White fish: what kind of fish, how to cook? White fish: recipes with photos. Cooking white fish in the oven

- a fish of the salmon family, and such a statement may seem strange to many people who have never tasted or seen this fish: after all, everyone knows that salmon is a red fish, or at least pink - but there is no mistake here. We can assume that this fish is an interesting exception, but it lives only in our country - or rather, in Russia and Kazakhstan, because it is found only in the Caspian Sea and in the lower reaches of the Volga. True, there is a subspecies of white fish called nelma, and this nelma is found in northern and Siberian rivers: Pechora, Northern Dvina, Ob, Irtysh, Lena, etc. - white fish always lays eggs in rivers, like other types of salmon.

Whitefish is a rare delicacy

Whitefish is a rare silver-bluish commercial fish, and it is difficult to find it on sale. Most often, balyk and amuse are prepared from it: its meat is fatty and tender, and the taste is very delicate. The size of the fish can reach 2 m, and the weight can be more than 30 kg; it is hardly sold fresh - it quickly deteriorates due to its high fat content. Nelma is smaller in size, and there is not much fat in it.

If the white fish had not been bred on purpose, it would have disappeared long ago; of course, fish grown in artificial reservoirs and on farms is inferior in taste and nutritional properties the one found in open water- it is not surprising that natural whitefish, and especially the northern one, is considered a rare delicacy.

The benefits of the white fish

The nutritional value of the white fish is high, but there are not so many calories in it - only 88 kcal per 100 g of product. White fish fat is digested and absorbed more easily than the fat of many other fish, and contains many useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, so nutritionists recommend choosing it for those who want to lose weight without depriving the body of full nutrition.

This fish is quite rich in protein, and contains vitamin PP, which plays important role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism - it is this vitamin that maintains normal cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots. Minerals white fish: sulfur, chlorine, zinc, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, etc. If you use it regularly, it will be easier for the body to get rid of toxins, and organs and cells will receive reliable protection.

As health food white fish is suitable for people suffering from diseases of bones and joints, thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract; It is useful for young children, as it prevents the development of rickets, and for the heart - because it helps to avoid a heart attack.

White fish taste and preparation

White fish is very tasty, but you can rarely buy even frozen fish in the store. In general, it can not only be salted or smoked, but also boiled, baked and stewed; with it you get excellent hodgepodge and an amazing ear.

Nutritionists do not recommend frying this fish - a crispy crust does not contribute to a healthy weight, but for those who are not afraid extra pounds Sometimes you can eat fried white fish - it's very tasty. It will not take long to cook - 20 minutes will be enough, but it will be tastier with seasonings.

Fried white fish

The peeled white fish is cut into thin pieces - 1.5-2 cm each, poured with fresh lemon juice and left for half an hour. Fry the fish in a frying pan with a grooved or just a thick bottom: you need to pour a little olive oil into the pan, heat it and fry a finely chopped green chili pod in it - before that, it is recommended to soak it in cold water for 20 minutes. Tarragon leaves make the fish tastier and more aromatic, so after the pepper they are fried too, and then the pieces of fish are put in oil and fried on each side, for 2-3 minutes.

White fish cooks quickly, and you don't need to keep it in the pan longer - a hard crust should not form; lightly season the fried fish with salt and white pepper, remove the pan from the heat, put a thin slice of lemon on each piece of fish, and leave it covered for 5-7 minutes. Serve fish cooked in this way, well with a salad of fresh tomatoes and olives, olive oil and lemon juice. Loose long-grain rice and fresh herbs such as tarragon and parsley are also suitable. When choosing a white fish for frying, take the largest and thickest - it will be tastier.

Boiled white fish

Not all people like boiled fish - fried fish seem to them more tasty, but in the case of a white fish, the advice of nutritionists should be heeded. Actually there is great recipes cooking boiled fish - you just have to try it, and you will surely enjoy it. The fish should be cooked over low heat, in a pre-prepared vegetable broth: boil 3 onions, several stalks of leeks, a bunch of parsley and celery each, adding a few peas of allspice and bay leaf to the water. The fish, cut into medium pieces, is put into the ready-made broth, and boiled for about 15-20 minutes - it does not take longer, otherwise it will lose its delicate taste. The finished fish is removed from the broth and cut into slices - the white fish is very easily divided into plates. The fish is served hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs, green onions, boiled potatoes or long-grain rice. Boiled white fish with horseradish, pickles and mushroom sauce is good - it is better to use champignons.

If you don't want to cook fish in broth, you can steam it, in a slow cooker or a double boiler - this will be even healthier and tastier. White fish meat will not lose its juiciness and tenderness, but it will be absorbed very easily, and the delicate taste and nutrients will last better than boiling in broth.

Baked white fish

Baking white fish is also easy, like other types of salmon. It needs to be cut into portions, put in a greased form, sprinkle with grated carrots and chopped onions - if you wish, you can put thin slices of potatoes on top - and pour the prepared mixture of low-fat cream, eggs, salt and spices. White fish is baked in the oven at 180-200 ° C for 20-25 minutes. A lower-calorie version of the dish can be obtained by putting broccoli or savoy cabbage on top of the fish instead of potatoes - in this case, you can lightly sprinkle upper layer low-fat and mild grated cheese. However, sometimes this cheese can be sprinkled on fish without vegetables, if you are not too strict on your diet.

Contraindications and precautions

Who is contraindicated to eat white fish? It is safe, but white fish should not be consumed by those who are allergic to fish in general. Fried white fish should not be eaten by those who suffer from gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, and too fatty fish should be discarded if there are problems with the pancreas and liver.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the white fish quickly deteriorates, so you need to buy it in reliable stores that value their reputation, and pay attention to its smell and appearance - this applies to any frozen fish.

As for losing weight, you can even arrange for yourself special diet on the white fish, and get rid of excess weight at a rate of 2-3 kg per week.

Whitefish is a fish of the Salmon family. It is also called white fish. Habitat - the Caspian Sea. There is a subspecies of it, which is called nelma, which lives in northern rivers Oh.

White fish is quite large in size, can grow up to 1 meter in length and weigh up to 20 kg. This fish is a predator and feeds on other smaller fish. Today, it is considered a delicacy, since it does not multiply as quickly as it is exterminated. The number of white fish living in nature is rapidly decreasing. It is grown in artificial reservoirs, but the taste of such fish is inferior to the real one. Therefore, the natural white fish is highly valued.

White fish properties

The color of the meat of the white fish is fully consistent with its name. It is delicate in quality, but fatty, and in taste it is refined and pleasant. White fish is in second place in terms of nutritional value among fish, but at the same time there are not so many calories in it - about 90 kcal per 100 grams. Due to this, as well as the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish is considered dietary and is recommended for people who limit their diet. In addition, fish is considered healthy due to its high content of nutrients.

White fish, like others, can be fried, boiled and baked.

The benefits of the white fish

This fish contains vitamin PP, fluorine, chlorine, chromium, nickel, iodine, molybdenum and zinc. The meat itself with healthy fats perfectly digestible. White fish dishes are very beneficial when appointed therapeutic diet, aimed at the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland and the skeletal system.

Fatty acids help eliminate bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. If you use white fish constantly, you can reduce the chance of getting a heart attack. As in any fish, there is a lot of iodine in white fish, which in turn is very important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Fluoride contained in fish has a positive effect on bone growth, as well as on the entire skeletal system. In this regard, the white fish is especially recommended for children and adolescents as the prevention of rickets.

White fish use

White fish is prepared with the addition of lemon juice, which is poured onto the fish half an hour before frying. But people watching their figure fried fish it is not recommended to eat, as the fried crust is high in calories and does not contribute to low weight.

Less often, white fish is boiled, since many believe that it is inferior to fried in taste. Nevertheless, it is several times more useful and calorie-free. You can cook it not in broth, but steamed in a double boiler. In this case, it will be even tastier and healthier than with classic cooking.

The baked white fish is also very tasty, and the calorie content of the dish can be varied independently. You can bake potatoes with fish, which will have a high calorie content, or you can replace it with cabbage or broccoli and sprinkle cheese on top.

It is believed that white fish best for making balyk. Solyanka with the addition of this fish acquires an unusual, but pleasant taste.

White fish harm

It cannot be eaten if there is an allergy to fish, gastrointestinal diseases, and in case of problems with the liver and pancreas, instead of fried, it is better to steam the white fish.

This fish is a perishable fish, therefore, a purchased stale fish is threatened with poisoning.

With the help of white fish, you can both lose weight and gain weight. Therefore, it is important to select correct recipes preparation so that its use does not lead to the opposite effect.

Whitefish - amazing fish with the most delicate delicious and very healthy meat... Today it is a rare product and recognized as a real delicacy. What kind of fish the white fish is, is described below.

White fish - what kind of fish is it?

Whitefish - large fish with a very gentle delicious meat... It can grow up to 1.5 m in length. The maximum weight is over 14 kg.

It lives in the Caspian basin, in Siberian reservoirs, in the waters of the Volga. At present, the whitefish is being actively launched into artificial reservoirs in order to preserve its population, despite active poaching.

It is not easy to buy fish today. It is an expensive delicacy that cannot be found in regular supermarkets. Basically, it is prepared by the wives of fishermen in the eastern part of Russia, where white fish can be caught in one of the many reservoirs.

Benefits and harm to the human body

Nutritionists note that the white fish is one of the most useful species fish for the human body. This is due to its unique composition, which includes a large number of calcium, vitamins, zinc, chlorine and other irreplaceable substances. Its calorie content is only 112 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, dishes from the fish in question are ideal for children and diet food... Boiled white fish can be enjoyed even during the strictest diet.

It is recommended to eat fish for people with stomach and intestinal problems, as well as suffering from ailments of the thyroid gland and skeletal system. It has been scientifically proven that the regular appearance of white fish on the menu significantly reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

If a person has liver and / or pancreatic diseases, then you need to eat the fish in question with caution. Best of all - boiled and in minimal portions.

Royal fish soup recipe


150 g of fish;
100 g potatoes;
50 g carrots;
50 g onions;
450 ml of filtered water;
salt to taste.


Pour fish pieces together with bones with water, salt and send to cook.
After 17 - 20 minutes add all the chopped vegetables to them.
Season the soup with salt to taste.
Cook it until the white fish and potatoes are ready.

Such a dish from royal fish the smallest members of the family will also like it. In the form of pitted puree, it can be given even to children from one year old.

We bake in foil in the oven


1 kg of fish;
1 large lemon;
1 sweet and sour apple;
table salt and fish spices.


Carefully cut the white fish - remove all excess from the carcass and rinse cold water... Wipe dry on all sides with paper towels.
Wash the lemon with a brush. Cut into two pieces. Squeeze the juice out of one half and grease the fish from all sides. Cover the white fish also with salt and spices.
Cut the other half of the citrus into thin slices. Also grind the apple along with the skin. Place the fruit slices inside.
Wrap the carcass in foil.

Bake the white fish in the oven at 170 - 180 ° C for a little over half an hour. Spinach and sorrel go well with it.

How to deliciously salt a white fish


1.5 kg of white fish;
2 medium onions;
2 - 4 garlic cloves;
table salt and freshly ground pepper;
vegetable oil.


Dip the fish carcass into a bowl of water and use a sharp knife to remove the scales. Water will prevent the latter from scattering throughout the kitchen.
Gut the whitefish and cut off its head. Remove fins and tail. Rinse the remainder well with running cold water both inside and outside.
Cut the fish in two along the ridge. Remove all large bones. Carefully remove the ridge, using a wide knife to help yourself.
Pepper and salt the fillets well.
Chop the peeled garlic and onions finely. Pour half of it onto the plastic wrap on the table. Add a little salt on top.
Lay the fish layer on the resulting vegetable "pillow". Spread some onion and garlic on top. Cover the structure with a second layer of fish. Sprinkle with the remaining vegetables.
Wrap the workpiece with cling film.
Send the fish carcass to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

Cut the finished treat into small pieces, sprinkle with dill, parsley and green onions, and serve.

Fish fried in a pan


600 g white fish;
70 ml quality olive oil;
50 ml of classic soy sauce;
100 g wheat flour;
a mixture of ground peppers, coriander, dried paprika and salt.


Peel the fish carcass from the scales. Rinse well and cut into portions.
In a separate bowl, mix soy sauce and all the declared spices pounded together.
Pour the fish pieces with the resulting marinade. Leave in this form for 3 - 4 hours.
Pour flour onto a wide flat plate. Add coarse salt to it. The amount of this ingredient should be kept to a minimum, as the marinade is already quite salty from the soy sauce.
Breaded white fish slices in flour.
Place them in a cast-iron skillet with well-heated olive oil. Fry first on one side and then on the other side until a beautiful golden brown crust appears.

Thus, it will be possible to cook the white fish very quickly and easily. You can supplement the resulting dish with any side dish and mild sauces, onions or horseradish.

Boiled royal fish


1 kg of fish;
3 onions;
1 Bay leaf eyeglass;
5 - 10 allspice peas;
1/2 bunch of parsley with twigs;
1 celery root, parsnip, parsley.


Add whole peeled onions and all other ingredients specified in the recipes, except for fish, into a saucepan. Boil.
Peel the white fish from the scales. Remove fins, cut off head and tail.
Cut the rest into pieces and put in boiled water.

Cook for 40 - 70 minutes depending on the size of the slices. Serve the dish with potatoes and pickled vegetables.

Stuffed white fish in the oven


2.5 kg white fish;
1 egg;
1 onion;
250 g white roll;
1 tbsp. milk;
1 carrot;
3 garlic cloves;
2 leaves of lavrushka;
salt and pepper.


Remove scales from the fish. Remove fins, head, tail.
Cook broth from the cut pieces with lavrushka.
Cut the rest into thick slices. Gently cut off the skin from them in a whole circle.
Separate the fillet from the bones, mince.
Add bread soaked in milk, pieces of onion and carrots to the minced meat. Re-skip the mass with vegetables through a meat grinder.
Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Fill the remaining pieces of skin with it.
Put the blanks in a baking dish, pour warm strained and salted broth.

Bake the white fish in this form for 60 - 70 minutes at 180 ° C. Submit from beet salad or any other vegetable side dish.

Few of the housewives (even experienced ones) know how to cook white fish and, as a result, exclude the product from their menu. Its meat is low in calories, dietary and easily digestible. Moreover, it contains fats and other substances useful for the human body. Therefore, it is worth getting to know such fish and be sure to pamper your family with dishes from it.

Among rare species fish includes whitefish (nelma). This amazing representative of the ichthyofauna mainly lives in northern rivers and seas. It is highly valued by gourmets for its tender meat. However, now the number of white fish has decreased significantly, so it is almost impossible to buy it. And to catch this fish - great luck for the fisherman.

Description of appearance

Whitefish belongs to the family salmon fish... But unlike its "relatives", fish meat is light, not red-pink. It is considered a semi-anadromous species of the whitefish subfamily, although it is larger than some representatives of this subspecies. Their meat is very similar in color.

There is also another subspecies, - nelma fish, the description of which is practically the same as that of its "sister" - white fish. This is a commercial fish of a silvery bluish color. It got its name because of its spawning on the territory of Bashkiria in the Belaya River. In some regions, it is called differently:

  • white fish;
  • heater;
  • barnyard;
  • podzherik.

The elongated body of a white fish can reach a length large sizes- from 1 to 1.5 m. The weight of an adult reaches 20-50 kg. Despite their large sizes, the white fish is distinguished by a relatively small head with a large mouth with small teeth, and the lower jaw - large and elongated.

Another feature of this subspecies is a sharp and high dorsal fin. On this basis, nelma can be easily distinguished from other representatives of the species. In total, the fish has 8 fins. The lateral ones are located near the operculums. The anal fin is very close to the forked caudal fin. Compared to other fins, the tail and dorsal fins are much darker in color.

The large scales of the white fish are silvery-bluish, but on the back it is blue, brown or gray-green. There are no dark spots on the nelma's body.

White fish habitat

Mostly nelma lives in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Before spawning, it rises to the Volga for spawning, as well as to the Urals. At the end of winter, it begins to move upstream to the upper reaches of the rivers. She lives there throughout the summer..

All this time it actively feeds and it is easier to catch it. During the spawning period, whitefish or nelma can be found in the rivers:

  • Volga;
  • Ural;
  • White;
  • Kama;

It can also be found in many other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, but the whitefish subspecies always prefers cold and clean water. The colder and cleaner water, the better this fish feels. She prefers not lakes, but rivers, avoids salt water. The most common rivers for habitation:

  • Lena;
  • Yenisei.

When it enters the sea, it adheres to the coast of the Bering Sea or the North Arctic Ocean... During the spawning season, it often travels long distances up to the south of Siberia. The fish comes back when it grows up a little.

Both subspecies do not inhabit great depth and adhere to the water surface, but avoid shallow water. Sometimes they can go to a depth, but not more than 2 meters. They like to dwell on a pebble and sandy bottom. Give preference fast water, excluding rapids. Average duration life is 8-10, maximum - 12 years.

Lifestyle and diet

Whitefish is a predator, therefore it eats everything, anything, and even its small brethren. During spawning, passing up the river, it eats a lot of small fish. At night and early morning hours, she goes to the upper layers of the water for hunting. With the help of her tail, she stuns small fish, bursting into the flock.

Among the whitefish subspecies, only the whitefish leads exclusively predatory image life. As soon as the body length of juveniles reaches 30 cm, they begin to feed small fish... The diet of young animals consists mainly of insect larvae and planktonic crustaceans. Adults feed on fish such as perch, carp, omul. Less often, their diet includes young pike, smelt, grayling, and never - molluscs. Nelma does not feed at all from the bottom of the reservoir.

The transition to a fish diet in young animals occurs when they are ready to enter the adult phase of life. Such a moment occurs during the period of migration to large waters. At this time, the juveniles have already grown well, so they may not be afraid of other fish. However, "adolescents" of white fish run the risk of becoming food for their own adult counterparts or other predators, for example, burbot or pike.

How is the spawning period

At 4-5 years of age, the white fish is ready for reproduction. Males mature 1 year earlier than females. At this time, the body length of the latter reaches 90 cm, and that of males - 80 cm.The spawning cycle of this subspecies occurs only twice with an interval of two years.

The optimum temperature for spawning should be 1−8 o C. With the onset of autumn, having reached sexual maturity, individuals enter freshwater rivers... The nelma lives in coastal areas, and swims into freshwater reservoirs for reproduction. For spawning, it mainly chooses tributaries with sandy or rocky soil and spring water. This period begins in October or November.

One female lays 100-400 thousand eggs, and at this time she does not feed. But immediately after spawning, an enhanced replenishment of nutrition begins. Larvae hatch from March to May.

Features of catching nelma

For fishing, fishermen use a wobbler, spoon, reel or live bait. Clinging to the hook, the white fish thinks that it can free itself if it rises closer to the surface of the water. Because of this, the line begins to sag immediately. The fish resists and fights, but often gives up rather quickly, so fishing for nelma is a very exciting activity. The period from April to November is considered the best for the catch. The best bite is observed in morning time, and at night it is almost impossible to catch it.

Whitefish is a very cunning, careful and shy fish. Now its population is constantly decreasing, so trapping is officially prohibited. It is not punishable if nelma is accidentally caught with other fish on the net.

White fish meat has a pleasant taste and is well absorbed by the body. it oily fish, but its meat is low-calorie and suitable for dietary nutrition.

Whitefish is a representative of the salmon family. The subspecies of the white fish and the subspecies of nelm make up. The diet of the white fish includes small fish, which it begins to consume upon reaching a body length of 30 cm. The diet may include perch, carp, roach, sprat, herring, broadleaf, omul, grayling, bee-nut, smelt, vendace, whitefish and gobies. Very young individuals feed on insect larvae and mysids.

Appearance it has the following:

  • the shape of the body is elongated, flattened from the sides;
  • the color of the back is bluish-brown, and the belly and sides are silvery;
  • all fins are gray, except for the dorsal and caudal - they are brownish-gray;
  • in length can reach 130 cm, and Weight Limit 14 kg (if we compare it and nelma, then the latter is larger);
  • males are slightly smaller than females.

This rare fish lives in the depths and is distinguished by a cautious behavior. Its habitat is the Caspian Sea. Most often, the white fish is found in the basins of the northern rivers - the Ob, Irtysh, Lena, Yenisei. Less often it reaches the Volga and the Urals. Its total life span is about ten years. Males live 1-2 years less. At about 6–7 years old, the fish matures and begins to spawn. For this, it rises along the Volga River. And in November, on a stone or sandy ground, it lays offspring (each female 100-400 thousand eggs).

Methods for catching white fish

Fishing for whitefish not widespread, since due to caution it is always at the depth of the river and its population is constantly decreasing. But occasionally she can get caught in the net or spinning. Lures, wobblers, spinners, live bait are used as tackle. When she clings to the hook, she begins to walk to the surface of the water, thinking that this is easier to free herself. Therefore, immediately after the bite, the line sags. Whitefish fishing is an unforgettable moment in life. She resists and fights to the last. All this is accompanied by jumps and loud splashes of water. Catching it can bring a bunch of unique emotions.

Gallery: white fish (25 photos)

Benefits for the human body

Whitefish has a pronounced nutritional value for the human body in terms of calorie content and nutritional value, as well as the content of nutrients. Its meat is well digested. It is rich in substances such as:

This product is considered to be very beneficial for people with diseases of the thyroid gland, digestive and cardiovascular systems, bones and joints, in children for the prevention of rickets. White fish meat can be recommended for pregnant women as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins that contribute to the proper formation nervous system fetus. It is also highly recommended by doctors for those looking to lose weight. White fish is a fatty, but low-calorie fish (100 grams contains 88 kcal).

There are contraindications to the use of white fish - allergic reactions on fish, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

Cooking white fish

The meat of this fish very tender and has a delicate taste. It is represented by white layers that are well separated. White fish contains a lot of fat, and therefore spoils very quickly. Therefore, fishermen most often cut it right on the shore and salted or smoked it. In stores, it is sold only frozen and that is not often found, because it is considered a northern delicacy. You should buy such fish only in trusted places to avoid undesirable consequences.

In addition to salting and smoking, other cooking methods are used for it. It can be boiled, fried, baked, stewed. Fish soup and hodgepodge are especially tasty. Balyk is very common with extraordinary taste.

Below are some recipes for cooking with this fish.

Fried in a pan - grilled white fish


Cooking technique. Peel the seeds from the pepper in advance and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes. Then cut the peeled fish into 2 cm thick steaks and sprinkle them with citric acid. Preheat a frying pan - grill. Pour a little olive oil into it, wait until it warms up and put half of the pepper and a leaf of tarragon there, which will give the dish a special taste and aroma. After 5-10 minutes, you can put the fish on the bottom of the pan. Since it cooks quickly, after 3 minutes it can already be turned over. Sprinkle pepper and salt on the fried side. Remove dish from heat. Then put a slice of lemon on each steak and cover the pan with a lid for 5 minutes.

Decorate the fish with parsley and cherry tomatoes. Serve with rice and white or black bread toasts.

Boiled white fish

White fish is very tasty and juicy, steamed in a double boiler or multicooker. In addition, all useful substances are stored in it.

But most people do not like boiled fish, considering it tasteless. In refutation of this, a recipe for a white fish cooked in broth is described here.


  • White fish, cut into small pieces;
  • 3 onions;
  • Several stalks of leeks;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • A bunch of celery;
  • 5–6 allspice peas;
  • 2-3 small bay leaves.

Cooking technique. Boil vegetable broth by adding to it all products except fish. When it's done, add the fish chunks and cook for 20 minutes. Remove the fish from the broth, put on a plate and garnish with herbs. Serve with boiled potatoes or rice. They can be seasoned with horseradish or mushroom sauce. And also very tasty with a bite pickled cucumbers.

White fish baked in kvass and cucumber pickle

This is an amazing dish, which is easy to cook.


  • 1 white fish weighing 1.2–1.3 kg;
  • 1.5 cups cucumber pickle;
  • 1.5 glasses of kvass;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 250 g pickled mushrooms.

Cooking technique. Remove scales and bones from fish, cut in half. Grease a baking sheet with butter and put the white fish on it inside opening it. Bake at 180 degrees until golden brown. Then pour the fish with brine and kvass, and put the pickled mushrooms on top of it. Cover the dish and simmer for 15 minutes until full readiness.

There are many more options for preparing white fish with various products, for example, baking in sour cream-garlic sauce with cabbage leaf or with broccoli.


Very often the whitefish and whitefish are considered one fish, but in reality this is not the case. They are part of the same whitefish subfamily and live in the same rivers. ... Their differences are is that:

  • nelma is a native of the Arctic Ocean;
  • the length of the nelma reaches 1.5 meters, and it can weigh 28 kg (in rare cases, 40 kg);
  • nelma spawns in September.

Otherwise, these two fish are similar.
