When is the best time to vacation in Australia? Australia in winter What is the coldest month in Australia

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Weather in Australia by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation ā€“ helpful information from ā€œTravel The Worldā€.

As you know, Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, and also in its hottest part. However, given the huge area occupied by this continent, there are certain differences in weather conditions in its different parts. In addition, we should not forget that when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, summer reigns here. What is the weather like in Australia in different months of the year?

Weather in Australia in winter


December is the beginning of a sultry and hot summer. In the north of the country, which is located closer to the equator, during the day the thermometer reaches +35 C, at night it rarely drops below +26 C. The weather in the south is cooler - during the day +23 C...+25 C, and at night about +20 C. The weather on the island of Tasmania is pleasantly cool - here itā€™s about +20 C.

In January

January is the height of the Australian summer. For this reason, the weather is hot throughout the country, especially in its northern part (the cities of Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome). The air warms up to +35 C, sea ā€‹ā€‹water it might be warmer. There is still some precipitation falling.

The weather in the southern part of the country, and this is where Sydney is located, is characterized by air temperatures in the region of +25 C...+28 C in daytime, And low level precipitation.

In February

Summer doesn't let up in February either. In the north of the country it is hot, up to +35 C, but at the same time quite rainy. Precipitation in this part of the country can fall for 9-12 days and reach 260 mm per month.

In the south of Australia in February the weather is more pleasant - in Sydney and Canberra the air warms up to +26 C, and at night it does not cool below +18 C. Combined with a low level of precipitation, this creates a rather pleasant background for relaxation.

Photo: Lenny K Photography/flickr.com

In March

In March, autumn comes to the largest island-continent in the world. In the north of the country, rain becomes a frequent visitor. The air temperature is +30 C...+32 C during the daytime.

In the southern part of the country and in Melbourne, during the day +20 C...+24 C, sea water is warmed up to +22 C. At the same time, the frequency of precipitation is increasing.

The island of Tasmania welcomes its guests with cool and often cloudy weather. The air here warms up to +18 C...+20 C, and it rains infrequently.

In April

Mid-autumn in Australia marks a smooth transition from the wet to the dry season. The weather is warm throughout the country. In Sydney, as in the southern part of the country, during the day +20 C...+22 C, in the north +24 C, and in Tasmania - about +16 C.

In May

The weather in May brings significant variety. If in the north of the country it is +30 C...+32 C, then in its southern part and Melbourne +15 C...+17 C. The central part of the mainland is +22 C...+24 C, in the west +20 C...+22 C, which makes May is a very favorable month to visit this part of the country.

In June

If in the northern hemisphere June is the beginning of summer, then in the northern hemisphere, where Australia is located, it marks the start of winter. What is local winter?

In the south, the air warms up to +12 C...+16 C, but at night it often cools down to 0 C. In the north it is much warmer - here during the day +24 C...+30 C, and at night it is much warmer. In this part of the country, sea water is heated to +24 C. Home to many unique animals, Tasmania welcomes you with cool weather - the air rarely warms up above +10 C.

In July

Midwinter period warm weather in the north and cool in the south. In the first case, the air temperature is +25 C...+30 C (however, the heat is not oppressive), and in the second - from +10 to + 18 C. In Tasmania, the air warms up to +6 C...+10 C.

In August

The last month of winter on the green continent is characterized by good weather throughout its entire territory. In the south of the country the air warms up to +17 C...+19 C, and in the north of the country it even becomes hot (up to +32 C). It is also getting warmer in Tasmania - during the day up to +13 C, at night from +4 C. The level of precipitation does not exceed 50 mm.

Weather in Australia in autumn

In September

Spring has come... Characteristic feature this time of year is abundant sunny days, this especially applies to the northern part of the country. During the day, the thermometer here often reaches +33 C, and at night it does not drop below +24 C ā€“ a very comfortable time for walking. In the south of Australia it is not so warm yet, but in the daytime it is already +16 C...+18 C, and in Sydney it is 20 C. On the island of Tasmania it is not yet so warm - in the daytime it is no higher than +15 C.

In October

The height of the Australian spring brings comfort to the south of the continent. In Melbourne it is already stable at +18 C during the day, and the water warms up to +14 C. In the north of the country it is very warm - +26 C...+28 C during the day and about +20 at night. Tasmania is getting a few degrees warmer compared to September.

In November

November in Australia is peak tourist season. Of course, this is facilitated by the warm, and in some places hot weather that has prevailed throughout the country. In the north (Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome) during the day the air warms up to +32 C...+34 C, and the sea water is +30 C - a great time for beach holiday. In the south of the continent it is a little cooler - during the day +21 C...+23 C. The island of Tasmania welcomes guests with 20 degrees of warmth and low precipitation.

Weather in Australia now

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The hottest time of the year is from November to January, at this time throughout the country the temperature ranges from +20 C to +32 C, and in central regions can reach +38-42 C. Moreover, already 1.5 - 2 hours after sunset, the temperature can drop by 10-12 C. On the Pacific coast and the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, the weather at this time is milder. It is relatively cold in June - August, the temperature rises no higher than +15-18 C, and in temperate zone sometimes it drops to 0 C. It rains almost at any time of the year, but the wettest months are summer. Some regions experience periods of drought or floods every year.

Temperature by month:






Australia lies in latitudes ranging from subequatorial in the north to subtropical in the south, and only the island of Tasmania lies almost entirely in the temperate zone. In accordance with this geographical location One of the main factors influencing the climate of the continent is the high total solar radiation, reaching 140 k/cal per cm2 per year in the north-west. Compared with South Africa and South America, south of the equator, Australia is more extended from west to east. With a weakly dissected coastline, this causes constantly high temperatures in the interior and gives the right to consider it the hottest part of the land in the southern hemisphere. The climate of most of the continent is continental. Sea air, which sometimes penetrates far into the deep regions from the north and south (favored by the absence of orographic barriers), quickly warms up and loses moisture. The East Australian Mountains trap moist winds from the Pacific Ocean flowing from the western periphery of the South Pacific High and separate the oceanic from the continental sectors. The climate of these narrow coastal sectors is influenced by the warm East Australian Current. The Darling Ridge also limits the narrow oceanic sector of the Mediterranean climate to the southwest. The coastal strip in front of it is somewhat cooled by the weakly expressed cold Western Australian Current. The coast north of the Darling Range is exposed to winds flowing from the eastern periphery of the South Indian High and the summer monsoon. The latter, along with winter cyclones, bring with them a large number of precipitation, so the deserts on the western edge of Australia are replaced by semi-deserts. From December to February, the continent warms up greatly, especially its northern and northwestern parts; This is the hot season of the year. In the north of the Western Plateau and almost the entire northern half of the Central Lowland average temperature air above 30Ā°C. In the extreme south there is an isotherm of 20Ā°C. Due to the strong heating of the land above it, low atmospheric pressure is established - the Australian minimum. Regions high pressure over the Indian and Pacific oceans at this time of year they move south and, connecting, capture the southern edge of the continent. From the northwest to the interior low pressure humid equatorial air is drawn in, releasing heavy precipitation only on the coast. The Arnhem Land and York peninsulas receive more than 1000 mm of rainfall per year. In the inland regions, these rains, although they determine the summer maximum precipitation north of the Cape line of the North-Western city of Sydney, are generally not very effective South of 19-20Ā° S. w. precipitation falls no more than 300 mm, and semi-deserts and deserts dominate.

From the south, southeastern and southerly winds. But they come from higher latitudes (from an area of ā€‹ā€‹high pressure) and do not produce precipitation. Therefore, the summer in southern Australia is very dry: in Perth (in the southwest), out of 850 mm of annual precipitation, only 32 mm falls in the summer, i.e., about 4% of the total. Passing over the hot land, winds from the ocean quickly warm up; the southern deserts of the Western Plateau and the southern Central Lowlands experience hot weather (the average temperature of the hottest month in Coolgardie is 25.3 Ā° C). The coastal strip is naturally somewhat cooler: in Perth, the average temperature of the hottest month is 23.3Ā°C. A special weather regime is established at this time of year on east coast mainland. Winds from Pacific Ocean(carrying equatorial air north of 19Ā° S, tropical air to the south, but both are humid and warm), encountering a mountain barrier, emit abundant orographic rains. In Mackay, for example, out of 1910 mm of annual precipitation in December, February falls 820 mm (43%), in Sydney, out of 1230 mm of annual precipitation, 250 mm (20%). The weather is hot and humid. The average summer temperature in Sydney is 22Ā°C, in Brisbane 25Ā°C, in Mackay 28Ā°C. During the cool season of the year (June-August), the mainland cools noticeably. On the northern coast, average monthly temperatures decrease by 5-6Ā°C; in other parts of the mainland by 10-12Ā°C. The 15Ā°C isotherm passes this season slightly north of the southern tropic, and the 10Ā°C isotherm runs along the Bass Strait, separating Tasmania from Australia. High pressure is established over the mainland, the Australian High. The northern coast is influenced by dry and hot southeasterly winds of the northern periphery of the Australian High and receives almost no precipitation. There is also no rain in the interior parts of the continent. Along south coast and over Tasmania during this season the westerly transport of sea air of temperate latitudes dominates. In the zone of the polar front, which forms between temperate and tropical air, unstable weather occurs with cyclonic rains, therefore, south of 32Ā° S. there is a winter maximum precipitation. In Perth in June-August 470 mm (55%) of 850 mm of annual precipitation falls. The only exception is the south-eastern edge of the mainland, where in winter relatively cold south-westerly winds blow along the eastern periphery of the Australian High. In this regard, even in Sydney in winter there is slightly less rainfall than in summer. From 32Ā° south w. to the southern tropic along the eastern coast the winds blow south, and north of the tropic southeasterly winds blow.

Block B

Exercise 1

Solution: if we assume that the annual rate of natural population growth of Lithuania will remain during the specified period at the level of -0.4% (or minus 4 people for every thousand people), then the annual natural population decline will be: as of 01/01/2008 ā€“ 13,680 people (3,420,000x0.4/100), and the population will be 3,420,000 ā€“ 13,680 = 3,406,320 people; as of 01/01/2009 ā€“ 13,625 people. (3,406,320x0.4/100), and the population will be 3,406,320 ā€“ 13,625 = 3,392,695 people; as of January 1, 2010 ā€“ 13,571 people. (3,392,695x0.4/100), and the population will be 3,379,124 people. The total population, taking into account the negative balance of external migration, will decrease to 3,354,124 people.

Task 2

Solution. The area of ā€‹ā€‹the lake is 79.62 km2. If you look at yourself (at the upper part of the body, which requires more space), then you will see that a platform of 50 x 40 cm is quite enough for you. This means that one person needs 0.5 x 0.4 = 0.2 m2, i.e. approximately 5 people can be accommodated on 1 m2, then approximately 5 million people can fit on 1 km2, and about 400 million people on the ice of the lake. About 2.8 million people live in Minsk, about 9.7 million in Belarus, about 300 million in the USA, and all of them can easily fit into the area of ā€‹ā€‹Lake Naroch.

There are about 500 million people living in the European Union, about 1.3 billion in China, about 6.6 billion on the entire planet, and all of them will not fit on the area of ā€‹ā€‹Lake Naroch.

Block G

Exercise 1

Point 1. Port Hunger

Puerto del Hambre - ruins of a 17th century Spanish city. Patagonia. Chile. Today it is Santa Ana Bay.

This is a historical settlement founded on the shores of the Strait of Magellan in southern Chile, 58 km from Punta Arenas, Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica, Patagonia. The Spanish settlement was founded in March 1584 by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa as the city of Rey Don Felipe. There were 300 settlers.

Three years later, the English navigator, pirate Thomas Cavendish, circumnavigating the world and simultaneously robbing and capturing Spanish ships, appeared in the Strait of Magellan. The city founded by the Spaniards lay in ruins, corpses everywhere and not a single living person. Named the Hungry Port dead scary English city. The world learned about the causes of the tragedy only in the second half of the last century - from the ā€œBrief Reportā€ compiled by Sarmiento back in 1589. From it it is clear that the seeds brought by the colonists did not germinate and people somehow subsisted on fishing. And then the city was besieged by the Patagonians.

Clause 2. ChIlyan

Chillan (Spanish) ChillƔn) is a city in Chile. The administrative center of the commune and province of the same name. Population - 146,701 people (2002). The city and municipality is part of the province of Newbley and the region of Bio-Bio.

The territory of the commune is 511.2 kmĀ². Population - 172,225 inhabitants (2007). Population density is 336.9 people/kmĀ².

Point 3. Southern Andes

In the Southern Andes, extending south of 28Ā° S, two parts are distinguished - northern (Chilean-Argentine or Subtropical Andes) and southern (Patagonian Andes). In the Chilean-Argentine Andes, narrowing to the south and reaching 39Ā°41 S, a three-member structure is clearly expressed - the Coastal Cordillera, the Longitudinal Valley and the Main Cordillera; within the latter, in the Cordillera Frontal, there is the highest peak of the Andes, Mount Aconcagua (6960 m), as well as the large peaks of Tupungato (6800 m), Mercedario (6770 m). The snow line here is very high (at 32Ā°40 S - 6000 m). To the east of the Cordillera Frontal are the ancient Precordilleras.

South of 33Ā° S. (and up to 52Ā° S) is the third volcanic region of the Andes, where there are many active (mainly in the Main Cordillera and to the west of it) and extinct volcanoes (Tupungato, Maipa, Llymo, etc.)

When moving south, the snow line gradually decreases and at 51Ā° S. reaches 1460 m. High Ranges acquire features of the Alpine type, the area of ā€‹ā€‹modern glaciation increases, and numerous glacial lakes appear. South of 40Ā° S. The Patagonian Andes begin with lower ridges than in the Chilean-Argentine Andes (the highest point is Mount San Valentin - 4058 m) and active volcanism in the north. About 52Ā° S the strongly dissected Coastal Cordillera plunges into the ocean, and its peaks form a chain of rocky islands and archipelagos; The longitudinal valley turns into a system of straits reaching the western part of the Strait of Magellan. In the area of ā€‹ā€‹the Strait of Magellan, the Andes (here called Andes Tierra del Fuego) deviate sharply to the east. In the Patagonian Andes, the height of the snow line barely exceeds 1500 m (in the extreme south it is 300-700 m, and from 46Ā°30 S latitude glaciers descend to ocean level), glacial landforms predominate (at 48Ā° S latitude - powerful Patagonian ice sheet) with an area of ā€‹ā€‹over 20 thousand kmĀ², from where many kilometers of glacial tongues descend to the west and east); some of the valley glaciers on the eastern slopes end in large lakes. Along the coasts, heavily indented by fjords, young volcanic cones (Corcovado and others) rise. The Andes of Tierra del Fuego are relatively low (up to 2469 m).

In the Chilean-Argentine Andes, the climate is subtropical, and the humidification of the western slopes - due to winter cyclones - is greater than in the subequatorial zone; When moving south, annual precipitation amounts on the western slopes increase rapidly. Summer is dry, winter is wet. As you move away from the ocean, the climate becomes more continental and seasonal temperature fluctuations increase. In the city of Santiago, located in the Longitudinal Valley, the average temperature of the warmest month is 20 Ā°C, the coldest month is 7-8 Ā°C; There is little precipitation in Santiago, 350 mm per year (to the south, in Valdivia, there is more precipitation - 750 mm per year). On the western slopes of the Main Cordillera there is more precipitation than in the Longitudinal Valley (but less than on the Pacific coast).

When driving south subtropical climate western slopes smoothly transitions to the oceanic climate of temperate latitudes: annual precipitation amounts increase, differences in moisture between seasons decrease. Strong westerly winds bring large amounts of precipitation to the coast (up to 6000 mm per year, although usually 2000-3000 mm). It rains heavily for more than 200 days a year, thick fog often falls on the coast, and the sea is constantly stormy; the climate is unfavorable for living. The eastern slopes (between 28Ā° and 38Ā° S) are drier than the western ones (and only in the temperate zone, south of 37Ā° S, due to the influence of westerly winds, their moisture increases, although they remain less humid compared to Western ones). The average temperature of the warmest month on the western slopes is only 10-15 Ā°C (the coldest month is 3-7 Ā°C)

In the extreme southern part of the Andes, on Tierra del Fuego, there is a very humid climate, which is formed by strong, humid westerly and southwesterly winds; Precipitation (up to 3000 mm) falls mainly in the form of drizzle (which occurs most days of the year). Only in the easternmost part of the archipelago is there much less precipitation. Temperatures are low throughout the year (with very little temperature variation between seasons).

In central Chile the forests have been largely cleared; Once upon a time, forests rose along the Main Cordillera to altitudes of 2500-3000 m (higher up were mountain meadows with alpine grasses and shrubs, as well as rare peat bogs), but now the mountain slopes are practically bare. Nowadays forests are found only in the form of separate groves (pines, araucarias, eucalyptus, beech and plane trees, and gorse in the undergrowth).

On the slopes of the Patagonian Andes south of 38Ā° S. - subarctic multi-tiered forests of tall trees and shrubs, mostly evergreen, on brown forest (podzolized to the south) soils; there are a lot of mosses, lichens and lianas in the forests; south of 42Ā° S - mixed forests(in the region of 42Ā° S there is an array of araucaria forests). Rastubuki, magnolias, tree ferns, tall conifers, bamboos. On the eastern slopes of the Patagonian Andes there are mainly beech forests. In the extreme south of the Patagonian Andes there is tundra vegetation.

Point 4. Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa is a city in the Argentine Pampa, the capital of the province of Pampa. Located in the east of the province, on the shores of Lake Don Tomas. Population 103 thousand people

Point 5. Patagonia

Patagonia is a part of South America located south of the Colorado rivers (according to another version - Rio Negro and Limay) in Argentina and Bio-bio Chile, although absolutely precise definition does not exist. Sometimes Tierra del Fuego is also included in Patagonia.

Patagonia is very sparsely populated, with an average population density of approximately 2 inhabitants per kmĀ². The natural profile of Patagonia is steppe plains, the so-called pampas. The Chilean part of Patagonia is characterized by a humid, cool climate. The Argentine part is very dry, since most of the precipitation coming from the west is stopped by the Andes. Constant strong winds are typical. Representatives of the Patagonian fauna are guanacos and nanduicondors. Numerous lakes of Patagonia are the birthplace of flamingos and other aquatic birds. The vegetation is poor.

Tourism has become the main source of income in Patagonia, at least in the Chilean part. Important tourist sites include the Chilean National Park Torres del Paine, as well as the Los Glaciares National Park on the Argentine side. The latter was included in the UNESCO Natural Heritage List in 1981 and often attracts attention with the spectacular break-ups of the Perito Moreno glaciers. IN national parkā€œTorres del Paineā€ had more than 80 thousand visitors in 2003. Peak attendance occurs between November and February, when it is summer in the southern hemisphere. Los Glaciares has even more visitors, although many of them are locals.

Another important source of income on the Argentine side is sheep farming. Between 1930 and 1970, the sale of wool was very profitable, but eventually the price fell and many local peasants (gauchos) were forced to abandon their farms. However, since then, many wealthy entrepreneurs have bought up and renovated farms, and the price of wool has risen eightfold.

Point 6.Melbourne

Melbourne (English) Melbourne) is the second largest city in Australia, the capital of the state of Victoria, located around Port Phillip Bay. The metropolitan area's population is approximately 3.8 million (2007 estimates).

The city is considered one of the main commercial, industrial and cultural centers of Australia. Melbourne is also often called "sports and cultural capital" country, as it hosts many sporting and cultural events in Australian life. The city is famous for its combination of Victorian and modern architecture, numerous parks and gardens, and a diverse and multinational population. Melbourne hosted the Summer Olympics in 1956 and the Commonwealth Games in 2006. Here, in 1981, a meeting of the heads of state of the British Commonwealth of Nations took place, and in 2006, the G20 summit, which was attended by the leaders of the nineteen most developed countries.

Melbourne was founded by free settlers in 1835 as an agricultural settlement on the banks of the Yarra River (this happened 47 years after the first European settlement in Australia). Thanks to the Victorian gold rush, the city quickly became a metropolis and by 1865 became the largest and most important city in Australia. But already at the beginning of the 20th century it lost the palm to Sydney.

Between 1901, when the Federation of Australia was formed, and 1927, when Canberra became the capital of the state, Australian government offices were located in Melbourne.

Item 7. Australian Alps

Australian Alps - highest mountain system in Australia. Highlands. One of the parts of the Great Dividing Range. The highest point - Kosciuszko, 2230 m, is also the highest point of the entire continent of Australia. Australia's longest river, the Murray, originates on the northwestern slope. The length is about 400 km.

Point 8. New Zealand(Northern Island)

North Island is one of New Zealand's two main islands.

The island is home to the country's main cities, including the largest in New Zealand - Auckland and the country's capital - Wellington. Approximately 76% of New Zealand's population lives on the North Island.

The island's area is 113.729 kmĀ², the 2nd largest (after South Island) in New Zealand and 14th in the world.

The North Island is significantly less mountainous than the South Island. Its highest point is the active volcano Ruapehu (2797 m). However, the North Island has high volcanic activity, resulting in five of the country's six volcanic zones being located here.

In the very center of the North Island is New Zealand's largest lake, Lake Taupo. The longest river in New Zealand, the Waikato, flows from here, its length is 425 km.

The average annual temperature is +16 Ā°C.

In the west of the island is the Egmont National Park.

Point 9. Tabor Island (Maria Teresa Reef)

Maria Teresa (English) Maria Theresa Reef, fr. l"Ć®le Tabor) is a reef supposedly located east of New Zealand and south of the Tuamotu archipelago, ā€œdiscoveredā€ by whaler Asaph P. Taber in 1843 and named after his American hometown of Maria Teresa. According to another version, the name was given in honor of the ship.

Geographic coordinates were determined as 37Ā°00ā€² S. w. 151Ā°13ā€² W d. For a long time(until the 60s-1970s of the XX century) the reef was depicted on maps. On French maps the reef was called Tabor Island (from the mistakenly read name of the discoverer Taber).

Maria Theresa Reef is one of many non-existent reefs in the South Pacific that were depicted on maps until the second half of the 20th century (others include Jupiter, Wauchisett, Ernest Legouwe, and Rangitiki Reefs).

The reef became famous due to J. Verneā€™s novels ā€œThe Children of Captain Grantā€ and ā€œThe Mysterious Islandā€. Contrary to popular belief, Maria Teresa Reef is not a figment of the writerā€™s imagination, unlike Lincoln Island; Jules Verne sincerely, like his contemporaries, believed that the island existed.

The last time the island was searched for in the indicated location was in 1957, but neither land nor traces of the recent sinking of the earth to the bottom were found: the ocean in the immediate vicinity of these coordinates is very deep. In 1983, the coordinates of the island were determined to be 36Ā°50ā€² S. w. 136Ā°39ā€²W etc., which is more than a thousand kilometers east of the previously known place. However, this time the search was unsuccessful.

Task 2.

The weather by month is presented in the temperature table and in tourist reviews: in June in Darwin 30Ā°C, Adelaide 16Ā°C.

Australia is in the southern hemisphere globe, and is also the hottest part of it. The climate of Australia in the northern part is subequatorial, hot with frequent monsoons; considering the central part of Australia, it is worth noting its desert tropical climate. In the southwest of the continent, a subtropical climate with precipitation in winter months. The coast of Australia in the east is characterized by sea, tropical climate With maximum number precipitation in summer period. Average daily temperatures in July range from +12 to +20Ā°C, the average temperature in January ranges from +20 to +30Ā°C. Naturally, average temperatures do not provide only an approximate description of the temperature background, so in January the temperature can reach +37Ā°C, and in July up to +3Ā°C. The amount of precipitation falling on the continent ranges from 1500 mm to 250 mm per year. The temperate climate of the continent extends exclusively to the southern and central part of the island of Tasmania - this island is influenced by the sea with gusty winds, so the climate is quite different warm winter, and moderately cool summers. In January on the island of Tasmania the average daily temperature is +14+17 Ā°C, in June the average temperature is +8Ā°C. The amount of precipitation falling during the whole year is about 2500 mm. In the eastern part, the climate is less humid, and in winter snow sometimes falls, but, as a rule, it does not stay for long and melts immediately. Heavy rainfall on the continent contribute to the lush growth of vegetation, trees, grasses, especially in the meadows where herds of large animals graze cattle. Weather in Australia in July: Darwin 30Ā°C, Adelaide 15Ā°C.

Australia differs from other continents in its geographical location and climate. Their influence on the mainland created not only unique natural areas, but also rare species animal world. Traveling across the vast territory of the country, without crossing borders, you can visit deserts and tropical forests, conquer snow-capped mountains and relax on the ocean.

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the seasons familiar to Europeans will be opposite - summer begins in December, and winter in June. True, you can experience all seasons only on the island Tasmania where it takes place moderate climate zone . The continent itself is located in the subequatorial, tropical and subtropical zones.

Climate zones of Australia

Northern Territories of Australia, including Darwin, refer to subequatorial belt. There are two seasons throughout the year - the rainy season and the dry season. The Australian winter is a dry season. During the day at this time it is hot, the temperature reaches up to +32Ā°C, and at night it drops to +20Ā°C. There is practically no rain. The rainy season lasts all summer. Is different high humidity, frequent rains and high temperatures (daytime +34Ā°C, night +27Ā°C).

From the western territories of Australia to the central ones (Alice Springs) there are deserts, and in the coastal regions there are semi-deserts. Their appearance is due tropical zone and moisture-retaining mountainous terrain starting at the coast. Rain is a rare occurrence. Temperatures in summer rise above +30Ā°C, and in the center of Australia in the Great Sandy Desert up to +40Ā°C. In winter it gets cold down to +10Ā°C.

The subtropical zone runs from the southwest of the mainland (Perth) to the southeast (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne). Its mild climate is favorable for living and growing crops. In summer it is hot and dry, the temperature reaches +30Ā°C, in winter it rains and is cool, about +15Ā°C. Snow falls in the mountainous regions of Victoria, South Wales and near Canberra in winter.

The south of the mainland (Adelaide) falls into the subtropical zone. His continental climate has temperature fluctuations: in summer +27Ā°C, and in winter +15Ā°C. It rains rarely, mainly in winter.

The east coast of Australia (Brisbane, Cairns, Gold Coast) is the greenest and most comfortable part of the continent. Location of most tourist beaches. In summer, the daytime temperature is about +28Ā°C, in winter +18Ā°C. It rains all year round, but in winter there is more rain and high waves rise off the coast.

The island of Tasmania (Hobart) has a temperate climate zone. Winters are warm (temperatures from +8Ā°C), and summers are cool (up to +22Ā°C). It rains often. The snow is melting quickly.

Tourist seasons in Australia

Since Australia has a varied climate, you can visit the country at any time of the year. Every tourist will find something to their liking: beautiful landscapes, rare species of wildlife, active and passive recreation on the ocean coast, in the mountains, deserts and canyons.

Residents are more common among tourists New Zealand, Japan, USA and nearby Asian countries. Enough tourists come from Europe, most of them are English and German.

Beach holiday And diving carried out on the Gold Coast of Australia - a 40-kilometer strip along the eastern coast near Brisbane, as well as on the islands along the Great Barrier Reef. Best season Summer will be the best time to relax, from December to March. The water is pleasant, about +24Ā°C.

A protection program was implemented to protect swimmers from sharks eastern beaches Australia. Over the past 40 years, there has not been a single case of shark attack on a person.

In the north of the mainland, it is better to have a beach holiday from May to October - during the dry season, while there are no monsoon rains.
The ocean has underwater currents that can drag an inexperienced swimmer into the depths. When high waves rise off the coast, hotel management places red or yellow flags on the shore. This means that swimming is dangerous and prohibited.

Surfing They practice both on the eastern coast of the continent on the waves of the Pacific Ocean, and on the western and southern coasts on the waves of the Indian and Atlantic oceans, respectively. From December to April the water is warm and the waves are high. Cool water lovers can surf in the winter Gold Coast, water temperature is about +20Ā°C.

You can see the sights, flora and fauna of Australia in any season, but it is worth considering that in the south of the mainland ( Melbourne) cloudiness and fog are less in winter, and in the north ( Darwin) there are no prolonged downpours at this time. Go out to explore the central regions of the mainland ( Alice Springs) is better during the Australian winter, from June to October, the weather becomes cool.

In spring, from late August to October, you can admire the flowering of trees and shrubs in cities Sydney, Canberra, Cairns, Melbourne, Perth. In the summer, from December to March, walks around the island of Tasmania will become comfortable and not cold.
In Australia there are ski resorts. They are held in the winter from June to August in mountainous areas in Canberra, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania.

What to take with you to Australia

Over Australia, the ozone layer is so thin that it allows much more ultraviolet light to pass through. than in other countries. Therefore, the Australian sun is considered the most dangerous for the skin. To protect it on a trip, you should take light, light-colored cotton clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, Sunglasses and sunscreen with the maximum level of protection. If you swim in the ocean, you should take a waterproof cream.

The locals themselves avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer cases.

Various poisonous organisms live in ocean water, especially near reef areas. Marine life. To avoid getting hurt by stepping on needles sea ā€‹ā€‹urchin or stone fish, you need to go into the water in rubber slippers or sandals.

If you encounter jellyfish in the water, you should avoid touching them or get out of the water. Some species are more common small size, can sting painfully.

After sunset, you should not walk barefoot on the grass, so as not to step on hiding snakes.

While studying active recreation or sightseeing, it is worth remembering that Australia is a country of large territories. When moving around its expanses, you will always need a first aid kit with you, stocked with remedies for bruises, head and stomach pains, as well as insect bites.

As for insects, humid climate The north of the country is inhabited by mosquitoes that carry various diseases. High-quality skin repellents and room fumigators will provide protection against them. When choosing a hotel room, make sure that it is equipped with mosquito nets.

If you intend to travel tropical forests in northern Australia, high-top shoes and full-body clothing should be worn. This will protect you from leeches and other insects. During the rainy season from December to March in the north, a raincoat will come in handy.

If the trip is not in the Australian summer, you need to take warmer clothes with you. A hot day after sunset turns into cool night. Especially in the central territories of Australia, when during the day the temperature rises to +30Ā°C, and at night it can drop to -5Ā°C.

The island of Tasmania has a climate similar to English weather. In winter you should dress in warm jacket, pants and boots.

When visiting Australian ski resorts, you should take a ski suit, mask and boots for your trip. The rest of the equipment is rented from the ski lifts.

Weather in Australia by month

Australian summer


In December, the influx of tourists to Australia begins, although against the backdrop of its territories this is noticeable only at the resorts of Eastern Australia. This is where the season for beach holidays, surfing and diving opens.

The rainy season is coming to the north of the country. It is not recommended to visit the central regions due to extreme heat. But the island of Tasmania will delight you with warm days.

At the end of the month, those who want to meet New Year to the Gold Coast, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne.


This is the peak of the Australian summer. Hot weather costs in all regions. It rains only in the north. The water is heated to maximum limits.

Now is the time to visit the Great Barrier Reef, the beach areas of the East, or cool off with excursions around Tasmania.
Western, southern and central territories endure a period of drought.

On January 1, Australia is almost one of the first to celebrate the New Year. The holiday is celebrated in major cities with fireworks and the beginning of various festivals.


The heat is gradually losing ground, but they are still holding on high temperatures. In northern Australia, the rainfall is so heavy that roads are sometimes blocked or tourists are not allowed to enter to avoid accidents.
The most comfortable weather is in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Excursions around the mainland begin.

Australian autumn


With the onset of autumn, the heat gradually recedes.
In the east (Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns) the rainy season begins. The beach season subsides, tourists go home or go sightseeing. High waves rise along the coast, attracting surfers from all over the world.

Most warm water in the ocean in the south near Melbourne. Prices sea ā€‹ā€‹holiday are gradually decreasing.
Itā€™s a good time to visit the deserts; itā€™s not so hot during the day and cool at night.


It is considered an off-season month. In the north the rains stop and the dry season begins. Now is the time to explore this part of the continent.

In the west (Perth) it is warm, not very cold at night, and there is little rain. It's still warm around Melbourne and Sydney. The cost of a beach holiday is low, there are few tourists.

Cold weather comes to Tasmania, daytime temperatures rise no higher than +17Ā°C.


Last autumn month starts active beach season in the north of Australia. There is no rain, the temperature is high, but the weather is too hot for northern excursions. They also go west to Perth to swim.

In the south, the east coast of the mainland and the Barrier Reef it is already cool, the waves are high. Surfers come here wearing wetsuits to protect themselves from hypothermia.

In the central regions, the weather becomes more favorable for visiting attractions.

Australian winter


In the first month of winter, temperatures below 0Ā°C are not found even in cold regions. For the northern territories, June is the most cold month. But its indicators remain within +29Ā°C.

While the beach season is in full swing in the north, the ski season begins in the southwest of the mainland (the highlands of Canberra, Victoria and New South Wales).

The effects of winter are also felt in Tasmania, it is cold and damp.

It's warm in the west, you can go on excursions.


Winter July is cold for the whole country. The best pastime will be the ski resorts in the south and center of the mainland. In deserts there are frosts at night.

You can go on excursions to different corners mainland. It's cold, but comfortable with warm clothes. Snow falls in Tasmania and highland ski resorts open.

It's quite warm in the west, although it's raining.


There are few tourists in Australia in August. It's cold in most of its regions. In the south it is often windy, but there are fogs that make it difficult to see the sights.

Ski resorts in the south and center of the country continue to delight ski lovers. And the warm north makes it possible to soak up the beaches.

Australian spring


In September, spring comes to Australia, the off-season time. The number of tourists is increasing. Flowering of trees and grasses begins, which makes excursions around major cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, etc.
In the south there is an increase in water and air temperatures, and there are rains. Gradually come to life beach resorts east. At the Barrier Reef, divers begin their dive.

The north is just as hot. It's cold in Tasmania.


Spring is picking up pace in Australia. The temperature is rising higher. In the center of the continent, hot weather begins in the deserts.

The west (Perth), southeast (Melbourne, Sydney) and the island of Tasmania offer excursions with a comfortable temperature.
Tourists continue to flock to the east, relaxing on the beach and diving. Good time to surf the waves around the Barrier Reef.

Temperatures are rising in the north, there is no rain, and the beach season is in full swing.


November marks the peak of the tourist season in Australia. It is warm throughout the mainland, and even hot in the center.
Fans of the beach, diving, and surfing choose hotels on the east coast. The beach season is ending in the north.
Excursion tours go to anywhere on the mainland. Prices for tourism services are increasing.

Weather in cities and resorts by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, Ā°C 28 27 25 20 16 12 11 13 16 19 23 26
Average minimum, Ā°C 13 13 11 7 3 1 -0 1 3 6 9 11
Weather in Canberra by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, Ā°C 29 29 26 23 19 16 15 17 19 22 25 27
Average minimum, Ā°C 17 17 15 12 10 8 8 8 10 12 14 16
Rains, mm 19 14 27 40 60 79 76 69 59 43 30 29
Adelaide weather by month

Alice Springs

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, Ā°C 36 35 33 28 23 20 20 23 27 31 34 35
Average minimum, Ā°C 22 21 18 13 8 5 4 6 10 15 18 20
Rains, mm 39 44 32 17 19 14 15 9 9 22 29 37
Alice Springs weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, Ā°C 30 30 29 28 25 22 22 23 25 27 29 30
Average minimum, Ā°C 21 21 20 17 14 11 10 11 13 17 19 21
Bundaberg weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, Ā°C 30 30 29 27 25 22 22 23 26 27 28 29
Average minimum, Ā°C 21 21 20 17 14 12 10 11 14 16 19 20
Rains, mm 148 143 109 71 70 56 24 41 30 71 105 133
Brisbane weather by month



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, Ā°C 26 26 24 20 17 14 14 15 17 20 22 24
Average minimum, Ā°C 14 15 13 11 9 7 6 7 8 10 11 13
Rains, mm 47 48 50 57 56 50 48 50 58 66 60 59

Australia is a continent unique in everything, including its climatic conditions, which makes it an attractive holiday destination throughout the year. This is the driest continent on Earth, but there are 6 climatic zones, which provides a wide variety natural conditions- from deserts to sea coasts, from tropical forests to snow-capped peaks, from the temperate climate of the island of Tasmania to the desert heat of the central part of the continent. Climate of Australia very diverse.

Australia (Sydney) Max. t, C Min. t, C Amount of precipitation, mm
January 26 19 115
February 25 19 110
March 24 16 150
April 23 14 120
May 20 11 80
June 17 8 130
July 16 6 50
August 17.5 7.5 80
September 21 10 65
October 23 13 70
November 24 15 105
December 27 18 75

Since Australia is located in Southern Hemisphere, the order of the seasons is mirrored in the Northern Hemisphere. This means that when it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it's summer in Australia - the best time to visit the southern half of the country, including the cities and areas of Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Perth. And the Australian winter, which is called the dry season, is best time to visit the northern and central regions of the country, including Darwin and the Red Centre, Broome and Kimberley.

The hottest time of the year is from November to January. At that time weather in Australia by month quite warm. Temperatures range from +20 to +32, and in the central regions it can reach +38-42. At the same time, already 1.5 - 2 hours after sunset the temperature can drop by 10-12 degrees.

The weather is milder on the Pacific coast and the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. It is relatively cold in June - August, the temperature does not rise above +15 - +18, and in the temperate zone it sometimes drops to zero degrees. IN winter time rains frequently.

On the West Coast Australian climate somewhat softer due to the influence of the ocean - in summer the heat here is usually thirty degrees, in winter the air cools to +18-+20 degrees during the day and +6-+8 at night.

In the most populated area - the southeast coast - the Mediterranean type reigns Australian climate- with hot, dry summers and rainy, mild winters. So, in Melbourne in summer, on typical January days, the thermometer usually stays around +25-+27 degrees, and in winter it drops to +10-+12, and at night to +5.

In the coolest part of the country - on the island of Tasmania - a typical British climate reigns - in summer the daytime temperature is +20-+22, in winter it is ten degrees cooler. Strong changes weather by month not visible. In winter, night frosts occur, but a stable snow cover does not form here - throughout the region, snow falls steadily only on the tops of the mountains.

Such a variety of climatic conditions allows us to offer holidays for every taste of the most discerning tourists.
