Examples of natural objects of animate and inanimate nature. Nature can be living or inanimate

Nature - this is everything that surrounds us, except what is made by man. Nature is divided into living (plants, animals, insects, fungi, humans, bacteria, viruses) and non-living (for example, the Sun, Moon, mountains, soil, rainbow, water, sky, etc.).
Signs of wildlife- birth, breathing, growth, nutrition, reproduction, movement, dying (death).
At home, complete tasks and games on this topic:
  • Find and print pictures of living/inanimate nature and invite your child to sort the photographs; pictures from the World on Palm (about animals, sea inhabitants, natural phenomena etc.)
  • Conduct a Physical Minute:
The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,
The tree is getting higher, higher, higher
Talk about what living object of nature you were talking about, name the signs by which this object was classified as living nature. Discuss what inanimate object was in the poem (wind).

    Discuss different living/ inanimate objects and figure out why they are classified as such (discuss using the pictures). Play and consider various situations with natural objects, for example, tell a child that a stone fell and split into 2 parts, is it alive or not? No. But there was 1, but now there are 2? Explain why such division is not considered reproduction. Stone is the body of nature. But bodies in nature can change. Or the water in the river moves, but it is not alive. Moves due to elevation changes.

  • Listen to the sounds of nature and identify the sounds of living nature (birds singing, croaking frogs, etc.) and non-living ones, the sound of rain, the howl of the wind. You can choose a picture with an image to match the sound.
  • Tell that a tree is an object of living nature, and a log or table made of wood is inanimate. Conclusion: these are objects made from natural objects. Make a lotto: an object of nature is a thing obtained from an object of nature.
The sparrow lives under the roof,
In a warm hole is a mouse's house,
The frog's home is in the pond,
The warbler's house is in the garden.
Hey chicken, where's your home?
- He is under his mother’s wing.
Name the objects of living/inanimate nature. Talk about the role of nature in our lives. Conclusion: nature provides clothing, food, materials for housing, and a good mood.
  • Display your mood on the leaves of various trees.
  • Read the poem, find the objects indicated in it in the pictures, determine what relates to living/inanimate nature
Look my dear friend,
What's around?
Sky, light blue,
The sun is shining golden
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and forests,
Birds, animals and forests,
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season -
It's all nature around.

2. Take pictures depicting living/inanimate nature, add pictures depicting houses, cars, clothes, toys, etc. Ask your child to put them into piles Live nature, lifeless and everything else in the third pile. When the task is completed, ask him how he thinks he connects the pictures in the third pile. If the child cannot answer immediately, lead him to the idea that everything that he put in a separate pile is what a person did: he built a house, sewed clothes, created vehicle etc.

See how human life in the city differs from life in nature. Discuss how things made by a person help him in life ( ex : clothes protect from the cold, a car helps you move quickly, etc.).

Tasks-games (for children who can speak). These games are perfect for traveling on public transport when you can’t sort out the cards:

- you name an object from the human world, the child describes why this object was created (you can also add what substances it is made of - wood, glass, metal, plastic, etc.);
- you ask to name as many objects as possible that were created to make a person faster (plane, car, train, scooter, etc.);
- stronger (truck, excavator, crane, etc.);
- more beautiful (girls like it, and the list is long - lipstick, perfume, comb...);
— improve vision (glasses, binoculars, microscope).
- you can fantasize and come up with items with a combination different properties(for example, a flying refrigerator for delivering ice cream)
  • Game of 12 questions (from Lena Danilova’s website) (you can choose any number, but my children play and insist on 12). Someone thinks of an object (necessarily a noun, in the singular - this is a reason to talk about grammar). The second one, asking questions, tries to guess what is planned.
If you teach a child to group objects, then he will be able to talk about anything, based on the signs of groupss. During the game, learn to ask questions correctly; each new question should reduce the number of objects in the group. With the little ones, start the game with the three of you, dad conceives the object, and the two of you guess.For example, the word chamomile was conceived.
1 question – an object from the human world? No (we conclude - this is the natural world)Question 2 – does the subject belong to living nature? Yes (we will choose from groups belonging to wildlife)
Question 3 – is this an animal? No (then we continue to list unnamed groups of wildlife - plants, mushrooms)
Question 4 – is this a plant? Yes (now we will show that this group can also be divided into trees, bushes, herbaceous plants) etc..

Invite your child to dream up. Let the child imagine that he is in a fairyland. Let the child close his eyes, and you tell him more about this country (here everything depends on the mother’s imagination). Residents of this fairyland(you can even come up with a name for it) have never heard of the Earth where you and your baby live. Invite your child to tell you about your home and nature. Let the child talk in his story about what kind of nature, animals are around (living/non-living nature) and about what a person was able to do and what benefits it brings to people living in his “country”.

If a child speaks poorly, then with the help of a toy (inhabitant magical land) ask leading questions, take the toy with you for a walk and let the child introduce it to your “country” in real life. It will show what trees grow, what birds fly around, what flowers grow, what houses and cars people have built, etc.

The purpose of this exercise is to develop imagination, imaginative thinking, and the ability to group phenomena and concepts.

Invite your child to invent something himself. Let these be the most fantastic inventions, the main thing is that the child himself comes up with them and tells them what they are for. You can try to make some of them (if possible) or draw, sculpt, etc.

Talk to your child about the importance careful attitude to nature.

People, look around!

How truly beautiful nature is!

She needs the care of your hands,

So that her beauty does not fade.

What the park whispers...

About every new fresh stump,

About a branch broken aimlessly

My soul is mortally sad.

And it hurts me so tragically.

The park is thinning, the wilderness is thinning,

The spruce bushes are thinning...

It was once thicker than the forest,

And in the mirrors of autumn puddles

It reflected like a giant...

But they came on two legs

Animals – and through the valleys

The ax carried its echoing swing.

I hear how, listening to the buzz

Murderous axe,

Park whispers, “Soon I won’t...

But I lived - it was time...”

The main idea of ​​the poem is that man, with his own hands, destroys a park, a beautiful corner of nature. And it is worth thinking to everyone living on Earth that by destroying nature, we are destroying our lives, since we are part of nature.

Spare the animals and birds,

Trees and bushes.

After all, these are all words,

That you are the king of nature.

You're only a part of her

Dependent part.

Without her, what is your power?

And power?!

Prishvin “Blue Bast Shot”, “Forest Master”, “Pantry of the Sun”.

Paustovsky “ Hare's feet", "Meshcherskaya side".

Astafiev “Why did I kill the corncrake”, “Belogrudka”, “Tail”

I think I even remember the first time I wondered, what can be considered a living being. I’m about five years old, I’m sitting on a bench near the store and, out of boredom, I’m stripping leaves from a boxwood bush growing nearby. And my mother, slapping my hands: “Don’t touch, the bush is alive, it hurts!” True, I tried to understand it meaningfully much later, when I was twelve years old.

Living and inanimate nature: how they differ

Main difference between living and nonliving is that inanimate nature is static, unchanged. Water, stone, air, igneous rocks - they change solely under the influence external environment, but their internal structure remains unchanged.

Life assumes constant development- moreover, it manifests itself not only externally, but also involves a change in the very structure of the body. Any life on Earth develops in the form of various chains of molecules consisting of nucleic acids . These chains are DNA- are a kind of program, according to which atoms are formed not into a dead static element of nature, but into a living organism capable of existing, developing, and passing on the accumulated experience.

How can you identify a living being?

Thus, scientists have found several signs that help to understand what is inanimate and what is living?. There are five signs that only representatives of “life” have:

  1. Metabolism occurs in any living organism, or, scientifically, metabolism(which manifests itself in breathing, digestion, sleep, growth).
  2. They have more complex internal structure than objects of the inanimate world.
  3. Unlike inanimate things, living nature reacts vividly to any changes in the external environment; it is capable of evolve.
  4. Any Living being goes through several mandatory stages: embryonic (or other, occurring before separation from the “parent”) development; birth; height; reproduction; And death. By the way, even the simplest single-celled organisms can divide into their own kind - for example, viruses, amoebas.
  5. And finally, in a living organism there is always some unevenness in body structure- stripes on the fur, moles, unequal number of suckers on the tentacles... While elements of the inanimate environment are always perfectly symmetrical(look at a snowflake, a drop of water or a grain of sand under a microscope).

Examples of inanimate nature

Everything that does not have “life” can be divided into three categories:

  • inanimate components(atmosphere, water, lithospheric plates, snow, etc.);
  • objects in which metabolic processes have stopped(dead animal, dried plant);
  • And synthetic substances created by people (plastic, polyethylene, asphalt).

The most curious thing is that many minerals (for example, oil) can be attributed to two types at once! After all, these are, according to geologists, the decomposed remains of ancient animals, which turned into a flammable substance under the influence of pressure and enormous temperatures.

What is living and inanimate nature: signs, description, examples

Sometimes children drive their parents into a blind corner, putting tricky questions. Sometimes you don’t even know how to answer them, and sometimes you just can’t find the right words. After all, children need not only to be explained correctly, but also to speak in a language accessible to them.

The topic of living and inanimate nature begins to interest children even before the start of school life, and it is of great importance in correctly perceiving the world around them. Therefore, you need to thoroughly understand the topic of nature and understand why they are distinguished and what it is - living and inanimate nature.

What is wildlife: signs, description, examples

Let's first figure out (or just remember) what nature is as a whole. There are a lot of living organisms and inanimate objects around us. Everything that can appear and develop without human participation is called nature. That is, for example, forests, mountains, fields, stones and stars belong to our nature. But cars, houses, airplanes and other buildings (as well as equipment) have nothing to do even with the inanimate area of ​​nature. This is what man himself created.

By what criteria are living nature identified?

  • In any case, a living organism will grow and develop. That is, it will definitely pass life cycle from birth to death (yes, as sad as that sounds). Let's look at an example.
    • Let's take any animal (let it be a deer). He is born, learns to walk after a certain time, and grows. Then, as adults, their own children appear, the same fawns. And in the final stage, the deer grows old and leaves this world.
    • Now let's take a seed (any seed, let it be a sunflower seed). If you plant it in the ground (by the way, this process is also thought out by nature). After a certain time, a small process appears, which gradually grows and increases in size. It begins to bloom, its seeds appear (which then fall to the ground and repeat a new life cycle). Finally, the sunflower dries out and dies.
  • Reproduction, as an integral and important component of any living object. We have given some examples above that show that all living organisms reproduce. That is, every animal has babies, every tree sends out shoots from which new trees grow. And flowers and various plants scatter their seeds so that they germinate in the ground and new and young plants emerge from them.
  • Nutrition is an integral part of our life. All those who feed on any kind of food (this could be other animals, plants or water) belong to living nature. To maintain life and development, living organisms simply need food. After all, from it we find the strength to develop and grow.
  • Breath– another important component of living nature. Yes, some animals or small organisms perform this function in the same way as humans. We inhale oxygen using our lungs. And we exhale carbon dioxide. Fish and other inhabitants that live underwater have gills for these purposes. But, for example, trees and grass breathe through their leaves. By the way, they do not need oxygen, but, on the contrary, carbon dioxide. Moreover, through special tiny cells (they also carry out important metabolic processes), oxygen is released, which is necessary for animals and humans.
  • Movement- that's life! There is such a motto, and it completely characterizes the living world. Try sitting or lying down all day. Your arms and legs will just hurt. Muscles need to work and develop. By the way, children often have questions about how trees or flowers move in a flower bed. After all, they have no legs and do not move around the city. But notice that the plants turn to follow the sun.
    • Try an experiment! Even at home, on the windowsill, watch the flower. If you turn him in the other direction from the window, then after a while he will look out the window again. The plants just make their movements very slowly and smoothly.
  • And the last, final stage is dying. Yes, we touched on in the first point that everyone completes their life cycle. By the way, there is also a fine line in this matter.
    • For example, a tree that grows belongs to living nature. But a plant that has already been cut down will not breathe, move or reproduce. This means that automatically it will already relate to inanimate nature. By the way, the same applies to a plucked flower.

Now let’s delve a little deeper into the topic of what other signs of living nature there are:

We have discussed important and prerequisites. Now let's add a few more scientific facts. Let's just say, in order for your child to shine even more with intelligence and intelligence. After all, do not forget that information in terms of study is never superfluous.

  • We mentioned that wildlife must move, breathe, eat, and go through a life cycle. But I would like to add one small nuance. These are waste products and excrement. Excretion– This is the body’s ability to get rid of toxins and waste. Simply put, all living organisms go to the toilet. This is simply a necessary chain so as not to poison our cells. Trees, for example, shed their leaves and change their bark.
  • By the way, about cells. All living organisms are made of cells! There are simple creatures that consist of only one or a few cells (these are so-called bacteria). But more on that a little later.
    • Many cells are grouped into tissue. And they, in turn, form a whole organ. Organs, or rather their composition (that is, a set, a group) make the finished organism. By the way, all living beings that consist of organs belong to the class of higher representatives. And they are very complex organisms.

IMPORTANT: To make it clearer to the child this topic, make a person or other living creature from a construction set. Let him imagine that each part is a cell.

  • One cannot fail to note the energy of the Sun and Earth. All living beings simply need sunlight and use the gifts of the earth. For example, minerals. The most accessible and understandable are salt or coal, which are extracted from its soil.
  • Each of us has our own behavioral habits. This is called reaction to environment. Behavior is a very complex set of reactions. By the way, they differ from each other for every living creature.
  • We can all adapt to any changes. A person, for example, came up with the idea of ​​​​using an umbrella during the rainy season, while other animals simply hide under a canopy or tree.

What types of living beings does biology distinguish?

  • Microorganisms. These are the most ancient representatives of living nature. They can develop where there is water or moisture. Even such tiny representatives can grow, reproduce and go through a whole complex of life cycles. By the way, they can feed on water and other nutrients. These usually include bacteria, viruses and fungi (but not the ones you and I eat).
  • Plants or flora(speaking scientifically). The diversity is simply enormous - grass, flowers, trees, and even single-celled algae (and more). Give it to the child full information about why they belong to the living world.
    • After all, they breathe. Yes, we remember that plants produce oxygen and absorb (or absorb) carbon dioxide.
    • They are moving. They turn after the sun, curl up leaves or drop them.
    • They are feeding. Yes, some do it through the soil (for example, flowers), they get nutrients from water or do it all from two resources.
    • They grow and multiply. We will not repeat ourselves, since we have already given examples of such an explanation above.
  • This is simply a huge complex that includes wild or domestic animals, insects, birds, fish, amphibians or mammals. They can breathe, eat, grow, develop and reproduce. Moreover, they have one more feature - the ability to adapt to environmental conditions.

  • Human. It stands at the very top of living nature, since it has all the above characteristics. Therefore, we will not repeat them.

What is inanimate nature: signs, description, examples

As you may have already guessed, inanimate nature cannot breathe, grow, eat, or reproduce. Although there are some nuances in these issues. For example, mountains can grow. And huge plates of the earth can move. But we will talk about this in more detail later.

Therefore, let's highlight the main signs of inanimate nature.

  • They do not go through a life cycle. That is, they do not grow or develop. Yes, mountains can “grow” (increase in volume) or crystals of salt or other minerals can increase in size. But this is not due to cell proliferation. And because “newly arrived” parts appear. Also, one cannot fail to note the dust and other layers (this is what is directly related to the mountains).
  • They don't eat. Do the mountains, stone or our planet not eat? No, inanimate nature does not need to receive additional energy (for example, the Sun and the same Earth) or any nutrients. They simply don’t need it!
  • They don't move. If you kick a person, he will begin to fight back (the reaction to the environment will also be involved here). If you push the plant, it will either stay in place (since it has a root) or lose its leaves (which will then grow back). But if you kick a stone, it will simply move a certain distance. And he will continue to lie there immobilized.
    • The water in the river moves, but not because he is alive. The wind, the slope of the terrain play a role, and don’t forget about such a tiny detail as particles. Humans, for example, are made up of cells, but water (and other non-living elements) are made up of tiny particles. And in those places where the connection between particles is the smallest, they try to occupy the most low place. As they move, they form a current.
  • Of course, one cannot help but highlight them sustainability. Yes, the question may arise in your head that sand and earth are in a free-flowing state (you can make Easter cakes from them). But they can easily withstand the weight of not only one person, but a whole billion (even several). And there’s no need to even explain about the stone.

  • Weak variability- another sign of inanimate nature. A stone can change its shape, for example, under the influence of a current. But this will take not even a month or two, but several years.
  • And we also need to note the point lack of reproduction. Inanimate nature does not give birth to young, it does not have offspring, or it does not develop additional shoots. The thing is that their life cycle does not end. Take even our planet – it is already many years old. And the Sun, stars or mountains. All of them have also been in their place in an unchanged state for many, many years.

IMPORTANT: The only change in nature is the transition from one state to another. That is, for example, a stone can become dust over time. And the most striking example is water. It can evaporate, then accumulate in clouds and fall as precipitation (rain or snow). It can also become ice, that is, take on a solid form. We remind you that there are three states - gaseous, liquid and solid forms.

What types of inanimate nature exist?

Already in primary school, a child should have elementary representations not only about living nature, but also about inanimate elements. To make them easier to perceive, we need to immediately distinguish three groups. Moreover, in the future in geography lessons this will only be a plus.

  • Lithosphere. We all live in such a huge house as the Earth (by the way, this is the only planet in space where there is life). It does not consist only of earth, sand and vegetation. This is a relatively small (although its layer is at least 10 km) surface layer.
    • And below it there are still layers of the mantle (they are in a molten state and tens of times thicker than the topmost layer), while inside the planet there is a core (it consists of molten metals).
    • And let's not forget about this important condition that our earth's crust consists of puzzles. Yes, they are called lithospheric plates. But for a more understandable perception, they can be placed in the form of pieces of a picture. So they divide the globe into continents and oceans.
      • Where they descend, bodies of water (seas, rivers and oceans) are formed.
      • In places of elevation, surfaces of the earth and even mountains are formed (they appear as a result of one plate overlapping another).
    • Hydrosphere. Naturally, this is the water part of the Earth. By the way, it occupies almost 70% of the entire surface. These are rivers, lakes, streams, seas and oceans.
    • Atmosphere. This is, in other words, air. It has several layers and has two main components - nitrogen (occupies as much as 78%) and oxygen (only 21%).

IMPORTANT: We need oxygen to maintain life. But nitrogen, diluting it, prevents unnecessary inhalation of oxygen. So these components are very important to us and they keep each other in balance.

By the way, it still needs to be highlighted separately. After all, without it there would be nothing alive. Yes, in principle, there would simply be darkness. He gives us warmth, light and energy.

How do living beings differ from objects of inanimate nature: comparisons, features, similarities and differences

We have already given above complete concept every aspect, highlighting the main differences between living and inanimate nature. That is, they showed their main characteristics. Moreover, they provided it in expanded form, so we will not repeat it.

I would just like to add what similarities there are between living and inanimate nature:

  • We are all subject to the same physical laws. Throw down a stone or lizard. They will fall down. The only thing is that the bird will fly into the sky. But this is due to the presence of wings. Underwater it will still go to the bottom.
  • All chemical reactions act equally on living and inanimate nature. A lightning strike leaves a similar mark. Or an even simpler example is the appearance of salt deposits. Either on a stone or on a person, white stripes will remain from the drying of sea water.
  • Of course, we don’t forget about the laws of mechanics. Again, everyone is exposed to them equally, without exception. For example, under the influence strong wind we begin to walk faster (if we follow him), and the clouds begin to float faster across the sky.

  • We all have some changes. It’s just that a person or any other animal grows and changes shape. The stone also wears down, the cloud changes shape and color depending on the content of the number of water droplets (that is, moisture).
  • By the way, color. Some animals have or can become the same color as inanimate objects.
  • Form. Pay attention to the similarity of a shell or lichen to a stone, or the structure of graphite to a honeycomb. And snowflakes with starfish, for example, do no one evoke a certain symmetry in shapes?
  • And, of course, we need light and energy from the Sun.

How to show the connection between living and inanimate nature? Invisible threads between living and inanimate nature: description

We gave not only the differences between living and inanimate nature, but also showed common features between them. But we also need to highlight the fact that in nature everything is interconnected.

  • For example, the simplest thing is water. It is necessary for all living representatives. Be it a person, a lion, a squirrel or a flower. The only difference is that plants receive moisture through the root, and animals drink it.
  • Sun. It belongs to inanimate nature, but it is simply necessary for green plants to produce oxygen. Living beings need it in order to see and develop normally. By the way, the stars and the Moon perform a similar function at night, for example, to illuminate the path.
  • Some animals live in burrows that they dig in the ground. And others, for example, ducks, live in the reeds. Moss grows on stone.
  • Some minerals provide nutrition to many animals and humans. Let’s even take the most banal salt. Coal helps keep you warm, and it is mined from the depths of the earth. By the way, this also includes the gas that enters our burners and pipes.

  • But animals play an important role. For example, fallen leaves, rotting, nourish the soil. Even some animal and human waste contributes to its enrichment. But it's not meant household waste, he doesn't rot.
  • Plants provide shelter for most animals, and they, in turn, pollinate the plants, scatter seeds and drive away pests. For example, a tree or stone serves as a home for a person (if it is built).
  • These are not all examples. Each chain of our life is closely interconnected with other aspects of nature. By the way, I would also like to highlight oxygen, without which not a single representative of living nature would exist.

What indicates the commonality of living and inanimate nature?

To do this, you need to remember the physics course. All living and nonliving objects are made of particles. Or rather, from atoms. But this is a slightly different, more complex science. And I would also like to incorporate knowledge from chemistry. All representatives of nature have the same chemical composition. No, they are all different in their own way.

  • But in any living representative there is the same element that is also found in inanimate nature. For example, even water. It is found in all plants, animals, humans and even microorganisms.

The role of soil in the relationship between living and inanimate nature: description

The role of water and oxygen is simply enormous for living nature. But the soil itself simply cannot be overestimated. Therefore, let's start right away with the most important thing.

  • The soil is home to most representatives of the animal world. Some live in it, while others simply build houses. Plants also “live” in the soil, because they cannot grow any other way.
  • It is the most nutritious. Yes, no one can compare with her. After all, it contains all the necessary minerals and elements. Moreover, sometimes the connection can also have indirect contact.

For example, soil nourishes plants and, together with water, promotes their growth. And they already become food for other animals. By the way, some animals are food for representatives of the higher chain.

IMPORTANT: We have already mentioned this, that animals and plants also enrich it after their death. And the chain begins again, the resulting substances become food for microorganisms and other plants.

  • For people, for example, it also serves as the basis for the extraction of all minerals and minerals. Even the same coal. And also oil, gas or metal ores.

Factors of inanimate nature affecting living organisms: description

Yes, all factors of inanimate nature influence living organisms. And to a direct extent. You can find a whole lot of them, but let’s highlight the most basic and important ones.

  1. Light and warmth. Refers to one point, since living organisms receive it from the Sun. Yes, its role is also difficult to overestimate, because without the Sun there would simply be no life on Earth.
    • Without light, many organisms would simply die. Light enables many chemical processes in organisms. For example, plants can produce oxygen only under the influence sunlight. Yes, and you and I would look completely different.
    • Temperature in each climatic zone different. For example, at the equator (in the middle globe) it is maximum. The vegetation there is completely different and, for example, the skin color of the inhabitants is darker. And the animals there have different characteristics.
    • In the north, on the contrary, people with paler skin live. And you are unlikely to see a giraffe or crocodile in the Arctic. Plants also change with the degree of temperature change. The color and shape of the leaves changes.
    • And cold, in general, can be destructive for many living beings. At very low temperatures Neither a person, nor an animal, nor a plant, nor even a bacterium will survive for a long time.
  2. Humidity. It is also important for all life on the planet. Without it, both animals and plants will die in the same way. If humidity drops below the required limit, vital activity will begin to decrease.
    • By the way, in hot climates, water vapor is better preserved. Therefore, frequent precipitation in the form of rain is observed. For example, in the tropics they can be in huge numbers and last for several days.
    • In cold regions, approximately 40-45% of moisture is lost to the formation of dew or snow. We can conclude that the colder the area, the less often it rains. But in hot climates you rarely see snowfall.
  3. In the north, the ground is covered with a layer of snow. Therefore, she will not be so rich. In hot countries, sand is more common. The most fertile soil is considered to be chernozem (that is, black soil).
    • By the way, the shape of the soil is also important. In the mountains, again, there will be other plants and animals that have adapted to live on the slopes. But in low areas, near swamps, their own rules reign.

Why are humans classified as living nature?

Man is not just a living nature, he is at the top of the entire chain! We talked at the very beginning about the signs. So we draw conclusions about this. A person breathes, eats, grows and develops. Everyone has their own children, and in the final stage we leave this world.

  • Moreover, humans know how to adapt to climate change and other environmental changes.
  • We all have our own reaction to what is happening. Yes, when we are pushed, we do not fly aside, but fight back.
  • We make maximum use of the resources not only of the earth, but also of the ocean and space.
  • Man uses heat, light and energy from the sun.
  • Man has all the features of living nature; he has a mind and a soul. Moreover, he makes the most of this opportunity.

For example, animals cannot build their own house. And the person even makes a whole work of art. And this is just a small example of his activities. We make the most of plants, trees and other animals. Even if we take the lion - the king of beasts. His man can easily defeat (yes, for these purposes he uses inventions such as a dagger or a pistol).

Video: Living and inanimate nature: objects and phenomena

Inanimate and living nature

Answers to pages 24 - 25


1. Remember what relates to nature.

Nature is what surrounds us, but was not created by man. The sun, air, water, plants, animals - all these are objects of nature.

2. What do plants and animals need to live?

Animals are living beings. They grow, develop, and bear offspring. Animals eat, move, and build homes. Animals need food, air, water, warmth and light to live. The plant is alive. It grows, develops, bears offspring. Every plant dies someday. But many plants live a very long time. Plants need water, air, light and heat to live.

  • Look at the photographs on p. 24 - 25. What two groups can the natural objects depicted on them be divided into?

All natural objects can be divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature.

  • Using chips different color indicate what is inanimate and what is living nature.

Sun, stone (minerals), cloud, icicles- This INANIMATE NATURE .
Tree, man, butterfly, bear - LIVE NATURE .

  • Using the book "Encyclopedia of Travel. Countries of the World" give examples of objects of inanimate and animate nature in different countries.




United Arab Emirates:


  • Think about how living things differ from inanimate objects.

LIVING NATURE: grows, eats, breathes, dies, bears offspring yours.

Nature is everything that surrounds us and pleases the eye. Since ancient times, it has become an object of research. It was thanks to her that people were able to comprehend the basic principles of the universe, as well as make an unimaginable number of discoveries for humanity. Today, nature can be conditionally divided into living and non-living with all the elements and features inherent only to these types.

Inanimate nature is a kind of symbiosis of the simplest elements, all kinds of substances and energies. These include resources, stones, natural phenomena, planets and stars. Inanimate nature often becomes a subject of study by chemists, physicists, geologists and other scientists.

Microorganisms are able to survive in almost any environment where there is water. They are present even in solid rocks. A feature of microorganisms is the ability to reproduce quickly and intensively. All microorganisms have horizontal gene transfer, that is, in order to spread its influence, a microorganism does not have to pass on genes to its descendants. They can develop with the help of plants, animals and other living organisms. It is this factor that allows them to survive in any environment. Some microorganisms can survive even in space.

It is necessary to distinguish between beneficial microorganisms and harmful ones. Beneficial ones contribute to the development of life on the planet, while harmful ones are created to destroy it. But in some cases, harmful microorganisms can become beneficial. For example, some viruses are used to treat serious diseases.

Vegetable world

The plant world today is large and multifaceted. Nowadays there are many natural parks that collect a large number of amazing plants. Without plants there can be no life on Earth, because thanks to them, oxygen is produced, which is necessary for most living organisms. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, which harms the planet's climate and human health.

Plants are multicellular organisms. Today, no ecosystem can be imagined without them. Plants not only serve as an element of beauty on Earth, but they are also very beneficial for humans. In addition to production fresh air plants serve as a valuable source of food.

Conventionally, plants can be divided according to food characteristics: those that can be eaten and those that cannot. Edible plants include various herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, and some algae. TO inedible plants include trees, many ornamental grasses, and shrubs. The same plant can contain both an edible and inedible element at the same time. For example, apple tree and apple, currant bush and currant berry.

Animal world

The fauna is amazing and diverse. It represents the entire fauna of our planet. The characteristics of animals are the ability to move, breathe, eat, and reproduce. During the existence of our planet, many animals disappeared, many evolved, and some simply appeared. Today, animals are divided into different classifications. Depending on their habitat and method of survival, they are waterfowl or amphibians, carnivores or herbivores, etc. Animals are also classified depending on the degree of domestication: wild and domestic.

Wild animals are distinguished by their free behavior. Among them there are both herbivores and carnivores that feed on meat. IN different points planets are inhabited by the most various types animals. They all try to adapt to the place in which they live. If these are glaciers and high mountains, then the coloring of the animals will be light. In the desert and steppe, ocher color predominates. Every animal tries to survive by any means necessary, and the change in color of their fur or feathers is the main evidence of adaptation.

Domestic animals were once wild too. But man tamed them for his needs. He began to raise pigs, cows and sheep. He began to use dogs as protection. For entertainment, he tamed cats, parrots and other animals. The importance of pets in a person's life is very high if he is not a vegetarian. From animals he receives meat, milk, eggs, and wool for clothing.

Living and inanimate nature in art

Man has always respected and appreciated nature. He understands that his existence is possible only in harmony with her. Therefore, there are many works of great artists, musicians and poets about nature. Some artists, depending on their adherence to one or another element of nature, created their own movements in art. Such directions as landscape and still life appeared. The great Italian composer Vivaldi dedicated many of his works to nature. One of his outstanding concerts is “The Seasons”.

Nature is very important for humans. The more he takes care of her, the more he receives in return. You need to love and respect her, and then life on the planet will be much better!
