Today is a full moon or new moon, what should you do? New moon rituals

If you observe the Moon for even a few days, you will find that it is not always visible to us as a circle. The full disk of the Moon first begins to shrink until it is no longer visible at all. Then the Moon begins to grow until it becomes a full disk again. This entire cycle takes about 29.5 days.

The lunar cycle consists of 4 phases. Moon phase is the ratio of the area of ​​the illuminated part visible disk Moon to its entire area. These phases change in the following order:

  1. New moon- when the lunar disk is not visible at all;
  2. First quarter- the right half of the lunar disk is visible,
  3. Full moon- when the lunar disk is completely visible
  4. Last quarter- the left half of the lunar disk is visible.

What is associated with the change in the phases of the moon?

The moon itself does not glow; it reflects the sunlight falling on it. And the Moon also revolves around the Earth. The phases of the Moon reflect the movement of the Moon around the Earth, which is accompanied by changes appearance our companion.

1 - new moon, 3 - first quarter, 5 - full moon, 7 - last quarter.

During the new moon, the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. The dark side of the Moon, not illuminated by the Sun, faces the Earth (1). True, at this time the disk of the Moon glows with a special, ashy light. This phenomenon is caused by sunlight reflected by the Earth towards the Moon. That is, the rays of ashen moonlight pass next way: Sun --> Earth --> Moon --> eye of the observer on Earth.

Two days after the new moon in the evening sky, in the west, shortly after sunset, a thin crescent of the young moon appears (2).

Seven days after the new moon the waxing Moon is visible in a semicircle in the west or southwest, shortly after sunset (3). The Moon is 90° east of the Sun and is visible in the evenings and in the first half of the night.

14 days after the new moon the full moon is coming (5). The Moon is in opposition to the Sun, and the entire illuminated hemisphere of the Moon faces the Earth. During a full moon, the Moon is visible all night, the Moon rises during sunset, and sets during sunrise.

A week after the full moon the aging Moon appears before us in its last quarter phase, in the form of a semicircle (7). At this time, half of the illuminated and half of the unilluminated hemisphere of the Moon faces the Earth. The moon is visible in the east, before sunrise, in the second half of the night.

Thus, the change in the phases of the Moon is explained by two reasons: firstly, the Moon is a dark, opaque ball illuminated by the Sun, and secondly, the Moon revolves around the Earth.

Did you know...

In different phases of the Moon, its rise (i.e., the beginning of the lunar day) is observed at different time days.

  • In phase I, the Moon rises simultaneously with or immediately after sunrise.
  • In phase II, the Moon rises at or shortly after noon.
  • In phase III, the Moon rises simultaneously with or shortly after sunset.
  • In phase IV, the Moon rises at midnight or immediately after it.

By the way...

You can simulate the phases of the moon at home. In the evening, turn off the overhead lights, turn on the table lamp and pick up the ball. Extend your arms with the ball in front of you. You are the Earth, the ball is the Moon, and the lamp will be the Sun.

Stand facing the lamp. It illuminates the half of the ball that is on the other side of you. You only see the unlit half of the ball. It's a new moon.

Then stand sideways to the lamp. Now the lamp only illuminates half of your Moon - that's a quarter.

The full moon situation occurs when you stand with your back to the lamp. The ball is on the opposite side of the lamp, and the entire illuminated side of the ball is facing you.

(By the way, in the latter case, you can completely obscure the ball with yourself, and then the lamp will not illuminate it either! Is this possible? Yes! This phenomenon is called lunar eclipse. During a lunar eclipse, the Sun, Earth and Moon are in line, with the Earth between the Moon and the Sun and shading the Moon. In the same way, when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth on the same line, at the new moon there is solar eclipse . Eclipses are rare because the Moon around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun rotate in different planes.).

By the way...

How to distinguish a waxing Moon from a waning Moon? Very simple! If the month looks like the letter " WITH", that means he WITH aging, that is, this is the last quarter. And if it is turned in the opposite direction, then, mentally placing a stick on it to the left, we get the letter " R", which will tell us what month it is now - R growing, that is, this is the first quarter!

The waxing month is usually observed in the evening, and the aging month in the morning.

NEW MOON- an astronomical event when the Sun and Moon united in one Sign. Wherein Moon is located almost on the same straight line between the Earth and the Sun. At that time Moon not visible in the night sky at all, because Moon very close to the Sun and turned to us on the night side. Gradually Moon leaves the connection with the Sun and begins - a thin Lunar a sickle that gets wider every day. Between NEW MOONS passes or Lunar days.

Uniqueness NEW MOON is that at this time Moon is located in the “heart” of the Sun - and in Astrology this means a colossal strengthening of the Planet!

Sometimes in NEW MOON arises, in which you should follow certain recommendations and carry out cleansing practices to get rid of your problems. About this in my articles:

Exactly at NEW MOON Hebrew begins, .

NEW MOON- This magical time when reborn Moon- a new one is being laid Lunar cycle for next month. It is very important to meet NEW MOON harmonious and favorable.

  • Before NEW MOON It is favorable to cleanse yourself physically - take a shower, go to the bathhouse.
  • If possible, disconnect from all sources of information (TV, Internet, phone).
  • Be alone with yourself and your inner world.
  • In a day NEW MOON It is useful to be silent more, talk less.
  • It is very useful to practice silence (especially for those who). Try the whole day before NEW MOON keep silent - you will be surprised how much new pure energy you will have, it will be like a reboot of your consciousness.
  • At the moment of onset NEW MOON- write plans for the coming month - this way they will be implemented faster.
  • Make wishes that should come true within a month.
  • Visualize in your mind your projects, affairs, meetings, important events— clearly imagine what you want to achieve.
  • Exactly at NEW MOON It’s very favorable to start making your Dream Card or Vision Board. Stick one or more pictures of your desires on it, and then continue to fill it with new pictures during the period, which will be within 2 weeks after NEW MOON. You cannot fill the Dream Map with pictures.
  • Dream from your heart! Allow yourself your wildest dreams! And someday they will definitely come true...
  • Get started new life from scratch with NEW MOON, and not from Monday!
  • IN NEW MOON- experience only pleasant, positive thoughts, feelings and emotions - this way you will attract good luck for the whole next Lunar a month and it will pass most harmoniously.
  • Continue to write plans, make wishes, visualize and dream not only in NEW MOON, but also in which comes immediately after NEW MOON- it’s a very bright and clean day.
  • Do NOT start new things yet - it’s too early, Moon It is just beginning, so there is little energy. Begin to act actively only after 2-3 days.
  • IN NEW MOON a person’s energy is “at zero” - so don’t plan serious things for this time, get plenty of rest and immerse yourself in a pleasant world of dreams and fantasies... This will bring much more benefits!
  • IN NEW MOON favorable - it harmonizes the influence Moon in yours and those areas of life for which Moon answers.

In every person's natal chart Moon is responsible for any area in life - for the home, for the family, for the children, for the career, for money, for travel, for appearance, etc. And on how you meet and spend NEW MOON— success or failure in the area for which he is responsible depends Moon. If you study Astrology and know which House you are in Moon and the Ruler of which House she is - for each NEW MOON make plans and make wishes specifically in this area. Then every month you will consciously work through this topic in a positive way, the most favorable for you. It can be called Active Astrology or Astromagic.

To everyone who doesn't know their natal chart— you can also make plans and make wishes. But this will no longer be connected with your individual Astrological characteristics, laid down personally in your Horoscope.

Try to make wishes that should come true within a month, because Moon- this is the most fast planet, responsible for our daily and household affairs. For far-reaching plans, there are other important Astrological events: , in , in , in .

You can make your wish on the NEW MOON in completely different ways:

  • just write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you until it is performed,
  • write a wish and put it under your pillow,
  • write a wish on paper and burn this piece of paper,
  • write your wish on a piece of paper and tie it to balloon, filled with helium, sending directly to Heaven,
  • start your own “Notebook of Desires” and constantly write down all the desires that arise in it,
  • You can just shout your desire out loud,
  • or whisper it quietly, plunging into meditation,
  • you can sincerely pray,
  • you can cut out the corresponding picture, stick it on your Dream Card and write a wish under it,
  • you can write a wish on a piece of paper, then make a boat out of it and sail it along the river (sea, ocean),
  • you can just whisper your wish into a glass clean water and drink it - ,
  • Manifest your desires with Theta Healing,
  • you can ask for a wish to be granted,
  • or as (his wish came true after 2 weeks).

"In a day New Moon do it at any time simple ritual at will. You will need a candle of any color and 10-15 minutes of privacy.

Light a candle, sit opposite it and just look at the flame for a couple of minutes, letting go of all thoughts. Think about your own cherished desire, imagine it already completed. Rejoice at this from the bottom of your heart and give free rein to positive emotions. Create a vivid image in your imagination. Say out loud that you are rich, healthy, happy, wish yourself new beginnings. Make a love wish so that love will be with you throughout Lunar month.

Then take the candle in your hands and go to the window. Look at the sky and say out loud: “Moon-sorceress, appear! Fill me with your energy and fulfill my wish!” . Put out the candle and be sure that the “request” to the Universe has been sent.”

There are quite a few ways to make wishes and they are all very different. The most important rule for making wishes is that you LIKE this process, so that you get childish PLEASURE from it. Listen to your Soul - and it will tell you which method to choose. And if this is also combined with NEW MOON or, then I’m sure the effect will be amazing!

To fulfill your wishes, you can also use the following methods:

money you need to collect it (the main thing is not to forget about them, they really don’t like it) and channel it into money, that is, spend it completely by buying something at your discretion. This ritual works, it can be repeated monthly, which will be a guarantee all year round.

The next NEW MOON will be:

  • 6.03.2019 19:03:58 GMT+3 15°47’21″Psc New Moon

NEW MOON calendar for 2019 (Moscow time):

  • 04/5/2019 11:50:28 GMT+3 15°17’12″Ari New Moon
  • 5.05.2019 1:45:29 GMT+3 14°10’50″Tau New Moon
  • 06/3/2019 13:01:56 GMT+3 12°33’44″Gem New Moon
  • 2.07.2019 22:16:12 GMT+3 10°37’34″Cnc New Moon and
  • 1.08.2019 6:11:54 GMT+3 8°36’57″Leo New Moon
  • 08/30/2019 13:37:07 GMT+3 6°46’49″Vir New Moon
  • 09/28/2019 21:26:20 GMT+3 5°20’04″Lib New Moon
  • 10/28/2019 6:38:26 GMT+3 4°25’00″Sco New Moon
  • 11/26/2019 18:05:34 GMT+3 4°03’01″Sgr New Moon
  • 12/26/2019 8:13:06 GMT+3 4°06’52″Cap New Moon and

Moscow time. If you live in another city, simply add (or subtract) the difference with Moscow to the given time.

Who sticks Lunar rhythms? For whom is this information useful and interesting? Write comments under the article! I personally "followed" Moon long before studying Astrology 😇 and it helped me a lot and is still helping me 👍!

Asecond article Astrologer Aurora.

Useful tips

The lunar calendar begins its reportfrom the first lunar day , when the Moon does not appear in the sky, and a person is waiting to see such a dear and familiar crescent again.

The disappearance of the Moon from the sky is very important point, Whena new lunar month and new energy are emerging . Very soon the dark without lunar days are replaced by the appearance of a thin crescent, which over the next two weeks grows to a full bright luminary.

However, all this will happen later, but what happens at that moment when the Moon suddenly disappears from the sky, goes into oblivion?

Why the “new” Moon need to hide, hide before reappearing?

And what happens when a new lunar month begins?

The first celestial body that our distant ancestors began to observe was the Moon. And this is not surprising, because it is located closer than other space objects, which means its influence on all creatures, as well as the nature of our planet, is incredibly high.

Although the ancients had their own ideas about astronomy, and they did not know the intricacies of the rotation of the Moon, they clearly understood that the appearance and disappearance of the Moon, as well as its phases, are very cyclical and meet within certain deadlines.

Read also:

Later, when science began to better understand the intricacies of astronomy, it became clear that the Moon revolves around our (equally round in shape) planet in a little more 29 sunny days.

At the moment when Moon, Sun and Earth find themselves approximately on the same line and the moment of the new moon occurs. The inhabitants of our planet, who are at night at this time, do not see the Moon, since it is located from opposite side, where it is day at this moment. And those who have daylight at this time of day do not see the Moon due to sunlight.

If the line on which the Sun, Moon and Earth line up more accurate, then in a certain zone of the Earth you can observe a solar eclipse - that is, the disk of the Moon overlaps the Sun. This happens about several times a year ( 2-5 times). In all other cases it will be simple new moon.

New Moon: what lunar day?

Astrologers attach great importance to the Moon and its cycle: how could it be otherwise, since the Moon is in close proximity to us, which means its influence is felt very strongly and clearly!

When the Moon approaches new moon, it disappears from the sky for 3 nights. The day before the new moon, the 29th lunar day refers to days of Hecate. There are four of these days in the lunar calendar: 9, 15, 23 and 29. honor ancient greek goddess moonlight, mystical powers, the underworld of the night. Hecate was also the patroness of magic and witchcraft.

Hecate was often depicted with three bodies, for example, in the form of statues that represented not one, but three women at once, looking in different directions. This threefold nature of the goddess is associated with three states of the moon– growing, full and decreasing.

If just before the new moon, especially in 29th lunar day something bad happens to you - this is a sure sign that you have used the energy of this incorrectly lunar month, but this is actually good because you can clearly see what exactly the problem is and solve it.

The 29th lunar day is very difficult, because it is a cleansing process, and it does not always go away painless. But after the 29th lunar day, the 30th may come, which does not happen every month.

30th lunar day lasts from moonrise to the moment of the new moon, so its duration is different each time, and sometimes it is not present at all in the lunar month.

This is very daylight hours which brings lightness and relief after heavy energy 29th lunar day. Usually this is only a few hours before the new moon, but this time may be enough for you to receive strong cosmic energy and strength for the entire next month.

If on the 30th lunar day you feel very uncomfortable, sad and melancholy, this means that you do not want to part with something that you don’t really need. Be more careful at this time, because each segment of the lunar month can bring with it different emotions, internal sensations, and your subconscious and intuition will give you clues about what you are doing right or wrong.

The influence of new moons

On the days around the new moon, you can observe many interesting things:

  • Vitality, energy and enthusiasm, as well as mood during the new moon are at a fairly low level;
  • It is difficult to force yourself to act and express yourself to the fullest; creativity and the desire to realize creative ideas decrease;
  • It is difficult to make contacts and understand complex work issues;
  • The pressure of fluids in the body is reduced, which is especially difficult for people with low blood pressure;
  • Depressed people are more immersed in gloomy thoughts and moods, so their conditions worsen;
  • An emotional decline occurs;
  • A person feels indifference, lethargy and finds it difficult to experience vivid emotions;
  • It is more difficult for people to understand and perceive each other new information, memory decreases;
  • Due to absent-mindedness and brain fog, many mistakes may be made these days;
  • It is difficult for patients these days to feel an improvement in their conditions; healthy people may feel a deterioration in their health;
  • People become more confused, indecisive, it is difficult to start something;
  • Many begin to behave tactlessly and incorrectly;
  • People who tend to get addicted ( donors), are especially vulnerable these days, because they are easier to manage, they will give their energy more easily;
  • These days, many are drawn to hide and hide something (after all, the Moon is hiding, it is not visible in the sky).

The effect of the new moon on men

The influence of new moons is more often noticeable on men than on women. These days many of them are becoming more nervous, aggressive, it is more difficult to negotiate with them and more difficult to ask for something. If you are looking for an approach to a man, then during the new moon it is better to refrain from making any requests. Conversation and even more so demands.

Emotionally, men are especially vulnerable these days, so even a minor reason can cause outburst of anger. This, of course, applies to those who have an unstable emotional background, as well as those who were born near the new moon, because such people will have a new moon every month. a certain kind emotional outbursts.

During the new moon, men are more likely than women to experience epileptic seizures, heart attacks, strokes, as well as other attacks (of course, if they have corresponding diseases or health problems).

What can you do on a new moon?

The period of the new moon, that is, the days around the moment of the new moon itself, are energetically divided into two parts: BEFORE AND AFTER. This is very important to understand in order to highlight those activities that are acceptable to engage in. The moment of the new moon sets a very clear boundary when we complete something, cleanse it, throw it away, and when we are already ready for something new.

The new moon is a sign of happiness and resistance to evil forces, the ancients believed

On the 29th and 30th lunar days it is good:

  • Do cleaning, cleaning, sorting things;
  • Get rid of everything unnecessary, including intangible things: thoughts, memories, negative emotions;
  • Ask for forgiveness, and also forgive those who have offended you, or you think have offended you;
  • Fumigate the premises with incense that suits your home and your energy;
  • Approach any task meaningfully, do not do everything automatically;
  • Summarize, even if you did not have time to finish something, complete a certain stage in order to begin a new chapter in the next lunar month (you can at least look back and check what was done this month in order for you to reach your goal) ;
  • Bring talismans to your home for good luck, money, love, health, etc. For example, you can bring and hang a horseshoe front door in the house;
  • Eat light food, preferably plant-based (exclude meat, eggs, fish and dairy);
  • Cultivate in yourself positive emotions, share good mood with others;
  • Beware of water;
  • Carefully monitor safety precautions in any business;
  • Start things you want to hide.

On the 1st lunar day it is good:

  • Do breathing exercises, which help cleanse the mentality;
  • Do various practices that are aimed at improving, increasing energy, attracting what you want (it is especially good to use a candle or fire);
  • Visualize, build mental models (especially good after cleansing done on the 29th and 30th lunar days);
  • Write wish lists (both small and large);
  • Make to-do and shopping lists (for a month or for other periods);
  • Set goals (short and long term) that are very specific and meaningful real terms(this differs from desires);
  • Eat light food, preferably plant-based (exclude meat, eggs, fish and dairy)
  • Engage in creative and intellectual activities;
  • Collect information that may be needed in the future.

What can't you do on a new moon?

The days that are on the calendar near the moment of the new moon are usually 28, 29, 30, 1st and 2nd lunar days These are days with low energy levels. There is no moon in the sky, which means it cannot provide energy. That is why it is better not to do the following these days:

  • Give in to sad thoughts, become interested in negative news, fall into depressive moods, cultivate self-pity;
  • Worry about little things, and also give great importance disagreements that have arisen;
  • Quit things without finishing them, if you can complete them that day;
  • Show aggression in any form;
  • Start any important business;
  • Take on new responsibilities, move to a new job;
  • Perform operations: any surgical intervention may be unlucky during the new moon;
  • Make injections;
  • Do complex manipulations with the rectum (since this part of the body is quite vulnerable), and also do not touch those organs that are vulnerable these days in accordance with the position of the Moon in the signs (the Moon on the new moon will be in a new sign every month, in order) ;
  • There is very spicy and hot food;
  • Make important appointments, negotiations, mass meetings and any important matters;
  • Be in places with large crowds of people;
  • Go on sea voyages;
  • Rush in making decisions and commit rash actions;
  • Make important decisions;
  • Sign important documents;
  • Register marriage or any other unions;
  • Accept suggestions;
  • Lift weights and give yourself a lot of physical activity.

New moon and eclipses

From 2 to 5 times a year, the new moon can be accompanied by solar eclipse. Eclipses magnify the power of the new moon many times over, giving us the opportunity to better understand what we really want and bring it closer.

Why don't solar eclipses occur every new moon? A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon occurs at a certain point relative to the position of all three participants - the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

The Moon and Earth move in certain orbits, and the points where these orbits intersect each other are called Lunar Nodes. If on a new moon the Earth and Moon are near one of these Nodes, solar eclipse. Earthlings can observe an eclipse when there is a new moon and Lunar Node are no further than 12 degrees away.

You can read more about eclipses in the article

New moon magic

Before the moment of the full moon, more precisely at 29th lunar day, all negative energy month is connected together in order to be burned at the moment when the new lunar month begins - at the moment of the new moon.

This is why the day before the new moon is considered a very powerful day in magic and is often used for magical rituals, many times enhancing their actions.

But after the moment of the new moon, when the negative energy is burned and the lunar month begins its report, that is on the 1st lunar day, very good practice magical rituals to attract what you want into your life or increase what you already have.

Rituals and visualizations On a new moon you can do this to:

1) Decide on plans, understand more clearly what you really want;

2) Bring into life more money(using a new position, new job, new knowledge or with the help of a third party);

3) Attract love and new serious relationships into your life;

4) Improve your appearance;

5) Increase vitality, improve health;

6) Get more inspiration, attract new ones interesting ideas(usually suitable for creative people, but also for everyone else who would like to work in a new way);

7) Improve the quality of life in general (gain more optimism, positive thoughts, self-confidence).

The New Moon also provides very powerful energy for the future to open up to you. For example, if you are interested and tormented by some question, focus rest on it on the 1st lunar day, mentally ask a question and you will receive an answer.

If you have knowledge in the field tarot, runes, astrology or other mantic systems, then during this period of the lunar month it is very good to look at the future, make layouts and reflect on what you will see.

We have already talked about some rituals that are good to do on the new moon in the article:

In fact, rituals are just concentration of your consciousness and subconscious on those things that you desire. Remember that no rituals have magical power, if you do not have a strong intention and desire to receive and achieve something. You yourself, with your intentions and desires, endow any ritual with magical power.

That's why you can invent your own rituals, which will help you focus on what is important. But if you don’t yet know how rituals are invented, you can use ready-made ones.

The second important thing you should remember is that if you wish for something on the new moon, apply to your wishes and plan for their implementation or think through a possible set of circumstances and sequence of events. If you just wish and do nothing, your desires will remain unfulfilled.

If you are exactly don't know what you want(this often happens), then make a wish on the next new moon to understand this. Ask the Universe to help you understand your desires, give you some hints or signs, and show you the right path.

New moon wish

So, we found out that the new moon consists of several stages - the stage of cleansing, completion and getting rid of unnecessary things and preparing for a new positive experience. But the most important thing about these days is that you can bring fulfillment of your desires!

Imagine that the moment of the new moon is a kind of moment when a door opens leading into space, where all your dreams, desires and goals have already been fulfilled, and you can enter it and see what your life would be like if you were there.

Read also: K How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true?

How to prepare for new moon rituals?

In order for rituals to have maximum strength, you should prepare for them in advance. This will allow you to tune in and be prepared physically and mentally.

1) A few days before the new moon, give up food of animal origin: eat only vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

2) On the 28th and 29th lunar days, do general cleaning in your home, get rid of unnecessary things.

3) Before performing the ritual, take a bath or at least a hot shower and allow your body to relax well.

4) To perform rituals, find a secluded place where you will not be distracted and where you can concentrate well. It's best not to be disturbed by pets either. If you have the opportunity to perform rituals outside, this is also quite possible.

5) During rituals, turn off all gadgets, phones and devices so that nothing distracts you.

6) During rituals, you can turn on meditative music.

New moon rituals for love

Rituals to attract love are perhaps the most common rituals used during the new moon. It is especially good to perform these rituals during the new moon in the signs ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra). Such new moons usually occur in October and May. It is at this time that the symbolism of the sign will work most strongly to harmonize relationships or attract new love.

If waiting six months is too long, then use new moon closest to you, since all these rituals will make sense on any new moon.

What you will need: red candle, incense (sage or other) or aroma lamp with essential oil roses, rose quartz, a sheet of paper and a pen, a container for burning paper.

What to do:

  • Light a candle and an aroma lamp (or incense), take a piece of paper and write on it in detail what kind of person you would like to see next to you: describe his appearance, character traits, work, and so on in every detail.
  • Describe how you see your relationship, how he treats you, how you spend time together. After you describe all this, fold the piece of paper and put rose quartz on it.
  • Close your eyes and once again clearly imagine yourself next to this person in detail, especially imagine your feelings and emotions. After this, set the leaf on fire with a candle and scatter the ashes outside.

New moon rituals for wishes

Ritual to attract a good job and desired salary

What you will need:a green candle, incense (sage or others) or aroma lamp with your favorite essential oil, a piece of paper and a pen, a green envelope (can be made from colored paper), a container for burning paper.

What to do:

  • Light a green candle, aroma lamp or incense.
  • Take Blank sheet paper and pen and write a list of things that are important to you to have in your dream job. Think through every detail. Write the title of the position, the name of the company (if you already know it), describe how you feel in the office, who surrounds you, describe the environment in the office, write about your responsibilities and, of course, the desired salary (exact amount).
  • On the other side of the piece of paper, write at least 10 of your talents, traits and strengths that you can use in your new job (for example: I’m good at negotiating with people, I’m great at design, I love to study and enjoy doing it, etc.) d.)

  • When complete, place the piece of paper in the green envelope and seal it.
  • Look at the lit candle and think again about your desires.
  • Then extinguish the candle and place the envelope and candle in a place where you could see them every day (preferably on a windowsill that will receive moonlight at night).
  • On the next new moon, light the candle again and burn the envelope. It is possible, of course, that during this month you will be able to find what you want, but still complete the ritual to the end on the next new moon. Remember that the ritual itself and writing down desires is half the battle. If you do not act in the right direction, that is, in in this case look for a job, get interested, study if necessary, etc. good opportunities They'll just pass by!

Attracting what you want with a vision board

Find and print photos or pictures of things that can symbolize your desires. For example:

  • Photos or pictures of the city you dream of visiting;
  • Photos or pictures of a cozy apartment with a renovation you like (or a photo of your dream home);
  • Photo of the clothes you want to buy;
  • Photo of the office where you dream to work;
  • Photo of a baby if you dream of a child;
  • Heart, if you want to find love and so on,

In general, everything you would like to have in life!

Glue all these pictures onto a board made of thick cardboard or plywood and place it somewhere in your room where you will always see it.

Write on the new moon detailed list everything you would like to have and what is on your vision board.

Ritual to attract money on the new moon

During the new moon, rituals work very well. attracting money and wealth. The moon is associated with money, or more precisely, with the psychological background that lies behind money.

Rituals are best performed at the very beginning of the lunar month - on the 1st and 2nd lunar days, then with the growth of the Moon it will be possible to observe an increase in profits.

Remember that you do not attract money, but opportunities to receive it. If you don't take advantage of these opportunities, money can fly past you completely unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to prepare yourself before any rituals so that you are ready to accept opportunities and use them.

What you will need: Pot (clay) with fertile soil for indoor plants, seeds of any fast-growing plants, 3 coins of the same denomination.

What to do:

  • On the day of the new moon, on the 1st lunar day, think about what kind of income would suit you at the moment, by what day you would like to receive it and how exactly you would like to receive this money (employment earnings, business, investments, inheritance, partnership money, etc.).
  • Focusing on your desire, take a pot of soil, bury coins deep in it and plant the seeds, then water it. Close your eyes and imagine how it grows out of a pot Money Tree with the money you collect. Clearly imagine your sensations, your emotions and feelings when you have this money and have it regularly.
  • Stick 4 matches, heads up, along the edges of the pot to form a quadrangle. Say the following clause mentally or out loud: “Plants grow in my garden, and their fruits cannot be counted!”
  • Then place the pot in a window where you can see the Moon at night, water the pot every day, and watch the plants grow.

New Moon in Zodiac Signs

The New Moon occurs every month and is associated with the movement of the Sun, which is known to move from one zodiac sign to the next every month. When the Moon also joins it, a new moon occurs. That is why the Sun and Moon at the time of the new moon always in the same zodiac sign– every month in a new one.

However, due to the fact that the lunar month is smaller than the solar month, new moons can sometimes occur twice in a row calendar month , but in the next sign. The New Moon will occur in the sign in which the Sun will be located at that time. In some years there is a month in which there are two new moons (in different signs).

For example, in August 2019 we will witness two new moons - on the 1st in the sign of Leo, and then on the 30th in the next sign - Virgo.

It also happens that the new moon passes from one month to another, and then one month may remain without a new moon. For example, in 2014 in January and March there were 2 new moons each, and February remained without a new moon at all.

In any case, each subsequent new moon will take place in the next zodiac sign in order!

Each zodiac sign colors the new moon with its own energy throughout the year, giving certain strengths and opportunities, knowing which, you will be able to navigate more easily and use the energy of the new moons to the maximum:

♈ ARIES. The new moon in Aries is the first new moon astrological year and takes place in late March or April. This new moon is good to use to attract success in any endeavors, business affairs, or sports activities. It is also good to attract positive qualities Aries you would like to have: determination, courage, willpower, ability to step out of your comfort zone, competitiveness, etc.

If you have little energy and strength, or you are hesitant and afraid to start some project that is important to you or start your own business, but really want to, this is the perfect new moon would be better suited For making wishes and making plans in this area. It is also good now to attract the ability to set goals and the ability to take the first steps towards these goals.

♉ TAURUS. The new moon in the sign of Taurus usually occurs at the end of April or in May. This is an excellent new moon for attracting any material benefits into your life, in particular financial opportunities, new work with big earnings, gift money, etc. Also during this new moon it is good to think about improving your appearance, because Taurus is ruled by Venus.

This day is also ideal to use to lay the foundation for the future, not only for one lunar month, but also for a longer period. Overall, the entire month can be the start of something important and lasting if you want to attract it into your life.

♊ GEMINI. This new moon occurs in late May or June. This is a good time to attract new social circles, new knowledge and impressions into your life. If, for example, you are going to take exams in June, and the new moon just happens the day before, then you have a chance to attract academic success on this day. Of course, one’s own knowledge cannot be pushed aside, but sometimes a well-drawn ticket or the position of the examiner really helps to show one’s best side.

♋ CANCER. This new moon takes place in late June or July and is associated with family values, close relatives and real estate. It is good to use to attract prosperity to the home, to replenish the family or to improve living conditions. Although Cancer is not directly related to material things, it also includes issues of real estate and home as one’s fortress.

On this new moon, you should perform rituals and make wishes for those things that deeply affect you emotionally. If you would like your relatives to improve their health, then first of all you need to represent yourself, not them. Think about how you will feel when your loved ones are healthy.

♌ LION. The new moon in this sign occurs either at the end of July or in August. This new moon is good for bringing joy into your life. Of course, it’s worth thinking carefully about what exactly will make you happy, what should happen and what should appear in your life so that you are happier, so that you rejoice and do not experience stress. If these are children, think about the child; if this is a hobby, a favorite pastime, think about what it should be. This new moon is perfect to bring more color into your life if you're missing it!

♍ VIRGO. This new moon occurs in late August or September and is associated with health and work. It’s good on this day to make wishes related to improving your own well-being, attracting vital energy and strength, and the possibility of treating diseases. It is also good to think about improving conditions at work or looking for a new job if the old one does not suit you in some way, or you don’t have one at all. On days near the new moon, it is especially good to restore order and get rid of trash (at the end of the lunar month), and on the 1st lunar day it is good to attract orderliness and stability into your life.

♎ SCALES. The New Moon in this sign occurs either at the end of September or in October, when the Sun is in the sign of Libra. This is the ideal time to attract love, harmony into relationships, new relationships and meeting your betrothed. It is also good to make wishes for marriage. If you have problems with business partners, or do not have them, then on this day it is also good to attract partners or harmonize your relationships. If you have your own business, then this new moon will be a good time to attract new clients.

♏ SCORPIO. The new moon in this sign occurs at the end of October or November. It is associated with the powerful and destructive energy of Scorpio, which is ruled by Pluto, however correct use this energy will be beneficial. It’s good on this day to attract success in business, profit from investments, use of other people’s resources, success in research work, and also dream of returning what was lost.

For humans, the Moon in the sky is an everyday occurrence. However, many do not fully understand why the Earth's satellite is different periods looks different over time. There are people who do not understand why on some days it is visible in the evening, on others in the morning. And why on a new moon (see photo below) it is not visible at all. To understand the essence of the phase change, it is enough to imagine mentally or using improvised means a layout of the site of our star system. The diagram should include: the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. Knowing the directions of their movement, you can easily understand everything.


There are several theories about the origin of our planet’s satellite. According to one, the Moon and the Earth were “born” as two different planets from a common dust cloud. The smaller of the two fell into the gravitational field of the larger one, and their orbits balanced. According to another theory, everything happened after the collision of the Earth with another large celestial body. This could have happened more than 4 billion years ago. The remaining debris from the two planets in orbit eventually formed the Moon.

The Earth rotates around its axis and the Sun in a counterclockwise direction. The moon orbits in the same direction. If the Earth revolves around the luminary in 365 days, then its satellite revolves around the planet in 29.5 days. This move is usually divided into four (7.4 days each) periods.

From Earth, people can only see the Moon when it is illuminated by sunlight. At the beginning of the cycle, for several days it is completely invisible in the sky - the new moon. What the first and last quarters, the full moon are, and why they are called that, is easier to understand on a model of a section of the solar system.


The beginning of the cycle is considered to be the period when the Earth, Moon and Sun line up on one conventional line in exactly this sequence. It is known that all spherical bodies are only half illuminated by a light source. What happens on a new moon? The sun illuminates the side of its satellite farthest from the Earth. That is why people from the surface of the planet cannot see it. It hangs overhead, but is invisible in the sky - its half visible to the observer is not illuminated.

When the satellite, moving in orbit, moves to the left, part of the illuminated surface will become noticeable (the first quarter). The crescent moon will wax for just over a week. In the next similar period, the visible (illuminated) part of the satellite will increase. By the fifteenth day it will reach its maximum and will form a complete circle - the full moon. This point in the orbit is half of the cycle and is as important as the new moon. What is a waning month?

Over the next week, the visible part will decrease. The Moon will travel three-quarters of the orbital distance and will be positioned to the right of our planet. During this period (the last quarter), only half of the illuminated disk will be visible again. last week The moon is coming on the decline. Every day her sickle becomes smaller. Two days before the confrontation with the Earth, the illuminated area is practically invisible in the sky. At this point the cycle ends and everything repeats again.

When there is a new moon in the year, you can find out from the calendar. Usually there is one such period for every month. For some nationalities, chronology begins with the new moon. In such countries, it is still customary to start the year not only according to the official calendar.

New Moon: what is a growing and aging month

The plane of rotation of the Earth and the Moon do not coincide. If this were so, then there would be a solar eclipse on every new moon. In fact, there are only a few such moments a year (when the satellite blocks the light from people) - 2-5 times. Even less (0-3) lunar eclipses- this is when the shadow of a planet covers its satellite from sunlight.

You can distinguish a waxing Moon from a waning Moon by its visible arc. If the sickle looks like a regular (not reverse) letter “C”, then this is an aging month. If, on the contrary, the light arc resembles the radius of the letter “P” (you can conditionally add a vertical stick), then it can always be seen in the evening. And vice versa, the aging Moon is visible in the sky in the morning.

Sometimes in clear weather during the day you can see the dim disk of the earth's satellite. Such an “ash” Moon can be observed a couple of days before and after the new moon. This is what it looks like in reflected light. Sun rays fall to Earth, are reflected from the atmosphere and slightly illuminate the lunar disk. This period lasts only a few days.

Impact on humans: new moon

What are “days of Hecate”? What special things can happen during this period? It is believed that phase changes affect all living things, including humans: their health, psyche, and behavior. According to Greek mythology, Hecate was the granddaughter of the Sun and was known as the goddess of hell because of her machinations involving poisoning and murder.

The dark nights of the cycle before and after the full moon are called “days of Hecate” due to the fact that during this period witches and sorcerers organize their orgies. For a certain category of people, this is also the time of collecting magical herbs to prepare potions and potions that can cause damage and other troubles.

According to statistics, the new moon is one of the critical points of the cycle due to the complex interaction of the star, the planet and its satellite. At this time, accidents become more frequent and diseases worsen. People call this period unfavorable for making responsible decisions. It is believed that any undertaking on the new moon will be accompanied by difficulties.

Doctors confirm that this period is difficult for people with low blood pressure. They tend to experience poor health and depression. Even healthy people can feel a general lack of inspiration among creative individuals amid a general reluctance to work and create.

The moon has completely “waned” and is about to begin to grow.

New moon day (new moon) and its influence

On the day of the new moon, the body is most relaxed, a person is easily irritated and easily gets sick. Accordingly, things may not go well for him. Due to the deterioration of the reaction, the number of road accidents is growing. Brain hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic attacks occur more often. Alcohol at this time is more poisonous than usual, and the risk of contracting a “bad” disease increases.

Men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are especially tense, nervous, aggressive, and not inclined to communicate in any way. It is better to leave them alone at this time.

A one-day fast at this time is an excellent preventive measure, because harmful substances are well removed from the body.

Fasting during the new moon prevents certain diseases. On this day, the body is cleansed especially effectively. Eating can slow down this process or interrupt it.

It is better to refrain from cutting your hair during the new moon - this was advised by ancient Tibetan astrologers. They believed that a haircut done on the day of the new moon shortens a person's life.

The new moon is have a nice day for saying goodbye to the old and starting something. If you want to opt out bad habit, then calmly look into her eyes and examine her from all sides. At the same time, you should not pay attention to the opinions of others. If you decide to break up with her, then don’t ask the question “Why?” anymore. This is your free will, it is not negotiable. The energy of the new moon day will support you.

If, for example, you decide to quit smoking, then it is better to do it on the new moon. The craving for smoking will subside in a few days, and everything that happens next is a matter of your willpower. During the first 2-3 days you should under no circumstances drive a car! You will have more or less long periods of poor concentration.

With willpower and self-love, you can choose one of many new paths for yourself. And if you can also use positive influence Moons...

New moon calendar for 2019

The new moon calendar for 2019 contains information about the dates and times of new moons, indicating the sign of the Moon at the current moment.

New Moon in Zodiac Signs

New Moon in Aries

Get ready for quick and clear actions. Get rid of hesitation and doubt, finish with things that have been postponed. Be calm and remember that when making decisions, you should not give in to feelings.

New Moon in Taurus

Favorable for reasonable spending. Everything you acquire at this time will bring undoubted benefit.

New Moon in Gemini

This best time to start learning something. If you are planning to take any courses, then sign up for them to start training on the day of the new moon in Gemini - educational process it will be easier and more efficient.

New Moon in Cancer

It's time to strengthen the rear. Take care of your personal affairs and family. The time to begin activities aimed at the success of your close circle.

New Moon in Leo

The best day to go out. On this day, try to avoid any negotiations: they will be of little use. This is a day of buffets, parties and social events. Feel free to invite business partners to a restaurant - this is where the best results from a business meeting are most likely.

New Moon in Virgo

This is the day of saving. The time has come to conduct an audit of monetary expenses, time to remember that money loves counting, and a penny saves the ruble. Channel your business skills towards savings.

New Moon in Libra

It's time to invest your own time, intelligence and money in your beauty, health, image. Stylists, makeup artists, massage therapists, image makers – best company for a given day and month.

New Moon in Scorpio

Intimate life does not take time away from business, but gives energy. If you plunge into the stormy waters of passion, this does not mean that you will not swim out of there.

New Moon in Sagittarius

The period of receiving important business information is coming. Business ideas are literally in the air. It is necessary to carefully monitor events in the area of ​​your business interests.

New Moon in Capricorn

Try to look at the surrounding reality in a new way, think about what can be changed. The main thing is to avoid stagnation in business life, otherwise you will get sucked into the daily routine.

New Moon in Aquarius

Favors friendly support in business, this is the time of friends in the broad sense of the word. Forget for a moment that friendship is friendship and money is separate.

New Moon in Pisces

Favorable for creativity and a creative approach to business. The best clues will come from the unpredictable world of creativity - from people of science, literature and art.
