Why does your skin hurt if you gain weight? Weight gain - possible medical causes of excess weight

When it comes to losing weight and burning excess fat, we're talking about not just about diet and calorie counting. Some people eat a healthy diet but don't lose weight and feel like nothing is working. It's important to understand that the weight loss process must contain factors that go beyond food - there are many other daily habits that affect weight loss success, and if we don't control them, they can even cause additional weight gain.

Achieving an optimal weight is a difficult task and requires many restrictions in both food and daily habits. If you don't know the reasons why women and men gain weight quickly, regardless of a healthy diet, please read on to find out.

Eating before bed

The desire to eat something at night before bed is usually caused not by hunger, but by habit. People who have a desire to eat something sweet or high in calories need to understand that this will not help them lose weight. Instead of snacking before bed, set regular meal times during the day, and if you need a snack, eat a piece of fruit.

Bad dream

The cause of excess weight in women is lack of sleep. If you stay up late or have trouble sleeping at night, you may lose control of your food intake. Research has shown that lack of sleep causes hormonal imbalance, preventing us from feeling full after eating foods, and therefore we tend to eat more.

Distractions from food

Eating while watching TV, using mobile phone, computer or other devices is a big mistake. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who eat while being distracted consume 50% more calories. Additionally, it has been shown that those who take a break from food feel less full and may feel the need to eat again a little later.

Stress and anxiety

These two factors are mortal enemies of weight loss and overall quality of life. How not to dial excess weight after a diet? To combat this, it is important to try to get rid of or minimize stress, worry and anxiety. But when they cannot be avoided, try drinking water or tea or eating a fruit instead of food.

Eating fast

Today, people are accustomed to eating very quickly, and many do not understand that chewing food thoroughly and slowly not only prevents weight gain, but also helps digestion. It is recommended to spend at least 20 minutes eating food without distraction and chewing thoroughly.

Sedentary lifestyle

A passive lifestyle is one of the most common reasons why weight is gained after a diet. People who don't physical exercise, as a rule, eat more and store more fat. It is extremely important to avoid a sedentary lifestyle for dietary reasons, this can also help prevent serious illnesses in the long term.

Skip breakfast

Either because they don't have enough time in the morning, or because they believe it can help them lose weight, people who skip breakfast cultivate a very bad habit, which, believe it or not, can actually be a cause of weight gain. It turns out that the first meal actually activates your metabolism and starts your day off by burning calories. A good breakfast is one that combines complex carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats.

Consuming excess salt

For weight control and overall health, it is not recommended to consume too much salt in your diet, as it promotes fluid retention and can affect blood pressure. It is important to follow a diet with low content sodium or replace salt with other spices to add flavor to dishes.

Insufficient fluid

When we don't drink enough fluids, kidney function slows down and this allows toxins to build up in the body rather than being released. Experts recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day to stay hydrated, prevent fluid retention, and flush out waste from the body. You can drink natural juices or tea. However, drinking sugary soft drinks may contribute to weight gain because they have a high concentration of sugar and other compounds. Therefore, they should always be avoided.

Sharp weight gain in women, the causes of which can be determined by the attending physician, often indicates the development of dangerous disease. Timely identification of the problem and subsequent treatment will help preserve not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

Lack of sleep

If a woman doesn't get enough sleep for several months, she may find that she has gained weight. According to numerous studies, lack of sleep almost always causes overeating the next day. Scientists have found the answer to the question of why weight increases. Lack of sleep increases the production of hunger hormones - ghrelin and leptin. The appetite begins to grow. This reaction of the body is more often observed with chronic lack of sleep.

After sleepless night a person feels weak and apathetic, which leads to lower energy expenditure. This becomes another reason for the development of obesity. An adult's sleep should last at least 8-10 hours. If you have the appropriate opportunity, sleeping for 30-40 minutes is also recommended during the day.

Stress and fatigue

To answer the question why I gain weight during stress, a woman must pay attention to her behavior during stressful situation. Feeling psychological discomfort, people strive to return to a more comfortable state with the help of tasty but unhealthy food - pastries, pies, sweets, pizza, chips, etc. Often people living in a state of constant stress do not monitor their diet and the quality of what they consume. products.

There is another explanation for why you gain weight. Frequent stress increases the production of the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline. An excess of these hormones provokes an increase in cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, which leads to diabetes, obesity and atherosclerosis.

Avoiding obesity will help avoid uncontrolled eating during times of stress. You need to switch your attention: take a walk, listen to your favorite music, call a friend. The cause of severe stress for the body can be chronic fatigue, which can be avoided by periodic breaks in work and leisure Outdoors.

Taking medications

Women gain weight when taking certain groups of drugs:

  1. Medicines for diabetes. If a woman suffers diabetes mellitus type 2 and takes medication, after a while she may find that she has gained weight. To prevent obesity, you should use classic methods fight against extra pounds - sports training and dietary food. For the treatment of type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to use modern drugs that do not increase body weight and normalize blood sugar levels, for example, Siofor.
  2. Antidepressants. Drugs such as Sertraline, Paroxetine and Prozac can lead to obesity. Despite the fact that extra pounds appear only after 1 year of using these drugs, antidepressants should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Oral contraceptives. Contraceptives can lead to fluid retention in the body, which causes excess weight. If the reason for dialing extra pounds become oral contraceptives, a woman should try other remedies for unwanted pregnancy- condoms, intrauterine devices etc.
  4. Steroids. The need for the use of this group of drugs arises in the treatment of skin tuberculosis, inflammatory processes some internal organs and other diseases. Excess weight can be gained even with short-term use of steroids. However, if you stop taking the drug, your weight will increase. short time returns to normal. If long-term use is necessary, the doctor should select an alternative drug.


Not knowing why the weight is increasing, a woman can be examined for diseases that lead to the appearance of extra pounds:

  1. Diabetes. Patients with this disease experience an increase in appetite, which leads to uncontrolled eating. Diabetes also increases thirst, forcing patients to drink more fluids.
  2. Hypothyroidism. The disease occurs due to insufficient activity thyroid gland, as a result of which the production of thyroid hormones decreases. In most cases, hormonal deficiency is caused by a lack of iodine in the body. The cause of weight gain with hypothyroidism is a slowdown in metabolism caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones.
  3. Nephrotic syndrome. With this disease, the kidneys are not able to cope with the removal of even small amounts of fluid from the body. Because of excess liquid The patient's weight can increase by 50% or more.
  4. Neoplasms of various nature. If there is a tumor of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, the patient experiences constant hunger and begins to eat in large quantities than before the appearance of the neoplasm. Weight gain may also be associated with gradual tumor growth.

To lose weight, you first need to fight not the effect, but the cause.


When I reach the age of 40-45 years, a woman often states that I am quickly gaining weight. During menopause, ovarian function is suppressed, and a hormonal imbalance begins in the body. Due to a decrease in the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, a disorder occurs correct flow metabolic processes. Most of the calories entering the body are converted into body fat. Adipose tissue accumulates in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

To prevent a woman from gaining weight during menopause, she needs to reconsider her usual diet. Alcohol, sweets, baked goods, fatty, salty and fried foods are undesirable. You should avoid dishes with spices, as spices increase appetite and increase thirst. For regular bowel function, you should consume low-fat fermented milk products daily, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish low-fat varieties. Every day a woman should drink at least 6 glasses of liquid. Regular physical activity will help you stay slim.

Sometimes people don't understand why they gain weight. Excess calories are not the only cause of excess weight. Everyone knows that huge portions of fried food, a fatty dessert, washed down with an alcoholic or carbonated drink, all this will definitely lead you to weight gain. In this case, it is clear why a person gains extra pounds. When a person does not burn all the calories they consume, they gain weight due to the extra calories. But sometimes a person involved in physical education, following the principles rational nutrition and counting the calories consumed, still gains weight, and does not understand the reasons for the weight gain.

If you exercise and have a balanced diet, but you continue to gain weight, then you need to think about the reasons. There may be several such reasons. Let's consider the reasons sharp dialing weights:

Lack of sleep.

The course of all processes in his body depends on how much a person has rested. If you don't get enough sleep, your body becomes stressed. As a result, biochemical processes occur that promote fat deposition.

Some people believe that it is easier to fall asleep on a full stomach, but this is not true at all. The result of a late snack is extra calories and nothing else. Fatigue, irritability, drowsiness and lack of energy are all signs of lack of sleep.

You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. Try adding 15 minutes to your sleep every day, and based on how you feel, you can determine how much sleep you need.


Our society requires us to work harder, better and faster. Stress helps us cope with these demands that life puts forward, and at the same time affects our emotions and mood. When a person strives to overcome difficulties, the state of stress he is in generates a response from the body. As a result, a biochemical mechanism is launched in the body, including “survival mode”. Our body begins to store up energy, slows down the metabolic process and releases chemicals and hormones. All this leads to obesity in the abdominal area.

Some people try to relieve tension with food, that is, they eat stress. Food does not affect the actual source of stress, and therefore provides temporary relief. Most people eat carbohydrate-rich foods because they promote the production of seratonin. Serotonin is Chemical substance which has a calming effect.

Medicines taken.

Weight gain can be facilitated by certain medications taken for nervous breakdowns, depression, convulsions, increased blood pressure, migraines, diabetes, etc. Because of such drugs, a person can gain about 5 kg per month. Hormonal drugs, certain types of steroids, and some contraceptives can gradually lead to obesity. If, without changing your lifestyle, you have gained 2-3 kg in a month, the medications you are taking may be to blame.

Antidepressants may also contribute to weight gain, as feeling better may lead to an improvement in appetite. Some drugs retain fluid in the body. The scale will show you weight gain, but in fact it is not fat, but water.

Experts have identified the following types medicines that can lead to obesity: antidepressants, steroids, antipsychotics, diabetes medications, seizure medications, heartburn medications, high blood pressure medications.

If you are sure that medications are the cause of your weight gain, talk to your doctor, maybe he will change these medications for you. But do not stop taking these medications without consulting a specialist, as this can cause very serious consequences.

Health problems.

In medicine, the most common cause of obesity is hypothyroidism, that is, low level thyroid hormones, which reduces metabolic rate. A lack of thyroid hormones can also lead to loss of appetite and weight gain.

If you feel tired, sleepy, overweight, or your voice begins to get rough, you have a hard time with cold weather, sleep a lot, or suffer from headaches, consult your doctor and do a simple test for hypothyroidism.

A disorder due to an excess of the hormone cortisol can lead to weight gain, but this is much less common.

The arrival of menopause.

In women in at different ages Menopause occurs, on average it occurs at 45-50 years. Over the years, your metabolic rate slows down. Hormonal changes occur in the body, which can cause sleep disturbances and depression. During menopause in female body a lot of changes are happening.

Women lose estrogen (female sex hormone). This leads to changes in physique, as muscle mass in the thighs is lost. In addition, the middle part of a woman’s torso begins to gain weight. Since estrogen promotes what is deposited in the lower part of the body. When the production of this hormone decreases, fat begins to be deposited mainly in the middle part of the body (much like in men).

If you increase and maintain muscle mass in your body, you can avoid the appearance of a layer of fat on your belt. It will also help increase your metabolic rate and burn calories.

Exercising will help prevent bone loss that is caused by menopause. Therefore, weight gain associated with menopause can be counteracted. To do this, you need to perform a set of exercises and combine it with healthy diet. Consume foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, and also consider the number of calories you consume.

Monitor your weight and maintain healthy image life is today fashion trend. Experts say that fluctuations in the scales within 2-3 kg in the morning and evening can be considered normal. But it happens that body weight begins to grow rapidly. If you have the thought “I’m gaining weight too quickly,” there could be a variety of reasons:

  • Quite often, women and men aged 40 years or more face this problem. At this stage of life, metabolism slows down sharply, so the amount of fat deposits increases.
  • The same applies to women who have started menopause. Their overall metabolism decreases due to changes in hormonal levels. This causes the rapid accumulation of fat deposits.
  • Sometimes rapid weight gain is associated with disruption of the endocrine glands - the thyroid and adrenal glands, the pancreas.
  • Severe stress and lack of sleep undermine normal metabolism - this is why a person quickly gains weight.
  • The reason for the rapid gain of kilograms can be the medications used.
  • If your body weight increases in a matter of hours and days, it is worth thinking about the fact that the cause is the accumulation of fluid in the body, and the extra pounds are nothing more than edema.

The consequences of these disorders in the form of excess fat deposits help to eliminate proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.

This is especially true for people whose metabolism slows down with age. They need to reduce daily norm calorie consumption.

In many cases, psychological help is required to correct eating behavior. In addition, a number of diseases of the endocrine system require consultation with relevant specialists.

When asking the question “I’m gaining weight quickly,” not in all cases a person can determine the reasons for this on his own and begin to take action.

We know why a person gains weight quickly

This is clarified through a conversation with the patient, based on the results of a blood test, enzyme immunoassay and other studies that give an idea of ​​the level of basal metabolism, tolerance of various foods, and the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. Knowing the real reason accumulation of excess weight, experts develop the most effective technique eliminating it and combating fat deposits.

You don’t have to think about the question “I’m gaining weight quickly - what should I do?”, because nutritionists provide highly qualified assistance to each patient on an individual basis, developing a nutrition plan depending on the needs of the body. Based on this, a consultation with a nutritionist at the Slimclinic center can be considered the key to a successful fight against rapid weight gain.

Behind every gram of fat stored there is an entire metabolic system of the body. Normally, it serves to ensure that a person is healthy, strong and vigorous. If the weight begins to increase, it means that metabolic processes are disrupted.

Instead of muscles - fat

Men are the main candidates for becoming overweight even before they reach 30 years of age. Their metabolism is faster, since it is “designed” for greater muscle mass and a more active life. But many modern alpha males spend their days at their desks and their evenings watching TV. It turns out there is nowhere to build muscles. The ratio of fat to muscle mass– and here you go, the macho’s belly and sides have grown.

To gain weight, a man doesn’t even need to eat a lot, just move a little. But poor nutrition- a catalyst for the process of gaining extra pounds. The less healthy there is in food, the worse it is for your figure. So, bakery products, semi-finished products, and fast food are not recommended for sedentary men. It is better to lean on protein and complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables).

Another “male” problem is the accumulation of toxins in blood vessels. Women up to a certain age (before the onset of menopause) are protected from this - estrogen saves. Cholesterol plaques can turn into blood clots and cause an early heart attack or stroke in a man. Prevention: the same proper nutrition and physical activity.

Overeating is dangerous for both your figure and your heart, even if the food is healthy. Nutritionists recommend reducing the portion by 2-3 times if you have to work only with your head. For men - office employees you need to eat at least 500 Kcal per day less (subtract 2500-3000 Kcal from the norm).

Women under 30 years old gain weight for the same reason – physical inactivity. Of course, many people gain excess weight during pregnancy and then cannot get rid of it. The reason for the completeness here is hormonal changes the body of the expectant mother and uncontrolled consumption of junk food. Usually active life in the first months after the birth of the baby (try to “passively” look after him!) leads to weight loss. Some people note that they lost weight after they stopped breastfeeding - the reason is still the same hormonal change.

But if you do not take into account the weight gain associated with bearing and giving birth to children, then young women get fat for the same reasons as men - they move little and eat whatever they like. As a result, the ratio of fatty tissue and muscles is not in favor of the latter.

Age or laziness?

The answer is age. With each passing decade, a person's metabolic rate decreases by approximately 5%. Even slender women note that after 30 they began to gain weight a little. What to do?

Start metabolism, artificially speed it up. To do this, go to fractional meals– servings of 200-250 g 5-6 times a day. Up to 15 hours - fruits, vegetables, protein (meat or fish). For lunch, carbohydrates (for example, porridge). Then vegetable salads. Do not eat fish and meat later than 4 hours before bedtime. You can have dinner 1.5 hours before bedtime, but it is advisable that it be something light. Salad or fermented milk product, - recommends nutritionist Boris Skachko.

Sport also stands guard over slimness and beauty. Besides, as we age, only sports keep us in good shape (unless, of course, your profession is a skydiver). Recommended loads are half an hour a day. Exercises must be done intensely in order to sweat. If you are bored of repeating the same thing in the gym, for example, dancing will help. They force almost all muscles to work, while starting with a warm-up warm-up and giving an incomparable pleasure of creativity.

Dangerous legacy

The tendency to be overweight is transmitted through the blood. More precisely, by cells. As scientists from the University of Cambridge found out, several genes are responsible for obesity. One of them, the mutated KSR2 gene, is responsible for the breakdown of sugar and fats. Sometimes it manifests itself even in childhood. Fat kids can stretch out adolescence, but start gaining weight after 25.

The second fatness gene - FTO - causes the desire to eat sweets and fatty foods. Obviously related to control emotional state person. As you know, both sweets and fatty foods bring a feeling of happiness, as they affect the synthesis of positive hormones. Alas, the feeling is fleeting, and then it is very difficult to “drive away” the extra pounds.

A matter of character

Sudden weight gain not associated with pregnancy is a very dangerous sign. Often indicates a hormonal imbalance. First of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and take a hormonal panel. You will also have to check sex hormones and adrenal function. Changes in behavior – moodiness, lethargy, aggression and irritability – also indicate hormonal imbalance.

A failure can be triggered by severe stress, but sometimes it indicates systemic disorders, for example, the development of diabetes. You cannot ignore this alarm bell, not only for the sake of returning to a good figure, but also for maintaining health in general.

By the way, for men hormonal disbalance Beer can also cause this. Many doctors believe that beer affects estrogen production. Men (like women) have both main sex hormones in their bodies - testosterone and estrogen, just in different proportions. If proportionality is violated, various unpleasant phenomena will begin. For example, a man experiences weight gain in the waist, buttocks, hips, and sides. Of course, this won’t turn you into a woman, but it will be very difficult to get back into shape. By the way, some doctors believe that excessive consumption of intoxicating drink also affects potency...

In women, a “skew” towards testosterone usually leads to an abdominal type of fullness.

Such women can be very sexy and attractive, but they are distinguished by greater determination, willpower, and character. Abdominal fullness is when the belly grows rather than the hips. That is, the extra pounds settle on the stomach and waist, says Boris Skachko. - To lose weight, you need to do abdominal exercises, use aerial exercises with varying tempos, play sport games and, again, eat small meals.


As a rule, everyone gets a little fatter closer to winter. It's connected with natural process: the body collects reserves for future use. After all, winter can be hungry...

In addition, fatty and sweet foods quickly provide energy, that is, they provide excellent warmth in the cold. For this purpose, we are drawn to tasty things with the first cold weather...

Flaw sunlight V autumn-winter period leads to a lack of positive hormones and the so-called blues. During it, you also really want to treat yourself to sweets (or fatty foods), since products of this type give a short-term feeling of euphoria.

What to do if you are getting better for winter? First of all, control your portion size. Cold and hungry winter time– it’s in our genetic memory. But for a city person, winter usually passes in quite acceptable conditions. Of course, the body’s efforts are wasted on heating, but it’s not worth eating kilograms of candy for that. After all, we still spend most of the day in heated rooms, and more often also in a sitting position at a desk. So don’t lean on the deliciousness, but for quick heating in extreme situation Carry a couple of fruits and a bottle of water with you. Fruits provide energy no worse than sweets, and water will help balance the process of thermoregulation.

By spring (April, not cold March), a period of weight loss usually begins - 1-3 kilos are easily lost. This is especially facilitated by the transition to “garden” food – greens and vegetables.
