Rods of Horus, cylinders of the pharaohs. The use of "wands of Horus" in combination with natural energy sources


The roots of their prehistory go deep into the past. For the ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs, the “Wands of Horus” - metal cylinders with various fillers - were a tool for “achievement” that made it possible to realize the gradual evolution of their mental, energetic and, as a result, physical capabilities, the development of which was a decisive condition in preparation for “communication with Gods" through the Pyramids.

Subject to certain conditions and daily work, the “Wands of Horus” can not only correct, but also improve the human nervous, energy and immune systems. To do this, work must be based on a clear understanding of what the “Wands of Horus” are and the principle of their operation, knowledge of the activity cycles of the human energy system and a number of other elements included in the complex, an integral part of which is interaction with natural natural sources energies such as trees, rivers, lakes, sea, mountains.

“Wands of Horus” are also a preventive and therapeutic agent, making it possible to correct certain deviations in certain diseases and significantly improve a person’s health, since they involve very deep physiological and energetic processes.

It must be emphasized that the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians was not based on mystical, astrological or exoteric doctrines, but on a strict knowledge of the principles underlying the world order. In other words, the basis of the theoretical and spiritual constructions of the ancient Egyptian initiates was primarily Knowledge, and not faith.

“The Wands of Horus” and the knowledge of the ancients in general is a very interesting and extensive topic, therefore, in order to help understand the architecture of principles invisible to the uninitiated eye, and to approach the origins of knowledge. The International Information Center for Ufological Research "MITSUFI" offers readers a work dedicated to popularizing the results of research into the heritage of ancient Egypt in recent years.

This material is the first work that reveals the secret of the reasons for the construction of the pyramidal complex on the territory of Egypt in Giza. After reading it, you will learn about the principles underlying the idea of ​​​​building the Pyramids, about the connection of the “Wands of Horus” with the “Energy Source” located in the Pyramid. It is this connection that determines the wonderful properties of the “Wands of Horus” and their harmonizing effect on energy structure person and, as a result, on the general state of health.

One of the sections is devoted to a description of the manufacturing technology of the “Wands of Horus” and the mechanism of their operation. This will help the reader understand how they work. how Pyramids and cylinders work together, taking into account the finest nuances.

And in conclusion, you will learn about some of the results of scientific experiments to study the impact of the “Wands of Horus” on humans and the impact of the Pyramid on living and inanimate nature conducted by Russian scientists.


Every time we come to this world again, we do not remember the past and, discovering the world anew, we go through our life path, leaving a mark that we may not remember when we return here again. Incarnation after incarnation, we move through the dark labyrinths of life almost by touch, trying to comprehend the sacred meaning of what is buried in the sands of history, trying to read the invisible message left to us by bygone civilizations. But, being in a different body, in a different time, dictating its new rhythm to us, and based on different values ​​than thousands of years ago, we look at ourselves from the outside, in search of an answer to what we did not comprehend in past lives.

A non-random feature of our time, which plays an important role in the process of improving the matter of consciousness of mankind, can be considered the gradual return to man of knowledge that was the property of previous civilizations - something that, to one degree or another, determined the destinies of peoples and the uniqueness of eras.

Knowledge, being the most cherished goal of man, was at the same time the cause of many troubles, especially when the moral and ethical level was lower than the level of knowledge. That is why, when knowledge could become the cause of troubles, those catastrophic processes, the control of which would be beyond human capabilities, events occurred that took away this knowledge, as a result of which we, so highly developed, as some believe, do not know today what we knew who lived in ancient times.

Until now, the prevailing point of view was that in ancient times there could not have been deep knowledge, since the emergence of scientific knowledge proceeds from simple to complex. Accordingly, man has not yet risen to the heights of his intellect. But in the process of researching architectural and written monuments of antiquity, a lot of mysteries arise that involuntarily make us wonder what level of knowledge the ancients had. And, in particular, we are still faced with the question of what the Pyramids are, trying to understand their true purpose and reasons for their appearance.

The pyramids, which have captivated the imagination of mankind for centuries, were built in different places globe, forming special systems. But we will begin our story by considering the gigantic complex of the great pyramids on the territory of Egypt in Giza.

The pyramid itself, its shape, configuration is an extremely strange phenomenon. And those curious phenomena that are observed in the chambers of the Pyramids indicate that some kind of energy processes are taking place there. Our task today is to try to understand the mechanisms underlying these processes.

You've probably heard that in the Pyramid there are certain places, where biological products are stored indefinitely. There are also chambers in it, in which long time, the person begins to experience incredible anxiety.

But there are areas in the Pyramids where a person experiences manifestations of a different kind: positive, stimulating his creative activity, revealing intuition.

If we look at the problem of the Pyramid from the point of view of the simple and visual science of geometry, it turns out that we can approach the understanding of the subject by describing it in a very simple way. Suffice it to remember that in ancient times the laws of geometry were studied very deeply, and Special attention was given to a right triangle with an aspect ratio of 3:4:5.

Today we know well that the hypotenuse of such a triangle is a fundamental concept that is directly related to the problem of harmony. And everything that we say about harmony is, first of all, associated with sound.

Sound is something that a person tunes in to immediately, no matter what his culture is, what his level of upbringing is, and what his intelligence is.

In this regard, a number of interesting circumstances should be noted, the first of which is that the first cry of a baby born into the world, regardless of its timbre or volume, as a rule, sounds at the frequency “A”. On the other hand, today it has been established that people with absolute pitch are again tuned to this sound. And the sound “La” is the reference vibration,

It is also known that the average distance between the eardrums of the human auditory system is a multiple of the wavelength of the sound “A”. Sound wavelength A = 78 cm. Divide 78 by 4 and you get this distance.

We also know that frequencies will only be in resonance when they are multiples of their wavelengths. This means that nature has designed the human auditory system in such a way that it is tuned to the “A” frequency, which plays a fundamental role in the scale of sounds.

The pyramid is interesting because its configuration does not have vertical planes, as in conventional architecture, but rather inclined ones. Therefore, if you make a cross section of a pyramid, you will get a triangle. And once you get a triangle, then you know the position of the hypotenuse.

What is a hypotenuse?

From the point of view of function or phenomenon, the hypotenuse expresses precisely the speed of the process - that is, frequency (which is the characteristics of vibration processes).

The pyramids have a lot of mysteries, one of which lies in the question: why were they built? If we consider the pyramid as the burial place of the pharaoh, as we were taught, then the burial place itself has not yet been discovered in any of the pyramids. It's simply not there. Then the question arises: in the name of what was it necessary to erect such gigantic structures, if not to exalt the representative of God on Earth in the person of Pharaoh?

Not long ago, Japanese researchers tried to build a pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, of course, focusing on the construction methods that were used in ancient Egypt (according to Herodotus) several thousand years ago, and they could not bring the four sides of the pyramid into one common point / And the height pyramids in Giza - 146 m (more precisely - 146.6). And it comes to a point. Naturally, the question arises: why build like this if it is so complicated and difficult?

To answer this question, we must begin by considering the principles underlying the idea of ​​building pyramids.

The key to understanding the laws underlying the idea of ​​construction are the legendary “tablets” on which, as legend has it, the ancient Egyptians laid out their knowledge.

When, at the beginning of the century, Quibel's expedition to Saqqara discovered the crypt of an ancient Egyptian architect, boards covered with carvings were removed from there.

Judging by the number of niches in which carved wooden panels stood, one can judge that there were 11 of them.

The order of placement of the panels discovered in the Hesi-Ra crypt was subordinated to the so-called Luke series. These are numbers obtained by adding and subtracting quantities of the same order, which form the “Golden Section” series. The images/presented on carved panels are in the same pulsating mode or, as the ancient Egyptians themselves spoke of it, in the “Ka-Ba” mode.

In the ancient Egyptian system of ideas, “Ba” means a real physical object or person. “Ka” is what makes up our energy frame. Moreover, from the state of “Ka” one can accurately determine what the psychophysical state of a given person is at the moment, which organs are affected and so on... In short, this is a certain energy-informational structure in which everything is reflected.

The boards we are talking about turned out to be unique. They reveal several layers of information that provide the key to the understanding that the ancient Egyptians perfectly knew the “Golden Section” long before Pythagoras.

Today it is known from measurements that all the great pyramids were built using the principle of the “Golden Section”.

The question arises. It is not easy to build a pyramid as a structure. To do this, you need to master the appropriate construction technology. But besides this, irrational relations of the “Golden Section”, which are more complex than simple integer values, are introduced into all linear and angular dimensions of its constituent elements. For what?

It should be emphasized that the entire scale, the entire sound temperament is subject to the same pattern of the “Golden Section”.

Now let us remember that the Testament says: “ the beginning was the Word.” And a word is a sound (a wave process characterized by frequency). And if the word conveys meaning, then this means that frequency, as a characteristic of the energy process, must also have some meaning. One cannot exist without the other. This is the principle. This leads to the conclusion that the principle of the “Golden Section”, on which the entire set of natural objects of organic nature is built, carries a very deep, fundamental meaning. And it is no coincidence that it is in man that the pattern of the “Golden Section” can be traced in such a multivariate way that one can only wonder why nature arranged man this way. The phalanges of the fingers, there are three of them, three divisions of the hand (length ratios) are the rows of the “Golden Section”. The heart pulsates in this mode and pushes blood into the aorta, leaving some of it in the heart sac. This is all - the "Golden Section". Cones and rods, the auditory cochlea (the ratio of the lengths of turns), the structure of the entire skeletal frame - on average, this is all the “Golden Section”. Even the dynamics of neural structures in certain mental modes are subject to this pattern.

Is this just an accident or is it unique to humans? No, the periods of revolution of planets are also subject to this principle. solar system, the scale, system is built on it chemical elements and in general everything connected with natural systems is subject to this pattern.

The wands that the priest depicted on the first main board holds in his left hand are made in a ratio that is associated with the frequency of “A”. The sound "A" is 440 Hz, the standard value today, or rather 441 Hz. It is surprising that no one paid attention to the fact that the value 441, if written after the decimal point, after the zero, that is, 0.441, is nothing more than a function of the “Golden Ratio”.

Having seen all this, we are witnessing a curious discovery. Not only do these boards outline the principle of using the Golden Ratio, they also depict tools that are elementary simple, but work like a computer.

Our hand is already a working tool, similar to the “magic rod” depicted on the tablets. Calculations have shown that this wand is a working tool that allows you to calculate any value of the “Golden Section” as a linear segment, without using any mathematical calculations, only by manipulating the “magic wand”, adding or subtracting.

There is a feeling that a person was created according to some standards. But it would be more correct to say that he could not have appeared otherwise for the simple reason that man arose in an environment that set these parameters and used the mechanisms of the “harmonic resonance” principle for this.

Everything that has to do with resonance phenomena. should be in the most general form connected with the functions of the “Golden Section”. Therefore, nature works in the simplest, most economical, most effective, most colorful and multivariate way - in the “Golden Ratio” mode.

Now we can say with complete confidence that the idea of ​​​​building the pyramids was based on the knowledge encoded on the Hesi-Ra panels. This is the link that was missing in order to say: yes, the pyramid was built at the level of exact sciences.

It is very important that the sizes of the two wands in the left hand of the priest depicted on the main board are in such a ratio that their product gives the value 0.441 or the value of the frequency of the sound “A”.

The calculation is quite simple. The wands grasped with the left hand have a ratio of 0.5:0.882. Multiplying these values, we get 0.5x0.882 = 0.441.

This panel shows a table that Egyptologists describe as a table with sacrificial bread. And before us is the priest of Horus. Horus in the "Sacred Triangle" characterized the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is a harmonic element. To be a priest of Horus meant to be the Guardian of the knowledge of Harmony. And Harmony is something that covers all spheres of activity and knowledge. In the person of this priest (who is also an architect), we have man No. 1 in the civilization of ancient Egypt, information about whom was not disseminated anywhere at all. This was a secret man. Hesi-Ra means "Marked by the Sun."

Apparently, on the table there are not sacrificial breads, as is commonly believed, but a tuning fork tuned to the frequency “A”. This is confirmed by the fact that the surface of the table on which the tuning fork stands is located from the floor at a distance that is exactly 0.441 from the corresponding reference segment. So the tuning fork is on a base, and that base = 441.

Consequently, if the measuring rods are coordinated with a tuning fork tuned to the frequency “A”, then measuring with these rods means giving this space resonant properties tuned to the scale. That is, introduce a system of linear-spatial parameters into the system of sound harmony. To build taking into account the above laws means to create structures that interact with nature, with its energy sources through the principle of harmonic resonance, that is, through the mechanisms that underlie the universe. This approach, in turn, opens up access to interaction with nature on a fundamentally different level.

Now let's turn to the fact that motivates one of the architectural decisions, based on the principles set out above, and revealing the details of the plan of the creators of the pyramids.

In the Pyramid of Cheops there is a chamber, which most Egyptologists mistakenly call the “queen’s tomb.” This chamber is located relative to the top of the Pyramid at a point associated with the tuning fork frequency. Taking the entire height of the Pyramid as one and measuring the distance at 0.882, doubling the frequency of “A” (and doubling is an octave), we will see that the camera hits exactly this point. But if we remember that, on average, not only the ear, but the entire human structure is, as it were, in resonant interaction with the frequency of the sound “A”, which forms a certain planetary field of the reference signal, then it turns out that this chamber inside the Pyramid is located in a position tuned to the resonant frequency of this field.

If, based on the above, we agree that the Pyramid is designed and works as a resonator, then we can approach the meaning of the Pyramid as a structure that represents a special generator. Then it becomes clear what the manifestations of resonant properties and energy phenomena in different points pyramids.

It follows that the structure of the pyramid can have a kind of corrective effect on a person.

Apparently, according to the designers, the pyramid was created as a tool to influence the psychophysical structure of a person. And not just one, but many people. And the correction of a person’s psychophysical qualities is directly related to his ethical normativity, to harmonization, because harmony simply cannot exist outside of the ethical principle. Are pyramids still working? Pyramids always work. They can't help but work.

The question is also about their activation. The periods of activity of the pyramids and the opportunities that they allow to be realized are associated with the energy processes occurring in the Universe. Being resonators, the pyramids are also a kind of antennas, a system for transferring energy and information from one space to another. This, in turn, determines the constant use of the Pyramids to solve a wide range of problems.



For many millennia, the Great Pyramids kept the secret of the “mysterious room”, where, as legends say, there are some special secrets or some knowledge, having mastered which, the finder will gain power over the world, and which has been sought for centuries. It was believed that it was located inside the double-humped rock on which the body of the pyramid rested." They also looked for it under the pyramid. But this "room" is not located where they were looking for it, but in the upper third of the pyramid at a point determined by the proportion 0.1 18 x 0.882.

In this room there is an “Energy Source”, inherited by the ancient Egyptians from the Atlanteans, who came to northern Africa long before the heyday of Egyptian civilization. (See NI Appendix)

This device is a cylinder, inside of which there is a special crystal, the parameters of the crystal lattice of which are close to the parameters of the structure of quartz crystals." Pick up any book about the culture of ancient Egypt and take a close look at the statues of the pharaohs. You will see that they are clutching cylinder-like objects in their hands. Made in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, the “Energy Source” had and is having an energy-informational impact not only on a person located in the Pyramid or next to it. The "energy source" also entered into a resonant interaction with the cylinders in the hands of a person, since the cylinders were made in the proportions of the "Golden Section", which determined the resonant relationship between the "source" in the pyramid and the cylinders in the hands."

These cylinders were harmonizers of two main energy flows, which the ancient Egyptians called "Ka-Ba" or "YIN-YANG" in the Eastern tradition.

give him energy. The use of these cylinders greatly helped the pharaoh or other person who used them to improve their nervous, energetic and, as a result, immune systems, improve their health and physical condition, since the cylinders had a beneficial effect on them. The correct use of the cylinders allowed the pharaoh or other person using these cylinders to prepare for "Communication with the Gods."

"Ka-Ba" were for the ancient Egyptians two constituent elements of human essence, two sources of vital energy. While they interact with each other, the life process in the body is maintained, and the person exists without any problems. To regulate the energy balance ("Ka-Ba") in the body, the ancient Egyptians used the so-called "Wands of Horus" - cylinders with various fillers.

This sculptural group symbolically reflects this phenomenon. Yansky "Ka" - a cylinder in the right hand of the god Horus. The male figure symbolizes the flow of energy "YANG" ( masculinity). At the same time, divinity is a symbol characterizing the energy plane. The YIN cylinder is in the left hand of the goddess Isis, symbolizing a certain beginning, that is, the flow of energy “Ba” (INB). In the center is the pharaoh (Osiris) towards whom the hands of the givers are directed

Cylinder for right hand was made of copper and was called “Solar” (YAN). The cylinder for the left hand was made of zinc and was called “Lunar” (INB). Minerals were placed inside these cylinders, which were replaced as the pharaoh’s self-improvement process progressed. In the initial phase it was special white sand. Cylinders with white sand have a beneficial effect on human energy channels, activating them. As the transformation processes progressed, coarse-grained quartzites were poured into the cylinders.

To enhance the properties of the cylinders, gold was added to copper in appropriate proportions, which is why the “Solar Cylinder” was also called “Golden”. Silver was added to “Lunar”, so it was called “Silver” accordingly. These cylinders were produced in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, and the dimension was determined based on the state of the human energy system, health and the tasks being implemented.

For example, in the case of disharmony, when the “Ba” or YIN type of energy clearly prevailed in a person, the ancient Egyptians used only a “copper” YANG cylinder, which was taken in the right hand, for alignment and harmonization.

On the pharaoh's head is a slightly strange elongated headdress, which is considered to be a crown. This headdress was a special concentrator that focused on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and was tuned to the Pyramid and the "Energy Source" in the Pyramid.

These two sculptures are a reflection of a similar situation. The people depicted here obviously had problems associated with an imbalance, the predominance of YIN (feminine) energy, which in turn in men, for example, can lead to metabolic disorders, decreased sexual activity and a number of other significant disorders.

For proper harmonization, it is better to use both cylinders at the same time, but the YANG one should be larger than the YIN one, which allows the YANG one to be aligned. The subsequent use of identical cylinders will harmonize these two energy flows.

If a person has an excess of Yang, and such cases are not rare, for example, in women (which can lead to certain hormonal disturbances), then the use of cylinders (YIN of a larger size, and YANG of a smaller size) leads to alignment, after which For subsequent harmonization, cylinders of the same size should be used. But that is not all.

The entire complex - the "Energy Source" inside the Pyramid, the cylinders"* in the hands, the concentrator (on the head of the pharaoh) - is directly connected on certain days (cycles) of the year with the pyramids and their influence.

The Pyramid, being both an antenna and a resonator, is a relay of certain energy flows associated with processes occurring in space, and focused, in turn, on the “Energy Source” inside the Pyramid. When exposed to this complex and with proper interaction with human consciousness the effect of “Communication with the Gods” began.

The huge pyramidal complex at Giza was, in essence, a "Deep Meditation Structure" that allowed the pharaoh or priest to come into contact with the Noosphere, information systems Earth, and sometimes with representatives of other planetary systems. (See Appendix No. 2)

This familiar drawing is a symbol of the act of “Communication with the Gods”, carried out with the help of the Pyramid and which has come down through the centuries to the present day. The eye is located in the upper third of the pyramid, where the "Energy Source" is located, and in in this case, symbolizes the “Holy Spirit” with whom the pharaoh or priest came into “contact” with the help of this “source”. (See Appendix No. 3)

Today it is well known that people who come into “contact” with the Noosphere or information field very often see this “eye”. The eye or "All-Seeing Eye", as a symbol, was given to man from above and is not his invention. The eye was observed by both pharaohs and priests during certain phases of religious rites. This is why this symbol exists in many Hermetic lore and religions."

From the depths of centuries, the outlines of phenomena emerge, the secret of which Time has kept for several millennia, and we begin to understand the hidden meaning of the heritage that has come down to us and the true reasons for the construction of the Pyramids.

The pharaoh received information in “Communication with the Gods” or, in modern language, in “contact”. It was this fact, against the backdrop of longevity, that put the pharaoh in an exceptional position, in which he was considered the “vicar of God on Earth.” But the role of the priest-hierophants seems to be something absolutely special. Having become the deputy of God on Earth, the pharaoh, nevertheless, remained in a certain ignorance. Pharaoh obviously did not know what the hierophants knew. And this is what it follows.

Khesi-Ra, whom we mentioned above, was the leader of the ten of the South, that is, the eleventh in the supreme group of hierophant priests.

In the crypt of Hesi-Ra there were eleven panels, among which one capital panel was called “dean”. Means. there are eleven fields with an image on the outside and the same number on the back sides, where diagrams are printed that apparently explain the use of “Canon” technology when constructing the composition of a particular canvas. In total, twenty-two fields that carry information. Now let’s remember ...

The basic provisions (principles) of Ancient Egypt about the world order are set out in twenty-two arcana, which are grouped into two blocks of eleven arcana each. The first block formulated the fundamental ideas about the world order. The number 11 was “magic” (power), because the first unit of the second step (tier) of the decimal system is the initial (master) step of the next decimal “layer” - it is at the same time the “hierarch” of the previous ten. So, if Hesi-Ra was the eleventh, that is, the “hierarch” of the supreme ten (South), bringing up the rear and the leader, then the pharaoh was the twelfth and was not part of this group.

Here is a text written in honor of several prominent scribes:

Is there anyone like Djedefhor anywhere? Is there anyone like Imhotep? There is no one among us like Nefri And Hetty, the first of all...(1)

So, according to text (1), in Ancient Egypt there was someone named Hetty (Hat in Coptic can be read as “receptacle of the mind”). Among other names in the text, Imhotep is mentioned - a historically reliable person, like Djedefhor. Hetty is also not a fictional person. And yet, on what occasion does such a sublime dithyramb praise Hetty? Therefore, in order to understand what it means to surpass at least Imhotep, let us turn to one more specific text:

Vizier of the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt. first after the pharaoh of Upper Egypt, ruler of the great chamber, honorable Sir, great priest of Heliopolis, Imhotep, builder and sculptor... (2)

As we see, Imhotep was surpassed only by the pharaoh himself. The same source provides text containing information about social status Hesi-Ra:

Khesi-Ra, chief of Destiuts and chief of Buto, chief of doctors, scribe of the pharaoh, confidant of the pharaoh, priest of Horus, chief architect of the pharaoh, Supreme chief of the ten South and carver... (!)

From a comparison of the administrative powers of both representatives of the priestly class, it follows that Imhotep is only a builder (the one who only carries out the construction), and Khesi-Ra is the chief architect of the pharaoh (the one to whom the pharaoh entrusts the design). Of course, in Ancient Egypt, as in our days, there was no clear division into the architect-designer and the builder-performer; both functions were combined in one person; nevertheless, if we consider that Imhotep is an architect, then Hesi-Ra is called the chief architect of the pharaoh much higher? In this respect, his title undoubtedly surpassed Imhotep's status in the field of architecture. Let us not, however, forget that popular rumor attributed the development of the Canon to Imhotep. Consequently, the people were aware of Imhotep. There were no rumors about Hesi-Ra's identity. This indicates that either Hesi-Ra did not occupy such a high position in the hierarchical scale, or, on the contrary, he was such a significant figure that his name and, most importantly, his powers were kept secret. The reason for this could be Hesi-Ra’s extensive knowledge in the field of secret sciences, which stemmed primarily from the knowledge of harmony, covering all spheres of activity. But in this case, convincing evidence must be presented that Hesi-Ra was endowed with functions indicating his belonging to this sphere. And they exist.

In the above text (3) Hesi-Ra is called the priest of Horus. At first glance, this is a rather modest position. But if we remember that Horus is a symbol of harmony (for in the sacred triangle 3:4:5 the legs are named after Isis and Osiris - the parents of Horus; the diagonal is designated by the name of Horus, and the diagonal is a parameter of the harmonious connection of the legs - “parents”), then the social level of Hesi -Ra immediately becomes several orders of magnitude higher than Imhotep’s hierarchical rank: to be a priest of Horus means to perform the functions of a keeper of the knowledge of harmony. And here the message that Hesi-Ra is the chief of doctors becomes noteworthy. The fact is that knowledge of the laws of harmony primarily extended to understanding the structure of the human body (the “KaBa” principle), thanks to which healing practice was carried out on the basis of knowledge encoded by the Canon. This method was widespread in both the East and the West. Indications of this kind are also found in ancient Indian treatises. Khesi-Ra could be the chief of doctors only if he was involved in the compilation of the Canon or knew its subtlest nuances. Therefore, it must be assumed that Hesi-Ra was not just a nominal chief of doctors, but mastered the methodology of healing, since he was sufficiently aware of the methodology of the Canon. The architect’s extraordinary intellectual abilities, apparently, became the reason that he was appointed as the pharaoh’s scribe; it was necessary to record the pharaoh’s thoughts not literally, but with deep understanding, making adjustments if any were required. (Think about what it means to “record the thoughts of the pharaoh.” It is very possible that Hesi-Ra was not only a person who prepared and led the pharaoh to a state in which “Communication with the Gods” became possible, but also interpreted the information received by the pharaoh during acts “Communications.” Today we know well that the information people receive in “contacts” is often contradictory and requires careful analysis and interpretation).

The modest title of the pharaoh's close associate suggests that Khesi-Ra served as a privy councilor.

It seems that a higher social rank did not exist in Ancient Egypt (in the person of Hesi-Ra). Who should have been entrusted with the design of the first large-scale pyramid (Djoser) - Imhotep or Hesi-Ra? Indeed, from the track record of both high-ranking men it clearly follows that Imhotep is endowed with the functions executive power, and Hesi-Ra (scientist-thinker) is among those involved in forecasting. Moreover, he is the head of the hierophants. (Remember that “hierophant priest” means “knowing fate or foreseeing the future.”) This means that if Imhotep is “first after the pharaoh,” then Hesi-Ra stands above the pharaoh, for “kings are not a decree for grammarians.” That is why Imhotep is only an architect, and Khesi-Ra is the architect of the pharaoh. This means that under Pharaoh Djoser there was a man NI, superior to the Pharaoh himself, information about whom was not disseminated “in the world” in order to preserve secret knowledge, which Hesi-Ra mastered perfectly.

The noted circumstances allow us to fairly argue that someone named Hetty (“the first of all”) was ordained as the god Ra (Hesi-Ra) for developing the aesthetic (and therefore environmental) principles of the Canon, reflecting the harmonious foundations of the universe.

The very idea of ​​using the “Golden Section” in modern architecture, as well as creating “complexes of pyramidal energy structures” is fundamental in solving problems of home ecology, ecology of the habitat of the mind and the process of understanding the world. This is exactly the key question, the awareness and implementation of which could become the beginning of our ascent to the next evolutionary stage. Therefore, a whole section should be devoted to this interrogation. For now, we will only outline what the Pyramid is in principle.

The pyramid is:

a) a powerful space antenna: c) a model of the Universe and uses its energy mechanism. c) a very powerful generator of cosmic energies of different planes.

Pyramid energy structures, the location of which must be chosen depending on the energy of the place, provide the following opportunities:

1. Connection to natural flows of cosmic energies, organization and stimulation of evolutionary processes in the biosphere and human consciousness.

2. Reorganization and correction of the human energy structure, which allows stimulating internal energetic, biophysical and physiological processes. which, in turn, make it possible to open and activate the internal reserves of the human psyche, increasing the potential of mental capabilities.

3. Rendering positive influence on the immune and nervous systems, which leads to their improvement.

4. Improving the energy-ecological environment of man, increasing and improving the energy environment of the location of the Pyramid and, in the case of the spread of pyramidal structures throughout the world, restructuring the energy structure of the planet over the next 10–15 years.

Pyramidal Energy Structures - can play a decisive role in the fate of the new generation, changing the level of its consciousness.

By the way, any architectural structure, if the principles of the “Golden Section” are incorporated into its design. becomes the bearer of the same properties as the pyramids. Therefore, if we begin to use this principle in the calculations and construction of houses, our homes will have the same effect on us as the pyramids, stimulating our creative activity and positively influencing our body and consciousness.

Throughout its history, humanity has always tried to realize one idea or another. which was based on the level of ideas and morality that corresponded to that era and, as a rule, dictated by the personal interests of the bearers of those ideas. More precisely, through a person, that facet, that strength in a person, which was formed by human weakness, realized itself. desire for power and material wealth. But there is pure knowledge, and there is what was realized based on the needs of those who lived in those days. Therefore, the pyramids were different, based on ideas. which were put into them and the goals that were pursued.

The very idea of ​​a pyramid, its essence, is a cosmic phenomenon. but human weakness and egocentrism forced people to use the pyramids for personal, and not universal, purposes. Many millennia of human history have passed, but this dominant sound continues to this day, determining the tone of the work of most people. And even the great spiritual discoveries of our time do not change a person for the better. That's what's paradoxical about a person. that in his (in words) desire for a bright future for all humanity, for a strange reason he uses knowledge intended for all people for his own personal purposes. This is precisely the manifestation of that very power. which, through human weaknesses, putting personal interest above the universal, rules the world. But there is a path of knowledge, and it cannot be for the chosen few. Humanity will take its last step in its evolutionary ascent as a single organism. Together. And if at least one person is not ready for this step. we all can't do it. We'll have to wait for the latter. help him. and then we will all move on together. And there is no end to this path.


As we mentioned above, “Ka-Ba” were for the ancient Egyptians the constituent elements of the human essence. Later, the ancient Greeks (around the 4th century AD), as a result of an incorrect interpretation of the concept, would associate “Ba” with the Soul. Although partly it can be imagined this way. but “Ba” is, rather, one of the components of the Soul.

During the Old Kingdom, the possession of "Ka-Ba" was attributed only to the pharaohs and gods. This is reflected in the Pyramid Texts. God Ra, for example, had 14 "Ka".

"Ka-Ba" was thought of as the embodiment of the strength and power of the Egyptian rulers and gods. During the Middle and New Kingdoms, and this is reflected in the Sarcophagi Texts and the Book of the Dead, the Ba-Ka were considered to be the embodiment of the life force of all people during life and continuing to exist after death.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, "Ba" lives in the tomb along with the deceased person, performing all his physical functions. “Ka” is not only the life force, but also a double, the “second I”, shared with a person, both during life and after death.

The hierophant priests knew a little more about these two hypostases of human essence...

"Ka-Ba" - two energy flows, two principles - opposite and united, different and homogeneous at the same time. Being in constant proximity in a person and interacting with each other, “Ka” and “Ba” are two sources of vital energy. As long as they interact with each other, the vital process in the body is maintained, and the person exists without any problems."

The fusion of “Ka-Ba”, their harmonization and evolution gives birth to “Aah”.

"Aah" is a mediator between God and people or a lower deity capable of interpreting the messages of the Gods.

In fact, "Aah" is something more than a person, but. certainly not God. This is a person with the ability to see the future and predict it at certain moments.

One of these people, capable of seeing the future at certain times, was Michel Nostradamus. Despite the fact that he lived several thousand years after the decline of Egyptian civilization, there was something in common between Nostradamus and the priests of Egypt.

The surviving ancient Egyptian papyri brought to us information that the priests were engaged in appropriate calculations to predict the future. These calculations were based on calculations of cyclic processes that fatally affect all living and nonliving things on our planet. An accurate calculation could indicate not only the most likely period of possible natural disasters associated with processes occurring in space, but also indicate favorable or unfavorable periods when making and carrying out certain government or political decisions.

“But the knowledge that once existed in its entirety was lost for centuries. What survived was covered in an aura of mystery, remaining the property of a very narrow circle of people. Subsequently, only a few initiates had fragmentary information about cyclic processes, one of whom was Michel Nostradamus.

This is indicated by the amazing unanimity of the ancient Egyptian hierophants and Michel Nostradamus in relation to the idea of ​​​​popularizing this knowledge. For a certain reason, neither one nor the other clearly sought to ensure that knowledge or prophecies in their original form became the property of a wide circle of people. Therefore, Nostradamus encrypted the prophecies set out in the Centuries, thereby sharing the point of view of the hierophants who once encoded their knowledge on the tablets of Hesi-Ra. Reading, understanding and realizing knowledge written in a special language (code), based on the principles underlying knowledge itself, means mastering this knowledge and rising to the level of the possibility of conscious influence on the course of historical events.;

More than one generation of researchers has tried to figure out how the prophecies set forth by Nostradamus were encoded, although the solution, which turned out to be quite simple, but very capacious in content, was on every page. If you open Centuries, you will see that the text consists of quatrains, each of which consists of four lines. In this case, the coding number is 4. It is quite obvious that Nostradamus knew about the so-called four-year cycles, which govern not only the stages of the evolution of the human community, but also a whole series of events occurring in our solar system. Knowing the cyclical nature of processes, Nostradamus says directly:

“I expect that approximately the same number of events will occur in the future as have occurred in the past centuries.”

Now let's see what he meant, at least using the example of the history of Russia over the last century: 1901 plus 4 years 1905 and so on: 1909. 1913, 1917, 1921, 1925, 1929, 1933, 1937, 1941, 1945, 1949 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1977. 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997. (See Appendix 4)

A historically trained eye will immediately notice that almost each of the above dates is associated with historical milestones that are very important for the fate of Russia. It should be noted right away that this scale is valid not only for Russia. Therefore, returning to the quatrains of Nostradamus, which speak of two events, sometimes significantly separated from each other in time, one should understand that we are talking about events that mark the beginning or end of a 4-year cycle, or rather a 12-year cycle (4 x 3 =12), and a 36-year-old [(4 x 3) x 3=36]. If in the scale of four-year cycles we can find dates that are not marked by any epoch-making events, then the 12- and 36-year cycles are always marked by such. Therefore, when considering the prophecies of Nostradamus, calculations should be based on 12- and 36-year cycles.

Now, knowing what has already happened in the last century, we can predict with a very high degree of probability the years in which the most significant events in the future may occur. Namely: 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 and 2025 and so on.

Emphasis should be placed on this. that Nostradamus more than once drew our attention to the number 4 and even in his will gives orders to surround his coffin with four candles of one livre - two on different sides,

It seems that he wanted humanity to see this pattern for itself. And having realized it, we tried, dampening the emerging tensions, to build relationships with each other and the world around us on a positive incentive, taking into account the cyclical factor so that when we come to 1999, the year of the beginning of the 27-year war predicted by Nostradamus, we would avoid it. It is already obvious today that the prerequisites laid down by the fall of 1997, fortunately, will not lead to the beginning of the 27-year war predicted by Nostradamus. But, given the scale of 4-year cycles for the next century, you should not relax, since there are still several dates ahead that may shift fatal prediction. Bearing in mind the special significance of the 36-year cycle, as well as the dynamics of the development of the positive consciousness of humanity, we can say with almost certainty that if the war does not begin before 2025, then, having passed this critical phase, it will not begin at all.

The increase in mass activity and the sometimes radical events that occur in human society are directly related to surges in solar activity, which, in turn, are also subject to a 4-year cycle. But that's not all. For reasons of a cosmic nature, exactly once every four years Venus, moving precisely according to schedule, suddenly slows down its flight, and Mars at this moment accelerates. At the same moment, Janus and Epimethyus, the satellites of Saturn, change orbits, and on Earth in the Pacific Ocean a new current, El Niño, appears.

The appearance of this current is a consequence of changes in the Earth's electromagnetic field as a result of powerful external influences. These changes, in turn, are the cause not only of large-scale natural disasters, but also of almost all aviation and other man-made disasters, since navigation systems and other electronic devices of support systems are to a certain extent dependent on electrical power. magnetic field Earth.

1997 was the year of the end of the previous and the beginning of the next 4-year cycle. Look at the statistics and look at the surge in plane crashes and various kinds natural disasters that occurred in the basin countries Pacific Ocean from autumn 1997 to autumn 1998. It is important to emphasize that changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field have always negatively affected and are affecting the health and immune system of humans and animals. Despite the fact that we have already passed the peak of the negative phase of the cycle that has begun, it is possible that in the near future we may learn about the appearance of some new disease in animals. It is worth noting that a change in the Earth’s electromagnetic field under certain circumstances can cause the appearance of immunodeficiency in animals (ID), which will be transmitted to humans.

I don’t want to make gloomy predictions, but 4-year cycles are a reality that the ancients knew about. Suffice it to remember that the ancient Egyptian annual cycle was 1460 days. If we divide 1460 days by 365 days, we get exactly 4 years. That is, the ancient Egyptians thought and counted their lives in four-year cycles.

Partly for this reason, the ancients built observatories with a level of accuracy that is surprising even today. By observing and calculating the phases of the Moon, Sun and other planets, the ancients calculated cycles, predicting the possible future in order to prepare for it, take advantage of the positive phase of the cycle to implement certain tasks, or, anticipating negative phases, reduce the possibility of problems to a minimum.

Considering the dangerous phases of 4-year cycles and their negative impact on the human immune system, to harmonize the “Ka-Ba” and maintain the appropriate energy balance in the body, which is necessary for health and self-improvement, the ancient Egyptians used a set of measures, an integral part of which were the so-called “Wands of Horus” or cylinders with various fillers.

These cylinders, under the influence of the biological field of the person holding them in their hands, activate the energy centers located on the palms and directly connected with the energy centers of the head, tune into the person, create a certain field that sets a certain biorhythm, which corrects the person’s energy shell and has a beneficial effect on health and the immune system.


In order to better imagine the mechanisms implemented in the Great Pyramid complex at Giza, let's turn to clear example. Take two guitars and tune them in unison. Then take one of the guitars into the next room, and pick up the other guitar and strike, for example, the sixth, thickest string. Having done this, you will notice that the sixth string of the guitar standing in the corner of the next room will also begin to vibrate, making a barely audible sound, although you did not touch it. This is the physical manifestation of the phenomenon of harmonic resonance in practice.

As we already mentioned. The Pyramid, being both an antenna and a resonator, is a relay of certain energy flows associated with processes occurring in space, and focused, in turn, on the “Energy Source” inside the Pyramid.

The “Wands of Horus”, which were used by the priests and pharaohs, the concentrators on the head, the “Energy Source” inside the Pyramid, the Pyramids themselves and much more were made in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, which determined the mutual attunement of all objects to each other (as if in unison ). It should be recalled that the entire physical and energetic structure of a person is subject to the laws of the “Golden Section”.

Accordingly, everything that is created by nature or built by man in accordance with this principle turns out to be tuned to each other. Therefore, when the energy flow affects the “Energy Source” inside the pyramid, the structure of the pyramid seems to enhance this impact. The impact is not only on objects and people inside the pyramid. The impact also affects the space surrounding the pyramid over a very large area, as a result of which the cylinders in a person’s hands begin to “sound”, “resonate” like the sixth string on a guitar in the next room. In this way, energy is transferred over a distance, and the energy supplied to the “Energy Source” in the Pyramid is transferred to people and to the cylinders in their hands. (See Appendix N5)


Correctly made cylinders have an amazing property - they self-adjust to a person. They adjust to the rhythm that the body needs at a certain time of day. The cylinders can be used at night, during the day, in the morning - whenever you want. They tune in to the body, to the energy channel that is open, and work with it. The time for working with the cylinders is not limited. Consultation with a specialist will help you choose the right size and filler based on your physical data. The size of the cylinders may vary depending on the task. that you want to solve or a disease that you want to manage. Cylinders measuring 146 mm in length were intended to work in conjunction with the Pyramids. But if you need to stop some negative process in the body and a powerful impulse is needed, then larger cylinders can be used for this.

Cylinders are not a panacea for all diseases, as they have a different purpose. But, nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing once again that most of our diseases begin precisely with the disharmony of two fundamental energy flows - “Ka” and “Ba” or “YIN” and “YANG”. Daily work with cylinders (at least an hour) has a beneficial effect:

For overexcitation and nervous disorders;

In case of violation blood pressure;

For vegetative-vascular disorders.

Normalizes heart function during arrhythmias and neuroses;

Improves blood circulation processes, having a beneficial effect on blood vessels;

Relieves joint pain due to arthritis, gout, and cardiovascular diseases;

For neurotrophic disorders;

For diseases of the excretory tract;

For insomnia, and also as a means to relieve stress and prevent atherosclerosis.

Independent studies of the effects of cylinders were carried out in the laboratory of clinical biophysics of the Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine in St. Petersburg: readings from points reflecting the condition were displayed on the computer screen internal organs. Information was taken from the bioactive zones of the palm using one of the usual diagnostic methods. There are three stripes on the screen: green (normal state of organs), red and blue (deviations). Naturally, we all have some spread, some points end up in the green zone. others are outside it, which indicates that there are abnormalities in the body. After a few minutes, those holding the cylinders experienced a small miracle: the dots began to slide into the green zone! According to the researchers, the effect of the cylinders brings the body into a harmonized state, in which it is much easier for it to cope with its troubles.

Professor Dulnev from the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics, studying the effect of the pharaoh's cylinders using special equipment, like doctors, noted an increase in heat flows from the surface of the skin. This fact indicates the work of the subtlest types (flows) of energy unknown to us. The cylinders “read” them, entering into resonance with them.

The effectiveness of the "Wands of Horus" can also be increased through the use of cylinders in combination with mini-pyramidal energy structures (pyramids) made of wood. Such a pyramid partly serves as a structure that focuses energy flows on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (6th and 7th chakras) as well as on the pancreas

The experience of using a therapeutic pyramid, carried out in a regional clinic in the city of Chuguev, Kharkov region, showed that after 15 minutes of staying in the pyramid, stress was relieved, headaches and insomnia went away, blood pressure normalized, and a person’s creative activity increased.

gland (3rd chakra), that is, on the endocrine system. Working with such a complex improves immune status.

Such pyramids will be individual, since when calculating it is necessary to take into account the distance from the base of the spine to the point between the eyebrows (third eye).


As we have already mentioned, cylinders may contain different fillers, which, in turn, determines some difference in their properties.

In the initial phase, cylinders with two types of fillers should be used. This is due to the general unpreparedness and unsatisfactory state of the energy system of most people, which in turn is expressed in those diseases that bother us so much. Therefore, in the initial preparatory phase to improve the general condition of the energy system and focusing on the most common problems, we offer cylinders filled with coal and ferromagnets and quartz filler, which, following the ancient Egyptian tradition, will be called “Wands of Horus.” Below is a table of some the main differences that should be taken into account when choosing the type of "Wands of Horus".

Both types of cylinders are effective in: - prevention of atherosclerosis. - diseases associated with circulatory disorders (including some types of impotence).

Possible relief from cramps gastrointestinal tract, some relief from arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis without eliminating the causes of the disease.

Cylinders, both those and others, have a positive effect on blood vessels and the cardiovascular system, but their effects are different.

For cylinders filled with coal and ferromagnetic materials, the impact is strong, powerful, pulsed, and can move the problem forward. People suffering from low blood pressure should be careful when using this type of cylinder as it lowers blood pressure. If such cylinders end up in the hands of a person suffering from low blood pressure, a collapse may occur against the background of a decrease in atmospheric pressure with all the ensuing consequences. But people suffering from high blood pressure, cylinders filled with carbon and ferromagnetic materials can provide invaluable assistance.

Cylinders filled with quartz crystals have other features. They are very good for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous depression and many other diseases, but sometimes they are not sufficient in a state of exacerbation.

You should not consider cylinders only as a cure for one or another disease. Cylinders are, first of all, a preventive measure that makes it possible to correct certain deviations in certain diseases and cause a noticeable improvement in your condition.

But, first of all, cylinders are a tool for “achievement”, allowing you to realize the gradual evolution of your energetic and, as a consequence, mental capabilities.

The development of appropriate mental capabilities opens up completely different horizons, about which modern man has practically no idea. This is such an important and subtle topic, a conversation about which can only begin with appropriate preparation, and most importantly, with the appearance of an internal impulse, which is the first sign of the energetic and moral ability to understand the path and the willingness to devote one’s life to the idea of ​​self-improvement and the improvement of the world around a person.

Concluding the section devoted to the varieties of pharaoh's cylinders, it is worth saying that in addition to those discussed above, there was another, special type of cylinders that were used by people of a very high level of initiation (this was determined by the level of morality and development of mental capabilities). Such cylinders, in fact, were miniature energy sources that made it possible to strengthen and direct mental energy (impulse) to the implementation of specific tasks. For example, to stop or suppress some negative process such as cancer or other unwanted pathologies. These cylinders provide special capabilities, but it is fundamentally important that those using them are aware of the actual level of responsibility for their actions.

The section you read talks about limitations and provides a small list of diseases and situations in which cylinders have a beneficial effect. If certain conditions are met and systematic work is carried out, cylinders can not only correct, but also improve your energy and immune systems. But this requires systematic, daily work, based on clear ideas about what the “Wands of Horus” are, the principle of their operation, knowledge of the elements included in the complex, an integral part of which is interaction with natural sources of energy, knowledge of the cycles of man and the Earth , as well as a clear idea of ​​what you want to implement and why.



Doctor of Medical Sciences, senior Researcher Research Institute of Emergency Aid named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze M.A. Nikulin, in the process of medical research into the effect of cylinders on the human body, gave the following conclusion: ((In the presence of any pathologies in the human body, temperature asymmetry of diseased areas in relation to healthy ones is observed. When taken in hand, cylinders level out the pathological thermal asymmetry, which indicates their therapeutic effect) ).

Interesting are the results of studies conducted at the Oncology Center in Pesochny by Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading specialist of the Central Research Institute of Radiology and Radiology - M.A. In blank. Dr. Blank comments on them as follows: “There is a parameter that characterizes the work of cells - the respiratory waves of cells. An oncological disease in the body suppresses these respiratory waves, and the cylinders of the pharaohs, on the contrary, improve this parameter. But cancer is a very serious bastion. You cannot use it with such a mild remedy. "Perhaps - preventively, but this conclusion requires further research. One thing is clear: in places where cancer is doing badly, the doctors are trying to do better."


The presence of a contact potential difference between the cylinders transfers the body to a different, “higher” energy state, in which restoration processes occur more actively, promoting harmonization of the entire organism. This effect is achieved by a combination of galvanotherapy, metal therapy and the presence of weak physical fields created by the cylinder fillers, which have a healing effect on the body through the bioactive points of the palms.


The impact of the cylinders enhances the movement of energy "qi" ("prana") in the energy channels-meridians. Thanks to the increased movement of “qi,” pathologically clogged (“clogged”) channels are actively cleared, resulting in the restoration of a healthy energy balance between organs. The increased movement of "qi" causes tingling or numbness in the fingertips and pulsation in the centers of the palms and feet. And the process of breaking through blockages in the canals can cause a fairly wide range of sensations, the most common of which are vibration, pressure or distension in certain parts of the body, up to tolerable and soon passing pain, ringing in the ears, and slight dizziness. With the restoration of energy balance, these sensations disappear.

Regular use of the “Wands of Horus”, subject to a number of rules in everyday life, strengthens and enhances the energy potential up to the establishment of contact with higher forms reason and manifestations of other superpowers of a healthy and morally pure person.


"... In the very first minutes, subjects holding cylinders in their hands experience a pulse wave from the left side to the right. A sensation of blood filling the vessels, called the “vascular stage” by the researchers, is recorded. Infrared radiation from the right upper limb increases, and then the thermal fields on the limbs level out .

Along with these changes, a general increase in activity is noted in the body of the subjects, accompanied by an increase in heart rate by 8-10 beats per minute.

By the second minute, heating of the cervicothoracic spine with an increase in infrared radiation is also recorded.

Thus, the entire autonomic nervous system is involved in the process, and energetic activation of tissues of both the upper limbs and the whole body takes place. As a result, headaches are relieved and blood pressure tends to normal." (From the test report) .

A series of targeted experiments carried out by Colombo University professor K.G. Korotkov, using the Kirlian diagnostic method, showed the presence of information clarification of the signs of the disease in people holding cylinders. In other words, in some cases, cylinders significantly improve diagnostic accuracy. When conducting a series of targeted experiments by Doctor of Medical Sciences M.A. Blank at the Oncology Center in Pesochny found that the effect of the cylinders creates an environment in the body in which it is much easier for him to cope with his illnesses and problems. M. Blank believes that cylinders can be recommended as a preventive measure for transcontinental syndrome

people whose activities involve frequent flights from one time zone to another (pilots, athletes, tourists, truck drivers, etc.), in which desynchronization of the external and internal modes of the body causes lethargy and headaches.

A study of the efficiency of using cylinders was carried out in April 1993 and December 1995 using modern equipment and the most advanced methods put forward for competition in 1990 Nobel Prize a group of scientists-doctors, specialists from the Research Institute of Emergency Care named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze under the leadership of Doctor of Medical Sciences M.A. Nikulina. Based on the results obtained, “Wands of Horus” can be recommended for people suffering from:

Cardiovascular diseases;

Hypertension early stage;

Neurotrophic disorders;

Diseases of the excretory tract;


and also as a means to relieve stress and prevent atherosclerosis.


It is best to work or meditate with cylinders in nature near natural sources of energy, such as water (river, lake, sea, ocean), in a forest, in the mountains.

It is best to stand barefoot. This improves the processes of energy exchange and metabolism in the body.

Working with trees gives amazing results. As natural sources of energy, trees provide a unique opportunity to tap into the natural and truly clean flow of energy. At the same time, the choice of tree and time of day for work depends on the biological and energetic rhythms of the tree and the problem that you want to solve. Below is a table that will help you choose the right tree and the time to work with it.

The tree you are going to interact with should be chosen as a "friend". It must be chosen in accordance with your inner impulse. You should know that trees have their own energy centers - “chakras”. There can be from two to three. It depends on the age and condition of the tree. The first “chakra” is located about a meter from the base (ground), the second - at the branching point of the crown. The location of the third "chakra" is individual. We will work with the first one, since it is the “giver”. It contains all three types of energies that you can use without harming the tree.

In essence, working or interacting with a tree is an analogue of the meditative process. After you have chosen a tree, you should stand with your back to it, lean the back of your head against the tree trunk (your first “chakra” will be approximately at the level of the first “chakra” of the tree) and merge with it. Become one. Then you should mentally analyze the problems you want to solve and, after asking for help from the tree, carry out the interaction. Remember, you need to feel the flow of energy coming from the tree. Despite the fact that these sensations are individual, nevertheless, the state in question will be comparable to a very light vibration inside you. This will indicate that interaction is taking place. The duration of the interaction is best controlled by feeling.

Continuing this section, I would like to emphasize that you can work with trees while holding the cylinders in your hands or without them. Wood, in itself, is a powerful source of energy, so you can interact with the energy of trees without cylinders, while receiving a significant healing effect. What happens when a person works with cylinders in the forest or on the seashore?

The human body is designed in such a way that with any close contact with nature, our energy centers ("chakras") are activated, increasing the intensity of absorption of the energy flow by about 10-20% (depending on the individual). After completion of work, this activity gradually decreases to the previous level within 12–36 hours, which also depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Due to the fact that cylinders are powerful activators of the human energy system, when using cylinders in the lap of nature, it is possible to achieve not only an increase in the intensity of absorption of the energy flow by the “chakras” up to 40% of their potential, but also to increase the duration of the “chakras” in this mode to 2 days.

Such activation of energy centers makes it possible to increase the energy potential and human bioenergy field (on the energy plane). On the physical plane, activation contributes to the process of normalizing blood circulation, normalizing blood pressure to the level required by the individual, having a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. With everyday work, the “Wands of Horus” will help strengthen a person’s immune system (especially when used regularly in nature). The listing would be incomplete without indicating their powerful anti-stress effect and strengthening of the nervous system when systematically working with the “Wands of Horus”. Working with cylinders is very useful for women during menopause.

Concluding this section, it should be emphasized that when working with cylinders in nature, you will feel their effect more acutely, since any natural source of energy, be it wood or water, helps the body tune in to the cylinders faster and deeper.


Analyzing the sensations of people who, to one degree or another, communicated with the “Wands of Horus”, we can distinguish three main groups according to the nature of the sensations experienced:

1) Feeling nothing.

As a rule, the absence of sensations indicates that the person’s body is quite polluted. In this case, an appropriate diet is necessary to cleanse the energy channels. One of the most optimal diets, taking into account the individual characteristics of any person, which should never be forgotten, is a diet in which for two days a week (48 hours) you eat only fruits and vegetables, while feeling a constantly present feeling of hunger.

Scientific research showed that people holding the “Wands of Horus” in their hands are exposed to them regardless of the sensations they experience, although undoubtedly, the activity and effectiveness of the “Wands of Horus” directly depends on the level of slagging in the body. It is for this reason that, in preparation for initiation (“Communication with the Gods”), the ancient Egyptians practiced fasting and appropriate diets to cleanse the body.

2) Poorly sensitive.

Represent the bulk of respondents. People belonging to this group feel warmth or coolness, pulsation in the hands, slight tingling, sometimes increased heart rate, and occasionally dizziness.

3) Strongly feeling.

This small group includes people who feel “streams” or “waterfalls” of energy washing their body inside and out. Some of them feel an uncontrollable urge upward, as if the whole body was trying to fly up. An extraordinary lightness and good mood sets in.

Please note that, despite the three categories above, the palette and strength of sensations may be unstable. This is due to the energy cycles of the Earth and humans. There will be days when, for objective reasons of a cosmic nature, your energy system will not be active enough, so the sensations will be weak or may be completely absent, despite the fact that you usually felt the influence of the “Wands of Horus” well.

If someone’s use of cylinders is accompanied by the appearance of “visions,” this indicates that the person is prone to mental illness—it is not recommended for this person to use cylinders.

You should not consider cylinders only as a cure for one or another disease. "Wands of Horus" is, first of all, a preventive remedy that makes it possible to correct certain deviations in certain diseases and cause a noticeable improvement in your condition.

But, first and foremost, cylinders are a tool for “achievement”, allowing you to realize the gradual evolution of your capabilities.

The material you read talks about limitations and provides a small list of diseases and situations in which cylinders have a beneficial effect. If certain conditions are met and systematic work is carried out, cylinders can not only correct, but also improve your energy and immune systems. But this requires systematic, daily work, based on clear ideas about what the “Wands of Horus” are, the principle of their operation, knowledge of the elements included in the complex, an integral part of which is interaction with natural sources of energy, knowledge of the cycles of man and the Earth , as well as a clear idea of ​​what you want to implement and why.

Humanity does not yet know that the main object of research in the Universe is man himself. Humanity has not yet embarked on the path of understanding this very great secret, leading to the comprehension of the Creator, in which the very first step will be the discovery of the secrets of humanity.


The mechanism of action of cylinders on the human body is quite complex. Therefore, we will try to offer a more simplified form, but one that quite accurately describes the main meaning of the process.

People whose minds strive for knowledge are well aware of the so-called energy shells, which, in accordance with the well-known Eastern tradition, form the energy structure of a person. It is known about the existence of the etheric body, astral, mental, etc. up to the seventh energy body. But there is information that the ancient hierophants knew about the existence of several more energy bodies or shells, about which the modern exoteric and other schools report nothing. The last energy body, still unknown to humanity, is the shell through which each person has direct “contact” with what people call “God” or the “Source” of everything, all knowledge and energies. Through this shell we have a connection with the entire world around us, being part of the Great Creative Principle. Having this shell, we ourselves are, as it were, sources of energy.

Let us consider the energy structure of a person from a position that is more understandable to modern man.

What people call “aura” or “biofield” in everyday life is a consequence of the interaction of vibrations of various energy layers (bodies) of the human energy structure.

The existing names of energy bodies in any of the known traditions are purely conventional. Therefore, for convenience and ease of understanding, especially for a person inexperienced in exotericism, we will call the “etheric body” the first energy body, the “astral” the second, the “mental” the third, and so on.

The human energy structure consists of several energy bodies that differ from each other in shape, energy density, and vibration rhythms (frequency). But the main thing is that they have different properties.

Considering the impact of the “Wands of Horus” on the human body, we will focus on the first two human field structures, which are directly responsible for the bioenergetic rhythm and emotional condition person.

The first energy body (etheric) consists of vibrations and temperature rhythms physical structure person. Therefore, any process occurring in the physical body is immediately reflected in the first energy body.

For example, a person began inflammatory process. localized in the sacral region (lumbago). This is followed by swelling and an increase in temperature, which is immediately reflected in a change in the shape and frequency of vibrations of the corresponding part of the first energy body. Respectively, energetic impact on this part of the energy body and correction of the vibration frequency will lead to a decrease in pain.

The outlines of the first energy body exactly follow the contours of the physical body, forming an energy layer with a thickness of 0.3 to 2-3 meters. The first energy body is the recipient and distributor of the transformed cosmic energy “prana”. It is through it that our physical body is charged with the vital energy that our body needs.

As for the second energy body (astral), it is responsible for our emotional state, and any nervous or mental stress causes changes in this energy body.

A surge of emotions during stress leads to destabilization of the energy structure of the second energy body, to its change, which subsequently leads to discomfort and neuropsychic problems.

The human energy structure has its own energy centers “chakras”, through which the human body interacts with the outside world.

"Chakras" can be imagined as some kind of energy vortexes (funnels). The transformed energy of space, earth, water, air, sun rays enters the human physical body through the chakras. “Chakras,” being direct conductors of energy processed in the energy structure, transmit it to the human endocrine system. All “chakras” are connected with our physical body and are, as it were, projections of the endocrine system.

The main energy centers, being projections of the endocrine system, also have their own projections. The seventh "chakra" has projections on the palms. The first "chakra" is on the feet, etc.

It is known that the human body is a kind of power plant. Taking the cylinders in his hands, a person polarizes the crystals in the cylinders. At the same time, when we pick up the cylinders, under the influence of the human biofield, through the projections of the corresponding energy centers located on the palms of the hands, they begin to activate the 6th and 7th “chakras”, or rather, the 6th and 7th energy shells. On the physical plane, stimulation of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland occurs, since they are projections of these energy centers in the human physical body. The activation of these centers leads to the activation of the last, as yet unknown to people, energy shell, and energy begins to flow into the body directly from the “Source”. The incoming energy plus piezoelectricity generated by the filler crystals form an energy cocoon around the human body. This “pranic” cocoon, vibrating at a frequency dictated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, corrects the entire energy structure of a person, having a beneficial effect on the entire body. Impulses passing through the hypothalamus and pituitary gland include the processes of regeneration and self-healing.

It should be recalled that the elongated headdress of the pharaoh was a special concentrator, also focusing on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This concentrator, stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, seemed to maintain and increase the potential of the energy cocoon, increasing the body's immune reactivity. The complex, consisting of the “Wands of Horus” and a concentrator, healed the body, improved immune status and regulated metabolic processes in the body. But the meaning of such work was not only this. For that. To prepare yourself for work in the Pyramid and to gain the opportunity to see the future, you need energy. Therefore, the pharaoh and the hierophants tried not to waste the energy they received, but accumulated it, leading an appropriate lifestyle and bringing their abilities to the appropriate level.

The third energy body - the "mental" - is associated with what people refer to as the "soul" ( mental condition person). Harmonization of this energy body with the help of the “Wands of Horus” creates the energetic prerequisites for stabilization and development of psychic capabilities.

Schematic diagram The sequence of action of the "Wands of Horus" is as follows:

Through the piezoelectric effect that stimulates the sixth and seventh energy bodies, the Wands of Horus affect the central nervous system (CNS). From the central nervous system, the impulse goes to the hypothalamus, from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. Then a message to the endocrine system, from the endocrine system to the endocrine glands, then to the organs. The reverse reaction occurs in two streams:

1. From the endocrine system to the central nervous system

2. Through the state of organs in the central nervous system. Thus, information about the state of the internal secretion organs and existing disorders or pathologies of the internal organs is received from the endocrine system and from the internal organs to the central nervous system. Having received this information, the central nervous system sends these signals to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and they, in turn, activate the functions of self-healing and regeneration, if these functions in the body are not suppressed. In case of insufficient activity of the self-healing function, the energy cocoon ("pranic" shell) generated by the "Wands of Horus", vibrating at a frequency set by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, acts as a medium that transmits an ongoing signal and stimulates the activity of the self-healing and regeneration function.

The “pranic cocoon” generated by the “Wands of Horus” (carbon-ferromagnets) has a powerful impulse effect on the human body, but at the same time it is unstable. No matter how long you work with this type of cylinder, two or three days, the “pranic cocoon” created by them will completely dissipate after 24 hours. Therefore, to maintain the “pranic cocoon” created by the “Wands of Horus”, daily work is necessary. “Wands of Horus” etc. 1, with a filler of quartz crystals, generate a “pranic cocoon” that has a soft, even effect on the human body. The energy cocoon created by this type of cylinder is very stable. If you work with the “Wands of Horus” continuously for one week, then the “pranic cocoon” created by them will persist for three weeks, exerting a corrective effect on the entire human body.


The manufacturing technology of the “Wands of Horus” and all other elements included in the complex took into account the ability of the Pyramid to influence certain characteristics of materials. That is why the production of the “Wands of Horus” took place in the Pyramid. The bodies of the wands were made by casting into appropriate molds, and at the moment of solidification (crystallization) of the metal, the crystal lattice acquired special properties under the influence of the Pyramid. The structuring field of the Pyramid has a corrective effect on interatomic distances, as a result of which the crystal lattice becomes more perfect, which determined the appearance of the wonderful properties of the material from which the wands were made already at this stage. The fillers also underwent appropriate processing in the Pyramid.

As we have already mentioned, at the beginning of the process of self-improvement of the hierophant or pharaoh, special white sand was used. It was collected not so far from the Pyramids, and then it underwent a long period of processing in the Pyramid. The decisive factor in the choice of fillers was precisely the properties of the crystal lattice. The quartz crystal lattice, under the influence of the Pyramid, changed its qualities, becoming more regular, defect-free and, as a result, its resonant properties improved.

At subsequent stages of the process of self-improvement, special crystals were placed inside the “Wands of Horus”; their more advanced properties were also formed in the Pyramid under the influence of its structuring fields. Perhaps individual crystals were grown directly in the Pyramid.

It is important to note that the orientation of the crystals of fine-grained white sand or coarse-grained quartzite inside the rods does not matter from the point of view of the law of harmonic resonance. In this case, what is important is not the shape and orientation of each grain of sand, but the features of the crystal lattice.

It should be emphasized that when choosing fillers placed in cylinders, it is not entirely correct to subdivide them into YIN or YANG, as well as linking the properties of the fillers with the horoscope. This connection is very conditional.

To better understand the essence of the process, it should be mentioned that “Ka-Ba” or “YIN-YANG” are two energy flows, two sources of vital energy, which are located in the person himself. Therefore, to harmonize them, minerals with appropriate properties are needed. For example, jasper, amber or shungites were not used in ancient Egypt as fillers for the "Wands of Horus" due to the unsuitable properties of their crystal lattice. The use of quartz was due to its unusual and amazing properties. This is what it has to do with it.

In crystallography there is such a thing as the axis of symmetry of a crystal. If you take quartz crystals with well-developed facets, then from the location of these faces you can notice one amazing feature Vertical axis symmetry of a quartz crystal twisted into a spiral.

“X-ray structural study of quartz crystals confirms this conclusion, made on the basis of the morphs j logical and optical features, namely, that the structure of quartz has a spiral, that is, helical character. In accordance with this, two types of structure are distinguished - right-handed (Figure 3) and left-handed ( Fig 1) - "And

To explain another significant feature of quartz, we will once again have to resort to the system of concepts of the ancient East.

A quartz crystal, like any other crystal, has its own energy center ("chakra"). But due to the fact that the symmetry axis of quartz forms a spiral, several projections of the main energy center appear in the crystal. That is, one center receives energy and gives out several. More precisely, it can be represented this way: a certain zone of the crystal accumulates energy and, transforming, dissipates. That is, one common flow enters the crystal, and several exit. It is thanks to the spiral structure and, as a consequence, the dispersion effect. “Wands of Horus” filled with quartz crystals have a mild, general health-improving effect on the energy-informational structure of a person and his entire body.

For many millennia, the Great Pyramids kept the secret of the “mysterious room”, where, as legends say, there are some special secrets or some knowledge, having mastered which, the finder will gain power over the world, and which has been sought for centuries. It was believed that it was located inside the double-humped rock on which the body of the pyramid rested." They also looked for it under the pyramid. But this "room" is not located where they were looking for it, but in the upper third of the pyramid at a point determined by the proportion 0.1 18 x 0.882.

In this room there is an “Energy Source”, inherited by the ancient Egyptians from the Atlanteans, who came to northern Africa long before the heyday of Egyptian civilization. (See NI Appendix)

This device is a cylinder, inside of which there is a special crystal, the parameters of the crystal lattice of which are close to the parameters of the structure of quartz crystals." Pick up any book about the culture of ancient Egypt and take a close look at the statues of the pharaohs. You will see that they are clutching cylinder-like objects in their hands. Made in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, the “Energy Source” had and is having an energy-informational impact not only on a person located in the Pyramid or next to it. The "energy source" also entered into a resonant interaction with the cylinders in the hands of a person, since the cylinders were made in the proportions of the "Golden Section", which determined the resonant relationship between the "source" in the pyramid and the cylinders in the hands."

These cylinders were harmonizers of two main energy flows, which the ancient Egyptians called "Ka-Ba" or "YIN-YANG" in the Eastern tradition.

give him energy. The use of these cylinders greatly helped the pharaoh or other person who used them to improve their nervous, energetic and, as a result, immune systems, improve their health and physical condition, since the cylinders had a beneficial effect on them. The correct use of the cylinders allowed the pharaoh or other person using these cylinders to prepare for "Communication with the Gods."

"Ka-Ba" were for the ancient Egyptians two constituent elements of human essence, two sources of vital energy. While they interact with each other, the life process in the body is maintained, and the person exists without any problems. To regulate the energy balance ("Ka-Ba") in the body, the ancient Egyptians used the so-called "Wands of Horus" - cylinders with various fillers.

This sculptural group symbolically reflects this phenomenon. Yansky "Ka" - a cylinder in the right hand of the god Horus. The male figure symbolizes the flow of energy "YAN" (masculine). At the same time, divinity is a symbol characterizing the energy plane. The YIN cylinder is in the left hand of the goddess Isis, symbolizing a certain beginning, that is, the flow of energy “Ba” (INB). In the center is the pharaoh (Osiris) towards whom the hands of the givers are directed

The cylinder for the right hand was made of copper and was called “Solar” (YAN). The cylinder for the left hand was made of zinc and was called “Lunar” (INB). Minerals were placed inside these cylinders, which were replaced as the pharaoh’s self-improvement process progressed. In the initial phase it was special white sand. Cylinders with white sand have a beneficial effect on human energy channels, activating them. As the transformation processes progressed, coarse-grained quartzites were poured into the cylinders.

To enhance the properties of the cylinders, gold was added to copper in appropriate proportions, which is why the “Solar Cylinder” was also called “Golden”. Silver was added to “Lunar”, so it was called “Silver” accordingly. These cylinders were produced in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, and the dimension was determined based on the state of the human energy system, health and the tasks being implemented.

For example, in the case of disharmony, when the “Ba” or YIN type of energy clearly prevailed in a person, the ancient Egyptians used only a “copper” YANG cylinder, which was taken in the right hand, for alignment and harmonization.

On the pharaoh's head is a slightly strange elongated headdress, which is considered to be a crown. This headdress was a special concentrator that focused on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and was tuned to the Pyramid and the "Energy Source" in the Pyramid.

These two sculptures are a reflection of a similar situation. The people depicted here obviously had problems associated with an imbalance, the predominance of YIN (feminine) energy, which in turn in men, for example, can lead to metabolic disorders, decreased sexual activity and a number of other significant disorders.

For proper harmonization, it is better to use both cylinders at the same time, but the YANG one should be larger than the YIN one, which allows the YANG one to be aligned. The subsequent use of identical cylinders will harmonize these two energy flows.

If a person has an excess of Yang, and such cases are not rare, for example, in women (which can lead to certain hormonal disturbances), then the use of cylinders (YIN of a larger size, and YANG of a smaller size) leads to alignment, after which For subsequent harmonization, cylinders of the same size should be used. But that is not all.

The entire complex - the "Energy Source" inside the Pyramid, the cylinders"* in the hands, the concentrator (on the head of the pharaoh) - is directly connected on certain days (cycles) of the year with the pyramids and their influence.

The Pyramid, being both an antenna and a resonator, is a relay of certain energy flows associated with processes occurring in space, and focused, in turn, on the “Energy Source” inside the Pyramid. When exposed to this complex and with correct interaction with human consciousness, the effect of “Communication with the Gods” occurred.

The huge pyramidal complex at Giza was, in fact, a “Structure of Deep Meditation”, which allowed the pharaoh or priest to come into contact with the Noosphere, the information systems of the Earth, and sometimes with representatives of other planetary systems. (See Appendix No. 2)

This familiar drawing is a symbol of the act of “Communication with the Gods”, carried out with the help of the Pyramid and which has come down through the centuries to the present day. The eye is located in the upper third of the pyramid, where the “Energy Source” is located, and in this case, symbolizes the “Holy Spirit” with which the pharaoh or priest came into “contact” with the help of this “source”. (See Appendix No. 3)

Today it is well known that people who come into “contact” with the Noosphere or information field very often see this “eye”. The eye or "All-Seeing Eye", as a symbol, was given to man from above and is not his invention. The eye was observed by both pharaohs and priests during certain phases of religious rites. This is why this symbol exists in many Hermetic lore and religions."

From the depths of centuries, the outlines of phenomena emerge, the secret of which Time has kept for several millennia, and we begin to understand the hidden meaning of the heritage that has come down to us and the true reasons for the construction of the Pyramids.

The pharaoh received information in “Communication with the Gods” or, in modern language, in “contact”. It was this fact, against the backdrop of longevity, that put the pharaoh in an exceptional position, in which he was considered the “vicar of God on Earth.” But the role of the priest-hierophants seems to be something absolutely special. Having become the deputy of God on Earth, the pharaoh, nevertheless, remained in a certain ignorance. Pharaoh obviously did not know what the hierophants knew. And this is what it follows.

Khesi-Ra, whom we mentioned above, was the leader of the ten of the South, that is, the eleventh in the supreme group of hierophant priests.

In the crypt of Hesi-Ra there were eleven panels, among which one capital panel was called “dean”. Means. there are eleven fields with an image on the outside and the same number on the back sides, where diagrams are printed that apparently explain the use of “Canon” technology when constructing the composition of a particular canvas. In total, twenty-two fields that carry information. Now let’s remember ...

The basic provisions (principles) of Ancient Egypt about the world order are set out in twenty-two arcana, which are grouped into two blocks of eleven arcana each. The first block formulated the fundamental ideas about the world order. The number 11 was “magic” (power), because the first unit of the second step (tier) of the decimal system is the initial (master) step of the next decimal “layer” - it is at the same time the “hierarch” of the previous ten. So, if Hesi-Ra was the eleventh, that is, the “hierarch” of the supreme ten (South), bringing up the rear and the leader, then the pharaoh was the twelfth and was not part of this group.

Here is a text written in honor of several prominent scribes:

Is there anyone like Djedefhor anywhere? Is there anyone like Imhotep? There is no one among us like Nefri And Hetty, the first of all...(1)

So, according to text (1), in Ancient Egypt there was someone named Hetty (Hat in Coptic can be read as “receptacle of the mind”). Among other names in the text, Imhotep is mentioned - a historically reliable person, like Djedefhor. Hetty is also not a fictional person. And yet, on what occasion does such a sublime dithyramb praise Hetty? Therefore, in order to understand what it means to surpass at least Imhotep, let us turn to one more specific text:

Vizier of the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt. first after the pharaoh of Upper Egypt, ruler of the great chamber, honorary citizen, great priest of Heliopolis, Imhotep, builder and sculptor... (2)

As we see, Imhotep was surpassed only by the pharaoh himself. The same source provides a text containing information about the social status of Hesi-Ra:

Khesi-Ra, chief of Destiuts and chief of Buto, chief of doctors, scribe of the pharaoh, confidant of the pharaoh, priest of Horus, chief architect of the pharaoh, Supreme chief of the ten South and carver... (!)

From a comparison of the administrative powers of both representatives of the priestly class, it follows that Imhotep is only a builder (the one who only carries out the construction), and Khesi-Ra is the chief architect of the pharaoh (the one to whom the pharaoh entrusts the design). Of course, in Ancient Egypt, as in our days, there was no clear division into the architect-designer and the builder-performer; both functions were combined in one person; nevertheless, if we consider that Imhotep is an architect, then Hesi-Ra is called the chief architect of the pharaoh much higher? In this respect, his title undoubtedly surpassed Imhotep's status in the field of architecture. Let us not, however, forget that popular rumor attributed the development of the Canon to Imhotep. Consequently, the people were aware of Imhotep. There were no rumors about Hesi-Ra's identity. This indicates that either Hesi-Ra did not occupy such a high position in the hierarchical scale, or, on the contrary, he was such a significant figure that his name and, most importantly, his powers were kept secret. The reason for this could be Hesi-Ra’s extensive knowledge in the field of secret sciences, which stemmed primarily from the knowledge of harmony, covering all spheres of activity. But in this case, convincing evidence must be presented that Hesi-Ra was endowed with functions indicating his belonging to this sphere. And they exist.

In the above text (3) Hesi-Ra is called the priest of Horus. At first glance, this is a rather modest position. But if we remember that Horus is a symbol of harmony (for in the sacred triangle 3:4:5 the legs are named after Isis and Osiris - the parents of Horus; the diagonal is designated by the name of Horus, and the diagonal is a parameter of the harmonious connection of the legs - “parents”), then the social level of Hesi -Ra immediately becomes several orders of magnitude higher than Imhotep’s hierarchical rank: to be a priest of Horus means to perform the functions of a keeper of the knowledge of harmony. And here the message that Hesi-Ra is the chief of doctors becomes noteworthy. The fact is that knowledge of the laws of harmony primarily extended to understanding the structure of the human body (the “KaBa” principle), thanks to which healing practice was carried out on the basis of knowledge encoded by the Canon. This method was widespread in both the East and the West. Indications of this kind are also found in ancient Indian treatises. Khesi-Ra could be the chief of doctors only if he was involved in the compilation of the Canon or knew its subtlest nuances. Therefore, it must be assumed that Hesi-Ra was not just a nominal chief of doctors, but mastered the methodology of healing, since he was sufficiently aware of the methodology of the Canon. The architect’s extraordinary intellectual abilities, apparently, became the reason that he was appointed as the pharaoh’s scribe; it was necessary to record the pharaoh’s thoughts not literally, but with deep understanding, making adjustments if any were required. (Think about what it means to “record the thoughts of the pharaoh.” It is very possible that Hesi-Ra was not only a person who prepared and led the pharaoh to a state in which “Communication with the Gods” became possible, but also interpreted the information received by the pharaoh during acts “Communications.” Today we know well that the information people receive in “contacts” is often contradictory and requires careful analysis and interpretation).

The modest title of the pharaoh's close associate suggests that Khesi-Ra served as a privy councilor.

It seems that a higher social rank did not exist in Ancient Egypt (in the person of Hesi-Ra). Who should have been entrusted with the design of the first large-scale pyramid (Djoser) - Imhotep or Hesi-Ra? Indeed, from the track record of both high-ranking men it clearly follows that Imhotep is endowed with the functions of executive power, and Khesi-Ra (scientist-thinker) is among those involved in forecasting. Moreover, he is the head of the hierophants. (Remember that “hierophant priest” means “knowing fate or foreseeing the future.”) This means that if Imhotep is “first after the pharaoh,” then Hesi-Ra stands above the pharaoh, for “kings are not a decree for grammarians.” That is why Imhotep is only an architect, and Khesi-Ra is the architect of the pharaoh. This means that under Pharaoh Djoser there was a man NI, superior to the Pharaoh himself, information about whom was not disseminated “in the world” in order to preserve the secret knowledge that Khesi-Ra possessed perfectly.

The noted circumstances allow us to fairly argue that someone named Hetty (“the first of all”) was ordained as the god Ra (Hesi-Ra) for developing the aesthetic (and therefore environmental) principles of the Canon, reflecting the harmonious foundations of the universe.

The very idea of ​​using the “Golden Section” in modern architecture, as well as creating “complexes of pyramidal energy structures” is fundamental in solving problems of home ecology, ecology of the habitat of the mind and the process of understanding the world. This is exactly the key question, the awareness and implementation of which could become the beginning of our ascent to the next evolutionary stage. Therefore, a whole section should be devoted to this interrogation. For now, we will only outline what the Pyramid is in principle.

The pyramid is:

a) a powerful space antenna: c) a model of the Universe and uses its energy mechanism. c) a very powerful generator of cosmic energies of different planes.

Pyramid energy structures, the location of which must be chosen depending on the energy of the place, provide the following opportunities:

1. Connection to natural flows of cosmic energies, organization and stimulation of evolutionary processes in the biosphere and human consciousness.

2. Reorganization and correction of the human energy structure, which allows stimulating internal energetic, biophysical and physiological processes. which, in turn, make it possible to open and activate the internal reserves of the human psyche, increasing the potential of mental capabilities.

3. Providing a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems, which leads to their improvement.

4. Improving the energy-ecological environment of man, increasing and improving the energy environment of the location of the Pyramid and, in the case of the spread of pyramidal structures throughout the world, restructuring the energy structure of the planet over the next 10–15 years.

Pyramidal Energy Structures - can play a decisive role in the fate of the new generation, changing the level of its consciousness.

By the way, any architectural structure, if its design incorporates the principles of the “Golden Section”. becomes the bearer of the same properties as the pyramids. Therefore, if we begin to use this principle in the calculations and construction of houses, our homes will have the same effect on us as the pyramids, stimulating our creative activity and positively influencing our body and consciousness.

Throughout its history, humanity has always tried to realize one idea or another. which was based on the level of ideas and morality that corresponded to that era and, as a rule, dictated by the personal interests of the bearers of those ideas. More precisely, through a person, that facet, that strength in a person, which was formed by human weakness, realized itself. desire for power and material wealth. But there is pure knowledge, and there is what was realized based on the needs of those who lived in those days. Therefore, the pyramids were different, based on ideas. which were put into them and the goals that were pursued.

The very idea of ​​a pyramid, its essence, is a cosmic phenomenon. but human weakness and egocentrism forced people to use the pyramids for personal, and not universal, purposes. Many millennia of human history have passed, but this dominant sound continues to this day, determining the tone of the work of most people. And even the great spiritual discoveries of our time do not change a person for the better. That's what's paradoxical about a person. that in his (in words) desire for a bright future for all humanity, for a strange reason he uses knowledge intended for all people for his own personal purposes. This is precisely the manifestation of that very power. which, through human weaknesses, putting personal interest above the universal, rules the world. But there is a path of knowledge, and it cannot be for the chosen few. Humanity will take its last step in its evolutionary ascent as a single organism. Together. And if at least one person is not ready for this step. we all can't do it. We'll have to wait for the latter. help him. and then we will all move on together. And there is no end to this path.


As we mentioned above, “Ka-Ba” were for the ancient Egyptians the constituent elements of the human essence. Later, the ancient Greeks (around the 4th century AD), as a result of an incorrect interpretation of the concept, would associate “Ba” with the Soul. Although partly it can be imagined this way. but “Ba” is, rather, one of the components of the Soul.

During the Old Kingdom, the possession of "Ka-Ba" was attributed only to the pharaohs and gods. This is reflected in the Pyramid Texts. God Ra, for example, had 14 "Ka".

"Ka-Ba" was thought of as the embodiment of the strength and power of the Egyptian rulers and gods. During the Middle and New Kingdoms, and this is reflected in the Sarcophagi Texts and the Book of the Dead, the Ba-Ka were considered to be the embodiment of the life force of all people during life and continuing to exist after death.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, "Ba" lives in the tomb along with the deceased person, performing all his physical functions. “Ka” is not only the life force, but also a double, the “second I”, shared with a person, both during life and after death.

The hierophant priests knew a little more about these two hypostases of human essence...

"Ka-Ba" - two energy flows, two principles - opposite and united, different and homogeneous at the same time. Being in constant proximity in a person and interacting with each other, “Ka” and “Ba” are two sources of vital energy. As long as they interact with each other, the vital process in the body is maintained, and the person exists without any problems."

The fusion of “Ka-Ba”, their harmonization and evolution gives birth to “Aah”.

"Aah" is a mediator between God and people or a lower deity capable of interpreting the messages of the Gods.

In fact, "Aah" is something more than a person, but. certainly not God. This is a person with the ability to see the future and predict it at certain moments.

One of these people, capable of seeing the future at certain times, was Michel Nostradamus. Despite the fact that he lived several thousand years after the decline of Egyptian civilization, there was something in common between Nostradamus and the priests of Egypt.

The surviving ancient Egyptian papyri brought to us information that the priests were engaged in appropriate calculations to predict the future. These calculations were based on calculations of cyclic processes that fatally affect all living and nonliving things on our planet. An accurate calculation could indicate not only the most likely period of possible natural disasters associated with processes occurring in space, but also indicate favorable or unfavorable periods when making and carrying out certain government or political decisions.

“But the knowledge that once existed in its entirety was lost for centuries. What survived was covered in an aura of mystery, remaining the property of a very narrow circle of people. Subsequently, only a few initiates had fragmentary information about cyclic processes, one of whom was Michel Nostradamus.

This is indicated by the amazing unanimity of the ancient Egyptian hierophants and Michel Nostradamus in relation to the idea of ​​​​popularizing this knowledge. For a certain reason, neither one nor the other clearly sought to ensure that knowledge or prophecies in their original form became the property of a wide circle of people. Therefore, Nostradamus encrypted the prophecies set out in the Centuries, thereby sharing the point of view of the hierophants who once encoded their knowledge on the tablets of Hesi-Ra. Reading, understanding and realizing knowledge written in a special language (code), based on the principles underlying knowledge itself, means mastering this knowledge and rising to the level of the possibility of conscious influence on the course of historical events.;

More than one generation of researchers has tried to figure out how the prophecies set forth by Nostradamus were encoded, although the solution, which turned out to be quite simple, but very capacious in content, was on every page. If you open Centuries, you will see that the text consists of quatrains, each of which consists of four lines. In this case, the coding number is 4. It is quite obvious that Nostradamus knew about the so-called four-year cycles, which govern not only the stages of the evolution of the human community, but also a whole series of events occurring in our solar system. Knowing the cyclical nature of processes, Nostradamus says directly:

“I expect that approximately the same number of events will occur in the future as have occurred in the past centuries.”

Now let's see what he meant, at least using the example of the history of Russia over the last century: 1901 plus 4 years 1905 and so on: 1909. 1913, 1917, 1921, 1925, 1929, 1933, 1937, 1941, 1945, 1949 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1977. 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997. (See Appendix 4)

A historically trained eye will immediately notice that almost each of the above dates is associated with historical milestones that are very important for the fate of Russia. It should be noted right away that this scale is valid not only for Russia. Therefore, returning to the quatrains of Nostradamus, which speak of two events, sometimes significantly separated from each other in time, one should understand that we are talking about events that mark the beginning or end of a 4-year cycle, or rather a 12-year cycle (4 x 3 =12), and a 36-year-old [(4 x 3) x 3=36]. If in the scale of four-year cycles we can find dates that are not marked by any epoch-making events, then the 12- and 36-year cycles are always marked by such. Therefore, when considering the prophecies of Nostradamus, calculations should be based on 12- and 36-year cycles.

Now, knowing what has already happened in the last century, we can predict with a very high degree of probability the years in which the most significant events in the future may occur. Namely: 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021 and 2025 and so on.

Emphasis should be placed on this. that Nostradamus more than once drew our attention to the number 4 and even in his will gives orders to surround his coffin with four candles of one livre - two on different sides,

It seems that he wanted humanity to see this pattern for itself. And having realized it, we tried, dampening the emerging tensions, to build relationships with each other and the world around us on a positive incentive, taking into account the cyclical factor so that when we come to 1999, the year of the beginning of the 27-year war predicted by Nostradamus, we would avoid it. It is already obvious today that the prerequisites laid down by the fall of 1997, fortunately, will not lead to the beginning of the 27-year war predicted by Nostradamus. But, given the scale of 4-year cycles for the next century, you should not relax, since there are still several dates ahead to which the fateful prediction may shift. Bearing in mind the special significance of the 36-year cycle, as well as the dynamics of the development of the positive consciousness of humanity, we can say with almost certainty that if the war does not begin before 2025, then, having passed this critical phase, it will not begin at all.

The increase in mass activity and the sometimes radical events that occur in human society are directly related to surges in solar activity, which, in turn, are also subject to a 4-year cycle. But that's not all. For reasons of a cosmic nature, exactly once every four years Venus, moving precisely according to schedule, suddenly slows down its flight, and Mars at this moment accelerates. At the same moment, Janus and Epimethyus, the satellites of Saturn, change orbits, and on Earth in the Pacific Ocean a new current, El Niño, appears.

The appearance of this current is a consequence of changes in the Earth's electromagnetic field as a result of powerful external influences. These changes, in turn, are the cause of not only large-scale natural disasters, but also almost all aviation and other man-made disasters, since navigation systems and other electronic devices of support systems are in a certain dependence on the Earth’s electromagnetic field.

1997 was the year of the end of the previous and the beginning of the next 4-year cycle. Refer to the statistics and look at the surge in plane crashes and various types of natural disasters that occurred in the countries of the Pacific Ocean from the fall of 1997 to the fall of 1998. It is important to emphasize that changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field have always negatively affected and are affecting the health and immune system of humans and animals. Despite the fact that we have already passed the peak of the negative phase of the cycle that has begun, it is possible that in the near future we may learn about the appearance of some new disease in animals. It is worth noting that a change in the Earth’s electromagnetic field under certain circumstances can cause the appearance of immunodeficiency in animals (ID), which will be transmitted to humans.

I don’t want to make gloomy predictions, but 4-year cycles are a reality that the ancients knew about. Suffice it to remember that the ancient Egyptian annual cycle was 1460 days. If we divide 1460 days by 365 days, we get exactly 4 years. That is, the ancient Egyptians thought and counted their lives in four-year cycles.

Partly for this reason, the ancients built observatories with a level of accuracy that is surprising even today. By observing and calculating the phases of the Moon, Sun and other planets, the ancients calculated cycles, predicting the possible future in order to prepare for it, take advantage of the positive phase of the cycle to implement certain tasks, or, anticipating negative phases, reduce the possibility of problems to a minimum.

Considering the dangerous phases of 4-year cycles and their negative impact on the human immune system, to harmonize the “Ka-Ba” and maintain the appropriate energy balance in the body, which is necessary for health and self-improvement, the ancient Egyptians used a set of measures, an integral part of which were the so-called "Rods of Horus" or cylinders with various fillings.

These cylinders, under the influence of the biological field of the person holding them in their hands, activate the energy centers located on the palms and directly connected with the energy centers of the head, tune into the person, create a certain field that sets a certain biorhythm, which corrects the person’s energy shell and has a beneficial effect on health and the immune system.

Design and main parameters of the “Wands of Horus”

The “Wands of Horus” are two hollow cylinders made of copper (for the right hand) and zinc (for the left hand), inside of which there are certain fillers. This is important, since the correspondence between metal and hand is closely related to the functions of the right and left hemispheres of the brain (the right side of the human body is charged positively, and the left side negatively).

All external and internal dimensions of the “Wands of Horus” are made exactly in the proportions of the “Golden Section”. This is fundamentally important for the occurrence of resonant interaction of the cylinders with a person. To work effectively, the “Wands of Horus” must self-tune to the body, and the human body, in turn, must also attune itself to the “Wands of Horus”. Such mutual adjustment is possible only if the cylinders are made in the proportions of the “Golden Section”.

The copper and zinc used to produce the cylinders are high quality. Zinc of appropriate purity does not contain lead.

As fillers for the “Wands of Horus” produced by the International Information Center for Ufological Research, coal and a ferromagnet are used, placed respectively: coal in a copper cylinder, ferromagnet in a zinc cylinder. This type of cylinder, following the ancient Egyptian tradition, was called the “Rods of Horus” “KONT”.

The ferromagnet must have a low magnetic induction value. The regular value of the maximum magnetic induction for the “Wands of Horus” is about 47 µT (micro tesla).

The filler for the “Wands of Horus” “QUARTZ” is a special white quartz: fine-grained, coarse-grained or monocrystalline. The choice of the size of quartz crystals depends on the tasks being implemented (see. Appendix 12).

The height of the cylinder can be chosen arbitrarily, although it should be noted that in ancient times the height of the cylinder, like the height of the Cheops pyramid, were not random values.

For example, the height of the Cheops pyramid (146.6 m), equal to approximately one billionth of the distance from the Earth to the Sun, was also associated with the amplitude of the main Sothian cycle of 1460 years, a component of which is the ancient Egyptian annual cycle of 1460 days. Therefore, the height of the “Wands of Horus”, tuned to the pyramid and cycle, can be equal to 146 mm. But, given that the Cheops pyramid is destroyed, the wands should be coordinated with the natural frequency of the Earth and the entire complex, in which one of the key meanings that can be traced throughout the entire complex is the number 11, which is related to the 11-year cycle of the Sun (Fig. 66) . In this case, the selected height of the “Wands of Horus” will be 151.4 mm.

To increase the effectiveness of the “Wands of Horus”, all the components from which the cylinders are made are exposed in a pyramid, which has a powerful structuring field to correct interatomic distances for at least 12 daily cycles.

We are confident that a little time will pass and the “Wands of Horus” will take their rightful place in the life of almost every person. Therefore, it is extremely important that people know as much as possible about wands. Correctly and widely presented information will help a person use the “Wands of Horus” with maximum efficiency.

Unfortunately, in our age " market relations“The growing interest in the “Wands of Horus” attracts with its commercial opportunities. New publications appear that interpret the knowledge of the ancients in a new and not always correct way. Lack of necessary information and incorrect use of wands can lead to negative results.

In this regard, the International Information Center for Ufological Research receives many letters and telephone calls with questions about what is the difference between the “Wands of Horus” and, for example, “a means of influencing the human body” called “Wands of Power”.

Based on the knowledge embodied in the monuments of ancient Egypt and outlined above, several basic and fundamental differences should be highlighted. The design of the “Wands of Power” has a number of significant drawbacks.

The sizes and proportions of the “Wands of Power” do not take into account the principle of the “Golden Section”, which completely excludes the ability of the “Wands of Power” to self-adjust to the human body.

The metal from which the “Wands of Power” are made contains lead, which in itself is dangerous to human health (Fig. 67).

But the greatest danger is their large magnetic induction. Strong permanent magnets are installed inside both wands, in the middle and at the end parts, as a result of which there are specimens of “Wands of Power” in which the regular value of the maximum magnetic induction reaches 30 ± 4 mT (Fig. 68). The highest value of the magnetic induction maxima reaches 42 mT. (Research data from SPF Sensor. (see in Appendix 30. This is almost four times the maximum permissible level of magnetic induction determined by the sanitary standards of the Ministry of Health dated August 16, 1977. Below are full text this document (see Appendix 31).

The use of cylinders with such a high value of magnetic induction leads to the appearance of bilateral and general bioenergetic asymmetry. In essence, it is a “ticking time bomb”. Considering the energy structure of a person, we have repeatedly mentioned the energy channels that permeate the entire energy structure of a person. In principle and in essence, an extensive network of energy channels is an absolute copy of the human circulatory system, since the first energy body (etheric) contains the matrix of the circulatory system. The complex branched system of energy channels, which plays a vital role in the life of the body, has many intersection nodes, which must be clearly aligned with their projections on the human body, the so-called acupuncture points. The use of “Wands of Power” with a high value of magnetic induction leads to a displacement of the energy frame relative to the acupuncture points, which can subsequently lead to the most unpredictable consequences, including the most serious diseases. Suffice it to say that the development of such serious diseases as ankylosing spondylitis or cancer is associated with a displacement of energy system nodes relative to acupuncture points, that is, with bilateral and general bioenergetic asymmetry.

The use of cylinders with a high value of magnetic induction is justified in some cases of cancer of internal organs; here a positive effect can be obtained by destabilizing the growth of a cancerous tumor. But then, after growth stops, side effects can be the most unpredictable. (More details in the instructions for use of the “Wands of Horus”).

The use of “Wands of Power” with a high level of magnetic induction can cause a breakdown of the nervous system, and not only in a patient, but also in a healthy person, and can also lead to mild mental disorders. This is a significant drawback.

No one knows where, in which pharmacy or in which store you may be offered “Wands of Power” with the above disadvantages. Therefore, when purchasing “Wands of Power”, you must first check the level of their magnetic induction. If this cannot be done at the time of purchase, the possibility of return should be stipulated when defects are discovered.

A few words should be said about fillers. As we have already mentioned, exposure to carbon and ferromagnetic cylinders helps lower blood pressure. While quartzites, on the contrary, by stimulating the body and increasing tone, help increase blood pressure to the norm determined by the genetics of a given organism. The following fillers are used for the “Wands of Power”: quartzite, coal, graphite and ferromagnets, which simultaneously contribute to both lowering and increasing blood pressure. The effect of such exposure is difficult to predict.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that an attempt to justify the choice of fillers based on the connection between minerals and stars cannot be justified, since this connection is conditional.

In this case, it is appropriate to mention that, according to the authors themselves, the “Wands of Power” owe their birth to the manuscripts of Comte Stefan Walewski.

We present to the reader a fragment of the manuscript of Comte Stefan Colonna Walewski, published in America in 1955. It contains a description of a method that, according to Walewski, was used in ancient Egypt to strengthen the flow of energy in the body. The manuscript, in particular, talks about the fact that it was “rods” made of a homogeneous material that were placed inside the cylinders, and not a mixture of different minerals. While the set of various minerals used in “Wands of Power” also contains those that do not have the structure of quartz and coal, which makes their presence purely conditional (see. Appendix 2"Principle of correspondence" and the section revealing mechanism of action of the “Wands of Horus”).


A method used in ancient Egypt to strengthen the flow of energy in the body was shown in the figures depicting the second master arcana (exercise). Two rods are clenched in the hands of these standing figures, and clenched with enormous power, similar to electricity (secondary electricity), which, when the hands themselves maintain the clamp, release this energy within the body to collect it in the unipolar ganglia and cerebrospinal fluid. The restoration of energy potential is one hundred percent and lasts throughout the day and night, twenty-four hours.

There were two rods, and they were of different compositions, one was usually intended for the right hand, the other for the left hand. One had the power of the sun, the other - the moon.

The solar power rod consisted of hot coal, specially prepared, in which the structure of the molecules was changed in the same way as the structure of the molecules of iron changes when iron is magnetized (when iron is converted into a magnet, the structure of its molecules changes through the process of recrystallization - hardening, and magnetic properties appear ). The hardening process is heating at high temperature and then instantly cooled by immersion in water (hot coal rods prepared for electric arc lamps are excellent as solar power rods).

The prepared (hardened) carbon rod can be inserted into a copper case, with both ends open or closed. (Shaft length six inches, diameter one inch, or according to hand grip).

Tempered carbon rod (solar)

The lunar force rod consists of hardened magnetic iron ore or pressed magnetic iron ore (it can also be made of magnetized hardened iron or magnetic steel). The moon power rod can be inserted into a zinc or tin case, with either open ends or both ends closed (the length and diameter are the same as for the sun rod).

Hardened magnet rod (lunar)

The lunar rod serves as a catalyst that gives the solar rod greater activity.

Rods of power were known and used even in the most remote times, and the secret of their manufacture was known to a few initiates.

Pose from the EGYPTIAN MASTER SYSTEM to renew nervous energy
(you need to be relaxed and follow the Sun).
One must follow the Sun not in the literal sense of the word. It's about about the desirability of taking into account the cycles of daily activity of the human energy system associated with the cycles of the Sun. The reaction of the human body to the influence of the “Wands of Horus” is in a certain connection with the electromagnetic waves constantly spreading across the Earth, formed as a result of the tidal influences of the Sun. That is why certain priestly initiations and dedications were carried out at sunrise. - Author's note.

Despite the superficial and illiterate presentation of the technology of making wands, one very important detail was preserved in the text quoted from the book of Comte Walewski. Here she is:

": when iron is magnetized (when iron is converted into a magnet, the structure of its molecules changes through the process of recrystallization - hardening, and magnetic properties appear). The hardening process is heating at a high temperature and then instantly cooling by immersing in water:"

The fact is that if iron is heated and then instantly cooled, it will begin to magnetize. In this case, the level of residual magnetic induction of the iron rod will be exactly equal to the level of magnetism of the Earth in the area where it was magnetized in this way! This ingeniously simple method allows you to give an iron rod magnetic properties that are tuned precisely to the human body living in a specific place earth's surface. In our area, the magnetic induction value is about 47 mKt [microtesla] or 0.47 mT [millitesla]

Reading the book by Comte Walewski, the authors of “Wands of Power” did not see this most important nuance and did not take it into account when producing their wands. As a result, for several years they produced wands with a dangerously high level of magnetic induction for the human body.

At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize one very important detail that explains the reaction of the human body to the influence of the “Wands of Power”.

Devices that recorded changes during medical experiments that occurred in the human body under the influence of the “Wands of Power” recorded a sharp increase in the body’s protective functions. This result is declared by the authors of the “Wands of Power” as the clearest proof of their healing effect.

As already mentioned, the human body is tuned to the level of magnetism possessed by the area of ​​the Earth’s surface where it was born or lives for a long time. The level of magnetism, for example, at the equator is about 35 mKt (0.35 mT), at the latitude of the European part of the geoid 45-47 microtesla.

It is known that the further north you go, the higher the intensity of the magnetic field. It is maximum in the aurora zone (65 mKt or 0.65 mT). The frequency of disturbances in the normal functioning of the body changes in the same way: the further you go north, the greater the number of cases of various types of disturbances in the body. Thus, in the aurora zone, the number of cases, for example, of vascular diseases, premature births and toxicosis is approximately one and a half times higher than in the middle zone.

An independent examination showed that the level of residual magnetic induction in the “Wands of Power” corresponded to 30-42 mT, which is 80 times (!) higher than the natural level for the body. That is why, as soon as the “Wands of Power” with such a high level of magnetic induction fall into the hands of a person, his immune system reacts to this with a sharp activation of defense mechanisms. The body begins to frantically defend itself, releasing a large amount of hormones into the blood (endocrine aggression), which is recorded by instruments. This reaction speaks of the destructive impact of the “Wands of Power”, and not the positive one.

If the human body and immune system turn out to be strong enough to fight the destructive effects of the “Wands of Power”, in no more than three months the body will create the appropriate internal conditions under which these wands will not have any effect on the person at all. If not, then, superimposed on unfavorable natural factors (solar and magnetic storms), they will lead to worsening atherosclerotic disorders and the appearance of diseases associated with a violation of the general bioenergetic symmetry, for example, oncological pathologies of the brain.

After warnings appeared about the danger of the “Wands of Power” for humans, the authors of this tool hastily amended the new patent, indicating that the level of magnetic induction of the “Wands of Power” is no more than 10 mT. But from all of the above, it obviously follows that even this level exceeds the body’s natural norm by 20 times! (see in Appendix N32 copy of the patent for the Rods of Power).

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the appearance of this section is not caused by competitive considerations, but by the belief that the use of incorrectly made cylinders can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. This, in turn, can cause a wave of negative attitude towards wands and lead to discrediting the topic itself. MITSOUFI researchers, for their part, are confident that in a year, two or three, wands will appear in many homes, providing invaluable assistance in fighting disease and improving the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to ensure that true knowledge about the “Wands of Horus” used in ancient Egypt and the mechanism of their influence on the human body becomes available to a wider circle of readers.

Full information about this can be found in the latest version of the book "The Wands of Horus", which was published in 2004.

Current page: 1 (book has 4 pages in total)

Uvarov V M
Wands of Horus

V.M. Uvarov


This book will tell you about the "Wands of Horus" - ancient instrument to correct the energy and psychophysical capabilities of a person, improve the health of the body and improve the immune system. You will learn about the hitherto hidden knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, who discovered unusual ways of understanding the world with the help of the Pyramids.


The roots of their prehistory go deep into the past. For the ancient Egyptian priests and pharaohs, the “Wands of Horus” - metal cylinders with various fillers - were a tool for “achievement” that made it possible to realize the gradual evolution of their mental, energetic and, as a result, physical capabilities, the development of which was a decisive condition in preparation for “communication with Gods" through the Pyramids.

Subject to certain conditions and daily work, the “Wands of Horus” can not only correct, but also improve the human nervous, energy and immune systems. To do this, work must be based on clear ideas about what the “Wands of Horus” are and the principle of their operation, knowledge of the activity cycles of the human energy system and a number of other elements included in the complex, an integral part of which is interaction with natural sources of energy, such as trees, rivers, lakes, sea, mountains.

“Wands of Horus” are also a preventive and therapeutic agent, making it possible to correct certain deviations in certain diseases and significantly improve a person’s health, since they involve very deep physiological and energetic processes.

It must be emphasized that the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians was not based on mystical, astrological or

exoteric "doctrines, but on strict knowledge of the principles underlying the world order. In other words, the basis of the theoretical and spiritual constructions of the ancient Egyptian initiates was primarily Knowledge, and not faith.

“The Wands of Horus” and the knowledge of the ancients in general is a very interesting and extensive topic, therefore, in order to help understand the architecture of principles invisible to the uninitiated eye, and to approach the origins of knowledge. The International Information Center for Ufological Research "MITSUFI" offers readers a work dedicated to popularizing the results of research into the heritage of ancient Egypt in recent years.

This material is the first work that reveals the secret of the reasons for the construction of the pyramidal complex on the territory of Egypt in Giza. After reading it, you will learn about the principles underlying the idea of ​​​​building the Pyramids, about the connection of the “Wands of Horus” with the “Energy Source” located in the Pyramid. It is this connection that determines the wonderful properties of the “Wands of Horus” and their harmonizing effect on the energy structure of a person and, as a consequence, on the general state of health.

One of the sections is devoted to a description of the manufacturing technology of the “Wands of Horus” and the mechanism of their operation. This will help the reader understand how they work. how Pyramids and cylinders work together, taking into account the finest nuances.

And in conclusion, you will learn about some of the results of scientific experiments to study the impact of the “Wands of Horus” on humans and the impact of the Pyramid on living and inanimate nature, conducted by Russian scientists.


Every time we come back to this world, we do not remember the past and, discovering the world anew, we go through our life path, leaving a trace that we may not remember when we return here again. Incarnation after incarnation, we move through the dark labyrinths of life almost by touch, trying to comprehend the sacred meaning of what is buried in the sands of history, trying to read the invisible message left to us by bygone civilizations. But, being in a different body, in a different time, dictating its new rhythm to us, and based on different values ​​than thousands of years ago, we look at ourselves from the outside, in search of an answer to what we did not comprehend in past lives.

A non-random feature of our time, which plays an important role in the process of improving the matter of consciousness of mankind, can be considered the gradual return to man of knowledge that was the property of previous civilizations - something that, to one degree or another, determined the destinies of peoples and the uniqueness of eras.

Knowledge, being the most cherished goal of man, was at the same time the cause of many troubles, especially when the moral and ethical level was lower than the level of knowledge. That is why, when knowledge could become the cause of troubles, those catastrophic processes, the control of which would go beyond human capabilities, events occurred that took away this knowledge, as a result of which we, so highly developed, as they believe

some, we don’t know today what those who lived in ancient times knew.

Until now, the prevailing point of view was that in ancient times there could not have been deep knowledge, since the emergence of scientific knowledge proceeds from simple to complex. Accordingly, man has not yet risen to the heights of his intellect. But in the process of researching architectural and written monuments of antiquity, a lot of mysteries arise that involuntarily make us wonder what level of knowledge the ancients had^ And, in particular, we are still faced with the question of what the Pyramids are, trying to understand their true purpose and the reasons for its appearance.

Pyramids, which have excited the imagination of mankind for centuries, were built in different places around the globe, forming special systems. But we will begin our story by considering the gigantic complex of the great pyramids on the territory of Egypt in Giza.

The pyramid itself, its shape, configuration is an extremely strange phenomenon. And those curious phenomena that are observed in the chambers of the Pyramids indicate that some kind of energy processes are taking place there. Our task today is to try to understand the mechanisms underlying these processes.

You've probably heard that there are certain places in the Pyramid where biological products are stored indefinitely. There are also cells in it, in which a person begins to experience incredible anxiety after being in them for a long time.

But there are areas in the Pyramids where a person experiences manifestations of a different kind: positive, stimulating his creative activity, revealing intuition.

If you look at the problem of the Pyramid from the point of view of the simple and visual science of geometry, it turns out that

that we can approach an understanding of a subject by describing it in a very simple way. Suffice it to remember that in ancient times the laws of geometry were studied very deeply, and special attention was paid to a right triangle with a ratio of 3:4:5.

Today we know well that the hypotenuse of such a triangle is a fundamental concept that is directly related to the problem of harmony. And everything that we say about harmony is, first of all, associated with sound.

Sound is something that a person tunes in to immediately, regardless of what his

culture, what is the level of his upbringing, and what is his intelligence.

In this regard, a number of interesting circumstances should be noted, the first of which is that the first cry of a baby born into the world, regardless of its timbre or volume, as a rule, sounds at the frequency “A”. On the other hand, today it has been established that people with absolute pitch are again tuned to this sound. And the sound “La” is the reference vibration,

It is also known that the average distance between the eardrums of the human auditory system is a multiple of the wavelength of the sound “A”. Sound wavelength A = 78 cm. Divide 78 by 4 and you get this distance.

We also know that frequencies will only be in resonance when they are multiples of their wavelengths. This means that nature has designed the human auditory system in such a way that it is tuned to the “A” frequency, which plays a fundamental role in the scale of sounds.

The pyramid is interesting because its configuration does not have vertical planes, as in conventional architecture, but rather inclined ones. Therefore, if you make a cross section of a pyramid, you will get a triangle. And once you get a triangle, then you know the position of the hypotenuse.

What is a hypotenuse?

From the point of view of function or phenomenon, the hypotenuse expresses precisely the speed of the process, that is, frequency (which is the characteristics of vibration processes).

The pyramids have a lot of mysteries, one of which lies in the question: why were they built? If we consider the pyramid as the burial place of the pharaoh, as we were taught, then the burial place itself has not yet been discovered in any of the pyramids. It's simply not there. Then the question arises: in the name of what was it necessary to erect such gigantic structures, if not to exalt the representative of God on Earth in the person of Pharaoh?

Not long ago, Japanese researchers tried to build a pyramid with a height of only 11 meters, of course, focusing on the construction methods that were used in ancient Egypt (according to Herodotus) several thousand years ago, and they could not bring the four sides of the pyramid into one common point / And the height pyramids in Giza - 146 m (more precisely - 146.6). And it comes to a point. Naturally, the question arises: why build like this if it is so complicated and difficult?

To answer this question, we must begin by considering the principles underlying the idea of ​​building pyramids.

The key to understanding the laws underlying the idea of ​​construction are the legendary “tablets” on which, as legend has it, the ancient Egyptians laid out their knowledge.

When, at the beginning of the century, Quibel's expedition to Saqqara discovered the crypt of an ancient Egyptian architect, boards covered with carvings were removed from there.

By the number of niches in which there were carved wooden panels, one can judge that there were 1 1 of them^.

The order of placement of the panels discovered in the Hesi-Ra crypt was subordinated to the so-called Luke series^. These are numbers obtained by adding and subtracting quantities of the same order, which form the “Golden Section” series. The images/presented on carved panels are in the same pulsating mode or, as the ancient Egyptians themselves spoke of it, in the “Ka-Ba” mode.

In the ancient Egyptian system of ideas, “Ba” means a real physical object or person. “Ka” is what makes up our energy frame. Moreover, from the state of “Ka” one can accurately determine what the psychophysical state of a given person is at the moment, which organs are affected and so on... In short, this is a certain energy-informational structure in which everything is reflected.

The boards we are talking about turned out to be unique. They reveal several layers of information that provide the key to the understanding that the ancient Egyptians perfectly knew the “Golden Section” long before Pythagoras.

Today it is known from measurements that all the great pyramids were built using the principle of the “Golden Section”.

The question arises. It is not easy to build a pyramid as a structure. To do this, you need to master the appropriate construction technology. But besides this, everything is linear

and the angular dimensions of its constituent elements, irrational relations of the “Golden Section” are introduced, which are more complex than simple integer values. For what?

It should be emphasized that the entire scale, the entire sound temperament is subject to the same pattern of the “Golden Section”.

Now let us remember that the Testament says: “ the beginning was the Word.” And a word is a sound (a wave process characterized by frequency). And if the word conveys meaning, then this means that frequency, as a characteristic of the energy process, must also have some meaning. One cannot exist without the other. This is the principle. This leads to the conclusion that the principle of the “Golden Section”, on which the entire set of natural objects of organic nature is built, carries a very deep, fundamental meaning. And it is no coincidence that it is in man that the pattern of the “Golden Section” can be traced in such a multivariate way that one can only wonder why nature arranged man this way. The phalanges of the fingers, there are three of them, three divisions of the hand (length ratios) are the rows of the “Golden Section”. The heart pulsates in this mode and pushes blood into the aorta, leaving some of it in the heart sac. This is all - the "Golden Section". Cones and rods, the auditory cochlea (the ratio of the lengths of turns), the structure of the entire skeletal frame - on average, this is all the “Golden Section”. Even the dynamics of neural structures in certain mental modes are subject to this pattern.

Is this just an accident or is it unique to humans? No, the periods of revolution of the planets of the solar system are also subject to this principle; the scale of sound, the system of chemical elements, and in general everything connected with natural systems is subject to this pattern.

The wands that the priest depicted on the first main board holds in his left hand are made in a ratio that is associated with the frequency of “A”. The sound "A" is 440 Hz, the standard value today, or rather 441 Hz. It is surprising that no one paid attention to the fact that the value 441, if written after the decimal point, after the zero, that is, 0.441, is nothing more than a function of the “Golden Ratio”.

Having seen all this, we are witnessing a curious discovery. Not only do these boards outline the principle of using the Golden Ratio, they also depict tools that are elementary simple, but work like a computer.

Our hand is already a working tool, similar to the “magic rod” depicted on the tablets. Calculations have shown that this wand is a working tool that allows you to calculate any value of the “Golden Section” as a linear segment, without using any mathematical calculations, only by manipulating the “magic wand”, adding or subtracting.

There is a feeling that a person was created according to some standards. But it would be more correct to say that he could not have appeared otherwise for the simple reason that man arose in an environment that set these parameters and used the mechanisms of the “harmonic resonance” principle for this.

Everything that has to do with resonance phenomena. should be in the most general form connected with the functions of the “Golden Section”. Therefore, nature works in the simplest, most economical, most effective, most colorful and multivariate way - in the “Golden Ratio” mode.

Now we can say with complete confidence that the idea of ​​​​building the pyramids was based on the knowledge encoded on the Hesi-Ra panels. This is the link that was missing in order to say: yes, the pyramid was built at the level of exact sciences.

It is very important that the sizes of the two wands in the left hand of the priest depicted on the main board are in such a ratio that their product gives the value 0.441 or the value of the frequency of the sound “A”.

The calculation is quite simple. The wands grasped with the left hand have a ratio of 0.5:0.882. Multiplying these values, we get 0.5x0.882 = 0.441.

This panel shows a table that Egyptologists describe as a table with sacrificial bread. And before us is the priest of Horus. Horus in the "Sacred Triangle" characterized the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is a harmonic element. To be a priest of Horus meant to be the Guardian of the knowledge of Harmony. And Harmony is something that covers all spheres of activity and knowledge. In the person of this priest (who is also an architect), we have man No. 1 in the civilization of ancient Egypt, information about whom was not disseminated anywhere at all. This was a secret man. Hesi-Ra means "Marked by the Sun."

Apparently, on the table there are not sacrificial breads, as is commonly believed, but a tuning fork tuned

to the frequency "A". This is confirmed by the fact that the surface of the table on which the tuning fork stands is located from the floor at a distance that is exactly 0.441 from the corresponding reference segment. So the tuning fork is on a base, and that base = 441.

Consequently, if the measuring rods are coordinated with a tuning fork tuned to the frequency “A”, then measuring with these rods means giving this space resonant properties tuned to the scale. That is, to introduce a system of linear-spatial parameters into the system of sound harmony. Building taking into account the above laws means creating structures that interact with nature, with its energy sources through the principle of harmonic resonance, that is, through the mechanisms underlying the universe. This approach, in turn, opens up access to interaction with nature on a fundamentally different level.

Now let's turn to the fact that motivates one of the architectural decisions, based on the principles set out above, and revealing the details of the plan of the creators of the pyramids.

In the Pyramid of Cheops there is a chamber, which most Egyptologists mistakenly call the “queen’s tomb.” This chamber is located relative to the top of the Pyramid at a point associated with the tuning fork frequency. Taking the entire height of the Pyramid as one and measuring the distance at 0.882, doubling the frequency of “A” (and doubling is an octave), we will see that the camera hits exactly this point. But if we remember that, on average, not only the ear, but the entire human structure is, as it were, in resonant interaction with the frequency of the sound “A”, which forms a certain planetary field of the reference signal, then it turns out that this chamber inside the Pyramid is located in a position tuned to the resonant frequency of this field.

If, based on the above, we agree that the Pyramid is designed and works as a resonator, then we can approach the meaning of the Pyramid as a structure that represents a special generator. Then it becomes clear what is associated with the manifestations of resonant properties and energy phenomena at different points of the pyramid.

It follows that the structure of the pyramid can have a kind of corrective effect on a person.

Apparently, according to the designers, the pyramid was created as a tool to influence the psychophysical structure of a person. And not just one, but many people. And the correction of a person’s psychophysical qualities is directly related to his ethical normativity, to harmonization, because harmony simply cannot exist outside of the ethical principle. Are pyramids still working? Pyramids always work. They can't help but work.

The question is also about their activation. The periods of activity of the pyramids and the opportunities that they allow to be realized are associated with the energy processes occurring in the Universe. Being resonators, the pyramids are also a kind of antennas, a system for transferring energy and information from one space to another. This, in turn, determines the constant use of the Pyramids to solve a wide range of problems.



For many millennia, the Great Pyramids kept the secret of the “mysterious room”, where, as legends say, there are some special secrets or some knowledge, having mastered which, the finder will gain power over the world, and which has been sought for centuries. It was believed that it was located inside the double-humped rock on which the body of the pyramid rested." They also looked for it under the pyramid. But this "room" is not located where they were looking for it, but in the upper third of the pyramid at a point determined by the proportion 0.1 18 x 0.882.

In this room there is an “Energy Source”, inherited by the ancient Egyptians from the Atlanteans, who came to northern Africa long before the heyday of Egyptian civilization. (See NI Appendix)

This device is a cylinder, inside of which there is a special crystal, the parameters of the crystal lattice of which are close to the parameters of the structure of quartz crystals." Pick up any book about the culture of ancient Egypt and take a close look at the statues of the pharaohs. You will see that they are clutching cylinder-like objects in their hands. Made in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, the “Energy Source” had and is having an energy-informational impact not only on a person located in the Pyramid or next to it. The "energy source" also entered into a resonant interaction with the cylinders in the hands of a person, since the cylinders were made in the proportions of the "Golden Section", which determined the resonant relationship between the "source" in the pyramid and the cylinders in the hands."

These cylinders were harmonizers of two main energy flows, which the ancient Egyptians called "Ka-Ba" or "YIN-YANG" in the Eastern tradition.

give him energy. The use of these cylinders greatly helped the pharaoh or other person who used them to improve their nervous, energetic and, as a result, immune systems, improve their health and physical condition, since the cylinders had a beneficial effect on them. The correct use of the cylinders allowed the pharaoh or other person using these cylinders to prepare for "Communication with the Gods."

"Ka-Ba" were for the ancient Egyptians two constituent elements of human essence, two sources of vital energy. While they interact with each other, the life process in the body is maintained, and the person exists without any problems. To regulate the energy balance ("Ka-Ba") in the body, the ancient Egyptians used the so-called "Wands of Horus" - cylinders with various fillers.

This sculptural group symbolically reflects this phenomenon. Yansky "Ka" is a cylinder in the right hand of the god Horus. The male figure symbolizes the flow of energy "YAN" (masculine). At the same time, divinity is a symbol characterizing the energy plane. The YIN cylinder is in the left hand of the goddess Isis, symbolizing

some beginning, that is, the flow of energy “Ba” (INB). In the center is the pharaoh (Osiris) "^ towards whom the hands of the givers are directed

The cylinder for the right hand was made of copper and was called “Solar” (YAN). The cylinder for the left hand was made of zinc and was called “Lunar” (INB). Minerals were placed inside these cylinders, which were replaced as

the course of the process of self-improvement of the pharaoh. In the initial phase it was special white sand. Cylinders with white sand have a beneficial effect on human energy channels, activating them. As the transformation processes progressed, coarse-grained quartzites were poured into the cylinders.

To enhance the properties of the cylinders, gold was added to copper in appropriate proportions, which is why the “Solar Cylinder” was also called “Golden”. In "Lunar"

silver was added, so it was called “Silver” accordingly. These cylinders were produced in the proportions of the “Golden Section”, and the dimension was determined based on the state of the human energy system, health and the tasks being implemented.

For example, in the case of disharmony, when the “Ba” or YIN type of energy clearly prevailed in a person, the ancient Egyptians used only a “copper” YANG cylinder, which was taken in the right hand, for alignment and harmonization.

On the pharaoh’s head is a slightly strange elongated headdress, which is considered to be a crown. This headdress was a special concentrator that focused on the pituitary gland and

lamus and tuned to the Pyramid and the "Energy Source" in the Pyramid.

These two sculptures are a reflection of a similar situation. The people depicted here obviously had problems associated with an imbalance, the predominance of YIN (feminine) energy, which in turn in men, for example, can lead to metabolic disorders, decreased sexual activity and a number of other significant disorders.

For proper harmonization, it is better to use both cylinders at the same time, but the YANG one should be larger than the YIN one, which allows the YANG one to be aligned. The subsequent use of identical cylinders will harmonize these two energy flows.

If a person has an excess of Yang, and such cases are not rare, for example, in women (which can lead to certain hormonal disturbances), then the use of cylinders (YIN of a larger size, and YANG of a smaller size) leads to alignment, after which For subsequent harmonization, cylinders of the same size should be used. But that is not all.

The entire complex - the "Energy Source" inside the Pyramid, the cylinders"* in the hands, the concentrator (on the head of the pharaoh) - is directly connected on certain days (cycles) of the year with the pyramids and their influence.

The Pyramid, being both an antenna and a resonator, is a relay of certain energy flows associated with processes occurring in space, and focused, in turn, on the “Energy Source” inside the Pyramid. When exposed to this complex and with correct interaction with human consciousness, the effect of “Communication with the Gods” occurred.

The huge pyramidal complex at Giza was, in fact, a “Structure of Deep Meditation”, which allowed the pharaoh or priest to come into contact with the Noosphere^, the information systems of the Earth, and sometimes with representatives of other planetary systems. (See Appendix N2)

This familiar drawing is a symbol of the act of “Communication with the Gods”, carried out with the help of the Pyramid and which has come down through the centuries to the present day. The eye is located in the upper third of the pyramid, where the “Energy Source” is located, and in this case, symbolizes the “Holy Spirit” with which the pharaoh or priest came into “contact” with the help of this “source”. (See Appendix N3)

Today it is well known that people who come into “contact” with the Noosphere or information field very often see this “eye”. The eye or "All-Seeing Eye", as a symbol, was given to man from above and is not his invention. The eye was observed by both pharaohs and priests during certain phases of religious rites. This is why this symbol exists in many Hermetic lore and religions."

From the depths of centuries, the outlines of phenomena emerge, the secret of which Time has kept for several millennia, and we begin to understand the hidden meaning of the heritage that has come down to us and the true reasons for the construction of the Pyramids.

The pharaoh received information in “Communication with the Gods” or, in modern language, in “contact”. It was this fact, against the backdrop of longevity, that put the pharaoh in an exceptional position, in which he was considered the “vicar of God on Earth.” But the role of the priest-hierophants seems to be something absolutely special. Having become the deputy of God on Earth, the pharaoh, nevertheless, remained in a certain ignorance. Pharaoh obviously did not know what the hierophants knew. And this is what it follows.

Khesi-Ra, whom we mentioned above, was the leader of the ten of the South, that is, the eleventh in the supreme group of hierophant priests.

In the crypt of Hesi-Ra there were eleven panels, among which one capital panel was called “dean”. Means. there are eleven fields with an image on the outside and the same number on the back sides, where diagrams are printed that apparently explain the use of “Canon” technology when constructing the composition of a particular canvas. In total, twenty-two fields that carry information. Now let’s remember ...

The basic provisions (principles) of Ancient Egypt about the world order are set out in twenty-two arcana, which are grouped into two blocks of eleven arcana each. The first block formulated the fundamental ideas about the world order. The number 11 was “magic” (power), because the first unit of the second step (tier) of the decimal system is the initial (master) step of the next decimal “layer” - it is at the same time the “hierarch” of the previous ten. So, if Hesi-Ra was the eleventh, that is, the “hierarch” of the supreme ten (South), bringing up the rear and the leader, then the pharaoh was the twelfth and was not part of this group.

Here is a text written in honor of several prominent scribes:

Is there anyone like Djedefhor anywhere? Is there anyone like Imhotep? There is no one among us like Nefri And Hetty, the first of all.................................... ( 1)

So, according to text (1), in Ancient Egypt there was someone named Hetty (Hat in Coptic can be read as “receptacle of the mind”). Among other names, the text mentions Imhotep, a historically reliable personality, like Djedefhor. Hetty too

not a fictitious person. And yet, on what occasion does such a sublime dithyramb praise Hetty? Therefore, in order to understand what it means to surpass at least Imhotep, let us turn to one more specific text:

Vizier of the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt. first after the pharaoh of Upper Egypt, ruler of the great chamber, honorary citizen, great priest of Heliopo.chya, Imhotep, builder and sculptor ............... (2)

As we see, Imhotep was surpassed only by the pharaoh himself. The same source provides a text containing information about the social status of Hesi-Ra:

Khesi-Ra, chief of Destiuts and chief of Buto, chief of doctors, scribe of the pharaoh, confidant of the pharaoh, priest of Horus, chief architect of the pharaoh, Supreme chief of the ten South and carver.... (!)

From a comparison of the administrative powers of both representatives of the priestly class, it follows that Imhotep is only a builder (the one who only carries out the construction), and Khesi-Ra is the chief architect of the pharaoh (the one to whom the pharaoh entrusts the design). Of course, in Ancient Egypt, as in our days, there was no clear division into the architect-designer and the builder-performer; both functions were combined in one person; nevertheless, if we consider that Imhotep is an architect, then Hesi-Ra is called the chief architect of the pharaoh, where is he higher? In this respect, his title undoubtedly surpassed Imhotep's status in the field of architecture. Let us not, however, forget that popular rumor attributed the development of the Canon to Imhotep. Therefore, about

Imhotep, the people were aware. There were no rumors about Hesi-Ra's identity. This indicates that either Hesi-Ra did not occupy such a high position in the hierarchical scale, or, on the contrary, he was such a significant figure that his name and, most importantly, his powers were kept secret. The reason for this could be Hesi-Ra’s extensive knowledge in the field of secret sciences, which stemmed primarily from the knowledge of harmony, covering all spheres of activity. But in this case, convincing evidence must be presented that Hesi-Ra was endowed with functions indicating his belonging to this sphere. And they exist.

In the above text (3) Hesi-Ra is called the priest of Horus. At first glance, this is a rather modest position. But if we remember that Horus is a symbol of harmony (for in the sacred triangle 3:4:5 the legs are named after Isis and Osiris - the parents of Horus; the diagonal is designated by the name of Horus, and the diagonal is a parameter of the harmonious connection of the legs - “parents”), then the social level of Hesi -Ra immediately becomes several orders of magnitude higher than Imhotep’s hierarchical rank: to be a priest of Horus means to perform the functions of a keeper of the knowledge of harmony. And here the message that Hesi-Ra is the chief of doctors becomes noteworthy. The fact is that knowledge of the laws of harmony primarily extended to understanding the structure of the human body (the “KaBa” principle), thanks to which healing practice was carried out on the basis of knowledge encoded by the Canon. This method was widespread in both the East and the West. Indications of this kind are also found in ancient Indian treatises. Khesi-Ra could be the chief of doctors only if he was involved in the compilation of the Canon or knew its subtlest nuances. Therefore, it must be assumed that Khesi-Ra was not just a nominal boss of doctors, but mastered the methodology of healing, since he was sufficiently aware of
