Tours to the UAE in March. Family holidays in the UAE in March and April at great prices Water temperature in the UAE at the end of March

The weather in March in the Emirates is reminiscent of Eden, once lost to humanity. Bright tropical sun after winter months The air is warming up more and more and the thermometer during the day is gradually approaching +28...+30 degrees. At night it is cooler, but +18 no longer requires a warm sweater or jacket; in order not to freeze, a light windbreaker will be enough. No rainy days are expected in the country starting from March.

Warm air masses quickly warms up the waters of the Persian and Oman Gulfs and the coveted +22…+24 are already beckoning tourists to dive into the clean and clear waters, full of colorful tropical inhabitants. Diving in the UAE is not as developed as, for example, in the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt, but its prospects are extremely bright. After all, diversity underwater world The Persian and Oman Gulfs are not much inferior to the beauty of the inland Red Sea. Visibility under water at this time is about 15 meters, the water temperature requires a wetsuit 5 mm thick, which will be enough for a long comfortable stay under water.

The species diversity of fish off the coast of the UAE, especially from the Gulf of Oman, is simply amazing. These include butterfly fish, radiant lionfish, clown fish, triggerfish and many others, familiar to experienced divers from diving in the Red Sea. Moray eels of all types and colors, which are not so common in other waters, are also widespread - yellowfin, cellular, pepper, lobsters of enormous size, as well as stingrays, octopuses, giant cuttlefish, as well as (attention!) poisonous striped eels. Due to the presence in water there is enough poisonous inhabitants Dives are only possible when accompanied by experienced instructors.

The waters of both bays are favored by many species of sharks, which, however, are more than peaceful and never cause trouble to divers. Playful and friendly dolphins are constantly seen here. And for those who want to see with their own eyes the largest representatives marine fauna– whales, of course, are worth choosing for your vacation East Coast United Arab Emirates, for example, the resort of Fujairah.

For fishing lovers, a pleasant surprise will be the opportunity to catch a representative of more than a hundred species of commercial fish. These include sardines, tuna, sea bass, sea crucian, known to us from the offers of domestic supermarkets, as well as more exotic sea bass, khamur, sailfish, merlin, apuku, king fish and much more.

So, a holiday in the Emirates in March is the dream of any vacationer and offers a full range of tourism opportunities. Already open beach season and the excursion season is not yet closed. Chocolate tropical tanning and swimming are available without restrictions and, at the same time, not yet heatwave does not interfere with excursions, even long ones. You can visit a trade festival in the capital - the city of Abu Dhabi, and for serious businessmen the International Exhibition and Conference dedicated to investment and real estate issues will be very interesting. In the UAE, you can find a good trading partner, a partner for investing in any area of ​​the economy, or just have a great vacation.

Travel packages to the UAE are somewhat more expensive than to Turkey or Egypt, but the magic of the modern East is worth it.

average daily temperature

average night temperature

hours of sunshine per day

rainy days

sea ​​water temperature

* Weather in UAE - March

The March climate of the Emirates can be called, to a certain extent, transitional between spring and winter. If in the first half of the month it is still quite cool in most of the country, then towards the end it becomes really hot.

The average daily temperature typical for the Persian Gulf coast is 28 degrees; a little cooler in Dubai (27°C) and Fujairah (twenty-six degrees). But at night in the east it is somewhat warmer than in the west. Thus, in Fujairah the air cools down to 19°C, while the average night temperatures in Sharjah are 16-17 degrees; in Abu Dhabi about fifteen. To avoid discomfort during evening walks, you should take long-sleeved clothing with you, as it gets colder as night approaches.


The weather in the UAE in March can surprise with precipitation. Their probability is especially high in Dubai and Abu Dhabi (an average of three rainy days per month); an umbrella can also be useful for vacationers in Sharjah. But those traveling to Fujairah are unlikely to need protection from rain. The amount of precipitation falling in this region in early spring is zero.

Undoubtedly, the weather in the UAE in March will also please fans of sea swims. The water can be called comfortable for swimming: up to summer highs temperature values still far away, but nevertheless 23 degrees in the Persian Gulf is quite acceptable for tourists from northern countries index. The water in the Gulf of Oman, off the coast of Fujairah, is a little cooler (up to 21°C), but using a car, you can always go west for a swim.

Everyone who is interested in such an aristocratic sport as golf wants to visit the UAE in March, since one of the stages of the World Championship is being held in Dubai. In addition, this city is famous for equestrian competitions. It is in March that the World Cup of Horse Racing takes place here, one of the most anticipated events not only in sports, but also in social life.

In March, Abu Dhabi can be called the center of cultural events, as it hosts the annual classical music festival, which is held at the luxurious Emirates Palace hotel. Participants in the festival are also foreign troupes, including famous Russian groups - artists of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters.

In addition, the shopping festival in the UAE does not end in March, but only moves to the capital of the state, Abu Dhabi, where it usually begins at the end of March and continues through the first week of April. During this period, shops offer noticeable discounts on goods, and hotels offer discounts on accommodation; some excursion companies organize trips to the country’s attractions on preferential terms.

Finally, a trip to the United Arab Emirates at the beginning of spring promises to be very interesting for gourmets and connoisseurs unusual dishes. For several days, Abu Dhabi hosts a culinary festival, where visitors to the best restaurants in the city offer dishes of national cuisine and foreign cuisines.

This country is full superlatives: tallest building, largest singing fountain, tallest mall, largest Golden ring etc... everything that our brother likes))) Well, if we talk about the weather, then being transported from our winter straight to the warm sea is just a fairy tale.

We were in Dubai for 10 days in March. Words cannot express how much I liked it! Air conditioning everywhere will not make you sweat) Very comfortable malls, metro, public transport stops. Turquoise water on a white sand beach! Dubai is a fairy tale that will come true before your eyes! We'll fly there again in October)) I can't wait)

Maximum daily temperature Minimum night temperature Sundial Precipitation Rainy days Humidity and discomfort from stuffiness Ultraviolet index Water temperature
28°C 17°C 8 18 mm 3 average 10 21°C
28°C 17°C 8 13 mm 4 average 10 23°C
Sharjah 27°C 16°C 8 12 mm 4 slightly 10 23°C
27°C 16°C 8 12 mm 4 slightly 10 23°C
28°C 18°C 8 32 mm 4 average 10 23°C
28°C 17°C 8 25 mm 4 average 10 24°C
30°C 19°C 9 10 mm 2 average 10 -

Absence of unbearable heat and acceptable conditions for a beach holiday - characteristics month of March in the UAE. On average, the air temperature during the day is +27 °C, the water temperature is 20-23 °C. A strip of golden sand along the Persian Gulf attracts guests to resorts where at this time it is warmer than Dubai and Fujairah. The beaches are not yet occupied by crowds of visitors, which means that a March tour to the Emirates will give you the opportunity to enjoy pampering and peace.

Tourists who find the water still chilly can don wetsuits and explore the depths, populated by colorful tropical creatures. Divers get the chance to observe lionfish and clown fish, triggerfish and moray eels, spiny lobsters and octopuses, as well as explore shipwrecks.

Travelers craving exotic entertainment are invited to go to. The event, which will require lanterns and tridents, is organized in the shallows and coordinated by an experienced instructor. It is recommended to take a windbreaker with you, as the air temperature at night can drop to +15 °C.

March, the month preceding the season of sweltering heat, is also suitable for. It will give you a vivid impression, during which tourists feast on real Arabic coffee and oriental dishes in a Bedouin camp, watch an evening dance show, and ride camels. Don't forget that the nights in the desert are cooler and the days are hotter than on the coast.

The chance of rain in March is low. According to statistics, no more than three to four rainy days are recorded in the Emirates this month. An umbrella will not allow short-term precipitation to spoil the pleasure of watching sports competitions, taking place in early spring: the World Golf Championship, the sailing race, the World Cup of Horse Racing.

Occasionally, sandstorms occur in March. From the territory Saudi Arabia Strong winds begin to blow, sand rises into the air, and almost nothing is visible around. Bad weather will not interfere with music lovers who arrived in the UAE for the traditional international festival culture and art, taking place in the grand concert hall of Abu Dhabi. World-famous musical groups, artists, composers, and theater troupes come to the festival.

When we have snow, United Arab Emirates The sun is already shining with all its might. At the beginning of March it can still be a little cool here, but the further you go, the hotter the days become. The sea water is quite suitable for swimming, but this country can boast not only beach holiday. In March, the UAE hosts many exhibitions, events and other fun entertainment. Therefore, when purchasing tours to the Emirates in early spring, you can be sure that you will not be bored.

From February 24 to March 4, it is held in Dubai International Yacht Show. Considered the most premier yacht show in the Middle East, this event is a stunning combination of power, luxury and entertainment. More than four hundred vessels will be represented at the Dubai International Yacht Club various models. In addition, lovers of this type of recreation will be able to take part in competitions where they can win excellent prizes from famous brands.

From March 15 to 18, it will open its sites in Dubai International exhibition-fair of contemporary art. More than 90 galleries from different countries exhibiting works by more than 500 major artists make this event the largest event in the cultural world of the Middle East. The fair is divided into sections Modern, Contemporary and Marker, each of which presents the work of different thematic and time groups.

On March 21, 2018, Muslims around the world celebrate the Spring Festival - Nowruz. Before the holiday, housewives clean up the house, cook delicious dishes, and the owner must pay off all debts. In each family, guests are sure to try seven dishes made from wheat, millet, barley, beans and other seeds. Navruz – family celebration, however, if you are invited to the table, do not refuse and have fun in the spring.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and the UAE is 1 hour.

Weather in the UAE in March

Daytime temperature +27 °C, night temperature +17 °C, sea ​​water+23 °C.

The UAE certainly attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world, regardless of the weather.


The first month of spring does not please the residents of Russia with its warmth. According to the calendar it’s spring, it’s spring in the soul, but outside the window it’s snowing and cold. Do you want to escape from snow captivity? Then head to Dubai quickly. In March the weather here is excellent and sunny. And reviews from tourists will tell you about prices and holidays in the UAE in the first month of spring. And so, let's find out about everything and hurry up and pack our bags.

Spring in Dubai is always warm and sunny. After a cool February for the Emirates, beautiful sunny weather is returning here. Tourists enjoy swimming in the sea. They sunbathe on the beach and get a lot of pleasure from their vacation.

March in the country is considered not the best best month for relax. The residents of the country themselves think so, but tourists have a different opinion. Tourists like sunny weather, beaches and the sea. But still, in March, not everything is so rosy in Dubai. This month is a transitional month, when after a not very hot winter the weather begins to change. But here she changes in her own, deserted way. Namely, a sandstorm can start at any moment, and getting caught in it is not the best pleasure in the world.

During a sandstorm, everything is surrounded by sand, it blows strong wind, and you think - it would be better to get caught in the rain. And so it is. rain is much better than sand in your eyes, under your clothes and everywhere. Yes, it’s great to watch such a phenomenon, but not on the street, but indoors. IN recent years Ten local weather services have learned to easily predict such a phenomenon 3-5 hours before it begins. And when a sandstorm looms, a signal is given, one might say an alarm, and everyone rushes to shelter. If you are caught in a storm on the road, then stop the car, close all the doors and windows and wait. It lasts 2-3 hours, after which everything calms down. City services need a couple of hours to put the cities in order. And tourists are surprised how, two hours later, there is no sand on the streets, and everything is beautiful and glowing again.

March is not only distinguished by winds, sandstorms and changeable weather. For the first spring month characteristic cool nights. IN evening hours the temperature drops to +18 degrees, and at night to +14. Moreover, in March it gets dark quite early, at about 6 o’clock local time. And the dawn is not in a hurry, and the daylight hours are not the longest. Of course, by lunchtime it will warm up here, and the temperature will not drop below +26 degrees, but this will not last long. Literally for four hours, closer to sunset, it will start to get cold again, and tourists rush to get away from the water so as not to freeze.

Such changeable and slightly cool weather occurs in Dubai in the first half of March. Starting from the second half of the month, the heat that is familiar to many returns to the country. The daytime temperature rises sharply, making it impossible to be in the sun during the day. The nights are also no longer frosty, and warm clothes can be put in a suitcase. From March 20 until autumn, shorts and T-shirts, as well as sunglasses, are in fashion here.

It wouldn't hurt to use cream sun rays. If you immediately flew here from frosty Russia, then your skin will not be able to adapt to such a change. So help her and protect her with cream. This way you will not only save your skin and yourself, but also get an even, beautiful tan under the rays of the Arabian sun.

Dubai in March: what to do?
March - great month for a relaxing holiday in Dubai. Winter is over, and only warmth and sun are ahead. Tourists begin to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach.

The beaches of Dubai are more than a hundred kilometers of sand. The shore is completely sandy, and this is good news. Even during peak season, when there are millions of tourists in the city, the beaches seem free. And all because the shore is very long and everyone can be accommodated on it without any problems.
There are different beaches in Dubai: free, paid, private and club. Free beaches are more popular. Where almost all tourists rest. Paid ones have a number of advantages, for example, sun loungers and umbrellas are already installed there, there are many palm trees that help to hide from the sun. Closed beaches - they belong to hotels and only guests swim and relax on them. Often these beaches have swimming pools. You can also rent a yacht, boat or boat there. A restaurant and everything that is in the hotel is at your service. There are not many club beaches, but there are none. they are also closed, and only a select few who have access to the club can enter their territory. Usually sheikhs and invited celebrities from cinema, sports and politics relax there. You can’t even take pictures of club beaches, everything is secret there and security is at the highest level. No matter which beach you choose, they are still all clean. Order and cleanliness are monitored very strictly here. Also on all beaches there are changing cabins, showers, toilets and, on some, exercise equipment for exercising right on the beach.

In March, when tourists begin to come here, sales begin. Although they don’t stop here all year round, it is at the beginning of spring that the most “delicious” discounts are here. Huge shopping centers they lure you to them and wandering through their labyrinths you can forget yourself and lose track of time. Here you can buy any branded clothing for little money. There is no need to talk about fakes, they simply aren’t here. So, don't hesitate and buy quality products from your local stores. The best time to go to shopping centers is at lunchtime, when it gets very hot.
If you are interested in excursion programs, then after 16:00 local time, when the heat subsides, guides appear. They offer a wide variety of excursions and they are all very exciting. Be sure to visit them and you will be satisfied.
There are a lot of sports fans here in March. Tennis, golf and horse racing tournaments come to Dubai. All this in the evening hours, when the sun goes below the horizon and the weather becomes comfortable.
