General characteristics of biotic factors. Biotic factors

The word "biotic" (from the Greek - biotikos) is translated as life. It is this meaning that the concept of "biotic factor" has. In its most generalized form, this scientific category denotes a set of conditions and parameters of the living environment that directly affect the vital activity of organisms. The famous Soviet zoologist V.N.Beklemishev classified all biotic environmental factors into four main groups:

Topical factors are those associated with changes in the environment itself;

Trophic are factors that characterize the nutritional conditions of organisms;

Factory - factors that characterize factory ties, in which organisms of one type use organisms of another type (or their parts or waste products) as a building material;

Phoric - associated with the movement of organisms of one type by organisms of another type.

As a rule, the action of the factors under consideration manifests itself in the form of interactions between organisms in a given environment and the influence they exert on each other. An important manifestation of the action of biotic factors is how all organisms in the aggregate affect the environment. This effect is more narrowly described by biotic

In all the variety that saturates the habitat, relations are formed, which are usually divided into direct and indirect. In addition, there are intraspecific and interspecific relationships. In the first case, interactions and their consequences among representatives of one biological species, which are characterized by the phenomena of group and mass effects, are considered. Interspecies relationships are usually very diverse and reflect an extremely wide range of interactions. These relationships, due to their diversity, are classified into the following types:

Neutralism is a type of relationship in which the biotic factor determines completely neutral (bringing neither benefit nor harm) interactions between organisms;

Synoikia is a type of relationship in which a representative of one species uses the body of another to equip his home without causing certain harm. This type is also called lodging or cohabitation;

Competition is a purely antagonistic relationship that occurs between organisms that are in a certain habitat and interact with each other and with this environment. Here there is a direct struggle for "a place in the sun", for food, shelter and other resources;

Mutualism is a type of interspecies relationship in which the biotic factor determines the exclusively "mutually beneficial" coexistence of organisms;

Protocooperation is a type of relationship in which organisms, at least for some time, can do without each other without much damage to their existence;

In commensalism, the biotic factor provides such an interaction between organisms, in which one of them uses the other as a home without causing significant harm. Such an example can be bacteria, which are present in large quantities in the human gastrointestinal tract;

Amensalism is a type of interspecies relationship characterized by such an interaction in which the harm caused by one organism to another is indifferent to it;


As a rule, all types of antagonistic relationships ensure the preservation of species populations and the maintenance of their numbers.

Biotic factors- this is a set of influences of the vital activity of some organisms on others. Biotic factors include the total amount of influences that living things - bacteria, plants, animals - have on each other.

All the variety of relationships between organisms can be divided into two main types: antagonistic (column antagonizma - fight) and non-antagonistic.

Antagonistic relationships are more pronounced at the initial stages of community development. In mature ecosystems, there is a tendency to replace negative interactions with positive ones that increase the survival of species.

The type of interactions between species can change depending on conditions or stages of the life cycle.

Non-antagonistic relationships can theoretically be expressed in many combinations: neutral, mutually beneficial, one-sided, etc.

Biotic factors are abiotic environmental conditions not changed by organisms (humidity, temperature, etc.) and not the organisms themselves, but the relationships between organisms, the direct effects of some of them on others, that is, the nature of biotic factors is determined by the form of relationships and relationships of living organisms.

These relationships are extremely varied. They can be formed on the basis of joint feeding, habitat and reproduction and are direct and indirect.

Indirect interactions consist in the fact that some organisms are environment-formers in relation to others (plants serve as a direct habitat for other organisms). For many species, mainly animals living in secrecy, the feeding place is combined with the habitat.

When classifying biotic factors, there are:

- zoogenic(animal exposure),

- phytogenic(plant exposure) and

- microbogenic(exposure to microorganisms).

Sometimes all anthropogenic factors (both physical and chemical) are referred to as biotic factors. In addition to all these classifications, factors are distinguished that depend on the number and density of organisms. Also, factors can be subdivided:

- for regulating (managing) and

- regulated (controlled).

All these classifications are indeed present, however, when determining the environmental factor, it is necessary to note whether this factor is a direct factor or not. The direct-acting factor can be expressed quantitatively, while the indirect-acting factor is usually expressed only qualitatively. For example, climate or relief can be designated mainly verbally, but they determine the modes of direct factors - humidity, temperature, length daylight hours etc.

Biotic factors can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

1. Topical relationships organisms based on their cohabitation: oppression or suppression by one type of organisms of the development of other species; the release of volatile substances by plants - phytoncides with antibacterial properties, etc.

2. Trophic absorption. According to the way of nutrition, all organisms on the planet are divided into two groups: autotrophic and heterotrophic. Autotrophic (derived from Greek words autos- himself and trophe- food) organisms have the ability to create organic substances from inorganic ones, which are then used by heterotrophic organisms. The use of organic substances as food in heterotrophic organisms is different: some use live plants or their fruits as food, others use dead remains of animals, etc. Each organism in nature ultimately directly or indirectly serves as a source of nutrition.

At the same time, he himself exists at the expense of others or the products of their vital activity.

3. Generative relationships. They add up based on reproduction. The formation of organic matter in biogeocenoses (ecological systems) is carried out along food (trophic) chains. The food chain is a series of living organisms in which some eat the predecessors along the chain and, in turn, are eaten by those that follow them.

The first type of food chain begins with living plants, which feed on herbivores. Biotic components consist of three functional groups of organisms:

producers, consumers, reducers.

1. Producers (producens- creating, producing) or autotrophic organisms (trophe- food) - creators of primary biological products, organisms that synthesize organic substances from inorganic compounds (carbon dioxide CO 2 and water). The main role in the synthesis of organic substances belongs to green plant organisms - photoautotrophs, which use sunlight as a source of energy, and inorganic substances, mainly carbon dioxide and water as a nutritive material:

CO 2 + H 2 O = (CH 2 O) n + O 2.

In the process of life, they synthesize organic substances in the light - carbohydrates or sugars (CH 2 O) n.

Photosynthesis is the transformation by green plants of the sun's radiant energy into the energy of chemical bonds and organic matter. The light energy absorbed by the green pigment (chlorophyll) of plants supports the process of their carbon nourishment. Reactions in which light energy is absorbed are called endothermic(endo - inside). The energy from sunlight is stored in the form of chemical bonds.

The producers are mainly chlorophyll-bearing plants. Under the influence of sunlight during photosynthesis, plants (autotrophs) form organic matter, i.e. accumulate potential energy contained in synthesized carbohydrates, proteins and plant fats. In terrestrial ecosystems, the main producers are green flowering plants, in the aquatic environment, microscopic planktonic algae.

2. Consumptions (consume- consume), or heterotrophic organisms (heteros- another, trophe- food), carry out the process of decomposition of organic substances. These organisms use organic matter as food and energy sources. Heterotrophic organisms are divided into phagotrophs (phagos- devouring) and saprotrophs (sapros- rotten). Phagotrophs include animals; to saprotrophs - bacteria.

Consumptions are heterotrophic organisms, consumers of organic matter created by autotrophs.

3. Bioreducents (reducers or destructors)- organisms that decompose organic matter, mainly microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, saprophytic fungi) that settle in corpses, excrement, on dying plants and destroy them. In other words, these are organisms that convert organic residues into inorganic substances.

Reducers: bacteria, fungi - participate in the last stage of decomposition - the mineralization of organic substances to inorganic compounds (СО 2, Н 2 О, methane, etc.). They return substances into circulation, turning them into forms available to producers. Without decomposers, heaps of organic residues would accumulate in nature and the reserves of minerals would dry up.

Among animals, there are species that can eat only one type of food (monophages), on a more or less limited range of food sources (narrow or wide oligophages), or on many species, using not only plant, but also animal tissues (polyphages) for food. A striking example of a polyphage is birds that can eat both insects and plant seeds, or a bear is a predator that eats berries and honey with pleasure.

Other forms of interactions between organisms include:

- pollination of plants by animals(insects);

- phoresia, that is, the transfer by some species of others (plant seeds by birds and mammals);

- commensalism(companionship), when some organisms feed on food debris or secretions of others (hyenas or vultures);

- blue(cohabitation) - the use by some animals of the habitats of other animals;

- neutralism, i.e. interdependence different types living in a common area.

The most common type of heterotypic relationship between animals is predation, that is, direct pursuit and eating of some species by others.

Predation- the form of relationships between organisms of different trophic levels - the predator lives off the prey, eating it. This is the most common form of interactions between organisms in food webs. Predators can specialize in one species (lynx - hare) or be polyphagous (wolf).

Victims develop a variety of defense mechanisms. Some can run or fly fast. Others have a carapace. Still others have a protective color or change it, disguising themselves as the color of greenery, sand, soil. The fourth emit chemicals that scare or poison the predator, etc.

Predators also adapt to foraging. Some run very fast like a cheetah. Others hunt in packs: hyenas, lions, wolves. Still others catch sick, wounded and other handicapped individuals.

In any biocenosis, mechanisms have evolved that regulate the abundance of both predator and prey. Unreasonable destruction of predators often leads to a decrease in the viability and number of their prey and harms nature and humans.

Among the ecological factors of a biotic nature are chemical compounds produced by living organisms. For example, phytoncides, - predominantly volatile substances formed by plants that kill microorganisms or inhibit their growth (1 ha of deciduous forest releases about 2 kg of volatile substances, coniferous - up to 5 kg, juniper - about 30 kg). By the way, this is why the air of forest ecosystems is of the most important sanitary and hygienic importance, killing microorganisms that cause dangerous human diseases. For a plant, phytoncides perform the function of protecting against bacterial, fungal infections, from protozoa. The volatiles of some plants, in turn, can serve as a means of displacing other plants. The mutual influence of plants through the release of physiologically active substances into the environment is called allelopathy. Organic substances formed by microorganisms and having the ability to kill microbes (or prevent their growth) are called antibiotics for example - penicillin. Also antibiotics include antibacterial substances contained in plant and animal cells (in this sense, a valuable antibiotic is propolis, or "bee glue", which protects the bee hive from harmful microflora).

The properties of producing and emitting repelling, attracting, signaling, killing substances are possessed by vertebrates and invertebrates, and reptiles. Man makes extensive use of animal and plant poisons in medicinal purposes... The joint evolution of animals and plants has developed in them the most complex information-chemical relationships, for example, many insects distinguish their food species by smell, bark beetles, in particular, fly only to a dying tree, recognizing it by the composition of the volatile terpenes of the resin. Study chemical processes occurring at the level of living organisms is the subject of biochemistry and molecular biology, on the basis of the results and achievements of these sciences, a special area of ​​ecology has been formed - chemical ecology.

Competition(lat. copsi rrentia - rivalry) is a form of relationship in which organisms of the same trophic level fight for scarce resources - food, CO2, sunlight, living space, places of shelter and other conditions of existence, suppressing each other. Competition is evident in plants. Trees in the forest strive to cover as much space as possible with their roots in order to receive water and nutrients... They also stretch high towards the light in an effort to outrun their competitors. Weeds clog other plants.

There are many examples from the life of animals. Intense competition explains, for example, the incompatibility of wide-clawed and narrow-clawed crayfish in one reservoir, usually the more prolific narrow-clawed crayfish wins.

The greater the similarity in the requirements of two species to living conditions, the stronger the competition, which can lead to the disappearance of one of them. With the same access to a resource, one of the competing species can have advantages over the other due to intensive reproduction, the ability to consume more food or solar energy, the ability to protect oneself and greater tolerance to temperature fluctuations and harmful effects.

The main forms of these interactions are as follows: symbiosis, mutualism and commensalism.

Symbiosis(column symbiosis - cohabitation) is a mutually beneficial, but not mandatory relationship between different types of organisms. An example of symbiosis is the cohabitation of a hermit crab and an anemone: the anemones move by attaching themselves to the back of the crab, and with the help of anemones, the anemones receive richer food and protection. A similar relationship can be observed between trees and some species of fungi growing on their roots: the fungi receive dissolved nutrients from the roots and themselves help the tree to extract water and minerals from the soil. Sometimes the term "symbiosis" is used in a broader sense - "living together."

Mutualism(lat. mutuus - mutual) - mutually beneficial and obligatory for the growth and survival of the relationship of organisms of different species. Lichens - good example positive relationship of algae and fungi, which cannot exist separately. When insects spread plant pollen, both species develop specific adaptations: color and smell in plants, proboscis in insects, etc. They also cannot exist one without the other.

Commensalism(lat. sottepsalis - companion) - a relationship in which one of the partners benefits, and the other is indifferent. Commensalism is often observed at sea: in almost every shell of a mollusk, in the body of a sponge, there are "intruders" who use them as hiding places. In the ocean, some species of crustaceans settle on the jaws of whales. Crustaceans acquire a shelter and a stable food source. For Keith, this neighborhood does not bring any benefit or harm. Sticky fish, following the sharks, pick up the remains of their food. Birds and animals that feed on carnivore leftovers are examples of commensals.

The goal is to study the types of interactions and interrelationships between organisms. Give a definition of zoogenic, phytogenic and anthropogenic factors.

Biotic factors are a set of influences of the vital activity of some organisms on others.
Among them are usually distinguished:

The influence of animal organisms (zoogenic factors),

The influence of plant organisms (phytogenic factors),

Human influence (anthropogenic factors).

The action of biotic factors can be considered as their action on the environment, on individual organisms inhabiting this environment, or "the action of these factors on entire communities.

There are two types of interactions between organisms:

Interaction between individuals of the same species - intraspecific competition;

The relationship between individuals of different species. The influence that two species living together have on each other can be neutral, favorable or unfavorable.

Relationship types:

1) mutually beneficial (protocooperation, symbiosis, mutalism);

2) useful-neutral (commensalism - parasitism, companionship, lodging);

4) mutually harmful (interspecific, competition, intraspecific).

Neutralism - both types are independent and do not exert any influence on each other;

competition - each species has an adverse effect on the other. The species compete in search of food, shelter, egg-laying sites, etc. Both are called competing species;

Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship where both cohabiting species benefit from each other;

Collaboration - both forms a community. It is optional, since each species can exist separately, in isolation, but life in the community benefits both of them;

Commensalism is a relationship of species in which one of the partners benefits without harming the other;

Amensalism is a type of interspecific relationship in which, in a shared habitat, one species suppresses the existence of another species, without experiencing opposition;

Predation is a type of relationship in which representatives of one species eat (destroy) representatives of another, i.e. organisms of the same species serve as food for CSO friends

Among the mutually beneficial relationships among species (populations), in addition to mutualism, symbiosis and protocooperation are distinguished.

Protocooperation is a simple type of symbiotic relationship. In this form, coexistence is beneficial for both species, but not necessarily for them, i.e. is an indispensable condition for the survival of species (populations).

With commensalism, as useful-neutral relationships, parasitism, companionship, and lodging are distinguished.

Freelogging is the consumption of the host's food leftovers, for example, the relationship of sharks with adherent fish.

Co-eating is the consumption of different substances or parts of the same resource. For example, the relationship between different types of soil bacteria-saprophytes, processing different organic matter from rotted plant residues, and higher plants that consume the resulting
mineral salts.

Housing - the use of some types of others (their bodies or their dwellings) as a refuge or dwelling.

1. Zoogenic factors

Living organisms live surrounded by many others, enter into various relationships with them, both with negative and positive consequences for themselves, and ultimately cannot exist without this living environment. Communication with other organisms is a necessary condition for nutrition and reproduction, the ability to protect, mitigate unfavorable environmental conditions, and on the other hand,
danger of damage and often an immediate threat to the existence of an individual. The immediate living environment of an organism constitutes its biotic environment. Each species is able to exist only in such a biotic environment, where connections with other organisms provide normal conditions for their life. It follows that diverse living organisms are found on our planet not in any combination, but form certain communities, which include species adapted to cohabitation.

Interactions between individuals of the same species are manifested in intraspecific competition.

Intraspecific competition. With intraspecific competition between individuals, relationships are maintained in which they are able to reproduce and ensure the transfer of their inherent hereditary properties.

Intraspecific competition manifests itself in territorial behavior, when, for example, an animal defends its nesting site or a certain area in its district. So, during the breeding season of birds, the male protects a certain territory, which, in addition to his female, does not allow any individual of his species. The same picture can be observed in many fish (for example, sticklebacks).

The manifestation of intraspecific competition is the existence of a social hierarchy in animals, which is characterized by the appearance of dominant and subordinate individuals in the population. For example, in the May beetle, the larvae of three years of age suppress the larvae of one and two years of age. This is the reason that the emergence of adult beetles is observed only once every three years, while in other insects
(for example, sowing clickers) the duration of the larval stage is also three years, and the emergence of adults occurs annually due to the lack of competition between the larvae.

Competition between individuals of the same species for food becomes more intense as the population density increases. In some cases, intraspecific competition can lead to the differentiation of a species, to its disintegration into several populations occupying different territories.

With neutralism, individuals are not directly related to each other, and their cohabitation in one territory does not entail either positive or negative consequences for them, but depends on the state of the community as a whole. So, moose and squirrels living in the same forest practically do not contact each other. Relationships of the type of neutralism are developed in species-rich communities.

Interspecies competition is an active search by two or more species of the same food resources, habitat. Competitive relationships tend to arise between species with similar ecological requirements.

Competitive relationships can be very different - from direct physical struggle to peaceful coexistence.

Competition is one of the reasons that two species, slightly differing in the specifics of nutrition, behavior, lifestyle, etc., rarely cohabit in one community. Here the competition has the character of direct enmity. The fiercest competition with unforeseen consequences arises when a person introduces animal species into communities without taking into account the already established relationships.

The predator, as a rule, first catches the victim, kills it, and then eats it. For this he has special devices.

The victims have also historically developed protective properties in the form of anatomical-morphological, physiological, biochemical

features, for example, outgrowths of the body, thorns, thorns, shells, protective coloration, poisonous glands, the ability to quickly hide, burrow into loose soil, build shelters inaccessible to predators, resort to alarm signals. As a result of such mutual adaptations, certain groups of organisms are formed in the form of specialized predators and specialized prey. So, the main food of the lynx is hares, and the wolf is a typical polyphagous predator.

Commensalism. A relationship in which one of the partners benefits without harming the other, as noted earlier, is called commensalism. Commensalism, based on the consumption of food leftovers from the owners, is also called parasitism. Such, for example, is the relationship between lions and hyenas, picking up the remains of uneaten food, or sharks with adhering fish.

A good example of commensalism is provided by some barnacles that attach to the skin of a whale. At the same time, they get an advantage - more fast movement, and the whale will not cause almost any inconvenience. In general, the partners do not have any common interests, and each one perfectly exists on its own. However, such alliances usually make it easier for one of the participants to move or get food, seek refuge, etc.

2. Phytogenic factors

The main forms of relationships between plants:

2. Indirect transbiotic (through animals and microorganisms).

3. Indirect transbiotic (environment-forming influences, competition, allelopathy).

Direct (contact) interactions between plants. An example of mechanical interaction is damage to spruce and
pine trees in mixed forests from the chilling effect of birch.

A characteristic example of close symbiosis, or mutualism between plants, is the cohabitation of algae and fungus, which form a special integral organism - lichen.

Another example of symbiosis is the cohabitation of higher plants with bacteria, the so-called bacteriotrophy. Symbiosis with nodule
bacteria - nitrogen fixing is widespread among legumes (93% of the studied species) and mimosa (87%).

There is a symbiosis of the mycelium of the fungus with the root of a higher plant, or mycorrhiza formation. Such plants are called mycotrophic or
mycotrophs. Settling on the roots of the plant, the fungal hyphae provide the higher plant with a colossal absorption capacity.
The contact surface of root cells and hyphae in ectotrophic mycorrhiza is 10-14 times larger than the surface of contact with the soil of cells - a "bare" root, while the suction surface of the root due to root hairs increases the root surface only 2-5 times. Of the 3425 species of vascular plants studied in our country, mycorrhiza was found in 79%.

Growth of roots of closely growing trees (of the same species or related species) also refers to direct physiological
plant contacts. The phenomenon is not so rare in nature. In dense stands of spruce, about 30% of all trees grow together with roots. It has been established that there is an exchange between the accreted trees through the roots in the form of the transfer of nutrients and water. Depending on the degree of difference or similarity between the needs of intergrown partners, relations between them are not excluded, either of a competitive nature in the form of interception of substances by a more developed and strong tree, or symbiotic ones.

The forms of connections in the form of predation are of some importance. Predation is widespread not only between animals, but also between plants and animals. Thus, a number of insectivorous plants (sundew, nepentes) are classified as predators.

Indirect transbiotic relationships between plants (through animals and microorganisms). An important ecological role
animals in plant life consists in participating in the processes of pollination, the spread of seeds and fruits. Pollination of plants with insects,
dubbed entomophilia, promoted the development of a number of adaptations, both in plants and insects.

Birds also take part in pollination of plants. Pollination of plants with the help of birds, or ornithophilia, is widespread in the tropical and subtropical regions of the southern hemisphere.

Pollination of plants by mammals, or zoogamy, is less common. Most of the zoogamy is celebrated in Australia, in the forests
Africa and South America. For example, Australian shrubs from the Dryandra genus are pollinated by kangaroos willingly drinking their abundant nectar, moving from flower to flower.

Microorganisms are often involved in indirect transbiotic relationships between plants. Rhizosphere of roots
many trees, for example, oak, greatly changes soil environment, especially its composition, acidity, and thus creates favorable conditions for the settlement there of various microorganisms, primarily azotobacteria. These bacteria, having settled here, feed on the secretions of oak roots and organic debris created by the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi. Bacteria, living near the roots of the oak, serve as a kind of "defensive line" from the penetration of pathogenic fungi into the roots. This biological barrier is created by antibiotics secreted by bacteria. The colonization of bacteria in the rhizosphere of oak immediately has a positive effect on the state of plants, especially young ones.

Indirect transbiotic relationships between plants (environmental influences, competition, allelopathy). The change in the environment by plants is the most universal and widespread type of relationship between plants in their joint
existence. When a particular species, or a group of plant species, as a result of its vital activity, greatly changes in quantitative and qualitative terms, the main ecological factors in such a way that other species of the community have to live in conditions that differ significantly from the zonal complex of factors of the physical environment, then this is speaks of the environment-forming role, the environment-forming influence of the first type in relation to the rest.

One of them is mutual influences through changes in microclimate factors (for example, the weakening of solar radiation inside the plant
cover, its depletion in photosynthetically active rays, a change in the seasonal rhythm of illumination, etc.). Some plants affect others through changes in temperature, humidity, wind speed, carbon dioxide content, etc.

Chemical excretions from plants can serve as one of the ways of interaction between plants in a community, exerting either a toxic or a stimulating effect on organisms. Such chemical interactions are called allelopathy. As an example, we can name the allocation of beet seed fruits, which inhibits the germination of cockle seeds.

Competition is distinguished as a special form of transbiotic relationships between plants. Is it those mutual or one-sided
negative influences that arise from the use of energy and food resources of the habitat. Competition for soil moisture (especially pronounced in areas with insufficient moisture) and competition for soil nutrients, which is more noticeable on poor soils, have a strong effect on plant life.

Interspecific competition manifests itself in plants in the same way as intraspecific competition (morphological changes, decreased fertility,
number, etc.). The dominant species gradually displaces or greatly reduces its viability. The most severe competition, often with unforeseen consequences, arises when new plant species are introduced into communities without taking into account the existing relationships.

3. Anthropogenic factors

Human action as an ecological factor in nature is enormous and diverse. At present, none of the environmental factors exerts such a significant and universal influence as man, although this is the youngest factor of all acting on nature. The influence of the anthropogenic factor gradually increased, starting from the era of gathering (where it was not much different from the influence of animals) to the present day, the era of scientific and technological progress and the demographic explosion. In the course of his activity, man has created a large number of the most diverse species of animals and plants, in a significant way transformed natural natural complexes. In large areas, he created special, often practically optimal living conditions for many species. By creating a huge variety of varieties and species of plants and animals, man contributed to the emergence of new properties and qualities in them that ensure their survival in adverse conditions, both in the struggle for existence with other species, and immunity to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

Changes made by humans in the natural environment create favorable conditions for reproduction and development for some species, and unfavorable ones for others. And as a result, new numerical relationships are generated between species, food chains are rebuilt, and adaptations appear that are necessary for the existence of organisms in a changed environment. Thus, human actions enrich or impoverish communities. The influence of an anthropogenic factor in nature can be both conscious and accidental, or unconscious. Man, plowing up virgin and fallow lands, creates agricultural land (agrocenoses), displays highly productive and disease-resistant forms, settles some and destroys others. These impacts are often positive, but often negative, for example: thoughtless dispersal of many animals, plants, microorganisms, predatory destruction of a number of species, environmental pollution, etc.

Man can exert both direct and indirect influence on animals and vegetation of the Earth. Variety of modern
forms of human impact on vegetation are presented in table. 4.

If we add to the above the human impact on animals: fishing, their acclimatization and re-acclimatization,
various forms of crop and livestock activities, measures for plant protection, protection of rare and
exotic species, etc., only one listing of these impacts on nature shows the enormity of the anthropogenic factor.

Changes are taking place not only on a large scale, but also on the example of individual species. So, on the reclaimed lands, on the crops of cereal crops, they began to large quantities wheat thrips, cereal aphids, some types of bugs (for example, a harmful turtle), various types of stem flea beetles, a thickened leg and others multiply. Many of these species have become dominant, and previously existing species have disappeared or were pushed to extreme conditions. Changes affected not only flora and fauna, but also microflora and microfauna, many links in food chains have changed.

Table 4

The main forms of human influence on plants and vegetation

Human activity causes a number of adaptive reactions on the part of organisms. The emergence of weeds, roadside
plants, barn pests and others like them is a consequence of the adaptation of organisms to human activity in
nature. Organisms have appeared that have partially or completely lost their connection with free nature, for example, the barn weevil, flour beetles and others. Many local species adapt not only to life in agrocenoses, but also develop special
adaptive features of the structure, acquire rhythms of development that correspond to the living conditions in the cultivated areas, capable of withstanding the harvest, various agrotechnical measures (soil cultivation system, crop rotation), chemical agents pest control.

In response to chemical treatments of crops carried out by humans, many organisms developed resistance to various insecticides, due to the appearance of special, modified chemical composition lipids, the ability of adipose tissue to dissolve and heat up a significant amount of poison in itself, as well as due to the intensification of enzymatic reactions in the metabolism of organisms, the ability to convert toxic substances into neutral or non-toxic. The adaptations of organisms associated with human activities include seasonal migrations of tits from their forest to the city and back.

An example of the influence of the anthropogenic factor is the ability of starlings to occupy birdhouses for nests. Starlings also prefer artificial houses when there is a hollow in the tree nearby. And there are many such examples, all of them testify to the fact that human influence on nature is a powerful environmental factor.

Issues for discussion

1. What is the biotic structure of an ecosystem?

2. Name the main forms of intraspecific relations of organisms.

3. Name the main forms of interspecies relationships between organisms.

6. What mechanisms allow living organisms to compensate for the action of environmental factors?

7. List the main directions of human activity in nature.

8. Give examples of direct and indirect anthropogenic impacts on the habitat of living organisms.

Topics of reports

1. Types of interactions and relationships between organisms

3. Ecology and man.

4. Climate and people



The goal is to study the population (population-species) level of biological organization. Know the structure of populations, dynamics
number, have an idea of ​​the stability and viability of populations.

1. The concept of a population

Organisms of the same species in nature are always represented not individually, but by certain organized aggregates -
populations. Populations (from Lat.populus - population) is a collection of individuals of one biological species, long time inhabiting a certain space, having a common gene pool, the ability to freely interbreed and, to one degree or another, isolated from other populations of this species.

The composition of one type of organisms can include several, sometimes many, populations. If representatives of different populations of the same species
placed in the same conditions, they will retain their differences. However, belonging to one species provides the possibility of obtaining fertile offspring from representatives of different populations. Population is an elementary form of existence and evolution of a species in nature.

Combining organisms of the same species into a population reveals their qualitatively new properties. Are decisive
the number and spatial distribution of organisms, sex and age composition, the nature of the relationship between individuals,
delimitation or contacts with other populations of this species, etc. Compared to the lifetime of an individual organism, a population can exist for a very long time.

At the same time, the population also has features of similarity to the organism as a biosystem, since it has a certain structure, a genetic program of self-reproduction, the ability to autoregulate and adapt.

The study of populations is an important branch of modern biology at the intersection of ecology and genetics. Practical value
population biology is that populations are real units of exploitation and protection of natural ecosystems. The interaction of people with species of organisms in the natural environment or under economic control is mediated, as a rule, through populations. These can be strains of pathogenic or beneficial microbes, varieties of cultivated plants, breeds of farmed animals, populations of commercial fish, etc. It is equally important that many of the laws of population ecology relate to human populations.

2. Population structure

The population is characterized by a certain structural organization - the ratio of groups of individuals by sex, age, size,
genotype, distribution of individuals over the territory, etc. In this regard, various structures of the population are distinguished: gender, age,
dimensional, genetic, spatial-ethological, etc. The structure of a population is formed, on the one hand, on the basis of general
biological properties species, on the other hand, under the influence of environmental factors, i.e. has an adaptive character.

Sex structure (sex composition) - the ratio of males and females in a population. Sexual structure inherent
only populations of dioecious organisms. In theory, the sex ratio should be the same: 50% of the total
should be males and 50% females. The actual sex ratio depends on the action of various environmental factors, genetic and physiological characteristics of the species.

Distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary relationships. Primary ratio - the ratio observed during formation
reproductive cells (gametes). Usually it is 1: 1. This ratio is due to the genetic mechanism of sex determination. Secondary
ratio - the ratio observed at birth. Tertiary ratio - the ratio observed in adult sexually mature

For example, in a person, in the secondary ratio, boys predominate, in the tertiary ratio, women: per 100 boys
106 girls are born, by the age of 16-18 due to the increased male mortality this ratio is leveled and by the age of 50 it is 85 men per 100 women, and by the age of 80 - 50 men per 100 women.

In some fish (R. Pecilia), three types of sex chromosomes are distinguished: Y, X and W, of which the Y chromosome carries male genes, and X
and W-chromosomes - female genes, but of varying degrees of "power". If the genotype of an individual has the form YY, then males develop, if XY -
females, if WY, then depending on the environmental conditions, the sexual characteristics of the male or female develop.

In swordsman populations, the sex ratio depends on the pH value of the environment. At pH = 6.2, the number of males in the offspring is 87-
100%, and at pH = 7.8 - from 0 to 5%.

Age structure (age composition) - the ratio in the population of individuals of different age groups. The absolute age composition expresses the number of certain age groups at a certain point in time. The relative age composition expresses the proportion or percentage of individuals of a given age group in relation to the total population. The age composition is determined by a number of properties and characteristics of the species: the time to reach puberty, life expectancy, duration of the breeding period, mortality, etc.

Depending on the ability of individuals to reproduce, three groups are distinguished: pre-productive (individuals not yet able to reproduce),
reproductive (individuals able to reproduce) and post-reproductive (individuals no longer able to reproduce).

Age groups can be subdivided into smaller categories. For example, the following conditions are distinguished in plants:
dormant seed, seedlings and seedlings, juvenile state, immature state, virginal state, early generative, middle generative, late generative, subsenile, senile (senile), half-corpse state.

The age structure of a population is expressed using age pyramids.

Spatial-ethological structure - the nature of the distribution of individuals within the range. It depends on the features
environment and ethology (behavior) of the species.

There are three main types of distribution of individuals in space: uniform (regular), uneven (aggregated, group, mosaic) and random (diffuse).

Uniform distribution is characterized by the equal distance of each individual from all neighbors. It is characteristic of populations that exist in conditions of a uniform distribution of environmental factors or consisting of individuals showing antagonism to each other.

Uneven distribution is manifested in the formation of groups of individuals, between which there are large unpopulated
territory. It is typical for populations living in conditions of uneven distribution of environmental factors or consisting of individuals,
leading a group (herd) lifestyle.

Random distribution is expressed in unequal distance between individuals. Is the result of probabilistic processes,
heterogeneity of the environment and weak social ties between individuals.

According to the type of use of space, all mobile animals are subdivided into sedentary and nomadic. A sedentary lifestyle has a number of
biological advantages, such as free orientation in familiar territory when looking for food or shelter, the ability to create food reserves (squirrel, field mouse). Its disadvantages include the depletion of food resources with an excessively high population density.

According to the form of coexistence, animals are distinguished by a solitary lifestyle, family, in colonies, flocks, herds.
A solitary lifestyle is manifested in the fact that individuals in populations are independent and isolated from each other (hedgehogs, pikes, etc.). However, it is characteristic only for certain stages of the life cycle. The completely solitary existence of organisms in nature is not
occurs, since reproduction would be impossible in this case. Familial lifestyle is observed in populations with stronger connections
between parents and offspring (lions, bears, etc.). Colonies are group settlements of sedentary animals, both long-existing and arising only for the breeding season (loons, bees, ants, etc.). Flocks are temporary associations of animals that facilitate the performance of any function: protection from enemies, obtaining food, migration (wolves, herring, etc.). Herds are longer than flocks, or permanent associations of animals, in which, as a rule, all vital functions of the species are performed: protection from enemies, obtaining food, migration, reproduction, raising young animals, etc. (deer, zebras, etc.).

Genetic structure - the ratio in a population of different genotypes and alleles. The set of genes of all individuals in the population
called the gene pool. The gene pool is characterized by the frequencies of alleles and genotypes. The frequency of an allele is its share in the entire set of alleles of a given gene. The sum of the frequencies of all alleles is equal to one:

where p is the proportion of the dominant allele (A); q - fraction of recessive allele (a).

Knowing the allele frequencies, you can calculate the genotype frequencies in the population:

(p + q) 2 = p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1, where p and q are the frequencies of the dominant and recessive alleles, respectively, p is the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype (FF), 2pq is the frequency of the heterozygous dominant genotype (Aa), q - the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype (aa).

According to Hardy-Weinberg's law, the relative frequencies of alleles in a population remain unchanged from generation to generation. Law
Hardy-Weinberg is fair if the following conditions are met:

The population is large;

Free crossing is carried out in the population;

There is no selection;

No new mutations arise;

There is no migration of new genotypes into or out of the population.

It is obvious that populations that satisfy these conditions for a long time do not exist in nature. Populations are always affected by external and internal factors that upset the genetic balance. A long-term and directional change in the genotypic composition of a population, its gene pool has received the name of an elementary evolutionary phenomenon. An evolutionary process is impossible without a change in the population's gene pool.

The factors that change the genetic structure of the population are as follows:

Mutations are the source of new alleles;

Unequal viability of individuals (individuals are subject to selection);

Non-accidental crossing (for example, during self-fertilization, the frequency of heterozygotes constantly decreases);

Gene drift - a change in the frequency of alleles is random and independent of the action of selection (for example, outbreaks of diseases);

Migration is an outflow of existing genes and (or) an influx of new ones.

3. Regulation of the size (density) of the population

Homestasis of a population - maintaining a certain number (density). Population change depends on a number of factors
environments - abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic. However, it is always possible to single out the key factor that most strongly affects
fertility, mortality, migration of individuals, etc.

The factors regulating population density are divided into density-dependent and density-independent. Density-dependent factors change along with density changes, these include biotic factors. Density-independent factors remain constant with changes in density, they are abiotic factors.

Populations of many species of organisms are capable of self-regulation of their numbers. There are three mechanisms of inhibition of population growth:

With an increase in density, the frequency of contacts between individuals increases, which causes them a stressful state, which reduces
fertility and increasing mortality;

With an increase in density, emigration to new habitats, marginal zones, where conditions are less favorable and
mortality is increasing;

Topics of reports

With an increase in density, changes in the genetic composition of the population occur, for example, rapidly breeding individuals are replaced by slowly breeding ones.

Understanding the mechanisms of regulation of the population size is extremely important for the ability to control these processes.
Human activities are often accompanied by declining populations of many species. The reasons for this are the excessive extermination of individuals, the deterioration of living conditions due to environmental pollution, disturbance of animals, especially during the breeding season, reduction of the range, etc. There are no and cannot be “good” and “bad” species in nature, all of them are necessary for its normal development. At present, the issue of biodiversity conservation is acute. Reducing the gene pool of wildlife can lead to tragic consequences. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) publishes the "Red Book", where it registers the following species: endangered, rare, declining, indeterminate and "black list" of irrevocably extinct species.

In order to preserve species, people use various methods of regulating the population size: the correct management of hunting and fishing (setting the timing and grounds for hunting and catching fish), prohibiting hunting for some species of animals, regulating deforestation, etc.

At the same time, human activity creates conditions for the emergence of new forms of organisms or the development of old species, which, unfortunately, are often harmful to humans: pathogens, pests of agricultural crops, etc.

Issues for discussion

1. Definition of the population. What are the main criteria used for dismembering a species into populations?

2. Name the main types of population structure. Show the applied value of the age structure of populations.

3. What is meant by the biotic potential of a population (species)? Why is it not fully implemented in natural conditions?
What are the factors hindering the realization of the potential?

4. Name the mechanisms of regulation of the number of individuals in populations.

5. List the mechanisms of interspecific and intrapopulation regulation of the number of individuals in populations.

6. Is the term "homeostasis" applicable to populations and how does it manifest itself?

1. The structure and properties of populations.

2. Dynamics and homeostasis of populations.

4. The growth of the human population.

3. Theoretical foundations of artificial populations management.


The goal is to study the composition and functional structure of the ecosystem. Know the food chains and trophic levels of the stabilization condition and
ecosystem development.

The main object of ecology is ecological system, or ecosystem, is a spatially defined set of living organisms and their habitat, united by material-energy and information interactions.

The term "ecosystem" was introduced into ecology by the English botanist A. Tensley (1935). The concept of an ecosystem is not limited to any
signs of rank, size, difficulty, or origin. Therefore, it is applicable both to relatively simple artificial (aquarium, greenhouse, wheat field, inhabited spaceship), and to complex natural complexes of organisms and their habitats (lake, forest, ocean, ecosphere). Distinguish between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. In one natural zone, there are many similar ecosystems - either merged into homogeneous complexes, or separated by other ecosystems. For example, areas of deciduous forests interspersed with coniferous forests, or swamps among forests, etc. Each local terrestrial ecosystem has an abiotic component - a biotope, or ecotope, - a site with the same landscape, climatic, soil conditions, and a biotic component - a community, or biocenosis - the totality of all living organisms inhabiting a given biotope. The biotope is common
habitat for all members of the community. Biocenoses consist of representatives of many species of plants, animals and microorganisms. Almost every species in the biocenosis is represented by many individuals of different sex and age. They form a population (or part of a population) of a given species in an ecosystem.

Community members interact so closely with the habitat that the biocenosis is often difficult to consider separately from the biotope. For example,

A piece of land is not just a "place", but also a multitude of soil organisms and waste products of plants and animals.
Therefore, they are combined under the name of biogeocenosis: biotope + biocenosis = biogeocenosis

Biogeocenosis is an elementary terrestrial ecosystem, the main form of existence of natural ecosystems. The concept of biogeocenosis was introduced
N.V. Sukachev (1942). For most biogeocenoses, the defining characteristic is a certain type of vegetation cover, which is used to judge whether homogeneous biogeocenoses belong to a given ecological community (communities of a birch forest, mangrove thicket, feather grass steppe, sphagnum bog, etc.) (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Scheme of biogeocenosis (according to V.I. Sukachev)

1. Composition and the functional structure of the ecosystem

Each ecosystem has an energetic and specific functional structure. Each ecosystem includes groups of organisms of different species, distinguished by the way of feeding - autotrophs and heterotrophs (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Simplified scheme of the transfer of substances and energy in the ecosystem: Transfer of substances, the transfer of energy, the sink of energy into the environment.

Autotrophs (self-nourishing) - organisms that form the organic matter of their body from inorganic substances- dioxide
carbon and water - through the processes of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. Photosynthesis is carried out by photoautotrophs - all chlorophyll-bearing
(green) plants and microorganisms. Chemosynthesis is observed in some chemoautotrophic bacteria, which are used as
energy source oxidation of hydrogen, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, iron. Chemoautotrophs play a relatively minor role in natural ecosystems, with the exception of extremely important nitrifying bacteria.

Autotrophs make up the bulk of all living things and are fully responsible for the formation of all new organic matter.
in any ecosystem, i.e. are producers of products - producers of ecosystems.

Consumers are consumers of organic matter of living organisms. These include:

Herbivorous animals (phytophages) that feed on living plants (aphids, grasshoppers, goose, sheep, deer, elephants);

Carnivores (zoophages) that eat other animals are various predators (carnivorous insects, insectivorous and predatory birds, carnivorous reptiles and animals) that attack not only phytophages, but also other predators (predators of the second, third orders);

Symbiotrophs - bacteria, fungi, protozoa, which, feeding on juices or secretions of the host organism, perform together with this and
trophic functions vital for him; these are filamentous fungi - mycorrhiza, which are involved in the root nutrition of many plants; legume nodule bacteria that bind molecular nitrogen; microbial population of complex stomachs of ruminants, increasing the digestibility and assimilation of the eaten plant food... There are many animals with a mixed diet that consume both plant and animal food.

Detritophages, or saprophages, organisms that feed on the dead organic matter- the remains of plants and animals. it
various putrefactive bacteria, fungi, worms, insect larvae, beetles, coprophages and other animals - all of them perform the function of cleansing ecosystems. Detritivores are involved in the formation of soil, peat, bottom sediments of water bodies.

Reducers - bacteria and lower fungi - complete the destructive work of consumers and saprophages, bringing the decomposition of organic matter to its
complete mineralization and returning the last portions of carbon dioxide, water and mineral elements to the ecosystem environment.

All these groups of organisms in any ecosystem interact closely with each other, coordinating the flows of matter and energy. Their
joint functioning not only maintains the structure and integrity of the biocenosis, but also has a significant impact on
abiotic components of the biotope, causing self-purification of the ecosystem, its environment. This is especially true in water
ecosystems where groups of filtrate organisms exist.

An important characteristic of ecosystems is the diversity of species composition. At the same time, a number of patterns are revealed:

The more varied the conditions of biotopes within an ecosystem, the more more species contains the corresponding biocenosis;

The more species an ecosystem contains, the fewer individuals there are in the corresponding species populations. In biocenoses
rainforest with a large species diversity, the populations are relatively small. On the contrary, in systems with small species
diversity (biocenoses of deserts, dry steppes, tundra), some populations reach large numbers;

The greater the diversity of the biocenosis, the greater the ecological stability of the ecosystem; biocenoses with low diversity are subject to large fluctuations in the number of dominant species;

Human-operated systems, represented by one or a very small number of species (agrocenoses with agricultural
monocultures), are unstable in nature and cannot self-sustain;

No part of the ecosystem can exist without the other. If, for any reason, the structure of the ecosystem is disturbed, a group of organisms, a species disappears, then according to the law of chain reactions, the entire community can be greatly changed or even destroyed. But it often happens that after some time after the disappearance of one species, other organisms, another species, but performing a similar function in the ecosystem, appear in its place. This pattern is called the rule of substitution, or duplication: each species in the ecosystem has a "double". This role is usually performed by species less specialized and at the same
being environmentally more flexible, adaptive. So, ungulates in the steppes are replaced by rodents; in shallow lakes and swamps, storks and herons are replaced by waders, etc. In this case, the decisive role is played not by the systematic position, but by the closeness of the ecological functions of groups of organisms.

2. Food webs and trophic levels

By tracing the food relationships between members of the biocenosis, it is possible to build food chains and food networks of various
organisms. An example of a long food chain is the sequence of animals in the arctic sea: "microalgae
(phytoplankton) - small herbivorous crustaceans (zooplankton) - carnivorous planktonophages (worms, crustaceans, molluscs, echinoderms) - fish (2-4 links in the sequence of predatory fish are possible) - seals - polar bear ". Food chains of terrestrial ecosystems are usually shorter.

Food webs are formed because virtually any member of a food chain is also a link in another.
food chain: it is consumed and consumed by several types of other organisms. So, in the food of the meadow wolf - coyote, there are up to 14 thousand species of animals and plants. The order of the number of species participating in the eating, decomposition and destruction of the substances of the coyote corpse is probably the same.

Rice. 6. Simplified diagram of one of the possible food webs

There are several types of food webs. Pasture food chains, or exploiter chains, begin with producers; for such chains, during the transition from one trophic level to another, an increase in the size of individuals is characteristic, with a simultaneous decrease in population density, reproduction rate and productivity, and in biomass.

For example, "grass - voles - fox" or "grass - grasshopper - frog - heron ---------- kite" (Fig. 6). These are the most common food chains.

Due to a certain sequence of food relations, individual trophic levels of the transfer of substances and energy in the ecosystem, associated with the nutrition of a certain group of organisms, differ. Thus, the first trophic level in all ecosystems is formed by producers - plants; the second - primary consumers - phytophages, the third - secondary consumers - zoophages, etc. As already noted, many animals feed not at one, but at several trophic levels (an example is the diet of a gray rat, brown bear and a person).

The aggregates of trophic levels of various ecosystems are modeled using trophic pyramids of numbers (numbers),
biomass and energy. Regular pyramids of numbers, i.e. displaying the number of individuals at each of the trophic levels of a given ecosystem, for
pasture chains have a very wide base ( big number producers) and a sharp narrowing to the final consumers. In this case, the number of "steps" is distinguished by at least 1-3 orders of magnitude. But this is true only for herbaceous communities - meadow or steppe biocenoses. The picture is sharply distorted if we consider a forest community (thousands of phytophages can feed on one tree) or if such different phytophages as aphids and an elephant appear at the same trophic level.

This distortion can be overcome with a biomass pyramid. In terrestrial ecosystems, plant biomass is always significantly higher
biomass of animals, and the biomass of phytophages is always greater than the biomass of zoophages. The biomass pyramids look different for aquatic, especially
marine ecosystems: the biomass of animals is usually much higher than that of plants. This "incorrectness" is due to the fact that the pyramids of biomass do not take into account the duration of the existence of generations of individuals at different trophic levels and the rate of formation and consumption of biomass. The main producer of marine ecosystems is phytoplankton, which has a high reproductive potential and a rapid change of generations. In the ocean, up to 50 generations of phytoplankton can change per year. During the time until predatory fish (and even more so large mollusks and whales) accumulate their biomass, many generations of phytoplankton will change, the total biomass of which is much larger. That is why the pyramids of the rates of formation of living matter and productivity are a universal way of expressing the trophic structure of ecosystems. They are usually called pyramids of energies, meaning the energetic expression of production, although it would be more correct to speak of power.

3. Stability and development of ecosystems

In natural ecosystems, there are constant changes in the state of populations of organisms. They are called different reasons.
Short-term - weather conditions and biotic influences; seasonal (especially in temperate and high latitudes) - large annual rate temperature. From year to year - different, random combinations of abiotic and biotic factors. However, all these fluctuations, as a rule, are more or less regular and do not go beyond the boundaries of the stability of the ecosystem - its usual size, species composition, biomass, productivity, corresponding to the geographical and climatic conditions of the area. This state of the ecosystem is called climax.

Climax communities are characterized by the completeness of the adaptive response to a complex of environmental factors, a stable dynamic balance between the biological potentials of the populations entering the community and the resistance of the environment. Constancy
the most important ecological parameters are often referred to as ecosystem homeostasis. The stability of an ecosystem, as a rule, is the greater, the larger it is in size and the richer and more diverse its species and population composition.

While striving to maintain homeostasis, ecosystems are nevertheless capable of changes, development, and the transition from simpler to more
complex shapes. Large-scale changes in the geographical setting or the type of landscape under the influence of natural disasters or human activities lead to certain changes in the state of biogeocenoses of the area and to the gradual replacement of some communities by others. Such changes are called ecological succession (from the Latin succession - continuity, sequence).

Distinguish between primary succession - the gradual colonization by organisms of the emerging virgin land, bare maternal
rocks (a retreating sea or glacier, a dried-up lake, sand dunes, bare rocks and frozen lava after a volcanic eruption, etc.). In these cases, the process of soil formation plays a decisive role.

Initial weathering - the destruction and loosening of the surface of the mineral base under the influence of temperature changes and moisture - releases or accepts a load of a certain amount of nutrients, which can already be used by bacteria, lichens, and then by rare single-storey pioneer vegetation. Its appearance, and with it - of symbiotrophs and small animals, significantly accelerates the formation of soil and gradually settling of the territory by series of more and more complex plant communities, ever larger plants and animals. So the system gradually goes through all stages of development to a climax.

Secondary successions have the character of a gradual restoration of the community characteristic of a given area after the inflicted
damage (consequences of a storm, fire, felling, flooding, cattle grazing, field launch). The climax system resulting from the secondary succession may differ significantly from the initial one if some characteristics of the landscape have changed or climatic conditions... Successions occur by replacing some species with others, and therefore they cannot be equated with homeostasis reactions.

Ecosystem development is not limited to successions. In the absence of environmental disturbances, minor but persistent deviations lead to
changes in the ratio between autotrophs and heterotrophs, gradually increase biological diversity and relative
the importance of detrital chains in the circulation of substances, so that all products are fully utilized. A person manages to remove high yields of biomass only at the initial stages of succession or the development of artificial ecosystems with a predominance of monoculture, when net production is high.

Issues for discussion

1. What are the main blocks (links) of the ecosystem?

2. What is common and what is the difference between the concepts of "ecosystem" and "biogeocenosis"? Why each biogeocenosis can be called an ecosystem,
but not every ecosystem can be attributed to a biogeocenosis, considering the latter in accordance with the definition of V.N. Sukachev?

3. List the connections and relationships between organisms in accordance with existing classifications. What is the meaning of such
connections have for the existence of ecosystems?

4. What is called an "ecological niche"? How does this concept differ from habitat?

5. What is meant by the trophic structure of ecosystems? What is called a trophic (food) link and a trophic (food)

6. What energy processes take place in ecosystems? Why is the "energy price" of animal food higher than the "energy price"
the prices of "plant foods?"

7. What is called the productivity and biomass of ecosystems? How are these indicators related to the impact of ecosystems on the environment?

8 What is called a succession? Name the types of successions.

Give examples of primary and secondary autotrophic and heterotrophic successions.

9. How do human-created agrocenoses differ from natural ecosystems (in terms of species richness, stability, stability, productivity)? Can agrocenoses exist without constant human intervention, investing energy in them?

Topics of reports

1. Structures of ecosystems.

2. The flow of matter and energy in ecosystems.

3. Ecosystem productivity.

4. Dynamics of ecosystems.

5. Artificial ecosystems, their types, productivity and ways
its increase.

Biotic environmental factors(Biotic factors; Biotic environmental factors; Biotic factors; Biological factors; from the Greek. Biotikos- life) - factors of the living environment that affect the vital activity of organisms.

The action of biotic factors is expressed in the form of mutual influences of some organisms on the vital activity of other organisms and all together on the environment. There are direct and indirect relationships between organisms.

Intraspecific interactions between individuals of the same species consist of group and mass effects and intraspecific competition.

Interspecies relationships are much more diverse. The possible combination types reflect different types of relationships:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Biotic environmental factors" are in other dictionaries:

    Abiotic factors are components and phenomena of inanimate, inorganic nature, directly or indirectly affecting living organisms. The main abiotic environmental factors are: temperature; light; water; salinity; oxygen; the earth's magnetic field; ... Wikipedia

    Environment, a set of influences exerted on organisms by the vital activity of other organisms. These influences are of the most varied nature. Living things can serve as a source of food for other organisms, be a habitat ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    GOST R 14.03-2005: Environmental Management. Influencing factors. Classification- Terminology GOST R 14.03 2005: Environmental Management. Influencing factors. Classification original document: 3.4 abiotic (environmental) factors: Factors associated with the impact on organisms of inanimate nature, including climatic ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Substrate. The slow growth of the thallus makes it impossible for lichens in more or less favorable habitats to compete with fast-growing flowering plants or mosses. Therefore, lichens usually inhabit such ecological niches ... ... Biological encyclopedia

    Ecology (from the Greek οικος house, economy, dwelling and λόγος doctrine) is a science that studies the relationship between living and inanimate nature. The term was first proposed in the book "General morphology of organisms" ("Generalle Morphologie der Organismen") in 1866 ... ... Wikipedia

    ECOLOGY- (Greek oikos house, habitat, refuge, dwelling; logos science) a term introduced into scientific circulation by Haeckel (1866), who defined E. as the science of the economy of nature, the way of life, and the external life relations of organisms with each other. Under the ecology, ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    Fish ... Wikipedia

    The life of a plant, like any other living organism, is a complex set of interrelated processes; the most important of them, as is known, is the metabolism with the environment. The environment is the source from where ... ... Biological encyclopedia


  • Ecology. Textbook. Grif of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Potapov AD. The textbook examines the basic laws of ecology as a science of the interaction of living organisms with their living environment. The main principles of geoecology as a science of the main ...

Federal Agency for Education

Russian State University

Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship

Penza branch

Abstract on the discipline "Ecology"

On the topic: "Biotic environmental factors"

Completed: student gr. 05U2

A.V. Morozov

Checked by: S.V. Kondrev

Penza 2008


1. General pattern of action of biotic factors

2. Biotic factors of the environment and ecosystem


List of used literature



The most important biotic factors include food availability, food competitors, and predators.

1. General pattern of action of biotic factors

The living conditions of organisms play an important role in the life of each community. Any element of the environment that has a direct impact on a living organism is called an environmental factor (for example, climatic factors).

Distinguish between abiotic and biotic environmental factors. Abiotic factors include solar radiation, temperature, humidity, illumination, soil properties, and water composition.

Food is considered an important ecological factor for animal populations. The quantity and quality of food affects the fertility of organisms (their growth and development), life expectancy. It has been established that small organisms need more food per unit mass than large ones; warm-blooded - more than organisms with variable body temperature. For example, the blue tit with a body weight of 11 g needs to consume food annually in the amount of 30% of its weight, the songbird with a weight of 90 g - 10%, and the buzzard with a weight of 900 g - only 4.5%.

Biotic factors include various relationships between organisms in natural community... There are relationships between individuals of the same species and individuals of different species. The relationship between individuals of the same species is of great importance for its survival. Many species can reproduce normally only when they live in a fairly large group. So, a cormorant lives and reproduces normally if there are at least 10 thousand individuals in its colony. The principle of minimum population size explains why rare species difficult to save from extinction. For the survival of African elephants, the herd must be at least 25 individuals, and the reindeer must be 300-400 heads. Living together makes it easier to find food and fight enemies. So, only a pack of wolves can catch large prey, and a herd of horses and bison can successfully defend against predators.

At the same time, an excessive increase in the number of individuals of one species leads to overpopulation of the community, aggravation of competition for territory, food, and leadership in a group.

Population ecology studies the relationships between individuals of the same species in a community. the main task population ecology - the study of the number of populations, its dynamics, the causes and consequences of changes in numbers.

Populations of different species, living together for a long time in a certain area, form communities, or biocenoses. A community of different populations interacts with ecological factors of the environment, together with which it forms a biogeocenosis.

The limiting, or limiting, environmental factor, that is, the lack of one or another resource, has a great influence on the existence of individuals of the same and different species in the biogeocenosis. For individuals of all species, the limiting factor can be low or high temperature, for the inhabitants of aquatic biogeocenoses - water salinity, oxygen content. For example, the spread of organisms in the desert is limited by high air temperatures. Applied ecology studies the limiting factors.

For economic activity It is important for humans to know the limiting factors that lead to a decrease in the productivity of agricultural plants and animals, to the destruction of insect pests. So, scientists have found that the limiting factor for the larvae of the click beetle is very low or very high soil moisture. Therefore, to combat this pest of agricultural plants, drainage or strong moisture of the soil is carried out, which leads to the death of the larvae.

Ecology studies the interaction of organisms, populations, communities with each other, the impact of environmental factors on them. Autecology studies the relationship of individuals with the environment, and synecology - the relationship of populations, communities and habitat. Distinguish between abiotic and biotic environmental factors. For the existence of individuals, populations essential have limiting factors. Population and applied ecology has developed greatly. Achievements of ecology are used to develop measures for the protection of species and communities in agricultural practice.

Biotic factors are a set of influences of the vital activity of some organisms on the vital activity of others, as well as on inanimate nature... Classification of biotic interactions:

1. Neutralism - no one population influences another.

2. Competition is the use of resources (food, water, light, space) by one organism, which thereby reduces the availability of this resource for another organism.

Competition is intraspecific and interspecific. If the population size is small, then intraspecific competition is weakly expressed and resources are abundant.

With a high population density, intense intraspecific competition reduces the availability of resources to a level that inhibits further growth, thereby regulating the population size. Interspecies competition is the interaction between populations that adversely affects their growth and survival. When the Caroline squirrel was imported to Britain from North America, the abundance of the common squirrel decreased, because Caroline protein was found to be more competitive. Competition is direct and indirect. Direct is intraspecific competition associated with the struggle for habitat, in particular, the protection of individual sites in birds or animals, expressed in direct collisions.

With a lack of resources, it is possible to eat animals of their own species (wolves, lynxes, predatory bugs, spiders, rats, pike, perch, etc.) Indirect - between shrubs and herbaceous plants in California. The species that settled first excludes the other type. The fast growing deep rooted grasses reduced the soil moisture content to a level unsuitable for shrubs.

A tall shrub shaded the grasses, preventing them from growing due to lack of light.

Aphids, powdery mildew - plants.

High fertility.

They do not lead to the death of the host, but they inhibit the vital processes. Predation is the eating of one organism (prey) by another organism (predator). Predators can eat herbivores as well as weak predators. Predators have a wide range of food, easily switch from one prey to another more accessible. Predators often attack weak prey.

Mink destroys sick and old muskrats, but does not attack adults. The ecological balance between the prey-predator populations is maintained.

Symbiosis is the cohabitation of two organisms of different species in which the organisms benefit each other.

By the degree of partnership, symbiosis happens: Commensalism - one organism feeds on the other, without harming it.

Cancer is anemones.

The actinia attaches to the shell, protecting it from enemies, and feeds on food debris. Mutualism - both organisms benefit, while they cannot exist without each other.

Lichen - mushroom + algae.

The fungus protects the algae and the algae feeds it. V natural conditions one species will not destroy the other. Ecosystem. An ecosystem is a set of different types of organisms living together and the conditions of their existence, which are in a natural relationship with each other. The term was coined in 1935 by the English ecologist Texley.

The largest ecosystem is the Earth's biosphere, further decreasing: land, ocean, tundra, taiga, forest, lake, tree stump, flower pot. Ocean ecosystem. One of the largest ecosystems (94% of the hydrosphere). Living environment the ocean is continuous, there are no borders in it that prevent the dispersal of living organisms (on land, the border is the ocean between continents, on the mainland - rivers, mountains, etc.).

In the ocean, water is in constant motion.

There are horizontal and vertical currents.

Dissolved in water - 48-10 tons of salts. These physicochemical features create favorable conditions for the formation and development of various organisms.

In the ocean, there are 160,000 species of animals (80,000 molluscs, 20,000 crustaceans, 16,000 fish, 15,000 protozoa). 10,000 plant species.

Mostly different types of algae. However, organic life is unevenly distributed horizontally and vertically. Depending on the biotic factors (light regime, t, salinity, etc.), the ocean is subdivided into several zones. * Depending on the lighting: upper illuminated - up to 200 m (euphotic); lower, devoid of light - over 200 m (aphotic) * The ocean ecosystem is also divided into: water column (pelagial) bottom (benthal) * Depending on the depth: up to 200 m (littoral zone) up to 2500 m (bathyal zone) up to 6000 m (abyssal zone) more than 6000 m (ultraabyssal zone) In the open ocean compared to coastal zone food is less concentrated, so actively swimming organisms (fish, squid, sharks, whales, etc.) are diverse here. Food chain: phytoplankton - zooplankton - planktivorous fish - predatory fish - detritivores (bacteria that live mainly on the bottom).

2. Biotic factors of the environment and ecosystem

Positive relationship of organisms

Positive relationships are also called symbiosis (lat. sym together) - such a coexistence of organisms that is biologically expedient for both participants, while not being food or competitive. Let's consider the typical types of symbiosis.

Hat mushrooms form a symbiosis with seed plants (mycorrhiza), covering them with mycorrhiza root system... In a plant, due to the mycelium, the volume of roots increases significantly, the mycelium supplies water and minerals, receiving in return the organic compounds necessary for the fungus as a heterotroph. With the help of fungi, plants assimilate nutrients from hard-to-reach soil compounds. Mycorrhizal plants contain more nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and their chlorophyll content increases. Mycorrhiza forms a thick layer on the roots of heather, lingonberry and other perennial grasses. In cooperation with various fungi, most higher plants live (more than 3/4 species of flowering plants), including trees - the mycelium even penetrates into their roots. In symbiosis with mushrooms, trees grow much better. The mutually beneficial symbiosis of legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, clover, peanuts, peanuts, alfalfa) with nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria is widely used in agriculture. Bacteria assimilate nitrogen in the air and convert it first into ammonia, and then into other compounds, supplying them to the plant and receiving photosynthetic products in return. Root tissues grow intensively, forming nodules. In crop rotation, legumes that enrich the soil with nitrogen compounds are usually alternated with corn and potatoes. When the lack of nitrogen in the soil is the limiting factor, symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria allows plants to expand their habitat.

In the listed examples of cooperation, the usefulness of the coexistence of organisms is obvious, but their relationship is not required.

Mutualism(lat. mutuus mutual) is a type of symbiosis when the presence of a partner becomes necessary. Multicellular animals are unable to digest cellulose (fiber), they are helped with this certain types microorganisms. In insects (for example, termites, grinder beetles) and other arthropods, this function is performed by single-celled animals from the class of flagellates. In the digestive tract of termites, flagellates produce enzymes that break down fiber into simple sugars. Without their symbionts, termites starve to death. Flagellates receive conditions for reproduction and nutrients in the organisms of termites. In vertebrate mammals (including rodents, ungulates and other herbivores) cellulose is broken down by ciliates and intestinal bacteria. In the stomach of ruminants, they live up to several kilograms. In the human body, symbiotic bacteria not only break down fiber, but also synthesize a number of vitamins.

Some species of ants feed on the sugary excrement of aphids and protect them from predators, in a word - "graze". Many insect species pollinate flowering plants and feed on their nectar.

Lichens represent the mutualism of fungus and algae. The mycelium, braiding the cells of the algae with special suction processes, penetrates them and extracts the products of photosynthesis. The alga receives water and minerals from the fungus.

Commensalism(lat. cum together + mensa table) - a type of symbiosis, when one species benefits, and the other is indifferent to cohabitation. So, hyenas feed on the remnants of a lion's meal, and adhered fish of the southern seas facilitate their movement and resettlement, driving around for more large species... Instead of a front upper fin, they have a sucker. At the same time, cab fish protect the stuck from predators.

Some creatures use other species as a refuge, being their "lodgers". Small fish hide from predators between the needles of sea urchins, hiding in a cavity " sea ​​cucumbers"sea cucumbers (type of echinoderms) or under the umbrellas of large jellyfish, whose stinging tentacles serve as reliable protection.

Saltwater fishes of the kareprokt spawn into the gill cavity of the crab, and freshwater bitters into the cavity bivalve molluscs... A huge number of arthropods settle in holes of rodents and nests of birds. There they find a favorable microclimate and remnants of the master's meal. The Tuatara lizard, an inhabitant of the desert islands of New Zealand, does not bother to set up a burrow, as its relatives do, but uses a cozy petrel nest. According to strict "routine“The bird and the lizard use the nest in two shifts. The bird returns home only at night when the lizard goes hunting.

Commensals - intestinal amoebae - also live in the human stomach. They feed on bacteria in the intestinal cavity and do not affect the vital functions of the body.


In bioecology, we are usually talking about a natural environment that has not been changed by humans. In applied (social) ecology, they talk about the environment, one way or another mediated by man.

Individual elements of the habitat to which organisms react with adaptive reactions (adaptations) are called ecological factors or environmental factors. Among environmental factors, there are usually three groups of factors: abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic.

We examined the biotic factors of the environment. They are called the totality of the influences of some organisms on others. Living things can serve as a source of food for other organisms, be their habitat, promote their reproduction, etc.

The action of biotic factors can be not only direct, but also indirect, expressed in the correction of abiotic factors, for example, changes in the composition of the soil, microclimate under the forest canopy, etc.

The existence of any organism depends on a whole complex of factors. At the same time, it is possible to identify a number of regularities that are common for a wide variety of special cases.

List of used literature

1. Application of methods of mathematical modeling for the study of biotic environmental factors. M. 2004

2. Ecology. M., Infra-M. 2003 r.

3. Vertyanov S. Yu. Biotic factors of the environment and ecosystems. 2004 r.


Biotic environmental factors

Relationships between species

Biotic factors are understood as the diverse relationships of an organism with other organisms. Such connections can be intraspecific and interspecific. Intraspecific relationships are diverse and, ultimately, are aimed at preserving the population. This includes the relationship between individuals of different sexes, competition for vital resources, various forms of behavior.

There are several forms of interspecies interactions and several classifications of relationships between species. Let's dwell on two of them. If we designate relationships that are indifferent to the type of 0, useful +, and harmful - for partners, then the whole variety of relationships can be designated: 00, 0+, 0-, ++, + -, - -.

In this case, symbiosis means living together(from the Greek symbiosis - life together), which can be both useful and harmful for partners.

Often, symbiosis is understood as mutually beneficial cohabitation of organisms or beneficial for one and indifferent to another. In this case, the classification will look like this.
