How to cheer yourself up and those around you. How to quickly cheer yourself up if everything is bad

Emotional mood is an integral part of the life of any person. But there are often days when nothing makes you happy and you are overcome by negative thoughts. Prolonged depressed mood can lead to the development of depression. Therefore, every person should have an idea of ​​how to cheer up and get rid of negativity.

Causes of bad mood

There are many reasons that can ruin your mood. Moreover, each individual is affected differently by the same events. However, among the most common are the following:

  • Opinion close circle. The emotional background of each person is directly dependent on those people who are nearby. And this is no coincidence, because it is very important for each of us what our family and friends think, and if this opinion differs from what we expect to hear, then the mood will be ruined.
  • A calm and peaceful environment is very important for a person. Any conflict can lead to a worsening emotional state.
  • The mood may deteriorate due to the expectation of trouble. The person is worried and in a state of tension that he cannot cope with. Such manifestations are fraught with deterioration of the emotional background.
  • Problems financial plan are also often the cause of mental depression.
  • If our desires diverge from our possibilities, disappointment and decline arise. emotional state.
  • Poor sleep can also cause a negative attitude. If such a problem is not uncommon in a person’s life, then depression is not far away.
  • Monotonous work or the need to do something you don’t like usually leads to negative emotions and a feeling of hopelessness.

Having an idea of ​​what resulted in a negative emotional state, you can figure out how to quickly lift your mood when it is at zero.

Express methods to correct the situation

Are you interested in learning how to cheer yourself up in 5 minutes? Use proven methods that will take a little time.

  • Watch a good comedy movie or show.
  • Listen to your favorite fun music.
  • Read jokes.
  • Take a contrast shower and wash your hair.
  • Get busy doing good deeds.
  • Just take a walk on fresh air. Communication with nature works wonders.

The most effective ways to lift your mood

According to psychologists, the mood of each person is determined by the characteristics of thinking. We need to be optimistic about the world, and simply ignore all the negative aspects. Only a person himself is capable of creating conditions for himself in which he will feel happy.

Let's learn how to cheer ourselves up if everything is bad. Among the most effective ways The following points are worth noting:

  1. Conversation. If you are overcome by negative emotions, then you do not need to stay at home alone with bad thoughts, this will only worsen the situation. You need to talk it out, talk to someone close to you. This method will definitely help.
  2. Tears help someone get rid of sadness and negativity. You just need to cry.
  3. Every person has it creativity. You need to find what you do best. Draw a picture, write a poem, cook cooking masterpiece, – such activities will help you redirect your attention and bring real pleasure.
  4. Changes. You can relieve the melancholy in your soul by making changes in your appearance. Perhaps you should change your hairstyle, shade your hair a little, experiment with clothes. By the way, this advice is good not only for women, but also for men.
  5. To cheer yourself up, you can go to the gym or swimming pool. Physical activity “unloads” the brain well.
  6. Relaxing treatments will also help keep you in good shape. Yoga classes are suitable, giving peace and confidence.
  7. Ten minutes of meditation can restore peace of mind.
  8. Cleaning up the house - good way put your thoughts in order and get rid of a bad emotional state. Try to throw out the trash from the house, rearrange the furniture, put things in order.
  9. Music and dancing will help lift everyone's spirits. You need to choose a cheerful melody and dance.
  10. Delicious sweets will very quickly lift your spirits. Such treats promote the production of endorphins - happiness hormones. It is useful to eat bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Having pampered yourself with these products, you won’t even notice how your energy will begin to surge.
  11. Smile. Psychologists recommend using the “tight smile” method if you are in a bad emotional mood. You need to stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. Let it be unnatural at first, but then the corresponding signals will begin to arrive in the brain, and the mood will become noticeably better.
  12. Get busy good deeds and charity. By helping others, you will be able to set priorities, take your mind off gloomy thoughts, and feel like a useful and significant person.
  13. Playing with pets can't help but fill you with positivity. Pet the cat that lives at home, play with the dog, and you will quietly cheer yourself up. If there are no pets, then you can go to the forest or park and watch animals and birds in their natural environment. We bet you'll make a lot of discoveries!
  14. Contrast shower is a method that works flawlessly. Hot and cold water is a kind of beneficial stress for the body. After the procedure, you will immediately feel invigorated and full of energy.
  15. Put your face on sun rays whenever possible - even in autumn or winter. The fact is that a lack of ultraviolet radiation can have a depressing effect on the human psyche. When advancing warm days Be sure to get out into nature.

Creating a positive emotional mood is work that will definitely pay off in good health, vigor and mental balance. There are many ways to improve your mood. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the world around you will become brighter and kinder.


— Causes of moodiness
- How to cheer up? Advice from psychologists
— 7 simple tips that will 100% improve your state of mind
— How to improve your mood in 10 minutes?
— 2 non-standard ways to awaken your emotions
- Conclusion

In every person's life there are moments that we call a bad mood. This state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. Apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability appears.



Psychotherapists talk about simple ways to always be in a good mood. There are a few practical advice, helping to be optimistic and not allow bad thoughts and situations to ruin the day.

1) Music.
Listen to music that you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along if possible. When melancholy has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.

2) Dance.
This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively.

3) Get out.
Often Bad mood emerges from the chaos. A minimal amount of tidying up will help quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your workday by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items significantly improve your mood. If you are at home, start making your home more comfortable. It will also help to create comfort and thereby improve your mood. spring-cleaning, change of bed linen. Spend a few minutes a day on this. This way you are distracted from bad thoughts.

4) The right attitude.
No matter what happens, always remain optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine, and you can easily overcome the difficulties that arise. When you go into a meeting, always think about a positive outcome. People have an expression: “Human thought is material.” Therefore, by remaining optimistic, you will always solve problems that arise with ease.

5) Talk about the problem.
Talk about what worries you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud brings significant relief and lifts your spirits.

6) Give yourself joy.
Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie in the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author.

7) Make a promise to yourself.
Promise to become an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back against a bad mood. Becoming a person with a good and positive attitude is possible, and anyone can do it.

8) Contrast shower.
This is a physiological way to create a good mood. When a person is doused alternately with hot and cold water, then the tension goes away.

9) Get some sleep.
A bad mood often occurs due to simple fatigue. Therefore, put everything aside and relax.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of your bad mood, restore optimism, balance, self-control, and enjoy life.

Tip #1. Remember that you can improve your mood
One of the most effective ways to improve your mood is to always remember that you yourself are capable of doing it. In fact, changing your mood is much easier than you think, and this is a great reason for optimism.

Tip #2. Determine the causes of deterioration in mood
Don't think that trying to pretend you don't feel angry or jealous or humiliated is a sign of emotional intelligence. It actually doesn't benefit others and harms you.

Tip #3. Minimize damage
Everyone who falls under the hot hand can suffer from your bad mood. But you know why you feel irritated, so don’t take it out on others. A dog should not bite a cat just because a person kicked it.

Tip #4. Remember, you are not your bad mood
Sometimes under the influence strong emotions people act contrary to all their core values ​​and beliefs.

One might come to the conclusion that during vivid displays of emotion a person shows his true colors, but this is far from the case. After all, anger, fear or despondency are just temporary disturbances in your consciousness that you can learn to control. To do this, you always need to remember who you really are and maintain composure in any situation.

Tip #5. Change your face to change your mood.
When communicating with others, we experience different emotions. One of the means of expressing them is facial expressions - we can frown, wince, smile, etc. We quite rightly believe that when we are happy, we look happy and when we are sad, our face takes on a sad expression. Researchers have found that facial expressions also work the other way.

Research has shown that these changes cause blood to flow not only to the face, but also to our brain. We move our eyebrows when we want to concentrate, and this causes blood to flow from the face to the brain (which may be what helps us concentrate better). Changes in facial expressions affect brain temperature, which is key to understanding why adopting a certain expression can make you feel better or worse.

The metabolic activity of our brain produces so much heat that it needs constant cooling. The air entering through the nostrils helps lower the temperature of the brain, and when it cools, you feel better.

When we frown, the nostrils narrow, which leads to heating of the brain (it was experimentally found that when we wrinkle our nose for just 30 seconds, the temperature of the brain increases fivefold, causing a deterioration in well-being).

At the same time, a smile, even an insincere one, provides an average increase in the volume of air passing through the nose by 29 milliliters over a short period of time, and this pleasantly cools the brain.

That is, we can short-circuit a bad mood by consciously changing our facial expression. So you can smile or retreat to silently say “E” until your mood lifts - your brain will thank you for it.

Tip #6. Improve your mood by taking a walk in nature.
When your mood worsens, it tries to subjugate all your actions. If you do not resist this, your brain will stop listening to you, and you will not be able to overcome depression. In order to get rid of the “emotional brain” effect, you can do crossword puzzles to activate the “thinking brain”, or even better, go for a walk. It has been proven that physical exercise They help get rid of depression much better than drug treatment.

You can go for a walk (or even a jog if you are healthy enough) and, if possible, get out into nature. Recent research has shown that spending time and exercising in natural conditions– even in city parks and gardens – incredibly useful for strengthening mental health, including for quickly lifting mood and even improving immune functions. Conclusion: Get outside and move!

Tip #7. Relax.
A bad mood requires tension and focusing exclusively on negative feelings to maintain it. So do the opposite! Make it a goal to relax and focus on other thoughts and images outside the narrow confines of your mood.

— How to improve your mood in 10 minutes?

Of course, a glass of champagne, a delicious chocolate bar and watching your favorite comedy under a warm blanket is a proven method. But, unfortunately, (or fortunately?) we cannot always use it.

In any case, alcohol is definitely not suitable for raising your mood at work, and there is generally a shortage of blankets in the office. Luckily for us, there are other ways to cheer yourself up without leaving the cash register, so to speak.

To begin with, we create a “joyful background” in the workplace (and this, imagine, is possible). Fresh air from a slightly open window, invigorating aromas and cheerful music will help us with this. If there is an opportunity to “sing along” and “dance along” - great, this is generally “what the doctor ordered.”

Citrus scents are best suited to uplift your mood. If you “accidentally” have an orange, tangerine or grapefruit on hand, cut it thinner (just don’t burst it right away, let it sit at least a little on the plate - let it saturate the whole room with positivity). If you don’t have citrus fruits, coffee will do just fine.

Give your head a massage. To do this, it is best to use a “massage comb” (if not available, a regular one will also do). Comb your hair for 2-3 minutes in front of the mirror. At the same time, try to keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders and smile at yourself, your beloved, from the bottom of your heart.

A light massage of the ears and fingers is another proven means of lifting your mood. Twist them in different directions (not ears, fingers!), rub your palms vigorously, then massage biologically active points(on the temples, between the eyebrows, at the wings of the nose).

“Scratching” your arms from wrist to elbow helps to improve your mood. Yes, yes, don't laugh. Although, what I say is LAUGH, of course! Read the jokes, watch Funny Pics animals, funny videos... In a few minutes there will be no trace of your bad mood!

— 2 non-standard ways to awaken your emotions

1) “Turn on” your sense of smell.
You've probably noticed more than once that the smell of your favorite flowers or cut grass brings back pleasant memories and brings you back to those days when you were happy. And your mood instantly improves! This is not an accident: the area of ​​the brain responsible for smell is one of the most ancient, so memories “fixed” with smells are the most stable.

It is no coincidence that aromatherapy – influencing the body with the help of essential oils – has become so popular today. Find the scent that suits you and you can cheer yourself up at any time.

2) Control the color.
Since ancient times, different peoples have used color as part of symbolism during religious or state ceremonies. However, its true significance for the human psyche was discovered only in the 50s of the last century by the Swiss scientist Max Luscher. He expressed the opinion that each of the colors symbolizes a certain psychological need or inclination.

Therefore, color preferences perfectly characterize a person. There is also a feedback: by betting on one shade or another, we can influence our inner world. Keep this in mind when choosing clothes or interior items.

- Conclusion

A person's mood can change several times in one day. Unfortunately, for most people, it is very rarely good and instantly falls even because of an insignificant detail. However, all is not lost and there are proven ways that will help you lift your mood without putting much effort into it.

For example, it is enough to simply stretch your lips into a smile and keep it on your face for 5 minutes. Before you know it, you will feel much better. And this is just one of the most simple ways influence your internal state. All in your hands. Go for it!

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

You suffer from disappointment or simply feel some kind of emotional decline and it seems that you will never be able to escape from this state. Then let's look at 20 tips on how to quickly lift your mood when it seems to you that it is already at zero and how it can be improved, for example, in the fall?

This is important because our mood determines what we think, feel and how we act. When it is good, we feel a surge of strength and it seems to us that we are able to cope with any difficulty. When things are bad, we feel a loss of strength and a lack of desire to do something.

So when your circumstances or mindset threaten your inner satisfaction and positive attitude, be sure to try one or two or more of these methods to feel much better.

Aromatic bath.
To calm down and relax after a difficult working day, accept hot bath with essential oils of lavender, jasmine, rose, lemon. You can use any other scent with which you have pleasant memories.

In half an hour spent in the aromatherapy, tension, fatigue, and bad mood disappear. After such a water procedure, sleep improves, insomnia and depression go away.

Proven multiple times scientific research that pets can relieve depression and bad mood. Owners of cats, dogs and even parrots are less likely to develop neuroses, anxious thoughts, and headaches.

If you are not planning to start one yet pet, then go for a walk to the zoo, animal exhibition, dolphinarium, hippodrome.

The best way to combat bad mood and depression is to play sports. Besides, exercise stress It will help bring your figure into excellent shape, correct your posture and prevent many diseases. It is believed that people who go to the gym do not suffer from depression. Therefore, do not delay the opportunity to sign up for fitness, yoga, swimming.

If you feel that you are overcome by depression, then it’s time to think about shopping therapy. This is a universal way to lift the mood for women and men. Go shopping for new items.

Buy warm leggings, a jacket, a dress or boots. If you don't plan to do large purchases, Then budget option would be the purchase of a handbag or neck accessory.

4 ways to cheer up in the fall

Walks in the park.
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates proved that walking strengthens the immune system, helps improve sleep, and also improves mood. So why not use such a simple and effective way to prevent depression from occurring?!

Numerous studies have confirmed that 20 minutes of walking in the fresh air is enough to cope with stress and anxiety.

Go to the park with a friend or girlfriend professional photographer. Find funny scarves, hats, dresses in your wardrobe that can be used to create different looks. Feel free to show emotions in front of strangers when playing with yellow leaves. Then it will be fun to look at the finished pictures.

To cheer up in the fall, you urgently need a change of scenery. The best option would be to visit warm countries. Don't think you have to spend money to do this a large amount money. If you choose the right tourist destination, your vacation will be no more expensive than in the CIS countries.

Cultural trip.
On your day off, don't stay at home in front of the TV. Organize a mass cultural sightseeing trip with your friends hometown. Hardly anyone can boast of having recently visited a museum or art gallery. To end the evening, buy a ticket to a theater performance or a performance by your loved one music group.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

New hobby.
To combat autumn depression, you don’t always need to choose active activities. Quiet time spent doing your favorite crafts is also a great mood lifter. Try to learn new hobbies that you previously found difficult.

Romantic date.
Organize for your loved one. To do this, you don’t have to book a table in an expensive restaurant. Take some time to prepare a delicious dinner for two.

You will see that as soon as the house is filled with the aroma of the signature dish, your mood will immediately lift. To create a festive atmosphere, replace your usual dressing gown with beautiful clothes.

Pajama party.
This is one of the most interesting ways, how to improve your mood on these autumn days. Invite your friends to your home in advance for some fun together. Don't forget to warn guests about the unusual dress code - pajamas.

To entertain the gathered company, consider competitions, quests and various games. Such an original party will instantly relieve depression and sad thoughts.

Psychologists say that a person who is busy with business never suffers from depression or blues. If you have been planning to renovate your apartment for a long time, then feel free to start implementing your ideas.

Re-glue the wallpaper, add light colors to the interior, buy new furniture or just restore the old one. To prevent repairs from turning into a sluggish action, first draw up an action plan and strictly follow it.

If the renovation idea is now difficult to implement, then rearrangement will be an alternative antidepressant. For example, arrange the furniture in the apartment according to the chosen interior idea.

It is believed that by doing this you not only create positive events, but also fill them with harmony family relationships. Once you engage in rearrangement, you will definitely feel a surge of energy, as well as a charge positive emotions.

How to cheer up when it's low

Choose from among the latest literary novels a light, youth novel that you can read in one sitting. To avoid aggravating the autumn depression that has begun, refrain from reading dramatic books.

Changing hairstyle
A risky but effective step to lift your spirits. Don't be afraid to make bold changes in your look. To be satisfied with the result, use the services of a professional hairdresser.

An experienced master will select you new haircut taking into account your type of appearance. If you are not ready to cut your hair, then choose another hairdressing service, for example, coloring or bio-perm.

Conversation with a loved one.
A simple phone call best friend capable of performing miracles. Surely, over the course of your friendship, you have learned to lift each other’s spirits and know techniques that are a win-win. A heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one is the best psychotherapy session to get rid of the blues and depression.

Doctors have long been saying that dancing is not only a way to have fun, but also a method of dealing with bad mood. Dance movements have a positive effect on your state of mind. This is a great replacement for fitness or the gym.

Sign up for tango, rumba, salsa, flamenco lessons. In addition to normalization mental state, dancing will help develop flexibility, plasticity, grace.

How to cheer yourself up at home

Change of the usual menu.
In autumn or winter strict diets are cancelled! This is not just another excuse for lovers of delicious food, but a recommendation from nutritionists. Doctors say that in autumn-winter period the body needs additional calories.

But this does not mean that you need to eat pastries, cakes, and baked goods without stopping. To improve your mood, eat dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, and chocolate. Sorrel, parsley, dill, and mint also have excellent antidepressant effects.

Film therapy.
If the weather is bad outside, then spend the day watching movies at home. Don't even think about watching horror, thrillers or sad melodramas. Such genres will further ruin your mood and aggravate autumn depression.

Choose comedies romantic stories or musical films. For example, “Love and Doves”, “Mimino”, “Taxi” or “1+1” would be an excellent option.

Landscaping of the apartment.
If the fall weather is making you depressed, then it's time to start landscaping your home. It’s nice to see violets, geraniums or green aloe blooming.

Grow houseplants- this is a simple and interesting activity that will soon delight you with abundant flowering. In addition, experts say that flowers have a beneficial effect on mood.


There is a saying: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” But many depressed people cannot get out of bed, much less make such a trip. Therefore, for them the best medicine is precisely this first step.

In the article we looked at simple, everyday things, that is, steps, each of which may be the first for you.

When you don’t know how to quickly lift yourself into a bad mood, do this: when you wake up in the morning, force yourself to go outside for a walk with whatever strength you can muster. Get dressed immediately!

This could be a visit gym or a walk with the dog. Or dress up to go to shopping mall, bookstore or theater. Just get ready, get dressed, comb your hair and don’t put it off.

Don't give yourself time to think and make excuses. In other words, act as if you feel a great rush of wonderful mood and know for sure that when you leave the house you will have a good time. And then rest assured, your mood will definitely improve.

Constant stress both at home and at work, old grievances, disappointments in relationships deprive a person of all the bright colors of life. And the cold, grayness and dampness outside the window only add to the despondency. According to World Organization Health care, more than 35% of Russians are in a constant state of depression, and, unfortunately, this figure is only increasing every year.

Some people prefer to relieve stress over a glass of something “hot” in the company of their best friend. Someone simply withdraws into himself, not trusting anyone... In any case, no one but himself can understand the problem, draw conclusions and help lift his spirits. You shouldn’t put it off “for later” or wait for the right moment. You can start changing right now!

Common causes of low mood

There have probably been moments in everyone's life when everything is infuriating, everything is wrong. It seems that a little more and the person will simply explode with anger. They usually say about such people: “I got off on the wrong foot.” And few people will think to come up, talk, find out what happened and whether help is needed.

It’s good if such attacks of irritation occur infrequently. But there are people who are constantly in a bad mood and take out their anger on their subordinates or loved ones. How to help a person in such a situation?

To cope with negative emotions, you need to understand the reasons for their occurrence. Psychologists identify several of the most common factors that reduce mood:

  • Negative thoughts. Such a person tends to accept and process incoming information only in a negative aspect. He just doesn't notice positive points.
  • Inability to compromise. Often such people are “always right.” They are not used to taking other people's opinions into account, so any dispute, even the most harmless, can turn into a great tragedy for them.
  • Pessimistic forecasts. “Nothing will change, everything will only get worse,” these are the thoughts of such a person.
  • Excessive demands on yourself. This complex begins in childhood. Strict parents constantly compare the child with his peers, forcing him to study better than Kolya from a parallel class. Even after growing up, a person still remains within strict boundaries: “I must”, “I need”. All this has a very strong impact on own self-esteem, lowers mood to a minimum.
  • My own speculations. Constant attempts to guess what others are thinking, a reluctance to check their guesses and ask directly, do not bring anything good except disappointment to the lives of such people.

According to a survey conducted by British students among young people aged 17 to 32, the leading positions in the struggle for a good mood are occupied by: personal success and getting money.

More than 120,000 young people took part in the event and this is what happened:

EventNumber of people who votedPercentage
Concert of your favorite band13 452 10,87 %
Eating sweets5 604 4,53 %
Party15 578 12,59 %
Receiving the money20 009 16,18 %
Watching a good movie8 756 7,08 %
Receiving a gift13 087 10,58 %
Personal success21 543 17,46 %
Date16 413 13,27 %
Academic success9 201 7,44 %

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that in the best ways to improve vitality at home are:

  • Self-realization. Everyone is unique, everyone has talents that remain prohibited due to constant fuss. Put everything aside for later: take out watercolors and paper - draw a picture, build a model of your dream house, write a poem, prepare some unusual dish.
  • Hobby. It will undoubtedly bring pleasure and you will feel relieved.
  • Walk. Answer this question for yourself: when last time have you been outdoors? Can you afford to leisurely walk along familiar streets or take a walk in the park? There is no need to look for excuses, citing permanent employment and bad weather outside the window. Close your computer, turn off your phone, and go outside. A few hours of peace and quiet will help you put your thoughts in order and fill your body with vital energy.
  • Favorite movie. Go to the cinema for the premiere of a new comedy. Don't forget to bring a couple of fun buddies. Watching it together will not only lift your spirits, but also become a reason for further discussion of the film in a cozy cafe.
  • Dance. Favorite music combined with crazy dance will help you release negative energy. Lack of voice or dance skills is not a reason for refusal. Just try it - you will definitely like it!
  • Meditation. The meditation technique is quite simple: no strangers, a relaxed state and the desire to drive all thoughts out of your head - these are the main components for a successful session of self-immersion.
  • Beauty salon or spa center. Surprisingly this method provides effective action not only for the fairer sex. Some men also wouldn't mind relaxing in a Turkish sauna or stone therapy. The main rule here is good master, whom you can completely trust.
  • Communication with animals. It has long been known that pets, like no other, help relieve stress and improve your mood. Go for a walk with the dog, play frisbee. Pet the cat, talk to the parrot. If you don’t have pets, you can go with your children to the dolphinarium, petting zoo. This way you will not only take your mind off obsessive thoughts, but also give your child a holiday.
  • Noble act. Visit an animal shelter or Orphanage. All problems will instantly cease to seem insoluble. With every cell of your body you can feel the pain of abandoned pets or children left without parental affection and care. After visiting such institutions, an immediate reassessment of values ​​occurs.
  • Dream. Yes, you didn't think so! This is an excellent antidepressant. Even one hour of deep sleep will help you feel renewed and feel a surge of new vitality.

Video tips

The fastest way to cheer up

It’s not always possible to give yourself a few hours of precious time. What to do in such a situation, how to quickly and permanently cheer yourself up?

Here are a few quick but effective ways. Choose one of them and start implementing it immediately!

  • A call to someone who will listen. The support of loved ones is priceless. Try to surround yourself only with loyal, reliable friends and your mood will always be on a positive wave.
  • Physical activity. Changing the type of activity, dispersing the blood through the vessels helps to take your mind off current tasks and “clear” your head. Even after a five-minute warm-up, fresh ideas will come to mind, and you will be able to look at the problem from a different angle and make a decision.
  • Lunch break. Sometimes it's worth treating yourself to something tasty. This is a great mood improver. The main thing is to observe moderation and not get carried away with eating sweets. This applies to women who like to “eat up” stress, which adds another problem - obesity.
  • Favorite song. One press of a button can dissolve your consciousness in the flow of music, leaving any problems behind.
  • Dreams. Take your thoughts for a few minutes to where it is good, where you are valued and expected. These could be favorite vacation spots or weekly family get-togethers.
  • Mirror smile. This idea may seem strange, but believe me, just a couple of minutes of a sincere smile and you won’t be able to hold back your laughter.
  • Plan to solve the problem. Living in constant negativity and taking it out on loved ones is not the best option. Take a pen and clean paper, start writing everything down point by point. possible ways solutions.

Video guide

Never fall for the tricks of a bad mood - this is the most important and basic recommendation that all doctors give. Most people, as soon as they become discouraged, immediately give up and go with the flow. Under no circumstances should you do this!

At the first symptoms of worsening mood, take immediately necessary measures. Based on your temperament, lifestyle and interests, choose the most suitable optimization option. Experts distinguish the following groups of methods:

  • Physical activity. Psychologists advise energetic people to move more. This could be jogging, cycling, swimming.
  • Cleaning the house. An excellent method to “kill two birds with one stone.” Experts believe that disorder affects a person at the subconscious level. A mess in things makes it difficult to end the confusion in your head. As the apartment fills with cleanliness and comfort, your mood will begin to improve. Therefore, take a rag and resolutely begin cleaning your home.
  • Success notebook. Write down ten things you completed today every day. An excellent method for increasing self-esteem and gaining self-confidence. Flaw Have a good mood many are connected with the fact that they do nothing: only routine - “work-home”. By filling out your diary, you will no longer be able to be lazy and put things off until later.
  • Words of gratitude. Thank yourself for what you did this day, your friends for any, even the most insignificant, help, life for what it is, your parents for raising you and giving you an education.
  • No negative information. Stop watching TV, reading the tabloids and listening to the gossip of envious people.
  • Active image life. Regular training activate the production of happiness hormones, which lift your spirits and charge you with energy for a long time.
  • Indulge in dreams more often. Cozy atmosphere within the walls of your home will help you relax and feel calm. To do this, arrange and light candles, add a couple of drops of aroma oil, turn on soft, pleasant music, sit comfortably on your favorite sofa and just dream.
  • Take a warm bath. All the techniques described above can be applied here. Sea salt, essential oils will fill the air with the aroma of peace and complete relaxation.
  • Read books. When choosing a work, carefully read the author and choose someone who was able to achieve something in life. Only in this case will the mind truly receive necessary information, which will help cope with depression and loss of strength.

In addition, doctors recommend that absolutely every person remember to strengthen the immune system, eat right and regularly take a complex of vitamins.

Should I take antidepressants?

Unfortunately, in modern world We experience stress much more often than we think. Even a seemingly ordinary bad mood that accompanies us day after day is an extremely negative factor that can develop into stress and quickly make itself felt in the form of health problems! Today we decided to find out how to quickly cheer yourself up if you are stuck at work, your personal life is full of unresolved issues, you have quarreled with someone close to you, or you are simply scratching your soul from autumn weather? Let's try to figure it all out.

How to improve your mood if you are attacked by the autumn blues?

Unfortunately, many people are susceptible to weather-related mood swings. And in the fall this condition manifests itself much more often than in other seasons of the year. The autumn blues lead many people into a state of sadness and even depression! I propose today to figure out what to do about it and how to get out of this state.

First, let's look at what not to do. The most important thing is not to aggravate or intensify your state of sadness. That's why:

  • There is no need to remember various sad stories, find your shortcomings, blame yourself.
  • There is no need to turn on sad music and watch whiny movies.
  • There is no need to find friends in misfortune in order to be sad together.

Now about what to do:

1. Accept your condition. Don't deny. And if it’s really bad, allow yourself to be sad, but no more than 2 hours. Allow yourself to live this state and accept yourself in it. It happens to everyone.

2.Switch your brain on the positive. Watch a comedy, read an inspiring book, play sports.
3. Write a list of everything that makes you happy right now: from a banal cup of coffee in your favorite cafe and going to a dance lesson to traveling to another country. And right today, start pleasing yourself a little bit of one of these things.
4. Communicate with those who are not affected by autumn. Find pleasant places and companies. Even if it seems to you that there are no such people in your environment, know that you can be such a person for yourself. Each of us always has the power to help ourselves. Awaken this power, awaken this positive support within yourself with the power of thought. Just close your eyes and imagine this energetic, joyful part of you being activated and choose to live in that state.
5. Live here and now. Don't put off life until later. Any time of year and weather has its advantages. Autumn is:

⦁ Warm meetings in cozy cafes.
⦁ Delicious tea.
Interesting events(for example, theater season!).

Find something that will inspire you specifically. Such events in the near future and goals in the future will always support the inner fire inside you.

Attack of loneliness

This situation often arises if you are alone and in a city without friends and relatives, and often simply in moments when it seems that no one cares about you and everyone is busy with their own lives. What to do?

1. The first and simplest - call the one who loves you. Someone from the family or to the best friend, and just ask how the person spent his day. It is not necessary to dump all your troubles on him; on the contrary, after listening to the affairs and small problems of another, talking a lot about little things, and, perhaps, giving advice, you will feel much better.
2. Work in a cafe. When you're sad, you shouldn't lock yourself in a confined space alone. Combine business with pleasure and go with your laptop to your favorite coffee shop, where you will probably exchange a few words with a familiar bartender, and the noise around will not interfere with your work and will only be a pleasant addition.
3. Go for a walk. In the fresh air, in the park or in the bustling city center, your thoughts will be constantly distracted, and there will simply be no time to be bored. Replace the walk home from university or from work with a walk, so you will not only get rid of an attack of loneliness, but also benefit your health and save on travel.

4. Find someone someone you can take care of every day. These can be either animals: a street cat near your house or an old dog in the parking lot that you can feed, or people who may actually be much more lonely than you.
5. In the evenings, turn it on for yourself light and unobtrusive series, something out of a classic comedy like Friends.

How to cheer yourself up very quickly when you are sad on your birthday: 3 proven recipes

Incredibly, on this wonderful day, when it would seem that you absolutely want to rejoice and look happy, many people are seriously sad and buried in their thoughts. And if this happens on the eve of receiving guests or going to a restaurant, raising your mood quickly becomes a matter of almost the first importance.

Since childhood, each of us has associated our birthday with goodies, festive table and treats. And since it’s your day, you don’t have to wait at all, but can enjoy a glass of champagne and cake right in the morning. Believe me, the bad mood is unlikely to remain after this.

The problem for many people is that it is on their birthday that thoughts about failures in life most often come to mind and in general it seems that you are a total loser. Take a notepad and make two lists: in the first, write all your personal successes and achievements for last year, and in the second - all the good things that happened to you by the will of fate (new meetings, impressions and everything that comes to mind), and thank you from the bottom of your heart for it.

Birthdays mean, of course, gifts. And since you are already an adult girl, there is nothing reckless in giving yourself a gift, and this gift will definitely be desired!

Just a bad day

How to cheer yourself up when you feel bad and the whole day is filled with stupid events?

  • Take a deep breath and understand that this day will end, and the next one will be better. There won’t always be a blockage at work, you won’t always be annoyed by people on public transport, like today, and you will definitely make peace with the one with whom you had a quarrel!
  • Treat yourself to some pleasant little thing: it could be tasty dish at lunch, buying a new book or some clothes and cosmetics (only what you really wanted, you don’t need impulse purchases!), going to an evening movie or exhibition.
  • Take your mind off negative thoughts simple tasks: cleaning the room, dismantling the balcony, tidying up the work computer, writing an essay, etc. Very effective, and most importantly – time spent with some benefit!
  • When you come home in the evening, just take a hot bath with your favorite aromatic oils.
