Online satellite geographic map. Satellite map of the earth

Russia is located in the northern part of the Eurasian continent. The country is washed by the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, Caspian, Black, Baltic and Sea of ​​Azov. Russia has common borders with 18 countries. The area of ​​the territory is 17,098,246 sq. km.

Plains and lowlands make up more than 70% of the country's total area. The western regions are located on the East European Plain, where lowlands (Caspian, etc.) and highlands (Central Russian, Valdai, etc.) alternate. Mountain system The Urals are separated by the East European Plain from the West Siberian Lowland.

Map of Russia from satellite online

Map of Russia from satellite. Cities of Russia from satellite
(This map allows you to explore roads and individual cities in various viewing modes. For detailed study The map can be dragged in different directions and enlarged)

Russia is rich in huge reserves fresh water. TO largest rivers include: Lena, Angara, Yenisei, Amur, Volga, Ob, Pechora and others with their numerous tributaries. Baikal is the greatest freshwater lake.
The flora of Russia consists of 24,700 plant species. The largest number of plants is in the Caucasus (6000) and the Far East (up to 2000). Forests account for 40% of the territory.
Diverse animal world. It is represented by polar bears, tigers, leopards, wolves and a huge variety of other animal representatives.
Oil reserves have been explored almost throughout the country. Siberian platform rich in coal, potassium and rock salts, gas and oil. The Kursk magnetic anomaly includes the largest iron ore deposits, and on the Kola Peninsula - deposits of copper-nickel ores. There are many in Gorny Altai iron ores, asbestos, talc, phosphorites, tungsten, molybdenum. The Chukotka region is rich in deposits of gold, tin, mercury, and tungsten.
Thanks to geographical location Russia belongs to various climatic zones: arctic, subarctic, temperate and partially subtropical. Average January temperature (according to different areas) is indicated in the range from plus 6 to minus 50°C, July - plus 1-25°C. The annual precipitation is 150-2000 mm. On 65% of the country's territory there is permafrost(Siberia, Far East).
The extreme south of the European part includes the Greater Caucasus Mountains. The south of Siberia is occupied by Altai and the Sayans. North-eastern part Far East and Siberia is rich in mid-altitude mountain ranges. On the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands– volcanic areas.
The population of Russia by 2013 was 143 million people. Representatives of over 200 nationalities live in the country. Of these, Russians make up approximately 80%. The rest are Tatars, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Chechens, Mordovians, Belarusians, Yakuts and many others.
Russian peoples speak 100 or more languages ​​belonging to the Indo-European, Uralic, Altai language families. The most common spoken languages: Russian (state), Belarusian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Tatar, German, Chuvash, Chechen and others.
Russia has the largest Orthodox population in the world - 75% of Russians. Other common faiths are: Islam, Buddhism, Judaism.

According to its state structure, Russia is a federal presidential republic. It consists of 83 entities, including:
— regions — 46,
— republics — 21,
— edges — 9,
— federal cities — 2,
— autonomous okrugs — 4,
- autonomous region - one.

Russia has enormous tourism potential. However, this area is still waiting for its development. On this moment In addition to the usual resort tourism, new directions are developing, for example rural tourism. Exist different kinds rural tourism: ethnographic, agricultural, environmental, educational, culinary (gastronomic), fishing, sports, adventure, educational, exotic, health and combined.

Rural tourism (agricultural tourism) is, first of all, surrounding nature on all sides, architectural monuments and historical places. Roosters crow in the morning and new milk for dinner, natural food and tourist routes, abounding in beautiful views, holy springs, monasteries, deposits, the beauty of forests and fields, fishing on the shore of the lake, acquaintance with rural life, traditional crafts, the opportunity to join the village environment and cultural heritage, hiking, cycling and horseback riding. In addition, rural tourism raises the role of local history.

This type of tourism is thriving in Europe, but in Russia it is still an incomprehensible curiosity, however, there are more and more people wanting to relax in the “country” style.

Such a vacation away from the bustle and noise of the city gives a tremendous boost of energy.

Google Maps is a leader among modern mapping services providing satellite interactive maps online. At least a leader in the field satellite images and by the number of various additional services and tools (Google Earth, Google Mars, various weather and transport services, one of the most powerful APIs).

In the field of schematic maps, at some point, this leadership “was lost” in favor of Open Street Maps - a unique mapping service in the spirit of Wikipedia, where every volunteer can contribute data to the site.

However, despite this, the popularity of Google Maps remains perhaps one of the highest of all other mapping services. Part of the reason is that Google Maps is where we can find the most detailed satellite photos for the largest regions of any country. Even in Russia such a large and successful company as Yandex cannot surpass the quality and coverage of satellite photographs, at least in its own country.

With Google Maps, anyone can view satellite photos of the Earth for free almost anywhere in the world.

Image quality

Pictures of himself high resolution usually available for the world's largest cities in America, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Asia, Oceania. Currently, high-quality images are available for cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants. For smaller cities and others settlements Satellite images are only available in limited resolution.


Google Maps or “Google Maps” was a real discovery for Internet users and indeed all PC users, giving an unheard of and previously unseen opportunity to look at their home, their village, cottage, lake or river where they vacationed in the summer - from a satellite. To see it from above, from a perspective from which it would be impossible to see it under any other circumstances. The discovery, the very idea of ​​giving people easy access to satellite photos, fits harmoniously into Google's overall vision of “easily providing everyone with access to any information on the planet.”

Google Maps allows you to see from a satellite simultaneously those things and objects that cannot be observed at the same time when observed from the ground. Satellite maps differ from regular maps in that they simple maps colors and natural shapes natural objects distorted by editorial processing for further publication. However, in satellite photographs all the naturalness of nature and the objects being photographed is preserved, natural colors, shapes of lakes, rivers, fields and forests.

Looking at a map, one can only guess what is there: a forest, a field or a swamp, while on satellite photography it is immediately clear: objects are usually round or oval shape the unique swamp color is the swamp. The light green spots or areas in the photograph are fields, and the dark green ones are forests. With enough experience in orientation in Google Maps, you can even distinguish whether it is a coniferous forest or a mixed forest: coniferous has a browner tint. Also on the map you can distinguish specific broken lines piercing the forests and fields of the vast Russian expanses - these are railways. Only by looking from a satellite can you understand that railways are much larger highways influence the natural landscape around them. Also in Google Maps, it is possible to overlay maps with the names of regions, roads, settlements on a national scale and the names of streets, house numbers, metro stations on a city scale on a satellite image of an area or city.

Map mode and satellite view mode

In addition to satellite images, it is possible to switch to the “map” mode, in which it is possible to view any territory on the surface of the Earth and study in detail the layout and location of houses of any more or less large city. In the "map" mode it is especially convenient to plan your movements around the city if you have already seen enough satellite views of your city.

The search function by house number will easily point you to the desired house, giving you the opportunity to “look around” the area around this house and how you can drive up/approach it. To search for the required object, just type in Russian in the search bar a query like: “City, street, house number” and the site will display to you the location of the object you are looking for using a special marker.

How to use Google Maps

To begin, open some place.

To move around the map, left-click on the map and drag it in any order. To return to the original position, press the centering button located between the four direction buttons.

To enlarge the map, click on the button "+" or roll the mouse roller when the cursor is over the map. You can also enlarge the map double click mouse in the location you are interested in.

To switch between satellite, mixed (hybrid) and map views, use the corresponding buttons in the upper right corner of the map: Map / Satellite / Hybrid.

Nov 11, 2015 13:06


The public cadastral map, displayed with an overlay of satellite photographs (as of 2015), is a nationwide resource containing information about real estate. IN general view this is a huge photograph of the country, assembled from many small photographs taken from space as part of the Esri or Scanex projects. The image is composed taking into account the global coordinate system. The main purpose of the service is to provide open (free) access to cadastral information to an unlimited number of users - ordinary citizens, realtors, lawyers, employees of surveying firms, and others. Since the implementation of the project in 2010, the procedure for obtaining cadastral information has been significantly simplified.

Information content of the resource

A public cadastral map from a satellite is the result of the work of many cadastral engineers employed by Rosreestr. With its help, you can find an object on the ground and recognize it:

  • 1 – cadastral number;
  • 2 – address;
  • 3 – area;
  • 4 – cadastral value that will be used for taxation;
  • 5 – form of ownership.

If necessary, you can:

  • 1 – receive and print a plan of the land plot and the corresponding cadastral quarter;
  • 2 – clarify the category of lands, their boundaries and intended purpose;
  • 3 – determine the location and boundary lines of neighboring objects;
  • 4 – find out the details of the Rosreestr division that stores information about the object of interest;
  • 5 – obtain information about capital construction projects. In addition to the above data, you can find out the number of storeys of the building, including underground, wall material, dates of commissioning and completion of construction, name of the contractor and his Taxpayer Identification Number;
  • 6 – send a request to the State Property Committee, Unified State Register, obtain data about the object online.


A public cadastral map from a satellite is a unique tool that allows you to get an idea of ​​where the property of interest is located, what its boundaries are, and what objects it is adjacent to. The resource is necessary to determine the location and status of land plots. This is very important when resolving controversial issues: for heirs, notaries and honest citizens defending their rights.

Many users are interested in online satellite maps, which give them the opportunity to enjoy a bird's-eye view of their favorite places on our planet. There are quite a number of such services on the Internet, but all their diversity should not be misleading - most of these sites use the classic API from Google Maps. However, there are also a number of resources that use their own tools to create high-quality satellite maps. In this material I will talk about the best high-resolution satellite maps available online in 2017-2018, and also explain how to use them.

When creating satellite maps earth's surface Usually both images from space satellites and photos from special aircraft, allowing for photography at bird's eye height (250-500 meters).

Satellite maps of the highest resolution quality created in this way are regularly updated, and usually the images from them are no more than 2-3 years old.

Most online services do not have the ability to create their own satellite maps. They usually use maps from other, more powerful services (usually Google Maps). At the same time, at the bottom (or top) of the screen you can find a mention of the copyright of a company for displaying these maps.

Viewing real-time satellite maps is currently not available to the average user, since such tools are used primarily for military purposes. Users have access to maps, photographs for which were taken during last months(or even years). It is worth understanding that any military objects may be deliberately retouched in order to hide them from interested parties.

Let's move on to a description of the services that allow us to enjoy the capabilities of satellite maps.

Google Maps - view from space in high resolution

Bing Maps – online satellite map service

Among the cartographic online services of decent quality, you cannot ignore the Bing Maps service, which is the brainchild of Microsoft. Like other resources I have described, this site provides fairly high-quality photos of the surface created using satellite and aerial photography.

Bing Maps is one of the most popular mapping services in the United States.

The functionality of the service is similar to the analogues already described above:

At the same time, using the search button you can determine the online location of a specific satellite, and by clicking on any satellite on the map you will get brief information about it (country, size, launch date, etc.).


To display high-resolution satellite maps online, you should use one of the network solutions I listed. The Google Maps service is the most popular worldwide, so I recommend using this resource to work with satellite maps online. If you are interested in viewing geolocations on the territory of the Russian Federation, then it is better to use the Yandex.Maps toolkit. The frequency of their updates on our country’s relations exceeds the similar frequency from Google Maps.

Google Map is one of the most popular services today. It provides users with the opportunity to observe our planet (and not only) from a satellite online in high quality and in real time (sights of the planet in). At some point, the primacy of the schematic map view was captured by the Open Street Maps application. Where everyone in the know can edit a map in Wikipedia style, but this does not change anything and today Google Maps is the most popular online map service. The popularity of cards from this company ranks first long years because of good quality satellite images in any corner of the planet, even Yandex could not provide such quality in its homeland.

Google Maps online

Google continues to improve its brainchild in the form of visualization of our planet, improving the quality and detail of surfaces. More recently, the company has improved its services using the new Landsat 8 satellite, which can photograph the surface of planet Earth with a resolution of 15/30/100 meters per elemental point. The database of satellite images in real time was previously updated only in 2013. At that time, the application used images taken by the Landsat 7 satellite, which was also known for introducing some bugs and glitches into the maps. To compare the quality of images taken by different satellites, pay attention to the screenshot below.

Images taken by different satellites

In the examples given on the screen you can see that the image of the new satellite shows not only improved detail of earthly objects, but also more natural colors. Representatives of Google announced that about 700 trillion pixels of graphic data were spent on assembling a mosaic of the earth's surface of a new generation. Almost 43 thousand of the most powerful computers In Google cloud we worked for a week on gluing together pictures.

How to use Google Maps online

Anywhere in the world you can use Google Maps online in high quality using a tablet, mobile phone or computer. Just follow the link or use the embedded map below and you can find the country, city, and even the route to the museum by entering the desired search parameters. And for mobile devices you can download a special application that is more convenient to use.

To find the way to a laundromat or a cafe that you often visit, simply enter the addresses in the program line and you will no longer need to enter this data every time. At the same time, you can not only view the route to the establishment, but also get acquainted with information that relates to this establishment, for example, opening hours, contact details, etc.

Let's try using Google's satellite map 2018 as an example.

  1. Go to the website or open the app on your mobile device.
  2. All you have to do is point or touch on the touch screen and you can view the details of that area.
  3. In order to find out the distance between cities, right-click on one of them and select “Measure distance” from the drop-down menu. Now the second point can be specified with the left mouse button. If necessary, you can drag the point with the mouse to another location, and the distance information will be updated.
  4. To select the “Relief”, “Bike Paths”, “Traffic” mode - select the menu sign (three stripes) and press the desired option. If you are using Apple devices, click on the diamond icon with a layer and also on the desired option.
  5. To take advantage high quality 3D images, click on the quadrilateral in the lower left corner. It will say "Satellite", if you need to return to map mode, press it again.
  6. To select Street View mode, drag the yellow man to the desired area of ​​the map or simply enter the exact location in the query bar, preferably including your home address.
  7. Google Maps high resolution allows you to view streets in historical mode, i.e. how they have changed over time. To do this, throw the little man to the desired place on the map. Select the clock icon and move the time slider to select the desired date.

Amazing Facts About Google Maps

Features and benefits of online maps in real time

From the first days, Google Maps became a revelation for all users. They made it possible to look at cards in a new way, to pay new attention to this tool in general. Everyone who accessed the Internet back in 2005 sought to immediately take advantage of online maps and see your city or country from a satellite.

It seems unthinkable, but today it is possible to view other planets solar system V Google app Maps!

Planets in Google Maps

To do this, go to the web version of the program and zoom out the Earth image with the mouse wheel to the maximum. Other planets will appear in the block on the left that you can select to view. There are all the planets of the solar system and several additional satellites. For example, Callisto is a satellite of Jupiter. True, the photographs do not allow us to look at other planets as closely and in detail as happens with the Earth.

Google Maps from satellite in 2018 will allow you to view the surface of the earth and settlements in excellent quality, which cannot be done using a regular card. When drawing up paper and other versions of maps, natural colors, clear contours of the banks of rivers, lakes, colors of areas of the earth and other color schemes are omitted, which is why we have poor orientation. Viewing the desert area on regular map one can only guess what kind of vegetation or relief there is. By accessing Google Maps in real time, you can even see the color and shape of the fence at any address on another continent.

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