Top 10 most dangerous herbivores in the world. top animals


Exotic safari is one of the most popular tourist attractions. After all, there is little that can compare with the sight of a proud lion that stalks in the African twilight. However, it is quite easy to forget that many of these animals can be extremely dangerous.

While these animals rarely attack unless provoked, there are plenty of cases of injury and death from them to send shivers down your spine.

The most dangerous animals in the world. Hippopotamus.

The hippopotamus is a huge semiaquatic mammal, although much of its bulk is often hidden underwater, leaving only prominent nostrils and eyes. To cool their huge bodies from the scorching African heat, hippos spend about 16 hours a day basking in rivers or reservoirs. They are quite graceful swimmers, and it is not surprising that the Greeks called them " river horses".

Why should we be afraid of these seemingly calm animals? First, according to statistics hippos kill more people in Africa every year than any other animal. If you are suddenly unfortunate enough to be near a hippopotamus and its water territory, you may have a frightening experience. At short distances, hippopotamuses can match the speed of humans, and they are not very friendly to people who stand in their way.

To be fair, the only time you really need to worry is when you're roaming an unfenced game reserve in the middle of the night, or paddling your rickety canoe down a hippo-infested riverbed. Most The best advice given by experts is to stay away from them..

The largest populations of these amazing animals can be found in East African countries such as Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique. The Zambezi River is also well known for its high concentrations of hippos, and one of the best places to see hippos and other animals is Manna Pools National Park in Zimbabwe.

The most dangerous animals on the planet . Indian cobra.

The Indian cobra is one of the most famous venomous snakes in India. She can be found in Indian mythology and culture and is recognized as a powerful Hindu deity. In addition, it is often used by Indian snake charmers. The Indian cobra is one of the snakes" big four"(along with the Malayan krait, Russell's viper and efs), which causes the highest number of snakebite cases in the country.

So what happens if you are inadvertently bitten by one of these super-venomous snakes? The postsynaptic neurotoxin paralyzes your muscles, and if you're really unlucky, it can lead to breathing problems and cardiac arrest. Cobra venom can kill in less than an hour.

If that doesn't scare you, you can find these beautiful snakes in jungles, plains, fields, cities and snake charmers' baskets all over India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

Top most dangerous animals. Polar bear.

Despite the fact that these animals look very cute and fluffy, do not hesitate polar bears are fierce predators. With incredible camouflage, webbed toes for walking on ice, huge forepaws that work like paddles when swimming, and non-retractable claws for digging in the snow, these huge carnivores quickly manage their prey, which, as a rule, are ringed seals. They have adapted well to the cold arctic conditions, and when food is scarce, they can fall into a state similar to hibernation.

There were cases when polar bears attacked people, and this led to multiple injuries and even death. And, despite the fact that such cases are not typical, it serves as a vivid reminder of the power of these predators.

Polar bears live in the Arctic, ranging from Canada to Norway, in the USA and Russia.

The most dangerous animals in the world (video). Salted crocodile.

With a weight of up to 1000 kg and a length of more than 6 meters, the combed crocodile is considered the largest reptile in the world. These predators are surprisingly well adapted to life in the water.

Their long, muscular tail and webbed hind feet help them move through the water with ease, while their nostrils, eyes, and ears, located on top of their heads, allow them to stealthily seek out prey.

The hinged palatal concha at the back of the throat allows them to feed in the water, and its incredible powerful jaws can handle even the toughest prey.

Clearly marked crocodile habitats and strict rules regarding swimming make crocodile attacks on humans quite rare.

In fact, very often the opposite happens, that is, the crocodile can die at the hands of ignorant people. However, in any case, you should not approach the crocodile too close.

As a rule, the combed crocodile lives in brackish waters near rivers and coasts. These crocodiles are widespread and inhabit the coastal waters of Sri Lanka, the east coast of India, southeast Asia and northern Australia.

The most dangerous animals on the planet. A lion.

The African lion is the largest cat on the continent, most often the subject of attention of safari lovers. With a weight of about 120-240 kg, sharply retractable claws, a powerful upper body and sharp teeth, these crouching felines, seems to be designed to kill. Lions hunt alone or in cooperative groups called prides, which are usually led by an older lioness. They chase their prey until they get close enough to attack, then lunge at their potential "supper", knocking it to the ground before making a death grip around the throat.

known cases when lions attacked and killed people. Terrifying stories of lion attacks can strike fear, no matter how often it happened.

Yet lions are admirable for their predatory power. Lions can be seen in many African parks in Kenya and Botswana, and their highest concentration is recorded in Tanzania and Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Rating of the most dangerous animals. African buffalo.

Despite the fact that the African buffalo has similar characteristics to cattle, one should not mistakenly assume that these ungulates are calm and tame. Buffaloes can form massive herds, which gives them advantages in terms of numbers. It often happens that the herd begins to protect its relative from attacks from powerful predators such as lions.

Buffaloes are impressive, huge herbivores with thick horns and clear eyes. Hunters have included the buffalo in the "Big Five" list, as these bulky animals are very dangerous to hunt, especially if injured when they attack.

The area of ​​distribution of buffalo is very wide and the most numerous populations are found in sub-Saharan Africa, including Serengeti National Park and Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania and Masai Mara reserve in Kenya and Kruger National Park in South Africa.

The most dangerous marine animals. Box jellyfish.

Box jellyfish won the honorary title" the most poisonous creature in the ocean". Not exactly a jellyfish, she possesses a series of long tentacles, which can be up to three meters long, adorned with microscopic stingers that can cause unbearable pain or quick death in an unfortunate victim.

It's believed that the venom of this animal is enough to kill 60 people. And although not many people have fallen victim to untimely death from box jellyfish tentacles, contact with this poisonous representative can cause death before you even get to shore.

If, despite everything, you want to admire the box jellyfish, you will need to take care of the underwater equipment. Box jellyfish live in Australia and New Guinea, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Top most dangerous animals in the world. Fat-tailed scorpion.

scorpions of the genus Androctonus considered to be very dangerous animals several lives are claimed each year. The name of this scorpion comes from a large tail, on which there is a powerful sting for injecting poison into the victim.

One of the reasons this scorpion is considered dangerous is its proximity to human habitation. Unfortunately, these representatives often hide in the crevices of stone or brick walls. If you are a fan of studying scorpions, then you can find it in many countries in Asia and North Africa, including Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

The most dangerous animals in Africa. Elephant.

If you are in the reserve, then it will not be difficult for you to spot these colossal thick-skinned representatives. African elephants are largest land mammals on earth and can form herds consisting of more than 100 representatives. An adult male African elephant weighs about 6 tons, and the height at the withers is just over 3 m.

Elephants are charismatic creatures that form close social bonds and use complex vocalizations to communicate. Unfortunately, human encroachment on elephant territory has led to many conflicts. Thus, between 2000 and 2004 in the Indian state Jharkhand There have been over 300 recorded cases of elephants killing humans. Some scientists believe that elephant attacks on humans are caused by severe trauma, which was facilitated by shooting, poaching, and habitat loss.

However, meeting an elephant on a safari is an exciting and beautiful sight. If you want to see African elephants, you can choose from 37 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Asian elephants can be found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

What animal is the most dangerous. Mosquito.

It is unlikely that you will want to meet this mosquito. The best cure is prevention, so if you're going to visit African countries known for malaria outbreaks, it's best to stock up on mosquito repellents.

In action films, you can often see the ferocity of sharks and the most dangerous spiders. But if you look, take into account the facts, it becomes clear that it is not cinematic animals that pose a danger to people.

In today's article, we will tell you which animals are the most dangerous not in the movies, but in real life.

Polar bear

The polar bear is the strongest and largest predator on land. Its weight reaches up to 1.5 tons. In appearance, a white and fluffy bear poses a great danger to people. For him, man is prey, delicious food; and that makes the beast unsafe. Every year, up to 30 people die in the clawed paws of a polar bear.

Black Mamba

The poisonous black mamba is capable of moving at speeds of over 11 km/h. Her throws to the object of hunting are fast and often deadly. 30 minutes after the bite, a person experiences paralysis and respiratory arrest. The antidote for the black mamba appeared relatively recently, so fewer people died from its bite. The snake is inherently aggressive in nature, so meeting with it should be avoided.

blue ringed octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is prone to aggression, and its poisonousness and the fact that there is no vaccine against its toxins makes it dangerous. Therefore, it is better to never meet such a marine inhabitant.

black buffalo

Black (African) buffalo has massive horns, and its weight can reach 1.5 tons. Even lions, not to mention other predators, prefer not to mess with a herd of buffaloes. Africans believe that more people die every year because of buffaloes than because of lions.

poison dart frogs

Arrow frogs have a bright color. Their color in itself hints that they are dangerous. A drop of their poison is enough for a dozen people to go to another world. The danger of these amphibians is also that their toxins penetrate not only through the blood, but also into the pores. For scientific purposes, researchers study poison dart frogs in special protective suits.


Not all elephants are kind and calm. Their mood changes quickly, and in anger the elephant is very dangerous. It can easily crush a person, ruin a dwelling (especially a temporary one) and transport. Elephants sometimes have fits of rage that last for months. Because of their changeable mood in African countries, entire villages were evacuated.


Mosquitoes are also included in the list of dangerous inhabitants of the Earth. Every year they infect about 700 million people with malaria. Every year, about 2.5 million deaths are recorded from the disease carried by mosquitoes. Even through the fault of the lions, so many people do not die.

combed crocodile

Male combed crocodile reach 3.5 m in length. But scientists recorded meetings with individuals up to 7 m long. This is a real hunter. The crocodile has well-developed eyesight, hearing and maneuverability. Units are saved from his attacks.


Hippopotamuses are distinguished by a frequent bad mood and a tendency to aggression, in a fit of which they will not spare a person.

Hippos like to settle near villages and water bodies, so the locals are always on the lookout. More than one case has been recorded when hippos attacked a boat passing by. Every year there are about 1000 skirmishes with hippos, many of them have an unpleasant outcome for people.

snail cone

Among snails there is also a predator, which is called a cone. It has a rich and attractive color. Often people pick up a beautiful snail, unaware of the great danger.

The disturbed cone stings the person with its tooth. Toxins quickly spread throughout the body, if the antidote is not administered in time, the person will die.

Not all representatives of the flora are harmless, although, at times, they seem so at first glance. With which of them it is better not to meet in reality, we told in today's article.

If you think that we forgot about some animal, we will be glad if you continue the list.

The animal world of the Earth is as diverse and delightful as it is dangerous and amazing. It is hard to believe that representatives of so many food chains can coexist on one planet. There are insects, and reptiles, and mammals. At the same time, small individuals often pose a danger to human life. Indeed, the most dangerous animals in the world are not giants at all. Much scarier and more disturbing for us is a meeting with representatives of the reptile fauna. After all, it is scorpions and snakes that are a potential threat due to the presence of poison. However, spiders and mosquitoes are also quite a serious threat. We offer you to get acquainted with 20 creatures, the meeting with which suggests trouble.

20 most dangerous creatures on the planet


Costa Rica

Opens the top 20 dangerous animals on the planet with a frog called the Spotted Dart Frog. Most often, this individual is found in Costa Rica and Brazil. The danger to humans is the poison that the toads carry. One bite is enough to kill two huge elephants and twenty people. At the same time, cases of death of people only from the touch of a frog are recorded in history. That is, the creation is covered with poison, which instantly affects our body.



As you already understood, not only large, but also small creatures are fraught with a threat to human life. These include the Banana Spider, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most sinister killer in history. From the poison of this small creature, most people on the planet died. In this case, the insect does not have a specific place of residence. It can be found in any areas covered with vegetation. However, the homeland of the Banana Spider can be called Brazil, where palm trees are most concentrated. Such individuals must be known by sight.


The most dangerous animals on Earth, scientists include ring-shaped octopuses. Despite the small size and harmless shape of the ball, these animals are able to instantly kill a person. They attack quite aggressively. At the same time, they glow at night. However, the octopus develops high speed, which makes it difficult to dodge the attack. After the defeat, the person instantly loses his sight and dies of suffocation. The paralyzing poison takes effect after 1 minute.


Australia and Indonesia

After three minutes from the sting of a sea wasp, a person begins to show problems with the functioning of the brain. We are talking about a cold-blooded killer that causes acute pain. Incredible torment is due to an excess of poison, which is concentrated in the tentacles of the animal. In addition to hellish pain, a person struck by a jellyfish experiences dizziness and nausea. Rescuers claim that the sea wasp leaves deep scars after being bitten. When meeting, it is important to have time to get to land after the defeat. The sea wasp takes 1st place in the ranking of the most poisonous animals on our planet!


This is one of the most dangerous reptiles. This is due not so much to toxicity as to the aggressiveness of the individual. The size of the snake is 2 meters. Unlike her relatives, she is not a passive hunter. This cold-blooded creature can attack on its own, even seek out a victim. At the same time, it is almost impossible to duck from an attack, because the snake moves quickly and attacks to the last. There is an antidote, but it is unlikely to help, because the Egyptian cobra can bite up to 12 times one person.


Europe Asia

The most dangerous animal in Russia is the brown bear. Terrible with its fangs and powerful jaws, the predator lives not only in North America, but also in Asia and Europe. The habits and instincts of northern, or rather polar bears, are extremely difficult to determine. We are talking about an omnivore, a carnivore that eats, as a rule, animals. However, history knows numerous cases when people became victims. Running from bears is almost useless. They accelerate to 60 kilometers per hour.


Elephants are considered by many to be friendly animals. Of course, it is, but not in the case of the African representatives of the giants. Every year this animal kills about five hundred people, piercing the bodies with its huge tusks. We are talking about the largest mammal, which from time to time experiences aggression. Previously, this was not the case, but in recent decades something has changed. Probably, this behavior is due to the relationship of man to nature.


It would be strange not to see a lion in this rating of dangerous creatures of the Earth. The king of animals, which belongs to the cat family, is the best predator and hunter in many countries. These animals are capable of accelerating up to 50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, their sizes can be up to 150-250 kilograms. At the same time, from time to time there are individuals who are distinguished by an excess of aggression. In particular, a lion lived in Kenya, which killed 135 people in a year. Later it was liquidated by hunters.


In the vastness of the oceans, you can find amazing wildlife, which includes piranhas and fugas. The last individual is considered the most dangerous due to the excess of poison. Given that this ranking is based on the number of fatalities, we can't forget the poisonous fish that is the favorite delicacy of hundreds of thousands of Japanese. In this case, the slightest mistake of the cook can lead to the death of the client. And such cases are registered annually. In many restaurants, improper preparation of fugue leads to paralysis and death. Instant.


North America

By itself, this bear is unlikely to be among the most dangerous animals for humans, since it does not seek to kill. But, if for some reason someone enters its territory, problems cannot be avoided. It attacks instantly if it senses danger or suspects that they are planning to take away food from it. He does not know how to climb trees, so a person has an advantage. Grizzlies are too big to climb. At the same time, a thin tree is unlikely to help, because it has enough power to uproot it. The most dangerous are females. They will do anything to protect the kids, while attacking even when there is no reason to suspect the guests of hostility.


In the ranking of dangerous animals, the Black Widow cannot be ignored. This is one of the most poisonous spiders on the planet, a meeting with which suggests a fatal outcome for humans. Small, but very poisonous creatures are found mainly in North America. The fact that males practically do not do any harm is important, they do not differ in aggressiveness. As a rule, it is females that bite, which are easy to distinguish by larger sizes - the length of the paws can reach 5 centimeters. As you already understood, the danger lies in the neurotoxin contained in the venom - it is 15 times more powerful than that of a rattlesnake. Recognizing a bite is extremely simple - an acute burning sensation immediately occurs, followed by pain in the abdominal cavity.

There are plenty of reasons to be afraid of this ground bull. One of the most dangerous mammals can weigh up to 800 kilograms, reaching a height of 3 meters. Females are much smaller and therefore less dangerous. The largest representatives of the family live near the Bering Sea. Small polar bears live advantageously on Svalbard. These animals differ from their relatives by their flat head, black skin and long neck. The color of the noise may vary depending on the climate and the season of the year. The theory is still spreading among scientists that their cover absorbs ultraviolet rays. It is probably for this reason that they may appear dark in ultraviolet photography. Faced with a large representative on its territory, it is extremely difficult to escape even with the help of trees, since they are able to uproot them.

As soon as a person began to explore the water expanses of the Earth, the shark is considered one of the most dangerous animals in the ocean. Today, a huge number of stories regarding the meeting of people with sharks are interpreted, there are rumors and legends, however. We are talking about merciless killers, among which there are about 350 different species of animals. Top 3 bloodthirstiness are:

  • hammerhead shark;
  • Tiger shark;
  • White shark.

The latter is the most terrible, found in temperate waters. The white shark has an oblong shape, an enlarged upper lobe. In order not to sow panic, scientists assure that the risks of meeting a predator with a person are minimal. At the same time, official statistics say that from 30 to 200 people die every year only from white shark attacks.

By far the most dangerous dog in the world is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, which can weigh between 50 and 110 kilograms. A large dog is not afraid of cold, hunger and is distinguished by aggression. Her bold, decisive and persistent nature scares even professional trainers. However, the dog is trainable, and with a close owner, there is hardly any reason for harm to a passer-by, but an unwanted guest should worry about his own life. The owner of a devoted dog is one, and even the slightest command can be enough for the dog to attack a bear or a wolf. It is important to educate a puppy from early childhood. After some time, the character can no longer be corrected by anything.

This animal has many names. At the same time, not many people know that this type of bull is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa due to uncontrolled behavior and huge size. The power of the African buffalo delights and frightens. Just imagine a pile of muscles rushing at a wild speed right at you. The weight of males can reach 1200 kilograms, and the height at the withers is about 1.8 meters. Forest inhabitants are much smaller than the inhabitants of the shroud, but even they are afraid of people, and behave extremely anxiously. It is worth saying that these bulls have good adaptive abilities. They can be found even in the mountains at an altitude of up to 3000 meters. However, far from water bodies, they are extremely rare. They live in places with an annual rainfall of up to 250 millimeters per year.

This insect has been a legend for many centuries. No wonder, because a dangerous creature is a carrier of a terrible disease. Tsetse can be distinguished from any other fly by four features.

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In the list of the greatest killers of the human race on the planet, a shy child, hiding in the soul of any adult, brings creatures with strong fangs and claws, impressive muscles and body sizes. Lions, white sharks, crocodiles, bears and wolves… probably, most of you, the guests of the Svagor blog, consider these creatures to be the most monstrous - but figurines! To recognize the twenty most dangerous creatures on Earth will help faceless statistics. Go!

20th place. The heroine of the epic film "Jaws" is a white shark - and all its smaller brothers from the shark family. In the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers (I was not mistaken, freshwater sharks exist) of our planet, about 7-10 people die from shark teeth every year. Without a doubt, humanity is protected from sharks by its land-based lifestyle. And, contrary to the announcements of the yellow media, these predatory fish do not show special food interest to people.

19th place. Leopards, they are leopards, they are also panthers. A greatly enlarged version of the domestic Barsik in ordinary life is not interested in human prey, preferring monkeys and antelopes. But if a leopard receives a non-fatal, but disabling injury - for example, suffers from porcupine quills - then the spotted cat has few options for eating. According to the Indian authorities, such crippled leopards annually kill more than 10-15 people - easy prey in the view of big cats.

18th place. The brain refuses to accept horses as an instrument of human death. How many cartoons, how many movies about kind, hardworking and devoted horses have been stuffed into our heads by a television zombie! Although a person diligently finds a reason to “accept death from his horse” and close his eyes forever - under the hooves of enraged stallions with twisted eggs (how do you think this happens?) At least 20 “cow boys” die at a rodeo in the southern states of the USA (cowboys).

17th place. It is occupied by representatives of the animal world, firmly entrenched in human life - cows. The sturdy, horned cow skull is a powerful butting weapon that some members of the cow family use with great success, sending 20 farmers to their forefathers every year in the United States alone. Still consider a cow five hundred kilograms of harmless goulash?

16th place. Ant colonies are distributed throughout the continents of the Earth, they are able to migrate using human transport and postal services. Representatives of two subfamilies of ants - Myrmeciinae and Ponerinae - are deadly poisonous, and the stings of fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) contain poison that causes a strong allergic reaction. Fortunately, poisonous ants inhabit territories near the equator and have a negative attitude towards the Russian winter. One way or another, every year more than 30 people die from poisonous ant bites.

15th place. Workaholic bees contribute to the thinning of the human population. Bee venom - apitoxin - is not inherently fatal, but causes a severe allergic reaction. If a bee stings in the oral mucosa, then swelling occurs and, as a result, asphyxia - it is impossible to breathe, because. swelling in the throat. However, the bees attack only when they are sure that a person wants to harm them - do not go to the bees in vain, otherwise you will be among the 53 “lucky ones” who die from bee venom every year.

14th place. The maned king of animals - the African lion - occupies this line. Finally, the usual fearsome beast, isn't it? Given the limited habitat - the African savannahs and open-air cages of various zoos with circuses, the lion has little opportunity to eat human beings. And yet, at least 70 people appear on the menu of the king of beasts every year.

13th place. It is rightfully occupied by the descendants of Mowgli's main opponent - the tiger Sher Khan. Hefty tabby cats, ideally hiding in the thickets of the jungle and the Far Eastern taiga, are not particularly picky in choosing the object of hunting, especially in the winter months. Tigers every year hamster hundreds of careless people, surpassing lions in the ability to attack from an ambush and perfectly camouflaged in a wooded area.

12th place. Deer live here - yes, the very ones equipped with antlers and charming eyes of the Disney Bambi. Does your imagination picture a deer with its head bowed low, piercing a man with its horns? Everything is much more prosaic. Night track, headlights flare on the pavement and suddenly a quick shadow from the side of the road, a sharp blow to the bumper, an eighty-kilogram carcass on takeoff rams through the windshield and flies into the passenger compartment through the fragile body of the driver. This kind of meeting with a deer is fatal for 120 people every year.

11th place. Everyone who intends to swim in the warm sea to their heart's content needs to worry about two things - the ability to swim and the absence of nearby ... Who do you think - sharks? Nifiga, the most dangerous creatures in sea water are jellyfish! Given that jellyfish have no way to pursue nimble prey - fish - they have developed in the process of evolution a powerful weapon for passive hunting, called stinging cells.

Any object that finds itself in the zone of deployment of jellyfish tentacles immediately receives a deadly charge of poison and ... it's all for him. The deadliest jellyfish, Chironex fleckeri, lives in the northern waters of Australia. Together, the jellyfish family kills more than 150 people every year.

10th place. A cute family pet - a tailed and such a devoted dog overnight becomes a generator of horror and a creator of chaos in a single family. Or on the street. Or in the park. Or hell knows where. Being lousy raised by their owners, dogs become deadly biting weapons - about 190 people lose their lives with the direct involvement of various Rex, Mars and Bobby. The last sensation of the victims is the fangs of the recognized “friend of man” closing on the throat.

9th place. Associating an African buffalo with a domesticated cow (let me remind you, cows are also in this top), tourists discard all caution and ... personally get acquainted with the hospitality of strong buffalo horns. One and a half tons of muscles and bones rush to the object of attack with the inexorability of an electric train - only “bam” and “kirdyk”. Male buffaloes attack without hesitation if they see a person as a danger to the herd. On average, buffaloes cut out 200 people from the human population every year.

8th place. The eared-proboscis animal seems to be slow in the zoo enclosure, but becomes very fast (running at a speed of 35 km / h) in the African savannah or in the Indian jungle. In attacks aimed at protecting the herd, five-ton elephants do not use tusks and trunks - they knock the object of attack to the ground and trample it to the point of complete flattening. Elephants account for 500 people a year.

7th place. Representatives of this family have successfully survived several million years of the reign of dinosaurs and no less successfully hunt a person who carelessly walks near the reservoirs inhabited by them. Crocodiles ambush any idiot who comes into their line of sight. By the way, toothy "suitcases" and "handbags" (the dream of fashionistas!) Run great, making a sprint dash for prey for thirty meters. Crocodile appetite is satisfied annually by 1500 to 2500 people.

6th place. Thick-skinned and thick-assed river horses, peacefully grazing in African reservoirs, suddenly jump out of there and, wide open with their drop dead hefty mouth, pierce the troublemaker with two long fangs. Hippos, or hippos, lead African mammals in their talent to reduce the human population - 3,000 people a year. It is dangerous to underestimate the power of fat-assed and thick-skinned...

5th place. Among the variety of insects, only one family has been awarded a place in the zodiac list - scorpions. And not for nothing - people are traditionally afraid of the poison of scorpions no less than that of a snake. To all November scorpions - you are obviously feared and respected! But back to the topic - only 25 scorpion species are deadly poisonous, however, their small number does not prevent them from sending 5,000 people to the "better world" at the end of any year. It is easy to recognize a deadly poisonous scorpion - its tail with a sting is much larger than claws.

4th place. They are more afraid of us than we are of them. And they kill only for the sake of self-defense. Snakes, damn self-propelled shoelaces with their trademark and well-known poisonous teeth, silent and hissing - ssssss ... Scary? 50,000 “lucky ones” who met a poisonous snake on their life path this year will never be afraid again.

2nd place. Come on, get up, look in the mirror and be disappointed - you belong to the dominant species of the animal world on Earth, and you didn’t get the first place in the top of creatures dangerous to humans! Bummer? However, people always have chances to become leaders in the destruction of their own kind (is it worth it to rejoice?). While you are reading this material, somewhere and right now a person is pissing off another person - maybe it's a robber or a redneck alkonaft, or a soldier in the army, or another James Bond with a license to kill. Or... it doesn't matter, the main thing is that homo is kind of like sapiens (which is very doubtful). Be proud if you want - 475,000 people of any gender and age are erased from life and remain only in someone's memories thanks to their fellow species.

We are afraid of real giants, animals that are larger than us in size and have a frightening appearance. But in fact, the danger comes from other creatures living on the planet, which are many times smaller and at first glance completely harmless. Man has been ruthlessly cracking down on various living species for more than a century, for which he has long earned the title of the most dangerous and ruthless creature on Earth. But there are still creatures of nature that can put people in their place. The most threatening, strong and deadly of them are included in the list 10 most dangerous animals in the world.

10. Bear

Children's cartoons, stories and plush toys are immediately relegated to the background at the sight of a real, live bear. The predator cannot but impress with its size and power, but fortunately it does not attack people so often. In just a year, no more than 20 people die from their paws all over the planet, and most often female grizzlies are behind this. It is they who, wanting to protect children, attack any creature, being in incredible rage and anger.

Thanks to the many horror films dedicated to sharks, both adults and children are so afraid of them. But these menacingly large fish have something to eat underwater and a person is not included in the basic diet of the creature. The shark will attack, but if it is very hungry or sees a threat in you, therefore no more than 100 such cases are recorded within a year, but fortunately only one in five of this series ends in death for the victim, which does not prevent them from being in the top 10 most dangerous animals.

At first glance, they are harmless and do not pose a danger, but along the way they are considered one of the most ancient creatures that live on the planet and it is difficult to imagine how they could survive 650 million years without possessing any protection skills. In jellyfish, they are specific - poison at the tips of their tentacles and the ability to sting with them, leaving severe burns. The most dangerous species, the Sea Wasp, contains just enough deadly substances in the body to send about 60 people to the next world at once. More than 100 people die from jellyfish every year.

7. Hippo

Among the top 10 most dangerous animals in the world are hippos, which surprises many. At first glance, they are large and unwieldy, creatures we are accustomed to seeing lazily lying in zoos. But in the wild, they are marked by unbridled aggression. You can piss them off just by passing by, while hippopotamuses develop a speed of about 30-35 km / h, and also have massive jaws that can easily bite a person in half. Therefore, you should not take risks and underestimate them, because at least 120 people become their victims per year.

Like the previous member of the list, the elephant looks quite peaceful, but only while in a pleasant mood. When this animal is angry, it is a ruthless killer, and there are those who simply do not like when their personal space is violated, and there are elephants that kill purposefully. Their actions kill between 300 and 400 people every year.

5. Crocodile

The top 10 most dangerous animals for humans were not without the most patient predators - crocodiles. They are able to spend hours waiting for their prey, merging with the environment. The inhabitants of Africa suffer greatly from the actions of these reptiles, because because of the need for water they have to live with them literally in the neighborhood. Because of this, about 600 people a year end up in the mouth of crocodiles.

4. Overgrown cats

Bringing lions, jaguars, panthers, leopards and tigers into one group, we get that every year at least 800 people lose their lives from their paws and fangs. All this is due to the innate hunting instincts, incredible agility and speed of these creatures.

3. Scorpio

A full-fledged desert dweller never attacks first, always when he stings - this is self-defense. But the problem is that scorpions like to get into the most unexpected places, such as shoes and clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful not to replenish the statistics, which already consists of those annual 2000 people who are not lucky.

Looking at the 10 most dangerous animals, it can be noted that closer to the final position in their size, they begin to decrease. The second position is occupied by snakes, 450 species of which have poison and pose a threat. A person in this regard is let down by the circulatory system, because the poison spreads through it in a matter of seconds. About 120 thousand people lose their lives because of these flexible reptiles.

Bypassing the really scary lions and bears, the little mosquito takes the lead in the list, taking the lives of at least 3 million people all over the planet from year to year. The reason for this is the ability of this insect to carry all kinds of diseases, such as malaria and fever.
