Super names of events in children's libraries. To help the librarian

“TYPES AND FORMS OF EVENTS IN THE LIBRARY Methodological recommendations to help library workers carry out events These recommendations are compiled based on methodological materials ...”

To be needed, visible and significant,

Follow a few general principles:

Be active, take initiative, don't be afraid of anything.

Be open. Invite people to your place, go visit yourself, spread the word

information about yourself, don’t hide, don’t isolate yourself.

Set super goals. Napoleon said: “Demand the impossible - you will get the maximum.”

Be creative. Constantly come up with new promotions, holidays,

events, informational occasions for the media and other ways to express yourself and stand out against the backdrop of the information boom.


Methodological recommendations to help library workers during events These recommendations are compiled based on methodological materials posted on the Internet on the websites of public Russian libraries.

The materials cover practical and theoretical aspects mass (cultural, educational, cultural and leisure) work of libraries, reflect the modern understanding of the forms and methods of directing library activities, describe experience in organizing mass events different types and forms, present current interactive forms of working with readers.

Library services are the totality of all types of library activities to meet the needs of its users by providing library services.

Classification of library service methods:

1. Critical-analytical methods are designed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of printed works, or individual problems presented in them. This includes reading, correspondence discussions of books that contribute to the development of critical thinking skills, independent work with a book, the formation of aesthetic views and tastes. As well as literary debates, commented loud readings, question and answer evenings.

2. Positive-illustrative methods acquaint readers with positive facts, events set out in printed works, with the life and activities of their authors. In these events, you should alternate types of cognitive activity by revealing the topic through various means - music, literary words, visual arts, audio and video materials. These could be meetings with interesting people, literary and artistic compositions, various readings.

Library services can be individual, group and mass (frontal).

Group service is a set of forms and methods aimed at meeting the cultural and information needs of groups of readers united by common interests.

The goals of group work with children are to show children the beauty of reading, teach them to love books so that through literature they perceive “reasonable, good, eternal”; so that, by making reading a primary need, essential food for the heart and mind, children become conscious citizens of their homeland, spiritually rich individuals. It is necessary to show that books and reading are an inexhaustible source of knowledge and information, that reading can provide aesthetic pleasure, and that a book truly is a friend and advisor.

The purpose of this methodological consultation is to introduce young librarians to the forms of group library work, and to remind experienced librarians about them, thereby ensuring a variety of activities in public libraries. Methodological recommendations will assist in planning library activities.

Forms of library events The traditional form of group events are various types of loud readings:

Commented reading is a form of oral acquaintance with works of literature, which involves reading the text aloud with the reader’s comments and discussion of what was read;

Literary readings are artistic performances of works, a kind of “one-man theater”;

Reading cycles – dedicated to some events or the lives of remarkable people;

Local history readings are aimed at popularizing literature on local history. A bibliographic review is a narrative about documents, which briefly outlines their content and bibliographic data. There may be a thematic review, a review of new arrivals. The review consists of an introductory part (relevance of the topic, selection of documents, reader's purpose), the main part (review of documents, their characteristics), conclusion.

An oral journal is a quick way to inform about the latest in industry and fiction literature. An oral journal is characterized by: a constant name, frequency, efficiency, relevance and novelty of the information offered.

The magazine consists of a number of sections – a kind of “pages”, the totality of which represents a particular direction or topic. Readers are often involved in organizing oral journals.

The conversation can be thematic, based on a book, or on the work of a writer. They are used mainly in working with preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

It is recommended to include game elements, the purpose of which is to introduce creative tasks of a gaming nature into an educational conversation. Game elements help create an emotional mood for the perception of new information. You can practice new forms of conversations: advice conversation, fantasy conversation, slide conversation, etc.

An educational hour may include an informational message, a slide show, a bibliographic review, a mini-quiz, etc.

An hour of creativity - an introduction to the work of an artist or musician, to any genre of art, followed by a creative task for children.

Creativity lessons help to reveal the unique creative capabilities of each child. Children learn to write fairy tales, poems, stories, draw or make something.

Lesson of courage - goal: to show the courage of the defenders of the Fatherland and the cruelty of war, to develop a sense of patriotism in children. The event involves reading poetry, excerpts from documentaries and works of art, listening to war songs, meeting with a veteran, participant in military events, watching a documentary, sound effects.

The memory lesson is dedicated to the exploits of the defenders of the fatherland with the name of specific names, the tragic events of the war years, and laying flowers at memorials.

Book presentation (book premiere) is a complex event, the purpose of which is to inform readers about a new, just published book. Book presentations usually take place in the presence of the author, publisher, etc., who are very interested in promoting the book. The presentation talks about the process of creating the book and the people involved in it. Often, the presentation of a book is accompanied by its sale or donation.

A dispute is a generalization of various approaches, statements, the most substantiated points of view, views on any problem. By asking good questions, the presenter activates the audience and stimulates the participants’ speeches. Each participant openly expresses his opinion. When speaking, you can give examples from your life and the lives of your comrades, from literature, etc. A book exhibition or selection of literature is being prepared on the topic of the debate.

Discussion – consideration and research of controversial issues, problems in the argumentation of judgments. There are discussions-dialogues, when the conversation is structured around the dialogue of its two main participants, group discussions, when controversial issues are resolved in the process of group work. When preparing a discussion, you need to clearly formulate a task that reveals the essence of the problem and possible ways to solve it. If necessary, participants in the upcoming discussion should familiarize themselves with additional literature selected in advance and proposed by the librarian. At the beginning of the event, the presenter justifies the choice of topic, clarifies the terms of the discussion, and highlights the key points of the problem being discussed. Main point events - a direct dispute between the participants. Having completed the discussion, it is necessary to summarize its results.

Discussion of a book - different points of view about a particular book are considered, the conversation is about its artistic and substantive advantages and disadvantages. The relevance of the topic, the issues raised, the form of presentation of the material, etc. are discussed. The preparatory stage is the selection of a work and topic for discussion. Next comes the collection and processing of information:

facts, opinions of literary scholars and critics, reader assessments. Then you need to prepare theses and draw up a discussion plan: introducing readers to the problem, a list and sequence of questions asked. During the discussion, it is necessary to organize an exchange of opinions, summarize what was said, and evaluate the result of the discussion. It is advisable for participants (12-20 people) to gather at a round table.

The reader's conference provides for the exchange of opinions among a wide readership. The conference can be held on one work, on a number of works united by one topic, on the work of a writer. At a reading conference, different points of view collide and a collective opinion is formed. The point of the conference is a collective discussion, a collective assessment of the book.

Reader-viewer conference – a reading conference with a screening of a film based on a literary work.

Thematic library evenings are among the forms of book recommendation that have a pronounced positively illustrated orientation, which manifests itself in familiarizing readers with socially significant examples, conclusions, facts, and events presented in books. The theme of the evening is illuminated through a variety of media, including music, fiction, visual arts, film, photography and documents. In a library evening, two lines intertwine:

educational and entertaining, emotional. Often such evenings where they perform famous people, attract the attention of not only library readers, but also residents of the area as a whole. Theme evenings can take different forms.

Literary and literary and musical evenings, literary and musical lounges, film evenings, poetry evenings, etc.

An evening of questions and answers is a way to involve library readers in cognitive activities and a method of intensifying the reading of specialized and fiction literature. Such evenings are held on one topic or on changing topics depending on the changing interests of readers. Questions from readers are first collected, then an invited specialist answers them.

Evening dialogue is a form of discussion in the library that involves expressing reasoned points of view and existing opinions.

Evenings of meetings with interesting people: writers, scientists, public figures, etc.

A reader's benefit is a complex event aimed at strengthening the authority of the library's best readers, increasing their social status, which includes getting to know his biography, activities, an exhibition of books from his home library, listening to his favorite musical works, etc. It is necessary to show the role of the book in his destiny, in the formation of his personality, in mastering knowledge and profession. The children's library uses such forms as protecting the reader's form, the book exhibition “My Favorite Books”, etc.

An evening-portrait - through a book, allows you to concentrate attention on a person’s personality, his creativity, fate, and contributes to the development and consolidation of cognitive interests in the subject of his activity. The library specificity of a portrait evening is to create a holistic image of a person and his time based on the use of printed sources and visual materials. This evening is based on specific books dedicated to historical figures, cultural figures, literature and art. The reason for such evenings may be the publication of a new book or the anniversary of a writer, or increased public interest in a certain person.

A literary festival is a complex event that requires serious preparation. The holiday consists of an introduction by the librarian, the main program, which includes musical fragments, performances, artistic performances, competitions, etc., connected by a common theme as a thread, and a conclusion, where the presenter briefly summarizes the idea and results of the holiday.

A literary matinee is a holiday for a preschooler, where the child can rejoice, play many games and see his favorite fairy-tale characters in reality. Librarians, teachers and the children themselves participate in the preparation and holding of the event with performances and artistic performances.

A literary ball may include literary readings, musical and dance performances, and dramatizations of literary works.

A literary fair is a complex of small but diverse events that take place simultaneously. These could be quizzes, competitions, meetings with interesting people, role-playing games, amateur performances, prize drawings.

Library journalism means meetings with interesting people from the most different professions on a specific, predetermined day of the week, accompanied by widespread advertising.

Interest clubs created in libraries are aimed at uniting bright people around the library, who are ready, in turn, to provide all possible assistance to the library. The activities of such an association give the library a higher status, make it more “visible” in the eyes of the leadership of the district, region, and contribute to its development. Interest clubs can have a very different focus, because...

any topic requires library and bibliographic support. Clubs are characterized by a stable composition of participants and regular meetings. Clubs are created on the initiative of the readers themselves or librarians, their own charters and rules are developed, an emblem and other symbols are chosen.

The creation of hobby groups in libraries has the goal of increasing the level of knowledge of readers in a certain area and developing their creative abilities.

Club classes are regulated by a program, usually designed for a year. To create a circle, you must first identify the interests of readers and find a potential group of participants, then develop, discuss and approve a lesson program. Next is bringing information about the opening of the circle to interested users.

Literary and musical salons. Their essence lies in intimate communication between a limited circle of connoisseurs and lovers of classical art, taking place mainly in small, cozy living rooms, sometimes by candlelight, near an antique or imitation antique fireplace, or a piano. In the absence of a special room, the living room can be skillfully transformed into a reading room or part of it, a specially designed corner with upholstered furniture and a musical instrument.

Forms of information activities:

Information Day is a comprehensive event, the purpose of which is to provide consumers with information about literature available in library collections, both new and on various topics. Includes: exhibitions, reviews, consultations, information about the library and its services. May have the following forms:

Library Day at School is a trip by library staff to educational institutions to introduce children to literature (books and periodicals), both new and on various topics, available in the library’s collections. Includes:

exhibition of books, bibliographic reviews and information about the library and its services through the distribution of booklets and bookmarks.

Library Day in kindergarten(“Book Landing”) - library staff go to preschool institutions with reviews of books and periodicals for teachers, children and parents. May include, if possible: exhibitions of children's literature, puppet shows for preschoolers, conversations and consultations for parents on nurturing a reading culture in children, master classes.

School day in the library – conducting lessons on the library premises.

Teachers determine the topic of the lesson, discuss it with librarians, and they, in turn, get involved in the lesson: they prepare an exhibition and book review, and a video series.

Specialist Day or Subject Specialist Day are thematic events for teachers and specialists working with children, held by district methodological associations on the basis of the library. RMS specialists determine the topic, library staff design the exhibition, and prepare bibliographic lists. At the event itself, teachers are given methodological developments, interesting experiences are voiced, and sometimes demonstration lessons are held for students.

Librarians conduct bibliographic literature reviews and share library experience on this topic.

Mutual Information Day - representatives of various institutions are invited to the library to bring information to readers, and the library informs about literature on relevant topics, prepares reviews and collections.

If there is little literature on any topical topic, then you can create a digest. These are fragments of document texts (quotes, excerpts, articles, abstracts), selected on a specific topic and grouped in such a way as to facilitate the perception of the material (from general to specific or by thematic areas). In terms of the form of presentation of material, digests are close to thematic collections (folders). The digest should have a short preface in which the compiler characterizes the sources and criteria for selecting publications. A list of sources is required.

Game forms of library events For children, play is the sphere of their social creativity, a testing ground for social and creative self-expression. Game is a search for oneself in a team, society, humanity, access to social experience, culture, repetition of social practice that is understandable.

It is recommended to use game elements in various activities for children in order to create an emotional mood for the perception of new information, develop the ability to build a dialogue, and promote the formation of a figurative understanding of the subject.

A minute game is a game element of a thematic conversation or lesson for switching the attention of young children, relaxing, and maintaining their interest.

Intellectual games - “What? Where? When?”, KVN and others. Their advantages are that they involve competition and take place in an informal atmosphere.

They give children the opportunity to express themselves and their knowledge. Such games contribute to the acquisition of collective thinking experience, develop reaction speed, and allow you to test ingenuity and erudition.

Situational game is a simulation practical situations, a combination of a game element with certain knowledge, is improvisational in nature. Such games can be used to consolidate legal knowledge among teenagers.

Creative role-playing games are more than just entertainment. The game has enormous heuristic and persuasive potential and is a way of organizing educational material. Such games can be used to consolidate acquired knowledge or as psychological training for teenagers.

Type of reading conference - literary court. This is a role-playing game that simulates a court hearing. Participants distribute the roles of judge, defense lawyer, prosecutor, assessors, victims, accused and witnesses.

The defendant may be any literary character.

Type of reader's conference - press conference - role-playing game.

Participants distribute among themselves the roles of press representatives and specialists who answer questions.

Travel games. All of them are performed in imaginary conditions, where all actions and experiences are determined by game roles. Participants in the game write diaries, letters from the field, and collect a variety of educational material. Distinctive feature these games are the activity of imagination. Children must first study books, maps, reference books, etc. on a specific topic.

Using puppets and puppet shows to promote books and reading.

Puppet theater in a children's library acts as a playful form of library work, combining theater - doll - book. During the performance, the librarian, having interested the kids in the dolls, should then turn their attention to the book and reading. With the help of dolls, you can tell more emotionally, clearly, and intelligibly about the writer, his work, and recommend books. At first, you can use only one doll as a game element, which will be the main character in events on various topics, and, perhaps, will become the calling card of your library theater. Then you can organize a book theater and show dramatizations of children's works and fairy tales.

Didactic (contact) games are games with ready-made rules. These include the following educational games: crosswords, correspondence quizzes, puzzles, bibliographic puzzles, mosaics, lotto, dominoes. The child learns to operate the knowledge invested in the game unintentionally, involuntarily, while playing, without the visible participation of an adult. The best didactic games are based on the principle of self-learning, i.e. so that they themselves direct children to master knowledge and skills.

A children's library may contain bibliographic aids in the form of object toys (made of paper, clay, scraps and other materials), as well as in the form of a book of toys of various designs.

Marathon of cultural events Book auction - each participant presents one previously read book so that those present have a desire to read it. The one who gets more votes from the participants wins.

Literary carnival. Carnival is a mass folk festival with dressing up and theatrical performances. The library can host a carnival of literary heroes or a carnival of literary works, where each literary work is spectacularly presented.

Book blind man's buff. The librarian invites children to take books home to read from a special selection: the books are wrapped in thick paper, and the reader does not see which book he chooses. For courage he receives a prize. When returning a book, it is recommended to talk with your child about what he read. This form of work allows us to revive readers’ interest in good, but undeservedly forgotten books.

Folklore gatherings are a form of introducing children to oral folk art, to the artistic and creative activities of the people, reflecting their life, views, and ideals. Folk art, which originated in ancient times, is the historical basis of the entire world artistic culture, the source of national traditions, and an exponent of national self-awareness. What kind of songs, fairy tales, legends, epics, proverbs they did not create! Joys and sorrows, hopes and expectations, dreams of happiness - everything is reflected in this work.

The books read screen tracks children's reading progress. On the stand screen, next to the image of the recommended books, children attach their photo after reading it.

Talk show. The literal translation from English means "conversational spectacle." And this interpretation contains the main genre difference between a talk show and a debate - dynamism, entertainment. The talk show host invites interesting people, directs the conversation, leads to the main conclusions, and summarizes statements.

Technically equipped libraries can use the WebChat system for interactive activities. Once you've asked your guests prepared questions, you can open a channel for questions from remote users. For example: “Books and reading are the path to success.”

Book show. This form of event allows you to attract the attention of young people to fiction and is held in conjunction with a fashion house or a young fashion designer. Models for book fashion shows are selected under the influence of plots and images of fiction and reflect the work of a specific writer or a specific literary work.

The reading preference competition is the same as the rating of popular books, based on a survey/voting of readers/population.

Flash mob (from English flash mob - “instant crowd”). The event has the effect of surprise and is aimed at causing surprise and interest among passers-by. For example: flash mob participants wearing yellow T-shirts and baseball caps with library symbols appear unexpectedly in a certain crowded place in the city, simultaneously open the books they brought with them and read aloud for several minutes, and just as unexpectedly simultaneously disperse.

The library cafe is a game version of information work with high school students.

Retro style sign, librarians - head waiter and waitress. The menu includes spiritual food of facts: “Fresh news” from newspapers and magazines, assorted “Path to Success”, dessert “Bestseller by...” (by the author). Each library composes its “menu” in accordance with the tastes of its readers and is periodically updated.

Book cafe - a story about new books is stylized as a real menu. For example:

works of Haruki Murakami. The “Roast with Spicy Sauce” series of dishes included an easily digestible dish – Daria Dontsova’s work “A Figure of Lightly Shocking” and Thomas Swan’s book “The Hunt for Cezanne”, covered with a crispy crust of adventure, sensations and unexpected clues.

Tasting of literary novelties - informing about newly received culinary literature in the library.

Library Twilight - a literary journey through the books of Stevenson, Sabatini, Salgari, Verne. The event takes place after the library closes in a dark reading room, which is lit only by street lamps from the windows and the illumination of the aquarium. Role-playing word play continues from 7 to 9 p.m. Russian libraries already have experience in using such forms of events as an elective for success, a family toy library, a reader's dream day, book processions, a congress of dreamers, and a newspaper fence.

Various types of library exhibitions:

Exhibition-dialogue. Books are selected that examine a particular problem from different points of view.

One book exhibition. You can include the following materials: library poster, abstract, reviews, book reviews, photographs, reproductions.

Exhibition-museum: “Museum of Russian Fairy Tales”, “Signs of a Soldier’s Life”.

The quiz exhibition involves the presence of quiz questions and the display of documents to help answerers.

Exhibition-crossword. The exhibition is based on a small crossword puzzle, the answers to which are contained in the presented literature.

Exhibition-advice: “How to pass exams with 5 marks.”

Express exhibition: relevant, unplanned, but significant on the issue.

For example: "Terrorism".

Musical and environmental exhibition. Captivating music, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists, books about nature, perhaps art publications - and an unusual exhibition is ready.

Talking exhibition. A library exhibition can be sounded with recordings of the author's performance of works and musical fragments.

Here are more examples of exhibitions: an exhibition of creative works by readers, a travel exhibition, an ikebana exhibition, a congratulation exhibition, a mood exhibition, a benefit exhibition, a collage exhibition, a still life exhibition, a podium exhibition, and a question exhibition.

To attract new readers to the library, you can hold a “Bring a Friend!” campaign. Information about its implementation may be heard on local radio and in the local newspaper. The library must define its system of benefits and services to its members.

To become a participant in the event, you must be a reader of the library and bring with you a person who is not yet a reader. For each friend he refers, the participant receives a benefit - a free night pass (you can take home a free book for one or two days from the unique collection of the reading room), free two-hour Internet access, or a good book as a gift from the library. The promotion can be held for a month. As part of the campaign, library specialists conduct library tours, information reviews, literary consultations and reviews of the most interesting publications in the latest issues of journals.

Another campaign, “The Best Book of Our Time,” will help attract readers’ attention to the library and get them excited about reading. Within a month, readers must cast their votes for the “best” book. The library must have voting booths. In a month, the vote count should take place, and the next day, preferably on live- raffle prizes. From the three proposed options, you must guess the best book of our time, chosen by the readers of the system.

The following non-standard forms with readers will help ensure that libraries maintain an aura of spirituality:

"Library News Corner". It contains information about significant dates in the calendar, the latest news in periodicals, congratulations to library readers, polite reminders to debtors, gratitude to active donors and participants in library support events, announcements about the support event itself, etc.

"Bank of Reader's Ideas." A beautifully and neatly assembled box with an inscription (can be designed in the shape of a cube), into which written wishes are thrown about what readers would like to see in the library: what exhibitions, what review to see, what new products to hear about, what event should the library hold, tips on more interesting subscription design, etc.

Stand “Our opinions”. Here you can find reviews from readers about the culture of service and the quality of satisfaction of requests, suggestions to librarians about improving their work and more quickly searching for sources, what kind of literature they would like to see in the library, etc.

“Notebook of reader reviews”, in which readers write reviews about the books they read, recommend interesting ones to read, and which ones they advise not to take and explain why. This could be a “Read it yourself, share it with a friend” card index. Only here opinions are expressed on cards and arranged alphabetically by the authors of the books.

The work of the “Live the Book” and “Library Council” circles. Members of the “Live, Book” circle restore books and repair old ones. The “Library Council” circle helps in working with debtors, serves books at homes for the elderly and disabled, conducts surveys of readers, questionnaires, carries out public relations, informs about library events and new literature.

In order to timely return literature to the library and eliminate reader debt, it is good to arrange a photo album “Best Readers of the Library” or a stand “Leaders of Reading”. The best readers should be shown in a photograph with a book in their hands and in the interior of the library. Each photo includes a certificate of books read, careful attitude to them, at what age he has been reading, what he is famous for, hobbies, etc.

You can begin publishing the library newspaper “I Was Born Talented,” which contains creative publications of literary works by readers and winners of the “Test of the Pen” competition.

You can hold a “Lottery to draw the first 100 numbers of library cards” during the re-registration of readers. One of the methods of solving the problem of combating debt is to choose incentives for the timely return of books.

The practice of working with readers brings to life a sufficient number of informative events. Energeticly responding to needs, taking into account the interests of readers, new, non-traditional forms of work are appearing in libraries.

Biblioguide “A Thousand Wise Pages” is an informational review of new encyclopedic and reference literature.

Literary race "The Great Book Route". In the summer, teenagers have more time and opportunities to read. Libraries do not have vacations and therefore will willingly make their unique collections available to readers. At the very beginning of June, the literary races begin, which will end at the end of August with summing up the results and identifying the winner. The library forms a team of readers. The races should take place in 5 genres: classic, detective, adventure, fantasy and history. In each genre, the librarian will sequentially ask each race participant 6 questions. Total 30 questions. Having found the answer to the question asked, the reader must come to the library and give his own answer. In the "Race Map"

The librarian will personally mark the date of each participant's correct answer. At the end of August, the Race Map will be analyzed and the first person to answer the last question will win the literary race. To hold the event, the library must prepare an extensive book exhibition, for example “Summer Readings - 2015”: answers to all 30 questions must be found.

The finalist of the summer readings who has completed the “Great Book Path” receives a prize.

Marathon of cultural events. The busiest month with cultural events and memorable dates is May. During this period, from May 9 to June 6, a whole series of events can be held under the general name “Marathon of Cultural Events.” Its program may include a one-day youth book festival “Without good books the soul grows stale,” which is held jointly with the Youth Affairs Committee.

The purpose of the festival is to raise interest in reading among young people.

A survey “A Book in My Life” is being conducted among high school students to study reading needs and reading motives. The results of the study will be announced at the festival's opening ceremony. An essay competition “My Favorite Book” is announced in advance, the goal of which is to popularize reading among young people and coincides with the goal of the festival.

The winners of the essay competition “My Favorite Book” are awarded diplomas and memorable prizes at the grand opening of the festival. For everyone who comes to the library on this day, the holiday begins in the lobby, where guests are greeted by their favorite literary characters. They offer to visit the holiday exhibitions “From the Golden Fund of the Library.” The duty consultant introduces readers to newest arrivals rare encyclopedic and reference publications, and an express review of “The Three Most Read Books of the Year” will interest users.

A literature fair for young people is being organized in the library hall together with one of the bookselling organizations, and for quiz lovers there is a blitz tournament “Across the Literary Places of Krasnodar” and an erudite marathon of historical book experts “From Rus' to Russia”. The entire festival day is filled with a real fireworks display of events: exhibitions, competitions, quizzes, a meeting with the editorial board of a local newspaper, a concert of original song performers, watching films in the library video room, meetings with local writers and poets. You can end the festival with the “Everyone Reads” event. Organizers, guests, and participants of the festival take to the streets of the city with leaflets encouraging reading and a list of the most read books of the year.

Poetry marathon. You can spend it on June 6, Pushkin Day. On an improvised mini-site near the library - famous writers, poets, young writers, adults and teenagers, children, taking turns reading the works of the great poet.

"Celebration of bibliographic discoveries." It is carried out with the aim of mastering a complex of new forms of work. Its program will allow the reader to provide information about the information and bibliographic resources of the library, and introduce them to sources of information about publications that interest them.


1. Exhibition - retrospective “Contact a bibliographer” (based on materials from the archive of completed references).

3. Bibliographic game “Riddles of Russian words” (according to Russian language dictionaries).

4. Game - competition “Do you know the history of Russian painting?” (presentation of encyclopedias on art).

5. Kaleidoscope of interesting facts “What secrets do catalogs keep?”

6. Library and bibliographic poster “Who? Where? When?" (library reference publications).

Book auction and literary auction.

A literary auction is a game where the rules of a real auction are copied. Questions are offered, each of which requires several correct answers. The winners will be those participants who are the last to answer questions or complete tasks. Possible: auction of literary talents, creative ideas, literary aphorisms, catchphrases, proverbs and sayings.

The book auction is dedicated to the book, its history, forms of printing, modern species book products and includes competitions, quizzes, literary games, crosswords, digests, lotteries.

The program includes educational games that help expand and deepen knowledge, provide information, and entertain. Interesting books are sold or raffled off at the auction. According to the terms of the auction, a book - lot is put up for sale. E is awarded to the person who is the last to answer the question or give the correct answer. The auction can be universal in nature, when tasks are devoted to books of various contents, but it can also be thematic.

If a history book is put up for sale, then the questions for auction participants should be based on information from history books.

Examples of questions:

According to ancient sources, Spartan women, distinguished by courage and willpower, escorting their sons to war, gave them a shield with the words: “With it or on it.” What did this mean? (Return victorious or die in glory)

Who is the creator of St. Andrew's flag? What does its symbolism mean? (Peter 1 created a design of the flag: on a white field there is a blue cross. White color meant faith, the oblique cross was a symbol of fidelity. Andrew the First-Called, who was considered the apostle of the Russian land, who brought the teachings of Christ here, was crucified on the cross.)

What was the inscription on: outside - “Everything passes”, inside - “And this too shall pass?” (On the ring of King Solomon).

In what year was the first calendar published in Russia? (1709).

What was the name of the world's first printed book? (“Diamond Sutra”).

Which stone book weighed 10 tons (“Laws of Babylon – King Hammurabi”, written in cuneiform on a basalt pillar).

Which prince laid the foundation for the first library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv?

(Yaroslav the Wise)

What was the name of the first printed book in Rus'? (“Apostle”) The auction program may include a literary lotto, in which participants from three groups of cards - 1. Names of the authors; 2. Title of the work; 3. The names of the main characters form a chain: author, title, hero.

Library anniversary. An occasion to show the best achieved by the library over a certain period. The tradition of celebrating anniversaries acquires important sociocultural significance, since it consolidates in the public consciousness its image as a social institution with a historical past and traditions that need to be preserved and developed in the future. The obligatory elements of the anniversary event include an excursion into the history of the library, a presentation of information resources, a story about achievements, about veterans and best employees, and a reflection of this solemn event in the media.


- “New Books of the New Century” - presentations of book exhibitions of a universal nature.

- “Books for education and career” - presentation of thematic exhibitions.

- “Best Book of the Year” - exhibition-debut, exhibition-advertising (books by the winner of the reader’s opinion competition are demonstrated).

- “The Book Universe on the shelves of our library” - acquaintance with the book collection, new arrivals, novelties on non-book media, obtaining reference information.

- “Treasures of Bookshelves” - video demonstration.

- “About new, interesting things - in magazines and newspapers” - express review, acquaintance with the repertoire of periodicals entering the library’s collections.

- “Master class - for you” - a demonstration of the search capabilities of traditional card and electronic catalogs, reference and bibliographic apparatus, and the Internet.

- “Books are the best friends of my soul” - an hour of reading passions with the participation of members of the literary club, guests, writers, bibliophiles.

Book premiere. The premiere of a book on local history topics is most successful, which makes it possible to attract all those who took part in its publication.

Celebration of reading passions " Best friends my soul! (for the anniversary of the library):

Demonstration of the exhibitions “Our Library: in Books, Documents, Photographs” and “Modern Literature: Book Flow and Reader Preferences.”

Opening speech by the library director “Long live the book!”

Exclusive - congratulations “The book is our memory” (the head of the district administration, the chairman and representatives of the district’s deputy corps, the municipality, the director of libraries).

History page “Our library in the context of the history of the city (district, municipality”: the history of the emergence and development of the library).

Poetic ode “Dedication to the Library” (a competition of poems about the library among its readers).

Demonstration of videos with fragments of the best library events in different years “Our doors and hearts are open for you.”

Presentation of the album “Our Library: Anniversary Photo Chronicle”.

- “On the lyrical stage” - performances by poets, writers, bards.

Rewarding library staff.

Congratulations from the readers. Awarding the best of them with “Honorary Reader” tickets.

Literary and musical show “Praise be to you, oh bookworm!”

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(to the 76th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad)

Historical and local history almanac
“Pages of the Stalingrad Chronicle”:
We know. We remember. We honor..."
(to the 76th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad)

II All-Russian campaign “200 minutes of reading: Dedicated to Stalingrad”

Events 2016

Events 2015

1) Library event“Only from this day does spring begin in the world!”: March 8 – International Women’s Day,”
2) “Spring mosaic”“My precious woman”: (Dedicated to March 8)
3) Hour of local history information“The literary face of Mikhailovka”
4) Hour of a kind word“A word can kill, a word can save...”: Culture of speech. Children about the word"
5) Book Jubilee Hour“Favorite books from childhood – anniversaries of 2015”
b) Literary conversation-discussion"Children's Writers - Celebrators of the Year 2015"
7) Moral and preventive meeting“One step away from trouble” - within the framework of the All-Russian anti-drug preventive campaign “For the health and safety of our children”
8) Hour of environmental knowledge and education“Living drop of water” (for Water Resources Day)
9) 40th meeting of the Salon “Crossroads of Spirituality”
Artistic-Orthodox almanac"The World of Orthodox Literature: Representatives and Their Creativity." Book and reading event“Remember the Victory - read a book about the Battle of Stalingrad!”
Literary anniversary event“I made the whole world cry over the beauty of my land...”: Boris Pasternak is 125 years old!”
Lesson of kindness and mercy“Hurry to do good deeds!”
Hour of Philokalia“Let goodness into your heart!”
Literary linguistic evening in defense of the Russian language“I bow my head before him again - His Majesty, our dear word!” (for International Mother Language Day)
Patriotic almanac“History of the Army - History of the Country” (for Defender of the Fatherland Day)
Moral and preventive meeting“One step away from trouble” (within the framework of the All-Russian anti-drug preventive action “For the health and safety of our children”)
39th meeting of the Salon “Crossroads of Spirituality”. Literary and musical lounge entitled “My soul, poetry...”: Russian poetry in music and colors"

Events 2014

October November


September 2014

April 2014

March 2014

“The hearth of culture is inextinguishable...”:

One year in the life of library No. 4"

On February 25, 2011, an unusual event took place in the reading room of library No. 4 - creative report to the population “An inextinguishable hearth of culture...”: One year in the life of library No. 4.” A little more than a year has passed since library No. 4 (the former library of the Trade Union Committee of the Sebryakovsky Cement Plant) moved into the city centralized system Mikhailovki.

The festively decorated library warmly welcomed guests with a new large banner “Welcome to Library No. 4! We are glad to see you!”, where brief information about the library, its emblem, anthem, and photographs from the most interesting public events were posted. The creative report began with informational conversations “About our library in the new century”: Library No. 4 in 2010“, where the main goals and objectives of the library’s work in 2010, benchmarks, achievements and problems that the library had to face were announced, and aexpress review of the exhibition report “Meet us, we work for you!" Here were presented plans and reports of the library, albums of public events, a colorful album report on the work on patriotic education, dossier folder “Let everyone know about yourself!”: library No. 4 based on press and Internet materials in 2010"; bibliographic products of the library (more than 20 titles), scripts and developments (library lessons, business games, literary evenings, etc.).

In the final part of the report guests were invited to literary and recommendatory almanac “Meeting with new literature”, in which they said:

1) review-announcement “Open a new book! Let's read quickly! "(presented are publications received centrally from the Central City Hospital and independently ordered from the Internet);

2) "local history review" « With love for the land of Volgograd": New local history publications", received as a gift from the Volgograd Regional Library;

3) press review “No matter how many books you read, there is nothing newer than a magazine!”: New periodicals”(attention was paid to those publications that are subscribed only by Library No. 4: the newspaper “Pensionerskaya Pravda”, the magazines “Brother”, “Far East”, “Planet of Women”, “We Read Together”: Navigator in the World of Books”, “Provincial News” and etc.) .
The report ended with bright speeches from guests, both representatives of the administration and those organizations with which the library cooperates.

Warm words of support and appreciation for the work of the library No. 4 team for 2010 were expressed by: n chief department of culture of the urban district of Mikhailovka Lyudmila Viktorovna Novikova, methodologist of the Central Library System G. N. Bandurkina, head children's sector of the State House of Culture V.G. Kuznetsova, former library employee M.S. Kamysheva, readers L.I. Ivannikova, A.I. Ermilova, N.I. Rozhnova and etc.
Old-time readers (more than 30 years of reading experience) spoke very warmly and emotionally about their library, about the changes that had taken place in it. General conclusion– library staff are in demand by time and society, the library last year became information and communication center, including in its orbit both youth, children and the elderly.

The creative report was attended by: head of the cultural department of the urban district of Mikhailovka L.V. Novikov, the administration of the Central Bank represented by director R.N. Byvaltseva, head methodological and innovative department G.N. Bandurkina, ch. CBS bibliographer M.M. Savvina, director of the City Palace of Culture A.I. Shevchenko, (in whose premises there is library No. 4); heads of libraries of the city central library, representatives of those organizations with which library No. 4 worked closely during 2010, as well as readers and residents of the city.


"Humanity's Star Step"

In Russia, 2011 was declared the Year of Cosmonautics by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. This is no coincidence: in 2011 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight – Yuri Gagarin. April 12 is recognized as an international holiday this year.

In connection with these events of all-Russian and international significance, a Space and Cosmonautics Week “Star Step of Humanity” (April 5 – 12). The following events were held as part of this Week:

April 6 – together with the Children's sector of the City Palace of Culture as part of film festival dedicated to cosmonautics in the large hall for students 5 – 6 grades. School No. 4 was prepared special program. Library employee No. 4 A.I. Mikheeva held for the audience An hour of learning about the history of Russia “The harbingers of the first human flight into space - bio-cosmonauts”, which contained declassified information about experiments on animals and their flights into space. Students watched the modern cartoon “Belka and Strelka”. 126 people attended the event.

April 7 – was prepared information leaflet “Y.V. Malyshev: Our fellow countryman in space orbit" (series "Our Famous Countrymen"). It presents biographical information about the pilot-cosmonaut, as well as literary and electronic sources of information about him.

April 8 – Together with the Children's Sector of the State House of Culture, Library No. 4 took part in "Cosmonautics School" which brought together 4th grade students from school No. 4. The guys listened informational conversation “Space Pioneers”(about test dogs, Yuri Gagarin, A. Leonov, etc.). And then the children took part in a competitive and entertainment program prepared by the head. children's sector V.G. Kuznetsova. 43 people attended the event.

April 11-12 – took place directly in library No. 4 PROMOTION “Cosmonautics Day is our joy and pride.” During the entire Action, librarians wore badges “Happy Cosmonautics Day!”, what attracted attention to the holiday itself; sounded periodically audio concert “Songs about space and astronauts”"(on the subscription).

One of the main points of the Promotion was blitz survey of readers and city residents “Today is Cosmonautics Day. For me it - …", in which 21 people took part (from elementary school students to the elderly). They expressed their opinions about Cosmonautics Day in prose and poetry, reflected and ironized, were proud and happy. These were people of different professions and social status (from a technical worker to a correspondent for the newspaper “Prazyv”). But, basically, all the reviews were united by a sense of pride and patriotism for the exploits of our cosmonauts. Here is another holiday, in addition to May 9, that unites Russians into one community.

Here are some examples of reviews:

1) From a student from neighboring countries : “It is a great honor for me to live in Russia, because... exactly Russian man was the first in space. Cosmonautics Day is a day of remembrance; a day of reminder of the works of many people; this is an unforgettable day. Yu. Gagarin is a man with a capital M.”

2) From a GDK employee: “For me, Cosmonautics Day is a childhood memory; the joy and delight of adults and our children's misunderstanding. And now – still the greatness of the Russian people and pride in us.”

3) From an 8th grade student at school No. 4: "Hooray! We are the first in space. This means a lot! Sounds proud!

4) From an elderly reader with extensive reading experience in library No. 4: “As a child, I dreamed of being an astronaut, I have something to do with astronautics - I studied in Saratov, I was at the landing site of Yu. Gagarin. After graduating from the institute, he was assigned to Kaluga and visited the Tsiolkovsky Museum. I’m proud of the country and myself.”

5) From an ironic reader (RHC employee): “Since 1961, humanity has “went” into space, let it go further.”

6) 4th grade student School No. 4 quoted the following poem:
In a space rocket called "Vostok"

He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.

The spring drops sing songs about this:

Gagarin and April will be together forever!

Thanks to blitz survey, many readers thought, began to remember, and talk about this holiday. The conversation smoothly turned to impressions of documentaries watched with new declassified materials, broadcast on central television channels on the eve of the holiday, and then to publications devoted to this topic and presented at the exhibition. The readers' attention was attracted by materials from periodicals, new publications about Yu. Gagarin, K. Tsiolkovsky (series “Our History. 100 Great Names”)

The Promotion program also included space quiz “Test your knowledge in the field of astronautics”, which the readers really liked, everyone without exception, because here they gave sweet prizes for correct answers - candies with the cosmic names “Andromeda”, “Space”, “Polar Lights”.

Students who came to the library to do essays during the Action were asked to look computer presentations “Road to the Universe”, “Morning of the Space Age”, which reflected brief and at the same time interesting information about space and astronautics.

On the days of Promotions “Cosmonautics Day – our joy and pride!” took place presentation of the information leaflet “Yu.V. Malyshev: Our fellow countryman in space orbit.” Readers, especially older ones, immediately became familiar with its contents and shared their impressions of what they read. One copy of the information leaflet was donated to the children's sector of the State Children's Palace and nearby educational institutions.

Overall, to summarize Space and Cosmonautics Week "Star Step of Humanity" in library No. 4, the following conclusions can be drawn to show the effectiveness of the activities:

1) Cosmonautics Day - April 12 - is the same holiday that unites people, like Victory Day - May 9 . Almost all readers, without exception, feel a sense of pride, joy, and patriotism for their country, scientists and astronauts. The holiday of April 12 evokes only positive emotions.

2) 169 people attended the events within the framework of Space and Cosmonautics Week, 59 sources were viewed. In promotions “Cosmonautics Day is our joy and pride!” 56 people took part, of which 21 people took part in the blitz survey.

“Let’s remember everyone by name...”

Military-historical almanac

On May 13, 2011, library No. 4 (former Tsemzavodskaya) together with the library of medical college No. 6 held for 1st year students (group 12 “SD”) military-historical almanac “Let’s remember everyone by name... This is necessary - the living!” The purpose of it is to recall the courage and heroism of young soldiers who gave their lives for the Victory. The almanac consisted of three pages. 1st page “1418 fiery days and nights of the Great Patriotic War” began with the famous speech of Levitan, who announced on the radio about fascist aggression and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Interesting digital data and poems by famous authors performed by students were presented here. Among the listeners there was held blitz survey which concerned themes of youth heroism during the war. The question aroused excitement and emotion among students: “ If there was a Great Patriotic War today, would you go to the front?” The blitz survey at certain moments turned into a discussion and helped students tune in to a deeper perception of the information offered to them.
Attracted increased attention from students wartime relics– photocopies of two funeral notices, a photograph at the walls of the Reichstag and a letter of gratitude from 1945, signed by the Marshal Soviet Union Konev, a soldier’s triangle letter, as well as a story by librarian A.I. Mikheeva about her relatives who fought on the war fronts and reached Berlin.
As part of this page of the almanac, there was an emotional description of the feat of 16-year-old Vanya Fedorov, Sasha Filippov and others. The first page of the almanac ended with a demonstration two excerpts from the documentaries “Stalingrad without Propaganda”(about the feat of young girls divers on the Volga) and "Heroes are not born"(about the feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the only female tanker Maria Oktyabrskaya).
The second page of the almanac - “Feat of Mercy”- was dedicated girls nurses, whose names are forever inscribed in the Book of Memory of the Great Patriotic War. There was an interesting story about Russian nurses who performed their daily feats on all fronts, including during the war with Japan in 1945. Most of those named were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The main idea of ​​this page of the almanac:“Heroes do not die” - heroes live as long as we remember them, as long as the memory of them is alive. Time has no power to consign them to oblivion.”
The students were shown computer presentation “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”, which told about the exploits of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Nikolai Gastello, Nikolai Bocharov, Vladimir Matveev. Also included in the presentation were books by famous front-line writers - V. Nekrasov, Yu. Bondarev, B. Vasiliev, V. Bykov, V. Kondratyev and others, modern authors writing about the war today - V. Pershanin, R. Kozhukharov, G. Sviridova and others.
Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember with our grief...
It's not the dead who need it,
The living need this!

The second page of the almanac has ended A minute of silence.
The third page took the form of a military history quiz dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.
The entire almanac has ended song by Stas Mikhailov “Heroes of my Russia”. After the event ended, a number of students stayed to fill out reader's quilt “We remember...We know...We honor...”: From the 21st century - with gratitude,” which reflected all the congratulations and wishes to veterans, home front workers, and residents of the city of Mikhailovka in connection with the significant date - Victory Day.
The presenters of the almanac spoke at military caps and St. George ribbons. Prepared and conducted an almanac by L.B. Lonevskaya, A.I. Mikheeva, E.G. Ryzhova. The event was decorated exhibition-viewing “In the lights of the victorious fireworks”: The Great Victory is 66 years old!”, at which 20 publications were presented.

Video "Happy Victory Day!"

event title
"Az is the light of the world"
“ABC is not a book, fun and science”
"Grandmother's Tales"
"Ball of the times of great-grandmothers"
“The library is the dominant of the soul”
“Library and youth: with books into the future.”
"The Library and the Reader: Face to Face"
“Libraries for peace, culture and prosperity of Russia
"Library Bike"
"Librarianship Master"
"Blissful world of love, goodness and beauty"
“Close as a grandfather, wise as a fairy tale; kind as a song; gray-haired like the Ural"
"The Big World of Ancient Rus'"
“We will read - Sat. creative works of children about books and reading
"The future is born today"
"Backs and Ladies"
“Only young people go into battle”
"In Santa Claus's workshop"
"After all, at any time of the year
"the pinnacle of wisdom"
“I believe in the secret power of the Motherland”
"The Cheerful Wizard"
"Look into mom's eyes"
“If you have information, you control the situation”
"The age of autumn is wonderful"
"The Age of Anxiety and Error"
"Renaissance begins with a book"
“Take my poems - this is my life”
"The Wizard of Words"
"Gate of a Hundred Sorrows"
“The Eighth Wonder of the World” - about the book
“So summer has grown old”
“So autumn has come to us”
“Forward to an information society without borders
"Time to Read"
“Everyone who wants to know for sure,
“A flash of consciousness in the unconsciousness of everyday life”
“Will our planet survive?”
“I grew up with a pencil and a brush in my hands”
"Gallery of Historical Figures
"Gallery of New Products"
"Let's strive for this,
“Far does not mean inaccessible”
"Ladies' World"
"Children's book in our city
"Children's readings
“It’s a victorious spring for us”
“Different times, different literature. Other"
“His feather breathes with love!” about Pushkin
“If I were a poet...”
"If I Were Dad"
“There are names like the sun!” about Pushkin
“Nature is waiting for helpers!
“Women’s hands have a wonderful skill”
"The Woman on the Russian Throne"
"Living in harmony with nature"
“To live means to have problems. Solving them means growing intellectually
"Funny, funny, funny"
"Riddles from Grandma's Chest"
“We don’t have a spare planet”
"Let's protect the beauty of life"
"The stars are watching us"
“Ring, ring, golden Rus'”
“The ringing prowess of verse”
"Health without drugs"
“Health, well-being and bad habits”
"Green carousels of nature"
“Sons of the Russian Land!”
“The Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe”
"The land I live on"
"The Land We're Losing"
"Know to protect yourself"
"Golden Age"
“And they trusted us everywhere
“Both with words, and with a brush, and with sound!
“And this is all about him - about my dad!
"The Needle is a cruel game"
“Ideas. Hypotheses. Discoveries"
"From the life of the green world"
“What are our boys made of?”
“Either they keep up with the times or they go astray with the times”
"Bestseller Empire"
"To us A new book came"
“For every person, the path is open to the library”
"Every reader wants to know
“How to behave in the forest, How to protect nature, How to be your most loyal friends! "
"How to Raise a Beautiful Lady"
“How plants and animals are friends”
"How to treat nature"
"Flowerbed - flower kaleidoscope"
"Books, desired pages"
"A Book in the Orbit of the Law"
"Book. Purpose. Eternity"
"Childhood Books"
"Books from the Land of Childhood"
"Book of Health"
"Book Universe"
"Book Rainbow"
"Book menu"
"Book Islands"
"Book garden for kids"
"Book House"
"Costumes in a kaleidoscope of eras"
"Local history kaleidoscope"
"Winged Rainbow"
“Those who work separately add up; those who work together multiply.”
"Curly genius of Russian poetry"
“Course of 21st century libraries: from informatization to knowledge!
“Forests are the green frame of the planet”
"Summer reading with passion"
"Summer Days of Children's Literature"
"Leafing through the pages of the Red Book"
"Literary Duel"
"Literary passions"
"Literary opening day"
"Literary Stagecoach"
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"Basket of recipes"
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"Favorite of boys and girls"
“I love it when it’s morning”
“Love is the heart of everything” Mayakovsky V.
“Love is like a mood, love is like an obsession”
"Little Mistress"
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"Meridians of Fantasy"
"Methodological light"
"The Dream of Love That Knows No End"
"A Million Adventures"
“The world around us is big and different”
"The World of a Girl and a Book"
"The natural world in literature"
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“My fatherland has nothing
“We will never repeat my father’s land!”
"Youth at risk"
"Muzzle, tail and four legs
"Sailor in the Saddle"
“We glorify Moscow as the capital, and Langepas as our home! "
"The Sage from the Land of Childhood"
“We know what to do. We know how to do it. And we do it together with you!
"We better than the city we don’t know, we feel it in our souls! "
“We do not live alone in this world”
"Full sail into summer"
“The alarm bell of war is knocking on our hearts again”
"Obsession of the Century"
"For us and our descendants"
“We sometimes lack words for how much we love our native land! "
"Addiction - the battle continues!"
"Drug addiction is the face of trouble"
"Our home is the earth"
“Our land in poetry and prose”
"Our traces in nature"
"Don't let yourself be intimidated"
"Don't lose your professionalism"
"An inexhaustible source of inspiration"
"A boring library shelf"
"The never-ending echo of flowers"
“Not a single day without a good deed” Baden-Powelt R.
"New items from the book basket"
"New on the Bookshelf"
"New Year's Eve is a time to dream and be naughty"
"Green world news"
"O Muse of Weeping, most beautiful of muses"
“This book is being debated today”
"Obelisks of Memory"
"Image, carefully preserved"
"Turn your heart to books"
"A Word Inspired by Music"
“He sang and praised Holy Rus'!”
"Scorched Childhood"
"your grandfather's order"
"Autumn Symphony"
"Caution: Bad Habits"
"From Ancient Rus' to New Russia"
“From the earth to the moon, the guys should know everything!”
"Discovered the emerald city"
“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland
"Enchanted Rus' by Leskova"
"Memory of Burning Years"
"Passengers of the Green Carousel"
"Singer of Paris and Passions"
“Singer of feasts and languid sadness” - Pushkin about Baratynsky
"Songs of my grandmother"
“The writer is equal to the reader, as well as vice versa” Brodsky I.
"Planet of Mysteries"
"On the Path of Wisdom"
"In the footsteps of great courage"
"Lord of Fantasy"
“For the elderly - care, attention and benefits
“Merry Christmas - real magic!”
“Until the spring in the soul is dried up”
“Useful information and pleasant leisure time”
"Glade of Health"
“Make room a little, the solemn hour is coming. A new book is coming to us on its own interesting, wonderful path!”
“Fun is not a hindrance to business”
"Poetic Porch"
"Celebration of Library Pleasures"
"Holidays of our grandmothers"
"The wonderful world of an amazing man"
“Overcome yourself. Where to begin?"
"Crime against humanity"
"The Adventures of Bookman in the Children's Library"
"Touch the Past"
"Nature does not forgive mistakes"
"Nature's sweet melodies"
“The eternal profession of libraries”
“Please speak - the name of the stand
“May there always be a mother!”
"A Journey into the World of Children's Books"
"Journey for Laughter"
"Travels of the Book Engine"
"Travels through the Book Labyrinth"
“We are always glad to have friends! We invite you to visit us! "
“Children and old ladies love funny ditties”
"Plants of Health"
"Native tunes"
"Christmas in Literature"
"Fatal Step"
"The light coming from wisdom"
“Today they are arguing about this”
"Gray Youth"
"Family portrait against the background of the library"
"Family READER".
“Silver Feather” - competition for young writers
"Certificate of Appreciation"
"Siberian motives"
“Symbol of the year - hero of books”
"Say YES to life"
"Tales of the Russian Forest"
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign - The Greatest Cultural Monument"
"I hear the voice of nature"
"Let's laugh with the classics"
"Laughter and that's it"
"Laughter for everyone"
“It’s not a sin to laugh”
“Times close like waters”
"Collector of Folk Tales"
“Sun of poetry, glory to Russia!” about Pushkin
"Neighbors on the Planet"
"We'll save it for posterity"
"Let's save ourselves for life"
“Keeping traditions, looking for something new”
“a specialist knows everything about a little and nothing about everything”
“Fought against vices with words”
"Old Time"
"Pages of Goodness and Joy"
"Wanderer with a Russian soul"
“A line from a poet in a child’s soul”
"Steps of Victory"
"Tobacco Fog of Deception"
"The Secret of Aphrodite"
“Such a different smile” (photo portraits)
"Creative Island"
“He is not good who does not strive to be better”
"Anxiety of the native land"
"You won't regret that you loved me"
"The Amazing Age of Autumn"
“Know how to smile in life”
"Learning to build body and spirit"
"F. Vasilyev is a Russian fairy tale!
"Fantasies of Signor Rodari"
“Even though the war has died down long ago”
"Word Sorcerer"
“Man + nature = 21st century”
"Human. Poet. Actor"
“READER launched: the Year of Reading in Youth begins”
"A clean river means a clear conscience"
“A reader’s smile in summer, or a book on vacation”
“Children who read - literate Russia”
"Reading Langepasets"
"Reading Pushkin today"
“Reading as a condition for the development of a nation”
“What Grandmother Sang at the Spinning Wheel”
"What do librarians read, what do readers read"
"So that the Earth Lives"
"So as not to die young"
"Miracle on the Windowsill"
"School of Exciting Reading"
"City Environmental Code"
"Ecological dossier of the city"
"It's a Fabulous Christmas"
“This different, different Vysotsky”
“Surprisingly for young readers”
“I’m afraid that Russian literature has only one future: its past” E.I. Zamyatin
"I choose life"
“I hate gossip in the form of versions”
“I open the world with a book!”
"Poison is sweeping the planet"

Meeting with a successful person (poet) “Melodies of her soul”,

"In the rhythm of the heart"

Moral dialogues "Kindness lights up the stars"

Literary classics “Every fifth person here is a writer, every third person here is a poet.”

“The past fate of my land,” “The soul and memory of my native land!” -name of local history stands; “My land has not been spared by the war” - the title of the thematic exhibition

Re: Forms and names of m/events

for Library Day
"Libraries of the World". Photo exhibition

"Reading Sharks" Library show
"The book as an object of art."
“From clay tablet to printed page” Literary evening

“The eternal keeper of wise books.”
Multimedia presentation

"Read, live and win." Parade family reading(action “Meet me in the library”)
“There are people with a fiery soul, there are people with a thirst for good!”

"Reader's pranks." Day of Youth Readers' Self-Government.
“The electronic era of libraries. Development prospects".

"Language. Culture. Reading". Information Day

Experts analyzing the activities of libraries note a negative trend of using the same forms of work in them. Nowadays, exciting programs for readers are rarely developed. As a rule, the organization of long-known events is restructured without introducing any new elements into them. This significantly reduces interest in visiting institutions. As a result, libraries are gradually beginning to turn into archives. Meanwhile, one of the priority tasks of the cultural and educational sphere is the development of love and respect for books. Let us next consider some types and forms of library events.

Information Day

During it, various forms of library activities for children and adults can be used. Organizing an information day involves developing an exciting program. Its main goal is to inform readers about new arrivals. The frequency of the survey will depend on the volume of incoming literature. If it is small, then it is advisable to organize an information day once a month. The institution notifies readers about the date using posters, advertisements, in the local press or special letters. The messages provide specific names and forms of library events that will be carried out as part of the information day. The program may include familiarization with art publications and critical notes. During the information day, the authors themselves can speak, presenting their works. This form of holding library events has many advantages. First of all, readers are among the first to become acquainted with the works. If the authors themselves are present at the presentation, you can take their autograph and ask questions.

Specialist Day

It acts as a special form of library methodological activities. Organizing a specialist’s day also involves drawing up a comprehensive program. It includes a direct demonstration of primary and secondary documentation, familiarization with advanced scientific achievements in the cultural and educational sphere. By its nature, a specialist’s day acts as an intermediate form of work. There can be many library events. However, the specialist's day has a special practical significance among them. During it, the employees of the institution themselves receive methodological information and explanations of certain instructions. As part of the specialist’s day, it is advisable to organize seminars and discussions. Innovative forms of library activities can be discussed at them.


This form of library activities has a number of features. A review involves familiarizing yourself with documents, presenting them summary. It can be thematic. For example, forms of library events on ecology involve familiarizing readers with the latest scientific articles on environmental protection issues, a visual demonstration of publications dedicated to natural environment a habitat. Specialists and experts may speak during the review day. They provide comments on articles, notes, and explain the significance of certain discoveries. Such forms of library activities on ecology instill a thirst for knowledge, an understanding of the importance of the topic being addressed and the role of each person in protecting nature.

Book discussion

Within the framework of this form of library activities for children and adults, different points view regarding a specific publication. Its content and artistic advantages and disadvantages are discussed. In the conversation, attention is focused on the relevance of the problems raised in the book, topics, method of presenting the material, and so on. This form of library activities is characterized by a phased organization. At the first stage, preparation is carried out. In particular, the work and topic of discussion are selected in accordance with the interests of the audience. After this, information is collected and processed - the opinions of critics, literary scholars, reader ratings. After this, abstracts are prepared and a discussion plan is drawn up: an introduction to the problem, posing questions. During the conversation, it is important to organize a dialogue, exchange opinions and conclusions, summarize everything that was said and evaluate the result. Any work of art, including those studied at school, can be brought up for discussion. Such forms of library activities on Lermontov, Tolstoy, Pushkin and other classics will be very educational.

Reader's benefit

As part of this form of library events for young people, they get to know the best visitors to the institution. The benefit is intended to strengthen the authority of readers and increase their social status. During the course, other visitors get acquainted with the biography of the person and some aspects of his life. The best readers, in turn, can show their favorite books, introduce them to their content and their opinion about them. During the benefit performance, musical compositions can also be listened to. The main objective of this form of library activities is to illustrate the role of books in the formation of a person’s personality, his destiny, and the acquisition of knowledge.

Bookcrossing and flashbook

Recently, completely new forms of library activities have begun to be used in practice. The list of them today is still small, but among them we can note those that have already become popular. First of all, it’s worth talking about bookcrossing. It is, simply put, the process of releasing various books. A person, having read some work, leaves it in a public place. This could be a metro station, a cafe, a park, and so on. Another person can take this book and, after reading it, also leaves it in some place. In this case, the publication receives its own unique number, by which it can be tracked on special websites.

The second popular form of library events today is a flashbook. This term is used to describe a book flash mob on the Internet. Those wishing to participate in the action create a page on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.) in the name of the work. After this, the initiators begin to invite users to their community. On the page you can post vivid quotes from the work, illustrations, biographical information, excerpts from the author’s correspondence, etc. Modern forms of library activities usually require a PC and the Internet. Moreover, people who are members of one group or another often meet in real life.

Literary karaoke

New forms of library events must first and foremost be fun. It is important to provide an atmosphere in which readers can express their opinions and demonstrate their abilities and talents without embarrassment. New forms of library events include various competitions and promotions. Literary karaoke, for example, can be very exciting. It is a competition of reciters to music. The melody is selected to match the rhythm, meter or mood of the poem. The reader does not know which work he will get. The challenge is to capture the rhythm of the music and the verse and connect them.

Literary vernissage

Many poets and writers, as part of their creativity, dedicate works to outstanding figures of art and culture. Literary opening day is a game in which two teams participate. The first represents such “portraits”. For example, a short annotation on the biography is given, poetry or prose is read. The second team's task is to guess the person in question.

Shock lesson

This form of events is prepared on a specific topical topic. For example, a shock lesson can be dedicated to drug addiction, smoking, or AIDS. The basis can be letters from people who are addicted or have illnesses, and their revelations. In this case, the source material is not edited, but is presented in its original form, preserving the vocabulary and content. As part of such classes, it is advisable to show video recordings. During the lesson, statistical data is presented.

Evening divertissement

It is a small concert. As part of the evening, poetry and prose are read, music is played, including live music. The program may include works of completely different genres. These can be popular songs, classical melodies, comic skits, serious monologues. Communication takes place in such a relaxed atmosphere.

Question and answer evening

During the event, readers are involved in increased interest in industry and fiction literature. Questions can be devoted to a specific topic or several subjects. The choice will depend on the interests of the readers. Readers first prepare lists of questions from which a certain number are selected. The evening can, for example, be spent on the topic of local history. Specialists, historians, and museum workers are invited to the institution. As part of the library's local history events, readers will learn many interesting facts about their region from experts.


These forms of library activities have become very popular recently. To introduce readers to the culture, history of the region, and traditions, travel games are organized. Activities are held in imaginary conditions. All participants receive specific roles. They can write letters, diaries from the scene of events. Such activities activate the imagination. Before the game, participants prepare, collect and study information on the topic, maps, reference books, etc.


The name of this event comes from a Japanese word meaning "chatter". "Pecha-kucha" involves the presentation of short reports, limited in content and form. As a rule, this form of events is used at informal conferences. The speaker makes a report-presentation consisting of, for example, 20 slides. Each of them is shown for 20 seconds. After the last frame, the next participant's report starts automatically. The number of such presentations can vary from 8 to 12.

"5 minutes with art"

This event is a flexible and easy way to experience beauty. It implements the “small dosage” principle. Such events are designed for people who are not accustomed to artistic thinking. In this regard, communication with art is small and short-lived. Over the course of several minutes, one or more works are perceived. In this case, no analysis or evaluation is performed. The essence of the event is to express your own impression of the work shown. In this case, there should be no imposition of anyone's opinion.

Organizing and holding such an event requires careful preparation. In this case, different aspects are taken into account. Attention is drawn to the arrangement of chairs, the interior, and the display space. A short introduction is required. It will provide the necessary psychological mood. A final point regarding direct communication participants.

Experts recommend periodically holding such events. For example, you can make a series of displays of the works of a certain author, timed to coincide with the anniversary. It is very effective to use a double artistic row. Different types of works can be displayed, with one serving as the background. For example, when a picture is shown, Vivaldi's music is turned on. In this case, two psychological channels will be activated: auditory and visual. Some impressions will enhance others.

WITH special attention should take into account the content of the material. It should be understandable and educational. The positive emotions caused by such five-minute sessions help to awaken interest in art.


Literally it means “healing with books.” The official definition of bibliotherapy was given by the Association of Hospital Libraries. Such treatment involves the use of specially selected works as therapeutic agents in psychiatry and general medicine. With the help of guided reading, various personal problems are solved. Initially, a therapist was a sage, a thinker, an impeccable ascetic who devoted his life to studying the spiritual side of the world. In the modern understanding, he can be considered an “information worker who heals with words.”

The essence of therapy

It has been scientifically proven that reading books can have a beneficial effect on a person. Certain works promote recovery and maintain psychological balance. The art of a smart, beautiful, kind word can cause a revolution in consciousness, change a person’s views on certain phenomena. The power of artistic works is very great.

The origins of book therapy

For the first time, treatment with works began to be used in monasteries. As a rule, these were church publications. The shepherd read prayers before the people and explained the Law of God. Currently, bibliotherapy is used in the treatment of people suffering from neuroses. In this case, the impact is carried out not only by words, but also by music. The latter acts as a background, shading the tonality of the reader. The truth that the word has medicinal properties, knew in ancient times. Along with music, it had a beneficial effect on all living things, on the mood and feelings of people. The well-known Hippocrates specifically prescribed courses of such treatment for patients. Pythagoras once said that music can save people from madness. During illness artistic perception person changes. So, some begin to be attracted to works filled with despair and pessimism. In such books a person tries to draw parallels with his life. It happens differently. A person, on the contrary, is attracted to works that are full of optimism and end well.


Bibliotherapy can be performed in different ways. The cycle of “therapeutic” hours is considered the most effective. Within each of them, a literary and musical composition with a certain psychological mood is presented. Poems, prose, and melody are specially selected. Literary and musical compositions should awaken good, bright feelings in listeners, help them gain confidence, a point of support in a stressful situation. Book therapy is aimed at correcting the psychological perception of the world around us.

The fundamental difference between bibliotherapy hours and traditional events is that exclusively music and words are used for influence. In such cases, the usual promotion of the book is absent - elements of conversation, review, etc. The key task of the librarian is to act as a skilled performer, reader. The correspondence of the content of the book to the selected melody is also important. You can start the composition with slow, calm music, gradually moving it into more lively music. You can end the event with a melody that conveys the sounds of nature. The themes of the watch can be very different. For example, works are read about happiness, family, love, friendship, communication with nature, and art.

Additional Information

It is worth saying that today there are debates about the benefits and harms of certain literary works. A book written by a spiritually healthy author undoubtedly has a therapeutic effect. The mechanism of therapy consists in a person recognizing himself in the hero of the work, trying on the lessons that he learns from the events described. It is known that optimistic people recover faster. According to representatives of oriental medicine, treatment will not bring any results if a person is depressed and devastated. Accordingly, you should not give Anna Karenina to a patient experiencing family discord. As observations show, reading Brodsky, Shakespeare, Bunin helps to get rid of gloomy thoughts that oppress a person. Dostoevsky's works are distinguished by their mystery. They awaken previously unknown experiences and sensations in some readers. Some people are tired of Tolstoy's works. The books of Gogol and Chekhov are distinguished by their unusualness and diversity of moods. Among them there are both funny and deeply philosophical works.


Recently, reader activity in libraries has decreased significantly. This is, of course, connected with the introduction of computer technology into life. More and more people prefer electronic rather than paper books. Nevertheless, libraries continue to operate and attract people, hold various events aimed at instilling a love of literature, cognitive interest. To increase attendance, it is necessary to develop exciting programs. In this case, it is necessary to base it on the interests of the readers.

The main visitors to libraries are children. It can be quite difficult to get a child to persevere and show interest in a book. To attract children to reading, playful forms of library activities are used. The study of literature, both classical and written in last years, allows you to broaden your horizons and learn many previously unknown facts from people’s lives.

Literary and aesthetic education. Book and reading promotion

One of the most important, fundamental areas of library work. Exactly this direction contributes to the transformation of a casual library visitor into a qualified reader, regardless of his age.

Due to the decline in the prestige of books and reading, this problem comes to the fore.

- holiday of “Library READERS”;
- review of new arrivals “Printing House News”;
- review of new children's literature “Modern writers for modern children”;
- reader's choice competition “Literary Summer 2016”;
- Poetry Day “We glorify our native land in poetry”;

Charitable literary event “Book from hand to hand” (collection of literature for medical institutions);

Erudite marathon “1000 wise men under one roof” (three teams of young scholars compete for the honorary title “Know-It-All”);
- regional festival “Literary Wave” (meetings with local writers and poets);
- libmob “I’m reading! We are reading! Everyone reads!”;
- marathon of literary anniversaries “Long live the classics!”;
- exhibition-auction “Do we read the classics? Do we know the classics?”;
- library championship “Her Majesty the Book!”;
- literary and local history event “Creative laboratory - I read and write”;
- exhibition-viewing “Book-events-2016”;
- fantasy exhibition “Book Expanse”;
- exhibition-surprise “Go to an unknown fairy-tale world”;
- a mosaic exhibition on the works of children's writers “Just imagine for a moment how we would live without books”;
- literary globe “Masterpieces of the Literary World”;
- an event in support of the promotion of books and reading “Books and Authors for All Times”;
- poetry assortment “A moment of joyful reading”;
- festival “Sunny Summer Book Relay”;
- opening exhibition “All the Colors of the Press”;
- fairy-tale panorama based on the work of A. S. Pushkin “There is a green oak at the Lukomorye”;
- literary hour in nature “Let’s read, play, relax, spend time usefully”;
- review competition for the best creative mass event to promote books and reading “Literary Invasion”.

Spiritual and moral education

Its purpose is to help revive spiritual traditions in society by recommending to the reader the best examples of spiritual and moral literature, cultivating artistic taste and reading culture among readers.

Forms and names of events:

- evening congratulation “We praise the golden age”;
- a lesson in politeness, etiquette and communication “Let’s keep the person inside us”;
- hour of spirituality “Mercy is the response of the soul”;
- understudy show “Librarian for an Hour”;
- exhibition of folk recipes “Broad Maslenitsa”;
- exhibition-calendar “The Nativity of Christ”;
- Christmas readings “Under the Star of Bethlehem”;
- photo exhibition of reading families “Flipping through the pages of the family album”;
- photo exhibition “The most beautiful of women is a woman with a child in her arms”;
- theme evening “You are beautiful, women of the earth”;
- poetry evening “The Woman Blessed by Nature”;
- exhibition-fact “Female silhouette in history”;
- exhibition of family heirlooms “We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as support”;
- evening meeting “Golden Autumn of Life”;
- an excursion into the history of “The Hearth of Culture, Kindness and Knowledge”;
- game program “Let's decorate childhood with a rainbow of love.”

Healthy lifestyle. Prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking

Being healthy is wonderful, but not easy. Health is the key value of any person, regardless of his place of residence.

Health deterioration is caused by: consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, violation of daily routine, self-medication. At the same time, a cultural attitude towards oneself, towards one’s health, towards nature and the people around him, physical activity, love of sports, overcoming bad habits create the basis for a healthy lifestyle.

The task of librarians is not to scare, but to inform, to help a person think about his purpose in life. In work it is necessary to appeal to universal human values.

Significant dates for a healthy lifestyle:

January 17 - Flu Prevention Day
January 31 - Visual Impairment Prevention Day
February 15 – Healthy Lifestyle Day
March 1 – International Anti-Drug Day
March 24 – World Tuberculosis Day
April 7 – World Health Day
April 17 – Heart Disease Prevention Day
May 31 – World No Tobacco Day
June 14 – World Blood Donor Day
June 26 – International Day Against Drug Abuse
July 7 – Alcoholism Prevention Day
July 11 - World Population Day
July 17 – Dental Disease Prevention Day
August 16 – Children's Health Day, prevention of visual impairment
August 21 - Schoolchildren's Health Day
September 10 - World Suicide Prevention Day
September 18 – Healthy Eating Day
October 10 - World Mental Health Day
November 14 – World Diabetes Day
November 20 is World No Smoking Day. Prevention of cancer
December 1st – World AIDS Day
December 18 – Injury Prevention Day

Forms and names of events:

- information hour “SOS. Stay on the line of life";
- game-reflection “An addiction that takes away life”;
- health hour “Book and newspaper instead of a cigarette”;
- exhibition-recommendation “Movement is life”;
- exhibition - recipe “Green Doctors”;
- exhibition – dialogue “The name of trouble is a drug”;
- exhibition – opening “Miracles where they are believed in”;
- an hour of reflection “Sweet Trap”;
- youth crossroads of opinions “New rules of the game, which are called “Life”;
- business game “An old theme in a new way, or your choice”;
- campaigns “Breathe Easy”, “Life is Worth Living”, “Pages of Sobriety, or Reading for Every Day”;
- oral journal“Drugs are never easy”;
- travel game “In search of the country of health”;
- exhibition-recommendation “Healthy lifestyle - there is no alternative!”;
- series of lessons “Give yourself life”;
- theme evening “Key to the Valley of Death”;
- exhibition-reminder “The name of trouble is drug”;
- book and illustration exhibition “Make your choice - not to smoke”;
- health hour “Tobacco is the first link of a dangerous chain”;
- family holiday “A healthy lifestyle is a family matter”;
- educational hour “It is a very gloomy country - a country of cigarettes”;
- round table“Health is the highest national value”;
- evening of questions and answers “Know, so as not to stumble!”;
- conversation-debate “Take care of yourself for life”;
- risk version “If you want to be healthy, be healthy!”;
- oral magazine “Take care of your health from a young age!”;
- gutarka “Books are a barrier to drained sounds”;
- an hour of interesting messages “Components of Health”;
- health hour “Thank you, I don’t smoke”;
- information hour “Life, health, longevity”;
- situational game “Learn to say: “No””;
- press review “Drugs - the path to the abyss”;
- family holiday “Healthy me - healthy family”;
- information marathon “Health is an investment in the future”;
- hour of valeology “Smoking is a dangerous hobby”;
- hour of communication “Let there always be tomorrow” (AIDS prevention);
- hour of health “Datura-grass, or deceived destinies”, etc.

Environmental education

Ecological calendar:

January 11 – Day of Nature Reserves
March 22 – World Water Day
April 1 – International Bird Day
April 18-22 – March of the Parks
April 22 – Earth Day and national holiday Day of Springs and Springs
May 22 – International Day of Biological Diversity
June 5 – World Environment Day (Ecologist’s Day)
June 8 – World Oceans Day
August 16 – World Homeless Animals Day
October 4 – World Animal Day

Forms and names of events:

Exhibition-collage “Looking into the blue lakes”;
- action “Ecological library landing”;
- environmental and legal hour “If not you, then who”;
- eco-vernissage “I can’t stop looking at this Earth”;
- exhibition-poster “Man and Nature: Allies and Enemies”;
- exhibition-admiration “Native, familiar and mysterious land”;
- ecological lotto “Treasured Land”;
- ecological hour “Let’s save nature together”;
- online presentation “The World of Green Press”;
- book and illustration exhibition “Around the World without a Ticket”;
- holiday-acquaintance “Report from the forest edge”;
- brain ring “We are forest, steppe, swamp, animal heroes of your fairy tales”;
- information desk “Quirks of Nature”;
- book excavations “Little stories about big dinosaurs”;
- oral journal “In a certain kingdom, in an ecological state”;
- information day “I eternal nature beauty";
- photo exhibition “Favorite corners of nature”;
- eco-review of encyclopedias about animals “These Amazing Animals”, etc.

Legal education

Legal calendar:

- 1st of January - World Peace Day;
- November 20 - World Children's Day;

Forms and names of events:

- hour of information for Constitution Day “The law about me, and me about the law”;
- crossword exhibition “Crossroads of the Wise Law”;
- exhibition-protest “Do not violate our rights!”;
- information exhibition “Belarus is the sister of Russia”;
- legal hour “The Law By Which We Live”;
- historical journey “Children’s rights: from origins to the present”;
- information game “I love a country where there is a right to a name and a family”;
- tournament of young human rights activists “Know your rights from childhood;
- literary travel game “Journey to the countries of Law, Right and Morality”;
- information hour “Youth Legal Tribune”;
- legal hour “Basic Law of the State: Rights, Guarantees and Protection”;
- legal dialogue “Legal Problems”;
- legal brain ring “Masters of Justice”;
- talk show “Stop on the edge”, “Permitted and prohibited”, etc.

Libraries should work to address the following issues on this topic:

Strengthening family relationships, ensuring family stability (organizing consultations, receptions);

Restoration of traditional forms of communication in the family, family upbringing, education, reading;

Pedagogical education of parents.

Forms and names of events:

Information stand “Family and Society”;
- surveys, questionnaires on the topics “You are like a reader in childhood”, “About books, reading and about yourself”, “Childhood book”, “A book today is a book forever”;
- meetings with large families “The Holy Science of Hearing Each Other”;
- parent conferences “Family traditions are the basis for the spiritual and moral development of children”;
- family reading day “Your family will be happy if you are passionate about reading”;
- “Family Reading” campaign;
- holiday “Book wisdom is family wealth”;
- exhibitions and viewings “The world of the family - the world in which we live”, “Fairy tales for the whole family”, “Reading in the family circle”, “Library. Family. Information”, “Advice to parents – children”, “Children and adults: what do they think about each other?”;
- literary holidays for the whole family “The Mysteries of Christmas”, “Warmth and Light of the Family Home”, “For My Beloved Mother”, “Pass the Good Around”;
- parent meetings in the library “How to make a child happy by reading?”, “A reader is born in a family”, “My family’s book light”;
- festival of family projects, family creativity “Understanding the world of books”, “Kind hands - a wonderful creation”, “World of hobbies, etc.

Working with teenagers and young people

Career guidance work:

- book and illustration exhibition “Say a good word for the poor student”;
- exhibition-council “Labyrinth of Professions”;
- literary and creative activity “By reading our favorite books, we choose professions”;
- exhibition-cheat sheet “School time”;
- test forecast “Find out your field of activity”;
- information navigator “Formula for success: I want, I can, I need”;
- literary forum “What book do young people need”, etc.
Source: Internet

I suggest good material for conducting conversations, creating slide presentations as part of the work on a regional educational socio-cultural project " Clean city Borisov - pure word"

"What is foul language?"

1. Opening remarks.

Foul language- this is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, and abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable expressions, swearing, obscene language, vocabulary of “bodily bottom”, etc. But since ancient times, swearing among the Russian people has been called foul language, from the word “filth.”

According to V. Dahl’s dictionary, “filth is abomination, disgusting, dirty, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything is ungodly."

What is foul language - a vice or a disease? Shame or national pride? “The Russian language is great and powerful,” we read in books. And what kind of “literary” speech do we hear around us: on the street, at school, in the apartment, on TV screens?

The phenomenon of foul language, like no other, characterizes the blatant moral degradation of our society. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards and other degenerate persons, now everything has changed radically. Young people swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend them at all. And in purely girlish groups, the use of unprintable words has become commonplace. Foul language reached almost all ages.

2. The history of the emergence of foul language.

The history of the origin of swearing goes back thousands of years, to distant pagan antiquity. During pagan times, only the priest had the right to pronounce these words-spells on holidays, when the conception of the existing world was imitated. And not a single person could think of saying these words mentally or out loud. Then people knew what powerful energy these words were endowed with, what danger they carried if used unnecessarily. Bad words were included in spells addressed to pagan deities, and in pagan times the cult of fertility was widespread, so all bad words are associated with the sexual sphere. Thus, the so-called mat is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling upon the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their slander, sending a curse. The mechanism of influence of foul language on a person is connected with this. Mat awakens in his subconscious the “psychoviruses” that he inherited along with his gene memory. By using swear words in conversations with friends and family, modern people, without knowing it themselves, are performing a secret ritual, calling upon evil day after day, year after year, on their own heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The quantity of swear words turns into quality. First, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself breaks down.

We are responsible for every idle word, especially the bad one. Nothing passes without a trace, and by insulting the mother of another person, sending curses to him, we thereby bring disaster upon ourselves. Let us remember the words of St. John Chrysostom: “Whoever is chosen abusively exposes himself to a curse on that day.”

A misconception is the generally accepted opinion that swearing is a Slavic tradition. Foul language in Rus' until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but was also criminally punishable. Later, the foul-mouthed person was subjected to public flogging.

During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear swear words on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policies pursued by the state. According to the Council Code, the use of obscene words was punishable by cruel punishment– up to and including the death penalty.

The decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1648 emphasizes the inadmissibility of foul language in wedding ceremonies: so that “at marriages, demonic songs should not be sung and no shameful words should be spoken.” It also mentions yuletide foul language: “And on the eve of the Nativity of Christ and Basil’s Day and Epiphany... so that they do not sing demonic songs, swear, or curse with any obscene bark.” It was believed that using a swear word insulted, firstly, the Mother of God, and secondly, birth mother man and, finally, mother earth.

There was an idea that swearing was punishable by natural disasters, misfortunes and illnesses. Even under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, foul language was punished with canes on the streets.

Under Peter I, the book “The Honest Mirror of Youth” was published, where it was written that decent behavior of people can only be recognized with complete abstinence from swearing.

3. What are the reasons that prompt a person to use foul language?


poor upbringing, low level of culture, lack of vocabulary, inability to speak differently;

the negative influence of others and the inability to resist it;

malice, anger, hatred, inappropriate behavior, aggression;

desire to be a leader, demonstration of belonging to “one of our own”;

bad character, bad habits;

disrespect, humiliation;

lack of internal self-control;

for emotional release in difficult situations;

incorrect interpretation of the concept of “freedom of speech”.

4. Is foul language dangerous?

Foul language has become the “norm” for the modern, if not the speaker of the “great and mighty Russian language,” then its resigned “listener.” Think about the facts! Over the past 20 years, the number of children with mental and mental retardation physical development has increased 10 times, more than 80% of newborns are sick, only every 10th school graduate is healthy, the number of girls with chronic diseases has increased, and these are future mothers, carriers of the nation’s gene pool; The daily mortality rate of the Russian population is more than 2,500 people per day. In terms of overall life expectancy, Russia ranks 133rd in the world among men and 100th among women; 54% of young people born in the 80s are not able to graduate high school. There are many reasons for this misfortune, but our verbal promiscuity plays not the least role among them. Today schoolchildren, young people, adult men and women use swear words. “Checkmate” comes from the TV screens. Is this bad habit really so harmless?

The culture of speech is degrading.

The vocabulary of the younger generation includes more and more expressionless, meaningless obscenities, as well as a constantly mutating language of abbreviated computer terms.

It destroys a person's dignity.

This limits and humiliates a person.

Foul language corrupts souls, especially those who are unwitting listeners, including children.

5. But how does swearing affect a person?

It must be said that many scientists and researchers from different countries have been and are studying the problem of foul language, studying its influence on the human body, on its spiritual and physical health.

Among the first scientists who worked closely on this issue was Doctor of Biological Sciences Ivan Borisovich Belyavsky. He tried to figure out how the human body is influenced not by some huge blocks of information, but by simple monosyllabic words.

Belyavsky's seventeen-year research, which was gradually joined by a large group of his colleagues, culminated in a real discovery. Scientists have been able to prove that every word we utter has a very clear effect on our genes. The result of this influence, with persistent (positive or negative) influence over time, is not just the transfer of modified genes to offspring, but also a change in a person’s own genetic code regarding the rate of aging and life span!

The dissertation on this topic proved with mathematical precision that not only a person has some kind of energy, but also each of his words carries its own energy charge. And this very word affects our genes, either prolonging youth or bringing old age closer. It turns out that different words are charged differently, and just like in physics, there can only be two charges: positive and negative. Any swearing comes with a minus sign.

Already in the early 90s, this group of scientists published a book with many examples related to many years of observations of specific people. All these people were the same age, but only one part of them were principled foul-mouthed people with experience, and the second part were opponents of strong expressions. Studies have shown that swearers very quickly exhibit age-related changes at the cellular level, which lead to all sorts of diseases. In the second group, the results were the opposite. In a word, mat promotes rapid aging.

At the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences Petr Petrovich Goryaev (author new science“wave genetics”) and candidate of technical sciences Georgiy Georgievich Tertyshny are working on this problem.

Researchers have invented a device that translates human words into electromagnetic waves. And they are known to affect DNA molecules.

It turned out, says Pyotr Garyaev, that some words can be worse than mines: they “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, distorting his hereditary programs, causing mutations leading to degeneration. During selective warfare, chromosomes become distorted and torn, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs. Mat has the quality of blocking creative processes in the human body.

And so the program of self-destruction is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded that swear words cause a mutagenic effect similar to that produced by radioactive irradiation with a power of thousands of roentgens.

Not at the risk of experimenting on people and exposing them to abuse, scientists conducted research on plants. The experiments were carried out on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. For several weeks, regularly - for three to four hours a day - a tape recorder nearby “read” rude phrases. As a result, most of the seeds died, and the survivors became genetic monsters. These monsters, having suffered many diseases, passed them on to inheritance, and after several generations they degenerated. Interestingly, the mutagenic effect did not depend on the strength of the word; they could not be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper. On this basis, scientists concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA.

The opposite experiment was also carried out: scientists “blessed” seeds killed by radioactive irradiation of ten thousand roentgens, prayed over them, and then the confused genes, broken chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and grew together, the killed seeds came to life.

Someone may doubt: how can ordinary words influence the hereditary program? The fact is that the idea of ​​a genetic apparatus consisting only of chemical substances has long been outdated.

Wave genetics shows that a gene is not just a cell. The human program is encrypted in the so-called junk part of DNA, and not only in chemicals, but also in physical fields that form around chromosomes and have a holographic structure. All information about the past, present and future of the organism is contained in a collapsed form at each point of the wave genome.

DNA molecules exchange this information using electromagnetic waves, including acoustic and light. Our speech is also energy waves. So: in terms of their structure, human speech and the genetic structures of cells are very similar. Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech, its wave “ears” are truly adapted to catching sound vibrations. Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the body.

Another interesting fact. If a person, when releasing negative energy, remembers the genitals, this has a negative effect on them. Therefore, swearers become impotent early and acquire urological diseases. The trouble is that you don’t have to swear yourself; accidentally overhearing swearing is enough, which is why people living surrounded by foul-mouthed people also suffer from illnesses.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries in whose national languages ​​there are no curse words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been found, while in Russia these diseases exist. It is also interesting that animals do not have many diseases only because they do not know how to talk, much less swear. A swearing anti-word makes a person much worse than an animal that never swears.

Pushkin once wrote to his wife: “Don’t spoil your soul by reading French novels,” and for good reason. Molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, the other traumatizes it.

The famous psychophysiologist, doctor, member of the World Ecological Academy Leonid Kitaev-Smyk claims that abuse of swear words slowly but surely leads to hormonal disorders, especially in women. Cosmetologists have noticed that those of their clients who cannot live without swearing suffer more than others from increased hairiness of the limbs, and they have a lower voice. The fact is that swearing promotes the production of male sex hormones.

Experiments with water have been carried out for a long time. It turns out that in water it is not so much its chemical composition that is important, but its structure.

Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of about 80 percent of it) begin to line up into complex sculptures. And depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body.

In Southeast Asia, work was underway to create the most powerful type of biological weapon. And so, in 1956, at one meeting there was a discussion about the properties of this biological weapon. Suddenly there is a break: the meeting participants are taken to the hospital with signs of severe poisoning. The scientists drank nothing but water. It was checked: no chemical impurities were found. That is, the scientists were poisoned with plain water. Then they wrote: the cause of the poisoning was ordinary water. A film was even made about this incident and shown on TV.

Then scientists began to test how words affect water. They conducted different experiments: they cursed at one, prayed at the other. Then they examined the structure. And the structure of the water over which they cursed became deformed, while that of the water over which they prayed, on the contrary, improved.

Experiments were also carried out: they watered the plants with the water over which they cursed and the one over which they prayed, and this affected the germination of seeds. Those seeds over which they cursed did not germinate or grew moldy, and those over which they prayed sprouted better than those over which they neither cursed nor prayed. There are already special institutes in which they are trying to influence seeds kind words to increase productivity.

In the 20th century, Japanese scientist Masaro Emoto, using the latest equipment, was able to freeze and photograph water under a microscope.

What he saw at the molecular level amazed him. The photo showed mostly crystals of different shapes and clarity - in appearance they looked very similar to snowflakes.

Before freezing, the water was spoken with different words in many languages ​​or influenced by music. It turned out that the shape of the crystal reflects the amazing properties of water. We can conclude that praise affects water better than a request or demand, and foul language is not capable of generating harmonious beauty.

A piece of paper with words printed on it was wrapped around a water bottle. The result is a crystal perfect form. This indicates that love and appreciation are the basis of life.

As you can see, words with a negative meaning do not even form a shape, but positively charged water has beautiful, clear crystals.

But a person consists of 80-90% water.

It’s scary to imagine, if thoughts and words can do this to water, what then can they do to a person.

This is why there are so few healthy people left, this is why children whose parents constantly swear are sick.

Obscene language is increasingly overwhelming modern society: obscenities are directed at us from buses and taxis, from radios and television screens, from theater and pop stages, from the pages of various printed publications, from high stands.

Everyone recognizes that obscene language in the modern world has become an epidemic. Psychologists notice that the use of swear words forms an addiction similar to alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. There are three stages in this process:

the first stage, when a person first hears an obscene word, he experiences shame, disgust, disgust;

the second stage, when a person uses such a bad word for the first time - for company, for release or feigned prowess;

the third stage - a person gets used to this word, he is no longer ashamed to use it. In the future, the person already uses these words without noticing it. Even later - he can no longer express himself at all without swearing, he forgets other words.

Swearing, obscene language, dirty, offensive words - previously they were used only in the lower strata of society, now we hear all this on the streets, in courtyards, on playgrounds, in cinemas, in TV shows, from the lips politicians and artists. You involuntarily remember the Eastern proverb: “There is nothing more contagious than a word.”

Modern medicine claims that careful, careful handling of words is a necessary sign of a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, diseases arise. This disease is called "coprolalia". The name comes from the Greek kopros - cal, dirt and lalia - speech. This is what medicine calls a painful, sometimes irresistible attraction to cynical and obscene language without any reason.

4 stages of disease development:

Stage I - a person experiences shame, disgust, disgust;

Stage II - a person uses such a bad word for the first time - for company, for release or feigned prowess;

Stage III - a person uses these words without noticing it.

Stage IV - can no longer express himself at all without swearing, forgets other words.

And this is the kind of attraction we have seen in recent years among many of our compatriots.

Is it necessary to combat foul language and how?

What ways of combating foul language have been proposed?

· Increasing the general level of literacy and culture.

· In-depth study of the Russian language and literature.

· Fostering love for people.

· Tougher laws, fines, censorship.

· Raising by example in the family from an early age.

· Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

· Make comments to each other.

· Punish boors with contempt.

Final part.

According to the conclusion of WHO experts, the state of health of the population is 10% determined by the level of development of medicine as a science and the state of medical care, 20% by hereditary factors, 20% by the state of the environment and 50% by lifestyle. The only path leading to the health of every person is a change in the person’s attitude towards himself. Someone who uses foul language has two options: the first is to continue using foul language, knowing that it is bad, thereby turning on the self-destruction program. And, the second path is the path of spiritual growth, self-improvement, the path of beauty. The law of free will gives the right to choose which path to follow.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “The word is a great thing. Great because a word can unite people, but a word can also separate them. A word can serve love, but a word can serve enmity and hatred. Beware of such a word that divides people.”

No religion encourages the habit of swearing. This is considered a grave sin.

“Woe to every blasphemer and slanderer” (from the Koran)

“Harlots, drunkards and foul mouthers will not inherit the kingdom of God” (from the Bible).


Words can kill

a word can save you,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

In a word you can sell,

and betray and buy,

The word is possible

pour into the striking lead.

"Every word is rotten

let it not proceed from your mouth..."

Vadim Shefner

Information sources:

Emoto Masaru. Love and water. – M.: Sofia, 2008.

Lecture on profanity.

Foul language // Center Magik.

Innovative approaches in patriotic education and civic development of the personality of a child and teenager

Modern libraries are unique repositories of diverse knowledge, including on issues related to patriotic education, which covers almost all areas of library activity:

· study and formation of information needs of certain categories of users;

· formation and use of funds (historical, fiction, local history, etc.) literature to help patriotic education;

· coordination of library activities with other institutions and organizations;

· development of local history as an integral part of historical and patriotic education.

The library, with its vast information resources, is able to contribute to familiarization with the native language, history and modern life of the country. Considering the “advancement” of the younger generation in matters of information technology, libraries need to regularly improve the effectiveness of the forms and methods of work on the patriotic education of youth. The range of events held should be diverse not only in subject matter, but also in form.

Along with traditional forms of work, libraries should use new, non-traditional forms of promoting historical and patriotic books: library seasons, role-playing games, visiting reading rooms, library tours, hours of reading pleasure, historical collage.

In order to increase the interest of young people in reading historical books, to make it more meaningful, intellectual reading salons are being created, a military stagecoach, a literary carousel, a historical kaleidoscope, an educational and entertainment program, etc. are being held.

The Weeks of Historical Memory are no less significant and attractive for readers. For example, the program of the Week of Historical Memory “The Immortal Feat of the Defenders of the Fatherland” should include: the exhibition-viewing “Lines scorched by war”; quiz game “In the footsteps of courage and perseverance”; an hour of historical messages “I am your soldier and son, Motherland!”; local history mosaic “From the memory of old-timers.”

This could also be a set of events that make up the historical and information program “Patriots of the Fatherland”, including: interactive exhibitions, photo exhibitions; aloud reading circles; hours, lessons of courage (lesson-reflection); theme nights; Open days, meetings with veterans, Memorial evenings; literary and musical compositions; club meetings; theatrical performances, performances; festivals and forums; scientific youth conferences; events using the latest telecommunication technologies: virtual excursions, film festivals, presentations, media reviews, Internet broadcasts and video bridges.

The practice of libraries working with children and youth boldly includes complex forms: video screenings - in parallel with reading and discussion, slide stories - using media and interactive capabilities of electronic media. Among the patriotic events, the following stand out:

Dialogue forms of mass work: book discussion, conversation, debate, historical discussion, civil forum, literary-historical bridge, readers' conference, press conference, round table, dialogue evening, historical journal fix, meeting evening, etc.

Historical readings- this is a cycle of various public events related to the main theme of “readings” and, in a certain system, introducing readers to literature on a current historical issue or selected topic. The main condition for this form of work is periodic holding of events over a predetermined period of time: from three months to a year.

The “readings” are based on specially developed scenarios. Their participants can be librarians and readers, artists and members of amateur performances. Readings consist of two parts: a lecture (report, history hour, lesson of courage, etc.) and an illustrative part (demonstration of excerpts from a film, play, concert, display of drawings, slides, reading excerpts from works, literature review, performance of musical works ).

The series of events “We are faithful to this memory” is helping to awaken interest in reading military-historical literature, in which literary evenings, theatrical performances, loud readings, memorial hours, and history lessons will be fundamental. The best literary works about the war can be presented at exhibitions: “Read best books about the Great Patriotic War" (electronic texts of works of fiction); “A book about the war that I advise my friends to read...”, etc.

Poems and quotes about the Patriotic War of 1812

Thunderstorm of the twelfth year
It has arrived. Who helped us here?
The frenzy of the people
Barclay, winter or Russian god?
A. Pushkin

“Singers will pass on to posterity
Our feat, glory, triumph."
V. Raevsky

“This glorious year has passed, but the great deeds and exploits committed in it will not pass and will not fall silent...”
M. Kutuzov

"New Russia begins in 1812."
A. I. Herzen

“The destruction of Napoleon’s huge army during the retreat from Moscow served as a signal for a general uprising against French rule in the West.”
F. Engels

“We will stand with our heads for our Motherland.”
M. Yu. Lermontov

“...Everyone was burning with zeal. Everyone excelled themselves."
A. P. Ermolov, general, participant in the War of 1812

“Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds..."
M. Yu. Lermontov

“And we promised to die,
And they kept the oath of allegiance
We are going to the Borodino battle."
M. Yu. Lermontov

“And prevented the cannonballs from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies."
M. Yu. Lermontov

“Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow.”
M. I. Kutuzov

“The twelfth year was a great era in the life of Russia... The intense struggle to the death with Napoleon awakened the dormant forces of Russia and forced it to see in itself the strengths and means that it had not previously suspected in itself.”
V. G. Belinsky

“The Russian campaign of 1812 placed Russia at the center of the war. Russian troops formed the main core, around which only later the Prussians, Austrians and others grouped.”
F. Engels

“The enemy experienced a lot that day,
What does Russian fighting mean?
M. Yu. Lermontov

“Napoleon waited in vain,
Intoxicated with the last happiness,
Moscow kneeling,
With the keys of the old Kremlin:
No, my Moscow did not go
To him with a guilty head.”
A. S. Pushkin

“Not a holiday, not a receiving gift,
She was preparing a fire
To the impatient hero."
A. S. Pushkin

“He is equal in nobility to the heroes of antiquity,
Russian at heart,
A Slavic ancestor would have told us about him:
“Behold, glorious!”
F. N. Glinka

“Like in the autumn and at the time
A Frenchman was walking towards my yard.
Bonaparte General
Bogorodsk conquered
Gerasim Kurin shouted to us:
“Beat your enemies, then we’ll smoke!”
folk song

“I'm proud to be Russian!
No army in the world can resist the brave Russian grenadier.”
A. V. Suvorov

“The earth shook like our breasts;
Horses and people mixed together,
And volleys of a thousand guns
Laughed into a long howl..."
M. Yu. Lermontov

“Nothing can stand against Russian weapons - we are strong and confident.”
A. V. Suvorov

"If I take Kyiv,
I will grab Russia by the legs.
If I take possession of St. Petersburg,
I'll take her by the head.
Having occupied Moscow, I will strike her in the heart.”

“In Russia, the bitterness of the people against the invading enemy grew every month... The desire to defend Russia and punish the daring and cruel conqueror - these feelings gradually gripped the entire people.”
E. V. Tarm, writer.

“The most terrible of all my battles is the one I fought near Moscow.”

“The French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians acquired the right to be invincible.”

“The twelfth year is a folk epic, the memory of which will pass on to centuries and will not die as long as the Russian people live.”
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

“I tell you: war is the sister of sorrow, and many of you will not return under the shadow of your roof. But go ahead. For who, besides you, will protect this land..."
From an ancient manuscript.

“Only that feat is beautiful that is performed for the Motherland and the people.”
Nina Onilova

“By hastening to remove the heroic from our lives, we are preparing for ourselves eternal defeat.”
G. Vladimov

“Moscow has the right to be proud of the greatness of its destiny.”
S. Shchipachev

Heroism is the ability to fight, even when there is no weapon.
Jorge Angel Livraga

Take a hero as a model, observe him, follow him: catch up, overtake - glory to you!
Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

A moment is enough to become a hero, but it is necessary whole life to become a worthy person.
Paul Brulat

Proverbs and sayings related to the Patriotic War of 1812

"Moscow Fire".

Today this expression is used to characterize the events that occurred in Moscow in September 1812, immediately after Napoleon’s troops entered the city. In the middle of the 19th century. this saying had a slightly different meaning. The “Moscow Fire” is all the events of the summer of 1812 that developed in and around Moscow. This is the anxious anticipation of Napoleonic army, and preparation for defense, and the departure of residents from the city, and the Battle of Borodino, and the atrocities of the French in Moscow, and fires, and the return of Russian troops, and the restoration of the city. For Moscow, the era of the “fire” became a historical milestone and a new starting point. In 1820, the concepts of “pre-fire Moscow” and “post-fire Moscow” came into general use.

“Kutuzov came to beat the French.”

On August 17, 1812, Emperor Alexander I appointed M.I. to the post of commander-in-chief of all Russian armies and militias. Kutuzova. Student and colleague of A.V. Suvorov, he was capable, in the opinion of Russian society and the army, of stopping the French advance and achieving a turning point in the war. Therefore, the appointment of M.I. Kutuzov was greeted with delight.

Thus, artillery officer I.T. Radozhitsky witnessed the first meeting of the talented commander with the army in Tsarevo-Zaimishche. “Everyone was waiting for a decisive battle... when suddenly the news of the arrival of the new commander-in-chief, Prince Kutuzov, ran electrically through the army. The moment of joy was inexplicable: the name of this commander produced a general resurrection of the spirit in the troops, from soldier to general. Everyone who could flew to meet the venerable leader, to accept from him hope for the salvation of Russia. The officers cheerfully congratulated each other on the happy change of circumstances; even the soldiers who were walking with boilers for water, as usual, sluggishly and lazily, upon hearing about the arrival of their beloved commander, shouted “Hurray!” They ran to the river, imagining that they were already chasing the enemy. They immediately had a saying: “Kutuzov came to beat the French!”

“Moscow is behind us!”

An expression used as a final argument, after which there can be no retreat, no compromise. These words were first heard during the Battle of Borodino. According to eyewitness F.N. Glinka, they were pronounced by General D.S. Dokhturov. “In the heat of the battle itself, Dokhturov received a note written in pencil from Kutuzov: “Stay to the last extreme.” Meanwhile, one horse was killed under him and another was wounded. He kept driving around calmly, talking to the soldiers about Moscow, about the Fatherland, and thus, under the unheard-of fire of Borodinsky, even, as we saw, for some time in one of his punishments, he spent 11 hours.” F.N. Glinka remembered the exact words of D.S. Dokhturov, with whom he addressed the soldiers: “Moscow is behind us! Everyone should die, but not a step back!”

“The Frenchman burned himself”.

The proverb indicates the guilt of soldiers French army in Moscow fires. But even today historians argue who burned Moscow in 1812 - the French or the Russians. In the memoirs of the French, written many years after the war, one can read how Napoleonic soldiers, in the very first days in the captured city, began looting, setting houses on fire. On the other hand, there is evidence that Muscovites themselves acted as arsonists. These were mainly merchants who did not want their shops with goods to fall to the enemy. At the end of September, preparing to leave Moscow, Napoleon gave the order to blow up the Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral and the remaining stone buildings, which also caused a new wave of fires.

“The Frenchman came to Moscow to visit and left his bones there.”

After the Russian army left Moscow, a real partisan war broke out in the city. A contemporary said: “When the city was turned to ashes by a fire, and therefore, after extinguishing it, it was not illuminated by lanterns, then on the autumn, deep and dark nights, the inhabitants of Moscow killed a great many French... Our French were beaten at night; and during the day they either hid in dungeons or were killed in turn by the French. They just say that Bonaparte was missing more than 20 thousand people in Moscow.”

“The hungry Frenchman is happy with the crow.”

The expression indicates the plight of Napoleonic army after the capture of Moscow. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses who managed to get out of the occupied city, the French went hunting every day to shoot crows and could not boast enough about their soup made from these birds. This story served the artist I.I. Terebenev as the plot for the cartoon “French Crow Soup.” It depicts four ragged, pathetic-looking French soldiers; one greedily tears apart a crow, another looks at him pleadingly with an outstretched hand, the third sucks a crow bone, and the fourth licks the cauldron in which the soup was boiled. The artist provided the caricature with verses:

Our great Napoleon is in trouble:

Feeds us broth from bones on our hike,

In Moscow, our tooth was whining to feast;

Not so! Let's at least have some crow soup!

“Father Paris will have to pay for Mother Moscow.”

The proverb emphasizes the natural desire of the entire Russian people to settle accounts with the French for all their crimes committed on Russian territory.

“The earth trembled from the Borodino cannon near Moscow.”

The proverb reflects the impression of the thunder of the cannonade of the Battle of Borodino. Everyone understood perfectly well that the fate of the ancient city depended on the success of the battle.

“He was not scorched, but he came out of Moscow scorched.”

The proverb reflects a play on Russian words. The name “Napoleon,” which was unusual for the people, was interpreted and Russified, becoming more understandable to the Russian people. The meaning of the proverb is clear - the French emperor fled Moscow after the fires.

