What can you and I personally do to improve the environmental situation? Earth Hour: how to improve the environment.

Here are twenty actions that would improve the environment:

1. Do not burn vegetable waste either in the city or outside the city: stubble, straw, sawdust, wood shavings, tree branches, paper, leaves, dried grass, tops, leather industry waste, etc. All this must be turned into compost and returned to the soil.

2. Do not set fire to tall grass in fields and meadows, not only and not so much because this often leads to fires, but also because any fire (including a tourist one) means the death of trillions or even quadrillions of living beings - microorganisms soil. That is, each fire does not at all symbolically reduce the amount of life on earth.

3. Do not plant trees where they will obviously be broken or will not grow due to the meager amount of soil, or will block the light, interfere with traffic, touch wires, etc., so as not to punish them later. In general, it is better to plant landscaping in urban areas with grass rather than trees.

4. Do not whitewash curbs and roadsides, as this is the greatest stupidity.

5. Do not fight weeds on lawns and vacant lots by exterminating them. And if we fight, then only by replacing it with meadow grasses.

6. Do not plant “cultivated” flowers in flower beds, since this is not only a pointless waste of time, but also the wrong orientation of people: they say, natural multi-grass is a disgrace, but we will plant lawn grass, cut it, and give the bushes the shape of a brick , and here it will be real beauty. In a word, do not cultivate pseudoculture.

7. Do not raise the curb stone above the asphalt, but do it flush with it so that water from the asphalt flows freely into the lawn. Excess moisture and dirt will not harm it: on the contrary, it will contribute to the riot of greenery.

8. Do not break ice on lawns in the spring, as this is stupidity of the same order as whitewashing curbs.

9. Do not remove steppe felt of old grass from lawns, since in autumn and spring it still hides dust and thus purifies the air. In addition, litter is essential for the soil.

10. Do not pour soil on the lawn higher than the asphalt, since then, instead of purifying the air from dust, the lawn becomes a source of dust.

11. Do not bring land from the fields to the city. On the contrary, remove black soil from the city, resulting from overheating plant waste on vacant lots and special points for receiving chernozem (PPC).

12. Don’t be afraid to start major lawn repairs, i.e. remove the soil and temporarily lay it nearby, take the subsoil layer (clay, crushed stone) to neighboring dirt roads and cover it again with the same soil, but this time so that the level of the lawn is 10-15, and sometimes 20 cm lower than the asphalt.

13. Don’t be afraid to pour a clay-crushed stone mixture onto dirt roads, since in this case you can get excellent results almost without difficulty and special knowledge. road surface. You just need to make a slightly convex road profile, and the ditches below the road surface.

14. Do not get carried away with large, continuous asphalt pavements, but where possible, dust-collecting green recesses should be provided (it is better round shape) and, in general, consider greenery not as decoration, but as the main means of purifying the air from dust, stuffiness, dryness, etc.

15. Make roofs with traditional coverings as little as possible and practice green “jungles” on roofs as much as possible (garages, cowsheds, pigsties, grass drying sheds, sheds, booths, bus stops, etc.). All this literally begs to be under earthen roofs. Green lawns on the roofs of residential buildings are not new either.

In general, greenery today should be elevated almost to a cult. It’s almost impossible to “overdo it” here. After all, the human body was formed in conditions when it was surrounded by greenery like clothing, and today we are surrounded by stone, dust, asphalt, dryness, stuffiness.

In hospitals and even in luxury long-distance trains, today it is quite possible to make hanging beds (under lamps daylight), which could provide much more oxygen than “flowers in pots”, while requiring less care.

16. Do not make two-story high garden houses, as they are hot and stuffy in the summer. The garden house should be semi-basement and, of course, with an earthen roof. In such a house it is cool in summer, and in winter, if you have a stove, you can live. To build it you need many times less time and money.

17. Do not make traditional stoves in the private sector, since there are more perfect forms heating, which require less labor and at the same time give greater effect.

18. Reduce the use of internal combustion engines as much as possible.
Firstly, by organizing a unified dispatch service, the purpose of which is to prevent idle or unjustified vehicle runs. Each flight must perform several functions. This is the only way to reduce gasoline smog today.

19. At the same time, we strongly encourage the invention and implementation of devices that allow us to transport heavy loads, plow the land, lift loads, wash clothes, cut firewood, etc., using the power of wind or solar energy or the muscular strength of organisms. For example, spreading fertilizers on fields or throwing soil onto bald hills and slides can be done in strong wind sailing carts. IN northern regions(and in the future also in mid-latitudes), man-made ice tunnels could be an excellent transport artery.

20. It’s high time not only to talk about, but also to introduce the idea of ​​ribbon cities or, which is the same thing: integral life support complexes, i.e. all houses, industries, and auxiliary buildings are located along the underground transport highway - just as nature did in organisms. High feasibility, low cost, abundance of greenery, almost complete recovery of heat from electric transport, protection from earthquakes, high level of the country's defense capability during large quantities IKZH, etc. - all this makes this idea much more attractive than space exploration or the construction of supersonic aircraft and other traditional “winged” hobbies of mankind. We are rushing into space, i.e. into cold, blackness and emptiness, and we turn our native land into a dirty, stinking cesspool. Where is the logic?

Who will solve environmental problems? Many people believe that only politicians, environmentalists or manufacturers can influence environmental issues. In fact, politicians don’t care about such “little things.” Environmentalists are aware of the state of the planet, and let's be honest: they don't have enough power to influence anything. And manufacturers won’t move until they see the benefits and the consumer persistently demands changes.
The only ones who can change anything are ourselves. The legendary Jacques Cousteau studied for 40 years sea ​​world and was very concerned about its biodiversity. So, at the end of the documentary about him there was an amazing song with the words: “What can one do? Be in love. What can one do? Plant a garden. What can one do? Change the world." So, one person is not enough, but if you set an example and tell others about the glorious idea of ​​living ecologically, then others will soon join. You, He, She, They - and then we can change the world for the better.

Eco-philosophy: 2 important concepts:
"Think globally, act locally"– UN motto for the 21st century (Local Agenda XXI). Very succinctly characterizes how one should behave during an environmental crisis.
3R principle: Reduce(reduce consumption) Reuse(reuse) Recycle(redo it). If we take the example of buying clothes, then, according to the 3R principle, you should buy what you really really like and need, wear to the bitter end, look for ways reuse(alter it, give it to others, use it for rags), and only then throw it away.
Did you know that the world's population consumes more than the Earth can regenerate? Scientists have calculated that with this lifestyle we need 3 planets.

How can we improve the situation?

1. Be a wise consumer. Buy things only if you really need them: think carefully before buying, refuse spontaneous purchases, prepare a list necessary purchases before going to the store. And remember: it’s better to buy a quality item once than to buy a cheap one several times. The aphorism “The miser pays twice” now also applies to the environment. Don't worry about wastefulness.

2. Don't buy junk: give preference to products without unnecessary packaging. Why do you need another beautiful bag-box-jar if you won’t use them anyway?

3. Avoid single-use plastic bags. Plastic does not decompose naturally: in Pacific Ocean An island has already formed, which consists entirely of human waste. After eating such garbage, 100 thousand animals die every year. Therefore, it is better to carry a convenient reusable eco-bag with you, which will be good for the environment and help you save a hundred or two hryvnia, eliminating the need to buy a new plastic bag every time.

4. “No” – once. Try not to buy disposable products: dishes, napkins, shaving machines, pens; instead, give preference to appropriate, reusable items. Less waste - less problems!
5. Garbage sorting: 1 ton of waste paper will save 17-20 trees, and 1 ton of recycled polymers (plastics) will save 16 tons of crude oil. If you already have separate containers under your house for household waste and plastic-glass-metal-paper, then it would be a sin not to use it. If this is not the case, then you can go to recycling collection points, or carefully fold stacks of paper, bottles, and plastic near the trash bin and someone will definitely need them.

6. Save water. If we compare the Earth to a baby's head, then the reserves fresh water– it’s just a tear in the eye. Scientists predict that by 2050, fresh water supplies will be almost exhausted, and 4 billion people will not even be able to satisfy daily requirement in water. The banal “close the tap while brushing your teeth” has a deep meaning: if you do this, then 1 liter of water is consumed, while when the tap is open, 6 liters per minute flows out. Reduce the time you spend in the shower, reduce the pressure, purchase a special economical nozzle with an air shower function (saturates the water flow with air). Repair leaking faucets.

7. Save energy. Develop the habit of turning off the lights when leaving the room for more than 15 minutes. Use energy-saving lamps, which last 12 times longer and consume 80% less energy. Unplug unnecessary equipment from the outlet, thus saving up to 40% of wasted electricity.

8. Economy mode. When purchasing, pay attention to the efficiency of equipment (labeled A, A +, Energy Star), this way you can reduce your electricity bill by 30%.

9. About paper. Save paper: print on both sides, use drafts. Saving 25 reams of paper will save one felled tree! Choose paper that is bleached without chlorine (PCF label) and comes from managed forests (FSC label).

10. About the car. Buy an economical car. Change the filter and inflate your tires regularly. Such actions will increase the number of kilometers per liter of gasoline.

11. About cleanliness. Conventional detergents contain phosphates, which, when released into water bodies, contribute to the rapid “greening” of water. Also, phosphates do not pass through filters and can again enter our home through the system central water supply. Therefore, preference should be given to eco-friendly detergents or soap nuts, which are harmless and 98-100% biodegradable. natural conditions.

12. About cosmetics. Give preference to natural, and even better, organic cosmetics that do not contain artificial additives or petrochemical products.

13. About nutrition. Skip fast food, cook at home and have dinner together as a family. Choose foods that are local (using less fuel to transport), seasonal and, if possible, organic. Growing the latter does not use pesticides (most of which are made from petroleum), uses less water and energy, and restores the soil.

14. About children. Imagine: if a child uses only disposable diapers, then while the child grows up, a mountain of garbage weighing 1,000 kg will also grow! Give up diapers and switch to a natural diaper system or disposable diapers that can decompose in nature.

15. About home comfort. Give maximum preference to everything natural: furniture, textiles, interior items.

16. Plant a tree and support the people who preserve and protect our forests. Trees absorb a ton of CO2 during their lifetime, purifying the air. Trees also provide shade and reduce air conditioning costs by 10 to 15%.

17. Eco-tricks. Do not pass by various eco-items, for example: notebooks or toilet paper made from recycled paper, bio-garbage bags that decompose within 3 years, or magnetic balls that soften water and reduce powder consumption.

18. Be creative. Don't rush to throw away or buy something new. Use your imagination and give an old item a new life.

19. And finally, love nature . So, you will want to protect her and understand that every action you take has power! And your children and grandchildren will tell you: “Thank you for making the world a better place.”

Every person is able to take care of the environment. To do this, you do not need to be influential and famous, or have unique intellectual or physical capabilities. And you certainly won’t need any financial investment. Moreover, by taking care of the environment, you can also be responsible for your energy consumption. By performing simple actions every day that are accessible to everyone, you make a small contribution to improvement. ecological situation. And this is incomparably better than nothing. If these actions and actions become habitual for you, then the size of your personal contribution will become larger and more noticeable day by day!

1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. About 15 liters of water flows out of the tap in a minute. If you brush your teeth 2 times a day for 2 minutes and do not turn off the water, then 60 liters of water will be wasted because of one person. What if there are 4 people in the family? 240 liters of water flows into nowhere every day! Thus, by simply turning off the water while brushing teeth/shaving, one family can save 7,200 liters per month. That's almost 90 tons per year! And you can save them only while brushing your teeth, but add a shower instead of a bath, and it will be many times more. If you still have a question, why save water, think about the fact that even now, in the progressive 21st century, 1/7 of the world's population does not have access to fresh water. After a few generations, your descendants may join them if you waste water thoughtlessly.

2. Turn off equipment (computer, printer, TV, set-top box, stereo systems, microwave, etc.) at night. Contrary to popular belief, even when in “sleep mode,” the equipment continues to consume electricity. This careless attitude to energy consumption leads to depletion of reserves natural resources and an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. And this is additional electromagnetic radiation, which has not benefited anyone yet. Don’t want to run around the entire apartment every evening, turning off appliances? Consider installing a single switch for all equipment that you do not use at night (for example, it is better to leave the refrigerator running).

3. Refuse disposable tableware. In addition to the fact that it is harmful to health, being a product of petroleum refining, plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose in natural conditions. makes up 60% of all waste polluting the seabed. At the same time, as it decomposes, it poisons the environment with toxic dioxin compounds. It is much healthier and more environmentally friendly to drink tea from a mug, rather than from a disposable cup!

4. Go shopping with an eco-friendly textile bag. It can replace about 400. By purchasing 1 eco-bag (or sewing it yourself), you alone, without making any effort, will make the planet cleaner by 400 bags, most of which “live” for 20 minutes, cannot be recycled and, like other plastic, take centuries to decompose.

5. Save paper. To produce 1 ton of paper, you need to cut down 17 mature trees. When we see huge cleared areas, we feel sorry for the beautiful forest. But few people remember the forest when they throw their still clean drafts, newspapers, magazines, bills, etc. into the bin. In Russia, more than 40 million m3 of forest are cut down annually for the needs of the pulp and paper industry alone! Wherein reasonable savings paper, collecting waste paper and using it as a material allow not only to preserve forests, but also to reduce the volume industrial waste, polluting the air by more than 70%!

6. Walk/bike more often. Walking, like cycling, does not cause any harm to the environment. But they bring great benefits to your health.

7. Tell your friends about it. Teach this to your children! Starting with yourself, you can become an example for your friends, children, relatives, and colleagues. Tell them about your healthy eco-habits - as much as possible more people“infected” with a creative spirit from you, learning that helping nature is easy! The snowball effect that arose when you told 10 friends about it, and each of them, in turn, to another 10 friends, at the 9th level will already reach 1 billion people - that is, every 7th inhabitant of the Earth! And all this thanks to you!

Any big business begins with one step. Just imagine: you, it is you, who can launch a process that will globally change the ecology of the planet! Just take action.

1. Sort your trash. Separating garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is something environmentalists strive to teach residents of all developed countries peace. There have been trash cans on the streets for a long time now. different color- for paper, glass and other waste. You can do almost the same thing at home.

The only problem is that garbage containers on landings and in courtyards are usually common for all types of garbage. However, if you wish, you can, for example, glass bottles and take jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - for waste paper. It is very important that garbage bins no dangerous ones hit household waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers and so on - something that can harm the environment.

You can find out about waste lamp collection points in your city

In addition, you can find recycling collection points very close to your home. List -

2. Start beautifying your city. Clean-up days, public tree-planting events, volunteer programs for collecting garbage in parks - you can participate in these events without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

3. Save fuel. Car owners can also take part in preserving environment. Don’t give up cars in favor of public transport and bicycles, but at least reduce fuel consumption while driving. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km/h, sticking to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel. In addition, you should keep your car in order: check the tire pressure, remove unnecessary heavy junk from the car - this will help reduce drag while driving and reduce gas mileage. Another tip - if you for a long time If you are standing in line at a gas station, for example, it will be more economical to turn off the engine. More than 10 seconds of idling will be “more expensive” than restarting the engine.

4. Reduce your energy consumption. It may seem that leaving the computer on standby and leaving the microwave on does not use much energy. But in fact, over the course of a year, a considerable amount of wasted electricity and, consequently, money can accumulate. Tip: Turn off all appliances that you are not using from the network, or use “pilot outlets” with a complete power-off button.

5. Choose the right materials. Environmentalists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can decompose in landfills long years, and when they are burned, acrid black smoke is released. Thus, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic tableware can be easily replaced with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water. Supplies of clean fresh water are depleting, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/min, and turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away unnecessary things. At home you can often find a lot of things that you don’t use, but for some reason you keep. After some time, the “junk” will go to the landfill. But you can give away those things that have not yet lost their beneficial features, where they can be useful. There are many charities that are ready to accept old clothes, equipment, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or homeless shelters. Another option is to place an ad on the Internet indicating what you can give away for free. For example, on the site "I'll give it as a gift" Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ukraine can exchange things, and on the website "DaruDar" You can exchange things from anywhere in the world.

8. Don't litter. We see signs with such a call quite often, but does everyone follow this simple commandment? There are a lot of cigarette butts on the roadsides and near the metro, in parks after picnics there are piles of uncollected garbage, and in yards there are beer cans and packets of chips lying everywhere. Of course, educate careful attitude we need to take care of the world around us from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw candy wrappers out of the car window, take a cigarette butt to the trash, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.

9. Think about the ecology at your dacha. The summer season is approaching, the townspeople are happily rushing to their garden plots- some to grow vegetables or flowers, others to simply relax from the bustle of the city in silence. At your dacha, you can also use eco-tips: collect rainwater and use it for irrigation, avoid chemical fertilizers for the soil, use natural fertilizers instead, and do not arrange unauthorized landfills behind your dacha plots.

10. Don't break the law. This concerns illegal logging forests, collection of rare and endangered plants, poaching, intentional or accidental arson, pollution of river waters with chemical waste and other illegal activities. Sometimes people can break the law simply out of ignorance - cutting down a Christmas tree for the New Year, picking a snowdrop, throwing an unextinguished cigarette butt in the forest, which will start a fire. For violation Russian legislation Strict sanctions may be applied, up to and including criminal liability. But the main thing is that irreparable harm to nature can be caused, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the Earth themselves.

The ecology of the Earth is deteriorating every day. Instead of preserving and protecting the resources of our planet, we mercilessly spend them: we waste electricity, pollute water, poison the atmosphere, etc.

At the same time, everyone thinks: “Nothing depends on me anyway,” and is mistaken. Everyone must take care of the health and cleanliness of the world in which they live, only then can they hope for a positive result.

How to do it? Here are some simple examples:

Plant a tree. This is good for the air and for the earth. In addition, it will be incredibly interesting for you to watch how the tree that you planted with your own hands grows, becomes covered with greenery, gives shade to people fleeing the sun, etc.

Make sure your car's engine doesn't run in vain. Considering today's gasoline prices, this will save not only the environment, but also your wallet.

Try to dry things as often as possible traditional way- using rope and clothespins. Firstly, you will extend the life of your favorite clothes, and secondly, you will save a lot of energy that the “drying” mode spends.

Have a “meat-free day” once a week. Producing half a kilo of meat requires 10 thousand liters of water and several trees cut down for pasture. In addition, such unloading will improve your digestion.

Try to wash your items at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. This saves energy. Also try to fully load the washing machine tank.

According to statistics, the average person uses 6 paper napkins in a day. If everyone reduced their number to at least five, 500 thousand fewer napkins would end up in trash cans each year.

Use both sides of the paper. You need many documents for personal use, and if some text is already printed on the other side, it will not interfere with you. Annually office workers About 21 million tons of A4 paper are sent to landfill. This amount can be halved.

No one has canceled waste paper collection points. Instead of throwing away newspapers and magazines you read, recycle them. Some organizations provide such a service as pickup. It is very comfortable. Recycling Sunday newspapers saves half a million trees a week.

Plastic bottles are not recycled. They decompose over millions of years or are burned, poisoning the atmosphere. Buy a special reusable container and use it by filling it with purified drinking water. This will allow you to improve the environment and reduce costs.

Even if you love taking a bath, try to give it up in favor of a shower at least once a week. The shower uses half as much water.

Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, you don't need it anyway. This way you can save 5 liters of water per day.

Do not preheat the oven. Almost no dish, except baking, does not need this. Monitor the cooking process through the transparent door without opening it.

Instead of buying a paper airline ticket, book your ticket online, which requires very little time spent on the computer. And in general, give preference to electronic media rather than paper ones.

Use cardboard matches, which are a product of recycled paper, instead of disposable lighters made of plastic and filled with butane.

When leaving a room, always turn off the light behind you. Even if you plan to return in 15 minutes.

When traveling by car on business, try to accomplish as much as possible of what you have planned at one time. If you get everything done in one trip, you will save gas, time and make your small contribution to improving the environment. Also try to think through the route in advance so as not to add extra kilometers.

Create a flower bed in front of the house. Surely, none of your neighbors will be against it, and most will even support your endeavors.

Try to use disposable tableware as little as possible. For example, instead of buying coffee from a vending machine, drink a cup in the morning before work or keep a cup at your desk. This will reduce the amount of difficult-to-recycle waste and give you more positive emotions.

Refuse plastic disposable bags. They take tens of times longer to decompose than any other garbage. Replace them with biobags or a stylish shopping bag.

Replace at least one light bulb in your home with energy-saving fluorescent ones. You can use it in your pantry, closet, toilet, etc.

If you turn your computer off instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 kilowatt-hours per day.

When washing dishes, many are accustomed to rinsing them first and then using detergent. The water continues to flow at this time. If you only turn on the water to rinse out the detergent, you can save a huge amount of water.

Each discarded bottle takes over a million years to decompose, so they must be returned to special items reception. Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

If possible, try to use diapers less often. Of course, they relieve many problems, but at the same time they cause enormous harm to the health of our planet. Each child manages to send approximately 3.5 million tons of poorly recyclable garbage to a landfill. Diapers and cloth diapers are less convenient, but better for the environment.

Be creative. Come up with unusual packaging for gifts. It could be an old capta, newspaper, fabric, etc. This way you will make your gift more original and will not waste extra paper.

Every two minutes you sacrifice while showering will save more than 10 liters of water.

If you have the opportunity, get around the city by bike. This will help you improve the health of you and your planet.

Try to buy local products. Thus, you will support the economy of your area and reduce fuel consumption for transportation

During a barbecue, many people lose sight of their plastic plates, forks and other disposable utensils. Most solve this issue simply - unpack new set. As a result plastic dishes several times more is spent and thrown away. Label the dishes so you don't lose sight of them. To make it more fun, you can come up with funny nicknames for all the barbecue participants.

If you have the opportunity, make an agreement with your boss and work from home. You will save money on travel, regardless of whether you use personal or public transport, and will also make your small contribution to the fight against air pollution from cars.

Before throwing away any item, think about whether it is necessary. Maybe you can give it to someone who needs it or take it to a thrift store?

Never leave trash behind. If everyone cleans up after themselves, our planet will become much cleaner.

Discard the discs; they decompose very poorly, just like their packaging. You can download any movie, any program, any game and any music album using the Internet. Whether you pay for it or not is your choice.

Use rechargeable batteries instead of regular batteries.

Visit second-hand and consignment stores more often. The fact that someone used a bicycle, a net, a blanket or checkers before you does not make these things worse. Let them serve you better instead of littering the environment.


There are many other ways to help our planet, for example, participate in the PROMOTION on clothing models from ARISTA on aristaopt.ru, and spend the money saved on protecting the environment or purchasing more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products.
