Recycling of computer equipment. Where to dispose of office equipment and old office equipment

Disposal of office equipment is a problem faced by all organizations. It involves following a certain complicated procedure. However, it is precisely strict adherence to all points of the process that helps protect the environment and obtain valuable raw materials.

Office equipment, which today is available in huge quantities in all offices of our country, is a source of the most dangerous environment and human health chemicals. Thus, office equipment is characterized by the presence of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, nickel and other elements. Let's consider the danger of office equipment for our environment using the example of a printer, because not everyone knows what danger this device poses to nature.

Some parts of the printer contain mercury - liquid metal, the vapors of which are extremely poisonous to all living things. In addition to mercury, toner cartridges are dangerous (read), when burned in landfills, toxic compounds are released into the atmosphere - polystyrene combustion products. Also, printers, like other office equipment, have plastic cases. Plastic waste is virtually non-biodegradable, meaning landfills of old office equipment will continue to linger for generations to come (unless we fully address the problem now).

It is also worth saying that office equipment contains a certain amount precious metals. Therefore, in accordance with Russian laws, the liquidation of office equipment in all organizations must occur according to a certain (legal) scheme.

Thus, it is impossible to simply throw used office equipment in the trash due to the extremely negative impact on nature and, as a result, on the human body, as well as due to the presence of precious metals in it.

Hazard Class

Old and non-working office equipment contains materials belonging to different hazard classes. For example, one device can combine parts that subsequently represent waste of hazard class 1 (small-sized mercury lamp) and class 5 ( black metals). However, according to the updated version of the classifier (), waste from the most common types of office equipment (scanners, printers, MFPs, phones, fax machines, projectors, etc.) belongs to class 4 (low-hazard).

Important! Managers of organizations that are sources of waste of hazard class 4 need to be aware of the need to draw up passports for this waste.

What office equipment can be recycled

The list of office equipment that can and should be recycled is quite wide. As a rule, organizations involved in the recycling of office equipment provide their clients with a list of devices that the recycling company works with. Typically, such companies provide recycling services:

  • system units, monitors, laptops;
  • printers, scanners, MFPs;
  • projectors, screens for presentations;
  • keyboards, computer mice, etc.;
  • connecting cables;
  • information media;
  • printer cartridges with different levels of residual toner;
  • banknote counters, cash registers;
  • office furniture, etc.

Thus, all of the office equipment listed above can be handed over to special companies for safe and legal disposal.

Who provides recycling services?

To dispose of large quantities of office equipment, you should contact a recycling company. Recycling companies must have a number of documents allowing them to carry out such activities.

Examples of companies

  • NTO "Center for Recycling of Office Equipment and Equipment", the company's office is located in Moscow;
  • "Leading Recycling Company" carries out liquidation different types equipment (industrial, medical, etc.), including office equipment, is located in Yekaterinburg;
  • GC "TekhPromPererabotka" with an office in Moscow, among its major clients is the publishing house "Arguments and Facts", Insurance Company"Rosgosstrakh", etc.;
  • LLC "Recycling of office equipment", a young company whose central office is located in Lipetsk.

The cost of disposal of office equipment depends on the type of waste, the company’s pricing policy, its location (region) and other factors. For example, in the “Leading Recycling Company” the cost of recycling a printer (A4) is 275 rubles, a plotter – 500 rubles, a bill counter – 200 rubles, a cash register – 350 rubles. etc. Prices do not include waste transportation costs.

License and agreement

Since office equipment waste may fall into hazard classes 1-4, recycling companies must have a license to carry out activities related to dangerous species garbage. Also, recycling companies must have a certificate from the Assay Office (“jewelry license”) due to the fact that office equipment contains precious metals.

After the recycling company has agreed on the type and volume of waste equipment, an agreement is concluded between the parties (a sample can be viewed on the Internet). An annex to the agreement may be technical task for the disposal of office equipment.

Office equipment recycling process

Let's briefly look at the stages of the process of recycling office equipment in a recycling company:

  1. Preparation by the customer of a list of office equipment to be disposed of.
  2. Sending the list to the company, the contractor, for review and determination of the cost of the service.
  3. Agreement and signing by the parties. In some cases, the customer makes an advance payment.
  4. Removal of equipment by the contractor from the customer’s premises to the disposal site.
  5. Direct disposal. The process begins with disassembling equipment and sorting its components separately into scrap ferrous and non-ferrous metals, circuit boards with precious metals, plastic, and non-recyclable waste. The resulting raw materials are transferred to processing plants, the remaining waste is neutralized and destroyed at specialized enterprises.
  6. The result of the procedure is the provision to the customer of a disposal certificate, a passport of the extracted precious metals, accounting documentation (act of completion of work, invoices, invoices, photocopies of company licenses).

Note! Legal acts regulating the disposal of office equipment are OKPD 2 (code 38.21), KOSGU (payment for the removal and disposal of office equipment is made by the enterprise on the basis of subarticle 226 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation), OKVED.

Benefits of recycling

The benefits of properly disposing of office equipment are obvious. Recycling helps protect the environment from negative anthropogenic impacts. Its result is the production of valuable raw materials from which new products and materials are produced.

The dangers of discarded office equipment, the process of recycling them and obtaining new raw materials are discussed in this video.

Disposing of office equipment is a labor-intensive process for any organization. However, in order to live in comfortable conditions, in clean environment, each of us must understand the importance of this procedure and therefore dispose of office equipment waste correctly.


  • We dispose of it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • We issue a complete package of closing documents
  • We have required licenses and certificates
  • We recycle office equipment and office equipment in any volume
  • We carry out all work in as soon as possible
  • Loading and removal of decommissioned devices for recycling

Moscow is not just the largest metropolis in the world. Almost all of it is concentrated in the capital Russian business: key industries are managed from here, all transport routes pass through it, the main production capacity countries. And all these areas are managed with the help of office equipment and computerized equipment.
But in our world, nothing lasts forever and technology fails or becomes obsolete. Replace - replaced, but what to do with the old equipment?
ALAR LLC has been professionally engaged in the disposal of office equipment since 2006 in accordance with current legislation.
We provide a full range of services legal entities Moscow and the Moscow region, which includes:

  1. Signing a contract for the provision of services.
  2. Carrying out technical examination of office equipment with documentary evidence.
  3. Preparation for removal and transportation from the Customer’s territory to the landfill.
  4. Dismantling, disassembling and sorting into components.
  5. Complete recycling of components.
  6. Preparation of a full package of closing documents with delivery to the Customer.
The widespread computerization, as well as the need to regularly update office equipment, has led to an increase in demand for office equipment recycling services. And we provide these services professionally and promptly!

Recycling of computers and office equipment

There is a law. And he is indisputable. In Russia, the issue of disposal of decommissioned office equipment is regulated by basic legislative acts that regulate issues of environmental protection, the circulation of precious metals, stones and the circulation of production and consumption waste (Federal Law No. 7 of 01.10.02, Federal Law No. 41 of 03.26.19 and Federal Law No. 89 of 06.24. .98 respectively). The state also approved the Federal Waste Classifier (Order No. 786 of 12/02/02). In addition, it is necessary to take into account other regulations, for example: Methodology of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications (dated October 19, 1999), instructions regulating the management of hazardous waste, on accounting for products made from precious metals and stones, etc.
For any legal entity (company, organization, etc.), violation of these rules is fraught with a serious fine. You can avoid problems by contacting ALAR.

This requirement is explained by the fact that any office equipment (laptop, monitor, printer, shredder, etc.) includes polyvinyl chloride, phenol formaldehyde, a huge list of non-ferrous metals (mercury, lead, antimony, arsenic, cadmium), etc.
They are safe during equipment use, but can cause enormous harm to the environment: once in a landfill, they are influenced by moisture, air and other external factors are converted into toxic and radioactive compounds that can dissolve. And many types of plastics contain hydrocarbon and chlorine-containing compounds with aromatic additives, which are environmentally hazardous.

Office equipment that is subject to a strict disposal procedure includes:

  • computers (desktop, pocket, portable, tablet, mobile, etc.),
  • monitors,
  • storage devices,
  • keyboards,
  • air conditioners,
  • laptops,
  • printers,
  • touch devices,
  • servers,
  • scanners,
  • telecommunications equipment,
  • data terminals,
  • electronic books and storage devices,
  • manipulating devices (joysticks, mice), etc.
Having officially recognized office equipment that was on the balance sheet of an organization as unusable, you cannot simply take it to a landfill, since, according to the law, it is subject to a certain disposal procedure. The ALAR company carries out write-off and recycling of office equipment in large volumes, using an integrated approach in the recycling process:
  1. After disassembling the devices, sorting is carried out according to the type of basic materials into:
    • non-ferrous and ferrous metals,
    • various kinds plastics,
    • precious metals, etc.
  2. All of them are subsequently sent for processing, and after:
    • in secondary production as recyclable materials (metals and plastics);
    • to the State Fund (precious metals and stones).
  3. components that cannot be recycled are destroyed.

This approach allows us to minimize the volume of non-recyclable waste.

Official disposal of office equipment and machinery

The issue of removal and disposal industrial equipment- a separate topic. The essence may not change much, but there are different scales and the specifics change a little.
Technological process control in most industries is carried out using sophisticated computerized technology. The category of such equipment includes electronic devices, control and counting devices, batteries, etc.
However, continuous research and development, discovery, development, and introduction of new technologies in mechanical engineering and machine tools lead to rapid obsolescence of equipment.
As a result, enterprises, in order to maintain the competitiveness of their products and their products, are forced to replace electronics with newer and more advanced ones. The old one must be recycled. And at this point there are several important nuances:

  • A company or enterprise cannot simply write off computer equipment that contains even a minimal proportion of precious metals from its balance sheet. Only those certified organizations that have a license for such activities have the right to do this.
  • No enterprise (or legal entity) has the right to throw away office equipment and electronics that contain substances harmful to the environment and humans. Their disposal must be carried out using special equipment, special conditions and on the territory of special training grounds.
  • A mandatory stage in the recycling process is refining, which involves the extraction of precious metals and stones from decommissioned equipment. All of them are under special control. And, accordingly, without having official permission for such activities, the enterprise cannot extract them independently. Moreover, management must maintain strict documentary records of the arrival/decommissioning of such devices. Violation of these prohibitions is punishable by huge fines and entails administrative penalties.

Prices for recycling office equipment

In our company, the cost of recycling office equipment is determined by the type of equipment, the need to attract special equipment for its removal and other factors. The price list below reflects the basic prices for services. You can obtain more specific information from our consultants at the telephone number indicated on the website. If necessary, you can order a call from our specialist.

Yes, you can recycle almost everything: any equipment, furniture, machines, equipment, Consumables, archives, spare parts, goods, etc.

I want to write off - do you write off?

Write-off- accounting transaction, includes obtaining an examination certificate technical condition equipment (conclusion on maintainability), actual decommissioning and disposal. The end of write-off is after the equipment is disposed of (and for state-owned enterprises, after receiving funds for the recovered materials). We can do all this.

Do I need to recycle to recover precious metals?

if you are a state-owned enterprise - mandatory

if the enterprise is state-owned participation: 50/50 - as your accounting department decides

if it’s private, your accounting department will choose “without precious metals” and they will be right

if foreign - as your management decides

Why is it necessary to dispose of equipment in specialized organizations?

In a nutshell: by throwing office equipment into a regular landfill, you greatly pollute the environment. Recycled office equipment includes many metals: mercury, lead, cadmium, antimony, arsenic, selenium and other heavy metals; plastics and other substances based on toxic toxic components. These substances are not dangerous in the original product, but as soon as the product is destroyed and their components are exposed to the environment, they begin to actively decompose, releasing strong poisons.

Based on what regulations, laws, and regulations must office equipment be disposed of in specialized organizations?

There are many legislative acts regulating relations in the waste sector. All of them are available online for free. Here are some of them:

  1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection”.
  2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 “On production and consumption waste.”
  3. Instructions on the procedure for accounting for precious metals, precious stones, products made from them and reporting on their production, use and handling.
  4. Order No. 786 of December 2, 2002 “On approval of the federal classification catalog of waste” and as an appendix - the Federal classification catalog of waste.
  5. Instructions for handling hazardous waste.
  6. Attribution criteria hazardous waste to environmental hazard classes natural environment(to Order No. 511 of June 15, 2001)

We have an agreement with a city cleaning company (specialized vehicle fleet). Why do you think that we cannot dispose of decommissioned computers under this agreement?

It is necessary to distinguish between the usual disposal of waste to a landfill and the disposal of decommissioned technical equipment, obsolete computer equipment and other radio equipment containing a complex various materials– incl. poisonous and harmful substances (eg cathode ray tubes of monitors).

In the first case we're talking about O household waste, for which, in fact, the landfill is intended. In the case of recycling office equipment, everything is much more complicated. The primitive disposal of this kind of waste, in addition to causing irreparable damage to the environment, also entails administrative and legal liability. In addition, if your decommissioned computer (monitor, printer and other office equipment) contains ferrous and precious metals (and they do), then you are obliged to return their value to the Federal Property Management Agency. That is, technological process The recycling of office equipment goes through several stages: dismantling, sorting, separating components containing harmful substances, etc.

As a result of such processing, most of the separated materials are returned to production, and hazardous substances neutralized or destroyed in another safe way without causing significant harm to the environment. Besides, this procedure is accompanied by a set of relevant disposal documents, which can only be issued to you by a specialized company working in this particular direction.

As for the precious metals contained in your office equipment, only an enterprise that has a special license has the right to make a conclusion about their content (as well as their allocation) and make payment for them. registration in the assay office.

Please tell me how and where the mass of the recyclable cargo and, accordingly, the price are determined?

To determine the mass, a table of average weight values ​​of various units of equipment is used. The customer sends us a list of equipment, and we calculate the weight of the shipment and the preliminary cost of disposal based on the base cost.

What determines the cost of recycling technical equipment?

To answer your question, we first need to explain what the cost of our services generally consists of. The fact is that the “correct” disposal of computers and office equipment implies the implementation of a whole complex special operations sometimes involving a significant number of work force and payment for services third party organizations, also involved in this process.

So, for example, the cycle of work on recycling one recyclable unit necessarily includes:

  • Loading
  • Transportation (our own or third-party transport, at various distances);
  • Unloading
  • Dismantling with separation into raw components;
  • Sorting, pressing and briquetting of ferrous metal;
  • Loading and shipping of ferrous metal by type (third-party services).
  • Separation of plastic elements;
  • Sorting by grade and shredding plastic;
  • Loading and shipping of plastic (third party services).
  • Separation of elements with a high content of non-ferrous metals;
  • non-ferrous metal packaging
  • Loading and shipping of non-ferrous metals by type (third-party services).
  • Removing mercury lamps; their packaging and subsequent sending for processing (third-party services).
  • Removing selenium drums; their packaging and subsequent dispatch (third-party services).
  • Removing batteries and batteries
  • Sorting of batteries and batteries by types and metal content: lead, cadmium, lithium, loading and shipping (third-party services).
  • Removing cartridges: sorting: sending them to specialized organizations
  • CRT monitor glass separation with high lead content, phosphor coating separation, waste glass grinding, waste glass loading and dispatch
  • Separation of ordinary glass, loading and dispatch of glass waste
  • Isolating plastic and sorting it by type: ABS, polycarbonate, polystyrene, expanded polystyrene
  • Paper and cardboard separation
  • Isolation of class 5 waste intended for disposal at a landfill household waste(a mixture of plastic and iron (small parts), household plastic, glass (small parts), polycarbonate (small parts), polystyrene foam (small parts))
  • Cleaning boards from unwanted impurities
  • Sorting materials according to the degree of precious metal content;
  • Sending raw materials (printed circuit boards, radio elements, connectors, cables) for processing and refining (third-party services).

Thus, the cost of performing all work will be a certain amount, which depends both on the range of equipment being disposed of and on the conditions for performing work (disposal) under the contract. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that we must incur these costs as soon as we begin the work, and we will reimburse ourselves for them only upon completion or, more precisely, after processing of the raw materials (this can take up to 6 months). Of course, these costs increase in the case of equipment removal from remote locations, in the case of complex loading (for example, loading cartridges from the 5th floor without an elevator), in the case when loading is only possible by mechanization (equipment 1500 kg), or loading is possible only by a professional team of loaders (descent of a 400 kg photocopier down a marble staircase from the 4th floor). Obviously, the content of materials obtained as a result of these works will also be different for various types technology. Of course, the cost of recycling a ton of CRT monitors is much higher, and the cost of extracted materials is tens of times lower than, say, a ton of system units. This means that it is almost impossible to determine in advance how much our costs will be compensated.

In this regard, we can only say about the cost of work after receiving detailed information about what is being handed over, from where and about the conditions of loading, on the basis of which negotiations will be conducted in the future and contracts for disposal will be concluded.

If we understand correctly, first we pay you for disposal, and then you transfer money to us for the allocated precious metals? What's the point of paying for your services if you're going to pay us anyway? It turns out that in order for your services to be most beneficial to us, we must recycle office equipment with a high content of precious metals. How can we determine their content in advance?

This is wrong. For government agencies We first recycle the equipment, pay you for the recovered materials - precious, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and only then issue an invoice for recycling services. Precious, ferrous and non-ferrous metals are paid to government agencies either to an account marked “payment to the budget” or directly to the account of the Federal Property Management Agency. Payment is in progress without VAT !!

You pay for recycling services including VAT. Settlement is not possible.

Now about the ratio of amounts for recovered metals and the cost of disposal: usually the cost of metals does not exceed 10-20% of the cost of disposal services. This is due to the fact that the content of precious metals in imported equipment is usually simply negligible.

It is impossible and illegal to determine in advance the content of precious metals in discarded equipment through some kind of expert assessment. This is indicated by a direct instruction from the Assay Chamber of Russia. And moreover, d Data on the content of precious metals and other elements indicated in passports, forms, inventories, registers, labels, invoices and other accompanying documents cannot be the basis for final mutual settlements.

You say that you issue the most complete set of disposal documents. Please explain which documents are included in the standard package and which are included in the extended package.

The standard package of documents for disposal includes:

  1. Agreement for the provision of recycling services
  2. Certificate of acceptance and transfer of technical equipment
  3. Certificate of completion
  4. A copy of the license to carry out activities for the collection, neutralization, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste.
  5. A copy of the Certificate of Special Registration.

The extended package for government agencies contains all the documents of the standard package, and in addition:

  1. Price list for calculating the cost of final processing of scrap non-ferrous and precious metals at specialized enterprises.
  2. Calculation passport for extracted materials
  3. Payment certificate for precious metals received in scrap and waste
  4. Details for transferring funds for precious, non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

We are fully satisfied with your package of documents. But there is one problem. The fact is that most of those. The funds listed in the annex to the agreement cannot be collected. The management requires that all equipment be documented to be disposed of according to lists from the accounting department, but since 1990 much has been lost, dismantled, and taken to a landfill along with garbage... Is it possible to draw up disposal documents if the items are handed over? technical means will not correspond exactly to the lists specified in the application?

In your case, we are dealing with the most common situation. It is extremely rare for equipment lists to be completely realistic. There is always something missing, something superfluous. We understand that we are talking about the safety of faulty, obsolete and, moreover, decommissioned ones. no one really cared about the funds. Some are dismantled, some were thrown out, and some cannot be identified. Therefore, discrepancies, misgrading, and the presence of missing or unaccounted equipment are possible. And we allow discrepancies within certain limits - % of the total weight of the batch. In any case, please contact us, describe the situation - we will try to help.

Our equipment has not yet been written off, because... first you need to get a conclusion about its technical condition. Who can give us such a conclusion?

Such a conclusion can be issued by an organization engaged in the repair and maintenance of such equipment. They can conduct an examination of the technical condition and recommend this equipment for decommissioning. But the decision to write off is made in any case by you, and not by an outside organization. The technical examination report must reflect the reasons why the equipment cannot be used in the future, as well as the possibility of using it for spare parts.
Specialists technical department Prompererabotka LLC performs such an examination and issues technical condition certificates under a separate agreement in accordance with the ROSTEST Certificate.

Now it is impossible to imagine an enterprise or organization, or even a family, where there is no computer or other office equipment. However, not all people, including business managers, think about the issue related to its disposal.

Currently, there are specialized companies that provide recycling services for office equipment. Today, recycling of office equipment and equipment in Moscow is the main activity of some companies.

Removal and disposal of office equipment in Moscow and the Moscow region

Recycling of office equipment in Moscow and the Moscow region is one of our company’s areas of activity. Exists special center recycling of decommissioned office equipment and equipment. In order to use the services of our company, a legal entity will need to enter into an agreement for the disposal of office equipment. For quite a long period of time, the examination, disposal and recycling of office equipment has been carried out by our specialists using modern equipment, using new technologies and taking into account all the requirements for this process.

On modern stage development of society, the issue related to environmental safety arises. For this reason, current legislation Russian Federation special legal norms concerning the disposal of office equipment and liability for their violation. Currently, the disposal of office equipment waste to conventional landfills is limited.

Prices for collection and disposal of office equipment

*The contract package includes removal upon request, waste disposal and the provision of a set of contractual and reporting documentation.

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About Us

Our company for recycling office equipment and office equipment is ready to accept office equipment for disposal at any time.

We offer our clients:

  • remove necessary equipment for recycling;
  • produce everything necessary work related to disposal, in strict accordance with current legislation;
  • provide everything to you Required documents

Clients often ask the question: What documents are needed to recycle office equipment, how much can be disposed of at one time, how much do such services cost, etc.? To get answers to these and other questions, you need to contact our specialists using the contact information listed on our website.

Mandatory disposal of office equipment and equipment

We are a recycling company for office equipment, other equipment and devices, including lighting lamps. Our employees are exclusively high-level specialists who regularly improve their skills and participate in various seminars. There are not many companies operating in Russia that perform their work at a high level of quality. We, an organization for the disposal of office equipment, have in our arsenal not only the relevant documents that give us the right to carry out this work, but also all the necessary equipment. To carry out work on the disposal of office equipment, you will need to submit a written application to us, which will contain a list of those devices and equipment that are subject to write-off and disposal.

Stages of recycling

This process includes several stages:

  • Filling out the necessary documents indicating the reasons why it is impossible to further use the office equipment for its intended purpose, attaching a technical inspection report.
  • Write off according to accounting records all office equipment that is subject to disposal. Without write-off, it will be impossible to carry out work on its disposal.
  • Send a corresponding application to us.
  • Delivery of office equipment to the disposal site.
  • Direct work related to recycling.

Here you will find:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • efficiency of all work;
  • flexible system of discounts and much more.

Do not forget that the recycling process can only be entrusted to specialized companies that have necessary permissions, admission and who will not only, according to the rules, carry out the recycling process, but also provide you with the necessary documents.

Contact us. We will be glad to see you among our regular customers!

We also deal with the neutralization of other types of waste, ranging from...

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