Sucking on a guy: the most powerful ritual on a bow at a distance. Drying that can be done at a distance

I wonder what you thought when you read the title of the article? It's obvious that there's some kind of joke here. But this is absolutely not true. Onion love spells really exist. Only this is more likely not a love spell in its pure form, but a dry spell. Prisushki are not so popular, although they are also very powerful black witchcraft, forcing a person to do something that he does not want to do of his own free will. As you probably already know, any love spells, lapels, sugaring, etc. entail unpleasant and sometimes truly terrible consequences for the performer of the ritual: illness, curses, childlessness, etc. So, we hope You thought very carefully before attempting such serious magic.

So, what is the main difference between a love spell and a sugar spell? And the fact is that with the help of a love spell a person becomes attached to more long time. But, by the way, drying (or drying) works much faster and more powerful. If you repeat it regularly, the effect will be approximately the same as that of a love spell. Very often, magicians first perform drying, and then fix the result with a love spell. In this case, there is no way for the victim to escape the negative manipulation on the part of the sorcerer.

So, let's turn to the ritual itself. You will need a large onion, a photo of your beloved man, a red candle, threads of the same color and a sharp knife.

As soon as the waxing (!) moon rises in the sky, light a candle. And lay out all the other attributes on the table in front of you. Turn off the electricity. Let the room be filled only with the light coming from the candle.

Cut the onion into two halves with a knife, saying:

“Like I cut an onion, I reveal its insides,
So I open the heart of (the name of my beloved) to love.”

Then look at the photo of your loved one and mentally send him what you want into his subconscious, then fold the photo so that it is slightly smaller in size than an onion. By the way, initially it is better to choose a small photo.

An even greater effect can be achieved if, together with the photo, you use some object containing the victim’s DNA: hair, nail, blood, etc. Place the photo and (if any) hair (nail, cotton wool soaked in blood) of your lover between the two halves of the bow. Tie it all up with a red thread, saying:

“Like I connect halves, I fasten an onion together,
So your heart will unite with mine, and strong love will be born.
For me to suffer day and night, and worry,
Dry, and without me die out of melancholy.
Let it be so".

This spell may have to be repeated more than once; you need to recite it as long as you tie the thread. Then you should place the bulb in a very dark, secluded place. Make sure that the place is very well ventilated, then the bulb will gradually dry out. And this is exactly what you need. Don’t let the onion simply rot, so the guy’s love for you will rot completely and irrevocably.

This ritual can be performed once a week. This will only enhance the drying effect.

But when the onion is completely dry, hide it for permanent storage in an exclusively secret place. Remember, if someone finds the onion, then all your witchcraft will turn against you. When exactly a year has passed since the ceremony, burn the dried onion.

There is another option. It's called gypsy. You need to plant and write the name of your loved one on the bulb, then wrap the vegetable in a handkerchief and bury it in the ground so that it can germinate. And when you bury it, you need to say the following lines:

“My spirit is a creative soul.

Love me more than yourself.

Amen, amen, amen."

Drying – powerful magical influence, characterized by greater accuracy compared to a love spell. The effect occurs within a few days, and drying can be done using a photograph or even without it. This ritual is often needed to make the person at whom its action is directed think about you, but there are even variants of drying only to evoke sexual desire - sexual drying.

Drying is a very strong effect

What is drying

First of all, you need to understand that dryness is the work of witches and sorcerers, it is not harmless and can lead to a series of troubles. But this does not stop a woman who seeks revenge on her offender or abandoned lover; she is driven by revenge, the desire to inflict pain and cause suffering.

The most popular ritual is dryness for melancholy. The evoked feeling is very strong, the dried person loses his appetite, he does not sleep, apathy towards life appears, so strong effect rite. It can be compared to a piece of fresh bread, which gradually turns into stale crackers.

Drying can be divided into 2 types, depending on its effect:

  • Damage
  • Love damage

With classic damage, a person often becomes a victim of a ritual due to an offense caused to the customer. The offender is very a short time It just dries up, the reason cannot be understood. As a result of love damage, the object of the ritual is dried to the person. The person under the spell cannot be either physically or psychologically without someone performing the drying, and withers like an apple or some other thing - a conductor between the victim and the customer.

Depending on the strength of the impact on the beloved, there are:

  • simple drying
  • strong drying

The difference between drying and a love spell and a love spell

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled. Drying will intensify feelings and can rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, and irresistible desire be close to each other. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch someone once and for all; it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell; there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to do it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely; the victim not only misses and yearns for the one who ordered the love spell, the longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences incredible things sexual attraction, loses his mind during a long separation.

Both the drying ritual and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your lover will never be the same again. Dryness changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails suppression of the will of the victim, worsens general state health, changes a person in all areas of life. Even runic magic rejects prisushki, love spells, conspiracies and lapels, as particularly dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Varieties of dryers

Powerful drying, as previously said, is impossible without some kind of conductor object. It is by this criterion that they differ from each other. The place and time are very important for the ceremony; the ideal option is to perform the dry spell in a cemetery, at night, on the waning moon. It is better not to perform the ritual during the day. Let's consider the most strong drying on distance.

Drying on an apple.

This is the most common method due to the availability of the fruit. It should be said that maximum effect You will gain from the ritual if the customer picks the fruit himself.

To carry out the drying ritual, you need to choose the ripest, preferably red apple, then cut it in half and put a photo of the drying object between the two halves.

Important! The photo should not be old, its size should not be too different from the size of an apple.

Next, we tie the apple as tightly as possible with a scarlet thread and pronounce the spell. The fruit must be placed on the sunny side of your house and wait until the apple dries. Then we carefully bury the enchanted object near the house being dried and wait for the result. The strength of the effect will depend on the degree of dryness of the apple.

Gypsy onion drying

Gypsy dry spell is one of the most effective and quick options prisushki, helping to take away from the family even married man, and with his help eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of soil, three candles and a clean White list. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or a waxing moon. Write your loved one's name on the bow and place it on the sheet.

Problem and solution - general layout

A love spell using candles will help you get the love of a guy or girl if you know how to do it

love spell for money, wealth, luck, happiness

Place candles in the shape of a triangle around the onion. Say the following words like a prayer: “Let him come, let dear (man’s name) come to the threshold, let him desire me, and be exhausted without me.” Then bury the used leaf in the pot and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, you know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying to the wind

This ritual must be carried out during the wind, in an open space, moreover, than stronger wind, the longer the dryness will last. Wind in in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the ritual, they ask that the victim bend the way you need, just as the wind bends trees with ease, so that there is no life without your presence, but only sadness and melancholy. A ritual in which the forces of nature are involved is enough severe dryness.

Drying on socks

Give your lover socks, you can never have too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress the legs, I weave the darling” during the purchase. Then turn the product inside out and quietly embroider a small cross on each sock with a thread and a needle. Then take the socks in your hands and read the spell. Now a seemingly ordinary item of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day it will make your victim think about you.

Dryness on a cigarette

The ritual is performed at dawn, in complete silence, without witnesses. You need to write your lover's name on the cigarette, light it from the flame church candle, then smoke it to the end, knocking the ashes into left hand. You also need to put out the cigarette butt with your left hand, while saying the phrase “when you collect all the ashes, then you will leave.” Blow off the ashes and wait for the result.

Drying on a coin

First of all, you need to find silver coin. This is very often used in black magic rituals. a precious metal due to its high magical conductivity. Place the coin in a transparent glass of blessed water and say the text of the drying exactly nine times. Ask your chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are many more options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for rope, for hair, for a mirror and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are a lot of cases where dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case was described on the online forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help because her son had a desire for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was solved by the dry spell of Egelet, which uses the famous Alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive result of dryness is described on the same forum. The guy didn’t know how to win the attention of a girl who everyone liked but didn’t reciprocate. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a string-drying ritual. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they have been living together for two months. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service provided.

Why drying may not work

There are some reasons why drying your loved one may not be effective. Even if everything is done correctly, a strong dry spell has been chosen, all the necessary magical items have been found, the practitioner of dry spell must have some qualities:

  • Iron will and faith in results
  • The strength and will of the customer
  • Some ability to control your energy

All this, on the one hand, is understandable and simple, but for a person far from magic and spells, it still requires explanation. The fact is that the desire and will of the person performing the drying is connected with the feelings of the victim of the ritual. Required condition- the plot is read only on a truly loved one, namely love feelings should be driven by a woman, not by a sense of revenge. Otherwise, the effect of drying will be turned on the person who ordered the ritual.

The strength of the performer is a skill that can only be obtained through many years of practice and experience passed down from generation to generation. How more powerful force and the energy of a magician, the more dramatically he can turn fate in the direction you want.

You also need to be able to manage the energy that is activated as a result of casting a spell. Even having enriched the energy flow with emotions and feelings, one must have considerable skill in order to transfer the charge to the ritual victim. If you have contacted a charlatan or the magician is not experienced enough, then the dryness will not work, and the lover will not have feelings of love.

It should also be remembered that the magician or sorcerer performing drying must be able to protect himself from the consequences of the ritual, and from its reverse effect. Let's consider an example: if the master did everything correctly, the victim found himself tied to the customer of the service, but then the victim turned to a specialist and decided to cleanse his biofield. In this case, the opposite result of the ritual will have an impact on the customer, and its strength is many times greater than the drying itself. AND important point– the stronger the sorcerer who has passed the magic through himself, the stronger the retaliatory blow. But this can be avoided by layering immediately after drying.

Possible negative consequences

It is important to understand that the magic of drying is not a toy and jokes with it are fraught. Therefore, for this reason, you should not perform drying yourself. But, despite all the warnings, there is a category of people who are ready to try to perform the ritual on their own. For example, these are young people who have experienced the feeling of love for the first time. They are not yet able to cope with their emotions and their feelings take precedence over reason, so dryness seems in a great way solve all love troubles, but young people don’t have the money to turn to a specialist.

Also, the younger generation, due to their age and not understanding the true difference between a love spell and a love spell, consider the first to be harmless, but as you already know, this is absolutely not the case. Relatively safe magical rituals, which do not suppress a person’s will and do not take power over his feelings and emotions.

A non-professional does not fully understand what is in his inept hands human life and it is he who, with the help of the ritual of dryness, can change it.

What kind of disappointments can await you and your victim after an incorrect, or as they also call it “crookedly”, drying ritual:

  • Diseases of the genital organs - since dryness is often done to increase sexual desire
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Symptoms mental disorders, neurosis or, on the contrary, depressive states and others
  • Very rarely does instant death occur after the ceremony.

The worst thing is that all these ailments will not respond to either traditional treatment or folk medicine. Only magically It is possible to help a person who has become the target of a crooked dry spell.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love should be mutual, and feelings should be mutual. Not a single magic and even the most powerful drought of melancholy can glue a broken couple together if, by the will of fate, they are not destined to be together. But if you firmly decide to interfere with God’s will, turn the wheel of fate in the right direction and dry out your loved one, use the services of a trusted specialist, do not practice magic at home, so as not to invite trouble on yourself, and remember that the effect of dryness cannot be removed.

In this article:

If disagreements begin in a couple or family, then a good love sip will help. She will not allow betrayal, quarrels and bickering. Now you and your man will live in perfect harmony, and you will forget about the lovebirds. This is a very strong love magic that binds two people with strong bonds, much stronger than stamps in passports. You can do any ritual at home, because there is nothing complicated here.

Yours woman's love will help you perform the ritual and give it sufficient power. A new time in the relationship is coming for you and your man, which means everything will work out. These conspiracies will not harm the partner and will not bind his will. They only remind us why we fell in love with our soulmate, what feelings we experienced at the very beginning. This feeling remains very for a long time, it prevents you from doing stupid things, cheating, breaking up. If there is love in your couple, then drying it will ignite it even more. This way, no one will take your loved one away from home.

Prisushki and love spells

Men and women are very different. Anyone knows this. So relationships in couples develop differently. If a woman is capable long years, all her life, loving one person, she gives her heart once and for all. Men are subject to their nature. A male can be with different females, and when he gets tired of one, he looks for new sensations. Certainly, we're talking about about animals, not about people. Unfortunately, nature did not deprive the man of this quality.

It is believed that after the first 3 years of a relationship with one partner, she becomes satiated with the man.

Even strong love can fail the test of time. A man is ready to live with a woman, but he will constantly look for something new, even in terms of simple entertainment. Many men justify themselves by saying that it is their nature. They don’t leave their wife, they don’t leave their house. It’s just that sometimes short, easy affairs happen. These connections can be very dangerous. The point here is not even that a man can bring home unpleasant diseases. Someone might want your husband for themselves.

Women are capable of much to achieve their goals. Love spells are often used. This is very dangerous magic, because in inept hands it destroys the lives of many people. If the one doing the love spell suffered from it herself, that would be half the problem. She herself may suffer from a love spell, but also your husband, you, your children, her children. A love spell suppresses the will, it pumps up your man and his relatives’ strength, desire to live, will. Your children may also suffer from this, get serious illnesses, addicted to drugs.

You need to protect your boyfriend or husband at the first sign of his desire to “take a walk.” If he really wants to, then let him walk with you. Drying helps revive relationships. It gives you the opportunity to remember your love, intimacy, feelings. This way you will save your marriage from collapse, and your husband from a homewrecker. Being too dry or dry on love won't harm anyone. If there has never been love between you, then it is unlikely to work. If it was, it will remind you very much of it.

Water spell

With this conspiracy, any guy can be tied to you. Works well for those who have already been together for 1-2 years. If problems start, do this drying immediately. You need to get water, preferably from a spring. Any will do pure water from natural source. They slander her for three days 12 times:

“I, God’s servant (name), will get up in the morning, wash myself with cold water, dry myself with a white shroud, and worship Jesus Christ. I’ll go through the doors into the gates, out of the gates into the street, under the bright sun, the red sun, about a month young, into a clean field, a wide field. In that field a tree stands, supporting the sky with its branches. Those branches stretch from east to west. May there stand under it a church with a bright throne. There is a board at the throne, and on that board lies melancholy. Throw a thrower at God's servant (name), melancholy, into his violent head, into his zealous heart, into his strong bones, into his hot blood. I will be a servant of God (name) brighter than the sun, more beautiful than the month, dearer to my father and mother, kinder to the whole family of the tribe, dearer to the free light. If he stands by the water, he will want to drown himself from melancholy; if he stands by the fire, he will burn himself. The servant of God (name) will feel sorry for me, not regret it. He will remember me until his death. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Offer water neat or top it up.

A conspiracy so that your loved one does not leave

This method should be repeated from time to time

If there is a danger of losing your boyfriend or husband, then do as this ritual prescribes.
Early in the morning, you need to wash yourself completely with cool water. Collect the water that has drained from you into a basin. Wash the floors throughout the house with this water. Dip a rag into the water and say:

“Three girls were sitting on a bench, three sisters were sitting. Do me good service, sisters. There is a board on the coffin, and on that board there is melancholy. Put this longing into God's servant (name), let him love me more life to follow me, in my footsteps, in my footsteps. Let him not steam in the bathhouse, let him not gorge himself on food, let him not drink water, but he only thought about me, followed me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is how you will tie a man to you. Wherever he steps, you will appear to him. Very soon all grievances will be forgotten, and bad thoughts will completely disappear from your head. This is a good, proven remedy that has saved more than a dozen marriages.

Spell for dew in the morning

You need morning dew. It must be assembled carefully. It won't take much. Natural, clean water carries enormous power. This power will come to your aid in performing this ritual. Bring the dew home. Say to the dew:

“Clean water, help me, return my beloved (name) to me. Just as the dew on my skin quickly dries, so my beloved constantly remembers me. His love for me will flare up, his soul will turn to me. How stronger love he is burning towards me, the sooner he will come running to me. The forces of nature will help me tie you to myself, kindle your love for me for the rest of your life. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now, when you prepare a drink for your man, add the charmed water there.

Short dryness at will

You need to speak quickly, several times. You can talk to:

  • drink;
  • clothes;
  • a man's personal item.

This quick way for those who cannot spend much time together.

“I will tie the knot for passion and lust. The fastener is strong - (Name) sculpted before me.”

Memorize it.

The famous apple pie

You need to take a mature, ripe apple. It should be without wormholes or dents. The fresher the better. Ideally, the apple is picked from the tree, but if this is not possible, then buy the best one. They slander an apple 12 times:

“Just as this red and ripe apple dries up, so the servant of God (name) will dry up and yearn for me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen!"

Now, hide it in a dry, dark place. The apple will dry out, and so your man’s love will “dry up” for you. Very good way, known from ancient village magic.

Drying so that he returns home

If your man leaves home and does not return, then do the following.
You need to put his photo on the table. Place a church candle on the photo. Light the candle with matches. While it's burning, repeat:

“I (your name) call (husband’s name) to our home. I give you the “Husband’s Name” of four angels, I place them on your sides, in front and behind you. Angels, guardian angels, guiding angels, bring your dear one home, bring him to the white porch. Let him not come back in a dream, let him not forget about me, he loves only me, only he will be happy with me. Amen, Amen, Amen."

Drying from a photo using a candle is simple and effective

You need to talk all the time until it burns out completely.
Very soon the man will show up first and then return. This is a strong method, but it is better to combine it with some other one. It only lasts for a few days, and during this time you will use it in another way forever.

What to do if conspiracies don't work?

It happens that not a single conspiracy works. The man continues to leave you, his love fades away every day. This is very bad sign. It says that a love spell has been cast on the husband or boyfriend, which is disturbing him. In this case, contact a qualified healer. He will be able to remove the love spell and return your man to you.

It’s better not to delay here, because a love spell has a destructive effect. There is another reason why your spells don't work. Initially, the couple lacked the main thing - love, reciprocity, support. Prisushka - love magic. They incite feelings rather than create them. Love cannot be created at all using magic or anything else. It either exists or it doesn’t exist at all. If it is not there, then love magic will not work.

If your marriage was built on mutual benefit, and not on love, then do not be surprised - conspiracies love magic will be powerless against all your misfortunes. Love should be in a couple, then you won’t be afraid of anything, any problem can be dealt with.

One of the most common practices in love magic is dryness. So what is dryness and what does it represent? Various dictionaries and reference books interpret this concept mostly in the same way. Drying (or drying) is a type of witchcraft, as a result of which, through the use of special magical means (potions, whisperings, incantations, etc.), the desired object is “dried”, bewitched to the one who performs this ritual.

Love magic is one of the most ancient and powerful in the Universe, since it receives nourishment from the most vivid human feelings and experiences. Most important advantage The magic of love is that even the most hopeless situation or the most damaged and bad relationship can be stabilized. With the help of love magic, even the most damaged relationships can be brought to a decent level through magical rituals, spells, rites and conspiracies.

Of course, love magic is not always safe and innocent. Often, the use of some slander or love spells can result in unpleasant consequences both for the subject of such actions and for the object of them. However, if you use it wisely, clearly defining that the effect obtained from the magical actions you perform is really necessary for you and will not harm the object of your sighs, then it can be beneficial.

Among such magical rituals are a love spell for a guy’s love, a wife’s dryness, spells for love and the return of a husband to the family, spells for the reunion of lovers and similar rituals.

What is dryness and what are its symptoms?

One of the most common practices in love magic is dryness. So what is dryness and what does it represent? Various dictionaries and reference books interpret this concept mostly in the same way.

Drying (or drying) is a type of witchcraft, as a result of which, through the use of special magical means (potions, whisperings, incantations, etc.), the desired object is “dried”, bewitched to the one who performs this ritual.

In other words, the ritual makes one person fall in love with another even against his will. It is in this addition “against one’s will” that lies main reason that this practice is not welcome in the practice of white magic spells.

When violence occurs against a person, over her will and spirit (even if this is done for her benefit), this is already a guarantee that someone will have to pay for it. If you decide to kill someone, then come to terms with the idea that this will become your cross for the rest of your life.

The drying agents are very powerful and have virtually no antidotes. So it is best to be wary of such magical influences and not allow them into your destiny. Dryness breaks the karmic ties that existed before, imposing new ones instead, without bringing happiness to either party.

This ritual and its symptoms are very similar to a love spell, with which they are often confused, but, oddly enough, a love spell only draws the attention of the object of witchcraft to the subject, without causing critical dependence on him, while a correctly done dry spell becomes a heavy burden for both. Dryness causes dependence on the physical level, paralyzing the will and personality of the dried person.

Varieties of dryness

Depending on what items are used in the dry spell, there are different types of these rituals. So, one of the most common additives today is dryness from photo.

Its popularity is due to the significant effectiveness and efficiency of this kind of slander. At the same time, they are as simple as possible to perform (you just need to get a photo of your loved one) and, according to experts, they are as safe as possible for both parties involved in the action.

Dryness from photo

Dryness from photo is done as follows.
Need to find:

  • Photo of a loved one
  • Red silk threads
  • A couple of red candles
  • Fully bloomed rose bud (also exclusively red)
  • Your photo
  • Thick book volume
  • A regular needle, pre-moistened with rose oil.

Dryness from photo carried out on one of the days of the waxing moon, immediately after sunset. In the room where you are going to perform a love spell, you need to close all the curtains, turn off the lights and light both candles. The photographs are placed one to one, they are interspersed with a flower, symbolizing a feeling of love, passion. It will be difficult to place the flower between photos, but you really need to try to do it.

After which you need to be extremely careful and carefully stitch the resulting composition with a thread and a needle, but you should do this in such a way as not to accidentally pierce the people shown in the photo. The resulting postcard must be placed in a thick book so that all its elements are well “pressed” into each other.

Dryness on the apple

Another common type of item used in icing is food icing, or rather any food product - gingerbread, candy, beer, sandwich, chips, whatever! There is only one but - this food product will then have to be eaten by the object of desire.

In other words, if your loved one does not eat sweets, then it is useless to whisper on sweets or cakes. Choose food that he or she is sure to be interested in.

In Rus', the most common types of love spells were suction spells, such as suction spells on an apple, bread, water, egg, potato. Salt dryness was especially popular.

In a word, neutral products were chosen that would certainly be eaten. However, there is a danger here - if a conspiracy is whispered about any dish, you need to carefully ensure that only the one who should eat it, the one on whom the drying is being done.

Otherwise, all the guests who come to your holiday will fall in love with you. unearthly love, which could turn into a real disaster for everyone (and you don’t even need to know how to develop clairvoyance to understand how terrible it would be). So, whispering carried out on any food product:

Upon completion of the slander, you must immediately spit three times to confirm its truth. It's very strong and ancient spell, so when pronouncing it you need to be careful and not confuse the words.

Dryness on the broom

Popular in love magic are not only love spells performed on food, but also whispers, conspiracies, and slander performed on certain things. These can be both the things of the object of the love spell, and things that have been prepared for him as a gift, or foreign things that have nothing to do with him.

In our example, the dryness on a thing will be done on an ordinary new broom. It's best to do it on Friday. You should first invite the object of the drought to visit.

In the meantime, you need to remove one twig from the broom (never used before!) and place it on the threshold of the door through which this person will enter. After he steps over the twig (try to make sure that neither he nor any other person notices the twig!) you need to carefully hide it. After the guest leaves, the twig is placed on a shelf in a well-heated bathhouse and the following words are whispered over it:

“As this rod dries, let the servant of God (the name of the object of the love spell) dry for me.”

Varieties of dryness depending on the object of magical influences

Depending on who the drying is done on, that is, who is the object of magical influences, the following varieties can be distinguished: drying on a woman or drying on a man.

And although they are fundamentally no different (most often, gender does not play a role in the implementation of such rituals and does not affect their effectiveness), yet if you search in the literature on witchcraft and magic, you can find some of the love spells that are created specifically to influence to a certain gender of people.

How is dryness carried out on a girl? It is read in a room where there is no one, out loud, preferably by candlelight. You can read in front of a photo of your beloved woman or with thoughts about her (the presence of a photo is not necessary). The text is as follows:

Elementary dryness on a guy is also very simple. You need to find a knot in the floor or wall (in modern apartments this is quite difficult to do, because everything was written for huts, but for this purpose you can go to relatives in the village), circle it several times with your finger and say:

“As you, bitch, have dried up, so dry up, servant of God (the name of the object of the love spell), for me, God's servant(name of the subject of the love spell). Amen".

What to do if you need to dry someone out too much?

There are situations when there are no other options but to dry someone out very much. For example, when a person does not see the meaning in life, he uses a large number of alcohol, expresses signs of addictive behavior. Or the love of a person who has decided to cast a love spell is so great that it begins to torment him and calls into question his health nervous system and mental stability.

In such cases, there is nothing left but to carry out a dry plot. It is advisable to slander him about any food, water or other liquid that the object of desire will consume without leaving a trace. The text of such a slander is as follows:

This is a very strong love drought, the use of which is recommended by experts in the field of magical knowledge only in exceptional cases, when one of the participants in the drought is threatened with serious trouble or death. After all, the consequences of this type of love spell are quite unpredictable.

Please note that with these words you are addressing an ancient and powerful universal evil, which is constantly in search of weak souls. However, this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that for the fulfillment of any desires (no matter who fulfills them - good or evil forces) you always have to pay. But sometimes the fee you will be charged for drying another person can be prohibitively high. Be sure to take this into account!

Let's look at the love spell on a bow in detail - who did it - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The most important thing to always remember is that you can influence your life and the world Only a completely self-confident person can. The performer must know that he will succeed and must carry out all manipulations confidently, especially if during the ritual he will have to deal with other forces.

The success of any magical ritual depends on a number of individual reasons. Lapel rituals also have their own characteristics, knowing which the performer will be able to achieve maximum efficiency in each individual case.

It is believed that if a person finds.

The lapel is magic, the purpose of which is.

Strong lapel

It is enough to open any Internet search engine to be convinced of the presence of a huge number of different lapels. But what are their differences and how to choose the most effective one? There is no definite answer to this question, however, there are a number of nuances that will help even a beginner to carry out any ritual competently and achieve positive rituals.

If the author writes that you need to read the words of the conspiracy while stripping naked, you should not think or ask, but undress. If it is said that you need to use land from the cemetery, you need to go to the churchyard and take the required amount of land.

Before you choose the lapel ritual and begin to perform it, you need to carefully read everything that the author writes about this ritual several times, you need to write down all the requirements on a sheet of paper, write down your every step and follow the intended path. If you are not experienced enough to use your own spells, use the ones provided, you don’t need to change the words, you don’t need to try to change the effect of a particular ritual by changing some of its parts to the opposite.

There are many lapels that use additional items, these can be symbols of the elements, symbols of places of power, plants and much more. Such rituals also include rituals with onions. These are quite exotic lapels, which, however, are highly effective.

How to determine the force of a lapel

Oddly enough, there are a number of signs that will help you choose the most effective lapel. When reading the conditions for each individual ritual, you need to pay attention to Special attention on the:

The strongest lapels are carried out at sunset and at night during the waning moon. They need to be held in a cemetery, in abandoned vacant lots, in the forest and, sometimes, in an empty dark room. You need to know that any divination must be performed completely alone; relatives in the next room will nullify all your attempts.

In the most powerful lapel rituals, only two elements can be used: fire and water. Moreover, water most often appears in its solid form, that is, in the form of ice.

The attributes of a strong lapel are the biological material of the target (or targets), various things from the cemetery (earth, grass, ashes), as well as pre-prepared decoctions (for concentration, gain of strength).

According to the conspiracy, you can also determine the effectiveness of the ritual. In the most powerful rituals, conspiracies are pronounced in an imperative tone, that is, the performer orders certain forces or goals.

The most important thing to always remember is that only a completely self-confident person can influence his life and the world around him.

Many people are looking for black lapels, which are truly highly effective, but in the process of carrying out such a ceremony they begin to get nervous, doubt, and feel fear. In this case, the result of the ritual will not be the destruction of the love relationship between people, but severe damage on the performer, which not every professional can remove.

It is also very important to eliminate any distractions in advance. You need to do everything possible to ensure that during the lapel process the phone does not ring, so that relatives or friends do not come to visit you.

Bow in magical arts

Onions have been used in magical rituals for a long time. Since ancient times, this plant has been believed to have strong cleansing properties.

Onions were used to cleanse the house from evil spirits, cut onions were laid out in the corners of the house to drive away evil spirits; in addition, cut onions are still used in villages to draw crosses on windows and doors to protect the home from misfortunes. According to esotericists and alchemists:

  • bulbs can purify water, eliminate the effects of harmful substances and even poisons;
  • the onion mixed with salt and water can remove warts;
  • use crushed onion to remove dry calluses;
  • to improve hearing, you need to instill onion juice in your ears;
  • the bulbs are able to resist mushroom poison;
  • onion juice helps heal broken bones;
  • onions help increase potency;
  • onion juice helps against hair loss;
  • helps with muscle stretching;
  • resolves scars;
  • helps with external ulcers;
  • eliminates acne on the face;
  • helps cure many female diseases;
  • and much more.

Bow in lapels

How good remedy cleansing, onions are most often used in magical cleansing. With its help, you can easily eliminate the effects of negative magic, including love spells, if the performer considers the impact of a love spell to be negative. In addition, simple onions can also be used in lapels.

A very good way to independent work, you just need to meet all the conditions and tune in to the ritual

To do this, you need to take a medium-sized onion and cut it into two equal parts. After this, write the man’s name on one half and the woman’s name on the other. Write names with a knife or scratch them out with a needle. Then both halves need to be heavily sprinkled with salt, joined together and tightly wrapped with black thread.

At this time, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I cast fortunes not for death and melancholy, but for fate. I close the love of (man’s name) for (woman’s name), break it, separate destinies forever. Grief will live with them, become close to them, and respond with a word of curse. They will not have love, there will be no happy life, only grief and bondage. He will be a damned bat to her, and she will be a freckled toad to him. No peace to them. No feast, no kindness, no kindness, just an ax and ax, a torn broom, a nail and a needle, salt and ash. You will curl up like a snake, quarrel, fight, but not make peace, fight each other until they bleed, and not make peace. Key. Lock. Language. Let it be so".

The ritual must be performed at midnight on the waning moon. After reading the plot, place the onion on the windowsill, lit moonlight and leave it there. The bulb should remain on the windowsill until it completely rots, so it is better to put it in a deep bowl.

An old poem says: “Where gypsies go, there are witches.” Indeed, this nation is distinguished by an amazing predisposition to magic, including love. Gypsy love spells allow you to unite people forever, but there is one catch: ordering a ritual from a real witch is unrealistic - rituals are performed exclusively for your own people. Don't despair. If you act carefully, you can direct gypsy love spell on one's own. Certainly, general public Only the simplest and most harmless spells are available, but even they demonstrate a stunning effect.

Gypsy love spell in the photo

Working with a human image is one of the main practices gypsy magic. And if earlier sorceresses had to draw their victim or sculpt a figurine of the object of influence, now it is enough to use a photograph. A gypsy love spell based on a photograph is aimed at the waxing moon.

The sorcerer retires to a dark room. Curtains must be drawn and electric lights must be turned off. The woman places candles around herself and lights them. Sitting in the center of the circle, you need to focus on the image of your loved one. Keeping the man in mind all the time, you should sing the following words repeatedly:

“The sun set behind the sky, the wagon stopped, (name) got out of it, (name) came to me, knelt before me, washed my hem with tears, filled the area with sobs, scared the domestic roosters, drove wild cats into fear. He didn’t touch me, my heart is a stone, the hot tear that (name) sheds doesn’t hurt me, but his love keeps intensifying, everything grows, as soon as the sun appears in the sky, so (name) wants to die without me.”

It is important to find your own rhythm: then the conspiracy will gain strength. Having entered a trance, the sorceress must cut off a strand of hair from the left side of her head. The cutting location is chosen intuitively. It is necessary to roll up the photograph into a tube and wrap it tightly with your hair, imagining that in this way the man is being subjugated. Then you should burn the photo from the flame of one of the candles. The ashes are scattered to the wind, saying:

“My gypsy soul, my witch’s will, (name) my faithful one, it won’t go anywhere, it will be attracted to me.”

This is a very strong gypsy love spell from the photo. The effectiveness of the ritual manifests itself within three days. If the sorceress is focused enough on the goal, then the man will fall in love with her and will never even think about leaving. If the woman desires, he will become a submissive and faithful husband.

Gypsy love spell on an onion

Gypsies have always been very close to nature. And to this day, in their magic, they turn to natural forces: after all, in each plant there lives a separate spirit, with the help of which they can have a strong influence on a person. A gypsy love spell with a bow does not require any special knowledge. You will only need:

You must wait until the full moon. It is best to start the ritual with the first rays of the sun: the energy of the new day will contribute to the effectiveness of the spell. You need to arrange the lit candles in a triangle (pointing away from you). It is recommended to write the words of the conspiracy on paper:

"(Name)! Your love grows for me, no one will say otherwise - both the sun and the moon see it; the stars are watching how you reach out to me, the sea is watching how passion for me ignites in you. May the sky be far from me, and you, (name), always nearby, may the wind carry road dust into the distance, but not touch you; let it rain cold warm washes away from the world, but does not touch your love, let the plants die from frost, but your attraction remains the same.”

Should be written full name the man being bewitched on an onion, then wrap it in a sheet of paper. Such a “package” is placed in the center of the triangle and for several minutes one visualizes how the warmth of the candles fills the spell with power. You need to plant the bulb in a pot and place it on the windowsill in the northern part of the room. You need to carefully care for the plant, while thinking about your loved one. As soon as the first shoots appear, the spell will begin to work: the man will fall madly in love with the sorceress and literally will not give her a pass.

A gypsy love spell with an onion remains effective as long as the plant is alive. Then you need to renew the magical effect: either by repeating this ritual, or by performing another love ritual.

Gypsy love spell on an apple

It is important for every woman that her husband remains faithful to her. For such a case, a gypsy love spell for a husband on an apple will come in handy. Only the full moon period is suitable for the ritual. You will need:

  • a red apple picked with one's own hand;
  • cloves and cardamom;
  • sharp birch twig;
  • red wool thread.

You need to cut the apple into two parts and remove the core from each. Place a small amount of cloves in one half of the fruit, and a little cardamom in the other. Then both parts must be connected and squeezed tightly, thinking about the husband. To make the apple whole again, it is recommended to pierce it with a twig and wrap it crosswise with thread. When tying a strong knot, say:

“There is no sadness, no separation, no marital troubles, (name) is always next to me, always following me with his gaze. Just as the bright moon rises into the sky and covers itself with a blanket of stars, so (name) reaches out to me and returns home through obstacles.”

The enchanted apple should be thrown into the fire (into the oven or into the fire). When the flame goes out, the gypsy love spell will take effect. The husband will not cheat on the witch and will do everything to make her feel like herself happy woman of those living today.

Gypsy love spell on bay leaves

Magic makes it possible to summon a loved one: he will miss the woman and find a way to meet or at least call/write. Gypsy love spell on a guy bay leaves- This is a very effective challenge, performed as close to the full moon as possible.

  • thirty-three bay leaves;
  • birch firewood for the fire;
  • a pinch of salt.

They do magic on the street. You need to light a fire and walk around it several times, enjoying the beauty of the flame. You can even break into a light dance: this will help release energy and tune in to your goal. Next, you should throw bay leaves into the fire one by one, pronouncing a spell on each of them:

“Where the birch tree stood, there my darling went, where the leaves flew, there my darling came. The fire burns brightly - love revives, passion intensifies with heat, (name) calls to me.”

As long as the flame burns, you need to dance around it. Movements should be purely intuitive and come from the heart. When the fire goes out, it is recommended to sprinkle it with salt. A correctly cast gypsy love spell on bay leaves works within 24 hours. The call facilitates a quick meeting, but sometimes the result is limited only telephone conversation. To enhance the effect, you can additionally cast some other love spell: then the man will not only remember the sorceress, but will also feel a surge of strong feelings for her and want to stay close.

Gypsy love spell on hair

Hair is very important to gypsies. Still short haircut among women it is considered a symbol of shame, exile, renunciation. That's why love spells on hair are respected. Everyone knows that it is impossible to avoid the influence of spells: any man will obey and come to the woman who bewitched him in this way. The ritual should fall on the waxing moon.

  • small closed pot;
  • a piece of fabric from your own petticoat (in modern realities this could be tights or stockings);
  • a clump of your hair (necessarily pulled out, not cut or taken from a comb);
  • wax candle.

You have to wait until nightfall. In absolute darkness, you should place a pot in front of you, wrap your hair in a cloth, put the bundle in a bowl and read the spell into it:

“I take a part of myself, put it in the darkness, hide it from the light, hide it from the world. (Name) will love me deeply, I will hide it from the others and keep it for myself.”

After this, you need to cover the pot with a lid and place it in a secluded place. It is recommended to repeat the plot two more nights in a row. In the morning after the last rite, you need to light a candle and burn a bundle of hair in its flame. The ashes must be left in the pot. The vessel is taken to the crossroads and buried there. After a month, the spell will take effect.

This gypsy love spell is eternal: it cannot be removed, and the effect cannot be interrupted by anything. The man himself will come to the sorceress and express his desire to be with her. If a woman refuses, he may show aggression, and in the most difficult cases even commit suicide.

You should cast a gypsy love spell at home very carefully. After all, this is alien magic, which you need to get acquainted with from childhood under the guidance of an experienced shuvani. It is necessary to use those grains of knowledge that are open to the world with understanding and responsibility, since an incorrectly performed ritual can hit the sorcerer. And one moment. A man cannot cast a gypsy love spell on a girl on his own: the energy of the rituals assumes that only women will work with them.

Who did the love spell on a bow?

June 27, 2015 at 1:15 pm by Witch Olga

Behind quarrel I already said, I wrote a whole article with a detailed way to do it yourself. But the witch always has at her disposal not one ritual, but whole set proven methods. And here’s another one - this method is one of the strongest ways to separate a couple in love. The ritual will introduce strong irritation into relationships between people, cause constant quarrels, scandals and reproaches, which will certainly lead to a complete and final break in relations.

Keep in mind that if you are interested in eliminating your rival in this way, you will definitely need to take care to attract the man’s attention to yourself with a love spell.

The break between such magical rituals should be very short, so that the man you are interested in, who has put an end to his relationship with a competitor, does not have time to meet and care for any other girl.

Materials for sorting.

So, to perform the ritual you will need one large fresh onion, photographs of your rival and your loved one, a knife, a piece of black rope, a black wax candle and a small paper bag.

Ritual of a fight.

Onion cutting is performed at night on the waning moon. Sit on the floor, light a candle next to you. Take a knife and cut the onions into two equal halves. Place a photo of your opponent on one half, front side down, and on your other half place a photo of your loved one, also face down.

Now take the two halves of the onion from the photo and connect them to each other. Now tie the result tightly with a rope.

Take a candle and drop it on the bulb three times, saying the following words out loud:

I’ll saturate your photos with onion acid,

I reward your relationship with anger and malice.

Put out the candle and put it in a paper bag. Place the onion with the photo there. Your task is to bury this package in the ground within 24 hours.

The strongest quarrel will result if you bury it near the cemetery.

When you dig into the ground, say the following words barely audibly:

Like onions in the ground rot and deteriorate,

So your love rots and deteriorates.

Payback when causing damage.

Please note that this is still a ritual of black magic aimed at destroying relationships. And in order to avoid serious negative consequences for your own destiny, it is best to make a significant donation to a church or charitable organization. When you give or transfer funds, be sure to say to yourself:

I pay off, I wash myself off, but I don’t renounce what I did.

Results of cutting onions.

As a rule, the result of discord occurs in about 2-3 weeks. But if people have many responsibilities to each other, such as common children, property, collaboration, then the longer it will take them to decide to completely break off relations.

If this happens, then the ritual of breaking the onion can be supplemented with some other magical ritual of damaging the relationship.

Or turn to a witch or sorcerer to figure out in detail what exactly connects people and what magical ritual of quarreling or cooling off will help you fully achieve your intended goal.

Love spell on bow

There are a lot of options for how to make a love spell on a bow. But the basis is always the use of the onion - and this has a special meaning. The fact is that onions are always sharp, always irritating. His energy structure is such that in a love spell it causes a strong reaction due to its irritating effect. Therefore, a love spell on an onion is a powerful ritual. I also have other quite strong influences, which I wrote about on, and on my other websites. So if you can’t bewitch this way, don’t worry, try something else.

But please be careful, with strong influences there is a serious risk of negative consequences, which the witch can foresee and prevent, but who knows if you will succeed?

Well, well, whoever is forewarned is forearmed. I will try to tell you about the love spell without offering anything complicated, so that you can perform the ritual yourself.

To work, you will need a medium-sized onion. Take the onion as “evil” and sharp as possible.

Take big photo loved one, place it on the table in front of you, facing you.

Take a sharp knife and cut the onion in half.

Now look straight into the face of your loved one and say everything that you want to have a relationship with him. Be detailed, and support your words with thoughts and emotions. When you have spoken, place both halves of the onion with the cuts directly on the photograph, and leave it like that until the morning (and the love spell itself should begin in the evening, after 12 at night, on the waxing moon).

At night, the onion will do its job, weaken the natural defenses and help your desire, what you expressed, come true.

In the morning, you can throw away the onion, but leave the photo, you can use it when repeating exactly the same love spell.

The effect of the love spell is designed to last 3 months, but it manifests itself quite quickly, within a week. And three months will be enough for you to strengthen your relationship.

Who did the love spell on a bow?

1. Diagnostics – 2. weakening of energy – 3. love spell – 4. consolidation – 5. counterfeit

– Between points 2 and 3 you can practice challenges. Point No. 3 usually consists of a series of love spells, because one love spell that was cast quickly and immediately is simply the height of skill. And you are not a master yet, so get ready to do a series.

If the guy was taken away (seduced):

1. Diagnostics – 2. Weakening of the energy of already 2 people – 3. Quarrel – 4. Cooling off/Lapel. – 5. Love spell – 6. Secured – 7. Forgery

– Between points 4 and 5 you can practice challenges. Point No. 5 also consists of a series of love spells. Point No. 3 may include a series of quarrels.

Other situations in the case of magical wars with rivals are complicated by damage, lapels, cleansing and other magical actions. In this situation, the help of a mentor-consultant master is desirable and necessary.

“I will lie down, servant of God (name), having prayed,

And I will stand, crossing myself,

And I will go from door to door,

From gate to gate, into an open field,

Under the clear stars

Under the moon of the Lord..."

And in the ritual you are asked to go to the cemetery, stand at the grave of the same name and leave a ransom to the demons. This applies to all rituals.

I think the masters are ready to supplement the basic rules of the self-teaching manual with their own well-established techniques.

Do you use a repetition of the ritual on fastenings on fakes?

(there are fastenings - as independent rites of submission - do not be confused here)

- Because I don’t like slaves.

- Because I don’t like slaves.

- Because I don’t like slaves.

- Because I don’t like slaves.

- Because I don’t like slaves.

And what kind of Shroud exactly? Chain of slavery, ring of slavery? That is, as far as I understand, you think that the shroud of slavery is stronger than a love spell on blood?

Well, if we keep in mind the “dummies” from our forum, then in practice I would build such a scheme.

1. Diagnostics. Who will take a liking to which diagnostician?

2. Weakening (there is a separate topic, a classic: magpies, inverted candles for the repose, a shoe made from something already existing and chewed).

3. Razorka for example on a twin knot (also available in disassembled form on the forum).

4. Quarrel at the grave of the newly deceased.

5. Steam the pork heart (also available on the forum).

6. Black love spell, for example NBD or ChS. Everything is in the topics. Ground into porridge.

7. On the full moon, you can also perform a ritual with blood, as that very “fix”. If you want, you can find one like this.

8. And how Stepanov’s complementary foods like “Ancient Beelzebub.” are fakes, also several growing in a row.

Well, that is if you are lucky and in one lunar cycle you achieve tangible results. If not, at the next growing one you can conduct “City in a graveyard.” or another cemetery of your choice. If there is no opponent, points 3, 4, 5, respectively, are excluded.

ZY I am sure that those who actually do at least once everything that is indicated here in this list, and at least memorize the texts, and do not skimp on the payoffs, will no longer ask questions: why do magicians take money in advance? and so much more.

Powder for solving love problems

Drying is a very strong effect

Prisushka is a powerful magical effect, characterized by greater accuracy compared to a love spell. The effect occurs within a few days, and drying can be done using a photograph or even without it. This ritual is often needed to make the person at whom its action is directed think about you, but there are even variants of drying only to evoke sexual desire - sexual drying.

What is drying

The drying is done by magicians and sorcerers

First of all, you need to understand that dryness is the work of witches and sorcerers, it is not harmless and can lead to a series of troubles. But this does not stop a woman who seeks revenge on her offender or abandoned lover; she is driven by revenge, the desire to inflict pain and cause suffering.

The most popular ritual is dryness for melancholy. The feeling evoked is very strong, the dried person loses his appetite, he does not sleep, apathy towards life appears, the effect of the ritual is so strong. It can be compared to a piece of fresh bread, which gradually turns into stale crackers.

Drying can be divided into 2 types, depending on its effect:

With classic damage, a person often becomes a victim of a ritual due to an offense caused to the customer. The offender simply dries up in a very short time, the reason cannot be understood. As a result of love damage, the object of the ritual is dried to the person. The person under the spell cannot be either physically or psychologically without someone performing the drying, and withers like an apple or some other thing - a conductor between the victim and the customer.

Depending on the strength of the impact on the beloved, there are:

The difference between drying and a love spell and a love spell

Black magic ritual

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled. Drying will strengthen feelings and can rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, and an irresistible desire to be close to each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch someone once and for all; it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell; there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to do it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely; the victim not only misses and yearns for the one who ordered the love spell, the longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences incredible sexual desire, and loses his mind during a long separation.

Both the drying ritual and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your lover will never be the same again. Dryness changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails suppression of the victim’s will, worsens the general state of health, and changes a person in all areas of life. Even runic magic rejects prisushki, love spells, conspiracies and lapels, as particularly dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Varieties of dryers

We only do drying at night

Powerful drying, as previously said, is impossible without some kind of conductor object. It is by this criterion that they differ from each other. The place and time are very important for the ceremony; the ideal option is to perform the dry spell in a cemetery, at night, on the waning moon. It is better not to perform the ritual during the day. Let's look at the strongest drying from a distance.

Drying on an apple.

This is the most common method due to the availability of the fruit. It should be said that you will achieve the maximum effect from the ritual if the customer picks the fruit himself.

To carry out the drying ritual, you need to choose the ripest, preferably red apple, then cut it in half and put a photo of the drying object between the two halves.

Important! The photo should not be old, its size should not be too different from the size of an apple.

Next, we tie the apple as tightly as possible with a scarlet thread and pronounce the spell. The fruit must be placed on the sunny side of your house and wait until the apple dries. Then we carefully bury the enchanted object near the house being dried and wait for the result. The strength of the effect will depend on the degree of dryness of the apple.

Gypsy onion drying

Gypsy drying is one of the most effective and fastest options for drying, which helps to take even a married man away from the family, and with his help eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of soil, three candles and a clean white sheet. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or a waxing moon. Write your loved one's name on the bow and place it on the sheet.

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Place candles in the shape of a triangle around the onion. Say the following words like a prayer: “Let him come, let dear (man’s name) come to the threshold, let him desire me, and be exhausted without me.” Then bury the used leaf in the pot and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, you know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying to the wind

This ritual must be carried out during the wind, in an open space; moreover, the stronger the wind, the longer the dryness will last. The wind in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the ritual, they ask that the victim bend the way you need, just as the wind bends trees with ease, so that there is no life without your presence, but only sadness and melancholy. A ritual in which the forces of nature are involved is a fairly strong dry spell.

Drying on socks

Give your lover socks, you can never have too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress the legs, I weave the darling” during the purchase. Then turn the product inside out and quietly embroider a small cross on each sock with a thread and a needle. Then take the socks in your hands and read the spell. Now a seemingly ordinary item of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day it will make your victim think about you.

Dryness on a cigarette

The ritual is performed at dawn, in complete silence, without witnesses. You need to write the name of your lover on the cigarette, light it from the flame of a church candle, then smoke it to the end, knocking the ashes into your left hand. You also need to put out the cigarette butt with your left hand, while saying the phrase “when you collect all the ashes, then you will leave.” Blow off the ashes and wait for the result.

Drying on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. This precious metal is very often used in black magic rituals due to its high magical conductivity. Place the coin in a transparent glass of blessed water and say the text of the drying exactly nine times. Ask your chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are many more options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for rope, for hair, for a mirror and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The impact on humans is very strong

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are many known cases where dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case was described on the online forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help because her son had a desire for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was solved by the dry spell of Egelet, which uses the famous Alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive result of dryness is described on the same forum. The guy didn’t know how to win the attention of a girl who everyone liked but didn’t reciprocate. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a string-drying ritual. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they have been living together for two months. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service provided.

Why drying may not work

A strong person can withstand the effects of drought

There are some reasons why drying your loved one may not be effective. Even if everything is done correctly, a strong dry spell has been chosen, all the necessary magical items have been found, the practitioner of dry spell must have some qualities:

  • Iron will and faith in results
  • The strength and will of the customer
  • Some ability to control your energy

All this, on the one hand, is understandable and simple, but for a person far from magic and spells, it still requires explanation. The fact is that the desire and will of the person performing the drying is connected with the feelings of the victim of the ritual. A prerequisite is that the plot is read only for a truly loved one; it is love feelings that should guide a woman, and not a feeling of revenge. Otherwise, the effect of drying will be turned on the person who ordered the ritual.

The strength of the performer is a skill that can only be obtained through many years of practice and experience passed down from generation to generation. The more powerful the power and energy of the magician, the more dramatically he can turn fate in the direction you want.

You also need to be able to manage the energy that is activated as a result of casting a spell. Even having enriched the energy flow with emotions and feelings, one must have considerable skill in order to transfer the charge to the ritual victim. If you have contacted a charlatan or the magician is not experienced enough, then the dryness will not work, and the lover will not have feelings of love.

It should also be remembered that the magician or sorcerer performing drying must be able to protect himself from the consequences of the ritual, and from its reverse effect. Let's consider an example: if the master did everything correctly, the victim found himself tied to the customer of the service, but then the victim turned to a specialist and decided to cleanse his biofield. In this case, the opposite result of the ritual will have an impact on the customer, and its strength is many times greater than the drying itself. And an important point - the stronger the sorcerer who has passed the magic through himself, the stronger the response. But this can be avoided by layering immediately after drying.

Possible negative consequences

Drinking doesn't always bring happiness

It is important to understand that the magic of drying is not a toy and jokes with it are fraught. Therefore, for this reason, you should not perform drying yourself. But, despite all the warnings, there is a category of people who are ready to try to perform the ritual on their own. For example, these are young people who have experienced the feeling of love for the first time. They are not yet able to cope with their emotions and their feelings take precedence over reason, so drying seems to be an excellent way to solve all love troubles, but young people do not have the money to turn to a specialist.

Also, the younger generation, due to their age and not understanding the true difference between a love spell and a love spell, consider the first to be harmless, but as you already know, this is absolutely not the case. Magic rituals that do not suppress a person’s will and do not take power over his feelings and emotions can be called relatively safe.

A non-professional does not fully realize that human life is in his inept hands and it is he who, with the help of the dryness ritual, can change it.

What kind of disappointments can await you and your victim after an incorrect, or as they also call it “crookedly”, drying ritual:

  • Diseases of the genital organs - since dryness is often done to increase sexual desire
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Symptoms of mental disorders, neurosis or, conversely, depressive states and others
  • Very rarely does instant death occur after the ceremony.

The worst thing is that all these ailments will not respond to either traditional treatment or traditional medicine. Only in a magical way is it possible to help a person who has become the target of a crooked drought.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love should be mutual, and feelings should be mutual. Not a single magic and even the most powerful drought of melancholy can glue a broken couple together if, by the will of fate, they are not destined to be together. But if you firmly decide to interfere with God’s will, turn the wheel of fate in the right direction and dry out your loved one, use the services of a trusted specialist, do not practice magic at home, so as not to invite trouble on yourself, and remember that the effect of dryness cannot be removed.

Olesya 03/26/2017 18:15

Tell me, if you make a gypsy drying on an onion, and if everything works out and the onion germinates, then what should you do with the onion? And it seems to me that the onion is so unpretentious that it is unlikely to germinate. Or am I wrong?
