Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam. Brief overview and recommendations

In general, Phu Quoc Island is quite good for a holiday. True, there are still construction sites all around and there are few normal supermarkets, or rather they don’t even exist. According to reviews from tourists, this does not cause inconvenience. Lots of small shops. You can buy everything you need from shampoos to coconuts. Almost all stores have the same selection. The photo below can be seen in more detail. The whole month that we were in Fukuoka, the weather pleased us - heavy rains none at all, just a couple light rain for an hour or two.

New Year Vietnam celebrates 2018 with tourists. They try to decorate everything with shiny decorations and decorate Christmas trees or anything similar to them. So the January holidays are fun.


Beaches of Phu Quoc Island

The beaches of Phu Quoc Island are different. But all year round People come here to relax and bask in the warm sun.

One of the popular beaches is Long Beach, he is also the most popular. This is where there are the most services and comfort for tourists: hotels, cafes, restaurants, diving centers, many offers for excursions. The beach is quite narrow.

The best beach is considered Bai Sao. Located in the southeastern part of the island. The beach is wider than others, the sand is very fine and soft. You can get there either by bike or by taxi. There are not many hotels, but there are cafes and fruit stands.

On northern part of the island there are uncrowded beaches. The northern part of the island is still being built up and road construction is in full swing. We decided ride a moped around the island to see for yourself.



Public transport on the island is still poor. There are bus stops and we even once saw a bus pull up and pick up one passenger. There are legends on the Internet that buses run every 2 hours. In general, it is not yet a practical form of transport.

A moped is another matter. It costs 150 thousand dong per day. On long term will cost about 100 thousand dong per day. Gasoline 1 liter 20 thousand dong, either at a gas station or in a bottle near the road. No one asked for the rights, and no one was even interested in their availability. They took a passport as collateral. You can rent a moped in almost every corner of the city. I must say that none of us drove a moped and learned right on the spot. The guy who handed over the moped to us was explained through an interpreter that we were not experienced drivers and we needed to be shown how to use this beast. With a friendly smile, they gave us a used moped and told us everything. There were no problems with the moped, and we drove about 100 km in two days. In the urban area, traffic is more or less calm. Outside the city, the roads are empty. Comfortable conditions for learning.

Taxis have a landing fee from 6 to 12 thousand dong. All taxis have a meter, sometimes there is a terminal for paying by card. The cost per kilometer is 11.5-14 thousand dong. There are about 5 taxi companies. Significant difference We didn't notice anything about their price.

For communication with the mainland, an airport or pier will help. The ferry connection is developed. There are already several ports and 2 international ports are being built.

Cash withdrawal

There are many ATMs, all of them charge a percentage for withdrawals. You cannot withdraw more than 2-3 million dong at a time. The smallest commission at AGRIBANK ATMs is 22 thousand dong for one withdrawal. It allows you to withdraw no more than 3 million at a time.


Having rented a moped, we decided to drive around the island. Our first destination was an amusement park. Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc (Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc). When we arrived at the park, we were surprised by the lack of people. A small group of Chinese were put on a golf cart and driven into the depths of the park. In the park itself, no one is visible at all.

We are not fans of attractions and did not visit the park itself. There will obviously be no queues for the rides in the park, and ride lovers will certainly enjoy it.

On the way we met interesting place: "Pepper farm." We were invited to first visit their restaurant and taste black pepper tea, as well as try their spices and beer.

The very cheerful guide constantly teased us, showed us the family's property, told us how peppers grow and about many other plants living on the farm. After visiting the brewery, we were invited to stay with them. As it turned out, they also rent out several bungalows practically in the field. A proven scenario: first they take you to a brewery, and then it’s no longer safe to ride a moped and it would be better to rent a bungalow and sleep peacefully. Overall it was very interesting and enjoyable.

Overview of Phu Quoc Island

Every second vacationer on the island is Russian. Therefore, it is easy to find Russian guides and even Vietnamese in grocery stores They speak broken Russian. Lots of seafood restaurants. Shopping mall there is only one and it is not completed, on the ground floor there is a pearl store and nothing else for now. Pearl prices are not cheap. Earrings made of pearls + gold “studs” cost approximately 40 thousand rubles.

Sidewalks in the city, as throughout South-East Asia, few. The road around the island has not yet been completed. It’s a bit difficult to get around on a moped, but it’s possible. Construction of the route continues at full speed. The northern part of the island is not yet very developed. But this did not stop us from going around the island.

There are very few cafes and restaurants there. But there are rest houses. From the eastern part of Phu Quoc Island the water is not calm. The waves roll strongly onto the shore, the wind is stronger than in the west of the island.

Swimming will be difficult and probably dangerous. Along the way there are places that have not yet been touched by man. Beautiful views opens from the beaches. We were unable to climb the mountains: the only road to the top is guarded.

Along the way there are often pepper plantings.

Beautiful views of the coast. North of Phu Quoc Island.

Beautiful views of the south of the island.

Cafes and restaurants are located along the shoreline right by the water.

Many people are interested in the question of when is the best time to go on vacation to Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam. Today we will look into this in detail - after all, no one wants to spend two long-awaited weeks of vacation under heavy rains or on crowded beaches, among a noisy crowd of Chinese.

High season on Phu Quoc island

The weather on Fukuoka island is warm and even hot all year round. Average daytime temperature is 30 degrees, average temperature at night 25. The water temperature is rarely less than 27 degrees. Even in winter months It never gets cold here. Phu Quoc is truly a tropical island.

The high season in Fukuoka begins in December and lasts until March. At this time there is the least amount of rain and the maximum influx of tourists from all over the world. Even in neighboring Thailand or on the mainland of Vietnam, it is not comfortable at the beginning of winter, so people come to Phu Quoc at this time. In addition, the last two years right at New Year's holidays there is a musical event in Fukuoka that attracts fans electronic music from all surrounding areas.

The most high prices for housing, bike rentals and even for restaurants and cafes can be found between December and March. During the New Year holidays, it is not always possible to find a free bike, or the queues for the most popular ones reach a week-long wait. The city is filled with crowds of drunken tourists, many of whom still manage to drive vehicles, .

Rainy season on Phu Quoc island

The rainy season in Fukuoka is from July to October - unlike the mainland, it does not rain here all the time, but sometimes it can be quite prolonged. In rare cases, it may rain all day. However, even during the rainy season, life on the island continues. The sea remains warm, tourists come to taste tropical fruits.

Most cafes, bars and clubs are closed during this period. Therefore, it is not always possible to find suitable entertainment, but no one cancels excursion programs, as well as the sea, fruits and seafood, which at this time can be enjoyed at the lowest prices.

Rain season great time to visit neighboring Cambodia, especially the Angkor temples in Siem Reap. or go on a trip on your own. During the rainy season, the temple pools are filled with water, the weather is not so hot and you can calmly explore ancient buildings without fear of sunstroke.

Off-season on Phu Quoc Island

The periods from October to December and from April to July are the off-season period. At this time, rains do not bother guests of Phu Quoc Island so much, prices on the island are pleasantly surprising, cafes and restaurants are still open, but the island is free and comfortable. By the time this article was published, the month of April was ending; there was hardly more rain in April than in January or December.

Off-season is best period for a holiday in Fukuoka. The weather is still good, and the prices are already good

Have a nice holiday

Russian travelers have recently discovered the wondrous beauty of the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc. Located in the southeast of the country and washed by the azure waters of the Gulf of Thailand, the archipelago for a long time was a secluded, quiet oasis. The eternal peace was disturbed only by local residents and a few European tourists. Last years The picturesque resort became especially popular.

When is the best time to go to Phu Quoc?

On a tropical island monsoon climate. The air temperature throughout the year is even, comfortable and ranges from 27° to 31°.

Unlike the generally accepted four seasons, the Vietnamese resort of Phu Quoc distinguishes 3 seasons:

  • from November to March – the most comfortable weather conditions;
  • from April to June – heat, short-term heavy showers are possible;
  • from July to October is the rainy season.

The weather in Fukuoka is determined by the monsoons. Twice a year huge air masses, moving, change direction. During the dry season, they move towards the sea, and during the wet season, on the contrary, from sea to land.

Interestingly, the rainy season gives way to the dry season quite quickly, usually at the very end of October. The transition to the wet period occurs gradually and occurs in April and May.

The water in the Gulf of Thailand is considered cool when its temperature drops to 26°. In the hottest season, 31° at sea is normal.

Let's look at the weather on Phu Quoc Island by month at our usual seasons


The winter season, which we associate with snow and frost, is considered high season here in the southern part of Vietnam.

Weather in Fukuoka December– one of the most favorable for the relaxed beach holiday. The water in the bay is warmed up to 28°. The air temperature is 29° during the day, cooler at night – about 22°. Precipitation falls up to 60 mm, which is 4-7 rainy days per month. Tourists from all over the world come here for Catholic Christmas and subsequent holidays. Celebrate the New Year on the snow-white beach of Fukuoka under the palm trees - what could be more exotic?

IN January The celebration of life continues in Fukuoka, and hotels are actively increasing the cost of living. The island is wonderful warm weather. Over the course of a whole month, it will rain a maximum of 2-3 times, which will amount to 30-40 mm of precipitation. Tropical showers are heavy but short-lived. The clouds disperse very quickly, the sun warms up, and you can swim and sunbathe to your heart’s content. The weather is clear and calm, 27° during the day, 20°-21° at night. Pampered locals call January the coldest month. But for visitors, 27° in the water and in the atmosphere are very comfortable conditions.

IN February in Vietnam and on the island of Phu Quoc they celebrate the New Year according to eastern calendar. Those lucky ones who can afford to spend the whole winter at the resort live in an atmosphere eternal holiday. The weather promotes a joyful mood. The amount of possible precipitation is no more than 20 mm. Cloudless sky, light breeze, water in the bay 28°, air warmed up to 29°. Even at night the thermometer does not drop below 24-26°.

© bittermelon / / CC BY 2.0


IN March On the island of Phu Quoc, dry, clear weather remains, the thermometer readings gradually creep up and reach 31° in the daytime. At night the heat drops to 25°, but it is still quiet and warm. Tourists enjoy swimming in warm water (29°) and admire beautiful scenery. There is little rain, only 4-5 per month. This is approximately 50, maximum 80 mm.

IN April the heat intensifies and reaches 31-33°. Even at night the air does not cool below 25-27°. The water is almost not refreshing - the same 31°. But the demand for water activities is growing. The amount of precipitation increases to 200 mm, that is, there are 6-8 rainy days per month. This begins the transition period from dry weather to the rainy season.

May- most hot month per year. If the air temperature at night is 24°-26°, then by the middle of the day the temperature rises to 32°, and in the afternoon it reaches an annual maximum of 34°-35°. Sea water is still very warm, 30°-31°. Despite the heat, there is more precipitation: 230-250 mm. The weather in May is capricious and unpredictable. If you're lucky, there won't be any rain in 2 weeks. But then it can be not just rains, but real tropical downpours, and they can last for several days in a row.


IN June monsoons bring heavy, long rainfall (270-280 mm). Wind speed can reach from 10 to 15 m/s. In total, this month has up to 16 rainy days. The rest of the time, tourists continue to swim and sunbathe in warm water bay. During the day it’s 31° in the air, at night up to 26°, at sea it’s still the same usual 30°.

July– peak wet season when a record amount of precipitation falls: 400-500mm. Showers occur intermittently for most of the month. At 30° in the atmosphere, humidity reaches 85%. Night temperatures drop to 24°. The water in the bay is 29°, but there are few people willing to swim due to the wind and strong waves.

August in Fukuoka - the most unfavorable time for a beach holiday. Although precipitation falls slightly less, about 380 mm, the number of rainy days is large - from 19 to 22.

At the same time, the wind intensifies, its speed reaches 15, sometimes 18 m/sec. The temperature in water and air is approximately the same - 29-30°.

© meenaghd / / CC BY 2.0


IN September The wet season continues. The sky is mostly covered with clouds, but the sun appears more often, and a third of the month consists of completely clear days. The rains are less intense and fall mainly in the afternoon or late evening. The water in the bay is cloudy after rainstorms, the temperature remains 28-29°. The air is 30° during the day and 24° at night.

Octoberlast month wet season. During the first 2 weeks, heavy but short-term downpours are still possible, and approximately 200 mm of precipitation falls. The end of October is already a dry period, the wind subsides, the clouds dissipate. Although at night it is cool by local standards (24°), during the daytime it is 30° in the air and 28° in the water.

IN November the weather on Phu Quoc island is getting better and the holiday season. There is less precipitation - about 100-150 mm. The water is warm and pleasant - 27°, in the air at night 23-25°, during the day no higher than 28-29°. The weather becomes comfortable for the most spoiled traveler.

Tourists, wanting to prolong the passing summer, fly to Phu Quoc, a wonderful island where the sky is blue, the sea is clear, and it is always warm.

Introductory image source: © rocrowley / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Although in general Fukuoka does not have large temperature fluctuations, as in northern countries and even in the north of Vietnam, on this island it is customary to distinguish 3 seasons: high season, low season and off-season.

Holiday season in Fukuoka

Phu Quoc Island, which has a subequatorial climate, offers best season for holidays from November to March, when warm and sunny weather prevails here with a constant temperature of about 25-28 degrees Celsius and low air humidity. At this time in Fukuoka there is greatest number tourists, so you should be prepared for crowds of people near the main attractions, in markets and other tourist places. In addition, during the high season, many popular hotels in Phu Quoc are closed, so it is better to book hotel rooms in advance, especially if you are interested in hotels in the Long Beach area, near the city of Duong Dong. Among positive points During the high season in Fukuoka, the number of flights to this island increases, so you may have different variants travel to Phu Quoc.

Off-season in Fukuoka

The period from April to June, as well as the end of October, can be considered as a good time to visit Phu Quoc, as the crowds tend to be smaller and accommodation prices tend to be lower. At the same time, the weather is still suitable for a beach holiday, although it is already as sunny as during the high season. It is worth remembering that April and May are the hottest months in Fukuoka with daytime temperatures around 35 degrees and humidity around 80-85%. The period from late September to early October may be good time for a holiday in Fukuoka, but only if you are lucky with rain. It is important to remember that many hotels have their annual maintenance in October before the start of the high season, so some hotels or hotel facilities may be closed during this time.

Monsoons prevail in Fukuoka from July to September, so this period is considered to be the rainy season or low season. However, you should not think that it is impossible to relax on the island at this time, and it rains here all day long. In fact, if you're lucky with the weather, you can have a great time at the beach. Sometimes during the rainy season in Fukuoka there are 2-3 days in a row without rain. Moreover, even on those days when it's raining, there are often several hours of sunny weather. However, the rainy season in Phu Quoc is the worst time to visit as frequent rain leads to mud and many slippery spots. Some roads become impassable at this time.
If you decide to go to Phu Quoc during the rainy season, we recommend that you take a raincoat and an umbrella.

When going to Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam, you must remember that you will find here not only magnificent beaches, comfortable hotels and inexpensive seafood, but there are also quite a lot of problems that have not been solved by this rising tourist power.

Here we will tell you not only about the pros, but also about the cons of this wonderful tropical island, we will share the unique experience of those tourists who have already vacationed on it, thoroughly studied it and loved it forever.

Where is Phu Quoc Island?

Phu Quoc is located in the Gulf of Thailand Pacific Ocean, near the southwestern coast of Vietnam, to which it belongs, and Cambodia. Thanks to the climate and location, it is simply created for tourism.

Phu Quoc Island is the largest Vietnamese island, located among many smaller islands. The Vietnamese also call it Pearl Island, Sunset Island or 99 Mountains Island.


Phu Quoc Island, which belongs to Vietnam, has an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. km, where about 100 thousand local residents live. Almost all of it has mountainous terrain; the highest local mountain is called Tyua.

At the same time, there is no seismic activity on the island, it is completely safe from this point of view, and the most high mountains barely exceed 500 meters. Volcanoes, incl. extinct ones were not found here.


The sun rises on the island 4 hours earlier than in Moscow. If in Moscow it is 12-00, then here it is already 16-00. When going on vacation, you should take into account the time in Fukuoka, so we recommend that you begin the process of adapting to the change in time zones in advance.

The language of communication

Today on the island of Phu Quoc you can meet guides, drivers, sellers or hotel owners with whom you can speak Russian quite easily, but there is no universal, universal Russification here.

With tourists on the island, they speak mainly English, and Russian will be enough for communication school curriculum. Total Russification takes place in Vietnamese resorts Nha Trang and Mui Ne.

Currency of Vietnam

One US dollar today costs 22,770 Vietnamese dong. For simplicity and convenience, we offer you the cost of accommodation in Fukuoka hotels and tourist services in American currency.

How to get to Fukuoka?

The only way to get here directly from Russia is by plane. It is best to search the Internet in advance, a few months before the tourist trip, on the popular services Aviasales, Skyscanner, etc. and book cheaper tickets.

What is Phu Quoc Island like today?

Phu Quoc turns into a real one seaside resort with excellent beaches and hotels. It is becoming increasingly popular among tourists from all over the world. While there is no tourist pilgrimage here, it is time to visit the island.

Scuba diving is booming in Fukuoka; it is one of the cheapest in the world on the island. Here you can go traveling around tropical forests, climb the mountains, go down rivers and waterfalls, get acquainted with the local flora and fauna.

When is the best time to go to Phu Quoc?

On the island of Phu Quoc, if you wish, you can relax all year round, even when it gets cool and rains in other Vietnamese resorts. Thanks to the island maritime climate, the transition from one season to another is smoother here.

The high or dry season in Fukuoka lasts from November to May, and from May to October there is a hot and rainy season. Due to its location, there are never storms, typhoons or tsunamis off the coast of the island.

Let's take a closer look at the seasonality in Fukuoka by month. After all, your choice of when to come here will depend on the season. Also, the prices set by the local tourism business directly depend on the season.

1. High season

The high season in Fukuoka, when the best time for most tourists to relax, lasts from November to April. At this time, the air temperature is +28 - +31 C, and the water temperature in the sea is a couple of degrees lower - +26 - +28 C.

In winter, it is best to go to the island - it is dry and warm, but not hot, the prices are exceptional sunny days, virtually no precipitation. You can sunbathe all day long local beaches and swim in the sea, enjoying your vacation.

But as in any tourist country, in Vietnam during the High Season prices for tourist services rise significantly. However, Russians, especially those living in Far East, it doesn't really stop.

Today it is fashionable to celebrate the New Year in such an exotic place as Phu Quoc. Therefore, in winter on the island, and throughout Vietnam, you can meet millions of tourists from Russia who want to see Father Frost and the Snow Maiden on the beach.

2. Hot season

Following High season The hot season begins, it lasts from April to June. During these months the air temperature and sea ​​water gradually increases, tourists become less comfortable. There are a lot of jellyfish appearing in the sea.

At this time in Fukuoka, Russians, as residents northern latitudes, it will be too hot. The sea warms up so much that its temperature becomes higher than the temperature of the human body; it does not cool or refresh, like in a hot bath.

3. Rainy season

The rainy season begins in July and lasts until early October. Moreover, in September, water pours from the sky onto the island like from a bucket; by the end of October, the volume of precipitation slowly but surely decreases, and in November it comes to naught.

At this time in Fukuoka, you can sit in a hotel and enjoy the romance of the situation, watching the rain outside the window. There are almost no tourists on the island during the rainy season, prices for tourist services are reduced to a minimum.


Today, many five-star and budget hotels have been built on the island of Phu Quoc to suit every taste and budget, there is a modern entertainment park, many diving centers, and a developed restaurant business.

The island continues to maintain its own authenticity, which is why sophisticated tourists like it. It's worth getting a little lost tourist route, and the real Vietnam will open before you, like hundreds of years ago.

Phu Quoc Island has not yet turned into an ordinary seaside resort where the rich while away their time. Here you can see wild beaches, unique flora and fauna, and enjoy a purely Vietnamese flavor.
