What does a limur look like? Dangerous pet with big eyes

Many superstitious people considered unique animals with wide eyes to be mysterious aliens from other worlds. The first encounters with unusual animals gave rise to fear and horror in people. The animal was named lemur, which means "ghost", "evil spirit". The name stuck with the harmless creatures.

Description and features

Lemur – amazing creature wildlife. Scientific classification attributes it to the wet-nosed monkeys. Unusual primates vary in appearance and body size. Large specimens Lemurs grow up to 1 meter, the weight of one primate is approximately 8 kg.

Relatives of the dwarf species are almost 5 times smaller, the mass of an individual is only 40-50 grams. The flexible bodies of the animals are slightly elongated, the outline of the head has a flattened appearance.

The animals' faces look like foxes. Vibrissae are located on them in rows - hard hair, sensitive to everything around. Open eyes of a yellow-red tone, less often brownish, are located in front. They give the animal a surprised, slightly frightened expression. Black lemurs have sky-colored eyes, rare for animals.

Most lemurs have long tails that perform different functions: holding on to branches, balancing while jumping, serving as a signal to relatives. Primates always monitor the condition of their luxurious tail.

Five fingers of the upper and lower limbs of the animals are developed for living in trees. Thumb turned away from the rest, which enhances the tenacity of the animal. The claw of the second toe, increased in length, is used for combing dense fur, for which it is nicknamed the toilet claw.

The nails on the other fingers are medium size. Many species of primates groom their fur with their teeth—biting and licking themselves and their partners.

Thanks to their prehensile fingers and tail, lemurs are excellent tree climbers.

In lemurs that live mainly on crowns tall trees, the forelimbs are much longer than the hind limbs in order to hang and cling to branches. “Terrestrial” primates are distinguished, on the contrary, by their hind limbs, which are longer than their forelimbs.

The color of the animals is varied: grayish-brown, brown with a red tint, reddish. The black and white rows of fur on the spiral tail serve as decoration for the ring-tailed lemur.

In nature in primates various types The lifestyle is nocturnal and diurnal. With the onset of darkness they awaken dwarf species, thin-bodied primates. Terrifying screams and screams of communication between relatives terrify those who hear it for the first time.

There are many diverse different types lemurs, differing in appearance and color

Indri lemurs are the most diurnal in terms of their habitat - they are often observed basking in the sun in thickets of trees.

Lemur indri

Types of lemurs

There remains an active debate on the issue of species diversity of lemurs, as a number of independent classifications have been created according to various information bases. It is undeniable that there are dozens of species of related primates with similar characteristics, but inherent features by size, variants of coat color, inherent habits, way of life.

Madagascar crayfish. The primate lives in tropical thickets and practically does not go down. The thick fur is dark brown. On the round head there are orange, sometimes yellowish eyes, and huge spoon-shaped ears.

The teeth of the Madagascar monkey are special - curved incisors, larger in size than usual. Primates settled in forest areas northwestern sections of the island, in the thickets of the eastern part.

A special feature of the arm is the presence of a thin finger, which the lemur uses to remove larvae from crevices.

Dwarf lemur. It is easy to recognize a mouse primate by its brown back and white belly with a soft cream tint. The size of the dwarf primate is comparable to the size of a large mouse - the length of the body including the tail is 17-19 cm, weight is 30-40 g.

The muzzle of the dwarf lemur is shortened, the eyes appear very large due to the dark rings around them. The ears are leathery, almost bare. From a distance, in terms of its method of movement, the animal resembles an ordinary squirrel.

Dwarf mouse lemur

Small-toothed lemur. Animal average size, whose body length is 26-29 cm. The mass of the individual is approximately 1 kg. Brownish fur covers the back, with an almost black stripe running along the ridge. Small-toothed lemurs are active at night, in daylight hours sleep.

They live in the damp thickets of the southeastern part of Madagascar. Favorite treat primate – greens and juicy fruits.

Small-toothed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur. Among its relatives, this lemur is best known. The second name of the primate is ring-tailed lemur. Locals call the animal katta or maki. The appearance resembles a regular one with a huge striped tail.

The length of the lemur's luxurious decoration is one third of its body weight. The spiral shape of the tail and size play a role important role in building communications with male competitors and other relatives.

The color of catta lemurs is predominantly gray, sometimes there are individuals with a pink-brownish tint. The abdomen and limbs are lighter than the back, the legs are white. Eyes surrounded by circles of black fur.

The behavior of ring-tailed lemurs is characterized by daytime activity and staying on the ground. Cattas gather in large groups, with up to 30 individuals in a family.

The ring-tailed lemur has thirteen black and white rings on its tail.

Lemur macaco. Large primates, up to 45 cm long, weighing almost 3 kg. Tail longer than body, reaches 64 cm. Sexual dimorphism is expressed in the black color of males, females are lighter - chestnut fur on the back is combined with brown or gray tone belly.

Tufts of wool peek out from the ears: white in females, black in males. Peak activity of primates occurs during the daytime and twilight. My favorite time is the rainy season. The second name for macaco is black lemur.

Male and female macaque lemur

Lemur loris. There is a lot of controversy about whether the primate belongs to lemurs. External resemblance, the lifestyle is reminiscent of the inhabitants of Madagascar, but Loriaceae live in Vietnam, Laos, the islands of Java, and in Central. The absence of a tail also distinguishes it from other lemurs.

Lorises are adapted to live in trees, although they cannot jump. Life of a Lemur becomes active at night , During the day they sleep in the shelters of high crowns.

Lemur vari. Among their relatives, these are large animals with a length of 50-55 cm, a tail reaches 55-65 cm, and the weight of an average individual is 3.5-4.5 kg. Primate fur is contrasting in color: white lemur as if framed by a dark tail, black belly and the surface of the legs from the inside.

The muzzle is also black, only there is a rim of light fur around the eyes. Notable is the white beard that grows from the ears.

White lemur

Lifestyle and habitat

Lemurs are endemic in their attachment to their territory of residence. In the past, animals occupied the entire island territory of Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. When it wasn't natural enemies, populations increased rapidly due to food diversity.

Today lemurs in Madagascar preserved only in mountain ranges and on individual island areas with open forests and wet jungle vegetation. Sometimes bold individuals end up in city parks and landfill sites.

Many primates live in family groups, numbering from 3 to 30 individuals. Strict order and hierarchy reign in lemur society. Always dominates the pack female Lemur, who chooses her partners. Young females, growing up, often stay in the pack, unlike males who go to other communities.

Many lemurs gather in large family flocks

Unlike family groups, there are individuals who prefer loneliness or living with a partner in a microfamily.

Families, depending on the number of individuals, inhabit “their” territories, marked abundantly with secretions and urine. The area ranges from 10 to 80 hectares. Borders are carefully protected from the invasion of strangers, marked by scratches on tree bark and bitten branches. Both males and females monitor the integrity of the site.

Most lemurs live in trees, which help them navigate a long tail. They create dens and shelters in which they rest, sleep, and breed. Up to 10-15 individuals can accumulate in tree hollows while resting.

Lemur sifaka

Some species sleep directly on branches, clasping them with their forelimbs. When resting, animals curl their tail around their body.

Many lemurs travel considerable distances along plant branches. Moving on the ground also occurs in leaps and bounds with the help of two or four limbs. Verreaux's wet-nosed primates are capable of covering 9-10 meters in one jump. Communication between primates consists of grunts or purrs alternating with high-pitched screams.

Some primates go into torpor during the dry season. An example would be the behavior of dwarf lemurs. The animal's body does not receive nutrition, but uses up the fat reserves stored earlier.

Primates in nature often become food for predators; they are hunted by owls, snakes, and mongooses. A quarter of all mouse lemurs becomes victims of natural enemies. Rapid reproduction helps maintain the population.


The diet of lemurs is based on plant foods. Preferences vary among species. Tree-dwelling primates feed on ripe fruits, young shoots, inflorescences, seeds, and leaves. Even tree bark becomes food for large individuals.

In food, Madagascar bats prefer the milk of coconut nuts and mangoes; the golden lemur feasts on bamboo stems; the ring-tailed lemur likes Indian dates. Small-sized individuals feed on the larvae of various insects, plant resins, nectar and pollen of flowers.

In addition to plant food, the lemur can eat butterflies, spiders, and cockroaches. The mouse lemur eats frogs, insects, and chameleons. Examples of eating described small birds, eggs from nests. Animal lemur Indri sometimes eats soil to neutralize poisons from plants.

The ways of eating are reminiscent of people, so watching a primate eat a treat in a zoo or house lemur always interesting. The diet of tame animals can be changed, but owners need to take into account eating habits animals.

Reproduction and lifespan

Puberty occurs earlier in those lemurs that are smaller in size. Dwarf individuals are ready to reproduce by one year, large indris - by five years.

Pictured is a crowned lemur with a baby

Mating behavior is expressed by loud screams, the desire of individuals to rub against their chosen one, to mark him with their smell. Only indri lemurs form monogamous couples; they remain faithful until the death of their partner. Males of other species do not show concern for the newly born babies; their attention goes to the next partner.

Pregnancy of females lasts from 2 months to 7.5. The offspring of most lemur species appear no more than once a year. An exception is the Madagascar monkey, the female of which bears a baby once every 2-3 years.

Babies, rarely two, are born completely helpless, weighing 100-120 grams. The babies don’t hear anything; they open their eyes on days 3-5. From birth, a grasping reflex is manifested - they quickly find milk on the mother’s abdomen. As the babies grow up, they move onto the female’s back for the next six months.

Caring mothers watch over the fugitives until they get stronger. A baby falling from a tree can be fatal.

Loris lemurs are selective in their partners. They are characterized by high selectivity. In captivity, it is difficult for them to create a pair due to limited choice, which is why many individuals in zoos do not have offspring.

The lifespan of primates is on average 20 years, although reliable data on individual species is lacking. This issue has been studied relatively recently. Individuals whose life lasted 34-37 years are recognized as long-livers.

Baby lemur

Lemur in the photo always attracts a surprised look. In life, this small defenseless creature captivates with its uniqueness and unique appearance.

These wonderful bug-eyed creatures have recently begun to gradually push dogs and cats out of our homes. This is not bad, because the lemur Laurie small animal, which is on the verge of extinction!!! And at least in this way we can extend his life, and maybe stop extinction? Of course, you need to know about some aspects of the content, and this is what we will talk about.

Description of the lemur Lori

The size of a lemur Lori about the size of an average cat, he has huge eyes And weight up to 10 kg. Color, usually yellow, but sometimes brownish. Males are much calmer than females, and the pet itself quickly becomes attached to the owner, loves to sit on the arms and just be caressed.

How long do Lori lemurs live?

IN wildlife Laurie lives for about 20 years, but at home proper care 30 years!

Where do Lori's lemurs live?

Lemur Lori lives on the islands of Comoros and Madagascar. Lemur It looks like a living toy, and sadly, it’s a stupid and, moreover, touchy little animal. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to train such an animal; you will only anger the pet and get bitten. The most unpleasant thing, perhaps, is that he cannot be trained to use the litter box; he will go to the toilet anywhere! Not only that lemurnight look life, and its nutrition occurs at the same time.


What to feed the lemur Lori

Lemur eats animal and plant foods: vegetables, fruits, bread, cereals, chicken eggs, dairy products, chicken fillet, milkworms and insects. Laurie loves sweets, and if he refuses food, add honey to it, and your pet will be much more willing to eat the food. Hand feed your pet from the very beginning so that he gradually gets used to you without feeling threatened. But under no circumstances feed from our table! The best diet for this animal is a third of everything (fruits and vegetables, cereals, insects, fermented milk products); if the diet is not prepared in this way, the loris may get sick. To ensure that you always have insects in your diet, you can freeze them in the freezer in the summer!

Keeping the lemur Lori at home

To begin with, the baby will need a spacious cage or enclosure, since he for a long time will get used to the new environment. You can make rods from any material, the main thing is to create them in a cage natural conditions– a house, a nest, trees, branches, just don’t overdo it, free places are also necessary. Place several bowls for water and food, change the water daily.

Place the cage in a quiet place, without drafts, direct sunlight and sources of strong heat (radiators). It is also necessary to install a UV lamp; turn it on during the day for several hours.

Perform general cleaning daily, wiping everything with a damp cloth and removing waste; besides, it is better to throw away old products so that they do not cause poisoning. Of course, over time the animal will get used to it, and you can let it out for a walk in your house, getting used to being handled, but it does not get along at all with children and other pets.

Lemur Lori interesting facts

1. Lemur Lori does not adapt well to natural conditions

2. In essence, lemur resembles a sloth

3. Laurie slow due to its massiveness

4. In captivity Laurie rarely reproduce, so the species becomes extinct

5. U Laurie several babies may be born

6. The father carries the baby on his back most of the time, not the mother.

7. Laurie mark their territory with urine

8. Laurie can eat small birds



About 100 species and subspecies of lemurs live in Madagascar. Due to deforestation and poaching, some of them are on the brink of survival.

Brown mouse lemur (lat. Microcebus rufus)

photo: Diana Bradshaw

Resembling a mouse, it is the smallest of the lemurs. This little one is a primate, so it's ours. distant relative. Found only in Madagascar, the mouse lemur is nocturnal, feeding on insects, fruits and nectar. Their life is very short, only 6-8 years.

White-fronted indri, or diadem sifaka (lat. Propithecus diadema)

photo: Dick Knight

White-fronted indri, or diadem, lives only in a few eastern forests of Madagascar. The long white fur around the face gave the lemur its name. Sifakas rarely descend to the ground; most of their lives they live in trees, moving along them at speeds of up to 30 km/h, using their strong legs. Sifak's waking time is daytime. It is during the day that they find a lot of things to do to their liking: climbing trees and feeding. By the way, sifakas feed on the bark and leaves of trees, as well as their flowers and fruits.

Aye-aye or Madagascar little hand (lat. Daubentonia madagascariensis)

photo: Joachim S. Müller

View little arms not much intimidating. This species is the largest of the nocturnal primates.

Mongoose lemur (lat. Eulemur mongoz)

photo: Josh More

It is one of only two species of lemurs found outside of Madagascar, but even this does not save them from extinction. Basically, they lead both a diurnal and nocturnal lifestyle, depending on the time of year.

Hapalemurs or gentle lemurs (lat. Hapalemur)

They live in the reed beds of Lac Alaotra, and not in high forests, which makes them different from other species. Most lemur species are poor swimmers; this species is a good swimmer and spends a lot of time in the water.

Fork-banded lemurs (lat. Phaner)

The species is named because of the two dark stripes on its head. This species is one of the least studied, so not much is known about them. We know that they are nocturnal. They can jump quite long distances. They feed on arthropods and sometimes even small reptiles.

Black lemur (lat. Eulemur macaco)

photo: Arjan Haverkamp

Blue-eyed black lemurs - incorrect because only males are black; females are red-brown. It is especially surprising that they are one of the few animals that have Blue eyes. This species is quite aggressive - they commit infanticide against other species of lemurs. Deforestation has led this species to extinction. Unfortunately blue-eyed black lemur is now one of the most endangered primate species in the world.

Brown lemur (lat. Eulemur fulvus)

Lives throughout Madagascar. Leads a diurnal lifestyle and is on friendly terms with the mongoose lemur.

Golden-headed sifaka (lat. Propithecus tattersalli)

photo:Clare Storry

Golden-headed sifakas live in groups of five or six primates, where the females are the leaders (matriarchy). They often become victims of predators that also live in the forests of Madagascar.

Silky sifaka (lat. Propithecus candidus)

The long white fur of this species has a silky texture, which makes this species stand out from other lemur species. Unfortunately, silky sifaka is also critically endangered and one of the 25 most endangered primates on Earth.

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Madagascar is sometimes called Lemuria. Here you can find 99 species and subspecies of lemurs, of which 39 were discovered quite recently, between 2000 and 2008. Lemurs have round, often very large and glowing in the dark eyes, an elongated muzzle, long, but not tenacious, as is the case with monkeys , tail, short front legs (they jump on two hind legs). They have a shrill voice, similar to the cry of a capricious child. At night, loud “lemur concerts” are heard in the forests. Lemurs live in flocks in trees, feeding on insects and fruits.

In Madagascar and neighboring islands, the population considers lemurs to be sacred animals. There is a legend that once upon a time, lemurs were people, and then, living in the forest, they grew hair and turned into animals. When some careless lemur falls into a trap, the Malagasy will certainly free it and release it, and if the lemur is injured, it will heal it. Seeing a lemur in the forest, a peasant or hunter ceremoniously bows to him and greets him as if he were a close relative.

This family includes the mouse lemur - the smallest representative of primates (12 - 13 cm in length), vri (reaching a length of 100 - 115 cm), as well as catta, mongo, etc. These agile, mobile animals live mainly in trees in family groups, They feed on fruits, insects, and are nocturnal. Another family, the indri, includes the short-tailed indri, the shaggy indri and the crested indri, or sifaka. In addition, here you can find a strange creature with very tenacious forelimbs - the little arm.

Aye-aye (aye)

Aye-aye (aye), or Madagascar little hand - Daubentonia madagascariensis- the largest representative of nocturnal primates. It has a brown color with white speckles and a large fluffy tail. A feature of the aye-aye that immediately catches your eye is the third toe on the forelimbs. The animal combs its fur with this finger and uses it for drinking, extracting and consuming food. Experiments by scientists have shown that when searching for food, as well as the bats, use echolocation. The third finger of the aye-aye catches the sound waves that arise and spread through the thickness of the tree when tapped - in this way the animal tries to detect the movement of the larvae in the wood.

Ring-tailed lemur or ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur or ring-tailed lemur - Lemur catta- most known species from the lemur family. This is the symbol of the island of Madagascar. The tail of the ring-tailed lemur is the main pride of this animal. If the lemur's body reaches approximately 40 cm in length, then the tail is only 55 centimeters! The Madagascan name for the ring-tailed lemur is maki.

Residents of Madagascar attribute to lemurs amazing abilities. For example, they are sure that these animals know the secrets of healing: family members collect medicinal herbs and place them on top of the wounds of a sick relative. They also say that female lemurs, before giving birth, weave a cradle from twigs and hang it on a tree, having previously placed stones on the bottom so that the cradle is not blown away by the wind.

Few people in the world know how to love like ring-tailed lemurs. When is it formed married couple, the connection lasts a lifetime. If one lemur dies, the second falls into terrible melancholy: life loses all meaning for him.

Lemurs have very sensitive skin: on the surface of the palm there is a ridge relief - a special formation of depressions and elevations, thanks to which lemurs are able to “see with their hands.”

A flock of ring-tailed lemurs usually includes 12-25 individuals. The group is led by a dominant female and male. At the same time, females dominate over males, their position in the hierarchy is stable. Mothers often rest in groups, tidying up, sitting on the forest floor. Children play at this time, crawling from one female to another. It happens that three or four offspring hang on one long-suffering female at once, and meanwhile the other, leaning towards her, lovingly licks them. But males constantly have to confirm their right to dominate in fights. Each member of the pack knows its place in the social hierarchy. In their complex society, lemurs have developed a sophisticated language through which they constantly communicate with each other.

Males use the scent secreted by the axillary glands as a weapon. Before the fight, the male rubs them with his wrists, passes his tail between his legs, presses it to his chest and pulls it between his wrists so that it is thoroughly saturated with these secretions.

Mouse lemur

The smallest of Madagascar lemurs, our smallest relative is the mouse lemur, or dwarf maquis Microcebus mitermeieri. Him snub nose and big expressive eyes. The weight of these animals is 45-85 grams. The mother carries her newborn babies, grabbing the skin on her side with her teeth, and they never hang on her either from below or on her back.

Indri and sifaka

The family of indriid lemurs is very interesting. There are four types. Indri is the largest living lemur. The length of his body including his head is about a meter. Indri is an excellent jumper: he pushes off, sharply straightening his hind limbs, and while standing flies through the air, again and again moving with high leaps from tree to tree. The most curious thing is that during such jumping-flights, animals usually use their tail. But the indri does not have a tail - just a small appendage, but this does not interfere with its “giant swing”.

A relative of the indri is the sifaka lemur. He jumps so well that he has even lost the ability to run on all fours. Him hind legs significantly longer than the front ones, and if it sometimes descends to the ground, it moves by jumping in vertical position, pushing off with both feet.

At sunrise, in the morning hours, indris and sifakas bask in the sun, while the lemurs raise their arms to the sky to warm them up well. For a long time, this prayerful pose served as a “safeguard” for lemurs: sun-worshipping animals were not hunted. But now superstitious fears have disappeared, and nothing protects the lemurs. Neither that they are our relatives, nor that they are an endangered species.

I am not an expert on lemurs, but in order to write this article, I read a couple of articles from popular science magazines in the library. Then I scoured the Internet and watched a film about lemurs. Actually, having stocked up with all this baggage, I sat down to write. I’ll tell you all the most interesting things about what we managed to learn about these almost alien creatures, who nevertheless live on planet Earth.

Lemurs belong to the order (don't laugh) of wet-nosed primates.

It’s hard to say where the name came from. But there is an assumption that these animals were christened lemurs by ancient Roman sailors, who once arrived in Madagascar and heard heartbreaking screams in the darkness of the night... when the screams from the jungle were added to the eyes brightly glowing from the branches - the brave Romans immediately realized that these were none other than evil spirits dead people. And in the ancient Roman language, good spirits were called “lares”, and evil ones were called “lemurs”. Good spirits, of course, they couldn’t scream like that... which means that, one might say, no questions arose about the source of the screams.

Lemurs live in only two places on our planet. These are Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. There are rumors that they sailed to the island from Africa, fleeing from predatory animals. And they didn’t just sail, but on rafts! It’s unclear how they built those rafts.

According to another version, Madagascar is the part remaining after the flooding large continent called Lemuria.

I don’t know what to believe, to be honest. I'm just stating the facts and versions. found in various sources.

Daily routine of lemurs

Certain species of lemurs feel much more comfortable in daytime days. So, ring-tailed lemurs begin every morning with sunbathing. They take a yoga pose for relaxation, exposing their bellies warm rays, and freeze with a blissful expression on their faces.

However, ring-tailed lemurs are similar to yogis in another feature: they are vegetarians and extremely rarely use bugs for food, preferring to eat fruits, leaves, flowers and... some types of cacti...

How many species of lemurs do we know? There is only one answer: a lot, but not all. If in 2000 scientists managed to study 32 species of lemurs, today the number of species has grown to over 100.

“Different species of lemurs sometimes differ quite significantly in both appearance, and in size: from a mouse microcebus with a 13-centimeter body and a 17-centimeter tail, to a half-mak with a half-meter body and an even larger tail. Their scientific classification is complex and confusing. There are six genera: lemurs, as such, hapalemurs, aka semi-macas, frisky lemurs, aka graceful ones, dwarf lemurs, mouse lemurs (not them) and plywood. Often, lorisiformes are included here - galagoiformes and loriids, but this is incorrect, since loris, although related to lemurs, are still a separate infraorder.”

What types of lemurs are the most common? Let's look at a few of them.

Ring-tailed lemur or catta (lat. Lemur catta)

Symbol of Madagascar. Katta prefers to lead a diurnal lifestyle. They unite in families of 15-25 individuals. Each family occupies an area of ​​7 to 30 acres of land. The lifespan of ring-tailed lemurs in the wild does not exceed 16-20 years; in captivity, cattas often live more than 30 years. According to the IUCN, the number of ring-tailed lemurs has decreased by 25% over the past 25 years. In addition to predators such as the civet and fossa, juvenile ring-tailed lemurs are often preyed on by snakes and birds of prey.

Aye-aye or Madagascar little hand

This species was registered quite a long time ago, as far back as 1780. These funny animals live 25-26 years, are nocturnal and feed on everything. What you find on trees: leaves, bugs, larvae, bark. On thumbs Aye-aye grows a nail on both feet (like all decent people). But on the remaining fingers and toes, the arms grow ordinary claws. Scientists generally argued for a long time about what type of animal to classify these incomprehensible “ai-ais”: the teeth are like those of rodents, the tail too (with a body length of 40 cm, the tail reaches 42 cm), but otherwise, it seems, they look like monkeys and lemurs.

After much debate, scientists settled on the most suitable option, but some, to this day, are dissatisfied with this decision. The indigenous people of Madagascar do not like little arms: there is a belief that meeting this bug-eyed creature foretells imminent death.


These wonderful creatures are most popular among lovers of exotic animals. Lorises feed on grasshoppers, larvae, caterpillars, and leaves. They love kaksha and fruits. Loris owners advise giving their big-eyed pets baby fruit puree. Loris food must be extremely fresh! All primates are allergic; they can die from low-quality, stale food. Living in captivity, lemurs go to the toilet in the same place (this is a plus), but they will never learn to respond to a name, alas. They also cannot be trained. The only achievement is that the eye will recognize him “by sight”. Who feeds him? Don't ask for more, it's useless.

The loris has practically no smell, so its cage can be placed in the room without fear of unpleasant odors. If you let a loris walk around the apartment, you don’t have to worry about it chewing on wires or furniture. In this regard, the animal is absolutely safe.


Another species of vegetarian lemur is the White-fronted Indri, or Diadem Sifaka (Babakoto). This trickster is almost impossible to find on the ground; it moves exclusively along tree branches. Moreover, we can reach speeds of up to 30 km/h. Indri is the largest of the lemurs. Their weight reaches almost 10 kg. Babakotos are active during the day. And at night they prefer to rest like everyone else normal people.

They live in families, 4-6 individuals in each. The head of the family, of course, is the babokoto lady. It should be noted that matriarchy generally flourishes among lemurs. Distinctive feature This type of lemur is characterized by their passionate love of singing. The singers' voices can be heard over a distance of up to 2-3 km, allowing everyone to enjoy the divine sounds of screams.

“Today the indris are in danger, this is due to the destruction of their natural environment a habitat. These lemurs cannot be tamed, so it is not possible to increase the population artificially.”

Pygmy lemur

The smallest of the lemurs is the brown mouse lemur. These little ones weigh only 200-300 grams and are no more than 20 cm long, 10 of which are on the tail. They live a short life, only 7-8 years. They feed on bugs. Spiders, fruits, and do not deny themselves the pleasure of eating a frog or lizard. During the dry season, bear lemurs hibernate.

“The pregnancy of mouse lemurs itself lasts about 60-70 days, the female gives birth to 2-3 blind cubs weighing 3-5 g, the eyes open already on the 2nd day of life.

At 15 days they begin to climb. They become completely independent after 60 days, and reach sexual maturity at 7-10 months. In captivity they reproduce relatively easily."

How lemurs protect themselves from enemies is a question that often worries Internet users. The main enemy of primates is the fossa, the Madagascar lion.

Lemurs have practically no way to escape from it. They can defend themselves with powerful claws and dexterous hands. But this remedy is available to adults; children, alas, should not rely on their paws.

Many species of lemurs are excellent for keeping in captivity, including at home. The main thing is that they should have enough space in the enclosure for movement and equipment for climbing. Hanging, swinging. There should also be a comfortable house. And, of course, balanced diet nutrition. If you decide to buy a lemur, be prepared for the fact that you will have to feed it not only with cereals, but also with beautiful live insects, delicious fat worms, the most beautiful larvae in the world...

“You need to place several food bowls and a drinking bowl in the house, and make sure that the animal has constant access to water. At
When choosing a location for a primate house, a number of factors must be taken into account environment, which are not suitable for these animals. You can't cage
placed in crowded places and in drafts, if the lemur is in constant shock, it may begin to refuse food, but in drafts
these tropical animals get cold very easily. It is also not recommended to place the house near heating devices. Often
There are cases of burns of the limbs of these primates from batteries and other heat sources. Walks outside the cage are determined by
depending on the nature of the primate. It is not recommended to let overly timid or aggressive lemurs go for walks, since in both the first and second
In the second case, the owner will have a lot of problems returning the pet to the cage.
You need natural filler at the bottom of the terrarium/cage.”

And finally, I’ll tell you how much it costs. This pet is not the most accessible to a wide range of animal lovers. Yes, that's good.

A pygmy mouse lemur can be bought for about 100,000 rubles. A cat's ringtail costs 120 t. - 250 t.r., a galago can be purchased for 85,000-160,000, a vari costs about 270,000, and a red vary costs up to 450,000 rubles.
