Where is it warm in America? Which US state is the warmest? Average annual temperatures

These data arouse such great curiosity not only for some scientific reasons, but also for tourism purposes, because the states continue to be a longed-for dream for most lovers of traveling to the most exotic corners of the planet.

Sunny Florida is rightfully considered the warmest state in the United States, where the popular resort of Miami is located, where the most popular stars of show business and many politicians with their families are used to having fun and carefree time. Florida is second only to this warm state The USA, like starry California with its famous Hollywood hills, as well as the burning Texas steppes scorched to the ground. However, before proceeding with more detailed description climatic features given truly heavenly place on Earth, it is advisable to point out that if we consider this issue more specifically, there are also hotter areas in this wonderful country.

They can be located on the so-called “sun belt” and as an example we can cite the state of Arizona with its great Death Walley, where it is really unbearably hot, especially if we're talking about about the dry summer months, although there is not much precipitation there in winter either. As for resort Florida, here, undoubtedly, we are talking about a more pleasant heat, which coexists perfectly with the refreshing breeze of the Atlantic Ocean, thereby creating a very comfortable environment for free time and respectable relaxation on a long-awaited vacation.

It should be noted that despite all the warmth, Florida’s climate cannot be called dry, since there is almost all year round It rains, thereby causing high humidity. At the same time, you should not be afraid that your long-awaited vacation will be ruined by such natural phenomena, because precipitation in Miami is usually very short-term and, despite its high abundance, after half an hour the sand becomes completely dry. The only period of time when you should refrain from traveling to Florida is summer, because this is the season when hurricanes begin, provoked by high humidity. Among other things, despite the strongest winds, the air temperature in summer months it rarely falls below 32-35 degrees, which, along with the suffocating dry wind, significantly reduces the level of comfort.

The high season for holidays in the state of Florida is considered to be the six-month period from October to April, when the thermometer varies in the range from 23 to 32 degrees Celsius, although not everything is so simple here. The fact is that during this period it is still very hot and most vacationers tend to visit this resort in winter, when the maximum temperatures are observed. low temperatures(21-25 degrees above zero).

At the same time, the humidity slightly loses its position, allowing you to inhale the ocean breeze full breasts, and temperature differences between day and night are extremely insignificant and, as a rule, remain almost completely unnoticed.

What Is The Best Place To Live In America? We will evaluate using a five-point system, 5 is the highest score, 1 is the lowest. Pros and Cons of living in the USA.

Life in Alabama

Pros: first of all, it has a warm climate, the locals are very hospitable and kind people, there is space and freedom here, meaning low population density, if you want large spaces, a large and inexpensive home, then Alabama is the place.

Disadvantages: tornadoes and hurricanes are common here, building a solid house is a risky thing, all invested funds can burn out, or rather simply be blown away by the wind from the surface of the earth. The state is poor, there is high unemployment, a lack of jobs, although unemployment is relative, it is high compared to the US average, but compared to Russia there is no unemployment.

Life Score: 3

Life of people in Alaska

Pros: there are a lot of free spaces, it is not hot, the population density is low, there is a place to go fishing, individualists and lovers of beautiful nature will like it here. You can also find high-paying jobs here, this applies to geologists and oil workers. Alaska will appeal to those who love long polar nights and days, as well as just snow and mountains.

Weather in the States

The huge area of ​​the United States of America has become the main reason for the climatic diversity within the state. From North to South, from West to East in America you can encounter both extreme heat and severe frosts. It all depends on where exactly you are...

Weather in the States

The huge area of ​​the United States of America has become the main reason for the climatic diversity within the state. From North to South, from West to East in America you can encounter both extreme heat and severe frosts. It all depends on where exactly you are going.

Climate in the USA

Most of the country is in the temperate climate zone, to the south the subtropical climate begins, and then tropical zone. The Great Plains are influenced by a semi-desert climate, California is influenced by a Mediterranean climate, but the northern regions of Alaska are a polar region. Thus, the climate in the United States is so diverse (within the entire territory) that there is no need to talk about any unity or at least similarity of weather conditions in certain states.

Weather in the USA in winter

According to statistics, the average maximum December temperature in America is about +7° C. However, it should be understood that this figure was obtained as a result of mathematical operations with data from different regions countries. So, for example, it cannot be said that the weather in the USA in winter stays at seven degrees Celsius. Because the weather in February in Miami is very warm (+22° C), but residents of Minneapolis or Chicago at the same time suffer from frost (-5 – 10° C). Winters in Texas are quite mild, but on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico they are harsh.

Weather in the USA in spring

Experienced travelers note that the best time to visit the USA is spring and autumn. In the central regions in March the weather is the same as in our country. After the winter cold comes the long-awaited warming. In May, the air temperature in New York and surrounding areas reaches nineteen to twenty degrees plus. You can often hear that the weather in the United States in spring is extremely unstable. This applies to areas where thunderstorms, sudden temperature changes and various disasters occur in the spring. In the whole country, the average maximum temperature in March is +12°C, in April +18°C, in May +22°C.

Weather in the USA in summer

From Connecticut to Portland, summer is the best time of year. Heat and humidity combine to create comfortable conditions for humans. There is even such a thing as “Indian summer” (late September). In the Northeastern United States, summers are extremely hot and dry, although temperatures drop sharply at night. On average, the maximum temperature in June is +27° C. Sunny and hot weather In the USA it is not summer everywhere; in Houston, for example, July and August are very humid, and in San Francisco it is always very foggy from May to September. No matter what, the water in the ocean and inland waters warms up to +18 – 20° C in July, which is optimal for swimming.

Weather in the USA in autumn

Perhaps the most universal time The best time to visit America is autumn. New England and New York, the entire Northeast (from Louisiana to the Carolinas), and even the Rocky Mountains are best visited in the fall. The average maximum temperature in September is +25°C, gradually decreasing in October to +19°C, and by November dropping to +10°C. autumn period least of all winds, rains and other weather troubles. As throughout the year, the weather in the United States in the fall is very varied. Doesn't stop in California beach season, and the first snow has already fallen in the North.

Throughout the vast United States, almost all types of climate can be found, from arctic and subarctic in Alaska, to tropical in Hawaii, California and Florida. In the main part of the country, the climate is temperate continental, humid in the east and dry in the west. On a narrow strip of the Pacific coast, maritime temperate (in the north) and Mediterranean (in the south) types of climate can be traced.

The general temperature background is quite uniform. Summer temperatures in most areas range from +22°C to +28°C, with relatively little difference between the northern and southern states. Winter in most of the country is quite mild - the average January temperature ranges from -2°C in the north to +8°C in the south. However, significant temperature fluctuations are not uncommon due to free penetration air masses both from the Arctic region and from tropical latitudes (located in meridional direction The mountain systems of the United States act as a kind of “pipe” through which cyclones and anticyclones move from north to south or vice versa, encountering virtually no obstacles). In mountainous areas it is always cooler than in the adjacent areas of the plains - by 4-8 degrees in summer, by 7-12 in winter. At the same time, in the oceanic regions it is always warmer in winter and cooler in summer than in the center of the country ( East Coast country, heated by the warm Gulf Stream, almost throughout its entire length has a temperature 5-7 degrees higher than the central and western regions).

Depending on the character mountain systems The stability of the weather also changes noticeably - in the low Appalachians the climate differs little from the lowland regions of the east of the country and is quite constant, while the vast and high ridges the Cordillera systems are widely known for their cooler, drier, and more variable weather.

The distribution of precipitation is also very uneven. In the southeastern states and on the Pacific coast up to 2000 mm of rain falls per year, in the Hawaiian Islands - up to 4000 mm or more, while in central regions California or Nevada - no more than 200 mm. Moreover, the nature of the distribution of precipitation depends entirely on the terrain - the western slopes of the mountains and the Atlantic regions receive noticeably more rain than the eastern ones, while throughout the Great Plains, from the coastal lowlands of the south to the forested areas of the north, almost the same amount of precipitation falls (about 300-500 mm).

At any time of the year, you can find a region of the United States in which vacation would be comfortable due to its weather conditions. Swimming season in the north and center Atlantic coast lasts from June to August-September, although the water warms up to quite acceptable values ​​in May and October. You can swim on the Florida coast almost all year round ( average temperature water even in winter months rarely drops below +22°C), however, from July to September it is quite hot (+36-39°C) and very high air humidity (up to 100%), and from June to November tropical hurricanes are frequent.

The Pacific coast has a noticeably greater difference in water and air temperatures between the northern and southern regions. In the southern part of the coast you can swim almost all year round, although from November to March, even in California, the water temperature rarely rises above +14°C (for sea ​​holiday Numerous bays with well-heated water are used). At the same time, in the north, in Oregon and Washington, even in the summer months noticeable cooling of both water and air is common, while in winter temperature regime quite common in temperate areas maritime climate(air from -6 to +4°C, water - about +4°C). Contrary to popular belief, Oregon's climate is quite dry (less rain falls here than in Atlanta or Houston) and quite warm (summer highs rarely exceed +30°C, and in winter the thermometer hovers around +2°C). Therefore, you can find excellent opportunities for recreation almost all year round.

To the north, in the state of Washington, two climate zones are quite clearly distinguished - to the west of the Cascade Mountains, on the Pacific coast and in Seattle, in summer it rarely gets hotter than +26°C, and in winter - colder than +8°C, while the eastern parts of the state have noticeably warmer summers and cooler winters. Traditionally summer tourist season it starts on Memorial Day and continues until Labor Day, and even some attractions are only open to the public during this period.

The central mountain regions can be visited all year round; the southern part of the Rockies is too hot in summer (+26-34°C), so it is recommended to plan your trip in spring or autumn. To avoid an influx of tourists, it is recommended to plan visits to national parks, e.g. late autumn or early spring, when weather quite comfortable. Western slopes of the Rocky Mountains and eastern California in summer period also not very pleasant to visit - too hot, however seaside part The same California at this time has quite pleasant weather conditions.

There are no seasonal restrictions on visiting Los Angeles. Despite its dry and hot semi-desert climate, the city is protected from the scorching heat by the mountain ranges to the north and east, as well as the Pacific Ocean itself. August and September are the hottest months (+24-30°C), January and February are the coolest (about +12°C) and the most humid, but at any time of the year, ocean breezes soften the weather towards greater comfort. However, urban smog combined with summer heat makes the end of summer not best time to visit the metropolis, while the resort areas adjacent to it from the north and south during the same period have excellent weather conditions.

Alaska's climate is quite harsh, since 30% of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. In the northern and central regions with their subarctic climate The thermometer often drops to -45-50°C in winter, while in summer the air warms up to +16-20°C (in the northern regions - +2-6°C) with very low precipitation (about 250 mm annually). In the southern and central regions the climate is temperate maritime, the average temperature in summer is about +18°C, but often the air warms up to +30°C), in winter - from -6°C to +4°C, and precipitation ranges from 400 to 600 mm per year.

The United States of America is a large and diverse landmass with a wide variety of climate zones.

One of the fundamental factors that determines the climate in the United States is the presence of an atmospheric jet stream, which transports air masses and moisture from the north Pacific Ocean to the continent.

The presence of humid Pacific cyclones makes it possible for the northwestern coast of the country to receive abundant rain or snow.

As for the southern regions of the Country, in the state of California, precipitation mainly falls in autumn and winter. Summer here is dry and hot.

On the way of air masses moving inland, a barrier arises in the form of the Pacific Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. Because of this, the Intermountain Plateau region and western Great Plains are almost always dry.

Also on the climate of the United States of America big influence Warm tropical air currents coming here from the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico also have an effect.

US maps. Climate regions USA

The continental United States is conventionally divided into nine climatic regions:

1. Humid continental warm climate

2. Humid continental hot climate

3. Wet sub tropical climate

4. Tropical humid climate

5. Arid (semi-arid) climate

6. Alpine (high mountain) climate

7. Dry (desert) climate

8. Maritime climate

9. Mediterranean climate

A humid continental climate is found primarily in the northeastern United States. Here you can observe large seasonal temperature changes. So the summer here is quite warm or even hot and at the same time Cold winter And great abundance precipitation throughout the year.

The northern part of this region includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, parts of New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota. Summers here are quite warm with an average temperature in the warm months of + 22 degrees. Concerning maximum temperatures, then in July the air here warms up to +28 degrees, the average winter temperature here is about -3 degrees.

As you can see, the climate here is similar to the Russian climate in the central European part, as well as to the climate of most of Ukraine and Belarus.

Moving further south, the states of New Jersey, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan experience very hot summers.

The average temperature in July can reach up to + 33 degrees. As for winter, the air temperature in the cold months can drop to - 10 degrees.

Such weather conditions are typical for Kuban, the southern regions of Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

In the very south, the states of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, most of Florida and Virginia, there is a region with a humid subtropical climate.

It has hot and humid summers and fairly cool winters. In summer, the average temperature here remains above +25 degrees. Winters here are warm and temperatures rarely drop below zero.

The western territories of the United States are the states of Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. There is a so-called semi-arid climate zone.

The typical climate of this zone is dry summers and warm, wet winters.

The arid climate zone is located in the states of Nevada, Utah, Arizona and California. Here are the deserts of the United States of America. There is practically no precipitation in this area; in summer temperatures can reach + 45 degrees, and in winter at night they can reach zero.

On the northwest coast of the United States of America, the states of Washington and Oregon have a maritime climate. The climate is characterized by small daily and seasonal changes temperature. Quite cool summers and mild winters. There is a lot of rainfall throughout the year.

On the west coast of California there is a region with a Mediterranean climate. It is characterized by low precipitation in summer. Precipitation in the form of snow or rain falls here only in autumn or winter. The temperature here rarely drops below zero even in winter.

The climate here is similar to the southern coast of Crimea.

Alpine climates are found in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Rim regions. From the name it is clear that the climate here is typical for high mountain regions.

On south coast Florida has a tropical, humid climate. You can experience summer here all year round. Summers are very hot and humid, and winters are short, warm and dry. It is not for nothing that many American resorts are located here.

Hawaii also has a tropical climate, although unlike Florida, there is no dry season here, it is always hot and humid.

There is one more region left - Alaska. The climate in Alaska is quite diverse and cannot be classified as just one type. So the climate here changes from marine on the Pacific coast to subarctic and arctic in the north of the peninsula.

As we can see from the above, in the United States of America you can find almost any climate.
