Social project is the best in the profession. Social project for career guidance

In conditions of variability and decentralization general education, which established themselves in the education system in the 1990s, one of priority areas pedagogical science began to develop conceptual approaches to the standardization of general education. These problems are highlighted in the works of V.I. Bidenko, E.D. Dneprova, V.S. Ledneva, M.V. Ryzhakova, S.E. Shishova and others. Pedagogical aspects of standardization of general education in the aspect of its regionalization were developed by M.N. Kuzmin, M.V. Ryzhakov, O.Yu. Strelova and others. Problems of the development of historical education in the context of a multi-ethnic society in Russia were considered at the All-Russian conference "The content of historical education in the context of the modernization of a multi-ethnic society in Russia" (Moscow, April 10-11, 2003) The content of historical education in the context of the modernization of a multi-ethnic society in Russia : Materials of the All-Russian Conference (Moscow, April 10-11, 2003). - M.: Nauka, 2003. - P. 30. .

In 2001-2003 an attempt was made to create a new generation of standards. New authors were involved in the development of standards. This effort culminated in the development of a federal component of the standards. At the beginning of 2004, the document was approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, but it remained a departmental document, causing very contradictory assessments from the pedagogical community.

The education system has always played a primary role in educating the younger generation. Education is one of the basic and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens Russian Federation. The basis for regulating the principles of state policy in the field of education is formulated in federal laws“On Education”, “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, as well as in the National Doctrine for the Development of Education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed the opportunity to receive education without any conditions or restrictions, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, place of residence, health status, etc. The state guarantees citizens universal access and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis, free secondary, higher and postgraduate vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions within the limits of state educational standards, if a citizen receives education at this level for the first time. State educational standards make it possible to maintain a unified educational space in Russia. They represent a system of norms that define the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, requirements for the level of training of graduates, the maximum volume study load students.

The implementation of state guarantees of the right of citizens to education is ensured by creating a system and appropriate conditions for receiving education. Currently, the concept of “education system” is interpreted as a set of factors that ensure its implementation social functions: network of educational institutions; educational standards; educational programs; resource support - personnel, scientific, methodological, material, financial; cooperation with other social sectors; management Novikov A.M. Russian education in new era/ Paradoxes of heritage, development vectors. - M.: Omega-L, 2007. - P. 48. .

management system education region

Last time Special attention focuses on the principle of regionalization of education. The main features of the regional education system from the point of view of its organization are: a set of educational institutions in the region, providing the opportunity to differentiate education and training in accordance with the interests of citizens and their level of preparedness; training programs reflecting the scientific, cultural, demographic and economic characteristics of the region.

The municipal system includes the characteristics of the regional one, but the role of local governments, which can create additional conditions for the functioning and development of the education system at the expense of funds and local budgets, is especially emphasized.

From the standpoint of resource provision, a system that is financed from the regional budget is considered regional, and a system financed from the budget of a local government is considered municipal.

General education programs include preschool education, primary general education, basic general education and secondary (complete) general education. They are aimed at solving the problem of forming a general culture of the individual, its adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for choosing and mastering professional educational programs. General characteristics of the education system / Internet source http: // php.

An educational institution is one that carries out the educational process, i.e. implementing one or more educational programs and (or) providing maintenance and upbringing of students and pupils. Educational institutions according to their organizational - legal forms can be state, municipal, non-state. Depending on the educational program being implemented, the following types of educational institutions are created:

· preschool;

· educational, including three levels: primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education;

· primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education;

· additional adult education;

· additional education for children;

· special (correctional) for students with developmental disabilities;

· for orphans left without parental care (legal representatives);

· other institutions carrying out the educational process.

The scheme of education in the Russian Federation is shown in Figure 1. The specific names of institutions are determined in accordance with the levels of educational programs being implemented and areas of activity.

Figure 1. Education system in Russia

Each educational institution is created by one or more founders who finance its activities. The owner of state and municipal educational institutions is the state represented by federal, regional and local government bodies.

In accordance with this, the basis of state guarantees for a citizen to receive education within the standards is state or municipal funding. Volume budget funds is one of the main indicators characterizing the scale government regulation sphere of education.

Currently, the share of the federal budget in total expenditures on education is about 20%, while regional and local budgets account for about 80%.

The degree of participation of the budget of one level or another in financing expenses depends on a number of factors, including: the state structure and the general system of public administration; legislative distribution of responsibility for types of education; established traditions, etc. Our country combines industry and territorial principles management. This allows us to classify the structure of financial flows for the maintenance of education by budget levels. The federal level includes the following areas of financing expenses:

· to finance federal institutions, mainly vocational education institutions;

· for the implementation of federal educational target programs, such as “Orphans”, “Youth of Russia”, Education Development Program, etc. General characteristics of the education system / Internet source http: // php

In recent years, there has been a tendency towards targeted allocation of funds, for which purpose the creation of various funds, including the financing of federal mandates. Since the right to education is one of the basic constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, if the regions have insufficient funds, it is planned to use the system of co-financing of education more widely in the future.

Currently, the system of private entrepreneurship in education reflects the public reaction to new directions of development of the state economy. Market educational services designed to satisfy not only the state order, which is provided by budgetary allocations, but also the social order of various groups of the population and enterprises. The educational processes involve both the emerging class of entrepreneurs and representatives of various movements, national associations, religious communities. The desire to reform the education system in their own interests encourages them to open alternative non-state educational institutions and provide financial support to public ones. In turn and government agencies has the right to offer a wide range of educational services to the population on a paid basis. Attracting additional sources for education can be done in two ways:

· entrepreneurial, conditionally entrepreneurial and specific activities of the educational institution itself;

· interaction with legal entities and individuals capable of carrying out charity in favor of an educational institution.

In the context of the transition of domestic education from the traditional to the personality-oriented paradigm, the development of variability, multiculturalism, democratization, humanization, greening, etc. education special meaning regionalization is gaining Russian system education, liberating it from excessive centralization, strengthening national and regional components of content, expanding the independence of educational institutions, as well as the ability of a person to freely choose educational and vocational educational programs that are in demand in the conditions of a particular region.

The concept of “regionalization of education” is a recognized scientific and pedagogical principle for the development of world education and is not a reflection of the modern political situation. The relevance of the idea of ​​regionalization is determined by global trends in the sociocultural development of humanity, aimed at recognizing the intrinsic value, uniqueness of national and regional varieties of cultures, their unity, integrity and significance as an integral part of universal human culture Shabalin Yu.E. Development of regional educational space / Internet source http: //

Currently, the regionalization process is taking its first, albeit rather confident, steps. In essence, regionalization of education is a continuation of its differentiation, only at a different level. Regionalization is an objectively necessary process that contributes to solving the problems of modernization of Russian education and the transition to a personality-oriented educational paradigm. The result of regionalization should be the formation of an education system that optimally reflects the uniqueness of the educational situation of each Russian region of the Russian Federation.

The regional educational space is understood as a set of scientific, educational, cultural and educational, economic institutions (state and non-state, official and unofficial), means mass communication oriented towards education, the public involved in solving educational problems, as well as socio-psychological stereotypes that regulate people’s behavior in relation to education, operating in a particular region. “In essence, the educational space is all physical and legal entities region, the entire region, only taken in a certain aspect - attitude to education” Novikov A.M. Russian education in the new era / Paradoxes of heritage, development vectors. - M.: Omega-L, 2007. - P. 149. .

The regional educational space is a type of complex social system that develops according to its own laws, which have both subjective and objective nature. In each region of the Russian Federation there is an educational space that uniquely reflects the characteristics and specifics of a particular region, its traditions, culture, national and religious composition of the population, level economic development etc. The unity of the federal educational space is determined by those common elements, which are inherent in the entire educational space of the country, take place in each of the regional educational spaces.

The term “regional educational space” is presented in in this case more appropriate than the concepts used in a number of works: “educational environment”, “educational marketing environment” and its level “macroenvironment of an educational institution”. The marketing environment is “a set of factors that actively operate and influence market conditions and the effectiveness of marketing entities” Management, marketing and economics of education / Edited by A.P. Egorshin. - N. Novgorod, 2005. - P. 314. The use of these terms, wittingly or unwittingly, exaggerates the marketability of education, puts an equal sign between the relationships in the student-teacher systems " and, for example, “hairdresser - client”. Knowledge, abilities, skills, worldview and the system of life values ​​and relationships formed in the education system can, of course, be considered as a product, and the process of their formation and development as the provision of services, but only with a very high degree assumptions and simplifications.

The relationship between an educational institution, especially the education system as a whole, and the environment is noticeably different from the relationship that exists between the consumer and the producer of goods and services. There are quite a lot of similarities between these relationships, but they are still specific and a simplified understanding of them is permissible only in some special cases. And we do not know the limit of these assumptions, beyond which this model descriptions of reality cease to be adequate to reality.

The use of the term “environment of an educational institution” is acceptable and justified, but only in the context of a single educational institution operating in a limited educational space. In this case, the marketing mesotherm of an educational institution should be understood as the level of the urban area (in big city), cities (small and medium-sized cities, towns, bushes in rural areas), and as an external macroenvironment - the city as a whole, a rural area, and so on.

The attempt to consider education exclusively as a service sector, and the pedagogical process as a process of providing educational services, also suffers from incompleteness. Such a model is self-sufficient from a certain, limited point of view, but its truth in other situations and with other approaches has not been convincingly proven.

Education, as a sphere of human activity, is too specific to apply principles developed for other spheres of activity here, without some boundary conditions. After all, no one is trying to use chemical laws to describe physical phenomena and processes, although there are quite close, contiguous areas between chemistry and physics. The sphere of education remains a separate specific sphere of human activity, which has its own patterns of development.

Without losing sight of the specificity of the marketability of the education sector, it should be recognized that in a generalized form and at a certain level it can be considered as a sphere of special educational services, with all that follows from this fact consequences. Among the consequences that have received insufficient attention so far, we highlight one: the service is accepted if it is necessary. This should fully apply to education. It is impossible to provide unnecessary services under normal market conditions. Consequently, the education system, as a service sector, will function as long as there is a demand for its services.

Building an education system in which the main guideline for development is the “market”, “ National economy”, “social order” is not promising: the demand for specialists of a certain profile and level of specialization is changing very quickly. The education system, by definition, is not capable of changing at the same speed. Therefore, the orientation of education to satisfy the “order” is initially doomed to failure. The education system itself, chasing the situation, will inevitably degrade and, over time, will cease to meet any requirements at all.

Over the past fifteen years, educational standards for Russian schools have been the focus of attention of both educators and the general public. Questions about the nature and content of standards, especially humanities(history, literature, etc.), aroused and are arousing the keenest interest not only of teachers, but also of the public and the media. These problems are widely discussed in the press.

Currently, the focus of discussions has shifted towards discussing the effectiveness of the United state exam in various subjects, the degree of implementation in it of the concept of constructing control and measuring materials. Regarding the standard of general education, the intensity of the debate has noticeably decreased, since public attention is focused on the Unified State Examination, the quality of textbooks, and the formation of a new political course in the field of education, including regional ones.

So the analysis modern trends indicates that the educational space of the regions is developing in the same direction, although the pace of development and its depth differ significantly. However, this unevenness should not be surprising, since it is a consequence of the general unevenness of regional development. Today we can name the following directions of this development.

1. Increasing demand from regional business, production and management for personnel top level qualifications.

2. Increasing the number of specialties in demand in the regions, including the level of primary and secondary vocational education.

3. Strengthening regional demand for specialists who were previously classified as elite (international relations and trade, banking, government and municipal government etc.).

4. Increasing demand for multi-level training of specialists at all levels of education.

5. A kind of “educational boom” that covered all levels of education and a significant part of the regional population.

These development trends have led to changes in attitudes towards education in the regions:

· awareness of the importance of education has grown, both for the future of an individual and for the future of the region as a whole;

· there is a clear tendency for business leaders to understand the importance of highly qualified personnel for the development of their enterprises and their ability to withstand competition;

· education itself begins to be perceived as a certain value (which is in blatant contradiction with the previous period);

· parents are ready to invest financial resources in the education of their children, and there is practically no correlation between the level of income and this readiness;

· students' attitudes towards learning are changing, large quantity schoolchildren and students show educational initiative and independence;

· the nature of interaction between the educational space and the regional education system is changing;

· many adults begin to spend personal funds on their own retraining and retraining Management, marketing and economics of education / Edited by A.P. Egorshina. - N. Novgorod, 2005. - P. 315. .

Thus, it can be stated that the development of the regional educational space is an objective consequence of the transformations currently taking place in the country. In the course of these transformations, the development of the educational space takes on a different character and direction. At the same time, the process of development of regional spaces proceeds unevenly and spontaneously, which affects the state of education in general and regional education in particular. The most important development trend is the growing influence of the educational space on the regional education system, on the one hand, and the influence of the education system on the regional educational space, on the other hand. It is obvious that as this mutual influence grows, the nature of the interaction between education and space will change; it will become active, noticeable and influential. This is a positive trend, as it will make it possible to more accurately take into account the educational needs and interests of the region’s citizens, and to build an education system in the region that is focused on the individual, and not on fulfilling some “social order.”

Bekmetova Alina

Project "Profession of the XXI century!" necessary to solve the problem is the involvement of adolescents aged 14-16 years Elabuga municipal district into social practice through its professional orientation.



Municipal competition

social projects for career guidance

among students in grades 8-11

secondary schools

project: "Profession of the 21st century!"

Municipal budgetary general education

Institution "Secondary school No. 1"

Elabuga municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Project ManagerAntipova Ekaterina Arkadyevna

Elabuga, 2016

Author of the project Bekmetova Alina Ruslanovna, 8B grade, Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 1" of the Elabuga municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, Elabuga, Mira Ave. 53, apt. 32, 89046671361.

Project ManagerAntipova Ekaterina Arkadyevna, Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 1" of the Elabuga municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, teacher of Russian language and literature, Elabuga, Mira pr. 55, apt. 55, 89872774096, [email protected].

Project informationProject "Profession of the XXI century!" It is necessary to solve the problem of involving adolescents aged 14-16 years of the Elabuga municipal district in social practice through its professional orientation.

Main content of the project

Relevance of the project

Choosing a profession is a serious step that each of us must take. Our entire future life depends on this choice. It is very difficult to make the only right choice, to realize oneself in changing social and economic conditions.

Currently, it is becoming important to provide career guidance assistance to young people. This is primarily due to the increased requirements of the modern labor market for young man making a choice of profession. From the point of view of state interests, career guidance work with young people becomes the basis for the development of personnel potential of the entire country. Career guidance work is the key to personal development.

In the Yelabuga region, work is also being carried out on career guidance for schoolchildren and students, but, unfortunately, we are increasingly reading job advertisements in the newspaper and on the Internet. There are a lot of vacancies, but employers cannot find people for this position. It seems to me that the problem is that people do not have the necessary education for this position.

Schoolchildren participate in various career guidance competitions, go on excursions to the Economic Zone, and have class hours with them at this topic. But all this is not enough to interest schoolchildren. It is very important to psychologically prepare for choosing a profession from the 8th grade. And this requires support not only from the school and parents.

Objective of the project: development of events, aimed at professional guidance for youth that meets promising areas of socio-economic developmentElabuga municipal district.


  1. motivating students to make informed choices future profession;
  2. establish business connections with individuals and organizations interested in the professional training of the younger generation;
  3. to form a positive attitude towards oneself, awareness of one’s individuality in relation to realizing oneself in a future profession;
  4. Expanding students’ understanding of industries and professions, needs and requirements for the basic competencies of personnel in the context of the rapid development of information and communication technologies and industrial relations;
  5. increasing the prestige of in-demand blue-collar professions and engineering specialties, taking into account the requirements of the labor market.

Target group: project "Profession of the XXI century!" designed for teenagers aged 14-16 years in the Elabuga municipal region.


1. Psychological trainings in the class “About choosing a profession” together with the staff of the psychological center for children “Chance-Omet”.

2. Psychological consultations for schoolchildren and their parents on choosing a professional field and determining an individual trajectory of professional and personal development.

3. Watching videos about professions that are in demand in the labor market today. (The videos must be created by employers of various enterprises in the Yelabuga region.)

4. A written test survey of students about the professions that are most interesting to them.

Activity :

1. Conducting classes together with representatives of the economic zone (and other enterprises) and vocational educational institutions of the city (universities and colleges) on the topic “In-demand professions of the Elabuga municipal region.”

2. Conducting a class hour together with parents “Professions of my parents.”

3. Career guidance excursions. Introducing teenagers to the labor profession through practice . (Students talk with employees of enterprises about their position and workplace, joint participation in work).

Partners: Employment Center, psychological center for children "Chance-Omet", vocational educational institutions of the city, employers of various enterprises, MBOU secondary school of the Yelabuga district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Conclusions: Systematic conduct of career guidance work has positive influence to increase the student’s overall activity. It follows from this that the methods of career guidance work are a system of purposeful actions of the teaching staff of the school, family, vocational and higher educational institutions, production and public organizations to develop students’ psychological and practical readiness for a certain field of work.

Expected results.1) Organizing the relationship between school, family, vocational educational institutions, employment center, psychological center for children "Chance - Omet", employers various events. 2) Increasing demand among students for working professions.

Practical use of the projectThis project can be applied from September 1, 2016 in all schools in the Elabuga municipal district. This will increase the demand of young people for jobs, and will help teenagers decide on their choice of profession, starting from the 8th grade.

List of used literature

1. E.A. Klimov. How to choose a profession. - M.: Education, 1990.

2. Bezus Zh.N., Zhukova Yu.P., Kuznetsova I.V., Radchenko V.V., Sovina K.V., Kholodilova Yu.K. The path to a profession: the basics of an active position in the labor market: A textbook for high school students. - Yaroslavl: Resource Center, 2003.

3. Gurova E. V. Career guidance work at school: Toolkit. - Moscow: Education, 2007.

4. Rezapkina G.V. Ambulance in choosing a profession - M.: Genesis, 2007.

5. Gretsov A. Choosing a profession. Advice from a practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

Information sources Directory of professions; Career guidance; How to choose a profession.

Class survey: Questions: What professions are in demand in our region? Do you know what your parents do? Do you know what responsibilities your parents have at work? Would you like to know more about professions? Which profession do you like best?

What is a profession? PROFESSION - (from the Latin professio), a type of labor activity or occupation that requires certain training and is usually the source of a person’s existence. By the end of the 20th century, the number of professions reached thousands.

The influence of personality traits on career choice. Psychologists believe that when choosing a profession, the correspondence between a person’s psychological characteristics and the characteristics of the future profession is very important. The profession should be interesting. Choose a profession where your abilities will be fully realized and where you will achieve the greatest success. And to do this, define your best qualities and interests.

Psychological types of professions. We found out that there are psychological types of professions: Man-nature - these are professions related to agriculture, food industry, medicine and scientific research. Human technology is the leading subject of labor - technical objects (machines, mechanisms), materials, types of energy.

Psychological types of professions. A person is a person - to successfully work in professions of this type, you need to learn to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand them, understand their characteristics, and also acquire knowledge in the relevant field of production, science, and art. Human sign systems, the main leading subject of labor conventional signs, numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages.

City vacancies: - loader – 342 workers. places; - cleaner, janitor - 397 workers. places; - auxiliary worker - slave. places; - nurse – 228 workers. places - mechanic – 366 workers. places; - electrician – 190 workers. places; - welder – 137 workers. places; - driver – 297 workers. places; - doctor – 535 workers. places; - nurse – 516 workers. places; - engineer – 393 workers. places; - manager – 126 workers. places

Professions that are too numerous on the Volgograd labor market: 200 economists are registered on the stock exchange, vacancies - 16 lawyers 100 people, vacancies - 14 accountants 202 people, vacancies Consequently, it is not advisable to study these professions, there is an oversupply of these specialists on the labor market.

The professions of our parents. Chislov Andrey. My mother, Marina Vladimirovna, works as an accountant. At work every day she counts numerous numbers, adds, subtracts. And she loves her simple profession. Days pass, years pass, The country changes, But the accountant's affairs are always unchanged: Accounting, credit, balance, salary Will always remain. This is the job of an accountant - He comes early and leaves late, Sometimes he has an audit, sometimes a report, And sometimes he can’t find a penny.

Kravchenko Andrey. My mother is a saleswoman in a store. There are many different, important, necessary and beautiful professions. You come to the store - there is only one seller. Everything will tell you: what to buy, how much to pay, pick up, find, try on, weigh, wrap, measure, lift your spirits. Invite you to visit again!

Kislov Maxim. My dad is the deputy prosecutor of Volgograd, he is a major. He stands guard over the implementation of the law if someone breaks the law. He must be punished. My mother works in the Administration of the Volgograd Region as a chief specialist in the economics committee; she is an economist.

Conclusion: We confirmed the hypothesis that it is necessary to learn a profession in advance in accordance with your abilities, as well as study the market for the demand for professions in the city, so as not to become unemployed. You need to have the desire, learn and love your profession. Then you will be satisfied with your life.



Yekaterinburg city


“Steps to a future profession.

Career Guidance Model

in MBOU secondary school No. 63"

Skatova Irina Viktorovna,

Deputy Director for HR

MBOU secondary school No. 63


Project passport

Project name: “Steps to a future profession. Model of work on career guidance in MBOU Secondary School No. 63.”

Competition nomination: “Model of career guidance work in an educational institution.”

Skatova Irina Viktorovna, deputy director for educational work, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 63.

Educational institution: municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 63

Head of MBOU Secondary school No. 63: Salova Natalia Petrovna.

Relevance of the project

There are more than 7,000 professions in the world today. Only a few hundred of them are popular in megacities. According to the company MAR Consult, currently about half of the Russian population (52%) is not working in their profession. After graduating from universities, those wishing to work in their specialty face the main obstacle - the situation on the labor market (the specialty they receive turns out to be unclaimed, poorly paid, or, on the contrary, competition in the labor market is so high that it is almost impossible to find a job).

Therefore in modern society The problem of creating conditions for successful professional self-determination of graduates of secondary educational institutions is becoming increasingly urgent. Her most important aspect– organizing support for students’ professional self-determination, taking into account their abilities and interests, as well as the needs of society. In modern society, social and professional support for young people in resolving issues of professional self-determination and professional career planning is important.

An analysis of the situation on the labor market showed the importance of forming individual trajectories of life and professional self-determination and career building for young people, taking into account their interests, abilities, personal characteristics and labor market requirements. Each region creates its own request for labor. Potential employers strive to select the best employees who can successfully and efficiently perform their duties. In this regard, issues of professional development of young people and support for this work become extremely important.

The main task modern education is the full mental and personal development of each child, the disclosure of his intellectual abilities, and, finally, the preparation of students for social and professional development. One of the ways to solve the problem of pre-university professional training in high school is specialized training or differentiation.

A student has the right to freely choose a profession, but the desire to work in a certain profession and interest in it are not enough. The basis for a conscious choice of profession should be a whole complex of knowledge and skills, which can be called the teenager’s readiness to choose a profession. Such readiness can be the result of a long, pedagogically guided process of professional self-determination of students. That's the point pedagogical aspect vocational guidance in general and orientation of schoolchildren towards working professions in particular.

Such pedagogical practice makes it possible to solve a significant number of problems: to take an individual approach to the development of each student, to “actually” introduce students to professions in different specialized fields, to avoid mistakes in professional choice, and to strengthen the educational preparation of everyone when entering a university.

There are two main directions of teenagers’ orientation towards working professions:

professional propaganda and professional education;

development of interests, inclinations, abilities of schoolchildren, their self-esteem through inclusion in various types of educational and extracurricular activities.

A key role in career guidance for graduates is played by information: about the content, conditions, organization of work and training in a specific profession, remuneration, its requirements for the human body and personality, opportunities for professional qualifications and job growth (career planning); information about current and future personnel demand.

The relevance of professional self-determination of schoolchildren is also emphasized in the modern concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education, which is focused on the individualization of learning and the socialization of students and involves, through changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, more fully taking into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students, creating conditions for training high school students in accordance with their professional interests and intentions regarding continuing education.

The choice of profession, decision-making about the place of study, work occurs as a result of comparing information on all these positions and depends on their objective content and understanding by everyone. The negative consequences of an incorrectly chosen profession affect both the person himself and the entire society as a whole. According to sociologists, the correct choice of profession reduces staff turnover by 3-3.5 times, increases labor productivity by 20% and reduces the cost of training by 2.5 times.

It is assumed that the career guidance system should give schoolchildren the opportunity to try themselves in different directions.

Target: Create a system of comprehensive career guidance work with students.


    Creating conditions for the formation of an informed choice of profession in accordance with one’s abilities, psychophysical data and the needs of society.

    Formation of knowledge among schoolchildren about the organization of production in the country, modern equipment, and ways of professional training.

    Developing interest in a future profession, creating positive motivation for work in students and internal readiness to conscious and independent choice life and professional path.

    Organization and conduct of various events for professional guidance of schoolchildren.

    Development and implementation of elective courses.

    Providing assistance to adolescents with a low level of motivation profile.

    Formation of independent cognitive activity skills in students, preparing them to solve problems of various levels of complexity.

    To develop students' motivation for research activities.

    To develop in students a mindset that allows them not to passively consume information, but to process it critically and creatively; have your own opinion and be able to defend it in any situation.

    Make students competitive in terms of admission to the universities of their choice.


Between the need of society for an effective system of educational vocational guidance in secondary school and insufficient theoretical and methodological development of this problem in pedagogical science;

Between the need of students for personal and professional self-determination and the real conditions of vocational guidance available in an educational institution are insufficient to ensure this process.

Main areas of work

1. Organizational and methodological work. Information and analytical activities.

2. Collaboration schools with secondary vocational education institutions, NGOs, universities, enterprises, city libraries, the “Dialogue” center, participation in the city program “Profi-debut: scale - city”.

3. Organization of work with parents of students and school graduates.

4. Monitoring the quality of career guidance work.

Project participants

    Students of 1st – 6th grades. The main direction of the work is to develop the interests and abilities of schoolchildren, to create fields for self-actualization of primary school students and adolescents in various fields of activity, to formulate the children’s needs for professional self-determination.

    Students of 7th – 9th grades. The main direction of the work is the organization of assistance to adolescents in formulating specific personal goals of professional and personal self-determination and psychological and pedagogical support in the selection of graduates of the basic general school.

    Students of 10 – 11 grades. The main direction of work is preparing school graduates for an adequate choice of profession, career, life path taking into account abilities, health status and labor market needs.

Project coordinator– Deputy Director for educational work.

Coordination Council: class teachers, parent committees, curators from NGOs, secondary vocational education institutions, universities.

Subject teachers, social educator, director, librarian.

One of the most important problems in choosing a professional direction is avoiding selection mistakes. And if the error in choosing a profile direction can still be corrected, then, taking into account modern conditions for obtaining higher education, one can imagine how costly mistakes in choosing a profession can be today.

Expected results

    An adequate system of students’ ideas about themselves, the labor market, and the market for educational services.

    Students have reflection skills, including the skills to analyze their interests, abilities, opportunities, personal and professional experience.

    Students' knowledge of decision-making technology in situations of professional choice.

    Active personal position of students in a situation of choice, confidence in their own steps to build an educational and professional project.

Criteria for assessing project results

    Choice of profession:

The choice of profession has been made;

The student chooses between 2–3 professions;

The choice of profession has not been made.

    Level of knowledge about the profession:

High level of knowledge (knows the essence of the profession, what requirements it places on a person, what contraindications there are for working in this specialty; knows which educational institutions teach this profession, what level of education you need to have and what exams you need to pass for admission);

Average level(knows what the essence of the profession is, its requirements, but does not know which educational institutions teach this profession or knows educational institutions, but knows about the profession only in general terms);

Low level knowledge (knows practically nothing about either the profession or the educational institutions in which this profession can be obtained).

    Due to the choice of profession:

The profession is interesting to the student himself, he likes to do this work;

The main thing is the prestige of the profession, its high pay, interest in the profession is not required;

The student chose a profession based on the example or advice of his parents.

Regulatory framework

1. The concept of specialized training at the senior level of general education.

2. Law on Education.

3. Convention International Organization Labor No. 142 “On vocational guidance and training in the field of human resource development.”

4. “Federal target program for the development of education for 2006-2010.”

5. Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment in the Russian Federation”.

Basic requirements for a comprehensive school at a new quality level

    Increasing the responsibility and active role of the school in the education and social adaptation the younger generation.

    Ensuring broad interaction between the school and the family, other levels of education, educational authorities, children's and youth public organizations for more effective education and socialization of children and youth.

    Improving the quality of management of educational activities based on the formation of a democratic style of management of the educational process.

    Development of a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support for students.

    Introduction of invariant models of educational content, taking into account the modern sociocultural situation, new values ​​of education and training, ensuring the individualization of education and upbringing, the implementation of a person-oriented approach.

    Prevention of antisocial behavior among students and youth in the district, aimed at overcoming negative manifestations among children and youth.

    Strengthening the interaction of the school with the media, systematically countering information that is harmful to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

    Development of a system of additional education as a center of socialization not only for students, but also for residents, primarily the youth of the municipality.

Basic principles of career guidance:

Personality is not something uniquely given by nature or the educational environment, but is always an open possibility of free development based on internal choice;

Each person is unique, so you should not adjust your personality to the results of statistical studies;

A person has a certain degree of freedom from external determination due to his meanings and values;

Man is endowed with the potential for continuous development and self-realization, which are part of his nature.

I. Organizational and methodological work.

Information and analytical activities.

The content of the work





To form, study and summarize the best experience of teachers in career guidance for students.

During the school year

Coordination Council

Create a bank teaching materials on pre-professional and specialized training of students.

During the school year


Systematize available materials for conducting career guidance work with students and promoting professional knowledge among parents.

May June


Expand the library's collection with reference and information materials about the city's educational institutions, admission rules, specialties, etc.

During the school year

Director, librarian

Design of the information stand “Me and my profession”.

Coordinator, librarian

Organize an exhibition of literature on professions.

September (updated once a month)


II. Working with the teaching staff

The content of the work



Meeting with the head teacher “Organization of career guidance work with students in accordance with regulatory documents on career guidance.”

Aug. Sept


Checking work programs for elective courses and specialized subjects.



Teachers' council "Teacher's work on developing sustainable interests among students."


Deputy Director for methodological work

Organizing mutual visits to lessons and career guidance events for the purpose of exchanging experiences

During the school year


Participation in the city forum heads of educational institutions “Prospects for interaction between institutions of general, secondary and higher vocational education during the transition to a two-level education system.”

February - May

Ural State Economic University

Maintaining a professional diagnostic chart of the class team, identifying the interests and aptitudes of students.

During the school year

Class teachers, coordinator

Festival of Pedagogical Ideas

May June

Director, coordinator

III. Working with students

1 – 6 grades

The content of the work



Exhibition of drawings “My Parents’ Profession”


Class teachers

Questionnaire “I want - I can.”


Class teachers

Essay competition “What do I know about my future profession?”


Russian language teachers

Class hour"Kaleidoscope of professions."


Class teachers

Research and production complex “I want to become an academician”, defense of projects.

February March

Subject teachers, Deputy Director for Educational Management

Training sessions on self-determination and vocational guidance at the Pravoberezhny library information center, 6th grade.


Family presentation competition “Labor Dynasties”.


Deputy Director for Educational Work, parents

During the school year

Coordination Council

7 – 9 grades

The content of the work



Excursions to institutions of secondary vocational education and non-governmental organizations.

During the school year

Coordination Council

Excursions to city enterprises.

During the school year

Coordination Council

Meeting of generations “From labor traditions to labor dynasties.”


“Find your business” – survey and consultation on vocational guidance at the Pravoberezhny library information center, grades 8–9.

November December

Class teachers, library No. 7

Exhibition of student creativity “My Hobbies”

February March

Class teachers, deputy director for educational work

Class hour “My calling and my future profession.”


Class teachers, parents

Interview with 9th grade students about continuing education


Diagnostics of 9th grade students in order to identify professional orientation.

March, April

School psychologist, class teachers

Competition of propaganda teams “Journey into the world of professions”

March, April.


Round table "Summing up the year."




Fair of professions.


Coordination Council


Elective courses:

- “Ecology and Health”, 7th grade

- « Historical portrait", 7 – 9 grades;

- “Entertaining physics”, 7th grade;

- “Chemistry at home”, 8th grade

- “Methods and techniques for solving problems in planimetry”, grades 8 – 9;

- “The World of Graphics and Drawings”, 9th grade.

During the school year

Subject teachers


Collective work on the social project “Healthy Eating”, 8th grade.

During the school year

Class teachers, nutrition manager, curators from USUE.

10 – 11 grades

The content of the work



Creating profile classes:

Social and humanitarian (major subjects: history, Russian language, literature, elective course “Business English”);

Socio-economic (major subjects: algebra and basic analysis, computer science and ICT, social studies; supported by physics and economics).


Director, Deputy Director for HR

Excursions to leading universities in the city during Open Days.

During the school year

Class teachers

Meetings with university teachers and students.

During the school year


Science Day. Protection of projects, abstracts.


Deputy Director for Educational Management, Subject Teachers

Visit to the exhibition “Education from A to Z”.

March - May

Class teachers

IV. Working with parents

The content of the work



Parent meeting “A teenager chooses a profession,” grades 7–9.

November - March

Deputy Director for Educational Work

Conference "The role of family in the right choice of profession."


Deputy Director for legal regulation

Involving parents in cooperation, organizing meetings to attract teenagers to different types of professions.

During the school year

Coordination Council

Competition of family slide and video films “Professional dynasty of my family.”

March, April

Deputy Director for Legal Regulation, class teachers

V. Interaction with school alumni

The content of the work



Behavior of joint classroom hours “My choice”.


Class teachers

Invitation of graduates to school Science Day.


Deputy Director for HR

KVN between high school students and graduates.


Deputy Director for Educational Work

Holiday " Last call”, a speech by graduates of past years with parting words to current graduates.


Deputy Director for Educational Work

VI. Monitoring the quality of career guidance work

1. Conduct a survey of students in grades 10 and 11 to determine the level of satisfaction with the work carried out at school on career guidance.

2. Analysis of further continuing education and employment of graduates of grades 9 and 11.

3. Analysis of participation in competitions, exhibitions on career guidance, the level of events with schoolchildren.


Averkin V.N. A start to life. Education, profession, career: textbook. allowance for grades 9,10,11. educational institutions. – M.: Education, 2005.

Bendyukov M. A. Career steps: the ABC of career guidance. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006.

Bolsunovskaya N. Career guidance on the Internet: About sites and career guidance resources on the Internet // Public education. - 2007.

Graduate before choosing a path: social and moral image. Edited by Babosov, Minsk, Narodnaya Asveta, 1988.

Gretsov A.G. Choosing a profession: advice from a practical psychologist. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

Zeer E.F. Psychology of professions. - Ekaterinburg: UGPPU, 1997.

Klimov E. A. How to choose a profession. Ed. 2nd, add. and revision / E. A. Klimov. M.: “Enlightenment”, 1990.

Nemova N.V. Profile orientation of ninth-graders: elective courses and “educational information cards” / N.V. Nemova // School Director. – 2005, No. 6.

Orel V.E. Psychological foundations of career guidance work with schoolchildren. Yaroslavl, 1990.

Recommendations for the implementation of specialized training at the third stage of general education in the form of an individual curriculum for the student // School Management: App. To the newspaper "First of September". – 2004, No. 8.

School and choice of profession. /Ed. A.E. Golomshtok, M., 1970.

Shcherbo I.N. Implementation of specialized education at school / I. Shcherbo. - Head teacher. – 2005, No. 4.
