Aerobics - its types, benefits and harms. Aerobics for weight loss - types, benefits and harms, basic complex

To keep their bodies in great shape, the fair sex uses many methods. Scrubs, masks, peeling. Various types of massage, sports activities, dancing, fitness, etc. Women spend a lot of time to find the most effective and efficient method that will help them achieve their desired shape.

One such method is aerobics. But in order for exercise to begin to be beneficial, you need to understand what aerobics is. In addition, you need to understand how to perform exercises correctly so as not to harm your body.

What's happened?

Aerobics is a set of exercises that is based on aerobic movements under musical compositions, having a clear rhythm, which, in turn, helps to set the desired rhythm for the correct execution of movements.

There is no need to look for specially prepared territory and equipment for aerobics. You can do this type of gymnastics at home, with a minimum amount of sports equipment. Music is an important and integral element for aerobics.

Short story

The birthplace of aerobics is considered Ancient Greece. Then it was a type of gymnastics, and only men did it. Physical exercise accompanied by the beat of drums and the sounds of an orchestra was popular among the Spartans. They were used to strengthen posture, develop a sense of rhythm and plasticity of movements.

Aerobics as a free activity arose only in the 19th century. The emergence of a special type of gymnastics is associated with the development of a special set of exercises by Dr. Demeny. It was he who became the author of a system of exercises for muscles and joints, based on a combination of rhythm with harmony of movements, alternating relaxation and tension of various zones. Special attention was paid to the development of flexibility and plasticity of the human body.

Dr. Demeny pointed out the need for continuity and omnidirectional movement. And changing their difficulty in both directions provides rest for the muscles.


There are several types of aerobics, each of which has its admirers:

  1. Dance aerobics is the most popular and efficient look artistic gymnastics. The main goal is to improve posture, lose excess weight and strengthen leg muscles. In addition, during exercise the sense of rhythm improves. To practice this type of aerobics, you do not need any special equipment, just good music and a great mood.
  2. Step aerobics consists of a set of basic steps that are connected by combinations. Aerobics for weight loss for beginners includes simple combinations consisting of two or three steps in conjunction.
  3. Slide aerobics combines aerobic and strength training. For classes, you need to purchase a special mat with a sliding surface and sides for braking.
  4. Pump aerobics or body pump includes exercises from bodybuilding and aerobics. Classes are conducted to catchy music, strength exercises are performed and barbells are used, and all this along with elements of regular aerobics.
  5. Water aerobics - special kind artistic gymnastics. All exercises are performed in water using a minimum amount of sports equipment.
  6. Fitness aerobics.


Aerobics will not only help you lose weight excess weight, but also improve the condition of the human body as a whole. Thus, aerobics has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • has a positive effect on the balance of oxygen in the blood;
  • helps to lift your mood;
  • improves sense of rhythm;
  • strengthens bone and muscular system;
  • increases lung ventilation;
  • helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • increases endurance;
  • relieves stress well.

Aerobics is beneficial for both young women and older women. There are no age restrictions for gymnastics.


Aerobics can bring invaluable benefits to a woman’s body, however, there are contraindications to this type of gymnastics. These include:

  • heart disease and of cardio-vascular system;
  • high or too low blood pressure;
  • suffered strokes and heart attacks;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • damage to the spine, intervertebral discs and other disorders in the structure and functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • current acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and other colds.

An absolute contraindication can only be recent surgery or severe illness. All the rest only limit the range of possible exercises, but do not exclude sports completely. If you take into account all the contraindications and recommendations, aerobics will certainly bring benefits to the human body.

In addition, you need to take into account that the results from the classes will not be visible immediately, but only after some time.

Aerobic exercise is contraindicated for some people. The exercises should not be performed by pregnant women, people with certain chronic diseases and people who have recently undergone surgery.

For those who are actively involved in sports, to prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue of the joints and spine due to physical activity, it is necessary to take chondroprotectors. This is the name of a group of products whose task is to normalize metabolic processes in cartilage tissue, which is reflected in the improvement of its structure. For example, the food supplement Glucosamine-Maximum Advance 1500 (sachet) has proven itself to be a chondroprotector containing two active substances: glucosamine and chondroitin in a special, increased dosage. They are natural structural elements of healthy cartilage tissue, are well absorbed due to their natural nature and stimulate the processes of metabolism and regeneration in cartilage cells, thereby helping to stop its destruction during intense sports activities.


Aerobics for older people

Playing sports in old age will have significant differences from those in youth and at a young age. Some exercises will need to be abandoned, for example, strength training.

Fitness in old age can benefit the body. The result of gymnastics classes will be:

  • weight loss;
  • strengthening immune system body;
  • improving the functioning of joints and the cardiovascular system;
  • increased flexibility;
  • improved coordination of movements;
  • improved sleep, relief from insomnia;
  • increased mood and emotional background in general;
  • improvement of memory, cognitive processes;
  • prevention of senile dementia;
  • prevention of occurrence possible problems with memory.

Doctors strongly recommend moderate physical activity. However, before starting classes, older people need to study in detail all the information about this type of gymnastics, find out what aerobics is, undergo a medical examination and obtain appropriate permission from a doctor. Otherwise, you can harm the body through excessive physical activity.

Aerobics as a way to lose weight

The main advantage of aerobics for weight loss is working out all muscle groups. It is worth remembering that in addition to aerobics for weight loss at home for beginners, there are important conditions, compliance with which will help you achieve the shape of your dreams.

Aerobic training will be effective. There are several types of aerobic exercise that promote active weight loss. These include:

  • jumping rope and standing still, running;
  • alternating exercise on sports equipment with step aerobics;
  • slide aerobics based on the sliding effect, etc.

Walking daily for 20 minutes helps strengthen muscle tone and acquire the desired shape.

  • walking;
  • dancing to rhythmic music using dumbbells or other weights;
  • jumping rope.

The last exercise will significantly improve your performance respiratory system body. Regular implementation of the above complex will not only help you quickly acquire beautiful body, but will also relieve existing complexes and self-doubt.

In addition to doing gymnastics, you must adhere to exclusively healthy nutrition.

Aerobics at home for weight loss can eliminate physical inactivity and significantly improve mood, while eliminating the adverse effects of stress and adverse environmental influences.

Aerobics during pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a contraindication to aerobics, there is a type of gymnastics that will have a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman. This type of gymnastics is water aerobics.

Exercises will not only help reduce the intensity of weight gain while carrying a child. The manifestation of back pain will decrease, and general health women will improve.

In addition, during water aerobics classes, joints are unloaded, blood flow in the legs improves, and heart function is stimulated. Regular exercise in the pool helps the fetus take the correct position in the womb - head down.

General principles of exercises

During training, it is necessary to alternate exercises. Music for classes should have a clear rhythm. Best to use musical works without words during aerobics for beginners at home. Because words can contribute to poor concentration during training.


When choosing sports uniform For aerobics, several conditions must be taken into account.

  1. The material from which the clothing is made must allow the body to breathe. Synthetic materials are completely unsuitable for people suffering from various skin diseases and dermatitis. High-quality synthetic material retains color for a long time, does not lose shape and promotes removal excess liquid from the body. Clothes made from natural cotton are also suitable.
  2. The size should fit perfectly. It is strictly not recommended to choose a larger or, conversely, smaller shape. Because sportswear of the wrong size will contribute to decreased performance.
  3. The appearance of the sports uniform is also important. Since in beautiful clothes you feel confident and comfortable. Visual perception Looking at yourself in the mirror increases your chances of becoming interested in fitness for a long time.

If you comply with the above conditions, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of your training.

Instead of a conclusion

Aerobics is a great opportunity not only to tighten your body, make it flexible and flexible, but also to lose weight. overweight, correct posture, strengthen your back and blood vessels. If you choose the right exercises and approach them correctly, you can achieve good results.

Each person has the opportunity to choose the type of gymnastics that is right for him, depending on his individual characteristics body. Now this is possible more than ever thanks to the variety of different types of aerobics.

Many women choose aerobics. It has a positive effect on the balance of oxygen in the blood, strengthens the skeletal and muscular systems of the body, increases endurance, and is also very good at relieving stress and normalizing emotional condition person.

Having found out for yourself what aerobics is, and taking into account all the available nuances and subtleties, there is no doubt: gymnastics will definitely benefit the body!

The word “aerobics” itself comes from the Greek “aero” - air, i.e. oxygen use. However, the word literally comes to life and takes on an amazing lightness when used as an adjective in the combination “aerobic exercise” (aerobic - living in the air). Aerobic exercises are fairly vigorous exercises that require some effort, the systematic implementation of which over a long period of time keeps your heart and lungs in good condition. Aerobic exercise burns fat faster than any other exercise. Aerobics is a type physical activity, which combines rhythmic aerobic exercises with dance elements and various exercises for flexibility and endurance.
Aerobics has a number of benefits. It helps improve cardiovascular activity and blood circulation in the body. Exist different kinds aerobics and aerobic exercise. In other words, aerobics is gymnastics to rhythmic music, performed by a group of people under the guidance of an instructor. This can also be a solo performance without musical accompaniment.

History of aerobics

Aerobics is a set of exercises specially developed by Dr. Kenneth of San Antonio to prevent disease coronary artery. Some time after the publication of Cooper's book with detailed description training exercises, called "aerobics" in 1968, Jackie Sorenson developed special dance routines known as dance aerobics, which were a completely new and improved cardio exercise. Thus, aerobic dancing and other types of exercise received their right to exist and in a very short period of time won public recognition not only in America, but also in other countries. In the United States alone, between 1978 and 1987, the number of people involved in aerobics increased from 6 to 19 million.

Aerobics development

The development of aerobics has occurred at a rather slow pace since its inception. However, the fact that aerobics helps keep your figure in great shape and improves your health is beyond doubt. Today, aerobic exercises are an integral part of any activity, be it training in the gym or at home. IN modern world person pays a lot of attention healthy image life, which explains the rapidly growing popularity of aerobics and exercises based on it.

The benefits of aerobics

Aerobics has many benefits. Aerobic exercise stimulates the heart and improves blood circulation. They help our body quickly adapt to ongoing changes and develop endurance. The benefits we get from aerobics are not limited to losing extra pounds; it is extremely important for our body and reduces the risk of various diseases.
Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system: the heart muscle is strengthened, the heart becomes more resilient
Helps maintain normal weight
Reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus, obesity and heart disease
Increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol
Improves oxygen transport, increases lung ventilation, produces correct breathing, increases human endurance
Stimulates the release of endorphins
Improves sleep quality
Develops muscles, making them stronger and more elastic
Reduces the risk of developing various chronic diseases, such as heart disease or hypertension
Lifts your mood, helps get rid of depression and cope with stress
Increases the body's performance
Strengthens the skeletal system
Improves blood supply and circulation
Prevents the risk of cancer
Changes your attitude towards life, making it brighter and more colorful
Extends life, makes you healthy and happy

Systematic aerobic training

In fact, the choice of aerobic exercise depends on your level physical training. Aerobic exercise is a moderate-intensity workout, the duration of which should gradually increase. the main objective These exercises help you develop proper breathing. IN last years Aerobics has become especially popular among young people. Aerobic exercise is not only fun to do, but also healthy. There are different types of aerobics such as fitness, water aerobics, step aerobics, boxing aerobics, sports aerobics. Different types Aerobics allows you to improve different parts of the body and includes a different set of exercises.
Low-intensity health aerobics

This type of training is intended for people with a low level of fitness who are not adapted to intense exercise, for example people with poor health. Low-intensity activities are ideal for such people. They include not only performing rhythmic exercises, but also strengthening a large muscle group.

Water aerobics

Aqua aerobic exercise is a pleasant, refreshing workout in hot weather. summer days. From the outside, water aerobics may seem like useless floundering, although in fact, water aerobics brings tremendous results: it effectively helps you lose extra pounds, stimulates muscles, and makes your skin beautiful and toned. Exercising in water is especially beneficial for people suffering from arthritis and other diseases.

Step aerobics

In 1989, American Jean Miller overcame a serious knee injury with intense step aerobics training. Her own therapy relied on getting up and down from a milk carton to develop and strengthen damaged muscles. Subsequently, the milk carton smoothly transformed into steps on the porch, and rhythmic music filled the silence and loneliness. Over time this effective method called step aerobics.
Thus, step aerobics is an improved form of aerobics in its standard sense. The exercises are performed using a special step platform accompanied by rhythmic music. Movements are most often performed in four steps: 2 steps in one direction and 2 in the other. High intensity exercise is achieved by ascending and descending from the platform.

Dance aerobics

Aerobic dance is a combination of aerobic exercises with dance elements performed to music (jazz, disco, hip-hop). Dance aerobics helps strengthen the body muscles and lose weight, improves flexibility and improves the figure.

Sports aerobics

In 1983, Howard and Karen Schwartz discovered the new kind sport known as sports aerobics. The following year, 1984, their group, also referred to as an international sports fitness organization, received permission to hold the first national aerobics championship. Initially, sports aerobics competitions were a demonstration performance in 4 programs: an individual performance by a man, an individual performance by a woman, a pair of men and women, and a trio (any composition). Since 2002, according to new rules, dance groups of 6 people can take part in competitions. The judges evaluate the performance according to 2 criteria: artistry and technique. Since 1996, sports aerobics has officially been a gymnastics discipline.
Sports aerobics is a complex sport that combines aerobic choreography and gymnastic elements. This aerobics is an excellent alternative for teenagers and adults who want to actively engage in sports with minimal risk to health.

Aerobics classes are now offered to almost every fitness club around the world. They are very popular among both men and women, due to their accessibility, effectiveness and the enormous benefits that such activities bring to the body.

Aerobics is a whole set of exercises that includes the most different movements. This includes running, walking, jumping, and all kinds of flexibility and stretching exercises. In general, the name of this set of exercises translated from Greek means “airy”, “using air”, “living in the air”. From this we can conclude that in these sports activities, not only body movements are important, but also breathing exercises. In aerobics, proper breathing is one of the most important and important points.

People noticed the benefits of aerobic exercise for the human body many centuries ago. And in our country the concept of “aerobics” began to be used at the end of the last century. In the mid-80s, special sets of exercises began to be broadcast on television. Thanks to this, people could do aerobics at home, without leaving their TV screens. A little later, various sports clubs throughout the country began to offer similar training.

Aerobics also has a second name – rhythmic gymnastics. Experts advise doing aerobics not only for weight loss, but also for health purposes and to prevent all kinds of diseases. Regularly performing this type of exercise allows you to lose excess weight, constantly keep your body toned and in excellent shape, train muscles and skin, rejuvenate your body, as well as harden and heal it. The benefits of aerobics for humans are obvious.

You can do rhythmic gymnastics at any age. Currently, a huge number of different sets of aerobic exercises have been developed, among which every person can find one that is suitable for themselves. Aerobics classes can be done both in the gym or on the street with a group, or independently at home.

To achieve visible results, exercises should be performed regularly. The frequency of classes is 2-4 times a week. One workout will take from 1 to 1.5 hours, no less. Often a person, wanting to quickly lose weight and get in shape, starts doing aerobics too intensely - 6-7 times a week. In fact, such exercises will not lead to the desired results; moderation is needed in everything. It is better to immediately allocate several specific days a week for your aerobics classes and always start doing exercises at the same time. Training can take place both in the morning and in the evening. The choice of time depends only on when it is convenient for the person involved to devote time to the sport.

You cannot do aerobics only if a person has recently suffered some kind of injury (dislocation, fracture, bone crack, etc.). There are no other indications for such activities. Aerobics is beneficial for both children and adults and even the elderly. The main thing is not to start immediately with long training and intense exercise.

You should get used to the exercises gradually. But it is still worth keeping in mind that, for example, the body will begin to burn fat only 25-30 minutes after the start of the workout, so it makes little sense to exercise for less time, especially if the ultimate goal of the exercise is to lose weight. Therefore, in the first week of training, training should ideally last 30 minutes, and then you can add another 5-10 minutes to this time every week. It is important during this period to closely monitor your well-being and not overload your body. After training, your body should feel pleasantly tired. And, of course, you can’t do without nagging muscle pain. It will go away after a few regular training.

What does aerobics give to a person? The final result largely depends on the type of aerobics

Step aerobics. In this case, a set of exercises is performed using a special device - a step platform. This allows you to give the body additional stress. In this case, the thighs, buttocks and calves are especially trained. Such exercises allow you to burn a huge amount of calories, quickly and effectively get rid of fat, as well as strengthen the musculoskeletal system and even eliminate some diseases associated with it. This type of aerobics is especially popular among the fair sex.

Dance aerobics. Excellent for helping you lose weight and become slimmer. Practicing with fun, fast music is not only useful, but also very pleasant. Such activities not only improve your overall figure, but also lift your mood and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. As a result of dancing aerobics, immunity increases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and the body becomes more flexible and lighter.

Cardioaerobics. This type of aerobics not only helps you lose weight, but also develops the body's endurance, trains the heart and blood vessels, and helps it resist a variety of diseases. True, one such lesson should take at least an hour. During training, oxygen is supplied to all organs. As a result, carbohydrates and fats are broken down.

And finally, water aerobics, how is it useful?

Such training is allowed to absolutely everyone. Water aerobics is recommended even for people with disabilities and pregnant girls. With such exercises, you can not only lose weight much faster than during training in the gym or at home, but also improve the condition of your skin. Water seems to massage the entire surface of the skin, and, in addition, creates additional resistance and thereby increases the effectiveness of exercise.

For yourself, you can choose one of the types of aerobics or combine them all together.

It is best to do aerobics in the morning, about 2 hours after breakfast. In general, for training to be effective for your figure and body, you should not eat food for two hours before any workout, and it is also better not to eat for an hour after exercise.

As a result of regular training, the first positive effect on well-being and figure will be noticed within the first month, and after six months aerobics will help achieve perfect figure. In addition, the condition of the entire body will improve over time. The functioning of the heart, lungs and liver will improve. A person will be less tired as a result of physical and mental stress. Immunity will increase. And your mood will improve significantly after the first couple of workouts.

It is also worth noting that aerobic exercise on the body allows you to preserve youth and beauty longer. The skin will remain toned for a long time, become smooth, elastic and beautiful. In addition, your complexion will also improve, because the whole body will be saturated with oxygen thanks to aerobics.

If possible, aerobics can be done by the whole family. This will not only allow you to spend more time together, but will also improve the health of all family members and provide them with an attractive and flourishing appearance.

Step aerobics is one of the areas of fitness training based on the principle of movement on an individual platform. Translated from English. step (step) – step. Step aerobics is a system of exercises using a step platform. Movement along it imitates a stepwise movement up and down, left and right.

Group training is usually carried out to music, using dance movements. This type of exercise combines not only intense aerobic exercise, but also creates positive attitude, allows you to “draw” entire dance compositions on the platform.

The benefits of step aerobics for the body

  • heart function improves,
  • the volume of the heart muscle increases,
  • pulse and blood pressure are normalized,
  • prevention of heart attacks,
  • blood circulation improves,
  • hemoglobin level increases,
  • pulmonary blood supply improves,
  • cells are saturated with oxygen,
  • metabolism is normalized,
  • body weight goes away,
  • joint mobility increases,
  • muscle and vitality increases,
  • endurance develops,
  • mood improves.

Throughout the entire workout, it is the legs that are used most of the time. Therefore, classes allow you to harmoniously form areas that are problematic for every woman - thighs, lower legs, buttocks and abdomen. Moreover, the load falls on the deep muscles of the inner, outer, and back surfaces of the thighs. Exercises on a step platform strengthen ligaments and tendons.

The arm muscles can also be activated by adding certain exercises and movements with them.

An additional advantage of such a simulator is the training of movement coordination, plasticity, and endurance.

In addition, during work there is a cardio load, which allows you to train the cardiovascular system. So this is a great alternative for those who don't like . In addition, step aerobics is safe for joints.

Contraindications for step aerobics

  • serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system,
  • dislocations, sprains and bruises,
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases,
  • arrhythmia, angina pectoris,
  • oncological diseases,
  • renal failure,
  • venous insufficiency.

You shouldn’t overload yourself, as overtraining has never benefited anyone. It can weaken the immune system and the body as a whole.

Features of the step platform

Its uniqueness lies in its simplicity and durability. The device is a wide plastic bench with rubberized upper and lower surfaces. Such rubber inserts are necessary for better grip of the sole on the bench.

The step platform has additional removable supports that allow you to raise and lower the height of the bench. The higher the platform, the greater the load the muscles experience, the stronger the load on problem areas.

It is useful for beginners to start getting acquainted with the step platform with simple steps at the lower level. Those who have mastered initial program, can add load by increasing the height of the board, jumping, complicating the tempo and using “links” - smoothly alternating dance elements.

You can buy equipment at any sports store.

Rules for step aerobics

1. The lesson should begin with a warm-up, which will help warm up the muscles and set them up for further work for 35-40 minutes. Start with the basic steps.

2. The transition to increasing the load should be gradual and reach a maximum in the middle of the workout.

It is useful to combine movement with small weights - weights, dumbbells, balls. Step training can include not only step elements, but also push-ups supported on a platform, pumping the abs from a position lying on a bench, exercises in a lying position with the ankle resting on the bench. In such cases, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, lumbar region, and abs additionally work.

3. It is advisable to finish the lesson gradually, reducing the load, allowing your pulse and breathing to return to normal. It is useful to conclude by doing some stretching and muscle relaxation exercises.

In group classes there is a danger of a stereotyped attitude to loads. The load, as a rule, is general, and not every group member may be ready for it. It is necessary to focus on subjective sensations. Dizziness, loss of coordination, and palpitations can serve as a signal to reduce the load, take a short break, or completely abandon the workout. An experienced instructor will always notice a deterioration in health, but a beginner should remember that health is in his own hands.

Classes on a step platform have a number of features. They are associated with the relative instability of the structure. Since movement on the platform is limited by its small size, extra care must be taken. The ability to adapt to the simulator does not come immediately.

By following these rules, step aerobics classes will become enjoyable and useful.

Errors in using the step platform

1. The heel hangs off the platform, so the emphasis is on the front of the foot. This can lead to loss of balance and stretching of the arch of the foot.

2. The foot is placed not on the central part of the board, but on the edge. The center of gravity shifts and the platform, under the influence of a person’s weight, can tip over.

3. Inattention while moving or jumping may cause your foot to slip on the board, which may result in you falling off the platform.

As a sports equipment, a step platform is indispensable in group aerobics classes. However, if desired, it can also be used at home, moving along the platform to the music. Pleasant muscle fatigue good mood, the joy of thinking about the calories spent indicate that time was not wasted.

Have you experienced positive changes from step aerobics?

Aerobics for beginners at home

We present to your attention intense workout, which is perfect for beginners. Do the exercises without a step platform, then try with the platform.

Aerobics, or in other words, rhythmic gymnastics, became popular in the early 80s, thanks to the popular American actress Jane Fonde, who acted as a fitness trainer, demonstrating her weight loss and health program to the world. What is aerobics and what benefits does it bring in this article?

Aerobics is a complex of active physical exercise performed to rhythmic music without stops or pauses. The main exercises in aerobics are jumping, fast walk, as well as flexibility exercises. Literally aerobics with Greek language translated as “living in the air.” Thus, the main condition for doing aerobics is maintaining even breathing.

Typically, aerobics classes are held in small groups of no more than 10 people. Classes are conducted by a qualified trainer who explains the correctness and also monitors general condition health of each group member. Average duration classes should not exceed 60 minutes. During training, it is important to monitor the state of your breathing and prevent it.

In order to avoid dehydration, be sure to drink water during exercise. Water should not be consumed in large quantities during training. It is enough to take a few small sips at intervals of 15-20 minutes. At the end of the workout in any quantity.

Special attention must be paid. Often these are short shorts and a top that do not restrict movement. It is very important that the fitness clothing in which you exercise is made of a material that can freely let air in and evaporate out. The material should not irritate the skin or cause allergies.

The benefits of aerobics

Aerobics was developed not only as a set of exercises for. With its help you can improve your body health. Regular aerobic exercise trains the heart muscle, develops endurance, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

We should not forget that aerobics, like any other sport, has its contraindications. These include heart disease, high blood pressure, varicose veins. But this does not mean at all that if you have one of the above diseases, you should give up aerobic exercise. Before starting classes, you should contact your doctor for advice.

Types of aerobics

Today, aerobics is no longer just about jumping and running to music. Needs and rhythm of life modern man is changing, and sport is changing along with it. Let's take a closer look at the types of aerobics.

  • Dance aerobics. This is a classic form of aerobics. Classes are held to rhythmic music. The basis of this type of aerobics is dance movements.
  • Pump aerobics. This is a strength exercise set that uses a minibarbell with a maximum weight of up to 20 kilograms. Dance elements are excluded in this type of aerobics.
  • Thai kick aerobics. A completely new type of aerobics, which combines exercises with a skipping rope and elements of the now popular sport of Thai boxing. This type of aerobics will help you lose weight, improve your health and master hand-to-hand combat techniques.
  • Aqua aerobics. The main advantage of this sport is the minimization of injuries, since classes take place in the pool. Aqua aerobics is suitable for older people and pregnant women.
  • Step aerobics. For classes you will need a special step platform. This type of aerobics is energy-consuming, which allows you to lose extra pounds with greater intensity. Step aerobics is also useful for knee recovery after injury.

Aerobics at home

If you can't go to the gym, you can do aerobics at home. The main condition is that before starting any training you need to consult a doctor.

  1. When starting a lesson, do not forget that the training must be structured correctly. Namely, it should not last more than 40–60 minutes, and it must consist of warm-up, aerobic exercise, power load and stretch marks.
  2. Under no circumstances should you ignore the warm-up! Ligaments and muscles that are not warmed up and prepared can become injured during training.
  3. Before you start, be sure to prepare your body.
  4. Make sure you have good, stable shoes and comfortable clothing.

Aerobic exercise will only benefit you if you do it the right way. Never start exercising when you feel unwell or in a depressed mood. This is fraught with injury and deterioration of the cardiovascular system. It is also important to adhere to proper nutrition when doing aerobics.
