Ecological quiz “take care of nature!” (primary school week). Scenario of the environmental quiz "ecological assortment"

Quizzes can be used in ecology classes and as an additional and entertainment material. The main purpose of using them is play activities in ecology - development cognitive interest to nature, the formation of erudition in the field of nature among younger schoolchildren.

Questions for quizzes

Quiz with answers for elementary school "Nature"

1. How to distinguish a young rook from an adult by its beak? (An adult rook has a white base of its beak.)

2. Which birds arrive earlier in the spring - swifts or swallows? Why? (Swallows, since they can catch insects.)

4. With the arrival of which birds do we consider the beginning of spring? (Rooks)

5. What birds suffer from spring floods? (Birds nesting on the ground.)

6. Where do starlings who do not have enough birdhouses make their nests? (In groves, gardens, in hollows.)

7. What birds do not build nests, but raise their chicks in a hole? (Seagulls, waders.)

8. When do the last seagulls and ducks fly away from us? (When bodies of water freeze.)

9. What forest plants can they replace meat? (Mushrooms)

10. Can a mushroom eat a house? (Maybe it's a house fungus that destroys the wood.)

11. What birds eat mushrooms? (Caillie)

12. Which mushrooms appear first? (Mols)

13. What coniferous trees and shrubs grow in our forests? (Spruce, pine, fir, larch, juniper.)

14. Why do the lower branches of pine die off, but not those of spruce? (Pine is a light-loving tree.)

15. What role does the willow play on the river bank? (The willow strengthens the bank with its roots.)

16. Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden, blooms in summer.)

17. What poisonous mushrooms grow in our forests? (Pale toadstool, fly agaric, false honey mushrooms, gall mushroom.)

18. What name poisonous plant Is the forest related to the name of the bird? beast? (Raven eye, wolf bast.)

19. What berries can be picked from under the snow in spring? (Cranberries, lingonberries.)

20. Which plants have red leaves? (In rowan, aspen, bird cherry, currant.)

21. What is the significance of leaf fall? (Adaptation to winter, protection of wood from damage.)

22. Which plants have seeds equipped with “parachutes”? (In dandelion, thistle, fireweed, thistle, poplar, willow.)

23. What animals help distribute seeds? (Birds, mice, dogs, chipmunks.)

24. Which tree “changes clothes”, becomes gray-silver, then green? (Aspen)

25. Name the most voracious predator on the planet. (The dragonfly eats more than its own weight in a day.)

26. How does a cricket hear? ( Hearing organ the cricket is on his knees.)

27. Not the sun, not fire, but shining. (Firefly)

1. Can cats swim? (Yes, and not bad, although they are afraid of water.)

2. How many times does a tit hatch chicks during the summer? (Twice.)

3. Where does a mosquito spend its youth? (In water)

4. Which mosquito bites: male or female? (Female)

5. Does the pupa eat insects? (No)

6. Name the most poisonous spider on Earth. (Karakurt)

7. The most best jumper- this is... (a grasshopper; it is capable of jumping a distance almost two hundred times its own length.)

8. Why do maple and ash lionfish circle when they fall? (Maple and ash seeds are equipped with a wing; when they fall, it works like a helicopter rotor, which is why the seed spins.)

9. What are the shapes of blueberry and lingonberry flowers? (For bells or glasses.)

Quiz with answers for elementary school "Trees"

1 What is the most tall tree in the world? (Giant Australian eucalyptus. It grows in Australia. Its height is 100-110 m. Once a poor man built a house for himself and his family in the stump of a tree that had fallen from old age. The hollow was so spacious that there was also enough room for a stable.)

2. Is there such grass that is stronger than trees? (Yes. Fishing rods and ski poles are made from the stems of this grass. This is bamboo. Every day, young bamboo grows half a meter. But it does not grow in height for long. Only 40 days, otherwise it would have reached the clouds. Bamboo grows in hot countries, but We have it too - on Far East and the Caucasus.)

3. What is a candy tree? (It grows in India, Japan, China. This tree was brought to us in the Caucasus and Crimea. Sun-dried fruits of the candy tree are as tasty and sweet as real candies.)

4. Is there a milk tree? (Yes, there is. It grows in Brazil. It is called the cow tree. To “milk” it, you need to cut the bark, and immediately a white stream will flow into the mug. This tree sap tastes like milk.)

Quiz with answers for elementary school “Insects”

1. How does the class of insects differ from arachnids? (All arachnids have 8 legs, insects have 6. Arachnids have neither antennae nor wings. The front part of the body, corresponding to the head and chest of insects, is fused and is called the cephalothorax.)

2. Not the sun, not fire, but shining. (Firefly)

3. Not a bird, but sings loudly. Who is this? (The male cicada is the most vocal insect in the world. He can be heard half a kilometer away.)

4. Who is upside down above us? (Fly. It has a pad with suction cups and hooks on its feet.)

5. How does a cricket hear? (Knees; here he has special auditory openings.)

6. Which insects have the fastest speed? (A speed of 39 km/h is achieved by reindeer gadflies, horse fly hawk moths and some tropical butterflies.)

7. Which insects crawl the fastest? (Tropical cockroaches. Their record is 5.4 km/hour.)

Quiz with answers for elementary school “Amphibians”

1. Who is this riddle about:

The little animal is jumping -

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Fall into a trap

Both a mosquito and a fly. Who is this? (Frog)

2. Which frog is the smallest in the world? (Spade spade frog with Seychelles, its length is 2 cm.)

3. Which is the biggest? (Goliath frog, body length reaches 90 cm or more.)

4. What is the weight of the Goliath frog? (About 3.5 kg.)

5. This item is necessary for scuba diving; it was created in 1929 by inventor Louis de Corlay, based on the structural features of the hind legs of a frog. What is it about? (About fins)

6. In the summer in villages they put a frog in a can of milk. For what? (So ​​that it doesn't turn sour).

7. How do these end? folk signs:

a) The frog jumps on the shore and croaks - (for rain).

b) The frog croaks in the evening with a pleasant trill - (for clear weather).

c) The river will rustle and the frog will scream - (to rain).

8. Which Russian writer wrote the famous fairy tale “The Frog - the Traveler”? (V. M. Garishn)

9. Who wrote the fable “The Frog and the Ox”? (I. A. Krylov)

10. In which countries were frog monuments erected? (In France and Japan.)

11. Why was the frog given such an honor? (They conducted experiments with the frog and made many scientific discoveries.)

12. In the 19th century in Paris there was a special market where hundreds of French peasants and gardeners bought what? (Toad) Why? (Toads destroy a huge number of insects and larvae and help people preserve their harvest.)

13. How many species of toads are there in the world? (450 species.)

14. How many of them (species) are most common in Russia? (Two types.) Which ones exactly? (Grey, or common, and green toad.)

15. gray toad I even found it in underground mines. And at what depth? (340 meters.)

16. The aga toad lives in South and Central America. Its solid size (about 25 cm) allows it to hunt not only insects. Who else? (For frogs, lizards, even mice.)

Quiz with answers for elementary school “Reptiles”

1. Who is the following riddle dedicated to:

The rope lies

The cheat hisses.

It's dangerous to take -

It will bite. Clear? (Snake)

2. What is the symbol of modern medicine? (A snake wrapped around a bowl.)

3. The image of which snake was found in the headdress of rulers ancient egypt- pharaohs? (Cobras)

4. The name of which snake can be an adverb? (Already)

5. Are pigs afraid? rattlesnakes? (No, why? (Because pigs are not affected by rattlesnake venom.)

6. Which snake has the longest poisonous teeth? (The Gaboon viper. Their length is 5 cm.)

7. On the island of Penang off the west coast of Malacca is the world famous Snake Temple, which is home to hundreds of snakes. Which ones? (Temple keffiyehs are snakes of the viper family.)

8. In lizards living in sandy deserts, the limbs greatly expand downwards and become like skis. Why? (To prevent lizards from falling into the sand.)

9. Bengal monitor lizards can jump from high altitude. Which one exactly? (20 meters.)

10. How fast can a gray monitor lizard run? (120 m/min.)

11. How is the word “crocodile” translated from Greek? (Stone worm.)

12. In which country are crocodiles considered sacred animals? (In India)

13. How long can a crocodile reach? (6-7 meters.)

14. What sounds do crocodiles make? (Resembling barking or roaring.)

15. In which Australian city can you see crocodiles on the street? Why is this happening? (Darwin. Crocodiles are bred there.)

Quiz with answers for elementary school “Birds”

1. Why do birds sing? (For birds, spring songs are a serious and important matter. It must be said that only males sing. With their song, they seem to establish an invisible boundary of the area.)

2. Why does a heron have such a beak? (The heron has a peaked beak. The heron stands on the shore for a long time, froze, does not move. The frogs do not pay attention to it. And then the heron’s beak instantly pierces the water. A blow - the prey is stunned.)

3. Why does a pelican have such a beak? (Pelicans have net beaks. Under their beaks, they have leather bags. The pelican found a school of fish, opened its beak, and from below, with a net, picked up the prey. It is convenient to catch and carry fish into the nest - so much fish will fit in the bag that it will be enough for the entire brood. The bag is stretching.)

4. Can birds talk? (Yes. Let’s say, crows are flying over a field and cawing. Suddenly one of the crows cawed a little differently. It was she who noticed the prey and notified the flock. There are alarming cries and signals: “Danger is close”, “Danger is far away.”)

Quiz with answers for elementary school “Our Earth”

1 When was the Earth formed? (About 4.6 billion years ago.)

2. What is the mass of our planet? (About 6 sextillion tons - 6 followed by twenty-one zeros.)

3. What is the distance from the Earth to the Sun? (About 150,000,000 km.)

A. At what speed does our planet revolve around the Sun? (30,000 km/h.)

5. What is the equator? (An imaginary line located at equal distances from the poles and dividing the globe into two hemispheres.)

6. What is the length of the equator? (40,075 km)

7. What part of the total surface of the Earth is land? (29.2% earth's surface.)

8. Who created the first model globe- globe? (Ancient Greek geographer Crates.)

9. Who made the first trip around the world? (Portuguese navigators Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian El Cano.)

10. When did this happen? (In 1519-1522)

11. Which mountain is the highest on our planet? (Everest, or Chomolungma.)

12. Where is Everest? (On the border of Nepal and China.)

13. What is the height of Everest? (8,848 m)

14. The largest desert on the planet is the Sahara. If we “try it on” to the map of our country, then it would be located in the space from Moscow to which city? (To Novosibirsk)

15. What is the area of ​​the Sahara Desert? (More than 7,000,000 sq. km)

Quiz for intellectuals

1. Why is it called moose forest giant? (Its weight reaches 400 kg. In a day, an elk can eat more than 1,700 twigs.)

2. What is an insect? (An invertebrate animal that has six legs, the body consists of three parts - head, chest, abdomen.)

3. How do dragonflies catch prey? (They catch small insects on the fly.)

4. What are spiders? (Relatives of insects that have eight legs. They have no wings. And they spin webs.)

5. How do fish breathe? (Fish absorb oxygen through their gills, blood vessels carry oxygen to all organs.)

6. How fast can a fish swim? (By bending its tail from side to side, the sailfish can swim at a speed of 100 km/h.)

7. Can fish fly? ( Flying fish can glide through the air over water for short distances. When flying, it folds its fins along its body.)

8. What type of frog is the largest? (In the deep waters of Africa lives a goliath frog, reaching a length of up to 91 cm.)

9. Why does a chameleon change its color? (The change in color depends on changes in lighting and on his mood.)

10. Which birds live the longest? (Parrots, especially cockatoos, are considered to be long-lived.)

11. What birds sleep in the air? (Swifts sleep and feed in the air.)

12. How fast does an ostrich run? (The African ostrich runs at speeds of up to 70 km/h and can reach a height of three meters.)

13. Which whale is the largest? (The largest is the blue whale, it reaches 30 meters in length and its weight reaches 150,000 kg.)

14. What keeps a seal warm? (Thick layer of fat under the skin.)

15. Which animal jumps the highest on land? (Puma, she jumps up to 6 meters in height.)

16. Who is called an omnivore? (Animals that eat both plants and animals.)

18. What rivers flow through all of Russia? (The Yenisei flows from Mongolia to the Northern Arctic Ocean; Lena from Lake Baikal to the Arctic Ocean; Ob with its tributary Irtysh from China and Mongolia to the Kara Sea.)

19. Why is the area of ​​the Aral Sea decreasing? (The water level in it is falling because water from the rivers flowing into it is diverted into canals to irrigate fields.)

20. Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal, 336 rivers flow into it, and only one flows out, the Angara.)

21. What are icebergs? (Icebergs are large fragments Antarctic ice drifting in the ocean. Their height can reach 100 m, length - up to several tens of kilometers. Most of the iceberg's volume is underwater.)

22. What is the largest land animal? (African elephant.)

23. Which animal is considered the tallest? (Giraffe reaches a height of 6 meters.)

24. Name the smallest bird. (Hummingbird, its length is 58 millimeters and its weight is 1.6 g)

25. Which bird is considered the fastest? (The peregrine falcon reaches speeds of up to 360 km/h.)

26. Name a long-lived land dweller. (A turtle lives up to 120 years.)

27. Which bird is considered the largest? (African ostrich, weight reaches 130 kg.)

28. Name the typical inhabitants of the taiga. (Wapit, chipmunk, sable, flying squirrel, lynx.)

29. Name the typical inhabitants mixed forests. (Wolf, bear, elk, fox, brown hare, white hare.)

30. Which plants are poisonous? (Oleander, foxglove, belladonna.)

31. Who eats poisonous plants? (Monarch butterfly caterpillars. By consuming poison, the caterpillar becomes poisonous itself, and then becomes a poisonous butterfly with bright colors.)

32. Which plants are predators? (Venus flytrap, sundew, nepenthes.)

33. How is pollen spread? (It is carried by insects and wind.)

34. Name the most common cereal plants. (Wheat, rice, barley, corn, rye and oats.)

35. Which part of the plant do we eat? (Root or stem, or leaves, or tuber, or bulb, or flower - in cauliflower, or a berry, or a fruit.)

36. What is the largest terrestrial predator? ( Brown bear, its weight is 750 kg.)

37. Which land animal is the fastest? (Cheetah, it reaches speeds of up to 96 km/h.)

Ecological game - quiz

(grades 3-4)

Prepared by: Gorlova E.I.


    expanding the horizons of children, their knowledge of the world around them, revealing the importance rational use and environmental protection;

    upbringing ecological culture, careful attitude towards surrounding nature, desire to take care of her;

    fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s actions in relation to natural objects;

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

There is a huge house on earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun lives in it,
rain and thunder,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Spring ringing of the stream,
You live in that bright house YOU
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead
You will always be in it.
NATURE of native land
This house is called.
(L. Daineko)

Dear guys, today we will visit the amazing world of nature: on a river, in a field, in a forest and in a clearing. We will visit animals and look into the kingdom of mushrooms. Offers interesting questions And funny Games.

Each class is represented by a team of 8 people. Let's welcome them!!!

The jury will evaluate your knowledge during the team competition. Fans can also bring their team extra point for the correct answer, but also for bad behavior they can deprive their team of points.

I. First station. "The Plant Kingdom".

Leading. Our Earth is called Green Planet. Who gave her the green outfit?

Trees and herbs, flowers and shrubs. They are everywhere around us. On far north and in the hot desert. High in the mountains, in the forest, in the meadow and near the water. Thousands of species, hundreds of thousands of names.

So let's go. The first station of our journey " Kingdom of Plants".

When you walk along a forest path,
Questions overtake you in a crowd.
One “why?” rushes between the trees,
Flying on the heels of an unknown bird.
Another - a bee climbed into a flower,
And the third - jump like a frog into a stream.
"What?" moves around with a mouse
under the leaves in the holes,
"Who?" looking for a hidden rustle in the bushes
Sits "why?" on a green leaf.
"Where?" flew astride a beetle.
"For what?" after the lizard climbed onto a stump.
Question after question, and so on -
all day!
You and I, friends, are walking along the path
Look for answers under the green tent.

1st competition. Quiz "Recognize the plant."

– Each team listens carefully to their question.

    What groups can all plants be divided into? (Coniferous and flowering).

    Spring wreaths are woven from it, and when it fades, it flies to all directions of the world. (Dandelion).

    What trees are called evergreen ? (Spruce, pine). Why?

    What trees have white bark? (Birch, aspen).

    What berries are red, white, yellow, black? ( Currant).

    Girls in love love to use this flower to tell fortunes. (Chamomile).

    What gas is needed for plant respiration? (Oxygen).

    This is the very first flower to emerge from under the snow. (Snowdrop).

    Which flower is called the queen of flowers? (Rose).

    Which tree, like birch, produces sweet sap? ( Maple).

    Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (Maple, rowan).

    What tree's leaves flutter even without the wind? (Aspen).

- Well done boys!

2nd competition. Who can make up more words - nouns from the word NATURE.(Each team has a piece of paper and a pencil. Rod, feast, ode, gift, ar, time, hell, herod, etc.).

3rd competition. What kind of leaves and fruits do they grow on and on what tree?

Birch leaf - birch leaf.
Linden leaf -...
Maple Leaf - …
Spruce cone -...
Oak fruit -...
Oak leaf –….
Aspen leaf -...
Willow leaf -...
Pine cone -...
The fruit of the apple tree is...

4th competition. Game "Fourth wheel".

Cross out the extra ones. Explain why?

    Maple, rowan, spruce, tulip. Because …

    Birch, oak, rose hip, poplar. Because …

    Apple tree, currant, raspberry, rowan. Because …

    Aspen, linden, oak, spruce. Because …

    Pine, poplar, rowan, willow. Because …

    Linden, aspen, maple, apple tree. Because …

    Pear, plum, poplar, cherry. Because …

    Strawberry, rose, lily of the valley, violet. Because …

While the teams are working, we invite fans to solve riddles and bring extra points to their team.


    Russian beauty,
    We all really like it.
    She is white, slim,
    The clothes are green. ( Birch).

    They rush straight into the sky, upward;
    Take a close look:
    Not birches, not aspens,
    There are no leaves, there are needles. ( Ate).

    Here is a barrel with a cap,
    Fell from a tree.
    A year has passed - and the tree
    He became small. ( Acorn).

    I bowed my branches over the river,
    It looks sad in the river. ( Willow).

    Quiet autumn will come,
    The tree will become marvelous:
    Leaves are bright stars,
    Golden, hot. ( Maple).

    In the sultry summer it will bloom -
    He immediately calls the bees to come to him.
    round leaves,
    Light flowers.
    Their nectar is tasty and sweet...
    Did anyone recognize the tree? ( Linden).

    What kind of tree is this
    Treats bullfinches?
    The snow is standing, the frost is crackling,
    Well, the berries are tastier. ( Rowan).

II. Second station. "Animal Kingdom".

The forest is a big house where the most different plants and animals. They not only live together, but also need each other. Listen to B. Zakhoder's poem

About everyone in the world.

Everything, everything, everything in the world,
The world needs
The world needs
And midges are no less necessary than elephants.

Can't get by
Without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators,
Evil and ferocious.

We need everything in the world!
We need everything -
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison!

Bad things
A cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat
No better business!

And if we are with someone
Not very friendly
We are still very
We need each other.

What if someone
It will seem superfluous
Then this, of course,
It will be a mistake!

That's it, that's it
Everyone in the world is needed
And these are all children
Must remember!

Leading: Winter came. Now we will remember how our forest dwellers prepared for the winter cold. Let's watch V. Orlov's dramatization " Autumn task".

In the morning in the forest
Above the silver thread
Telephone spiders are busy.
And now from the Christmas tree
To the aspen tree,
Like wires
Cobwebs sparkle.

Spider 1:


(Picks up the phone.)

Spider 2:

Hello! Bear!
You hear?

Bear: Yes! Yes!

Spider 1:

It's just around the corner
Until winter comes
To the threshold,
Do you need it urgently
Find a den!

The bells are ringing
In squirrels and hedgehogs
From the upper to the lower floors.

Spider 2:

Check soon
Your own storage rooms -
Are there enough supplies?
For wintering?

The bells are ringing
By the old swamp.

Spider 1:

The herons are all ready
For departure?

Herons: Everything is ready for departure!

Spider 2:

Good morning!
In April again
We are waiting for you!

Spider1: Hello, bunnies!

Spider 2:

Winter is coming
Change your fur coats quickly!

The bells are ringing
At the linden and at the maple.

Spider 1:

Hello! Tell,
Who's on the phone?


Ants are on the phone.

Spider 2:

Your anthills!

Spider 1: Tell me, is this a river?

River: River, river!

Spider 2:

Why for crayfish?
No place?


These are lies!
I will show you,
Where do crayfish spend the winter?

Spider 1:

Hello?! Guys!
Good afternoon guys!
It's already a little cold outside!
It's time for the birds
Hanging out feeders -
On the windows, on the balconies,
At the edge.
After all, the birds are ours good friends,
And about our friends
You can't forget!

Leading: Guys, why do you think the spiders turned to you with a request? There are many animals on our planet, but some of them are listed in the Red Book, because... they may disappear completely. That's why the main task people to preserve and increase the animal world. We continue our competitions

1st competition. Quiz “Forest riddles”.

    What does a person do to preserve the animal world?

    What are the names of animals whose bodies are covered with feathers? ( Birds).

    What are the names of animals whose bodies are covered with scales? ( Fish).

    What are the names of animals whose bodies are covered with hair? ( Animals).

    Chicks, what bird doesn’t know its mother? ( Cuckoos).

    Who travels through the air on a string? ( Spider).

    Who's got a pantry? ( At the squirrel's).

    What is the thinnest thread in nature? ( Web).

    Why is hunting prohibited in spring? ( In the spring, fur-bearing animals molt, causing the fur to lose value. In addition, animals have young in the spring).

    What bird is called "white-sided"? ( Magpie).

    There are lumberjacks on the rivers
    In silver-brown fur coats
    From trees, branches, clay
    They build strong dams. ( Beavers).

    The little animal jumps:
    Not a mouth, but a trap.
    Will fall into a trap
    Both a mosquito and a fly. ( Frog).

    He is in flight over the river,
    This miracle airplane.
    It soars smoothly over the water,
    Its planting is on a flower. ( Dragonfly).

    I carry the house on my back,
    But I won’t invite guests:
    In my bone house
    There's only room for one. ( Turtle).

    The rope lies
    The cheat hisses,
    It's dangerous to take it -
    It will bite. Clear? ( Snake).

    Waves carry to the shore
    A parachute is not a parachute
    He doesn't swim, he doesn't dive,
    As soon as you touch it, it burns. ( Jellyfish).

2nd competition. "Funny little animals."

If you watch animals, you can see a lot of interesting and funny things. And now I invite the teams to portray animals, so that everyone can guess - WHO IS THIS?

    Heron and frogs in the lake.

    Lion and dog.

    A Crow and a fox.

    Mashenka and the three bears.

III. Third station. "Kingdom of Mushrooms"

Leading. Guess the riddle and find out what station awaits us.

Along the path, along the path
We follow them into the forest.
If there is a place,
Then we’ll pick a basket. ( Mushrooms).

Among the gifts of nature that our country is rich in, mushrooms occupy a significant place - valuable product nutrition. When collecting mushrooms, we spend a lot of time fresh air, inhale the aroma of the forest, admire the beauty of nature. This is a very useful and exciting activity.

And now we are going for mushrooms.

Do you like picking mushrooms?

1st competition. "In a forest clearing."

Now we will remember the rules for collecting mushrooms. Take a few minutes to discuss these rules as a team and decide who will be in charge. One person per team comes out and takes turns saying the rules.

2nd competition. Game "Collect mushrooms".

(Pictures of mushrooms are scattered on the field. One member from the team comes out).

– Who will collect the most mushrooms? ( Repeat several times).

– What groups can all mushrooms be divided into? ( Edible and inedible).


    There are noticeable ones in the grass
    The hats are multi-colored.
    Remember their name
    But don't eat it raw! (Russula).

    Very friendly guys
    They live by the stump... (Honey mushrooms).

    Where there are too many needles,
    They are waiting for us... (Butterflies).

    Under the aspen tree is that mushroom, children,
    In a bright red beret. (Boletus).

    By the birch trees, look:
    Here's one, here's three! (Boletus).

    The king of mushrooms lives in an oak forest.
    Mom needs it for roasting. (Boletus, white).

3rd competition. “Collect a proverb.”

Team members receive envelopes with the text of the proverb cut into words. At the presenter’s signal, they must open the envelope and glue the proverb together.

Fungus to fungus - you’ll pick up a basket” ).

The text of the proverb is presented to the jury, which evaluates the correctness and speed of completing the task.

And now a surprise for everyone.
For you, my friends, girlfriends,
Mushroom ditties

Mushroom ditties

    We're starting the song
    First initial
    We want to cheer
    The audience is sad.

    Here is a mushroom growing - boletus
    He is both beautiful and great.
    With a thick hat on one side,
    The leg is as strong as a stump.

    Chocolate hat,
    White silk uniform.
    Having looked, the honey agaric gasped:
    A real commander

    How old are you, morel?
    You look old.
    The fungus surprised me:
    My age is only two days.

    Hid under the trees
    Saffron milk caps with needles.
    Not small, not big,
    And they lie like nickels.

    And in the moss, like on a pillow,
    Someone's little white belly.
    This milk mushroom is asking us to take it,
    And behind him there are about five more.

    Under the aspen trees on a hummock
    Mushroom in a raspberry scarf,
    Call me boletus,
    And you will have to take it.

    We sang ditties for you
    Is it good or bad?
    And now we ask you,
    So that we can be applauded.

IV. Fourth station. "Ecological".

- Guys, what is “ecology”?

Our planet is our home, and each of us is responsible for its future. But not all people remember this. Listen to a poem about a mountain - tourists who came to rest in the forest.

Walk. (S. Mikhalkov)

We arrived at the river
Spend Sunday
And a free place
You won't find it near the river!
They sit here, and they sit there:
They sunbathe and eat
They rest as they want
Hundreds of adults and children.
We walked along the shore
And they found a clearing.
But in a sunny meadow
Empty cans here and there
And, as if to spite us,
Even broken glass.
We walked along the shore
We found a new place.
But they sat here before us too;
They also drank, they also ate,
They burned a fire, they burned paper -
They messed up and left!
Of course we passed by
- Hey guys! - Dima shouted, -
What a place!
Spring water,
Wonderful view!
Beautiful beach!
Unpack your luggage!
We swam, sunbathed,
They burned a fire.
They played football -
We had as much fun as we could:
They drank kvass, ate sweets,
They sang songs in a round dance...
We rested and left!
And they stayed in the clearing
At the extinguished fire:
Two bottles we broke -
Two soggy bagels -
In short, a mountain of garbage.
We arrived at the river
Spend Monday
Only a clean place
They didn’t find it near the river!

– Why do you think the tourists didn’t find a clean place on Monday?

– What would you do if you were these tourists?

– What harm does this behavior cause to people?

– What other sources of environmental pollution do you know? ( Children list).

Contest "Rules of friends of nature."

– Remember the rules of friends of nature? (Name the rules one by one).

Well done boys. I hope when you relax in nature, you will remember how to behave so as not to harm nature.

Earth Day. (M. Dubin)

Like an apple on a saucer
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Exhaust everything to the bottom.

It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.

We are the common life of grain,
Relatives of the same fate,
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.

Understand this people
Like your own order.
Otherwise there will be no Earth
And each of us.

- Our journey has come to an end. amazing world NATURE.

I give the floor to our jury to sum up the results. ( Team awards).


    How beautiful this world is!.. / Ed.-comp. L. I. Zhuk. - Mn. : Krasiko-Print, 1998.

    Teach children to guess riddles / Yu. G. Illarionova. – M.: Education, 198

Ecological quiz

(for primary school students)

Made up

teacher primary classes

Rogova E.A.

Ecological quiz

Goal: formation of environmental knowledge, moral and value attitude towards nature, inclusion of students in a diverse creative activity environmental content, nurturing love for the Motherland.

1. What is the largest bird in the world?(Ostrich.)

2. Favorite treat storks.(Frogs.)

3. What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer?(Gogol.)

4. What bird is called a “forest cat”?(Owl. For its ability to hunt at night.)

5. Do birds hibernate in a birdhouse in winter?(No.)

6. Bird fortune teller. (Cuckoo.)

7. Does a penguin belong to the order of birds or mammals?(Birdish.)

8. Where is the ear of a grasshopper?(On the foot.)

9. Tadpoles hatch from it...(Caviar.)

10. People call this flower “the flower of the sun.”(Sunflower.)

11. Which one bird of prey Can you call it a "orderly"?(Black kite. It feeds not only on rodents, but also eats carrion.)

12. Who often changes clothes without undressing?(Chameleon.)

13. What kind of fish builds a nest?(Catfish, stickleback.)

14. Who will be born three times before becoming an adult?(Butterfly.)

15. What does a toad eat in winter?(Nothing. The toad is forced to go on a “diet”, since usually at this time of year she sleeps soundly.)

16. What berry is white, black, red?(Currant.)

17. Which one forest bird considered the most talkative?(Magpie.)

18. Who is rightfully called the “forest doctor” by the people?(Woodpecker.)

19. Which birds fly south first?(Rooks.)

20. What is meant by the term “silent hunting”?(Collecting mushrooms.)

21. Which bird “collects” shiny objects?(Magpie.)

22. What kind of wood are matches made from?(From aspen.)

24. Which tree is rightfully considered the symbol of Russia?(Birch.)

25. Which bird does not want to “fulfill its parental duty” towards its future offspring by throwing eggs into other people’s nests?(Cuckoo.)

26. A herb that can be recognized even with your eyes closed.(Nettle.)

27. What bird all year round wears a tailcoat?(Penguin.)

28. This bird ranks first in flight speed among all birds.(Swift.)

29. The smallest bird on the planet.(Hummingbird. Its size does not exceed one and a half to two centimeters.)

30. Animal Science.(Zoology.)

31. Which forest animal changes its “wardrobe” twice a year?(Hare, squirrel, fox.)

32. The cleanest animal.(Badger)

33. What fish is called “river orderly”?(Pike. She eats weakened and sick fish first.)

34. Civil engineer" houses on the river.(Beaver.)

35. Which animal is rightfully considered the fastest?(Cheetah.)

36. An animal in our forests that looks like an enlarged cat?

37. Which animal puts its hind legs forward when running?


38. Which animal picks apples with its back?(Hedgehog.)

39. When do hedgehogs not prick?(Barely born.)

40. What animal is popularly nicknamed “oblique”? Why?

(The hare. For its unusual - slanting - shape of the eyes.)

41. Which animal has the loudest voice?


42. Which cow does the ants “milk”?(Aphid.)

43. Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back?

(All the legs of a giraffe are the same size.)

44. What insect is popularly called the “big-eyed hunter”?


45. What fish is named after a person?(Carp.)

46. ​​What animal’s cubs feed on the milk of someone else’s mother?


47. How many legs does a spider have?(Eight.)

48. How many legs does a beetle have?(Six.)

49. Which animal loses its “headdress” every winter?

(Elk. Once a year, in winter, it sheds its antlers.)

50. Which animal likes to sleep upside down?(Bat.)

51. Which animal is called the “orderly” of the forest?(Wolf.)

52. Which animal is considered the smallest?

(Shrew. Her height is 3.5 cm.)

53. Which insect are we forced to clap our hands not at all as a sign of our admiration and approval?(Pray when we want to kill her.)

54. Which forest bird is considered long-lived?

(Forest crow. Life expectancy is two hundred years or more.)

55. What well-known and terribly annoying insect can move upside down and taste food with its legs?(Fly

Lucky case The world

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests, parents and children! We are at the game “Lucky Chance”. It was a happy accident that brought us all together today to think again, reflect on this important issue as nature conservation. To protect nature, you need to know it well. We dedicate our game to this topic. Main actors There will be two teams - two families.Music is playing.

Game 1

1 minute is given. During this time you need to answer as quickly as possible maximum amount questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.

A second keeps track of the time, and he also displays on the board the number of points scored by each team.

Questions for Team 1

1. Herb for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort. )
2. What predatory animals have no claw marks on their tracks? (
Cats, lynxes. )
3. Will hares be born blind or sighted? (
Sighted. )
4. Who can drink with their feet? (
Frog. )
5. Who picks apples with their backs? (
Hedgehog. )
6. What birds hatch chicks three times during the summer? (
Sparrows, buntings. )
7. Is a penguin a bird or not? (
Bird. )
8. The sweetest tree in our forests? (
Linden. )
9. Multi-colored mushrooms. (
Russula. )
10. Which berry is black, red and white? (
Currant. )
11. Whose teeth grow every day? (
The beaver, the hare. )
12. Which tree has a white trunk? (
At the birch tree. )
13. Which bird flies the highest? (
Eagle. )
14. Which bird is the smallest in our country? (
Kinglet. )
15. Who sleeps upside down? (
Bat. )
16. When does the first thunderstorm most often occur? (
In May. )
17. How does a grasshopper chirp? (
He rubs his foot on the wing. )
18. What happens to the bee after it stings? (
She is dying. )
19. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers in spring? (
Birch. )
20. The tallest grass. (
Bamboo. )

Questions for Team 2

1. What bird throws eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo. )
2. The name of which plant tells where it lives? (
Plantain. )
3. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (
Hare. )
4. Bloodthirsty predator our forests. (
Wolf. )
5. Which flower starts summer? (
Bell. )
6. Before what weather do birds stop singing? (
Before the rain. )
7. What is the largest bird in the world? (
Ostrich. )
8. Which animal in our forests is similar to a cat? (
Lynx. )
9. When does a hedgehog not prick? (
When first born. )
10. Do birds winter in birdhouses? (
No, it's cold there. )
11. Tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (
Birch. )
12. Whose leaves fall green in the fall? (
Alder leaves. )
13. Which bird gets its food from under the ice? (
Dipper. )
14. Which animal has the loudest voice? (
Crocodile. )
15. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (
On the foot. )
16. What does moose lose every winter? (
Horns. )
17. When is a sparrow’s body temperature lower – in summer or winter? (
Same. )
18. What bird can fly tail first? (
Hummingbird. )
19. How many legs does a spider have? (
Eight. )
20. Why does a duck swim? (
From the shore. )

The results of the first game are summed up according to the number of points scored.

Game 2. “Troubles from a barrel”

The barrel is made of cardboard and painted yellow-brown, the “troubles” are barrels with numbers (can be taken from the game “Loto”). Each team is assigned 3 questions. They get the “troubles” one by one: first, the first player of one team reads the question, then the first player of the other team gives the answer.

1. Why do swallows fly low before the rain? (They catch insects that are pressed to the ground by cold air. )

2. Why are frosts stronger when the sky is cloudless? (Clouds are like a blanket for the earth: they do not allow the earth to cool down. )

3. Why is the wolf called the “forest orderly”? (The wolf preys primarily on sick, weakened animals. )

4. What kind of paper do ground wasps build their nests from? (They make paper themselves: with sharp jaws they scrape pieces of wood from the tree and, having crushed it, moisten it with their sticky saliva. It turns out to be a liquid paste. When the pulp dries, it turns into thick gray “paper”, you can even write on it with a pencil. )

6. Why do snakes show their tongues? (Don't think that they are teasing you. They are the ones who “feel” the air and look for prey. And what they sniff out is carried on the tongue into the mouth. )

(If players take out a barrel that says “Lucky Chance”, they receive a chocolate bar or candy.)

Game 3. “You for me, I for you”

Teams ask each other a question.

    Why does the crane have one chick? (Cranes lay two eggs, but only have one chick. The hatched chicks immediately begin a brutal fight until one kills the other. But the worst thing is that the parents are standing nearby and indifferently watching this battle. )

    Why do flies become wild by autumn? (Indeed, by autumn, flies in houses begin to “get wild” and bite in vain. There are a lot of bad things that can happen to a house fly, but it has nothing to do with biting - that’s how its mouth is designed. There are many flies, over 20,000 species, all of them are similar, and only a specialist can understand them. In the fall, the autumn zhigalka is rampant in our homes, which definitely needs to pump blood in order to continue its race. )

Game 4. “Dark Horse”

"Dark Horse" offers three questions on the topic "Nature".

1. Name 10 edible mushrooms. (Porcini, aspen boletus, boletus, saffron milk cap, volushka, russula, oiler, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, morel. )

2. When do crayfish molt? (Crayfish molt when their shell becomes too small. This happens sometime in late autumn. And it’s too small for them for a simple reason – the crayfish are growing. How can you grow if you are encased in a shell? And lose it and grow a little more! This is what the cancer does: it first pulls out the back part of the body, and then the legs and claws, from the shell. )

3. Who lives for six months without lunch? (Those who hibernate in winter. )

(If teams cannot answer, spectators help.)

"Race for the Leader" (1 minute)

Questions for Team 1

1. Which snow melts faster - clean or dirty? (Filthy. )
2. Which insect “bears rank” naval officer? (
Butterfly admiral. )
3. Which cow do the ants milk? (
Ladybug aphid. )
4. How many wings does a beetle have? (
Four. )
5. Who guards forest clearing from harmful flies? (
Dragonfly. )
6. Which tree blooms the latest? (
Linden. )
7. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (
Crossbill. )
8. Which herbaceous plant blooms first? (
Coltsfoot. )
9. The state of the river when water floods a large area. (
High water. )
10. Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (
Starling. )
11. The cleanest animal. (
Badger. )
12. What animals feed other people’s babies with milk? (
Hares. )
13. An animal that builds a house on the river. (
Beaver. )
14. Which bird has the longest tongue? (
The woodpecker has 15 cm. )
15. The arrival of which birds signifies the beginning of spring? (
Rooks. )
16. Born in water, lives on land. (
Frog. )
17. Which one is our best? small animal? (
Shrew – 2.3 cm. )
18. Who has the most subtle sense of smell? (
At the butterfly. )
19. Month of spring primroses. (
April. )
20. What kind of fish “builds a nest”? (
Smelt. )

Questions for Team 2

1. What mushroom is called the forest predatory animal? (Chanterelle. )
2. Which animal spends almost all its time underground? (
Mole. )
3. From what are ethyl alcohol, glycerin, and camphor obtained? (
From fir branches. )
4. At what times of the year can fog be observed? (
In everything. )
5. Which bird loves burdock seeds? (
Goldfinch. )
6. What kind of grass do cats like? (
Valerian. )
7. Who calls the cuckoo – a female or a male? (
Male. )
8. What is a squirrel's nest called? (
Gaino. )
9. A tree that blooms earlier than others. (
Willow. )
10. Which babies are born naked, and after a few hours they have a covering? (
Hedgehogs. )
11. Changes in the thickness and color of fur in animals. (
Shedding. )
12. Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (
The same. )
13. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (
Under the water, under the roots. )
14. Champion of growth speed among trees. (
Eucalyptus. )
15. Grass that even the blind can recognize by touch. (
Nettle. )
16. Which edible mushrooms appear first? (
Morels, lines. )
17. What insects clap their hands? (
Mosquitoes, moths. )
18. The most fast beast on the ground. (
Cheetah. )
19. What are they made from? semolina? (
From wheat. )
20. Which plant is a predator for insects? (
Sundew. )

Summing up the results of the game, awarding the winners

Quiz "Everything about everything"

1. Warm-up (2 points for the correct answer)

What animals are called this? Why?

A) oblique (hare)

B) elk (elk)

B) gray (wolf)

D) red (fox)

2. Name the writers who wrote about nature (for 1 name - 4 points) (Prishvin, Sladkov, Bianki, Paustovsky, Shim, Chaplina, Darell, Zhitkov.)

3. How to explain the names of butterflies: cabbageweed (its caterpillar eats cabbage leaves), urticaria (the caterpillar eats nettle leaves), lemongrass (for its beauty).

4. Answer the questions:

A) Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile)

B) Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)

Q) What is the tallest grass on earth? (Bamboo)

D) Which giraffe legs are longer, front or back? (Same length)

E) Name the signs of spring (for 1 answer - 4 points)

E) Name the signs of summer (for one sign - 2 points)

G) Name the rules of behavior in the forest (one rule – 3 points)

5. Find three mistakes in the story you are about to hear.

Autumn has come. Animals are preparing for winter. Some birds fly south. These are swallows, rooks, magpies, cranes. Forest inhabitants: hare, hedgehog, squirrel, fox - change their fur coats to warmer and thicker ones. And autumn work is coming to an end in the fields and gardens. Vegetables and grain plants are harvested, haymaking ends, young trees are planted in the gardens, and fallen leaves are raked.

(Errors are highlighted, for 1 error - 5 points)

6. Compare folk signs for different seasons from two parts.

A) The tit squeaks - expect a thaw (e);

B) Pillar of smoke - for a long spring (c);

C) Long icicles - to a thunderstorm (e);

D) Swallows fly low - broadcasts winter (a);

D) Noisy coniferous forest– to frost (b);

E) Ants hide in nests - rain foretells (d).

7. Solve the crossword puzzle. For each word - 3 points.


1. Which side of the horizon is to the right of the midday shadow? (East)

2. What is the name of the line that limits the visible part of the earth's surface? (Horizon)

Z. Upper layer land on which plants grow (Soil)


4. One of components soil? (Sand)

5. A viscous, muddy body of water that is an excellent producer of peat? (Swamp)

6. What device can you use to navigate in any weather? (Compass)

8. Guess the riddles. For each guess - 3 points.

A) He will wink at you furtively,

A sweet lantern made from grass. (Strawberry)

B) At the top of the stem

Sun and clouds. (Chamomile)

B) What is my name - tell me,

I often hide in the rye.

Humble wildflower

Blue-eyed... (Cornflower)

D) They weren’t allowed into the garden - That’s why it burns. (Nettle)

L) The master sewed a fur coat for himself.

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog)

E) Sleeps in winter,

In summer the hives are stirred up. (Bear)

G) Red little animal,

From a branch - jump, onto a branch - leap. (Squirrel)

3) From these fluffy balls

Parachutists will fly. (Dandelion)

9. Name the plants listed in the Red Book. For each answer - 5 points. (Lily of the valley, lotus, bells, dream grass, real slipper, white water lily, wolf's bast, bathing suit)

10. Name the animals listed in the Red Book? For each answer - 5 points. ( Ussurian tiger, Apollo butterfly, stag beetle, golden eagle, walrus, white crane, crowned crane.)

11. Name the parts of the plant. (For a consistent correct answer - 5 points, for a correct but not consistent answer - 3 points) (Root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits.)

12. The main parts of the human body. For the correct answer - 3 points. (Head, torso, upper limbs, lower limbs).

13. Name the components of a thermometer. (Scale with numbers, tube with mercury or tinted alcohol.)

14. Write down the signs five degrees above zero +5; ten degrees below zero –10; twenty degrees below zero -20; thirty-five degrees hot +35.

15. Design and draw a poster “Nature is in danger.”

Slide 2

Take care of this Earth

  • Slide 3

    Slide 4

    Planet Earth

  • Slide 5


  • Slide 6

    Take care of the Earth

  • Slide 7


    Bulgarian scientists have proven that only three such large families can provide comprehensive information about the degree of environmental pollution. And they will do it more objectively and quickly than any of the most equipped environmental organization. Who is the owner of these families?

    Slide 8


  • Slide 9

    What medicinal plant do people call the “green travel companion”?

  • Slide 10


  • Slide 11


    British environmentalists demanded that the current Queen Elizabeth deprive Sir Walter Raleigh of his knighthood for introducing into the country something that kills over 300 Englishmen every week. What kind of infection is he accused of, if the main culprit in this matter is X. Columbus?

    Slide 12


  • Slide 13


    In the 14th century The English government banned the use of coal as fuel because of its stench. Only representatives of one profession were allowed to burn coal. Which?

    Slide 14


  • Slide 15


    In 1918, ordinary rain caused an environmental disaster off the coast of Australia: then all life in the ocean died at a depth of 6 m. How could a week's rain do this?

    Slide 16

    Desalinated sea water

  • Slide 17


    In the 1980-1990s, despite the asphalt and gas pollution, major cities In the United States, the number of mosquitoes has increased tenfold. According to environmentalists, cars were to blame for this. How?

    Slide 18


    Stagnant water accumulated in old tires, an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes.

    Slide 19


    What is the name given to thick fogs containing dust and harmful gases?

    Slide 20


  • Slide 21


    IN Lately The desert in Arizona (USA) began to be protected from thieves. And it's not about oil or gold. They steal that without which the desert is threatened with desolation and devastation. What do thieves take from the desert?

    Slide 22

    Cacti (it turns out that even deserts need protection!)

  • Slide 23


    What common insect serves as a carrier of microbes, contaminating unsealed food products.

    Slide 24


  • Slide 25


    Where does acid rain come from?

    Slide 26


    Any rainwater has a very weak degree of acidity. However, during combustion of processed products natural fuel- in automobile engines, factories and power plants - are released chemical substances, greatly increasing the acidity of moisture contained in the atmosphere. This moisture eventually falls to the ground in the form of acid rain.

    Slide 27


    The science that studies the relationships of living organisms with each other and with the environment.

    Slide 28


  • Slide 29


    • All over the world, nature reserves are being created to preserve a corner of unique nature. But in the city of Kyshtym Krasnoyarsk Territory prohibited the use of all the land around it for completely different purposes. Whose lives did the caring state save?

    Answer: people (there was a major accident with a leak of radioactive materials in the 60s).

    Slide 30

    Wolves are called forest orderlies because they destroy sick, old and weak animals. What are they called the orderlies of the sea of ​​mussels?

    Slide 31


    They purify the water

    Slide 32


    A group of ecologists who studied the ecology of Antarctica for a month came to a shocking conclusion: ocean currents are in second place in terms of environmental pollution. What's on first?

    Slide 33


    Activities of the group itself!

    Slide 34


    Complete the slogan of the medical and environmental organization of Belarus “Green Cross”: “To prevent medicine from becoming food, it is necessary that...”

    Slide 35


    " has become medicine."

    Slide 36


    As you know, the Earth's atmosphere consists of several layers. In March 1985, an international convention was adopted in Vienna to protect only one of them. Which one?

  • Answer: Pakistan (all listed countries- possessors of nuclear weapons).
  • Slide 41


    • Ministry of Ecology South Korea banned the use of these items in restaurants. Numerous complaints from farmers whose pigs died eating waste from these restaurants have taken their toll. What kind of dangerous objects are these?
    • Answer: toothpicks
  • Slide 42


    What happens to various garbage, which we throw away?

    Slide 43


    Some of it is burned, which leads to further air pollution and contributes to global warming. Most of it is either buried in the ground or thrown into the sea - again becoming polluted environment And only a small part is recycled and reused, although glass, metals, paper and plastics are easily recycled.

    View all slides

    Children’s communication with nature can be made more interesting if observations, games, and quizzes are organized during walks, excursions, and hikes.

    Before the game starts, children arrive in a forest clearing (imitation). The pass to it is the correct answer to a humorous question or riddle about nature.

    The forest king Berendey and his retinue welcome the children and express the hope that the children know the rules of behavior in the forest and will be able to answer the questions and tasks that they will receive during the game.

    Next, the presenters introduce the children to the conditions of the game and hand out waybills for routes: “Green Friend”, “Forest Pharmacy”, “Keen Eye”, “Little Secrets of Nature”, “Weather Bureau”. The number of routes can be reduced.

    At each stage, the team is given a card with questions, and at the first three stages they are also given practical tasks: identify five trees and shrubs by branches, three medicinal plants and so on.

    While the jury sums up the results, the presenters organize games in the clearing. The tasks and questions given below can also be used when conducting quizzes and KVN.

    1. Green friend.

    1) What coniferous trees and shrubs grow in our forests? (Spruce, pine, larch, juniper.)

    2) Why is larch wood valuable? (Resistant to rot, therefore used for underwater structures, shipbuilding, aircraft production, and mechanical engineering.)

    3) Foresters sometimes call the birch the good nanny of the spruce. Why? (Spruce shoots under the canopy of a young birch tree do not die from frost or from the scorching rays of the sun.)

    4) Why do the lower branches of pine die, but not those of spruce? (Pine is a light-loving tree.)

    5) Why did the forest die when old hollow trees were cut down? (Birds nest in the hollows of old trees, live the bats, eating insects dangerous to the forest.)

    6) What role does willow play on the bank of a river or reservoir? (With its roots, the willow strengthens the bank and protects the reservoir from excessive evaporation.)

    7) Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden blooms in summer.)

    8) What plant is called northern mimosa? (Kislitsa. For the fact that from the bright sun rays, from a drop of rain the leaves fold and “wither”, like the bashful mimosa.)

    9) What poisonous mushrooms grow in our forests? (Pale toadstool, fly agaric, false honey mushrooms, gall mushroom, satanic mushroom.)

    10) Is the puffball edible? (Young puffballs eat.)

    11) At what time of day should you go for mushrooms? (At dawn, when the mushroom is the strongest and most fragrant.)

    12) The name of which poisonous forest plant is associated with the name of a bird? beast? (Raven eye, wolf bast.)

    13) What berry is called the northern pomegranate? (To Kostyanik.)

    2. Forest pharmacy.

    1) You rubbed your leg on the way. How to relieve pain? (Attach a plantain leaf.)

    2) Fresh leaves of which plant are applied to abrasions, burns and insect bites? (Plantain leaves.)

    3) What marsh plant can be used instead of iodine and cotton wool? (Sphagnum, or peat moss. It absorbs blood and pus well, and contains the disinfectant sfangol.)

    4) What berry can replace lemon? (Cranberries contain citric acid.)

    5) The fruits of which shrubs are rich in vitamin C? (Blackcurrant, rosehip.)

    6) What medicinal properties possesses coltsfoot? (Decoction of dried flowers and leaves - good remedy From cough.)

    7) What kind of grass do cats like? What diseases does it help with? (Valerian. Valerian drops are used for nervous disorders and insomnia.)

    8) What diseases does the beautiful birch tree treat? (Birch buds are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.)

    9) When should medicinal raw materials be collected? (When plants accumulate more nutrients: flowers - at the beginning of flowering; leaves - before flowering or at the beginning of it; roots and rhizomes - in spring and autumn; bark - in the spring, at the beginning of sap flow, when it is well separated. Plants are collected in dry, sunny weather, when the dew has dried.)

    10) Name the rules for drying medicinal raw materials. (Plants should be dried under a canopy or in the attic, avoiding direct light, spread out in a thin layer. The leaves are placed with cuttings in one direction. The rhizomes and roots are washed from dirt and cut. The plants are turned over three to four times a day, the dry ones are removed. The sphagnum moss is dried on roof of a canopy in the sun.)

    3. Sharp-eyed.

    1) How is a magpie’s nest different from a crow’s nest? (Vorone is a tray, Soroche is round with a roof.)

    2) How to distinguish between a young rook and an adult by its beak? (An adult rook has a white base of its beak.)

    3) Which birds arrive earlier in the spring - swifts or swallows? Why? (Swallows, because they can catch insects Near the ground. High in the air, where swifts live, insects will appear later.)

    5) Do chicks have bright red or orange mouths? Why? (Hungry chicks scream. Attracted by the red color (alarm signal), the parent birds poke food into their open beak.)

    6) There is a ring of holes on the birch trunk. Whose job? (Yeah, he drank birch sap in the spring.)

    7) Who cuckoos at the cuckoo? (Male.)

    8) What insects appear first in spring? Why? (Greenish-blue flies, harp flies, hive butterflies, lemongrass, mosquitoes, ladybugs, bumblebees, bees, ants. They overwinter as adults.)

    9) What berries can be picked from under the snow in spring? (Cranberries, lingonberries.)

    10) What does the “crying” of a birch tree in spring mean? (Sap flow. In middle lane happens in April.)

    11) Which herbaceous plant blooms first? When? (Coltsfoot in April.)

    12) What plant is called a bouquet flower? Why? (Lungwort. At first all the flowers are pink, after a few days you can see blue, blue and purple flowers. As the flowers fade, they change color.)

    13) Why are young birch leaves sticky? (Resinous substances protect the leaves from frost.)

    14) What is the significance of leaf fall? (Adaptation to winter drought; release of unnecessary substances with leaves; protection of trees from damage.)

    15) Which plants have red leaves? (In rowan, aspen, bird cherry, currant, cuff.)

    16) Why are the leaves from the branches at the tops of the trees the last to fall? (They are the youngest and live longer.)

    17) What is the name of an oak tree that does not shed its leaves for the winter? (Winter oak.)

    18) Which plants have seeds equipped with “parachutes”? (In dandelion, thistle, fireweed, thistle, poplar, willow.)

    19) What animals help distribute seeds? (Birds, mice, dogs, ants, chipmunks.)

    4. Little secrets of nature.

    1) In summer, on the grass and flowers you can see lumps of foam, similar to saliva. What it is? (This is the house of the larva of the leafhopper - the pennitsa or bib. It sucks the juice from the plants, releases it and whips up the foam with its legs, releasing a special sticky substance into it.)

    2) “Cobwebs are flying over the sleepy stubble” (M. Isakovsky). Explain this phenomenon. When does it happen? (Flying threads are a web on which small spiders fly as they settle. In autumn.)

    3) Does a lizard, grabbed by the tail, always throw it away? (No, only in response to pain, even mild.)

    4) Which tree “changes clothes”, becoming either gray-silver or green? (Aspen. It is its leaves that tremble. Aspen leaves tremble even in calm weather, since their petioles in the upper part are strongly flattened.)

    5) Why does nettle “burn”? (The hairs on nettle leaves contain formic acid. When you touch the skin, the tip of the hair breaks, the silica-containing walls of the hairs make a wound on the skin, the liquid pours onto the wound and causes a burning sensation.)

    6) It is known that the hare feeds newborn bunnies and leaves them alone for three or four days. The little hares are hiding, although they are trembling: the muscles work, generating heat. Why can't any animal smell the little hare? (There are no sweat glands on the bunny’s body - they are located on the soles of his paws, and the bunny adjusts his paws to suit himself.)

    7) A hare can give birth three times a year. What is the name of each brood of hares? (The hares of the first brood are “predators”, since they appear when there is crust on the snow; the summer hares are “spike-growers” ​​and “herbalists”; the autumn hares are “deciduous hares”.)

    9) Which animal is the cleanest? (Badger. Near the hole it is always clean, the badger makes a toilet - deep holes - a few meters from the hole. When the hole is full, the badger buries it and makes a new one. When he goes hunting, he cleans the fur from the earth stuck to it, straightens the hairs crushed in the hole .)

    11) Why bright ladybug the birds don't peck? (It secretes a caustic liquid. Having tried it once, the bird remembers the bright bug.)

    12) Name the most voracious predator on the planet. (Dragonfly, since in a day it eats several times more food than it weighs itself.)

    13) Why is meadow geranium called cranebird? (The fruit with a long shoot looks like the beak of a crane.)

    5. Nature conservation.

    1) Why is it impossible to destroy and remove forest litter from the forest? (The forest litter is formed by dead needles, tree leaves, and branches lying on the soil surface. The litter affects the growth of plants and young seedlings, creates favorable conditions for the life of shrews, insect larvae, etc., and protects plant roots from frost and heat.)

    2) A mushroom picker found one boletus and dug up all the moss and litter around, looking for small mushrooms. What harm did he do to nature? (Such a “prospector” destroyed the mycelium, which could be 300-500 years old.)

    3) Remind the rules for collecting mushrooms. (Do not tear the moss, do not disturb the mycelium. Cut the mushroom with a knife or twist it out, fill the hole with earth and cover it with moss. Do not collect unfamiliar or old mushrooms, do not touch poisonous ones. Moose and other animals are treated with them.)

    4) Why don’t lichens grow in every forest? (Lichens grow only where the air is clean.)

    5) Why, especially in spring and early summer, you should not make noise in the forest, turn on tape recorders, or light fires. (The noise and smell of smoke frightens forest inhabitants, forces birds to abandon their nests, and animals to look for secluded places.)

    7) The chicks that fly out of the nest are called fledglings. Why can't you take them home? (Birds teach them to look for food and defend themselves from enemies. It is difficult to feed a chick at home; if released into the wild, it will be helpless.)

    8) Why should the spring bumblebee be treated with special care? (Only females that give birth to bumblebees overwinter.)

    9) What are the causes of forest fires? (Unextinguished fire, cigarette butt, lightning.)

    Yu) How to light a fire correctly? (Choose a place away from trees, remove the turf and place it away from the fire. When the fire is flooded with water, remove the brands, put the turf back and water well.)

    11) What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time? (Photo hunt.)

    6. Weather Bureau.

    What will the weather be like?

    Signs of worsening weather:

    The fish doesn't bite - it's full;

    Bees sit in the hive and buzz loudly;

    The ants are not in a hurry to work, all passages are closed;

    The heads of the red clover droop, the furry leaves fold;

    All the flowers in the meadow smell strongly, the flowers of lilac, jasmine, and yellow acacia are fragrant;

    Swallows fly above the ground, waders cry;

    Chickens are bathing in dust, sparrows are ruffled;

    There are many insects circling near the yellow acacia flowers;

    The mole rakes up high mounds;

    Dandelion folds its fluffy umbrella.

    Signs of good weather:

    Flies wake up early, bees fly out of their hives as soon as it’s light;

    Swallows and swifts fly high;

    Mosquitoes push around in a column;

    Late in the evening the grasshoppers chatter loudly;

    A ladybug, taken on the hand, quickly flies off;

    The nightingale sings all night;

    The birds sing merrily;

    The water lily flowers are open;

    The pigeons cooed;

    The spider intensively weaves webs (for dry weather).

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