If the deceased comes. Dream Interpretation - Deceased fathers

For some people, after the funeral of a relative or good friend, the girlfriends begin to see their phantoms appear (they often dream about a dead person, usually at night, but it also happens during the daytime). To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to open the door through which the body of the deceased was carried out, cross yourself three times and say, continuing to make the sign of the cross at this time: “The kingdom of heaven, a bright place for the deceased servant (his full name). Righteous Lord, give rest to the restless soul. Amen, amen, amen."

Then close the door with your left hand, wash your hands with running water and on the same day (the ritual is carried out immediately after noon) be sure to visit the church on foot and light a candle there for the repose of this person. All this day you need to fast, avoid various conflict situations, not give anything to anyone and not take anything from anyone.

If you are worried about the deceased, you often dream about it, then take a poppy consecrated on the Savior of the Poppy, scatter it at front door, in the hallway and around the yard. At the same time, say: “Servant of God (the name of the deceased), until you have collected all the poppies and grown a new one from it, do not come close to (the name of the one who is worried about the soul of the deceased)!” Let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen". The next day, go to church, light a candle for the repose, order a funeral service, distribute memorials. When leaving the temple you need to make a donation within your means. After this, go to church for 12 days in a row, light candles for the repose of the deceased, saying: “Lord, allow the restless soul to rest for all eternity! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

When passing (driving) past a cemetery, look at it, hold your breath, say: “The kingdom of heaven!” and cross yourself.

If you often dream about the deceased, then put aside a nickel for 30 days. Then, at exactly noon, take this small money to the cemetery and place it on the grave of the deceased, which you dream about too often. It may happen that the deceased is buried far away - in this case, place coins on the grave with his name and year of burial (if you can find it). In both cases, say: “I brought your share of money! Sleep, servant of God (name of the deceased), don’t get up again! Don’t visit me either in a dream or in reality! Goodbye! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next day, go to church, light a candle for the repose, order a funeral service, distribute memorials. Complete the service, take communion and confession. Order the magpie and three masses for your health in the church, place three candles at the icons of the Savior, Holy Trinity, Mother of God, Nicholas the Pleasant and Panteleimon the Healer. When leaving the temple you need to make a donation within your means.

If the deceased calls you with him. Remembering the dead is a sacred matter. However, it is not recommended to do this too often: staying in a cemetery is not an entertaining event.

Favorable days for these purposes are the following: the birthday and anniversary of a person’s death, the eighth day after Easter, the Saturday before Trinity and Dmitrievskaya Saturday. Visiting the cemetery on Svetloye is also not prohibited. Christ's Sunday. Any day is appropriate if you come from another city, but visiting after sunset is not advisable.

It is extremely undesirable to use clothes and personal belongings left behind by the deceased, because this can bring trouble to you. It is generally forbidden to wear things in which a person died.

You shouldn't joke with the otherworldly sphere! If it so happens that you often dream of a dead person and call you to come with you, do the following ritual:
To cut off the spirits of death from yourself, you need to go to church and place forty sacrificial candles near the image of the Savior. Having returned from the temple of God, read this conspiracy forty times: “Just as you, the Funeral Spirits, have no way to me, so for now there is no place for me in the grave! My word cannot be interrupted, broken, or replaced by any word. I dress you, the servant of God (the name of the deceased who dreamed), in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". After that, go to church and confess. Order a service for the repose of the soul of the deceased who you dreamed of and called with you. And to myself - “For health.” And do this for 40 days in a row. At the end of the period, give alms in three churches. And keep fasts for a year.

Sometimes there are cases when the dead come to their loved ones - either in a dream, or in the form of a ghost spirit. Most often this happens when relatives are very “killed” for the deceased. The same phenomena happen when the deceased has unfinished business on earth that is very important to him, for example, young children, etc. All this binds the deceased to the earth and prevents him from moving into higher spheres.

That is why in folk beliefs It is said: you cannot mourn the deceased too much, hysterically, or throw yourself on his body in a fit of grief - the deceased may suffer from this: he will not be able to truly leave, he will “appear.”

Fair warning. It is at moments when we are boundless in our emotions that our own energy-informational (astral) body “throws out” energy threads invisible to the eye, entangling the soul of the deceased.

In some cases, such an energetic connection with another can, in a matter of months, bring a completely healthy, recently cheerful person to the grave.

A necrotic connection that arises under the described conditions and is subsequently fed by constant longing for the departed, a sense of guilt in front of him, first gives rise to depression, then health problems, indifference to life, affairs, and people around him. The deceased often appears in a dream, calling for him.

Soon the health of the victim of this anomaly is completely upset, the psyche, naturally, too...

Popular wisdom in this situation says the following: if a deceased person comes to visit, it is necessary to immediately order a forty-day funeral service for him in accordance with his lifetime religion, and bury a small aspen cross in the grave - exactly the same cross should be hung on the neck of his victim, while simultaneously showering poppy seeds on the threshold and window sills in the house.

And one more piece of advice to the relatives of the deceased. Of course, when performing any rituals, you must maintain deep respect for the deceased. Necrotic connection can be quite dangerous, but if all precautions are taken, its negative effect is practically reduced to nothing.

If you still cannot protect yourself from the influence of deceased relatives using the above method, you should seek help from specialists in the field. folk magic, whose authority is sufficiently confirmed.

If you are troubled by the spirits of the dead

If the dead are bothered - Method 1: If there is a murder in your house, clean it within nine days. Stand facing east and read the “Our Father” three times, “May God rise again” three times and the spell three times: “Forgive me, mother, the earth is damp, in which I annoyed you.” Purely symbolically, spit over your left shoulder three times. Repeat this ritual at dawn.

Method 2. You can often hear complaints: they say that a loved one has died, but every night he dreams, worries, and no prayers help. In this situation, an ordinary funeral service will not help. After it, you will sleep peacefully for 2-3 days, no more. A positive result can be achieved in the following way: seeing a “deceased person” in a dream, mentally ask him: “What do you need?” What you saw or heard must be written down on paper and buried in a cemetery with the words: “Here you can lie in peace, but I can live in freedom. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" In general, if you are afraid of something, do the following: take good scissors, put them under your pillow, and place a broom at your feet. The broom sweeps away, the scissors cut.

Method 3. If you are disturbed by the dead, at night in your home you hear obscure rustlings, creaks and sighs, as well as other sounds with strong floorboards and the absence of mice and rats, then in this case you can assume the presence of ghosts in your home. This assumption can develop into confidence if, in addition to this, your family often gets sick. Or, in addition, you began to have financial or everyday difficulties. If you want to clean your home, then your actions should be like this.

Light a thick church candle on the waning moon, at sunset. Having tilted it so that the wax drips from it, make a cross in each room about 1.5 by 1 meter. At the same time, read the “Our Father” prayer three times. There is no need to remove the cross specially afterwards - it will come off on its own during cleaning. Drive a new sewing needle into the hole of the front door with the point facing the exit. At the same time, while you are killing her, say: “The way out is indicated, vice is forbidden by the cross, come on, get out, but don’t come to me! Let it be so! Amen!" On the fourth day, walk to church. If you live in a city and it's too far, walk to the last stop. Light candles in the church: one for the health of all your enemies and envious people, the second for the repose of deceased enemies and envious people, and the third for your health. At the same time, mentally say: “Calm, Lord, the souls of all my enemies, both dead and living! And I forgive them, and I no longer hold a grudge against them. It’s not for me to judge them, but for you, Lord! Let it be so! Amen!" When leaving the temple, make a donation that you can. Leave without looking back until the first intersection. There, throw a nickel over your left shoulder, mentally saying: “Everything has been paid for in full!” When you return home, wash your hands under running water and dry them over a candle flame. Don't talk to anyone until sunrise the next day. For three days, do not give anything to anyone and do not take anything from anyone.

Method 4. If there is a ghost in your home, then at sunset during the waning moon you need to go to church for three days in a row and light a candle for a lost soul in front of any image: you yourself will understand which one. You should not say anything out loud, but say mentally: “Lord, save and have mercy on the lost soul. Amen". Cross yourself as many times as you deem necessary.

However, this candle must be brought from home. Therefore, if you don’t have one, then first buy it, bring it home, and let it lie at least overnight behind any home icon.

Method 5. If you had to meet a ghost, then immediately whisper: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of heaven is to you,” and cross it three times with a wide cross. Repeat if necessary.

Method 6. On the date of your birth, before noon, buy a cross or a body icon in church with the image of your saint in whose honor you were given a name. If this is not possible, then purchase an icon of the Mother of God. Wear it without taking it off for two weeks. The situation should normalize by this time.

The deceased and the funeral: how not to cause trouble.

The deceased should be washed only in daylight hours days. Then you need to dig a hole where people don’t walk, and pour the water there after washing.
- The wheat from the glass that stood near the coffin is buried.
- If a coffin is being taken out and someone is tying knots in rags near the door, this is damage.
- The ties from the hands and feet of the deceased are placed in the coffin with the deceased.
- Don’t look at funerals from the window - this is a sign of serious illness.
- If relatives are deeply saddened by the deceased, you need to take the headdress of the deceased (scarf or hat), light it in front of the front door and go around all the rooms, reading “Our Father”. Burn the remains of the headdress outside and bury them.
- If you crossed the road in front of a deceased person and you have a “gravebone” tumor, you need to take right hand deceased, move all fingers over the tumor and read “Our Father” three times. After each scolding, spit over your left shoulder three times. Or take the rope that tied the deceased’s hands and tie it around the tumor. Wear for 7-8 days.
- After making a coffin, shavings cannot be burned; they are usually buried.
- The bed on which a person died must be brought into the chicken coop for three nights so that the rooster sings it three times.
- You must not step on the towel near the coffin.
- If you are afraid of a dead person, then grab his legs.
- Silver items are removed from the deceased.
- When returning from a funeral, you must definitely shake off your shoes, wash your hands and hold them over a burning church candle.
- When you see a funeral on the street and a deceased person in a coffin, do not automatically touch your face or body with your hands.
- When a coffin is made, relatives should not participate in the manufacturing process.
- If the deceased is in the house, they greet with a bow.
- When the coffin is lowered into the grave, the towels on which it was lowered are buried in it.
- If the deceased does not have a cross, then you need to put it on and fold your hands like this: left below, right above. IN left hand they put an icon (for a man - the Savior, for a woman - Mother of God) or cross.
- The coffin is placed in the middle of the room with its head towards the icons. The candle near the coffin burns as a sign that the deceased has moved to the realm of light, a better afterlife.
- When the coffin is taken out, the face of the deceased should be directed towards the exit.
- In the grave, the deceased lies facing east in anticipation of the second coming of Christ and as a sign that he is moving from the sunset of life to the sunrise of eternity.
- Pregnant women and menstruating women should not wash the deceased. Try not to spill water in the house - your relatives will get very sick.
- If a dead person is in the house, you can’t wash it.
- A man has died, do not allow someone to be on his bed.
- Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin.
- If there is a blush on the dead person’s face, it means it was a sorcerer.
- When a dead person is taken out of the house, you should not hammer in the lid, there may still be a dead person.
- The shroud must be sewn on a live thread and with a needle from yourself.
- During the funeral, you cannot husk seeds or eat anything, otherwise your teeth and stomach will hurt.
- You can’t take anything from a funeral, much less steal it.
- When money is placed in a coffin or in a grave, this may be followed by financial failures and all sorts of material disasters.
- Rings, bracelets, chains and other solid rounded jewelry should not be left on the deceased. It happens that the ring cannot be removed, then it is sawed off. All this is done, of course, not for mercantile motives. The greatest danger is still posed by uncut ropes, which is why the family of relatives of the deceased may experience another loss within a year. The mistake needs to be corrected as quickly as possible: at any funeral, scissors are placed in the coffin with a whisper: “Untie (so-and-so).”
- Forgotten jewelry on the deceased, buttoned up, the nodes can cause inconvenience to the soul of the deceased for some time, and then it can disturb its relatives in one way or another: from difficult dreams to an active poltergeist: noises of unknown origin in the house, a feeling of a foreign presence, the clinking of dishes at night, etc. At least At least, if something like this happens, it happens within the first year from the moment of death.

Seeing off on the last journey

“Quite recently, misfortune befell our family - our grandmother died after a serious and long illness. Funerals, wakes are a gloomy bustle. However, this is not the point. When we were preparing to take the body out of the house, they began to give us advice from all sides - what to do, where to stand , which rag to wash which floors with, etc., etc. To be honest, at that moment we turned a deaf ear to all these recommendations - there was no time for it. And now the whole family is tormented: maybe it was worth holding a funeral ceremony, like that require tradition?"

Alina G., Poltava region.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that you did not perform the “seeing off” ritual. So don't worry too much about it. For the deceased in the next world, it will be enough for you to remember him, remember him from time to time and pray for the repose of his soul. But if anxiety does not leave you, then to calm your conscience, perform the ritual of “covering your tracks” - this can be done within forty days after the death of a person. Pour water into a bucket, open the window and after fresh air rushes into the room, wipe with a damp cloth (it is better to take old clothes of the deceased) to the threshold the trace along which the coffin with the body was carried out. Then throw the rag outside and pour the water away from the house.

By the way, if your relationship with your grandmother did not go well during her lifetime or she had an unkind disposition, to get rid of the negative energy that can linger in her room for quite a long time, and in the apartment as a whole, we advise you to resort to one proven remedy. Sprinkle the corners of the room with salt in a cross pattern and do not sweep it away for forty days. After this, do not forget to throw away the broom.

Unfortunately, our life does not always consist of only pleasant things; sometimes misfortunes happen - relatives or friends die. In these cases, it wouldn't hurt anyone to know simple rules, helping to see a person through to the next world with dignity.

For example, it is not customary for funeral service employees and people who carry out the coffin to say “thank you” or “goodbye” - only “farewell.” During the removal of the body, you are not supposed to say goodbye to the deceased and look out the window, watching how the coffin is placed on the hearse. At this time, it is better to pray for the “good road” of the deceased to the next world. In general, there are a great many rituals accompanying funerals - it’s impossible to tell about them all at once. God forbid, of course, but if you still have to bury someone, then go to church - the priest will console you and tell you what to do.

One of the types of damage that is done to death is “Into the grave”

This type of damage is inflicted with the goal of driving the victim into a coffin. To do this, the spoiler pours earth in a cross shape near the front door. And if you find such land near your home, you must react immediately, because the type of this damage is the most “aggressive”. And without professional help, a spoiled person can very quickly, within a year, end up in a coffin. various reasons, ranging from an accident to cancer.

Why is this happening? The energy shells are covered with a “black” fog, and it seems to disappear from the field of view of the Guardian Angel. Therefore, he quickly dies or dies from an accident.

Sweep up the discovered soil without touching it with your hands (using gloves through a newspaper) and place it in plastic bag. Take him to the cemetery immediately. Throwing the package in front of you, say: “It left me, it came back to its owner.” Let it be so! Amen!" Then turn sharply over your left shoulder and return home. At home, wash your hands under running water and dry over a candle flame. Don't talk to anyone until sunrise the next day. Before the start of the new day, do not eat or drink anything. The next morning, go to church and light a candle for the health of your enemies. When leaving the temple, make a donation that you can.

Then go over the latest events in your mind. Remember when you were at a funeral, who you saw off? last way. On the full moon, you should order prayers in the temple for the repose of all those persons by name, and then light one candle yourself for the repose of the soul of each deceased in whose funeral you were directly involved. At the same time, be sure to read the prayer “May God rise again.” Then, within seven days, bring whatever donation you can for the needs of the three temples.

A person whom you did not know during life and who has never been to your house will not be able to become attached to you after his death, becoming a restless spirit or ghost. No, this sometimes still happens, but it’s so rare that it’s not taken into account. Usually the spirit that has shared its presence in your home is someone you once knew well, or someone who knew your home well, or even considered it theirs. Therefore, with a mention of such spirits, we will begin the list of reasons that can attract this or that ghost to you.

Spirits of former owners of an apartment or house

- otherworldly spirits come into a home out of habit, because... Even though they died, they still consider him theirs. When they arrive, they are surprised to find new guests there, believing that they have invaded without having any rights to do so, and therefore are doing everything to ensure the survival of people. The methods can be incredibly different - from intimidation, to inflicting illnesses, chronic loneliness, poverty, failure.

Method of protection - sometimes it is enough to rearrange, change furniture, or make repairs so that the spirit of the previous residents of the apartment leaves, since it will no longer recognize the apartment, and therefore consider it its own.

Spirits returning due to love or strong affection

– such spirits, despite the fact that they come attracted by love or the inability to cope without another person, as a rule, are not as safe as they might seem.

  • Firstly, almost always, sooner or later, they turn into energy vampires who begin to mercilessly steal the energy of those for whom they stayed.
  • Secondly, considering the world of the living to be the only possible place for existence, they do everything so that their loved one moves there as quickly as possible, not realizing that by doing so they are sometimes depriving him of 10, and sometimes even 40 years of life, which he could have lived without they take him with them.

The method of protection is not to think of the dead as if they were alive. And if the deceased was loved by you, try to get rid of the feeling of love, transferring it to the level of gratitude or bright memories. After all, only in this case will you be able to, which still connects you with the spirit of the deceased, due to which you will not allow him to further influence your life, or steal your energies, or distort your destiny.

Spirits driven by a sense of responsibility

– responsible parents, spouses or relatives. They remain in the subtle planes of our reality because they believe that you will be lost without them. If the remaining one is good spirit of the highest order, then his posthumous help will be invaluable, since he will perform the same functions as your personal guardian angel. But if he is a being of a lower order, then sooner or later a classic ending awaits him - having forgotten about the sense of duty and responsibility, such a spirit will turn into an energy devourer who will begin to torment you and poison your life in order to force you to produce negative energies. He simply cannot eat anything else.

The method of protection is to show willpower, and immediately after the death of the person who cared for you, show that you can cope with everything on your own. Only by seeing this will he be able to calmly leave, knowing that you will not be lost without him.

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Often the dead remain for revenge

- and since they are all mentally and spiritually undeveloped beings of a lower order, it is not surprising that their revenge, as a rule, is very terrible. Capable of influencing your and the energies around you, such beings are easily capable of turning your life into hell, sending illnesses, destroying your relationships with children, spouses and parents, forcing you to do stupid and scary things, involving you in accidents of varying severity, etc. .P.

There can be only one method of defense - to change your behavior so much as to show that you do not deserve revenge. Only in this case, the Higher Powers will do everything so that the avenging ghost cannot do anything to you. A sincere request for forgiveness also works well; by passing it through your soul, you thereby break the connection with the person who is offended by you, allowing him to leave.

Ghosts can also remain due to unresolved conflicts

- or because they are afraid that you will offend those they love. As an example - a mother who stayed to protect her children from an evil stepmother or a drinking father. Despite the nobility of the goals that forced the ghost to stay, almost always the matter ends just as badly as in the cases described just above - the ghost turns into an energy vampire who begins to torment not only those from whom he was supposed to protect, but also those whom he sought to surround with his care.

The method of protection is a complete change in the relationship between the participants in the unresolved conflict, because of which the ghost remains, so that the latter sees that he can calmly leave and leaves. But remember that a temporary change or pretense will not give such a result, since a ghost can return a month or a year after its death, because... time in our understanding world of the dead does not exist.

Sometimes people bind spirits to themselves

- not realizing that they are thereby turning them into energy vampires and destroyers of their destinies. This happens when we cannot let go of the deceased, and we delay mourning for him for too long, or too

Most often, the real death of someone close is predicted by completely different symbols, so the dreamer can be calm about this, although this does not mean that he can completely relax and not take the designated image too close to his heart.

What if you dream of a dead person in the house?

And in order to figure out why the dead man in the house dreams, it is recommended first of all to pay attention to who exactly appeared in such an unusual image. So, if one of his relatives and friends appeared in the dreamer’s house as a deceased person, then in reality this person will live a long and happy life to gray temples. Besides, this dream portends good health and prosperity, but only if the deceased lay silently and did not show any activity. In the opposite situation, one should be seriously wary, and visions in which people who have long died in the past appear before the sleeper’s gaze are considered especially dangerous. real life.

In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to appearance and the behavior of the deceased, because any of his words or gestures are of enormous importance for obtaining the most accurate interpretation. For example, a dream about how one of his deceased friends and relatives suddenly appeared in the sleeper’s house and turned to him with a specific request or advice is recommended to be taken literally, trying to remember every phrase he uttered. Most often, such dreams appear at critical periods in life, telling the sleeper what to do better or, conversely, what not to do in the future.

Numbers can also play a special role if the deceased named them in a dream, because very often such in an unusual way higher powers are trying to point out important dates or specific dates for when some significant event should occur in the life of the sleeper.

The bitter tears of the deceased, which were shed in the house of the sleeping person, may indicate that this person has not been remembered for a long time, and his grave is overgrown with weeds. If one of the dreamer’s deceased parents appears in this role, then in reality he should not take any radical actions in the near future. It is noteworthy that this may concern not only some important work issues, but also the personal life of the sleeper and, if he, for example, plans fast wedding, then you should postpone this event, since his choice may not be approved from above. A dead man lying motionless in a coffin, which stands in the middle own home, most often is a harbinger of a long complex disease for a person who is absolutely healthy and mortal danger for the seriously ill.

To suddenly see the blue, numb corpse of a stranger in your home in a dream means participation in a very dubious event in reality, the consequences of which can be disastrous both for the sleeping person and for him. close circle. Carrying a coffin with a deceased person out of the house is usually a dream of trying to cover up traces in reality, which in the end will be completely unsuccessful. An even worse harbinger is the vision in which a person unexpectedly discovered fragments of human body or bodies, since soon, most likely, the saddest and saddest events in life await him.

What does it portend?

At the same time, you should not assume that we are talking about imminent death, because in most cases it is foreshadowed by a completely different image. It's about about a fairly common night vision in which the sleeping person was called to follow him or was taken out of the house by his deceased friend or relative. In this case, the threat of imminent death will be truly appropriate if the dreamer submits to the will of the deceased and obediently follows him. Dreams about how a dead person tried to embrace a sleeping person in his arms have a similar meaning, because any verbal contact with those who have come from the other world is always bad. Shaking the hand of a deceased person, as well as receiving gifts or money from him, means a repeat of his fate; if it was tragic, then the dreamer should be seriously concerned in the future.

However, you should not rush to get upset, because dreams in which dead people appear do not always act as bad harbingers. An example is night image about the resurrection of the deceased right in the coffin, which caused genuine joy and amazement of all those present. Usually such dreams promise the sleeper some kind of miracle in his life. real life, which will make him completely rethink his own existence. If this miracle happened in the dreamer’s house, then in reality the goodness will affect not only himself, but also all his loved ones and relatives.

In addition, we should not forget that very often the dead appear in people’s dreams only to warn them about upcoming weather changes, promising showers with thunderstorms in clear sunny weather or bright sun in cold, frost and bad weather.

In an article on the topic: “dream book of a deceased person coming into the house” - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

If you dreamed about the house of a deceased person, then remember who it belonged to in the dream, dream books recommend. Often, deciphering what a particular plot is about in a dream depends precisely on the details, dream interpreters say.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a dead person in his dream own homebad sign, according to the dream book of Gustav Miller. If the deceased person in the dream was a relative of the dreamer, then this means that one of the relatives will be affected by an illness.

Did you dream about the house of a deceased person full of merry guests? You will have the opportunity to make good money, and if you saw a funeral in a dream, then an incorrect lifestyle or bad habits will make themselves felt in the most unpleasant way, the interpreter predicts.

A Stranger's Housing: From Good Luck to Trouble

The interpretation of a dream regarding what the house of a deceased person you were not familiar with during life is in a dream will have several meanings, depending on who the deceased was in the dream.

So, for example, if you saw that during your lifetime a house belonged to a deeply religious person or a clergyman, then this means that certain events will change your worldview.

Why do you dream that you visited the home of a deceased warlock or magician? Beware of accidents. But the apartment of the merry fellow and joker that the deceased was during his lifetime is a sign of unexpected luck.

The home of a distant relative, or Be frank, but wisely!

Cleaning the house of a deceased relative in a dream is a sign that you are trying to appear better than you really are, says Pastor Loff’s dream book. If in a dream cleaning brought you pleasure - you liked going through antiques, looking at rarities - then in reality you will become so accustomed to the role of a “good boy” that you will indeed change for the better.

And if you dreamed that you didn’t want to clean a relative’s home or you didn’t feel well while cleaning, then this means that you will have to defend your reputation and good name, it’s upsetting Eastern dream book. Remember that not everyone can be trusted with their secrets. And be prepared to hear a lot of unpleasant conversations about yourself.

Grandfather's or grandmother's house as a symbol of the desire for change

To be in a dream in the house of a deceased grandfather or grandmother is a symbol of the fact that you are “stuck” in the swamp of routine and boredom with which your life is filled, suggests Lunar dream book. But the renovation of the house bequeathed by the grandfather is a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to make changes in her life.

Also pay attention to this fact: if you were in a clean and well-kept grandmother’s house, then pleasant changes await you. And dirt and cobwebs on the walls and in the corners symbolize unpleasant moments and grievances.

What was it made of, and how did you see it in your dreams?

When interpreting what the deceased’s house is in a dream about, remember what it was built from and what it looked like, popular dream books recommend. So, here's what to prepare for if it was:

  • old wooden house - you will get sick;
  • a new large log domina - health will please you;
  • a structure made of wild stone - simplicity is your “main trump card”;
  • a brick house - don’t worry, all fears will be in vain;
  • building made of glass and metal - you are stubborn, but try not to become stubborn;
  • hut or barracks - to carelessness and doing nothing.

Dreaming of dead people alive: “tricks” of the subconscious or signs from above? Why these dreams and what to do?

Where do dreams come from, why are they so bright, intense, and why does the dreamer sometimes experience emotions in them that he may not experience in reality? Scientists still cannot find accurate and substantiated answers to these and many other questions.

But from time immemorial, many people have explained dreams as nothing more than signs from above. Psychologists deny the mystical nature of dreams, considering them “pranks” of our subconscious.

It is believed that the dead appear in dreams when the weather changes. But there are many other interpretations of why dead people dream of being alive. Many agree on one opinion - such dreams are warning.

Why such dreams?

Usually they leave a heavy aftertaste, even if the dreamed person was close and loved.

If the dreamer is suspicious, he is still for a long time may be haunted by the darkest thoughts, and the interpretation of what he saw seems tragic to him.

You should not despair right away, and if you really want to decipher your dream, you need to remember its details and then become familiar with the interpretation.

According to many, there is no need to be upset if the dreamer himself is the deceased. This bodes well long life, which will also be happy and fulfilling.

Why does a person dream of dead people alive?

  • Pay attention to the mood of the deceased. If he is cheerful, take a closer look at the people around you - perhaps not all of them are as friendly as they want to seem. If the deceased is crying, beware of a quarrel with anyone;
  • To understand why you dreamed about the deceased, remember what emotional state you were in. Fear, anxiety and other negative emotions indicate impending troubles and troubles;
  • Regarding the conversation with the deceased, there are two cardinal different opinions concerning its interpretation. One of them says that seeing people who have died alive in a dream and talking with them is a sign of trouble. Another opinion, on the contrary, says that this is a sign of new pleasant acquaintances and changes for the better. Exact value depends on what mood you and the deceased who came to you were in;
  • The calmness of the deceased means that your life will be happy, and prosperity, comfort, and peace will reign in your home;
  • It is considered a bad sign if the deceased, who appeared alive in a dream, asked for something or, on the contrary, gave it. Nevertheless, many are inclined to believe that taking something from the deceased is a sign of wealth.

You should be careful in reality if the deceased invited you to come with you, and even more so if the dreamer responded to this invitation.

They say that a deceased person coming into the house reminds that a person has a responsibility that he may have forgotten about.

In almost all dream books, the interpretation of why a dead person can be seen alive in a dream says that he, most likely, simply reminds of himself and continues to protect even after his departure. It is believed that if he himself said that he was alive, there would be important news soon.

The deceased rising from the coffin warns that soon you will have to greet guests from afar.

What will relatives tell you about?

Often they are the ones who appear to people. They say that deceased relatives dream of being alive for a reason, and this is what this can mean.

It is believed to encourage caution. Perhaps the mother wants to warn of danger, to give a sign that one should not let down one’s vigilance.

Here are some other cases in which someone can appear alive: deceased mother:

  • For the birth of a daughter;
  • Seeing her in your own home means well-being in the family. This promises a faithful and loving soul mate, happiness in family life, obedient children;
  • It is necessary to draw conclusions if you see a quarrel with your mother. A scandal may indicate that in reality you will face troubles, problems in the family or at work, and possibly an accident. Be careful - your discretion can protect you from such misfortunes;
  • If you saw yourself talking with your mother, pay attention to your lifestyle, especially if you see such a dream often.

It is believed that a dream in which the deceased father appeared alive is favorable. It says that you can consider yourself a responsible and accomplished person. In addition, the father suggests that there are reliable people in your environment who are ready to help and support at any time.

If your father comes to you in a dream every day or very often, listen to his words - most likely, he is trying to prevent troubles, give advice, and urge caution.

Conversations with dad promise quick changes that will be joyful.

Grandmother grandfather

When you see your grandmother in a dream, think about whether you have made a mistake in the recent past. Usually she appears alive to encourage you to analyze your actions, and if your grandmother advised something, be sure to take her advice in real life.

Crying relatives in a dream often warn of discord in the family, and if you dreamed about your grandmother in exactly this state, pay attention to whether everything is fine in your relationship with your significant other and children.

If your grandmother gave you money, your financial situation may deteriorate.

A grandfather who appears revived foreshadows new troubles, things that may be associated with difficulties. Most likely, you will have a lot of work ahead of you, and in addition to your own worries, you may have to solve the problems of other people.

If in a dream your grandfather is cheerful, be prepared for the fact that troubles may overtake you. When you see grandparents in their own home, pay attention to your health.

Brother, sister

These close relatives indicate that someone needs your help, and you should not refuse it. A scuffle, a fight with a deceased brother who appears alive, portends profit.

The deceased sister can warn about the unknown, uncertainty.

Seeing them in a dream, many experience panic.

However, if you dream about a lot of coffins without dead people or with them, familiarize yourself with what such dreams can mean, and they do not always promise troubles and troubles.

  • Being empty, they promise you good health and long years life;
  • Seeing that on empty tomb your name is written, think about it - maybe it’s time to change your life, yourself;
  • If there are a lot of them and they are with the dead, wait for the end of some relationship or business. Such a dream can also mean an early marriage;
  • If the coffins are near the church, be careful - serious troubles may overtake you;
  • Young people dream of many coffins with the dead, leading to a life of prosperity and a happy family life. For family people such a dream promises well-being. Elderly people should not be afraid of it either - it promises them news from distant relatives.

It is believed that pounding coffins means waiting for hard work with good pay, and buying them portends prosperity and family well-being.

Have you seen many coffins with the dead floating along the river? Expect huge profits.

Boarded up coffins indicate that you will finally be left alone by the past that weighs you down every day, and if you nail them up with your own hands, then you yourself will do everything in your power to find peace.

If you have your own business and you dreamed of zinc coffins, most likely things will decline. However, once you see that they have been buried, you can expect that things will get better very soon.

What to do?

This question does not always arise for those to whom the deceased appeared in a dream. Usually the question of what to do if you dream of dead people is asked by those to whom this happens often or even daily.

The answer to this question can be approached from several angles.

What does the church say?

The deceased may ask you for more frequent prayers for his repose.

You can pray for a dead person, if you dream about him every day, both at home and in church. Read a special canon, an akathist for the deceased, sing a litiya.

In the church you can order a service for the deceased, a memorial service, magpie, and light candles.

The commemoration of an unbaptized deceased and prayers for him should be read at home (privately).

What will psychologists say?

Sometimes psychologists explain why dead people appear in dreams very often by the dreamers’ sense of guilt towards them. Perhaps you didn’t have time to say or do something for him, and it doesn’t give him peace. In this case, you can order a service in the church, go to the grave of the deceased, and ask for forgiveness.

Analyze your dreams, compare what you saw and heard with real facts - perhaps you are required to take action to prevent troubles or, conversely, to achieve your goals.

Deceased relative interpretation of dream book

Meeting a deceased person in a dream is alarming and provokes the emergence of many questions: what does this plot mean? what to expect in the future? Many seers believe that a vision in which a dead person appeared is a bad sign, and is interpreted as a warning. If you find the correct interpretation, then you will understand what needs to be done to avoid troubles and how to resolve a difficult situation.

Although there are circumstances when there is no need to look hidden meaning in a dream. It just means your longing for the departed; you cannot let him go in your heart, picking at an unhealed wound. Reconcile yourself, you can’t return the past, you need to continue to live. Take a break, start new project. And then the frightening visions will go away.

Miller's Predictions

Why do you dream about a deceased relative? The psychologist urges you to take the message seriously. In other words, the dead man is warning you.

  • If in a dream it was the father, then when starting a new business, look for hidden obstacles. Consider your risk options carefully. Be prepared for an unfavorable outcome. The likelihood that your plan will fail is very high.
  • Why do you dream if your previously deceased mother came to visit? She warns of the approach of illness. Don’t wait for your health to worsen, start strengthening your immune system. It’s even better if you undergo a full medical examination and tests. This will help to detect disturbances in the body’s functioning in a timely manner, and therefore facilitate treatment.
  • Why do you dream about a dead brother? Miller says the reality is that you will be helping a loved one. Someone around you really needs support. When you come to help, you can count on not being left alone at the right time.
  • Why do you dream about a deceased friend or friend? If they give advice, listen to the words. In reality, this will help to avoid troubles and prevent danger. If in a dream your acquaintances made you commit to committing an act, then be sure to keep your word. This vision must be taken extremely seriously.
  • Why do you dream of dead relatives who are resurrected? This means that you have fallen under the bad influence of others. Pay attention to the people around you. Someone is trying to drag you into a dubious undertaking that will require significant investment. The dream book advises you to think carefully and refuse. There is a great risk of suffering huge losses and going bankrupt.
  • If a dead person stands up in a coffin, do not rely on the support of friends in difficult times.

Interpretation of Freud, Nostradamus and Vanga

Vanga explains why deceased relatives dream about this: in reality, you will encounter a prejudiced attitude towards yourself, but you will not be able to resist it. If you dream a large number of deceased - family members will become seriously ill, perhaps get into a car accident. You have the power to prevent disaster or mitigate its consequences.

Hug a deceased friend in a dream or loved one promises change. They can be both positive and negative. But the seer calls not to lose composure and not to despair. Troubles will be replaced by prosperity. And composure and faith in the future will help you cope with a difficult period in life. The dream book advises looking in everything positive points and be optimistic about the situation.

Why do you dream about the death of a deceased relative in reality? Among my closest friends there is a dishonest person. He is up to no good and is plotting against you. Do not take my word for it and control the information you receive. A kind attitude towards others will backfire on you. This plot in a dream even suggests that the relatives are planning the meanness. Don't let yourself be deceived, and troubles will pass by.

Why do you dream of kissing a dead relative? Nostradamus deciphers this: you can overcome your fears. Former doubts and fears will not be so convincing, and life will sparkle with new colors. If in a dream a long-dead person persuades you to go with him, you should not agree. Keeping the dead company in reality portends a serious illness or prolonged depression.

Why do you dream when relatives who have died in reality appear alive in a vision? Their souls cannot find peace. Go to the temple, light a candle for repose; remember them by distributing treats to friends and acquaintances. If they continue to come in a dream, order magpie in the church. Hearing the voices of departed relatives in a dream can mean illness.

While deciphering what deceased relatives dream about, Freud came to the conclusion that longevity awaits a person. His life will be filled with joy, success and recognition. The psychoanalyst advises not to brush aside what the dead told you in a dream. Try to recreate the meaning of the conversation as accurately as possible in your memory; the words of the deceased often turn out to be prophetic.

Versions by Tsvetkov, Loff and Hasse

When compiling the dream book, Loffa did not focus on what he was dreaming about. dear person, gone beyond the brink. But if visions appear often and are burdensome, it means that in reality you are in constant tension. You have excessive anxiety, your nervous system overloaded. Find a way to relax and let off steam. Otherwise, under the influence of stress, the body will become exhausted and endless diseases will begin.

Why do you dream about a relative who died the day before? Tsvetkov interprets this image as difficult tests on your path. If in a dream a deceased person has coins over his eyes, it means that events are related to the financial side of life. Most likely they will try to drag you into an adventure and use you in the dark. Do not trust anyone with your money, do not lend or take out a loan. IN this period the risk of being deceived increases many times over.

Why dream of watching a funeral procession or the burial of a relative? Tsvetkov, compiling his dream book, predicted sudden changes weather conditions. If you see a dead person lying in a coffin, in reality expect guests who have come from afar.

Tsvetkov interprets the appearance of a deceased father in a dream as a sign that your child has problems. In the coming days, find time to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, find out what is bothering him. With a high probability, the dream book indicates that the son or daughter cannot cope with the difficulties that have arisen on their own due to lack of experience. You should not scold him or accuse him of lack of independence. Better help settle the troubles, and you will become closer.

Why do you dream about deceased relatives, according to Hasse? Regular visions in which you meet previously deceased close relatives symbolize approaching danger.

In a dream, do not accept gifts from the dead; you should not give them gifts. After all, by doing so you literally lose your vital juices, strength, and confidence. Instead comes despair, despondency, depression.

Why do you dream about funeral procession carry a dead man's coffin? Hasse explains this: serious trouble awaits at work. Perhaps the situation will develop in such a way that the easiest way will be to quit.

Kissing a dead person in a dream foretells a love interest that will bring many positive emotions. Lying next to a deceased person means good luck in all your endeavors. Dressing up means poor health. But if you took off the clothes of the deceased, the dream book predicts the death of a loved one.

Hasse does not recommend moving deceased relatives. This act, committed in a dream, in reality means your imminent death. Having received such an omen, do not rush to lose heart. Higher power, by sending this story, they provide a chance to come to their senses and prevent a tragedy.

A few more interpretations

Why do you dream about a grandmother who died a long time ago? In reality, serious problems will arise that you will have to deal with. Remember, perhaps a relative in a dream gave advice on what to do best. Most likely this is the best way problem solution. And if she was happy and laughing, then there is no need to worry too much, things will end well.

Why do you dream about the repeated death of a deceased relative in reality? Mutual understanding will disappear in communication with loved ones. It’s worth getting everyone together and calmly discussing the current situation and clarifying any misunderstandings. Perhaps after a conversation many problems will be resolved on their own.

This plot in a dream has another interpretation. Constant stress and tension led to the accumulation of aggression. When you get nervous, you lash out at others. To normalize your condition, sign up for a gym, visit a psychologist, or go for a walk in nature.

Why do you dream if you came to visit the graves? In reality, be sure to visit the cemetery and remember the dead with friends and family. But if possible, go to church, light a candle or order a prayer for the repose.

Why do you dream about the tears of the deceased? A crying deceased relative warns against quarrels with those closest to you. Control your emotions: if they provoke you to be rude, don’t pay attention. If you lose your temper in a dream, then this is a harbinger of long-term enmity. Therefore, all grievances that arise should be clarified immediately, but in a calm tone and with respect for the interlocutor.

Why do you dream about a deceased person holding out money? In reality, reduce your expenses. Careless handling of finances will provoke bankruptcy. Interpreters recommend that if you saw this event in a dream, do not look for easy money or high income. Invest your savings only in reliable, stable projects.

Why does a seriously ill person dream of a deceased person? This omen could mean imminent death. Manengetti foretells that kissing a dead man on the forehead in a dream means liberation from spiritual debts. You will finally be forgiven for a serious offense committed earlier, or, conversely, you yourself will forgive the person and be able to breathe freely.

There is also an original transcript of what it means to dream of a conversation with the deceased. Talking with a relative who has gone beyond the bounds means that in reality someone has been looking for you for a long time. Perhaps this is an old friend with whom fate separated many years ago.

Who came to you

When figuring out what deceased loved ones dream about, it is necessary to take into account the degree of relationship.

  • Grandmother - global changes await in life. But don't resist them. The changes are exclusively positive.
  • Why do you dream about a grandfather dropping by for a visit? In reality, do not rush to resolve important issues, show prudence and wisdom. And if you are not sure, or lack experience, ask for help.
  • Why does a man dream about his family or cousin? In reality, you will soon meet a charming girl. Your romance will be happy and harmonious.
  • In a dream, your sister promises that life will present you with an amazing surprise that will make you happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased came into the house

Often relatives, friends, simply acquaintances, those who are no longer with us, those who have passed on to another world, come to us in our dreams. Meeting the dead in dreams can carry different meanings, somewhere it will be a warning, somewhere it will be a request from the deceased for something, somewhere it will just be psychological relief.

Many of us are afraid of such meetings, many of us desire them. People are afraid of the dead in dreams, most likely, for only one reason - the fear that the deceased will call them to another world. But more often the dead, especially relatives and close friends, come to warn about danger and help them live happily ever after.

Relationship with the deceased

No matter how sad it may sound, sooner or later we will all have to face the death of loved ones. Sometimes it is so unexpected that we have an urgent need to find out what is going on and what exactly happened. Why? Often after a funeral, the deceased may come to close relatives and people from close circles and reveal the veil of secrecy about his death.

Sometimes the dead come and ask for something, especially often - to be released. Come to terms with death, show your new life after death. Requests can be different and the picture that the deceased usually show can be completely different. The most important thing is to learn to understand what exactly the deceased wants to say, and what needs to be done, or what to beware of.

Dreams soon after a funeral often carry psychological relief, the deceased speak and ask that no one blame themselves for his death, that the deceased forgive past grievances that turned out to be petty on the scale of the universe. Or if the grievances were really serious, then the deceased may come in dreams and give the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, as they say, to ease the soul of the dreamer. Carrying the offender’s stone for the rest of your life is quite difficult. Thus, we calm down a little, as much as possible. And we gradually realize that life goes on, no matter what.

If the dead come to us in dreams well after the funeral, then most likely there will be some kind of warning in this dream. Efforts must be made to decipher such dreams. The interpretation of dreams will depend not only on what events were dreamed, but also on who exactly dreamed, what relationship the dreamer has to the deceased.

I dreamed about a dead man: the opinion of various dream books

According to folk signs, if you dreamed of a dead person - wait for the weather to change (or bad weather, often to rain). This will be true only if the deceased had a rosy dream, does not ask for anything, does not show any dissatisfaction or complaints.

But it is not only the change of weather that marks the arrival of the dead in our dreams. So, if the dreamer believes that death is the beginning of a new life, then meetings with the dead carry warnings, a way to solve problems, and so on.

If a deceased person appears in a dream close relative, with whom they had a warm relationship, then it is worth listening to words, actions and everything that happens in a dream. In most cases, such dreams and the coming of the dead warn of changes, but this is not necessarily bad news. It may be just the opposite - the black streak is ending, and only good luck lies ahead.

If you dreamed of many dead people, this is a bad sign. Such a dream could be a sign of a global catastrophe, an epidemic, which in one way or another will be associated with the dreamer.

If you dreamed of the deceased in the form of a loved one, i.e. We understand that this is a friend, a husband in reality, but he has the appearance of a dead man, this may indicate a loss of trust and feelings. A new period will begin in life with these people, and this is not always bad. Perhaps there were problems in the family, strained relationships, faded feelings for the husband, and such a dream may symbolize the death of “dislike” for the husband, and a new love will follow.

Your own death in a dream can mean a lot, everything will depend on the environment life situation. So, on the one hand, own death in a dream speaks of good health and nothing bad will happen in the near future. On the other hand, one’s own death promises significant life changes. A chain of events begins that will ultimately change your life significantly - old life will die. Also, one’s own death can promise the end of some important affairs; the dreamer is freed from obligations.

Sometimes you may have a dream when a living relative or friend dies or has already died. You should not be afraid of such a dream; such dreams promise prosperity for the dreamer, or a break in the relationship between the dreamer and the dreamer. Psychologists say that such dreams reflect aggression and the desire to remove the dreamed person from your life.

Another group of psychologists considers dreams with the appearance of the dead empty; these are those dreams that project emotions and experiences about the death of a loved one onto the state of the dreamer. This statement is especially true in the case of the recent death of a loved one. Thus, our consciousness expresses sadness and longing for the deceased person, and tries to get emotional relief.

What did the living deceased do?

In the interpretation of dreams, the actions that occurred in the dream are of great importance. Despite the fear that dead people evoke in dreams, and the feelings with which we wake up after such dreams. In most cases, dreams of dead people bring positive news.

If the deceased died a long time ago and his appearance in a dream causes a storm of emotions, hugging him suggests that you will soon be able to get rid of fears and worries. With his embrace, the deceased shelters us from negativity, bad things and gives us peace of mind.

Responding to the call of a dead man promises an imminent illness or deep depression. If the deceased shows money, or you have to give coins or money to the deceased - unexpected expenses, monetary losses. Such dreams are especially disturbing before major purchase or by investing money in an event or business. As a result, you may be left with nothing. If the deceased, especially a close or loved one, gives something valuable, not necessarily money, then this promises unexpected profit.

The coffin with the deceased reflects the state of affairs in the professional sphere; seeing such a dream is not very good omen and soon you should expect problems at work. If in a dream you have to carry a coffin with a deceased person, then things at work are so bad that you may soon have to look for a new job.

Who exactly did you dream about?

According to Miller's dream book, if a dead person appears in dreams, it is a warning. And what kind of warning this is will depend on the status of the person who appeared in dreams. There are many variations of interpretation, and everything will depend on the state of affairs in reality, and what is most troubling.

So, if close relatives (parents) are photographed, they want to warn that there are dangerous adventures and unprofitable events ahead that can bring many problems. To see in a dream how a deceased relative rose from the dead speaks of bad influence friends and acquaintances, under whom the dreamer is, or will soon be. Rising from the dead symbolizes not only a warning, but also the willingness of the deceased to help, and by all means and means, the deceased is even ready to rise from the dead in order to protect from danger.

Deceased close relatives can be dreamed of as a sign before a dangerous adventure, as a warning. Sometimes the danger is so obvious that the dreamer can even feel it, and then in order to resolve all fears, the deceased in the dream puts an end point. Thus, a deceased father is a sign of an imminent adventure, into which even the closest people can be drawn, and which will incur many losses, both financial and moral-emotional.

If you dreamed of a conversation with your deceased mother, this is a kind of call to control your inclinations and pay close attention to your health. If you dreamed about a deceased brother/sister, then this is a sign that someone needs the support and sympathy of the dreamer, sometimes even compassion.

Regardless of the status of the dreamed dead man, if he is trying to warn about something, or provoke him to make some kind of promise, then this dream warns of impending depression, which will have to be resisted. There is a decline in business ahead, there may be difficulties in communicating with loved ones, and this period is worth going through, and the result will depend on how exactly you survive it. It is worth listening carefully to the advice of the dead and trying to follow their instructions.

Hearing the voice of the deceased in a dream positive sign, and this voice is worth listening to, and the words of this voice are worth recording and then analyzing. It is believed that the voice is the only possible form of communication, a warning that is sent external force from the near future. And only this form of signal can be perceived by our sleeping brain.

Paracelsus (15th century physician and alchemist) advised to pay attention and listen to the voices that we hear in our sleep. The dreamer can receive real advice from deceased relatives and loved ones. Using these tips in real life gave very good results.

It is worth highlighting the arrival of deceased grandparents as a separate, significant group. If parents, at the call of nature, even from the other world, watch their children and guide them in the right direction. Then grandparents come only at the most critical moments, both in the good and negative sense of the word. On the one hand, the appearance of grandparents may indicate the future serious test, serious illness of relatives, or even your own.

On the other hand, if the sleeper is faced with a serious choice, literally at a crossroads, then wise older relatives can advise right choice. And this will speak about the seriousness of this choice; we can say that this choice turned out to be fateful.

Not only loved ones can dream blood relatives, but also relatives, although not by blood. So if you dreamed of a dead friend, or good sign Well, it’s worth waiting for important news. A deceased spouse is an omen of great misfortune. If you dream of dead children, then, oddly enough, this is a good sign; soon there will be an addition to the family and everything will be fine.
