic, in the east of Austria, in the south of Slovakia, in Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, in the north of Bulgaria, in Moldova, Poland. In addition, ferrets are found in Central and Central Asia, in the steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts of Russia from its European part to the Far East, as well as in the eastern part of China.

    • The only subspecies of the light ferret is Amur steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanni amurensis)

The body length of the animal reaches 56 cm, the length of the tail is 18 cm, and the weight is no more than 2 kg. The color of the fur is dominated by white and yellowish tones. The belly of the animal is light, the tip of the tail and paws are black, on the muzzle there is a pattern in the form of a mask. The main part of the subspecies population is concentrated in the northeast of China; in Russia it is found in the steppe landscapes of the Middle Amur.

  1. forest ferret, he is ferret or black ferret, which is also called normal, dark or black ferret(Mustela putorius)

The forest ferret is inferior in size to its steppe relative: body length is about 36-48 cm, weight is from 400 g to 1.5 kg, and females are 1.5 times smaller than males. The tail of the male ferret has a length of 15 to 17 cm, and that of females is 8.5-17 cm. Unlike the steppe animal, the color of the black ferret does not have a sharp contrast between the color of the legs and body. The main color of mature individuals is black-brown, and the legs, tail, throat and dewlap are almost black. The muzzle is decorated with a characteristic mask. Pure white or red ferrets are also common in the population. The basis of the diet of the forest ferret is mice and voles, snakes, frogs, birds and their eggs are additional food. Forest ferrets break holes and eat their offspring. Individuals living near settlements will not miss the opportunity to eat rabbits and poultry. Unlike the prolific steppe polecat, the female black polecat gives birth to only 4-6 puppies. Forest ferrets live throughout Eurasia, especially in Western Europe and practically throughout the entire European territory of Russia. The animal prefers groves and woodlands, waits for prey at the edges of forests, in connection with which it received the name "edge" predator. Together with weasels, the black ferret was brought to New Zealand for the extermination of rodents, where it successfully took root and became a threat to the local island fauna.

    • Fretka (domestic ferret, African ferret), also known as furo ( Mustela putorius furo)

domesticated form of the black ferret. Scientists and animal breeders use the name "furo" exclusively to refer to albino ferrets, although a domestic ferret can be an animal of any solid color (white, black, brown) or a combined type of color. The body length of an adult domestic ferret is about 51 cm with a body weight of 700 g to 2 kg. The length of the tail reaches approximately 13 cm. Furo is bred both in pure form and by crossing with natural species. The Poles nicknamed the hybrid of the furo and the forest ferret “thuzhofretka”, which in Russian sounds like “chorefrette”.

As a result of crossing the forest ferret with a ferret, golden ferret, the first Russian breed of ferrets.

This is a large animal with thick silky fur, which is distinguished by black outer hair with orange underfur. Females of the golden ferret reach a length of 39 cm, males are larger - their body length is 46 cm.

  1. american ferret, he is black-footed ferret(Mustela nigripes)

a rare species of North American predators, which is under the protection of the United States and is listed in the Red Book as endangered. The body length of the American ferret does not exceed 31-41 cm, and the body weight ranges from 650 g to 1 kg. The fluffy tail of the animal grows up to 11-15 cm in length. The coat is white at the base and dark at the tips, which gives the impression of a general yellow-brown color. The tip of the tail and limbs of the ferret are black, and there is also a distinctive black mask on the muzzle. American ferrets live in the central part of the United States, on the prairies east of the Rocky Mountains. Ferrets feed on mice, voles, ground squirrels, but the survival of the black-footed ferret depends entirely on the population of prairie dogs, which are its main food source. One colony of dogs covers 50 hectares of prairie and can only feed one adult ferret, while one family of ferrets needs about 250 rodents per year to survive. In the 80s of the last century, the remaining representatives of the American ferret species were caught for artificial breeding and released into the wild in some states of the United States and Mexico in order to revive the population.

Honorik is an artificially obtained hybrid of a ferret (bred by crossing the steppe and forest ferrets) and the European mink. Rarely, honoriki appear in the wild in areas where the ranges of these 3 species intersect. Honoriki outnumber their parents in size and equally inherit their traits. Outwardly, the animals resemble a mink, and their black, shiny outer hair with a thick brown underfur is very similar to sable fur. From the ferrets, the animals got large ears with a light border around the edges. Honoriki, like minks, are excellent swimmers, and they adopted the ability to dig holes from trochees. Their own character trait is a rare aggressiveness and inability to get along with people.

Where do ferrets live?

Ferrets live in Europe (including England), the USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, China, the countries of Central and Central Asia, and northwest Africa. At one time, forest ferrets were brought to New Zealand to fight rats and mice, as a result, predators spread there as well. The habitat of ferrets are steppes, semi-deserts, sparse forests and even settlements. Animals avoid open areas and dense taiga. Ferrets are sedentary, strongly attached to their habitat and are typical nocturnal predators. Ferrets rarely dig holes and more often occupy the dwellings of other animals, for example, foxes or can settle in the cavities of old trees, in a haystack, a woodshed or in a pile of deadwood.

What do ferrets eat?

Ferrets do not have a caecum, and due to the low synthesis of amylase, their body does not absorb plant foods well. The basis of the diet of animals is made up of various types of small rodents: voles, mice, hamsters, water rats. In spring, the animals destroy bird nests, dig hare holes, large species attack muskrats and ground squirrels. An insignificant part of the diet is made up of large species of insects, frogs, fish, and snakes. Animals prepare for winter in advance, storing excess food in their dwelling.

The main method of hunting ferrets is to watch for prey at the entrance to the shelter. In other cases, prey has to run and catch. Often, hunger forces ferrets to eat carrion and food waste, to ruin poultry houses and rabbitries. And the bad reputation of ferrets as arrogant and unscrupulous predators is greatly exaggerated, largely due to the ignorance of the people themselves. Most of the “sins” are hung on the animals in vain and the crimes committed by martens, weasels and foxes are attributed to animals.

ferret breeding

The breeding season of ferrets depends on the habitat and lasts from February to the end of summer. In steppe ferrets, the rut occurs in early spring. In forest ferrets, the rut begins in April-May, sometimes in the second half of June. The puberty of the animal occurs at the age of 10-12 months, and there are no special mating rituals among the animals. Ferret mating is violent and aggressive: the male ferret grabs the female by the scruff of the neck, despite her resistance. Therefore, after the completion of the process, females are often left with a shabby withers, on which traces of the male's teeth are visible.

The pregnancy of a female ferret lasts an average of 1.5 months, and there are from 4 to 18 cubs in a litter. The weight of newborn ferrets is about 5-10 g, cubs are born blind and helpless, but grow and develop quite quickly. Breastfeeding lasts about 2-2.5 months, and the mother begins to feed the 4-week-old cubs with meat.

At the age of 7-8 weeks, young ferrets are already able to hunt, although they continue to feed on their mother's milk. In case of any danger, the mother selflessly protects her offspring.

Up to six months, young ferrets hunt with the female, gaining useful skills, and then move on to an independent life.

Colors of ferrets with photos

According to the Russian classification, there are 3 color options for ferrets:

  • Pearl color(it includes silver and sable colors). The general color of the ferret's fur is light cream, and may have an ash or silver tinge. The awn is black or brown, the tips of the hair are cream or gray.
  • Golden color. The general color of ferrets is yellowish or closer to orange. The awn is black, the tips of the hair are red.
  • pastel color. The overall color is light cream. The guard hairs are light brown and may have a smoky hue. The tips of the hair are light gray or cream.

According to the American classification from the AFA (American Ferret Association), 8 colors and 4 colors of ferrets are distinguished, however, this classification is also not complete and does not include all the color variety of the fur of these animals. Under the color of the ferret, it is customary to mean the color of the guard hair and underfur, as well as the color of the eyes and nose. Coloring implies a pattern that is formed by combining different colors. Another characteristic of ferret fur is marks, spots, which, depending on the location or combination, are divided into several variations.

AFA distinguishes the following colorations of ferrets:

  • albino(albino, red-eyed white)

Fur with white underfur (sometimes with light cream patches) and an awn of the same shade. The eyes of the ferret are always red, the nose is only pink;

  • black

The outer hair is black. The underfur is white or golden. Ferrets of this color have black eyes and a nose of the same color (a motley nose is allowed);

  • sable (sable)

The awn is warm brown, the underfur is white, cream or light golden. The eyes may be brown or almost black, the nose is brown or light brown, there are individuals with spotted noses and with a T-shaped pattern;

  • black sable (black sable)

The fur is distinguished by a black-brown or dark ash outer hair with a pronounced glossy sheen and underfur from white to cream tones. The eyes of the ferret are dark, almost black, the nose is black-brown, may be spotted;

  • champagne

The outer hair is colored brown or light brown, the shade of the underfur varies from white to cream, without inclusions of yellowness. The eyes are cherry or dark cherry, the nose is pink, beige or pink with a brown T-stripe;

  • chocolate

The awn is "milk chocolate", the underfur is white or with a slight yellowish tinge. The eyes of the ferret are dark cherry or brown, the nose can be light beige, pink, pink with dark stripes in the form of the letter T, sometimes there are individuals with a brick-colored nose;

  • cinnamon

The outer hair is colored in a rich shade of red-brown, the underfur is golden, sometimes pure white. The eyes of the ferret are light or dark brown, the nose is pink or not completely painted over.

  • dark-eyed white (dark-eyed white)

The awn and underfur vary from pure white to light cream. The eyes of the ferret can be dark cherry or dark brown, the nose of the animal is always pink.

According to the AFA, ferrets are classified not only by color, but also by coloration, which is determined by the color of the nose, the type of mask on the animal's muzzle, and the concentration of color on the legs, tail and body. There are 4 types of colors:

  • Siamese (siamese),
  • roan (roan),
  • solid (solid),
  • standard (standard).

In addition, it is customary to take into account the presence of peculiar white spots on the ferret: depending on their location (on the tail, muzzle, torso, limbs, head or neck), the American Ferret Association designates variations under the names:

  • Blaze (blaze - flash),
  • Mitts (mitts - mittens),
  • Panda (panda).

The forest ferret, or, as it is also called, black, is a nocturnal animal of the marten family, hunting in splendid isolation. But, alas, in our time, as a result of active human activity, it is very rare to meet this animal. The habitat of the forest ferret originates from the very coast of the Atlantic in Europe, to the Urals in the east and Sweden in the north.

forest ferret

Description of the animal

Previously, when its population was large enough, the ferret was a frequent guest in villages and villages, climbing into chicken coops and poultry houses.

Interesting Facts:

  • Ferrets, unlike many other mammals, do not have food competition, due to the fact that males are almost twice as large as females and hunt larger prey, leaving small ones to females and young animals;
  • In the last decade, many ferrets have died not from hunters, but from the wheels of cars, due to the expansion and increase in the number of tracks and roads;
  • The closest relative of the ferret is living on another continent.

Behavioral Features

The forest ferret is an agile lone hunter, hunting under the canopy of twilight. So one male has hunting grounds of up to 2.5 thousand hectares, the boundaries of which are constantly inspected, and marks are placed on them in order to avoid the encroachment of a stranger. The areas of females are much smaller, often intersecting with each other, and included in the territory of the male.

Inspection of the property

The main food of this animal is slightly smaller animals (snakes, young rabbits and hares, frogs, birds nesting on the ground). The peculiarity of this predator was its ruthlessness. So, climbing into the chicken coop, a ferret can cut all the chickens overnight, and eat only one, and even then not completely. So he does in nature, having stumbled upon a nest, he will bully everyone, having eaten only a small part of the prey. The rest, if he manages to drag it off, he safely hides in the storerooms.

ferret diet

In the past, when the ferret population was much larger, it was hunted for skins, or just for fun. Now this animal is protected in some regions, and hunting for it is strictly prohibited.

The mating season for a ferret lasts from February to the end of April. After mating, the female builds a nest, and 45 days after mating, blind and helpless ferrets are born. All worries and food production fall on the mother, the father does not take part in this. The period of feeding ferret puppies lasts a little more than a month, gradually transferring the offspring to a meat diet. The eyes of the cubs open only after a month. And they will stay with their mother until the next mating period.

forest ferret hidden cam
