Folk signs about what summer will be like. Folk calendar for July

At the heart of everything folk signs lies an enormous amount of experience in observing natural phenomena. Summer is the most important time in people's lives, because it is during this period that crops are cultivated and grown that can feed the people throughout the year.

And all folk signs about summer are aimed at obtaining and preserving the harvest, restoring health, and increasing family traditions.

Folk signs are an invaluable gift from ancestors who knew how to modern technologies accurately determine the weather. And such forecasts helped peasants in all sowing and harvesting work in the fields. They were of considerable benefit when it was necessary to plant vegetable crops and remove the hay. People rarely turn to folk signs for help in summer and winter, listening more often to weather forecasters. But time has long been able to prove that it is thanks to winter and summer folk signs that one can obtain more reliable information about what kind of summer is expected ahead than forecasters predict.

Features of the summer period

Like other seasons, summer consists of three calendar months, and according to the calendar, summer begins on the first day of June and lasts exactly ninety-two days until the thirty-first of August. The summer period is divided into seasons: pre-summer (from the first to the tenth of June), the beginning of summer (from the eleventh of June to the fifth of July), full summer(from the sixth to the twenty-sixth of July), the decline of summer (from the twenty-seventh of July to the twenty-sixth of August), the beginning of autumn (from the twenty-seventh to the thirty-first of August).

As the phenological calendar shows, summer begins when rye should start sprouting in the fields. If you look at the meteorological calendar, summer begins when the average daily air temperature does not fall below ten or fifteen degrees Celsius above zero.

About summer signs

Many people know that if there are too many insects and bugs in May, the summer will be dry and hot. With the help of a weeping birch tree in April, you will learn that the summer months will be rainy and cold. Thanks to poultry, you can know when a summer thunderstorm is coming. Before the onset of bad weather, geese and ducks begin to grease their feathers, chickens preen their feathers, and roosters begin to crow. A sharp change in the behavior of the bird will reliably tell you that a thunderstorm is approaching.

If swifts, swallows and larks fly high in the sky, the weather is expected to be fine and sunny. If the clouds form a dark, solid mass on the horizon, then soon expect the beginning of prolonged rain with thunder and thunderstorms.

The sound of thunder tells you how long the storm will last.

If they change one after another, the storm will be long and the weather will be cold. And from the abrupt and short rumbles of thunder, you will understand that the thunderstorm will soon be replaced by warm and sunny weather.

If you look carefully at folk signs in the summer, you can find out what the weather is expected to be like for all months of the season. Animals and birds will tell you best about the changes in winter and summer:

  • if swallows fly up and down, it will serve a clear sign bad weather and cold weather;
  • if the crows start flying too high, expect a quick change in the weather;
  • the low flight of birds always indicates the imminent approach of rain;
  • You can also find out about the imminent approach of rain with the help of an anthill. If all the passages into it are closed, and not a single insect appears on the surface, know that it will rain soon.

Folk signs about the weather in summer, the most numerous summer signs, which were guided by great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, will help you find out in advance not only about the onset of cold days, but will also tell you which days will be sunny and stormy:

  • you can find out about a warm and clear day with the help of a spider sitting on a web at sunset;
  • Sparrows will also be able to tell you about warm days if they fly in small flocks;
  • if flies, so unloved by many, bother you with their buzzing, wait for warm and sunny weather;
  • about clear and sunny day Bird singing will also tell you;
  • The active chirping of grasshoppers in the evening indicates a fine summer day.

With the help of weather phenomena and the behavior of animal representatives and flora you will be best able to navigate with an idea of ​​the weather for the coming days.

And you don't have to rely on weather forecasts. Moreover, they often make mistakes.

Children born in summer

Children born in summer period, differ from winter ones by increased emotionality, sensitivity, sociability, curiosity and liveliness. Such children are distinguished by their boundless kindness towards others. Summer children grow into purposeful, persistent, diligent and patient people. Such weighty luggage helps them move through life more easily, achieving their goals. Although, according to research conducted by British scientists, summer children do slightly worse at school.

As January is, so is July: there is a lot of snow in January - there is frequent rain in July, if January is cold, then July will be dry and hot.

If the winter is severe, the summer will be hot.

In winter there is a lot of frost - in summer there is a lot of dew.

Frosts in the last week of January promise a cold summer.

If on New Year warm and snowy, summer will be warm.

When the snow melts quickly and the water runs in a strong stream, summer will be rainy.

Frequent fogs in February mean a rainy summer.

If February is rainy, then spring and summer will be the same, and if it is fine, it will lead to drought.

Inclement weather in February - to cold weather in August.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

January is dry, frosty, the water level in the rivers decreases greatly - leading to a dry, hot summer.

Late spring portends good weather in the summer.

There are snowstorms in winter - the summer will be clear. If the winter is warm, the summer will be cold. If there is a snowstorm in the winter, it will rain on the corresponding day of summer.

Spring is very warm - summer will be cold.

If in early spring lightning flashes, but thunder is not heard - in the summer it will be dry.

Dry and light snow - for a dry summer.

When the snow quickly melts and the water runs in a strong stream, this is a sign of a wet summer.

Signs of summer by trees and plants:

If the birch tree puts out its leaves before the maple or alder, the summer will be dry, and if the maple throws out its leaves before the birch, then the summer will be wet.

If the alder throws out its leaves before the birch, expect a cold, rainy summer. And if the birch is earlier than the alder or maple, then the summer will be dry.

If the oak greens up before the ash, expect a dry summer.

If the birch tree has a lot of sap, then the summer will be rainy.

If the first mushrooms - morels - appeared on high places- for a rainy summer, in lowlands for a dry one.

If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.

Abundant release of birch sap in April days means a rainy summer.

Sign by day:

March 14 is the day of Evdokia Plyushchikha. As is Evdokia, so is summer. And where the wind blows on Evdokia, from there all summer. Evdokia is beautiful and the summer will be nicer, Evdokia is cold, then the summer will be cold, and if there is precipitation, then the summer will be rainy. Snow and rain and a warm wind on this day foreshadow a wet summer. This day is also associated with signs of spring. A warm day means early spring. If it’s stormy on Evdokia, there won’t be much good weather until Trinity.

April 7 - Annunciation. Rain on this day promises a mushroom harvest in the summer, and if there is frost, the cucumbers will be good.

Spring before the Annunciation, there will be many frosty matinees ahead.

April 21 - Rodion-Icebreaker, roaring waters. If it’s a good, fine day on Rodion, then so will the summer; if it’s a rainy day, then the summer will be stormy.

Signs of summer by animals and birds:

If the snow melts in the spring on the northern side of the anthill, summer will be warm and long, and on the southern side it will be cold and short.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

A hot summer is indicated by the abundance of May beetles (Khrushchev) that appear in the spring. If there are a lot of beetles, expect a drought.

What will the harvest be like?

December is cold, snowy, with frequent frosts and winds, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - to good harvest next year.

If the snow falls evenly in winter, it will be thicker in spring (germination will be poor).

If the snow on the fields is lumpy, there will be a harvest.

If there are a lot of long and dense icicles hanging in January, it means a harvest.

On New Year's Day, the sky is starry - for the harvest.

Snow on Christmas - there will be little harvest.

If there are few stars at Epiphany, there will also be few mushrooms in the summer.

If it is cloudy on Epiphany during Jordan, there will be a harvest.

Cold northern winds in February - to crop failure in summer

If bees land on cherry blossoms, the cherries will be born; if not, there will be no cherries.

Summer is a wonderful time of year. In order to understand what nature wants to convey to us in the summer, you need to correctly interpret the signs and understand the signs.

In the article:

Folk signs about summer

  • Heavy fog at the beginning of the season - expect a large mushroom harvest. If it quickly disappears, long time will good weather.
  • Separate
  • The sound of thunder can be heard for a long time during a storm - a sign of prolonged bad weather.
  • Continuous ringing thunder in the morning indicates rain in the evening. If the sound is dull, the rain will not be heavy.

Our ancestors paid special attention to the rainbow.

  • An arc in the sky in the morning means rain.
  • After the precipitation, the rainbow quickly disappeared - the weather will be sunny.
  • If you observe this phenomenon in the sky for a long time, expect bad weather.
  • The red tint of the arc is towards the wind.

Unknown signs

  • If the drops are small during precipitation, the rain will be long.
  • Down is flying from the aspen tree - go to the forest to pick mushrooms.
  • If in summer time a lot of sorrel has been produced, the winter will be warm.
  • Frogs sitting in a pond mean dry weather. If they come out onto land and croak loudly, expect bad weather.
  • Earthworms crawl to the surface before precipitation.
  • If the mountain ash blooms late in the summer, the autumn will be warm and long.

What do insects tell you?

  • If there are a lot of midges in the yard, a large harvest of mushrooms is possible. You should not ignore this sign.
  • Mosquitoes fly in columns - good weather.
  • If insects behave restlessly in the morning, expect a strong storm at night.
  • Ants hiding means bad weather.
  • If grasshoppers chirp loudly, it will be a clear and warm day.

Signs in June

The first month of summer - favorable period. Start new things. Pay attention to your material condition. You may want to change your profession or job. Don't make hasty decisions, but think about what you really want to do in life.

June - good time for weddings. However, it is necessary.

People born this month have extraordinary abilities. If their parents instill in them a love of art, work, and the desire for excellence from childhood, they will be able to achieve a lot. The most important thing is to overcome your laziness.

Signs say that those born in the first half of the month will be able to become successful entrepreneurs. Those who celebrate after June 15th will be lucky in marriage, but not in early marriage.

In June, it is worth paying attention to certain dates on which nature will tell you what to expect in the future.

  • June 10th- if today the weather is calm and calm, this is a profit. Gardeners can expect a rich harvest.
  • June 14 and 17- pay attention to the wind. The northwest direction indicates possible bad weather.
  • 21st of June- . Stock up on an umbrella in advance or don’t leave the house.
  • 22nd of June It was considered by our ancestors to be the beginning of summer. This is the longest day and the shortest night. People believed that all the wishes expressed today would come true, and that what they made before going to bed would come true.

July signs about the weather and more

July is a good time to make important decisions. If in June you were only thinking about whether it was worth changing something in your life, then in July you can implement your plans.

According to popular beliefs, romantics and adventurers are born at this time. In their youth, they are able to take any risk to achieve their goal. With age, this quality disappears, they become calmer, more restrained, slower and more reasonable.

  • If there is a large harvest of berries in July, expect a cold winter.
  • In the morning the grass near the house is dry - at night it will rain.
  • Notice the fog. If it creeps along the ground, wait for good weather. It rises upward - to the precipitation.
  • Night dew doesn't dry for a long time- to a thunderstorm.
  • Hot and muggy weather in July means December will be cold and frosty.

Please note two important dates:

  • July 13. The cuckoo crows for a long time - wait for Indian summer;
  • July 15. If the leaves on the trees begin to turn yellow, autumn will be early.

Summer signs - August

Our ancestors believed that this month was better to rest and gain strength for work in the fall. Take time to make plans and complete projects you started so that you can take on new things from September.

People born in August are different strong character. According to popular belief, they will be able to achieve any heights without putting any effort into it.

Our ancestors believed that if there is a lot of precipitation in August, it will be warm in the fall. N from 7 to 8 August cold - expect an early and very frosty winter.

August 23 go to the shore of a lake or river at exactly 12 noon. If the water is calm, autumn will be warm, and winter without blizzards and blizzards.

August, 26th- Tikhon's day. If the wind is not very strong, the weather will be pleasant until the end of summer, but a storm portends rain until the beginning of October.

Signs about summer for children

Those born in summer will be illuminated by the bright sun all their lives. These people are always loved in the team; they know how to instill hope, joy and charge with positive emotions.

Children born in summer, especially receptive To negative impact. Protect them from strangers.

If a stranger gives something to a child, he can ruin his life. Therefore, do not let your child take the gift on his own. Take it and sprinkle it with holy water, and only then hand it over.

Our ancestors believed that you could pass the evil eye to a baby, born in summer, if he wears someone else's thing. Protect your child from objects that have already been used by someone.

Summer- the warmest and most pleasant time of the year. The sun is shining brightly and warming, birds are singing, the fields are making ears. This is the time of vacation, holidays, relaxation at sea or near a river. No wonder they say: “Summer is the golden time, don’t waste a minute.” At this time of year, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. In summer, many berries and fruits ripen. With the help of folk signs of summer, you can determine the future weather and what winter will be like based on natural phenomena, harvests, and animal behavior.

Signs about the weather in summer

  • Rainy summer leads to snowy winter.
  • Summer is dry and hot - leading to a frosty winter with little snow.
  • Increased wind in the evening means worsening weather. If at this time its direction changes counterclockwise, there will be prolonged precipitation.
  • If high cumulus clouds appear during the day, expect thunderstorms again at night.
  • A clear sunset is a sign of stable clear weather.
  • Evening dew is the first sign of clear weather for tomorrow.

Summer signs about nature

  • Earthworms are crawling out - expect bad weather and rain.
  • Sparrows bathe in dust or sand - it could be rain.
  • If there are few inhabitants around the anthill, it will soon rain. Life is in full swing around the anthill - no rain is expected.
  • Pigeons coo to warm sunny weather.
  • The appearance of the dung beetle - sure sign good weather.
  • Late in the evening, crickets sing loudly - good weather.
  • Mosquitoes fly in swarms - the weather will be good.
  • An abundance of berries in summer foreshadows a cold winter.
  • There are many insects circling around the acacia - expect bad weather.

Over the past decades, the science of meteorology has advanced greatly and makes it possible to predict the weather both for the coming days and for longer periods. However, people still continue to trust the centuries-old observations of their ancestors, which predict with amazing accuracy the coming warming or sudden frosts, heavy rains or dry periods.

Thanks to close attention to surrounding nature numerous generations of peasants knew exactly when to start sowing or haymaking, what harvest of cereals, vegetables and forest products to expect in the coming summer season. And they were helped in this by numerous summer weather signs, which remain relevant today.

What does the June weather warn about?

First summer month folk beliefs are divided into two parts: the pre-year period (until June 10) and the beginning of summer (from the 11th to the end of the month).

  • Based on the first two days of June (June 1 and 2), you can judge what the whole month will be like. If a light rain falls from the sky, then last numbers No more significant precipitation is expected.
  • The weather on June 3 will tell you about the coming autumn. When this date turns out to be inclement, then the entire autumn season will be rainy and cold.
  • Frequent lightning in June foreshadows a rich harvest. The quiet day of June 10 tells farmers the same thing. But the rain on Fedot (June 20) warns that you shouldn’t expect good bread this season.
  • The bright dawn of June 14 promises grain growers an unprecedented harvest of rye.
  • If it blows on June 18 strong wind, then you should prepare for a bountiful harvest of spring grain.

July predictions

July is the height of summer, the hottest and most generous time. However, even these days, filled with the aromas of fruit and drunk sunlight, can tell about the approaching autumn and the coming winter.

  • Rain on Methodius (July 3) foreshadows prolonged bad weather. If such weather lasts until the 10th (on Samson), then the rains will last until the Indian summer.
  • On the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7), abundant dew is highly desirable for all gardeners. After all, this sign promises a rich harvest of cucumbers. And here starry sky this night will delight lovers quiet hunt, as it promises an unprecedented mushroom picking.
  • On July 12, grain growers count how many times they receive rain. If it drizzled only once, then the grain harvest would be poor, twice - quite decent, three times - unprecedentedly rich.
  • The early arrival of winter is expected if they stop hearing the cuckoo's cuckooing after Peter's Day (July 12).
  • July 25 (Proclus) pay attention to the morning weather. If dew does not fall at dawn, and fog does not spread in the lowlands, then prolonged precipitation and cold weather are ahead.
  • Based on the weather on Anna (July 26), one can judge the coming autumn. When this date turns out to be fine, then the autumn season will delight you with warmth and sunshine for a long time.

Signs of August

August ends the summer season and pleases gardeners with a harvest of vegetables. In addition, the August weather can be used to judge the following seasons.

  • A fine autumn without rain predicts a dry August 1st.
  • Elijah's Day (August 2) rarely goes without rain and thunder. However, if a miracle did happen, and not a single drop of heavenly moisture fell to the ground, then we can confidently say that the entire autumn will remain without rain.
  • For our ancestors, traditional precipitation on Elijah’s Day was always a sure sign of a bountiful rye harvest in the next agricultural season.
  • The thunderstorm on Maria (August 4) promised that there would be abundant haymaking.
  • Fine days on August 15, 16 and 17 also promise a sunny and dry autumn season.
  • You can judge winter by paying attention to the weather on August 7th. A cold matinee on this day frightens the harsh winter months.
  • A snowy winter is promised on August 16, but only if strong and cold winds blow on this day.
  • Clear days on August 18 and 19 also foreshadow a frosty winter season, while stormy days promise slush and heavy snowfall.
  • We should be wary of a rainy and cold autumn season if bad weather upsets us on August 19th. But on this day the Second (Apple) Savior falls, and therefore the collection of ripe summer varieties of apples begins.
  • A slushy and cool autumn is predicted by storks and swallows if, already on August 20, they begin to prepare to fly to warmer climes.
  • On August 23, it makes sense to watch the nearest body of water. If his mirror is serene on this day, then the autumn will be fine, and winter will not upset you with frequent snowstorms.
  • They pay attention to the movement on Micah the Quiet One air masses. Strong winds on August 27 foreshadow an equally stormy autumn, but a light whiff of zephyr promises a dry season.
  • Cranes that have already flown away for the winter Orekhovoy Spas(August 29), they feel that frost will already break out on Pokrov (October 14).
  • On August 31, our ancestors paid attention to the roots of wormwood. If by this time they became thick, then a rich harvest could be expected for the next season.

Heavenly predictions

It turns out that you can tell a lot about the weather for the future if you tilt your head back and carefully study the summer sky.

  • The bright stars shining above at night definitely promise a fine day, but the dimly flickering Milky Way warns that when leaving the house tomorrow, you should wear waterproof shoes and take an umbrella, as precipitation is very likely.
  • The daytime sky is no less eloquent if you learn to correctly interpret its signs. It is quite obvious that dark and heavy clouds floating low above the ground promise bad weather. If there are white clouds among them, then in addition to rain, hail is also very likely. The shape of the clouds will also predict the weather: cumulus - warmth, and stratus - precipitation.
  • According to the nature of the beginning thunderstorm knowledgeable person can determine its nature and duration. Loud thunderclaps warn that a rainstorm is about to break out. Distant and prolonged thunder during rain predicts hail and long-term bad weather. Bubbling puddles also report this.
  • Rainbow is not only amazingly beautiful a natural phenomenon, but also a very accurate weather “informant”. If in the morning it rose high into the sky, expect clear weather, but a low multi-colored arc at sunset indicates impending bad weather. The rainbow rocker does not want to leave the vault of heaven for a long time - soon it will rain again. Its doubled version also warns about this, but a triple rainbow promises many warm days.
  • Morning fog – quite common weather phenomenon in summer. By his “behavior” one can judge his prospects not a day. If the haze quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, then good weather will arise for a long time, if it stays above the forest, warm rain will fall, if it sank to the water, a clear day will come.

Summer signs from winged weather forecasters

It is very easy to learn about weather changes by the behavior of birds. Who hasn’t heard that before bad weather, swifts and swallows always fly low? However, the variety of “bird” predictions is not limited to this one option.

  • Have storks settled near your house? This useful bird will not only bring happiness to the family, but will also warn about bad weather. If the white-winged creature suddenly stood on both legs at once, and even hid its head under its wing, then a real storm would soon break out.
  • The weather can also be recognized by the behavior of such simple birds as sparrows. If they sit hunched over or selflessly take dust baths, then you should wait heavy rainfall, but a carefree and loud chirping communicates the prospects of a long bucket.
  • Are nightingale trills heard outside your window all night? This sure sign, as well as the prolonged cuckooing of the cuckoo, promises a fine day for tomorrow, while the cries of an owl in the dark foreshadow not only trouble, but also bad weather.
  • Rainy weather is predicted and Domestic bird. Ducks and geese scream and splash in a pond or puddle on the eve of precipitation, roosters crow at inopportune hours, and hens hide their chicks under their wings.

Insects are natural oracles

More eloquent than the birds in the region weather forecasts Only insects appear, which in summer swarm in large numbers in the air, crawl in the grass and flutter from flower to flower.

  • If suddenly a lot of earthworms appear on the surface of the earth, then there is no doubt that it will rain in the very near future. Fishermen know that if these creatures, stored as fish food, suddenly become active, trying to leave the jar, then bad weather is ahead.
  • Bees can also tell a lot about the coming weather. If they show increased activity, then a strong wind will soon rise, they try to leave the hives as early as possible in the morning - a great day is ahead, they return later than usual to spend the night - the next day will be rainy, they land on the walls of the hive - to the heat, and become angrier - to a long absence of precipitation.
  • When columns of mosquitoes and various midges appear in the air in the evening, there is no doubt that the next day will be warm and fine.
  • The lively buzzing of flies is a sure sign of impending good weather, while their complete disappearance indicates that bad weather is approaching.
  • It's easy to learn about weather prospects from the behavior of ants. If these hardworking insects suddenly begin to fuss and seal the entrances to the anthill, then you should expect heavy and prolonged rainfall. But the active and purposeful activity of the ants suggests that no unpleasant surprises are expected.
  • On a summer evening, to find out the forecast for the next day, you should listen to the chirping of grasshoppers. If it sounds loud and confident, then you don’t have to worry that the weather will turn bad, while the complete silence of these sensitive insects warns of bad weather.
  • Another weather forecasting insect that perfectly predicts the weather is spiders. Before precipitation, they all disappear somewhere, and on the eve of a fine day they appear in large numbers on the grass and trees. If an arthropod begins to weave its web while it is raining, then there is no doubt that it will soon end.

What will pets tell you?

Our sensitive pets often predict the weather as well as meteorologists. Moreover, unlike scientific forecasts, they are always “at hand” and are almost never wrong.

  • A sure sign of future rain will be the restless behavior of the cow herd. On the eve of precipitation, the cows roar loudly, huddle together, sleep a lot during the day and drink little.
  • The behavior of horses is no less informative. If they choose a piece of pasture that is located on a hill, then the weather will change in better side: It will become warm and clear. Do the horses raise their muzzles and greedily suck in air through their nostrils? Animals quite definitely sense the approach of precipitation.
  • Pigs are not very elegant creatures, but they are also excellent at predicting the weather in the summer. Sow, basking in a dirty puddle, clearly reports that the heat will last for a long time. If she selflessly itches against a fence or tree, then you can hope for warmth. An animal that prefers a stuffy pigsty fresh air corral, predicts imminent bad weather by his behavior.
  • If a rural resident always has livestock “at hand,” then a city dweller is deprived of this opportunity to find out about the upcoming weather. However, he always has at his disposal faithful friends people - dogs. If a bob or bug suddenly starts rolling on the ground and drinking a lot, then it warns its owner about precipitation.

Plants are the best predictors

Botany lovers, gardeners and gardeners can always learn about weather prospects if they pay attention to trees and bushes, flowers and herbs in the summer. After all, they are no worse than animals and birds at foreseeing any changes.
