Plants from the Red Data Book of the Krasnodar region. Medicinal plants of the Krasnodar region: photos, descriptions, applications

Snowdrop Caucasian Herbaceous perennial up to 20 cm in height. The leaves are directed upward, obtuse, covered with a waxy coating. The stem is cylindrical, one flower. Blooms in February-April. Decorative, honey plant, poisonous. It grows in the Caucasus, in the mountains, on the edges, in thickets of bushes, and deciduous forests. Disappears due to collecting flowers in bouquets and unregulated walking of livestock.

Cyclamen Caucasian Herbaceous perennial. The flowers are red-violet, less often pink or almost white. Blooms in February-March. Fruits in May-June. Propagated by seeds. Decorative, medicinal. The number is rapidly declining due to mass destruction for winter and early spring bouquets, and digging up tubers for medicinal purposes.

Summer whiteflower Near the Krasnodar-Dzhubga highway there is the Psekupskoye tract, where a real miracle of nature grows - summer whiteflower - Mediterranean look, listed in the Red Book of Russia. This place has no analogues in the Western Caucasus in terms of density and number of white flowers. Beautiful spring Flower It is actively collected by local residents and sold in markets. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, which itself harms a rare population.

Caucasian winterweed A relict species with a noticeably declining population size. A perennial herbaceous plant with a single stem from 20 to 50 cm in height. The stem ends with 13 flowers. The leaves are wintering, large, basal, on long petioles. They are leathery, dissected into 5-6 elliptical serrated segments and have a generally palm-shaped outline. Winter grass blooms in winter and in early spring, from January to April. The flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter, quite original.

Pitsunda pine. Vulnerable species. Endemic race Black Sea coast Caucasus. Listed in the Red Book of Russia, distribution: of the four subspecies of Calabrian pine, only one subspecies is found on the territory of Russia, endemic to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus within Russia and Abkhazia.

Orchis Helmetiferous Rare species Herbaceous perennial up to 45 cm. Blooms in May European part Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus: Abrau, Kamyshanova Polyana, Novorossiysk. Medicinal raw materials. Orchis Purpurea. Rare view. Herbaceous perennial Height cm. Blooms in May-June. Distributed in the Carpathians, Crimea, Caucasus, Abrau, Anapa, Mikhailovsky Pass.

There is a lake in Anapa called Sukko. The lake is picturesque, but it is famous for its swamp cypress trees. These cypress trees come from America and grow in the area of ​​Texas, Florida, and some places in Mexico. The wood of these cypress trees is highly resinous and therefore they grow easily in water. How and when these cypress trees appeared in Lake Sukko is not known with certainty. There is not even a plausible legend about this. Swamp cypresses are concentrated in one place of the lake, from the northern direction. There are several dozen trees in total. Lake Sukko is essentially a large and picturesque pond. The dam was made in ancient times. This the only place in Russia Where cypress trees grow in water. Lake Sukko and swamp cypresses.

Fairytale cypress trees on Caddo Lake in Texas Caddo Lake – large lake in the USA, lying in eastern Texas on the border with Louisiana. This is a protected area that contains the largest cypress forests on the planet. The area of ​​the lake is about 106 square meters. km. Caddo is the only Texas lake that was formed naturally. There are several versions of the origin of the lake, but the most likely is the following: in early XIX centuries, a jam of river debris and logs developed on the Red River. The beavers living on the banks strengthened the jam with their dams. And by 1811, a real dam had formed here, which blocked the river and created Caddo Lake.

About 190 species of bushes and trees grow on the lake, the most famous of which are the so-called bald cypress trees. Unlike their land relatives, these cypresses are not coniferous, but deciduous trees, shedding their leaves for the winter. The cypress trees that grow in Caddo Lake are at least 100 years old, and some are even older, there are even 700-year-old trees.

Cypress trees, especially those in water, often have special formations called "cypress knees." They are shoots that resemble stumps, but grow directly from the roots of the tree. Scientists are still pondering why cypress trees need these special education. One theory says that it is to additionally saturate the roots with oxygen, another is that the shoots help the trees to strengthen themselves in the ground so that they are not torn out by a hurricane.

Rules of behavior in the forest. The forest is the lungs of the planet and its decoration. All forests globe taken together, produce about 40 trillion tons of oxygen per year. - The forest area is decreasing by 20 hectares every minute. – 20 kg of waste paper is saved by one tree. - Paper abandoned in the forest can last more than 2 years until it completely decomposes, a tin can can last more than 20 years, plastic bag– more than 200 years, glass – 1000 years.

Flowers are disappearing on the ground, This is becoming more noticeable every year. Every summer leaves us with less joy and beauty. We hardly understood the revelation of meadow flowers. We carelessly trampled them and madly, mercilessly tore them. Flowers are disappearing on the ground, This is becoming more noticeable every year. Every summer leaves us with less joy and beauty. We hardly understood the revelation of meadow flowers.

Don’t pick or dig flowers. Don’t ruin the anthill. If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If everything: both me and you, If we pick flowers, all the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty! Take care of this Earth, this water, Loving even a small epic, Take care of all the animals inside nature, Kill only the animals inside yourself. We carelessly trampled them and madly, mercilessly tore them.

Guarded Red Book There are so many rare animals and birds for the multifaceted expanse to survive for the sake of the light of the coming lightning. So that the deserts do not dare to come, So that souls do not become empty, Animals are protected, snakes are protected, Even flowers are protected. And the anxiety for life is tireless, So as not to perish in the cosmic darkness. All oceans are exhaustible, everything on earth is exhaustible.

Measures to protect flowering plants 1. prohibit the collection of wild flowering plants 2. exclude rare plants and those listed in the Red Book from the list of procurement of medicinal raw materials. 3. Cultivate rare plants in botanical gardens and nurseries 4. Do not build new paths in the forest 5. Protect the forest from fire

Animals and plants of Kuban

People managed to turn into main view on planet Earth and every year they have an increasing impact on the world around them. Conservationists are working to preserve rare species, trying to compensate for the losses that the planet suffered over hundreds of years of human fishing activity, when many species of animals were simply erased forever and remained only in old photographs. Even now, not everyone can be saved and conservationists are forced to work without rest.

    The northeast of Kuban is represented by a steppe lowland and steppe animals live there. These are rodents different types that spend most of their lives in burrows: gophers, mice, jerboas, also moles and hamsters. The Kuban delta is more diverse: there are herds of wild boars and foxes.

  • Rich and beautiful Kuban

    The Krasnodar region and Kuban itself are sung in many songs. This is a truly fertile region, rich in colors, known for its even and mild climate. People come here in the hundreds every year to relax and be united with nature. Local residents praise Kuban for its good soil, which produces good harvest rivers rich in fish, beauty high mountains and endless green meadows. Like many animals, they live well here, thanks to the climate and atmosphere.
    However, by developing his activities, a person, wittingly or unwittingly, harms nature. Meadows are cleared for fields and forests are cut down, fishermen and hunters exterminate animals, and after a careless picnic there is a lot of garbage left, and sometimes a fire is not far away.

    Animals with plants

    Nature defenders claim that now in the Red Book there are some species of peony, adonis, also sword grass, fern of the chinese species from plants of the Kuban. And the animals that need protection are the Caucasian otter, the polecat, the bustard and the short-eared snake eagle, the ibex with the steppe eagle, and the Dalmatian pelican. And this is only part of the list!
    Thanks to the efforts of caring people, nature reserves were created, Krasnodar region Also there, animals can live in their usual conditions, without fear of human influence.

    Plants of Kuban

    • Pitsunda pine - only one subspecies is found here. Grows in a narrow strip in groves among groups of other trees. For example, 8 kilometers south of Anapa, where the slopes of Bald Mountain begin and continue to the south of Sochi.
    • Tall juniper grows along the Black Sea coast itself, starting from Anapa further to Gelendzhik inclusive. It is also found in Asia Minor and the Balkans.
    • Yew berry - it can be found more often in the Caucasus region, further in the Kaliningrad region. It grows either separately or as part of a small group; large tracts are rare.

    There are quite a lot of beautiful and amazing plants. For example, Pitsunda pine- it grows in Gelendzhik and along the coast. Can survive in unfavorable conditions. Its cones do not fall off and can hang open for more than three years. At the age of thirty, her height is fifteen meters, and at the age of one hundred she grows up to forty meters in height. Its needles are up to sixteen centimeters long, while other pines have only eight. Even the cones of this pine are red.

    On the Black Sea coast, starting from Mount Lysaya near Anapa and to Gelendzhik, it grows pistachio With interesting name blunt-leaved. The pistachio genus is very ancient. This is a small ornamental plant that ripens in late summer and early autumn. The plant tolerates drought well and loves light. She grows slowly, growing by one meter in twenty years. Pistachio contains 75% resin and up to 25% essential oils. The tree needs resin to heal cuts faster, and people use it to process wooden utensils, and constant chewing of pistachio resin cleanses and strengthens tooth enamel. Its resins are also included in various ointments, with the help of which rheumatism, ulcers and wounds, burns and cracks in the skin are cured. Some modern pharmacists themselves make ointments from this resin according to ancient recipes. And the wood of the pistachio tree is very hard. Previously, it was intensively cut down for shipbuilding, and smoking pipes and other similar things were also made from its roots.

    A lot of juniper grows in the Krasnodar region. Juniper belongs to the oldest genus of cypress. He appeared on Earth fifty million years ago and nevertheless still lives. There are about seventy species of this plant, and twenty-one species grow in Russia and five in Crimea. Its types are very diverse - tall, prickly, red Cossack, smelly and hemispherical.

    First view juniper is tall. The tree is up to fifteen meters in height, with a dense crown, its branches are quite thin and raised upward. The bark has it dark color, cone - the berries are spherical, about one centimeter in size, and their color is quite pleasant dark purple. This type of juniper grows relatively quickly from three to five years, loves light and warmth, and may not dry out for a long time. Can live up to fifty years.

    Juniper red- it was previously called red cedar. Basically, it grows as a six to eight meter tree with lush branches covered with prickly needles, and for this they gave it another name - prickly juniper.

    A juniper stinking also called foul-smelling. It is very similar to tall juniper, but its berries are twice as large and are not dark, but brown. The smell of this plant is quite unpleasant. Juniper is very often used for medicinal purposes. For this purpose, ripe fruits are used, which are collected late in the fall. If you dry them, you can store such fruits for up to three years. Juniper contains essential oils, as well as up to 40% sugar and acid. Ointments and medicines are never made from Cossack juniper, it is poisonous, it can be distinguished from other juniper by its bumpy surface, smell and dark blue tint.

    Same from all the forests Krasnodar region, boxwood is the most beautiful and mysterious. It amazes all tourists with its extraordinary beauty. Twilight always reigns in the thick leaves of boxwood, and light and at the same time fluffy moss hangs from its branches in interesting strands. Just like in a fairy tale!

    Boxwood- green Tree with small leaves on the branches. This tree can live for more than fifty years. It will grow up to twenty meters in height and about fifty centimeters in width. The tree grows too slowly - about one millimeter per year, so its wood is too dense and quite heavy and easily sinks in water. It blooms with small flowers that have a very pleasant intoxicating smell. Boxwood is shade-tolerant, but it also needs moisture. The moss on the branches of the boxwood preserves it. This plant blooms in late winter and early spring, and ripens in mid-autumn. Boxwood is very poisonous. Since its wood is very hard and valuable, this plant species is listed in the Red Book, currently it is on the verge of extinction, so it is strictly forbidden to cut it down.

    In the Krasnodar forests it grows quite rare view grapes - wild. Its leaves are round, almost kidney-shaped, the tendrils are branching and grow in a spiral so that neighboring plants also curl. The grapes bloom in early May and ripen late in the fall. The corolla is shed in the form of a cap before flowering. Forest grapes have a very sour taste. This species is easily able to survive in unfavorable conditions. It is also used as medicine to treat foot fungus. There are very few wild forest grapes left and they have also been added to the list of endangered plant species.

    Georgievskaya Tatiana



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    Georgievskaya Tatiana

    On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, vegetation is distributed into zones. Latitudinal and vertical zoning is clearly expressed here. The steppe zone occupies the entire Azov-Kuban plain. In the recent past, this was a forb-fescue-feather grass steppe. At present, almost all of it has been plowed up and turned into vast collective and peasant fields where they cultivate wheat, corn, sugar beets, sunflower , barley, vegetable and melon crops. In total, there are more than 3 thousand plant species in the region.

    Along the roads, along the slopes of ravines and on the tops of mounds you can find wild herbaceous plants: creeping wheatgrass, buttercup wild, yellow clover, wormwood, plantain, coltsfoot, quinoa , sow thistle, St. John's wort, immortelle. In forest belts there are oak, walnut, acacia and other tree species.

    In the northeastern part of the region, in the Kuban-Azov lowland, steppe animals are common. This is where the wildflowers live mice, gophers, moles, mole rats , hamsters. They all do harm agriculture. They live in burrows and feed on grain and leaves. Of the predators found foxes, weasels, ferrets. Birds: larks, quails , gray partridges, crows, magpies . There are also predatory ones - kites, owls, owls, steppe harrier.

    In the Kuban delta, in floodplains and estuaries, they are common sedge, cattail, reeds, yellow water lilies , water lilies, water chestnut. Found here wild boars, foxes, waterfowl: pelicans, gulls, ducks, lapwings, waders, geese, herons , sometimes they fly swans . The muskrat lives in the estuaries. In the floodplains of the Kalininsky district there is the largest high-water colony of storks in the region.

    On the right bank of the Kuban, not far from the village of Ivanovskaya, there is an array Red Forest (5200 ha). This is the remnant of the forests that previously bordered the banks of the Kuban to its lower reaches. Narrow strips of forest remain in the middle reaches of the river. In the Red Forest grow oak, willow, maple, ash, apple, hawthorn, and rose hips; inhabited by deer, roe deer, wild boars, and hares.

    Depending on the altitude above sea level and the associated changes in climatic, soil and other conditions, not only the general character vegetation, but also the appearance of plants.

    As the relief increases, the steppe turns into forest-steppe, and the latter into forest zone. The forest-steppe stretches in a relatively narrow strip on the left bank of the Kuban, covering the Trans-Kuban sloping plain and the low (mostly up to 600 m) part of the foothills. About 50% of the area is shrubs and partly broad-leaved forests (oak, hornbeam, maple, hazel, dogwood).

    Kuban forests occupy 1.7 million hectares and are characterized exclusively valuable species. The region contains approximately 30% of oak forests, over 80% of beech and about 90% of chestnut plantations in Russia. The main part of the forests is located in the foothills, mountainous areas and the Black Sea coast.

    Vegetation in the mountains forms three zones: forest, subalpine and alpine.

    The forest zone is divided into two zones: broad-leaved and coniferous forests. Up to 700 meters above sea level, predominantly oak forests grow with an admixture of hornbeam, ash, elm, and fruit trees(pear, apple, dogwood). Oak forests give way to a belt of beech trees. At an altitude of 1200 meters they are joined by Caucasian fir. From 1300 to 1800 meters predominate coniferous forests, consisting of Caucasian fir and eastern spruce. Fir needles are softer and slightly wider than spruce needles.

    In the mountains and foothills there is an abundance of forest fruits and lush meadow grasses. This creates favorable conditions for habitat of animals and birds. Wild pigs graze in small herds of oak and beech forests. Unlike domestic pigs, wild pigs are somewhat shorter and taller on their legs. Old boars reach 100-150 kg in weight. They are covered with thick, coarse bristles of a dark brown and sometimes almost black color. The male has fangs.

    IN deciduous forests walk small, the size of a domestic goat, roe deer, in their own way appearance resembling a deer. Only males have horns. They hunt for food by bear, wolf, jackal, raccoon dog, badger, fox, and marten. On the river banks there are mink and otter. They dive and swim well, feed on fish and frogs.

    Among the reptiles there are: snakes - common and water snakes, vipers - steppe and Koznakov's viper (found high in the mountains), legless lizard spindle and yellowbell.

    In the morning, the forest and valleys of the foothills are filled with the singing and chirping of various birds. Magpies chirp and whistle blackbirds, cuckoos calling, jays calling to each other , fussing by the streams wagtails , shaking his tail; near the river banks you can hear the melodic tune of a lemon-yellow oriole, quickly rushing for prey falcons , forest healers methodically tap on the bark of the trunks - woodpeckers Agile Shrikes hunt for insects. The nimble bee-eater chases bees and bumblebees, grabbing them in flight with its long, thin beak. Owls, eagle owls, starlings, grosbeaks, goldfinches, kingfishers, tits fly here, and high in the mountains - Caucasian black grouse, mountain turkeys - snowcocks.

    They settle along the steep banks of riversblue rollers, tree sparrows and shore swallows.

    Birds bring great benefits national economy, destroying harmful insects and rodents. For example, one swallow catches more than a thousand plant pests per day. Woodpeckers save hundreds of trees by eating beetle larvae hidden under the bark. An owl kills a thousand mice over the summer, and each mouse eats 1 kg of grain per year. It turns out that only one owl saves us a ton of bread a year.

    Not all birds live here all year round. Many live only in the summer, hatch their chicks, and fly to warmer climes in the fall. There are about 320 species of birds in Kuban.

    Soil and air pollution has led to a sharp reduction in the number of insectivorous birds: starlings, swallows, sparrows. But the number of crows and pigeons has increased. City garbage dumps serve as an excellent food source for them.

    At an altitude of 1800 - 2200 meters above sea level there is a belt of subalpine vegetation. extendsubalpine meadowsand crooked forests with scrub beech and mountain maple. Subalpine meadows are rich pastures. In the summer they keep large cattle and flocks of sheep.

    Above the subalpine meadows, starting from altitudes of 2300 - 2500 and up to 2800 - 3000 meters above sea level, stretches the belt of alpine meadows of the Northwestern Caucasus (in other parts of the Caucasus it is much higher). The nature here is harsh. Only in August the clearings are free of snow.

    How striking the change! In the subalpine zone everything is large and lush, and in the alpine zone the same plants, but from 4 to 15 centimeters in height, with a creeping form. The brightness of the colors and the diversity of flowers in the rocky meadows, surrounded by rocks and snow, is striking. There are red ones growing all around mytniks, bright blue gentians , golden yellow buttercups and dandelions, rose red carnations, blue forget-me-nots.

    From 3000 meters and above there are eternal snows and glaciers and inaccessible rocks, almost devoid of any vegetation.

    The vegetation of the Black Sea coast is diverse. From Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam and oak, hornbeam and hornbeam. On the spurs of the Markotkhsky ridge from Novorossiysk to Gelendzhik, crooked and stunted trees grow elm, hornbeam and among them dogwood and hawthorn . In the Gelendzhik area there are elm, maple, ash, dogwood, Walnut, cherry plum, apple tree, pear; along the coast - Pitsunda pine.

    The resort village of Dzhankhot is located 12 kilometers south of Gelendzhik. Here, on the high shore of the sea, an island of ancient flora has been preserved - a grove of Pitsunda pine. It is surrounded by hornbeam, maple and other trees.

    Beyond the Mikhailovsky Pass, oak spreads along the mountain slopes and rises to a height of 500 - 600 meters, then giving way to beech. Alder, viburnum, elderberry, dogwood, and pear grow in floodplains and on river banks.

    On the coast from Lazarevsky to Adler they grow cypress trees, Pitsunda pine, magnolias, palm trees . They remain green all year round.

    Parks and squares are decorated with noble laurel, bamboo, yucca, and various palm trees. There is no month of the year when some plants do not bloom. Apricots, peaches and other fruits ripen in the gardens.

    The fauna of the Black Sea is diverse, but is concentrated mainly in the upper layer. Fishes of commercial importance are: beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring , anchovy, sprats, bream, mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, flounder. There are dolphins.

    The following fish live in the Sea of ​​Azov: ram, shemaya , herring, sturgeon (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon), sprat, horse mackerel.

    In rivers and estuaries live: bream, silver bream, asp, carp, catfish and other fish. The champion here is the carp, it is found everywhere. He has a good appetite, so he grows quickly. In general, carp grows throughout its life and sometimes reaches 1.5 meters in length, and its weight reaches 35 kg.

    The most valuable fish include vimba and shemaya. A mustachioed catfish lives in a den under a snag; its main food is frogs. Catfish have strong jaws and teeth, like those of a shark, curved back. You can't escape from such a mouth.

    High in mountain rivers There is another fish - trout.She only needs pure water. And if you see this fish in a mountain river, you can safely drink the water there, it is clean. Trout is a predator. It feeds on worms and small fish, and sometimes catches insects. When overcoming rapids, trout can jump out of the water 1-1.5 meters.

    The forests of the Black Sea coast preserve supplies of drinking and mineral waters, protect soils from water and wind erosion, landslides, rockfalls and landslides, and soften the climate. They ensure a constant water level in rivers, protect them from silting and shallowing, and thereby create conditions for the reproduction of fish resources. From mountain slopes not protected by forests, rains carry away 100 cubic meters of soil per hectare per year. In such places, ravines quickly form.

    The forest has a certain influence on the climate and rivers that feed the fertile plains of the Kuban with their waters, protects reservoirs from drying out, fields from drought, and purifies the air from harmful carbon dioxide, dust and other small particles. The vegetation cover of the Earth is called " lungs of the planet" One hectare of forest purifies 18 million cubic meters of air smoky and saturated with carbon dioxide per year.

    The forest is a healing factor and an excellent object for hiking, excursions, and walks. Forest air is clean, it contains a lot of ozone and phytoncides, substances that suppress the development of pathogenic microbes.

    The forest is also construction material. The woodworking industry is developed in Kuban. There are furniture factories and associations in Krasnodar, Armavir, Kropotkin, Apsheronsk, Novorossiysk. They make wardrobes and bookcases, chairs, tables, sofas...

    Unreasonable predatory extermination of any species of animals or birds causes great harm to nature. Interspecies connections are destroyed, the natural balance is disrupted. Destroying surrounding nature, people destroy themselves.

    Our rivers, lakes and ponds are often polluted with sewage, especially waste water from factories. This kind of water is harmful. The fish die in it. Therefore, it is necessary to protect animals, birds and fish from their unreasonable destruction.

    There are nature reserves and sanctuaries in our region. These are areas of the area where nature remains intact. You cannot cut down trees or hunt birds or animals in the reserve.

    Schoolchildren should remember the words of the writer M.M. Prishvin, who wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Not only are these treasures protected, they must be opened and shown.

    Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!”


    1. Grin L. Nature of the native land. - Krasnodar, 2005.
    2. Lotyshev I.P. Traveling around his native land. - Krasnodar, 1999.
    3. Paskevich N. Ya. Favorite corner of the earth. - Kranodar, 2005.
    4. Red Book of Kuban.
    5. Internet resources.

    All of the plants listed below that grow in the Kuban are listed in the Red Book and they are all protected plants of the Krasnodar Territory.

    So this:

    Herbaceous perennial up to 20 cm in height. Leaves 2, directed upward, obtuse, covered with a waxy coating. The stem is cylindrical, one flower. Flowering period: February-April. Decorative, honey plant, poisonous.

    It grows in the Caucasus, in the mountains, on the edges, in thickets of bushes, and deciduous forests. Disappears due to collecting flowers in bouquets and unregulated walking of livestock.

    Herbaceous perennial. The flowers are red-violet, less often pink or almost white. Blooms in February-March. Fruits in May-June. Propagated by seeds. Decorative, medicinal. The number is rapidly declining due to mass destruction for winter and early spring bouquets, and digging up tubers for medicinal purposes.

    Near the Krasnodar-Dzhubga highway there is the Psekupskoye tract, where a real miracle of nature grows - summer whiteflower - a Mediterranean species listed in the Red Book of Russia. This place has no analogues in the Western Caucasus in terms of density and number of white flowers. This beautiful spring flower is actively collected by local residents and sold in markets. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, which itself harms a rare population.
