What signs of nature promise bad weather? Signs for rain, correct interpretation. Signs about rain - what the weather can tell you

Since ancient times, heavenly moisture, which suddenly began to drip onto the earth with varying intensity, occupied a special place in human existence. After all, for many millennia the amount of collected grain, vegetables and fruits, forest gifts and fodder grasses, and hence the level of people’s prosperity, depended on its excess or deficiency.

Nowadays, despite the achievements of selection and technical progress in the field Agriculture, the situation has not changed much. Prolonged droughts or prolonged rainfall continue to destroy crops. However, now we can predict these cataclysms, and not only thanks to the observations of weather forecasters. Folk wisdom accumulated over many centuries makes it possible, no worse than meteorologists, to predict when and in what quantity precipitation will fall on the earth.

Bird signs for rain

One of the most popular oracles that can tell about changes in the weather are considered to be “feathered weather forecasters”, who by their behavior warn of prolonged bad weather or fine days.

  • Predicts the approach of rain with a high probability Domestic bird: Roosters begin to crow loudly at inopportune hours, and chickens selflessly take dust baths.
  • Another well-known natural “beacons” warning of impending bad weather are swallows and swifts. Before the rain, they begin to scurry just above the ground, actively hunting for various small midges.
  • Excellent predictors of any precipitation are jackdaws. If they rise high into the clouds and continuously describe circle after circle there, then soon it will certainly snow or rain, depending on the season.
  • Such weather oracles, like rooks before the rain, clearly demonstrate their remarkable intelligence. These wise birds do not rush to take to the air in the face of bad weather, but walk sedately on the ground.
  • Crows surprise the observer with their paradoxical behavior, since before a rainstorm or cold snap they begin to take baths in puddles or any small bodies of water. Geese, anticipating an imminent downpour, behave in exactly the same way.
  • Busy little sparrows also help prepare for bad weather. Before precipitation, they, like chickens, often bathe in dust or sit, ruffled, on the side of the road.

Animals are oracles of bad weather

Not only birds, but even insects and animals, including pets, can predict rainy weather. And knowing the signs associated with them is very convenient, since most of them are always nearby and quite accessible for observation.

  • The approach of bad weather can be told quite eloquently by livestock, which always drinks little before the rain, gathers together, and roars loudly as evening approaches. In addition, sheep's wool always becomes wet before bad weather.
  • Horses are also very sensitive to changing weather conditions. If they suddenly begin to snore and snort for no apparent reason, shake their heads and throw their muzzle up, then when leaving the house, you should put on rubber boots and grab an umbrella.
  • If there is an apiary nearby, the bees will always warn you of approaching bad weather. If the sky is cloudy and the insects have stopped circling in the air, then you should prepare for a downpour. However, the striped workers, who continue to flutter calmly from flower to flower even under low-hanging clouds, absolutely definitely report that there will be no rain.
  • Favorite bird prey: worms and flies, can tell an attentive person about an unfavorable weather forecast. The former climb to the surface of the earth, while the latter, on the contrary, avoid rising into the air and hide under the foliage.
  • Few people have any sympathy for amphibians such as toads or frogs. However, they often act as very useful weather oracles. For example, a sudden frog concert, annoying with its volume, is an excellent warning about the need to put on waterproof clothing and shoes before going outside.
  • If there is a dog living in your house, then you can always find out about the approach of bad weather, you just need to pay attention to its behavior. After all, an animal rolling on the ground during a walk warns its owner that it is better to go home quickly before it starts to rain. You will learn about the same change in weather if your pet persistently climbs into the water.
  • Another popular pet cat predicts bad weather no worse, and sometimes even better than dogs. Before a rainstorm, they become thoughtful, stop playing, drink more than usual and are not at all eager to go for a walk. A sure sign of approaching precipitation will be the animal sneezing and thoroughly washing its ears.

Clues from the sky

Often the vagaries of the weather are predicted by nature itself, demonstrating certain signs of approaching bad weather.

  • A sure sign of an imminent downpour will be a bright, and sometimes double, rainbow that suddenly decorates the sky. The probability of precipitation is especially high if this phenomenon is observed at sunrise, stretches from north to south, and is even completely visible. Exactly the same “rainy” prospects are promised by a bright green palette in a rainbow of colors.
  • The color of the setting sun is also one of nature’s clues. If the daylight has acquired a dark red hue, and even sinks into the clouds, then the next day you should expect bad weather. However, fog observed instead of clouds promises clear weather.
  • The night star sometimes “works” as a real weather forecaster. Our ancestors knew that if you can “hang” a bucket on the lower horn of the newborn month, then there is no need to be afraid of precipitation. But the bucket “slipping” from the sloping bottom edge promises close weather. Full moon on the eve of bad weather it always looks slightly cloudy, as if covered in clouds.
  • The stars can also indicate changes in the weather. If they sparkle brightly among the black velvet of the night, then there is no need to fear precipitation, while a dim flicker foreshadows prolonged rains.
  • Anyone concerned about precipitation should carefully monitor the direction of the wind. After all, marshmallows arriving from the east or west most often carry rain clouds with them.
  • Clouds blithely hovering overhead always accurately report impending bad weather, if you pay attention to their number and shade. The abundance and bright blue of clouds warn of the approach of bad weather, and rare and snow-white “lambs” are sure harbingers of clear weather. Even during rain, these celestial “weather forecasters” will report its short duration, gathering into untidy lumps, but their flat shape predicts a long downpour.

Warnings from nature

In addition to the state of the sky, you can learn about the approach of rainy weather if you carefully look at the phenomena of the surrounding nature.

  • On a summer morning, dew always appears on the grass and leaves. By its quantity one can easily judge the weather during the daytime. An abundance of moisture means that the day will stand without rain, and a very small amount or complete absence is considered a sure sign of an imminent downpour.
  • When the rain has already started, you can guess from some signs how long it will last. Prolonged precipitation will be indicated by bubbles in puddles and unabating thunderclaps. If hemispheres from the drops do not form, and thunder is barely audible, then the end of the shower is not far off.
  • Is there a stream or river nearby? The surface of the water can also predict weather changes. Before it rains, it begins to actively foam, and sometimes becomes incredibly transparent. If a wave appears on a pond going against the current, then this is also a sure sign of approaching bad weather.
  • You can judge the impending bad weather by the sounds of bells ringing. If they spread far around, are heard loudly and clearly, then there are several days of excellent luck ahead. Dull and unclear tones of drumming indicate approaching precipitation.
  • Lovers quiet hunt can find out what kind of summer it will be by looking at where the first mushrooms appear. If they grew up on a hillock, then you should expect a lot of precipitation, but if you chose a hollow, you should expect dry weather.
  • If in clear weather you want to know its future prospects, then you should pay attention to any fairly distant object. If it is visible clearly and clearly, then no changes for the worse are expected, but a light haze enveloping the object of observation indicates a high probability of rain in the very near future.
  • A sure sign of approaching bad weather will be smoke from a fire, which in calm weather does not rise, but spreads near the ground. In summer this phenomenon means imminent rain, and in winter it means snow.
  • Even a forest area can play a role for a connoisseur of omens natural meteorologist. If in calm weather the trees make noise and sway, indicating reverse side leaves, then light precipitation should be expected. But complete calm should alert you, as it foretells a thunderstorm and heavy rain.

Seasonal rain signs

If, based on natural signs or the behavior of animals, it is possible to predict the weather for the coming days, then the presence or absence of rain in a certain month or an entire season can predict summer or autumn bad weather.

Folk signs about the weather.How our ancestors predicted the weather

Signs of good weather
Swallows and swifts fly high.
Mosquitoes push around like a pillar.
Late in the evening the grasshoppers are loudly chattering.
Ladybug, taken in the hand, quickly takes off.
The nightingale sings all night.
The birds sing merrily.
Water lily flowers are open.
The pigeons cooed.
The spider intensively weaves webs (for dry weather).
Flies wake up early, bees fly out of their hives as soon as it’s light.

Signs of worsening weather
The fish doesn't bite - it's full.
Bees sit in the hive and buzz loudly.
The ants are not in a hurry to work; all passages are closed.
The heads of the red clover are drooping and the furry leaves are folding.
All the flowers in the meadow smell strongly, the flowers of lilac, jasmine, and yellow acacia are fragrant.
Swallows fly above the ground, waders cry.
Chickens are bathing in dust, sparrows are ruffled.
There are many insects near the yellow acacia flowers.
The mole is raking high mounds.
Dandelion folds its fluffy umbrella.

According to the Sun
The sun rises in the clouds with its rays upward - towards the rain.
The sun rises in the fog in the summer - during the day it will be quiet and stuffy.
The sun at sunrise is red - to a big wind.
A bright red sun at sunset means windy weather.
In summer the sun soars strongly and its rays darken - to severe thunderstorm.
The sun shines through the rain - a change in the weather.

By the Moon
A clear round moon in winter means cold, in summer it means wind.
Before the rain the moon is cloudy and pale, but before the wind it is clear and bright.
The moon is dazzling white- to the cold, red - to the wind.
When the month is red in spring, it means great heat or thunderstorms.
The greenish month is for rain.

By the stars
Bright stars in winter - to frost, dull - to thaw.
In winter, the stars shine - to the cold, in the summer - to the heat.
The stars “blink” - to bad weather.
Few stars are visible - this means cloudy weather.
If the stars are rare, it means bad weather or a blizzard.
Stars fall from the sky in winter - towards snow, in summer - towards rain.
In general, stars fall towards the wind.
Through the clouds
The clouds are moving quickly towards the wind.
At sunset the clouds form rings - signifying rain.
The clouds are rising - good weather will set in.
Clouds are floating high - good weather.
The sky seems high - towards the wind.
Blue clouds mean warmth.
Blue evening clouds mean a change in weather.

According to the dawns
The morning dawn will soon burn out - it will rain.
The morning dawns soon burn out - to the cold.
The glow at sunset - to the winds.
Sunset in the clouds - expect snowfall in winter.
A clear sunset is towards the wind.

By lightning
If lightning appears during a drought, then it means a worse drought.
If lightning strikes are frequent in the summer, it means good harvest.
Lightning plays when the rye blooms.

Over the rainbow
Evening rainbow- to the wind, morning - to the rain.
A rainbow stands for a long time - it means bad weather.
In the rain, three rainbows at once - three days of rain.
A rainbow before lunch means rain, in the evening it means wind.
Rainbow in winter - to frost or snow.
The greener the rainbow, the more rain, and the redder, the more wind.
If the rainbow is bright, there will be bad weather.
In general, when they see a rainbow, they expect a change in the weather.

If the wind changes direction in clear weather, it means a change in weather and precipitation.
When, in calm weather, a whirlwind suddenly arises, which lifts leaves, straw and other light bodies into the air, then rain and storm will follow.
The wind increases in the evening - bad weather.
After a long calm, the wind blew - there will be rain and snow in winter.
Strong wind during rain - to good weather.

Through the rain and snow
If it rains in the morning, it will rain until midday.
It began to rain at dawn - it will stop early.
If the rain starts in large drops, it will soon stop.
In the summer there is light rain - expect mushrooms.
Night thunderstorm - good weather.
If it snows early in the fall, then spring will come early.
If snow falls in the fall on trees that have not shed their leaves, it will soon melt.
The snow crunches under your feet - it means cold, frost.

By thunder
You hear thunder in the morning - expect rain in the evening.
When it thunders and thunders, it will rain.
Frequent peals of thunder, merging into a continuous roar, foreshadow hail.
The louder the thunder in the spring, the better the harvest.
Long thunder means bad weather, abrupt thunder means enlightenment.
The snake does not bite until the first thunder.
Thunder in early spring- before the cold.
If lightning flashes in early spring but thunder is not heard, expect a dry summer.

Through dew, fog, frost
Abundant dew - for warmth and wind.
There is no dew on the grass - it will rain.
The heavier the dew, the hotter tomorrow will be.
Fog does not form, dew is weak or does not fall at all - thunderstorms and downpours are possible.
Dew and fog portend good weather.
The fog rises - towards rain.
Frosty frost on the grass means rain.
After very heavy frost there comes a thaw.
Trees covered in frost - the sky will be blue.
If there was frost during the day, snow will not fall at night.

For some other natural phenomena
If it gets warm in the evening, it will rain.
The evening forest is warmer than the field - towards the wind.
It is stuffy during sunrise - it will rain in the evening.
If the sound is clearly audible in the field and the echo travels far, it will rain.
The river will rustle and the frogs will croak - it means rain.
The water in the river will become warmer - before the rain.
Before rain, the water in wells and rivers drops, and before frost it rises.
If smoke spreads along the ground, there will be a thaw and rain.
When the smoke rises in a column, the weather will be good.

For various objects and things from peasant use
If the coals in the fire quickly become covered with ash, wait for good weather.
Windows sweat in the cold - to warmth.
The wood in the stove burns with a bang - it means frost.
The dried hay is damp - there will be rain.

According to a person's well-being
Pain in joints and heart, depressed mood among people - on the eve of bad weather.
Ringing in the ears in summer means bad weather, in winter means snowfall.
Ringing in the right ear means warmth, in the left ear ringing means cold.
During the day it tends to sleep - towards rain.
Aching bones, aching old wounds and injuries - a sign of bad weather.

By plants
The forest is noisy - bad weather.
Rowan blossoms - for long warmth.
Bird cherry blossoms - for the cold weather.
Bird cherry blossoms strongly - for a wet summer.
If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree in spring, rainy summer.
Dandelions close during the day - in anticipation of rain.
The flowers smell stronger - rain is coming.
If the marigolds open their corollas early in the morning, it means clear weather.
Marigold inflorescences close before rain.
The violet flower is closed - wait for the rain.
Plenty of mushrooms - plenty of snow, no mushrooms - no snow.
There are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms - the winter will be snowy and harsh.
A lot of clothes on the bulbs - to cold winter.
According to animal behavior
The dog is rolling - to rain and snow.
A dog lying in the snow means a blizzard.
The cat washes itself and licks its paw - towards the wind.
A cat in a ball means frost.
The cat lies belly up - towards warmth.
A yard bird is plucked - to bad weather.
Chickens hiding means wet weather.
Geese and ducks dive - to the rain.
Ducks scream and splash - in response to rain, and are quiet - in response to thunderstorms and thunder.
Roosters call to each other in the evening - to the wind.
The bird is cocked - to bad weather.
Chickens cluck - it means bad weather.
The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
Chickens wagging their tails means a snowstorm.
A thunderstorm is approaching, but the bees are not hiding in the hive, which means there will be no rain.
If the mole makes high piles, you have to wait bad weather.
Moles dig hard - before the rain.
Birds sit on the tops of trees - a sign of bad weather.
Ducks fly south early - to the imminent snow.
When the rook flies away, it will snow.
The rook has arrived - the snow will melt in a month.
The crows settled on the lower branches of the trees - wait for the wind.
The crow screams - to the blizzard.
Crows in the sky staged round dances - for snowfall.
Nightingales sing a lot and for a long time - towards the wind.
Swifts and swallows fly low and scream - to the rain.
The swallows have arrived - soon the thunder will roar.
Swallows fly high - towards the wind.
Sparrows hide under the eaves - to the frost, to the blizzard.
The sparrows chirped - in anticipation of rain, and in winter - in anticipation of a snowstorm.
In the evening the fish plays - good weather.
Many frogs are far from the water - it means rain.
Frogs croak - it means rain.
Fish walks along the bottom - it means rain.
The larger the ant heaps by autumn, the harsher the winter will be.
Before the rain, ants remove the larvae (eggs) exposed to the air, hide in anthills, and if expected heavy rain- clog the entrances.
If during the rain spiders begin to weave webs, the rain is about to stop.
The appearance of mosquitoes late autumn- for a mild winter.
Pushing mosquitoes rise in a column - towards the wind.
Mosquitoes ring louder and more shrilly - before the rain.
Flies cling and bite painfully - to bad weather.
Grasshoppers are chattering - for clear weather.
A lot of small midges fly - it means rain.
A cricket in a hut makes a loud noise - it means warmth, snow.
A lot of cockchafers - a sign of hot summer and drought.
Earthworms crawl out - to bad weather.
Gadflies are especially angry before rain.
Dragonflies fly restlessly, jerkily, low to the ground - towards the rain.
In clear weather, hives butterflies begin to hide under roofs and in cracks - soon it will rain.
The bright glow of fireflies means good weather.

In the modern age of advanced technology and science, most people consider various folk signs about the weather as prejudices and relics of the past. Representatives of the older generation still use them to compile their weather forecast for the coming days. And these forecasts really work - you can verify this, for example, by considering some

Our ancestors lived in close proximity to nature, observing it for thousands of years and centuries. Noticing some patterns, they learned to predict the coming natural processes and phenomena. They passed on the experience of their observations to their surroundings and descendants - this is how various signs developed.

The most popular, of course, are signs that can be used to predict the weather. And if residents of modern megacities prefer to trust more the weather forecast compiled by meteorological services, then people living in remote villages and villages still rely on folk wisdom our ancestors and listen to various signs about weather phenomena. Signs for rain, for example, are especially relevant in the summer season, since life in rural areas during this period largely depends on the vagaries of the weather.

Folk signs for rain and their varieties

There are a huge number of signs about rain. In ancient times, there were many more of them, but, alas, not all of them have survived to this day, having been lost somewhere in the depths of time. But even those signs for rain that people use now are already a rich treasure, the result of experience that has been accumulated by people over several centuries.

All existing signs of rain can be divided into several main categories:

  • signs about rain based on natural phenomena;
  • signs of rain based on representatives of the flora (plants);
  • signs of rain, determined by representatives of the fauna (animals);
  • signs of rain based on objects surrounding a person.

Signs for rain based on natural phenomena

Want to know if you can expect rain and bad weather in the near future? Take a closer look at the natural processes happening around you.

  • In the morning there was good and heavy dew - the day will be clear, but if the grass was dry at dawn - rain is expected.
  • In the morning there was a rainbow in the sky - it meant rain.
  • The sun hid behind the clouds in the morning - rain is approaching.
  • The sun rising at dawn is surrounded by crimson clouds - it will rain.
  • At dawn it is very stuffy - it means rain.
  • The sun is very hot on a summer day - rain is expected.
  • The wind blows from the east or west - there is a high probability of rain.
  • The weather was calm, but suddenly the wind picked up - expect rain.
  • If the moon in its full phase is dim and cloudy, it means rain.
  • The lunar disk acquired a reddish hue, indicating that it was raining.

Plants predict rain

Representatives of the plant world can be excellent weather forecasters. Taking a close look at them appearance and behavior, a person can predict imminent precipitation.

  • Before the upcoming storm, many plants begin to emit a more pronounced aroma than usual - this is, for example, sweet clover. Wildflowers begin to smell stronger as a rainstorm approaches.
  • Other representatives of the flora curl up, shrink, and hide their flowers before the rain - these are clover, bindweed, white water lily, coltsfoot. The dandelion also closes its fluffy yellow hat.

Some trees and shrubs are also preparing for the approaching rain:

  • Yellow acacia, jasmine, honeysuckle enhance the aroma of their flowers. And if at the same time there are a lot of pollinating insects circling above them, rain is just around the corner.
  • The maple senses the approach of precipitation another 3-4 days before and begins to “cry”: drops of juice are released at the base of its leaves.
  • The weeping willow turns its leaves with their backs before the rain when the wind blows.

The thorns on the burdock cones will also tell you about bad weather - they straighten out before the rain.

Signs for rain based on animal behavior

Representatives of the fauna (animal world) have a higher sense of smell than humans and are able to sense precipitation long before it begins. The behavior of some birds and animals can predict the approach of rain no worse than the most accurate meteorological forecast.

Go birdwatching. If you notice that:

  • sparrows decided to bathe in the dust - expect rain. The intensification of their chirping will also tell you about bad weather. If the birds are still sitting puffed up, rain is just around the corner;
  • rooks graze in the grass - there will be rain;
  • The jackdaws and crows squawked loudly, indicating rain. Jackdaws have gathered in a flock - precipitation is approaching;
  • if at dawn there is no lark in the sky, it will rain;
  • seagulls make noise on the shore of a pond - the weather will be rainy;
  • the rooster crows for no reason, and the chickens flounder in the sand - it’s raining.
  • swallows and swifts fly low, literally above the ground - also expect rain.

According to the behavior of domestic animals, signs of rain are as follows:

  • The dog begins to dig the ground or lie on its back - rain or bad weather is expected.
  • A cat sleeps, curled up in a ball, or often shakes its head - it means rain.
  • Large cattle sniffs the air, lifts its muzzle upward - it will rain.
  • The horse snores and snorts, raises its head up and shakes it - to inclement weather.

There are many signs of rain associated with representatives of the animal world living in wildlife, but in close proximity to a person:

  • Before the rain, many insects hide, but mosquitoes and midges only begin to become more active and annoy people.
  • The frogs croaked during the day - rain is coming.
  • Earthworms crawl to the surface of the earth - to rain.
  • Spiders hide in the corner of their web - wait for the rain.
  • The bees are rushing back to their hives - the rain will start any minute.
  • Before the rain begins, ants rush to their anthill.

Some objects will tell you about the approach of rain

A person is surrounded by all kinds of objects created by his own hands. Surprisingly, some of them can also report the approach of precipitation.

The general trend now is to install plastic windows and double-glazed windows. If this fashion has not yet touched your home, and you still have traditional wooden frames with glass windows, watch them. Before rain, such windows usually begin to “cry” - drops of condensation appear on the glass.

In general, many objects made of natural wood that come into contact with open air begin to behave strangely before the rain: wooden frames and doors can swell and become harder to open.

If there are containers of water in the open air, then air bubbles appear in the liquid before it rains.

Another one interesting sign- before bad weather, a kettle of water placed on the stove begins to whistle and make noise louder than usual.

How else can you predict the approach of bad weather? We recommend watching a video about signs of rain:

Signs telling about the nature and duration of rain

Based on folk observations, signs emerged that revealed the nature, strength and duration of this natural phenomenon.

For example, the start of rain at dawn means its rapid cessation. But the rain that started at noon will end, at best, only at the end of the day. If it rained heavily and the sky immediately became clear, expect precipitation to resume soon.

It will be useful to observe the rain, first at its very beginning, then at its peak. If the precipitation began with large drops, the rain will be short-lived. And vice versa, the smaller the drops, the longer the rainy weather will last. Bad weather will drag on even if thunderclaps are heard in the process. If during rain a rainbow appears in the sky, the precipitation will quickly stop. But if bubbles appear in the puddles, the rain will continue.

Certainly, modern people We are lucky: we live in a time when it is not difficult to find out the weather for the coming days - just look at the weather report compiled by weather forecasters. However, we should not forget about the world around us: if you are familiar with the signs of rain, the creatures inhabiting this world can help you no worse than meteorologists. And even if the rain seems to have darkened your day, remember the simple truth that nature does not have bad weather.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Every sign about rain true interpretation, based on long-term observations of the characteristics of this weather phenomenon. If you are sure that you have accurate information about what rain may portend, enrich your knowledge by studying popular quotes about precipitation.

Types of beliefs about rain

Considering the spectrum of numerous rain signs, you can see that they are distributed according to the following criteria:

  1. Synoptic forecasts (what signs are used to predict future bad weather, what kind of weather does the rain promise).
  2. The strength of a natural phenomenon (light rain or downpour, with a storm or thunderstorm, with snow or hail).
  3. Coincidence of the rainy period with church and pagan dates.
  4. Seasonal signs (distribution by seasons, months).
  5. Frightening superstitions that portend bad events in people's lives.

Some beliefs cannot be clearly considered, since for some, precipitation in parallel can be associated with significant events in life, while for others it passes unnoticed, causing only joy or sadness from the change in weather.

Agree, when planning to spend time actively outside the walls of the house, most people will take an interest in the weather for the next few hours. If a long-awaited vacation looms ahead, you will probably want to know whether rain will interfere with your vacation.

The less time remains before bad weather, the more clearly nature tries to say about the coming rain:

  • The water in the river is seething and foaming - in anticipation of the rain.
  • The scent of wildflowers before a heavy downpour is stronger than usual.
  • If the increase in humidity cannot be avoided, the burdock spines will bloom.
  • My limbs ache in bad weather.
  • The sky is cloudy, the sun seems to be playing hide and seek - prepare an umbrella for tomorrow.
  • There is frosty frost on the grass - the weather will change during the day.

Keep an eye on the animals - their behavior will indicate the likelihood of imminent rain:

  • the dog sleeps for a long time and eats poorly;
  • sparrows and pigeons bathe in dust;
  • toads and frogs croak loudly in the reeds - the clouds call;
  • swifts and swallows fly low;
  • the horse shakes its head and raises it high;
  • the rooster crows earlier than usual;
  • V summer period there are a lot of midges in the air, and from the ground earthworms they climb.

The beliefs that define characteristics precipitation:

  • The larger the raindrops, the faster it will end.
  • Heavy rain from the sky on the way is a sign of an easy and unhindered journey.
  • Bubbles in puddles during rain - a sign that the clouds will not clear over the ground soon.
  • - to its soon completion.
  • Drops began to fall in the afternoon - precipitation will continue until the evening.
  • Rainy summer leads to snowy and frosty winter.

Signs about natural phenomena happening in significant dates. There are such beliefs about rain:

  • - sign about family happiness young.
  • , drops from heaven - on good harvest rye crops.
  • There is drizzle at the funeral - the sky mourns for the departed and accepts his soul.
  • On Elijah’s day, he waters the land for a bountiful harvest of grain.
  • rain - the sky gives those whom it wets good luck in business.
  • If you accidentally fall under pouring rain on Ascension - make a wish about the intangible - it will soon come true.

During pagan times, our ancestors even performed certain ritual actions during rain, considering it a manifestation of the favor of the gods.

For example, on Ivan Kupala, it’s enough to get wet in the rain before lunch - and devilry will fear you like fire!

And if in the first spring thunderstorm collect rainwater and wash yourself with it, you will feel a surge of strength and rejuvenate, and the woman will become more beautiful.

Of course, modern inhabitants of the Earth are unlikely to remove warts from heaven with drops, relieve migraines or treat conjunctivitis, as ancient healers did. However, what prevents us all from being closer to nature and remembering folk signs, because they are part of the cultural heritage!

Modern man is particularly skeptical and pragmatic towards a wide variety of signs and superstitions. But when time comes to some important steps or events in life, we involuntarily try to find some signs in a wide variety of surrounding things and moments.

Signs of rain

Especially on different signs pay attention to brides who strive to be convinced once again of the correctness of their choice and decision, and also to find a hint that family life will be happy, carefree and rich. Rain at a wedding is a sign that promises just such a marriage, so you should learn more about this sign.

Weather at home and at the wedding

When choosing the day of their wedding, brides carefully trace all the moments in organizing the happiest day of their lives. This also applies to the weather, because everyone wants happy Days were not marred by bad weather or bad weather conditions. Nevertheless, rain at a wedding for newlyweds is considered very good sign, because it symbolizes a happy and rich life young couple.

It is also very important to pay attention to the time of day when it rained, i.e. if it started in the morning, then from the first day the young couple will be rich and happy, but if it rained in the evening, then they will flourish happy life expecting a couple already in more mature age. But in the latter case, you shouldn’t worry that full happiness awaits the young couple only after several decades, because if for a wedding it's raining, then this is very good and happiness for the young, according to this sign, is guaranteed.

Of course, you shouldn’t rely solely on weather and expect that life will present everything on a silver platter. Family relationships- this is very hard labour, which requires effort and energy, investments and mutual desire on both sides. At the core family life lies a lot of forgiveness, patience, understanding, respect and simple trust. Only guided by these components, a young couple is able to build a real family and protection for each of its members.

On the other hand, we all know very well that our thoughts are material and most often they are translated into reality, so if suddenly there was good, cloudless weather at the wedding, then this should not be regarded as a sign not to happy marriage, because we create the weather in the house ourselves and what it will be like depends only on us.

When to expect rain

When to expect rain

Folk signs about rain have long provided clues in a wide variety of areas of life and endeavors. Therefore, before starting any action, people looked closely at various signs of nature that suggested that it would soon rain.

One of these signs to this day is the flight of swallows low above the ground. It is by this sign that it is most often determined that it will rain in a few hours. Moreover, this coincidence has been proven and scientific research, because before it rains, birds simply feel the pressure difference, which is why they fly low.

If the sun sets behind the horizon in the clouds and becomes like a disk, then this sign also says that it will rain the next day or even at night. Also, if a foggy haze appears around the sun, it means that the weather will change soon.

Wildflowers begin to smell stronger when there is soon a heavy rain, and even before the imminent rain, the burdock thorns bloom. Insects and other animals can also tell you about the onset of imminent rain. For example, at the beginning of the rain, the flies hide, and the spider hides on the outskirts of its web, somewhere in the corner. Ants also hide in their houses and block all entrances and exits with earth. The frogs begin to croak loudly in front of the doge, although most often we say that they attract him with their sounds.

Pets also behave differently before it rains. A cat, for example, shakes its head, curls up and tries to sleep in some warm place, and dogs begin to dig the ground as if in search of something. Before the rain, a domestic horse also shakes its head and raises it to the top.

Other animals, plants, and insects can also tell you about the imminent start of rain; the main thing is to notice these signs in time and prepare for precipitation.

Other signs of rain

What else does the rain bring?

Folk signs about rain affected not only the wedding day, but also other areas of life. For example, rain is considered a good omen for travelers, because if it starts before the road, it means the path will be easy and unobstructed.

If it rains on your birthday, and even torrentially, then it is generally accepted that next year The birthday boy will experience unprecedented success and luck will accompany him in everything. Regardless of the significance of an event in a person’s life, rain always signifies the onset of something good. Even when it rains at a funeral, older people associate it with the tears of the deceased, which are shed on his relatives and friends who grieve for him, and thereby reassure them that everything in life is natural and death comes to replace life, and The rain will be replaced by good weather.

In winter, all these signs can be applied to snow, because in essence it is the same rain, only winter rain due to frost.

Folk signs about rain are reflected in all areas of life, but it is very important to correctly interpret the signs of nature in order to set yourself up for the best expectations and then everything will definitely be fine in life.
