How to grow leaf lettuce. When to sow lettuce

Literally everyone loves greens. Lettuce leaves are also extremely popular and healthy, as they contain many microelements and vitamins. Salad is a source of fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion. It is for these reasons that every summer resident tries to grow a plant on his plot. When to plant lettuce in open ground in the spring of 2019? Exact dates for various climatic regions will help you sow seeds in a timely manner.

The agricultural technology for growing lettuce is simple; no special care for the plant is required.

When to plant lettuce in open ground in the spring in the middle zone?

Nutritionists have long recommended including lettuce leaves in every person’s diet. Plant fiber is a breeding ground for millions of bacteria in the intestines. By eating lettuce leaves, we provide the bacteria with the necessary nutrition, and they, in turn, release vitamins through fermentation. Our body receives many useful substances thanks to the well-coordinated work of bacteria.

Growing lettuce is very easy. The plant is cold-resistant and tolerates short-term, nighttime drops in temperature. However, if the temperature is expected to drop below -5 degrees, it is recommended to cover the crops. In the southern regions it is not necessary to organize a shelter, which makes the task easier when growing lettuce.

You can start sowing seeds in open ground in central Russia in the second ten days of April - early May. The plant develops well at temperatures above +10-15 degrees. When the snow has cleared from the site, it is time for preparations. If a summer resident wants to harvest all summer, sowing work is repeated every 10 days. Before this, the planting material is treated with the drug “Fitosporin” to destroy pathogens.

When to plant lettuce in open ground in spring according to the lunar calendar?

More and more summer residents, when planting plants, are guided not only by the weather, but also take into account the phases of the moon. It has been noticed that sowing on a waxing moon has a positive effect on seed germination, growth and development of crops. We suggest you find out when to plant lettuce in open ground in the spring of 2019 according to the lunar calendar:

  • April – from 6 to 18;
  • May – from 6 to 18;
  • June – from 4 to 16;
  • July – from 3 to 16;
  • August – from 2 to 14;
  • September – from 1 to 13.

With a long growing season, lettuce leaves become bitter and tasteless. Such plants are removed. In order to have greens throughout the season, seeds are sown every 10 days in the required quantity. The bed must be freshly dug and the soil fertilized with organic matter.

Leaf lettuce is rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, they include it in the diet of medicinal and dietary nutrition. Fresh leaves improve taste summer salads from vegetables and are good decoration. On store shelves, arriving daily fresh salad different types. Buying is not difficult. But everyone knows that the healthiest greens are grown on your own plot, without adding fertilizers. Therefore, we will learn to grow leaf salad on one's own.

The best varieties of lettuce for open ground

Lolla Rossa- early varieties of leaf lettuce, from germination to technical ripeness 40-50. Has increased resistance to premature flowering. During growth, it produces many corrugated leaves of burgundy color. The plant is erect, up to 20 cm in diameter. Tall. Cut greens are suitable for salads and other dishes.

Moscow greenhouse- an early ripening variety of lettuce. From germination to the first cutting of greenery, 30 days pass. Forms a powerful rosette of delicate leaves, light green in color, weighing up to 110 grams. The leaves have good taste (juicy, tender, without bitterness). Great for decorating dishes, preparing salads and sandwiches.

Dubachek– one of the well-known varieties of leaf lettuce of medium ripening period. From sowing seeds to harvesting – 40 days. It forms oblong leaves of light green color with a diameter of up to 30 cm. The weight of one plant is up to 90 grams. After cutting, it quickly grows green mass.

Mercury- an original mid-season variety of leaf lettuce - 55 days pass from germination to cutting. Leaf with a reddish anthocyanin tint. Soft and delicate to the touch. The rosette reaches a height of 27 cm and a width of up to 31 cm. Very productive - the weight of one plant is up to 450 grams. Due to their original appearance, the leaves are used as a decoration for salads.

Mercury salad. Photo

Abracadabra- mid-season leaf cut lettuce variety. You can start harvesting 60 days after germination. Rosette up to 40 cm in diameter with wavy edges weighing up to 450 grams. The leaves are bright green, soft and juicy. Pros: color resistance. It grows without problems in unfavorable conditions.

Lettuce grows well with other greens. Read articles about growing parsley and dill. Perhaps this information will be useful to you.

When to plant lettuce

Beginning to board in early spring, when there is a stable above-zero temperature outside, day and night. In the Urals and Siberia, lettuce is usually sown in the garden no earlier than the beginning of May. In more southern regions, you can start a little earlier - at the end of April.

Planting dates can be determined using the lunar calendar. They list favorable and unfavorable days. All you have to do is choose a good day. If there is no calendar, they rely on the phases of the moon. Like all tops, lettuce is sown during the waxing moon. Not allowed during the full moon or new moon.

Gardeners practice the seedling method of growing lettuce, which allows them to get the harvest 3-4 weeks earlier. Organize beds or containers for lettuce in the greenhouse around mid-April. Planted when the threat of spring frosts has passed - in the last ten days of May.

Good to know. Early varieties of lettuce ripen in 30 days. Therefore, in order to have fresh lettuce from the garden all summer, it is recommended to plant every 2-3 weeks until the end of July.

Preparing a site for growing leaf lettuce

But in order for the greens to grow juicy and tasty, it is advisable to create in the garden favorable conditions for growth.

  • Salad, like any greens, loves sunlight. Grows well in a garden bed, with good lighting and protection from strong cold winds. The more daylight, the better. In the shadow of big trees or buildings, plants develop poorly.
  • The plant likes moderate soil moisture. If there is a choice between a lowland or a hill, then preference is given to areas with a hill. In lowlands, where moisture accumulates after rains, plant roots may rot.
  • The culture grows well in neutral, fertile soil with drainage. Add a little humus or compost to poor soils. And for heavy ones, river sand is added for digging. Acidic soil is neutralized by adding crushed lime or dolomite flour.
  • To make it more convenient to care for plants, it is recommended to form narrow beds, no more than 80 cm wide. In a bed of 1 meter or more, it is difficult to reach the greenery and weed out the weeds.

For more information about growing lettuce in open ground, watch the video:

The best predecessors for salad are tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and peppers. Greens get along well with radishes, radishes, onions, cabbage, cucumbers and beans. It does not grow well with beets, as its foliage creates shade.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Seeds germinate faster in moist soil. If the soil is dry, water it abundantly from a watering can, per 1 square meter, with at least 10 liters of water. When the moisture is completely absorbed into the soil, proceed directly to planting.

Lettuce seeds in a plate. Photo

In the garden bed, grooves are made with a depth of no more than 1 cm, leaving a gap of at least 20 cm between them. The grooves are shed with water and the seeds are sown at a distance of 1-2 cm. The grooves are sprinkled with light soil, for example, a mixture of compost and garden soil. Water generously.

In windy weather, a crust forms on wet soil. It is difficult for seedlings to break through the crust. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the bed before germination with a non-woven covering material. Under cover, creates a favorable environment.


To get a large harvest of fresh herbs, you need to properly care for the plants:

  1. Water the lettuce bed regularly. Especially in dry and hot summers. In cloudy and rainy weather, there is no need to water. Use water slightly warmed in the sun. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a barrel of water in an open place on the site.
  2. Fertilizers applied to the soil in autumn or spring are sufficient for leaf lettuce. But it wouldn’t hurt to feed with herbal infusion or mullein. Fertilize at the roots so that the fertilizer does not fall on the leaves.
  3. Combine soil loosening with weed removal. Weeding is carried out in the evening, after watering. From dry soil, weeds are pulled up without roots and then begin to grow again.
  4. When planting densely, thinning is carried out during growth. Pull out excess plants from the ground in the evening after watering.

By observing these simple rules care, you can always enjoy delicious lettuce leaves and get a lot of vitamins throughout the summer.

Many housewives think about how to grow lettuce on a windowsill. And this is not surprising, because then there will be fresh greens on the table even in winter. It is added to various dishes, salads and decorated sandwiches. But before you begin the process, you need to decide on the plant variety, as well as learn all the nuances of growing lettuce.

Salad on the windowsill. Growing and care

How to plant lettuce

It is not difficult to grow leaf lettuce on a windowsill. It grows well all year, especially with normal watering and good lighting. The plant is quite tolerant to low temperatures, but does not tolerate heat well. It is best to plant lettuce in the spring, as there is no need for additional lighting. Leaf lettuce on the windowsill in winter needs to be illuminated with electric lamps for several hours.

To set up a mini-garden at home you will need:

  • pots or other containers for planting lettuce;
  • required amount of soil;
  • polyethylene for creating a greenhouse;
  • watering can and spray bottle;
  • fertilizer;
  • lamps to create additional lighting.

All this is needed to grow greens at home. But simply purchasing the necessary equipment in the appropriate store is not enough; you should know the secrets of planting and caring for this useful plant.

How to grow lettuce on a windowsill:

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the composition of the soil. An excellent substrate is made from 2 parts coconut fiber and 1 part vermicompost. You can also plant lettuce in soil that consists of garden soil, peat, rotted manure and compost soil. All soil components are taken in approximately the same quantities. To quickly grow leaf lettuce, you can enrich the soil with ash, urea or nitrophoska. Many people prefer special soil from their respective stores.

How to grow lettuce on a windowsill. Photo

It is necessary to use as a container for planting large pots, at least 1-2 liters in volume. The fact is that lettuce does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is better to immediately sow it in a suitable container. As for the material, you need to choose a plastic pot. A clay container tends to absorb moisture, which causes the soil to dry out faster.

If another plant previously grew in the pot, it must be thoroughly cleaned. Otherwise, remaining pest eggs and bacteria will destroy the salad over time. Therefore, the container should be washed with soapy water.

The next step is preparation drainage This is necessary to avoid stagnation of moisture and rotting of the plant roots. Expanded clay, silicone or synthetic winterizer are suitable as drainage for salad. The moisture-absorbing layer must be placed at the very bottom of the container in which the salad will grow. These materials quickly absorb all excess moisture and evaporate it, humidifying the air.

The soil needs to be poured into the pot to the very top, leaving only about 2-3 cm.

Before planting, lettuce seeds must be soaked in potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours. The soil in the pot should be slightly wetted and small depressions should be made. Lettuce does not need to be sown very long greater depth, 1 cm is enough. After this, cellophane is placed on top of the container, which is removed when the first shoots appear.

Growing lettuce on a windowsill. Photo

It is important to ensure that temperature air did not exceed 20 °C. Therefore, during the heating season, it is better not to place it close to the radiator or other room heating devices. The plant should also be frequently water, especially in summer. Leaves from time to time should spray using a spray bottle. Salad loves this “bathing” very much.

Lettuce in a pot can be eaten after 3-5 weeks. After another week, the plant becomes unusable, sending out arrows. In this case, it should be removed and fresh lettuce sown.

Questions and answers

What to do if small lettuce sprouts begin to stretch out and then quickly wither? Abundant watering does not help, nor does additional lighting for 2 hours.

It is necessary to water lettuce in a pot when upper layer the soil begins to dry out. In winter there is very little light for the plant, because there is practically no sun. Therefore, additional light should be left on all day. For this, fluorescent lamps are most often used.

How many seeds are required for a 1.5 liter pot? And how dense should the sowing be?

This container will require 20-30 seeds. They need to be sown very thickly. When sprouts appear, thin the lettuce several times, removing weak and crooked ones. As a result, during the formation of rosettes, 5-6 full-fledged sprouts should remain. During thinning, you can transplant excess healthy shoots into other containers.

Secrets of growing lettuce

Growing lettuce on the windowsill is not difficult, but if you take a few tips into account, you will always have juicy greens. It’s not enough to just sow the seeds and wait for the results. Only by creating the right conditions for lettuce can we hope that it will grow. So, to quickly grow lettuce you need:

A lot of light. This crop will not grow in the shade. In addition, lack of light provokes the formation of flower stalks. Experienced gardeners choose certain varieties to grow this greenery on the windowsill. Therefore, for home breeding, it is recommended to purchase lettuce varieties Lollo Bionda, Emerald Lace or New Year's.

To provide additional lighting and save money, you can use LED lamps. They practically do not emit heat and therefore will not dry out the plant. The distance between the light source and the salad should not exceed 6-8 cm.

To not allow excessive heat and drought soil. Otherwise, the salad will immediately begin to disappear - the leaves will become coarse and acquire a bitter taste. It is especially often necessary to water the lettuce during the period of active growth. To do this, you need a watering can with a thin spout. Water must be settled, especially if it is tap water. An excellent option would be to spray the lettuce leaves. It must be carried out daily until the plant is completely strong.

Check soil condition under the film. The greenhouse effect is necessary for the plant to sprout. For salad it is usually 4-5 days. But from time to time you need to look into the greenhouse and water the soil. As soon as the first shoots appear, the cellophane can be removed and the salad can be placed in the sun.

Often thin out the seedlings. It's best to do this several times. 5-7 days after the emergence of seedlings, they need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 1-2 cm. The second time the lettuce is thinned out when several leaves appear. The distance between plants should not be less than 4-5 cm. If the lettuce is left in cramped conditions, it will begin to grow upward, and then weaken and disappear.

For full growth salad needs it fertilize. It must be a complex composition. Instead of chemicals, many also use regular mullein. It should be diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting solution is watered over the salad no more than once a week.

Destroy harmful insects. Even at home, lettuce is attacked by various pests. Most often these are salad aphids that eat the roots of the plant. As a result, the lettuce quickly stops growing and subsequently withers. Therefore, if soil from the garden is used when planting lettuce, it must be pre-treated. If aphids have already infested, you should use an infusion of onion peels or dandelion leaves. It is better not to use chemicals.

Growing head lettuce is even more difficult than growing leaf lettuce. Therefore, it is better to gain experience first. Not many people manage to grow leaf lettuce to full size, but at home this is not necessary.

Picked lettuce does not last long, only about a week. But it cannot be stored at room temperature at all. You can put the salad in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. However, it should not be washed in advance, as the greens will wither even faster. So it’s best to eat greens right away. And so that it is always available, you can plant lettuce at intervals of 5-7 days. Then you won’t have to wait long for the harvest.

Whether you've run out of space in your garden or just want to grow lettuce all year round, this plant is easy and simple to grow at home. Because lettuce thrives at room temperature and in direct sunlight, it adapts well to home conditions and will survive well with basic care. Even if you've never kept any plants in your home before, you won't need anything more than regular potting soil, water, fertilizer and light or a sunny window to keep the plants growing strong. A month after planting the seeds, it will be possible to harvest the lettuce!


Part 1

Sowing lettuce seeds in pots

    Choose a lettuce variety that does well at home. While most varieties of lettuce can be grown at home, you may have an easier time succeeding with some than others. Purchase any of the following lettuce varieties from a garden center or seed store:

    • “Moscow Greenhouse”;
    • “Emerald lace”;
    • "Parliament";
    • “Dubrava”;
    • "May";
    • “Parisian green”;
    • “Bettner”;
    • “Merlot.”
  1. Fill the pot with soil for forcing the seeds. The soil for forcing seeds should be light to promote root growth and provide good drainage without allowing water to stagnate. If you are unable to find special soil for forcing seeds, you can prepare it yourself from equal parts of sphagnum or coconut fiber, vermiculite and sand.

    Sow the seeds in the ground about 2.5 cm apart. Dig a hole 1–1.5 cm deep in the soil and place lettuce seeds in it at a distance of about 2.5 cm from each other. Limit yourself to four seeds per pot so you don't have to thin out the seedlings once they emerge. If you want to plant more than four seeds, prepare several pots in advance.

    Lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil and water. Take a handful of soil and carefully sprinkle it over the lettuce seeds. Fill a spray bottle with water and gently moisten the soil so as not to wash out the seeds.

    If you do not want to wait for germination, plant lettuce seedlings immediately. If you don't have the patience to wait for seedlings to appear, lettuce can be planted as seedlings. Use the same technique as if you were planting seeds: plant no more than four plants in pots.

    • You can buy ready-made lettuce seedlings secondhand or look for them at garden centers.

    Part 2

    Seedling care
    1. Moisten the soil in pots daily with a spray bottle until shoots appear. Once the seeds have sprouted, the lettuce will need watering equivalent to about 25mm of rain per week. Check the condition of the soil twice a day with your finger and water it when it is dry.

      • The soil should remain moist, but not waterlogged.
      • Another way to check the moisture level is to lift the pot. If it is heavy, then the soil is saturated with water.
    2. Grow lettuce at room temperature. Lettuce grows best at a temperature of 18–21℃. Turn on the air conditioning or heating as needed to keep your plants as stable as possible.

      • If it is warm or cool enough outside, you can periodically expose the plants to fresh air.
    3. Place the lettuce pots in a sunny window or under a fluorescent light. Lettuce grows best in direct sunlight. If you live where there is very little sun, buy a fluorescent light from a garden center and hang it about a foot above the lettuce.

      Water the salad when the leaves begin to wilt. Lettuce leaves begin to noticeably wilt when the plant does not have enough water. If you notice that the leaves are drooping, water the salad to make the soil moist again, but not soggy or soggy.

      • The higher the air temperature, the more often it is necessary to water the salad.
    4. Fertilize the lettuce three weeks after planting. Lettuce needs nitrogen fertilizer to grow, so three weeks after planting the seeds or when the first leaves appear, spray the seedlings with liquid fertilizer. Spray the fertilizer close to the soil so that it does not get directly onto the leaves and leave burns on them.

    Part 3

    1. Start harvesting lettuce 30–45 days after planting. On average, lettuce takes 30–45 days to grow from seed to mature plant. Mark your calendar to begin harvesting in about 30 days.

      • Homemade lettuce continues to grow and mature, so after you pick its leaves for the first time, you can continue to harvest it later.
      • Grown lettuce at home usually grows up to 10 cm in height.

​Similar articles​

The best varieties of lettuce


​ripens in 50-70 days, when a head of cabbage with a diameter of 5-12 centimeters or more is formed. Do not be late in harvesting, otherwise bitterness will appear in the leaves.​

​Seeds germinate at a temperature of 4-5 degrees, the most favorable temperature for growth is 15-20 degrees.​

- domestic mid-season variety (60 days), but leaves can be picked much earlier. The rosette is dense, 40 cm in diameter, weighing about 200 grams. The leaves are light green, slightly wavy along the edges, very tasty, tender, and very attractive in appearance.​

​Next, we need to choose the right soil, otherwise nothing good will come of it. Experts advise choosing the following composition - humus, turf soil and sand, in a 2-2-1 ratio. Also, you can always purchase specially prepared soil in wildlife stores, unless, of course, you have the opportunity to get and mix it for free. Now, this composition must be compacted into boxes ready for planting lettuce and poured a little with warm water with potassium permanganate, a very light solution. Afterwards, make grooves for planting lettuce, 1-1.5 cm deep and a distance between them of about 10-12 cm. Now you can sow the lettuce, but you should not do this too fanatically, keep some distance between the seeds, since only in this way In this case, good and strong shoots will appear. After sowing, it is necessary to carry out additional watering using warm water.​

Each type can be used both as decoration and as an independent product. You shouldn't prepare it in advance. It's best to do this right before serving. It goes well with the taste of lemon and garlic.​

Growing Iceberg Lettuce

​(resistant to flowering and lack of light),​

Soil requirements

​Northern blush - bubbly leaves, light green with purple spots, excellent taste.​

​You can grow lettuce in autumn or winter in greenhouses. Of course, you will have to put in a little more effort. select specially bred varieties. To get a harvest from early summer through fall, start sowing lettuce in mid-spring and continue sowing at two-week intervals until mid-summer. This will ensure a stable lettuce harvest from early summer to mid-autumn.​

​Fresh, chilled, crispy salads are a delicious pleasureFresh, chilled, crispy salads are a delicious pleasure. Varied in leaf shape and color, these annual fast-growing vegetables are mainly used fresh. In almost any garden there is a place for head lettuce. It is very unpretentious and grows in almost any soil. It takes very little knowledge to harvest lettuce throughout the summer season. It is better to plant several different types of lettuce, and then there will be a wide selection of this vegetable with very different leaves in shape and color. Today we will also tell you what types of lettuce there are and how it should be grown.​

Planting lettuce

​ - for planting, we first soak the seeds and then dry them, only after that we plant them in the soil not deeply at all - this way the shoots will appear faster. For growing on a windowsill, experts recommend the “Melody” and “Giant” varieties. Add humus to the soil, place the pot in the sun and do not forget to water regularly. In addition to salads, spinach is good for pureed soups and pies filled with spinach and cheese (if you are not on a diet).​

Planting seedlings

​It is better to refrigerate salad intended for storage immediately after harvesting. Store it at a temperature of 0-10 degrees in a hermetically sealed package for up to 40 days, in an unsealed package for up to 25 days, in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.​

​Young plants are less resistant to frost.​


Sowing seeds under glass

​Before the first shoots appear, the boxes with seeds should be in a dark place, but after they appear on the surface, the boxes should move to a bright place. During the germination period, do not forget to spray the soil with warm water from a regular spray bottle, this will speed up the process.​



Sowing seeds in the ground


​Creator - leaves are light greenish, wavy at the edges, fan-shaped, oily.​ ​For autumn harvests, select frost-resistant varieties. Plant them in open ground no later than the first week of August. In early autumn, when the plants are stronger, transplant them into a greenhouse.​

Placing lettuce in the garden


Lettuce diseases

Lettuce is demanding of moisture not only in the soil, but also in air humidity. However, with excess moisture it is affected by fungal infections, and the quality of the crop decreases.​

- a new domestic variety, mid-season, rosette diameter 40 cm, weight 200 grams. The leaf is reddish, 26 cm long, tasty and tender. Resistant to diseases. You can pick individual leaves, and from July to October.

​Next, only proper care, which is considered the simplest. You don’t need to spend a lot of time choosing fertilizers and loosening, you just have to water the lettuce often, and then it will grow quickly. Watering should be done once every 1-2 days, preferably early in the morning or after sunset, so as not to burn or spoil the harvest leaves.​

​. Dark green sprouts, fan-shaped, crispy. Resistant to lack of lighting and color fade.​

​(resistant to flowering),​

​Tornado - green leaves with a yellowish tint, wavy edges, crispy, great taste.​

- its seeds germinate in about 12-20 days, so be patient. It is best to plant it in black soil rich in humus. Water abundantly, but in moderation - overwatering will not benefit celery. Choose varieties “Snow Globe”, “Delicacy”, “Gribovsky”. Celery can be added to dietary soups - it is an excellent substitute for potatoes, add it to salads and, of course, crunch it with your children just like that - celery is very healthy.​
​Powdery mildew​

Lettuce is light-loving; it should be grown in a sunny place.



​"Dubrava", "Fun", "Emerald"​

Fire - the leaves are large, slightly bubbly, red, the edges with small cuts are wavy, the flesh is oily, of excellent taste.


​Powdery mildew is easy to notice: discolored spots appear on the leaves in the form of white plaque, growth is slowing down. This is observed during sharp changes in day and night temperatures. The infection persists on plant debris. Moscow greenhouse, Berlin yellow and new varieties are less damaged.

Growing lettuce hydroponically (video)

Lettuce care

​When there is insufficient lighting, the plant stretches out, and in cabbage varieties a loose and small head of cabbage is formed.​

- a new domestic variety, mid-season, grown in the ground, plant weight about 60 grams. It is valuable because it retains its presentation for a long time, is resistant to stemming, and has excellent taste. Leaf varieties are planted every 30-35 cm; plantings should not be thickened even when collecting individual leaves. Plants are regularly watered and fed. Shoots appear on the 3-5th day, the optimal temperature for growth and development is 20-22 degrees.​

​Growing lettuce hydroponically is naturally much more difficult than growing lettuce on a windowsill at home, but the result is much more significant. That is, this method It is no longer suitable for home salad production, but for industrial production. Of course, you can set up a greenhouse or a special room, equip it with expensive equipment and place the seeds in a special composition, but such expenses will be unjustified, since in order to get a relatively inexpensive lettuce of your own production, it must be collected in very large volumes.​
​. Mid-season, crispy variety. Resistant to stemming. Very tasty, fruitful.​

​(resistant to flowering), from semi-headed -​

​Late ripening varieties:​

​If you do not transplant the plants into a greenhouse, you should thin them out and cover them with caps in early autumn. While it is sunny and warm outside, the caps are removed and closed at night. The lettuce will yield a harvest in late autumn.​


​Curly lettuce - it produces many leaves without a core. You can simply tear off a few leaves for the salad, leaving the whole bush for further growth. It has beautiful curly leaves that appear throughout the summer.​

​ - the most “fashionable” component of salads among culinary experts lately. This salad plant from the cabbage family works well as a side dish for meat or fish, used in salads, and will add a fresh flavor to your sandwich. Plant the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and remember that arugula is a very moisture-loving plant. Choose varieties "Solitaire" and "Rococo".​

Pests and diseases

​Protection measures​

Types of leaf lettuce - description and cultivation features

​Dry hot weather A flower stem quickly forms, especially in early ripening varieties; the leaves become bitter and become unsuitable for eating.​

​Half-headed lettuce varieties​

​First of all, you need to select good seeds for planting, obtained from selected lettuce and properly prepared for sowing. You can’t rush here, otherwise you might miss the mark quite a bit and end up in the dormant period of the seeds.​

​Moscow greenhouse​

​"Excitement", "Gribovsky Curly"​

  1. Ballet - leaves are dark green, strongly wavy along the edges, large, crispy. Tolerates cold and lack of light well. The socket is flat. From the moment of germination to ripening, about 34 days pass.
  2. ​When lettuce is grown in greenhouses, the seeds are sown in early - mid-autumn, and the harvest is harvested in winter until spring.​

​Green salad​

​Chemical agents must not be used.​

  • ​This crop is grown in film and glass greenhouses, under film in tunnels, as well as in open ground.​
  • ​Half-headed varieties have a raised rosette of leaves, in the center of which a loose head of cabbage is tied.​
  • ​Seeds that have matured for a long time and have undergone special preparation are best planted at temperatures below +20°C. But, if lettuce seeds were prepared specifically for hydroponics, then best period their planting time will be hotter, because such seeds have already expanded temperature limits, which means germination is possible in more ambiguous conditions. Lettuce seeds should be planted immediately after opening the package so that they do not dry out or, conversely, gain moisture. After sowing, the seeds should only be covered with a special film that allows light to pass through, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for germination.​
  • ​. Precocious. Suitable for growing both in the ground and in a greenhouse.​
  • ​Latin name​
  • ​(resistant to flowering).​
  • All of the listed lettuce varieties are resistant to the formation of flowering stems (stemming), with the exception of the Apex variety and the Moscow greenhouse variety. All varieties can be grown indoors and outdoors.​
  • To obtain high yields, plants need timely loosening of the soil, destruction of weeds and watering. During a period of drought without watering, the lettuce does not set heads, its leaves become rough, bitter, and the flower stem is thrown away. On crops that are not thinned out in a timely manner, heads cannot form and the plants bloom early.​
  • ​ - plant watercress - it is very unpretentious and grows quickly, suitable for all vegetable salads and contains many vitamins. Sometimes it is even grown in a layer of damp cotton wool. Just make sure that the plant has enough sunlight.​

​Therefore we must comply

  • ​In protected soil under a film, with sharp temperature fluctuations, as well as with low soil moisture, flowering increases.​
  • ​The varieties are mid-season, it is better to grow them through seedlings, but they can also be sown in the ground.​
  • ​Now you need to take care of proper nutrition, which should arrive already during the opening of the first leaves. So, the concentration of the solution should be relatively low so that the plants develop faster, but the composition of the solution should be the same as for an adult lettuce that is already being cut.​
  • ​Dubachik​
  • ​We recommend: Iceberg lettuce​
  • Lettuce should be planted in well-lit beds in loose, fertile, non-acidic soil. Lettuce requires a lot of potassium and nitrogen.​
  • ​The Iceberg lettuce variety is similar in appearance to white cabbage, it has juicy, crisp, greenish-whitish leaves that are collected in a large head. The weight of one head of Iceberg lettuce can reach 1 kilogram or more. The features of cultivation, as well as storage and use in cooking are exactly the same as for other types of salad.​
  • ​Mint​
  • ​crop rotation​
  • ​The lettuce seeds are small, they can be mixed with sand before sowing in a ratio of 1:0.5.​
  • ​There are many varieties.​
  • The concentration of elements in the solution can be very diverse, depending on the requirements, conditions, type of lettuce, and so on, but, most often, experts recommend mixture No. 19, containing iron. Element concentration: N - 200 mg/l, Mg - 50 mg/l, Ca - 200 mg/l, P -80 mg/l, K - 200 mg/l.​
  • ​. Mid-season, resistant to flowering. Leaves are oblong, slightly wavy, light Green colour. Able to grow new leaves in place of previously cut ones.​
  • ​Lactuca sativa L​
  • ​Variety “Elenas” (Elenos RZ)​
  • ​Before the salad, you can grow zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage and other plants in the garden that require a high content of organic fertilizers.​

Head lettuce is eaten when a dense core has formed. To determine the degree of readiness, press the core with your finger. If it is dense, the salad can be collected. Harvest early in the morning by cutting the lettuce with a knife or pulling it out by the roots. Place unwanted leaves in compost to rot.​

  • ​To obtain a lettuce harvest throughout the season, it is necessary to carry out the first plantings with an interval of two weeks (during the first 3 plantings), summer plantings (sowings) should be carried out with a shortened interval - 1 week, and the last two with an interval of two weeks, as well as at the beginning of the season.​

Also grows well on the windowsill. You can easily dry it for tea, and decorate desserts and mojitos with a fresh sprig. You can use almost any variety of mint to grow, plant it in a small pot and place it in a sunny place. Do not forget to water regularly, and in the summer, place the pot in a saucer of water so that the soil in the pot does not dry out. By the way, as we have already told you, you can sprout an avocado on a window - although, of course, you are unlikely to get fruit, but you will be happy with a cute tree that is growing upward very quickly. Well, after you grow your greens and send them to the salad bowl - make sure that your salad turns out to be truly healthy: - Dress the salad with a small amount of olive oil, and measure it evenly: two tablespoons is two tablespoons, and do not “pour it by eye”. Give up mayonnaise (even homemade mayonnaise, which has become so easy with the advent of blenders in our kitchens), replace it with unsweetened yogurt or lemon juice. - When dressing the salad, use a spray bottle - purchase a special culinary version and spray lemon juice and olive oil evenly over each a piece of vegetable. - If you are going to add salt, do it before dressing the salad. Otherwise, the dressing will prevent the salt from being absorbed into the vegetables. But it will be much healthier to give up salt altogether.​

​, remove all plant debris (including roots after cutting plants) and diseased plants as they grow.​

​It is better to make furrows across the bed at intervals of 12 cm.​

Of the more early ripening varieties, the following are known:

​The humidity in the place where the lettuce grows should be kept at 60-80%, and the temperature should not exceed +16+18°C. Otherwise, if the temperature rises, the lettuce leaves become less juicy and bitter, and the plants themselves throw out their flower stalks, which greatly spoils the yield.


​Variety with uniform rapid growth. Resistant to bolting, lettuce aphids and powdery mildew. It has well-filled, flat-rounded heads of medium size. Suitable for growing in the ground from mid-March to the end of July.​

​The area for salad should be prepared in the fall.​

​At the dacha it’s easy to grow tasty and healthy greens that you can’t find in a store during the day, such as chard. I offer a mini-guide to interesting salads: how to choose seeds, how to grow lettuce at home, which salads are the healthiest and how to prepare them.​

​Marginal burn​

The soil is fertilized: 1/3 of a bucket is added per 1 square meter

  • ​Stone heads, Berlin yellow​
  • Naturally, the temperature and humidity regimes differ significantly if we look at growing lettuce from “A” to “Z”, starting with the content of seeds, the germination chamber, seedling tables and tables for growing lettuce for cutting. But here again it all depends various factors and varieties of lettuce grown.​

​. Mid-season. The rosette is tall, oblong dark red leaves. After harvesting, the leaves grow back.​



​If the soil has not been fertilized, then when digging it you need to add 1 square meter. meter half a bucket of compost, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon potash fertilizer. If the soil is acidic, add ash. In the spring, to retain moisture in the soil, it needs to be loosened. Five to six days before sowing, loosen the soil again to a depth of about 12 centimeters, add ammonium nitrate (1 teaspoon per 1 square meter), level the beds, crushing large lumps.

Lettuce is affected by many insects - pests and diseases. However, if the soil is properly prepared, weeding is carried out in a timely manner and watering is carried out in the right dosage, then problems are unlikely to arise. We recommend learning how to use spunbond in garden beds.​

​For spring planting, carefully dig up the soil in the fall, adding well-rotted compost or fertilizer. Before planting, loosen the soil well and add mineral fertilizers.​

How to grow lettuce - care and varieties

​© Corbis/Fotosa.ruIf store-bought lettuce is transplanted from pot to pot and placed in a cool, bright place, it will be happy and grow

​Marginal burn manifests itself in the form of death of leaf tissue: first, the edge of the leaf turns brown in the form of a stripe, the leaves curl, rot pathogens appear in these places, the leaves begin to rot, and then the entire plant.​


​(300 grams),​

Sowing lettuce

​In addition to all that has been said, not only temperature and humidity must be regulated, but also the flow of CO2 into the room, the shade of plants, the temperature of the nutrient solution, the cleanliness of the air in the room, and so on. All such nuances only indicate that growing lettuce hydroponically is possible, and very simple, but only for specialists and in large quantities.​

Salad care - what is needed?


Growing seedlings

​– Asteraceae.​

Sowing and planting lettuce seedlings

​In greenhouses, lettuce is best grown between or along the edges of beds occupied by tomatoes or cucumbers. It is recommended to plant lettuce in a greenhouse two to three days before planting the main plants.​

Lettuce from the Asteraceae family is an annual plant. Represents small heads of cabbage with leaves various shapes and all kinds of shades of green. The surface of the leaf can be wavy, smooth, corrugated, curly. The brightness of the color and waviness of the leaves depends on weather conditions: in the heat the leaves turn pale, when low temperature On the contrary, the color becomes rich, the leaves are elastic and juicy. The lettuce stem branches widely, forming a large number of inflorescences. The root system is weak and located close to the soil surface. Tap root.​

​No. 1. Almost any greenery that is sold in pots in supermarkets can easily be used as seedlings. “If you plant such a store-bought salad in a three-liter pot and put it in a cool, bright place (on a balcony, for example), then it will be happy and will grow,” Alena fat_pumрkin, a gardener with many years of experience and the creator of the lovely_ogorod community on LiveJournal, shares her experience. “Not for long, because its lifespan is generally short, but it will increase in size and produce new leaves.”​

Planting lettuce - photo

​The disease is promoted by excess nitrogen in the soil, sudden changes in temperature, and increased air and soil humidity.​

​with the addition of 1 tablespoon​


​Of course, there is always the opportunity to make a table for growing hydroponically yourself, mix a nutrient solution, install several lamps above the salad and even try to regulate the temperature in the room, but we are almost sure that hydroponics and home conditions are incompatible, at least if you work in in order to achieve a good harvest and reduce its cost.​

Salad: varieties

​. Mid-season. Light green. Very tasty, attractive in appearance. Gentle.​

​Rod​ ​2​ In open beds, lettuce is propagated by seeds, and occasionally by seedlings. Lettuce can be sown starting from April and ending at the end of August, with an interval of fifteen days. In the summer, it is recommended to sow late-ripening varieties that are resistant to the formation of flowering stems. Lettuce or leaf lettuce takes pride of place in the top ten most healthy vegetables for humans. Salad contains more calcium and vitamin K (which plays an essential role in the process of blood clotting) than all vegetables. And according to the composition of all minerals this vegetable ranks second after spinach.​ ​Depending on the available space in the garden, choose a way to grow lettuce on your plot. We also recommend reading our article on how to grow lettuce in a greenhouse. In this section we will tell you about the technology of growing lettuce.​​No. 2. Buy a few packets of seeds from large manufacturers and try to germinate a pinch at a time in a cloth moistened with water. If they hatch, sow a few in the ground and wait for them to sprout. Check them out and arrange a tasting. If you like the color and taste - hurray, your salad has been found. Just don’t forget to write down the planting pattern (where what is growing) so that you don’t have to guess which variety has grown.​ ​The disease is especially pronounced in greenhouses and under film cover.​ ​superphosphate​​(400 grams).​

​You can grow lettuce in autumn or winter in greenhouses. Of course, you will have to put in a little more effort. select specially bred varieties. To get a harvest from early summer through fall, start sowing lettuce in mid-spring and continue sowing at two-week intervals until mid-summer. This will ensure a stable lettuce harvest from early summer to mid-autumn.​


Lettuce care calendar

​3​ ​For planting, make furrows about 1.5 cm deep with a distance of about 15 cm.​ ​High content folic acid strengthens well immune system. How does a source of magnesium benefit nervous system, acts as a mild hypnotic. Helps improve the digestion process, increases appetite.​ ​You can grow it yourself or buy seedlings at the market.​ ​©adactio/​ ​Protection measures​ ​and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate or 1-2 tablespoons "​ ​Among the new varieties:​ ​For autumn harvests, select frost-resistant varieties. Plant them in open ground no later than the first week of August. In early autumn, when the plants are stronger, transplant them into a greenhouse.​ ​. Mid-season. Reddish leaves, tender and tasty. 26 cm long. Resistant to various diseases.​ ​Lactuca​ ​4​ The gap between seeds (plants) should be at least 5 centimeters. When the lettuce is crowded, the leaves become coarse. For better growth, you can add granular superphosphate (0.5 per 1 sq.m.) when planting. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, roll the soil. Lettuce can be sown between the rows of cabbage: it protects it well from the sun, and by the time the cabbage gets stronger, the salad can already be harvested.​
​Thanks low content calorie leaf lettuce is recommended for obese people.​ ​Transplant the seedlings into pre-prepared holes. Try not to break the roots. The holes must be deep enough to accommodate the root completely. Hold the seedlings by the trunk at the base, not by the leaves. Immediately after planting, water the plants thoroughly.​ ​This Asian garden salad resembles an elegant green and white porcelain vase. “Pak-choi is just a beauty,” says Alena fat_pumрkin. - True, with the onset of long periods summer days It shoots up quickly, the leaves become coarser, so I sow it in early spring under film or at the end of July for a September harvest.”​ ​.​ ​Mortar"​ ​Moscow region​ ​If you do not transplant the plants into a greenhouse, you should thin them out and cover them with caps in early autumn. While it is sunny and warm outside, the caps are removed and closed at night. The lettuce will yield a harvest in late autumn.​ ​Great Lakes​ ​.​
​5​ Leaf lettuce does not require much care - you need to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds. To form a good rosette, thin out the seedlings. ​Freshly squeezed salad juice improves brain activity. To prevent atherosclerosis, mix salad juice with the same amount of carrot, beet and turnip juice.​ ​Sow the seeds at different times, so that you get a harvest from early spring to mid-summer. Lettuce seeds are sown in small cups filled with compost. ​Taste: something between cabbage and lettuce. The white stem tastes like celery, the green leaves are similar to spinach, with a hazelnut flavor.​ ​When the plant is ready for harvesting, limit watering; do not overfeed with nitrogen; when grown in a greenhouse, do not allow sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity.​ ​,​
​(200grams) - with crispy leaves; even when ripe, it does not lose its qualities for up to 10 days.​ ​When lettuce is grown in greenhouses, the seeds are sown in early - mid-autumn, and the harvest is harvested in winter until spring.​ ​. Late ripening head lettuce. Crispy, dark green in color. Resistant to coloring.​ ​Predecessors​ ​6​ ​Lettuce loves moist soil, but suffers from fungal diseases from excess moisture, and the quality of the harvest decreases. Water plenty, but not very often, to avoid over-wetting the soil. At the same time, do not allow it to dry out.​ Leaf lettuce is divided according to ripening time:
Lettuce seeds are sown in small cups filled with compost, two seeds in each, and watered generously. Place the cups in the greenhouse.​ ​What are the benefits: a plate of fresh pak choy contains about half daily norm vitamins C, A and K. It is also rich in rare vitamin B ​After complete harvesting, plant residues, especially the roots remaining in the soil, are removed, since the overwintered roots will develop ​nitrophoska​ ​Lolla Rossa​ To obtain high yields, plants need timely loosening of the soil, destruction of weeds and watering. During a period of drought without watering, the lettuce does not set heads, its leaves become rough, bitter, and the flower stem is thrown away. On crops that are not thinned out in a timely manner, heads cannot form and the plants bloom early.​ ​Emerald​ ​– potatoes, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes.​

Lettuce plant: description and benefits of lettuce

​7​ ​The salad is very resistant to cold weather, it is not afraid of frosts down to minus 3 degrees.​ ​Spring​​When the seeds sprout, remove the weaker plant. Ventilate the greenhouse daily or leave it open for several hours a day so that the plants gradually get used to the environment. When the plants are old enough to be transplanted, plant them in the ground.​

​6​ ​aphids​

​on acidic soils. Be sure to add 200 grams- a new, but already popular, curly-haired handsome man; weight 250 grams, corrugated leaf, juicy, tender, green at the base, gradually turning into burgundy. Ready to eat in 55 days. Distance between plants is 20-25 cm, resistant to bolting.​ Head lettuce is eaten when a dense core has formed. To determine the degree of readiness, press the core with your finger. If it is dense, the salad can be collected. Harvest early in the morning by cutting the lettuce with a knife or pulling it out by the roots. Place unwanted leaves in compost to rot.​​. Mid-season. Taste qualities excellent. Grown in soil. Resistant to stemming, retains its presentation for a long time.​


​If rosettes (heads of cabbage) have managed to form - even down to minus 6 degrees. Autumn varieties can withstand cold temperatures of minus 10 degrees. Lettuce varieties with pigmented leaves are most resistant to low temperatures. If the plant grows poorly, when two or three leaves appear, it needs to be fed with ammonium nitrate (0.5 tsp per 1 sq.m.). It is important to remember that lettuce absorbs nitrates, so do not use fertilizer unless necessary.​ ​Summer​

​.​ ​dolomite flour,​

​Excitement​​Be careful - lettuce leaves break easily. When there is drought, lettuce throws out long, fragile flower stems; they are bitter and are not eaten. To avoid breaking the plants, try not to touch them when caring. Do not plant many plants in the same place so that you do not have to thin them out very often. Immediately send all broken plants to compost.​

​Gribovsky curly

Beneficial properties of lettuce: rich chemical composition

- light-loving.



Types of lettuce

​When sowing seeds in open ground, prepare holes with a diameter of 5 mm. Sow the seeds at different times so that you can harvest from early spring to mid-summer. Plant the grown sprouts at a distance of 7.5 cm from each other. Thin the lettuce periodically. Regularly water the plants, weed and loosen the soil.​

​What to eat with: how it was specially invented for Chinese, Thai and soups Japanese cuisine. The simplest and most stunningly delicious side dish is to lightly fry in a wok with sesame oil, soy sauce and slices of garlic. If you drizzle the leaves with olive oil, season with black pepper, salt and bake in the oven until tender crunch, even a convinced green hater will not resist.​ ​Galimax​ for you

​since lettuce does not grow well in acidic soils.​- a new variety that has already become popular, with curly, tender and juicy leaves, semi-crispy, with a raised rosette. Bitterness does not accumulate in the leaves. Seeds are sown in early spring in a greenhouse, and in the ground throughout the summer. It tolerates short-term frosts down to -5 degrees, while the leaves do not lose their quality after thawing. Plant weight 270-320 grams, early maturity 60-70 days.​

​This is an early ripening crop.​​. Mid-season, resistant to stemming and diseases. Crispy, crumbly head of excellent taste.​


​For lettuce to sprout, a temperature of plus 2 degrees is enough, for full development +5 °C.​​Spring ones are the fastest to ripen. They can be grown in open beds and indoors, for example, in greenhouses or greenhouses. Summer varieties tolerate heat well; they are sown from May to the end of July–July. Autumn varieties tolerate cool climates and lack of light well, and are not susceptible to diseases, even if they grow in greenhouses and hotbeds.​

​Hint: it’s good to freeze pak choi for the winter if you don’t have time to eat the harvest directly from the garden.​​from here​

Having selected large seeds, they are sown to a depth of 1 centimeter. ​Gribovsky curly​Several varieties of salad are known:


Lettuce varieties

The following varieties of lettuce are worthy of attention:

- moisture-loving.​11​

​The best growth is achieved at plus 16-18 °C during the day and 12-13 °C at night.​​Early ripening varieties:​

​© alga/​

There are a great many varieties of lettuce. no wonder, because it is unpretentious, ideal to grow, useful and magnificent on every table. But there are about 5-7 of the most optimal and in demand varieties. Inexperienced vegetable growers complain about low seed germination. Most often, the reason lies in the formed soil crust, which the seedlings cannot break through.​

- mid-season, high-yielding, loose head, weighing 450 grams. The leaf is crispy and has excellent taste; resistant to stemming and diseases. Growing pattern: 25 x 20 cm, sowing in April, until early July. Harvesting from the third decade of June to the end of September. It looks especially beautiful when cabbage and leaf varieties, of different colors and with corrugated or wavy edges, are planted together. Leaf, half-head, cabbage, romaine and asparagus.

​. Early ripening is 60-70 days. Greens without bitterness, curly, delicate taste. Tolerates light frosts well.​ ​Soil​

​12​ ​Leaf lettuce tolerates lack of moisture and heat worst of all. Leaves are forming small size, rough, bitter. In hot climates, lettuce throws out arrows and does not produce leaves. Lettuce grows well with long, good light, especially for early ripening varieties. When daylight hours are shortened, the formation of arrows slows down. Lettuce should not be planted thickly, as it stops developing.​

Asterix - belongs to the oak-leaved type, the leaves are green, delicate in taste, the rosette is erect.​There are 2 ways to grow leaf lettuce, which allow you to economically use the space in your garden.​

​A real find for those who can’t stand regular greens. Compared to bland spinach and watery romaine lettuce, watercress is a tangy treat with a hint of Dijon mustard.​ ​Instructions1​

One of the main conditions for obtaining a good rosette of leaves or head of cabbage is timely​Red leaf salads​

​The most common leaf and head lettuce.​​Lolla Rossa​

​– wet soils.​​Sowing​

Salad: photo gallery (click to enlarge):

Growing lettuce on summer cottage- secrets of a good harvest on the Dacha portal

The best varieties of lettuce

​The first method, when the lettuce is placed on separate beds, ensures maximum yield in the shortest possible time. For example, you can sow Romaine lettuce seeds 2.5 cm apart in rows spaced 10 cm apart. It is recommended to start sowing in mid-spring and every two weeks until the end of spring. Don't thin out the plants—the method involves growing large quantities of densely growing lettuce. Leaves are cut 4-6 weeks after sowing. Leave the roots and stem to get another harvest in 5-6 weeks.​

​Taste: like mustard, but not hot, but delicately spicy.​

​Study the features of some varieties of lettuce, so it will be easier for you to navigate which one you will choose. Head lettuce is considered the most productive; it brings 3.5 kg per square meter. This lettuce grows for about 60-80 days, but in hot weather it may not set heads.​


​Red leaf salads, due to their extraordinary appearance, are in high demand among vegetable growers around the world.​

Growing Iceberg Lettuce

​For obtaining early products, leafy ones are more suitable, as they are the earliest ripening.​

​. Resistant to shooting. Curly, corrugated leaves. Tender and juicy. Green at the base. Smoothly turning into burgundy color.​

Soil requirements


Planting lettuce

​Harvesting should be done in dry weather in the morning or evening.​

Planting seedlings

​Critzet - leaves are light bright green in color, delicate taste without bitterness. Tolerates heat well.​

Sowing seeds under glass

​What are the benefits: a lot of calcium, iron, vitamins C, B​


Sowing seeds in the ground


Placing lettuce in the garden

​However, not all gardeners know that the intensity of color and even their corrugation depend on weather conditions.​


​Fresh, chilled, crisp salads are a delicious treat. Varied in leaf shape and color, these annual fast-growing vegetables are mainly used fresh. In almost any garden there is a place for head lettuce. It is very unpretentious and grows in almost any soil. It takes very little knowledge to harvest lettuce throughout the summer season. It is better to plant several different types of lettuce, and then there will be a wide selection of this vegetable with very different leaves in shape and color. Today we will also tell you what types of lettuce there are and how it should be grown.​

Growing lettuce at home

- seeds and seedlings.

​Rinse the roots; there is no need to wash the leaves themselves - they will quickly rot. The salad can be stored in the refrigerator for up to fifteen days, at room temperature - no more than a day.​

Gourmand - leaves are yellow-green, wavy, wrinkled at the edges, the leaf tissue is oily. Ripens in 40-45 days.​

​For small garden a joint method is suitable, in this case the salad is placed between previously planted vegetables or herbs, which grow more slowly than the salad. For example, you can plant lettuce between parsnips or carrots. By the time they sprout, the salad will already be large. Head lettuce can be a tomato sealer. In this case, it is planted after the tomato seedlings in 2 rows along the edge of the bed in a checkerboard pattern. The salad looks great between roses or other flowers in the garden, especially varieties with red leaves.​

- crazy beautiful salad, its leaves acquire a color from soft pink to dark burgundy, while its veins remain white.​

Growing lettuce hydroponically

​Usually seeded lettuce is thinned out twice. They start with an interval of 5 cm and, as they grow, increase the distance between plants to 15-20 cm.​

So how do you grow lettuce hydroponically?

​Sometimes instead of the deep red lettuce pictured on the bag, green or pale red lettuce grows.​

​The salad forms a powerful rosette of 5-10 leaves within 25-35 days after germination.​

Lettuce was present on the table even among the Romans. Then they simply tore it into large pieces, salted it, added olive oil and ate it. In the Middle Ages, greens were served as a side dish for meat.​

​You don’t have to pull out the rosettes with roots, but cut off the leaves. Then new ones grow in their place, and the fruiting period increases. You will get more than one harvest from one plot. The remarkable properties of leaf lettuce and the presence of varieties of different early ripening make it possible to grow it almost all year round.​

​Lollo-Biondo - leaves are corrugated, juicy, crispy. Can be grown all year round.​

​Growing lettuce is also possible at home, so to speak, on the windowsill and, what is most interesting, there is nothing complicated about it. People who grow lettuce at home willingly share their experience, which we can use freely and absolutely free of charge.​

Lettuce care

​, E and A. Improves blood circulation, strengthens hair and nails, stimulates brain function, relieves migraines.​

​During the first thinning, the removed plants can be transplanted, like seedlings, to a new location.​

​Scientists explain this by saying that in hot weather the salad quickly loses its color.​

​It is used for spring and winter sowing; in summer it produces a stem, begins to taste bitter and loses nutritional value.​


​Roundhead lettuce itself is round, like cabbage, with widely spread smooth leaves, and is a representative of the head lettuce varieties. It grows very quickly and does not require special care.​

​Salad leaves - light and nutritious product. It is not very often added to your diet. But at the same time, the benefits of lettuce are very great. So it’s worth paying close attention to it. In terms of its healing properties, it can give odds to many foods. Greens contain a lot of carotene and carotenoids. The lettuce plant can protect against Alzheimer's disease, improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and preserve vision. It helps in the process of formation of bones and tooth enamel.​

Agricultural technology for growing lettuce, review of popular varieties

​ +​

​More information can be found in the video.​​Lollo Rosa - leaves are brownish, burgundy, curly. Loves moisture, otherwise it may acquire a bitter taste.​

​So, how to grow lettuce at home? To do this, the culture needs to create special conditions, and only then will the salad delight you with its greens and unique taste.​

​What to eat with: “Cress salad, like arugula, is especially good in vegetable sandwiches sprinkled with sharp aged cheese,” says Alena fat_pumрkin. - Brown bread, a bed of watercress, mature cheddar - delicious. Or in Mediterranean-style salads: jamon or prosciutto, watercress, Parmesan, olive oil.” A delicious combination is watercress with mashed potatoes. It's good to add some spice to omelettes, soups and stews.​

- loves sunny planting places, unpretentious in cultivation. This variety germinates in early spring. To obtain greenery throughout the summer, you need to repeat sowings every 15-20 days.

​But closer to autumn, at low temperatures, the growth of lettuce slows down, and the color of the leaves intensifies, its quality improves.​

​Seed germination lasts 2-3 years.​

​Crispy lettuce forms a large head of rolled leaves that have a crunchy taste. Particularly popular is the Iceberg variety with thick, fleshy leaves - excellent variety head lettuce.​

​It contains almost the same amount of vitamin C as the recognized leader - lemon.​

​B field conditions lettuce is one of the simplest crops in terms of agricultural technology.​

​Moscow greenhouse - leaves are pale green with a slight yellowness, juicy, rosette up to 27 cm in diameter. Quite a common variety.​

​First of all, you need to prepare the right place for growing lettuce, that is, a container. It can be a rectangular box, but remember that the box should not be too modest so that the soil in it does not dry out very quickly. The best option is to plant lettuce in small boxes, say 60x60 cm or 60x80 cm, the depth of which should be approximately 10-12 cm.​

​Hint: watercress can be dried and crushed to create a spicy seasoning.​


​In the summer, mid-late varieties or new ones that are resistant to bolting are sown.​​This should not be forgotten when growing “Colored” salads.​

​The salad is not only tasty, it also has healing properties:​​Many people wonder how to grow Romaine lettuce - all its elongated, oblong and crispy leaves grow vertically upward. it takes longer to ripen than other salads and requires plenty of watering.​

The beneficial properties of lettuce are widely known. Its biochemical composition occupies its special place among vegetables. The plant contains iron, cobalt, boron, phosphorus, iodine. Copper, minerals, organic acids, sodium, zinc, potassium. It contains a lot of vitamin K. It helps regulate blood clotting. The plant is a source of folic acid. It is necessary for pregnant women. Acid has a positive effect on reproductive function in both sexes. It is also useful for the child’s body.​ ​+​

​Because of such short period During the growing season there are practically no pests or diseases. Unless against possible root rot it is worth using the biological product "Trichodermin".​ ​An early ripening delicacy - the leaves are pale green, with a medium-bubbly surface, of excellent taste.​

​Next, we need to choose the right soil, otherwise nothing good will come of it. Experts advise choosing the following composition - humus, turf soil and sand, in a 2-2-1 ratio. Also, you can always purchase specially prepared soil in wildlife stores, unless, of course, you have the opportunity to get and mix it for free. Now, this composition must be compacted into boxes ready for planting lettuce and poured a little with warm water with potassium permanganate, a very light solution. Afterwards, make grooves for planting lettuce, 1-1.5 cm deep and a distance between them of about 10-12 cm. Now you can sow the lettuce, but you should not do this too fanatically, keep some distance between the seeds, since only in this way In this case, good and strong shoots will appear. After sowing, it is necessary to carry out additional watering using warm water.​ ​© imago/​

- It has a wonderful spicy aroma and pungent taste. The name may differ from the original, it may also be called:​ ​The last date for sowing is September 5-10 (later in the greenhouse).​

​Late cabbage varieties​​calms the nervous system, improves sleep, normalizes digestion and metabolism.​

​Curly lettuce - it produces many leaves without a core. You can simply tear off a few leaves for the salad, leaving the whole bush for further growth. It has beautiful curly leaves that appear throughout the summer. The healing properties of lettuce calm the nervous system and improve sleep.


​The only difficulties in growing lettuce include the rather labor-intensive sowing of small seeds, as well as the need for thinning or picking from cassettes when using the seedling method of growing.​

​Furor - leaves are wrinkled, large, with a “wave” at the edges, oily pulp.​

​Does not become bitter even with age. It is unpretentious and germinates easily. Like basil, it comes in green and red. Although oakleaf salad is sold in supermarkets all year round, Alena fat_pumрkin prefers the country version: “It seems to me that garden salads, unlike greenhouse salads, are sweeter, juicier and stronger in leaf. Although in salads this difference is not as noticeable as, say, in tomatoes.”​ ​eruka lettuce, indau, eruka forest, arugula, rocket - lettuce.​​Water​ ​:​ ​That's why it is recommended to eat it at night.​

​Also very popular among gardeners is growing arugula and watercress, corn salad, frillis lettuce and lettuce.​

There are about a hundred types of lettuce. We can safely say that among such a variety, every consumer will be able to find one that he likes. They are divided into cabbage and leaf.​ ​+​

​Another small difficulty that you will probably have to face when growing lettuce in open ground is the need to first remove the agrofibre from the beds in the morning and cover them again at night. Lettuce plantings are covered in the spring, at the end of March - beginning of April. Relay - leaves with a reddish tint, a strong “wave” around the edges, bubbly, excellent taste.

​Before the first shoots appear, the boxes with seeds should be in a dark place, but after they appear on the surface, the boxes should move to a bright place. During the germination period, do not forget to spray the soil with warm water from a regular sprinkler, this will speed up the process.​ ​Taste: grassy, ​​creamy, crispy stems and tender leaves.​

​Lollo Rossa​​moderately cool water once a week, in the morning or evening.​

​Large cabbage, Odessa curly, Crispy, Iceberg​

​Varieties of lettuce​

The Iceberg lettuce variety is similar in appearance to white cabbage; it has juicy, crisp, greenish-whitish leaves that are collected in a large head. The weight of one head of Iceberg lettuce can reach 1 kilogram, or more. The features of cultivation, as well as storage and use in cooking are exactly the same as for other types of salad.​



Lettuce can be sown at several times with an interval of 10-12 days. But keep in mind that starting from the second half of May the plant will most likely bloom and produce bitter leaves because of this. The same problem also occurs when sowing in dry soil, so only varieties resistant to bolting are sown between July and August. Although lettuce is a cold-resistant crop, in the most early dates(as soon as the snow melts) it is better to sow it under film or under agrofibre. The distance between seeds when sowing should be as follows: 4-5 cm for leafy ones (with a row spacing of 20 cm), 8-10 cm for half-headed forms and 10-12 cm for cabbage forms (with a row spacing of 30-35 cm). Seed placement depth - 1.5-2 cm.​

​Mid-season varieties:​

​Next, only proper care, which is considered the simplest. You don’t need to spend a lot of time choosing fertilizers and loosening, you just have to water the lettuce often, and then it will grow quickly. Watering should be done once every 1-2 days, preferably early in the morning or after sunset, so as not to burn or spoil the harvest leaves. What are the benefits: few products can boast of containing five essential vitamins at once - A, B, C, D , E, and the oakleaf salad has them all. It helps reduce blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and nerves, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (including gastritis).​​– an early ripening variety, an unusually decorative and incredibly tasty salad. The leaves are light green in color with wide pinkish, curly and wrinkled edges. The weight of one plant is 80-100 grams. Leafy varieties are watered by sprinkling, and cabbage varieties are watered by the soil along the rows. If the soil was well seasoned when planting, leaf lettuce, as an early ripening crop, does not require fertilizing.​

​g.​​When harvesting, cut off the leaves without pulling out the entire plant.​

​To obtain a lettuce harvest throughout the season, it is necessary to carry out the first plantings with an interval of two weeks (during the first 3 plantings), summer plantings (sowings) should be carried out with a shortened interval - 1 week, and the last two with an interval of two weeks, as well as at the beginning of the season. It got its name due to its method of transportation. It was covered with ice during delivery. A bit like white cabbage. Its pieces crunch just the same. But their taste is much more tender and pleasant. Greens contain a lot of water.​ ​+​​The salad sprouts quite quickly - in about 8-10 days. In the future, to grow it, you need to keep the soil loose and water it, combining this with weeding. The disadvantage of direct sowing of lettuce in the ground is the need for thinning in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. However, such plants are already suitable for food purposes. An attempt to do without thinning, immediately sowing seeds at the required distance, will not work due to the unreliable germination of lettuce. After thinning, the plants are left at a distance of 15-20 cm - for leafy and semi-headed forms and 30-35 cm - for headed varieties.​

Azaria - leaves are green, round in shape, bubbly, large, with a “wave” along the edge with small cuts, the taste is reminiscent of young green peas.

​The first harvest will be possible in 20-25 days, which is quite fast, which means that during the period of the first shoots, you can sow the next box to ensure uninterrupted production.​

​What to eat with: very tasty with baked fish, avocado and lemon juice, stewed mushrooms and leeks, in smoothies and fruit salads. Light afternoon snack or second breakfast: a bed of oakleaf lettuce with sliced ​​peaches, crushed walnuts and honey.​

​2​​If there is insufficient refueling, it is fed

​Great Lakes​

The leaves of this salad are large, of different shapes: triangular, fan-shaped or dissected (similar to oak leaves).

​For growing lettuce in open ground, well-fertilized soil with drainage that contains the necessary mineral supplements is best suited. The soil should not be too acidic. It is necessary to constantly maintain its humidity. It is recommended to plant lettuce on the sunny side where there are no drafts.​


​If you grow lettuce with seedlings, you can get greens even earlier and do without labor-intensive thinning. At the end of February - beginning of March, sow one seed per cell in cassettes. After germination, it is important to take the cassettes to a cool and bright place, creating a temperature of +12-15 °C during the day and +8-10 °C at night. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, transplant the seedlings under agrofibre with the specified density, discarding the weak ones and those that have not sprouted.

​Apex - leaves are round in shape, large, greenish at the root, purple towards the edges, bubbly, oily flesh. Low rosette about 12 cm.​

​Hint: Oakleaf lettuce is very delicate; it should be picked right before cooking.​

​Prepare the soil for planting lettuce yourself. It should be as uniform as possible, without lumps, since the lettuce seeds are very small, so they simply will not sprout in lumpy soil. The ideal mineral fertilizer for salad is a mixture of ammonium sulfate (20-30), superphosphate (35-40), potassium salt (10-15).​


​- new (Iceberg type) crispy head lettuce, late ripening, gives high yield, ripens in 85 days. A large, round-shaped head of cabbage with a closed top, oak-leaved, dark green. Resistant to burns and staining. Scheme 35 x 30 cm. Under the film and in the greenhouse you can get an early harvest.​

Recently, various varieties have been created with leaf colors ranging from light and dark green to pink, dark red and brown.

​For spring planting, carefully dig up the soil in the fall, adding well-rotted compost or fertilizer. Before planting, loosen the soil well and add mineral fertilizers. It’s also a bit like cabbage. To make it crispy, you need to keep it in cold water for a while.​ ​+​ ​Link
