The most dangerous spider in the world (photo). The most dangerous spider

The top 10 most dangerous, largest and poisonous spiders in the world is a list of arthropods that have a powerful poison that can kill a person outright, or are distinguished by irritable behavior, ready to bite anyone who encroaches on their territory, or simply surprise with their huge size, from which makes you shiver. Since the very dawn of civilization, man has felt fear of the spider, as of an insidious, fast and silent enemy, appearing with unpredictability as if from nowhere.

And indeed, if it was still possible to fight such predators as the lion, crocodile and wolf, at least due to the fact that they were large, then the tiny spider, in whose mandibles the strongest poison is hidden, was the greatest enemy of the first people. The huge diversity also played into the hands of arthropods, so it took hundreds of years and thousands of deaths for people to learn to distinguish harmless species from those that are deadly.

It is not surprising that many people suffer from this form panic fear, like arachnophobia - this is an uncontrollable surge of anxiety at the sight of even the smallest arthropod caused by the reasons described in the previous paragraphs. This article will help you understand what types of dangerous monsters with eight legs exist and how to prevent an encounter with them as much as possible or reduce the danger of such an encounter to a minimum.

10th place – Nephila the gold-weaver

This predatory spider rich story, which begins about 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs still roamed the planet, and on the site of today's world capitals, ferns grew vigorously, or sea waves splashed. Fossil relatives of nephila bore a name similar to it, only with the prefix Jurassica, because they lived just during the Jurassic period, a kind of “golden age” for all representatives of arthropods, which at that time were distinguished by their enormous size, some of them could easily afford to eat a small dinosaur !

Nowadays, the nephila gold weaver no longer reaches large sizes body, maximum - 5 cm, and if you take into account the straightened legs, then all - 14 cm. The head and abdomen of this spider are whitish, and the body is greenish, sometimes with red streaks. “Male” representatives of nephiles have a much more modest size than females, a maximum of 10 mm including legs, which is not so surprising for spiders, in which it is the females who do the “lion’s” share of all responsibilities for reproduction and raising offspring. The golden weaver is named after the fact that this representative of arthropods is capable of weaving huge nets that shine like gold in the sun.

The habitat of nephila is huge; it lives almost everywhere where there is a lot of sun and warmth. Her favorite pastime is weaving golden silk between tree branches, and the strength of such a web is so great that even a small bird can get stuck in it. Man found a use amazing ability this spider, and uses this web as material to create things such as scarves, fishing accessories, and the inhabitants of New Caledonia even feast on nephila, considering it an exquisite delicacy. The goldworm is not poisonous, but its bites are extremely toxic, causing itching and redness of the skin for a long time.

9th place – Brazilian wanderer spider

This representative of arthropods chose such a hot and wet continent like South America. Its characteristic features include the fact that it is not characteristic of sedentary image life, he spends most of his century in constant wanderings and never weaves a web, preferring to hunt “by hand.” Its dimensions, including paws, reach 20 cm, despite the fact that one belly is 8 cm.

Today, two varieties of this huge spider are known, they differ in that one of them prefers to get food by jumping on it and digging into the flesh with sharp mandibles, while the other simply runs, exhausting the future meal, and then devouring the exhausted creature. Omnivore, loves to feast on both other insects and small reptiles or birds, loves bananas. The last point is especially important, since it can often be found in boxes of these fruits, where the wanderer spider ends up by accident, sometimes traveling thousands of kilometers from its home on airplanes. This is truly a telling name.

The toxins contained in the venom of this arachnid are harmful and can cause a fever in the bitten person, a critical increase in blood pressure and convulsions. If the victim is not immediately provided with an antidote, a fatal outcome is possible. However, the temperament of the Brazilian wandering spider is quite calm; it prefers to ignore humans and attacks solely for the purpose of self-defense.

8th place – Spider Baboon

The name of this arachnid was given based on its resemblance to the fingers of such an aggressive monkey as a baboon. It is one of the most dangerous arthropods that live in South America, primarily due to the high toxicity of its poison. Despite the fact that its body reaches barely half a centimeter, its entire size, together with the paw span, is 32 cm. Its color varies depending on living conditions; there are baboon spiders in yellow, black, and gray shades. It can be distinguished by variegated dots on its chitinous carapace and belly. The entire body and limbs of this predator are covered with thick and stiff hairs.

This species is distinguished by such a terrible tendency as cannibalism, that is, relatives are not averse to feasting not only on representatives of other species, such as crickets, butterflies or ants, but also on each other. They are not afraid to attack prey larger than themselves, such as small lizards or amphibians.

Characterized by aggressive, uncontrollable behavior. When attacked, it hisses threateningly, like a snake, and then bites. The toxin released by this spider is extremely harmful to the human body. The bite site instantly turns red, swells, and pulsates painfully. After 2-3 hours, vomiting, dizziness, and partial paralysis of the body begin. Deaths are common.

7th place – Sydney Spider Funnel Web

The small size of this arachnid does not prevent it from being one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. This is due to the fact that the Sydney spider chose, paradoxically, the densely populated city of Sydney, in Australia, as its habitat. And this is at a time when most representatives of the animal world try to avoid human society.

The spider's behavior is most often aggressive, attacking unexpectedly and without hesitation. Sometimes it bites several times so that the victim is sure to die. His fangs are sharp, so the sensation is very painful. Most often it can be found near swimming pools, and if a person does not show due caution, then attempts to get rid of such a “guest” end in bites. Fortunately, at the end of the twentieth century, an antidote to the poison of Funnel Web was invented, and since 1981, no fatal cases have been recorded.

6th place – Colombian purple tarantula

In some ways, this spider is beautiful, unless of course you are an arachnophobe and are not afraid of giant spiders, the size of which, together with the leg span, reaches about 40 cm. The place of residence of this arachnid is the country South America, in particular wet jungle Colombia and Ecuador. This species of tarantula in the wild is on the verge of complete extinction, and those representatives that were bred in captivity are no longer distinguished by such enormous sizes.

A distinctive feature of the Colombian tarantula is a purple tint on the limbs, while its entire body is covered with a velvety lint. It eats amphibians, small rodents and smaller and weaker insects. It does not pose any danger to humans.

5th place – Six-eyed sand spider

A representative of arthropods that is deadly to humans and is best to stay away from. Fortunately, he chose deserted desert areas as his place of residence. South Africa, where almost no human foot steps. Entomologists note that it is typical for the sand spider to bury itself in the sand, waiting for its prey. Sitting in such an impromptu ambush, the six-eyed spider rarely remains hungry.

Is destructive to blood vessels man by poison. The toxins contained in it destroy the walls of blood vessels, which causes internal hemorrhage. Antidotes on this moment not invented. However, as well as evidence of an attack by this spider on a person, which cannot but rejoice.

4th place – Phalanx Spider

This arachnid is popularly called the camel spider or salpuga. In fact, it does not belong to arthropods, but its great similarity forced scientists to classify it in this class. Its head has several humps, which is why it resembles a camel. The habitat is large, in fact, salpuga is found everywhere, except for those difficult to survive climatic zones like Antarctica.

The phalanx feeds on mice, small reptiles and birds. While pursuing the victim, it reaches a speed that is crazy for a spider, about 15 km per hour. The behavior of the camel spider is aggressive; it attacks humans without hesitation. Its bite does not carry any special toxins or poison, but it can infect the blood of the bitten person with cadaveric venom, which accumulates in the mandibles after the salpug’s previous meals. It bites painfully, sometimes several times.

There were frequent cases when the phalanx attacked travelers who spent the night in a tent. In order to prevent the appearance of such an unpleasant guest, it is better to carefully inspect the place of overnight stay for holes in the tarpaulin or loosely covered cracks. If a creature is discovered, then simply driving it out is not enough; it is better to kill it immediately. In case of a bite, the wound must be washed generously with an antiseptic, even vodka or alcohol. If the wound becomes suppurated, you should immediately start using antibiotics.

3rd place – Chilean recluse spider

Habitat: South America, in particular Chile. Although it can often be found in Finland or North America, where it ends up either brought by entomologists who did not keep track of the arachnid, and it escaped, or with shipments of fruit that are brought from South America. Its body color is golden brown, has a small body and long, mobile limbs. Very agility and fast.

In terms of poison, it is one of the deadliest species. It does not exhibit aggressive behavior and rarely attacks people. Although this spider cannot be denied its curiosity, it is not averse to sneaking into people's houses or their clothes. If the owner of the home inadvertently puts on such a thing in which a recluse spider is hiding, he may feel an unexpected and painful bite. The toxins from its venom cause kidney failure. If an antidote is not introduced into the victim’s body in a timely manner, it can lead to a rapid and fatal outcome.

2nd place – Giant crab spider

Lives exclusively in Australia. It prefers to settle under the bark of large trees, under boulders or in shady corners under roof slopes. The size of the arachnid, together with the span of its limbs, reaches about 35-40 cm. Its entire body is covered with small, stiff hair. Its hind limbs are much shorter than its front ones. This is precisely why it reminds entomologists of a crab; moreover, it can move both straight and sideways, which also makes it similar to these ocean inhabitants. Its color is varied and depends on living conditions, but most often it is completely gray or black.

It prefers to feed on smaller arthropods or insects, small amphibians and reptiles. He has a calm disposition and prefers to avoid people, although he can attack if forced. The toxins in its venom are practically harmless to humans. The most they can cause is short-term swelling and itching. If a person is bitten by several of these spiders at once, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting may occur.

1st place – Black Widow

One of the most famous arachnids on the planet. People also call it a “button” spider. Habitat: North America. The female black widow lives for about 5 years; the name of the species is determined by the fact that after mating, the females eat the males. The black widow settles in deserted, abandoned places, such as ravines, rock crevices, and abandoned wooden buildings. You can recognize it by its characteristic pattern in the form of inverted hourglass red on the abdomen. The dimensions of this arthropod are not large, the maximum body length is 1 cm, the leg span is 7 cm. They feed on small insects, which they catch in their web.

Of particular note is the venom of this spider, which is more than 10 times stronger than that of rattlesnake. In the event of a bite, the only thing that saves a person is what the black widow cannot excrete at a time lethal dose neurotoxin. The behavior of the arachnid is aggressive; after a bite, painful sensations immediately occur, which develop into uncontrollable spasms throughout the body. Almost instantly, fever begins and profuse salivation begins. This condition can last from 4 hours to 3 days, depending on the amount of poison that has entered the body and the size of the person bitten. The button spider is especially dangerous for minor children, the elderly and those weakened by illness.

2017.08.12 by

Spiders. Few people have pleasant associations with this word. Spiders are not insects, but animals (such as arthropods, arachnids). Some people find them unpleasant and do not have much sympathy for spiders. Some people generally cannot stand them, considering them vile and terrible. Someone, on the contrary, admires their outstanding abilities and beauty. There are some hobbyists who even breed different types of spiders at home.

But there are such spiders that cause disgust and fear of any person: deadly spiders, which we will talk about now. There are quite a lot of poisonous spiders in nature, some species have not yet been studied, but most are quite well known. In medicine, there are various antidotes for the bites of this unpleasant arthropod, and they are widely used, especially in those countries where encounters with such a “guest” are a common occurrence.

What are the scariest spiders?

1. Yellow (Golden) spider Sak

Small spiders (up to 10 mm) have a translucent golden color. They live mainly in Europe. Due to its size and discreet appearance such a spider can be quite for a long time in the house and be unnoticed. In nature, such spiders build their own house in the form of a pipe bag. Their bites are very dangerous and cause necrotic wounds. They cause a lot of pain. Often a golden spider bite is confused with a brown recluse bite. These spiders are not inclined to attack a person or animal first, but in self-defense they can bite, and then it will not seem like much.

This species does not spin webs or trap its victims in a net. He is not inclined to stop at any one certain place, that’s why it’s called a wanderer. Spiders live mainly in South America. Wanderers are considered the most dangerous looking spiders in the world. Their size is on average 10 cm, it is capable of killing 225 mice with its poison. The bite of a wanderer no longer leads to the death of a person, because... there is an antidote. But still, the bite is quite dangerous and causes severe allergic reaction. The spider has a rather inconspicuous appearance and a sandy coloration, which allows it to hide in nature. He likes to crawl in baskets with bananas, which is why in Brazil he was nicknamed the “banana spider.” It feeds on insects and other spiders, as well as lizards and birds, which are many times larger than it.

3. Brown recluse (fiddle spider)

This type of spider is also especially dangerous to human life and health. Although he is not aggressive and attacks quite rarely, you should still avoid being in the vicinity of such a “guest”. If a bite occurs, the person should be hospitalized immediately, because the poison spreads throughout the body within 24 hours. Small spiders (0.6-2 cm) love dry, dark places: attics, closets, etc. They live mainly in California and other US states. The brown recluse's distinctive feature is its furry "antennae" and three pairs of eyes, whereas most spiders have 8, this one only has 6.

Black Widow, the most dangerous spider, or rather a spider, because females of this species are the most poisonous; it was named so for two reasons: 1. Black color, with small bright spots on the back; 2. After mating, the female kills her partner. Spiders are extremely poisonous. Black widow venom is 15 times more lethal than rattlesnake venom. If a person is bitten by a female, it is necessary to urgently (within 30 seconds) administer an antidote. Black widows have spread throughout the world in desert areas and prairies. Females reach 2 cm.

The largest and beautiful view spiders - tarantulas, are usually not so dangerous to humans. The color of a tarantula can be quite diverse. From gray-brown to bright orange. Sometimes tarantulas have striped colors. You can recognize it by its abundant hairiness. Spiders have an average size of 3-4 cm and feed on small birds. Tarantulas live in steppes and deserts, creating quite deep, moist burrows for themselves. Tarantulas are nocturnal hunters and can easily see their prey in the dark. Some people specifically breed these spiders as “pets”. And what? They keep it at home poisonous snakes, why not practice with spiders?

6. Water spiders

They got their name because of their underwater lifestyle. They live in ponds in Europe and Northern Asia. Spiders of this species are small (up to 1.7 cm), but they swim well. A spider weaves a web underwater, among algae. It preys on various aquatic larvae and crustaceans, but this species is not dangerous to people. The venom of the water spider is quite weak and does not harm humans.

7. Spider crab

In nature there are more than 3 thousand various types spider crab. They are quite beautiful and large, their colors are varied. Usually the color of the habitat. Such a spider can completely merge with the crown of a tree or sandy area. Only the large black beads of eight eyes will give it away. Spiders live mostly in North America, as well as in southern Europe and Asia. The spider crab is not particularly dangerous to people, but since it is confused with the hermit, it is feared more than other species. In addition, his appearance is quite intimidating. Like crabs, these spiders are quite dynamic. They move sideways and backwards. This type of spider does not weave a web, but hunts its victims.

The most terrible spider in the world is not even a giant tarantula, but a Brazilian wandering spider, which takes first place according to the Guinness Book of Records. And the most dangerous is the Black Widow. The poison of these animals is very harmful to humans and can cause death.

The biggest spiders

The huge spider is considered to be Teraphosa Blonda (Tarantula Goliath tarantula). The span of its limbs reaches 28 cm. It feeds on mice, toads, small birds and even snakes. Fortunately, it lives in the forests of Brazil and is unlikely to reach Russia. Although some specifically bring and breed this species at home. Still he loves it wet tropical climate and here he is uncomfortable.

In second place in size is Heteropoda maxima. These spiders reach 25 cm in span. Next is the banana spider - 12 cm. We have already talked a little about it. The next South Russian tarantula lives in Central Asia, as well as in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The wolf spider lives in 30-40 cm holes and hunts its victims without a web. Its body length is 3-4 cm, and its limb span is up to 10 cm. The spider is quite “shaggy”, which is typical for the tarantula family. Its poison is practically not dangerous to humans, but causes a slight swelling at the site of the bite and pain. It is recommended to burn the bite site with a match flame to prevent the poison from spreading under the skin. This tarantula feeds mainly on beetles and insects.

Of the other large spiders that are widespread in our area (CIS, Russia, especially Rostov and Smolensk region, Altai and other places) the cross spider can be distinguished. The spider got its name because of the brightly highlighted white cross on the abdomen. The spider is absolutely not dangerous to humans, although it is of a decent size (2.5 cm). It weaves a circular web and feeds on flies and mosquitoes that accidentally fall into its net.

In general, the spider is not inclined to attack first, so you should not be afraid immediately as soon as you see a scary or poisonous “guest” in your home or somewhere nearby. But it must be remembered that if the spider feels threatened, it can defend itself. According to scientists and eyewitnesses, there are also aggressive poisonous spiders that are ready to attack at any moment.

I wonder if a time will come when man and spider will not harm each other?

data indicate that approximately 6 percent of the world's population is so afraid of spiders that these people can be classified as suffering from arachnophobia. Hollywood loves to use spiders in films that need to add horror and disgust. Some people keep them as pets, while most of us actually benefit from having them around as they help control populations of pests and unwanted insects. Spiders are everywhere - on the street, in our cars, in our homes and even in our beds. Regardless, the myth that we unknowingly eat at least a few spiders in our lives is completely bogus because spiders are not stupid creatures. However, it is quite possible that at this very moment when you are reading this article, there is a spider within a radius of several meters from you and it is most likely not alone.

Depending on who you ask, there are approximately 30,000-40,000 species of spiders in the world. Most of them are harmless to humans. But what about the minority? Yes, there are a relatively small number of spiders that are dangerous to humans, and can even be deadly depending on the specific type. However, it is worth remembering that in all those cases where people were harmed by spiders, the spiders did not hunt people and did not specifically try to attack. Imagine the following situation - if a stranger appeared out of nowhere and grabbed you on the street, what would you do? You probably wouldn't hug him. The spider feels the same way.

Therefore, taking into account the fact that there are no killer spiders on Earth, let's find out which of them are the most dangerous spiders in the world. In this article we will talk about the fifteen most dangerous spiders in the world. Some of them are on this list because they have very strong poison, others got here because they are very aggressive and prefer to stay in place and fight rather than run away if approached. There are also huge spiders, small, fluffy and smooth ones - a wide variety of spiders that require careful handling when handling them.

15. Blond's teraphosa or Goliath birdeater (Goliath Birdeater Tarantula)

Given its name, it seems that this spider is deadly, doesn't it? However, it is not. Its name only means that spiders of this species are very large in size. In fact, their diameter can reach 30 centimeters. Another interesting fact is that this tarantula often feeds on other insects and only occasionally on small mice or lizards that it encounters. Like other species of tarantulas, the goliath tarantula does release venom when it bites, but its venom is not fatal to humans. The main danger to people is the hairs on the back of this spider. Frightened, the goliath tarantula rubs its abdomen with its hind legs and shoots a cloud of hairs resembling tiny needles into the air. These small spikes can get into your respiratory tract and eyes, causing you to feel discomfort for quite a long time.

14. Indian Ornamental Tarantula

Another tarantula, although this one “only” grows to 18 centimeters in leg span. This spider lives primarily in India, usually in trees, where it hunts its prey. If we talk about this species in terms of keeping it as a pet, then, according to experts, it is clearly not suitable for beginners in this matter. This is partly due to the fact that spiders of this species always take a defensive position at the slightest disturbance and can become quite aggressive if they feel threatened. They are also believed to have the most potent venom of all tarantulas. Victims who are bitten experience muscle spasms, chest pain, and flu-like symptoms that can last for many days or even weeks after the bite.

13. King Baboon Tarantula

Like the Fringed Ornamented Tarantula, the King Baboon is another tarantula that is not recommended for those new to spider keeping as a pet. And all because the King Baboon is famous for its aggressive disposition, and its venom, although not fatal to humans, can cause pain for several days after the bite. It is this species that, when sensing any threat, moves back and rubs its paws, making a sound that means the last warning before the attack. Despite this, they don't go out of their way to bite people. The leg span of this spider can reach approximately 20 centimeters. They feed mainly on insects, lizards, mice and small birds. The Baboon Kings are found primarily in eastern Africa, so most of us won't be able to meet them in wildlife, but we can see him at the zoo or with a friend who is interested in keeping exotic pets.

12. Redback Spider

At first glance this little spider looks like black Widow. The female is black with a red stripe on her back and a red-orange hourglass pattern on her abdomen. However, this is not a black widow at all. The redback spider is endemic to Australia, but has spread to other countries such as Japan, New Zealand and Belgium. Despite the fact that the diameter of its body reaches only 1 centimeter, this little spider It is far from harmless and its bite can be very serious for humans. After its bite, people feel pain, muscle spasms, bouts of nausea and constantly sweat. Fortunately, like other spiders, this dangerous little guy does not seek out people, but prefers to feed on all the insects that come his way, from flies to cockroaches and other spiders, and even sometimes snacks on lizards.

11. Brown Widow

This spider, which scientists believe first appeared in Africa or South America, is a relative of the more famous black widow. This small spider lives over a fairly wide area and has been seen in areas from Thailand to Australia. So what's scary about it? Well, maybe he’s not as scary as the black widow, because unlike her, the brown widow’s poison is not so strong. More precisely, its neurotoxic venom is as powerful as that of a black widow, but this particular species cannot inject the same amount of venom during a bite as a black widow. However, when it bites a person, its venom remains at the site of the bite rather than spreading throughout the limb or body of the person it bites.

10. American Hobo Spider

No, this spider does not ride trains, does not eat beans from a can, and does not beg people for change. In fact, scientists still don't know much about this species, so the question of whether it is deadly to humans is still a hotly debated topic in the scientific world. Research in the United States has shown that the majority of bites attributed to the brown recluse spider in the United States are actually bites from the American wandering spider. This is because the bite of this spider is believed to cause necrosis (decomposition of skin and tissue), although to a lesser extent than the bite of the brown recluse spider. Other symptoms include headaches, fatigue and vision problems.

9. Brown Recluse

Given that there is debate in the scientific world about the differences between the American wandering spider and the brown recluse spider, it is worth considering the latter on our list. On average, the size of this spider is two centimeters, and it does not have a frightening appearance at all, like the tarantulas described above. However, this little guy is very dangerous and is much more common than you might think. It is native to the southeastern United States and prefers to make its home in old buildings, woodpiles, or any other places that are dry and abandoned for a long time. This is not an aggressive spider and its bite is rarely felt by humans. Most people who are bitten feel various symptoms, among which we can note pain, tissue swelling, nausea, heat or rash. Studies have shown that a third of this spider's bites cause tissue necrosis, and in rare cases, organ failure has occurred in victims. Only a few cases of death from this spider's bite have been reported.

8. Bishop's Widow (Red (Legged) Widow)

Bishop's widow's body size is 1.25 centimeters, and her paw span is 5 centimeters. This spider, like other members of the black widow genus, is small in size. These spiders differ from other species of their genus bright color and a pattern on the paws and body. This particular species lives exclusively in Florida and is on the verge of extinction due to the growing population and the corresponding expansion of infrastructure. There is not a single recorded case of a human being bitten by this spider, due to its limited habitat and rare contact with humans. Nevertheless, laboratory research showed that the venom of these spiders can be no less dangerous to humans than the toxins in the venom of the black widow.

7. Black Widow

The black widow is quite possibly one of the most famous dangerous spiders in the world. These spiders have a black body color with a red hourglass pattern on the abdomen. The black widow lives throughout Mexico, the United States and southern parts Canada. Popular culture and misinformation have led to exaggeration of this spider's capabilities in media headlines mass media. Many people believe that the bite of this spider leads to inevitable death. If we talk about small children and elderly people, there have actually been several cases of deaths from the bite of spiders of this species. However, most people only experience pain and swelling of the tissue at the site of the bite. A small number of people reported more serious symptoms such as chills, nausea, vomiting, seizures and fever - meaning a black widow bite can have the same impact on your body as eating at an Arby's.

6. Australian Ground Spider (Mouse Spider)

This spider got its name because it was previously thought that it digs holes for itself like rodents. Like many creepy creatures, this spider is found primarily in Australia, but can also be found on other continents, including South America, although not in such numbers. They are often confused with the funnel-web water spider due to their similar appearance. If you are bitten by this type of spider, you are strongly advised to seek immediate medical attention. medical care, since they fall into the category of dangerous to human life. Their bites can cause severe illness and symptoms similar to those of the redback spider, another endemic to Australia.

5. Chilean Recluse Spider

The Chilean recluse spider, which originally lived only in South America, has now reached North America, parts of Europe and, of course, Australia. Overall, it is considered the deadliest of all recluse spiders. Like its North American relative, the Chilean recluse spider prefers abandoned places such as old barns and woodpiles. However, he still encounters people and his bites are the result of such accidental contacts. The bite of the Chilean recluse spider is very painful, some compare it to a cigarette burn. One in ten people die from its bite, but the rest experience severe pain and sometimes suffer necrosis, which takes many months to heal.

4. Northern Funnelweb Spider

When discussing why people suffering from arachnophobia should not visit Australia, we simply have to mention the northern tree funnel-web spider. This is the most close-up view funnel web spiders in Australia. It is found in Queensland and New South Wales. Sensing any threat, these large spiders, like in a Hollywood horror movie scene, rear up and bare their fangs (which are often dripping with poison). In most cases of bites, the victim will experience symptoms similar to severe poisoning, but experts believe that this spider could very well be deadly. If you're lucky, your symptoms will be limited to "just" nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, and pain at the site of the bite.

3. Six-Eyed Sand Spider

Spiders of this species can grow up to five centimeters in diameter, and they live, as you probably already guessed, in the deserts and sandy areas of Africa. Just like camels, these spiders can live for a long time without water and food - according to researchers, up to one year. The six-eyed sand spider buries itself in the sand (a fun process to watch) and waits patiently for its prey to come close enough. The bite of this spider is especially dangerous to humans. This is because the venom of the six-eyed sand spider is a powerful hemolytic-necrotic toxin that thins the blood, leads to tissue breakdown and causes rupture of blood vessels. Even worse, there is no antidote for this poison.

2. Sydney Funnelweb Spider

Look, another dangerous spider from Australia. The Sydney funnel web spider is found within a 100 kilometer radius of Sydney, Australia. The body of this spider grows up to 5 centimeters, not including its legs. As a rule, this spider lives in open areas, on trees, in stumps or under stones. Heavy rains can force them to change their location, which leads to meetings with people. The Sydney funnel web spider will not specifically attack, but if it feels threatened, it will instantly display aggressive behavior by rearing up and baring its fangs. When biting, this spider digs in with all its might and bites many times in a row. Often it has to be knocked down or torn away from the area of ​​the body into which it has embedded itself. The male's venom is extremely poisonous and when he bites, he injects particularly large doses of poison. Symptoms include sweating, nausea, vomiting, pain, low blood pressure, poor circulation and respiratory failure.

1. Brazilian Wandering Spider

In first place is a spider, whose venom is considered the most deadly in the world. It lives in the tropical regions of Central and South America. The span of its paws reaches 15 centimeters. If it feels threatened, this spider rears up, raises its front pairs of legs high in the air and displays its fangs. While other spiders also rear up in a defensive posture, the Brazilian wandering spider never backs down and will lunge at anything that gets too close to it. In addition to the incredibly painful bite, victims of this spider's bite experience tissue swelling, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, seizures, hypothermia and profuse sweating. In severe cases, people lose muscle control and experience paralysis and suffocation. It is interesting that the bite of this spider causes very strong and long erections in men. As a result, leading researchers are studying the Brazilian wandering spider in hopes of finding a cure for erectile dysfunction.

Poisonous spiders in Russia are not such a rare phenomenon. A meeting with them can end in quite a lot of trouble, including a hospital bed and even death. The latter happens rarely and only in the case of untimely or incorrectly provided assistance.

There are no disagreements here either among specialists or among ordinary people no and cannot be. Karakurt is the only one of all the representatives of arthropods living in the vast expanses of our country whose bite can be fatal.


Only females reaching a size of 15-20 mm are dangerous to humans. They have two distinctive signs that prevent karakurts from being confused with other representatives of arthropods. There are exactly 13 bright spots or dots on the upper side of the black abdomen. Naturally, there is no time to count them, but the very combination of black with bright spots should serve as a signal of danger. On the underside of the abdomen there is one equally bright spot in the shape of an hourglass.


Karakurts are thermophilic. They live on Southern Urals, in the Caucasus and in the Black Sea regions. However, in Lately The habitat of this spider has spread to more northern regions Russia, right up to the Moscow region. This is explained by global warming, but more optimistic scientists are confident that this only happens in very hot years, and not always.

Consequences of a bite

Karakurt, which has a very strong poison, unlike other spiders, is very aggressive and bites not only for the purpose of self-defense. He can attack purposefully, so you should not only tease him, but also approach him with great caution. The bite itself is very painful, and after 10-15 minutes the pain spreads throughout the person’s body and becomes almost unbearable.

If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, which consists of administering a special serum, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, fever, headache and dizziness, tremors, profuse sweating, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

First aid

The only thing that can be done for the victim is to take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

Other poisonous spiders of Russia

In the vastness of the Russian Federation, you can meet other representatives of arthropods that are capable, if not of killing a person with their bite, then of causing a lot of painful sensations.

Bagworm (bag spider). This spider is aggressive enough to attack even in the absence of direct danger. The bite is not fatal, but is accompanied by very severe pain, which can spread very quickly throughout almost the entire body.

Pouch spider

False black widow. First of all, it is dangerous because it often gets into living quarters. After the bite, acute, prolonged pain, weakness and fever are felt. Symptoms may last up to two days.

As you can see, poisonous spiders are far from uncommon in Russia, but only the female karakurt should be greatly feared. You can easily cope with the consequences of bites from other arachnids on your own. However, seeing a doctor is highly recommended.

First aid for a spider bite

Not everyone can distinguish one type of spider from another, despite the fact that the colors and patterns on their abdomens are different. And they all differ from each other in size and length of their legs. However, often people begin to panic and simply do not pay attention to what their offender looks like.

In most cases, symptoms begin to appear quite quickly and first aid should also be prompt, but thoughtful.

  1. The first thing to do is wash the wound with soapy water.
  2. The next action should be aimed at preventing the spread of the poison. This is achieved in two ways: immobilize the affected limb with a splint and apply a tight bandage above the bite site, thereby reducing blood circulation.
  3. It is worth applying a cold compress to the wound itself, which will also delay the action and spread of the poison.
  4. Drinking more will also be a reducing factor. It will also help remove poison from the body.
  5. In order to relieve painful symptoms, you can give the victim an aspirin tablet.

Having done all this, there is no need to calm down. It is imperative to take the victim to a doctor, even if he is a few kilometers away. The clinic will provide more qualified assistance and will be able to take emergency measures in case of complications.

Of course, you can add some more aspects, covering the question: are there poisonous spiders in Russia and what to do if you encounter them. But this information will be for specialists. Ordinary people need to remember that under no circumstances should they play and have fun with spiders. But you shouldn’t just destroy them either.

Many people are afraid of something in their life. For some it is less pronounced, while for others, on the contrary, it is a real phobia. Or a panicky fear of something, which is accompanied by uncontrollable behavior of the frightened person.

Fear of spiders (arachnophobia) is present in five percent of the entire population of our planet. But, oddly enough, spiders are actually not the most scary inhabitants globe. In addition, most of them pose absolutely no danger to humans. They don't attack first. And in case of a bite, the consequences will be like a mosquito bite, and maybe there won’t even be a pimple at all. But, despite the safety of arachnids in general, there are species that are truly dangerous. They can cause serious health problems and even kill the person they bite. This is due to the powerful neurotoxic substance contained in their venom. So, below, we present to your attention a list of the ten most dangerous spiders in the world.

10. Sand six-eyed spider

Considered fatal and dangerous. But, fortunately, he lives in deserted African deserts. Therefore, a person rarely has a chance to encounter this arthropod, much less be bitten by it. A series of experiments conducted by scientists with the venoms of this spider showed that the substance breaks down and destroys all living tissues. But so far there is not a single recorded case of a human being bitten by this spider. Therefore, no one knows the exact consequences.

9. Spider mouse

Mostly found in Australia. So interesting name it was given to him in ancient times. People were sure that it was capable of digging holes in the ground, like a mouse, and they named the spider after the animal. Nowadays, this myth has already been dispelled and everyone knows that this spider has nothing in common with mice and it does not dig holes. But the name still stuck. The venom of this spider is quite strong, but it bites very rarely. And in cases when someone is bitten by this representative of spiders, there is always the opportunity to introduce an antidote and avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

8. Katipo

He has a very calm, balanced character. By nature, this type of spider is very shy, so they try in every possible way to avoid unwanted encounters with people. If, sometimes, bites from representatives of this species occur, they are inflicted by females. Females are much larger than males and more hot-tempered. Although, usually, they also do not want to conflict and try to escape in time.

7. Brown Recluse Spider

Usually lives in North America. Scientists also consider its poison to be quite dangerous. Since its bite may well lead to the death of children, the elderly or people with allergies and weak bodies. Strong hemotoxin, getting into circulatory system, from the inside begins to destroy internal organs and muscle tissue. When a healthy adult receives a bite, they usually do not experience any special consequences. In addition, there is a serum against this poison.

6. Hobo Spider

Never comes into a person's field of vision intentionally. And even more so, he never attacks anyone just like that. The female of this spider can bite if she feels a threat to her offspring. She usually sits next to the cocoon and protects her unborn babies. According to arachnologists (spider specialists), this species is considered dangerous due to the neurotoxin contained in the spider's venom. which can cause damage internal organs person, and in some cases - death.

5. Redback Spider

Is distant relative black widow, occupies fifth position in the ranking. It is no less safe than the widow or hermit, but a good antidote has been developed against its poison. Therefore, fatal cases due to its bite are last years not registered at all. It is named so because of the red stripe on its shiny black body that runs along the top of its belly. The habitat of this species is in certain parts of Australia.

4. Chilean hermit

One of the largest recluse spiders in the world. In addition to its impressive size, it also stands out among its peers due to its stronger poison. True, its bite rarely leads to death, but unpleasant consequences may continue for a long time. Out of hundreds of bite cases, up to four of them are fatal.

3. Black Widow

Found in most countries, with warm and temperate climate. It is most common in North America, where it has the status of the most poisonous spider in the country. The venom of this representative of spiders is quite powerful, but not particularly lethal. Usually, out of a hundred people bitten, only about five people die. Although her poison is not as strong as that of the two previous representatives, it is quite noticeable. And upon contact with an unwary person, the black widow does not lose the opportunity to bite. By the way, the species received its name for the reason that after the act of fertilization, the female eats her partner.


Lives in warm Australia, takes second place in this top. There are about forty varieties of representatives of this species. These spiders were given their name because of their manner of building a shelter out of webs. They make a web funnel among bushes or stones at a short distance from the ground. The bite of a representative of this species is very dangerous and will certainly have Negative consequences for human health. But these spiders are very cowardly and non-conflicting. They never attack and even if they are touched, they simply try to run away. Bite is the last resort to escape from an attacker.

1. Brazilian spider

The Brazilian spider or wandering spider, which is better known in its homeland as the “banana spider,” is considered the most dangerous on the planet. It is officially recognized as the most poisonous spider in the world. Where it can be found is clear from its name. But it happens that he is brought with exported products far beyond the borders of his homeland. Fortunately, the spider itself does not attack people and only bites in defense. But, according to scientists, a tenth of a portion of this creature’s poison can easily kill an adult mouse. So a bite from an adult representative of the species is quite capable of leading to death, in the case of a person. This is one of the few spiders that can even kill a person. In any case, the consequences after his bite will not be the most pleasant. So, you need to try to avoid meeting such a big handsome man
