Normal atmospheric pressure above sea level. How does atmospheric pressure affect a person and his health?

Even in ancient times, people noticed that air exerts pressure on ground objects, especially during storms and hurricanes. He used this pressure to make the wind move sailing ships, rotate the wings of windmills. However, for a long time it was not possible to prove that air has weight. Only in the 17th century was an experiment carried out that proved the weight of air. The reason for this was an accidental circumstance.

In Italy in 1640, the Duke of Tuscany decided to build a fountain on the terrace of his palace. The water for this fountain had to be pumped from a nearby lake, but the water did not flow higher than 32 feet. The Duke turned to Galileo, then already a very old man, for clarification. The great scientist was confused and did not immediately find how to explain this phenomenon. And only Galileo's student, Torricelli, after long experiments, proved that air has weight, and the atmospheric pressure is balanced by a column of water 32 feet. He went even further in his research and in 1643 invented a device for measuring atmospheric pressure - barometer.

So, per 1 cm² earth's surface air exerts a pressure of 1.033 kg. All objects on Earth, as well as the human body, experience this pressure per 1 cm². If we take the average surface area of ​​the human body to be about 15,000 cm², then it is obvious that it is under pressure of about 15,500 kg.

Why doesn’t a person experience any inconvenience and feel this heaviness? And this happens because the pressure is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the body and the external pressure is balanced by the internal air pressure that fills all our organs. The human body (and not only it, but many other representatives of the fauna) is adapted to atmospheric pressure, all organs have developed under it, and only under it can they function normally. With systematic and long-term training, a person can adapt and live with low blood pressure.

Atmosphere pressure can be measured in millimeters mercury(mm Hg), as well as in millibars (mb), but currently Pascal and hectoPascal (hPa) are accepted as the unit of atmospheric pressure in the SI system. HectoPascal is numerically equal to a millibar (mb). Atmospheric pressure is 760 mm. rt. Art. = 1,013.25 hPa = 1,013.25 mbar. is considered normal.

But this does not mean at all that this value of atmospheric pressure is the climatic norm for all regions and throughout the year.

Residents of Vladivostok are lucky: the average atmospheric pressure for the year is about 761 mm. rt. Art., although the residents of the mountain village of Tok Jalung in Tibet at an altitude of 4,919 m also do not suffer, and the atmospheric pressure there at a temperature of 0˚C is only 413 mm. rt. Art.

Every morning, weather reports transmit data on atmospheric pressure for Vladivostok and, at the request of radio listeners, not in hPa, but in mm. rt. Art. at sea level.

Why is atmospheric pressure measured on land most often translated to sea level?

The fact is that atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude and quite significantly. So, at an altitude of 5,000 m it is already approximately two times lower. Therefore, to obtain an idea of ​​the real spatial distribution of atmospheric pressure and to compare its value in different areas and at different altitudes, to compile synoptic maps, etc., the pressure is reduced to a single level, i.e. to sea level.

Measured at the weather station site, located at an altitude of 187 m above sea level, the atmospheric pressure is on average 16-18 mm. rt. Art. lower than below on the seashore.

The figure shows annual course average monthly atmospheric pressure according to Vladivostok. Such a course of atmospheric pressure (with a winter maximum and a summer minimum) is typical for continental regions, and in magnitude annual amplitude(about 12 mmHg) can be classified as a transitional type: from continental to oceanic.

For comparison, the amplitude in and is 15-19 mm. rt. Art., and in and only 3.75 mm. rt. Art.

On the well-being of a person who has lived in a certain area for quite a long time, normal (characteristic) pressure should not cause a particular deterioration in well-being, but failure occurs most often with sharp non-periodic fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, and, as a rule, ≥2-3 mm. rt. Art. / 3 hours. In these cases even In practically healthy people, performance decreases, a heaviness is felt in the body, and a headache appears.

We are not able to influence the weather, but it is not at all difficult to help our body survive this difficult period.

How to survive fluctuations in atmospheric pressure during the day?

When forecasting a significant deterioration in weather conditions, that is, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, first of all you should not panic, calm down, and reduce as much as possible. physical activity. For those whose adaptation reactions are quite difficult, it is necessary to consult a doctor about prescribing appropriate medications.

Especially for Primpogoda, leading climatologist of Primhydromet E. A. Mendelson

Man is part of nature. It constantly influences each of us. The more time passes, the more weather-sensitive people appear. Today there are approximately 4 billion such people living on the planet. The factor that most strongly influences a person’s health and well-being is atmospheric pressure, or rather its norm. What atmospheric pressure is considered normal depends on geographical location the area where a person spends most of the time.

What is atmospheric pressure?

The Earth is habitable due to a number of factors. The first of these is the availability of breathing air. Our planet, like a dome, is covered with an atmosphere consisting of many layers, each of which performs a specific important function. The air mass exerts constant pressure on everything that is on Earth, including humans, so it is so important to know what its norm is. Every day, each of us withstands a load of approximately 15,000 kg. We do not feel this burden due to the unique structure of our body. But he can't always cope natural phenomena. Sometimes there is an imbalance in the organ system human body, and then a person becomes dependent on changes in atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure, which is the norm for a person living in middle lane Russia, is 750-760 mmHg. This is the indicator at which most people do not feel any discomfort in their health.

Any deviation of a person’s atmospheric pressure from the norm by 5-10 units or higher will be painfully accepted by our body.

Atmospheric pressure measurement

To measure the normal atmospheric pressure for a person, a specially designed device is used - a barometer. Science has established that the force of atmospheric pressure per 1 surface of the Earth, corresponds to the height of the mercury column of 760 mm. This indicator was taken as the norm of atmospheric pressure for humans. If the barometer reading is above this mark, it is customary to talk about high blood pressure from the norm. If the atmospheric pressure is below normal for a person, then it is considered low. Barometer readings in different points planets are different due to differences in topography, temperature, etc.

The normal atmospheric pressure for a person is measured in mm of mercury (mmHg). Other units may be used, such as pascals (Pa). An indicator of 760 mmHg will be equal in this case to 101325 Pa. However, in everyday life, measuring normal atmospheric pressure for humans in pascals has not taken root. Any weather forecast informs us about the state of atmospheric pressure using mmHg.

What is weather sensitivity?

Many people have so-called weather sensitivity. This is a peculiar reaction of the body to a change in the normal atmospheric pressure for a person. It can be expressed, depending on the presence of various health problems, in the appearance of irritability, pain in various parts of the body, a general decrease in performance, and insomnia. A change in normal atmospheric pressure for a person can manifest itself in mental disorders, for example, a state of anxiety, depression, unreasonable fear.

According to statistics, during sudden changes in weather, even the number of crimes and accidents in transport, as well as man-made disasters, increases several times.

The human body is a kind of chemical laboratory that works normally at the appropriate standard of atmospheric pressure for a person. As soon as these conditions change in any direction, the body reacts with painful manifestations. He lacks something, for example, oxygen. Or vice versa, there is something in excess.

The causes of weather sensitivity are not only health problems, but also poor lifestyle choices. Sedentary activity plays an important role poor nutrition with subsequent acquisition of excess weight, stress.

The influence of human atmospheric pressure

In the vessels and cavities of the human body there are specific receptors that are very sensitive to any changes in atmospheric pressure standards for humans. For example, people with musculoskeletal disorders always “predict” weather changes by aching joints. Hypertensive patients due to headaches in the temples, etc.

The well-being of heart patients also worsens with changes in normal atmospheric pressure for humans. They feel pain in the heart and head, rapid heartbeat and other unpleasant symptoms.

High atmospheric pressure forces the human body to equalize the imbalance that has arisen. How does this happen? By reducing blood pressure. At the same time, the vessels relax, the speed of blood flow changes. Malaise, headaches, and stuffy ears occur. With increased atmospheric pressure, changes occur in chemical composition blood, in particular, the level of leukocytes, the main fighters against infections and viruses, decreases.

Low atmospheric pressure creates conditions for the body similar to climbing a mountain. Under such conditions, there is a deficiency of oxygen, and, consequently, the brain and other organs suffer from hypoxia. The person feels difficulty breathing, pain in the temporal region, and pressure in the head.

Scientists have discovered the dependence of atmospheric pressure on air temperature. With warming, atmospheric pressure decreases. This is unfavorable for hypotensive patients and asthmatics.

With the onset of cold weather and the establishment of clear weather, the norm becomes high. Hypertension sufferers, allergy sufferers, and kidney sufferers.

The most dangerous thing is a sharp increase in atmospheric pressure (by 1 mmHg in 2-3 hours). The patient sharply feels negative symptoms and feels very bad. It is imperative to monitor your blood pressure and immediately take the medications prescribed by your doctor.

A person cannot influence the weather, but he can help himself survive difficult periods.

The first thing you should do as much as possible is to reduce physical activity.

Secondly, consult with your doctor about prescribing normal medications for those who are particularly hard-pressed by weather changes.

The optimal combination of weather indicators for a person is as follows:

  • Atmospheric pressure is normal - 760 mm Hg.
  • Air temperature is the norm 18-20 ͦ C.
  • Humidity is normal 50-55%.

At different points on the Earth, the pressure rate may be different. Recorded fluctuations at sea level are 641-816 mmHg. The average value is exactly 760 mmHg at 20 degrees Celsius. This does not mean that for every person this reading should be equal to the norm. If a person was born and raised in the mountains, the normal numbers for him will naturally be different. Climbing into the mountains will reduce the altitude by about 13% for every kilometer.

The average atmospheric pressure for St. Petersburg, located in northwestern Russia, is only 748 mmHg.

It is time that can greatly influence a patient’s barometric pressure. At night it is higher than during the day. That is why most attacks in heart patients occur at night.

Since 1982, a standard pressure of 100 kPa has been adopted.

Naturally, what to choose for yourself ideal conditions impossible. How many people, so many problems. Everyone is concerned about certain disturbances, so it is important to prepare yourself and your body for weather changes and take care of your health.

Weather-dependent people are more often than others interested in what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for a person. The weight of the air mass is so great that the human body can withstand a load of over 15 tons. Compensation through pressure helps you not to feel such a load. internal organs. When, due to problems in the body, the adaptation system cannot cope, a weather-dependent person becomes a slave to the weather disaster. The intensity of symptoms depends on how low or high your blood pressure is.

What does the barometer say?

It is known that the pressure force of the Earth's air shell on 1 cm² of surface is balanced by a column of mercury 760 mm high. This indicator is accepted as the norm. When the barometer gives a result higher than 760 mmHg, they speak of increased atmospheric pressure when it is less than 760 mmHg. Art. - about the reduced one. Considering the fact that the Earth's surface heats up unevenly and the terrain is heterogeneous (mountains, lowlands), the barometer readings will differ.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

Favorable weather

Every person is unique. The norm of atmospheric pressure for it will also be unique. Someone will not notice the flight to another climate zone, and someone will feel the approach of a cyclone, which will manifest itself as a headache and “twisting” of the knees. Others have climbed higher into the mountains and feel great, not paying attention to the thin air. A set of natural and weather conditions under which one can feel comfortable and have normal atmospheric pressure for a person. The older a person gets, the more strongly he feels climate change.

Table of optimal weather conditions

Everyone is influenced not only by atmospheric pressure, but also by air temperature and humidity both outside and in the house. Optimal performance and possible consequences deviations from the norm are shown in the table:

Atmosphere pressure750-760 mm Hg. Art.above 760 mm Hg. Art.less than 750 mm Hg. Art.
InfluenceComfortable for a person’s well-being.
  • headache,
  • weakness,
  • decreased immunity.
  • pulse quickens,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • the content of leukocytes in the blood is increased.
Air temperature18-20° CAbove 25 °CLess than 16°C
ImpactSuitable for work, relaxation, sleep.Exceeding the air temperature by even 5 ° C from the norm leads to a significant decrease in performance and fatigue.
  • the speed of thought processes slows down,
  • difficult to switch from one task to another.
Humidity50-55% Less than 45%More than 60%
EffectComfortable for your well-being.The mucous surface of the nasopharynx dries out, its ability to resist viruses and bacteria decreases.The body's resistance to cold decreases.

What is weather dependence?

Weather dependence is the inability of the human body to adapt to changing weather conditions.

People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and endocrine diseases are more prone to weather dependence. The baroreceptors of our organs react to the approach of a cyclone or anticyclone, reducing or increasing blood pressure, making them dependent on weather conditions.

The effect of high atmospheric pressure on blood pressure

The body has the ability to equalize atmospheric pressure with arterial pressure.

An increase in atmospheric pressure forces blood pressure to equalize the imbalance. Blood pressure decreases, the walls of blood vessels expand. Consequences of hypotension:

  • concerned about poor health and general weakness;
  • suffer from headaches;
  • there is an unpleasant “fullness” in the ears;
  • Chronic diseases are getting worse.

Blood chemistry under these conditions will show a decrease in white blood cell levels, which means that immune system it will be more difficult to cope with the infection or virus. The best solution in this situation:

  • do not overexert yourself and have a good rest;
  • limit alcohol intake during this time;
  • enrich the diet with foods containing potassium (dried fruits) and magnesium (cereals, rye bread).

The effect of low atmospheric pressure on humans

A drop in atmospheric pressure when the weather changes leads to symptoms that are similar to mountain climbing. An insufficient amount of oxygen is unable to saturate the organs of the human body. Shortness of breath appears, the heart beats faster, pain presses in the temples and squeezes the head like a hoop. People with increased intracranial pressure, head injuries, and cardiovascular diseases react sharply to this.

Many people are subject to change in environment. A third of the population is affected by gravity air masses to the ground. Atmospheric pressure: the norm for humans, and how deviations from the indicators affect general health of people.

Changes in the weather can affect a person's condition

What atmospheric pressure is considered normal for humans?

Atmospheric pressure is the weight of air that presses on the human body. On average, this is 1.033 kg per 1 cubic cm. That is, 10-15 tons of gas control our mass every minute.

The normal atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg or 1013.25 mbar. Conditions in which the human body feels comfortable or adapted. In fact, an ideal weather indicator for any inhabitant of the Earth. In reality, everything is not like that.

Atmospheric pressure is not stable. Its changes are daily and depend on the weather, terrain, sea level, climate and even time of day. The vibrations are not noticeable to humans. For example, at night the mercury rises 1-2 notches higher. Minor changes do not affect the well-being of a healthy person. Changes of 5-10 or more units are painful, and sudden significant jumps are fatal. For comparison: loss of consciousness from altitude sickness occurs when pressure drops by 30 units. That is, at a level of 1000 m above the sea.

The continent and even an individual country can be divided into conventional areas with different average pressure levels. Therefore, the optimal atmospheric pressure for each person is determined by the region of permanent residence.

An example of the distribution of atmospheric pressure over Russia in January

The flexible human body has the potential to adapt to unfamiliar natural conditions. The notorious resort acclimatization is an example of this. It happens when restructuring is impossible. So the inhabitants of the mountains suffer from poor health in the lowlands, no matter how long they stay there.

Doctors confirm the theory that the appropriate level of pressure is measured not by numbers, but by individual well-being. And yet the optimal value for the average person is within 750-765 mm.

Atmospheric pressure standards in different regions

Each region of Russia has developed an individual level of pressure. In Moscow, ideal 760 mm practically does not exist. The average value is 747-749 units. For Muscovites, the increase to 755 mm is not noticeable. The values ​​above sometimes affect your well-being. Moscow is located on a hill, so pressure above average is a priori impossible. In the Moscow region, the divisions are even lower: the territory is located above the capital.

Table “Normal atmospheric pressure for Russian cities”

In Donetsk, the atmospheric pressure also differs from the region. In the city the average is 744-745 mm, and populated areas closer to sea level – 749-750.

What effect does atmospheric pressure have on humans?

Atmospheric and blood pressure are interrelated. A decrease in mbar (cloudy, rainy weather) affects the body:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • dizziness and pain;
  • nausea;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraine.

Feeling drowsy during rainy weather

People with depressed respiratory functions are also at risk for hypotension. Their health on such days is characterized by aggravated symptoms and attacks. Cases of hypotensive crisis are becoming more frequent.

Increased air pressure (clear, dry, windless and warm weather) brings a depressed state of health to hypertensive patients. The symptoms are opposite:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • facial redness;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • pulsation in temples;
  • before your eyes;
  • nausea.

High air pressure has a negative effect on hypertensive patients

Similar weather generous to strokes and heart attacks.

For people who are vulnerable to the vagaries of nature, doctors advise on such days to stay outside the active work zone and deal with the consequences of weather dependence.

Meteor dependence - what to do?

The movement of mercury by more than one division in 3 hours is a reason for stress in the strong body of a healthy person. Each of us feels such fluctuations in the form of headaches, drowsiness, and fatigue. More than a third of people suffer from weather dependence in varying degrees gravity. In the zone of high sensitivity, populations with diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory system, aged people. How to help yourself if a dangerous cyclone is approaching?

15 ways to survive a weather cyclone

There's not a lot of new advice here. It is believed that together they alleviate suffering and teach the correct way of life in case of weather vulnerability:

  1. See your doctor regularly. Consult, discuss, ask for advice in case your health worsens. Always have prescribed medications on hand.
  2. Buy a barometer. It is more productive to track the weather by the movement of the mercury column, rather than by knee pain. This way you will be able to anticipate the approaching cyclone.
  3. Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Forewarned is forearmed.
  4. On the eve of a weather change, get enough sleep and go to bed earlier than usual.
  5. Adjust your sleep schedule. Provide yourself with a full 8 hours of sleep, getting up and falling asleep at the same time. This has a powerful restorative effect.
  6. Meal schedule is equally important. Follow balanced diet. Potassium, magnesium and calcium are essential minerals. Ban on overeating.
  7. Take vitamins in a course in spring and autumn.
  8. Fresh air, walks outside - light and regular exercise strengthens the heart.
  9. Don't overexert yourself. Putting off household chores is not as dangerous as weakening the body before a cyclone.
  10. Accumulate favorable emotions. A depressed emotional background fuels the disease, so smile more often.
  11. Clothes made from synthetic threads and fur are harmful due to static current.
  12. Store traditional methods symptoms relief list in a visible place. It’s hard to remember a recipe for herbal tea or a compress when your temples are aching.
  13. Office workers in high-rise buildings suffer more often from weather changes. Take time off if possible, or better yet, change jobs.
  14. A long cyclone means discomfort for several days. Is it possible to go to a quiet region? Forward.
  15. Prevention at least a day before the cyclone prepares and strengthens the body. Do not give up!

Don't forget to take vitamins to improve your health

Atmosphere pressure- This is a phenomenon that is absolutely independent of man. Moreover, our body obeys it. What the optimal pressure should be for a person is determined by the region of residence. People with chronic diseases are especially susceptible to weather dependence.

In our material we will tell you what normal atmospheric pressure is for a person in mm of mercury and pascals. Atmospheric pressure is the force of pressure of an air column per unit area. in summer temperate latitudes In the Northern Hemisphere, the belt of low atmospheric pressure is being restored. On the earth's surface, atmospheric pressure varies from place to place and over time.

The origin of this unit is related to the method of measuring atmospheric pressure using a barometer, in which the pressure is balanced by a column of liquid. Mercury is often used as a liquid because it has a very high density (≈13,600 kg/m³) and low pressure saturated steam at room temperature.

Accordingly, when a pressure of 25 microns is indicated on a vacuum pump, we are talking about the maximum vacuum created by this pump, measured in microns of mercury. Of course, no one uses a Torricelli pressure gauge to measure such low pressures. To measure low pressures, other instruments are used, for example, a McLeod pressure gauge (vacuum gauge).

Atmospheric pressure is the pressure of the atmosphere acting on all objects in it and the earth's surface. Atmospheric pressure is equal to the weight of an overlying column of air with a base area equal to one. The presence of atmospheric pressure led people to confusion in 1638, when the Duke of Tuscany's idea to decorate the gardens of Florence with fountains failed - the water did not rise above 10.3 meters.

Together with V. Viviani, Torricelli conducted the first experiment in measuring atmospheric pressure, inventing the first mercury barometer - a glass tube in which there is no air. Under stationary conditions, atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases, since it is created only by the overlying layer of the atmosphere.

Atmospheric pressure and our well-being

On maps, atmospheric pressure is depicted using isobars - isolines connecting points with the same surface atmospheric pressure, necessarily reduced to sea level. In chemistry, the standard atmospheric pressure since 1982, according to IUPAC recommendations, has been considered to be a pressure of 100 kPa. Atmospheric pressure is one of the most significant characteristics of the state of the atmosphere.

The height to which one must rise or fall for the pressure to change by 1 hPa (hectopascal) is called the pressure level.

What is normal atmospheric pressure for a person?

The reciprocal of the pressure level is the vertical pressure gradient, that is, the change in pressure when rising or falling by 100 meters. Many weather stations send out so-called “synoptic telegrams”, which indicate the pressure normalized to sea level (see KN-01, METAR). This is done to ensure that the pressure is comparable at stations located at different altitudes, as well as for aviation needs.

Pressure converter

On no high altitudes Every 12 m of ascent reduces atmospheric pressure by 1 mm Hg. Art. At high altitudes this pattern is broken. Weather forecasts and reports disseminated to the public via the Internet and radio use unreduced pressure, that is, the actual pressure at the local level. The force with which air presses on the earth's surface is called atmospheric pressure.

This is explained by the fact that the pressure inside our body is equal to atmospheric pressure. In this way, internal and external pressures are balanced. Atmospheric pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). To determine it, they use a special device - a barometer (from the Greek baros - heaviness, weight and metreo - I measure). There are mercury and liquid-free barometers.

High and low atmospheric pressure

The value of 760 mm was first obtained in 1644 by Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) and Vincenzo Viviani (1622-1703) - students of the brilliant Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. The mercury level in the tube dropped as some of the mercury spilled into the cup and settled at 760 millimeters.

Normal atmospheric pressure for St. Petersburg

In the international system of units (SI) 1 atm. = 101,325 Pascals (Pa). Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French scientist after whom the pressure unit is named. Air pressure on our planet can vary widely. If the air pressure is more than 760 mm Hg. Art., then it is considered increased, less - decreased. Since the air becomes more and more rarefied as it rises upward, the atmospheric pressure decreases (in the troposphere on average 1 mm for every 10.5 m of rise).

Atmospheric pressure rises twice during the day (morning and evening) and decreases twice (after noon and after midnight). The distribution of atmospheric pressure over the earth's surface has a pronounced zonal character.

On globe Three belts with a predominance of low atmospheric pressure (minima) and four zones with a predominance of high atmospheric pressure (maxima) are distinguished. Heated air expands, becomes lighter and therefore rises. As a result, low atmospheric pressure is established near the earth's surface near the equator.

Pressure - physical quantity, which characterizes the state of a continuous medium and is numerically equal to the force acting per unit surface area perpendicular to this surface. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure at sea level were noted within the range of 641 - 816 mm Hg. Art. (inside the tornado the pressure drops and can reach 560 mmHg).
