False doubles are oily. Boletus - edible mushrooms: photo, description

The oil can looks very attractive. IN There are almost fifty different species of these mushrooms, many of which are edible.

Species name Latin Features of the cap Description of the leg Characteristics of pulp
Bellini oiler Suillus bellinii The surface is smooth, white or brown. Shape: hemispherical or convex-flattened Shortened and powerful, whitish-yellow, thinner at the base, without a ring Tender, whitish in color, has a strong aroma and pleasant taste
Swamp oiler Suillus flavidus Dirty yellow, semicircular, with a sticky surface Thin, dense, ringed, yellowish Dense, light yellow, turns red when cut
Summer oiler Suillus granulatus Round-convex or flattened, with a smooth and slimy yellowish-brown surface Dense, without a ring, smooth, yellowish-whitish in color Fleshy and tender, elastic, yellowing, aromatic
Autumn oiler Suillus luteus Hemispherical, plano-convex or flat, with a smooth, mucous brown surface Longitudinally fibrous, white or yellowish, with a membranous ring Soft and juicy, whitish or yellowish in color
Oiler pale Suillus placidus Convex or flattened, whitish or dull olive, with a smooth and slightly slimy surface Cylindrical, relatively dense, without a ring Dense, white or yellowish in color, reddening when cut

Distribution area

Summer butterwort grows mainly under Scots pines and is widespread in Europe, the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East. Very common in coniferous forests Moscow region, in clearings and clearings. It can grow singly or in large groups along roads. Peak fruiting occurs from June to November.

Inedible species They are found in coniferous forests and also form mycorrhizae with pine trees. It is relatively rare to find inedible boletus in spruce and mixed or deciduous forests. Such mushrooms grow singly or in very small groups. In temperate climates, the fruiting season begins in July and lasts until September-October.

The false oiler is absent as a species. When collecting boletus mushrooms, you should remember that almost all lookalike mushrooms have a dry cap surface. Toxic and deadly poisonous species of butterweed are not found.

Species name Latin Features of the cap Description of the leg Characteristics of pulp
Oiler gray Suillus aeruginascens Sticky, smooth or with fibrous and small scales, grayish-yellow in color Dense, yellowish-gray, with a ring Relatively dense, whitish, blue when cut
Pepper oiler Suillus piperatus Round-convex or flat, smooth, slightly sticky, light brown or red-brown in color Cylindrical in shape, can be curved, tapering at the bottom Loose, yellowish in color, turning red when broken, with a pronounced peppery taste
Larch oiler Suillus elegans Pillow-convex or flat-prostrate, sticky, smooth, slimy, golden brown Club-shaped, with a yellowish ring and a granular-mesh surface Lemon-yellow or light yellow in color, with pronounced fibrousness
Oiler grate Suillus bovinus Convex or flat, smooth and sticky, reddish-brown in color Cylindrical in shape with a narrowing at the base, without a ring Dense, elastic, rubbery type, pale yellow

Useful properties and nutritional value

In terms of taste and nutritional value boletus mushrooms are practically not inferior to noble porcini mushrooms, but they bear fruit so abundantly that in some regions of our country they can be collected from May until late autumn. According to the main nutritional qualities, boletus belongs to the second category of mushrooms. They include:

  • water – 90%;
  • proteins – 4%;
  • fiber – 2%
  • carbohydrates – 1.5%;
  • fats – less than 1%;
  • minerals – 1,5%.

The pulp contains vitamins of groups B, A, C and PP, as well as phosphorus, copper, zinc, iodine, manganese, potassium and iron. 100 g of fresh buttermilk contains about 17-19 kcal.

Boletus: features of collection (video)

Cooking methods, how to cook step by step

Butter is one of the most popular edible mushrooms. Preparing soups and mushroom roasts is not difficult and takes a minimum amount of time. The most delicious are the young ones, from whose caps the skin must be removed. Butter rarely acts as a complete and independent dish, but they can be stewed, boiled, fried, pickled, salted, added to salads and sauces, and dried.

Soup with butter

  • mushrooms – 0.3 kg;
  • onion - medium head;
  • small carrots – 1 pc.;
  • celery stalk;
  • three medium-sized potatoes;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • black peppercorns, bay leaf and salt.

Chop and saute onion, carrots and celery. Boil the chopped potatoes. Add chopped mushrooms with spices to the sauté and lightly fry. Place everything in a saucepan with potatoes and cook over low heat for another 10-12 minutes. Serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Mushroom zrazy

Ingredients for cooking:

  • minced pork– 0.6 kg;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • one potato;
  • 0.25 kg butter, fried with onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Chop the hard-boiled eggs and add to the fried mushrooms. Salt and pepper. Grate onion and potatoes and add steam raw eggs. Form a flat cake from the minced potato and put the egg and mushroom filling in the middle. Form zrazy and fry them until done. Serve with garlic sauce and greens.

How to cook boletus (video)

Before preparing a mushroom dish, the boletus must be thoroughly cleaned and pre-boiled. It is important to remember that these mushrooms deteriorate quite quickly, so you need to process boletus as soon as possible.

Butterflies are included in the list of the most common types of edible mushrooms in European territory, in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. There is a popular belief that the appearance of boletus coincides with the flowering of pine trees.

The name of the mushroom comes from the oily surface of the cap. Even the appearance of its light yellow flesh is similar to butter.

Since boletus is a tubular type of mushroom, its cap is like a sponge, consisting of thin tubes with spores located inside. Usually the mucous cap has Brown color, but can also be yellow-brown. The cylindrical leg is short, reaching 2.5 cm in diameter, and surrounded by a fringed ring. With age, the ring becomes invisible, and the hemispherical cap straightens. The light flesh at the break turns blue when in contact with air.

Where do boletus grow (video)

Description of edible varieties of butter

Experts classified the butterdish, which has a slippery cap, into category 2 of nutritional value. It unites about fifty edible species with characteristic differences: the color of the cap and legs, as well as other features.

Gallery: boletus mushrooms (25 photos)

Since the fungus can provoke allergic reaction, it must be used very carefully.

The hat has a convex shape and a diameter of 10-15 cm. Upper layer glossy, sticky and easy to peel off. The color is brown or mixed with purple. The pulp has a dense structure. Its whitish either yellow color does not change when pressed.

The cylindrical stem under the cap is yellow and the lower part is white. Over time, its shade changes, becoming darker, similar to the color of the cap.

Grainy (early, summer)

It differs from other representatives in that it does not have a ring on the stem. Has excellent taste. The slightly flattened cap grows up to 10 cm. In the absence of moisture, the surface is smooth and shiny. During precipitation it becomes slimy to the touch. The skin has a brown or yellow-orange tint, less often rusty-red.

The fleshy, pale yellow flesh has a nutty or fruity odor. In young specimens, a whitish milky juice is secreted from the pores of the tubular layer. The leg with a dense structure and light yellow color is covered with yellow speckles. As it ages, it becomes darker at the base. Granular growths resembling semolina grains may form on the stem.


Likes to settle at the base of larch trees. There is no pronounced taste. The convex cap straightens as it grows, reaching 10 cm. It is characterized by a very bright color: from orange to deep yellow. The sticky skin peels off easily during cooking. The dense flesh is yellow, slightly brown under the skin. Doesn't have a specific taste.

The shape of the leg is slightly curved in the form of a club with a white and yellow ring. In the lower part the color of the stem matches the color of the cap, above the ring it is lemon yellow.

Where do boletus mushrooms grow?

Experienced mushroom pickers know natural areas where it is best to collect mushrooms. Butterflies prefer to settle in coniferous forests, therefore, you need to look for them next to cedar, pine or larch on sandy soils with a lot of needles. The symbiosis of mycelium with tree roots results in mutually beneficial cooperation. The host tree gives carbohydrates to the fungi, and they, in turn, help absorb minerals from the soil.

They love to grow in spacious clearings illuminated by the sun. Since sticky mushrooms do not tolerate high moisture, they do not settle in swampy places. You can look for forest gifts in forest plantations, but among 5-meter seedlings in the absence of bushes and grass, they do not grow.

Butterflies settle in colonies, so when you see one cap, you need to look for a whole family nearby.

Boletus prefer to settle in coniferous forests

Season and rules for collecting butter

Mushrooms appear in forests from June to October, but mass collection occurs in September. Night and daytime temperature fluctuations do not affect boletus in any way, but heavy dew or warm rain has a beneficial effect on their growth, stimulating it well.

At the beginning of the mushroom growth period and at its end, the fruiting bodies are usually damaged by insect pests and their larvae. Sometimes spoiled boletus accounts for 70% of the entire harvest.

Following the rules for collecting and processing mushrooms allows you to get the maximum benefit from them.

  1. Mushroom harvesting should be done at a great distance from settlement And industrial enterprises. In a polluted environment, fruiting bodies, like sponges, absorb all toxins in the air.
  2. Oilseeds require immediate processing because they have a short shelf life.
  3. Experts advise cutting the mushrooms into small pieces and processing them at high temperatures.

Since the oily skin of ripe mushrooms contains many harmful substances and heavy metal salts, it is recommended to remove it during processing. Young fruiting bodies can be processed without removing the film.

How to collect boletus (video)

The benefits and harms are oily

Oily gifts of the forest have found universal use in cooking. They can be fried, stewed, salted, pickled, and also used as an additional product to main dishes. They include:

  • a large number of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians;
  • vitamins;
  • macro and microelements;
  • aphrodisiacs that improve tone and relieve fatigue;
  • lecithin, which prevents the formation of cholesterol;
  • organic acids.

Since all types of mushrooms are heavy foods, they should not be overused. In addition, they contain chitin, which negatively affects the digestion of food.

Given the ability of butter to absorb carcinogens, they must be boiled before cooking. It is not advisable to consume mushroom dishes for the following categories of people:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • patients suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order not to harm the body, it is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Oily gifts of the forest have found universal use in cooking

How to distinguish a false oiler from a real one

False butterflies are very similar to real representatives, but in order to learn to distinguish them, You need to remember the main differences:

  • the cap of a poisonous individual has a slight purple tint, and with inside has a bright yellow color;
  • unlike the porous structure of a real oiler, the false representative has a spongy cap;
  • there is a white ring on the stem of the decoy mushroom, and when the stem is cut, the flesh has a reddish color.

Recipes for cooking butter

The slippery mucous cap retains moisture in the fruit body, preventing drying out. But it is the slippery surface that makes processing difficult.

Butter contains a large amount of protein, which is especially important for vegetarians

Features of oil processing

The initial processing of mushrooms includes cleaning, sorting and cutting.. To facilitate cleaning of debris, the crop must be filled with water and pressed down on top with pressure. After a couple of minutes, you can start cleaning. You should use a knife to remove the remains of the mycelium, scrape off the contaminated areas, remove the film from the cap and cut out any existing rot.

After washing the mushrooms, they need to be filled with water again. In order to remove remaining pests, the water should be salted. After 3 hours, rinse. Then sort by size. Small specimens can be left whole. For larger ones, separate the stems and caps, and cut the larger ones.

How to close boletus for the winter

Mushrooms are often boiled, stewed or fried, but many people like marinated butter. In addition, they can be rolled into jars and used in winter time for adding to salads or as an independent snack.

Classic recipe:

  1. Cut the prepared raw materials into pieces.
  2. Throw the mushrooms into cold water. Place the peeled whole onion there and keep on the fire after boiling for 7 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and rinse the mushrooms with running water using a sieve.
  4. Stir sugar (120 g) and salt (190 g) in 3 liters of boiled water.
  5. Add mushrooms to the solution and keep on fire for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  6. Place a bay leaf in each prepared container.
  7. Distribute the mushrooms among the jars, mix the brine with vinegar essence and pour into the jars with mushrooms.
  8. Place the jars in a large container, fill it with water up to the hangers of the jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  9. Take out the containers and roll up the lids.

Prepared jars of mushrooms should be stored in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 12 degrees. Shelf life is no more than 1 year.

How to cook boletus mushrooms (video)

Fried boletus

To give a richer taste, the butter is fried with various additives. The most popular method is cooking in sour cream, as it gives the mushrooms more flavor.

It is necessary to cut the onion into half rings and fry it in vegetable oil. Then add diced mushrooms (500 g) to the pan. After 5 minutes, reduce the heat, add butter and simmer for another 10 minutes. After adding salt and pepper, stir and add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream. After 5 minutes, remove from heat.

An equally popular recipe for frying with potatoes. Add washed and dried mushrooms to the heated oil. After 5 minutes, add finely chopped onion. In another frying pan, fry the potatoes, cut into cubes. Then add prepared mushrooms with onions and spices. Fry everything together for another 5 minutes. The pan may not be covered. Butternuts turn out very juicy when fried with buckwheat and other side dishes.

Heat treatment of mushrooms is necessary to get rid of harmful bacteria. It takes 5-6 minutes for botulism to die. Containers and lids must be sterilized. The acidic environment of the marinade also negatively affects bacteria.

Gallery: boletus mushrooms (35 photos)

Well, there is simply not a person on the planet who has not heard of such a mushroom as the butterdish. In addition to its attractive appearance, butterdish is very tasty, healthy and grows on absolutely any soil, in the same place as russula. But they also have a significant drawback - difficulty in preparation. This is not a champignon that can simply be thrown into a frying pan and fried without prior heat treatment. The butter dish requires more delicate manipulations during preparation. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Mycologists divide all mushrooms into three types:

  1. Tubular (their cap consists of small tubes).
  2. Lamellar (the caps form the plates).
  3. Marsupials (spores are kept in special storage facilities).

Boletus mushrooms are classified as the first type. The cap is a sponge formed by many small tubes. There are spores inside the tubes. The cap of a young mushroom has a semicircular shape with a ring at the edge. The old mushroom has an open cap, and the ring on the leg is barely noticeable. When you cut into a mushroom, its edges begin to turn slightly blue.

Edible types of oil cans

Ordinary oiler. This species is the most common in Russia. The hat is flat with curved edges. There is a noticeable bump in the center. Color brown.

The pulp is very juicy. The leg is solid, white. The older the mushroom, the darker it becomes. In very old fruits, the stem becomes dark brown. Its height varies within 10 centimeters.

The species is found almost everywhere, but favorite place However, as with any mushroom, the area is coniferous.

Ideal conditions for the development of a species family:

  1. Sandy soil.
  2. Good drainage.
  3. Dampness.
  4. Air temperature from +18 degrees Celsius.

It grows between July and October.

Larch oiler. It got its name due to the fact that it can most often be found in the larch habitat area. The mushroom is edible, but the taste is simple, without any aftertaste.

  1. A convex cap that becomes flatter as it ages. Its color is very bright. Fruits of a bright yellow, orange, or less often, dark brown hue may be found.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow in color. When a young mushroom is damaged, its color does not change. If you damage an older fruit, then it will acquire a pinkish or reddish tint.
  3. The leg resembles a mace. Sometimes it has a curved shape. Height up to 12 centimeters, thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters. The color of the ring is white/yellow, less often brown.

The oiler is grainy. Also a very popular look. It tastes good. Unlike other butterfish, this species does not have a ring on the stem.

Main characteristics of the mushroom:

  1. The cap is convex, small, with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters. In dry weather it sparkles in the sun. When it rains, the mushroom becomes slimy. The skin color is brown, yellow-orange, less often burgundy.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow in color. Smells like hazelnut. Does not change color when damaged.
  3. The leg is dense, cylindrical in shape, light yellow in color. In older mushrooms, it turns dark brown closer to the root. The leg acquires this shade due to the fact that the mushroom secretes juice. It is no more than 8 centimeters in height and 1.5-2 cm in thickness. On the surface of the stem there are often granular formations, which is, in fact, how the mushroom got its name.

These are not all types of this mushroom. There are also others, however, less common in the Russian Federation. These are: white, yellow-brown, gray, American and swamp oilers.

False mushroom

The false oiler is a poisonous member of its genus. After consuming it, intestinal upset may occur. By itself, it tastes very unpleasant.

In order not to get poisoned, you need to pay attention to its appearance, because it is this that distinguishes a poisonous representative from an edible one.

Edible mushrooms have yellow and brown caps. The false one is dark purple.

How to cook

You have read the description of edible species, seen their photos, now it’s your turn to tell us how to cook this unique mushroom.

These mushrooms are one of the favorite varieties for cooks. Not only adults, but also children love them.

There are many ways to process butter. They can be pickled, fried, boiled. Below we will describe examples in various ways making these “slimy goodies.”


The soup made from them is very light and lean. After eating 100 grams of soup, a person will receive only 90 kilocalories.

To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 350 grams of mushrooms.
  2. 450 grams of potatoes.
  3. One carrot.
  4. One onion.
  5. A couple of bay leaves.
  6. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

The recipe is extremely simple. It is prepared in the same way as other soups. First, potatoes are boiled, spices, fried onions and potatoes are added, and finally fried butter is added.


There are a lot of recipes for making pickled butter. For one of them you will need:

  1. One kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. Half a liter of water.
  3. One tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Two teaspoons of salt.
  5. One bay leaf.
  6. Black and allspice 2-3 pieces.
  7. 2 pieces of cloves.
  8. 6% vinegar – 50 ml.
  9. 1-2 cloves of garlic.

The oils are pre-cleaned and washed well. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes in salted water. To prevent the mushrooms from darkening, you can add a little citric acid to the water.

After the mushrooms are cooked, you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, take a saucepan and pour into it all the ingredients described above except garlic and vinegar. Place this on the fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, add butter and cook for 30 minutes. Five minutes before removing the pan from the heat, add vinegar to the marinade.

Then all this is sorted into banks. The jars are pre-sterilized. Place a clove of garlic at the bottom of the jars, and pour the marinade on top of it.

How to fry butter

Frying in sour cream

Nobody fries mushrooms just like that. It's not as tasty as combining mushrooms with some kind of suitable product, for example, with sour cream. Sour cream will make the mushrooms fragrant and tender.

To prepare such a dish, we will need 500 g of the butter itself, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 onion, a little vegetable oil and butter and spices to taste (garlic, salt, etc.).

Now let's start cooking:

  1. First of all, rinse the boletus, cut into small pieces and boil for 7-10 minutes in salted water.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Add the mushrooms and fry them in a frying pan for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Set the heat to low and add butter. Fry the butter for another 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, add spices and sour cream. Cover the dish with a frying pan and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  5. The dish is ready to be served.

Fried boletus with potatoes

This is the standard method for preparing fried mushrooms. To prepare, we need 400 g of butter, 500 g of potatoes, 1 onion, vegetable oil and spices.

After boiling the mushrooms, place them in a colander to drain excess juice. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. Next, we begin to fry the butter. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and add to the butter. Fry mushrooms and onions for 3 minutes.

Preparing the potatoes. You can fry it in the same pan in which you cooked the mushrooms, or use a second one. Add potatoes and spices to the pan. Fry it. 2-3 minutes before complete cooking, add mushrooms. The dish is ready to eat.

Edible boletus is one of the most delicious representatives mushroom kingdom. They are in no way inferior to porcini mushrooms either in aroma, taste, or taste. appearance after processing. Everyone will be happy with their “catch”.

But sometimes among them there are false boletus, or more precisely, conditionally edible ones. How to distinguish them from other mushrooms, what should you pay attention to when collecting? First of all, you should remember what edible species there are, and then carefully look at the photos of their counterparts.

What types of edible boletus are there?

Butterfly is a whole genus of tubular edible mushrooms belonging to the Boletaceae family. It includes about 60 species. Their distinctive features- a slippery sticky skin on the cap, which is very easily removed when cleaning, and a ring on the stem - the remains of a private cover.

Representatives of this genus prefer to form mycorrhizae with coniferous trees, and often grow together with pine or spruce. They are also found in young plantings and on sunny edges among tall grass. They are collected in summer and autumn, but in a rainy spring you can find them as early as May.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main types of edible oilseeds that are most often found in the photo:

  • Real oiler(syn. late, autumn, ordinary). Can be found from May to November. The cap is convex, chocolate-brown, and in adult fruiting bodies it can reach 10 cm in diameter. Tubular layer 6-14 mm thick. The leg is lemon-yellow on top, brownish below. In the middle of it are the remains of a private bedspread. Pulp with a yellow tint. Poisonous doubles does not have.

  • Red oiler(syn. unringed). Its cap is reddish-red, the back side is light yellow. There are remains of a blanket on the leg. Sometimes it is covered with small warts.

  • Kozlyak(syn. dry oiler, cowweed, swampweed, lattice). Another edible type is butternut squash. Appears in August. Grows in very large groups. The hat is bright red, almost dry. The skin cannot be removed from it. The porous layer is the same color as the cap, but only with a greenish tint. Its tubes are much larger than those of other oils. A distinctive feature of the mushroom is that during heat treatment it acquires a purple hue.

  • Yellow-brown oiler(syn. moss moth, bog moth, pied moth). The hat is dark, matte, velvety, semicircular. With age, it brightens, opens up and becomes almost flat, without a bump in the middle. Small scales appear on the skin covering the cap. The leg is smooth, yellow, in the lower part - a reddish tint. Distinctive features: the flesh turns blue when damaged. The mushroom resembles a flywheel.

  • Oiler grainy(syn. summer, early). The shape of the cap is round-convex. Its color in young fruiting bodies is brownish-brown; with age it becomes very lighter and becomes brownish-yellow. The height of the stem reaches 8 cm. A distinctive feature is that the porous layer releases droplets of milky-white juice. In addition, the mushroom does not have a cover on its stalk.

  • The oiler is remarkable. The bright red cap, the diameter of which can reach 15 cm, is covered with darker red-brown scales. The ring is very sticky on the inside.

  • The cap is dirty yellow or yellow-olive. In young mushrooms it has a broadly conical shape; as it opens, it becomes cushion-shaped with a blunt tubercle in the center. Covered with radial ingrown brown fibers. The thick stalk is yellow, covered with reddish-brown warts. The cover quickly disappears.

  • (syn. turning blue). The hat is light gray, maybe with green or purple tints. Distinctive features are that the flesh of this butterdish often turns blue at the cut site, and the stem has a wide white ring on top. In addition, the spongy layer is gray, while many other butterfish are lemon yellow or orange.

  • (syn. Tridentine). A bright yellow-orange cap, covered with fibrous scales. The spongy layer is deep orange in color. The stem is the same color as the cap and has a wide ring on it.

  • Velvety cap of light brown color. A distinctive feature of the mushroom is a tubular layer and a thick stalk. Pink colour, sometimes even very rich tones.

  • The mushroom cap can have the most incredible shades of red, but it still becomes lighter with age. It, like the leg, is covered with small brown scales. A distinctive feature is that the flesh turns red when cut.

  • (lat. Suillus grevillei). Very bright mushroom. Often grows next to larch. The cap is glossy, bright orange or bright yellow. On the fine-grained stem there is a wide yellow ring (in a real oiler it is white).

  • The cap of the mushroom is dark brown. The leg is long, with a thick base, covered with small dark grains. Produces milky droplets. The mushroom has a fruity-almond aroma and a sour taste. The oiler is found in forests where there are cedars, with which it forms mycorrhiza.

  • . The shades of the cap vary from yellow to rich chocolate. There is an oily ring on the massive thick stem. Above it the leg is white, below it is yellow. It can be distinguished from the Siberian oiler by the presence of a mucous ring and by its mycorrhiza with pine trees.

  • The hat is very light, almost white. The leg is the same shade. There is no ring on it, but it is covered with small red or brown warts.

  • The mushroom has a massive but short stalk of a whitish-yellow hue and a light brown cap. The spongy layer is greenish-yellow. There is no ring on the leg.

Oily doubles: dangerous and edible

Are there false butterflies? This question is asked by all new mushroom pickers. It’s so easy to get confused about their types, let alone recognize their doubles. But this is not scary, since almost all of them are edible.

Butterfly can be easily confused with pepper mushroom. But it has its own distinctive features - the absence of a ring on the stem and the red tint of the spongy layer (in butterfly it is more yellow). The mushroom is conditionally edible. The reason for this is its pungent taste. But unlike mustard, it does not spoil the dishes at all. On the contrary, it is often used as a mushroom seasoning.

Another doppelgänger is spruce moth. Its young fruiting bodies are very similar to young autumn boletus. Therefore, even the most experienced mushroom pickers are misled. But as soon as you take the mushroom in your hands, all doubts disappear. The spruce moth has plates, not tubes, on the back of its cap. In addition, they are covered with thick mucus.

Spruce weed is an edible mushroom, although few people know about it. Usually it is simply thrown away. IN European countries This mushroom is valued no less than white mushrooms, but in Russia it is considered mediocre and is not taken. On the contrary, they mistakenly call it a false oiler, which is completely wrong.

One more point: if this mushroom is placed in a basket with other representatives of the kingdom, it will color them purple colour. Therefore, it is best to collect it separately from other mushrooms.

Processing mushrooms after harvesting

Butterflies are mushrooms that have a pleasant aroma and taste. But if the heat treatment was carried out incorrectly, this wealth can be lost. How to properly prepare mushrooms for processing? First of all, you need to sort through them, determine the type, and make sure that you didn’t end up in the basket. poisonous mushroom. And only then start cleaning. This must be done immediately as soon as they are brought from the forest. Otherwise, they quickly deteriorate, and insect larvae, comfortably located in the mushrooms, play an important role in this.

The skin is removed, but only from those species where it can be easily separated. Experts believe that consumption with the skin can lead to digestive upset. But many mushroom pickers, sharing their experience, claim that a mushroom cleaned in this way is more attractive than a specimen with a dark cap.

After the mushrooms are cleaned and sorted, you need to rinse thoroughly several times. It is best to pour oil cold water. This will preserve their smell. Then chop the mushrooms and rinse again. Be sure to let the water drain. Do not soak the fruiting bodies for a long time. They absorb water like a sponge, and then they are difficult to clean, cut, and taste qualities after that they leave much to be desired. Then you can proceed to heat treatment or other harvesting methods.

Butterflies are almost universal mushrooms. They can be dried, fried, boiled, cooked in soups and caviar, pickled and salted.

Symptoms of false butterfly poisoning and first aid

False boletus mushrooms do not exist as an independent species. There are no doubles that are dangerous to health. However, it is worth remembering that if a mushroom raises the slightest doubt, it is better not to take it at all than to pay for your greed later.

You can be poisoned by boletus mushrooms only if real mushrooms were collected along the road, near a large industrial enterprise, or in an environmentally unfavorable area. Any mushrooms quickly absorb all toxins, heavy metal salts and other “chemicals”. No amount of soaking or heat treatment can remove them from the fruiting body.

It can also be bad for children, since mushrooms are quite a heavy food, and they should not be included in the diet of a child under 5-6 years old. It is also not recommended to consume mushrooms for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people who have problems with the digestive system.

The first signs of mushroom poisoning are almost the same - weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Usually they appear within a few hours after consuming forest products. It is important not to miss the moment and immediately provide first aid before the medical team arrives. First of all, you need to rinse your stomach and take adsorbents, for example, activated carbon.

But knowing what real boletus looks like, how they can be distinguished from false ones, and knowing how to collect and prepare it correctly, you should not worry about your health.

Butterflies are very specific mushrooms. They are tubular and belong to the boletaceae family. Collecting them is a pleasure. The downside is that cleaning and cooking is quite a labor-intensive process and requires a lot of patience. The name of this gift from nature speaks for itself: the mushroom has a slimy skin. Nevertheless, properly prepared boletus has an excellent taste. Any mushroom picker knows what boletus looks like. Although there are about fifty varieties in total. In some ways they are similar, but there are also differences. Some species have a skirt on the leg.

Common oiler: photo and description

The mushroom cap has a diameter of four to sixteen centimeters. Various colors. The most common colors are brown and dark chocolate, sometimes gray with a tinge of olive or yellow-brown. Young mushrooms have a hemispherical shape, older specimens are flattened. The edges sometimes even rise in the form of plates. The slimy skin is easily separated from the pulp, which, by the way, is very juicy.

Butterflies are quickly susceptible to infection by worms. Mushrooms become unsuitable for food, so speed is needed when collecting and processing.

Collection time in central Russia starts in early August and ends in early October. Mushrooms usually grow in young pine forests.

Before eating, you must remove the skin from the caps. The protein content in the composition of an ordinary butter dish is higher than that of porcini mushrooms. However, they may contain allergens, so people suffering from allergic diseases should remember that they need to consume this type with caution.

Eat different names: autumn butterdish, yellow butterdish and others.

Mushrooms have orange or yellow color on the cut, and in the air it can become colored Blue colour. There is a pine smell.

Grainy oiler: photo and description

The cap is brown or yellow in color and reaches a diameter of 4 to 14 centimeters; it is usually convex, but may be slightly flattened. When touched, it feels oily; the skin can be easily removed. The granular oil can is similar to the previous type, but its color is slightly paler. The mushroom has a dense stem in the form of a cylinder from three to ten centimeters high, the color of which is much lighter than the cap.

T The ribbed layer of the oleaginous plant has yellow pores.

M The clear flesh is light brown in color and does not change after cutting.

There is a variety - cedar boletus, their cap is darker, and there is a pink coating on the legs. The growing time begins in mid-June and ends in October at temperate climate. Places where it can be found: sandy soils in young coniferous forests.

Larch oil can

They have legs up to thirteen centimeters high, cylindrical in shape, the same color as the cap with a bright yellow ring. They are usually found under larches on sandy soils.

In the photo of the larch oil can there are large yellow pores that darken when squeezed. The pulp has a fibrous structure. She is very juicy. The color does not change when cut, interacting with air.

Doubles are boletus gray and red, but they are rare. They have pale caps and legs, and the red ones grow only in Western Siberia.

Mushrooms grow from the beginning of July to the end of September everywhere in Russia. Found in Europe and North America.

The main neighborhood is larches.

P After boiling and removing the skin, the mushrooms need to be marinated.

White oil can: photo

The mushroom is classified as conditionally edible.

The cap of the white oiler has a diameter of six to fifteen centimeters, turning into an olive cap in wet weather. Young mushrooms have a convex cap, which disappears in old age, and they become flat. Smooth to the touch and slightly slippery. The leg has a height of four to eleven centimeters. Its color is white.

The yellow-brown variety of this species is shown in the photo. The pulp has a dense structure and, when cut, turns red from exposure to air. The mushroom is of low quality and weak taste.

Double oiler white are marsh boletus and cedar boletus. They have external resemblance In young age. Later, the boletus turns green and the butterdish darkens.

It grows from the beginning of August until the end of September. Habitat: Siberia, Far East, China and North America, as well as Europe, bordering the Alps. Can be used pickled for food. Processing must be done within three or four hours after the mushroom has been picked.

Butter: benefits and harm

Undoubtedly, boletus are very useful. Despite the fact that they belong to the second category, in terms of calorie content and taste they are placed on a level with porcini mushrooms.

Valuable properties:

Besides useful properties proven by scientists harm from mushrooms that grew near industrial enterprises. They are capable of accumulating various impurities, in particular radioactive cesium. People suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract consumption is not recommended as they are difficult to digest. Butter is difficult for the body to digest.

The calorie content of mushrooms is approximately 19.2 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Recipe for marinated butter

For two kilograms of mushrooms you need to take 500 milliliters of water, two tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar, one and a half tablespoons of nine percent vinegar. Pepper, cloves, garlic and other seasonings are added to taste.

Wash and clean the mushrooms well, removing the film from the caps. Add citric acid to salted water and add mushrooms. Boil for fifteen minutes, remove from heat, and pass through a colander. Cut the garlic into slices. Place the butter in jars that have previously been sterilized in the oven or in a water bath. Add salt and sugar to water, in the proportion indicated above and seasoning to taste. Boil the resulting mixture for 3–4 minutes. After removing from heat, pour in 1.5 tablespoons of nine percent vinegar. Cool the resulting marinade and pour it into jars to the top. Cover with plastic lids. Store pickled mushrooms in a cool place.

Calorie content of pickled butter can be compared with meat dishes. They are at approximately the same level.

Roasting mushrooms

Fresh boletus is very tasty fried, and can also be boiled mushroom soup. Before cooking, they must be cleaned of leaves and sand, the film removed and rinsed vigorously under running water, otherwise, when eaten, the sand will creak on the teeth, which is extremely unpleasant. Further actions:

It is better to serve boiled potatoes as a side dish.

Frozen mushrooms are highly valued, as they retain all the beneficial vitamins and microelements and nutrients. Before freezing, raw materials must first be cleaned, boiled and laid out with plastic bags or containers. Small boletus is used for salting and pickling, and large specimens can be used for freezing.

Should not be collected

Most common mistake newbies: boletus looks like a pepper mushroom. The difference lies in the very large pores. If the sample was also found in a deciduous forest, then you should be wary, since traditional types found only in coniferous forests. It is inedible, but can be used as a seasoning due to its pungency.

Butterflies are gray or turning blue Mushroom pickers rarely collect. When cut, their flesh changes color and turns blue.

There is a possibility of stumbling upon false boletus: Their hats are similar to regular ones, but if you turn them over, the difference becomes noticeable. The false oiler is not spongy, it is plate-like. When cut, the stem is yellow and the plates are gray. They are inedible and extremely poisonous. It's better not to risk your health.

Boletus: photo
