Himalayas on a contour map. The Himalayas are the largest mountain system in the world

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


highest mountain system world, in Asia between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indo-Gangetic lowland. The highest point of Mount Chomolungma (Everest) is 8848 m. Alpine folding. South the foothills are made of sandstone, the bedrock slopes and the axial zone are made of gneisses, granites and other igneous rocks. The mountains consist of three stages: the highest - the Greater Mountains, which are characterized by alpine-type ridges, altitudinal contrasts and glaciation (more than 33 thousand km2). North slopes facing the high Tibetan Plateau have a lower relative height. G. are under the influence of the summer monsoon, in the east. parts receive up to 4000 mm of precipitation per year. Well expressed altitudinal zone: from swampy jungle at the foot to evergreen tropical forests, deciduous and coniferous forests, shrubs, meadows. To the north The slope is drier, so mountain steppes, semi-deserts and cold deserts dominate there. Above 5000 m there is eternal snow. Mountaineering is developed in Nepal.

Concise geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008.


(Himalayas, from Nepalese Himal - " snow mountain"), the highest mountain system globe, in Asia, between Tibetan plateau to the N. and Indo-Gangetic plain in the south (China, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan). They stretch in a huge arc approx. 2500 km, width up to 350 km. Avg. ridge height approx. 6000 m, highest point - Mt. Chomolungma (8848 m), 11 peaks rise above 8000 m. They consist of several parallel mountain ranges with a steep south. and relatively flat north. slopes. North The border is the wide valleys of the upper reaches of the Indus and Brahmaputra rivers.
The mountains were formed during the Alpine era of mountain building. South the foothills are composed primarily of sandstones and conglomerates, bedrock slopes and the axial zone - gneisses, shales, granites and other crystalline rocks. The mountains rise above the Indo-Gangetic plain in three steps. The lower part is formed by mountains Siwalik (Pre-Himalayas), middle - Lesser Himalayas (chronicle Pir Panjal , Jaoladhar, etc.). The highest mountain range is partially separated from them by longitudinal valleys (Kashmir, Kathmandu, etc.) Greater Himalayas , which from W. to E. are divided into Punjab, Kumaon, Nepal, Sikkim and Assam. The Greater Mountains are characterized by sharp alpine relief features and extensive modern territory. glaciation of the total area 33200 km². The largest glacier is Gangotri (32 km; approx. 300 km²) in Kumaon G.
The mountains represent a distinct climate division: to the south of them a humid subequatorial climate prevails, to the north there is a climate of cold high-mountain deserts. Altitudinal zonation is well expressed. At the south In the foothills there are swampy jungles (terai), which as you rise are replaced by evergreen forests (palm trees, laurels, tree ferns, bamboo intertwined with vines). Above 1200 m in the west and 1500 m in the east, evergreen forests (oak and magnolia) dominate; above 2200 m, deciduous (alder, hazel, birch, maple) and coniferous (Himalayan cedar, blue pine, silver spruce) forests dominate; rise up to 3600 m coniferous forests(fir, larch, juniper) with a dense undergrowth of rhododendron. Top. the border of alpine meadows reaches 5000 m and only here it gives way to the nival-glacial belt. Dry sowing the slopes are covered by mountain steppes, semi-deserts and cold deserts. Animals include Himalayan bears, wild goats, wild sheep, yaks; a lot of rodents. Up to a height of 2500 m, the slopes are cultivated, terrace farming is typical (tea bush, citrus fruits, and rice on irrigated lands). In Greece, especially in Nepal, mountaineering is widely developed and well organized.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under general edition acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


the highest mountain system on earth, in Asia, between the Tibetan Plateau in the north and the Indo-Gangetic Plain in the south; in China, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan. The name comes from the Nepalese “himal” - “snow mountain”. They form a huge arc long. OK. 2500 km, latitude up to 350 km. Wed. high ridges approx. 6000 m, highest point - Mt. Chomolungma(8848 m), 11 peaks rise above 8000 m. The Himalayas consist of several parallel mountain ranges with a steep south. and relatively flat north. slopes. North The boundary is a giant longitudinal depression occupied by the upper reaches of the river. Ganges and Brahmaputra flowing in opposite directions.
The Himalayas were formed during the Alpine mountain building era. South the foothills are composed predominantly of sandstones and conglomerates, the bedrock slopes and axial zone are composed of gneisses, crystalline schists, granites and other crystalline and metamorphic rocks. The mountain system rises above the Indo-Gangetic plain in three steps forming mountains Siwalik(Pre-Himalayas), Lesser Himalayas(Pir Panjal, Jaoladhar, etc.) and partially separated from them by longitudinal valleys (Kashmir Valley, Kathmandu, etc.) Greater Himalayas, which along the strike from west to east are divided into Punjab, Kumaon, Nepal, Sikkim and Assam. The Greater Himalayas are characterized by sharp alpine landforms and extensive modern glaciation of a total area. 33,200 km². The largest glacier is Gangotri (approx. 300 km²) in the Kumaon Himalayas.

Altitudinal zonation is well expressed. At the south In the foothills there are swampy jungles (Terai), which, as you rise, are replaced by evergreen tropical forests (palm trees, laurels, tree ferns, bamboo, and all this is intertwined with vines). Above 1200 m in the west and 1500 m in the east dominate evergreen forests from oak and magnolias, above 2200 m - deciduous (alder, hazel, birch and maple) and coniferous (Himalayan cedar, blue pine, silver spruce) forests; at high 2700–3600 m are dominated by coniferous forests of fir, larch, juniper with a dense undergrowth of rhododendron. The upper limit of alpine meadows reaches high. 5000 m and only here it gives way to the nival-glacial belt. On the northern, drier slopes, where the influence of the monsoon weakens, mountain steppes, semi-deserts and cold deserts dominate. Animals include the Himalayan bear, wild goats, wild sheep, and yak; a lot of rodents. Up to high 2500 m slopes are cultivated, terrace farming is typical (tea bush, citrus fruits, rice on irrigated lands). Mountaineering is widely developed and well organized in the Himalayas, especially in Nepal.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


See what "HIMALAYAS" is in other dictionaries:

    Himalayas- Himalayas. View from space of the Himalayas, the abode of snow, Hindi. Contents 1 Geography 2 Geology 3 Climate 4 Literature 5 Links Geography Himalayas ... Encyclopedia of tourists

    The highest mountain system on earth, between the Tibetan Plateau (in the north) and the Indo-Gangetic Plain (in the south). Length St. 2400 km, width up to 350 km. Among the high ridges of approx. 6000 m, maximum height up to 8848 m, Mount Chomolungma (Everest) highest... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 mountain system (62) mountains (52) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Himalayas- HIMALAYAS, mountains in the Center. Asia, the greatest on the globe. Zap. their extremity is at 36° north. lat., together with the Hindu Kush, Kara Korum and Kuen Lun, the greatest mountain on earth. node (see map to the station of British India). From here G.... ... Military encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Himalayas (meanings). Himalayas ... Wikipedia

    Himalayas- Snowy peaks of the Himalayas. HIMALAYAS, the highest mountain system on earth, in Asia (India, Nepal, China, Pakistan, Bhutan), between the Tibetan Plateau (in the north) and the Indo-Gangetic Plain (in the south). Length over 2400 km. Height up to 8848 m (mountain... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Throughout Asia, the Himalayas are the largest mountain range. All the largest mountains, including Everest, are located here. This is a certain group

Throughout Asia, the Himalayas are the largest mountain range. All the largest mountains, including Everest, are located here. This is a certain group consisting of a certain number of mountainous regions. They are located in countries such as Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal, India and Tibet. The Himalayas contain 9 of the highest mountain peaks in the world and consist of 30 mountains. The Himalayas stretch over a distance of 2,400 kilometers. In mythology, the Himalayas occupy far from the last place. And it’s impossible to count how many times they are mentioned in the religions of the peoples of all South Asia. Mountaineers from all over the world consider the Himalayas to be their center. This article invites you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting facts about the Himalayas.

The total area of ​​the Himalayas is 153,295,000 square kilometers, and they occupy 0.4 of the entire globe.

The Himalayas include not only the green valleys that all artists strive to capture, but also winter peaks.

It is believed that the Himalayas are the most inaccessible region in the whole world.

Every year people die trying to conquer Everest.

Oddly enough, it is the Himalayas that are the source of three main river systems peace.

The word “Himalaya” itself has a literal translation, which sounds like “Abode of Snow.”

The higher you go to the peaks of the Himalayas, the colder it gets. This is the climate in this area.

Hindu mythology says that the Himalayas are the abode of the god Shiva.

The Himalayan region has the third highest amount of snow in the world. The first two places fall on Antarctica and the Arctic.

The cleanest medicinal herbs They grow in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Such large rivers as the Mekong, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yangtze and Ing originate in the Himalayas or from the Tibetan Plateau. It is worth noting that the age of these rivers is much greater than the age of the mountains themselves.

About 70 million years ago, the Eurasian and Indo-American plates collided. As a result of this collision, the Himalayan range was formed.

No plants grow on the peaks of the Himalayan mountains. This is due to the fact that the climate there is very harsh: cold, lack of oxygen, and strong winds.

The highest peak was first conquered on May 29, 1953. The first to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary.

Between the ridges of the Himalayas there are several settlements consisting of the local population. It is worth noting that it is very minor.

It's sad, but all the animals that live in the Himalayas are under constant threat. This happens because people are constantly cutting down forests, thereby inexorably reducing their habitat areas.

The most majestic and mysterious mountain range on our planet is the Himalayas. This massif, whose name translates as the abode of snow, conventionally separates Central and South Asia, and the height of its individual peaks reaches more than 8,000 meters. The Himalayas are rightfully considered the highest mountains in the world. Let’s look at the Himalayas on the map and find out why these mountains are so unusual.

Location of the Himalayas mountain system on the world map

“Where are the Himalayas, in which country?” - this question often arises among novice travelers who have heard about the beauty of the most inaccessible mountains on the planet and decided to go there in search of adventure. Looking at the world map, you can see that the Himalayas are located in the northern hemisphere between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. India, Nepal, China, Pakistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh are the countries whose territories cover the Himalayas. The most visited country in the Himalayas is India. There are many attractions and resorts here. The massif is 2900 km long and about 350 km wide. There are 83 peaks in the mountain system, the highest of which is Everest, the height of the mountain is 8848 m.

Himalayan mountains on the map consist of three main steps:

  • Siwalik Range. This is the most South part mountain range. The ridge is located in Nepal and affects several states of India. Here the height of the Himalayan mountains does not exceed 2 km.
  • Small Himalayas. This ridge runs parallel to the Siwalik Range. The average altitude here is 2.5 km.
  • Great Himalayas. This is the highest and oldest part of the mountain range. The height of the ridge exceeds 8 km, and it is here that the highest peaks of the planet are located.

Highest Peaks

The mountain range contains 9 of the 10 most high peaks in the world. Here are the highest ones:

  • Chomolungma – 8848 m.
  • Kanchenjunga – 8586 m.
  • Lhotse – 8516 m.
  • Makalu – 8463 m.
  • Cho Oyu – 8201 m.

Most of them are located on the territory of Tibet, and this is where mountain conquerors from all over the planet flock, because climbing the highest peaks is the life’s work of a real climber.

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Himalayas changes with changes in altitude. Natural features Himalayas on different levels surprise with the change of landscapes, animals and flora. In the foothills of the small Himalayas, terai or swampy jungles predominate; higher up they are replaced by rainforests, then mixed, coniferous and finally, alpine meadows appear. The northern slopes are dominated by deserts and semi-deserts. The fauna of the Himalayas is as diverse as the flora. Here you can still find wild tigers, rhinoceroses, elephants and monkeys, and when you rise higher, the risk of encountering a bear, mountain yak and snow leopard increases.

In the mountains that captivate Nepal, there is a unique nature reserve, where endangered species of animals still exist. The zone is under the protection of UNESCO. Mount Everest is located within this reserve.

Rivers and lakes

It is in the Himalayas that the three most large rivers South Asia. These include the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus. Moreover, there are many beautiful and clean lakes in the mountain range. The highest mountain is Lake Tilicho, located at an altitude of 4919 m.

The special pride of the Himalayas is, of course, the glaciers. In terms of the amount of fresh water reserves, the mountain range is surpassed only by the Arctic and Antarctic. The largest glacier here is the Gantotri formation, which reaches a length of 26 km.

When is it nice to be in the Himalayas?

According to travelers, it is always good in the Himalayas. Each season gives the slopes of this ridge unique landscapes, the beauty of which is simply impossible to describe in words. In spring, the slopes are strewn with beautiful flowers, the aroma of which spreads for many kilometers, in the summer during the rainy season, lush greenery breaks through the light fog and gives freshness and coolness, autumn is a riot of colors, and in winter, when snow falls, there is no cleaner and whiter place in the world.

Basic tourist season falls on autumn months, but even in winter there are many skiing enthusiasts, because in the Himalayas there are many ski resorts of global significance.

The majestic Himalayas... Harsh edge pristine beauty, where a person can be alone with the whole world. Thousands of square kilometers of mountains and amazing wildlife, evoking thoughts about the eternal mysteries of existence - all this can be found by a wanderer in the Himalayas. The top of the world is here and we invite you to learn more about it.

Where are the Himalayas located?

About 70 million years ago, two giant tectonic plates collided - the Indo-American and Eurasian plates. A powerful shock laid the foundation for the largest mountain system on our planet. Just imagine: it occupies 0.4% of the total area of ​​the planet, which is incredibly large in relation to other geographical objects.

The Himalayas are located on the Eurasian continent, in the Asian part. They border on the Tibetan Plateau in the north and the Indo-Gangetic Plain in the south. The length of the system is more than 2400 km, the width reaches 350 km. Adjacent to the southern part of the Himalayas are the so-called Pre-Himalayas - the smaller Siwalik Mountains. This mountain system contains many of the highest peaks in the world. The average height of the mountain ridges of the Himalayas is 6000 meters. The highest is the famous Mount Everest (otherwise known as Chomolungma, 8848 meters). And this, as we probably remember, is the highest point on our planet.

The Himalayan ranges give rise to the most big rivers in southern Asia: Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra.

We already have the first data, namely, where the Himalayas are located. More specifically about countries with mountainous landscapes below.

Countries whose territories cover the Himalayas

Since the borders of countries are divided almost regardless of relief features, the Himalayan mountain ranges are located in several. These countries are India, Nepal, China (the area known as Tibet), Bhutan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Tajikistan. Each of them got a piece of beautiful natural formation.

The area of ​​the entire mountain system is about 650 thousand square kilometers. At a distance from one another, many peoples live here. Natural conditions The conditions here are extremely harsh: cold at high altitudes, dangerous terrain. However, the locals are happy about their magnificent home.

The first secrets have already been revealed to us by the Himalayas: where they are, a country (even several) that has mountainous areas on its territory. More about climatic conditions in the territories of the Himalayas.

Climate Features

The Himalayas are a particularly large landform. The mountains themselves on their southern side are swampy jungles, lush tropical forests, coniferous and deciduous, as well as a variety of shrubby plants and meadows. The northern slopes are not so rich and diverse. Their surfaces are semi-deserts and mountain steppes. The ridges of the Himalayan ranges are of the Alpine type - sharp, steep. Huge glaciers lie on them in immeasurable quantities.

It is noteworthy that the coordinates where the Himalayas are located are such that the mountain system serves as a natural climatic boundary between the tropics of the south and the desert lands north of the Himalayas. Colossal squares and high altitudes mountains greatly influenced the climate of surrounding countries. So, south of the Himalayas, at their very foot, there is a city with the largest number precipitation on the planet. This happens because the mountains retain precipitation moving with air masses from the Indian Ocean, and they fall at their feet. At an altitude of 4500 meters above sea level in the Himalayas there is a zone of eternal snow.

The Himalayas, where there are huge glaciers, impressed us. What about the inhabitants of the mountain system?

Residents of the mountain system

Surprisingly, many people live in such harsh conditions as in the Himalayas. According to scientists, records of the first settlements of the mountain system date back to 8000 BC. e. People came from the south (peoples from the Hindustan Peninsula), and from the northeast (Tibetans), and from the west (Turkic peoples).
People built their settlements in the valleys. Their remoteness from one another contributed to the separate development of these ethnic groups.

Readers must have wondered: how can one survive in such inhospitable places? Those communities that led sedentary image life, engaged in subsistence farming where there were all the conditions for this: horizontal surface, water, more or less fertile soil, suitable climate. Modern inhabitants of the Himalayan valleys also provide for themselves with their own labor. Here is another phenomenon that amazed us in the Himalayas, where some of the oldest natural farming is located.

In higher territories, the key occupation of the local population is transhumance. There is an opportunity to practice it almost everywhere up to the edge of the snow.

And we will look at some more facts that will be interesting to know about the Himalayas.

Apart from knowing where the Himalayas are, several other features of this corner of the planet will also be interesting. We know about the Himalayas that this is the most inaccessible, highest (on average) mountain system in the world. But what does their name mean?

The word "Himalaya" means "Abode of Snow". And indeed: after all, already at an altitude of 4.5 kilometers, the snow here never melts. In terms of the amount of snow, this natural form is in third place on the planet. Only the Arctic and Antarctic have overtaken the Himalayas.
It is also interesting to know that with such a cold climate in most mountain areas, Hindus are sure that they are the refuge of their god Shiva.

Mount Everest (Qomolungma) is the highest in the world (above sea level). She is associated with triumph. Extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world are literally trying to climb Everest. This first happened in 1953, when Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit. Mountaineering in the Himalayas is very popular. The mountain system contains ten of the fourteen eight-thousander mountains (in fact, their height is even slightly higher). Conquering them all is the dream of professional mountaineers.

This concludes our article about where the Himalayas are and what this mountain system is.


“The Abode of Snows”, the Himalayas are the mountains to which the prefix “most” is firmly attached. The highest, the most inaccessible... And people strive to get here in order to experience the power of nature, which created such a miracle. But the Himalayas do not invite guests. They are unshakable and stern. However, brave travelers should try to become friends with the “heavenly Empire”. Yes, truly “under heaven”, because the sky is so close here!

The Himalayas are undoubtedly the highest mountain structure in the world. It stretches over a distance of 2,400 meters from the northwest towards the southeast. Its western part reaches a width of 400 kilometers, and the eastern part is approximately 150 kilometers wide.

In the article we will look at where the Himalayas are located, in which states the mountain range is located and who lives in this territory.

Kingdom of the Snows

The pictures of the Himalayan peaks are mesmerizing. Many can easily answer the question of where on our planet these giants are located.

The map shows that they are located over a vast territory: starting from the northern hemisphere and ending along the way, they cross South Asia and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Then they gradually develop into other mountain systems.

The unusual location of the mountains lies in the fact that they are located on the territory of 5 countries. The Himalayas can be boasted by the Indians, the Nepalese, the Chinese, the residents of Bhutan, and Pakistan, and the northern side of Bangladesh.

How the Himalayas appeared and developed

This mountain system, from a geological point of view, is quite young. It was assigned to the Himalaya coordinates: 27°59′17″ northern latitude and 86°55′31″ East longitude

There are two phenomena that influenced the appearance of mountains:

  1. The system was formed mainly from sediments and rocks interacting in the earth's crust. At first they folded into peculiar folds, and then rose to a certain height.
  2. The formation of the Himalayas was influenced by the merger of two lithospheric plates, which began about 50 million years ago. Because of this I disappeared ancient ocean Tethys.

Dimensions of the Himalayan peaks

This mountain system includes 10 of the 14 highest mountains on Earth, which have exceeded the 8 km mark. The highest of them is Mount Chomolungma (Everest) - 8,848 meters up. On average, all Himalayan mountains exceed 6 km.

In the table you can see which peaks the mountain system includes, their height and the location of the Himalayas by country.

Three main steps

The Himalaya mountains have formed 3 main levels, each of which is higher than the previous one.

Description of the Himalayan steps, starting with the lowest height:

  1. The Siwalik Range is the southernmost, lowest and youngest level. Its length is 1 km 700 meters between the lowlands of the Indus and Brahmaputra, and its width is from 10 to 50 km. The height of the Siwalik hill does not exceed 2 km. This mountain range is located mainly on the soil of Nepal, capturing the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
  2. The Lesser Himalayas are the second stage, going in the same direction as the Siwalik, only closer to the north. On average, their height is approximately 2.5 km and only in the west they reach 4 km. These two Himalayan steps have many river valleys that divide the massif into isolated areas.
  3. The Greater Himalayas are the third level, which is much further north and higher than the previous two. Some peaks here are much more than 8 km in height. And the depressions in the mountain ridges are more than 4 km. Multiple glacial accumulations are located over an area of ​​more than 33 thousand km 2. They contain fresh water in a volume of about 12 thousand km 3. The largest and most famous glacier is Gangotri - the beginning of the Indian Ganges River.

Himalayan water system

The three largest South Asian rivers - the Indus, Brahmaputra and Ganges - begin their journey in the Himalayas. The western Himalayan rivers are part of the Indus River catchment, while all others are adjacent to the Brahmaputra-Gangetic basin. The easternmost side of the Himalayas belongs to the system Also in this mountain structure there are many naturally occurring reservoirs that do not have connections with other rivers, seas and oceans. For example, lakes Bangong Tso and Yamjoyum Tso (700 and 621 km 2, respectively). And then there is Lake Tilicho, which is located very high in the mountains - at around 1919 m, and is considered one of the highest in the world.

Extensive glaciers are another feature of the mountain system. They cover an area of ​​33 thousand km 2 and store about 7 km 3 of snow. The largest and longest glaciers are Zema, Gangotri and Rongbuk.


The weather in the mountains is changeable and is affected by geographical position The Himalayas, their vast territory.

  • On the southern side, under the influence of the monsoon, a lot of precipitation falls in summer - up to 4 meters in the east, up to 1 meter per year in the west, and almost none in winter.
  • In the north, on the contrary, there is almost no rain; continental climate, cold and dry. High in the mountains there are severe frosts and strong winds. The air temperature is below -40 o C.

Temperature in summer time reaches -25 °C, and in winter - up to -40 °C. In mountainous areas, wind speeds of up to 150 km/h are often encountered. In the Himalayas, the weather changes quite often.

The Himalayan mountain structure also influences the weather of the entire region. The mountains act as protection from the freezing dry gusts of wind that blow from the north, so the climate in India is warmer than in Asian countries, which, by the way, are located in the same latitudes.

The weather in Tibet is very dry, as everything monsoon winds blowing from the south and bringing a lot of precipitation, cannot cross the high mountains. All moisture-containing air volumes settle in them.

There is an assumption that the Himalayas also took part in the formation of the deserts of Asia, since they prevented the passage of rainfall.

Flora and fauna

Flora directly depends on the height of the Himalayas.

  • The base of the Siwalik range is covered with swampy forests and terai (a kind of undergrowth).
  • The green ones start a little higher dense forests with a high stand of trees, there are deciduous and coniferous plants. Further on there are mountain meadows covered with thick grass.
  • Forests that consist of deciduous trees and small shrubs, predominate at altitudes greater than 2 km. And conifers forested areas- more than 2 km 600 meters.
  • Above 3 km 500 meters the kingdom of bushes begins.
  • On the northern slopes the weather is drier, so there is much less vegetation. Mostly mountainous deserts and steppes predominate.

The fauna is very diverse and depends on where the Himalayas are located and their position above sea level.

  • They live in the southern tropics wild elephants, antelopes, tigers, rhinoceroses and leopards, very a large number of monkeys
  • The famous Himalayan bears live a little higher, mountain sheep and goats, yaks.
  • And even higher up, snow leopards are sometimes found.

There are many nature reserves in the Himalayas. For example, national park Sagarmatha.


A significant part of people live in the southern Himalayas, whose height does not reach 5 km. For example, in the Kashirskaya and Kathmandu basins. These areas are quite densely populated, almost all of the land is cultivated

In the Himalayas, the population is divided into ethnic groups. It so happens that these places are difficult to get to, people for a long time lived in isolated tribes with little contact with their neighbors. Often in winter period the inhabitants of any basin found themselves completely isolated from others, because it was impossible to get to their neighbors due to snowfall in the mountains.

It is known where the Himalayas are located - on the territory of five countries. Residents of the region communicate in two languages: Indo-Aryan and Tibeto-Burman.

Religious views also vary: some extol Buddha, while others worship Hinduism.

The Himalayan Sherpas live high in the mountains of Eastern Nepal, including the Everest region. They often work as assistants on expeditions: they show the way and carry things. They have adapted perfectly to altitude, so even at the most high points This mountain system does not suffer from a lack of oxygen. Apparently, this is inherited at the genetic level.

The inhabitants of the Himalayas are mainly engaged in agricultural work. If the land is relatively flat and there is a sufficient amount of water in reserve, then peasants successfully grow potatoes, rice, peas, oats and barley. Where the climate is warmer, for example in depressions, lemons, oranges, apricots, tea and grapes grow. High in the mountains, residents keep yaks, sheep and goats. Yaks carry cargo, but they are also kept for meat, wool and milk.

Special values ​​of the Himalayas

There are many attractions in the Himalayas: Buddhist and Hindu monasteries, temples, relics. At the foot of the mountains is the city of Rishikesh, a sacred place for Hindus. It was in this city that yoga was born; this city is considered the capital of harmony of body and soul.

The town of Hardwar or the "Gateway to God" is another sacred place for the locals. It is located on the descent from the mountain of the Ganges River, which flows out onto the plain.

You can walk around national park"Valley of Flowers", which is located on the western side of the Himalayas. This one is strewn with the most beautiful flowers The area is a UNESCO national heritage site.

Tourist travel

In the Himalaya mountain system, sports such as climbing and hiking along mountain trails are very popular.

The most popular tracks include:

  1. Known path near Annapurna passes the slopes of the mountain range of the same name in northern Nepal. The length of the journey is about 211 km. In height it varies from 800 m to 5 km 416 meters. Along the way, tourists can admire the high-mountain Lake Tilicho.
  2. You can see the area near Manaslu, which is located around the Mansiri Himal mountains. It partially coincides with the first route.

The travel time of these routes is influenced by the tourist’s preparation, time of year and weather. It is dangerous for an unprepared person to immediately climb to a height, as “mountain sickness” may begin. Besides, it's not safe. You need to be well prepared and purchase special equipment for mountaineering.

Almost every person knows where the Himalayas are and dreams of visiting there. Travel to the mountains attracts tourists from different countries, including from Russia. Remember that it is better to climb in the warm season, preferably in autumn or spring. In the Himalayas it rains in summer, and in winter it is very cold and impassable.
