Agate for Pisces woman. Pisces talismans: moonstone and aquamarine

The most mysterious Sign on the astrological horizon. Outwardly very nice, sensitive, kind representatives of the Sign do not always know what they want from the world around them and from themselves, first of all.

Their creativity and talents are unparalleled, but they rarely achieve significant success in this field, preferring to “go with the flow.” Pisces love both recognition and material wealth, but will not bother themselves with finding a way to acquire them.

They have all the makings for self-development and improvement, but Pisces lack the dedication and perseverance to achieve any success in this direction. Representatives of this Sign are characterized by frequent mood swings; for no apparent reason, cheerful and cheerful Pisces suddenly become melancholic and apathetic, then suddenly again acquire optimism and faith in a wonderful future.

Friendly and responsive representatives of the Sign are very trusting and terribly dependent on the opinions of others. Often Pisces become losers, not so much because of their own laziness or unwillingness to struggle with difficulties, but because of their ability to let through all the negativity of others and take it to heart negative emotions strangers.

Combination of birthstone and date of birth

Saturn (21.02 – 01.03) – , bloody jasper, tiger’s eye – will make romantic and dreamy representatives of the Sign born in this period, descend from heaven to Earth and change your life for the better.

Jupiter (02.03 - 11.03) - hairy, coral, opal - indispensable for Pisces who want to achieve recognition and fame.

Mars (12.03 – 20.03) - tourmaline, chrysolite - are irreplaceable for those who want to achieve all the benefits of civilization on their own, representatives of this Sign.

  1. Opal. The mineral gives representatives of the Sign inexhaustible energy to maintain family and friendly relations, will become a reliable protector from other people’s evil and envy, and will give a good supply of physical and spiritual stamina.
  2. Jet. A reliable and proven protector of the creative and mental potential of the owner born under the sign of Pisces. Often, representatives of this Sign rush to protect the interests of others and themselves become victims of malicious intent. An amulet with jet will reliably “cover the back” of its owner in such a situation and will force him to be more careful.
  3. Heliodor. Responsible for the mood of Pisces, gives them new hopes and faith in their own capabilities, lifts the owner’s fallen mood, preventing depressive and apathetic states.
  4. Moon rock. It will have a calming effect on the owner, remove nightmares from dreams and the habit of getting nervous over trifles.
  5. Aquamarine. It will teach Pisces to think more about their own interests than about strangers, and will force the owner not to waste money on helping people who are not worth it.
  6. Jasper. It will bring more real, grounded interests into the owner’s life, reduce the owner’s daydreaming, and remove “rose-colored glasses” from his eyes.
  7. Chrysolite. It will make you love your appearance, give you awareness of your own beauty and attractiveness, and confidence in your own importance.
  8. Coral. Gives the owner courage to make a decision important issues, decisiveness in defending one’s own interests. The stone tries to attract to the owner’s side as many interesting events as possible that can enrich its beloved owner. A talisman with coral will reliably protect against all manifestations of other people's magic, strengthen logic and intuitive thinking. Coral will also try to comprehensively strengthen the physical health of its favorite.
  9. Hematite. The mineral will be useful for Pisces who want to change their usual life. The gem will strengthen you physically and spiritually, suggest the necessary solutions and give you strength to implement the owner’s innovative aspirations. The mineral will make its pet a little more stubborn, but will not allow it to turn into a narrow-minded fanatic of its business.

Stones for a woman born under the Sign of Pisces

Stones for a man born under the sign of Pisces

Nephritis. Capable of turning representatives of this sign into a worthless sufferer, bearing his heavy cross with a martyr's look. The mineral will surround Pisces with loneliness, pushing people close and dear to him away from the owner.

Pisces are the antagonists of Virgo, so sardonyx, jasper, yellow topaz and olivine are completely unsuitable for them. These stones have quite strong energy, just like all minerals of an intense red color, they greatly harm the subtle spiritual world representatives of this Zodiac Sign, both physically and morally. For example, all shades force representatives of this Sign to treat loved ones and relatives with cruelty unusual for this Sign, which can undoubtedly lead to a split personality on a spiritual level.

When choosing precious or semi-precious stones as a gift for a person born under the sign of Pisces, one should remember the subtle mental organization of this Sign, the extraordinary sensitivity and internal emotions that he experiences almost from the moment of his birth until his death. Therefore, the selected gem should not dominate. Its purpose is to support and protect the owner in difficult times or when solving difficult problems and fulfilling their own plans.

All gem stones recommended for representatives of the Sign should be left alone from time to time so that the negativity accumulated in the mineral can leave the jewelry or talisman, giving the gems the opportunity to cleanse themselves and with new strength attract good luck and protection of the Universe into the life of Pisces.

To useful action there has always been a talisman with a mineral, it should be done right choice. A mineral for a talisman/amulet is selected expertly, based on the recommendations of the patron of the corresponding sign of the zodiac constellation according to the time of birth (day, month, year) of the person for whom this gift is being prepared.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the right amulet for a particular man born between February 19 and March 20, it is time to know exactly the main traits of his character and those general recommendations, proposed by the constellation Pisces, the last of the patrons, the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, completing the astrological-zodiacal magic circle.

It is Pisces that is the most controversial representative of the astrological-zodiacal magic circle. The elements that protect Pisces, such as Water and the planets Jupiter and Neptune, determine in their nature the fundamental qualities of character - changeability, duality and instability.

The majority of people, especially men, actively manifest daydreaming, intuitiveness, illusoryness, and the ability to self-sacrifice.

Pisces men strive to organize their life so that it contains harmony, beauty, and aesthetics. A lot of time is also devoted to creativity, art and unity with nature.

In addition, they always have such character traits as vulnerability, closedness and phlegmaticity. Which indicates that they are often absolute introverts who often exhibit neurasthenia, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction.

The main problem for men born under the sign of Pisces is the lack of willpower and the inability to withstand the blow of fate when they find themselves in difficult situations. life situation. Being in a difficult life situation, they can turn into religious fanatics of all kinds of occult movements.

Selection of stones for talismanic amulets for a Pisces man

The basic principles in selecting the right stone/mineral for a particular Pisces man are determined by the decade of his birth.

First decade. From February 19th to March 1st. Patron Sun. Pisces born during this period are quite capricious and love to dream up their imaginations. This behavior very often brings discord to family life. To correct the situation, it is good to use a choice of stones such as amethyst, aventurine, Moonstone and tiger's eye.

Second decade. From March 2 to March 11. Patron Jupiter. Pisces men love attention and fame, but are very vulnerable when they are deceived. Stones such as coral, pearls, opal or hairy stones are suitable for them.

Third decade. From March 12th to March 20th. Patron Mars. Pisces men born at this time are friendly, always ready to lend a helping hand. Astrologers are confident that stones such as sapphire, diamond, tourmaline, aquamarine, and emerald will benefit them.

Since men rarely wear jewelry, it is preferable to give a keychain, watch or lighter (if you have a bad habit - smoking), a tie pin complete with cufflinks, a pen or a figurine from precious metal with a mineral inlaid into it or made entirely of it.

More about stones

To choose the right assistant stone, carefully study its abilities and impact on the Pisces man.

Amethyst. This stone is the most suitable of all known as a talisman for the Pisces man. Especially in combination with jasper and aquamarine. A truly masculine stone that will help you climb rapidly career ladder, giving confidence in the future.

Aquamarine. An amulet using this stone will enable its owner to grow and develop in the professional field, absorbing new useful information like a sponge. It will also allow a man to avoid intrigue and gossip in life.

Opal. This wonderful stone/mineral is suitable for the Pisces man as a talisman to protect family happiness.

Black opal. Capable of activating the reserve of hidden, not yet fully developed, abilities in the Pisces man.

Coral. This mineral will provide a chance to take right decisions in critical situations.

Moon rock.Ideal for men who show a genuine interest in religious cults of all kinds. This mystical stone improves his intuition and attracts love and romance into his life, allowing him to move away from religious fanaticism.

Coral. You are allowed to wear red. Otherwise, serious problems arise. Coral will protect you from many diseases and evil tongues.

Amber. Will help attract good luck to Pisces men.

Small conclusion

The smallest souvenir or figurine of the listed stones/minerals, located on the desktop, can bring unprecedented success to its owner and protect him from a lot of troubles.

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Pisces is one of the most suspicious and indecisive signs of the zodiac. Their talisman should give them self-confidence, enhance intuition and logical thinking, helping to cope with difficult tasks and accept. Number one in this regard is opal. It will not only give you endurance and vitality, but will also protect naive and beautiful-hearted Pisces from slanderers and envious people. Opals also enhance Creative skills and creative thinking.

Moonstone will help vulnerable and sometimes neurasthenic Pisces cope with anxiety and panic. Decorating with this stone will relieve stress, improve your mood and relieve nightmares.

Jet is extremely useful for protecting against the evil eye. It will make the owner more cautious and cunning, and protect him from ill-wishers.

Transcendent and sublime, sapphire is one of the water elements, and therefore is ideal for all Pisces. It minimizes the tendency to melancholy and helps save money internal resources and directing energy in the right direction will strengthen all the positive traits inherent in this sign.

Pisces should beware of stones intended for their antipode - Virgo: lapis lazuli, jasper, obsidian, olivine, yellow topaz, onyx and sardonyx. In addition, you should refrain from wearing too active and powerful stones, since they will not strengthen, but, on the contrary, will suppress the character of their owner. This primarily applies to red and orange gems - they drain energy from weak zodiac signs and spoil relationships with other people.

Pisces born in the first ten days - from February 21 to March 1 - are dreamy and romantic. They are patronized by Saturn, which makes them somewhat detached from real life. Amethyst, carnelian, moonstone, and tiger's eye are recommended for such people as a talisman.

Those born in the second decade (from the 2nd to the 11th) are influenced by Jupiter. They are open and honest, but at the same time they are vulnerable to criticism. It is important for them to achieve recognition - opal, pearls, coral, heliotrope and hairy quartz will help them in this matter.

Those born in the last decade (from 12th to 20th March) are ruled by Mars, which makes them the most active and sociable of all Pisces. They are quite capricious and pretentious, dreaming of achieving high altitudes by oneself. They are recommended expensive stones: diamonds, tourmalines, emeralds, aquamarines and chrysolites.

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  • What stones are suitable for Pisces?

Fish - enough complex sign horoscope. People born under this sign seem calm and even indifferent outwardly. However, under this shell there are many contradictions. Stones for Pisces are pearl, amethyst, sapphire and emerald.


Pearls can be white, pinkish, yellowish, greenish, black and even pinkish-red. This is an unlucky jewel, since it contains all the negative power of the Moon. They say that pearls bring only tears and losses. But this gives Pisces happiness. It not only protects, but also gives its owner the ability to see the future. It also adds beauty to women.

Pearls seem to read the state of health and mood of the owner. This is a living stone. If you wear it constantly, it will darken. But when the pearl changes its color, it begins to bring health to the one who wears it. And after the death of its owner, pearls will certainly fade.

Amethyst - stone lilac-violet color. A beautiful stone that brings its owner good luck in competitions and hunting. Amethyst protects against the effects of alcohol. A person who wears an amethyst will never lose his head from intoxication. Amethyst easily evokes sympathy for the one who gives it. Therefore, gifts of this kind should be treated with caution. Especially if they give a stone to someone who is married. Amethyst is a lucky stone for Pisces. It brings peace and prosperity. Calms nerves and discord.

Magical properties were attributed. It was believed that earrings, rings and bracelets, cups and hilts of swords, sabers decorated with gems would protect their owner from foreign influences from the outside, help to recover from diseases, attract love and much more.

Ancient table of stones and minerals

Even Babylonian priests and magicians considered precious crystals as concentrates of cosmic forces and energies. The stones that were inserted into amulets and talismans became especially powerful. In astromineralogy, there are many tables showing the relationship between gems, zodiac signs and planets. Let's analyze some of them. Let's do this using the example of which stone is suitable for Pisces. The first list, in which the sign of interest to us corresponds to sapphire, almost completely reproduces the well-known apocalyptic list of jewelry that should decorate the walls of the New Jerusalem. In this list, each sign corresponds to one mineral.

More modern interpretations

Here's another table. Let's see in it. Here, each sign already corresponds to 3 gems. In our case, these are pearls, amethyst, and rock crystal. This interpretation of correspondences is associated with ancient Persian and modern views on astromineralogy. Now a table reflecting the relationship between minerals and planets. According to her, which stone is suitable for Pisces? This sign is ruled by the Moon. The same luminary affects opals, moonstones, aquamarines, beryls, corals and pearls. And finally, another list - monthly. Which stone is suitable for Pisces according to him, considering that part of February and part of March fall under this sign? Esotericists advise February Pisces to wear amethyst, and March Pisces to wear jasper.

"Precious calendar" for men

Classification of suitable precious and semi-precious stones will continue with another informative list. In addition to the main planet located on the ascendant at the time of a person’s birth, other celestial bodies also influence the personal horoscope. This nuance should be taken into account when choosing or giving jewelry. For example, which stone is suitable for Pisces men? If astrologers consider amethyst to be the main sign for the sign, then in addition to it they offer a whole range of gems. Those born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn. These are capricious, dreamy natures, great lovers of women and at the same time loneliness. Jade and moonstone, aventurine and hematite, tiger's eye, jasper, and carnelian are suitable for them. Those representatives of the stronger sex who were born from March 2 to March 11 experience the pronounced influence of Jupiter. They are vain, strive for external grandeur, and are honest. Their stones are opal, heliotrope, coral, pearls. And finally, for Pisces born from March 12 to March 20, sapphire, aquamarine, diamond, alexandrite, and tourmaline are considered the most suitable. These people are sociable, vain, sensual and cutesy. Of course, all characteristics are given for the average representatives of the sign. It is better for all Pisces not to acquire onyx and carnelian.

Selection of gems for Fish

Dear ladies, of course, also wonder: which stone is suitable for Pisces girls? In principle, those that have already been mentioned. If you do not use minerals in special cases. Let us explain which ones exactly. Pearls have a particularly beneficial effect on the female half of Pisces, as it activates their spiritual development and harmonizes their personality, and this is what is most important for representatives of the sign. Pearls - sea and river - make their eyes shine brighter, give their skin fresh, healthy looking. Esotericists believe that the mineral may well become a lucky talisman that will protect against unhappy love and help make the right important decisions. And for thousands of years now, pearls have been an indicator healthy body Pisces. It softly shines and glows if the owner of the jewelry feels great, and dims at the slightest ill health.

Amethyst magic

Let's tell you more about the other stones, suitable for Pisces. And let's start with amethyst, a truly magical crystal, very strong - so much so that it is not recommended for anyone to wear it constantly. Amethyst will provide good support to those Pisces who need to win people over. If you have it with you, it is much easier for representatives of the sign to cope with their own anxieties, fears, and complexes. Good spirits, optimism, bright and kind thoughts - Pisces often acquire these too thanks to a wonderful stone. People involved in spiritual practices can receive special help from amethyst: priests, magicians, prophets, healers, psychics, etc. It gives birth to courage and perseverance, sharpens intuition, the prophetic gift, and makes it possible to concentrate energy. The stone also symbolizes fidelity in love, even if the object of feelings has gone to another world. That’s why they call it “widow’s” and young girls are not advised to wear it. But mature women and men can.

Moonlight in moonstone

The stones of the Pisces sign, as already mentioned, are associated with the Moon, like the sign itself. That is why moonstone is considered one of the most important for Pisces. Women wearing it become more attractive, sexy, they radiate charm and are extremely desirable for men. Yes, and many purely female diseases disappear under beneficial influence gem. True, moonstone can awaken such passions and desires in a woman’s body that it will be difficult for her to cope with. To prevent this from happening, the stone and the owner should take a break from each other from time to time. But the mineral will be useful for men if they practice magic, palmistry and other occult practices. Moonstone in Pisces increases receptivity and responsiveness to certain mystical signs. And finally, the gem is a magnificent love talisman.

Soul of the sea

An important stone for Pisces according to the horoscope is aquamarine. It is so reminiscent of the light transparency and depth of a sea wave, so consistent with the gentle and vulnerable soul of the representatives of the sign! According to esotericists, the stone makes it possible for its owner to maintain restraint, calmness, inner harmony. Giving timid Pisces courage and even audacity, increasing life potential is also within the competence of aquamarine. And, according to legends, if the one who wears the stone is in danger, the gem loses its transparent shine and becomes cloudy. When everything is calm, the mineral shines with a special inner light.

The nobility of sapphire

Blue sapphire is one of the most valuable and expensive stones in the world. For Pisces, it is extremely important because it strengthens their spiritual abilities and develops their natural potential. Raises the personality to a new level of development, higher and more important. Moreover, he endows occultists with a supernatural gift of penetrating into the essence of the hidden and secret. For most Pisces, sapphire can become a reliable talisman, protecting them from the traps of fate. Gemstone accumulates all the positive character traits of the sign, helps maintain balance, calm and sanity in any situation. And even protect from slander, envy, and slander from ill-wishers.

Coral fantasies

No one will argue that corals by nature are intended for Pisces. The water element brings them together, and products made from coral help representatives of the sign manage their thoughts, stream of consciousness, and fight their own inconsistency and emotional breakdowns. Pisces are prone to depression, fears, and mood swings. Coral in such situations may well play the role of emergency psychological aid, especially if its colors are red, orange, or pink. To gain wisdom, clarity, to find that very point of support in life, thanks to which Pisces can change their world for the better, is also within the power of corals - children of the water element, like the Pisces themselves.

The zodiac sign Pisces is associated with the element of water. And this is not strange, because the stones that suit them have something to do with the water element. Firstly, we're talking about about hyalite and mother of pearl.

Stones suitable for the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces is a very mysterious zodiac sign, and accordingly they have their own stones - talismans. We were faced with this question. Let's try to find the answer to it. Pisces mascot stones are: amethyst, moonstone, sapphire, chrysolite, jasper and many others.

Pisces are distinguished by their timid character, inconstancy and inability to defend their personal opinion. Their talisman stones will help them cope with these and other problems, which can also become original accessories in your wardrobe.

The most popular stones that are suitable for representatives of this zodiac sign include pearls, aquamarine, amethyst and moonstone. However, other stones are also suitable for fish, for example, it can be lapis lazuli, tiger's eye, tourmaline or coral, abalone, spinel.

Moreover, it is best if they are framed in white metal, for example, silver, White gold or platinum.

Pisces birthstones by date of birth

Stones suitable for Pisces in the first decade

For Pisces born between February 20 and February 29, white and light purple stones such as moonstone, light amethyst and milky white opal. Coral, jasper, alexandrite, emerald and aquamarine will be useful.

Pisces of the first decade are distinguished by a poetic feeling and rich imagination, many of them even write poetry. Because It is very easy for them to express their thoughts on paper, in the form literary works, lyrics and painting. They are often visited original ideas.

Their manner of relationships lies between tenderness and irony, which allows them to remain optimistic and avoid the dramas of life.

Pisces have two main shortcomings: weakness of will and a tendency towards revenge.

Stones for Pisces of the second decade

For Pisces born between March 1 and March 11, sapphire and moonstone, as well as jasper and peridot, are suitable.

Pisces of the second decade are characterized by great emotionality and acute sensitivity to how others treat them. In a bad team, due to constant stress, they can get a stomach ulcer. As a rule, the life of such people is far from smooth; it is constantly complicated and busy with something.

Best of all, Pisces people realize themselves in altruistic activities, or in the field of healthcare and services. The main thing for them is not to take unnecessary responsibility for the mistakes of others.

Stones that are suitable for Pisces of the third decade

For Pisces born between March 12 and March 20, alexandrite, aquamarine and white opal are suitable. Alexandrite stimulates brain activity, aquamarine cools the heat of passions, and white opal carries the power of accomplishment. It is recommended to be carried by creative people who have dedicated their lives to music.

Pisces of the third decade have the most stable personality; this person simply has no indecision. He is always constant in his affairs. Combining intuition and energy, such a person will easily force others to work for him. But they should not rush into action; the proverb “measure twice, cut once” applies specifically to them.

Which stone suits the sign of Pisces

It will be useful for Pisces to get rid of suspiciousness, because all ailments get worse precisely because they like to exaggerate everything.

After a thorough study of the question that interests us (the zodiac sign of Pisces, which stone is suitable), we can say that many stones are suitable for Pisces, as long as their strength is saturated with energy and vitality.

Pisces Stones: Hyalite

What exactly does hyalite mean, why is it so wooed by Pisces? Hyalites are transparent opals, meaning frozen water or a drop of glass. It is worth remembering that opals are considered to be silica hydrogels containing 6 to 10% water.

The appearance of hyalites seems to indicate that it is rather “watery”. Therefore, hyalites are called “glass opals”, and also water stones or “glass stones”. In Russian mineralogical literature, hyalites are more figuratively described as eye-palms. In fact, hyalite has its own appearance and bright color shows an image of the shell of our eye.

Opals come in a wide variety of colors; present in them a large number of colors and shades. There are also variegated and milky opals. There are reddish and yellowish opals - they are called “flame stones”.

Hyalites are usually colored bluish or yellow colors. Their transparency may vary. Together with other stones, opals and hyalites are stones of the Moon and correspond to the symbol of Pisces in the zodiac circle. Let's just say that opals and hyalites have beneficial effects big influence on the functioning of the human psyche.

Pisces Stones: Pearl

If we talk about which stone suits Pisces most, then pearls will undoubtedly take the leading position. This stone can be river or sea, and its color can be pale pinkish (India), light green (Japan), black (Mexico), silver and yellowish (Sri Lanka) and white (Australia).

Pearls are a symbol of harmony and spiritual development. It is suitable for Pisces, as it protects them from impulsive and rash actions, to which the vast majority of representatives of this sign are prone.

In addition, it is believed that this stone brings happiness, gives shine to the eyes, promotes longevity and protects against unrequited love, and helps to make the right decisions. This stone is also an indicator of health - during illness it becomes dull, and after recovery it begins to shine with new strength.

These stones are ready to protect their owner from the manifestation of excessive feelings, to protect him from uncontrollable passions. As you know, mother of pearl is the name given to the inner layer of mollusk shells.

In a different way on French Mother of pearl is called la nacre. Pearls and mother-of-pearl have almost the same composition. They include calcium carbonate (aragonite) immersed in organic matter- conchiolin.

In spherical pearls, the aragonite plates are perpendicular to the plane; in mother of pearl they lie along the plane. They refract light; therefore due to optical phenomenon, mother-of-pearl has different colors - from snow-white to almost dark.

Shells with high-quality mother-of-pearl are found in tropical seas: in the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, near the island of Ceylon and the islands of the Quiet Ocean.

Since ancient times, mother of pearl has been used for inlays and jewelry production. In China, snow-white mother-of-pearl has been almost constantly valued.

Pisces Stones: Aquarmarine

This bluish-greenish stone resembles a frozen drop sea ​​water and personifies the soul of the sea. It is believed that he is able to help Pisces treat everything calmly and with restraint, gives them vitality and gives them courage.

The shade and shine of the stone can vary depending on the state of mind of its owner. So, if Pisces is threatened with failure, he will become a little cloudy. While great mood gives aquamarine shine and inner light.

Pisces Stones: Amethyst

This lilac-violet stone is endowed with strong magical properties, so it should not be worn constantly. It brings peace and peace of mind, attracts others to its owner, helps to cope with anxiety and fear, fills thoughts with goodness. As a talisman, it gives its owner courage and vigor, helps to realize Eternal values, strengthens social status.
