What animal lives only in Baikal? The nature of Lake Baikal - relief, climate, natural and flora. Animals living in Lake Baikal.

According to scientists Baikal fauna is the oldest. According to the Limnological Institute, Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals, 2/3 of which live only in this body of water, i.e. they are endemic. This abundance of living organisms is explained by the high oxygen content in the entire thickness of Baikal water.

There are 52 species of fish in the lake, 27 of which are endemic. The most popular: Siberian sturgeon, taimen, davatchan (red fish), whitefish, grayling (black and white), soroga (Siberian roach), perch, pike, dace, catfish, carp, burbot, golomyanka and omul.

Golomnyanka is the most numerous fish in Baikal, it is distinguished by almost glass transparency, the only one in middle lane viviparous fish.

Omul can be Severobaikalsky, Selenga, Chivyrkuisky, Posolsky, and by the age of five it reaches a mass of 400-500 g. This is the main commercial fish on Lake Baikal. Salted omul is most valued; some prefer the “flavored” one, or raskolodka, which is made in winter from freshly frozen fish.

Davatchan and white grayling are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Baikal has an amazing diversity of gobies, 27 of which are endemic. There are also a huge number of tiny ones. They are very small and serve as excellent food for fish. And the crustaceans, together with the macroheptous crustacean (twice as long), clean the lake - it is to them that it owes its cleanliness and transparency.

By species diversity In the fauna of protozoa, the leaders are free-living (more than 220 species) and commensal ciliates (about 170 species). Thickets of sponges give an amazing and unique appearance to the underwater landscapes of Baikal from the littoral zone to depths of 400 m. The similarity of Baikal sponges with sea sponges has given rise to several completely different theories of their origin from relics of the ancient sea. Also in the fauna of Baikal there are mollusks, which come in two classes - gastropods (150 species) and bivalves (more than 30 species). They are interesting not only high level endemism and an important role in the trophic system, but also as one of the few groups for which it is possible to reconstruct evolution on the basis of fossil fauna in bottom sediments. This, in turn, makes it possible to reveal the paths and mechanisms of speciation in the giant natural laboratory of Baikal.

The only representative of Baikal mammals is the seal or Baikal seal, which has common ancestor with northern seal. Scientists suggest that the seal entered Baikal from Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara in glacial period. Currently, its population is about 60 thousand animals. The seal lives for more than 50 years; during its life, a female can give birth to up to two dozen cubs.

Average weight seals - 50 kg, maximum up to 110 kg. The length is 1.3-1.7 m. It can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h, and is capable of diving to a depth of 200 m. According to observations, the seal sleeps in the water as long as there is enough oxygen in the blood. It winters in lairs under the snow, often in hummocky areas of Lake Baikal. In the ice around the den, the seal makes holes with the claws of its forelimbs, the main holes are 40-50 cm in diameter, the auxiliary ones are 10-15 cm. The seal needs up to 5 kg of fish per day. The main food is golomyanka and gobies.

The most common coastal animals are bear, deer, wapiti, elk, roe deer, musk deer, wolf, hare, and fox.

There are also a lot of birds in the nature of Baikal: loon, Dalmatian pelican, great cormorant, heron, black stork, partridge, capercaillie, as well as birds of prey. One of them is the Eagle, whose image was played great importance in the worldview of the Buryat population of Lake Baikal. Since ancient times, the indigenous people of Siberia have especially emphasized and revered the Eagle, as well as trees with eagle nests. The myths of the Yenisei Ostyaks, Teleuts, Orochs and other Siberian peoples say that the first shaman was born from Orel or learned his art from him.

The nature of the Baikal region is a unique combination various types vegetation, which are of great importance for the conservation of the Earth and the understanding of its biological and geological evolution, which fully corresponds to the concept of “World Natural Heritage”.

The flora of Lake Baikal is rich in various exotic plants: unusual mosses and lichens (according to preliminary processing and literary data species composition there are 212 species of lichens, 185 species of mosses), fragrant umbrella-shaped poplars, real cedar taiga, walking trees with bare roots.

Steppes occupy a special position in the composition of the vegetation of Baikal Siberia. Making up only 7-9% of the region's area, they represent an original element of vegetation and are among the richest floristically (666 species of vascular plants, for comparison: forests - 625, meadows and swamps - 319, highlands - 550 species).

Baikal is mainly dominated by coniferous forests. Of their representatives, a variety of Siberian spruce stands in a special row - Siberian blue spruce. It differs from ordinary Siberian spruce in the blue color of its needles, which is created by the presence of a bluish waxy coating. Tree up to 30 m tall, with a narrow pyramidal crown, gray fissured bark. Pine is also a common coniferous plant in the Baikal region.

Many plant species are disappearing, such as the Baikal orchid and blue spruce.

Vegetable world. Natural resource potential of flora Irkutsk region includes 1733 species of higher vascular plants, including 605 species medicinal plants. There are 224 species of plants that can be used as food plants. Their harvesting is not regulated, often in a barbaric way, which leads to the destruction of many berry tracts, especially near settlements. Animal world. The fauna of the Irkutsk region is rich and diverse. It is represented by 68 species of mammals, 322 species of birds, 6 reptiles and 5 species of amphibians. Of these, those specially protected, included in the main list of the Red Book of Russia, as well as those in need of special attention to their condition in natural environment, includes 35 species. In addition, the region is home to 81 regionally rare species. In total, the region requires special protection and increased attention to the abundance status of 137 species (39% of the total number recorded in the region). Ungulates (elk, deer, roe deer, wild boar), fur animals(squirrel, fox, muskrat, sable), game birds (grouse, black grouse, partridge) are the main objects of hunting. As of January 1, 2000, there were 71 hunting farms in the region with a total area of ​​assigned hunting grounds of 84,212 thousand hectares. The number of commercial game animals in the region is: Elk - 27 thousand heads Red deer - 1.3 thousand heads Roe deer - 22 thousand individuals Sable - 100 thousand individuals Fish resources. The ichthyofauna of the Irkutsk region includes 57 species. The region's stock of fishery reservoirs includes Lake Baikal (within the Irkutsk region), reservoirs and their tributaries, the Angara, Chuna, Biryusa, Katanga, Lower Tunguska and their tributaries and lakes in the basins of these rivers. The total area of ​​the fund is about 2 million hectares, including 800 thousand hectares of reservoirs. Lake is of the most important fishery importance for the Irkutsk region. Baikal, especially the Malomorsky fishing area, whose water surface area is 1019 km2. The presence of a vast shallow water zone and high water temperature ensure the development of a rich food supply for fish. The average biomass of zoobenthos is 200 kg/ha. The Malomorsky fishing area is the center of omul production in the Irkutsk region. The omul herds feeding in the Small Sea and adjacent areas of Lake Baikal are mainly represented by individuals of the Selenga and North Baikal populations migrating to this area for feeding. From other fish of the Small Sea important The following species are available for fishing: whitefish, grayling, roach, perch, pike. The fish resources of reservoirs are represented by low-value partial species (perch, sorog, pike, etc.). Their fish productivity is low - 2 kg/ha. This is due to bad ecological condition reservoirs (heavy contamination with wood, a large number of Wastewater). The river reservoirs of the region serve for the development of recreational fishing. The fish productivity of rivers is usually lower than in lakes, but as places of reproduction for many commercial fish they are of invaluable importance.

The Irkutsk region accounts for 40% of the total length of the river. Lena, most of the river Angara and half of the river N. Tunguska, where the bulk of valuable fish species live and reproduce: taimen, lenok, whitefish, grayling, etc. Commercial fishing in the region is carried out on the lake. Baikal, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk reservoirs. The total permissible catch of omul on Baikal is determined within 650 tons, on the Bratsk reservoir - 80 tons of omul, 80 tons of bream, in the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir - 8 tons of bream.

The exclusivity of many physical and geographical features of the lake was the reason for the extraordinary diversity of its flora and fauna. And in this regard, it has no equal among the fresh water bodies of the world. The food pyramid of the lake ecosystem is typically crowned marine mammal- seal, or Baikal seal. Baikal seal- the only representative of mammals in the lake. Throughout almost the entire year it lives in the water, and in the fall it forms mass haulouts on the rocky shores of the lake. The life of many animals characteristic of Lake Baikal is inextricably linked not only with the lake itself, but also with its coast. Gulls, mergansers, goldeneyes, scoters, scorches, white-tailed eagles, ospreys and many other bird species nest on the shores of the lake and on its islands. Another integral component of the great lake and a remarkable Baikal phenomenon is the mass emergence of brown bears on the shores, entirely due to the peculiarities of the lake’s nature. In the mountain taiga of the Baikal region there is a musk deer - the smallest deer. Diversity organic world Lake Baikal is amazing, but its originality is no less phenomenal. Many animals and plants living in the lake are not found in any other body of water globe. Baikal has 848 species of endemic animals (about 60%) and 133 species of endemic plants (15%).

Baikal- the purest, deepest and mysterious lake on our planet.

This reservoir was formed in a rock crevice, and the depth of the lake is incredibly great. Thanks to the folklore of the local residents, Baikal is simply covered with legends, tales and traditions.

There are many interesting places on Lake Baikal...

Lake Baikal is located in the center of the Asian continent. The reservoir itself is 25 million years old. This natural reservoir contains more than 1/5 of the world's reserves fresh water. Baikal is fed by dozens of rivers and streams, one river flows out of the lake - Angara.

If you look at Baikal from a bird's eye view, its shape resembles a narrow crescent.

On one side, the lake is surrounded by high mountain ranges; the area here is untouched by anthropogenic influence. On the other side of Baikal, hundreds of kilometers of railway and highway stretch, cities and industrial centers were built.

The area of ​​the lake is 31,470 square kilometers. The most deep point Lake Baikal - 1637 meters, average depth is 730 meters.

Lake Baikal, Cape Burkhan (Shamanka rock).

To better understand the size and capacity of the lake, imagine that the Angara River, in order to drain Baikal, must remove 60.9 km3 of water from this reservoir annually for 387 years. Provided that none of the 336 rivers that fill the lake flow into Baikal.

There are about 30 islands on Lake Baikal, the largest being considered.

Olkhon Island is the largest and only inhabited island.

Baikal water

The waters of this lake are amazing in their purity and transparency. They are so saturated with oxygen that they have been considered healing since ancient times. Local residents use Baikal water to treat various diseases.

In spring, the transparency of this lake is 40 meters. In my own way chemical composition Baikal water is close to distilled: it is slightly mineralized and “soft”.

Inhabitants of Baikal

The exclusivity of many physical and geographical features of the lake was the reason for the extraordinary diversity of its flora and fauna. And in this regard, it has no equal among the fresh water bodies of the world.

The lake is home to 52 species of fish of several families:

The food pyramid of the lake ecosystem is crowned by a typical marine mammal - the seal, or Baikal seal. The Baikal seal is the only representative of mammals in the lake. For almost the entire year it lives in the water, and in the fall it forms mass haulouts on the rocky shores of the lake.

The life of many animals characteristic of Lake Baikal is inextricably linked not only with the lake itself, but also with its coast. Gulls, mergansers, goldeneyes, scoters, scorches, white-tailed eagles, ospreys and many other bird species nest on the shores of the lake and on its islands.

Fauna of Lake Baikal.

Also remarkable is such an integral part of the life of the great lake as the mass emergence of brown bears on the shores, entirely due to the peculiarities of the nature of Lake Baikal.

In the mountain taiga of the Baikal region there is a musk deer - the smallest deer on the globe.

The diversity of the organic world of Baikal is amazing, but its originality is no less phenomenal. Many of the animals and plants living in the lake are not found anywhere else in the world. Baikal has 848 species of endemic animals (about 60%) and 133 species of endemic plants (15%).

Baikal for tourists

Today, everything connected with Baikal arouses genuine interest not only in our country, but also abroad. Over the past decade, Baikal has become a magnet for many tourists. The relatively well-preserved nature of the lake-sea, the rapidly developing infrastructure - hotels, roads, proximity to transport interchanges - give reason to believe that the tourist flow to the shores of Lake Baikal will only increase in the future.

Baikal is a unique ecosystem that includes more than 2,500 species of animals and plants that are found only in this region. Scientists agree that this place is home to many relict organisms that have not yet been studied. Several rare species of animals live here.

Below is a selection of some representatives of the Baikal fauna, with brief description and photo.

Mammals of Baikal

Siberian lynx

A graceful predator from the cat family, adapted to the conditions of the cold Siberian winter. The lynx's body length reaches 130 cm, and males can be up to 70 cm in height. The average weight of the animal is 25 kg. They have a dense build and a short tail, as well as characteristic tufts on the tips of their ears. Lynxes are distinguished by very large paws - nature endowed them with them to make it easier for animals to move through snowdrifts and not fall through. The color of lynxes is smoky or reddish-brown with tan marks.

Brown bear

The largest mammal of Baikal, reaching a weight of 250 kg. Body length brown bear– 150 cm. They feed on berries, fish, roots. In winter, it is difficult to meet a brown animal - it hibernates.


Most cunning predator Baikal, which is not at all afraid of people. Foxes often approach tourists and even allow them to pet them. The weight of an adult animal reaches 15 kg, and the length excluding the tail is 80 cm. Foxes live up to 18 years in the Baikal region, while in other regions they rarely live up to 10. The predator feeds on small game, fish and even worms.

Moustached bat

Rare view bat- a medium-sized red-colored animal with elongated ears. It settles closer to the mountainous zone and comes out at night. Nocturnal bats live in groups of up to 20 individuals. Little animal moves very quickly, and in winter flocks fly south.

Baikal seal

A true symbol of the legendary lake. The seal is found only on Lake Baikal. Due to poachers, the animal is in danger of extinction. The fur, meat and fat of this mammal are highly valued, but hunting it is not punishable by law. Rings, like seals, love to swim in the water and go ashore to rest.


A predatory animal from the mustelidae class, reaching 100 cm in length, but low at the withers. Wolverines love walking and are often found on various paths. During such a walk, the wolverine looks for future prey. The animal's diet includes rodents, bird eggs, and less often carrion.


Another representative of the largest animals - the weight of the male reaches 500 kg, and the body length is 2 m. Moose most often settle on the coast. They feed on grass and wood bark. Average duration life - 30 years. The elk does not like human company, so seeing one is very rare.

Musk deer

Outwardly, the animal resembles an ordinary antlerless deer, but it has one feature - huge fangs! Their presence is associated with the nutrition of the mammal. Musk deer prefer to eat lichens, and to do this they need to pry them from trees. The beast is under threat complete disappearance due to the demand for musk. Musk deer are small in size - only 90 cm in length and 15 kg in weight.


A semi-aquatic rodent whose average weight rarely exceeds 1.5 kg. It is constantly in the water and is impeccably protected from the cold by special fur. Muskrats do not get wet at all, they are different light color abdomen and darker fur on top. There are membranes on each limb, thanks to which muskrats move quickly under water. Animals also use a specially shaped tail for swimming. Muskrats live up to 8 years and choose areas well covered with vegetation. Muskrats have an amazing natural sense - they can build 2-level dwellings and storerooms for storing the food they have caught.

Reptiles of Baikal


Cottonmouth snakes are the most common snakes of Lake Baikal. These are medium-sized animals, the length of which reaches 70 cm. They differ from other snakes in their pronounced neck and rounded head. There are 4 subspecies: Ussuri, rocky, water and eastern copperhead. All of them are found along the shores of the lake.

Mongolian toad

Another cold-blooded creature is the Mongolian toad, whose body length reaches 8 cm. The color of the toad is white-green, becoming darker with age. Settles in estuaries and wetlands. The population of the Mongolian toad is small, so it is quite difficult to find it.

Birds of Baikal

Many birds live along the shores of the lake, but the most interesting of them are the following:

Saker Falcon

Unique predatory bird from the order Falconiformes, close in size to crows. The back of the bird is dark brown, and the front is light with circles. It feeds on small game and builds nests high in trees. The bird is in danger of extinction.


A small creature from the genus of sandpipers, distinguished by a very thin and straight beak, which is shorter than that of other birds. Long legs and their special structure help the sandpiper move along the ground at incredible speed. The underside of the bird is painted white and the front is brown.

White-tailed eagle

One of the most beautiful birds living on the shore of the lake. This is the most large predator Lake Baikal, preferring fish as food.

Many birds of Lake Baikal require serious protection and protection from poachers, but bills have not yet been developed.

The rarest animals of Baikal


In the Red Book you can find reindeer, which is very rare on Lake Baikal. Earlier reindeer inhabited the entire Irkutsk region, but now their numbers have greatly decreased. This is the only species of deer that even females have antlers.

Red Wolf

Another animal that is rarely found anywhere else is the red wolf. This rare predator rarely makes contact with people and prefers to hide. The red wolf is small in size, but incredibly strong - in a fight with a leopard or leopard, it can easily win.


The snow leopard is also included in the Red Book. The most cautious and mysterious representative of the fauna of Lake Baikal. Snow Leopard It has amazing hearing - it is able to detect rustling sounds at a distance of up to several kilometers. According to scientists, no more than 50 snow leopards live on Lake Baikal. The average weight of a male is 50 kg.

The fauna of Lake Baikal attracts attention and delights no less than the beauty of the lake. However, most of rare species needs serious protection, otherwise their existence on the planet will soon cease.

From a bird's eye view the lake looks like big eye. Baikal is magical in summer blue color, and in winter - green. This is the deepest lake on the planet. Although its true depth is still disputed. Baikal changes its color throughout the year. Where is Baikal? What kind of inhabitants can you find here? What will please you? vegetable world? All this will be discussed in the article.

What is Baikal?

So let's start from the beginning. Where is Baikal? This natural miracle is located in the center of the Asian continent on the border of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. The lake extends from northeast to southwest for 620 km and has a crescent shape. It is the deepest lake in the world and also the largest reservoir drinking water. The Holy Sea, as this lake is also called, was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1996.

Lake Baikal consists of more than 150 rivers and streams, and only one river, the Angara, flows out of it. This is an amazing body of water that never looked the same two days in a row. A lake that has been frozen for 6 months. When you stand in front of this huge mass of water, you will understand how nature can be creative and mysterious at the same time. And we must thank Baikal for creating heaven on earth, where natural laws control the lives of local residents and where the last word remains with the shamanic gods.

Nature of Baikal: the overall picture

Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals, of which two thirds are endemic. The richness and diversity of flora and fauna is explained high content oxygen in lake water regardless of depth. The plants and animals of Lake Baikal are very diverse: from the smallest representatives to the largest, from rare to common. For example, the smallest living creatures of Lake Baikal are protozoa. These are single-celled organisms, of which there are about 300 species.

The vast water area attracts many birds; a total of 236 species of birds have been found there, including 29 species of waterfowl (ducks, gulls, gray herons, geese, swans).

Pribaikalskaya taiga - native home for brown bear, ermine, sable, weasel, badger, wolverine and chipmunk.

One of the most interesting inhabitants lakes are the nerpa (Baikal seal). This is the only representative aquatic mammals on the lake. These animals reach a length of 120-150 cm and weigh from 65 to 100 kg. The closest relatives of seals live in northern seas, in Lake Ladoga and the Caspian Sea.

Mysterious Baikal seal: predator of a deep lake

Seals in modern world got quite important role. Compared to their competitors, they have some important advantages: for example, unlike otters, seals are equipped with a thick layer subcutaneous fat, which is the best heat insulator. They are not as sensitive to change environment, like manatees, and, what distinguishes them from dolphins, are able to live in freezing bodies of water.

How exactly the seal got into Lake Baikal is unknown, but most likely it penetrated through the Lena into the system of lakes bordering ancient Baikal. Even today, seals find their way into rivers and can safely swim a thousand kilometers. Thus, the Baikal seal even reached Mongolia through the Selenga River.

Even 4,500 years ago, seals on Lake Baikal were a source of food for hunters. Today, the capture of seal pups has completely ceased, although commercial hunting of adult seals still exists. Nowadays, the number of Baikal seals varies from 50 to 80 thousand units.

The life of a seal begins at the end of spring; babies are born the size of a human calf and are able to see light even through two meters thick ice. The three-day-old baby is already learning to swim and play with fish and ice. When immersed in water, he should be very careful so that the hole in the ice does not freeze. Within a month, the seal leaves its home and goes on a journey across Lake Baikal.

When the ice melts, seals often migrate across the lake, diving to depths of up to 400 meters, catching the 29 species of fish and crustaceans that inhabit Lake Baikal. Seals may not be as intelligent as dolphins, but they are also very smart. They know the surroundings of Lake Baikal very well and love to watch other animals while basking in the sun. The seal is a symbol of Lake Baikal, and seeing it in person is a real happiness.

Attention! The Bears!

The nature of Baikal can also be dangerous. The silent and dense forests of the taiga are the abode of bears. Yes, bears live on Lake Baikal, or “bears”, as the locals affectionately call them. People treat these animals with caution, although they already accept them as their own. An experienced hunter will never go into the forest without a weapon. It is not surprising that bears on Lake Baikal are called the masters of the taiga.

In the southern environs of Lake Baikal, especially in areas inhabited by people, you will not see bears as often, however, moving north, the likelihood of this increases. Most bears live in this part, which is famous for its untouched nature and more like heavenly place. A smaller number of clubfooted animals live on the mountainous Svyatoy Nos peninsula. If you want to see the beauty of Lake Baikal, but are afraid of meeting bears, then feel free to go to Olkhon Island. Bears have never lived there and do not live there. Only one bear accidentally wandered there once, when he forgot to sleep in winter and crossed on an ice floe from the mainland to the island.

Lake inhabitants

There are 50 species of fish in the lake. The most large group- these are gobies (25 species). The largest representative of aquatic fauna is the sturgeon. Sturgeon live in Lake Baikal at a depth of about 50 meters. They are the most big fish living in the lake. Average length This Baikal fish is about 2 meters long, and its weight can reach 20 kg. Sturgeon live on average 60 years. This is until someone catches her, since there are a lot of fishermen in the area of ​​Lake Baikal.

Most famous fish Baikal - Golomyanka. They have a transparent pale pink body and reach a length of 15-18 cm. When you see them, you get the impression that they are glowing. Golomyanka serves as the main food product for Baikal seals.

In addition, a large number of worms, mollusks, and crustaceans live there. Crustaceans are an important component in the diet of fish.

Flora of the surrounding area

The nature of Baikal will enchant anyone. The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountain ranges that reach an altitude of 2,000 meters above its level. The coast is slightly indented and stretches for 2100 kilometers. The lake itself consists of several bays and bays. In total, Baikal consists of 27 islands, the most popular of which is Olkhon.

600 species of plants live on the surface and under water, some of which are found only here. Vegetation typical of Lake Baikal can be found in the taiga. The lowest position is occupied mainly by pines and larches. Spruce and fir grow a little higher. In the south and in river valleys you can see birch and aspen trees. 7 species of rhododendrons can be considered a decoration of the local flora. A lot of plants grow on Baikal, the fruits of which are widely used on the farm - raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, wild garlic, snake garlic, etc. Baikal is unique among lakes in that it great depths mushrooms grow.

Despite the fact that Baikal is gradually and continuously drying out, it offers its guests to admire a beautiful spectacle. The wild landscape hides many secrets and here you can see that man has never conquered nature.

When to come

If you can’t get to Baikal between January and May, when almost the entire surface of the lake is covered with ice up to two meters thick, then come in the summer. Most tourists choose this time of year, as it is the most favorable time for their expeditions - there is no sweltering heat here. The water temperature in the lake at this time rises to 15 degrees, it blows strong wind, which is capable of causing waves on the lake up to 5 meters high and “mixing” the water to a depth of 250 meters. In general, Baikal is especially beautiful in summer.

Baikal climate

Already in early October, the nearby mountains are covered with a white carpet of snow, but the water in the lake freezes only in early January. Due to the thickness of the ice, the lake can be crossed by trucks. Where still water is frozen, the ice is as clear as glass. You can see fish underneath it. This phenomenon is rare, as the harsh cold creates a sinuous mosaic on the ice. The last remnants of ice will melt only in June, but at the end of August the water can warm up to 15-20 degrees. The nature of Baikal can bring some “surprises”. One windy day is enough for the water temperature to drop to 10 degrees again. Baikal weather can be treacherous every season. Sarma most often occurs in winter and reaches the speed and force of a hurricane. Menacing winds that regularly batter the shores of Lake Baikal can be called frequent guests here.

Baikal is amazing at any time of the year and in all its forms, but it is not always hospitable. For the most part, Baikal is harsh, which is why it fascinates and inspires respect. Once you visit the lake, you will want to come back here again and again. The nature of Baikal will not leave any person indifferent.

Scientists agree that the fauna of Baikal is the oldest in the world. It is here that more than 2,565 species and subspecies of animals and over 1,000 plants have been recorded, most of which are endemic and not found anywhere else. But there are also hundreds of species of benthic microorganisms and virtually unstudied viruses and phages.

However, of all the endemic animals of Lake Baikal the only mammal is the seal. These extremely cute seals are a symbol of the lake, and you can only see them here, since nowhere else except in Baikal can the seal adapt to life. There have been many attempts to bring the Baikal seal to various zoos, but they all ended in failure. The only place, where the seal managed to visit - the Baikal Museum in Listvyanka, as well as the nerpinarium. By the way, the water in the pools and aquariums of these two enterprises comes directly from the lake and is constantly updated. It was thanks to this that the seal was able to stay in an artificial reservoir for a long time.

But let's not forget that Baikal is, after all, a lake, and its main inhabitant is fish. There are 52 species of fish in Baikal, the most famous of which is the Baikal omul. However, Siberian sturgeon, pike, whitefish, grayling, perch, dace, carp, burbot, taimen, and golomyanka are found here. The latter is an amazing creation, consisting entirely of fat.
