Spain average temperature by month. Spain climate

The weather by month is presented in the temperature table and in tourist reviews; in June in Ibiza 26°C, Valencia 26°C.

Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula, which in turn is surrounded on all sides by the sea, but the sea air masses do not in any way affect climatic conditions in the central part of the peninsula. Spain is characterized by a subtropical, Mediterranean-type climate, which makes this country an excellent option for tourist travel. So in summer months Spain is quite hot and winters are cool but comfortable. Almost throughout Spain, winter is short-lived, and the average temperature is about +8°C, and in the summer months the average air temperature is about +27+30°C. This temperature characterizes the coastal zones of Spain, while moving away from the coastal zone, the temperature background changes slightly, winter becomes colder. So in winter months V central regions In Spain, the air temperature is only about +2+3°C, and summer temperatures remain as hot as on the coast, reaching the thermometer mark of +30°C, the only thing is that at night the temperature drops to +18°C, which is much lower than on the coast.

As for precipitation, much more falls in the coastal part than in the central part. The further from the coast, the more pronounced the differences in climate. On average, precipitation is not heavy, so in July, according to average data, precipitation falls about 30 mm, while in other months precipitation falls in the amount of 50 mm. During the winter months it falls maximum amount precipitation, amounting to about 100-120 mm of precipitation monthly. Weather in Spain in July: Ibiza 29°C, Valencia 29°C.

The entire territory of Spain can be divided into three parts according to its characteristics: Mediterranean in the south of the country, continental in its central parts and Atlantic in the north-west of the country. In addition, special mention should be made of the alpine climate in the region of the Pyrenees Mountains, the semi-arid climate of Murcia, as well as subtropical climate Canary Islands. Accordingly, the temperature in Spain by month will depend on which territory we're talking about.

Atlantic climate: Galicia

The Atlantic climate is typical for the north and especially the north-west of Spain. This territory is often called "green Spain" and includes part of the Pyrenees Mountains and the territory of Galicia.

In this part of Spain, the monthly temperatures are such that winters are relatively mild and summers are hot. Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year and falls in large quantities. On the climate of the north-west of the country along Atlantic coast is strongly influenced by the Gulf Stream. The weather here is warm, humid and almost cloudy all year round. Autumn sees the most rainfall in this part of Spain, while summer is relatively sunny and has low temperatures. Temperature differences between day and night are small here.

The weather of Galicia is a prime example of the Atlantic climate in Spain. The average summer temperature here ranges from +20 °C to +25 °C. At the beginning of summer it is not so hot. So, in this part of Spain the weather in June is warm, average temperatures are +16 ... +18 °C. In winter, these indicators drop to +10 ... +12 °C; very rarely the thermometer in winter drops below 0 °C.

The rainy season in Galicia covers autumn, spring and winter. When moving from northwest to southeast of the Atlantic climate zone, the number of days in a year when it's raining, decreases from 150 to 110. Therefore, the most best time Summer is the best time to visit the north-west of Spain; the weather from June to August is quite sunny and warm.

Continental climate: Madrid

This type of climate is typical for most of central territory Spain, which is located on the central plateau and in the Ebro River valley. Main Features continental climate V this region are the following:

  • in this part of Spain, temperatures vary greatly between months, as well as during the day and night;
  • irregular precipitation, the average values ​​of which range from 400 to 500 mm per year.

North central Spain is characterized by two rainy periods: April to June and October to November. In south-central Spain, in turn, heavy rains They go in the fall, as well as in the spring, in March. Here summers are always hot and dry, and winters are cold and windy. Frosts often occur in winter, and it snows in mountainous areas. In this part of Spain, the air temperature varies greatly between months, from +2 °C in January and February to +32 °C in July and August. Peak summer temperatures often occur here, reaching +40 °C, while at night the temperature drops to +10 °C.

Mediterranean climate

The area of ​​Spain with a Mediterranean climate extends throughout south coast countries, ranging from the Pyrenees mountains to the territory of Andalusia. The peculiarity of this type of climate is mild winters, long and hot summers, pleasing landscapes in spring and rainy autumn.

This part of Spain is strongly influenced by humid winds Mediterranean Sea and dry and hot winds from northern Africa. All this leads to smaller annual temperature changes. Thus, on the Mediterranean coast the average temperature in Spain in summer is +22 ... +27 °C. Moreover, in the interior of the country at this time the air warms up to +29 ... +31 °C. In this part of Spain, the average winter temperature is between +10 ... +13 °C, and in the interior it is several degrees lower.

Climate of Andalusia

Andalusia is one of the hottest regions not only in Spain, but throughout Europe. So, maximum temperatures here recorded in the Guadalquivir River basin in Cordoba and Seville, they amounted to +46.6 °C. In the mountainous regions of Andalusia, in turn, the most recorded low temperatures throughout the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, in January 2005, for example -21 °C in the city of Santiago de Espada, Jaén province.

Andalusia has a mild Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild winters with irregular rainfall. If we talk about temperatures by month for Spain, then in this part of the country in July and August they are the highest and often reach +40 °C. Strong annual temperature changes are observed far from the sea, where summers are very hot and winters are cold. When moving from west to east across Andalusia, the climate becomes more arid. The best time to visit Andalusia is considered to be from March to June or from mid-September to November.

This name means coastal zone, which starts in the city of Blanes and ends at the border with France in Portbou. The length of the Costa Brava is 214 kilometers. The coast is located in the regions of Upper Ampurdão, Lower Ampurdão and La Selva, which are located in the Catalan province of Girona.

Thanks to the mild Mediterranean climate, when winters are not cold and summers are characterized by relatively low temperatures, the Costa Brava is home to famous resorts in Spain, for example, Lloret de Mar, Tossa de Mar, Roses, Playa de Aro, Cadaques and others. Average annual temperature here it ranges from +14 °C to +20 °C. In July and August it is the most hot weather, average temperatures here are +25 ... +28 °C, it often rains at the end of autumn, and the winter months are quite cool.

If we talk about the water temperature by month at the resorts of Spain on the Costa Brava, it should be noted that from July to September it is above +24 °C, and in June and October the water warms up to +21 °C. During the rest of the year, the sea water is colder.

Canary Islands

The climate here is subtropical, characterized by minimal annual temperature changes. Thus, the maximum average temperatures here are +20 ... +30 °C, while the minimum average temperatures range between +15 °C and +21 °C. Therefore, the Canary Islands are called the Islands of Eternal Spring.

Many of Spain's magnificent resorts are located on Canary Islands, for example, English Beach, the port of Carmen, Adeje, Corralejo and others. On these islands of Spain, the weather varies by month and the water temperature allows you to come here for a holiday at any time of the year, because in January the water here has a temperature of +18 ... +19 °C, and by July it warms up to +22 ... +23 ° C.

Balearic Islands

Unlike the Canary Islands, which are located close to the African continent in the Atlantic Ocean, the Balearic Islands are located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea and enjoy a relatively mild climate throughout the year. It often rains here in October and November, and the rest of the time the weather is quite clear.

It is recommended to visit the Balearic Islands for tourism purposes from May-June to October, since on these Spanish islands the weather in June allows the sea water to warm above +19 °C, and this temperature lasts until mid-autumn. Famous resorts in the Balearic Islands are the city of Ibiza, Playa de Palma, San Antonio, and the port of Poiença.

When is the best time to visit Spain?

If we analyze all the information about the weather in Spain by month and the water temperature on its beaches, we can say that spring and autumn are the most favorable time to visit the country. If you go to Spain in the summer, especially in the hottest months of July and August, then it is better to limit yourself to its northern part, where the weather is warm.

Spring is the ideal time to travel to the central part of the country, Andalusia, the Mediterranean coast and the Balearic Islands. The first half of autumn is the most favorable time of year for visiting the entire country, since the weather in Spain in autumn is wonderful, with big amount warm sunny days and the warm sea.

Spain has a warm subtropical climate, Mediterranean on the southeast coast and continental on the plateaus of the central part of the country.

Weather in Spain now:

Hot summer gives way to long Warm autumn, the mild winter along the coast contrasts with the icy winds in the Meseta Valley area, where snow often falls in winter. But already in February, the mountain terraces near the Mediterranean coast are once again shrouded in pink clouds of blooming almonds.

Climate of Spain by month:


Spring in Spain, as in most European countries, one of the most beautiful times of the year, pleasing with friendly flowering and a rapid rise in temperature. Spring is especially beautiful and fresh in the Canaries. On the Mediterranean coast in early March, almost no one swims in the still cool sea, but the beaches are already starting to heat up from the sun, and by May the air warms up to 26-28 degrees. In the spring, the season of heavy rains begins in the Spanish north.

Waiting for the opening beach season In spring you can see many celebrations, which are a way of life for the Spaniards. The most famous festivals include Las Fallas, the Valencian spring festival held in mid-March, and the May festivities dedicated to San Isidro, the city's patron saint. On the previous Easter Holy Week Mystical religious processions known as Semana Santa take place throughout Spain. One of the most spectacular holidays, “Moros and Cristianos”, takes place on the greatest scale in the city of Alcoy at the end of April and lasts three days.


In summer, temperatures in the interior of Spain often jump to 38-40 degrees, and the capital is no exception. Due to the stifling heat, most businesses close for one of the summer months, and everyone rushes to the sea, often creating traffic jams not only in cities, but also on highways. July in Spain is the driest of months, and even at night the air warms up to twenty degrees. The water in the sea is also warm, so summer is the height of the beach season on the coast. The Canary Islands are hot African winds neutralized by the freshness of the southern trade winds, creating comfortable conditions for relaxation. In the summer, bullfights take place throughout Spain, and from July 6 to 14, the San Fermin festival takes place in Pamplona, ​​accompanied by the famous race through the city streets, ahead of a herd of angry bulls.


For most Spanish resorts, autumn is a blessed season the Velvet season, the September weather is like the beginning of summer, and the outflow of vacationers and students has a pleasant effect on prices. The temperature does not rise above 27 degrees, and the sea warms up to +22-24C over the summer. Temperatures gradually drop, but the beaches are open until November. In central Spain the likelihood of rain increases, but this is a great time to visit numerous museums and architectural monuments, holidays and music festivals. In autumn, the traditional deer rut begins in Spanish forests and reserves, and ecotourism fans can watch their ritual fights.


A mild winter on the Mediterranean coast of Spain in Cantabria or Asturias can result in stormy winds or snowfalls coming from the Atlantic. Humidity can also be felt in seaside resorts - this is the time of rain, as if making up for lost time. dry summer possibilities. And in the Canary Islands this is the peak season, warm and cloudless days. The velvet season in mainland Spain continues only on the sunny Andalusian coast, where there are plenty of theme parks and golf courses. And, of course, winter is the peak season at ski resorts in Spain. The country is preparing for Christmas, which is celebrated on a huge scale, the New Year, and the final new year holidays, the children's favorite Three Kings Day.

The climate of Spain is ideal for year-round holidays. Summers here are hot, up to +32°C, winters are warm and without precipitation (no colder than +4°C), and there are no sudden temperature changes between seasons.

Most tourists vacation in Spain in the summer, during the holiday season. The warm sea, picturesque landscapes and sandy beaches attract thousands of chocolate tan lovers from all over the world.

In July and August there are practically no available rooms in hotels in Spain.

Low season

If you are not delighted with queues and crowds of tourists, we recommend visiting Spain in March-April or in the fall - in October-November. In spring, the daylight hours are already long, the coast is warm like summer, but swimming is still cold - it’s time to go on an excursion to Barcelona or Valencia.

September in Spain is a velvet season, there are still many vacationers on the beaches, but in October-November the tourist flow noticeably weakens. In autumn it often rains, but other reasons are only in favor of traveling to Spain.

Firstly, juicy grapefruits, pomegranates, clementines and other fruits ripen.

Secondly, with the completion tourist season prices drop to “winter” levels. Everything is getting cheaper, from hotels to entrance fees to museums.

AND main reason Why you should come to Spain in the fall - no queues!

High season

The tourist season in Spain begins in May and lasts until early October. This is in every sense the hottest time of the year: prices for services rise following the thermometer. During the high season, hotel rooms “melt” before our eyes, so it is better to book rooms in advance.


Summer in Spain is the brightest and hottest time of the year. The air temperature during the day reaches +32°C. It’s easier to bear the heat on the coast, but it’s literally difficult to walk on sandy beaches: the white-heated sand burns your feet. It is recommended to sunbathe before 12:00 and after lunch, when the chances of getting an even chocolate tan are maximum.


Autumn is the continuation of the beach season in Spain. Until mid-October, the daytime air temperature remains at +28°C, the sea is also warm - up to +26°C. Early autumn in Spain ideal for beach holiday, late - for excursions and travel around the country.

During the day At night Sea Season
January +13 +4 +13 Beach
February +14 +5 +13 Beach
March +15 +6 +15 Beach
April +17 +8 +17 Beach
May +20 +12 +18 Beach
June +24 +15 +22 Beach
July +27 +18 +24 Beach
August +28 +19 +26 Beach
September +25 +16 +25 Beach
October +21 +12 +22 Beach
November +17 +8 +20 Beach
December +14 +5 +16 Beach


Winter in Spain is warm, more like Russian spring. It's up to +15°C outside, there are winds and rains, but in general it's comfortable to be outside. Winter in Spain will appeal to budget travelers - prices for all products and services are the lowest of the year.


Spring transforms the already picturesque Spain, giving it bright colors and aromas. In April, the mountain slopes are covered with large red, white and orange flowers; in cities, trees are covered with bright pink flower caps. In May, the beach season already starts in Spain - the air temperature during the day warms up to +27°C, and the water temperature up to +20°C.

Climate in Spain

Spain is located in the south of Europe, occupies the Iberian Peninsula and several groups of islands, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic and a group Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. As in all countries located in the northern hemisphere, summer in Spain lasts from June to August, winter from December to February. The peak of the beach holiday season and the maximum flow of vacationers to the country's resorts occurs at the end of summer; it is by August that the coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea are warmed by the sun to a pleasant +26 degrees. Although in winter the waters in the southeast of Spain cool only to +13...15 degrees, not lower.

The country's climate is very warm and has all the features of a Mediterranean climate in the south and east of the country. The winter is short, wet, and summer warmth arrives by April. Humidity throughout the year does not exceed 60%, even in the cold season. It is even warmer in the Canary Islands; it is quite comfortable here in the summer, and winter pleases with air temperatures from +16 to +20 degrees Celsius. In northern Spain, the influence of the Atlantic Ocean is so strong that the weather conditions in this area throughout the year are noticeably different from other areas: mild and warm winter with a lot of rain it turns into a not hot summer, it rarely happens here summer heat, characteristic of the south. Air humidity in the north and east is the highest, about 80%, due to the influence of humid air masses coming from the ocean. Another region of the country with climatic conditions different from neighboring regions is located in the center. The weather in central Spain corresponds to a continental climate: the temperature range between day and night is large, summers on the mountain plateau are hot and dry, winters are cold.

Addiction weather conditions from the relief

The climate in Spain is highly dependent on the topography. The territory of Spain is quite vast; there are also high mountains, and plains and coastal regions separated from the mainland by hills.

For example, relatively similar relief patterns in the north and west of the country ensured similar climatic conditions in these two regions. Under the influence of the mountains, which increase as they move deeper into the peninsula and do not allow the wet masses of the Atlantic to reach the central regions, the coastal plain is open to ocean air currents. They pour out all their moisture here throughout the year. Typical for summer moderate temperatures, not exceeding +25 degrees, and in the winter months the average daily temperature is +11...+15 degrees.

In the central regions of Spain, separated by mountains from the ocean, the weather throughout the year has most of the characteristics of a continental climate. There are very noticeable transitions from winter to summer; from June to August there are quite high temperatures, often reaching + 35 degrees and above. Winters are cold, in some regions the air cools down to +7 degrees and below, frosts and heavy snowfalls are not uncommon, especially in the mountains. During the winter months, numerous ski resorts, offering modern ski slopes for skiers and snowboarders. Relaxing in the mountains in winter is quite comfortable, severe frosts does not happen, and the thick snow cover provides tourists with an unforgettable vacation. It is precisely because of the mountain ranges and highlands in the central part of the country that the temperature range between day and night is very noticeable and averages 10-15 degrees.

In the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea in the south and east of the country, summers are slightly cooler than in the center. Of course, in some years summer temperatures can rise to +38 degrees, when hot air masses from African continent rise to the coast of Spain. But on average the thermometer records +28 degrees. Winter in these regions is humid and relatively warm, from +15 to +18 degrees.

The weather on the Mediterranean Spanish islands of Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca is similar to that of southern Spain, warm and short winter, an imperceptible off-season and long, hot summers with little rainfall. In the Canary Islands, the air temperature in summer differs by only 8-10 degrees from winter temperature and is +28 degrees. The cool masses of the Atlantic Ocean make the summer months incredibly comfortable for relaxation, without sweltering heat and heat.
