Magic skin – Doctor Eskin! Is it possible to tan in cloudy weather? Is it possible to get burned in the mountains in winter?

Here it is the long-awaited summer! How great it is to plunge into cool water and then lie down on the sand heated by the sun. Isn’t this what we dreamed about during the long winter evenings?!
But unfortunately, sunny summer does not always happen, and therefore many are interested in the question Is it possible to tan in cloudy weather? You will find comprehensive answers to this and other questions related to tanning in this article.
Tanning is the formation of melanin - a special coloring substance in human skin. Dark-skinned people have more me-la-nina in their skin. You can get tanned from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, for example from the sun, UV lamp or electric welding (if you do not use protective equipment at work, you can get burns).
As all mothers and fathers who walk with strollers in the yard know, not only in summer but also in winter, vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Babies need this vitamin to give strength to their bones; for the same reason, tanning is also useful for adults.
Ultraviolet rays carry more solar energy than other rays of the sun. This energy, absorbed in the skin, improves the body's defense reactions, hematopoiesis, and also accelerates the process of skin renewal, that is, the falling off of old, dead cells and replacing them with new ones; strengthens the skin's resistance to microbes located on its surface.
Ultraviolet rays are combined in sunlight with visible and infrared rays. Their combined action results in the most beautiful and even tan. This tan protects a person from harmful influence excessive heat and solar radiation. In tanned skin, the pigment melanin absorbs visible and infrared rays that are harmful to it, preventing them from penetrating into deeper tissues. At the same time, blood circulation in the skin and sweating increase, which contributes to faster heat transfer into the skin. surrounding a person air and prevents the body from overheating.
But not all sun rays perceived by human skin are beneficial for him. On the contrary, part of this spectrum is harmful and can even cause skin cancer. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend the use of tanning creams. Moreover at the time of buying With such a cream, you should read the instructions and make sure that it not only moisturizes the skin, but also prevents the penetration of harmful rays.
A poorly tanned person overheats more easily; At first, he should not lie in the sun for a long time, especially during the hottest part of the day. After excessive irradiation, tanning occurs quickly, but this causes a skin burn that is harmful to the body.
With excessive exposure, sun rays can cause exacerbation of old diseases, cause insomnia, irritability, as well as skin burns, heat or sunstroke. For people suffering from chronic diseases, it makes sense to consult a doctor before sunbathing. We must remember that tanning is useful only in cases where it is a normal reaction of the body to beneficial effect ultraviolet rays.
On hot days it is better to take sunbathing from 10 to 12 am, When cleaner air, less heat and more ultraviolet rays. Before starting the procedures, it is good to prepare the body with several air baths: for the first three days, lie down not under the scorching sun, but in the shade for 10-15 minutes.
When the sky is covered with clouds, ultraviolet radiation also has an effect. In cloudy weather, you can not only get sunburned, but also get burns if you do not stop the procedures in time. Impact force sun rays in cloudy weather depends on many reasons. On average, it is 2 times weaker than on clear days.
The duration of sunbathing for the first time should not exceed 5 minutes. In subsequent days, this period is extended by 3-5 minutes each time, sometimes bringing it up to an hour. During long baths, it is useful to rest in the shade every 15-20 minutes.
The head should be protected from the sun with a light umbrella or hat. You should not sunbathe on an empty stomach. After eating you need to wait about an hour. You need to position your feet towards the sun and periodically turn from your back to your sides and stomach.
After a sunbath, you need to relax in the shade, and then douse yourself with cool water or swim in the river or sea. It is not recommended to alternate swimming with sunbathing, since wet skin is more susceptible to burns.
So, let's go to the beach!

To this day the most popular is beach view relaxation, when you want to soak up the sun, get away from active everyday life and, of course, show off a bronze hue after your vacation beautiful body. But since vacations, as a rule, are not as long as we would like, and the weather is not subject to our desires and plans, there is always a high risk of not getting the desired tan due to bad weather. As soon as the clouds gather overhead, the majority of vacationers (of course, mostly the beautiful part of humanity) fall into mini-hysterics: I won’t have time to tan by the end of the vacation! Is it really? Or is it still possible to tan in cloudy weather?

Let’s not languish and “go away from the topic”, but will immediately answer the exciting question: getting a tan (and even getting a burn!) under the clouds is quite possible. Many people believe that tanning in cloudy weather goes on more evenly and lasts longer. To understand whether this is a myth or reality, it is worth studying in more detail the mechanism of solar radiation and understanding how tanning occurs.

The sun is the main source of ultraviolet radiation, and it is UV rays, acting on a living organism, that contribute to the formation of a tan (and many other important processes). In turn, in the ultraviolet spectrum there are 3 classes of rays (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C), each of which is different quantities falls on Earth and affects the human body in different ways. The most dangerous for humans are C-rays and B-rays, but nature created the ozone layer precisely to prevent them from reaching the Earth and all living things. Most low level A-rays possess radiation; they easily penetrate the Earth even through clouds, but in slightly smaller quantities, and provide the body with invaluable benefits, and with it a lot of harm. Thus, premature aging of the skin directly depends on the amount of sunbathing: and the more the skin is exposed to sun “burns”, the faster it fades, losing its elasticity and firmness, since A-rays, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, destroy elastin and collagen cells .

Actually, the tan itself is just the body’s protective reaction to the action of UV radiation. If direct A and B rays hit a person’s skin, then a special pigment, melanin, begins to be actively produced in the cells of the skin, which protects the lower layer of the epidermis from the destructive effects of UV rays (from sunburn and overheating (heat stroke)). In turn, along with the formation of this pigment, other important processes- for example, the production of vitamin D.

Few people think about the importance of the processes that occur in the body during sunbathing, but the fact that a person needs these procedures is indisputable fact. Another thing is “overdose”. After all, only what is useful in moderation is useful. Stories about melanoma ( cancer skin) - far from being intimidating, but a warning: you should not get carried away with sunbathing, and to get a tan that is not only beautiful appearance, but also health benefits, it is important to observe simple rules:

  • It is better to sunbathe in the shade (at least your head must be protected from direct sunlight).
  • Do not sit out “in the sun” (increase the time spent under the sun’s rays gradually).
  • Apply sunscreen to your skin.
  • Use special cosmetics after sunbathing.
  • Take into account the “activity” of the sun (the sun occupies a “dangerous” height above the horizon from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
  • Can cloudy weather be considered a kind of shadow? On the one hand, yes, because clouds block a quarter of the direct rays of the sun. At the same time, scattered radiation passes through them unhindered, and a person receives a prophylactic dose of ultraviolet radiation simply by being outdoors, even on a cloudy day. As for cloudy beach weather, of course, the production of melanin will slow down a little, but this is only beneficial - such a tan will lie more evenly and last much longer.

    The main mistake of sunbathers in cloudy weather is refusing to apply sunscreen to their bodies. As a result, having been under the clouds all day, vacationers face burns in the evening. This is explained by the fact that ultraviolet radiation did its job, but the body was unable to protect itself without additional support.

    It is worth noting that applying special creams with SPF protection to the facial skin is an important part of preventing premature aging of the skin. Unfortunately, many ladies ignore this advice cosmetologists and in pursuit of a bronze body tone receive unpleasant surprises: sagging, dryness, sagging skin, wrinkles and other troubles, including cancer.

    Based on all that has been said, we conclude: everything is good in moderation, and cloudy weather is not a reason to be upset if it accompanies a long-awaited vacation. A tan will definitely appear, and the risk of getting an unwanted burn will be much reduced.

In the summer, everyone strives to make the most of their vacation time and get a boost of health and vigor on the beach for the rest of the year. At the same time, many have heard both about the benefits and harms of tanning. We decided to figure out what is true and what is a myth.

1. The darker the tan, the more vitamin D

When ultraviolet rays hit the skin, they trigger the production of vitamin D. This is the only “non-standard” vitamin that not only comes to us with this or that product, but is also produced by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To obtain daily norm Vitamin D, just 10-15 minutes in the sun is enough. At the same time, bronzed skin becomes almost impenetrable, and the vitamin necessary for strengthening and growing bones is not produced. This is why people who try to be tanned all year round are faced with the problem of brittle bones earlier.

2. Brunettes can tan longer than blondes.

People with fair skin types are indeed much more prone to sunburn and, therefore, melanoma than dark-skinned people. Among Europeans, three phototypes are distinguished; in the classification, not only skin color, but also eye color is important.

So, the first type is light sensitive skin with freckles, light blue or green eyes, blond or red hair. Such people almost cannot sunbathe, but they can easily get sunburned. The safe time that people of this type can spend in the sun without protective cream is no more than 7 minutes. The second type is fair skin, few or no freckles, light eyes, light brown or Brown hair. The tan does not apply well, at first the skin takes on a red tint and burns quite easily. You can be in the sun without sunscreen for no longer than 15 minutes.

The third type is dark skin, Brown eyes, dark hair. The skin tans easily, and sunburn is rare for it. Without protection, you can sunbathe for up to 20 minutes.

3. Tanning accelerates aging

Aging of the body as a whole is a complex process on which tanning is unlikely to have any effect. However, when exposed to sunlight, processes similar to aging occur in the skin. In medicine, a special term “photoaging” even appeared. Scientists have calculated that one season of intense tanning ages the skin by 6 months. And if you spent the last 10 years summer rest on the beach, then the first wrinkles may appear five years earlier than the period programmed by genes. The first sign of photoaging is dark spots on the face and neck, which over time, the spots grow and darken. 1-2 days before visiting the beach or every 4 hours while in the sun, dermatologists recommend taking vitamin E capsules. It will help maintain elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

4. Tanning leads to cancer and other diseases

Doctors have convincing evidence that excessive sun exposure can indeed cause skin cancer. However, if you use sunscreen and don't sunbathe to the point of blisters, there is no need to worry about such consequences.

Tanning is also often cited as a cause of mastopathy (breast disease). This myth is probably due to the fact that if mastopathy already exists but is asymptomatic, it can manifest itself after heavy sunbathing. Intense tanning can sometimes lead to hormonal imbalance and worsen the symptoms of the disease. Contrary to popular belief, the sun's rays do not directly affect breast tissue. The only danger is sunburn of the nipples and areolas (nipple area), which can lead to cracked nipples and even inflammatory changes in the mammary gland.

5. Certain foods will help enhance your tan.

A beautiful, even tan can really be achieved with some products. For example, carrots and apricots are rich in beta-carotene. Before going to the beach, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice so that your tan goes on smoother and faster. Tomatoes will also help enhance the effect of tanning. They contain lycopene, a substance that stimulates melanin production. On the beach you can consume them in any quantity. Foods that will help make your tan smoother also include peaches, grapes, beets, melon, watermelon, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, pumpkin, asparagus, broccoli, green vegetables, currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, bell pepper, wholemeal bread and oatmeal. These products contain vitamins A, C, E, PP and folic acid, the lack of which can cause a “spotty” tan.

6. A number of medications can ruin your tan.

Those who combine sunbathing with taking antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, tranquilizers, allergy medications or high blood pressure. Another option is also possible - photodermatitis or “sun allergy”: skin peeling off in layers. For diabetes, hypertension, mastopathy, gynecological diseases, disruptions in work thyroid gland, chronic diseases of the liver and adrenal glands, it is better to sunbathe under the shade of an umbrella. This way you will receive the minimum dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary to boost your immunity and avoid harmful radiation.

7. It’s safe to sunbathe on a cloudy day.

There are two types of ultraviolet in the sun's rays: UV-A, the level of which is practically independent of the weather, and UV-B, which is necessary for the formation of vitamin D, its level actually decreases during cloudy weather. UVA rays penetrate deeply into the skin, causing premature aging, wrinkles and allergic reactions. UVB rays penetrate only the top layer of the skin, but cause sunburn and provoke cancer. At the same time, clouds transmit up to 80% of ultraviolet radiation, so you can get sunburned even in cloudy weather. It is also worth remembering that beach umbrellas, like shade from palm trees, do not provide sufficient protection and do not save from scattered ultraviolet radiation: sand reflects up to 20% of the sun's rays. Regardless of the weather, when staying outdoors for a long time, it is recommended to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

8. It is impossible for already tanned skin to get sunburned.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the pigment melanin is produced in the skin; the intensity of the tan depends on its concentration. A basic tan is just the skin's reaction to ultraviolet light. Of course, melanin serves as a kind of barrier to dangerous UVA rays, but the skin still needs additional protection.

9. You don't need sunscreen if you swim a lot.

There is an opinion that water can provide protection from the sun, so those who bathe a lot do not need to use additional products. In fact, ultraviolet rays can penetrate to a depth of about one meter. Therefore, those who like to splash in the sea should apply sunscreen before they enter the water, as well as after leaving it.

10. You need to prepare for the beach in the solarium

The possibility of getting sunburned is only slightly less for already tanned skin; such skin acquires a protection factor of no more than 5SPF, so the resulting tan is not good protection for long-term exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation. Tanning is a sign of damage to the skin from ultraviolet rays. Every time a person tans, he receives a new dose of these damages. Over time, they accumulate and contribute to accelerated skin aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

11. A cream with a higher SPF protects your skin better.

Using sunscreens with a high SPF factor gives a sense of false security. In fact, the difference between the numbers indicating the protection factor is not that great. For example, a product with SPF 15 protects 93% of UVB rays from penetrating, and products with SPF 50-60 provide approximately 98% protection. Many sunscreens do not contain ingredients that provide comprehensive protection against both UVB and UVA rays, which have the highest penetrating power and reach the middle layers of the dermis. Experts advise applying sunscreen every 2 hours, regardless of SPF.

12. Waterproof products don’t need to be reapplied often.

Water-resistant sunscreens can only provide protection while swimming. However, even such preparations do not withstand prolonged bathing, so you will have to apply them again and again. You should also renew your protection if you dry yourself with a towel. The duration of action must be indicated on the products - 40-80 minutes. According to dermatologists, in fact, no product is completely waterproof.

Everyone who has decided to spend their vacation on the sea or ocean coast, or simply at the dacha, wonders whether it is possible to tan in cloudy weather, and will there be any results from this? Will you get a good tan under the clouds? And this question is correct, because it is unknown what surprises the weather has in store, and getting an even tan after a vacation is the natural desire of every vacationer.

Does your skin tan if it's cloudy?

So, first you need to find out what a tan is? Tanning is the human body's reaction to ultraviolet rays. It manifests itself as a result of the skin producing a certain substance - melanin, which, in fact, receives solar radiation. And it doesn’t matter whether you tan in cloudy weather or under bright rays.

Radiation can be divided into three parts:

  • UVA – long wave rays. Practically do not provide Negative influence per person;
  • UVB – medium wave rays. Are dangerous in large doses;
  • UVC - short wave rays. The most dangerous and poisonous. They do not pass through the atmosphere, so they do not come into contact with the skin.

We can conclude that a person comes into contact primarily with UVA and UVB rays. They have the ability to penetrate transparent objects, water, and fog.

Is it possible to tan if the sun is behind the clouds? When a person sunbathes in the open sun, melanin is released quite quickly, especially if the body is not yet accustomed to constant exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. This explains the fact that most people immediately “burn out” on their first day at the beach.

Important! The tan that the skin gets in a few hours goes away in about 2-3 days if you stop staying in the sun.

If you sunbathe in cloudy weather , melanin will be produced slowly and more evenly. So the tan spreads slowly through the clouds, but smoothly and evenly. The skin takes on a ruddy color, however, this process takes much longer, but the result is better!

This also has its advantages - the tan turns out even, without sharp transitions, and the skin does not lose moisture and its water balance is not disturbed.

Is it possible to tan in cloudy weather?

Even people with the fairest skin can tan in cloudy weather. To get a beautiful, chocolate color, you need to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and dermatologists and adhere to the following simple rules for tanning in cloudy weather:

  • Everything has its time. What hours can you sunbathe if it’s cloudy? You should sunbathe only before 10:00 and after 16:00. It is at this time that the rays of the sun penetrating through the clouds are not too radioactive and do not harm human health;
  • Water will help. Tanning in cloudy weather goes well in water. According to experts, the sun's rays act more actively through water and “stick” to the skin better. Therefore, you should swim more often, and when you get out of the water, you don’t need to immediately run to dry yourself with a towel - it’s better to let your skin dry on its own;
  • The right remedy. It is recommended to use sunscreens with a low SPF factor. After all, the rate of melanin production slows down in the shade. Use protective equipment with high protection Possible if you have individual intolerance to ultraviolet radiation.

When tanning, you must always remember that each body is individual, so you need to monitor the condition of the skin and avoid it, because if the skin is too susceptible to solar radiation, even when tanning through the clouds it can be injured.

Is tanning healthy?

Scientists have long found out that tanning has both beneficial and negative properties (this also applies to tanning in cloudy weather). Useful ones include:

  • The body receives vitamin D, which he needs especially in the winter and autumn periods.
  • Endorphin production. In common parlance it is called the hormone of happiness. Its presence is considered mandatory for normal life.
  • Sun rays help the body better assimilate some fats, proteins and microelements.
  • Regular sunbathing helps reducing the risk of diabetes and diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

It can also be noted negative sides tanning:

  • Photoaging. Occurs due to solar radiation. Manifested by skin aging and loss of elasticity.
  • Formation of burns. It may manifest itself as severe redness of the skin, burning, or blistering.
  • Promotes the formation of herpes, (metabolic disorders), exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Promotes the formation of cancer cells.
  • Possibility of heat stroke. Manifested by dizziness, vomiting, loss of strength, drowsiness.

But notice that everything Negative consequences are possible only with excessive sunbathing.

Important! There is no need to overuse tanning, because excessive melanin production contributes to rapid aging of the skin and the entire body. That is why it is recommended to use scrubs and balms after the beach that moisturize and nourish the skin and hair.

How to make tanning safe?

Is it safe to tan in cloudy weather? You can, but you should do the following:

  1. Always use sunscreen, even when you go swimming and you know that you will be in the water for a long time! The product must be applied every two hours.
  2. Follow the regime- sunbathing is only possible at certain hours. This was written above - before ten in the morning and after four in the evening.
  3. Moisturize and nourish your skin before and after the session.

By following these simple rules, you You can get a beautiful and safe tan in cloudy weather.

How to maintain a bronze skin tone?

It depends only on you whether the tan will last in cloudy weather or will disappear immediately. There are several tricks to get it. And I'll tell you which ones:

  • Cleanse your skin. The day before visiting the beach, cleanse it with a scrub.
  • Use healthy vitamins inside and out. Good friend in this case, it is beta-carotene; before and after the procedure, you can eat foods containing it (for example, carrots, sea buckthorn, apricots). And outside, apply body oil or cream with vitamin A and E.
  • Moisturize your skin thoroughly. This can be done with a moisturizer, lotion, or body milk. Apply the cosmetic regularly, and every time after sunbathing. If you neglect such care, then the upper scales of the skin will die off more intensively and, therefore, along with the chocolate tint.
  • Give food by using high-quality nourishing cosmetics. The product should contain vitamins, natural oils and have a good composition. Also, amateurs home care can pamper themselves with natural homemade masks.

Now you know whether it is possible to tan through clouds at the sea, in the countryside, in nature, and, in general, everywhere.

It should be summed up that you can get a uniform, beautiful tan not only in the open sun, but also in cloudy weather, except that this will require much more time. After all, after all, I want to bring back not only pleasant memories from my vacation, but also a bronze tan. Have a good rest, pleasant sunbathing and good mood!

In contact with

The friendly sun greets you in the most different corners planets. Do you like tanning? So, don’t miss the opportunity to get it at some winter resort, where the brightness of the luminary increases several times, reflecting from the whiteness of the snow cover. But winter tan There are some nuances that you need to remember so as not to harm your skin and your health.

Features of the winter sun

At first glance, in winter there is no need to worry about the effect of the sun on your skin and take care of its protection. But the light emitted by a star is quite insidious at any time of the year, and especially in winter. Including in winter resorts, where you may have gone more than once to relax with your family and get a boost of energy from skiing.

The penetrating characteristics of ultraviolet radiation and solar radiation vary depending on the reflective surface. In places where there is a lot of snow cover or ice crust, selective reflection occurs, which allows most of the short-wave UV rays and almost all thermal radiation to affect the skin and the body as a whole.

Winter sun is most intense due to the strong reflectivity of snow and ice. To understand why radiation in the mountains is more dangerous, remember that intense tanning is achieved using ultraviolet rays, which cause slight redness due to changes in upper layers skin. Afterwards, the redness subsides and a darker shade appears. It, in turn, manifests itself due to the oxidation of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline to melanin, a natural skin pigment. In the case of infrared radiation, the skin is seriously damaged, which contributes to severe redness and inflammation of the epidermis. In the absence of appropriate protection, you risk experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, swelling of the skin, increased body temperature, burns, poor health, nausea, and headaches. And all this, despite the fact that you are not in a hot resort, but in a cold climate!

In winter, the influence of infrared radiation increases, which creates an additional danger both for the condition of the skin and for your general well-being. Peeling, eczema, and increased sensitivity of the epidermis can also be associated with increased exposure to infrared radiation from sunlight. Danger awaits you not only at ski resorts, but also in the nearest suburbs, if you are actively exposed to the sun, and even in the city if winter spoils you with sunny days.

How to organize the process of getting a tan in winter, precautions

There are several ways to tan in winter. The simplest is a visit to a professional solarium. However, this has nothing to do with natural solar radiation. The second method refers to tanning your face and hands, which happens quite naturally, since these are the parts of the body that darken the most when exposed to the sun in winter. But there are also more extreme options for getting a tan, which in essence are not much different from the classic one, except for the air temperature.

For example, if you live in a room with a balcony on ski resort, then you can organize a sunbathing place right here. The light of the sun is warm enough that you can sit on the trestle bed in a swimsuit for a short time. Upper part bodies can be exposed to UV radiation while relaxing in an outdoor Jacuzzi. Of course, you won’t be able to completely undress in winter, so there’s no question of a perfectly even shade. But you can achieve a darker shade on the legs and upper body, exposing them alternately. You can do this on your own garden plot, if you are sure that afterwards you will have somewhere to fully warm up.

If you consider yourself to be one of the people who are not afraid of the cold, you will not be afraid of tanning at air temperatures down to -10°C with active sun. The radiation sent by it will serve as a good source of heat. But be sure to keep a thermos with hot tea, a warm blanket and clothes on hand, and also provide yourself with quick access to a warm room where you can fully warm up. Use sunscreen before and after tanning.

If you make your choice in favor of a more affordable tan in a solarium, then you should pay more attention to fixing the shade in the conditions cold weather and on some features of your body in winter period. Thus, a lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders can cause the tan that you have been working on for so long to quickly disappear.

Precautions when getting a tan in winter:

  • if you decide to go naked to get a tan, you must be confident in your health - cold procedures are contraindicated for people with colds, inflammatory ailments and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • very sensitive skin reacts extremely negatively to active infrared radiation winter sun;
  • under the intense influence of thermal radiation and UV radiation, many skin diseases are exacerbated, involving the expansion of capillaries in the subcutaneous layer;
  • The eyes react very actively to light radiation, so be sure to buy good sunglasses for the winter;
  • take care of adequate nutrition - a good tan is possible only in a healthy biological environment;
  • when sunbathing in a cold climate, do not neglect thermal underwear, especially protect your head, feet and hands, as they are most often exposed to frostbite;
  • tirelessly monitor your well-being - no matter how comfortable you are, be on alert so that you have time to warm up in time;
  • don't sunbathe in winter time if you feel bad, you tend to colds, flu and ENT infections;
  • to get a tan, you don’t need to stay in the cold for half an hour or an hour - just a few trips for 5-10 minutes for several days in a row, depending on your well-being and weather conditions.

Remember we're talking about about the case when the sun is really active throughout the day, and the frost on the street is practically not felt. The air humidity should be quite low, which is most often found at higher elevations in the mountains. In high humidity, even average temperature, you risk getting hypothermia of the surface tissues and internal organs.

Selecting cosmetics for winter tanning

Means of protection against UV radiation and solar radiation for the winter period should be the most effective. Focus on rich, nourishing textures, especially if your skin is very dry or prone to sensitivity. They should be based on natural oils, which will at the same time well moisturize, nourish the epidermis and help it cope with incoming long- and short-wave rays of sunlight. The degree of protection of each product should not be lower than 50 SPF. For the face, this figure can be safely increased by another 20 units.

But not only SPF protection is important - UVB filters should also be present in creams. This creates an additional barrier against the most dangerous radiation and radiation.

Special attention In winter, take care of the skin around your eyes and lips. Due to the activity of the sun, they, as the most sensitive areas, suffer greatly. The skin in these areas ages rapidly and, after active rest, new wrinkles may suddenly appear. To prevent this from happening, you can use an age cream with additional sun protection during the course.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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