Open your own business in a garage. Simple ideas to implement

Owning a business in a garage is an ideal option for those who do not want to deal with the problem of expensive rental space. We will tell you in the article which direction of activity to choose and how to organize it correctly.

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Payment for a garage, if it is rented from relatives or friends, can be paid both in money and for various services, including those types of products that are planned to be produced in the garage.

Examples of garage use:

  • rental;
  • organization of tire service, auto repair shop, car wash;
  • place a locksmith workshop;
  • establish production of clay and gypsum;
  • produce furniture;
  • repair household appliances;
  • production of joinery;
  • production of monuments;
  • turning;
  • glass processing;
  • sewing fabric products, producing blinds;
  • advertising studio, printing house;
  • shoe workshop;
  • placement of a mini-workshop for packaging bulk construction mixtures;
  • organization of a small pastry shop, canteen, mini-cafe;
  • release of toys;
  • a store;

Not all types of activities that coexist in garage boxes are listed. Ideas already implemented in practice are given.

Conventionally, the types of production and services can be summarized into several groups:

  1. Low-cost, budgetary activities.
  2. Average cost.
  3. High-cost.

Low-cost activity

Low-cost, budget- an economical type of activity that requires a small (no more than ten thousand rubles) investment of initial capital.

These types include:

  1. Renting out your own garage. Possible initial capital investments include the costs of strengthening the gates and connecting a security alarm. Without these works, the rental amount, if any, will be 3-5 times lower than expected.
  2. Placement of a mini-workshop for packaging bulk construction mixtures. The starting investment is the cost of purchasing a welding machine for plastic bags, the plastic bags themselves, instructions on paper and scales with a set of weights. Raw materials - bags weighing 25-30 kg with dry mixtures, at the first stage and in small volumes, can be taken with a deferred payment from wholesale suppliers by mutual agreement. In this type of business, as well as in others, the decisive role belongs to the organization of sales of finished products. Without sales, all your efforts will be in vain.

Average cost

The initial capital is 10,000-50,000 rubles. Part of the capital will be used to retrofit the garage with a reliable power supply system; cosmetic repairs, including room insulation. The rest is equipment, raw materials, transportation costs, and advertising.

This type includes:

Locksmith workshop

From the equipment, depending on the products being manufactured, you will need:

  • bench vice;
  • Workbench;
  • welding machine(electric and/or gas) with personal protective equipment and protective clothing;
  • a set of metalworking tools (hammer, sledgehammer, metal scissors, etc.);
  • electric drill or hammer drill, grinder;

Workshop for making objects from clay or plaster


  • Potter's wheel;
  • a small kiln for firing, at the first stage - later you can purchase a more powerful unit;
  • water supply and sewerage system;
  • desktop (workbench);
  • plaster casting molds;
  • a set of artistic paints and brushes;

Own weaving studio

Equipment required:

  • stable wide work table;
  • any of sewing machines(models performing various operations a lot) necessary to solve your ideas;
  • set of fabrics, threads and various weaving accessories.

High-cost activity

This group of businesses will require from a beginning entrepreneur an amount of 50,000 rubles per initial stage:

Turning workshop


  1. Strengthen the base for installation of equipment.
  2. Install the power supply system, up to the wiring of the cable network at 380 Volts.
  3. Supply water, make a sewer drainage system.
  4. Purchase, as needed, a turning, drilling, milling, etc. equipment.
  5. Have a stock of metal blanks, semi-finished products.
  6. A set of turning, drilling, milling and other metalworking tools.

To understand and calculate possible risks before starting an activity, you need to take indisputable fact– any type of business is highly dependent on the sale of the services offered or manufactured products. Therefore, before starting to organize work in a garage, it is necessary to study the market to determine the saturation of the planned services or products.

  1. Optimal type of work– acceptance of orders, preferably with partial, if not full, prepayment. The money received, first of all, should be used to purchase raw materials to complete the application.
  2. Be sure to submit your work on time or ahead of schedule.– this will increase your customer confidence.
  3. Organize, if necessary, your own retail outlet ( at the market, in the store). Build your business on a family basis, but immediately establish strict relationships: “home is home, work is work,” that is, work relationships are built at work, not family relationships.
  4. If your garage is located away from residential areas, in the depths of a garage cooperative, then the direction of business must be chosen taking into account these facts (there is no cross-country ability).
  5. Use advertising opportunities. At first - posting advertisements (take into account local laws), organizing promotion of your services and products on social networks, private advertisements in local newspapers.
  6. Explore the possibility of a garage exchange, albeit with an additional payment, to a place located close to a transport route. Example: a garage with a gate directly facing the street can be successfully used for a car wash, tire repair shop or auto repair shop. And other directions will develop faster in such a place.
  7. For the future, it is advisable to immediately think about expanding your production area. As the business grows, new space will be needed. Therefore, the purchase or long-term lease of neighbors' garages should be included in thoughts for future development.
  8. Inspect your garage for the strength of load-bearing walls and ceilings– it may be possible to organize an add-on.

Registration with tax authorities, pension fund

Sooner or later, but better immediately after establishing a business, it is necessary to register with the local fiscal authorities. Now, in most cities, the registration procedure has been significantly simplified - a “one-stop-shop” system operates. It is enough to submit an application where you need to fill out the appropriate fields, pay the state fee and, after a few days, you become a full-fledged entrepreneur.

Whether or not to open a bank account depends on you and your type of activity, as well as on applicable local laws.

Most economic activities fall under a simplified taxation system or under payment of area tax. These species are determined by the place of registration.

Business plan for your production in a garage

Taking a pen or pencil, armed with a calculator, you need to put your business ideas on paper, supporting them with calculations. This is how you will draw up your own small business plan.

By the way, this experience may be useful in the future: when expanding your business, additional financial investments may be required. When applying for a loan from a bank for production development, a business plan is one of the necessary documents.

What needs to be included in the plans:

  1. Market situation analysis, competitiveness in the products or services offered.
  2. Reflect sales routes(how, to whom, under what conditions).
  3. Garage conversion costs(repairs, supply of electricity, water, sewerage).
  4. Required equipment, equipment, acquisition routes and total cost.
  5. Monthly raw material requirements, the approximate costs of its purchase.
  6. Wages hired employees.
  7. Expenses, which must be allocated to support your family.
  8. Overheads: advertising, transport, etc.
  9. Organizational expenses(registration).

It is very important not to miss negative factors that can significantly affect the profitability, or even unprofitability, of your business:

  1. Remote garage location from your own place of residence.
  2. Inconvenient location for certain activities(retail outlet, canteen, tire service).
  3. Lack of a centralized power supply system, water, sewerage.
  4. Inconvenient access roads(bad or confusing road) - affects customers.

Having carried out such an analysis, it will be clear how much initial costs will be needed, what approximate volume of products must be sold per month in order to generate a profit in the final balance.

It is difficult to give specific figures - any type of activity requires its own specific investments. In addition, costs will also vary by region, for example, organizing a business in the northern region or in the southern regions.

Unfortunately, in our country there are not yet many types of private business and they can be divided into three categories:

  • Opening a retail outlet (shop, stall, etc.).
  • Offer of services (hairdressing salon, catering establishments, responsible storage of goods, and so on).
  • Production of goods (carpentry or metalworking workshop, tailoring studio, etc.).

The success of the first two categories of private business is characterized by both dependence on many factors (seasonality of demand, the need to maintain many contacts with suppliers, many sanitary and hygienic and regulatory acts that regulate the work of small companies, and so on), and extremely intense competition in the market.

Concerning production sector, then starting a private manufacturing enterprise is somewhat easier, and often cheaper. In the material below, prepared by our team, we will talk about opening our own turning workshop.

Who will be the client of your turning workshop?

Turning products are in great demand not only among the general population, but also among other private entrepreneurs. Your potential clients will be:

  • Construction or finishing teams.
  • Stations Maintenance cars.
  • Repair shops.
  • Small private enterprises that do not have turners on staff, but have a periodic need for turning products, for example, carpentry workshops.
  • Resellers of hardware in the market of your locality, owners of construction, household or auto parts stores, as well as other entrepreneurs working in the trade sector.
  • Private individuals.

As you can see, you won’t have to suffer from a lack of clientele. This is due to the fact that it is simply not profitable for large turning shops to take on a one-time small order, since the cost of one product will “skyrocket” or the lead time for the order will increase enormously due to the fact that it will be completed in the interval between batches of wholesale customers . Industrial enterprises will not even consider applications from such clients.

Finding a location for a turning workshop

Since at the beginning of your business activity you will have to work with one-time clients who need single products, you should take special care in choosing the premises. This could be your garage in a garage cooperative, a container at the market, non-residential premises in a residential area or near a car service center, and so on.

The advantages of such premises are the possibility of free advertising and the presence of a “ready” base of potential clients. However, some difficulties may arise. For example, when renting non-residential premises the house will have to take care of having a separate entrance from the street or isolating it from the rest of the owners’ property.

The room must be connected to a water supply and drainage system, as well as an electrical network with a voltage of at least 220 V. This will be quite sufficient for the operation of a desktop lathe and ensuring the sanitary and hygienic standards required by law.

Estimated costs to get started

The main amount of expenses required to open a turning workshop is needed to purchase technological equipment. It is quite natural that the newer the machines and the more functions they have, the higher their cost. The minimum set to get started is as follows:

  • Tabletop lathe – 50,000 – 60,000 rubles.
  • Grinding machine – 9,000 – 10,000 rubles.

You will also have to take care of purchasing cutting and sharpening tools, as well as the availability of rolled metal for the first time (rods of several standard sizes made of steel of three to five grades).

After your enterprise has become somewhat stronger, you will be able, based on existing demand, to purchase other equipment necessary to expand the range of manufactured parts. For example, a high-frequency furnace will allow you to perform basic heat treatment of turned products (hardening, tempering, and so on).


If you do not have professional turner skills, then finding the right specialist can be difficult. This is due both to the lack of professionals in the labor market due to the decline in the prestige of blue-collar professions, and because of the bad habits that the candidate will have.

To make it easier to find a turner, we recommend paying attention to young people whose professional experience is at least three years, and no more than one and a half to two years have passed since their dismissal. To facilitate the dismissal of a candidate who is not suitable based on professional or personal data, it is better to conclude an employment contract for a period of one to three months.

Professional minimum requirements:

  • Rank no less than third.
  • Ability to sharpen cutting tools.
  • Knowledge of lathe design and capabilities.

It is better to hire a turner who worked in a tool shop or repair service. In terms of his professional skills, such a third-class turner is significantly superior to a candidate with a fifth category who worked “on a program,” that is, on an automatic machine. lathe.

When you have to repair something, you definitely want to find a good repairman. It is important that a person not only knows his business perfectly, but also understands what the client needs. And it doesn’t matter at all whether he works at a customer’s home, in a specialized workshop, or has opened his own mini-business in the garage.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of running a garage business are obvious:

  • Low cost of rent or purchase.
  • The location is close to residential buildings; you can organize a business near your place of residence, rather than having to go to an industrial zone every day.

However, as in any other business, there are also disadvantages:

  • Reducing the number of garages (new ones are rarely built, developers prefer to build less expensive parking lots, and old ones are eventually demolished for new buildings).
  • Garages often lack the necessary communications.

Yet garage space remains the most accessible space for many types of businesses. Let's look at the most popular business options in your garage.

If you are well versed in the workings of cars, opening an auto repair shop would be a great option. Such a small business in a garage will require minimal investment from you: you will need to purchase the necessary tools and spend money on advertising at the initial stage, then (if the work is done well and the prices are reasonable) clients themselves will recommend you to their friends.

The workshop can offer the following services:

Interesting business options that require appropriate competence could be applying airbrushing to cars or restoring vintage cars.

Repair of equipment for outdoor activities

If you are not an expert in car construction, you can choose a simpler option, but one that is also in considerable demand - your own business in a garage repairing bicycles or motorcycles, ATVs or snowmobiles - depending on your competence. Even a high school student or student can often handle repairing bicycles, so if you have a garage and the necessary skills, this can be a good part-time job option for the summer.

Another option for a micro-business in a garage could be the production of building materials. Quite simple to manufacture, but at the same time in demand:

  • foam blocks;
  • sand-lime brick;
  • paving slabs and curbs.

It is advisable that the premises for such purposes be on the outskirts of a populated area, preferably close to houses under construction or outside the city. It will be inconvenient to export finished products from the center.

A small business in a garage for the production of building materials will require the purchase of equipment, building mixtures and the arrangement of a place for drying workpieces.

In addition, you will have to hire 1-2 assistants. The disadvantages include high competition in this area, seasonality of demand, and cost of equipment. The advantage is that this is a stable business that does not require any deep specific knowledge.

Manufacturing of wood products

Despite the crisis, unique items are still in demand. This means that people will be happy to buy products from carpentry workshops. Such a small business in a garage can offer customers custom manufacturing of the following products:

In addition to machines for business in the garage (milling and jointing), you will need to purchase hammers, mallets, a drill, a jigsaw and other tools. In order for this type of business to be profitable, excellent ability to work with wood and artistic taste are a must.

The biggest advantage of a turning business in a garage is the low competition in this area. Orders for such services can be collected from various auto and bicycle repair shops. In addition, many industrial enterprises overpay for parts that a competent turner can make without much difficulty; try to attract the attention of such organizations - advertise. In addition to working to order, you can make your own products. The workshop's assortment can include a wide variety of products: from dumbbells and barbells for gyms to small parts for airsoft weapons.

A business machine in a garage is the main cost item. You can take an expensive one with programming capabilities (it has higher accuracy), or you can take a simpler one, it all depends on the required parameters and the complexity of the parts. If you plan to cooperate, for example, with an oil and gas company and all that is required of you is to apply threads to pipes, then you should not overpay.

A welding business in a garage is another profitable option. The welding machine itself is not too expensive, and consumables are not difficult to find. The following products are in good demand:

  • forged gates and fences (their production will require additional equipment, but there is a demand for this product, and the equipment should pay for itself);
  • simple trellises and fences;
  • barbecues;
  • ovens.

In addition to producing custom goods for the population, in this area you can also cooperate with organizations, especially construction ones or those related to the installation and repair of communications.


An interesting, but rather labor-intensive business option at the preparation stage would be to open your own smokehouse. To do this, you will need to carry out all communications, ensure good ventilation and sanitary condition of the premises (no rats, mice or insects!), and also get everything necessary permissions for the production of food products and their sale. Next, you need to install the necessary equipment for business in the garage - a smoking cabinet.

In addition, you need to find suppliers. The best prices You can get it if you buy meat directly from farms. You can supply your products to small grocery stores and meat and sausage outlets at food markets. It is also possible not only to sell ready-made products, but also to provide the service of smoking products to customers.

You can list for a long time business options in the garage: assembling furniture, casting artificial marble products and much more. This list is limited only by your knowledge, skills and imagination.

How to start a business without investment: Video

Hello! Today we’ll talk about garage business and give you 44 business ideas. I will also give examples of people who profitably opened their own business in a garage and are now making good money.

How can you open a business in a garage?

More and more often, as I walk through my garage cooperative, I see men fiddling around with something all the time, and people gathering around them. Not long ago I asked one neighbor what he was doing, that people constantly come to him, he said that he sells dried meat and fish, as it turned out, this is his main income at the moment.

One is mine distant relative, quit his shift job and opened a tire shop in his garage cooperative. Now he does not know any free time, since the flow of people is constant, especially in the off-season, during the period of “re-shoeing”. By the way, it’s not members of the garage cooperative who go to see him, but rather people passing by, because the territorial location of his garage is very good.

Not long ago, the guys from a neighboring cooperative opened a car soundproofing service in their garage. At the first stages, 1 car could fit near their garage, and there was another one in the garage. Now they have bought another garage in the back and added a second floor. How did I know this? The fact is that these young guys rent the first garage and somehow its owner put the garage up for sale, on the condition that no one would kick the guys out of there (I wanted to buy it). As a result, the guys tensed up and bought this garage themselves.

In the spring, I decided to buy a bicycle and found a guy on VKontakte who assembles bicycles. His group contains a huge number of reviews and photographs of available bicycles and components. I was not very surprised when I arrived at his place, and he has a double garage equipped as a workshop, and on the walls there are finished copies hanging, as well as parts for assembly and for sale (frames, wheels, etc.). Many athletes assemble and re-equip their bicycles from him.

I was interested in this topic, and I decided to put together a selection of business ideas that can be implemented in the garage.

TOP 44 business ideas in the garage

Below is a selection of 44 garage business ideas. We collected them on the Internet, took some from personal experience and the experience of our friends.

You can also find other collections of business ideas:

This is not all that can be organized in your garage, so we ask you to share your garage business ideas in the comments below the article.

1. Production of design objects and decorative sculptures

The essence of such a project– organization of a small workshop for the production of decorative elements from gypsum or concrete mixtures. Such interesting decorations are in demand among designers and builders. They can be used to decorate the courtyard of a private house, a room in an apartment or office. This original business project is great for people with good artistic taste.

Implementation of the idea

You can implement this garage business from scratch yourself thanks to a simple process and a minimum number of technological operations. To start production you will need:

  • special molds for casting original jewelry;
  • a set of tools and equipment for mixing solutions;
  • a certain amount of raw materials.

Modern technologies make it possible to make a plaster copy of any statue or decorative element. A good income will come not only from the production of individual orders, but also from various types of stucco molding and balusters for stairs. This production has high profitability. One baluster or vase for decorating a private yard requires material worth no more than 600 rubles. It can be sold at a price of 1,500 rubles and more. Small expenses on advertising and production of original products will help recoup the project in a few months.

2. Business in a garage for the production of metal products

Minimum investment – ​​100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project– arrangement of a mini-workshop for production various products made of metal. Decorations, grilles and openwork details for decorating private homes are very popular. It is easy to implement in a standard garage and get a good income with little financial expenses.

Implementation of the idea

To start production, you need to slightly re-equip the garage using:

  • installation of equipment (milling machine, welding machine, grinder and drill);
  • arrangement of the ventilation system;
  • connection to a 380 volt transmission line.

You can work independently or with a partner to implement large projects. It is worth offering your services to construction organizations or individuals. By making high-quality and affordable metal doors, fence sections or barbecues for cafes, you can quickly recoup your business. The selling price is 100% of the cost. It is possible to produce one grill with forging elements per day. Its price for the client starts from 7,000 rubles. Therefore, the sale of 10 such products will give a net income of at least 30,000 rubles. Monthly revenue depends on the production capabilities of the business owner.

3. Foam processing business

Minimum investment – ​​160,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– organization of production of decorative elements from foam plastic using a special machine. It allows you to produce any volumetric shapes and elements from low-cost material. This product is in demand among decorators and designers, who additionally color it and add their own details. Art cutting technology has virtually no competition among large manufacturers.

Implementation of the idea

The main investment in this project is the purchase of a special machine that easily fits in a regular garage. By involving professional carvers and designers in cooperation, you can offer consumers unique products and jewelry. Certain investments will be required in technical equipment, which includes powerful hoods and the installation of tables for work.

Decorative products made from polystyrene foam have a low cost. One linear meter of letters popular among customers costs from 150 rubles, with a cost of 80–100 rubles. This gives a net profit from one capital letter to 300-500 rubles. You can offer your products via the Internet, or directly working with design bureaus and studios.

4. Glass processing

Minimum investment – ​​120,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– setting up a workshop in the garage for decorating glass and mirrors using a sandblasting machine. Such services are constantly in demand from small furniture shops and individuals who order original parts for rooms or offices. It will be relevant to apply non-standard images and shapes that are difficult to produce in a factory way.

Implementation of the idea

Production can easily be done in a garage and only requires the purchase of a special sandblasting machine, a minimum set of tools and raw materials. Practically no training or design skills are required: all images are applied using a stencil. Marking a pattern does not take much time, but it increases the cost of a regular mirror or glass by 2–3 times.

You can offer your services on the Internet on advertising portals or by agreeing on cooperation with private furniture makers. Additional income can be generated by curly and exclusive cutting of mirrors, replacing simple glazing in furniture sets with non-standard and original ones.

5. Glass cutting

Initial investment – ​​20,000 rubles.

The basis of such a business idea– conversion of a garage into a full-fledged workshop for cutting regular and corrugated glass. Such a project can develop well in large cities, where the demand for glass replacement in industrial or residential buildings does not decrease. The fashion for glass furniture adds work to replacing broken countertops and mirrors. Competition in such a business is quite moderate even in cities with a population of millions.

Implementation of the idea

A project to open such a workshop is ideal in the absence of large financial resources for the purchase of special equipment. The master will need a large table, which he can make himself. The main costs are high-quality glass cutters and the purchase of the first batch of glass. To save money, it should be purchased in special packaging. Finding a permanent supplier is quite a big problem in this project.

At the initial stage, you will need to spread information about your location through advertisements and leaflets. A good profit can come from offering cooperation with housing and utility organizations. Direct contact with directors of enterprises, commercial organizations or educational institutions can have an effect.

6. Turner services

Minimum investment – ​​50,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project– equipment in the garage for a mini-workshop for the production of various parts and products on a lathe. Such services are in demand among owners of auto repair shops and small businesses that do not have a turner on staff. This type of activity has virtually no competition in the market.

Implementation of the idea

To equip a turning workshop in a garage, you will need to purchase a special machine and a standard set of tools. A computer-controlled machine will provide great opportunities. It has a high price, but will pay for itself relatively quickly by producing complex and precise parts for cars and bicycles. The work must be done by a person who has good experience as a turner and certain skills. Services can be offered via the Internet.

The minimum thread cutting work starts from 100 rubles. Additional income can come from manufacturing dumbbells for gyms, small parts for auto repair shops and sports bicycle repair stations.

7. Furniture production

Initial solutions – 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– equipment in the garage of a workshop for the production of cabinet furniture for an apartment or office according to individual sizes of private customers. There is quite a lot of competition in this business among small and large manufacturers.

Implementation of the idea

To start the project, you need to purchase a set of tools, a machine and a table for work. Such a profitable business does not require major investments and specialized equipment. At first, you can limit yourself to the help of one worker, and having your own car will solve the problem of transportation.

You can save space and time by ordering large parts of cabinet furniture from large manufacturers. Then all that remains in the garage is to properly assemble, polish and add fittings to the future wardrobe or bed. Orders are accepted through the online store, advertisements and notices are placed on social networks, and leaflets are offered near busy bus stops and metro stations. A good additional income can be provided by providing services for assembling ready-made sets from furniture hypermarkets at the customer’s home.

8. Manufacturing frames for greenhouses

Minimum costs – 150,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– acquisition necessary equipment for the manufacture of greenhouse frames and the creation of a workshop in the garage for the collection of such products. Many private customers will be happy to use the service to set up a greenhouse on their country plot or yard. The business idea will be relevant in the context of growing demand for healthy and tasty products.

Implementation of the idea

Modern greenhouses are made of lightweight plastic and polycarbonate. The base is made of plastic pipes, so installation requires some skills. To work, you need to purchase a set of tools and equipment for working with plastic. This business stands out:

  • low cost of materials;
  • ease of production and short lead times;
  • good profitability and quick payback.

Most potential customers live outside the city, so initial advertising costs will be required. A good additional income can be received for installing such structures on the client’s premises.

9. Opening a store

The initial investment is 120,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– equipment and opening of a retail outlet in the garage. The idea can be realized if the gate of the building faces the road. This is a common way of trading in small villages through which popular roads and significant routes pass. The most popular items may be industrial goods, automobile parts and components, stationery or building materials. Such a business will become relevant in places with a large traffic flow.

Implementation of the idea

The initial costs for opening such a non-standard outlet will be:

  • renovation and decoration of premises;
  • installation commercial equipment;
  • purchase of initial batches of goods.

Orienting a store to food products will require the purchase or rental of expensive refrigerated display cases and compliance with sanitary standards. Like any trading enterprise, the point must have the appropriate documents for the job. The monthly income of such a store can reach 20-30 thousand rubles per month. This will allow the project to pay for itself in full within six months with a rational approach to pricing.

10. Production of chain-link mesh

Initial costs – up to 300,000 rubles .

The essence of a business project in your garage– installation of special equipment and production of metal mesh. This popular material is in constant demand in private households and for construction needs. Due to its affordable price, it is used as a simple fence. The low cost of chain-link mesh makes the business project popular and profitable.

Implementation of the idea

You can place a mini-workshop for the production of practical mesh in an ordinary garage with communications connected. Having your own car will help reduce transportation costs and solve the problem of delivering goods to customers. To organize the production process you will need:

  • A special machine and a small set of metalworking tools.
  • Such a project is difficult to complete alone, and an assistant is needed at some stages of the work.

The average percentage of profitability ranges from 15–25% based on the selling price. Profit and payback completely depend on sales volumes, so do not forget about advertising the product in different ways.

11. Opening of a framing workshop

Initial investment – ​​90,000 rubles.

This business idea is based on your garage– opening of a small framing workshop providing product design services to everyone. They are becoming more and more in demand due to the growing demand for hand-made products. Potential clients are artists and craftsmen selling oil or embroidered paintings. The service is necessary for designers and decorators to decorate mirrors, walls or furniture.

Implementation of the idea

The business does not require large investments and can be implemented without the help of additional hired workers. To open a framing workshop in the garage, you must:

  • Carry out repairs and make the garage convenient for working in the cold season.
  • Purchase a small set of equipment, a cutting machine and tools for processing the material.
  • Search for reliable suppliers of original components.

You can achieve success and make your idea profitable if you pay attention to advertising your services. In addition to posting ads on an online portal, a good option is cooperation with handicraft and art supply stores. An analysis of such projects shows an approximate profit of 30,000 rubles per month.

12. Mini-forge in the garage

Approximate investment – ​​90,000 rubles.

The project represents an opportunity to convert a standard garage into a home forge. The services of a good blacksmith are always in demand among decorators and owners of private houses. Openwork fence spans and bars on windows, stairs and decorative elements for decorating buildings are very popular. There is a low level of competition in artistic forging, which will allow for rapid development new project.

Implementation of the idea

To organize a home forge in the garage, it is necessary to carry out mandatory redevelopment and arrangement of the chimney, create conditions for the operation of the furnace and metal processing. Main expenses at the beginning of the project:

  • purchase or rental of special equipment, vices, compact welding machine;
  • registration of all permitting instruments;
  • advertising of services.

Original forging of non-standard products can generate a lot of income, but to produce them you will need the services of an artist-designer. One ton of metal is converted into 500 small products. The cost of one meter of openwork fence can be up to 10,000 rubles (depending on complexity). The average monthly profit in such activities is 30,000 rubles.

13. Production of building materials

Initial costs – 100,000 rubles .

At the heart of the project– equipment in the garage of a mini-workshop for the production of building materials with subsequent sale to private and wholesale customers. Before developing an idea, it is necessary to carefully analyze the demands of the market and the surrounding manufacturing enterprises in order to occupy its niche. There may be good demand for paving or facing slabs, various types of insulation or foam blocks.

Implementation of the idea

You can organize such a business in an ordinary garage. This will require serious financial investments in the purchase of equipment for production. The following will require special attention from the owner:

  • market monitoring and search for wholesale buyers;
  • the location of the garage itself and the possibility of convenient transportation of materials to the customer;
  • any opportunity to reduce production costs.

The basis for making a profit is the correct choice of the material produced. For example, focusing on cheap building mixtures can give stable income up to 3000 rubles per shift. The only negative is the seasonality of such a “garage” project and the need to have a warehouse for storing supplies.

14. Production of house number plates

Initial capital – 10,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project– production of beautiful signs with house numbers and street names to order. This service has stable demand and little competition among private entrepreneurs. Standard and original plates produced in printing houses are more expensive. The business idea will be relevant for a small family business without the involvement of employees and large investments.

Implementation of the idea

The production of signs does not require special expensive equipment and materials. They can be made on plastic using printer printing and self-adhesive film. In addition to purchasing materials, an additional set of simple tools and comfortable furniture for work are purchased. The garage space must be equipped to accommodate the production process in any season.

The cost of one standard sign can start from 60–100 rubles. The selling price varies from 200–250 rubles. You can look for clients through the chairmen of gardening farms or street committees, and offer services to housing communities and organizations for a certain percentage of the transaction.

15. Repair of household appliances

Preliminary expenses – 50,000 rubles.

Project basis– providing private clients with repair and maintenance services for large and small home appliances in the workshop. They are always popular and in demand among all segments of the population. A converted garage is perfect for organizing a small repair business.

Implementation of the idea

This business project is aimed at an experienced specialist. Otherwise, additional costs will be required for training, advanced training or wages for a hired master. Having a car will facilitate the task of delivering large refrigerators or moving a technician to addresses.

To open, the owner will need to formalize everything Required documents, and:

  • purchase modern instruments and diagnostic equipment;
  • organize dispatcher services and order registration;
  • explore the possibilities of active advertising.

With an average order receipt of 1,000 rubles, the monthly income of an experienced craftsman can be 30,000–40,000 rubles. This will help you recoup your workshop costs in the shortest possible time and make a stable profit.

16. Key making workshop

Initial costs – 150,000 rubles.

Basis for a business idea– conversion of the garage into a full-fledged workshop for the production of keys of various types. This is a good option if the garage is within walking distance for potential clients. Modern technologies allow even an inexperienced master to make high-quality duplicates in a few minutes.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the idea, you will need minimal re-equipment of the premises to suit the needs of the workshop. The main cost item will be the purchase of several machines that allow you to make different types and types of keys. You will have to fork out for their purchase in order to offer customers any services, including magnetization of keys for intercoms.

The average cost of producing a standard duplicate is 150–300 rubles with minimal investment of the craftsman’s time and the cost of the material. By processing 15–20 people per day, we can already talk about a stable net income of over 30,000 per month. Of great importance is the dissemination of information about the location of the workshop and the absence of competitors in the immediate area.

17. Making felt boots

Initial costs – 50,000 rubles.

The project consists of opening a workshop in a garage for the hand-made production of real felt boots with subsequent sale to customers. The products are in high demand due to interest in high-quality piece goods. Warm and eco-friendly felt boots are back in trend. Many parents choose this winter shoes for your children. There is minimal competition in this market sector, and the production process is easy to master even for a novice master.

Implementation of the idea

To open such a non-standard enterprise, you will need at least two people who can carry out several processes simultaneously. Certain costs in the first period will require:

  • special carding machines and a small set of tools;
  • purchase of auxiliary materials;
  • summing up communications;
  • searching for a permanent supplier of good quality wool.

Every day you can manually produce 5-6 pairs of simple felt boots. The minimum price for one ready-made pair starts from 600 rubles for a wholesale buyer. Additional decorative elements made of leather or fabric can significantly increase the cost of shoes and bring significant income.

18. Mini-smokehouse equipment

Initial investment – ​​100,000 rubles.

The business project consists of converting a garage into a real smokehouse for meat and fish products with their subsequent sale to small wholesale buyers. Tasty and aromatic balyk, sausages and hams are in steady demand among gourmets. Despite decent competition from large meat processing plants, the piece product will always be in demand for its excellent taste and special smell.

Implementation of the idea

The basis is a special electric or standard sawdust smokehouse, which looks like a cabinet. Small dimensions allow you to carry out all operations independently without the involvement of an additional worker. Its acquisition will become a significant cost item for the future project. The owner must take care of the main points:

  • registration of all work and trade permits;
  • purchasing fresh semi-finished products from trusted suppliers;
  • strict adherence to norms and processes.

The main sales market is small grocery stores and meat outlets in markets. The minimum wholesale markup starts at 100%, which fully covers costs and provides a guaranteed profit of up to 200 thousand rubles in one month.

19. Organization of storage of bicycles and equipment

Minimum investment – ​​10,000 rubles.

The essence of an interesting business project– organization of equipped storage space in a personal garage winter time bicycles and large items for a fee. This idea will be in demand among owners of this popular two-wheeler who are faced with the problem of storing equipment on balconies. As an option, in the summer you can offer space for children's electric vehicles and other things that are difficult to transport in an elevator every day.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the idea, you should thoroughly free up space and add racks for tires or bags. To guarantee safety, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the private security department and install an alarm system. Proper distribution of space will increase capacity, and therefore profit for storage.

The cost of services can be calculated independently by days or months. It should cover the costs of lighting and signaling. This is a simple and accessible way for anyone to receive a small but stable income with minimum investment personal time and money.

20. Garage rental

Minimum investment – ​​90,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project– transfer of a garage premises to another person for a certain time under a lease agreement. This type of profit is suitable for the owner of a garage that is not used for its intended purpose. Considering the large number of cars in big and small cities, such a service will always be in demand. Among the positive aspects is the absence of additional costs of personal time.

Implementation of the idea

If you have a garage, you can always offer it as:

  • parking spaces for private individuals;
  • for small business production;
  • as a warehouse for the needs of an individual entrepreneur;
  • for storing personal items for a long time (furniture, equipment).

From one garage you can receive a monthly net income of 3,000 rubles (this depends on the location and level of demand in the city). Not bad passive income They will bring several such premises. If desired, you can invest in their construction. This will cost 70-90 thousand rubles with permits and communications, which will easily pay for itself in 2-3 years of rent.

21. Production of sand-lime brick

The project consists of opening a mini-workshop for the production of sand-lime bricks in a garage. The building materials market is showing stable growth. The production of sand-lime bricks is always characterized by good profitability. It is widely used for the construction of various objects and decoration of buildings. Due to its qualities and properties, this type of material will be in stable demand.

Implementation of the idea

The bulk of the initial capital will need to be spent on purchasing a mini-line, which takes up little space and can be adapted into a garage. To service it, a staff of 2–3 people will be required. The remaining organizational aspects will be:

  • search for suppliers of raw materials;
  • solving the transport problem of delivery and shipment of material to customers;
  • obtaining permits;
  • access to regular customers and buyers.

The sales market is small construction and contracting organizations and teams. If you have your own car with sides, you can look for clients outside the city and deliver bricks to small villages. With stable sales, such a project will pay for itself no earlier than 6–10 months.

22. Making artificial marble from concrete

Minimum initial costs – 150,000 rubles.

The basis of a business idea– opening of a line for the production of artificial marble products in the garage. This artificial stone is distinguished by simple technology and has an original appearance. It is in high demand in the manufacture of kitchen sets, bathroom cladding and the creation of decorative elements for rooms.

Implementation of the idea

To implement this idea, you will need to purchase a special simplified machine for the production of artificial marble, and convert the garage into a workshop. At the initial stage, you will have to spend money on purchasing a small set of tools and concrete. Based on the latter, artificial marble is produced with the addition of various impurities and plasticizers.

Analysis of the market for such services indicates good prospects and development. The main customers may be owners of furniture shops, funeral companies or design studios. If the cost of manufacturing a standard countertop is 2,000 rubles, its selling price can reach up to 12,000 rubles. Therefore, such a project can be repaid in a short period of time.

23. Work by hand stamping method

Initial costs – 50,000 rubles.

The basis of the idea– organization of a simple production process for the manufacture of products using manual stamping for individual orders. This technique is very popular due to the absence of the need to purchase complex technological equipment and establish communications. Beautiful products made from durable artificial stone or reinforced plastic will be in stable demand.

Implementation of the idea

To organize this project you will need a small set of tools and stamps for future workpieces. Two workers can handle the complete technology perfectly. You can make molds yourself or purchase ready-made ones from a large manufacturer. There is great demand for custom countertops, bathroom sinks or window sills made to individual measurements. They are technologically difficult and expensive to make using the factory method.

The business idea quickly pays for itself due to the low cost of the necessary mixtures and additives and the absence of utility costs. The selling price of individual products and piece decorative elements can cover the costs of their implementation by 2–3 times. Therefore, such a business project can pay for itself in two months of continuous work.

24. Business in a garage for the production of metal structures

Initial investment – ​​50,000 rubles.

This business idea involves setting up a mini-workshop in a garage for the production of metal products to order from a client. Doors, gates and gates, which are made according to individual measurements, are in great demand. Good income comes from working in the middle or budget price segment. Even if there are competitors, you can make a constant profit.

Implementation of the idea

Organizing this business project requires converting a garage into a workshop, purchasing a set of special tools and a portable welding machine. This will allow you not only to make high-quality products, but also to receive additional income when installing them on site. For work, you will definitely need an assistant, as well as a car for transporting finished products and purchasing metal from the supplier.

The average percentage of profitability of such workshops is 30–40%. The greatest demand is observed for entrance doors costing from 6,000 rubles, the cost of which is 3–4 thousand rubles. It will take up to six months to fully cover the costs. Additional good profit can be obtained from providing services for welding balcony frames and strengthening canopies.

25. Business in a garage producing herbal tea

Initial costs – 180,000 rubles.

The basis of a business idea– organization in a garage of a mini-workshop for the production and packaging of herbal tea with subsequent sale to small wholesale buyers. Analysis of market indicators for these products indicates stable growth of up to 15% per year. More and more followers of a healthy lifestyle are paying attention to herbal teas with fortified or flavoring additives.

Implementation of the idea

Opening such a workshop in your own garage will help significantly reduce the initial costs of renting the premises. Mixing and packaging will require special equipment, the purchase of which accounts for the bulk of the initial costs. The process may involve 2–3 workers, each of whom will be involved in certain operations.

The biggest difficulty is finding a permanent supplier of quality raw materials with the appropriate certificates. The main sales market is grocery stores, pharmacy chains and large supermarkets. Payback is influenced by product advertising, which makes it popular with the end consumer.

26. Production of foam blocks

Initial costs – 200,000 rubles.

The project consists of organizing a small and equipped workshop for the production of lightweight foam blocks with subsequent sale in wholesale quantities. The production of this building material is in high and constant demand among consumers. Foam concrete blocks do not differ at a high price and practicality, and the sales market shows constant growth in performance.

Implementation of the idea

To create a small garage-based enterprise, you need to solve several production problems:

  • purchase a special simplified line for the production of blocks;
  • arrange a place for drying and storing finished products;
  • find a supplier of raw materials;
  • determine the transportation of manufactured products to the customer.

The main consumers are large and small construction companies, contractors and individual developers who want to insulate or rebuild own house. On average, a simple line produces 2–3 cubic meters of foam concrete per shift, each of which is sold to consumers at a price of up to 1,600 rubles. Considering the cost of one cube is 800 rubles, you can earn an income of up to 70,000 rubles monthly during the season.

27. Business in the garage: production of dry construction mixtures

Minimum expenses – 200,000 rubles.

The basis for the implementation of the idea– setting up a workshop in the garage for the production of several types of dry mixtures for construction work. The market for materials for construction and interior decoration shows active and constant growth. Before starting production, it is necessary to carefully analyze the needs for mixtures in order to identify the most in demand. This will help avoid stockpiling and oversupply of finished products.

Implementation of the idea

The organization of such production consists of purchasing a special line for mixing and packing the components into bags. Additional expenses will be required:

  • purchase of raw materials and components, special additives;
  • remuneration of personnel and forwarding services;
  • search for a stable sales market.

The cost of one bag of ready-made dry mixture is 60 rubles, and the selling price reaches 150 rubles for a wholesale buyer. By producing 100 of these bags per shift, you can achieve a net income of up to 5,000 rubles per day. This will help you reach the payback threshold in 2-3 months and make a profitable project.

28. Manufacturing of paint and varnish products

Initial investment – ​​200,000 rubles.

The basis of such a project– organization of production facilities for the production of several types of paint and varnish products on the basis of an ordinary garage. Analysis of the chemical products market shows an increase in demand for safe water-dispersion paints, solvents and liquid putties. To a greater extent, the imported version of products is represented, which is characterized by a high cost for the average consumer.

Implementation of the idea

It is necessary to begin the process by selecting the types of products to be manufactured and purchasing production equipment for them. The business owner will require certain efforts:

  • searching for a supplier of packaging materials and containers for packaging products;
  • solving the issue of delivery and supply of raw materials;
  • search for a stable market for finished compounds.

You can also offer products to large chain stores, but you will need to undergo expensive product certification. The profitability of the production of paints and varnishes is quite high and allows you to return the invested amount in 3–4 months. During the seasonal decline in construction work, you can add a car anti-freeze product to your range.

29. Making wooden stairs

Initial investment – ​​150,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project– organization of a carpentry shop in a garage, which specializes in the production of exclusive and standard wooden stairs for private and country houses. Despite the crisis, the market shows active growth in the construction of cottages and country houses, and interest in their decoration. The most popular are the original designer staircases, decorated with hand carvings.

Implementation of the idea

Organizing a business project will require certain capital investments for the purchase of all necessary equipment, a grinding and milling machine. All this can easily be placed in the space of a standard garage. This idea is best implemented by people who have good experience working with wooden products.

Orders should be accepted directly at the client’s home at the location where the staircase will be installed in order to take measurements and discuss details. The price range for individual projects can be 40,000–250,000 rubles. The cost directly depends on the time spent by the craftsman and the type of wood chosen. The ability to make non-standard products will provide a business project with constant orders and help quickly recoup investments.

30. Decoupage furniture

Minimum investment – ​​30,000 rubles.

Implementation of the idea

A variety of working techniques do not require expensive equipment. Decoupage is completely handmade and investments only need to be made in working materials, paints and the purchase of old furniture. Difficulties in developing the project are:

  • transportation of furniture to the customer;
  • searching for a permanent market for selling your services;
  • continuous training and improvement of skills.

A good income comes from cooperation with design studios, which can order a craftsman to create antique-looking furniture. Additional income can come from conducting decoupage courses for children or adults, making other decorative items, and actively participating in various thematic exhibitions of home decorations.

31. Packaging of bulk goods

Initial costs – 150,000 rubles.

At the heart of this project– setting up a packaging line in the garage for packing bulk cereals or food products. This business can generate good income if making the right choice product categories. Therefore, a preliminary market analysis and search for a niche for work is required. There may be constant demand for different types of cereals, nuts or seeds.

Implementation of the idea

The main amount of financial costs will be invested in the purchase of an installation for packaging and packaging products. To fully organize a business project you will need:

  • development and ordering of original packaging from different materials;
  • purchasing high-quality raw materials from farms or wholesale warehouses;
  • search for small wholesale buyers of goods.

Beautiful and practical packaging will help make the products recognizable among the end consumer. Such a business project will require the involvement of workers to optimize some processes of packaging, loading and delivery of goods. This affects production profitability and keeps it at 15–20%. With an average load of line capacity of 80%, the idea can pay for itself no earlier than in six months.

32. Making ceramic products

Initial costs – 50,000 rubles.

At the heart of a business project– setting up an equipped pottery workshop in the garage for the production of ceramic products and tableware for sale. These textured homewares are once again popular. They are in demand for their safety and spectacular aesthetic appearance. It will become relevant to produce beautiful and original tableware to order and for sale.

Implementation of the idea

It is possible to organize such a workshop in an ordinary garage. To do this, you will need to create a technical base, establish communications and purchase the necessary set of equipment: a kiln and a pottery wheel. Preliminary training for special courses or an experienced master will help you master the intricacies of the profession.

The main problem is the search for high-quality natural raw materials without impurities. The beauty and reliability of goods depends on this. Original decoration and decoration with modern colors will give exclusivity to ceramic products.

You can sell manufactured goods through regular and online stores, souvenir shops and handmade exhibitions. Cooperation with interior decorators will bring good income. Additional advertising comes from participation in exhibition projects and competitions.

33. Manufacturing of irrigation systems

Initial investment – ​​100,000 rubles.

At the heart of a business idea– organization of production of components for a drip irrigation system, their subsequent installation at the customer’s site. The new kind Irrigation of plants is quickly gaining popularity due to water savings and minimal time spent on watering. Such products are in demand among farm owners and summer residents.

Implementation of the idea

To work, you will need a set of plumbing tools and special cutters that help connect plastic elements. You can learn modern technology through courses from well-known franchise companies, or by using ready-made system models from Chinese manufacturers. The market for these products is quite competitive, but affordable prices for work and installation will make the project quite profitable.

You should advertise your services in any possible way. Simple options: cooperation with the chairmen of dacha cooperatives and direct access to farms, posting advertisements near villages, collective farm markets and at a suburban train station. The disadvantage of such a project is its seasonality, which gives profit only in the warm season.

34. Manufacturing stoves for baths or heating premises

Initial investment – ​​100,000 rubles.

The basis of this business project– equipment based on a garage workshop for the manufacture of stoves and potbelly stoves for individual orders. Such stoves are in demand among owners of country houses and complexes when building saunas or baths. Factories offer a large number of modern models, which have a high price and are unaffordable for many people. Affordable cost and good quality of metal will help you form your customer base and make a profit.

Implementation of the idea

Such a business should be created by an experienced craftsman who understands the nuances and subtleties of the production process of such furnaces and proper organization the entire heating system. The main part of the work is cutting and welding metal parts, which requires a special apparatus and a set of tools. Such a mini-workshop can be easily located in your own garage and operate without the involvement of additional workers.

You can advertise your products via the Internet, offering them directly to potential customers. The cost of a small simple stove for a private bath starts at 12,000 rubles. It can often reach over 50,000 rubles and depends on the material used and power. The average profitability of the project reaches 30–40% and helps to pay off the production process in a few months.

35. Wood carving

Initial investment – ​​50,000 rubles.

The basis of a business idea– equipment of a workshop for the manufacture of various wood products and their decoration using artistic carvings. Such an interesting artistic business is best handled by experienced craftsmen who have experience working with wood. Otherwise, it will take too much personal time to learn and hone your skills. The relevance of the project is due to the popularity of handmade decorative products, which are increasingly used to decorate apartments and cottages.

Implementation of the idea

For the work of the master, you will need to re-equip the garage space to create optimal and comfortable conditions, and purchase a full set of carpentry tools. The main difficulties and difficulties when starting a business:

  • search for regular customers and sales market;
  • organizing the purchase of good quality wood;
  • creating your own business card website to advertise services.

The main option for selling carved products is cooperation with souvenir shops and design bureaus. The cost of exclusive products depends only on the level of complexity and the time spent by the master. The ability to offer stylish and non-standard options for every taste will help you achieve a high standard and stable income in this business.

36. Sandpaper production

Minimum costs – 200,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project– equipment in a regular garage mini-workshop for the production, winding and cutting of sandpaper. The inexpensive auxiliary material is widely used in a wide variety of industries. Sandpaper is necessary for cleaning the surface from dirt, old paint or sanding. In addition to large industrial enterprises, it is in demand among cabinetmakers, furniture makers and builders.

Implementation of the idea

The bulk of the initial costs will go towards purchasing a special line that will produce sandpaper from raw materials. It consists of several types of equipment, including a drying oven, a machine for applying the mixture. Such a line is quite expensive and will pay for itself no earlier than after 4 years of active production.

This business idea is designed to last stable work. To search for a sales market, it is worth contacting large supermarkets, construction companies and furniture workshops directly. The low selling price must be compensated by large sales volumes in order to generate constant income.

37. Restoration of old cars

Minimum investment – ​​100,000 rubles.

The basis of such a business project– purchase of old rare models of cars of the old year of manufacture, their modernization and restoration for the purpose of further resale. High demand for some models of domestic and foreign cars produced decades ago can make this business very profitable. Restored cars are of interest to collectors and connoisseurs of ancient rarities.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the project, there will be virtually no need to re-equip the garage or purchase special service equipment. The basis is the skill of a car mechanic, who must know historical features machines and skillfully eliminate errors. Most of the investment will go towards the purchase of parts and spare parts. You can purchase cars yourself through private advertisements or at the car market.

The minimum profitability of such a business starts at 50%. Buying an old car at a ridiculous price, after a thorough repair it can be sold for several times more expensive. You should also offer your services to film studios and real collectors.

38. Production of antifreeze liquid for cars

Initial investment – ​​300,000 rubles.

At the heart of the idea– equipment in his garage for a mini-production workshop for the production and packaging of antifreeze liquid for cars. This seasonal type of product is in high demand and can bring excellent income. With good quality and low price, such a business will be relevant even in conditions of great competition.

Implementation of the idea

The main tasks associated with opening the production of a good antifreeze liquid are:

  • purchase of a small semi-automatic line for mixing components and bottling the composition;
  • bringing all necessary communications to the garage premises;
  • search for a technologist capable of monitoring high quality product;
  • Constant work to attract wholesale buyers and monitor the sales market.

It is better to sell the produced liquid in small wholesale quantities, offering your product to gas stations, car washes, and car repair shops. When the cost of one five-liter package of the product is 50 rubles, its selling price to a wholesale buyer is 80 rubles. Garage production can reach 1,000 such packages per shift and generate a profit of up to 30,000 rubles per day. As an alternative to seasonal anti-freezing, in the summer you can make glass washing liquid.

39. Garage business for repairing bicycles and carts

Initial investment – ​​20,000 rubles.

The basis of such a project– opening a small garage-based workshop for repairing bicycles of various models, trolleys and suitcases on wheels. Such a business can become relevant in big city. The high demand for sports and recreational bicycles for young children and adults requires repair and maintenance services.

Implementation of the idea

Masters with experience should open such a business. Such a business project has several positive aspects for the owner:

  • no need for major investments in equipment;
  • the ability to plan your time and combine it with your main job;
  • high profits at low cost of services.

At the initial stage, you only need to purchase a certain set of tools and create working conditions. At first, you will need active advertising promotion of your services, which will help attract good clients and create a base. Alternatively, you can leave business cards in sporting goods stores, on the Internet, or post advertisements. With a responsible approach to work and low prices the business will quickly begin to generate a small but tangible income.

40. Auto repair shop in the garage

Initial costs – 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project– purchase of special equipment and a set of tools for car repairs, provision of services to individuals. Such assistance at an affordable price will be a good alternative to expensive car services. The number of cars is only increasing every year, so the project will be relevant even in a small city.

Implementation of the idea

It is impossible to create conditions for all types of work in a garage, so it is better to choose a narrow specialization and develop your business in it:

  • car repairs of varying degrees of complexity;
  • installation and adjustment of electrical equipment;
  • car painting, drawing and airbrushing;
  • minor tire fitting, rubber replacement and vulcanization;
  • installation and testing of alarm systems.

This business should be opened by those who have certain knowledge and experience, so as not to attract additional personnel. By doing the work quickly and efficiently, you don’t have to spend money on advertising: clients themselves will spread the information about good master. This will help pay for the new project in just a few months. The minimum monthly income of such an established workshop starts at 30 thousand rubles. Banner at the entrance to the cooperative, big square in front of the garage for parking and business will go uphill.

41. Making monuments

Initial costs – 250,000 rubles.

The basis of this business project– conversion of a garage into a workshop for the production of ritual monuments according to clients’ orders. These products are in stable demand. The difficulty is that there is a lot of competition, but reasonable prices will help make the project profitable and profitable.

Implementation of the idea

For the success of your business idea, it is better to focus on making monuments and attributes from a concrete mixture that imitates marble. This is the most suitable option for placement in a garage. Most of the available funds will be spent on purchasing equipment: a concrete mixer, special molds for pouring and a vibrating table. The more molds are purchased, the larger range of products can be offered to future customers.

The approximate profitability of such a business is at least 50%. A good additional income is provided by the services of installing a manufactured monument and filling the burial with concrete. The problem is the sharp drop in demand in winter months, therefore it is worth considering the production of other products from this concrete mixture (decor for decorating the yard, sections of a figured fence or paving slabs).

42. Manufacturing of plastic windows

The initial investment is 50,000 rubles.

The basis of such a project– equipment in the garage of a small workshop for the production of metal-plastic windows according to individual customer measurements. Such products are in steady demand due to their reasonable cost and high practicality. The market for the manufacture and installation of plastic window systems is actively developing. Such a project can generate constant income even in the presence of competitors.

Implementation of the idea

For a successful start and rapid progress, you need to solve several main tasks:

  • purchasing special compact equipment for working with metal-plastic;
  • find regular suppliers of ready-made double-glazed windows and high-quality fittings;
  • ensure delivery of finished products and raw materials to customers.

In a garage, you can assemble ready-made window blocks, everything needed for which is purchased from large manufacturers. The profitability of the window business reaches 40-50%. The average monthly revenue depends on sales volume, so it is necessary to constantly monitor competitors’ price levels and promotions with good discounts for customers.

43. Manufacturing of commercial equipment

The minimum initial cost is 30,000 rubles.

Basis of a business project– creation of a small workshop in the garage for the production of metal structures and shelving for any premises. This method of storing goods helps many manufacturers and sellers significantly save space. Small compact models of shelving are in demand in stores and archives of organizations. The relevance of the project depends on the price level for the produced racks.

Implementation of the idea

To manufacture this most popular type of commercial equipment, you will need a minimum set of working tools: a welding machine, an angle grinder, a drill and ordinary plumbing tools. You can purchase metal for work at the first stage upon receipt of an advance payment from the customer. Large projects are easier to implement directly on site in order to save on transportation costs.

During the formation of a business project, it is impossible to do without advertising services and assortment to attract customers. Profitability can range from 50 to 80% depending on the volume of completed orders. Analysis of similar projects shows their payback within just 3-4 months of active work.

44. Production of advertising signs and letters

Initial costs are over 50,000 rubles.

Implementation of the idea

To open, you will need to purchase tools that will help you work with plastic or foam. In addition, you will need:

  • taking drawing courses in computer programs;
  • purchase of various materials, LED strips and paint;
  • purchase equipment for working with foam plastic.

For the success of such a project, it is necessary to independently offer design services to opening and existing trade enterprises. Profitability can reach 50% and recoup all investments and expenses in just six months after opening. The only difficulty is the high competition in this market sector among large and small advertising companies.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

D For the rational use of space, communications and do-it-yourself garage accessories from scrap materials are used. It is necessary to involve walls in the process, underground level, place it indoors, organize normal lighting.

Homemade gadgets for the garage

For comfortable operation of a room intended for car storage, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

Storage areas, racks, workbenches

In 80% of cases, do-it-yourself garage fixtures are built to store accessories, tools, and vehicle equipment. It should be taken into account that the most bulky parts of the car are sets of winter/summer tires, depending on the season.

It is more convenient to store wheels on brackets of the following design:

  • two triangular frames from a corner, connected by jumpers from any rolled metal;
  • the triangles are attached to the wall, the wheels are installed perpendicular to the supporting structure, falling slightly between the jumpers.

The main nuances of these designs are:

The width of the pit should allow the driver to enter it without lighting.

Lighting and ventilation

In garages, parallel circuits of lighting fixtures are more often used. One lamp allows you to use a specific area, several devices are turned on during a major renovation or a visit to the cellar. Minimum power consumption is ensured. Daylighting devices have a greater resource.

Cars use toxic, harmful fuels and lubricants, so do-it-yourself garage ventilation devices that allow you to create air exchange are becoming relevant. The influx is organized from below:

  • garage - vents in the masonry, protected by bars;
  • cellar - pipe from the garage or from the street.

The hood is mounted under the ceiling of the cellar, the roof of the garage, or has the form of vents in the main walls at the highest points.

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Other useful ideas

Useful accessories for the garage with your own hands can be made from used dishes, equipment, and materials left over from construction. For example, by gluing the lids of plastic cans horizontally/vertically, the owner receives convenient transparent containers for equipment or hardware, which are always at hand.

Homemade machines

You can also assemble accessories for the garage from power tools:

  • drilling - a drill fixed with clamps in a device that moves with a gear along a rack;

  • cutting - an angle grinder clamped in a similar way with equipment for metal or wood;

The advantage of the machines is more accurate positioning of the equipment relative to the workpiece. The equipment turns out to be dismountable, the drill and angle grinder can be removed and used for their intended purpose.

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The simplest design is obtained from a car hydraulic jack. To press out/press in bearings and press/compress parts, you will need to build a frame and a removable movable stop. The frame consists of 4 channels welded to each other. At the top, the structure is reinforced with stiffening ribs (kerchiefs), and at the bottom, transverse corners are added, giving the frame stability.

The stop is pulled in the normal position to the top crossbar of the frame by powerful springs. A hydraulic jack is installed between them, pressing the stop against the lower crossbar of the frame as necessary. The press force is regulated by a jack, dimensions working area are selected depending on the size of the workpieces.
