Why you can't plant a Christmas tree. Blue spruce on the site: bad omen, superstitions and interesting facts

IN Lately It has become very fashionable to plant in your yard coniferous trees. But since ancient times it was believed that this Bad sign. Not everyone believes this, and coniferous trees today can be very often seen on plots.

Stories about planting coniferous trees on your property appeared from the ancient Slavs.

And up to today It is believed that spruce is a tree with negative energy, so planting it near the house is prohibited.

Is it possible to plant coniferous trees (spruce) in the yard sign: what trees can be planted near the house

Today it is very difficult to find a house near which there is not a single tree. Planting something on your site is a tradition that has appeared quite a long time ago. But even in ancient times, not all trees could be planted near the house.

It is believed that planting a cherry tree near your home is a good omen. This tree does not require large quantity concerns, which suits many. Cherry is a symbol of fertility and wealth. Since ancient times, it was believed that lighting a fire at the moment of flowering of this tree is a guarantee of future wealth.

I consider viburnum to be a protective tree. Berries from such a bush have healing properties.

To decorate the site, many people plant rose hips. This bush has long been considered a positive plant and one that cannot bring anything bad to the family.

In addition to the above trees, the most often planted near the house are: apple tree, larch, rowan and much more.

Is it possible to plant coniferous trees (spruce) in the yard sign: ancient legends

The ancestors collected signs from what happened near them. And there are also a lot of things about spruce.

Coniferous trees were not planted because it was believed that this tree attracts lightning. And during a thunderstorm, they never hid their sweat under spruce.

In ancient times, it was believed that if you planted a spruce near your house, it would lead to the death of someone in the family.

Legends about this tree were not only among the Slavs. Europeans also had their own beliefs. So there was a story about a tree that was planted by the first colonists near Lake Keitele. When a branch dried up on a spruce tree, one of the colonists died. And when the tree dried up completely, none of these people were alive anymore.

But there are other signs associated with this tree. For example, if you plant a spruce, this will lead to an unsuccessful marriage, or to the divorce of the owners of the house.

Spruce is associated with loneliness, and planting such a tree means driving all men out of the house.

Is it possible to plant coniferous trees (spruce) in the yard sign: explanation by scientists

Scientists do not take such signs into account; they explained it from a scientific point of view. In their opinion, main reason The fact that coniferous trees were not planted in Rus' was due to their rapid combustion. And such a tree could lead to a fire of the entire village.

In addition, if such a tree grows alone on the site, then there is a high probability of lightning hitting it.

Scientists also point out that the spruce tree had a bad crown, and thus, when it grew large and outgrew the height of a peasant’s house, it could easily catch fire from the chimney.

Today, very few houses are built of wood. In addition, some areas have two or more floors. Therefore, we can consider such signs no longer working in our time. And whether or not to plant such a tree in your yard is a decision solely for the owners of the house.

It’s rare to see a site with only a house with a lawn and some garden beds. Most people feel somehow uncomfortable on a “bald” piece of land and want to green it up: somewhere for beauty, somewhere to isolate themselves from noisy neighbors. If only we could first decide the question: what tree should we plant? Is it possible to plant a spruce on the plot - it seems like a bad omen?

The troubles that spruce is blamed for

It is precisely because of superstitions that furry beauties do not often appear near houses. The list of troubles that planting this tree on the site will supposedly entail is capable of inspiring fear:

  • A woman living in a house with a spruce tree will be lonely: she will not find a mate, she will become widowed, or her husband will leave for another.
  • The person who planted the spruce will die after the tree outgrows it. According to another version, death will come to the house when the spruce rises above the roof.
  • A couple who dares to plant a spruce on their plot will be left without heirs: they will face childlessness or the birth of only girls.

You can find negative statements about spruce from bioenergeticists and feng shui adherents; they say that spruce draws energy from the residents of the house, which is why frequent serious illnesses appear.

From history: spruce is a dangerous neighbor of our great-grandfathers

The energy of a tree cannot be measured, but the abundance of frightening beliefs can be explained by historical facts:

  • Firstly, traditionally spruce branches they covered the sleigh/cart on which the deceased was transported to the cemetery, and they also littered the road with them, blocking the soul’s way back.
  • Secondly, pine needles are very flammable, and our ancestors lived in log houses: no one wanted to become a fire victim.
  • Thirdly, in low peasant houses with stove heating, one could get caught if a tall spruce tree spread its lush needles over the chimney, weakening the draft in the chimney.

Agree, these were really good reasons refuse to plant spruce near your home. Are there any threats now?

Why is spruce dangerous on the site: a modern view

Those who are not superstitious will be interested in the real reasons why spruce is not a good choice:

  • Spruce displaces other plants - this formulation most often means that the dense crown casts an extensive shadow, and the lack of light is detrimental to light-loving crops.
  • Spruce roots can destroy the foundation - however, spruce is powerful root system, but at the same time superficial. This gives rise to another danger: when strong impulse wind, the tree may fall, damaging buildings or injuring people.
  • A tall spruce attracts lightning - according to the laws of physics, this is true for any tall objects.
  • Coniferous litter acidifies the soil - but this is a myth. Spruce trees prefer initially acidic soils, but do not themselves influence its reaction.

As we can see, objective reasons for refusing to plant spruce on the site also exist. But the examples in the photo below indicate that neither superstitions nor facts stop those who like to inhale the smell of pine needles and contemplate its lush beauty.

Photo gallery: spruce trees in landscape design

Surrounded by other conifers, the spruce looks even brighter. The size of the plot allowed even several spruce trees to be planted near the house. Coniferous trees still look great against the background of wooden buildings. A small Christmas tree is the accent in this composition

Arm yourself with a competent landscape project, select compact decorative varieties, do not shift responsibility for what is happening to bad omens, and you will be able to 100% use the beauty of spruce in landscaping your site. In addition, by New Year you won’t have to go into the forest with an ax - and this is a strong argument for it!

Recently, a neighbor in the country, having caught me on the street, began to passionately explain what danger I was exposing myself to by planting Christmas trees on the property.

I have heard the story that as soon as a spruce tree outgrows a house, the owner will immediately die. Fighting superstitions is a thankless task, but it’s worth at least thinking about where this ridiculous prejudice came from.

Even in pre-Christian times, the life of our ancestors was closely connected with the forest. Among the Slavic and especially Finno-Ugric tribes that once inhabited the territory of our country, spruce was considered a mediator between the world of the living and the dead. In the minds of ancient peoples, this tree was closely connected with their ancestors, so its branches were used in funeral rites. It was in spruce forests that the dead were usually buried: dark forests were associated with the other world. At the same time, coniferous trees (including spruce) were a symbol of immortality. Their life force and unique ability Even in winter, staying green served as the best motivator for our distant ancestors, as they say now. People believed that the energy of spruce was beneficial and promoted well-being. In some places there was even a custom of throwing spruce branches into the hem of young housewives, wishing them family happiness and healthy children. And much later, already in Christian tradition, spruce has become a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, an indispensable attribute of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Thus, it is definitely not worth associating this tree only with cemetery stories.

As for the belief about the inevitable death of the owner of the house near which the spruce tree grows, then the situation is even simpler. This is a tree of the first size, the height of which reaches 30–40 m. However, in the first years of its life, the spruce grows very slowly: its growth rate increases only after 10 years. If a person plants a small Christmas tree under his window, it will take many years for it to outgrow the house. It is likely that during this time the owner will have time to grow old. And, unfortunately, no one lives forever.

There is only one very prosaic reason why these trees really should not be planted near the house. Spruce is a windfall species. It has an extensive crown surface, but a shallow root system and during a strong wind (such as the hurricane that recently swept through Moscow and the region) it can collapse directly onto nearby buildings. But this applies only to the species common spruce, i.e. prickly spruce and their tall varieties. Varietal decorative Christmas trees, which are sold in garden centers, as a rule, even when mature, do not exceed 3 m in height and do not pose any danger.

Before you figure out why planting a spruce is a bad omen, you need to know what kind of energy comes from trees. Ancestors believed that absolutely any plant has its own energy that affects humans. To the trees with negative energy oak and willow can be included, as they worsen health and bring bad luck. These trees are called vampires because they absorb positive energy from the environment.

In addition, there are healing trees that attract good luck and normalize well-being. They should be planted near the house. These can be absolutely any fruit trees: larch, acacia.

Blue spruce Is there a bad omen on the site? A question that many people are interested in, because no one knows exactly what effect this tree has on a person. According to signs, you can determine the plants that can be grown on your site and which cannot. It is very difficult to check the energy of plants, but it is better to avoid trees that have a branched root system. Often it is so powerful that it can even destroy the foundation of a house.

It is believed that oak has bad energy, since it is too powerful and heavy. The tree draws vitality from people suffering from various diseases. There is another belief according to which you should not plant an oak tree near your house. It is believed that this tree can bring death to the head of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to plant birch trees near the house. According to signs, spirits live in the crown of this tree, which can be good or evil. There is a belief that if a birch tree grows near a house, a woman may suffer from female diseases or infertility.

Bad omen - spruce on garden plot. The tree brings bad luck, destroys the harvest and can even attract death. There is a completely logical explanation for this. Since ancient times in Rus', the dead were covered with spruce branches, so the tree evoked fear. Spruce is very flammable, which poses a great threat to wooden houses.

A blue spruce on a property is a bad omen, and this tree is also found in a variety of legends. The Slavs were sure that if they planted this tree on their plot, then failures would definitely begin in the family. There was an opinion that the wife would not be able to get pregnant or would only give birth to daughters. It was believed that if such a tree was planted near the house of a lonely woman, she would be alone all her life and would soon die.

They used to think that if you plant a tree next to your house, and it suddenly dries up, gets sick, or is struck by lightning, then all the inhabitants of the house will soon die. It was believed that during bad weather or a thunderstorm one should not hide under a spruce tree, since it would be the one that would be struck by lightning.

According to legend, this tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland. People revered him very much and were afraid of anger. Initially, the entire harvest was eaten, only after that people collected food.

However, as soon as one branch withered on the blue spruce, one of the colonists who arrived in these parts was sure to die. This continued until only one old woman remained alive. After the withered tree completely collapsed, she also died. Only the descendants of those people who first came to conquer this land remained alive.

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the most useful plants Flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs and trees are considered. They attract vital energy to themselves, becoming quite powerful emitters of joy.

A bad omen is a blue spruce on the site, according to Feng Shui. According to this teaching, a tree is able to attract good energy to itself. The worst option is considered to be a lonely spruce growing right in front of the house. In this case, the tree will literally imbue the entire surrounding space with bad energy. If you want to land evergreen in front of the house, it is better to opt for pine rather than spruce.

Skeptical designers believe that a spruce tree on a summer cottage poses only one danger, because it can fall from strong winds, it also has a superficial root system. However, this problem can be easily solved by planting low-growing varieties of coniferous trees.

Designers do not believe that a blue spruce on a site is a bad omen, since this tree thins out beneficial substances throughout the site, so flowers will bloom even more brightly against its background. But everyone decides for themselves whether to plant this tree on their site or not.

Many people believe that spruce in a summer cottage is a bad omen. Superstitions associated with coniferous trees are based on knowledge gained by ancestors who noticed events happening around them. It is worth noting that many of these beliefs remain relevant to this day.

Often, it is not the very presence of this tree on the site that is considered negative, but rather its height. Ancestors believed that if a spruce tree grew higher than the roof of a house, then someone in the house would soon die. In some countries there was an opinion that the person who planted the tree would die, but this would happen when it grew taller than him.

One of the existing superstitions is based on the qualities that are attributed to this plant. It was believed that spruce has the property of drawing out all the vital forces from the owners of the house. Therefore, people did not even doubt that the plant would drink all the vitality and joy from them.

Disputes regarding whether planting a spruce near the house is a bad omen or not continue to this day. Some psychics claim that this plant absorbs other people's energy only in summer period time, and in winter the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why in winter time When you experience weakness and vitamin deficiency, you just need to walk through a spruce forest and you will immediately gain more strength.

The ancestors believed that a blue spruce on the site was a bad omen, especially one that grew to human height. She can mysteriously influence the occupants of the house and cause death. It is likely that the opinion about this coniferous tree was formed due to the fact that it ignites very quickly: where there is a fire, there is grief.

However, despite all the existing superstitions and prejudices that have existed since ancient times in Rus', today the cultivation of pine and spruce personal plot considered to be quite common. It is worth noting that many bioenergeticists believe that coniferous trees are capable of producing negative energy that have negative impact per person.

This tree has long been considered female, so it was not customary to plant it near the house. Like any other plant associated with the weaker sex, it easily survives from the house of all men. Not too much good attitude To coniferous forest It was also caused by the participation of this tree in the funeral rite, since the road to the cemetery was covered with thorny branches so that the soul of the deceased could not find the way back and would not disturb the relatives. The Christmas tree has a special influence on the atmosphere of the house. Esotericists are sure that it cleanses the energy of the house, eliminating any entities.

It is believed that a live Christmas tree or pine tree near the house is a bad omen, but all this can be explained from a scientific point of view. It is worth noting that this tree has a very powerful root system, which is located in upper layers soil. In strong winds, the plant may bend, which is dangerous for housing. Consequently, experts recommend planting spruce away from residential buildings.

Almost every superstition can be explained from a scientific point of view. Signs about Christmas trees are no exception. In Rus', people will not allow themselves to plant such trees near their houses, because they catch fire even from the slightest spark. And since the houses were completely wooden, a fire was guaranteed. Indeed, a spruce can be struck by lightning, but not because it is a cursed tree. Often it grows separately from others, in solitude. You shouldn't take bad omens at face value. In Russia, it is a very common practice to plant blue spruce near buildings.

It is not advisable to grow poplar, spruce and oak near the house. Many superstitions associated with plants can be explained scientifically. However, there are various trees with good energy. If you want to grow a tree with positive energy, then you should pay attention to the following plants:

  • juniper;
  • acacia;
  • maple;
  • Rowan;
  • pear;
  • rose hip.

To ensure that the energy in the house is only positive, it is worth growing trees and flowers in your garden plot that can only bring benefits.

In addition, many people do not like to plant spruce next to residential buildings due to the fact that it grows tall with a dense crown. During a strong wind, the spruce could cover the chimney with its branches, causing the residents of the house to burn out.

Is planting a spruce really a bad omen? Residents of villages are often convinced that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near their house. But can the appearance of a tree on a property really lead to various misfortunes, or is this just another prejudice?

Signs and beliefs are a real storehouse of knowledge and wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Among all the beliefs, the most popular are those related to the seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring), animals, birds and, of course, plants.

There are signs about health, money, love and so on. In some beliefs there is a clearly visible logical chain, and it is easy to draw understandable conclusions. Others never cease to amaze us with their spontaneity.

If we talk about signs associated with Christmas trees, people living in areas where there are no spruce forests most often believe that planting such a plant on your property is a bad omen. In areas where the Christmas tree is not a rare visitor, there are no such horror stories.

Spruce is also found in various legends. The Slavs were sure that if such an outlandish plant was planted near the house, misfortune would begin in the family. It is possible that the wife will not be able to give birth to offspring or will only give birth to daughters. Planting a tree near a single woman’s house meant that she would be alone for the rest of her days or would die in the near future.

There was also a belief that if a tree was planted next to a house, but it suddenly withered, became sick, or was struck by lightning, then all the owners of the house would very soon pass away. It was believed that during thunderstorms and bad weather one should never hide under a spruce tree, since it would be the one that would be struck by lightning.

Such superstitions were widespread not only in the territory Ancient Rus', but also in European countries. For example, legend says that this particular tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland near Lake Keitele.

People revered the tree very much, they were afraid of its wrath, the entire harvest was initially shown to it, and only after the tree saw the fruits of their labor could the products be taken for themselves. It was among Europeans that spruce was considered a symbol of harvest and good luck. However, everything was not so smooth.

It turns out that as soon as one branch dried up on the tree, one of the first colonists was sure to die. This continued until only one old woman remained alive. And as soon as the withered tree collapsed, she died too. In the settlement, only the descendants of the people who first came to this land remained alive.

Modern signs are based on the knowledge that our ancestors received by noticing the events happening around them that preceded any result. Surprisingly, most of these beliefs are still relevant in our world. But why is spruce on the site a bad omen?

In most cases, it is not just the presence of a plant on the site that is negative, but its height. It was believed that if they grow larger than the roof of a building, then someone in the house will definitely die. In some other parts of our vast homeland, the belief was slightly changed. It was believed that the person who planted the tree would die if it grew taller than him.

One of the beliefs is based on the amazing properties that were attributed to the plant. It was believed that it was actually evil, insidious and drained all the happiness, juices, and vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people believed that the couple who planted the tree would soon separate, as the plant would drain all the joy from them.

Our ancestors believed that spruce had an extremely negative attitude towards men, so mostly the male sex would face grief, or the plant simply would not allow men into the house (that is, girls would not be able to get married).

Some beliefs are quite easy to explain. In ancient times, the bodies of the dead were completely covered with fir branches. This explains the superstition that says that this plant brings the dead, death. Among our people there are many superstitions about what trees can be planted in the yard of a house.

Disputes regarding such a magical tree continue to this day, since many modern psychics and bioenergetics claim that the plant absorbs other people’s energy only in the warm season. In winter, the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why if in winter, during the period of vitamin deficiency and impotence, you walk through a spruce forest, your strength will increase.

Almost every superstition can be explained from a logical point of view. Signs about Christmas trees are no exception. In Rus', people could not afford to plant such trees near their houses, since spruce trees would catch fire from any spark. And since the houses were wooden, a fire was guaranteed.

Indeed, this plant could often be struck by lightning, but not because it was a cursed tree, but because most often it grew alone.

Another logical explanation for the dislike of Christmas trees is that the tree grows very tall, with a dense dense crown, and, having become taller than a small house with a chimney, during a strong wind the plant could simply close the chimney and the residents could get burned.

Accordingly, all these horrors that were previously attributed to the plant have a very logical justification. However, today they do not work. In the 21st century, people are no longer afraid of scary omens, they are not afraid of crows that hit the window, they plant fir trees on their property, which were previously considered the tree of the dead, they are not afraid of breaking a mirror, and so on.

Of course, it is stupid to ignore the wisdom of our ancestors, but for the most part, they tried to explain everything that was happening around them, the world in which they lived, with such superstitions. Perhaps this is what helped them maintain harmony with the surrounding nature.

Each person can decide for himself whether to believe in superstitions or not, whether a Christmas tree in the yard is a bad omen or a good one, or in general, if this tree appears on your site, it will not change anything.

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Nowadays, there are a huge number of different superstitions that have come to us from the distant history of our country. And if some of them can be explained even now, just by thinking a little and using logic (for example, if you spill salt, there will be trouble), then some, at least, are surprising.

Why, say, such a beautiful, harmless tree is considered a sign of misfortune? Its leaves are not poisonous, dangerous fruits do not grow on it, but most summer residents (especially in villages far from big cities) are they afraid of him like fire?

Why were they so afraid to plant a Christmas tree in their garden or plot? Now we will try to figure it out! I have divided this article into two parts. In the first, I will analyze these signs and superstitions, and in the second, I will tell you where this story came from, according to scientists.

From the very beginning, it is worth noting that this myth is widespread throughout Russia. For example, in the northern parts, where spruces grow as often as birches or oaks here, almost no one knows about this superstition. And we will tell you why, but later. There are a huge number of different superstitions on this topic - If a tree grows taller than the person who planted it, it will soon die. If it is close to the house, then illness cannot be avoided, but if it is close to the window, then you will have a fever for a very long time.

Most people claim that this is because these trees are real energy vampires who use the energy of the living to help the dead. But the same can be said about Fir, which is also called the “tree of the dead.” In addition, there has not yet been direct confirmation that the person died precisely because of the tree.

In the meantime, I want to ask you to remember - did your grandmother or mother often tell you that planting a spruce on your property is a bad omen that can lead to the death of you or your loved ones? So, it turns out that such stories exist not only in our homeland. In Europe, too, there is a sign, one might even say, a beautiful and sad story.

When the colonists passed near Lake Keitele in Finland. They decided to stop there and planted a fir tree. For them it was something like a symbol of good luck. So, for example, all supplies and food were first left for a while at the trunk of this tree, and only then brought to the table. And it was believed that when one withered branch falls, one resident dies.

When the tree itself fell, no longer able to stay at such a height, the last old woman died. But this does not mean that the village of colonists died out - at that time there were already new, young nomads there who were heading to conquer new territories.

And despite the fact that this story again connects spruce and death, for Europeans this tree still means a good omen - the old ones leave, and the new generation comes, taking the baton from their relatives and continuing their path.

Firstly, this tree was usually planted in a single copy in plots. This was done because it was incredibly expensive and large when fully grown. The same birch or oak tree grows so that its branches go sideways.

Many Christmas trees, when viewed from a distance, can be shaped like a perfect triangle. And in height it easily overtakes other trees. It was precisely because it stood alone on the site that lightning often struck it. The peasants called this the machinations of the devil and nicknamed the spruce “unfortunate.”

Secondly, the houses, the roofs of houses that were built in Rus', consisted of flammable materials. And since this huge tree exceeded its size, it was enough for at least one small spark to fall from its top and the whole hut would immediately begin to burn in fire.

And this is exactly why in northern regions They had never heard of such a legend - they knew very well about all these features and built houses in accordance with these very features.

Thirdly, then people were more concerned about their lives themselves, and not about simple aesthetics (as they are now, in fact), and the trees had a very thick crown and even a strong peasant would spend so much on cutting down such a tree that in the same time he could 3 -4 “ordinary” ones to cut down.

So we understand the reasons for all these legends and why they are not relevant now. After all, you must agree - if this tree were so terrible and cursed, then why do many people put them in their homes under New Year and have fun next to him, around him, and sometimes even under him?

This can be called one of the most magnificent examples that various superstitions, beliefs and signs do not appear just like that, they come from life. The most important thing is, don’t be lazy to find out the history of these very signs, and then, perhaps, they will no longer seem so strange and stupid to you.


Informative article and well written. I’m not a superstitious person and that’s what I wish for everyone! How can you believe that some tree will bring bad luck or misfortune? Moreover, almost everyone associates FIR with a pleasant and warm childhood memory of the New Year (Santa Claus, gifts, etc.) P.S. I have a Christmas tree growing in my yard, it’s over 40 years old.

I agree that you can’t plant a spruce next to your house. But not because of superstitions, but simply for safety reasons. The roots of the spruce are superficial and very powerful; they climb under the house and the house warps a little. Signs - some doors and windows stop closing, the floor becomes sloping. AND where will it fall spruce? On house. Life becomes uncomfortable, and in a strong wind it’s simply scary. That's how I lived. I had to cut down the spruce, although it was a pity. But about cedar pines are there any signs?

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Trees on a summer cottage or personal plot are not only an element of landscape design, but your own piece of nature within walking distance. However, not all trees have the privilege of being planted on a person's land. For example, many people, especially those living in rural areas, are afraid to plant a spruce near their home, believing that a green or blue spruce on the site is a bad omen. Why spruce has received such a bad reputation, where this popular superstition comes from - read in the presented article.

Spruce, ordinary green or blue, is a plant with good decorative qualities. Beautiful colour pine needles, which does not change throughout the year, and the fluffy fragrant branches of this tree can decorate even the most inconspicuous-looking land plot, and gloomy, gray and dull winter days add at least a little bright color to the decoration of any area.

But sometimes people’s prejudices turn out to be stronger than any arguments and common sense. The same thing happened with the Christmas tree. For some reason, people imagined that a spruce tree on the site was a bad omen and did not promise anything good. Consider at least the interpretation options for this superstition:

  1. If plant a spruce near the house, within your yard- it will turn out death of someone in the household, as soon as the tree will grow higher than the roof dwellings. A sign popular in small villages and hamlets.
  2. Christmas tree planted next to the house will lead to death of the man who imprisoned her when will it become taller than this man.
  3. Spruce - the tree of loneliness. If you plant it on a plot near the house, then lonely household members will never find a mate(or the marriage will be unsuccessful) , and divorce will happen in married couples.
  4. Spruce is a muzhegon tree. She drives men out of the house, and in young families she does not allow a son-heir to appear.
  5. Spruce on the site is a bad omen, since leads the dead. The superstition is due to the fact that there used to be a ritual rite when dead people were covered with fir branches.
  6. Spruce is a vampire tree. Planted on a plot, it sucks the vital energy from household members.

From the above interpretations, it becomes clear why some particularly superstitious individuals disliked spruce - after all, it has an unenviable popular reputation. People who are reasonable and free from any prejudices do not pay any attention to this sign and happily grow this tree on their site, enjoying its beauty and decorativeness.

What other trees cannot be planted near the house - watch the video:

Almost all superstitions can be explained scientifically. Various scientists give their logical explanation for the sign associated with the spruce tree on the site.

From the point of view of historians, a bad omen - a spruce on the site - is associated with the living conditions of the inhabitants of Rus'. In the old days, the vast majority of houses in villages were built of wood. And spruce, as you know, has the ability to quickly ignite even from a small spark of fire. It is quite logical to assume that the flame from a tall burning tree could immediately spread to the house, to the outbuildings and even spread throughout the entire village, which would ultimately lead to a major fire and disastrous consequences (and it is possible that to tragic deaths Same).

Another tendency of spruce, especially when standing alone, is to attract lightning strikes (it’s not for nothing that during a thunderstorm they do not recommend hiding from the rain under a tree). If a tree is struck by lightning, it can also result in a fire.

Another feature of spruce is its thick and massive crown. Now remember what peasant houses were like in Russian times: low, with a chimney. If a spruce tree grew next to such a house and after a few years became taller than this building, then the risk of getting burned in this house increased, since the dense crown could obscure the pipe and block the access of oxygen.

That is why rural residents in ancient times were afraid to plant spruce next to their houses. Over time, these fears grew into a bad omen that a spruce on the site would lead to death and misfortune.

Cultural scientists associate the emergence of signs about spruce with the beliefs of some Finno-Ugric peoples language group, which this tree was considered a link between two worlds - the world of the living and world of the dead. For example:

  • among the Karelians the rite of confession was widespread;
  • The Komi brought fir branches to the sorcerer, who was near death - he also confessed to this tree and calmly left this world.

The Finno-Ugric peoples attached sacramental significance to almost all trees. coniferous species. Evergreen trees were a symbol of immortality and eternal life; divine power was attributed to them.

The version of bioenergeticists and esotericists is associated with the belief that spruce is a vampire tree. They claim that the Christmas tree draws out other people’s life energy and produces negative energy, which has a negative impact on bad influence for people, only in the summer season. In winter, spruce behaves exactly the opposite: the tree shares its accumulated favorable energy with others - therefore, those who have a hard time with the cold season are recommended to take more frequent walks through the spruce forest during this period.

Perhaps, in the time of our ancestors, the superstition about the Christmas tree was justified. With the help of signs, ancient people tried to explain the incomprehensible phenomena occurring around them, which allowed them to live in harmony with nature and the world around them.

Folk superstitions are undoubtedly a storehouse of wisdom and natural ingenuity of our ancestors. But in the 21st century, most of them have lost their relevance. The same applies to the bad omen about the spruce on the site. The overwhelming majority of modern houses are built of stone, and the number of floors in them often exceeds one.

Spruce is also now regarded as a New Year's tree. Therefore, many people plant a Christmas tree in their summer cottage or garden. After all, you must agree that dancing around your own living symbol of the New Year is much more pleasant, fun and interesting than contemplating the dead beauty of an artificial Christmas tree. Blue spruce is especially suitable for celebrating the New Year - its fluffy branches will harmoniously fit into the solemn atmosphere of the event.

Listen to bad omen Whether they ate on the site or not is a subjective matter for each person. Belief in various folk superstitions carries within itself, rather, psychological aspect. Often, by trusting bad beliefs, weak-willed people protect themselves from the events of cruel reality: it is easier for them to shift responsibility for the negative onto someone else. natural object and thus survive the trouble or grief that has occurred.

How to plant a spruce on the site?

The owners of their summer cottages strive to arrange their properties as comfortably as possible: flower beds, bushes, and even resort to the services of landscape designers. What if you plant a spruce on your site and create a forest, albeit small, but still a forest. Heroine New Year's songs and fairy tales will delight the eye with their greenery all year round, and the healing aroma of pine needles will fill your days with a noble sound. But planting an evergreen beauty requires certain rules, failure to comply will result in disappointment. And if you understand these subtleties in advance, then planting a spruce on your site will not seem like a difficult task.

Where to find a suitable spruce?

Spruce for transplanting to own plot can be purchased at a nursery, dug up in the forest or grown in a pot yourself:

  1. Nurseries offer already grown spruce trees that can be dug up in your presence. Or provide it in a special container. Spruce trees with bare roots may not wait to be planted and die. Therefore, it is better to choose a tree with a lump and an undisturbed root system. It will be easier to grow a spruce in a plot with a ball of earth, since the planting process will be easier and the spruce will take root better.

You can go into the forest and choose your favorite spruce from a meter to two meters in height. You need to dig a ditch around the tree in order to later remove it from the ground along with the earthen lump on the roots. Christmas trees up to a meter long can be transported with bare roots, only during transportation you need to cover them with a tarpaulin. And upon arrival at the site, the spruce must be planted immediately in a pre-prepared hole. To grow a tree from a seed, you need to go to the forest in winter and collect seeds from the open cones. The pot needs to be filled with a mixture for conifers or mixed with ordinary soil and forest soil. The seed is planted to a depth of half a centimeter and put in a cool place until germination. From spring to autumn, the Christmas tree needs to be well watered; the rest of the time, watering should be reduced to 2 times a month. It is important to provide dormant periods for seedlings grown in constant positive temperatures. To do this, it is recommended to take the seedlings out into the yard in winter or place them on the balcony. In a year, a Christmas tree can grow up to a quarter of a meter from a seed. What you need to know about transplantation?

There are two favorable period for replanting fir trees: end of April and end of August. At this time, the root system is growing intensively, so the spruce will take root faster.

You need to choose the right place for the tree. If the Christmas tree is small and decorative, then you can plant the spruce on your property not far from your home. An ordinary spruce has a shallow root system, so it will interfere with other plants and plantings, taking away all their moisture. Then it is better to plant it outside the site. But if you still want to see it on your site, then you should trim its roots annually.

If the Christmas tree grew in the forest, then to transplant it you need to orient yourself to the cardinal points and plant the tree in the same way as it grew in the forest. If you replant a Christmas tree according to this principle, the tree will take root faster.

Preparing the hole and its arrangement

It is advisable to prepare the hole for the Christmas tree in advance - about two weeks in advance. Optimal size pits for a two-meter beauty: meter by meter. It is not necessary to prepare the soil, but you need to take into account that excessive moisture will harm the Christmas tree.

Prepare seedlings (if you grew the spruce yourself, then seedlings). Place the spruce in the hole and straighten the roots so that their ends point down. If it is a seedling or a seedling with a lump, then simply carefully place the spruce in the hole and cover it with thawed earth or a mixture of earth and peat, constantly compacting it. The spruce needs to be planted so that the root collar is flush with the soil surface. To prevent the tree from becoming loose from the wind, the Christmas tree needs to be tied up.

Watering and care

For the first 2-3 weeks, the tree needs to be watered regularly and abundantly. In the summer, the Christmas tree also needs watering, but in the winter this is not necessary.

The height of the spruce can be controlled. The fact is that spruce tends to drop needles from the lower branches. To maintain its fluffiness and slenderness, you can tear off its top. To do this, you just need to twist out the young shoots and not let them grow upward.

Before planting a spruce, talk to your neighbors in the area. The spruce should be at a safe distance from the neighbor's house and should not cause them any inconvenience.

The success of planting spruce on the site will depend not only on how thoroughly you approached it, but also on the quality of the planting material, climatic conditions and the nature of the soil, which must be fertile and preferably have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.

In the article:

Our ancestors collected signs, noting events happening around them that led to one or another result. Most of these beliefs have reached us in their original form and still work today. Signs exist regarding almost everything that surrounds us: about animals, about plants, about the weather, about the house, about love, money, health, etc.

And if the logic of some of them is obvious - if you spilled salt, it means you will cry soon, then some of the signs are frankly surprising.

The bad omen about the Christmas tree on the property was no exception. It is worth noting that it is common in those regions where spruce is a rare guest. In areas with spruce forests there is no such belief.

So, why is spruce on the site a bad omen? In villages there is a belief that spruce cannot be planted in the yard, next to the house. It is believed that as soon as the spruce grows higher than the roof, a death will occur in the family. According to another variation, when the spruce grew taller than the person who planted it, he died.

There is another interpretation of the relatively bad omen of a Christmas tree on the site. There is a belief that a spruce planted near a house will prevent the owners of the plot from getting married successfully, and married couples will get divorced. According to this superstition, spruce is considered the tree of loneliness.

Another variation of this interpretation suggests that the spruce drives men out of the house.

Another meaning suggests that spruce brings the dead, since previously the bodies of the dead were covered with spruce branches.

In addition, there is a belief that spruce is a kind of energy vampire.

However, esotericists say that this tree actively absorbs energy in the summer, and, on the contrary, shares it in the winter. Therefore, walk more often spruce forest It is recommended for people who do not tolerate the winter season well.

The following proverb can also be called a reflection of the sign:

IN pine forest- to pray, to have fun in a birch forest, and to hang yourself in a spruce forest.

When asked why it is not a good omen to plant Christmas trees on the property, historians give other reasons. The fact is that houses in Rus' were built of wood, and a spruce planted next to the house could quickly catch fire from the slightest spark. In this case, the fire quickly spread to the house. The Christmas tree could have caused a fire in the entire village.

In addition, do not forget that a single tree often attracts lightning, which can also cause a fire.

And the third reason for the dislike of spruce trees in Rus' was that this evergreen plant has a very dense crown. Consequently, when the spruce outgrew the low peasant house with a chimney, with a strong wind it was possible to catch fire in the hut.

From this point of view, the sign is quite logical. However, now houses, firstly, are not built from wood, and secondly, most private ones are built on two or three floors. Therefore, the sign cannot be called “working”.

Here's what cultural experts write:

For the peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, a tree is an intermediary between the world of people and the world of the dead, the lower world of ancestors. The Karelians had a custom of confessing to a tree. Among the Verkhnevychegda Komi, they brought a spruce tree to a dying sorcerer, before which he confessed and died without torment.

Coniferous trees - spruce, pine, juniper, fir, cedar, etc. - were endowed with special sacredness. They symbolized eternal life, immortality, were the receptacle of divine life force, had cult significance

Dronova T.I. Earthly existence - as preparation for the afterlife

So, we see how our ancestors collected signs, on the basis of which they believed in certain properties of spruce.

Meanwhile, in our time, spruce is a symbol of the New Year. and many people plant Christmas trees in the yard so that they can dance round dances around it later in the winter. And how can you imagine a plot in a country house or a private house without trees?

It’s interesting that they are now planting on plots not only common spruce, but also fir, which is also considered the tree of the dead. helping souls find their way after death. Canadian spruce trees are also popular, about which our ancestors have no signs at all.

Whether to follow the sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. When trusting this or that sign, it is important to remember the psychological aspect.

With the help of signs, a person shifts responsibility for what is happening to a tree growing in the yard, or a tit knocking on the window. a croaking crow, spilled salt.

For some, this is an option for working with grief, in this way a person tries to survive the tragedy that has occurred, the death of a loved one. In “easier” cases, the psyche conveniently shifts responsibility for what is happening to signs, so as not to face an unpleasant reality that requires an even more unpleasant decision.

It's no secret that thoughts materialize. And if, for example, you see black tulips and remember that they are unlucky, and you constantly think about it, you will easily attract this misfortune.

This does not mean that our ancestors were superstitious and had absolutely cave mentality. No, their wisdom is still relevant today. Just remembering this or that sign, think about how it corresponds to our time. Believe in the magical and unknown, but do not forget about adequacy.

In order for your potted spruce or purchased seedling to survive this event with the least loss, try to follow a few basic rules for replanting coniferous trees.

In order for the spruce to take root well, it is planted in open ground in early spring, when its vital forces are still dormant, or in early autumn, during the period of rapid growth of roots. The main thing is that the tree takes root before the onset of winter cold.

When choosing a place for planting, remember that spruce is a light-loving plant, in heavily shaded areas without access sunlight she will quickly die. Also keep in mind that spruce tends to grow quickly, and in just a couple of years it will add about a meter in height every year, so you should not plant it very close to buildings. If you plan to plant several fir trees, make sure that the distance between them is at least 3 meters so that they do not shade each other in the future. Also remember that the root system of spruce trees takes up a very large space, so do not plant them in close proximity to fruit trees and bushes.

To plant spruce, a hole is dug with a diameter of about a meter and a depth of 50-70 cm. Spruce trees do not tolerate excess moisture in the ground, so in water-saturated areas it is necessary to make a drainage layer 20 cm thick of sand and broken brick. The pit is half filled with a mixture of leaf and turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:2:1:1, to which mineral fertilizers or fermented bird droppings are added. A mound is formed from this earth.

Is it really a bad omen to plant a spruce tree, because residents of the villages will say that it is forbidden to plant a fir tree near the house? They say that the appearance of a tree on a property can lead to various misfortunes, let’s find out if this is just another prejudice?

Legends why you can’t plant Christmas trees on your property

If we talk about signs associated with Christmas trees, they most often believe that planting one next to the house is But in areas where the Christmas tree is a frequent visitor, there are no such horror stories.

The tree is found in various legends. The Slavs were sure that a spruce tree near a home would bring misfortune to a family. It is possible that the wife will not be able to give birth to offspring or will only give birth to daughters.

Planting a tree near a single woman’s house meant that she would be alone for the rest of her days or would die in the near future.

If a coniferous tree was planted next to the house, but it dried out, got sick, or was struck by lightning, then all the owners will very soon pass away. It was believed that during thunderstorms and bad weather one should under no circumstances hide under a spruce tree, since this is where the discharge will fall.

Such superstitions were widespread not only in the territory of Ancient Rus', but also in European countries. In Finland, the tree was highly revered and feared of its wrath. The harvest was first shown to him, and only then taken for themselves.

It was among Europeans that spruce was considered a symbol of harvest and good luck. However, everything was not so smooth.

It turns out that as soon as one branch dried up on the tree, one of the first colonists was sure to die. This continued until only one old woman remained alive. And as soon as the withered tree collapsed, she died too. The descendants of the people who first came to this land remained alive in the settlement.

Signs and beliefs are a real storehouse of knowledge and wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Along with plants and trees, those associated with the seasons (summer,), with, and, of course, plants are popular.

Surprisingly, most of the ancient beliefs are still relevant today. But why is spruce on the site a bad omen?

In most cases, it is not the presence of the tree that is negative, but its height and root system. It used to be believed that if it grows higher than the roof, the one who planted the spruce will die.

One of the beliefs is based on the amazing properties that were attributed to conifers. They were considered evil, insidious, taking away happiness and vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people believed that the couple who planted the tree would soon separate, as it would drain all the joy from them.

Spruce on the site is a bad omen for men. The tree has a particularly negative attitude towards stronger sex. Woe awaits those who plant a Christmas tree. Another version is that she will not allow men into the house (girls will not be able to get married).

Some beliefs are quite easy to explain. For a long time, the bodies of the dead were covered with spruce branches, which is where the superstition about the tree bringing death came from.

Today's psychics and bioenergetics claim that the plant absorbs other people's energy only in the warm season. In winter, the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. Our people have collected many signs about this in the courtyard of the house.

Almost every superstition can be interpreted from a logical point of view. Bad omens about a Christmas tree on the property are no exception. People could not afford to plant such trees near their houses, as spruce trees would catch fire from any spark.

Indeed, they are often struck by lightning, but not because they are cursed creatures, they just grow alone near housing.

In the 21st century, people are not so afraid of terrible signs, they are not afraid of crows who plant fir trees on the site, which were previously considered the tree of the dead, they are not horrified by breaking a mirror, and so on.

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore the wisdom of your ancestors; they tried to explain it with such superstitions the world and its laws. This is what helps maintain harmony with nature.

Each person decides for himself whether to believe in superstitions or not, whether a Christmas tree in the yard is a bad omen or a good one. Maybe a tree appearing on your site will not change anything for the worse.
