Why do you dream of a person’s beautiful eyes? What do eyes mean in dreams: interpretation from various dream books for men and women

There is an opinion that only people with dark eyes can cast the evil eye. So the dream books indicate that such mysterious eyes symbolize misadventures and misfortunes. And this image can also predict future troubles, deception, betrayal. That is why you need to carefully study the interpretations of dream books in order to fully meet the upcoming problems.

Without pupils

Your friend, relative, colleague urgently needs help - this is why you dreamed of strange black eyes without pupils. If you remember who you saw in a dream, hurry up to support that person in reality.

The dream has a different interpretation, in which the sleeper himself had no pupils in his dark eyes. This is an alarming sign that suggests that a person is disoriented, scared, confused and cannot correctly assess the current situation.

If in your night fantasy you met a person with dark eyes without pupils, and even evil, then get ready to repel the danger in reality. Most likely, the enemy will try to “sting” you by sending damage or the evil eye.

Change for the better!

Why do you dream of black eyes from which tears flow? This is an excellent omen: good changes will occur in the dreamer’s life, and his financial or social position will noticeably strengthen. And everything will be fine in your personal life, the dream book promises.

Beautiful dark eyes that captivated you in a dream promise excellent opportunities and prospects in business and in the professional field. It is possible to conclude a profitable contract or agreement.

Ominous Visions

Soon you will have to endure a whole barrage of misfortunes, serious troubles - this is what completely black eyes dreamed about.

If even the whites of the dreamed dark brown eyes turn black, then this is a very terrible omen, indicating what will happen in reality terrible events. However, the dream book gives advice: if you are prepared for such a set of circumstances, you will be able to resist them. But think through all possible options for struggle or resistance in advance.

Did you catch the gaze of dark eyes in a dream? This is not a very good signal. Most likely, small but annoying losses and unexpected obstacles on the way to the goal are possible.

Who's watching?

In night vision, did you feel someone's gaze on you? The dark-eyed observer, in in this case, is associated with competitors who are just as closely watching you in reality. Therefore, the dream book advises not to reveal your true plans ahead of time, to try to lead your opponent on the wrong track, to maneuver, to be unpredictable!

Why do you dream that the dead man doesn’t seem to look away from his black eyes? A bad dream that predicts dangers, illnesses and other misfortunes, and completely unexpected ones.

When a man dreams of his black eyes ex-wife, then upon awakening this lady will ask him for help. The gentleman will not be able to refuse and therefore will shoulder a heavy burden with a subsequent mass of problems.

Cosmetic tricks

Why do you dream of black eyes, deftly, skillfully lined and painted? To the fact that in reality you will have to face a lie. If a woman in a dream put shadows on her eyelids, and even dark shades, then she drove herself into a trap, because she was already tired of lying, having become quite entangled in the fables she had invented.

So the dream book instructs: do not lie, otherwise sooner or later an avalanche of lies will fall on you!

Dark-eyed strangers can be a dream as a warning: take a closer look at the people in your environment. Perhaps among them there are hypocrites, envious people, enemies.

Miller's interpretation

So the experienced psychologist Gustav Miller, known as the compiler of the dream book, points out: dreaming of black-eyed people is a signal to the sleeper that treacherous individuals from among new acquaintances or colleagues will begin to act against him.

Who exactly did you see?

It is very important to be able to remember who exactly dreamed of dark eyes? Prediction largely depends on this. So, if you saw black-eyed people in your sleep, then beware in reality of people trying to make friends with you.

Their offers and speeches should not be trusted.

According to the dream book, a kitten with black eyes promises ignoble behavior of business partners and their violation of contractual obligations.

It is primarily one of the sense organs. Eyes, just like people, appear in dreams very often, but the dream does not always attract your attention. In old dream books it was believed that eyes represent children and people who are dear and close to you. If in a dream you really looked at someone’s eyes, or if the eyes had a special meaning in your dream, then it is worth remembering all the details of the dream. You will find all situations, circumstances of dreams in which eyes appear in dreams and their interpretation below in alphabetical order.

A man without eyes or eye without pupil in a dream are a signal that this person (perhaps someone from your environment) is deprived of the ability to correctly navigate what is happening around him, is helpless and lost.

Sore eyes in a dream or one sore eye means your doubt and distrust of someone from your environment.

Eye fell out your eye is leaking in your sleep - this is a warning dream. You will probably lose something very dear to you.

Animal or bird eyes in a dream they warn you about the danger of the evil eye or damage. Do not neglect the meaning of this dream!

Eyes don't open in a dream means helplessness and internal disorientation in real life.

Hold an eye in your hand in a dream means incorrect perception of the world around. It is worth rethinking your attitude towards the events around you, engaging in self-esteem and self-knowledge, and most importantly, becoming more observant and attentive to the world as a whole.

Paint your eyes in a dream implies a desire to hide some actions in real life or a sign of internal self-defense and isolation from others.

Red eyes or bloody eye in a dream mean your tiredness and tiredness in real life. Often similar dreams accompany knowledge workers.

Left eye in a dream symbolizes or shows the attitude towards your male loved ones (brother, son, friend, etc.).

Many eyes for a person in a dream it means your “epiphany”, emotional upsurge and a slightly different idea of ​​the world around you. Previously, it was also believed that three eyes in a dream symbolized an addition to the family and pregnancy.

One eye everything in your dreams or one-eyed man mean loss of strength or helplessness. See also what the right or left eye symbolizes.

Swollen eye in a dream indicates that in real life gossip and slander are spreading around you.

Right eye in a dream symbolizes or shows the attitude towards your female loved ones (sister, daughter, friend, etc.).

Different colored eyes in a dream mean internal struggle inside you. You cannot decide which point of view regarding what is happening around you to prefer and rush from one extreme to the complete opposite.

Your eyes in a dream symbolize a reflection of your reality and can sometimes signal a problem with your eyes in reality.

Look into the eyes someone in a dream means interest and desire to find out better man. In addition to interest, a person can cause you fear, anxiety and mistrust in real life.

Hit the eye someone in a dream means obvious negativity and hostility towards someone in real life and the desire to defend one’s position and deprive one’s rival or adversary of strength.

Stye on the eye in a dream means health problems in real life. This is just a signal of illness and it could even be a common cold.

Eye color in a dream:

Blue or blue eyes in a dream means failure.

Yellow eyes portend danger and a catch.

Green eyes dream of temptation or seduction.

Brown eyes symbolize treason and betrayal.

Red eyes emphasize powerlessness and fatigue.

Grey eyes in a dream they say that flattery can harm in real life.

Black eyes in a dream - a symbol of the evil eye and damage.

Eyes in a dream are a well-known symbol of the soul, mental health. Based on the state and place where you happened to see, you can determine the nature of future events, the development of relationships and others. important points in life. The dream book will tell you what exactly your eyes are for.

According to Miller's dream book

If you had to see someone else’s eyes in a dream, then be prepared to confront your enemies, because their machinations will turn out to be a serious obstacle to the fulfillment of your plans. For lovers, the dream book promises the appearance of an insidious and flattering rival.

Had a dream Brown eyes? You will encounter cunning and real treachery. Why do you dream about blue eyes? Your own timidity and uncertainty will be the cause of major failure. Seeing gray eyes can mean deception and communication with an unpleasant person.

If in a dream your own eyes were inflamed or you were unlucky enough to lose one of your visual organs, then the dream book promises disturbing events. The worst thing is if you dreamed of a one-eyed character. This is a sign of great misfortune.

According to the numerological dream book

Why do you dream of eyes glowing in the dark? You have a serious opponent, but you don’t know it yet. Have you seen eyes slowly approaching? In real life, you will fall into a cunning trap. If they leave, then expose the enemy and deprive him of the slightest chance of winning.

Had a dream human face with huge eyes? Constant squabbles and showdowns will begin in the house. If one eye on the face is normal and the other is defective, then you will have to choose. But your choice will most likely be wrong and you will fail. See it on your own or someone else's face more eyes than it should be, means that difficulties related to money are approaching.

According to the dream book of spouses Winter

Why do you dream about the gaze of other people's eyes? interested in you stranger, perhaps you have a secret competitor or admirer. Did you dream of sidelong glances? You have a presentiment that you are suspected of something. Seeing a glass eye or a visual organ with a eyesore means that your actions will be misinterpreted.

Have you seen inflamed, slanted or sore eyes? A secret ill-wisher will cause a lot of trouble. Your own sore eyes and deteriorating vision in a dream signal: you do not adequately perceive the current situation and risk making a fatal mistake. Excellent vision at night marks success and the implementation of plans.

According to the modern combined dream book

Why do you dream of blind and sick eyes? Expect failure in business and at work. It is also a symbol of illness, resentment and deception. Healthy eyes in a dream have a completely opposite interpretation and promise joy, success, and luck.

Have you ever seen evil eyes in the night? Enemies are making insidious plans to complicate your existence. For lovers, the dream book prophesies the appearance of a rival. Why do you dream about blue eyes? In a dream, they are associated with powerlessness and timidity. Gray eyes hint at flattery, and brown eyes hint at deception and treachery.

Did you dream that you only had one eye left? Expect trouble. A man with one eye who appears in a dream warns of such great misfortunes, in comparison with which current failures will seem trivial.

If a woman dreamed that she was blindfolded, then she needs to be more careful, otherwise she will get involved in a bad story. In addition, you risk running into serious reproach from loved ones.

According to the 21st century dream book

Why do you dream if you happen to see your own eyes in a mirror reflection? The dream book promises: your children will bring a lot of joy and happiness. Did you dream of dull and inflamed eyes? You will begin to worry and worry about the children. Did you happen to see yourself with your eyes closed in a dream? You will experience mutual love.

Why do you dream if you had to move your eyeballs quickly? This is a sign of prosperity due to perseverance and enterprise. Did you see a lot of eyes? Get profit, knowledge, some valuables.

Poor vision in a dream hints at a difficult financial situation or losses. Did you dream that your eye was bleeding due to an injury? Pricks of conscience will torment you. Are you unlucky enough to become completely blind in your dream? The dream book advises to prepare for betrayal.

If you manage to gouge out another character’s eyes at night, this means that you will turn against others with careless actions. If a woman sees a blindfold on her eyes, then she runs the risk of not noticing the danger and getting into big trouble.

According to the ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Why do you dream about an eye that you had to hold in your hand? In reality, you will be incredibly happy to suddenly receive a tidy sum. If the poor dreamer turns out to be blind in a dream, then in reality he will be able to improve his bad situation.

Did you dream that you were blind? Give up any previously planned trips and trips for a while. If you do not follow the advice of the dream book, you will not return home.

If, while away from home, you saw a third eye in your dream, then be careful when moving in a foreign area - you may get lost or get lost. Why does the dreamer who is at home dream about this plot? There is a high chance that you will be robbed.

According to the modern universal dream book

Why do you dream if you are blindfolded and about to be shot? The dream book associates vision with mystery. Perhaps you do not want to notice something or, on the contrary, someone is trying to hide the truth from you. Sometimes blindfolds are part of the rules of the game. In this version, the interpretation of the dream is extremely clear: very unusual and interesting events are approaching.

Did you dream about blindfolding another character? The dream book suggests that you are forced to hide something from those closest to you. If the blindfold covering your eyes is hard and rubs, then this means that you have lost your sanity and freedom of choice. A soft headband hints at a love interest or a romantic date.

Why do you dream about your own eyes, those of others, the eyes of an animal?

Did you dream about other people's eyes? Expect good luck, joy, success. If in a dream a flock of birds tried to peck out your eyes, then creditors will defeat you. Why else do you dream of other people's eyes? Someone is watching you closely, and most likely, his plans are far from good.

Did you happen to see the eyes of an animal, a predator in a dream? In a similar way, the primitive, predatory side of the dreamer’s personality is reflected. The same image is associated with witchcraft and the influence of dark forces.

At the same time, strange, glowing, but clearly friendly eyes promise fantastic luck. Seeing many eyes can lead to happiness and prosperity; having a third one can lead to the awakening of intuition, spiritual knowledge and pregnancy (for women).

Why do eyes reflect in a mirror in a dream?

Did you dream about your own eyes reflected in the mirror? If they are big and beautiful, then you will know happiness through children. If they are sick, scary, dull, then they will bring a lot of worries and troubles.

Why do you dream about your colorless eyes in the mirror? This is a sign of soullessness, selfishness, lack of mercy and pity. Did you dream of bulging eyes that literally crawled out of their sockets? The interpretation of the dream is similar and indicates excessive callousness and coldness in relations with the outside world.

Why do you dream if in the mirror you see your face without eyes? This is a sign of spiritual insight, clairvoyance, and sensitive intuition. Finding yourself or another person in a mirror with glowing eyes means that you are being influenced by dark, demonic forces.

I dreamed of eyes in the sky, in the dark

Why do you dream of eyes that look at you from the darkness or the crowd? Rest assured: you are being closely watched. And it could be like a common person, and the Higher Ones, including the dark forces.

If blue eyes look out of the darkness, then get ready for failure and uncertainty. The evil gaze of eyes from the darkness marks the evil eye, damage, interference dark forces. This plot predicts the collapse of planned plans and deception. Perhaps quite close people had a hand in this.

Did you dream of kind eyes in the dark? In a dream, the subconscious mind works hard. Dull eyes in the sky or when daylight hint at inadequacy, trouble and even split personality. If eyes appeared in the sky in the background storm clouds, then you cannot escape someone else’s anger. You will have to obey any orders unquestioningly.

Why in a dream the eyes are red, festering, inflamed

Why do you dream of inflamed, red eyes? This is a symbol of resentment, insidious deception, illness and trouble. If in a dream you find your eyes are not in their proper place, then in reality there is a risk of losing your sight or acquiring an eye disease.

Did you dream about festering eyes? You lie too much and don't believe what you say or think. Sometimes the image promises immediate prosperity. Are you unlucky enough to lose your eyes in a dream? The interpretation of the dream is twofold: either you will unexpectedly get rich, or you will get into big trouble.

What do eyes and lenses and glasses mean at night?

Did you dream that you had to wear glasses in a dream? You will live to a ripe old age. But seeing glasses in front of other characters means that you need to take care of your property, otherwise you will suffer serious losses. Why do you dream if you had to visit an ophthalmologist? To achieve your goal, you will resort to the most sophisticated methods.

Did you have a chance to put contact lenses in your eyes in a dream? Because of a stupid act, you will lose friends and luck. Why do you dream if you managed to drop a thin lens on the floor? Indecision will be a serious obstacle. Did you dream about colored contact lenses for your eyes? Relationships with your lover and others will change greatly.

Eyes in a dream - examples of interpretation

To obtain the most accurate decoding, it is necessary to install as many additional details as possible. For example, the color and condition of the eyes, as well as personal actions in a dream.

  • your blue eyes are good news
  • black - pleasant leisure, relaxation, fun
  • fiery, burning - you will find yourself at a banquet, dinner party, reception
  • multi-colored - names of the chosen one
  • beautiful, very large - happiness, joy, prosperity
  • narrow, ugly - exactly the opposite
  • sand in the eyes - bad conscience, unpleasant discoveries
  • thorn - deception, caring for children
  • speck - reproach, mistake
  • blood – eye disease, problems from blood relatives
  • tears - mercy, participation, repentance
  • empty eye sockets - suspicions, losses, bad luck, death of parents
  • one-eyed person - misfortune, separation from a loved one
  • child's eyes - tenderness, rebirth, good deeds
  • someone else's blue eyes - failure, mistakes
  • brown - deception, meanness, cunning
  • green - inconstancy, deception, ardent passion
  • black - false friendship, separation
  • gray – excessive gullibility
  • multi-colored - meeting a two-faced person
  • colorless - decline, loss of position, job
  • with a drag - a charming enemy, rival
  • gouge out the eyes of another - you will turn others against you, you will suffer from jealousy
  • pecked by birds - victory over enemies
  • inflamed - anxiety, bad events
  • red - trouble with a familiar person
  • bulging - struggle, competition
  • omitted - you will soon fall in love, shame, pricks of conscience
  • closed – happy news, pleasure
  • blinking - losses, losses due to one’s own fault
  • to lose anyone's eye - anxiety, accident
  • both - trouble with children, useless work, confusing situation
  • follows - betrayal, troubles, death of a loved one
  • tears - a catch, betrayal, setup
  • loss of the left eye – separation, death of a son, brother
  • on the right - the same for a friend
  • blindfolded - search, spiritual development, comprehension of magical science
  • tie to another - existing knowledge must be transferred
  • rubbing your eyes - the need to see more
  • cry - cleansing, spiritual awakening
  • spit - ridicule, accusation, reproach
  • stare - surprise, shock, discovery
  • look into the eyes - distrust, misunderstanding
  • to follow someone with your eyes - well-being, wealth, observation
  • poor vision - losses, deterioration of financial situation, poverty
  • someone else's eye on the table, in another place - fear of punishment, revelation of secrets, details of life
  • many eyes - valuable finds, profit, gaining knowledge

If in a dream you happened to cut an onion and constantly wipe your eyes with your hand from tears, then prepare for the fact that secret rivals or ill-wishers will take a step after which you will find yourself in a not the best position.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means serious restrictions are not expected, much of what is planned can easily be implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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EYES – Miller's Dream Book

Seeing the eye is a warning about the machinations of your enemies, watching your every step and ready to ruin your business. For those who love, this dream promises an insinuating rival.

Brown eyes are a sign of treachery and cunning. Sight blue eyes, directed at you in a dream, promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which will be your excessive timidity. Gray eyes are a warning against a flattering person.

If in a dream your eyes are inflamed or you lose an eye, expect disturbing events in reality.

A dream in which you meet a one-eyed person is unfavorable - it promises misfortune.

EYES – Modern Dream Interpretation

An eye(s) seen in a dream warns against danger. You are under close surveillance of your enemy - he is just waiting for your mistake to strike. The enemy is collecting information about you.

One of the lovers sees eyes in a dream - the dream foreshadows a meeting with an insidious opponent (rival), hiding behind a mask of virtue, this person will drive wedges into the relationship of lovers.

Brown and black eyes in a dream represent cunning and treachery.

Blue eyes are a symbol of unluckiness; do you have a complex?

Gray eyes - a certain flattering person will show interest in you, and this will surprise you.

If you dream of a one-eyed person, it’s unfortunate; it will come from an unexpected direction, from the side where you don’t have an “eye.”

You dream of sore, tear-stained eyes - in real life you will have to endure insult.

Blind eyes dream of illness.

Having excellent vision in a dream is a harbinger of great success and recognition.

If in a dream you saw that your vision has deteriorated or you cannot see something clearly, then financial difficulties or illness of your loved ones await you. For lovers, the dream predicts that they are wasting their time and relying on a person who does not value them at all.

An eye disease in a dream means betrayal or the loss of a friend due to some serious illness.

Losing your sight in a dream is a sign that you will break your word or your children are in danger deadly danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend.

If in a dream your eyes darken or become clouded, then you will experience repentance for a bad or criminal act. Sometimes a dream predicts you the loss of property.

Being left without eyes in a dream means poverty or loss of loved ones. For a pregnant woman, a dream predicts that the child she gives birth to may become a criminal and go to prison at a young age.

Having three or four eyes in a dream is a sign strong family And happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend’s eyes instead of your own, then you are in danger of deteriorating vision.

Seeing blind or slanted eyes in a dream means misunderstanding, quarrel, failure.

Being nearsighted in a dream means trouble.

To dream that some eyes are watching you foretells that someone is seriously thinking about you or that great luck awaits you.

If in a dream something happened to your eyelids, then your friend is in trouble and does not dare to ask you for help, which you would never refuse him.

Very beautiful eyes to see - to great affection; black eyes in a dream mean the machinations of enemies; omitted - a sign of insincerity; closed eyes- one's own or someone else's - means short-sightedness and the need for clarification of circumstances.

Seeing big and beautiful eyes means happiness, wealth and good luck.

If in a dream you see an animal or a person without eyes, then you will be separated from your lover or completely misunderstood by your partners.

An eyesore means that you don’t see what’s going on under your nose.

Tear-stained eyes in a dream mean sadness and chagrin.

EYES – Slavic Dream Book

Without a face or strange - changes for the better; oblique - good luck with money; beautiful - fidelity or a very large inheritance; eyesore - deception; losing an eye means complicated matters; blink - well-being; an eyeball that is heavily branched - something will happen that will disrupt your normal state of mind; going blind is a disease.

EYES – Indian Dream Book

If someone dreams that he is blind, it means that he will not keep his promise and will not see his friends. Perhaps he or the children are at risk of illness.

When someone sees in a dream that his eyes have begun to fester, this is a sign that he will make some important mistake, because of which he will repent or lose some part of his fortune.

A man who dreams that he has good vision, will be successful in all his undertakings.

If you dream that your eyes are cloudy and myopic, this means a lack of money and obstacles in business.

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Psychologists say that dreams convey our inner state. Eyes symbolize the spiritual ability to see clearly: your present, distant and near past, future. Therefore, a person without eyes in a dream is a sign that the person has a rejection of everything that happens in his life.

What if you dream of a person without eyes?

The dreamer, projecting a dream with his subconscious, saw in a vivid image his personal perception of the world, which was formed today. A person simply closes his eyes to reality! Doesn't want to notice her. He sees neither the beauty of this world nor its perfection. Something happening in his personal life forces him to do this. Perhaps what a person sees causes him fear. It is quite possible that reality and a person’s environment give rise to anger. It is possible that he is afraid for his future or for the fate of the people around him. Moreover, in this case we're talking about about holistic negative perception, because the left eye is feminine, and the right one is masculine. If a blind person is missing both eyes in a dream, then a thick canvas is thrown over the mirror of the person’s soul; perhaps he does not know how to admit his mistakes.

Refusal to see something is sometimes a consequence of the fact that a person has forbidden himself to experience the most beautiful of feelings - the feeling of love. How often does a person, having once stumbled in life, not allow himself to straighten his shoulders and again look at his surroundings with optimism. There are troubles that you have to come to terms with, and there are those that you can forget.

Sometimes, to the question of why a person without eyes dreams, there may be a completely different answer. Everyone knows the blind soothsayer, whose name is still on everyone’s lips. Yes, we are talking about Vanga. To become blind sometimes means to discover in oneself other possibilities of feeling, to gain the gift of clairvoyance. Perhaps the dreamer has Lately Intuition has greatly improved. The subconscious, having formed a certain sign in a dream, tells the sleeper that he needs to trust more in his inner voice, his intuition. What exactly does a person constantly feel? If he manages to foresee both good and bad events, then he really had a gift. You should trust yourself more and not waste time on long and dubious thoughts.

What does it portend?

If a person is constantly worried only by vague experiences, various fears, if anxiety arises even without a reason, then one needs to return to the very first interpretation. This is not how intuition manifests itself at all, but a reluctance to hear the pure childish voice of one’s soul, a false, intimidated prudence. Sometimes, a person without eyes dreams and means that it is the person who observed the dream who in the near future will help someone else gain a clear understanding of the world, someone will ask for help. By the way, a dream could have been seen by a person who is very active in public life, full time social problems. To your own detriment. In this case, the dream may warn you that you need to take care of yourself. No one except the person himself can take good care of him. When you give yourself to others, you forget about this.

The dream may be telling the dreamer that by closing his eyes to some “little things,” he does not notice the main thing, which has long been obvious to everyone. Therefore, for example, a dream may foretell the betrayal of a friend whom the person trusted very much. The dream can also predict a sudden turn in fate: positive or unpleasant.

So, the dream for the most part has psychological character and brings an important message to a person that it is time to work on himself. A person’s thoughts and his life are tightly connected, so you need to try to keep only positive energy around you and within yourself.
