Presentation for the lesson on the topic: Wild animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Didactic abstract material on biology on the topic "Red Book"

Krasnoyarsk region- the most diverse region in terms of natural resources. Because it stretches from north to south for about 3000 kilometers. Included a large area beyond the Arctic Circle with Arctic deserts, tundra, taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, and mountain system with my altitudinal zone. It flows through the territory of the region from south to north. great river- Yenisei with numerous large tributaries. It is impossible to get to know the entire Krasnoyarsk region without driving along it, it is so diverse. Cape Chelyuskin - the northern point of Eurasia - is located here. The geographical center is located here Russian Federation.

Relief and climate

The relief is extremely diverse: lowlands, plains, plateaus and mountains.

The climate over most of the area is continental. Characterized by hot summers and frosty winter. In the middle part, winter is not so frosty. And in the north it is long and harsh. In the mountains, up to 1000 mm of precipitation falls per year, in the rest of the area it is much less.


Based on this diversity natural conditions You can imagine how diverse the world of living nature is. However, the taiga occupies the largest area: 70% of the territory. Fir, cedar, and spruce trees grow here. The northern territory is characterized by low-growing vegetation. The tundra is dominated by mosses and lichens. And in the south, the forest-steppe is mostly plowed under agricultural land. Sayan Mountains - untouched by man nature with clean waters.

Animal world

The fauna is very rich species diversity. Every natural belt inhabit their characteristic living organisms. Representatives of Siberian, European and Chinese fauna live here. Among the insects, bark beetles and wood borers are especially noticeable. They eat 8,000 hectares annually coniferous forest. There are also many ants and bees in the taiga. And in the steppe part there are a lot of locusts.

There are more than 50 species of fish: crucian carp, carp, perch, grayling, taimen, salmon, char, valuable commercial species - lenok, burbot, tench. The region is also famous for omul, smelt, pike, sturgeon, and cod.

Almost 400 species of birds nest here: ducks, lapwings, mallards, harriers, woodpeckers, storks, wild geese, loons, swallows, petrels - the list of species of birds common in the region is very diverse.

Among the mammals there are many squirrels, foxes, hares, and the number of brown bears is growing. In the north there are lemmings, arctic foxes, and walruses. In the south there are deer, musk deer, voles, and lynxes. In the mountains there are mountain sheep, Snow leopards, the Bears.

Red Book

In addition to the widespread inhabitants there are rare representatives who need help from conservationists. A total of 635 species of animals and plants are listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. That's quite a lot.

We will look at the rarest animals from the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Lenok - Brachymystax lenok. “Siberian trout” is also called this species. Freshwater representative of fast currents. Fast currents in the upper reaches of rivers. Loves cold water. Young fish live in schools, adults - one at a time. Lenok is a predatory fish. The fry consume zooplankton, then move on to the larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, and dragonflies. They can eat small mollusks and worms. They collect all this from the bottom of the river. They also eat fry of other fish species. Lenok is an animal of the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. However, catching it is prohibited only during a certain period.


Saker falcon - Falco cherrug. It lives in both the mountains and the steppe. Populations are low throughout. Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. It feeds on rodents and birds, which it can catch both in the air and on the ground. “Saker Falcon” may be translated from Turkic languages ​​as “strongman”, “fighter”. The domesticated bird is still used to hunt other large birds. For example, for a bustard. They admire her hunting abilities and dexterity. Its numbers are currently declining. There are about 30 thousand individuals left.


Red wolf - Cuon alpinus. Possibly no longer found in the region. And only individuals who accidentally entered remained in Russia. No permanent resident red wolves have been recorded. You can see the animal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, listed in the Red Book, at the Moscow Zoo. In the Pleistocene, there lived a larger subspecies of the red wolf, the size of the modern one. gray wolf. The red wolf has now disappeared in many countries. In some places it has been preserved in sufficient quantities (India, Iran). Lives in mountains up to 4 km above sea level. It can go down to the foot of the mountains, but always lives next to the rocks, where it takes refuge. In order to track prey, it sometimes goes out into open spaces - steppes and deserts. It hunts mostly ungulates: mountain goats, antelopes, roe deer, deer, and deer. Catches rodents and lizards. These animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, listed in the Red Book, are also included in the IUCN.

Red deer, maral - Cervus elaphus sibiricus. Lives in forest and forest-steppe mountain zones. The number is falling due to wolf hunting. Poaching makes up a smaller percentage, but also has its own negative meaning. Winters with little snow have a positive effect on the increase in the number of individuals.

Large ungulates from the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are represented by the Siberian Mountain goat- Capra sibirica. It differs from the domestic goat in its slimmer, more muscular body. Males from females - more long horns. Probably no longer found in the region. However, in other regions of the Russian Federation and neighboring states, the number of ibex does not cause concern. The population can only fall due to excessive production by people. The tracks of ibex are poorly studied, which can cause incorrect counting of individuals. Goats stick to rocky areas. They try to avoid thick snow cover, as it is difficult for them to move on it and there is a danger of being caught by a wolf.

Argali - Ovis ammon. Mountain sheep- animals of the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, however this region, most likely, no longer occur. In the Russian Federation the species is close to vulnerable. They live in the mountains, but prefer open spaces of mountainous areas covered with grass. Vertical migration is typical for mountain sheep. In winter they go down to places where there is grass, and in summer they go up to the mountains, to alpine meadows. The number is falling due to poaching, as well as due to grazing livestock on the same pastures where argali would graze. The reduction in the richness of grass vegetation and the grazing areas themselves inhibits the possibility of breeding of mountain sheep.

Northern deer (forest subspecies) - Rangifer tarandus valentinae also belongs to the animals of the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Russian Federation. Number of subspecies reindeer is shrinking. The reasons are various: recreation, development of mountain ranges, development of transport and construction of settlements, poaching. On this moment numbers are at a critical level.

Northern fin whale - Balaenoptera physalus physalus. There are only 2 or 3 subspecies. The number of individuals of all subspecies is small. These are large (usually more than 20 meters long) animals listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Russian Federation. They breed in winter in temperate and subtropical latitudes. And in the summer they feed on krill and fish closer to the northern and southern polar circles. However, the subspecies of northern and southern fin whales do not occur near the equator, since while it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. There was a time when the number of animals decreased to 5 thousand individuals due to fishing. Hunting was prohibited, now there are no fin whales Globe somewhere around 55 thousand. This is still not enough for our huge planet.


The list of animals in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is very long. Here are some representatives who need urgent Care man - a defender of nature. Each species is unique. The future of the planet is in our hands. The reliability of the balance of the biosphere depends on the richness of flora and fauna and the diversity of living organisms.


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Rare and endangered species of animals and plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

So many rare animals and birds are protected by the Red Book, So that the multifaceted expanse can survive, For the sake of the light of the coming lightning. So that the deserts do not dare to come, So that souls do not become empty, Animals are protected, Snakes are protected, Even flowers are protected

The Red Book is red in color. Red is the color of blood, the color of life. And while there is life, there is hope Contains a list of animals and plants that need human protection All types of animals are divided into 6 categories

Under the protection of the Red Book Endangered species Species with declining numbers Rare species Unspecified species Restored and restored species Rare vagrant (visiting) species


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Red wolf Endangered species Argali Maral forest deer

Reindeer Species with declining numbers

Siberian roe deer

Rare species Polar bear Manul


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Snow sheep Snow leopard

Uncertain species Siberian frog Long-tailed hamster

Restored and restored species Muskox Sable Beaver

Rare vagrants (coming species) Northern fin whale or herring whale right side white, left side black

The threat of extinction has arisen over many plant species. About 130 species of rare and endangered plants grow in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, of which 47 species are recommended for state protection, and the rest - for protection at the edge level. All plants are useful for humans, animals and birds.

PLANTS Plants are life, because they are the only, irreplaceable oxygen producer created by nature. More than 2,000 species of herbaceous plants grow in the region. As sad as it is to say, 181 species of flowering plants are listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Special attention is given to the protection of beautifully flowering plants, since they are the ones that attract people and are the most vulnerable. These include both annuals and perennials.

SNOWDROP Annual aquatic herbaceous plant. Known in the Minusinsk Basin. Listed in the Red Book as a rare and endangered plant species.


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In ancient times, there lived a beautiful Venus who wore golden shoes with reddish-brown ribbons. No one had such shoes. One day Venus was playing with her friends, she ran and ran and dropped her shoe. Everyone looked for the shoe for a long time, but they never found it in the green grass. And then the beauty said: “Let all good people now marvel at my shoes.” At that very moment the shoe turned into a beautiful flower. And wherever Venus was looking for her shoe, these flowers appeared.

Perennial. He disappeared from the region. Outside the region it is found in Khakassia, Tuva and Altai. Favorite place to live: pine forests. Perennial herbaceous plant. Distributed in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Including within the boundaries of Krasnoyarsk. Lumbago

Perennial aquatic plant, with a thin long rhizome and floating leaves. A perennial herbaceous plant. A rare species. Subject to state protection.


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Lived in Siberian taiga hunter Ulughem. He was young and had a kind heart. Luck did not pass by the Ulughem camp. The taiga was generous with animals and birds, and the hunters' eyes and arrows were sharp. But the evil and treacherous sorcerer Kale decided to destroy all living things in the vast expanses of the taiga. He sent cold winds and gray, bitter frosts from the far north. The animals hid, the birds flew away, the ground was covered with snow, and the taiga became hungry. The fires in the camp went out, and the cheerful laughter ceased. And only the song, long and drawn out like night, rose higher and higher above the numb tops of the pines and flew away in the direction from where the merciless frosts came to the taiga - Kale’s faithful servants. And then Ulughem decided to return cheerful laughter to people, warmth to the hearths, and summer to the taiga. Ulughem's preparations did not last long: clothes, a tight bow, light skis and true heart He took it on the road and followed the sad song. He walked for a long time, wore out his clothes, broke his skis, but his faithful heart still beat faithfully in his chest. Ulughem came to the ends of the earth and saw: there was an ice yaranga, and in it an ice-cold Kele lay on skins. Kale saw him and laughed. Then he tore a piece of ice from the yaranga and threw it at Ulughem. This piece of ice hit the young hunter’s chest and it cracked like a pine nut shell. Ulughem's heart fell out of the gudi onto the cold snow and glowed with such heat that the ice yaranga melted, and with it the evil Kale melted. A warm wind blew and the streams began to gurgle. Summer has returned to the taiga. And where drops of Ulughem’s blood fell, extraordinary flowers grew and people called them hot.

There are many different legends that explain the origin of the lily of the valley. Here is one of such legends. A young warrior was leaving on a campaign. And before you leave motherland, he gave his beloved a necklace of freshwater pearls so that she would remember him. Every evening a girl came to the outskirts and waited for her betrothed. But the squad returned from the campaign, and the unfortunate beauty learned that the enemy’s arrow had struck down his lover. Beside herself with grief, she ran into the forest, fell into the grass and burst into tears. And when she calmed down a little, she noticed that the necklace given by her betrothed had broken, and the pearls had scattered on the grass. The girl cried even more bitterly and began to look for beads in the grass, but could not - the grass was thick and the tears clouded her vision. And then the gods took pity on the unfortunate woman, and the lost pearls sprouted into delicate flowers, the buds of which are always sadly bowed to the ground.

State Nature Reserve "Sayano-Shushensky"

Putorana Nature Reserve

State Nature Reserve "Stolby"

Great Arctic Nature Reserve

Taimyr Nature Reserve

Tunguska Reserve

Central Siberian Nature Reserve

National Park "Shushensky Bor" Natural Park"Ergaki"

Every year the impact on human nature increases. He is her main protector, but also the most dangerous pest. It can create favorable environmental conditions and destroy them. It can increase or decrease the number of plant and animal species.

Rules for friends of nature Do not break branches of trees and bushes Do not pick flowers in the forest and meadow Do not catch butterflies, dragonflies and other insects Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home. Don’t go close to birds’ nests, don’t destroy them. Don’t make noise in the forest. Don’t leave trash in the forest, in the meadow, or near the river.

Love native nature– Lakes, forests and fields. After all, this is our forever native land. You and I were born on it, you and I live on it! So let us all be kinder to her, people!

Animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the winter forest

Completed by: teacher

2 junior groups

Glazycheva Anastasia Alexandrovna


  • Introduce children to the life of animals living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in winter;
  • Fix the names of wild animals and their young.
  • Summarize children's knowledge about wild animals.
  • Cultivate a love for nature, for all living things.
This is a forest. Many different animals live here. Guess a riddle:
  • A ball of fluff, long ear. Jumps smartly, loves carrots?
  • Who is this?

The hare is small in stature, has long ears and a small, stubby tail. Long ears help the hare to hear well.

Hares do not build burrows or nests, but live under any bush they like or in thick grass.

Hares are herbivorous animals. They feed on grass, leaves, stems, and roots of young trees. They also eat mushrooms. But their favorite delicacy is aspen bark; for hares it is sweeter than sugar.

Even in winter it’s not bad for a hare without a hole. His fur coat is warm, the bunny is lying in the snow under a bush, he is not warm in his fur coat and is not visible in the snow. The hare sleeps all day, and at night comes out for a walk and feed.

Twice a year the bunny changes the color of its coat. In autumn and winter it turns white, so the hare blends in with the snow and becomes less noticeable to predators.

He makes friends only with the fox, This animal is angry, angry. He clicks and clicks with his teeth, A very scary gray...

Guess a riddle:

The wolf's body is elongated, its legs are long, and its fur is thick.

Wolves are classified as predatory animals. They can live in mountains, forests and plains.

The color of wolves can be different - yellowish, reddish, grayish with an admixture of black hair.

The wolf's weapon is its teeth. He has as many as 42 of them in his mouth.

Wolves live in families. A wolf family is called a pack. The pack is led by the strongest wolf. His friend, a she-wolf, helps him.

The wolf has developed a hostile relationship with humans, because wolves constantly attack domestic animals and thereby cause great damage to agriculture.

Cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail-beauty

Guess a riddle:

The fox is a wild animal.

Foxes live in forests, but most often in fields and meadows.

The fox is the size of a small dog. The animal's body is flexible, its ears and muzzle are sharp, its paws are like boots, and its tail is fluffy.

Foxes live in burrows, which they make among tree roots or in rock crevices.

In fairy tales, the fox is always red, but there are foxes of yellow and gray shades.

Foxes eat squirrels, hares, snakes, birds and their eggs.

Don't mind eating berries and fruits.

Clubfoot and shaggy, He warms his paws in the den. In the summer he loves to go for walks and protect animals. And in winter, under the blizzard howl, He sleeps in a snowy hut.

Guess a riddle:

The bear's fur coat is warm and shaggy. He walks slowly, waddles, and has a club foot.

The bear's paws are strong, its teeth are strong, its claws are thick and sharp.

Brown bears are predators, which means that they eat the meat of other animals - elk, wild boar, deer. In addition to meat food, bears eat acorns, nuts, berries, roots, ants, insect larvae, and honey.

They also love fish. Bears are excellent fishermen. They fish in the shallows.

With the onset of cold weather, the bear goes to sleep in the den. He arranges it under the slope of a ravine, under fallen trees.

Brown bears are very smart and quick-witted animals. They are easy to train and achieve great success in this.

Guess whose shadow?

Game "Whose Cub"

Game "One - Many"

Purpose of the lesson: to summarize children’s knowledge about wild animals.

Lesson objectives:


Fix the names of wild animals and their young.

Introduce wild animals living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory



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Summary of the lesson “Wild Animals” Completed by Burmakina A.Yu Speech therapist of MDOU No. 104 of combined type, Krasnoyarsk

Purpose of the lesson: to summarize children’s knowledge about wild animals. Objectives of the lesson: Educational To consolidate the names of wild animals and their young. Introduce wild animals living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Educational Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner. Develop the ability to defend your opinion and prove that you are right. Cultivate curiosity. To develop knowledge about the interconnection of all living things in nature. To promote awareness of the special attitude of people towards wild animals Developmental Work on word formation: wolf - she-wolf - wolf cub (wolf cubs); hare - hare - hare (hares), etc.; Noun agreement work plural with numerals (one little rabbit, two little rabbits, ten little rabbits, etc.).

This is a forest. Many different animals live here

Guess the riddle: A ball of fluff, a long ear. Jumps smartly, loves carrots? Who is this???

This red-haired cheat, Kur steals very cleverly. Little sister to the gray wolf, and her name is.....

In the summer he walks without a road near the pines and birches, And in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost?

I'll tell you, and you believe me. An animal ran through the forest. It was not without reason that the beast carried on his forehead two huge bushes, he was not too lazy to carry them. Isn’t that the name of the beast?...

All the time he prowls through the forest, He is looking for someone in the bushes. He snaps his teeth from the bushes, Who says this - ...

My beautiful horns are always a threat to the enemy. But I have a good disposition, Believe me, my friends. And I’m not your guest in the forests, I live here, handsome...

Instead of a fur coat there are only needles. Wolves are not afraid of him either. A sharp ball, no legs visible, Call him of course...

Ginger small animal Jump and jump through the trees. He lives not on the ground, but on a tree in a hollow.

This beast has two fangs, very powerful legs, and a cake on its nose. He digs earth in the forest.

“Guess where whose shadow is?”

Game "Cubs"

Game "One-many"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson breakdown with a presentation on the NRC "Nature and Ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"...

Subgroup speech therapy session for children with FFDD: “Wild animals of our region”

This lesson allows you to expand and activate your vocabulary on the topic “Wild animals of our forests and their young”; consolidate knowledge about wild animals living in our region and their cubs, know...

In terms of species, insects of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are the most numerous. In total, about 2 thousand of these invertebrate animals live here. Insect pests that pose a threat to forest plantations attract the most attention. These are bark beetles and longhorned beetles, which annually destroy about 8 thousand hectares of forest. Also here live bees, May beetles, and ants, admiral and mnemosyne butterflies, dybka, kuzka and beauty butterflies.

Mammals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The climate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is favorable for the habitat of such mammals as:

The common squirrel was previously a game animal, but now their population has decreased (now there are about 10-25 million individuals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory);
- polar bearlargest predator region (lives on the coast of the Arctic Ocean and is included in the Red Book of Russia);
- white hare - inhabits the forest-tundra and all forest zone region, is the object of hunting;
- – inhabits the forest zone of the region, goes into hibernation (object of fur trade);
- Brown bear– represented throughout the forest zone of the region; at the moment, their number in the region reaches 15 thousand individuals;
- – a family of medium-sized mustelids (lives in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, goes into hibernation for the winter, and is a commercial object);
- Siberian roe deer – lives in southern and central regions region, is an important object of hunting.

Also common here are otters, lemmings, moose, flying squirrels, weasels, foxes, manulas, deer, walruses, seals, wolverines and arctic foxes.

Birds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Cherneti is a representative of the genus of diving ducks; it is the object of hunting in the region;
- lapwing - one of the most widespread waders, lives in the meadows and coasts of the region, and is considered a hunting object;
- mallard - a representative of the duck family, forms an urban population in the region, an important object of hunting;
- harrier – predatory bird from the hawk family, lives in the southern regions of the region, birds, small rodents and mammals.

Fishes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Lenok is a fish of the salmon family, lives in rivers and lakes in the southern and central parts of the region, and is a valuable commercial species;
- tench is a small fish of the carp family, found in lakes in the southern part of the region, a valuable fishery object;
- burbot - a fish of the cod family, widespread throughout the Yenisei basin, is a commercial species, about 500 tons are caught annually;
- omul, a fish of the whitefish family, is the most important fishery object, therefore its catch is strictly limited.

In addition, perch, ruffe, taimen, grayling, char and etc. are found here.

Most insects are loners, but not bees. Bees live in families in hives, and each individual bee, from a biological point of view, is a female individual that is not capable of reproduction. A single bee, the queen, is responsible for the renewal of the genus and replenishment of the family. The queen bee is many times larger than other bees, and such a bee can lay up to 2000 eggs per day.


The maximum number of bees in one family can reach tens of thousands, and, of course, in order for all the insects to be fed and protected, the hive must have some kind of organized management system. Interestingly, the life activity of bees largely depends on their age.

Young workers, no more than 3-4 days old, are engaged in maintaining order and cleaning the hives. As they grow older, they can feed the larvae, and only at the age of about 20 days does the bee fly out to collect honey. Old bees collect water for their hive without flying far from home.

Today, scientists say that there are no leading insects in a bee family; it is impossible to objectively call either the queen or the drone more important than the worker bee. Each insect performs its own function, thanks to which the bee family receives food, water, protection, and procreation.

Bees communicate with each other using sounds, tactile contacts, smell, food and chemical contacts, as well as through the “dance of bees.” Scientists conducted various intellectual tests with insects and animals; if out of 100 points, a wolf scores all 100, a dog gets 60, then a bee gets about 50 points. This suggests that bees are, of course, extremely smart insects.

The queen bee produces a special substance that has an odor. Each bee family has its own smell, and they will never let a stranger into the hive. By determining by smell which family a bee belongs to, insects can ensure that all the nectar collected by worker bees will go only to their family and will not be carried to neighboring hives. Protect their independence bee families zealously, preventing strangers from invading the territory of the hive. If a bee is left alone, even if there is food, it dies - these insects cannot survive without a family.

Video on the topic


Interestingly, during periods when there are especially many flowers around, nectar can be collected maximum amount, teenage bees that have reached 10 days of age also fly out of the hive. They help adult insects in preparing food.

As you know, on the eve of cold weather, most birds fly south to survive the winter in warmer climes. But not all birds leave their home in the fall - many remain for the winter. Each species adapts to unfavorable conditions.


Migratory birds are known to migrate south. Seasonal movements can be carried out both over long and fairly close distances. If large birds move at a speed of up to 80 km/h, then small ones - at a speed of no more than 30 km/h. They fly in several stages with breaks. Small birds can travel up to 4000 km.

It's interesting to see how they survive the winter. The brightest one is . The wintering place for black grouse is birch forests, as they feed on birch buds. In severe frosts, these amazing birds burrow into the snow. They drop a snowdrift like a stone to break through its crust, and then with the help of their wings they get to the loosest layers closer to the bottom. In such an improvised shelter, black grouse hide from snowstorms and frosts.

Small birds, inhabiting winter forests - tits, bullfinches, tap dancers. Tits are quite unpretentious and can find food at any time of the year. They feed on insects and their eggs, tree bark, and moss. Bullfinches usually inhabit aspen and birch forests. They are content with plant food. Tap dancers move in flocks across winter forests. Their main delicacy is alder.

Hazel grouse, like no other birds, are adapted to long wintering. Every year a fringe of horny scales grows on their fingers, thanks to which they can hold on even to icy branches.

Ptarmigans have their own winter uniform: when cold weather sets in, their paws are covered with feathers, which allows them to easily move on loose snow. The partridge with equal ease avoids meeting with a predator and obtains food for itself.

Jays and a number of other birds gather supplies for the winter throughout the year. They drag acorns, caterpillars, grains, etc. to their wintering areas.

Video on the topic


  • how animals live in winter in 2019

Mammals are among the most highly organized vertebrates. They appeared on Earth about 160-170 million years ago. The ancestors of modern mammals were the size of rats and ate mainly insects.


Milk in females is produced by mammary glands, formed from sweat glands during the process of evolution. Thanks to gestation in the womb, live birth, feeding with milk and caring for the offspring, the safety of the young is ensured in a wide variety of conditions.

Dimensions and appearance mammals are very heterogeneous. This is represented by animals from 4 centimeters to 33 meters (pygmy shrew and blue whale). Mammals have two pairs of five-fingered limbs and teeth of different structure and functions, located on the upper and lower jaws. Cervical region The spine consists of seven vertebrae and movably connects the torso and head.

All mammals have a high level of organization nervous system. They have significantly developed cerebral cortex and sensory organs - vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste. Circulatory system mammals are closed, the heart is four-chambered, blood moves through two circles of blood circulation - large and small.

Mammals can live in the most different conditions: on land and in water (sea and fresh), in soil and on the surface. Some representatives of the class have adapted to flight in the air ( the bats).

In total, there are now more than 5.5 thousand species of mammals, and they are widely distributed throughout the globe. The class Mammals includes two subclasses: Oviparous (Primal Animals) and True. The former include, for example, platypuses, echidnas and echidnas, the latter include all the others.


All mammals of the Pervozveri subclass are rare animals that are subject to protection.

Everyone knows that the life of the forest is the breath of our planet. It is he who purifies the air and saturates it with oxygen. Even the familiar forest is full amazing riddles. Despite the alluring peace and quiet, life reigns in it. The forest is inhabited by many animals, birds and insects. To notice this, just look around.


In mixed and deciduous forests you can find common hedgehog. This is a small animal on short legs, covered with spines and fur. Typically found in Europe and Far East. The animal leads a rather boring lifestyle: it sleeps during the day and eats birds at night. Hedgehogs are very useful in the forest and agriculture, because they exterminate harmful insects and mice.

The fox lives in forests throughout much of Asia and North America. It is considered a medium-sized predator. She has a warm fur coat and a tail. The red-haired beauty prefers the edges of mixed forests, the banks of forest rivers and lakes. Loves to feast on mice, hares, fruits and berries. The fox is a useful animal that exterminates mouse-like rodents that harm crop plants.

In forest-steppe zones and even in the steppe you can see a wolf. This is a fairly large animal with very strong legs, its fur is coarse but thick. It is widespread in Russia, successfully hunting wild ungulates (wild boar, elk), as well as domestic animals. Eats birds and carrion. In nature, the wolf is a healer of the animal population. Serves as a kind of forest filter, destroying sick and weak individuals.

The squirrel can be found in the taiga, mixed and deciduous forests. This very active animal with a fluffy tail and thick fur is popular throughout Russia, but you can also see it in the Crimea and even in the Caucasus. The squirrel feeds on seeds from cones, pine nuts, berries, etc. In addition, it destroys bird nests by eating eggs and chicks. Protein is valuable fur-bearing animal.

Spotted is a very large animal that lives in deciduous forests. Its tail is long, its horns have up to four branches, and the hair on its body is coarse and brittle. The deer lives mainly in the Primorsky Territory, feeding on leaves of trees and shrubs, acorns and of course herbaceous plants. Also likes to feast on dry leaves and buds. Deer hunting is prohibited, as the animal is listed in the Red Book.

The badger is an active predator living in mixed forests. The body is massive, the legs are short, and the fur is coarse. Badgers live throughout Europe. During the day they usually sit in a hole equipped with numerous exits and eat both plant and animal food. They also eat berries, nuts, and catch frogs and mice. The commercial animal is valued not only for its fur, but also for its meat and fat.

The tiger is considered the largest land predator. Its body is flexible with a long tail, and its fangs are very developed. It is found in the Far East, mainly living in mountain taiga and mixed forests. Moves silently through the mountains and swims. It feeds on small animals and birds, but its main prey is wild boar. Don't mind enjoying yourself and plant foods: nuts, herbs and fruits. Tiger - rare beast, listed in the Red Book.

Burbot is freshwater fish. It makes very delicious dishes. Its meat is very tender. In order to catch this fish, you need to know its habitat, as it is very whimsical.
