Child hyperactivity - what is it? Who is to blame and what to do? A hyperactive child: how is he different from the rest.

Hyper active child- this is not a disease. All children are different; they often differ in the pace of physiological development, inclinations, character and temperament. Some kids can quietly spend time on their own, with their toys, books and coloring books, while others cannot remain unattended for even five minutes. There are children who find it difficult to concentrate on something, who are unable to stay in one place for a long time - for example, sitting in a hairdresser's chair, during classes in kindergarten or at school, and it is problematic to keep track of them on the playground.

Such kids have a hard time learning - this is hyperactivity. The brain of a hyperactive child has difficulty concentrating and perceiving information. Hyperactive children quickly change their sphere of activity, they are impulsive and restless, specific in communicating with adults and peers, in demonstrating their talents. Let's try to understand in detail the essence of the problem and give ways to solve it.

Hyperactive children cannot concentrate on one task; it is difficult to interest them in quiet activities and calm them down

Causes of hyperactivity

Hyperactivity in children is not primarily a physiological deviation, but a behavioral developmental disorder. The medical name for hyperactivity is ADHD (). Modern medicine is of the opinion that the syndrome occurs due to unfavorable intrauterine development of children and difficult childbirth. So, if the expectant mother had severe and long-term toxicosis, and the fetus was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, then the risk of having a hyperactive child increases three times. Any surgical intervention during childbirth or the presence of a newborn in intensive care also contribute to the development of ADHD syndrome.

Symptoms of hyperactivity

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What are the signs of a hyperactive child? How can you tell if your baby is active and energetic, as a healthy toddler should be, or if he is developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Characteristic symptoms begin to be identified by 2-3 years. You can make a diagnosis already in kindergarten, because it is there that tendencies manifest themselves most actively - in communication with the teacher, with other kids in the group.

How does hyperactivity manifest in children?

  • anxiety and anxiety even when there are no serious reasons for this;
  • emotional lability, tearfulness, excessive vulnerability and impressionability;
  • insomnia, too light sleep, crying and talking in your sleep;
  • speech problems;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • ignoring prohibitions, social norms and rules - simply put, the baby is very naughty;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • Rarely, Tourette's syndrome is uncontrolled shouting of inappropriate and offensive words.

All these manifestations and signs in your child should be a reason to contact a specialist. A neurologist and psychologist will write out recommendations and give advice on how to properly raise a child, how to calm him down and reduce the likelihood of negative perception by society.

Despite his activity and talkativeness, a hyperactive child often remains misunderstood by other children and experiences significant difficulties in communication.

Treatment for a hyperactive child - is it necessary?

Hyperactive child often and very tired of uncontrollable emotions, changes his daily routine and plans due to his not always adequate behavior, and does not allow his parents to lead a normal lifestyle. It’s difficult for adults to endure this, because they don’t always have the time or the physical and moral strength to deal with hysterics.

Only very patient and not very busy parents or a nanny can monitor a hyperactive child so that he reacts adequately to the outside world and knows how to behave with other people, and does not mindlessly throw out energy, cry and laugh for no reason. It is often necessary to resort to correction of the child’s behavior - this can include both drug treatment and visits to a psychologist, speech therapist, soothing massage, playing sports and visiting various creative clubs. The doctor prescribes drug treatment after examination and examination of the child.

Children with ADHD syndrome must have an electroencephalogram of the brain to rule out organic causes of hyperactive behavior and measure intracranial pressure (we recommend reading:). If all indicators are normal, the doctor often prescribes homeopathic sedatives. A sedative will help your child sleep better and reduce the number of hysterics and panic attacks.

Some modern doctors believe that it is impossible to treat hyperactivity before the age of 4, because most children at this age do not yet know how to cope with their own feelings, they are full of energy and try to throw it out in any way.

How to deal with a hyperactive child?

How to raise a hyperactive child? Many parents become confused, especially when the child goes to kindergarten, or at school faces many problems related to learning and society. A hyperactive child is always in special regard with the educator, teacher and child psychologist. First of all, parents must help him - raising such children requires patience, wisdom, willpower and spirit. Do not allow yourself to break down, raise your voice at your child or raise your hand against him (we recommend reading:). Only if he did something that harmed other people can you use such harsh methods.

If parents break down and resort to shouting, threats or physical showdown, this only makes the situation worse. The child withdraws into himself and becomes even more uncontrollable

How to raise a “fidget”?

Psychologist's advice:

  1. Prohibit correctly. Formulate the prohibitions so that the words “no” and “impossible” are absent from the sentence. It is much more effective to say, “Get on the track,” than to say, “Don’t run on the wet grass.” Always motivate your prohibitions, justify them. For example, if your child doesn’t want to leave the playground in the evening, say: “I wanted to read you an interesting story about your favorite cartoon character before bed, but if you walk for a long time, I won’t have time to do it.”
  2. Set your goals clearly. Such children do not perceive information conveyed through long sentences well. Speak concisely.
  3. Be consistent in your actions and words. For example, it is unreasonable to say: “Go get a cup from grandma, then bring me a magazine, wash your hands and sit down to dinner.” Maintain the order.
  4. Control your time. A child with ADHD has poor time control; if he is passionate about something, he can do it for a long time and forget about other things.
  5. Follow the regime. The daily routine is very important aspect life of a hyperactive baby, it will help calm the baby and teach him order (we recommend reading:).
  6. Raising a child means behaving loyally and maintaining a positive note when communicating with him, setting yourself, him and those around you to be positive. Smooth conflict situations, praise for victories, emphasize when the baby behaved especially well by listening to you.
  7. Keep your child busy with useful activities. Children must have a positive outlet for splashing out energy - this could be a creative or sports club, walking on a bicycle or scooter, sculpting polymer clay or plasticine at home.
  8. Create comfortable conditions at home. The baby should not only watch TV and play less computer games, but also to see how others do it. The workplace should be free of unnecessary items and posters.
  9. If necessary, give a hyperactive child a homeopathic sedative, but do not overuse medications.

When a child attends classes that are interesting to him - sports, creative, he can throw out the accumulated energy there and come home much calmer

How to help if hysterics begin?

How to calm a hyperactive child? At a time when children are hysterical and do not obey, you can act by choosing one of the options:

  1. Go to another room. Deprived of spectator attention, the baby may stop crying.
  2. Switch your attention. Offer candy, show a toy, play a cartoon or game on your tablet or phone. Loudly invite him not to cry, but to do something interesting - for example, go out into the yard and play there, run outside.
  3. Give me some water sweet tea or an infusion of sedative herbs.

IN Everyday life children, support their nervous system. A soothing herbal mixture works well when added to a bath if the child is small, and to tea if we're talking about about a schoolboy (we recommend reading:). Read books before bed, walk in the fresh air. Try to make your child see less aggression and negativity. Study nature, look more at the trees, sky and flowers.

Hyperactive schoolboy

Especially difficult situation with a hyperactive child develops in an educational institution. Restlessness, emotionality, difficulties in concentrating attention and perceiving the flow of information can contribute to the fact that the child will lag behind in school and have difficulty finding mutual language with peers.

This requires constant consultations with a psychologist, patience and understanding on the part of teachers, and support from parents. Remember that it is not your child's fault that he or she has a particular behavioral disorder.

Do you want to better understand your children? A video will help you, where the famous Russian pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky gives advice, for whom a hyperactive child is a full-fledged member of society with his own characteristics of mental development. You need to be patient and calm when communicating with him, highlight and develop talents and creative inclinations. Let the baby not withdraw, but progress, because hyperactivity should not hinder human development. It does not represent a serious deviation, but a specific individuality.

The new school year is approaching. And if in some families they wait for him with joyful anticipation, in others - with anxiety and concern. The latter include families in which a hyperactive child is growing up. Why is this happening?

Article navigation “Very active child: what to do?”:

...I believe that many of you have observed children who are called “lively”, “egozy”, “nimble”. Their first quality that catches your eye is that there is not a second without movement, they are simply “perpetual motion machines.” They are always running somewhere and doing something, they literally cannot sit still.

But even if an adult suddenly manages to sit such a child down, motor activity will not stop: he will dangle his legs, turn his head from side to side, crawl as if on pins and needles, scratch himself and sway, suddenly jump up with loud exclamations of surprise, excitement or indignation.

One of my young friends very active child, maybe in half a day he can go fishing in the bay (it’s about three kilometers from home), come back, tinker with his sister, ride a bike, gather a group around him and organize a small war - victorious, of course.

And also quarrel with everyone, gather a new company, get tired of it, swing on a swing and run to visit someone. Luckily he has a lot of friends. Moreover, at some point the owner may get the impression that the boy is everywhere at the same time - in the room, in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the bathroom...

I speak in personal experience. While I go to the kitchen for tea cups and back once, this very active child will have time to turn back and forth at least three times. I sat down to drink tea and suddenly jumped up and ran to the balcony because I heard the barking of a yard dog.

Or, with a piece of pie in his mouth, he rushed to my shelf, where all sorts of souvenirs from travel are stored: “Oh, what an interesting thing!!! Is this new?? She wasn’t here last time!” - he says and points to a thing that has been standing in one place for ten years. Remember "Red Chief" O'Henry? Exactly…

But upon closer observation, one can notice that all this vigorous activity of such children brings little practical results. Having started one thing, even something interesting to them, they can quit in the middle and get carried away with something else.

This happens with both games and school lessons. can start playing football with a group, but suddenly see some child have a new toy, and a second later disappear from the field. Or, for example, I started doing math, but suddenly remembered about drawing. As a result, as you might guess, neither one nor the other will be done.

And the movements of such children are often awkward, clumsy - they constantly bump into some corners, while passing, they can catch something, drop objects, or touch other children. Little elephants in a china shop.

“I see the goal, I wanted to sneeze at the obstacles,” as the hero of the film said, passing through the walls. The only pity is that in life, walls, as well as tables, chairs and other furniture in the path of these children do not become passable, so their legs are almost always covered in bruises and abrasions.

Fine motor skills also suffer. In a group or class, a very active child is always recognizable by appearance. Untied laces, out of place buttoned up boys' shirts; accordion tights at the ankle, bows jauntily askew or disheveled braids on girls. It is these children who, up to the age of eight or nine, can mix up their shoes, put the left one on the right foot and vice versa, run like this for half a day and not even notice. What nonsense!

Similar things happen with their speech activity. Talkative and talkative, they rush to answer questions from a teacher or educator, without even really listening to the question. If they know the correct answer, they cannot wait for the teacher to ask them - they stretch out their hand with a groan, lie on their stomach on the desk, jump up, and shout out from their seats. IN conversation often interrupt, interfere in extraneous conversations and distract attention to themselves.

This unceremonious spontaneity causes criticism and even irritation, both in children and especially in adults. Conflicts arise, and hyperactive children face rejection and rejection.

In groups, such children often make friends “on the residual principle” - that is, they choose for communication the same outcasts, or, in contrast, inconspicuous children, quiet, manageable, younger in age. At the same time, they themselves easily succumb to the influence of others, and adolescence there is a high risk that they will find themselves in bad company.

But most of all, these children suffer from attention - an important mental function, and it is problems with attention that underlie all the manifestations described above. It is attention during normal development that provides the ability to focus on one task and control over motor and speech activity. Attention is necessary for the development of small movements of the hand, and therefore for writing and reading. Attention is also needed to coordinate the movements of the whole body in space.

Actually, what we call “hyperactivity” has an exact medical name Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I would like to immediately emphasize a very important point: hyperactivity is a medical diagnosis, and not a lack of upbringing or “promiscuity” of a child. And, like any other diagnosis, it can only be made by a doctor. First, he must carefully examine the anamnesis, starting with the mother’s questions about how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded.

Therefore, if you have very active child, or if someone claims that your child is hyperactive, do not rush to conclusions. To confidently make a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder, you need to have the signs indicated at the beginning of the article:

  • first appeared before the age of 7 years;
  • were constant, that is, they manifested themselves in different situations
  • were observed for at least six months.

Let's explain point by point. The first signs of ADHD in a child are usually detected when early childhood. Attention deficit disorder reaches its greatest development by the age of 8-10 years.

But if a child grew and developed normally before school, and suddenly became excitable and inattentive at school, then the sources of the problem must be looked for in something else.

Next, on the second point. From time to time, any child can be very active and can become overexcited and tired. Even an adult, not just a child, can sometimes behave as if he has attention deficit disorder– for example, under stress.

Therefore, if a child behaves as hyperactive in one situation, but is completely calm in another, then it may be that the problem is precisely in the situation and the child’s reaction to it, and not in the child’s characteristics.

Finally, signs must appear not only in different situations, but also over a long period of time. Only with prolonged observation of these signs can one be convinced that we are talking about hyperactivity, and not about reactions to some specific circumstances.

I must say that not always attention deficit disorder accompanied by hyperactivity. In this case, it will be more difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Unlike children who have attention deficit without hyperactivity, they do not create problems for teachers. Therefore, as a rule, they are paid attention only in connection with chronic academic failures.

The main cause of ADHD is considered to be pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth. They occurred in 85% of the cases studied. Toxicoses, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the mother during pregnancy, premature or prolonged labor - all this can have negative consequences for the development of the child. Any diseases in infancy, infections and injuries, especially head injuries, can also have a negative impact.

The hereditary factor cannot be discounted. Often, parents of hyperactive children note that in childhood they themselves faced the same difficulties as their children.

A fairly common scene: the mother of a hyperactive boy is at a reception. During the reception, he manages to answer the phone call, jump out into the corridor to say something urgent for son; interrupts without even waiting for the middle of the question, then grabs her purse, then hangs it back, rummages around in it for a long time, trying to find a pen...

To the number possible reasons ADHD is also attributed to an unfavorable environment, primarily growing up in a dysfunctional family. But this raises the question of whether behavioral and neurological problems are a sign of so-called post-stress disorder. Often, if positive changes occur in the family of such a child, then symptoms similar to hyperactivity are at least smoothed out, or even disappear completely.

First of all, you need to understand that no diagnosis, including attention deficit disorder, is not a death sentence. Hyperactive children, of course, require a special, individual approach in both training and upbringing. But they have a number of qualities that allow them to find their place in the world. Moreover, as often happens, their advantages are a continuation of their own shortcomings.

The most important test for parents and teachers will be that such children can focus for a long time only on those activities that interest them. In principle, this applies to all children, but hyperactive ones - especially due to their problems with attention.

A child who has attention deficit disorder may have difficulty concentrating on activities that interest them. And even more so on some nasty math or writing...

The strength of their intellect is substantive and figurative thinking. In general, they often have artistic abilities. They are happy to make something, assemble construction sets, and show remarkable ingenuity.

Younger children love to do puzzles. When I worked at school, I saw one hyperactive child's crafts made from matches. Houses, wells, churches, both individually and entire compositions. And this despite the fact that he wrote like a chicken with its paw.

Some teachers considered him hopeless in terms of teaching. The boy's mother said in a tired tone that he could do this for hours. True, this is the only thing he really liked to do. There was no great success in school subjects.

Don't necessarily expect good grades from them. The school's scoring system, unfortunately, does not take into account the child's individual progress. For example, a speech therapist has been working with a hyperactive boy for a year. Beyond the diagnosis attention deficit, he had dysgraphia and dyslexia.

At the beginning of the year, the child makes 22 mistakes in dictation. At the end of the year - 5 mistakes. According to the rules for marking, in a Russian language lesson his result will be “2” in both cases. Whereas in fact the child improved his results more than four times! Is it necessary to ask the question which classes the child was more willing to attend – basic classes in Russian or additional classes with a speech therapist?..

In this regard, parents and teachers of hyperactive children can be recommended to primarily focus on their successes, rather than failures and mistakes. Children with attention deficit disorder respond very sensitively to praise and approval. But they are surprisingly “thick-skinned” to moralizing, reprimands and punishments.

Frequent prohibitions and moralizing very quickly cease to be significant incentives for them. The psyche is protected from the flow of negativity, so these children simply ignore numerous comments addressed to them.

Like peas hitting a wall – it’s about them.

Therefore, do not waste time and energy on punishments. Useless. It’s better to regularly celebrate even the slightest progress and help him form a winning strategy. And I assure you, there will be success. Although maybe not as you imagined.

Hyperactive children should be given the opportunity to release their energetic energy. Therefore, physical activity is extremely beneficial for them. Aerobic exercise is especially good - long walks, running, swimming, cycling, and yoga. They develop endurance and concentration.

But they are unlikely to be successful in team sports. A very active child cannot always use this activity correctly and coordinate his actions with other team members. And don’t forget about physical education sessions - for children with attention deficit The best way fill the gap in classes!

Children who have attention deficit And hyperactivity, more than others, need a clear daily routine. Before important activities, it is better to exclude situations where the child may become overtired or excited.

Also think about organizing a space for it. You should avoid flashy colors in the interior and large quantity objects that distract attention. This is especially true for his work corner.

Contact a psychologist! Firstly, a psychologist will help you develop recommendations for your specific case, taking into account all conditions, to help you correctly replenish attention deficit The child has.

Secondly, the psychologist can organize additional classes for children. They teach control of emotions and behavior, relaxation skills, stress relief, and develop memory and speech. In group classes, children also learn how to interact with each other and conflict resolution skills. Practice shows that regular exercise can significantly reduce symptoms of attention deficit in children.

And thirdly, parents of hyperactive children themselves often need support and help. They are often shamed for the child’s behavior; they may feel guilty, as if they missed something or didn’t plan for it. Although attention deficit in a child is a problem that arises not only due to the lack of real attention in childhood from parents.

Parents may feel angry at themselves, their child, or others who constantly remind them that there is “something wrong” with their child.

They may feel their parental failure and helplessness. The support of a psychologist will help you regain a sense of control over the situation and faith in your strength.

But most importantly, take care of your relationship with your child. None school success and “decent” behavior is not worth jeopardizing your relationship with him. Remember - he behaves this way not because he doesn’t want to do it differently, but because he can’t. Not yet. Accept him for who he is and help him learn to live with his differences. And your child will more than once give you reasons for joy and pride.

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Every child is active and inquisitive, but there are children whose activity is increased compared to their peers. Can such children be called hyperactive or is this a manifestation of the child’s character? And is a child’s hyperactive behavior normal or does it require treatment?

What is hyperactivity

This is the abbreviated name for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is also abbreviated as ADHD. This is a very common brain disorder in childhood and is also present in many adults. According to statistics, 1-7% of children have hyperactivity syndrome. It is diagnosed 4 times more often in boys than in girls.

Early recognition of hyperactivity, which requires therapy, allows the child to develop normal behavior and better adapt to a group environment among other people. If a child's ADHD is left unattended, it persists into an older age. A teenager with such a disorder acquires school skills worse, is more prone to antisocial behavior, and is hostile and aggressive.

ADHD - a syndrome of excessive impulsivity, hyperactivity and stable inattention. Signs of ADHD

Not every active and easily excited child is classified as a child who has hyperactivity syndrome.

To diagnose ADHD, you should identify the main symptoms of this disorder in your child, which include:

  1. Attention deficit.
  2. Impulsivity.
  3. Hyperactivity.

Symptoms usually begin before age 7 years. Most often, parents notice them at 4 or 5 years old, and the most common age period for contacting a specialist is 8 years and older, when the child is faced with many tasks at school and around the house, where his concentration and independence are needed. Children who have not yet turned 3 years old are not diagnosed immediately. They are monitored for a period of time to ensure that they have ADHD.

Depending on the predominance of specific symptoms, two subtypes of the syndrome are distinguished: attention deficit and hyperactivity. A separate subtype of ADHD is distinguished, in which the child has symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity.

Signs of hyperactivity are more common in children 4-5 years old

Manifestations of attention deficit:

  1. The child cannot concentrate on objects for a long time. He often makes careless mistakes.
  2. The child is unable to maintain attention for a long time, which is why he is not collected during the task and often does not complete the task to the end.
  3. When a child is spoken to, it seems that he is not listening.
  4. If you give a child a direct instruction, he does not follow it, or he starts to follow it and does not finish it.
  5. It is difficult for a child to organize his activities. He frequently switches from one activity to another.
  6. The child does not like tasks that require prolonged mental effort. He tries to avoid them.
  7. A child often loses things that he needs.
  8. The baby is easily distracted by extraneous noise.
  9. In everyday activities, the child is noted to have increased forgetfulness.

Manifestations of impulsivity and hyperactivity:

  1. The child often gets up from his seat.
  2. When a child is excited, he moves his legs or arms intensely. In addition, the baby periodically squirms in the stool.
  3. He gets up very quickly and runs often.
  4. He finds it difficult to participate in quiet games.
  5. His actions can be described as “whimsical.”
  6. During classes, he may shout from his seat or make noise.
  7. The child answers before he hears the full question.
  8. He cannot wait his turn during a lesson or game.
  9. The child constantly interferes with other people's activities or conversations.

To make a diagnosis, a child must have at least 6 of the signs listed above, and they must be noted long time(at least six months).

Childhood hyperactivity manifests itself in the inability to sit still. How does hyperactivity manifest in early age

Hyperactivity syndrome is detected not only in schoolchildren, but also in children preschool age and even in infants.

In the youngest children, this problem manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Faster physical development, when compared with peers. Babies with hyperactivity roll over, crawl, and walk much faster.
  • The appearance of whims when the child is tired. Hyperactive children often get excited and become more active before bedtime.
  • Less sleep duration. A child with ADHD sleeps much less than he should for his age.
  • Difficulty falling asleep (many children need to be rocked to sleep) and very light sleep. A hyperactive child reacts to any rustle, and if he wakes up, it is very difficult for him to fall asleep again.
  • A very violent reaction to loud sounds, new surroundings and unfamiliar faces. Because of such factors, children with hyperactivity become excited and begin to be more capricious.
  • Quick switching of attention. Having offered the baby a new toy, the mother notices that new item attracts the baby's attention for a very short time.
  • Strong attachment to mother and fear of strangers.

If your baby is often capricious, reacts violently to new surroundings, sleeps little and has difficulty falling asleep, these could be the first signs of ADHD ADHD or character?

Increased activity a child may be a manifestation of his innate temperament.

Unlike children with ADHD, a temperamental healthy child:

Causes of hyperactivity in children

Previously, the occurrence of ADHD was associated primarily with brain damage, for example, if the newborn suffered hypoxia while in the mother's womb or during childbirth. Nowadays, studies have confirmed the influence of genetic factors and disorders of intrauterine development of the baby on the appearance of hyperactivity syndrome. The development of ADHD is promoted too early birth, C-section, low weight of the baby, a long anhydrous period during childbirth, the use of forceps and similar factors.

ADHD can occur during difficult childbirth, impaired intrauterine development, or be inherited. What to do

If you suspect your child has hyperactivity syndrome, the first thing you need to do is go to a specialist. Many parents do not go to the doctor right away because they are hesitant to admit that their child has a problem and are afraid of being judged by their friends. By such actions they waste time, as a result of which hyperactivity becomes the cause of serious problems with the child’s social adaptation.

There are also parents who bring a completely healthy child to a psychologist or psychiatrist when they cannot or do not want to find an approach to him. This is often observed during crisis periods of development, for example, at 2 years or during a three-year crisis. At the same time, the baby does not have any hyperactivity.

If you discover some signs of hyperactivity in your child, contact a specialist without delaying this problem.

In all these cases, without the help of a specialist, determine whether the child really needs health care or he just has a bright temperament, it won’t work.

If a child is confirmed to have hyperactivity syndrome, the following methods will be used in his treatment:

  1. Explanatory work with parents. The doctor must explain to mom and dad why the child developed hyperactivity, how this syndrome manifests itself, how to behave with the child and how to raise him correctly. Thanks to such educational work, parents stop blaming themselves or each other for the child’s behavior, and also understand how to behave with the baby.
  2. Changing learning conditions. If hyperactivity is diagnosed in a student with poor academic performance, he is transferred to a specialized class. This helps to cope with delays in the development of school skills.
  3. Drug therapy. Medications, prescribed for ADHD, are symptomatic and effective in 75-80% of cases. They help ease social adaptation children with hyperactivity and improve their intellectual development. As a rule, medications are prescribed for a long period, sometimes until adolescence.

Treatment of ADHD is carried out not only with medication, but also under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Opinion of Komarovsky

The popular doctor has encountered many times in his practice with children diagnosed with ADHD. Komarovsky calls the main difference between such a medical diagnosis and hyperactivity as a character trait the fact that hyperactivity does not interfere with a healthy child’s development and communication with other members of society. If a child has a disease, without the help of parents and doctors he cannot become a full-fledged member of the team, study normally and communicate with peers.

To make sure whether the child is healthy or has ADHD, Komarovsky advises contacting a child psychologist or psychiatrist, since only a qualified specialist will not only easily identify hyperactivity in a child as a disease, but will also help parents understand how to raise a child with ADHD.

  • When communicating with your baby, it is important to establish contact. If necessary, for this purpose you can touch the child on the shoulder, turn him towards you, remove the toy from his field of vision, turn off the TV.
  • Parents must set specific and enforceable rules of behavior for their child, but it is important that they are followed at all times. In addition, each such rule must be understandable to the child.
  • The space in which a hyperactive child lives must be completely safe.
  • The routine should be followed at all times, even if parents have a day off. For hyperactive children, according to Komarovsky, it is very important to wake up, eat, walk, swim, go to bed and perform other usual daily activities at the same time.
  • All complex tasks for hyperactive children must be broken down into parts that are understandable and easy to complete.
  • The child should be constantly praised, noting and emphasizing all the baby’s positive actions.
  • Find what the hyperactive child does best, and then create conditions so that the child can do such work and get satisfaction from it.
  • Provide a child with hyperactivity with the opportunity to spend excess energy by directing it in the right direction (for example, walking the dog, attending sports clubs).
  • When going to the store or visiting with your child, think about your actions in detail, for example, what to take with you or what to buy for your child.
  • Parents should also take care of their own rest, since, as Komarovsky emphasizes, for a hyperactive child it is very important that mom and dad are calm, peaceful and adequate.

From the video below you can learn even more about hyperactive children.

You will learn about the role of parents and many important nuances by watching the video clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova.

Childhood hyperactivity is a condition in which the child’s activity and excitability significantly exceeds the norm. This causes a lot of trouble for parents, educators and teachers. And the child himself suffers from difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, which is fraught with the formation of negative feelings in the future. psychological characteristics personality.

How to identify and treat hyperactivity, what specialists should you contact to make a diagnosis, how to properly communicate with your child? All this is necessary to know in order to raise a healthy baby.

What is hyperactivity?

It is a neurological behavioral disorder that medical literature often called hyperactive child syndrome.

It is characterized by the following violations:

  • impulsive behavior;
  • significantly increased speech and motor activity;
  • attention deficit.

The disease leads to poor relationships with parents, peers, and poor performance at school. According to statistics, this disorder occurs in 4% of schoolchildren; in boys it is diagnosed 5-6 times more often.

The difference between hyperactivity and activity

Hyperactivity syndrome differs from the active state in that the baby’s behavior creates problems for the parents, those around him and himself.

It is necessary to contact a pediatrician, neurologist or child psychologist in following cases: motor disinhibition and lack of attention appear constantly, behavior makes it difficult to communicate with people, school performance is low. You also need to consult a doctor if your child shows aggression towards others.


The causes of hyperactivity can be different:

  • premature or complicated birth;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • the influence of harmful factors at work during a woman’s pregnancy;
  • bad ecology;
  • stress and physical overload of a woman during pregnancy;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unbalanced diet during pregnancy;
  • immaturity of the central nervous system newborn;
  • disturbances in the exchange of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the infant’s central nervous system;
  • excessive demands from parents and teachers on the child;
  • disorders of purine metabolism in a baby.

Provoking factors

This condition can be caused by late toxicosis or the use of medications during pregnancy without the consent of a doctor. Possible exposure to alcohol, drugs, smoking during pregnancy. Read more about the effect of smoking on pregnancy →

Conflict relationships in the family and family violence can contribute to the appearance of hyperactivity. Low academic performance, due to which the child is subject to criticism from teachers and punishment from parents, is another predisposing factor.


Signs of hyperactivity are similar at any age:

  • anxiety;
  • restlessness;
  • delayed speech development;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • poor sleep;
  • stubbornness;
  • inattention;
  • impulsiveness.

In newborns

Hyperactivity in infants under one year of age is indicated by restlessness and increased physical activity in the crib; the brightest toys arouse short-term interest in them. When examined, such children often exhibit stigmata of disembryogenesis, including epicanthal folds, abnormal structure of the auricles and their low location, gothic palate, cleft lip, and cleft palate.

In children aged 2-3 years

Parents most often begin to notice manifestations of this condition from the age of 2 or even earlier. The child is characterized by increased capriciousness.

Already at the age of 2, mom and dad see that it is difficult to interest the baby in something, he is distracted from the game, spins in his chair, and is in constant motion. Usually such a child is very restless and noisy, but sometimes a 2-year-old baby surprises with his silence and lack of desire to come into contact with parents or peers.

Child psychologists believe that sometimes such behavior precedes the appearance of motor and speech disinhibition. At two years old, parents may observe signs of aggression in the child and a reluctance to obey adults, ignoring their requests and demands.

From the age of 3, manifestations of egoistic traits become noticeable. The child strives to dominate his peers collective games, provokes conflict situations, interferes with everyone.

In preschoolers

Preschooler hyperactivity often manifests itself as impulsive behavior. Such children interfere in the conversations and affairs of adults and do not know how to play group games. Especially painful for parents are the hysterics and whims of a 5-6-year-old child in crowded places, his violent expression of emotions in the most inappropriate environment.

Preschool children show restlessness, they do not pay attention to comments made, interrupt, and shout down their peers. It is completely useless to reprimand and scold a 5-6 year old for hyperactivity; he simply ignores information and does not learn the rules of behavior well. Any activity captivates him for a short time, he is easily distracted.


Behavioral disorder, which often has a neurological background, can occur in different ways.

Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity

This disorder is characterized by the following behavioral features:

  • listened to the task, but could not repeat it, immediately forgetting the meaning of what was said;
  • cannot concentrate and complete an assignment, although he understands what his task is;
  • does not listen to the interlocutor;
  • does not respond to comments.

Hyperactivity without attention deficit disorder

This disorder is characterized by the following symptoms: fussiness, verbosity, increased motor activity, and the desire to be in the center of events. Also characterized by frivolity of behavior, a tendency to take risks and adventures, which often creates life-threatening situations.

Hyperactivity with attention deficit disorder

It is referred to in the medical literature as ADHD. We can talk about such a syndrome if the child has the following behavioral characteristics:

  • cannot concentrate on completing a specific task;
  • abandons the work he started without finishing it;
  • selective attention, unstable;
  • negligence, inattention in everything;
  • does not pay attention to addressed speech, ignores offers of help in completing a task if it causes him difficulties.

Impaired attention and hyperactivity at any age make it difficult to organize your work, complete a task accurately and correctly, without being distracted by external interference. In everyday life, hyperactivity and attention deficit lead to forgetfulness and frequent loss of belongings.

Attention disorder with hyperactivity is fraught with difficulties when following even the simplest instructions. Such children are often in a hurry and commit rash acts that can harm themselves or others.

Possible consequences

At any age, this behavioral disorder interferes with social contacts. Due to hyperactivity, preschool children attending kindergarten have difficulty participating in group games with peers and communicating with them and teachers. Therefore, visiting kindergarten becomes a daily psychological trauma, which can adversely affect the further development of the individual.

Schoolchildren's academic performance suffers; going to school only brings negative emotions. The desire to study, to learn new things disappears, teachers and classmates are annoying, contact with them has only a negative connotation. The child withdraws into himself or becomes aggressive.

A child's impulsive behavior sometimes poses a threat to his health. This is especially true for children who break toys, have conflicts, and fight with other children and adults.

If you do not seek help from a specialist, a person may develop a psychopathic personality type with age. Hyperactivity in adults usually begins in childhood. One in five children with this disorder continue to have symptoms into adulthood.

The following features of hyperactivity are often observed:

  • tendency to aggression towards others (including parents);
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • inability to participate in dialogue and make a constructive joint decision;
  • lack of skills in planning and organizing one’s own work;
  • forgetfulness, frequent loss of necessary things;
  • refusal to solve problems that require mental effort;
  • fussiness, verbosity, irritability;
  • fatigue, tearfulness.


The child's attention deficit and hyperactivity become noticeable to parents from an early age, but the diagnosis is made by a neurologist or psychologist. Usually, hyperactivity in a 3-year-old child, if it occurs, is no longer in doubt.

Diagnosing hyperactivity is a multi-step process. Anamnesis data is collected and analyzed (the course of pregnancy, childbirth, the dynamics of physical and psychomotor development, illnesses suffered by the child). The specialist is interested in the opinion of the parents themselves about the child’s development, assessment of his behavior at 2 years old, at 5 years old.

The doctor needs to find out how the adaptation to kindergarten went. During the reception, parents should not pull the child back or make comments to him. It is important for the doctor to see his natural behavior. If the child has reached the age of 5, a child psychologist will conduct tests to determine attentiveness.

The final diagnosis is made by a neurologist and child psychologist after receiving the results of electroencephalography and MRI of the brain. These examinations are necessary to exclude neurological diseases, which may result in impaired attention and hyperactivity.

Laboratory methods are also important:

  • determining the presence of lead in the blood to exclude intoxication;
  • biochemical blood test for thyroid hormones;
  • Complete blood count to rule out anemia.

Special methods can be used: consultations with an ophthalmologist and audiologist, psychological testing.


If a diagnosis of hyperactivity is made, complex therapy is necessary. It includes medical and pedagogical activities.

Educational work

Specialists in child neurology and psychology will explain to parents how to deal with their child’s hyperactivity. Educators also need to have the appropriate knowledge kindergarten and teachers in schools. They should teach their parents correct behavior with the child, to help overcome difficulties in communicating with him. Specialists will help the student master relaxation and self-control techniques.

Changes in terms and conditions

You need to praise and encourage your child for any successes and good deeds. Emphasize positive traits character, support any positive endeavors. You can keep a diary with your child to record all his achievements. In a calm and friendly tone, talk about the rules of behavior and communication with others.

From the age of 2, the baby must get used to the daily routine, sleep, eat and play at certain times.

From the age of 5, it is advisable for him to have his own living space: a separate room or a corner fenced off from the common area. There should be a calm environment in the house; quarrels between parents and scandals are unacceptable. It is advisable to transfer the student to a class with fewer students.

To reduce hyperactivity at 2-3 years old, children need a sports corner (wall bars, children's parallel bars, rings, rope). Physical exercise and games will help relieve stress and expend energy.

What parents should not do:

  • constantly pull back and scold, especially in front of strangers;
  • humiliate the child with mocking or rude remarks;
  • constantly speak strictly to the child, give instructions in a commanding tone;
  • prohibit something without explaining to the child the reason for your decision;
  • give too difficult tasks;
  • demand exemplary behavior and only excellent grades at school;
  • carry out household chores that were assigned to the child if he did not complete them;
  • get used to the idea that the main task- do not change behavior, but receive a reward for obedience;
  • use methods of physical coercion in case of disobedience. Read more about the impact of physical punishment on children →

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of hyperactivity syndrome in children plays only a supporting role. It is prescribed when there is no effect from behavioral therapy and special training.

The drug Atomoxetine is used to eliminate the symptoms of ADHD, but its use is only possible as prescribed by a doctor; there are undesirable effects. Results appear after about 4 months of regular use.

If the baby is diagnosed with this, he may also be prescribed psychostimulants. They are used in the morning. In severe cases, tricyclic antidepressants are used under medical supervision.

Games with hyperactive children

Even with board and quiet games, the hyperactivity of a 5-year-old child is noticeable. He constantly attracts the attention of adults with erratic and aimless body movements. Parents need to spend more time with their baby and communicate with him. Cooperative games are very useful.

It is effective to alternate calm board games- lotto, collecting puzzles, checkers, s outdoor games- badminton, football. Summer provides many opportunities to help a child with hyperactivity.

During this period, you should strive to provide your child with country holidays, long hikes, and teach swimming. During walks, talk more with your child, tell him about plants, birds, and natural phenomena.


Parents need to make adjustments to their diet. The diagnosis made by specialists implies the need to adhere to meal times. The diet should be balanced, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should correspond to the age norm.

It is advisable to exclude fried, spicy and smoked foods, and carbonated drinks. Eat less sweets, especially chocolate, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you consume.

Hyperactivity at school age

Increased hyperactivity in school-age children forces parents to seek medical help. After all, school makes completely different demands on a growing person than preschool institutions. He must remember a lot, gain new knowledge, and solve complex problems. The child is required to be attentive, persevering, and able to concentrate.

Study problems

Attention deficit and hyperactivity are noticed by teachers. The child is distracted during the lesson, physically active, does not respond to comments, and interferes with the lesson. Hyperactivity junior schoolchildren at 6-7 years old leads to the fact that children do not learn the material well and do their homework carelessly. Therefore, they constantly receive criticism for poor performance and bad behavior.

Teaching children with hyperactivity often becomes a serious problem. A real struggle begins between such a child and the teacher, since the student does not want to fulfill the teacher’s demands, and the teacher fights for discipline in the class.

Problems with classmates

It is difficult to adapt to a group of children; it is difficult to find a common language with peers. The student begins to withdraw into himself and becomes secretive. In group games or discussions, he stubbornly defends his point of view, without listening to the opinions of others. At the same time, he often behaves rudely and aggressively, especially if people do not agree with his opinion.

Correction of hyperactivity is necessary for the child’s successful adaptation to the children’s group, good learning ability and further socialization. It is important to examine the baby at an early age and provide timely professional treatment. But in any case, parents must realize that most of all the child needs understanding and support.

Useful video about raising hyperactive children

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Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child

Already from the age of 3 years, the child demonstrates miracles of activity - opening and closing cabinets, running around the house, scattering things and grabbing everything that aroused interest. This is because the possibilities of mastering the world around us have expanded with the development of walking. But should every such activity cause concern for parents?

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist “Logic and thinking games for children under 5 years old.” Download it and find out the most interesting Mind games for children from 2 to 5 years old!

Experts believe that hyperactivity in a 3-year-old child can be suspected when:

  • delayed speech development;
  • increased stubbornness, uncontrollability, lack of response to prohibitions;
  • chaotic movements, “motor clumsiness”;
  • excessive motor activity (sitting on a chair, the child spins, jumps up, constantly moves his arms and legs);
  • inattention, lack of perseverance, forgetfulness;
  • frequent transition from one unfinished task to another;
  • hot temper, hysteria, instability, tendency to conflicts with peers;
  • headaches, appearance of phobias (fears);
  • bad dream.

If a child has more than 6 of these signs, it is worth contacting a psychotherapist or pediatric neurologist for professional diagnostics.

Hyperactivity in children 5 years old can be caused not only by mental disorders. The following factors should also suggest that there is a problem:

  1. Unfavorable course of pregnancy (stress, smoking, hypoxia, poor nutrition mother)
  2. Unfavorable labor (rapid or, on the contrary, prolonged, labor after stimulation, prematurity - up to 38 weeks)
  3. The presence of neurological diseases in a child, conflicts in the family, excessive severity towards the child, poor nutrition, lead poisoning.

Hyperactive child. What to do?

Treatment of hyperactivity in children 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old is carried out with medicinal and non-medicinal means. In any case, at this age, when a diagnosis is made, therapy is prescribed only by a doctor.

The main methods for correcting hyperactivity in a child 5 years old and younger are:

  • sessions with a psychologist and speech therapist. Specialists will help reduce anxiety, develop speech, memory, attention, and also choose activities in which the child will feel confident.
  • ban on participation in competitive games. A hyperactive child of 3, 4, 5 or 6 years old may be recommended swimming, cycling and other static exercises;
  • relaxation sessions in order to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • behavioral correction. Within reason, prohibitions and refusals are minimized. Such kids have a high threshold for negative emotions, so it is better to create positive emotions for them and do not forget to praise them for their successes;
  • family psychotherapy. Setting up calm atmosphere in family;
  • drug therapy. This method is most often used in particularly advanced cases when other methods do not help or help little.

What should parents of a hyperactive child aged 3, 4, 5 and 6 do?

If the methods listed above need to be entrusted to specialists, then parents can use the following methods on their own to help a child aged 3-6 years cope with the problem.

  • Use a positive parenting model. Praise your child more often, encourage even the smallest successes. Bans are permissible only in cases where the safety of the child is at stake. Find an area of ​​activity in which your child can successfully demonstrate his abilities and feel important.
  • Create a daily routine for your baby. It is necessary to write down instructions in it - wash the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, help mom with cleaning, etc. The mode should also indicate a clear time for watching cartoons and games. Don't let your child get overstimulated. The baby should also go to bed at the same time. Moreover, the main thing is to follow all these rules, otherwise they will simply be devalued. Let the baby learn order and measured actions; this is especially important at primary school age.
  • Make requests to your child calmly, without orders or shouting. Learn to control yourself even when your nerves are at their limit, because you are a role model. Also teach your child to think about the consequences of his actions. Let him learn the rules of behavior and begin to follow them.
  • Spend more time with your baby. After all, defiant behavior is often associated precisely with the desire to attract the attention of parents who are too busy with work or housework.

If a child’s hyperactivity appeared at the age of 3 years, then by the age of 5 and 6 years it can be quite successfully dealt with with the support of parents and timely therapy.

Do you need a baby monitor or is a radio sufficient? We invite you to check out the TEST.TV video review: everything for children.

Every child is active and inquisitive, but there are children whose activity is increased compared to their peers. Can such children be called hyperactive or is this a manifestation of the child’s character? And is a child’s hyperactive behavior normal or does it require treatment?

What is hyperactivity

This is the abbreviated name for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is also abbreviated as ADHD. This is a very common brain disorder in childhood and is also present in many adults. According to statistics, 1-7% of children have hyperactivity syndrome. It is diagnosed 4 times more often in boys than in girls.

Early recognition of hyperactivity, which requires therapy, allows the child to develop normal behavior and better adapt to a group environment among other people. If a child's ADHD is left unattended, it persists into an older age. A teenager with such a disorder acquires school skills worse, is more prone to antisocial behavior, and is hostile and aggressive.

ADHD - a syndrome of excessive impulsivity, hyperactivity and stable inattention

Signs of ADHD

Not every active and easily excited child is classified as a child who has hyperactivity syndrome.

To diagnose ADHD, you should identify the main symptoms of this disorder in your child, which include:

  1. Attention deficit.
  2. Impulsivity.
  3. Hyperactivity.

Symptoms usually begin before age 7 years. Most often, parents notice them at 4 or 5 years old, and the most common age period for contacting a specialist is 8 years and older, when the child is faced with many tasks at school and around the house, where his concentration and independence are needed. Children who have not yet turned 3 years old are not diagnosed immediately. They are monitored for a period of time to ensure that they have ADHD.

Depending on the predominance of specific symptoms, two subtypes of the syndrome are distinguished: attention deficit and hyperactivity. A separate subtype of ADHD is distinguished, in which the child has symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity.

Signs of hyperactivity are more common in children 4-5 years old

Manifestations of attention deficit:

  1. The child cannot concentrate on objects for a long time. He often makes careless mistakes.
  2. The child is unable to maintain attention for a long time, which is why he is not collected during the task and often does not complete the task to the end.
  3. When a child is spoken to, it seems that he is not listening.
  4. If you give a child a direct instruction, he does not follow it, or he starts to follow it and does not finish it.
  5. It is difficult for a child to organize his activities. He frequently switches from one activity to another.
  6. The child does not like tasks that require prolonged mental effort. He tries to avoid them.
  7. A child often loses things that he needs.
  8. The baby is easily distracted by extraneous noise.
  9. In everyday activities, the child is noted to have increased forgetfulness.

Children with ADHD experience distraction

Hyperactive children have difficulty completing tasks that require mental effort.

Manifestations of impulsivity and hyperactivity:

  1. The child often gets up from his seat.
  2. When a child is excited, he moves his legs or arms intensely. In addition, the baby periodically squirms in the stool.
  3. He gets up very quickly and runs often.
  4. He finds it difficult to participate in quiet games.
  5. His actions can be described as “whimsical.”
  6. During classes, he may shout from his seat or make noise.
  7. The child answers before he hears the full question.
  8. He cannot wait his turn during a lesson or game.
  9. The child constantly interferes with other people's activities or conversations.

To make a diagnosis, a child must have at least 6 of the signs listed above, and they must be present for a long time (at least six months).

How hyperactivity manifests itself at an early age

Hyperactivity syndrome is detected not only in schoolchildren, but also in preschool children and even infants.

In the youngest children, this problem manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Faster physical development compared to peers. Babies with hyperactivity roll over, crawl, and walk much faster.
  • The appearance of whims when the child is tired. Hyperactive children often get excited and become more active before bedtime.
  • Less sleep duration. A child with ADHD sleeps much less than he should for his age.
  • Difficulty falling asleep (many children need to be rocked to sleep) and very light sleep. A hyperactive child reacts to any rustle, and if he wakes up, it is very difficult for him to fall asleep again.
  • A very violent reaction to loud sounds, new surroundings and unfamiliar faces. Because of such factors, children with hyperactivity become excited and begin to be more capricious.
  • Quick switching of attention. Having offered the baby a new toy, the mother notices that the new object attracts the baby’s attention for only a short time.
  • Strong attachment to mother and fear of strangers.

If your baby is often capricious, reacts violently to new surroundings, sleeps little and has difficulty falling asleep, these may be the first signs of ADHD.

ADHD or personality?

Increased activity of a child may be a manifestation of his innate temperament.

Unlike children with ADHD, a temperamental healthy child:

Causes of hyperactivity in children

Previously, the occurrence of ADHD was associated primarily with brain damage, for example, if the newborn suffered hypoxia while in the mother's womb or during childbirth. Nowadays, studies have confirmed the influence of genetic factors and disorders of intrauterine development of the baby on the appearance of hyperactivity syndrome. The development of ADHD is facilitated by too early childbirth, cesarean section, low birth weight, a long anhydrous period during childbirth, the use of forceps and similar factors.

ADHD can occur during difficult childbirth, impaired intrauterine development, or be inherited

What to do

If you suspect your child has hyperactivity syndrome, the first thing you need to do is go to a specialist. Many parents do not go to the doctor right away because they are hesitant to admit that their child has a problem and are afraid of being judged by their friends. By such actions they waste time, as a result of which hyperactivity becomes the cause of serious problems with the child’s social adaptation.

There are also parents who bring a completely healthy child to a psychologist or psychiatrist when they cannot or do not want to find an approach to him. This is often observed during crisis periods of development, for example, at 2 years or during a three-year crisis. At the same time, the baby does not have any hyperactivity.

If you discover some signs of hyperactivity in your child, contact a specialist without delaying this problem.

In all these cases, without the help of a specialist, it will not be possible to determine whether the child really needs medical help or whether he just has a bright temperament.

If a child is confirmed to have hyperactivity syndrome, the following methods will be used in his treatment:

  1. Explanatory work with parents. The doctor must explain to mom and dad why the child developed hyperactivity, how this syndrome manifests itself, how to behave with the child and how to raise him correctly. Thanks to such educational work, parents stop blaming themselves or each other for the child’s behavior, and also understand how to behave with the baby.
  2. Changing learning conditions. If hyperactivity is diagnosed in a student with poor academic performance, he is transferred to a specialized class. This helps to cope with delays in the development of school skills.
  3. Drug therapy. Medications prescribed for ADHD are symptomatic and effective in 75-80% of cases. They help facilitate the social adaptation of children with hyperactivity and improve their intellectual development. As a rule, medications are prescribed for a long period, sometimes until adolescence.

ADHD is treated not only with medication, but also under the supervision of a psychiatrist

Komarovsky's opinion

The popular doctor has encountered many times in his practice with children diagnosed with ADHD. Komarovsky calls the main difference between such a medical diagnosis and hyperactivity as a character trait the fact that hyperactivity does not interfere with a healthy child’s development and communication with other members of society. If a child has a disease, without the help of parents and doctors he cannot become a full-fledged member of the team, study normally and communicate with peers.

To make sure whether the child is healthy or has ADHD, Komarovsky advises contacting a child psychologist or psychiatrist, since only a qualified specialist will not only easily identify hyperactivity in a child as a disease, but will also help parents understand how to raise a child with ADHD.

  • When communicating with your baby, it is important to establish contact. If necessary, for this purpose you can touch the child on the shoulder, turn him towards you, remove the toy from his field of vision, turn off the TV.
  • Parents must set specific and enforceable rules of behavior for their child, but it is important that they are followed at all times. In addition, each such rule must be understandable to the child.
  • The space in which a hyperactive child lives must be completely safe.
  • The routine should be followed at all times, even if parents have a day off. For hyperactive children, according to Komarovsky, it is very important to wake up, eat, walk, swim, go to bed and perform other usual daily activities at the same time.
  • All complex tasks for hyperactive children must be broken down into parts that are understandable and easy to complete.
  • The child should be constantly praised, noting and emphasizing all the baby’s positive actions.
  • Find what the hyperactive child does best, and then create conditions so that the child can do such work and get satisfaction from it.
  • Provide a child with hyperactivity with the opportunity to spend excess energy by directing it in the right direction (for example, walking the dog, attending sports clubs).
  • When going to the store or visiting with your child, think about your actions in detail, for example, what to take with you or what to buy for your child.
  • Parents should also take care of their own rest, since, as Komarovsky emphasizes, for a hyperactive child it is very important that mom and dad are calm, peaceful and adequate.

From the video below you can learn even more about hyperactive children.

You will learn about the role of parents and many important nuances by watching the video of clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova.

Despite the fact that hyperactivity is most pronounced around the age of 3 years, the first signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be noticed already in infancy. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will prevent many problems with development, learning and adaptation in the future.

Hyperactivity of a baby in the first year of life

Hyperexcitability in infants is quite difficult to diagnose. Therefore, under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for your child on your own.

IMPORTANT! If you have any doubts, the most reasonable solution would be to visit a specialist who can accurately diagnose. However, it is the presence of characteristic symptoms that should alert parents, being a serious reason for a visit to a neurologist.

Hyperactive child under one year old: signs

  • any sleep disorder;
  • frequent crying and screaming;
  • constant movements of the head, legs and arms. Hyperactive infant actively wiggles its legs;
  • hypertonicity of the child's muscles;
  • frequent vomiting and regurgitation after feeding;
  • violent reaction to external stimuli (bright light, sharp sounds and claps).

A hyperactive baby does not like swaddling and always tries to get out of the swaddle. Such children begin to sit, stand up and walk earlier than other peers.

Causes of hyperactivity before one year of age

Hyperexcitability in a baby is often the result of:

  • various pregnancy complications. For example, toxicosis, high pressure, as well as fetal hypoxia;
  • complications during childbirth. This includes difficult births, as well as premature births. Use of forceps, stimulation, caesarean section;
  • infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy or the child in the first weeks of life;
  • genetic predisposition. The risk of developing the disorder increases many times over if one or both parents were hyperactive in childhood;
  • mother's bad habits. For example, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco products during pregnancy.

To improve the condition of hyperactive babies under one year old, as a rule, non-drug treatments are used, for example:

Hyperactive child what to do at 1-2 years old

Diagnosing hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years is somewhat easier than in children under one year old, since it is possible apply traditional diagnostics in 3 stages:

  1. Collection of information (the doctor receives data on the course of pregnancy, childbirth and illnesses suffered by the baby, and also collects and summarizes family history).
  2. Complete psychological examination of the child.
  3. Hardware examination (MRI and electroencephalographic study of the brain).

Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years

So, how can you tell if a child is hyperactive at one year of age? Signs at this age include:

Causes of hyperactivity in a child aged 1 to 2 years

In addition to reasons related to intrauterine development of the fetus, complications during childbirth and past illnesses, at this age babies may exhibit symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity due to an unfavorable situation in the family.

IMPORTANT! Constant scandals and quarrels can lead a child into a depressed, stressful state. In case of shortage positive emotions, in need of love and care, the baby will try to attract the attention of the family in this way.

To parents with a child with hyperactivity you will need to find a new approach:
