Life of the organization. Life of an educational organization

Stages of development and life of the organization

Have you ever asked yourself: why do so many organizations and firms appear and disappear? or what could have happened to the giant plant, whose glory and power gradually subsided?

You can name many reasons: economic, political, social, etc., but rarely in this list will you hear a reason that is psychological character. At the same time, it does not occupy the last, but in some cases the dominant place.

Any organization in its development goes through certain stages that are cyclical in nature. There are quite a lot of classifications and these stages are called differently, but their essence is the same: all organizations are born, mature, and die. Their life activity is similar to the life and development of a living organism. Thus, the stages of development of an organization can be called: origin, childhood, adolescence, maturity, withering. At each of these stages, the organization undergoes a change in the following characteristics: structure, development goals, innovative ideas, planning, commitment, management. Dangers that can destroy an organization lie in wait for it at any period of its “life” if its leader does not know what exactly needs to be done when symptoms of “diseases” characteristic of a particular age appear. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

So, the birth of the organization. It doesn’t exist as such yet, there is only a person (less often a group of like-minded people) obsessed with a business idea. The actions of this person resemble a “one-man show.” He “sells” the future success of his organization and takes on increased responsibilities.

In order for an organization to be born, several conditions must be met. First of all, this is the presence of an objective necessity, in other words, the presence of a social order. There must be a demand in the market for the product of the organization's activities, which is either not satisfied or is not fully satisfied. Without a social order, it is very difficult to find your niche and survive. Also, those who undertake the organization of a new company should be characterized by an increased motivational background. Without high spirits and faith in success, if something happens, it will not last very long and, most likely, will end in nothing. Another stumbling block during the period of “gestation” of the organization is the excessive workload and chronic lack of funds. All this leads to a critical point: they either go bankrupt or cross this line and find themselves in the next stage. Here we can recall Lerman's law: any technical problem can be overcome if you have enough time or money. I will probably not be mistaken in asserting that at the inception stage, the life of an organization depends entirely on the personal and business qualities of the founder.

A new stage in the development of the organization is “childhood”. At this stage, the company is registered physically: i.e. she has everything she needs: an office, employees, etc. The most difficult thing here is to move from dreams to real action. Emerging activities are usually associated with many problems and difficulties. The organization has an unclear structure, a constant budget deficit, practically no work procedures, no subordination, everyone calls each other by name. Management is carried out from crisis to crisis. The organization cannot develop a strategy because... she has no business experience.

At this stage, factors such as mutual support, mutual assistance, “a feeling of elbow room”, where “one for all and all for one,” become a necessary condition for survival. In the absence of such attitudes, the company's employees are more likely to fall apart than to reach a level of sustainable functioning.

What is required from the manager here is the ability to form a team, the ability to notice, encourage and pick up on the natural manifestations of employees. The measure of fairness in the distribution of tasks at this stage is of a key nature: everyone does what they know how to do, what they like, what corresponds to their capabilities, which is agreed upon and interdependent on the rest of the employees. A characteristic feature of the beginning of the journey is the sensitivity of employees to changing conditions (for example, when the child is still an infant, the mother must always be on alert, because the child is not yet strong and cannot independently withstand external conditions). This time in the life of an organization is characterized by the fact that decisions are made intuitively, based on feelings. Many good undertakings collapsed precisely because the initiator of the ideas was unable to gather around him like-minded people capable of acting in the conditions of new formations.

If in “childhood” the organization is born physically, then at the stage of “youth” it is reborn spiritually. This is a painful and lengthy process. It is typical for him a large number of contradictions and conflicts. At this stage, the crisis arises due to the fact that anarchic tendencies begin to prevail in the organization. Let's try to understand this complex process.

Once the idea starts working, the sales level constantly increases, there is a shortage Money overcome. It appears that the company has not only survived, but is thriving. The founder becomes more and more self-confident, he has a desire to embrace the immensity, even those areas of business about which he has no idea. The company moves forward through trial and error. Losses from serious mistakes can be fatal. There is a tendency here that the more successful the company’s activities, the more serious the crisis can engulf it. To survive, an organization must develop rules and regulations that will determine priority areas for development. There must be a transition from intuitive management to more professional actions. If this does not happen, the organization faces destruction.

In its youth, the organization faces another pitfall. It often happens that the founder of an organization who successfully manages small group, turns out to be unable to manage the expanded structure. In addition, some of them stop in their development, and therefore can no longer breathe higher impulses into innovation.

Increasing conflicts such as "us and them" (old and new employees), between the goals of the firm and the goals of individual employees, the founder's need to delegate authority and not knowing (in some cases, unwillingness) how to do it. Sometimes this problem is solved by decentralization, thereby giving everyone a chance to shine. The crisis can also be resolved by inviting a professional manager, manager, executive director, etc. to work. He needs to redistribute roles and responsibilities, systematize the norms and rules of behavior of employees in the organization, and create motivation systems. The process of selecting a professional manager is very difficult, because... the requirements for him are high: a person is needed who is similar “to us”, but at the same time does what “we can’t do”, contributes to improving the quality of products/services, and at the same time maintains the same growth rate. A series of hirings and firings turns into torture for the organization and aggravates the crisis. You can avoid this by turning to independent recruiters for help.

If the systematization of administrative activities has taken place, then the organization moves to the next stage - “maturity”. The organization knows where it is going and how to achieve its goals, it achieves a balance between self-control and flexibility. Production growth continues. But! Organizational maturity is a process, not a point! If the centralized control system forgets this, then it is very difficult to stay in this stage of life. The organization is still strong, but is already losing flexibility. The development of innovative processes is slowing down, they are being replaced by more reliable conservative actions. This makes the structure of the organization heavier and, naturally, poorly responsive to the needs of the day. Directive methods of influence are increasingly prevailing in the actions of management; financiers are beginning to play a more important role in the company. important role than specialists involved in marketing, research and development. Instead of becoming more active, the process of bureaucratization in the organization increases. The number of managers and service personnel is increasing. Something is happening that S. Parkinson once noticed: the number of workers invariably multiplies, despite the fact that the volume of production does not increase. As studies of “mature” organizations have shown, the number of personnel increases by 6% annually. The consequences of this process do not appear immediately; the slide towards death occurs subtly. The aging process can be stopped only by very decisive actions. But since these are usually not undertaken, the organization moves to the next stage and falls into a prolonged crisis.

Withering of the organization. The organization has exhausted its potential and, if it is not put on the rails of renewal, the result will be disastrous: the organization will collapse under the weight of its structures. An organization at the stage of withering is characterized by a difficult moral and psychological climate in the team. Advancement up the career ladder does not depend on work performance, but on loyalty to management, the existing reality is denied, there is no working team, information exchange between departments is disrupted, the most talented employees leave the organization, etc. The level of profit is maintained by increasing prices for products and services. At the same time, the quality either remains at the same level or decreases, but the time comes when it becomes impossible to raise prices. The struggle for survival begins, not of the company, but of everyone who works in it. The organization is finally losing its focus on results and is eating up what it has left from the old days. Outwardly, it still resembles a monster, but the slightest change in external conditions can destroy it (unless, of course, it is on state subsidies). “Death” comes when no one entrusts the organization with anything, and its niche in the market is occupied by others.

The main method of treatment here is the actions of management aimed at renewal, its readiness for fundamental changes. However, without knowing how to solve practical organizational problems and being part of an infected system, it is very difficult to determine what actually causes certain difficulties. To achieve high-quality results in diagnosing the state of the organization, you can invite professionals - external consultants in management psychology and organizational development. This profession is still at the stage of promotion in the consulting services market in Russia, but it is firmly gaining ground. Of course, an organization can self-medicate, but sometimes this leads to the transformation of a disease that is easily cured in the initial stages into an organizational pathology.

Organization appears at the same time How living, developing complex socialorganism And How rationally organized, goal-orientedmechanism.

An organization as a living organism has the following characteristics:

· your special behavior, your manner of reacting to various events, to changes in the external environment;

· certain capabilities, abilities, skills, competence, including those of a unique nature;

· unique individuality - character, temperament, “habits”, prevailing emotional mood;

· age, your history, your biography, your destiny;

· internal laws of life and development.

The presence of an organization’s internal logic of self-development (life processes, life cycle stages) does not at all imply that organizational life can befully planned and completely depends on the plans and actions of leaders. An organization as a living organism is always characterized by some unpredictability and even uncontrollability.

However, since the organization is, to some extent, a specially created social mechanism, the manager has the right (and the obligation) to take care of the best device and the functioning of all its parts, high efficiency, so that the organizational “machine” is operated optimally.

This view of the organization allows us to assert that it can be in different modes of life.Life mode - these are the features and specifics of work at various stages of the life of an organization. The main modes of life of an organization are: formation, stable (stationary) functioning, development, crisis. These modes have many characteristics, but the most significant are - effectiveness And sustainability (stability).

Formation mode - the period from the moment of creation of the project, model of the organization to the beginning of its opening and functioning. The result of this stage is: the creation and mutual adjustment of the structure of objects and subjects of management, all their links, sections, components, connections and relationships between them. With this mode of life, work productivity, stability and stability almost always increase.

Stable operation mode - stable operation in a given mode according to given parameters. Being in this mode under favorable circumstances, the organization can achieve the highest possible results under the existing conditions with rational expenditure of time, effort, and money. From the point of view of stability and stability, this mode may turn out to be redundant. This may result in poor production results.

Crisis mode - characterized by the fact that the organization ceases to function effectively. The result may be decline, decay, disintegration, regression. This regime is usually caused by a long period of overstabilization, stagnation, and stagnation in the activities of the organization.

Development mode - implementation of individual projects or holistic programs for improving the organization. This mode is designed not so much for higher results according to old standards, but rather for changing the standards themselves. At the same time, performance does not always and not immediately reach the expected levels. During this period, stability decreases. Risk - the main problem this mode of life. This involves solving two complex problems:

· how to develop without allowing a significant decline in results.

Finding the optimal balance of stability and renewal is the pinnacle of organizational development.

There is a transition period between the regimes of stability and development. The period begins when the organization sets itself new, most intense goals that correspond to the projected future. These goals require new means to achieve them. They involve mastering new rules of the game, new evaluation criteria, and creating new technologies.

The transition period is characterized preparatory work. It includes: a problem-oriented analysis of the situation in the organization, identifying priority problems and ranking them in order of importance, searching for ideas to eliminate identified problems, constructing a renewed organization, developing a transition to it, setting new goals, developing an action plan and, as a result, an organization development program .

After the organization’s development goals and values ​​are implemented at the required level, a period of stable work begins. It will continue as long as the organization is satisfied with the results achieved. However, if this period drags on, stagnation and regression will begin. The organization will have no other choice but to update itself, that is, urgently enter the development mode.

Thus, the development of an organization is not a unidirectional, progressive process of moving only forward and upward. Development includes crises, stagnation, dying, as well as reform, continuation of what has already been done and is being done well, compensation for losses inevitable in the course of any development, restoration and revival.

At the same time, stable operation and development are two types of processes that are constantly inherent in the organization. These processes are practically combined into a single whole.

Often these modes are unreasonably opposed, and the mode of functioning is presented and perceived emotionally only as something lagging, stagnant, the past - as a whole as negative, and the mode of development - only with a “plus” sign. Such a contrast is incorrect without analyzing the results of a particular organization.

An organization operating in a stable mode of operation can for a long time provide sufficiently high production results. The mode of stable, stationary functioning of an organization only deserves a negative assessment when the organization does not achieve its goals.

Exists objective dialectical relationship between modes of operation and development:

· the more an organization achieves in a stable mode of operation, the higher its initial level for development, the greater the reserve for the successful development of new things;

· the question of the development of the organization should be posed on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the achieved level in the operating mode;

· it is impossible to immediately switch to the development mode, this process occurs in stages, and therefore in some areas the organization will continue to live in the functioning mode, but in others it will switch to the renewal mode;

· after a period of assimilation of innovations, a stationary mode of operation sets in again for some time, because endless innovations lead to a loss of stability, which is extremely necessary for the organization, in addition, people cannot live indefinitely in the perestroika mode;

· all modes of an organization’s life are simultaneously moments and conditions of its development;

· at any point in its history, a progressive organization both functions and develops.

Functioning and development are two types of processes that are constantly inherent in effective organization. Thus, the name of the organization’s mode of life is only relative character and is determined by dominant trait.

The transition of an organization from one mode of life to another is not easy. To ensure a quick, painless transition of the organization to a new state (development mode), managers need to solve a number of complex problems:

· scientific and methodological (development of concepts, programs, transition strategies, etc.);

· resource(finance, equipment, premises, personnel, time, etc.);

· human(formation of a positive attitude of staff towards a change in lifestyle, motivation, overcoming resistance to the new, etc.);

· regulatory (development of regulations, charters, constituent documents, accreditation, certification, licensing, etc.).

In solving these problems, a huge role belongs to competent management, which ensures not every , namely the most economical (in terms of time and effort) and the most reliable (from the point of view of obtaining predicted results) way.

The concept of "organization" has a double meaning. On the one hand, it reflects the object of management – ​​a managed socio-economic system (a system of joint activities of people). On the other hand, organization is considered as one of the main functions of management, i.e. the type of activity necessary to achieve the impact.

The different meanings of this concept do not contradict each other. Thanks to the function of organization, a socio-economic system exists, which is why this system is called an organization. It cannot be organized in a certain way. At the same time, the name “organization” focuses attention on the existence of management as a necessary property of it.

In organization theory and management theory, this approach to terminology is of great importance. It corresponds to the dialectical principles of constructing the concept, in particular the principle of the unity of opposites and mutual enrichment of the content of categories, which are building material concepts. There are many similar examples.

As already noted, an organization is subject to constant change. The direction and content of these changes largely depend on the management of the organization. We can say that managing an organization is managing its changes.

Processes of functioning and development of organizations

The existence of a socio-economic system in any form and form has two interrelated trends: functioning and development (Fig. 1.2).

Functioning is the maintenance of vital activity, the preservation of functions that determine its integrity, qualitative certainty, essential characteristics, these are changes that do not change the basic characteristics of the system, maintaining the basic proportions and relationships in the system, these are changes of a regulatory type.

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Functioning of the organization represents a set of changes necessary to maintain the integrity and stability of the organization, eliminating deviations from the necessary parameters of its existence.

Development is the acquisition of a new quality that strengthens life in a changing environment, a set of changes that consistently change the state of the system and its characteristics.

Organization development- this is a change in its quality, increasing viability, efficiency and opening up new opportunities in the implementation of its goals.

For example, a company produces products and has a stable profit. All characteristics of this activity reflect its sustainable functioning. But the design bureau is developing a new type of product that will increase its competitiveness in the future, provide additional profit, strengthen its financial position, allow it to update technology, etc. Thus, in the processes of a company’s functioning, processes of its development are born that change the quality of the company.

The functioning and development of an organization are closely interconnected. They reflect the dialectical unity of the main trends of the socio-economic system. This relationship can be traced using its characteristics and indicators.

For example, the functioning of a socio-economic system is characterized by the mandatory presence of a subject of labor, means of labor and a person performing labor activity. At the same time, the functioning of the socio-economic system is possible only with a certain correspondence of these characteristics: the means of labor can change its subject, a person must own the means of labor, the result must correspond to the interests and needs of the person. All these are operating conditions.

Development characterizes changes in an object, means of labor and in a person. The criterion for these changes is the emergence of a new quality that strengthens the stability and harmonious functioning of the socio-economic system or creates fundamentally new conditions for its functioning. The results of development are an increase in labor productivity, a change in its nature, and the emergence of new technology. At the same time, of course, the operating conditions of the socio-economic system also change.

In the development of an organization, one can also distinguish four options for its possible state: an organization developing, stagnating, transforming, degrading. The state of development of an organization is characterized by an increase in its effectiveness over time. During stagnation, the effectiveness of an organization does not change over time. The state of transformation reflects an impulsive change in efficiency; it may decrease slightly, then increase again. Degradation characterizes steady decline efficiency of the organization.

There are objective laws governing the functioning and development of an organization. These include the following patterns:

  • 1) controllability - the development of an organization is always a controlled process; the direction and nature of development and the response to the influence of the managed system depend on management;
  • 2) typological diversity of development, which can be different - intensive or extensive, accelerated or slowed down, consistently targeted or fluctuating (the degree of manifestation depends on the specific conditions and management capabilities) (Fig. 1.3);

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  • 3) cyclical development, which reflects the alternation of ups and downs in development trends, uneven changes in the quality of the organization;
  • 4) interactions and combinations of subjective and objective factors that determine the trends and nature of development;
  • 5) increasing diversity of structure and systemic connections in the organization;
  • 6) complications of information communications;
  • 7) combinations of integration and differentiation of development processes.

Objective laws are not only a limiter of all management actions, but also their amplifier. Knowledge of the patterns of development of an organization is necessary for successful management its functioning and development, it helps to avoid mistakes in making management decisions.

All life activities of the organization are aimed at its movement towards the relative achievement of goals. Relative - because the goal always determines the direction of movement, it is a guiding star, and not its final result. In the process of this movement, the organization changes. These changes are natural and reflect the functioning and development of the organization.

The existence of an organization is manifested only in the processes of its functioning and development. You can take a “snapshot” of this system and see its structure, structure, statics. But the existence of the system is determined by the dynamics of change, the diversity of people’s activities. And this is true for any scale of the holistic design of the socio-economic system, be it a society, a company, an office, etc.

The main factor in the successful development of the socio-economic system is innovation, which is the organization’s response to changes in internal and external environment, its condition and quality. And these should not be spontaneous and isolated reactions, but purposeful and systematized actions, the content and purpose of which is determined by management.

It is known that the volume of knowledge in the development processes of various sciences doubles every five years, therefore, in the same way, the number of situations requiring an adequate response of organizations in the process of their development increases. Management processes are becoming more complex, which must also be in development and the development of which may lag behind the trends and development needs of the organization itself. This gives rise to contradiction and creates the danger of crisis situations.

There are many factors that determine the development of an organization (Fig. 1.4). The main ones are the type of economy, the development of which tends towards the economy of knowledge and innovation, and the axiology of management - a set of modern values ​​that determine the features and main features of modern management. These conditions are complemented by competition and globalization, the increasing role of information support and the cyclical development of the organization. The role is also changing human factor In the organization, conditions of professionalization, development problems become more complex and time is “compressed.”

All factors act together and are taken into account in management processes, the priorities of its values, its goals, mission and methodology.

Rice. 1.4.

The period of existence of an organization, its life cycle consists of conventionally distinguished stages. Conditionally - because various organizations All stages go through differently, sometimes it is difficult to determine where one stage ends and another begins.

“Social technologies” - Enterprise personnel. Basics of Taylor's si-we. Stages of social diagnostics. Certification. Social technologies. Technology. ST classification. Social management in social technologies. The task of strategic planning. Cultural and leisure activities. Federal program. Labor resources.

“Social security” - Separate groups of recipients of services were provided unequally: there was a huge number of privileges*. Health Care Major health care programs were created in the 1930s. Health care has become closely associated with economic objectives. Soviet social security system.

"Social service" - Preferential travel on road transport urban and suburban communications. Advantages when registering for boarding homes for disabled people of groups I and II. A.F. Kalmykova" Shugozero District Hospital (department of social nursing beds). Specialized residential building for labor veterans and disabled people.

“Social Policy of the Russian Federation” - Large load of more able-bodied people to help the less able-bodied. Threats to the security of the Russian Federation in connection with the demographic situation. Demographic forecasts. The danger of weakening influence in the world and claims to the territory of the Russian Federation. Problems with payment of pensions and social benefits. Social transfers. Stages of development social policy Russia.

“Older age” - At the social level - stereotypes and stigmas. The difference between a spectacular woman and an ordinary woman is the presence of self-discipline in the former. The elderly themselves allow themselves to be “give up on themselves”... Proposed solutions for Russia. The latest trend in social services is computer and Internet training.

"Welfare state" - The social state in late industrial times. Autonomy economically active persons in a social state. I. Guarantee of universal protection. Material support in case of impossibility of work. The first concepts appear in the period between the two world wars. Additional costs for the employer.

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Rational organizationhuman life


Healthy image life is active participation in labor, social, family, everyday, and leisure forms of human life. Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity, which causes premature aging, others overeat with the almost inevitable development of obesity and vascular sclerosis in these cases, others do not know how to rest, be distracted from work and household worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to to numerous diseases of internal organs.

The relevance of the work lies in considering the importance of a healthy lifestyle for the successful activity and well-being of a person and studying the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of the work is to study a healthy lifestyle.

Achieving the goal involves solving a number of tasks:

1) define the essence of a healthy lifestyle;

2) consider the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Defining the essence of a healthy lifestyle

Protecting your own health is the immediate responsibility of every person. It often happens that by the age of 20–30, a person, through an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, and overeating, brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers about medicine. From an early age it is necessary to active image life, harden up, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and in a word, achieve true harmony of health through reasonable means.

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the way of life of an individual with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting health. The concept of “healthy lifestyle” has not yet been clearly defined. Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction (P.A. Vinogradov, B.S. Erasov, O.A. Milshtein, V.A. Ponomarchuk, V.I. Stolyarov, etc.) consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social problem, component life of society as a whole.

A healthy lifestyle is “a lifestyle based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, laborious, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from adverse influences.” environment, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.”

There are three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social).

Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

Mental health depends on the state of the brain; it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, and the development of volitional qualities.

Moral health is determined by those moral principles, which are the basis of human social life, i.e. life in a certain human society. Distinctive features moral health of a person is, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict a normal way of life.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, achieving active longevity and full performance social functions. The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by the increase and change in the nature of stress on the human body due to the complication of public life, increasing risks of a technogenic, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in health.

2. Basic elements of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: “fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced diet and so on." .

Fruitful work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Human health is influenced by biological and social factors, the main one of which is work. Rational regime of work and rest Ї necessary element healthy lifestyle. With a correct and strictly observed regime, a clear and necessary rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest and thereby promotes health, improves performance and increases productivity.

The next step in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These health problems cause many diseases, sharply reduce life expectancy, reduce productivity, and have a detrimental effect on the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. When talking about it, you should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of energy received and consumed. If the body receives more energy than it expends, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal human development, for work and wellness, And we are getting fatter.

Second law Ї “correspondence” chemical composition diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients." The diet should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals ah, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable because they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish fat, liver.

It has been established that a healthy middle-aged person with normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for every kilogram of body weight. The first rule in any natural nutrition system should be: eat only when you feel hungry; refusal to eat in case of pain, mental and physical malaise, fever and elevated temperature bodies; refusal to eat immediately before bed, as well as before and after serious work, physical or mental. It is very important to have free time for digestion of food. The idea that exercise after eating helps digestion is a grave mistake.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case is it possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only high level digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, their complete assimilation at the cellular level. Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life.

It has an important impact on health and the environment. Human intervention in regulation natural processes does not always bring the desired positive results. Violation of at least one of the natural components “leads, due to the existing relationships between them, to a restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial components.” Pollution of the surface of the land, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the World Ocean, in turn, affects people’s health, the “ozone hole” effect affects the formation of malignant tumors, air pollution affects the condition of the respiratory tract, and water pollution affects digestion, sharply worsens general state human health, reduces life expectancy. However, health obtained from nature depends only 5% on parents, and 50% on the conditions surrounding us.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account another objective factor affecting health - heredity. Biological rhythms also affect our health. One of the most important features of the processes occurring in a living organism is their rhythmic nature. It has now been established that over three hundred processes occurring in the human body are subject to a circadian rhythm.

The main qualities that characterize physical development human beings are “strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance.” Improving each of these qualities also helps improve health, but not to the same extent. You can become very fast by training in sprinting. Finally, it is a good idea to become dexterous and flexible by using gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to pathogenic influences.

For effective recovery and prevention of diseases, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, in combination with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a growing body reliable shield against many diseases.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, and maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases tone nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.

One more important element A healthy lifestyle is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene includes a rational daily regimen, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. Special meaning also has a daily routine. When followed correctly and strictly, a clear rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed. And this, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery.

Uneven living, working and living conditions, individual differences between people do not allow us to recommend one daily regimen for everyone. However, its main provisions must be respected by everyone: “implementation various types activities at strictly defined times, proper alternation of work and rest, regular meals. Special attention you need to pay attention to sleep - the main and irreplaceable form of rest.” Constant lack of sleep is dangerous because it can cause exhaustion of the nervous system, weakening of the body's defenses, decreased performance, and deterioration of well-being.

The regime has not only health-improving, but also educational significance. Strict adherence to it fosters such qualities as discipline, accuracy, organization, and determination. The regime allows a person to rationally use every hour, every minute of his time, which significantly expands the possibility of a versatile and meaningful life. Each person should develop a regime based on the specific conditions of their life.

3 . rearHuman body as a social value

Health is an invaluable asset not only for every person, but also for the entire society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people we wish them good and good health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main tasks of life, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, wisely maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures a long and active life.

Health is an indispensable condition for happiness. Health science has much broader horizons and significance. Let us note in this regard that in national program USA “Healthy people” identifies the following three approaches to improving the status of public health, three organizing principles (in descending order of importance): 1) health promotion - ensuring health; 2) health protection - health protection; 3) preventive services - preventive and medical services.

Health cannot be characterized by well-being, since this is a characteristic not of the subject, but of the result of his interaction with the environment. Therefore, the first place in understanding health is not well-being, but the ability to change one’s capabilities in accordance with external or internal tasks and (or) adapt the environment so that these tasks become feasible.

The basis of human health itself from these premises is spiritual health. Using the concept of spiritual health opens up effective opportunities for assessing the relationship between the material results of industrial development of society and the level of its spirituality. Hence, spiritual health gains importance as a tool economic development and social progress. For this reason, in particular, the costs of health in the most industrialized countries are growing so quickly and significantly. Therefore, the rejection of the old tradition of viewing healthcare as an unproductive area, the ability to identify, justify and use the socio-economic efficiency of medicine are the most important prerequisites for the development of health science. This situation leads to the fact that for the first time the leading values ​​of the individual and society coincide. It is from these positions that the material offered to you was selected and analyzed. We are pleased to conclude that the new importance of health, as a goal and as a criterion of socio-economic development, is realized, developed and implemented by the medical community in a number of countries, and first of all World Organization Healthcare. In our country, unfortunately, the emphasis is on the relationship between clinical and preventive medicine. We have tried to show the need and usefulness of a broader view of health.

4 . Ffactors that determine health

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (hypodynamia), which causes premature aging, others overeat with the almost inevitable development of obesity, vascular sclerosis in these cases, and in some - diabetes mellitus, still others do not know how to rest, distract themselves from work and everyday worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of internal organs.

The word “health” originally meant “wholeness.” Mentally healthy people try to balance and develop different aspects of themselves - physical, mental, emotional, and sometimes spiritual. They feel the purpose of their existence, control their lives, feel the support of others and themselves help people. Spiritual and psychological health - components individual health person.

In the general concept of health, there are two inseparable components: spiritual and mental health. A person’s spiritual health depends on his system of thinking, attitude towards people, events, situations, and his position in society. It is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with the people around you, the ability to analyze various situations and predict their development, as well as behave in various conditions, taking into account necessity, opportunity and desire. Mental and spiritual health are in harmonious unity and constantly influence each other.

A healthy lifestyle is a person’s established way of organizing the production, everyday and cultural aspects of life, which allows one to realize one’s creative potential to one degree or another. Based on this, let us formulate the main provisions that should form the basis of a healthy lifestyle:

Compliance with the daily routine - work, rest, sleep - in accordance with the daily biorhythm;

Physical activity, including systematic exercise in available sports, recreational jogging, rhythmic and static gymnastics, dosed walking in the air;

Ability to shoot nervous tension using muscle relaxation (autogenic training);

Reasonable use of hardening methods, hyperthermic and hydraulic influences;

Balanced diet.

An essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle is the integrated use of these methods included in an individual program. And this ensures physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual health


health activity nutrition vital activity

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, working, hardening and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing one to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational regime of work and rest, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, etc.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life.

It has an important impact on health and the environment. Human intervention in the regulation of natural processes does not always bring the desired positive results.

Optimal motor mode Ї the most important condition healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic exercise and sports, effectively problem solving strengthening the health and development of physical abilities of young people, maintaining health and motor skills, strengthening the prevention of adverse age-related changes. At the same time, physical culture and sports act as the most important means education.

Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main tasks of life, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, wisely maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures a long and active life.


1. Vasilkov, A. Theory and methodology of physical education / A. Vasilkov. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.

2. Grishina, Yu. General physical training. To know and be able to / Yu. Grishina. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.

3. Dubrovsky, V. Hygiene of physical education and sports / V. Dubrovsky. - M.: Vlados, 2003. -

4. Evseev, Yu. Physical Culture/ Yu. Evseev. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.

5. Stepanenkova, E.Ya. Theory and methodology of physical education and child development Theory and methodology of physical education / E.Ya. Stepanenkova. - M.: Academy, 2006.

6. Shukhatovich, V.R. Healthy lifestyle / V.R. Shukhanovich // Encyclopedia of Sociology. - Mn.: Book House, 2003.

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