What to do if you are bitten by a scolopendra. Are centipedes dangerous?

There are many arthropods on earth. Some of them are absolutely harmless, and meeting some of them poses a serious danger to a person. These include such an unpleasant animal as the Crimean scolopendra. This arthropod has about 90 species, but only one species is found on the Crimean peninsula - the ringed centipede. Her appearance, to put it mildly, is frightening and even disgusting; moreover, she poses a danger to humans. And although its dimensions are only 10-15 cm, it is better to stay away from this creature. Outwardly, it looks like a brown worm with a huge number of small legs, with the help of which the centipede can move quickly, wriggling in a snake-like manner.

The bites of most species of giant centipedes are not dangerous enough to kill a person. The Crimean ringed scolopendra is not poisonous, although its bite is quite painful. The dose of the substance that this animal injects under the skin is not so large as to even paralyze, but the scolopendra venom is toxic, especially in the spring. And if a person is bitten by such a centipede, he soon experiences the following rather unpleasant symptoms:

  • two small punctures appear at the site of the bite, as if from a needle;
  • in the area of ​​the wound, first a burning sensation is felt, then severe pain;
  • the skin around the damaged area changes color to red;
  • swelling appears, which can last for several days;
  • a scolopendra bite provokes an increase in body temperature;
  • the victim feels weakness, nausea and dizziness;
  • the bite of a poisonous scolopendra can cause an allergic reaction.

If a person is bitten by a centipede in the Crimea, then there is no need to panic, since the attack of this centipede does not pose a danger to life, and soon all the symptoms of the bite will pass. But if the victim has low immunity, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Where can the ringed scolopendra bite?

Arthropods are found only in warm regions, such as the large centipedes of the Crimea. They are easy to meet in wooded and mountainous areas, in valleys and on garden plots. Scolopendras often crawl into tourists' tents, clothes and shoes. It is not uncommon for these creatures to enter residential buildings, especially where it is damp. But they never attack themselves; they bite only if they feel their life is in danger.

Consequences of a Crimean scolopendra bite

In places where scolopendras are found, especially in desert areas, getting a bite is, of course, more likely. An attack by these arthropods is fraught with inflammation of the skin tissue, enlarged lymph nodes, an allergic reaction, increased heart rate and kidney failure. Swelling is also inevitable: for example, if the bite is in the leg, it can swell to such a size that it will not fit into our usual shoes. In the best case, the swelling may go away in two days, in the worst case it does not subside for several weeks. Therefore, the consequences of a scolopendra bite can be very unexpected.

First aid for a scolopendra bite

Although the ringed scolopendra is not poisonous, its bite is not harmless to the body and can cause a lot of discomfort to a person. Toxins quickly penetrate the skin, then into the blood and begin to spread throughout the body, causing very unpleasant sensations. What to do if you are bitten by a Crimean scolopendra? First of all, don’t panic, nothing fatal happened. It is necessary to calmly provide first aid.

  1. If the victim is allergic, give him an antihistamine.
  2. Wash the wound with soapy water and then disinfect it with alcohol.
  3. To relieve pain, you can apply ice and drink a painkiller.
  4. Then a bandage or clean bandage should be applied to the affected area.
  5. If the pain does not go away, you need to change cold compresses.
  6. The person bitten should drink plenty of warm fluids and remain calm.

If fever, numbness of the body, difficulty breathing appear, it is necessary to urgently take the victim to a doctor or call ambulance. A scolopendra bite can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body, so it is important to monitor the condition.

Precautions against scolopendra bites

Considering the fact that giant centipedes- these are not insects, but animals, then do not forget that fumigators do not affect them. Various sprayers and other means that we use to fight insects will not help in the case of centipedes, only precautionary measures. What needs to be done to minimize encounters with these unpleasant creatures? Here are some recommendations:

  • do not touch the centipede with bare hands, if necessary, only with gloves;
  • In nature, spend the night only in a tent closed with a tight clasp;
  • Before going to bed, carefully check and shake your sleeping area;
  • carefully inspect shoes, clothes, bags and hats;
  • do not pick holes, do not turn over stones, do not walk barefoot.

And most importantly: never provoke a scolopendra to attack! She herself will never be the first to attack, unless her self-defense works. Be extremely careful with these creatures, as they have lightning-fast reactions and bite sharply and quickly.

Is scolopendra dangerous for humans?

What is the real danger of the Crimean scolopendra? Despite the fact that this animal is poisonous, it causes little harm to the body after a bite. How does a giant scolopendra bite occur? Each foot of the centipede is equipped with a sharp claw curved inwards with a channel, through which the centipede injects its poison. It has a mild paralytic effect that causes pain, swelling and inflammation. It contains substances such as histamine, serotonin and others, but the dose of toxins itself is small, since the arthropod releases it in small quantities, as if saving it for other potential enemies. In addition, scolopendra is also dangerous for humans because, in addition to poison, it can leave mucus on the skin, which causes quite severe burns.

Centipedes often crawl into houses, especially black centipedes. They are attracted to insects in rooms, dampness and warmth. Moreover, they are not interested in the foods that we eat, they do not spoil things and furniture, they feed on flies and cockroaches - and these are the positive aspects of centipedes being in the house. But if you accidentally step on a scolopendra, it will have a defensive reaction and will probably bite. Another disadvantage: if there is a cat in the house, its hunting instinct will turn on and the “guest” will be caught and eaten. And this is dangerous for the pet, since ticks live on arthropods. To the question of how to kill a centipede, there is only one answer: it’s difficult. It is difficult to crush and it is useless to poison it with aerosols; the easiest way is to simply take it out of the house (with gloves) and release it into the wild.

Varieties of centipedes

We've dealt with the ringed centipede, now let's look at what other types of centipedes exist. Of course, there are many varieties, but we will talk about the most famous of them. Many centipedes are considered not only rare, but also useful individuals that cannot be killed, and some are even kept at home as pets. Therefore, if you come across a centipede, do not try to kill it, it is better to take it away and release it.

Giant scolopendra. The biggest centipede of all existing species, found in South America and in Jamaica. It feeds not only on insects, but also on mice and toads. Up to 35 cm long, dark brown color. The bite of a giant scolopendra is not fatal to humans, but causes weakness, swelling and fever.

Vietnamese scolopendra. Inhabitant of the south eastern Asia, length – up to 20 cm, color dark red. It feeds on worms, flies and spiders, as well as their larvae. Sometimes it hunts small rodents. It lives underground and crawls to the surface only for food. The poison does not pose a mortal danger to humans.

Chinese scolopendra. It is also called the red scolopendra due to its bright fiery color. Found in the regions of Australia and eastern Asia, it is the most non-aggressive of all other centipede species. Leads a solitary lifestyle and coexists quite peacefully with its relatives. It poses almost no danger to humans.

Californian scolopendra. Resident of Mexico and arid regions of the United States. The only species of centipede that prefers hot and humid climate. This tropical scolopendra is a real “beauty”, with a blue body and yellow legs. Its bite is painful for humans, but not fatal.

Scolopendra Lucas. Found in Europe, in the southern regions. The color is red, the legs are yellow, the head and tail are black, no more than 10 cm in length. It prefers to live in foliage and feed on insects and lizards. A loner with an aggressive “character” is not dangerous to humans, but its poison is quite toxic.

In places where centipedes live, there are always a lot of stones under which they hide. The lifespan of centipedes is about 6-7 years, they begin to reproduce in the second year, the clutch consists of more than 120 larvae, but not all survive. In a moment of danger, the female can even eat her clutch. The enemies of centipedes are cats, snakes and birds. Centipedes are predators night image life and most often live underground. Most of them are not afraid of being close to people; a scolopendra can easily settle down in some basement and live there for several years, feeding on insects.

Probably every resident of especially private houses has had to deal with an invasion of insects: cockroaches, ants, midges. You can also see centipedes with jointed antennae, modified forelimbs and quite beautiful colors. These strange animals can be terrifying at first. The first thought that arises is: are they dangerous and poisonous for humans? Indeed, scolopendras bite and emit poison, the entry of which into the body can lead to pain, illness and even poisoning. Who is the domestic scolopendra, why is its bite dangerous for humans, how to get rid of folk and chemicals Let's look at it in more detail in this article.

Scolopendra, who is this?

Scolopendra is a venomous animal with modified forelimbs, a segmented body, a pair of legs at each segment and sharp marigolds at the end. Scolopendras come in different colors: purple, yellow, orange, red, blue. As a rule, these are nocturnal predators, they come out of their crevices at night and cannot tolerate daylight, sun rays. They can hide under tree roots, in burrows, cracks, and the ceiling of a house. They feed on small rodents, insects, and lizards.

The main danger is the device or poisonous apparatus, which is located inside the jaw in the form of channels with a poisonous gland located in the hole at the tip of the nail. The poisonous gland contains poison, which, when released into the victim, can cause poisoning, swelling, numbness, soreness and burning of the tissues on the skin.

Usually the appearance of centipedes in a house or apartment is facilitated by favorable conditions for their life activity or optimal habitat. These are food remains on the table, dampness and high humidity in room. It is precisely under such factors that scolopendra most likely starts. The most favorite place its habitat is a damp, damp place. Getting rid of the scourge of this insect means eliminating all damp corners and crevices in the room.

What is the danger to humans?

The appearance of the scolopendra is rather unsightly: long legs, a segmented chitinous skeleton. When they appear in the house, many residents begin to get scared and try to quickly take the first object they come across, such as a fly swatter, in order to kill or scare away the predator.

In fact, domestic scolopendras do not pose a particular threat to humans and, of course, will not lead to mortal danger. Although they can bite if you hold them in your hands for a long time or accidentally step on them.

Of course, it’s not pleasant, because the bite resembles a wasp sting. It also causes redness, burning, pain, and swelling of the skin. But domestic centipedes are not carriers of dangerous diseases and are even shy themselves. When they see a person, they try to quickly go into the shadows and hide. Centipedes do not live in things or food. When the lights are turned on they usually go away quickly.

There are certain types of these centipedes, for example, giant centipedes, whose bite is more dangerous to humans. Domestic species are safe, although bites should be avoided, especially for people with weakened immune systems or excessive allergies.

Attention! If you follow the scale of pain, a scolopendra bite can be 20 times more painful than, for example, a bee sting.

How to get rid of scolopendra?

Scolopendra has a fairly durable chitinous upper layer, so catching her to kill her is not so easy. Of course, you can resort to mechanical method and catch it in a jar, take it away from the house to another place, and throw it out into nature.

Fortunately, scolopendra is not an aggressive creature, but in the event of a bite, swelling, nausea, dizziness, burning, and temperature rise to 39 degrees. It is worth providing the victim with first aid. help: treat the bite site with antiseptics, apply a gauze bandage or bandage it.

Signs usually, as well as after a bee sting, can last for 2-3 days.

Due to physiological characteristics and lifestyle, it is difficult to fight scolopendra. Not many chemicals can completely get rid of insects. You can spread adhesive tape, like against mosquitoes, but even if you leave the insect without legs, it will not get rid of the scourge. The scolopendra's legs will soon grow back. Various baits are not valid, since the animal feeds exclusively on live insects.

First of all, you need to eliminate humidity and dampness in the house, which are favorable factors for the living of this animal. Scolopendras will disappear if:

  • ventilate and dry the room well;
  • reduce humidity levels;
  • or install artificial ventilation;
  • eliminate mold on the ceiling and walls;
  • seal all seams, cracks in the toilet, bathroom using silicone;
  • fill voids in window and door openings;
  • check pipes, mixers and taps, repair them in case of malfunction;
  • rehabilitate the sewer system;
  • check devices for condensation;
  • clean the territory, deposits, unclean places near the house.

If there are children and animals in the house, then it is advisable to use preparations with natural additives or dry chemical preparations (insecticides) by pouring them into baseboards and other elements into which centipedes can penetrate.

When using aerosols, spray around the entire perimeter of the room, spraying carefully, avoiding contact with eyes. To completely destroy insects, you need to apply the product 2-3 times, thus carrying out several treatments over 3-4 weeks.

Traditional methods

Scolopendras are often found in private houses and cottages where families, children, and animals live. Fighting with chemicals is not always appropriate. Residents often use traditional methods, for example, burning Cayenne pepper(powder), pouring it in places where insects accumulate. It is also advisable for them to be run over the pepper or eaten.

First of all, it is important to eliminate the food supply for scolopendra, i.e. remove ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and spiders so that there is nothing for feeding. And without it there will simply be nothing to feed on.

Of course, if large hordes appear, you can contact a specialized service. Professionals will quickly clear the house of uninvited guests by acting on them using thermal methods or chemical compounds, synthetic pyrethroids. This way you can quickly process it. One procedure is enough for scolopendras to leave the house forever and not appear in the future.

Scolopendra is a genus of labiopods from the order Scolopendra. They are the largest representatives of their class. There are about 90 species of scolopendra in the world fauna. They live mainly in the tropics and subtropics. However, some species can also be found in colder zones.

Most centipedes choose shelter under stones, logs, in rock cracks and other similar places where there is a sufficient amount of water vapor in the air during dry times of the day. When the weather is too wet or too dry, they look for more comfortable conditions for themselves and often choose human housing as a refuge.

Young scolopendras eat small insects; adult individuals feed on everything whose size does not exceed their own. Scolopendras lead a lively nightlife. Their behavior is dominated by active aggression. To kill prey more quickly, these centipedes use poison.

The poisonous apparatus is located in the jaws, each of which ends in sickle-shaped claws. At the base of the last apical segment of each maxilla there is a poisonous gland, which is connected by a duct to the apex of the claw. When attacked, the claws damage the skin and the poison penetrates the wound. Scolopendras also use their jaws to protect themselves from enemies.

How to protect yourself from a scolopendra bite

Centipedes are not interested in humans. It becomes dangerous, as a rule, only in a state of fright. Therefore, adhering to the series simple rules, you can easily protect yourself from its bite.

Firstly, to spend the night outdoors in the habitats of these lipopods, use tents that close with a zipper.

Secondly, carefully inspect your tent before going to bed.

Thirdly, in the morning, carefully examine your clothes and shoes to identify scolopendras, which like to hide in these items.

Fourth, do not study the local fauna at night.

Fifthly, remain vigilant when turning over stones or collecting dry branches, because centipedes can often hide in their shadows.

Sixth, be especially careful in the off-season.

And seventhly, when keeping centipedes in a terrarium, do not touch them with your bare hands, use tongs or tweezers.

What are the consequences of contact with scolopendra?

Scolopendra, running across a person’s skin, leaves behind a mark in the form of an inflamed stripe. However, in some cases, its movement on the skin may not be accompanied by any painful consequences. It all depends on the mood of the centipede.

The venom of some species of tropical centipedes is mortal danger for a person.

Contact with the ringed scolopendra, which lives in the Mediterranean countries (Spain, Italy, Greece), in the Crimea, especially in the vicinity of Sevastopol, in steppe zone Ukraine, Rostov region and Moldova, it is not dangerous to the life of an adult who is not allergic, has an unimpaired immune system and does not suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

The venom of the ringed scolopendra is most toxic in spring and autumn; in cold seasons it causes a minimal reaction. It contains acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, hyaluronidase, cholinesterase, kininase and other biologically active substances.

Symptoms of poisoning with scolopendra ringed venom:

  • severe pain comparable to a hornet sting,
  • skin burn,
  • edema,
  • increase in body temperature to 39°C,
  • general poisoning of the body,
  • fever,
  • severe chills,
  • red rows of spots where the centipede's claws come into contact with the skin.

The discomfort persists for about two days.

In some cases it may develop allergic reaction, the symptoms of which are urticaria, itching, malaise. In more serious forms of the reaction, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness are added to the symptoms described above. In severe cases, suffocation develops, hoarseness, incoherent thoughts, and a feeling of doom appear. In anaphylactic shock, these symptoms are accompanied by bluish skin, falling blood pressure, fainting condition.

What not to do if you are bitten by a scolopendra

Contrary to popular belief, you should not apply a tourniquet either above or below the affected area. A tourniquet not only does not prevent the spread of poison, but can also lead to stagnation of blood, tissue necrosis, the development of gangrenous phenomena and simply worsen the condition of the victim.

  • You should not cauterize the wound and further injure the victim.
  • It is not recommended to make any incisions on the wound for the same reason as described in the previous paragraph.
  • You should not drink alcohol, as it speeds up the metabolism, thereby speeding up the absorption of the poison.

What measures can be taken if you come into contact with scolopendra?

1. First of all, you should wash the affected area with soap and water or disinfect it with alcohol.

2. Then you need to apply a sterile bandage.

3. To relieve severe pain, you can use a cold compress, apply an ice pack or a bottle filled with cold water to the wound.

4. Provide peace to the victim.

5. Provide plenty of fluids.

6. Considering the rich composition of scolopendra venom, it is recommended to contact a medical facility after contact with it.

In medical care necessarily need:

  • children,
  • adults prone to allergic reactions,
  • people with weakened immune systems,
  • people suffering from cardiovascular diseases,
  • aged people.

Interesting facts about scolopendra and its bites

  • Over the past 100 years, only three reports of human death from contact with scolopendra. The last case occurred in 2005. A 46-year-old man died then.
  • Every year, more than 5,000 cases of contact with scolopendras are recorded in Turkey. Almost all of them are not accompanied by any serious consequences.
  • There is no point in killing scolopendra. In addition, this is very difficult, since the centipede has such a flat shape that it is even impossible to press it down with a stone. It will simply squeeze into the soil.

This topic became hot for me three or four years ago, when, according to many encyclopedias, as a non-aggressive insect, it bit me. Moreover bitten by a centipede me not from the very desire to do this, but in self-defense, since I accidentally lay down on her. At that time, we had not yet had time to pour floors in all the rooms of the newly purchased house, and some rooms had wooden floors. Therefore, from time to time we observed these crossing centipedes and tried in every possible way to catch up with them. The house itself was dry and strong, but if anyone tells you that centipedes do not live under wooden floors - don’t believe it, that’s where they live, since the soil there is very favorable for them, even if it is not particularly damp.

Bitten by a centipede - how to recognize it?

Centipede bite at the initial stage it looks like a small spot with numerous small spots, which after a while begin to itch. Literally after a few hours, this spot begins to expand in its circumference and can reach a wide variety of sizes, depending on the body and immunity of each person. This spot has grown over half of my back (the bite was in the area of ​​the shoulder blade) and half of my stomach. It looked like a large burn spot, with numerous small blisters under which fluid had collected. The feeling is the most unpleasant. During the first week, all the bones, muscles and spine began to ache and at times it seemed as if the whole body was breaking. It was difficult to be in vertical position due to pain in the spine. This all passed in a month or a month and a half.

Bitten by a centipede - what to do?

First of all, during the first hours, run to the hospital or pharmacy for an antidote. Turns out, centipede antidote There is! I didn’t know this, and it was late at night. And not knowing the consequences, I simply did not give the bite of great importance. After all, at first it was just a harmless speck. You should also definitely purchase an antiallergic drug. Next, everything is according to the doctors’ instructions. But know: pay attention to centipede bite worth it right away!

Prevent future centipede bites

  1. Carefully examine the area for their presence: housing, house gazebos, etc.
  2. Carry out preventive work to eliminate them, especially if it is a private house with wooden floors. Today there are many chemicals available to destroy them.
  3. It is best to renovate a private house and replace wooden floors with concrete ones.
  4. In private homes with centipedes, carefully and carefully examine the place where you sit, lie down, or stand with your bare feet.

Centipede habitats and warnings

  • Centipedes live , as a rule, in damp soils and rooms. Therefore, before lying down on the grass to sunbathe, make sure that the place you choose to rest is dry.
  • Do not scratch the bite area, otherwise it will get worse. You can try traditional methods: apply a leaf of cabbage or plantain to the affected area of ​​the body.
  • When bitten by a centipede , you need to get an injection with an antidote, take anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, a person's body temperature rises when bitten. Therefore, it is better to give the body rest, as with any other illness.
Be vigilant and careful. Naturally, jump and deliberately bite centipede you will be gone. The centipede bites only if you step on it, sit down, lie down, or apply force to it, when its self-defense reflex is triggered. Therefore, you don’t need to hit her with your bare hand.

Be healthy!

Scolopendra is a predatory poisonous animal from the centipede family. She is known for her unusual appearance, which causes conflicting feelings in people. Most people experience fear and disgust when meeting her. But there are lovers of exotic animals who keep them in home terrariums and even let them run around the apartment. Is scolopendra dangerous for humans? It will not be able to cause significant harm to health, but its bite will cause a lot of unpleasant sensations in the form of pain and discomfort from the poison.

Features of the life of a poisonous centipede

Scolopendra are bright representatives of the genus of labiopods. Their distinctive feature- modified forelimbs, transformed into jaws. The body consists of segments, the number of which is different types ranges from 21 to 25. Each segment has its own pair of legs ending in sharp claws. The segmented antennae serve as organs of touch. The variety of colors attracts attention to these creatures. Their colors include red, blue, orange, purple, yellow and numerous combinations.

Giant scolopendra

A variety of types and colors of scolopendra are found in hot tropical forests. The largest representatives of the family, the giant centipedes, live here. Average length their bodies are 30 cm, but there are individuals up to 45-50 cm. They choose prey that is equal in size to themselves. But an aggressive manner of attacking any danger can provoke a person to bite. Scolopendra is a long-lived invertebrate; in captivity there are individuals that have lived up to 7 years.

Information. Scientists attribute the animal's aggression to poor eyesight.

Nutrition and reproduction

Scolopendras are nocturnal predators; they hide from the sun's rays, which dry out their bodies. Creatures live in crevices, under stones, in holes. Agile animals move quickly on numerous legs not only on horizontal, but also on vertical surfaces, and climb onto the ceiling of a cave or house. Centipedes hunt insects, small rodents, snakes and lizards.

During the breeding season, males lay a special sac with seed - a spermatophore. Females are fertilized by crawling over it. Caring mothers protect the eggs from danger for several weeks, covering them with their own paws. After the offspring appear, the female crawls away. The white, soft-bodied babies grow on their own, becoming more adult-like with each molt.

Poisonous apparatus

In order to have a good idea of ​​the consequences of a scolopendra bite, it is worth considering the structure of its poisonous apparatus. The jaws with which the centipede catches prey consist of 6 segments. The outermost one is a sharp claw, curved inward. The venom gland channel runs inside the maxillary. At the tip of the claw there is a hole through which the toxin is injected into the victim. It contains substances that cause severe pain, tissue numbness, swelling and inflammation. Painful sensations last from several hours to several days.

Attention. Scolopendra poison is especially dangerous in spring and autumn.

Encounter with Scolopendra

Giant centipedes, distinguished by their aggressive nature and toxic poison, are found in the tropics and subtropics. Residents temperate zone There is no need to fear a collision with a 30-centimeter giant that can easily kill a small snake. In Europe, there are individuals that are half the size of the representatives tropical species. Why is scolopendra dangerous for humans? Bite poisonous centipede very painful. In most cases, the dose of injected poison is small; it will not kill or paralyze an adult. Children are in greater danger, their body has still formed a strong protective immunity. An attack by a large animal on a child can lead to serious consequences.

Attention. California scolopendra can cause painful skin changes without even needing to bite. Her body contains toxic mucus, which comes out when there is danger. Contact with it causes a severe allergic reaction.

On the territory of Russia, scolopendras are found only in a few regions - Crimea, Caucasus, Rostov region And Krasnodar region. Small centipedes, 12-14 cm, live here. This is the ringed scolopendra. She is nocturnal and at dusk goes out to hunt for insects and small lizards. The species is not aggressive, but you should be careful during overnight hikes. A centipede can crawl into a tent or sleeping bag. You should also be careful when collecting branches for the fire. If you accidentally disturb a scolopendra, you will receive a bite comparable to the sting of 20 bees. The effect of the poison is not fatal, but extremely unpleasant and painful. Claws on numerous limbs leave red spots on the skin if the arthropod simply runs across the body.

Scolopendra in the house

The ringed scolopendra can settle in the house. She is attracted by a favorable environment - warmth, the presence of damp and dark shelters, food in the form of insects. She doesn't eat human food or damage furniture. Positive point its presence - the removal of all small invertebrates: cockroaches, spiders, flies. Such a neighborhood is safe until you accidentally step on a centipede or provoke it in some other way. In defense of itself, the scolopendra will bite. Residents of coastal areas where dangerous centipedes live should be careful. Don't leave open doors, and install mosquito nets on the windows.

How to get rid of centipedes?

There will be few thrill-seekers who will normally accept the appearance of a small but poisonous scolopendra in the house. Fears for their health and the well-being of their children force them to look for an opportunity to drive her out of the house. The best solution in this case is to create unfavorable conditions– complete destruction of insects and drying of moisture.

What to do if you are bitten by a millipede?

If it was not possible to avoid the attack of the scolopendra, then the person should be given first aid based on the symptoms that appear:

  • burning at the site of the bite;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 0;
  • nausea;
  • weakness and dizziness.

Most scolopendra attacks occur in the tropics and deserts. Attacks by local centipedes cause inflammation and tissue necrosis, kidney failure, and heart failure. The lymph nodes located close to the bite site become enlarged.

The described symptoms persist for up to two days. It would seem that residents of Russian cities have no reason to fear Asian and tropical centipedes, but danger may lurk in their own apartment. Numerous exotic animal lovers keep beautiful tropical species of centipedes, but in the process of caring for them they make mistakes, as a result of which they bite their owners or run away. The fugitive easily and quickly climbs the walls and hides in the ventilation system. An unexpected dangerous guest can appear in any apartment.

Advice. If you need to transplant a scolopendra from a terrarium, do not touch it with your bare hands, use special tongs.

What to do if you are bitten by a scolopendra? The poison of tropical species quickly penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. To reduce this process, it is recommended to apply a tourniquet above the bite site. Treat the wound with substances that neutralize the poison:

  • ethyl alcohol - pour on the wound;
  • alkaline solution - prepared at home from baking soda.

Call a doctor immediately if you develop a fever, confusion, numbness in your limbs, or difficulty breathing.

Information. The bite of the Vietnamese scolopendra Scolopendra subspinipes, which has a body length of 20 cm, leaves a wound up to 1.5 cm in diameter and 5 mm in depth. Within 2 hours, the limb doubles in size, the effects of the toxin are similar to the venom of a viper. Blood flows from the wound for a long time; special substances in the poison prevent it from clotting. The condition is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees. It is recommended that the victim be given an antihistamine and sent to the hospital.

One of the consequences of a centipede bite is infection. Remains of animal food that has rotted on the jaws can get into the wound. Thorough treatment with a disinfectant (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tincture) will help avoid unpleasant complications. With absence special means Simply wash the wound with soap and water.

What treatment can be applied at home?

After washing the affected area with water or alcohol, apply a sterile bandage. To reduce pain, use an ice compress and take an analgesic. The patient needs rest, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids to help remove toxins from the body. It would be a good idea to take allergy medications.

Do not panic when meeting a centipede; the small centipede will try to quickly hide from a person. Also, do not act carelessly and pick it up. It is difficult to predict the animal’s reaction; if it panics, it will definitely bite. Remember that the centipede's venom is not fatal, but the bite site will turn red and hurt for several hours.
